Ductile Fracture after Complex Loading Histories: Experimental Investigation and Constitutive Modeling by ARCHVES MASSAC-u OF Stephane Marcadet Diplome de l'Ecole Polytechnique (2012) M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012) Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of TT JUL 3 0 2015 , LIBRARIES Doctor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2015 0 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. //, Signature redacted Author: Certified by: - Signature redacted D)epartment of Mechanical Engineering May 22, 2015 Signature redacted Tomasz Wierzbicki Professor of Applied Mechanics Thesis Supervisor - Certified by: Dirk Mohr Accepted by:_ Signature redact ONSTITJTE rC.HN0LLGY CNRS Associate Professor Thesis Supervisor David E. Hardt Chairman, Committee on Graduate Students Department of Mechanical Engineering -3- Ductile Fracture after Complex Loading Histories: Experimental Investigation and Constitutive Modeling by Stephane Marcadet Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering On May 22, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Science in Mechanical Engineering In engineering practice, sheet metal often fails after complex strain paths that deviate substantially from the widely studied proportional loading paths. Different from previous works on the ductile fracture of sheet metal, this thesis research addresses the experimental and modeling issues related to the crack initiation in advanced high strength steels after loading direction reversal. The main outcome of the present work is a fracture initiation model for proportional and non-proportional loading. The starting point of this thesis is a first chapter on the development of a micromechanically-motivated ductile fracture initiation model for metals for proportional loading. Its formulation is based on the assumption that the onset of fracture is imminent with the formation of a primary or secondary band of localization. Motivated by the results from a thorough unit cell analysis, it is assumed that fracture initiates after proportional loading if the linear combination of the Hosford equivalent stress and the normal stress acting on the plane of maximum shear reaches a critical value. A comprehensive fracture initiation model is then obtained after transforming the localization criterion from the stress space to the space of equivalent plastic strain, stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter using the material's isotropic hardening law. Experimental results are presented for three different advanced high strength steels. For each material, the onset of fracture is characterized for five distinct stress states, including butterfly shear, notched tension, tension with a central hole, and punch experiments. The comparison of model predictions with the experimental results demonstrates that the proposed Hosford-Coulomb model can predict with satisfactory accuracy the instant of ductile fracture initiation in advanced high strength steels. -4- In a subsequent chapter, experimental methods are developed to perform compressiontension experiments. In addition, a finite strain constitutive model is proposed combining a Swift-Voce isotropic hardening law with two Frederick-Armstrong kinematic hardening rules and a Yoshida-Uemori type of hardening stagnation approach. The plasticity model parameters are identified from uniaxial tension-compression stress-strain curve measurements and finite element simulations of compression-tension experiments on notched specimens. The model predictions are validated through comparison with experimentally-measured load-displacement curves up to the onset of fracture, local surface strain measurements and longitudinal thickness profiles. The extracted loading paths to fracture show a significant increase in ductility as a function of the compressive pre-strain. The Hosford-Coulomb model is therefore integrated into a non-linear damage indicator modeling framework to provide a phenomenological description of the experimental results for monotonic and reverse loading. Another extension of the modeling framework is presented in a third chapter inspired by the results from loss of ellipticity analysis. It is demonstrated that the Hosford-Coulomb model can also be expressed in terms of a stress-state dependent critical hardening rate. Moreover, it is shown that the critical hardening rate approach provides accurate predictions of the instant of fracture initiation for both proportional and non-proportional loading conditions. Enhancements of the finite strain constitutive model are also proposed to enable a fast identification of all model parameters. The plasticity model parameters are identified from stress-strain curve measurements from shear loading reversal on specimens with a uniform thickness reduced gage section. The model is used to estimate the local strain and stress fields in fracture experiments after shear reversal. The extracted loading paths to fracture show a significant increase in ductility as a function of the strain at shear reversal, a feature that is readily predicted by the prosed critical hardening rate model. Thesis supervisor: Tomasz Wierzbicki Title: Professor of Applied Mechanics Thesis supervisor: Dirk Mohr Title: CNRS Associate Professor, Ecole Polytechnique -5- Acknowledgements I would like to thank Professor Tomasz Wierzbicki and Professor Dirk Mohr who provided crucial guidance and support throughout my studies at MIT in the Impact and Crashworthiness Laboratory. I greatly appreciate the opportunities they afforded me in order to carry out my thesis work independently. Further, I am grateful to Professors David Parks and Kenneth Kamrin for agreeing to serve on my thesis committee, and to discuss my research. It has been a pleasure for me to work with both the former and current members of the ICL, all of whom have fostered a friendly and productive work environment: Dr. Allison Beese, Dr. Meng Luo, Dr. Matthieu Dunand, Dr. Christian Roth, Dr. Kai Wang, Dr. Fabien Ebnoether, Dr. Jessica Papasidero, Dr. Kirki Kofiani, Dr. Gongyao Gu, Dr. Camille Besse, Mr. Keunhwan Pack, Mr. Xiaowei Zhang, Mr. Colin Bonatti and Mr. Rami Abi Akl. Special thanks as well to Barbara Smith for her invaluable assistance. Additionally, I sincerely thank the members of Industrial Fracture Consortium for the financial support and their regular feedback on my work. Finally, I'd like to thank my family and friends for their support. -6- -7- Contents Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................... 21 1.1 Ductile Fracture.............................................................................................. 21 1.2 Plasticity for Complex Loading ...................................................................... 23 1.3 Strain path dependency of FLD and fracture toughness ................................. 27 1.4 Examples of non-linear loading paths............................................................ 28 1.4.1 Crash ........................................................................................................... 28 1.4.2 Combined Form ing and Crash ................................................................ 29 1.5 Complex Loading on Bulk M aterial................................................................ 30 1.6 Particularities of Sheet M etal.......................................................................... 31 1.7 Thesis Outline ................................................................................................ 34 Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture................... 37 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 38 2.2 Prelim inaries................................................................................................... 44 2.2.1 Description of the stress state ................................................................. 44 2.2.2 Plasticity M odel ....................................................................................... 45 2.3 Fracture Initiation M odel for Proportional Loading ...................................... 46 2.3.1 M otivation.............................................................................................. 46 2.3.2 Localization Criterion in Stress Space..................................................... 47 2.3.3 Fracture initiation model in m ixed strain-stress space............................. 50 2.3.4 Illustration of the HC model .................................................................... 52 2.3.5 Comments on Model Extension for Non-Proportional Loading.............. 55 -8- 2.3.6 2.4 Com m ent on M odel Consistency............................................................ Fracture Experim ents ..................................................................................... 57 59 2.4.1 M aterials .................................................................................................. 59 2.4.2 Uniaxial tension experim ents................................................................... 59 2.4.3 Shear experim ents.................................................................................... 64 2.4.4 Punch experim ent.................................................................................... 64 2.5 Identification of the loading paths to fracture ................................................. 64 2.5.1 Plasticity m odel param eter identification .............................................. 64 2.5.2 Loading paths to fracture ......................................................................... 66 2.6 M odel calibration and verification .................................................................. 2.6.1 2.7 M odel application ................................................................................... Sum m ary ............................................................................................................ 68 69 70 Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets ............ 73 3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 74 3.2 Experim ents........................................................................................................ 77 3.2.1 M aterial and specim ens............................................................................ 77 3.2.2 Experim ental procedure ........................................................................... 80 3.2.3 Experim ental results................................................................................ 82 3.3 Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) plasticity model .................................. 83 3.3.1 Y ield surface ............................................................................................ 84 3.3.2 N on-associated flow rule ......................................................................... 84 -9- 3.3.3 Definition of the equivalent plastic strain............................................... 85 3.3.4 Isotropic hardening .................................................................................. 85 3.3.5 Non-linear kinematic hardening ............................................................ 86 3.3.6 Work hardening stagnation ...................................................................... 87 3.3.7 Summary of model parameters ............................................................... 90 3.3.8 Thermodynamic constraints.................................................................... 90 3.4 Plasticity model identification and validation................................................. 92 3.4.1 Identification step I: determination of seed parameters ........................... 93 3.4.2 Identification step II: full inverse parameter identification .................... 94 3.4.3 Model verification for reverse loading ................................................... 96 3.4.4 Model verification for monotonic multi-axial loading ............................. 101 Effect of loading reversal on ductile fracture initiation ................................... 102 3.5 3.5.1 Characterization of the stress state............................................................ 3.5.2 Effect of pre-compression on results for notched tension ........................ 103 3.5.3 Hosford-Coulomb fracture initiation model ............................................. 107 3.5.4 Model identification and verification........................................................ 109 3.5.5 Discussion of the effect of pre-strain on ductile fracture.......................... 112 3 .6 Sum m ary .......................................................................................................... 103 114 Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fractu re ........................................................................................................................... 4 .1 Intro d uction ...................................................................................................... 1 15 116 10 - - 4.2 Plasticity m odel................................................................................................ 118 4.2.1 Y ield function and flow rule ..................................................................... 119 4.2.2 Hardening evolutions ................................................................................ 120 4.2.3 Evolution of the back stress tensor ........................................................... 122 4.2.4 W ork Hardening Stagnation ..................................................................... 124 4.2.5 Therm odynam ic constraints...................................................................... 124 4.2.6 Illustration for uniaxial loading ................................................................ 126 4.3 Critical hardening rate fracture initiation m odel.............................................. 127 4.3.1 M echanism -based m odeling ..................................................................... 127 4.3.2 Phenom enological m odeling for proportional loading ............................. 128 4.3.3 Phenomenological modeling for non-proportional loading...................... 130 4.3.4 Extended form ulation................................................................................ 133 4.3.5 Com m ent on the m odel sensitivity ........................................................... 134 4.4 Experim ents...................................................................................................... 134 4.4.1 Overview on experim ental procedures ..................................................... 135 4.4.2 Details on experim ental procedures.......................................................... 136 4.4.3 Overview on experim ents perform ed........................................................ 141 4.5 A pplication and validation ............................................................................... 