Reprint from Proc. 6th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D.C., June 1982. LIDS-P-1216 SOME CRITICAL QUESTIONS ABOUT DETERMINISTIC AND STOCHASTIC ADAPTIVE CONTROL ALGORITHMS* Michael Athans Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Lena Valavani Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Summary The purpose of this informal paper is to discuss certain robustness issues associated with existing adaptive control algorithms. A modeling framework for incorporating high-frequency unknown dynamics in the adaptive control framework is suggested. Possible fundamental limitations of existing adaptive control algorithms are also discussed, with emphasis upon their closed-loop stability properties in the presence of unmodeled high-frequency dynamics. INTRODUCTION 1.1 One should not blame the theory for this state of affairs. Elegant and useful theoretical advances have been made in the last decade, and especially in the past three years, that have unified diverse approaches. The difficulty appears to be that some of the hypotheses needed to rigorously prove the theoretical results are too restrictive from a practical point of view. Hence, new advances in the theory are necessary, by making different assumptions which better reflect the desired properties of physical control systems. Background The development of a systematic design methodology for the synthesis of practical self-adjusting control systems which can maintain first stability and second performance improvement, in the presence of rapid and large variations in the open-loop dynamics, represents a very important generic goal in control systems engineering, in view of its wide applicability to industrial and defense applications. The so-called "adapdefense applications. The so-called "adaptive control problem" has received attention by theoreticians and practitioners alike for the past 25 years. By practical we mean that the adaptive con- trol loop must adjust its bandwidth (crossover frequency) in such a manner so that it does not excite unmodeled high frequency About a dozen books and hundreds of articles have been devoted to the subject; different philosophies have been deeoe mdlreeec dtive dynamics. To put it another way the adaploop must remain stable in the presence of unstructured modeling uncertainty which always exists and cannot be adequately and cannot be adequately modeled in any physical system. On the been developed (model reference adaptive control, self-tuning regulators, dual-control methods, multiple-model adaptive control etc.) and a variety of (mostly academic) examples have been simulated. other hand, the adaptive control system must also be able to provide performance improvement in the case of plant structured uncertainty, typically exhibited when the parameters in the differential equations that are used to model the plant in the low frequency region vary within a bounded set. The adaptive system must exhibit good command-following and disturbance-rejection properties in the low frequency region where the structured model uncertainty predominates. In spite of the intense research activity, it is the opinion of the authors (who have actively contributed to the literature) that there is a significant gap between the available methodologies and the potential applications. To put it bluntly, we do not believe that any of the available adaptive control algorithms can be routinely implemented on a real system and guarantee even the stability of the closed loop process in the presence of the inevitable unmodeled high frequency dynamics. * Research supported by NASA Ames and Langley Research Centersunder grant NGL-22-009-124. 186 We believe that there may exist a fundamental conflict in many adaptive control schemes. To compensate for structured uncertainty and performance the adaptive scheme may wish to increase the cross-over frequency. On the other hand, the presence of unstructured uncertainty places an upper bound on the crossover frequency in order to maintain stability. Thus, the soughtfor practical adaptive algorithms must be "smart" enough to recognize this fundamental conflict, and adjust their cross-over frequency. investigation into the nature and properties of several available direct control algorithms. The focus of the analytical effort was to understand As we have alluded above, the mathematical assumptions that have led to all available adaptive control algorithms have taken into account the existence of structured uncer- To gain basic understanding it was assumed that the controlled plant was a simple first order system; the rationale was that if undesirable performance and robustness charac tainty but they have neglected completely teristics were encountered for first-order (a) the dependence of the closed loop adaptive system bandwidth upon the amplitude and frequency content of the reference input signal, (b) the robustness of the adaptive control system to unmodeled high frequency dynamics, (c) the impact of sensor noise. the issue of unstructured uncertainty; systems one could certainly conjecture that unhappily, the available algorithms (that we have investigated) are very vulnerable to the presence of unmodeled high-frequency dynamics because the closed loop system becomes unstable. the same problems would arise in more inA recent paper [2], describes an analytical technique, based upon linearization, which we call the final approach analysis, that If classes of practical adaptive control algorithms were available, then numerous application areas would benefit in both the military and commercial sector. Advances in microprocessor technology allow the engineer to implement in real-time the noninee, toimplement in real-time the non-with linear, time-varying algorithms necessary to the implement adaptive dynamic compencompento implement the adaptive dynamic tor necessary to stabilize and improve the performance of a plant with poorly understood characteristics. 