MAY 1982 LIDS-P- 1.204 REAL TIME ESTIMATION OF THE HEAVING AND PITCHING MOTIONS OF A SHIP USING A KALMAN FILTER by MICHAEL TRIANTAFYLLOU MICHAEL ATHANS LABORATORY FOR INFORMATION AND DECISION SYSTEMS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 Reprinted from Proc. OCEANS' 81, Boston Mass., September 1981. Research Supported by NASA Ames and Langley Research Center under grant NGL-22-009-124. REAL TIME ESTIMATION OF THE HEAVING AND PITCHING MOTIONS OF A SHIP, USING A KALMAN FILTER Michael Triantafyllou Michael Athans Ocean Engineering Dept., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept., and Laboratory fcr Information and Decision Systems Massachusftts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT for application in the real time estimations of the motions, velocities and accelerations using Kalman filter techniques. Only two measurements are assumed available, the heave and pitch motion. Real time ship motion estimation is of interest to naval ship operators for vertical aircraft landing, as well as to the offshore industry for installing rigs and transferring equipment in rough seas. 2. EQUATIONS OF MOTION 2a. Definitions In the present study the estimation of the heave and pitch motion of a ship is considered, using Kalman filtering techniques. A significant part of the study is devoted to constructing appropriate models for the sea and the ship. The rigid body motions of a ship in six degrees of freedom are shown in Figure 1: We define the xlzl plane to coincide with the symmetry plane of the ship, with the z! axis pointing vertically upwards, and the Yl axis to port, so as to obtain an orthogonal right-hand system. Then the linear motions along the xl,yl,zl axes are surge, sway and heave respectively. We consider small motions so that the tensor of angular displacements can be replaced by a vector of small angular displacements, which are roll, pitch, yaw around the xl,yl,zl axes respectively. The assumption of small wave induced motions is justified, given the large mass of the vessel and the small wave amplitude to length ratio. Very good predictions have been obtained in the literature using this assumption C5 J. The governing equations are obtained from hydrodynamic considerations in the form of linear differential equations with frequency dependent coefficients. In addition, non-minimum phase characteristics are obtained due to the spatial integration of the water wave forces. The resulting transfer matrix function is irrational and non-minimum phase. The conditions for a finite-dimensional approximation are considered and the impact of the various parameters is assessed. A numerical application is considered for a DD-963 destroyer. 2b. Derivation of the Equations of Motion 1. INTRODUCTION The real time estimation of the ship motions, velocities and accelerations is very important for applications in rough seas, such as the landing of aircraft or helicopters on shins, the transfer of cargo, or heavy equipment at sea and offshore rig Installation. In a study on the vertical landing *E aircraft on destroyers, it was found that the modeling of the ship motions plays a very important role in any automatic landing control scheme £4 J. In the present study the accurate finite dimensional modeling of the heave and pitch motions of a ship is The complex problem of wave induced motions can be simplified within linear theory as follows: The incident waves are diffracted by the vessel, while waves are radiated away from the ship as she oscillates. The diffraction waves can be found by assuming the vessel motionless within the incident waves, while the radiation waves are found by oscillating the vessel in calm water t 53. The force caused by the incident ai.d diffraction waves is called the exciting force and can be separated in the part caused by the incident waves (Froude-Krylov force) and the diffraction force. The force caused by the radiation waves is proportional to the motion amplitude so if the motion is considered, x(t) - x0e 1090 CH1685-7/81/0000t-1090 $00.75 0 1981 IEEE (1) with xo complex, then the radiation force is F rt) - T(Wo)xlo e 2c. Speed Effects When the ship is heaving with a small angle 0 and at the same time is moving forward with speed U, then a heave velocity U0. The effect city results, results, which which is is Af - U. The effect of the forward speed, therefore, is to couple decouple the the various variou tmotions As it by canspeed b found (2) The frequency dependent constant T() can be proved to include the hydrostatic terms, terms modeling the energy loss due to the outgoing waves (damping terms), and terms representing the inertia of andthe thded ietim the etermsirepresentin entrained fluid (added masss terms) tC 13. 