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Gershwin 35-433 Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Keywords: 343 inventory levels and throughput in lines, 570 Markov chain model of transfer lines, 721 transfer reliability and storage, 683 decomposition approximation of queuing networks To appear, Operations Research GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 2 ABSTRACT This paper presents an efficient method performance measures for a class of tandem queuing finite buffers phenomena. their in which These state large systems spaces The is based on system very are with to evaluation of systems with are evaluate important because of they may not be decomposed decomposition and the starvation difficult characteristics exact and and because approximate exactly. Comparisons blocking for such simulation described approach as conservation results of that indicate here flow. it is accurate. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research ring has been Laboratory for the support Mr. Charles under comments sor Loren contract DAAK1 l-82-K-0018. and encouragement Shoemaker. and supported by the U. S. Army Human Enginee- of Ms. K. Platzman, I of Dr. Benjamin E. am also grateful Ellen L. Hahne, Dr. Daniel I for the Professor Heyman, Rajan and a am grateful Cummings and suggestions Suri, Profes- reviewer. 3 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition This paper presents culation of tandem throughput queuing difficult to a The [k-l)-buffer parameters of the ters. Numerical method determines The of k flows and so In ... , outside forth until general, in state single systems are to average M2, calculate indicate buffer in Figure [M1, and ... , approxiThe by rela- original the paramethe that levels Mk) finite the system to M1, reaches Mk,, after type, this their accurately. I consists of a series of of the of are systems. of B_,1 systems systems determined experience and it a class spaces buffer developed simulation machines B 2, of is based an a model which is algorithm thoughput from large cal- (i.e., the Such through -the_ buffers flows or (B 1, buffers M2, their tandem queuing system servers rial of method and levels] finite buffers. single-buffer A simple the analysis buffer system by k-l tionships ...among_.the system. with because indecomposability. mates and average systems treat for a method separated by capacity. then Mate- to B1, which it the machines then to leaves. are as- sumed to spend a random amount of time processing each item. In this failures and repairs of buffer B1 _ tends to paper, the randomness machines. When accumulate material this condition become empty. prevented vented from from While is machine and is buffer B1 Bi l that working to Mi persists, In due case, or Mi., the down, tends may to become machine is lose full Mil starved material. or Bi is blocked and also If may and pre- working. a machine is working (i. e., operational and 4 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition between failures machine has ri is time, however, not in working Each machine space. state is ni Ni, where its capacity. Bi Buffer repair. under the As a consequence, in and or Ni 1, .... is representation state space a buffers has Bi chain Markov the n,=0, states: material of amount the of operational states: Ni+ 1 in be can size great the of can be in two line with k-l of a k-machine time. because difficult is problem The clock in 1/r,. -- This ' measured therefore rep-ai-r-..(MTTR) a to time mean Its unit. time a during repaired being of After probability has it and repair under is it failed, 1/p i. thus is time working in (MTBF] is time mean Its failing. of Pi probability has it working, Mi unit when machine a time During unit. time the as taken and is for all machines is the same This time a part. to process required is time of amount a fixed blocked), starved nor neither of cardi- nality k2' ll[Ni+]J. i=O A 20-machine line with ple, has over 6.41 each 19 buffers of capacity 10, for exam- x 10 2 5 states. Decomposition We approximate k-l set of The buffer machine line. the two-machine in L[i] Both has line single k-machine lines the L(i), same the upstream i = capacity (Mdfi)) of Figure 1, ... , as k-I 1 by a [Figure buffer Bi of and downstream 2). the k- ([Md(i)l ma- 5 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition ing with distributed sumption unit time to the of Machine and are Md(i) four per four parameters. equations is line in L. In Bi close is the Finally, approxi- L(i) find to order among in a LUi) and parameters line. parameters of of relationships we use part determination buffer in buffer the models the in L. in re- of interrupted was to close is probability event corresponding models Mu(i) it which proba- The of) the buffer in line during the transfer a rd(i, ial The level in L): ru(i), pu(i), of 4(k-1) full. (and out values, parameter measures or of material material full empty a period Bi. or empty after matches L. being into closely line L(i) of flow Section in line of of Bi of buffer that in of buffer Bi in and out into flow of rate The developed buffer of [downstream) upstream geometrically be [[Md[i)) Mu(i) of machine to pd([i], respectively. algorithm (by the chosen in L being amount average such rd(i), probability the mates and the buffer of Bi that ru(i) approximates of bility parameters the is, L[i) line assumed line the That are the performance 2] so that of times are four, parameters that repair Their respectively. and pu(i) parameters by described