142 4.5.1 Plasticity m odel param eter identification ................................................. 142 4.5.2 Reverse Loading ....................................................................................... 143 4.5.3 Fracture m odel param eter identification................................................... 149 - - 11 4.5.4 4.6 V alidation and discussion ......................................................................... Sum m ary .......................................................................................................... Chapter 5: Conclusion............................................................................................. 5.1 Sum m ary of findings........................................................................................ 150 152 155 155 5.1.1 Hosford-Coulom b ..................................................................................... 155 5.1.2 Ductile fracture of sheets after in-plane compression-tension.................. 156 5.1.3 Critical Hardening Rate ............................................................................ 157 Ongoing and future work ................................................................................. 157 5.2 5.2.1 Orthogonal n .................................................................................. 157 5.2.2 Validations studies .................................................................................... 158 5.2.3 Strain rate and tem perature effects ........................................................... 160 References............................................................................................................... 161 12 - - - - 13 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Comparison of the von Mises stress versus equivalent plastic strain curve for monotonic loading with that after loading reversal at a strain of 0.1 to illustrate different hardening model assumptions: (a) isotropic hardening, (b) permanent softening, (c) work hardening stagnation, (d) transient behavior................................................................. 25 Figure 1-2 Loading Paths at points (1) and (2) during the three point bending of the hatsh ap ed p rofile .................................................................................................................... 29 Figure 1-3 Comparison of the fracture observed during experimental three point bending of a martensitic hat-shaped profile with the numerical prediction using isotropic hardening and linear damage accumulation indicator. .................................................................. 29 Figure 1-4 Comparison between load-displacement curves under compression-tension for (a) round bars of aluminum (b) flat specimens of DP780 sheets.................................. 32 Figure 1-5 Comparison between stress-strain curves under compression-tension for (a) round bars of aluminum (b) flat specimens of DP780 sheets ....................................... 33 Figure 2-1 Eulerian illustration of the ductile fracture process with coalescence through (a) internal necking, and (b) void sheet fracture. The mesoscopic primary band of localization is highlighted in gray color, the microscopic secondary band of localization is highlighted in red . ................................................................................................................................ 39 Figure 2-2 (a) Illustration of the stress triaxiality i and the Lode angle parameter 0 in principal stress space { 1, -,, %- }. Selected Lode angle parameter values are only shown for the 60' segment of a-plane where the principal stresses satisfy the order 0- 1 o-j, c-r . For the other five 60' segments, the same labeling applies because of the symmetries of the unordered principal stress space; (b) non-linear relationship between 0 and il for plane stress. The blue, black and red curves shows the relationship for biaxial compression (two negative principal stresses), biaxial tension-compression (one positive 14 - - and one negative principal stress), and biaxial tension (two positive principal stresses), respectively. Open dots highlight the special cases of cases of a. uniaxial compression, b. pure shear, c. uniaxial tension, d. plane strain tension, and e. equi-biaxial tension"........ 44 Figure 2-3 Localization analysis results: (a) Relationship between the shear and normal stress acting on the plane of localization; (b) Macroscopic equivalent plastic strain at the onset of localization as a function of Lode angle parameter and stress triaxiality; each dot represents the result from a unit cell analysis for a particular stress state, the solid curves correspond to the predictions of the Mohr-Coulomb model. Note that both plots have been prepared using the same MC model parameters (friction c, = 0.13, cohesion c2 = 666MPa )......................................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 2-4 Coordinate transformation for plane stress conditions: (a) initial von Mises yield envelope (solid black line) with subsequent von Mises stress iso-contours and EMC localization locus (blue line) for proportional loading; (b) representation of the same envelopes in the modified Haigh-Westergaard space, and (c) in the mixed strain-stress sp ace .................................................................................................................................. 52 Figure 2-5 Representation of special cases of the Hosford-Coulomb (HC) model in the modified Haigh-Westergaard space. The blue lines show the strain to fracture for plane stress con d itio n s................................................................................................................ 54 Figure 2-6 Effect of the parameters of the Extended Mohr-Coulomb (EMC) model on the fracture envelope for plane stress loading. ................................................................... 55 Figure 2-7 Measured true stress versus logarithmic plastic strain curve for uniaxial tension along different material directions up to the point of necking for (a) DP590, (b) DP780. Note that each graph shows the curves for three different specimen orientations (00, 450 and 90'), but they lie exactly on top of each other and thus only one curve is visible..... 61 Figure 2-8 Specimen drawings for flat tension specimens with (a) a central hole, (b)-(c) different notches, and (d) the butterfly specimen for shear testing............................... 62 -15- Figure 2-9 Measured and simulated force displacement curves for selected fracture experiments on the DP590 steel. The star symbols represent the experimental curves, while the simulation results are shown as solid lines. A contour plot of the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of fracture is shown below each figure............................................ 63 Figure 2-10 Comparison of the Hosford-Coulomb (HC) model predictions (blue dots) with experimental results (end point of the black lines) after calibration based on the SH, CH and NT6 experiments. The predictions of the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model are shown as red dots. The units of the cohesion b are MPa.............................................................. 68 Figure 3-1 Comparison of the true stress strain experimental response with a theoretical isotropic hardening response after loading reversal from uniaxial tension to uniaxial compression at strain of 0.08 to illustrate different hardening behaviors: isotropic hardening, permanent softening, work hardening stagnation, transient behavior. ........... 75 Figure 3-2 Uniaxial stress-strain response of DP780 steel for different directions under un iax ial ten sion ................................................................................................................. 78 Figure 3-3 Specimen geometry for uniaxial compression-tension experiments............ 79 Figure 3-4 Displacement measurement using Digital Image Correlation (DIC)........... 79 Figure 3-5 Notched specimen (NCT) for compression-tension fracture testing........... 80 Figure 3-6 Front view of the experimental set-up for compression-tension testing......... 81 Figure 3-7 Schematic side view of the specimen with anti-buckling device and high pressure clam p s................................................................................................................. 81 Figure 3-8 Experimental results: engineering stress-strain curves as obtained from uniaxial tension-com pression experim ents................................................................................. 83 Figure 3-9 Experimental results: force-displacement curves as obtained from notched com pression-tension experim ents................................................................................. 83 - 16- Figure 3-10 Illustration of the work hardening stagnation model in the plastic strain space. The sequence shows (a) the initial values, (b) the evolution during monotonic loading, (c) the point of loading reversal, (d) the transient stagnation after loading reversal, and (e)-(f) the evolution after stagnation........................................................................................ 89 Figure 3-11 Comparison of CCY model (solid lines) and experiments (solid dots) for (a) uniaxial tension-compression (UTC), and (b)-(f) notched compression-tension (NCT); the Chaboche model predictions are depicted as dashed lines. ........................................... 98 Figure 3-12 Thickness profiles at the instant of inset of fracture as measured experimentally (solid dots) and extracted from numerical simulation (CCY=solid lines, Chaboche=dashed line) after pre-compression up to a surface strain of (a) 0. (b) 0.08, and (c) 0.12; note that the results are shown for specimens extracted from a different batch of DP780 sheets. 100 Figure 3-13 Results from monotonic experiments: (a) notched tension (NT6), (b) tension with a central hole (CH), and (c) butterfly specimen (SH); solid dots = experiments, solid lines = CCY model, dashed lines = Chaboche model; the contour plots show the distribution of the equivalent plastic strain at the instant of fracture initiation. ............. 102 Figure 3-14 (a) Equiv. plastic strain distribution in the longitudinal specimen cross-section, and (b) thickness distribution at the instant of fracture initiation................................... 105 Figure 3-15 Detailed analysis of the NCT-13 results: (a) force-displacement curve and local surface strain; Evolutions of (b) the CCY hardening terms: isotropic hardening resistance (solid line), axial component of the back stress tensors (dashed line) and (dotted line), (c) the von Mises stress, (d) the thickness profiles, and (e) the stress triaxiality; the dashed line in (e) depicts the Chaboche model prediction; the labels (, 4, ® and ®indicate the point of load reversal, onset of stagnation (also maximum load in tension), end of stagnation, and onset of fracture..................................................................................... 107 Figure 3-16 Loading paths to fracture as extracted from finite element simulations of all fracture experiments up to the instant of fracture initiation (end point of solid lines); the Hosford-Coulomb fracture initiation model predictions are shown as solid dots. ......... 109 - -17 Figure 3-17 Strain to fracture for proportional loading as a function of the Lode angle param eter and the stress triaxiality................................................................................. 110 Figure 3-18 evolution of the damage indicator at the location of fracture initiation in com pression-tension experim ents................................................................................... 111 Figure 3-19 Strain to fracture after compression-tension loading of NCT specimens as a function of the equivalent plastic strain at the point of loading direction reversal; the star symbols present the hybrid experimental-numerical results, the solid dots care model p red ictio n s....................................................................................................................... 1 12 Figure 3-20 Net fracture strain after compression-tension loading of NCT specimens as a function of the equivalent plastic strain at the point of loading direction reversal; the star symbols present the hybrid experimental-numerical results, the solid dots care model pred ictio n s....................................................................................................................... 1 13 Figure 4-1 Representation of the Hosford-Coulomb criterion for a power law material with plane stress condition in the following spaces (a) first and second in-plane stress components (b) Haigh-Westergaard (c) mixed stress-strain (d) mixed hardening rate-stress. The initial Von Mises yield envelope (solid black line), the subsequent Von Mises isocontours (black dotted line) and Hosford-Coulomb fracture locus (solid blue line) are sh o wn .............................................................................................................................. 13 0 Figure 4-2 Effect of plasticity on the prediction of fracture under reverse loading for the Hosford-Coulomb model as a function of the choice of critical quantity at fracture..... 133 Figure 4-3 Schematic of the dual actuator system .......................................................... 137 Figure 4-4 Geometry of the Mohr-Oswald specimen..................................................... 138 Figure 4-5 Comparaison of the stress-strain response of DP780 under loading reversal after 10% equivalent plastic strain for shear reversal (solid line) and tension followed by com pression (dotted line) ............................................................................................... 139 Figure 4-6 Geometry of the Dunand-Mohr butterfly specimen...................................... 140 18 - - Figure 4-7 Effect of model parameters for reverse loading: (a) parameter 7" (b) parameter C p (c) param eter h (d) param eter yp. ............................................................................... 144 Figure 4-8 Comparison of the Von Mises stress to equivalent plastic strain after loading reversal for experimental data (black dotted line) and the prediction of the model after calibration (red solid line) for (a) Shear reversal on DP590 (b) Tension compression on D P 7 8 0 . ............................................................................................................................ 14 6 Figure 4-9 Comparison of the experimental (dotted line) and predicted (solid line) load displacement response for (a) monotonic shear (b) shear reversal after 25% equivalent plastic strain (c) shear reversal after 50% equivalent plastic strain................................ 