1]. For For this this reason reason we we can can rewrite (2) ~~~~~~as as pressions for the added mass, damping and exciting force with a parametric depenexciting force with a parametric depenon the speed U. rewrite (2) ~~~~dence xt) -B(.) -A(~o) t) X(t)-A(Wo) -B(vo) x(t) x(t) -- C2d. Cx(t) F r(t) r2 ) where where the fadded mass A( ) and damping B('w) are frequency dependent, because the.~~~~~ . . 'then the radiation waves are different at various frequencies. The exciting force can be written as F (t) - Fo(wO)eiwot (3) r so by Newton's law Ixow2 0eiwot = [Fo(wo)+EA(wo) W2 2 -xxo~ 0e= {F0 (w0 )+[A(w 0)W 0 (-CM+A(w0 )3] 2 0 + iWOB(Wo) +C}xO _ F0o(W) (4a) Ultimately, we wish to obtain the response in a random sea, so equation(4a) must be extended for a random sea. This can be. done by obtaining the inverse Fourier transfrom of (4), i.e. X. ) X (T)dT+ ? K (t-' ) Frequency of Encounter the An additional effect of the ship speed is the change in the frequency of encounter. If the incident wave has a frequency W the frequency of encounter X is, e 2 W - U cos~ (7) e c Although the exciting force changes with frequency W , its value is the same as if the frequency were w (plus any speed dependent terms). _ iAo B(Io) - C3 xo}eit (4) Wo (4) B~wo) C3 xo e iw 0 t By dropping e , we can rewrite equation ( 4) as: fract- in Appendix 1, there are simplified ex- .: x(T) I dT + 2e. Equations of Motion Within linear theory-and using the ship symmetry, the heave and pitch motions are n'ot coupled with the group of sway, roll, yaw motions. We can express the heavepitch motions therefore as: { o A 5 +s1 C5 Atsl n As5 } x C C35 5 x3 B53 B3 B3 B + F3 + xv n ) where K ,Kv,K f the inverse Fourier trans- Where Aij,Bij,Cij the added mass, damping, hydrostatic coefficient matrices respectively; F. the exciting forces; 71 the wave elevatioA; form of -w2 tM+A(w)3, iiB(w) and Fo() 0 respectively. The random undisturbed wave elevation is denoted by l (t). Equation x {x3x(9} -v The subscriot ~ refers to heave and + C x(t) =' Kf(t-T)n(t)d¶ -a (5) because the effort required to evaluate ~the kernels K ,K , is by far greater than to find hevadded mass, damping and exciting force. For this reason, equation (5) is rewritten in a hybrid form as follows: e to pitch (consistent with the hvdrodvnamic literature). The frequency and velocity dependence is not written explicitly,but is understood, as described in the previous sections. 2f. Exciting Force Approximation -EM+A(w)3 X(t) + B(w) x(t) + C x(t) = Fi)n(t) (67 This is an integro-differential equation {or differential equation with frequency dependent coefficients), whose meaning is in the sense of equation (5). It should be noted that -W A(W),iwB(W) are caused by the same radiation waves, so they afe related by the Cramers-Kroning relations of causal systems. The heave exciting force amplitude presents several peaks and zeros as can be seen in figure 2. Wi.hin the wave frequency range, only' the first peak is important, so that a relatively simple finite dimensional approximation can be used. As it was mentioned before, the exciting force depends on the wave frequency W and varies with frequency We, while it is parametrically dependent on the speed and the wave angle. 