distribution, time a geometric work- assumed to have lines are in each of the chine the part of line line from line (i. e., this in per two-machine line, end, a system of 4(k-1) Section 2. B1 of upstream Bi. There per buffer The decomposition method requires parameters derived the downstream two-machine pd(i). To of or a the total polynom- GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition ; Survey Literature The Gershwin-Schick line model this type of Buzacott appear Vanderhenst refer to et al. Hanifin, [1975), disagree. program, lems. for sumptions, the (1983) derive this system. is systems, not (1983) Law last in but and extendable (1981) authors of exporepairs, paper solution it to for is difficult larger prob- for a related a method does not provides he makes the until However, of and simulation exact describe that no more (1981), assumption a an transfer for models paper, the their method Ohmi the results failures Taraman, and lines. such as In justifies model, but again larger (1979), and - and Proth for longer al. between of ill-behaved, three-machine thod that times versions Coillard useful data is based on Simulation [1981). and Schick three-machine model et Buzacott although to Ho distributed Gershwin (1983) (1967). in historical nentially 6 appear to an approximate certain restrictive be me- as- than one machine is down at any time. The models concept was Takahashi and Diehl merical of approximate discussed et al. (1983), by Hunt [1980), upstream end) to the served by Muth (1979) exploited. In from other. (1956), Altiok and others. method sweeps decomposition In one the end of tandem queuing and Boling (1966), Jafari papers (1982), surveyed, the line The symmetry and Ammar addition, Hillier [1982), all of the (generally of the line (as Suri nu- the ob- (1980)) has not previously been interrupted nature of both the 7 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition in the processes and service arrival has not been line decomposed considered. times with random processing to Gershwin [1985). assembly and It of tions also ((5) and 1 describes two Section (10)). Paper characteristics after 2 also in which a period contains idle of flow material was results in Sections appear the performance clusions The of and new Appendix the research contains two-machine formulas line. of large directions for are the production lines of flow 2 Section time. into and out of a flowing. Section outline of an 3 and 4. Sec- method, while Section 4 tion 3 is focussed on the behavior of the is concerned with not decomposition method and an the Numerical algorithm. of conservation and of resumption the probability estimates equa- of two key proofs includes in Gershwin appears technique relationship between flow rate and the involving [1986). Gershwin used in the decomposition method: that are buffer paper this in speeds networks to generalized of the decomposition That publication of Outline in disassembly A summary (1984). been has and (1985), processing different lines transfer to and Gershwin in Choong that have with machines lines extended paper has been of this method The transfer discussed probability lines. in Con- Section 5. distribution 8 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 1. TRANSFER LINE CHARACTERISTICS Assumptions Model A detailed present 1. method the ai = 1, fixed same, time is of time unit. time 2. A machine is starved It is if its blocked buffer is the of That length is buffer empty. The full. first is never blocked. last machine and the called The amount of material in a buffer at any time is n, O < n < N. a time during upstream A buffer machine is working. becoming machine i operational prob [ aoit+l)=l One piece is under inserted [i. e., working is machine nor blocked). When is is each ja(t)=O ] r,. time it has unit. if the the buffer operational removed repair, during into piece one at most loses or gains One piece unit. starved 4. called require machines upstream its if If [also operations. for their downstream machine is never starved 3. the M1. machine repair under operational All amount the is it down). or failed to relevant operational - (sometimes is machine of state repair the 0a = 0, if up); are that Gershwin are: indicate ai Let presented in is model assumptions The (1983). and Schick the of description if the and downstream probability That neither is, ri of 9 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 5. When machine prob [ ai[t+l)=O 6. By the convention, j ni 1(t)>O, has it Pi of probability fail- time of at the end of ai[t)=1, ni[t)<Ni ] = Pi' units, the failures and repairs beginnings place working, is is, That ing. i Thus, during periods take while i, buffer -starvation---and-- ... blockage -do---n.ot -influence at occur levels in buffer and changes time units. to assumed are n,(t+l] = n,[t) + ot+l] - o,,[(t+l). generally, More = n[(t) + I,[t+l] - Idt+l]), nj(t+l] I(, t+ 1) where buffer i the indicator That from upstream. IUI i,[t+l) = The is indicator of whether flow arrives at is, I={1if ai[tl)=l and ni-l(t)>O and ni[t)<N i, ctl)=l otherwise. of flow system is Idl(t+l] leaving buffer i is defined similarly. The state of the s = n,, ... nk ls, a, Performance The or line ..., ak). Measures production efficiency) of rate machine (throughput, M,, in parts flow per rate, time 10 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition is unit, average The ([1] > 0, ni < Ni . Ei = prob [ a i = 1, - i is of buffer level fii = E n prob ([s) of Flow there is no Conservation Because of material, tion the in presented are and for these Formulas lines 2] two-machine for Appendix. mechanism the creation for or destruc- or conserved, is flow quantities related (3) E = E l = E2 = ... = Ek. The Flow Rate-Idle Time Relationship Define e i to be the isolated production rate of machine Mi. the what peded by production rate other machines of Mi would be or buffers. It of time if it were never is given by It is im- (Buzacott, 1967) ei ri + pi represents and it The actual king E; = rate production starvation. or fraction the It Ei of M1 is that less Mi is because operational. of bloc- satisfies e, prob [ n,t > 0 and ni < N, ]. 