147 Figure 4-10 Comparison of the experimental measurements (dotted line) and the model prediction (solid line) for load-displacement (black) and local surface strain (blue) for (a) CTR_0 (b) CTR_05 (c) CTR_10 (d) CTR_15 (e) CTR_20. .......................................... 148 Figure 4-11 Calibration of the critical Hardening rate H-C model using the monotonic data for (a) D P590 (b) D P780................................................................................................. 150 Figure 4-12 Prediction of the onset of fracture (dots) using the critical hardening rate model and loading paths to fracture (solid lines) for (a) compression followed by tension experiments on DP780 (b) Shear reversal experiments on DP590................................. 151 Figure 5-1 Comparison of the experimental load-displacement (dashed lines) with the numerical prediction (red line) using the plasticity model calibrated in chapter 4 for DP590 on orthogonal tests (a) notched tension at 90 degrees with respect to a 5% tensile pre-strain (b) shear to 50% equivalent plastic strain followed by plane strain tension to fracture. 158 Figure 5-2 Comparison of (b) the crack during experimental three point bending of a martensitic hat-shaped profile with (a) the crack predicted by FEA using a linear damage indicator and (c) the crack predicted by FEA using the non-linear damage indicator. .. 159 - -19 List of Tables Table 2-1 Lankford R atios ............................................................................................ 60 Table 2-2 Dual steel hardening law parameters............................................................ 66 Table 3-1 Plasticity model parameters for the Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) model and the C haboche m odel................................................................................................ 96 Table 3-2 Net fracture strain (equivalent plastic strain at fracture minus compressive prestrain) as a function of the compressive pre-strain. ........................................................ 113 Table 4-1 Sum m ary of all experim ents........................................................................... 142 T able 4-2 L ankford R atios.............................................................................................. 143 Table 4-3 Sw ift-V oce Law param eters........................................................................... 143 Table 4-4 Reverse Loading Hardening Parameters ........................................................ 145 Table 4-5 Fracture Param eters........................................................................................ 149 -20- - Chapter 1: Introduction - 21 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Ductile Fracture The Gurson type of models (Gurson, 1977) have received considerable attention over the past three decades because of their sound micromechanical basis and ability to predict fracture across many applications. These models are inspired by McClintock, and propose the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids as the main mechanism leading to fracture. Gurson models, or shear-modified Gurson models, are highly relevant for a material response considered across a wide range of triaxialities. Instead, the stress state in sheet materials is usually close to plane stress and hence the void growth driving stress triaxiality does not exceed a value of 0.67. Even inside a localized neck, where three-dimensional stress states develop, the stress triaxiality seldom exceeds values of 0.7. Consequently, there is limited void growth in a statistically homogeneous sense in sheet specimens. This conclusion is supported by experimental observations for pure copper (Ghahremaninezhad and Ravi-Chandar, 2011), nodal cast iron (Ghahremaninezhad and Ravi-Chandar, 2012a) and aluminum 6061-T6 (Ghahremaninezhad and Ravi-Chandar, 2012b). Void growth is important after the onset of shear localization (e.g. Tekoglu, 2012). This may be concluded from micrographs of fracture surfaces, which show the dimple signature of voids growth and coalescence. Gurson models were initially developed for plasticity with success. However, there is growing evidence that the plastic response of sheet materials in terms of stress strain relation for proportional loading can be predicted with reasonable accuracy up to the point of shear localization simply by the isotropic growth of a yield surface, provided a suitable identification method of the hardening law (e.g. Dunand and Mohr, 2010, Dunand et al., 2011). Gurson models are often adapted to fracture prediction by proposing that coalescence of voids dramatically accelerates at a critical porosity leading to imminent fracture initiation. However, recent experimental evidence regarding ductile fracture at low stress triaxialities (Barsoum and Faleskog, 2007, Mohr and Henn, 2007, Dunand and Mohr, 2011 a) is partially not in good agreement with the trends predicted by conventional Gurson models. - 22 - Chapter 1: Introduction An alternative approach to predicting fracture with Gurson models is to assume that ductile fracture occurs when the governing field equations lose ellipticity. This assumption goes back to Rice's shear localization analysis (Rice, 1976), and has been explored extensively thereafter (e.g. Needleman and Tvergaard, 1992). Recent examples in the context of Gurson models are the works by Nahshon and Hutchinson (2008), as well as those by Danas and Ponte Castaneda (2012). Nahshon and Hutchinson (2008) added a shear term to the void volume evolution law of the GTN model (Tvergaard and Needleman, 1984), and demonstrated the importance of this modification in their predictions of shear localization. Danas and Ponte Castaneda (2012) used non-linear homogenization to come up with a Gurson-type of model that accounts for void shape changes (that are characteristic for shear loading). Their analysis of the loss of ellipticity at low stress triaxialities also led to predictions that are very different from those of the traditional Gurson model. However, unless the propagation of cracks is to be modeled, the modeling of the post shear localization behavior is only of little interest in engineering applications, such as sheet metal forming and crashworthiness, because the width of shear bands is typically of the size of a few grains. Instead, it is reasonable to assume that the onset of ductile fracture coincides with the onset of shear localization. As the results from Nahshon and Hutchinson (2008), and Danas and Ponte Castaneda (2012), show, the predictions of the loss of ellipticity are material imperfection sensitive which includes unavoidable inaccuracies in the plasticity model formulation. Damage indicator models were introduced as an attempt to predict the onset of shear localization (and hence fracture in an engineering sense) at low computational cost. This indicator is a dimensionless scalar variable that evolves as a function of the stress state and plastic deformation. It is initially zero while fracture is assumed to occur as it reaches a defined critical value. Bao and Wierzbicki (2004) provide a comprehensive overview on different stress-state dependent damage indicator models, including weighting functions, based on the work of McClintock (1968), Rice and Tracey (1969), LeRoy et al. (1981), Cockcroft and Latham (1968), Oh et al. (1979), Brozzo et al. (1972), and Clift et al. (1990). The choice of the stress-state weighting function is critical in damage indicator models. Bai and Wierzbicki (2008) developed the so-called Modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) - Chapter 1: Introduction - 23 model, which is based on a stress-state dependent weighting function that has been derived from the Mohr-Coulomb failure model in stress space. The MMC model has been successfully applied in predicting fracture of aluminum 6061-T6 (Beese et al., 2010) and advanced high strength steels (e.g. Li et al, 2010, Luo and Wierzbicki, 2010, Dunand and Mohr, 2011 a). In chapter 2 of this thesis, we propose a limiting envelope in the stress space to indicate the onset of localization for proportional loading. A weighting function is derived so that the damage indicator approach is mathematically equivalent for proportional loading. The model gives good results for proportional and close to proportional loading tests. However, it is shown in chapter 3 that further enhancements are necessary for highly non-linear loading paths. A concerning limitation of such models is that there is no evidence that the damage indicator quantifies a specific physical mechanism. Rather than investing efforts in refining empirically such damage indicators, it is worth considering that other quantities beyond the stress or strain may be the main relevant physical measure of the initiation of localization. Models such as the HosfordCoulomb model may be transformed in order to remain accurate for proportional loading while becoming relevant for non-linear loading conditions. 1.2 Plasticity for Complex Loading Predicting the onset of ductile fracture has been an active field of research for more than 50 years. In particular, the fracture initiation after monotonic proportional loading paths has been investigated intensively (e.g. Brunig et al. (2008), Bai and Wierzbicki (2008, 2010), Sun et al. (2009), Li et al. (2011), Gruben et al. (2011), Chung et al. (2011), Lecarme et al. (2011), Khan and Liu (2012), Luo et al. (2012), Huespe et al. (2012), Malcher et al. (2012), Lou et al. (2014)). In industrial practice, in particular during sheet metal forming, ductile fracture often initiates after complex non-proportional loading histories. Among these, reverse loading is an important non-proportional loading condition, which prevails for instance when a sheet is bent and unbent as it is drawn over a die radius. Simulating the mechanical response of ductile materials up to the point of fracture initiation requires the accurate modeling and identification of the hardening behavior of - 24 - Chapter 1: Introduction the material at large strains. Many plasticity models for reverse loading have been developed for life-cycle analysis. As a result, most experimental procedures are designed for characterizing the small strain response only. One of few exceptions are the reverse shear experiments of Barlat et al. (2003) on 3mm thick 1050-0 aluminum sheets. Using wide shear specimens with a narrow gage section of reduced thickness, they achieved shear strains of up to 0.22 prior to loading direction reversal. Yoshida et al. (2002) presented an experimental study on the kinematic hardening response of sheet materials involving a finite strain compression phase. They bonded several flat specimens together and inserted the stack of specimens in an anti-buckling device during testing. Other examples of the use of anti-buckling devices for testing sheet materials under in-plane compression can be found in Dietrich and Turski (1978), Kuwabara (1995), Yoshida et al (2002), Boger et al (2005), Cao et al (2009) and Beese and Mohr (2011). The large strain compression-tension experiments by Yoshida (2002) show that DP steels feature a Bauschinger effect, transient behavior, permanent softening and work hardening stagnation. Recall that the Bauschingereffect corresponds to an early yield after load reversal (Figs. 1-lb and 1-Id); transientbehavior corresponds to a high hardening rate in the elasto-plastic transition regime resulting from load reversal (Fig. 1-Id); permanent softening prevails when the stress level after loading reversal remains below that for monotonic loading for the same equivalent plastic strain (Fig. 1-lb); work hardening stagnation causes a significantly reduced hardening rate after the transient hardening regime (Fig. 1-1c). - Chapter 1: Introduction - 25 "ZU, 1000- Permanent Softening 1000- C- Isotropic Hardening 800- $- 800 Bauschinger effect 0 600 600- 0 0 400- 400 200 200 iI I 0.1 0.3 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0 0.4 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0.4 (b) (a) 1200 ' 0.. 1000 11000 0- 800 800 600 0 > ( & 600 Workhardening Stagnation 400 400 0 > 200 I OL ______________ 0.1 0.2 0.3 Equivalent Plastic Strain (c) Bauschinger effect 0.4 200 ,n ''0 Transient Behavior 0.1 0.2 0.3 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0.4 (d) Figure 1-1 Comparisonofthe von Mises stress versus equivalentplastic straincurvefor monotonic loading with that after loading reversal at a strain of 0.1 to illustrate different hardeningmodel assumptions: (a) isotropic hardening, (b) permanent softening, (c) work hardeningstagnation, (d) transient behavior. Detailed reviews of kinematic hardening models are found in Chaboche (2008), and Eggertsen and Mattiasson (2009, 2010, 2011). Prager (1956) type of kinematic hardening, also referred to as linear kinematic hardening, describes both the Bauschinger effect and - 26 - Chapter 1: Introduction permanent softening. The main shortcoming of this model is the intrinsic coupling of both effects, i.e. a material exhibiting a Bauschinger effect without any permanent softening cannot be described with Prager's model. Furthermore, it describes neither transient behavior nor work hardening stagnation. Also, this type of hardening is unbounded and results in a persistent and often unrealistic rate of hardening at large strains. The Armstrong-Frederick (1966) kinematic hardening rule, also referred to as non-linear kinematic hardeningmodel, describes the Bauschinger effect and transient behavior. The governing differential equation includes a recall term which activates the so-called dynamic-recovery. The recall term is co-linear to the back stress tensor and is proportional to the increment in equivalent plastic strain. As a result, the evolution of the back stress is no longer linear and unbounded, and converges towards a saturation value under monotonic loading. Two parameters are used: one to control the Bauschinger effect and one for the transient behavior. However, the Armstrong-Frederick model describes neither permanent softening nor work hardening stagnation. For improved approximations, several non-linear kinematics hardening models can be added with different recall constants characterizing the back stress evolution (Chaboche et al., 1979; Chaboche and Rousselier, 1983). These models give good predictions in the case of cyclic loading in the range of small strains, as they are able to describe the Bauschinger effect with great accuracy. The special case of coupling linear kinematic hardening with non-linear kinematic hardening provides good predictions in the case of moderate and large strains, as it describes the permanent softening behavior during reverse deformation, especially with advanced high strength steels free from work hardening stagnation (Yoshida et al., 2002). However, the permanent softening effect is only represented through the linear kinematic term. As a result, an increase of the amount of permanent softening in the model always results in an increase in the strain hardening at large strains. Mroz (1967) proposed a multi-surface model framework to describe strain hardening. This idea was developed further by Dafalias and Popov (1976) by making use of a bounding surface in addition to the yield surface, with the distance between these two evolving surfaces defining the rate of strain hardening. Chaboche (2008) argues that a model featuring a combination of linear and non-linear kinematic hardening terms, in addition to isotropic hardening, can replicate the performance of a Dafalias-Popov type of - Chapter 1: Introduction - 27 model. However, one advantage of the Dafalias-Popov type of formulations is that the material response to monotonic loading can be identified independently from its response to reverse loading. The Dafalias-Popov model has been developed further by Geng and Wagoner (2000) to account for permanent softening. Yoshida and Uemori (2002) enriched the model even further and incorporated work-hardening stagnation. To the best of the authors' knowledge, experimental results on the effect of loading direction reversal on the strain to fracture are scarce and only found for bulk materials in the open literature. Bao and Treitler (2004) performed reverse loading experiments on notched axisymmetric bar aluminum 2024-T351 specimens with compression followed by tension all the way to fracture. They observed a substantial increase in ductility due to precompression. Papasidero et al. (2014) made use of a biaxial testing machine to subject tubular fracture specimens to non-proportional loading. Their results also demonstrated that pre-compressing aluminum 2024-T351 increases the strain to fracture for subsequent loading at higher stress triaxialities. 