1.2 Current Research at MIT: Theme and Philosophy For the past 2 years an intensive study of can be used to analyze the dynamic properties of several available direct adaptive t ofies several available direct adaptinuoustime case and the discrete-time case. In particular this method can be used to predict the behavior of the adaptive systems dit the behavior of the adaptive systems respect to parameter convergence, sensitivity to unmodeled dynamics, and impact of observation noise. As explained in more detail in [2], the final approach analysis method is valid during the final stage of adaptation in which the output error is small. During this phase one can linearize the general nonlinear time-varying differential (or difference) equations linking the dynamics of ferene) equations linking characteristics of existing direct adaptive the dynamics of control algorithms has been conducted by Drs. Athans, Stein, Valavani and Sastry as- the output error to those of the parameter adjustment algorithm. One then obtains a set of linear differential or difference udet Theequations which are either time-varying or behavior of existing direct adaptive control time-invariant depending upon the nature of sisted by several students. The initial s s emphasis was to understand the transient dynamics observation noise. to unmodeled algorithmsand and their robustness dynamics and observation noise. It to analyze the It then then becomes becomes possible possib) inputs and outputs behavior of the linearized dynamics using available results in linear system theory. When the resultant dynamics are timeinvariant, even simple root-locus type of plots can be used to predict the asymptotic performance of the adaptive system with respect to oscillatory behavior and possible instability in the presence of unmodeled dynamics. The first phase of this research was devoted to digital simulation studies and a brief paper [1] described the simulation results. It is self evident from the simulation results that no consistent pattern with respect to the adaptation process could be predicted. Nonetheless the simulation resuits confirmed our suspicions that the class of adaptive algorithms considered were characterized by (a) high-frequency control signals characteristic of a high-bandwidth system, (b) the extreme sensitivity of the algorithm to unmodeled high-frequency dynamics which can result in unstable closed loop behavior (c) lack of robustness to observation noise. The final approach analysis has been used to analyze the behavior of the adaptive systems when the algorithms of Narendra and Valavani [3], Feuer and Morse [4], Narendra, Lin, Valavani [5], Morse [6], Narendra, Lin [7], Landau and Silveira [81,[9] and Goodwin Ramadge, and Caines [10] were employed. For the base line first-order example considere all algorithms considered were found (in different degrees) to suffer from the viewpoint of yielding high-bandwidth closed- Motivated by the simulation results of [1], made initiate analtical a decision was decision made to to was initiate an ananalytical loop systems which can excite unmodeled high-frequency dynamics and lead to closedloop instability. 187 Since the final approach analysis is based upon dynamic linearization under the assumption that the output error is small, it cannot predict the dynamic behavior of the adaptive system during its transient (startup) phase. The simulation results of [1] suggest that even more complex dynamic effects are present. Thus, we view the final approach analysis as a necessary, but by no means sufficient, step in the analysis and design of adaptive algorithms. The assumed SISO model structure can be readily extended to the multi-input-multioutput (MIMO) case. Thus we shall assume that the transfer matrix G(s) from the control vector u(t) to the output vector y(t) is defined as follows: (a) Unstructured modeling uncertainty reflected at the plant input G(s) = ZO(s,8)[I+L(s)] (2.2) (b) Unstructured modeling uncertainty In spite of its limitation, we believe that the final approach analysis is a useful tool since it can predict undesirable characteristics of wide classes of adaptive algorithms in the final phase of the adaption process; these undesirable characteristics are apt to persist (or get even worse) in the transient start-up phase. Moreover, the final approach analysis can suggest ways of modulating the control gains, in a nonlinear manner, to improve performance while retaining the global stability properties of the algorithms in the absence of high frequency modeling errors (structured uncertainty).