AG-ECO NEWS Jose G. Peña Vol. 22, Issue 27 Professor and Ext. Economist-Management August 23, 2006 U.S. Net Farm Income Down 23%, Even with Improved Markets, Drought and High Energy Costs Will Make 2006 a Difficult Year for Agriculture Jose G. Peña, Professor and Extension Economist-Management USDA’s initial, April ‘06, forecast of U.S. net farm income for 2006 at $56.2 billion is down $16.4 billion (22.6%) from $72.6 billion in net income in 2005. (See Figure 1). While livestock and grain markets have improved significantly and the outlook appears good, the continuing severe drought and high energy costs indicate that 2006 will be a difficult year for agriculture. Also, USDA’s initial estimate of total U.S. agriculture production costs, at $229.2 billion, is up 3.7 percent from last year and up 17.5 percent from a 1996-2005 average of 195.1 Figure 1: U.S. Net Farm Income and Direct Government Payments 1996-2006F Billions $90 82.5 $80 13.3 $70 Direct Government Payments $60 59.5 55.5 56.2 50.5 7.0 $50 7.5 $40 45.6 46.8 47.9 21.5 22.9 $20 increased financial risk, and while market 15.7 36.6 42.3 11.2 43.0 48.5 55.7 18.5 17.2 20.7 33.2 30.8 25.3 49.6 40.0 37.7 25.4 25.0 Net Farm Income from Production $10 billion. (See Figure 2). This means 51.5 69.2 12.4 $30 72.6 23.0 $0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005F 2006F 19962005 Average F = Forecast Source: USDA-ERS Farm Income and Costs: Farm Sector Income Report, May 30, 2006 prices are up, the estimate of farm program payments is down, meaning more risk. Figure 2: U.S. Total Farm Expenses Billion dollars 240 229.2 230 221.1 USDA will probably reduce the 220 209.8 210 estimate of net farm income as the drought in a major portion of the U.S. is causing increased crop failures/reduced yields, and high energy costs are 200.3 200 1996-2005 Average $195.1 193.4 190 180 170 2002 2003 2004 2005F F = Forecast Source: USDA-ERS Farm Income and Costs: Farm Sector Income Report, May 30, 2006 2006F increasing production costs. Both farmers and ranchers face major crop failures this year as a result of the continuing drought. Crop agriculture is experiencing increased irrigation requirements at a critical time of record high energy costs. Initial loss estimates for Texas indicate that agricultural producers will lose about $4.1 billion due to the drought. Dr. Carl Anderson, Professor Emeritus, recently estimated crop losses in Texas at $2.5 billion and livestock losses at $1.6 billion. Most of the Central U.S. region and especially the southwest region of Texas is experiencing a severe drought. The southwest Texas region, which probably closely mirrors the moisture situation in over 50 percent of state, has only received about 7.2 inches of scattered rainfall in 365 days, from August 21, 2005 through August 21, 2006. This 365 day period is the driest on record. Unseasonably hot temperatures are aggravating the dry spell. The drought really started in June ‘05 when cumulative rainfall dropped 27 percent of the long term average. Since then the rainfall situation has continued to deteriorate, dropping cumulative rainfall during the last 20 months (January ‘05-August 21, 2006) to about 50 Figure 3: Current Rainfall as Percent Long Term Average Rainfall by Month and Current Cumulative Rainfall as Percent of Long Term Cumulative Rainfall, Uvalde, Jan. ‘05-Aug. ‘06 150% percent of the long term 100% average. (See Figure 3). 50% drought as a period when 75% or less of the long term average yearly rainfall has been received. 0% -50% -100% Ja n05 Fe b05 M ar -0 5 Ap r-0 M 5 ay -0 5 Ju n05 Ju l-0 5 Au g05 Se p05 O ct -0 5 No v05 De c05 Ja n06 Fe b06 M ar -0 6 Ap r-0 M 6 ay -0 6 Ju n06 Ju l-0 6 Au g06 Weathermen define a true Rainfall as % of long term Cumm. as % of long term The moisture situation is actually worse than records indicate. For example, since from an agronomic point of view, rainfall in a day should equal to or exceed one-quarter of an inch to be economically significant, if we eliminate the days with less than one-quarter of an inch, only 4.52 inches of usable rainfall have been received during 365 days. The moisture situation is rapidly approaching the multi-year drought of record in Texas of the 50's. Agricultural producers should prepare in-depth financial plans which cover short and long term goals and objectives and take into account the effects of a potential continuing drought over the next few years.