1.3 Strain path dependency of FLD and fracture toughness The effect of complex loading histories has been studied for several failures modes of materials. Surprisingly, the literature is scarce regarding ductile fracture. In many situations in forming applications, localization of deformations in the thickness of the sheet occurs prior to ductile fracture. Necking being considered itself a mode of failure, it is often predicted using the Forming Limit Diagram, since it cannot be predicted with shell elements. It is well known in the literature that the FLD varies under non-linear loading histories (Muschenborn and Sonne, 1975; Graf and Hosford, 1994; Stoughton, 2000; Stoughton and Zhu, 2004). The dependence of the FLD on the strain path has been a very active field of research for decades. (Marciniak and Kuczynski, 1967; Cao et al., 2000; Chow et al., 2001). Interestingly, Stoughton (2000) suggested that the FLD is not path dependent when converted to a limit in the stress space. The effect of pre-strain has also been studied for fracture toughness. Enami (2005) studied the reduction of ductility to cleavage cracks in the case of pre-compression. Eikrem (2008) studied the crack resistance curve using single edge notched tension (SENT) specimens. - 28 - Chapter 1: Introduction He suggests that in the case of crack after cyclic loading, comparing symmetric and asymmetric cycles, the amount of compression plays a significant role in the fracture toughness. All studies suggest that the hardening exponent n plays a role, although the trends are not in agreement. Eikrem claims that, "It is known that plastic deformation will not only modify the yield and strain hardening behavior, but will also influence in a detrimental manner the local failure mechanisms, the initiation toughness and fatigue properties". 1.4 1.4.1 Examples of non-linear loading paths Crash Bai (2006) showed analytically and numerically that there exists strain reversal in the case of prismatic square aluminum tubes subjected to crash loading. The study suggests that loading histories play a significant role in fracture initiation depending on the wall thickness and experimental location of fracture. Recently, Pack and Marcadet studied the three point bending of a hot formed martensitic hat section. Using conventional damage accumulation indicator with effect of stress state, the location of crack initiation is wrongly predicted. Two points have competing fracture. Point (2) is mostly under plane strain tension, while point (1) undergoes plane strain compression followed by plane strain tension (Fig. 1-2). The complex loading of point (1) is due to the folding followed by unfolding during the indentation process of the structure by the punch. A numerical simulation using isotropic hardening plasticity and a linear damage accumulation rule function of the stress state predicts fracture at point (1), while experimental fracture occurs at point (2) (Fig 1-3). This suggests that the ductility of point (1) is underestimated by the model. Therefore, it appears that there is a need to understand better the effect of complex loading histories of material ductility. - Chapter 1: Introduction - 29 1.2 1 0.8 1& 0.6 S0.4 I -0 0.2 ni -0.66 -0.33 0 0.33 0.66 Triaxiality Figure 1-2 Loading Paths at points (1) and (2) during the three point bending of the hat-shaped profile Figure 1-3 Comparison of the fracture observed during experimental three point bending of a martensitichat-shapedprofile with the numericalprediction using isotropic hardeningand linear damage accumulation indicator. 1.4.2 CombinedForming and Crash In another attempt to understand the effect of loading histories on ductile fracture, three point bending tests of a cold formed hat-shaped profile made in DP980 were performed. Numerical simulations of the process using several modeling approaches were considered. One approach consisted in considering the material as virgin after the forming process. It - 30 - Chapter 1: Introduction has been found that the damage indicator fails to predict the fracture that was observed experimentally. This error can be attributed to the fact that the remaining hardening capacity of the material after forming is overestimated by this approach, and that damage accumulated during forming was not taken into account. When simulating the multi-step process from forming to crash with isotropic hardening plasticity and linear damage accumulation rule, the fracture is predicted too early. Once again, this suggests that the ductility of the material increases when loaded along complex histories. 1.5 Complex Loading on Bulk Material Johnson and Cook (1985) found early evidence that the prediction of ductile fracture with damage indicators would be challenged under complex loading. They performed torsion followed by tension of OHFC copper, and found that the ductility was underestimated for such loading conditions. Tai (1990) proposed an interesting experimental way to perform two stage loading on round bars. The purpose is to investigate the effect of a change of triaxiality during loading on the ductility of the material. In the first stage, round bars with a notch of a certain radius Ri are loaded under tension. As a consequence, the stress state in the center of the specimen has a certain triaxiality l1. The test is then interrupted somewhere along the loading. A new radius R2 is machined on the specimen before placed back in the testing machine to resume loading up to fracture. Because of the change in notch radius, the material is then loaded with a different triaxiality 112. The Lode angle parameter remains constant in such a test due to the axisymmetry of the specimens. The work by Bao and Treitler is a rare example of an investigation of the effect of compression followed by tension on the ductility of a 2024-T351 aluminum alloy. Round bars with different notch radii are first loaded under compression. The loading is then reversed to tension up to fracture. In this case, both the Lode angle parameter and the triaxiality change sign during reversal. It was concluded from this study that the loading reversal decreased the ductility of the aluminum. - Chapter 1: Introduction - 31 Bai revisited such experimental methods in his PhD thesis. He also introduced complex loading history tests on butterfly specimens with thickness reduction in the gage section. Shear followed by tension is a similar loading sequence to torsion followed by tension. Compression followed by tension was also performed. Finally, he was able to perform some reverse shear tests. All tests suggest that there is a ductility increase with loading complexity. He proposed an empirical damage indicator to fit the data. Papasidero and Mohr (2014) introduced an innovative experimental method to test bulk materials under a combination of torsion and tension using round tubes with thickness reduction. In particular, they performed torsion followed by tension tests. It was shown that a non-linear damage indicator could predict the effect of loading complexity on the ductility of aluminum. 1.6 Particularities of Sheet Metal In order to investigate the behavior of material under reverse loading, new testing programs have to be developed. Different types of tests are used to identify the plastic response of the material and to measure the loading paths to fracture under specific stress state. A main challenge of sheet metal is the occurrence of localized necking, the concentration of deformations through the thickness of the sheet. In figure 1-4, the load-displacement response is compared for bulk aluminum and DP780 sheet metal in reverse loading. While almost no necking is observed on bulk, DP780 sheets feature a very important phase of deformations after necking. Uniaxial specimens are not suitable for measuring the behavior of the material after maximum load. The load-displacement relation after maximum load is not experimentally repeatable. The statistical spread may be attributed to imperfections in the experimental set-up (alignment) and material imperfections (inclusions) that trigger the instability leading to localization. Therefore, identifying the hardening curve at large strains using an inverse method with FEA cannot be performed on a dogbone specimen because there is not a right choice of the response after necking. In case of tension after compression, due to the effect of loading reversal on the plastic behavior, necking occurs - 32 - Chapter 1: Introduction very early (Fig. 1-5). To the knowledge of the author, the plastic behavior of sheet metal after reverse loading has never before been identified all the way to fracture. 100 W0 fj0 40 U. 20 -40 -ABAQUJ 0 15 1 Displacement (mm) (a) 10 5 0 -j 0 -C - r0 -NCT-3 -5 - NCT-3 - NCT-13 -10 -2 1 0 -1 Displacement [mm] (b) Figure 1-4 Comparison between load-displacement curves under compression-tensionfor (a) roundbars of aluminum (b) flat specimens of DP780 sheets. - Chapter 1: Introduction - 33 1000500 - I / (2I ________ -1 1 .gW ----- Reverse loading 2 ------ Reverse loading 3 0-500-1000- -0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 Strain (a) 1000 600 400 LU 0 C 200 0 -200 a) 'U 400 -600 -800 -1000 -0.1 0 -0.05 0.05 0.1 0.15 Engineering Strain (b) Figure1-5 Comparisonbetween stress-straincurves under compression-tensionfor(a) roundbars of aluminum (b) flat specimens of DP780 sheets - 34 - Chapter 1: Introduction 1.7 Thesis Outline The Thesis is decomposed in seven chapters. Each chapter, apart from Chapter 1 and Chapter 5, addresses one specific topic and corresponds to a peer-reviewed journal publication. The first chapter is a general introduction to the topic and motivations of the thesis. Previous work related to the field is briefly reviewed. The general organization of the thesis is outlined. The starting point of the original research part of this thesis is a second chapter on the development of a micromechanically-motivated ductile fracture initiation model for metals for proportional loading. Its formulation is based on the assumption that the onset of fracture is imminent with the formation of a primary or secondary band of localization. Motivated by the results from a thorough unit cell analysis, it is assumed that fracture initiates after proportional loading if the linear combination of the Hosford equivalent stress and the normal stress acting on the plane of maximum shear reaches a critical value. A comprehensive fracture initiation model is then obtained after transforming the localization criterion from stress space to the space of equivalent plastic strain, stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter using the material's isotropic hardening law. Experimental results are presented for three different advanced high strength steels. For each material, the onset of fracture is characterized for five distinct stress states, including butterfly shear, notched tension, tension with a central hole and punch experiments. The comparison of model predictions with the experimental results demonstrates that the proposed Hosford-Coulomb model can predict the instant of ductile fracture initiation in advanced high strength steels with satisfactory accuracy. In a third chapter, experimental methods are developed to perform compression-tension experiments. In addition, a finite strain constitutive model is proposed, combining a SwiftVoce isotropic hardening law with two Frederick-Armstrong kinematic hardening rules and a Yoshida-Uemori type of hardening stagnation approach. The plasticity model parameters are identified from uniaxial tension-compression stress-strain curve measurements and finite element simulations of compression-tension experiments on - Chapter 1: Introduction - 35 notched specimens. The model predictions are validated through comparison with experimentally-measured load-displacement curves up to the onset of fracture, local surface strain measurements and longitudinal thickness profiles. The extracted loading paths to fracture show a significant increase in ductility as a function of the compressive pre-strain. The Hosford-Coulomb model is therefore integrated into a non-linear damage indicator modeling framework to provide a phenomenological description of the experimental results for monotonic and reverse loading. The chapter 4 presents another extension of the modeling framework inspired by the results from loss of ellipticity analysis. It is demonstrated that the Hosford-Coulomb model can also be expressed in terms of a stress-state dependent critical hardening rate. Moreover, it is shown that the critical hardening rate approach provides accurate predictions of the instant of fracture initiation for both proportional and non-proportional loading conditions. Enhancements of the finite strain constitutive model are also proposed to enable a fast identification of all model parameters. The plasticity model parameters are identified