- At this stage of understanding the resultant transient startup characteristics can be evaluated only by simulation; analytical insights are needed. reflected at the plant output G(s) = [I+L(s)]G (s,8) 2.3 Information on Unstructured Uncertainty To the best of our knowledge, the existing theoretical literature on adaptive control (deterministic and stochastic adaptive control algorithms) has dealt exclusively with structured uncertainty. As pointed out in Section 1, such adaptive algorithms can excite high frequency dynamics and lead to the instability of the adaptive loop. MODEL ASSUMPTIONS AND FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS 2.1 Introduction To avoid such an undesirable behavior the mathematical assumptions must include in- - In this section we shall present what we believe should be the structure of the model for the plant to be controlled. This is nec-an essary so as to clearly define what we mean by structured and unstructured modeling uncertainty, and to define future research directions. 2.2 Frequency Domain Description -formationon the unstructured uncertainty I(s) or L(s). The question is: what level of one provide to the mathematics about the unstructured uncertainty. Our suggested approach is to take the point of view that we know very little about the unmodeled high frequency dynamics. At sufficiently high frequencies I(s), and the elements of L(s), will be characterized by +1800 phase uncertainty. We also do not know very much about the order of such highfrequency dynamics (in real life every physical system is described by partial differen- In the single-input-single-output (SISO) case we assume that the unknown plant has the transfer function, from the scalar control u(t) to the scalar output y(t), given by g(s) = g (s8)IHl+Z(s)] (2.3) The transfer matrix G (s,e) represents the structured modeling uncertainty at low frequencies for values of 8 in a closed'bounded set, 0. The transfer matrix L(s) represents a multiplicative modeling error, due to high frequency dynamics etc., and will be used to represent the unstructured modeling uncertainty. (2.1) tial equations and, hence, is infinitedimensional). The parameter vector 8 in the transfer function g e(st8) gives rise to the structured ton gives g0(s,) rse to the structured modeling uncertainty. Our assumption is that We claim that the only reasonable information that a control engineer has about high-frequency errors is as follows: g0(s,8) is a good model for the plant for low frequencies. The parameter e will be assumed to be in a closed bounded set; the relative degree of g0 (s,8) will not change as the pameter vector 8 changes. We may even know a nominal value of 8 which can be used in the adaptive control algorithm before any real time measurements (initialization problem). The transfer function I(s) in Eq. (2.1) gives to the unstructured modeling uncertainty. Note that it represents a multiplicative per- turbation to g (s,8) [11]; 2(s) represents 0°thunb oden d t the unmodeled high frequency dynamics that are alway s present in any physical system (high frequency resonances, small time delays, non-minimum phase zeroes at high frequencies etc. etc.). 188 (a) They are negligible at low frequencies (b) There is a frequency, w , in which the magnitude of the unstructured modeling uncertainty becomes significant (near unity). (c) They are dominant at high frequencies. In our opinion, it is imperative that the mathematical representation of the unstructured uncertainty be of such form, so that the adaptive algorithm will not try to estimate it. The way that one can model the existence of e(s) or L(s) in the statement of the adaptive control problem will be to assume that there exists a scalar function of frequency m(w) IQ(j)|l< JZ~jw)J< for for all all w m(X), then Eqs. (2.6), and (2.11) imply that in a well behaved closed-loop adaptive control system we must have* ' (2.4) for the SISO case, and aa (L(jw))< m(w), max - for all w < w W (2.5) (2.12) c u The bottom line of this discussion is that the gain crossover frequency w of the adaptive loop transfer matrix cannot exceed the uncertainty crossover frequency w . Otherwise, there always exist an unstructured 't* illustrated in Fig. 2.1 is small at low frequencies, and is a monotonically increasing function of w. The frequency w at which i m( U)=1 (2.6) m(~u)= (. l will be referred to as the uncertainty crossover frequency. perturbation L(s), that satisfies Eq. (2.5), which will cause the closed-loop system to be unstable. 2.4 I 5X "(muw) lo Fundamental Limitations Adaptive Control (?) of We are now in a position to discuss in a more precise manner some of the fundamental questions that arise in adaptive control which have not been addressed to date. 2.4.1 Existence of a Non-Adaptive Stable Compensator 0 /1 / u /.W u icERA rAi wY .C QoSro /./F.s vEa .CRossoEVueiY To establish a realistic problem framework we must assume that there exists a nonadaptive compensator, denote by K*(s), which for all allowable values of 8e_, where 8 is the closed bounded set constraining the range of values of e, results in a stable closed loop ~ system. Such a K*(s) may be found by a minimax type of design. Note that the actual gain crossover frequency will depend upon the specific value of 8. We denote this dependence by w (8). Thus, w (8) is FIG 2.1 a i.