3. WAVE SPECTRUM MODELING The waves in a specific location are composed of waves generated by the local wind and waves generated by a distant storm, which are usually characterized as swell. As a result, the wave spectrum contains two peaks, one very narrow at low frequencies (swell), and one relatively wide and at higher frequencies (local storm). In order to model the DD-963 destroyer, the M.I.T. five degrees of freedom seakeeping program C 23 was used to derive hydrodynamic results. The following model was derived to model the shape of the heave force at V - 0 and 0- 0(no speed, head seas) a,1 1 Fs(s) = 2J l + 2 a waj (10) The Bretschneider spectrum was chosen for the present application, which allows one to specify both the intensity (significant wave height H) and the location of the peak (modal frequency Wm). Two such spectra can be used to model a double peaked spectrum. The form of the spectrum has as follows: 1.25 exp 1.25 ( -)1 ) S(W) - 1.25a H 2_ exp{1.25 C Where J - 0.707 chosen for optimal response of a second order system, a 1 a constant determined from hydrodynamic data, n the wave elevation and w the corner frequency. (15) The spectrum was developed by Bretschneider for the North Atlantic, for unidirectional seas, with unlimited fetch, infinite depth and no swell. It was developed to satisfy asymptotic theoretical predictions and to fit North Atlantic data. It was found to fit reasonably well in any sea location. The spectrum, for ship coordinates, has as follows This approximation was extended to inelude the effects of speed and wave angle by defining: WaI a / g 2w + 2w U dos Lcos* + B Lcosf + B (li where L is the ship length, B the beaxd' For long waves, the heave force and the pitching movement are 900 out of phase. This means that the transfer function between heave and pitch is a non-minimum phase one, because the amplitude is constant, while the phase is 90°. We choose to attribute the non-minimum phase to pitch. Also, the pitch angle tends to the wave slope for large wavelengths,so the pitching moment can be written as Fs = a2 I 2 s/ 1 + s/wo 0B+2J COS S(f) $ S( . where U W - T3ss Ms2 + C33g T3s + UsTS UsT 3 3+C 3 sIs t *.X3j £3 + Ts fWe) 2 U cos# n 17) .,2fi 212 lW1+2J - +I 1 (12) A rational approximation was found'to subject to (17)in the' following form 1.25 S (W ) Sa e + C1 5 - U T33 n H2 B(l) (16) e 4w 1+(- I a where B(a),w ' 0 (a), functions of (18) a cao go,,,, (19) g The corresponding causal system has transfer function: 2 Ha(s) -, S +Css (13) Here we construct a simplified model where Tij - Aij T - BiJ iw - L By using equation (9), we can rewrite the equations of motion as 2 - 4 te Added Ma-ss and Damping T33s2+ f(.) 16 Where a2 a constant to be determined, W is the same (for simplicity) as in equa- a tion (11), while wo models the non-minimum phase characteristics, and was chosen to be equal to the wave spectrum modal frequency. 2g. ) . + + 2J (o) 20) where - So (14 with Aij,Bij to be evaluated from the' hydrodynamic data. 1.25 H22 B(a J 0.707 (2ab) ~O92 It should be noted that the Bretschneider spectrum S (w) is related to the actual defined as the Fouriers spectrum St)Y, transform of the autocorrelation, by the relation 1 Sb (W) S(o) >O0 (22) 4. B Bs B? B. B. ' Oa -(201 a - Ax + Bw I with A * + 2Jw ALMAN O 0 O 0 -2J, 000 h 'O k 0 0 11 0 o0 o 0 00 0 01 02 03 0 O O 0 1 Bs B7 B. 0 L1 Subsequently, a Kalman filter was designed, using the N.I.T.-LIDS software t[3 and for driving noise 1and 0 0[2 0 -21 1 W ;2 -02Jt =CO O Cs -C 6 f = t 0 Cf C 00 1 O ,O o I O 0 ! O 0 '2 O = ~Dij 0 a>2 = whrf where 0 0 o a - 0o 2 (26ab) 03 01 0 * 2, O; 0'I ucosJ(27ab) o oI 0.000 The filter poles are within a radius of 1.3 rad./ sec. A typical 'simulation of heave and pitch motions and their predictions is given in figures 3,4 (assumin. exact knowledge of the sea parameters H and w_). By using the same filter for (other than the devarious combinetions of H,w the performance sign values) it was found tiat depends primarily or the accurate of the filter estimation of the modal frequency w : Figures 5 1 and 6. 13T 0 Uf I= 02'~'75 corresponding to sea state 5 (H - 10 ft. ,wm = 0.72 rad./sec. 84 o measurement noise intensities: tU, WI 0 (25abc) B B = 55 ft.,T - 18 ft. ing the N.I.T. sea-keeping program Ct2], and were approximated as outlined above, for speed U - 21 ° ft./sec. and wave angle 0 0 _w2 a 83 82 APPLICATION L - 529 ft., 0 0 0 and with frequency content close to *qw amplitude, 12 rad./sec. (as opposed to the wave frequencies, Swhich are less than 1 rad./sec.) An example has been worked out for a DD-963 destroyer, whose length L, beam B and draft T are a a a cation were found to be as much as 0.5 ft. in The hydrodynamic characteristics were obtained us- 0 I 0 o 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 Af The noise is due primarily to the structural vibrations of the ship, which for the present appli- -2J0W~ 0-W 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 -°.M -2JWo 0O 0 0 1 L. S FILTER The accuracy of the measurements can be very good. _-.... 