5) 11 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition see For a proof, expect that the events being empty or full Bi-I only Mi when is of are independent. become can until next the machine fraction of same as the fraction not state time non-idle is useful can change Mi that observe prob [ni- l = 0 and n i = Nit] The probability be only = Ni-1 1. Machine 2. ai 3. Machine The Mi. 1, = of this from reached by means of l failures may Bi and can idle an event, is period either is either running. is operational full become would be operational can be time The thus the if it were and buffers. that 0. [6) is small event states a transition is is not occur or blockage. starvation Therefore, of time it to However, due to in a system with other machines It buffers in which a clock, measuring working thought of as a hiatus to reason adjacent empty operational. is no (19843. and failure machine are not idle only while machines Furthermore, There is counter-intuitive. result This Gershwin (1981), and Berman Gershwin in because ni_ which such states = and 1 ni in which under repair or starved, and and Mll production rate may under therefore repair be Ei z e i [1 - prob ( ni_,=O ) - prob ( ni=N i )]. or blocked. approximated by (7) 12 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 2. DECOMPOSITION METHOD The vation decomposition method is based on the equation of conser- of flow [3], to line empty in being full and L(i) efficiency or production the be two-machine of the four are functions pd(i) through the two-machine Conservation of Flow One set of conditions buffer line. E(i), Rate-Idle E(i) = e Equation Pd[ i-l ) i p 5 (i), pu(i), and pb[i] rd(i), the Appendix. conservation of flow: in Time [1- p[i-1) (9), Bi (8) second set of conditions The being of buffer r(i), formulas is related to Bl E(i) = E(1), i=2, ..., k-1. Flow the of two-machine probability unknowns line rate of probability the pb[i] let that in be p 5(i) Let L(i). transfer equations. of Let EWi] be the line approach way, and to find a solution to in a simple, approximate set and (7), The of the the most important features characterize resulting relationship time and [12)) developed below. (([[11) a set of equations is flow rate-idle the - p(i ), after some Pu+i) 1 r 1=r, i) = e1 follows from [7): (9) i=2, ... k-. manipulation, can be written 1 13 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition This in described is of Resumption In [1984). Gershwin Flow following, we derive the of the of equations a set form (12) rdi-1) =rd(i-) Y(i) + r1 (l-Y(i)), i = 1, ..., k-l which show the relationship lines two-machine neighboring repair the we the meaning Ml(i) in upstream of Machine everything and in of failure line Bi in probabilities the original in probabilities characterize consider repair between and the in To line. lines, two-machine in repair L(i) represents, line L. those to Thus, at systems. Bi, buffer t, time > 0)13 (otui] = 1) iff (a,[t) = 1) and (nj[t-1l (au(i) = 0) iff (ai(t) = 0) or (n,(t-1] = 0) A failure Mi or B i1 , turn, of emptying due to results Mu( tion a M([i] emptying the in of of is due either Bi I. to failure of Mu[i-l]. a failure a is, a either buffer That Bi- 2 . failure from represents of Mi of machine of the or 1 emptying A failure of emptying The the of failure of Mui] therefore Mi or a termination of whichever machine is Bi i failure of i- 1). The repair was in of effect. Mu(i) is the Consequently, the probability of repair condiof GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition MCi) and is it ri is X(i) given that t+l time t is cause Mu(i) of t, given of failure otherwise. the now make independent time the ru(i-1) which We if This conditional is 14 is leads probability the to failure equation that of Mi (11), in is down Ml(i-l] down. this the more precise. probability that it that did not produce Assuming M 1 that produces a ru(i) is part at and was not blocked at is ru[i) = prob [nil[t)>O, o[(t+l)=l (nl[(t-l]=O or ot[t)=O) and n,(t-l) < Ni]. Breaking tioning event, down we this expression by decomposing (14) the condi- have ru(i] = A[i-l) X(i) + B(i] X'(i), where [15] we define j ni_,(t-l)=O A[i-l] = prob [nil(t) > 0, ao[t+l)=l and n[t-1) < Ni], (16) X(i) = prob [nl_,(t-l)=O and n , (t-l]) < Ni (nll(t-l]=0 or cti(t)=0) and nl(t-l] < Nil, B(i) = prob [ni_J(t) > 0,. al[t+l)=l (17) ai([t)=0 and ni(t-1] < Ni], (18) X'(i) = prob [Ui(t)=O and n,(t-l) < Ni I (ni_,(t-l)=O or cL,(t)=O) and n,(t-1) < Nil. This decomposition (al(t)=O) are disjoint is possible events. because (19) (nil(t-l)=O) We now evaluate all and four condi- 15 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition probabilities. tional The down in transition M1 when machine occurs [18) from goes Therefore, to up. B[i] = r i. first The Bi-I making Bi l being or down down. only after being ately bility of way that empty is event this become for