from stress-strain curve measurements from shear loading reversal on specimens with a uniform thickness reduced gage section. The model is used to estimate the local strain and stress fields in fracture experiments after shear reversal. The extracted loading paths to fracture show a significant increase in ductility as a function of the strain at shear reversal, a feature that is readily predicted by the proposed critical hardening rate model. In chapter 5, the main findings of the thesis are summarized. Some ongoing work is described and potential directions for further research are discussed. - 36 - Chapter 1: Introduction - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 37 Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture A phenomenological ductile fracture initiation model for metals is developed for predictingductile fracture in industrialpractice. Itsformulation is basedon the assumption that the onset offracture is imminent with the formation of a primary or secondary band of localization. The resultsfrom a unit cell analysis on a Levy-von Mises material with spherical defects revealed that a Mohr-Coulomb type of model is suitable for predicting the onset of shear and normal localization. To improve the agreement of the model predictions with experimental results, an extended Mohr-Coulomb criterion is proposed which makes use of the Hosford equivalent stress in combination with the normal stress acting on the plane of maximum shear. A fracture initiation model is obtained by transformingthe localizationcriterionfrom stress space to the space of equivalent plastic strain, stress triaxialityandLode angleparameterusing the material'sisotropichardening law. Experimental results are presentedfor three different advanced high strength steels. For each material, the onset of fracture is characterizedfor five distinct stress states including butterfly shear, notched tension, tension with a central hole and punch experiments. The comparison of model predictions with the experimental results demonstrates that the proposedHosford-Coulomb model can predict the instant of ductile fracture initiation in advanced high strength steels with good accuracy. - 38 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture 2.1 Introduction Ductile fracture is a well-known physical process that leads to the formation of cracks in metals due to the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids. In cases where macroscopic localization precedes void coalescence, the ductile fracture process may be described as follows: as the material deforms plastically, pre-existing (primary) voids evolve and new ones nucleate (stage in Fig. 2-1). Due to the increase in porosity and the decrease in macroscopic strain hardening, the conditions for a discontinuity in the macroscopic strain field along a planar interface may be met. The result is the formation of a primary band of localization at the mesoscale (stage @ in Fig. 2-1). As stated by Pardoen and Hutchinson (2000) with reference to Tvergaard (1981), the width of a primary localization band is expected to be of the order of the inter-void spacing. Subsequently, the material inside the band experiences accelerated void growth and nucleation (stage @ in Fig. 2-1). As a result, the porosity and/or the number of voids within the band increase sharply and the mechanical fields around individual primary voids begin to interact. The nucleation of secondary voids (which are often several orders of magnitude smaller than primary voids) is also possible at this stage. The final coalescence phase sets in when the deformation begins to localize within secondary bands of localization at the microscale (stage in Fig. 2-1). In other words, inside the primary localization band, there is a transition from diffuse to localized plastic flow, which ultimately leads to primary void coalescence and the formation of cracks through internal necking or void sheet fracture of the ligaments between primary voids (stages ® and 0 in Fig. 2-1). As discussed by Tekoglu et al. (2015), polycrystalline materials may also fail due to (i) localized plastic flow only (e.g. necking up to zero cross-sectional area), (ii) localization of plastic flow after damage-free deformation, followed by void growth and nucleation inside the primary band of localization, and (iii) direct coalescence (secondary localization) without any prior occurrence of primary localization. - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 39 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 o 0 0 0 0 o o0 0 00 0 o0 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* - 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 S0 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 0L 0 0 0 0 00 2 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 . 0 (a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 00A 4 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0a 0 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0t 0 (b) Figure 2-1 Eulerian illustration of the ductile fracture process with coalescence through (a) internal necking, and (b) void sheet fracture. The mesoscopic primary band of localization is highlightedin gray color, the microscopic secondary band of localization is highlightedin red Research on ductile fracture has addressed several aspects of the ductile fracture process. A wealth of literature deals with porous plasticity, i.e. the effective large deformation behavior of mildly porous metals (e.g. Gurson, 1977, Tvergaard, 1981, Mear and Hutchinson, 1985, Gologanu et al., 1993, Leblond et al., 1995, Benzerga and Besson, 2001, Molinari and Mercier, 2001, Monchiet et al., 2008, Nahshon and Hutchinson, 2008 and Danas and Ponte Castafteda, 2012). The formation of primary bands of localization is expected to come out naturally when solving boundary value problems with accurate porous plasticity models. In other words, there is no need to introduce any localization criterion. However, the computation of the stress and strain fields after the initiation of localization bands is challenging due to the associated loss of ellipticity of the governing field equations. The use of non-local formulations (e.g. gradient plasticity) appears to be - 40 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture necessary to regularize the mathematical problem in the post localization regime (e.g. Anand et al. (2012)). As an alternative to using highly accurate porous plasticity models, the formation of primary bands of localization can also be predicted using conventional non-porous plasticity models in conjunction with localization criteria. This approach is motivated by the fact that non-porous plasticity models provide an excellent approximation of the multiaxial stress-strain response of metals up to the point of localization (e.g. Dunand and Mohr, 2011 a and Dunand and Mohr, 2011 b). Furthermore, from an engineering perspective, the formation of a primary band of localization is considered as the onset of fracture. Accordingly the engineering literature does not differentiate between fracture initiation models and criteria predicting the formation of primary bands of localization. Localization analysis with porous plasticity models provides valuable insight into the effect of stress state on the formation of primary bands of localization (e.g. Rudnicki and Rice, 1975 and Rice, 1977). Recent examples are the localization analysis with a band-like defect in a shear-sensitive Gurson solid (Nahshon and Hutchinson, 2008), and the investigation of the loss of ellipticity and peak load by Danas and Ponte Castafteda (2012) using a homogenization-based porous plasticity model. The main limitation today is the accuracy of the advanced porous plasticity models. The above models are able to capture first order effects, but to the best of the authors' knowledge, the above localization estimates have not yet been utilized to predict the onset of localization in real structures. Multi-axial experiments provide the only viable alternative to computational localization analysis (e.g. Hancock and Mackenzie, 1976, Mohr and Henn, 2007 and Haltom et al., 2013). Here, the main challenge is the analysis of heterogeneous mechanical fields due to the localization at the structural level (localized necking) which often precedes the formation of nrimary bands of localization. In particular, the highest strains within a specimen are often reached below the specimen surface. Except for rare cases where - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 41 tomography-based 3D digital image correlation is possible (e.g. Morgeneyer et al. (in press)), the strains can only be estimated through statistical analysis of grain deformation in micrographs (e.g. Ghahremaninezhad and Ravi-Chandar (2012)) or hybrid experimental-numerical analysis (e.g. Dunand and Mohr (2010)). Bao and Wierzbicki (2004) provide a comprehensive overview on functional relationships between the equivalent plastic strain and the stress state (derived from the works of McClintock, 1968, Rice and Tracey, 1969, LeRoy et al., 1981, Cockcroft and Latham, 1968, Oh et al., 1979, Brozzo et al., 1972 and Clift et al., 1990) that may be interpreted as localization or fracture initiation criteria for proportional loading. To account for the effect of non-proportional loading, the above functions are typically integrated into a damage indicator framework. Early examples of damage indicator models for predicting the onset of fracture are the stress triaxiality dependent model of Johnson and Cook (1985) and the stress triaxiality and Lode parameter dependent model of Wilkins et al. (1980). Recent examples are the modified Mohr-Coulomb model proposed by Bai and Wierzbicki (2010) and a micro-mechanism inspired damage indicator model proposed by Lou et al. (2012) and Lou and Huh (2013). It is worth noting that there is a significant difference between damage indicator models and Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM). In the latter framework, loss in load carrying capacity is modeled through an internal damage variable while the constitutive equations are derived from the first and second principles of thermodynamics for continuous media (e.g. Lemaitre, 1985 and Chaboche, 1988). In particular, in CDM models, the elasto-plastic material response is affected by damage, whereas the plastic response remains unaffected by damage evolution in damage indicator models. Unit cell analyses provide another means for studying the formation of localization bands in metals. Since the pioneering works of Needleman and Tvergaard (e.g. Needleman, 1972 and Tvergaard, 1981), numerous unit cell analyses have been performed considering a wide range of unit cell configurations and loading conditions (Koplik and Needleman, 1988, - 42 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture Brocks et aL., 1995, Needleman and Tvergaard, 1992, Pardoen and Hutchinson, 2000, Barsoum and Faleskog, 2007, Tvergaard, 2008, Tvergaard, 2009, Scheyvaerts et al., 2011, Nielsen et al., 2012, Rahman et al., 2012 and Tekoglu et al., 2012). The most recent studies now consider 3D unit cell models with general 3D boundary conditions (e.g. Barsoum and Faleskog, 2011 and Dunand and Mohr, 2014). All of the above unit cell analyses are performed considering a single void only along with periodic boundary conditions which limits their capability to predicting secondary localization only. Coalescence models have been developed to describe the transition from diffuse plastic flow to localized plastic flow within the inter-void ligament of neighboring primary voids within the mesoscopic band of localization. Simple mechanical models of a periodic array of square cuboidal voids have been used by Thomason, 1968 and Thomason, 1985 to analyze the process of internal necking in an approximate manner, while more advanced models considering spheroidal voids and shear deformation have been developed later (e.g. Benzerga, 2002, Pardoen and Hutchinson, 2000 and Tekoglu et al., 2012). Coalescence models predict the formation of secondary bands of localization. The mechanical system at this stage of the ductile fracture process is characterized by a strong interaction of neighboring voids. Consequently, coalescence criteria incorporate information on void size and spacing. In contrast, the formation of primary bands of localization is the outcome of an instability of the material response at the macroscopic level. In the present work, a phenomenological fracture initiation model is proposed for predicting the onset of ductile fracture in engineering practice. The backbone of the proposed model is a localization criterion for radial loading in terms of the Hosford equivalent stress and the normal stress acting on the plane of maximum shear. Using the isotropic hardening law associated with the material's plastic behavior, the criterion is transformed from principal stress space to the space of equivalent plastic strain, stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter. As a final result, a fracture initiation model is obtained which preserves the underlying physical meaning of the stress-based localization criterion. The results from fracture experiments for five different stress states are presented - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 43 for three different advanced high strength steels (DP590, DP780 and TRIP780). It is shown that the Hosford-Coulomb (HC) fracture initiation model can accurately describe the experimental data for all materials and experiments including pure shear, notched tension and equi-biaxial tension. sill M \ - Planw Si Iy (a) 05 0 - - E CT -0. 5 Sbsii (b) -033 syT eri 0.33 0 Stress triaxiality [-] 067 06 00 - 44 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture Figure2-2 (a) Illustrationof the stress triaxiality q and the Lode angle parameter 9 in principal stress space {j ,IC,11 , O7 }. Selected Lode angle parameter values are only shown for the 600 segment of i7-plane where the principalstresses satisfy the order cr, CTH (Til . For the other five 60' segments, the same labeling applies because of the symmetries of the unorderedprincipal stress space; (b) non-linearrelationshipbetween 9 and irforplane stress. The blue, black and red curves shows the relationshipfor biaxial compression (two negative principal stresses), biaxial tension-compression (one positive and one negative principal stress), and biaxial tension (two positive principal stresses), respectively. Open dots highlight the special cases of cases of a. uniaxialcompression, b. pure shear, c. uniaxialtension, d. plane strain tension, and e. equi-biaxial tension". 