1 s-. 1 (30abcd) inured only. -L- 2 a measurements of angles. The linear motions require the installation of accelerometers. For simplicity, in the present application it is assumed that the heave and pitch motions are mea- _ _ 0 P0 (24abcd) - - CC m As A-.- e0 And 5 0 5 The gyroscopes of the ship can provide very accu- - _ _ _.. _rate & _ AI Al B.mCf A. a _C -ff Si | - and + 2JW) a (23ab) P + 2 -- W (4J -1) 2 equations are written as Cit Css Bs5 (29a1$ 8 to the equations modeling the If s refers sea, f to the equations for the force and m to the ship equations, then the overall y- ss Bs3 and STATE SPACE MODEL _ ij The simulations indicate the good accuracy that can be obtained by using the present formulation. The most important parameter is the n-dal frewhose influence, although smooth,is quite critical. The at sea estimation of the modal frequency can be done by using the zero up-crossing (280b) Aquency, _ { Afijl 093 period T. Typically . APPENDIX 1 0. 2ff ~ 7 07- The following relations provide the hydrodynamic coefficients and forces as functions of the speed Us A scheme for on-line estimation of um is currently tested by extending the Kalman filter to estimate th. Finally figure 7 illustrates the influence of a second peak (swell) on the performance of the filter. It is clearly seen that the second peak must be modelled, if accurate predictions are desired. SUmIARY Ass B3s - Ass Bas Ass - Ats - B5s - Bts Ass - Als + BUr B5 - Bf5 - Ass - Ats + U2 At aBts - A finite dimensional approximation of the heave and pitch equations of motion of a ship, as obtained from hydrodynamic theory, has been outlined. The important features are: (a) the frequency dependence of the coefficients of the equation of motion (b) the non-minimum phase characteristics between heave and pitch, due to the spatial integration of the hydrodynamic forces Bss ss2S B31 + Ats UAfs W2 +1U tB f (c) the dependence of the hydrodynamic quantities on the speed of the vessel and the wave angle. A Kalman filter can be used to estimate the motions, velocities, etc., whose performance pri- The superscript o denotes quantities at zero speed. The A ,Bi were found us in the M.I.T. Seakeeping pgral' [2]Fs - marily depends on an accurate estimation of the Fs ' - P sea spectrum modal frequency. Very good estimation is obtained when all the features, mentioned above, are included. - .I (ifs + hs) n dt [It (fs + hs) + ha] ad il where f is the sectional Froude-Xryloff force and h J the sectional diffraction force. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research presented in this-paper was supported by a grant from NASA-Ames Research Center under Grant NGL-22-009-124, and was conducted at the M.I.T. Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. REFERMES ZI (1) Salvesen, N.,Tuck ,Faltinsen,O.,wShip Motions and Ship Loads,' Trans. SNAME, 1970. heave (2) "5-Degrees of Freedom Seakeeping Program Manual," Design Laboratory, Ocean Engineering Dept., M.I.T., 1974, Cambridge, Mass. (3) "Dynamic Control Systems Software --User's Manual," Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, M.I.T., 1980,Cambride,1ass, sway I pitch M(4) McMuldroch, C.., "VTOL Controls for Shipboard Landing," Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Report LIDS-TH-928, 1979, M.I.T.,Cambridge,Mass. XI --. X (5) Newman, J.N.,"Marine Hydrodynamics," M.I.T. Press, 1978, Cambridge, Mass. XX Reference Systems 1094 FIGURE 2 f3 0.5 j I m · pg:L aOL h 0 " LAA .......... ,, .1 FIGURE 5 1.0 Actual 5.0 H=10 ft Noisy measurement w,m,.32 rps Estimated FIGURE 3 W H=10 I J FIGURE 6 -. 58 - ' · -4. * 8-. 3r .*aR 3r · (sec) TIME-s=0.72 FIGURE * m, *I S S S 3] 100i ft- h32 i ft 58f 3 lo95 FIGURE 7 W CO Double peak spectrum o