Mu(i-1) by is, can Bi-, to The recover. is immedi- non-empty proba- Therefore, ru(i-1). definition, either M[i-l) that saying to is Mi1 machine equivalent is This starved. Buffer non-empty. to empty buffer of probability the that implies empty The from transition the is A(i-l], quantity, A[i-l1 = rfui-l) We now show that = P(i-1] p[ X(i) =P[i) Equation We r u (i) Ei) . (17) can written prob [ni-l[t-l)=O and nitt-l] < Ni ] prob [ (n,_[t-l]=O or aitt]=O] and n,(t-l] < Ni have observed being empty. We bility of - 1) being the (21) of the that at full numerator Ps (i be X(i]) and Bi being the 20) same is assume empty as time is in L(i) B 1I in L, has so Therefore, probability the approximately B (17). small empty being B of probability (21] the the same of proba- numerator is Bi_- 16 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition denominator The lity the of (21) of following the probabi- (13), suppressed): are arguments time (the event to according is, [22) (C[i])= 0) and (n i < Ni) can be The probability calculated by making use r(ji) prob [ (a[i) = 0) and (n < Ni) pu(i prob [ (ali) Schick (See (21) tor of ] (23) = T}and (n < N) ] =-pJi]-E[i) 114.) page [1978), Gershwin and of the Thus, denomina- is prob [ (Co(i = 0) and (n, < N) ] pu[i) E[(i) rU(i) and (20) is (24 established. and (19) A comparison of (17) shows that the events are Therefore complementary. (25) X'(i) = 1 - X[i) All is result analysis line, quantities (11], yields in in (15) which equation have X(i) (12) is now been given for the by evaluated, (20). and the A similiar second machine in the i-l'st where vr.(i) pb rd([i-) Y[i]=pdi-l ] Ei-l) (26] GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Finally, there are 17 boundary conditions: rul) = r rd(k-l] = rk p (1) p1 = ([27) pd[k -l) = Pk are There (12), and Pd(i], total (27) i=l, Summary in ... , of 4[k-1] 4(k-1) unknowns: r([i], [8]. (10]. pu(i], (11]. rd i], k-i. the following made approximations: We have assumed that two machines for each buffer can be described whose adequately behavior downstream parts of the represented line. summarizes We have be 2. We have made use of approximation well as (10] as (11) and [12). occurs in the by geometric the calculation (The of Equations boundary value (8), problem of the in assumed that they This and Y[i) the and models. affects in equation equations calculation of numerator of and define a line L[i); X(i) (21).) is Pu i) involves a 4-vector rd(i), the of (27) two-point form xl(O), x2 (0), x3(k), x4(k] specified (ru(i), the ([1), (12), (10), f(x(i), x(i+l)) = , i=l..... x(i) (6). of X(i] approximation simplification further upstream Technique Numerical where up- the and down-time can f ]H among equations Approximations of We have 1. a 3 the parameters p,1 i)]. evaluation The of E[i), of nonlinear ps(i), and x(i) = function pb(i) by 18 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition of the means The following the next sections. 1. Initialization. 2. The 3. ru(i), of E in step 3. Using and rd(i-1) outer loop seeks i=l, ....., k-1. average. their E whose value, used in s.teps,_pro.duces--- a nearly equal value from ECi), of E in place 11) pd( l.) (The seeks loop evaluated as Guess 5. Evaluate EMl). 6. Calculate pu( 2 ) from For i=2, close value recent (10) value a 1, is in Loop most 4. of values new calculate rU[i) (12). and middle The that E[k-1), placed E, and pd(i), 15. 2. Loop rd[i], E(k-l) andthe _ following _ _step_ 3 .... pu(i], ... , E1), Evaluate Loop Guess of results numerical the produced algorithm of the Appendix. formulas line two-machine with may of so to El1). be and with inner loop i=2 pd(l] used.) Eli] re- E. by Loop 1. value of so pd[i) 7. Set i - 1. 8. Set i - i+l. 9. Find the value ... , k-2 the that Eli) is close of pd(ij so thila to Eli] seeks E[1). is suf- a GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition ficiently close evaluating 19 to E(l). the This two-machine is line done by searching formulas of where E(i) and the Appen- dix. 10. Calculate by parameters has of If 15. Otherwise, 15. been Lfk-l] 13. The are of the value buffer two-machine E(k-l) = ... = E[k-1) the previous loop in the 9 1 Loop IE (i)-E [ 1)[<c tionship Line L(i) replaced go to 8. 10. All other Evaluate to closer E[1), go to E(1). E(k-l]. to step Go to by are equation as follows. held and new E. If it Otherwise, loop] pdfi) is are is modify FI ( formulas, when all those by the solution For example, pd(i] be that simply reached. unknown. determines Let constant: line is characterized in one two-machine E(i) long convergence algorithm innermost between the E, stop. of the when (the the is 3. levels lines nonlinear determined close bring to of a single in step known. to of E[1] close average Each already 14. pd(1] Otherwise, in step the old E and go to step The is 5. sufficiently 16. 12. determined E(k-l]) is sufficiently Modify step [10) If i = k-2, go to step pu[k-l) 14. from E. 11. 