Major 74 Semester Hours (SH) Mathematics-Science Core..........................22 SH 800:046 800:048 OR 800:072 OR 810:036 880:054 880:056 Precalculus….………..………………………...4 Calculus for Technology……….………...……...4 800:060 *Calculus I *Introduction to Statistical Methods…………….3 800:064 *Intro Stats for Life Sciences C/C+ Programming……………………………...3 *General Physics I**……………………………..4 General Physics II**…………………………….4 *Course also meets Liberal Arts Core requirements. **If you are considering going into an Electrical Engineering Master’s degree program in the future, 880:130 & 880:131 are recommended instead of 880:054 and 880:056. Technical Core………………………………...52 SH 330:037 330:038 330:039 330:041 330:042 330:103 330:104 330:129 330:152 330:156 330:157 330:160 330:164 330:165 330:166 330:167 330:174 330:176 Introduction to Circuits………….…………….….3 Introduction to Electrical Power & Machinery...3 Circuits & Systems……………………….………3 Introduction to Analog Electronics……….……..3 Introduction to Digital Electronics……………....3 Electronic Communications………………….….3 Applied Digital Signal Processing..………….….3 Linear Control Systems……………………….....3 Advanced Analog Electronics…………..……....3 Advanced Digital Electronics………………..…..3 Microcomputer Applications………………….....3 Computer-Aided Instrument & Interfacing……..3 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)……...3 Wireless Communication Networks…………….3 Advanced Electrical Power Systems…………..3 Power Electronics Applications…………………3 Senior Design I…………………………………...1 Senior Design II…………………………………..3 Liberal Arts Core 45 Semester Hours (SH) Category 3. Fine Arts, Literature, Philosophy and Religion...............................................6 SH A. Fine Arts B. Literature, Philosophy, or Religion Category 4. Natural Science and Technology..............7 SH A. Life Sciences B. Physical Sciences Category 5. Social Science............................................9 SH A. Sociocultural & Historical Perspectives B. Individual & Institutional Perspectives C. Topical Perspectives Category 6. Capstone Experience................................2 SH University Electives………………………………..….10-17 SH Advisor Approved Suggested Electives…………..10-17 SH 880:140 Modern Optics: Holography & Imaging…………...3 880:141 Modern Optics: Lasers……………………………..3 620:106 Scientific & Technical Writing……………………...3 330:036 Power Technology…………………………………..3 330:017 Computer-Aided Design & Drafting………………..3 330:133 Pro-E Design….…………………………………….3 330:187 Applied Industrial Supervision & Mgmt……………3 330:196 Industrial Safety…………………………………...…3 Minimum Hours Required for a BS in EIET………....127 SH RECOMMENDED COURSE SEQUENCE For detailed information on the liberal arts core, please see the website at Freshman - Fall 13-16 hrs 330:037 Introduction to Circuits……………………………….3 800:046 Precalculus………………………………...………....4 Liberal Arts………………………………………….6-9 Category I. Core Competencies..........................12 SH A. Reading and Writing B. Speaking and Listening C. Quantitative Techniques & Understanding D. Personal Wellness. Freshman - Spring 13-15 hrs. 330:039 Circuits & Systems……………………………..……..3 800:048 Calculus for Technology……………………….……..4 OR 800:060 Calculus I Liberal Arts………………………….……………….6-8 Category 2. Civilizations & Cultures......................9 SH A. Humanities B. Non-Western Cultures Recommended Course Sequence-continued Sophomore - Fall - 16 hrs. 330:038 Intro to Electrical Power & Machinery………..….3 330:041 Intro to Analog Electronics………………………..3 330:042 Intro to Digital Electronics………………………...3 800:072 Intro to Statistical Methods………………………..3 OR 800:064 Intro Stats for Life Sciences 880:054 General Physics I…………………………………..4 Sophomore - Spring - 16 hrs. 330:152 Advanced Analog Electronics……………….......3 330:156 Advanced Digital Electronics..............................3 810:036 C/C+ Programming............................................3 880:056 General Physics II………………………………...4 Liberal Arts ........................................................3 Junior - Fall - 15-18 hrs. 330:129 Linear Control Systems………............................3 330:157 Microcomputer Applications………………..........3 Electives………………………………………....3-6 Liberal Arts..........................................................6 Junior - Spring - 15 hrs. 330:160 Computer-Aided Instrumentation & Interfacing...3 330:164 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)……….3 330:166 Advanced Electrical Power Systems……………3 Liberal Arts………………………………………...6 Senior - Fall - 16 hrs. 330:103 Electronic Communications………………………3 330:167 Power Electronics Applications………………….3 330:174 Senior Design I…………………………………….1 Electives……………………………………………6 Liberal Arts ........................................................6 Senior - Spring - 15-18 hrs. 330:104 Applied Digital Signal Processing……………….3 330:165 Wireless Communication Networks.