~ c- defined by The existence of the unstructured uncertainty places an upper bound on the bandwidth of the [G (jw (8),8)K*(jw (8)))=1 c- max-O (2.13) closed-loop system, whether the closed-loop system is adaptive or not. We define by w* to be the maximum gain crossover .frequency for all 8Oe w* = max w (8) (2.14) c To illustrate this point, and to motivate the basic questions that arise, let us sup- By the assumption of guaranteed stability pose that we design a multivariable adaptive we must have C in th sence of unstructured uncertainty in the presence of unstructured uncertainty algorithm converges to a series compensator K(s,0) (where the dependence on 8 stresses the fact that the adaptive system explicitly or implicitly adjusts compensator parameters to "take care" of the structured uncertainty). The loop transfer matrix is then G(s)K(s,O) (2.7) -From the sufficient conditions for stability using singular value tests we know that the closed loop system would be stable if c* < u (2.15) c u We let e* denote the "worst" parameter value which defines (2.14), i.e. w (e*) = (2.16) c c We remark that the crossover frequency w* can be used as a bound on the maximum performance that can be expected by a non-adaptive controller. It will define the upper -1 amax (L(jw))<amin (I+[G (juw,)K(jW,6)] - or, in view of Eq. (2.5), if ) (2.8) frequency range of good command input following and disturbance rejection. It is useful to think of w* as arising from the "worst" possible value that can be achieved the parameter vector e, i.e. _=8*. ~ mw)< a (jw(2.9) K-1 )< amin(I [%o (jws,6cjw,8 -by ) (2.9) for all frequencies w. When the loop gain S is large, Eq. (2.9) implies that we must have G (G (jW,0)K(jw,0)),<1 max -o ) m(U) 2.4.2 (2.10) The Need for Adaptive Control If we define the crossover frequency, w , by (G (jwtu,0)K(jw ,6))=1 C (2.11) To justify the implementation of an adaptive controller, of whatever type, one must assume that the performance of the best nonadaptive controller discussed above is not good enough for the application at hand. *Tne notation G(A) is used to denote the singular values of a square matrix A. *Typically one would select w -0.5w have some reasonable phase margin at wc- raxG-0 K C6 1 189 to ° (45 ) To be specific one can assume that the control system must be able to track reference inputs and reject disturbances in the frequency range Every adaptive algorithm proposed in the literature (dual control, self-tuning regulators, model reference adaptive control), whether it W* <w< W (2.17) c u Thus, in many applications whenever the parameter vector e is not at its worst value, one would like to design an adaptive algorithm which after the transient adaptation phase, will converge to a compensator with cross'*,so that the over frequency larger than adaptive control system willChave "better" command-following and disturbance-rejection properties than the (guaranteed stable) nonadaptive design. carries out an explicit parameter identification or an implicit parameter adjustment, must rely on some form of output signal(s) correlation. As we remarked above, when the closed-loop system breaks into instability, the plant outputs contain all sorts of signals about which we know nothing. It is not at all clear how the necessary output correlation algorithm can even be designed to quickly separate the relevant information in the output signals from those that the algorithm knows about, and at the same time carry out rapidly 2.4.3 the necessary (explicit or implicit) change in the controller parameters in the correct direction!'! The results in [2] demonstrate that many of the existing indirect adaptive control algorithm cannot handle this phenomenon, and the closed-loop system breaks into total instability. C CONCLUDING REMARKS 3. Some Potential Problems We next discuss how adaptive control algorithm can get in trouble, with respect to closedloop stability. Our arguments here are heuristic and intuitive; to be sure they must be made rigorous so as to clearly delineate possible problem areas associated with any adaptive control algorithm. The discussion has brought to the surface a 6Suppose that the aalau e pa te whole variety of fundamental issues that must Suppose that the adaptive be dealt with when one includes high frequency control algorithm converges at some time t unstructured uncertainty in the adaptive conc1 in a ) by K(s,e denoted to a compensator stable resung manner,and that - thetrol problem formulation. It is self evident stable manner, and that the resuling crossthat adaptive control algorithm must be able over frequency is denoted by ucl' having the dover frequency is denoted by Xcl having the to control accurately the cross-over frequency desired property of the closed loop system to avoid instability. Also, rapid changes in the parameters asso(2.18) < w< W* < W Suppose that the actual value of the parameter vecto -vector is e1 e c cl ~u ciated with the structured uncertainty can ciated with the strbility of the adaptive Now let us suppose that after this convergence control loop. has occurred, that at time t <t the parameter control loop. vector 8 jumps-from 81 to Now,every will adaptive control Both algorithm frequency-domain and time-domain tools Now, every adaptive control algorithm will must be used. take some time to process the measurements, detect the