12. pu(i+l) such the represents other Step that function, the parameters relaof GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 20 (29) EMi) - F[lpdi)]) (The superscript successive ponding _______ _-= guesses values the 1 refers Loop pd(i of E)i]. next _ of to 1.) Let let E (n- l ) and p(n-l(i)d and pn)([i) d and E(n) be the be corres- The Newton-Raphson method for choosing guess pn+U(i) d dII dF[pdM[i] d dF(Pi E) is i)f pin)-E(i - Pd where the E[1] is treated tive by derivative the is evaluated a constant here. difference We n) at Note approximate the that deriva- quotient E-n)(i) - En-i)31) j(i) - pn_)(i) dFiPd([i)] -dp(i and (30) as (30] ) becomes pPn-+1)i)(E(n)(i) - E[l) - pcn)(i)(En-'')(i) - E1])) d E(n)[i) - E(nl)(i) Similarly, in Loop IE(k-l)-E(l)c<E. In this apply Newton's method to 2 we seek loop, E(1) that the iteration is for pd (1) so a variable. Here that we the equation E[k-1)-E[1) = F 2(pd(1)) so a value (33) formula is 21 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition p-[1(13n(E(m[(k-l] - E1]) - pm)[1)(E(m-l)hLk- PM[el)] ) d Etn)(k-l) _ E(m)(1) Finally, for and Resumption of Flow Time Let e ( of Flow. as Conservation as well a value determines loop) the Flow Rate-Idle E that satisfies equations outermost 3 (the Loop - E(])) E(ml)(k-l) + E(m-l)1 ] - be the value of E used in Step 3 (Resumption of Flow) and Step 6 [Flow RateIdle Time) E(1) to which E = R. in cient. iteration _ g(F3(g(l) F3(g() that quired. large In in in all the and is some cases simply on in which lines in which [36) loops, in the the iteration process that when agrees initial guess. failed had much are are it re- E was sections, then reduced algorithm a few machines following values and was suggests of the initial two solution which independent to be more effi- 6 the experience appears - iterations a unique to tion that is examples results Numerical converges of )) three all initial Analytical able. - F3[gl the method formula ,,( +_ = - (e-1F3(gf()) Note is process value (35) the Newton-Raphson The the be ] C ) = F3[6 E but again, ^(& E seek 6 such We iteration possible let Then iteration. Loop 2 converges. One ?*~'I= tth the to not 10- 8. avail- converges, closely There to converge. larger values with have it simulabeen These were for r and p 22 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition than the others, or where the lines were very long (more than 20 machines]. The speed of the evaluations many cases. algorithm is best measured by the number of of a two-machine line. This is reported below for GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 23 3. NUMERICAL RESULTS-BEHAVIOR OF THE ALGORITHM In The this issues effort. section, investigated The method, is behavior presented Three-Machine It the is results Table 1A are of in those Section to compare range were also performed of the algorithm accuracy lines, as and is described. computational determined by this 4. the results by using the method of a wide a total of transfer lists the parameters represent of Cases possible exact behavior of of this algorithm Gershwin and Schick of a set of cases. three-machine for comparison. 100,000 time units. These systems. results are (1983). cases Simulations Each simulation was The with run for shown in Table lB. The close approximate to the exactly. than The exact error 0.02)} and average close buffer or The values is to burden. tude less or for the too large exact as larger (less approximate the computer time simulations. line evaluations results Note that Case but are E (less the generally the method is. required that in chain as results. requires that extremely rate 2.6Z) is a very than the exact method, are the Markov than simulation transfer that in the production also shows how efficient Eighty-eight for The results by solving small only a little uation of a two-machine nal obtained very levels. closer table method produces for small orders the The evalcomputatioof magni- exact 6 has buffers the agreement solution that are with GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition simulation is Longer good. Lines Exact methods three 24 machines fers. are not available or for Consequently, accuracy of qualitative the three-machine other The cases techniques approximation. results. for systems cases with are They of more than very required include considered large to assess simulation here The average results buffer There cover close agreement lation results. levels agree to within large buffer capacities There is no obvious Cases in In most which cases .1. in which to Most the next ter with (over 100) as = the pi evaluations be of repair the and indicates O(k3 ), buffer rates and where rates and This remains long lines that the length buffer true even [20 accuracy of the increases. of two-machine lines increases this for two probabilities are all the number of k the number of machines. operating for machines.) that is and simu- .1 failure approximation Multics approximation Figure 3 shows section were produced the the and line = length of the line. Experience pears exact a wide and of production cases, production trend indicating r of between a few percent. decreases The number with the range the levels. is approximation a wide and represent . .---.------ range-of---.failure-probabilities,--repair--probabilities, sizes. buf- and simulation on the MIT system. Honeywell All equal evaluations results times sets of ap- of this 68/DPS to and compu- indicated were GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition for runs the computer performed to be much time less on this for the -- both machine. failure probabilities to Production 5. buffer levels line. Note production results the rates but with Reversibility or authors shown [Dattatreya, Gershwin, reverse 1981) that of one tion (Ammar, of = applies 1, ... , ni to .1 -- were per- computers. average and buffer indicated times agreement are between for the to and equal average 20-machine and simulated 3 contains equal all cases; approximate Table capacities sizes for all indicated levels. buffer similar 10. Symmetry. have conjectured 1978; Muth, two