…………….3 330:176 Senior Design II…….……………………………..2 Liberal Arts/Electives………………..……….5-8 Minimum Hours Required......................................127 SH For additional information: Department of Industrial Technology University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0178 Phone: (319) 273-2561 7/08 The EIET Program is a four-year undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. The EIET program teaches the fundamental elements of conventional and renewable electrical power, analog/ digital electronics, microcomputer, control systems, telecommunications, instrumentation, and networking principles. The mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic systems and related controls are also covered. The program begins with a base of introductory classes in math, physics, statistics, and computer programming and continues on into practical applications of EIET in industrial settings. In addition to advanced level technical classes with computer simulations, the program is strongly application oriented and includes numerous labs and project experiences. Engineering technology is the profession in which a knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences gained by higher education, experience, and practice are devoted primarily to the implementation and extension of existing technology for the benefit of humanity. Students in engineering technology programs acquire hands-on technical skills that enable them to solve production and system implementation problems and help them explain solutions. The mission of the EIET program at the University of Northern Iowa is to provide quality, application-oriented education that produces professionals who will contribute to the advancement of engineering technology in the areas of electrical power, analog/digital electronics, industrial control systems, microcomputers, instrumentation, telecommunications and networking. Students majoring in EIET have great opportunities for a bright career since the major content of the curriculum they study will not become obsolete. Practical industrial experiences during the EIET program expose students to the world of work. Students have the opportunity for hands-on experiences in the classroom, the EIET laboratories, or at local industries through cooperative education and senior design projects. This prepares them for a variety of engineering technology, and technical leadership positions. The program graduates have an excellent reputation among employers in Iowa as well as other states. Most junior and senior level students are employed part-time by local industry based on their skills and qualifications. According to recent statistics, starting salaries of graduates are between $47K to $55K per year depending on qualifications and job responsibilities. Please click on the “Alumni” section on the EIET web site to see testimonials of some of our recent graduates. Production Engineer Quality Control Engineer Plant Engineer Maintenance Engineer Electronic Engineering Airway Transportation System Technologist Specialist Test Engineer Technical Sales Engineer Power System Planner Wind Turbine Mfg. Engineer Electrical Systems Project Engineer Iowa’s first 4-year BS degree granting Engineering Technology program. A friendly environment where you interact on a daily and personal basis with your professors. A flexible program offering a wide variety of options and emphases with sufficient rigor to prepare for a productive career in Electrical Engineering Technology. Individualized hands-on training on state-of-the-art equipment and trainers used in the industry. Small class sizes which make a difference. Excellent part-time job opportunities for EIET junior and seniors in local industries. Articulation agreements with selected Iowa Community Colleges. 330:037 330:038 330:039 330:041 330:042 330:164 800:048 OR 810:030 OR OR 880:054 OR Intro to Circuits (3 sh) Intro to Electrical Power & Machinery (3 sh) Circuits & Systems (3 sh) Intro to Analog Electronics (3 sh) Intro to Digital Electronics (3 sh) Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) (3 sh) Calculus for Technology (4 sh) 800:060 Calculus I (4 sh) Visual BASIC Programming (3 sh) 810:035 C Programming (3 sh) 810:036 C/C+ Programming (3 sh) General Physics I (4 sh) 880:130 Physics I for Science & Engineering (4 sh)