change in parameters or implicitly) angd change the compensator. or implicitly) and change the compensator output variables, that may be due to temporary excitation of high frequency dynamics, must isHowever, at time 2 the loop transfer matrix G. (s,e*)K(s,6 ) (2.19) -0 - -1 and it may well happen that the resultant cross over frequency, say Wc2' i.e. be quantified. It may be necessary to impose constraints on the speed that parameter variations can occur in the structured uncertainty, and to relate the speed of convergence of the adaptive algorithm to that of parameter variations. This in turn would require a comprehensive analysis of the nonlinear timevarying differential or difference equations that are characteristic of popular adaptive control algorithms. To ensure global stability results in the presence of unstructured uncertainty one may have to adapt the conic sector stability results of Safonov [12] to the nonlinear time-varying equations that describe the adaptive control system. In the absence of global stability results, one max -O c2 - -(2.20) exceeds the uncertainty crossover frequency w , i.e. (2.21) XU << (2.21) u c2 Then at time t=t +E the adaptive loop becomes unstable. This iy itself is not catastrophic as long as the adaptive system can recognize this situation and quickly change the compensator (in this case to the safe one K*(s)). should develop local ones, which means that should develop local ones, which means that one may want to further limit the range and The problem as we see it, arises with the nature of the information available to the explicit or implicit adaptive controller to rapidly detect this The ability of adaptive al- gorithms to tolerate unknown signals in the n the gorithms to tolerate unknown signal (explicitly rate of parameter variations in the structured uncertainty. At any rate, the "black uncertainty. parameter change and change the compensator accordingly. When the closed loop system becomes even temporarily unstable, its high frequency dynamics in L(s) get excited, and hence the measured outputs contain signals (the modes of L(s)) for which by assumption we know nothing about, in view of the magnitude and phase uncertainty for w>w . u 190 At any rate, the "black box" approach associated with model reference adaptive control systems, in which no specific assumptions are made upon the nature of the abandoned. We believe that the explicit inclusion of the unstructured uncertainty into the adaptive control problem will lead to new insights into the desirable and undesirable attributes of existing adaptive control algorithms and, in addition, will point the way to the development of more robust adaptive control algorithms in the presence of unmodeled high-frequency dynamics. More research is also needed to properly account for stochastic additive disturbances as well as for stochastic additive sensor noise. 4. 10. G.C. Goodwin, P.J. Ramadge, and P.E. Caines, "Discrete-Time Multivariable Adaptive Control," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-25, pp. 449-456, June 1980. 11. JC Doyle and G Stein, "Concepts for a Classical-Modern Synthesis," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-26, pp. 4-17, February 1981. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are greatful to the many disucssions with Mr. C.E. Rohrs and Professors G. Stein and S.S. Sastry on adaptive control. :* 5. REFERENCES 1. C. Rohrs, L. Valavani and M. Athans, "Convergence Studies of Adaptive Control Algorithms, Part I: Analysis," in Proc. IEEE CDC Conf., Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1980, pp. 1138-1141. 2. C. Rohrs, L. Valavani, M. Athans and G. Stein, "Analytical Verification of Undesirable Properties of Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control Algorithms," LIDS-P-1122, M.I.T., August 1981; submitted to IEEE Trans. Autom. Control; also Proc. 20th IEEE, Conf. on Dec. and Control, San Diego, CA, Dec. 1981. 3. K.S. Narendra and L.S. Valavani, "Stable Adaptive Controller Design-Direct Control," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-23, pp. 570-583, Aug. 1978. 4. A. Feuer and A.S. Morse, "Adaptive Conof Single-Input Single-Output Linear Systems," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-23, pp. 557-570, August 1978. 5. K.S. Narendra, Y.H. Lin and L.S. Valavani, "Stable Adaptive Controller Design, Part II: Proof of Stability," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-25, pp. 440-448, June 1980. 6. A.S. Morse, "Global Stability of Parameter Adaptive Control Systems," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-25, pp. 433-440, June 1980. 7. K.S. Narendra and Y.H. Lin, "Stable Discrete Adaptive Control," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-25, pp. 456461, June 1980. 8. I.D. Landau and H.M. Silveira, "A Stability Theorem with Applications to Adaptive Control," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-24, pp. 305-312, April 1979. -. I.D. Landau, "An Extension of A Stability Theorem Applicable to Adaptive Control," I--E Trans. Automat. Contr., Vol. AC-25, pp. 814-817, Aug. 1980. ,trol 12. M.G. Safonov, Robustness and Stability of Stochastic Multivariable Feedback System Design, Ph.D. dissertation, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, September 1977; also M.I.T., Press 1980. 191