tandem buffers lines and simulation of compatible to are are are their (Hillier 1979; Ammar, queueing the 1980; Ammar and corresponding property (E) another have Symmetric i all and Several equal computer and appears results of a set of cases with repair all close method that of simulation. approximate rates and indicates approximation formed on an IBM PC and a variety Table 2 shows the Experience analytic than that Other runs 25 and Boling, 1980; Ammar and systems which same production Gershwin, 1981), 1977) rates. are In the addi- the average The complementarity levels complementary. own symmetrically reverses. opposite buffers. That is, for k-l, + n ki = (37) Ni = Nki. Furthermore, the average level in the middle buffer of a GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition symmetric line with an capacity odd number half the even and i = k/2, [37) = k/2 The equal 1980). of the decomposition Simulation, agreement. 18 Table These 2;, the That method agree however, properties first case and 23; and 19 Perturb'ed earlier be to are cases. to cases nearly, were perfect, close are produces of Table We that but these expect of the line whose two buffers that of buffers in ap- the 3; Cases last 1-4; 6; 14 already not considered. quite, perfect. cases would be the behavior It If the same of that includes those as the the perturbed cases second machine almost never fails. Case 4, the same. to Case 7 is a fourThe of Case 7 have a total capacity which is equal B, of are cases others. and The two buffers of Case 7 is average level of Bl of 5i, Case 7 is not of these only exhibited Case 7 was chosen to be close to Case 4. machine is and 21. three-machine that machines k cases close machines exactly is, if with Tables 4A and 4B contain a set of four-machine are to implies exactly. of the 15; [Ammar, is [38) results proximate and that buffer of buffers N/2 observations case of 26 the other corresponding sum of the average 5.977. Case far first to machines levels of the first This should be compared with 4 which from is n2 6.063. of Case In 4. and addition, the GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Similarly, highly Case 8 was chosen to be close to Case first three efficient machine is and two buffers of Case 8 are are also buffer in can close be Because the the than a condition the third machine one persisted, the do: it is consequence, the The are the rate, the third buffer and the otherwise. expected average is in simulation this level fails, If it buffer would have production in the same strate The results in the last the were last buffer initialized with whenever would exactly If become one empty. piece second buffer were if the non-empty; That is, it would have one subset was producing parts and it was not. last machine production the fraction of time the the never in it. three-machine calculate the nearly piece were working no pieces when to know Furthermore, 3. the machines down or the second buffer was empty. third whenever To to Case Here the number of pieces would diminish and it would be empty piece The identical last machine third machine was Eventually, last. agreement. than one piece, such the 3. explained. never has more more 27 level of number relationship behavior. third buffer, the three-machine of parts almost perfectly results the the subset is producing rate parts in per also time bear as Cases in the reliable) we need parts. subset. As a last buffer is equal We to [when the unit. this out. Cases 4 and 9 3 and 8 and they demon- 28 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Cases Simulations Published with Comparison 10-12 SA] (Table and of Ho, Eyler, example ([c results (production slightly different rates) a set of are Chien and (1979) Table 5B are In each of these simulation the (written in theirs of form). lines from 5-machine a cases, r,=.005, pi=.001, i=l, ..., 5 approximate The 12 which for Case greater than Cases the all methods for Case results for Case rates 11, which are 10. 6A) are (Table 4-machine in good are production calculate than those greater [Table 13-23 are are those simulation These both Furthermore, agreement. rates simulation production and 6B) lines from Law taken from come and again (1981) the cited paper. in which r,=.05, p,=.00S, i=l, ..., 4 The lated values. by ported which tions a I and greater are 5 to be is 16) production which is less However, 14 and than less that rate than 15) is are less 13-17 Cases Law finds indistinguishable than Allocations we the than and 2, 3, and find that of I (Case 13). 4, rever- Allocation that of Allocation 5 (Case of Allocation to Alloca- same (due to that simu- not sup- that are results. statistically rate 2 and 3 (i.e., Cases 4 (Case conclusions with 1-5 of Table 4 of Law (1981). indistinguishable. Their agreement in close decomposition production also sibility). which or reversibility Allocations are Law draws However, are Buffer Allocations have results decomposition 17) GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Cases (1981). chines to 1-6 (L). The have order The parameters L machines capacity of using in all production (23,22), 21, 18, 19, be and two have low and r=.05. Law are The finds p=.0025 and three buffers that the patterns, are 20. of this paper. distinguished, (H) of four ma- the H machines cases. rate, the case numbers cannot of have p=.02 19 of Table 2 of Law find the best sequence of which two have high efficiency r=.05. each 7) are Patterns Law is seeking efficiency in 18-23 (Table 29 but That is, their production