2.2 Preliminaries 2.2.1 Descriptionof the stress state The stress state is described by the stress triaxiality and the Lode angle parameter. The stress triaxiality is defined as the ratio of the mean stress u,, and the von Mises stress O, -' (2-1) - ( 117 It may be interpreted as a measure of the ratio of the first and second stress tensor invariants. The Lode angle parameter on the other hand measures the ratio of the third and second stress tensor invariants, - 2 3 S=1 -- arccos --- _ r L 2 __J 3 (2-2) (J2)3/2 According to the above definition, the Lode angle parameter varies between -1 (axisymmetric compression) and 1 (axisymmetric tension). Figure 1 a provides a graphical interpretation of the modified Haigh-Westergaard coordinates {7, 0, b}. For plane stress conditions, the stress space is reduced from 3D to 2D which results in a functional relationship between the Lode angle parameter and the stress triaxiality (Fig. 2-2b). Based coordinates, on the modified Haigh-Westergaard o-, au oft 1. the ordered principal stresses ( - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 45 ) may be reconstructed as a-, =U(7+fi) (2-3) 7(+ f2 (2-4) o-,6= a111 =a (r+ f 3 ) (2-5) with the Lode angle parameter dependent trigonometric functions - Fr 2 f1 [01=-cos - (1-0) 3 16 -[] 2 f2 [9]=-cos 3 - f3 [] 2.2.2 2 = -- 3 r -(3+0) _6 IT cos -(1+) L6 (2-6) (2-7) _ . (2-8) PlasticityModel Before developing the fracture initiation model, we briefly outline the constitutive equations of a non-associated quadratic plasticity model with isotropic hardening. The combination of a von Mises yield surface with a Hill'48 flow rule is chosen as it provides a good approximation of the large deformation response of advanced high strength steels (Mohr et al, 2010). The reader is referred to Stoughton (2002) for the proofs of the uniqueness of the stress distribution, the stability of plastic flow and the uniqueness of the stress and strain state. The von Mises yield surface is expressed as f[a,k]=C--k = 0, (2-9) with k denoting a deformation resistance that controls the size of the elastic domain. The direction of plastic flow is assumed to be aligned with the stress derivative of a flow potential function g[a], - 46 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture dE = dA where d, (2-10) , denotes the plastic strain tensor increment in material coordinates; dA > 0 is a scalar plastic multiplier. The potential function is defined as an anisotropic quadratic function in stress space + G g2[]fih -2(1+ -222 + (1+2G_ +G G12 )o1 1o 33- +G 2 22(G 2 2233 +2G 12 ) 2 2073 3 12122(2-11) +G 33071 +23o-+ 3-1 with the anisotropy coefficients G2, GQ and G33. The above function corresponds to a special case of an orthotropic Hill'48 flow potential function which accounts for the planar anisotropy associated with direction-dependent Lankford ratios. For G22=1, G12= -0.5 and G 33=3, the above potential reduces to the von Mises potential. Isotropic hardening is introduced into the model through the function k = k[iz, ] (2-12) with the equivalent plastic strain defined as work-conjugate to the von Mises equivalent stress, E,= f 2.3 2.3.1 lldA. 0- (2-13) Fracture Initiation Model for Proportional Loading Motivation A fracture initiation model is developed to predict the onset of ductile fracture in a macroscopically defect-free solid. In particular, the goal is to predict the strain to fracture, i.e. the macroscopic equivalent plastic strain that can be achieved before the formation of a primary or secondary band of localization. At the macroscopic level (average material response over several inter-void spacing), there is actually no noticeable difference between the strains at the onset of localization and those at the instant of void coalescence as all deformation localizes within a narrow band between these two events. It is therefore - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 47 assumed that the onset of fracture coincides with the formation of a primary or secondary (whichever occurs first) band of localization. It is emphasized that the modeling of ductile fracture, i.e. the modeling of the propagation of cracks, requires the careful modeling of the conversion of bulk to surface energy and is beyond the scope of the present work. The presence of voids may be neglected when describing the macroscopic elasto-plastic response of sheet metal at low stress triaxialities (e.g. Dunand and Mohr (2011 a)). However, voids play an important role in triggering the onset of localization. Unit cell analyses (e.g. Barsoum and Faleskog (2007)) and stability analyses with advanced porous plasticity models (e.g. Nahshon and Hutchinson (2008)) have demonstrated that shear and normal localization at low stress triaxialities can be predicted when taking the effect of voids (and void shape changes) into account. A mechanism-based model for predicting the onset of ductile fracture would thus require (i) a void nucleation model, (ii) void volume fraction and shape evolution equations, and (iii) a void volume fraction and shape dependent shear/normal localization criterion. In theory, a comprehensive porous plasticity model would satisfy all these requirements since the onset of localization could be predicted by analyzing the loss of ellipticity of the incremental moduli associated with the current state of the material. Both Danas and Ponte Castafieda, 2012 and Nahshon and Hutchinson, 2008 indirectly pursued this approach. However, given the sensitivity of localization analysis to small changes in the constitutive model formulation and the number of approximations necessary during non-linear homogenization (see e.g. Ponte Castafieda (2002)), it is still questionable whether accurate predictions of the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of fracture will be obtained in the near future using a porous plasticity approach. A different approach is pursued here. Instead of predicting the onset of localization by means of an advanced porous plasticity model, we make use of a conventional non-porous plasticity model along with a localization criterion. The localization criterion for proportional loading is transformed from stress space to a mixed stress-strain space, before inserting the resulting functional into a damage indicator model framework to account for the effect of non-proportional loading. 2.3.2 Localization Criterionin Stress Space - 48 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture Dunand and Mohr (2014) subjected a unit cell of a Levy-von Mises material with a central void of 1.2% porosity to combinations of shear and normal loading to determine the macroscopic equivalent plastic strain at the onset of localization as a function of the stress state. They performed this type of analysis for more than 160 different stress states for stress triaxialities ranging from 0 to I and Lode angle parameters ranging from -I to 1. Their results demonstrate that a Mohr-Coulomb criterion, (2-14) 2 . max[rr+cCr]=c provides a reasonable prediction of the onset of localization, with r and o, denoting the shear and normal stress on a plane of normal vector n. In terms of the ordered principal stresses, the Mohr-Coulomb criterion may be rewritten as (2-15) ~~ -, +c(a,+ auj) = b (a, with C= 1 1+c1 and b= 2c2 (2-16) 1+c2 which is fully equivalent to (14). 700 - 600 500 c400 F 300 200 L 100 ' 0 0 1000 500 Normal stress [MPa] 1500 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 49 (a) 15=0.2 /0.4 1.5 CO \ 1 CU *50.5- C- . - il0.6 .-- . -7-=1.0- -1 0 -0.5 =0.8 .- - 0.5 1 Lode angle parameter (b) Figure 2-3 Localization analysis results: (a) Relationship between the shear and normal stress acting on the plane of localization; (b) Macroscopic equivalent plastic strain at the onset Of localization as afunction of Lode angle parameterand stress triaxiality;each dot represents the result from a unit cell analysis for a particularstress state, the solid curves correspond to the predictions of the Mohr-Coulomb model. Note that both plots have been preparedusing the same MC model parameters (friction C, = 0. 13, cohesion c2 = 666MPa). However, the predictions of the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model do not always agree well with results from experiments (where primary localization may also precede coalescence). These deficiencies are partly attributed to the shortcomings of the periodic unit cell model (which can only capture secondary localization). Furthermore, strong simplifying assumptions with regards to the shape and the volume fraction of the defects triggering the localization are expected to play a role. Note that the results of Dunand and Mohr (2014) were obtained assuming the same volume fraction of spherical voids irrespective of the stress state. - 50 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture To improve the agreement of model predictions with experimental data (which will be discussed in Section 6), we construct a simple phenomenological model based on the above micromechanical results. In particular, an extension of the MC criterion is proposed by substituting the Tresca equivalent stress in (2-15) by the Hosford (1972) equivalent stress, uHF+c(jI+ (2-17) oJllY-b with 07 {H (2 7)i +(,> ,H)I~01a >07+ofl c)) 0 II _0HIEa +(01~I _0ja (2-18) And 0<a;2 denoting the Hosford exponentl. The above model is referred to as HosfordCoulomb (HC) model: as postulated by Coulomb (1776), the material's deviatoric strength is decomposed into a cohesion b and a frictional term that is proportional to the normal stress (0-> + o,, ) / 2 acting on the plane of maximum shear. The HC model actually reduces to the MC model for a= 1. However, an important difference between the MC and HC models becomes apparent for biaxial tension (i.e. plane stress states of loading between uniaxial tension and equi-biaxial tension): since the MC model does not dependent on the 07 =0), while the HC model remains sensitive to the biaxial stress ratio o-,, /- 2.3.3 . second principal stress, it reduces to a maximum principal stress criterion (because of Fractureinitiation model in mixed strain-stressspace. Recall that the onset of ductile fracture is considered to be imminent with the formation of a primary or secondary band of localization. The above localization criterion (2-17) is therefore employed to predict the onset of fracture. The results from ductile fracture experiments are typically presented in terms of the equivalent plastic strain, the stress triaxiality and the Lode angle parameter. We transform the localization criterion from the principal stress space {o-r , 1 10-1Jl } to the mixed strain-stress space {7' 0, E,}. Using Eqs. (3), (4) and (5), th- criterinn (2-17) ic first rewritten in the modified stress space {rq,0, 7}, where it takes the form I- Wetergaard .......... IIII II. - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 51 cr = f|[i, b ] (2-19) {(f -2)" +(f 2 f)" +(f1 +c(2i+f, +f) 3 f)") Fig. 2-4a and b illustrate this transformation for plane stress conditions, with the localization criterion shown as a blue envelope. Von Mises stress iso-contours are shown as dotted lines in both figures. Furthermore, we included the trajectories of constant stress state as straight dashed lines. Since the stress point is located on the yield surface when plastic localization initiates, the inverse of the isotropic hardening law (12), -, = k-[a:], may be used to transform the localization criterion from the modified Haigh-Westergaard space to the mixed stress-strain space {r, 0, ,}, (2-20) E'= k-1 [,[N] . In Fig. 2-4, this final transformation corresponds to a non-affine mapping of the ordinate from Fig. 2-4b and c. =.67 . .... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .... . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. V) ... .. .. ............................... Localization 0.58 .............. 4-J 0000 Yield -/= 0 .......... ........ ................ ................................ ....................... First in-plane stress '7=0 A 121- . CL - 52 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture (a) 1200. 1.6 10001.4 Localization : U 1.2 L_ 4800 YieldLocalization (0 .400- 0* LU 0.4 0.2 200 0 -0.33 0.33 0 Stress triaxiality 0.66 0 -0.33 (b) Yieldl 0.33 0 Stress triaxiality 0.66 (c) Figure 2-4 Coordinate transformationfor plane stress conditions: (a) initial von Mises yield envelope (solid black line) with subsequent von Mises stress iso-contours and EMC localization locus (blue line)for proportionalloading; (b) representationofthe same envelopes in the modified Haigh-Westergaardspace, and (c) in the mixed strain-stressspace. 2.3.4 Illustrationof the HC model Fig. 2-5 shows the strain to fracture for proportional loading (2-20) as a function of the stress triaxiality and the Lode angle parameter for different sets of model parameters {a,b,c}. In all graphs, the parameter b has been adjusted such that the strain to fracture for uniaxial tension equals 0.8. For a=1 (Fig. 2-5a), we obtain a representation of the Mohr-Coulomb criterion in the mixed strain-stress space. The strain to fracture is a monotonically decreasing function of the stress triaxiality for c>0 and a convex function of the Lode angle parameter which exhibits a minimum for generalized shear (0 = 0). The characteristic signature of a normal stress dependent criterion is the asymmetry with respect to the Lode angle parameter. Note that the use of the pressure instead - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 53 of the normal stress in (2-17) (e.g. a Drucker-Prager type of criterion) would result in a symmetric Lode angle dependency. For c=O (Fig. 2-5b), the normal stress term is no longer active. Consequently, the - criterion becomes independent of the stress triaxiality and symmetric with respect to the Lode angle parameter (Hosford model). For a=2 (Fig. 2-5c), the Lode angle dependence is only due to the normal stress - term. In the limiting case of a=2 and c=0 (von Mises model), the criterion becomes independent of both the stress triaxiality and the Lode angle parameter which corresponds to a fracture initiation model that depends on the equivalent plastic strain only. A typical HC surface is shown in Fig. 2-5d (a=1.5 and c=0.1). It exhibits the same - stress triaxiality dependence as the MC model, but as the comparison of Fig. 2-5a and d shows, the models sensitivity to the Lode angle parameter can be adjusted. a=1 c=0.1 a=1 c=q 0.81 T05 0.6 0.4- 0.5 0 0 0 0 -0.5 0.66 03 0.5 0.33/7 -0.5 05 0.66 (b) (a) .1=2 = c=0.1 a 2 2-1 0.5 0.5 -0. -0.33 0 0 -0 033 0.5 0.66 0 033 n7 0 -0.5 0 W 0.5 0.66 - 54 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture (d) (c) Figure 2-5 Representation of special cases of the Hosford-Coulomb (HC) model in the modified Haigh-Westergaardspace. The blue lines show the strain tofracturefor plane stress conditions. All 3D plots include a blue curve which highlights the model response for plane stress conditions. As illustrated in Fig. 2-2b, the Lode angle parameter is a non-linear function of the stress triaxiality for plane stress. To shed more light on the effect of the model parameters a and c, we plotted the strain to fracture as a function of the stress triaxiality for plane stress conditions in Fig. 2-6: - The effect of the friction coefficient c on the MC model (a = 1) is shown in Fig. 26a. Note that the curves are in hierarchical order for I < 1/3, i.e. the higher the friction coefficient, the higher the strain to fracture. For q > 1/3 (biaxial tension), the friction coefficient has no effect on the strain to fracture predicted by the MC model. This is due to the fact that the MC model reduces to a maximum principal stress criterion for biaxial tension with only one independent parameter. In case of the HC model (a 1), the model response for biaxial tension can still be adjusted by the Hosford exponent ( Fig. 2-6b) and the friction parameter ( Fig. 2-6c). Note that the ordering of the curves with respect to the friction parameter changes at r=1/3. All curves exhibit an absolute minimum at r=1/ 3 which corresponds to transverse plane strain tension for a Levy-von Mises material ( - o, =0.5o ). Fig. 2-6d shows the criterion for a=2 which includes the special case c=0 (strain to fracture independent of the stress state). - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 55 21.8. 