Cases 23 and 22 rate is less than that of Case 21, and so forth. We The find instead the following 22, (18,23), ( 19,21]), cases that we find order: 20. indistinguishable are the reverses of one another. Cases with Many Table 8B Different of the shows 5, doubled The and simulation treated here the results whose parameters twelve-machine lines Machines of two have had identical machines. cases with different machines, are listed in Table 8A. cases that consist of the quadrupled. The and approximation buffers results These are six- three machines are are all in of and of Case capacity close 10. agreement. GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 30 4. NUMERICAL RESULTS-BEHAVIOR OF TRANSFER LINES Figure the length 4 demonstrates of the line sing that production does not, rate approaches for in two the the as to buffer is where lines to how i, This graph the production infinity. half the the average buffer's buffer For level capacity. This as discussed above. complementarity. all is not surpri- grow. to with is distributed in the buffers of both cases, for It of whether goes Note equal exhibit Ni=10 as length cases. rate varies of cases. question how material the symmetry buffers sets the the twenty-machine other case zero production decrease settle 5 shows tenth is due for two rates however, Figure how the example, All in the fi3 +fi17 =10. Cases 3, 4, and 6 of Section 3 show that as the buffer sizes increase, rage the buffer general, buffer levels, levels the p=.001 do increases. a fraction rate of increases not always 6 shows effect of is the of varying nine identical considered. buffers with equal buffers with equal fourth rate In capacities, with approach addition, buffer the ave- approach .5. capacity, half of buffer In but capacity as increases. Figure system as production capacity and production machines effect the of distribution machines In one and between with set capacities. capacities, increasing the located the sixth buffer of buffer parameters of cases, In total there other, between there the and seventh space space. r=.019 are and eight are third two and machines. A 31 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition (Each set parameters The r=.01898 lines when when ing Note that sets of is in machines acts like may the cases: be always the of the 1966), which is that, for space should be allocated with In latter it rate with buffer .8636 since the than the 2-buffer levels are the (due to same of block- to the production middle of 8-buffer distribution. in the two 18-23, that 13 is the best of 31-33 phenomenon" maximal each symmetry). 20 is the best of Cases "bowl the The behavior other models, capacity total is former case, the is 2-buffer the the production a single machine. better be average half instances than better and 17 are the best of 13-17, and that 33 may one machine is small may be due to the model that Case The facts are that the used here; total to machine. .95; starvation distribution large is the buffer space and lines least productive efficiency of three is equivalent p=.002997.) 8-buffer the space limited by the set and the reason limiting is of three machines (Hillier and Boling, rate, a line. more buffer GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 32 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH A new method has been found for the analysis of tandem queuing tant. Exact while at systems with and simulation approximate, extending finite buffers this work in two directions: reliable and unreliable as tial other processing 1985; [Gershwin, as Gershwin, 1986). Jackson-like Research this method. numerical curacy the of networks is needed That algorithm. method accurate. time 1985); Future experiments the indicate quite such shwin, results is behavior, and in which is, efforts with to that method, the research other service machines (Choong be devoted exponen- and to aimed process with assembly/disassembly will is Ger- networks systems such blocking. determine analytic precisely techniques should be used to and to is impor- Current distributions and blocking determine the rather performance than develop bounds convergence of only on the properties acof GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 33 REFERENCES T. 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GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 38 p([N,O,O] = 0 p(N,O,l) = 0 p(N,l,0) = C XN -I rl + r 2 - rf r 2 - plr 2 = 0 p(N,l,1] al p(n, al, c 2 ) = C Xn y Y2 2, 2 < n < N - 2 where r1 + - rFr 2 - rl P 2 P1 + P2 - PP 2 - Plr 2 rl + r 2 - rlr 2 - 2P Plr 2 + P2 - PP2 - rip 2 X Y2 yi and C is a normalizing constant. Performance measures by E = p[n, a, a 2 ) n>O o 2 =l = Sp(n, a 1, a 2 ) n<N al=l PS = p(O,O,1), the probability of starvation Pb = p(N,l,0), the probability of blockage ni= _ all n,at, Note that n p(n,. o 1, a 2 ) a2 are given GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition E = e (1 - pb] = e 2 (1 -PS). 