1.6 j 2 1.81.6 1.4 1.2 =O.1 .c a=2 1.4 1.21- a=1.2 0.8 a =1 c=0.35 Sc= 0.2 c = 0.1 0 > 0.8 o0.6 0.40.2-0.33 a=0.8- 0.33 0 Stress triaxiality 0.4 0.2 0.66 a=1 0- 0.33 (b) (a) 1.8. 1.6c = 0. T 1.4 c=0.05 1.2 S1 c=0 0.8 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 o1.2 c = 0.2 0.8 c =0.2 C= c= 0. 1 0.05 =0 a=1.5 0.33 0 0.33 0 Stress triaxiality (c) - Cr-0.6 c0.6 0.4 0.2 -0.33 0.66 0.33 0 Stress triaxiality 0.66 0.4 0.2 "-0.33 a=2| 0.33 0 Stress traxiality 0.66 (d) Figure 2-6 Effect of the parametersof the Extended Mohr-Coulomb (EMC) model on the fracture envelope for plane stress loading. 2.3.5 Comments on Model Extensionfor Non-ProportionalLoading The focus of the present work is on monotonic proportional loading, i.e. loading histories throughout which the stress triaxiality and Lode parameter remain constant up to the point of fracture initiation. A model extension for non-proportional loading is nonetheless included in this paper because of inevitable stress state variations in many fracture experiments (in particular due to necking in the case of sheet materials). - 56 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture When using porous plasticity (e.g. Gurson, 1977, Gologanu et al., 1993, Benzerga and Besson, 2001, Monchiet et al., 2008 and Danas and Ponte Castafieda, 2012) the evolution law for the void volume fraction (and other possible microstructural state variables) is loading path sensitive and failure predictions with microstructurally-informed coalescence criteria (e.g. Thomason, 1985 and Pardoen and Hutchinson, 2000, Benzeraga (2000), Tekoglu et al. (2012)) are then "naturally" loading path dependent. This is a key advantage of the latter over phenomenological fracture criteria which are used in conjunction with non-porous plasticity models that do not feature any loading path dependent damage measure as internal variable such as the void volume fraction in porous plasticity. A first approach to evaluating a phenomenological fracture initiation model for proportional loading based on experimental data with stress state history variations in the plastic range would be to postulate that the model holds true for the average stress state history (e.g. Bai and Wierzbicki (2008)). However, as clearly demonstrated by Benzerga et al. (2012), this approach is in strong contradiction with the results from unit cell coalescence analysis for non-radial loading paths. A second approach would be to apply the stress-based localization criterion (Eq. (2-17)) directly even if the loading path is nonproportional (e.g. Stoughton and Yoon (2011) and Khan and Liu (2012)). This corresponds to assuming that the strain to fracture is independent of the stress state history and depends on the current stress state only. As will be shown in Section 6, our experimental data includes different loading paths which show significantly different fracture strains even though the stress state at the instant of fracture initiation is very similar (see loading paths NT6, NT20 and PU in Fig. 2-11 d). As an alternative, we make use of Fischer's integral extension to evaluate our model for proportional loading based on experimental data with inevitable necking-induced loading path variations. The resulting final integral form of the HC fracture initiation model reads o - -pr[,] =1 (2-21) - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 57 with denoting the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of fracture after loading along a path characterized by the histories 17(e") and O(EP). The assessment of the general validity of this integral approach is deferred to future research as a comprehensive series of non-proportional loading path experiments would needed for this. Here, we can only justify the use of the integral formulation through empirical arguments, i.e. it has been widely used (without any justification) in engineering practice for 30 years (see Johnson and Cook (1985)) and is mathematically similar to the well-established Palmgren-Miner rule in high cycle fatigue (Palmgren, 1924). At the same time, it is noted that the integral extension for non-proportional loading is conceptually problematic as discussed by Benzerga et al. (2012). We therefore emphasize that even though Eq. (2-2 1) depends on the stress-state history during plastic loading, i.e. 7(c P) and 6(P ), it is just introduced as a means to identify the criterion for proportional loading from basic fracture experiments, while it should not be understood as a general recommendation for predicting fracture initiation after non-proportional loading. 2.3.6 Comment on Model Consistency The basis of the proposed fracture initiation model is a shear localization criterion in stress space for proportional loading (Eq. (2-17)). This criterion is transformed from stress space to the mixed strain-stress space using the material's plasticity model. This approach is considered as consistent in the sense that the link with the underlying localization criterion in stress space is preserved. In other words, the final EMC fracture initiation model (Eq. (2-21) features only parameters that are associated with the localization criterion (2-17) in stress space. The derivation of the so-alled modified Mohr-Coulomb (MMC) model (Bai and Wierzbicki, 2010) is mathematically similar to the EMC model, but it is usually used as inconsistentmodel. As opposed to the isotropic hardening law provided by Eq. (2-12), Bai and Wierzbicki (2010) made use of a rather unconventional stress triaxiality and Lode angle dependent hardening rule - 58 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture k= g[ ,O ]h[C,] (2-22) to transform the Mohr-Coulomb criterion from stress space (2-23) to strain space, " -pr[q,0 = h- ' . (2-24) g[ O,] For most engineering materials, the hardening rule does not dependent on the Lode angle or the stress triaxiality. Consequently, g[q,]= 1 must be used in (2-22) to describe the isotropic strain hardening. However, when applying the MMC model, the function g[,0] is not set to unity in Eq. (2-24) even if g[,] =1 is assumed to model strain hardening (e.g. Bai and Wierzbicki (2010), Luo and Wierzbicki (2010), Beese et al. (2010), Dunand and Mohr (2011)). This practice is considered as inconsistent modeling. It is mostly done to obtain a better fit of the model to experimental data. In addition to the two Mohr-Coulomb parameters, the parameters describing the function g[q,O] can be adjusted to improve the predictions of the strain to fracture. The main difference between inconsistent and consistent modeling is that the latter approach preserves the link with the underlying stressbased fracture initiation model. For proportional loading, the application of the EMC model (2-2 1) provides the same result as the direct use of the underlying stress-based criterion (217). In the case of the inconsistent MMC model, the application of Eq. (2-24) does not provide the same result as the Mohr-Coulomb criterion in stress space (Eq. (2-23)). In other words, the link with the original Mohr-Coulomb criterion is lost when using the inconsistent MMC model. Another particular feature of the present work is the use of a non-associated flow rule model to account for the anisotropy in the plastic flow. It is emphasized that the hardening law is relates the von Mises stress to its work-conjugate equivalent plastic strain. As a result, the EMC fracture model (2-21) is an isotropic criterion in both the stress and plastic - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 59 strain space. In other words, the anisotropy of the flow rule does not alter the isotropic response of the fracture model. Fracture Experiments 2.4 We make use of the experimental data for three different advanced high strength steels to calibrate and validate the EMC fracture initiation model. 2.4.1 Materials Two Dual-Phase (DP) steels and one TRIP-assisted steel are considered: " 1.4mm thick DP590 steel sheets from ArcelorMittal " 1.06mm thick DP780 steel sheets from US Steel * 1.43mm thick TRIP780 steel sheets from POSCO The experimental data for the TRIP780 steel is taken from the literature (Dunand and Mohr, 2011 a), while new experimental results are reported here for dual phase steels. 2.4.2 Uniaxial tension experiments Tension experiments are performed on different specimen geometries. Dogbone specimens featuring a 10mm wide gage section are used to characterize the material response for uniaxial tension up the onset of necking. Specimens are extracted along three different sheet directions (rolling, transverse and 45 -direction). All experiments are performed at an axial strain rate of about 10 3 /s . Throughout the experiments, the in-plane displacement fields are monitored using planar Digital Image Correlation (DIC). In particular, the evolution of the width strain is determined as a function of the axial strain using virtual extensometers of about 9mm and 20mm length for the respective directions. After computing the logarithmic plastic strains in the width and thickness directions (assuming plastic incompressibility), the Lankford ratios are determined from the average slopes, - 60 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture r depW_ d,,pth (2-25) Table 1 summarizes the measured Lankford ratios for all three materials and material orientations. The axial true stress versus logarithmic plastic strain curves for the DP steels are shown in Fig. 2-6. As reported by Mohr et al. (2010) for the TRIP780 steel and another DP590 steel, the axial stress-strain curves for different material orientations lie approximately on top of each other which motivates the use of an isotropic yield condition. ro [-] r45 [-] r9o [-] DP590 0.98 0.84 1.13 DP780 0.78 0.96 0.77 TRIP780 0.89 0.82 1.01 Table 2-1 Lankford Ratios 700 600 0- 500 W 400 w 300 - 200 100 0 C 0.05 01 0.15 Logarithmic plastic strain (a) - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 61 800- 400 00 200 0 0 0.08 0.06 0.02 0.04 Logarithmic plastic strain (b) Figure2-7 Measured true stress versus logarithmicplastic strain curve for uniaxial tension along different material directions up to the point of neckingfor (a) DP590, (b) DP780. Note that each graph shows the curves for three different specimen orientations (0', 450 and 90 ), but they lie exactly on top of each other and thus only one curve is visible. In addition to uniaxial tension experiments, tension experiments are performed on specimens with circular cut-outs (notched tension) and a central hole ("CH"-specimen). We use the labels "NT6" and "NT20" to refer to specimens with notch radii of R=6.67mm and R=20mm, respectively (Fig. 2-8). All specimens had been extracted from the sheets using abrasive water-jet cutting, with the specimen tensile axis aligned with the sheet rolling direction. The hole in the CH-specimens is introduced using CNC machining to minimize the effect of the cutting technique on the onset of fracture at the hole boundaries (see Dunand and Mohr (2010)). The specimens are tested in a hydraulic universal testing machine with custom-made high pressure clamps. All experiments are performed under displacement control at a constant cross-head speed of about 1mm/min. The relative vertical displacement of points positioned on the lower and upper specimen boundary is measured using a DIC-based virtual extensometer. The recorded force-displacement curves are shown as solid dots in Fig. 2-9 and Fig. 2-10. Note that only one curve is shown per experiment because of the remarkable repeatability of the experimental measurements. - 62 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture 50 50 50 10 10 R 10 0 R6.67 R20 20 20 420 (a) CH (c) NT6 (b) NT20 1;-0.50 tin i 78 60.77 Is CO C14 ('4 f~. 1 56.77 (d) Figure 2-8 Specimen drawingsfor flat tension specimens with (a) a central hole, (b)-(c) different notches, and (d) the butterfly specimenfor shear testing. - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 63 14 12- 12 10. 10 8 3 2 1 0) 8 4 0 6 o LL LL 6 4 4 2 2 0 S 3 2 1 Displacement [mm] C 4 1.5 1 0.5 2 Displacement [mm] (b) CH2 (a) SH 8 8 -6 -6 z 2 00 2 1 2 Displacement [mm] (c) NT20 3 -0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Displacement [mm] (d) NT6 Figure 2-9 Measured and simulatedforce displacement curves for selected fracture experiments on the DP590 steel. The star symbols represent the experimental curves, while the simulation results are shown as solid lines. A contour plot of the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of fracture is shown below each figure. - 64 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture 2.4.3 Shear experiments Butterfly specimens (Fig. 2-14d) are subject to tangential loading to characterize the fracture response for pure shear (q =0, 0 =0). The latest specimen design as optimized by Dunand and Mohr (2011 b) is used. It features clothoidally shaped specimen shoulders, convex lateral boundaries and a gage section of 0.5mm thickness while preserving the original sheet thickness in the shoulder regions. The specimen is tested in a dual actuator system using the same high pressure clamps as for the above tension experiments. The shear experiments are performed under combined displacement/force control, i.e. the horizontal actuator applies a constant tangential velocity of 0.2mm /min while keeping the vertical force equal to zero (see Mohr and Oswald (2008) for details on the experimental procedure). The relative tangential and normal displacement of two points located on the upper and lower specimen shoulder is measured using DIC. The dotted curves in Figs. 8 and 9 show the measured force-displacement curves for shear loading. All curves increase monotonically up to the point of fracture. The location of onset of fracture is assumed to coincide with the location of the highest equivalent plastic strain within the gage section. 