39 40 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case rI pi Nl r2 P2 N2 r3 p3 1 .1 .05 5 .1 .05 5 .1 .05 2 .05 .002 5 .05 .002 5 .05 .002 3 .1 .1 5 .1 .1 5 .1 .1 4 .1 .1 10 .1 .1 10 .1 .1 5 .07 .01 10 .1 .013 10 .05 .007 6 .1 100 .1 .1 Table 1A. .1 100 .1 Three-Machine Cases .1 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 41 E 2l Evaluations Case 1 Approximate Results Exact Results Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 .4542 .4545 .4567 .4554 .4514 3.088 3.063 3.030 3.034 3.072 1.912 1.937 1.953 1.877 1.969 70 .8993 .8992 .9031 .9030 .8883 3.001 2.987 3.087 3.135 2.998 1.999 2.013 2.024 2.056 1.982 32 .3105 .3109 .3075 .3126 .3109 3.101 3.075 3.060 3.096 3.086 1.899 1.925 1.918 1.912 1.926 68 .3563 .3556 .3544 .3572 .3552 6.063 6.035 6.089 6.109 6.011 3.937 3.965 3.908 4.024 3.903 64 .7546 .7539 .7548 .7478 .7558 6.182 6.120 6.107 6.412 6.074 3.349 3.437 3.443 3.523 3.310 86 Approximate Results .4722 Simulation .4676 56.60 58.59 43.40 45.71 88 Case 2 Approximate Results Exact Results Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 Case 3 Approximate Results Exact Results Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 Case 4 Approximate Results Exact Results Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 Case 5 Approximate Results Exact Results Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 Case 6 Table lB. Results of Three-Machine Cases GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 42 Line length, k Quantity Eval's Approx. Sim. 1 Sim. 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 17 E 116 238 399 583 996 2030 4110 7705 .2806 .2630 .2516 .2438 .2382 .2309 .2248 .2206 .2830 .2632 .2514 .2418 .2365 .2306 .2212 .2119 .2809 .2647 .2519 .2458 .2332 .2251 .2193 .2132 20 E i1 9467 .2188 3.902 .2107 3.850 .2117 3.909 i5 2.935 3.106 2.856 ilo 2.500 2.684 2.543 nl9 1.098 1.086 1.119 time 6.897 248.169 247.685 Table 2. Performance of Systems with N=5. GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 43 Line length, k Quantity Eval's Approx. Sim. 1 Sim. 2 4 E fil 131 .3352 6.535 .3341 6.604 .3390 6.556 5.000 3.465 5.133 3.637 4.992 3.564 ni2 113 5 6 7 8 10 .... 13 17 20 E 234 386 614 1387 1899 3521 10389 .3228 .3149 .3095 .3056 .3006 .2964 .2936 .3232 .3075 .3033 .2970 .2934 .2830 .2768 .3175 .3127 .3057 .2957 .2910 .2861 .2813 E time 17185 .2924 12.155 .2774 262.188 .2759 261.079 Table 3. Performance of Systems with N=10. 44 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case Parameters 7 ri=.l i=1, ., 4 pl=p 3=p4=.1, p 2=.000001 N1=N2=5, N 3=10 8 ri=.l, i=l, ..., 4 pl=p 2=p3=.1, p4=.000001 Ni=N2 =N3 =5 9 ri=.1, i=1,.... 4 pl=P 2=P3=. , p 4=.000001 Nl=N2=N3=10 -- Table-4A.-Parameters of Perturbed Cases. 45 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case Quantity Eval's Approx. Sint 1 Sim. 2 7 E 133 ii1 .3537 2.656 .3550 2.631 .3619 2.632 n2 3.321 3.406 3.403 53 3.876 3.986 3.975 iil .3105 3.101 .3095 3.058 .3093 3.086 112 1.899 1.917 1.882 -n3 .3107 .3095 .3093 .3563 6.063 .3546 6.042 .3619 5.897 fi2 3.937 3.992 3.843 fl3 .3566 .3548 .3619 8 9 E E fll Table 4B. 128 115 Results of Perturbed Cases. GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Table SA. 46 Case Buffer Sizes 10 Ni=100, i=l, ..., 4 11 N 1=80, N2=122, N 3=126, N 4=72 12 N 1=60, N 2=146, N3=142, N 4=52 Parameters of Ho, Eyler, Chien (1979) Simulations. 47 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case Eval's Approx. Sim 10 293 .6007 .5927 11 289 .6034 .5948 12 295 .6045 .5958 Table SB. Production Rates from Approximation and Simulation. 48 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case Buffer Sizes 13 Ni=40, i=l, ..., 3 14 Nl=10, N2=40, N3 =70 15 N 1=70, N2=40, N3=10 16 N1=50, N 2=40, N3=50 17 N1=30, N 2=60, N3=30 Table 6A. Parameters of Law (1981) Simulations. GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Table 6B. 49 Case Eval's Approx. Sim. 13 14 15 16 17 128 133 94 117 137 .8337 .8202 .8202 .8273 .8336 .8380, .8344 .8212 .8219 .8200 .8364 Production Rates from Approximation and Simulation. 50 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case Case Sequence SMachince Eval~s Approx. Simr 18 LLHH 898 .6363 .6534 19 LHLH 111 .6707 .6651 20 LHHL 122 .6906 .6767 21 HLHL 148 .6707 .6442 22 HLLH 137 .6351 .6192 .6363 .6173 -__23. ---- HHLL-' 146 Table 7. Sequences from Law (1981) and Results. 51 GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition Case Line Length, k 24 6 Parameters r 1=r4=.07, r 2=r5=.l, r 3=r6=.05 pl=p4=.01, P 2=p5=.013, p 3=p6=.007 Ni=10, i=l, ..., 5 25 12 rx=r 4=r7=rjo=.07 r 2=r 5=r 8=rl=. 1, r 3=r 6=r 9=rl2=.05, P =p 4 =p'7 =p O= 0, 1 = = l.013, P 2=P5=P=P 8 P 3=P 6=Pg=PI2= 007, of,Differen...t Machines.11 i=nes AParameters with N=Table Table 8A. Parameters of Lines with Different Machines. GERSHWIN, Tandem Queue Decomposition 52 Case Eval's Approx Sim 24 1582 .6692 .6684 25 4455 .6098 .5916 Table 8B. Results from Lines with Different Machines. Page 53 Line L MI 8 M2 82 r,, P N1 r2,p N2 M3 r, rP M4 83 N 4 84 M5 85 M6 86 M7 N4 rS,ps N5 r6 ,p6 N6 r7 ,P7 Figure 1 lI1-CG-m r(:l),psl) N1 Line L(C) rd(1),pd(1) M,(2) Line L(2)O 22 M (2) : ru(2),pu(2) N2 rd(2!,Pd- 2 ) MU3) 1-0 Line L(3) M.(3) 83 ru(3),Pu(3) N3 r~( 3 ),pd( 3 ) M,(4) Line L(4) Mj(4) E4 "--r _ ru(4),pu(4) N4 rd(4 ),pd( 4 ) M(5) C. Line L(5) MC5) "r ', ru(),pu,) N ] r),p( Mu,() 5) sE Md( 6 ) Line L() ru(6),p,(6) Figur- '2 N rd(6),pd(6) Page 54 100,000 en C 0 0 10,000 - V-c-~~~~~k i_ 4 ! CaC 1000 - . -- - ,p--- i _N '2i-' _ ixiu~~-r of Figure 1i, M' Me cchins k 3 , 2-t ,1 Page 55 Production Rate E, Parts/Cycle o) Fo i -- U O . i i Fo ro i Fo o Fo c 0 ;: -- CO I (D I 0 ~ I a b I I . L a i U-I C) /-a- .- | ?L. ~, r~ - _ /.4 I ,-- O X -a UII - 0, CO~~~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·m. Page 56 Average Buffer Level, N i =5 Co C _ 0 0 o'10 . -. 6 I- o I0o rI cI o - 0_0 II , 0 0 III......._ 0 I Page 57 Efficiency 0 0 i 0 I o I 0CI 0 i -,4 OC 0f X 0 0' a" \\, /0 ° C/ ~~~~~~~~13)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l XO o- 3· '~ o.. 0lc/ 0 -"""~~~ O~~~~~~~~o .. ~... ,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r \ 1