2.4.4 Punch experiment Circular discs are extracted from the sheets for punch testing. A hemispherical punch of a diameter of 45mm is used to apply the loading, while clamping the specimen on a 127mm diameter die. Four about 0.05mm thick Teflon layers with grease are positioned between the specimen and the punch to reduce the effect of friction. After clamping the specimens with sixteen M10 screws, the experiments are performed at a constant punch velocity. The experiments are stopped as soon as the punch force reaches its maximum. Subsequently, the specimens are cut in half to be able to measure the final specimen thickness at the apex of the punched specimens. The measured thickness reductions for the DP590, DP780 and TRIP780 steels were 67%, 61% and 59%, respectively. 2.5 2.5.1 Identification of the loading paths to fracture Plasticity model parameteridentification - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 65 The plasticity model requires the identification of the isotropic hardening law and of the anisotropic flow potential function. The parameters of the latter are uniquely determined from the three Lankford ratios ro, r4 5 and r9 o, using the analytical relationships G0- , G 22 - rI - +r90 and G33 - 1+2r550r-+r90 r~o l+r'b 1+ro r90 1+r0 r (2-26) The isotropic hardening law for the dual phase steels is identified in a two-step procedure. Firstly, we approximate the true stress versus logarithmic plastic strain curve up to the point of necking using an exponential law (Voce, 1948), k, = ko + Q( - e_ . (2-27) Secondly, the same experimental curve is approximated using a power law (Swift, 1952), ksw = A( p +6} . (2-28) As suggested by Sung et al. (2010), the final hardening curve is approximated by the linear combination of the exponential and power law, k =(1 - a)k, +cks . (2-29) The weighting factor a plays an important role in the post-necking range and needs to be determined through inverse analysis. The NT20 experiment is chosen to identify a . Unlike in dogbone specimens, the location of the through-thickness necking zone is predetermined by the notched specimen geometry. Furthermore, the mechanical system for the NT20 experiment does not lose any symmetry in the post-necking range. Hence, the modeling of one eighth of the specimen without any artificial imperfections is sufficient for simulating a notched tension experiment. We follow closely the modeling guidelines given by Dunand and Mohr (2010): eight elements in thickness direction and at least 10 5 explicit time steps, while using the user material subroutine developed by Mohr et al. (2010) for the nonassociated quadratic plasticity model. The identification of a is posed as a minimization problem. For this, we introduce the residual - 66 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture [ pF NUM [a_-FE) [ a' ' 1= (2-30) FD to quantify the difference between the simulated and measured force-displacement curve for notched tension (NT20), with FNUM and FFY denoting the respective computed and measured forces corresponding to the same displacement u, of the discrete experimental force-displacement curve with Np data points. After minimizing V/ using a derivative-free simplex optimization algorithm, the values a= 0.73 and a = 0.79 are obtained for the DP590 and DP780 materials, respectively. A summary of all parameters describing the isotropic hardening of the DP steels are given in Table 2. ko Q 7 A no n n [MPa] [MPa] [-] [MPa] [-] [-] [-] DP590 345.9 335.8 24.9 1031.0 0.0013 0.2 0.73 DP780 614.0 270.0 32.2 1170.0 3.1 10- 0.11 0.79 Table 2-2 Dual steel hardeninglaw parameters The black solid lines in Figs. 8 and 9 show the simulated force-displacement curves for notched tension (NT20 and NT6), tension with a central hole (CH2 or CH4), and the butterfly shear specimens (SH). In the latter case, only one half of the butterfly specimen is modeled with symmetry boundary conditions applied to the specimen mid-plane (about 40,000 first-order solid elements). The good agreement of the simulations (solid lines) and experiments (dots) partially validates the applicability of the calibrated plasticity model. 2.5.2 Loadingpaths to fracture The calibration of a fracture initiation model requires knowledge of the stress and deformation history at the material point within the specimen where fracture initiates: * For notched tension (NT6 and NT2O) and shear loading (SH), the loading paths to fracture are extracted at the integration point of the element with the highest - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 67 equivalent plastic strain. As can be seen from the contour plots in Figs. 8 and 9, this location corresponds to the very center of the NT specimens. " For tension with a central hole (CH), the loading path is extracted from the element on the specimen mid-plane that is positioned at the root of the hole. " The punch experiment (PU) does not exhibit any necking and we therefore assume that the stress state remains equi-biaxial tension (q = 0.67, j = -1) throughout the entire deformation history. According to the non-associated flow rule, the equivalent plastic strain to fracture can be determined from the final thickness reduction EP= - In[t / tin] t "' . (2-31) 1+ 1G22 +2 22Ga 12 The determined loading paths to fracture are shown as black solid lines in Fig. 2-10. Each row of figures corresponds to a different material. The left plots show the evolution of the equivalent plastic strain as a function of the stress triaxiality, while the center plots show the same evolution as a function of the Lode angle parameter. For tension with a central hole (CH), the stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameters remained more or less constant at values of 7 =0.32 and 0 = 0.95, respectively. Under notched tension (NT), the stress state is typically constant up to the onset of through-thickness necking; thereafter, an outof-plane stress builds up which causes an increase in stress triaxiality and a decrease in the Lode angle parameter. The deformed meshes at the instant of onset of fracture for notched tension are shown next to the plots of the loading paths in Figs. 8 and 9. The color contours are chosen such that the maximum value (red) corresponds to the equivalent plastic strain at the instant of onset of fracture. - 68 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture SH SH 0.9 0 .9 CH 1 0.8 0.0.7 a CH .8 0 .7 6 0.5 0.4 3NT 0.2 0. N6 SRP7o 0 0 .6 0 .5 0 .4 MC a=1 b=1520 c0 185 'EMC a=1.16 b=1445 C=0.138 NT20 NT20 .3 .2 0 P416 NT6 0.33 0.66 Stress triaxiality 1* .9 08 .7 *Pu CH NT20 SH NT6 7a=1 b=1231 c=0.107 EMC a=1.53 b--1102 I 0 . . 0..9 0..8 0 .7 0 .6 ji0 .5 .4.3 0 .2 0 .1 CH PU NT T6 0 .2 0 am Ff iNT6 NT20 0.5 0.2-0-. 0.33m 01 -0.5 0 0.5 Lode angle parameter 1 (e) 00 .i0 SH 0.33 CH .6SH 0 (d) .2- PU 0-1 0.66 0.33 Stress triaxiality =.6 (c) 0 .2 .1 ,7Sc=.6 o~~=-..~- I 0 .5 0 .4 0 .3 MC 5 4 3 10.2 1Z 0.5 Lode angle parameter (b) 1 .0. 1 0 -1-0.5 (a) 0. 9 SO. 8 0. 7 0. 0. 5 0 T1 RIP730 (f) CH Pu PP .8 .7 .6 MC .5.a=1 b=1096 C=0.22 0 A 0.33 0 EMC .3 .2 0.6 (g) . .4 a=1.78 b=956 Stress triaxlalty 06 NT20 NT6 SH .1 0.1 0.4 0.2 0--as 0.3 0 0.5 am q -0.5 0 0.5 Lode angle parameter (h) (i) Figure 2-10 Comparison of the Hosford-Coulomb (HC) model predictions (blue dots) with experimental results (endpoint of the black lines) after calibrationbased on the SH, CH andNT6 experiments. The predictions of the Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model are shown as red dots. The units of the cohesion b are MPa 2.6 Model calibration and verification The HC model parameter identification is done through inverse analysis. Denote the loading history for each calibration experiment i with r7, = rq,[, ] and , = 6i [,,]. For a - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 69 given set of HC model parameters X = {a, b, c}, the strain to fracture cf = if [Z] for an experiment i is then determined based on Eq. (2-21). The formal minimization problem for the parameter identification reads x = arg min(max ,f[x] with SEX with i e SE Z71 (2-32) denoting a set of calibration experiments. As for the isotropic hardening law identification, a derivative-free simplex algorithm is used to solve (32) in an approximate manner. 2.6.1 Model application Among the loading paths shown in Fig. 2-10, we chose the results from the experiments S, = {SH, CH, NT6} to calibrate the three parameters {a, b, c} of the EMC model. The instants of onset of fracture predicted by the calibrated EMC model are depicted by blue dots in Fig. 2-10. The overall comparison of the model predictions with the end points of the loadings paths (black lines) shows satisfactory agreement for all experiments and for all three materials. The good agreement for SH, CH and NT6 demonstrates that the mathematical structure of the EMC model is flexible enough to be fitted to three distinct loading paths. Differences between the model predictions and the experiments become apparent for the PU and NT20 experiments. The model error for punch loading is small for the DP590 steel which features a high Hosford exponent. For smaller Hosford exponents (see DP780 and TRIP780), the model becomes more sensitive to small variations in stress triaxiality in the vicinity of uniaxial tension (r7 = 0.33,0 = 1.0). Consequently, small uncertainties in the loading path to fracture for CH have a strong effect on the identified model parameters b and c (and hence on the results for PU). A more robust calibration is obtained when including the result from the punch test in the calibration procedure, i.e. S = {SH, CH, NT6, PU}. The results for the DP780 steel (second row in Fig. 2-10) elucidate the effect of the ( Lode angle parameter. The calibration reveals only little stress triaxiality dependence c ~ 0), even though the plot of the loading paths in the equivalent plastic strain versus - 70 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture triaxiality plane (Fig. 2-1 Gd) shows significant variations in the strain to fracture. According to our model, these variations are only due to the fact that the loading paths feature different Lode angle parameters (see Fig. 2-1 Ge). The right-most column in Fig. 210 shows the underlying localization criteria in mixed strain-stress space (Eq. (2-20)). Observe that their shape varies substantially as a function of the material, with a " Mohr-Coulomb type of surface (a 1) for the TRIP780 steel (both stress triaxiality and Lode angle dependent), * Hosford type of surface (c ~0) for the DP780 steel (Lode angle dependent only) * Mises type of surface (a 2, c =0) for the DP590 steel (nearly stress state independent). This result illustrates not only the flexibility of the EMC model, but also the importance of validating fracture initiation models for different materials. To elucidate the effect of the Hosford extension of the Mohr-Coulomb model, we repeated the EMC model calibration for the special case of a = 1 using the experimental database S, = {SH, CH, NT6}. The corresponding predictions of the MC model are depicted as red solid dots in Fig. 2-10. Its approximation of the calibration experiments is only satisfactory for the TRIP780 steel. For the DP steels, the MC model significantly underestimates the strain to fracture for notched tension. The calibration for NT6 does not improve when using two calibration experiments only (e.g. SFv = {CH, NT6}). This is due to the fact that the two-parameter MC model reduces to a one-parameter model for biaxial tension. It is thus concluded that the MC model provides only a poor description of experimental data for biaxial tension. 2.7 Summary A fully three-dimensional analysis on a unit cell with initial void suggests that localization at the mesoscale or microscale corresponds to a Mohr-Coulomb limit envelope in the stress space. The onset of fracture is assumed to be an imminent consequence of the formation of a bands of localization. It is proposed to replace the Tresca term by a Hosford term with an - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - 71 additional parameter in order to fit the experimental data. Using of the material's isotropic hardening law, a consistent transformation from the principal stress space to the space of equivalent plastic strain, stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter is performed to obtain a fracture initiation model for non-proportional loading. Finally, a fracture initiation model is proposed to predict the onset of fracture in advanced high strength steels at low stress triaxialities. A number of experiments have been carried out in order to identify the ductility of three different advanced high strength steel sheets (DP590, DP780 and TRIP780). These tests include a shear experiment, tension with a central hole, notched tension and a punch experiment. The Hosford-Coulomb model was successfully calibrated with all experiments for each material. - 72 - Chapter 2: Hosford-Coulomb Model for Predicting Ductile Fracture - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 73 Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets The effect of loading direction reversal on the onset of ductile fracture of DP780 steel sheets is investigatedthrough compression-tensionexperiments on flat notchedspecimens. A finite strain constitutive model is proposed combining a Swift- Voce isotropic hardening law with two Frederick-Armstrongkinematic hardeningrules and a Yoshida-Uemori type of hardening stagnation approach. The plasticity model parameters are identifiedfrom uniaxial tension-compression stress-strain curve measurements and finite element simulations of compression-tension experiments on notched specimens. The model predictions are validated through comparison with experimentally-measured loaddisplacement curves up to the onset offracture, local surface strain measurements and longitudinal thickness profiles. In addition, the model is used to estimate the local strain and stress fields in monotonicfracture experiments covering plane stress states ranging from pure shear to plane strain tension. The extracted loadingpaths to fracture show a significant increase in ductility as a function of the compressive pre-strain. A HosfordCoulomb damage indicatormodel is presentedto provide a phenomenologicaldescription of the experimental resultsfor monotonic and reverse loading. - 74 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets 3.1 Introduction Predicting the onset of ductile fracture has been an active field of research for more than 50 years. In particular, the fracture initiation after monotonic proportional loading paths has been investigated intensively (e.g. Brunig et al. (2008), Bai and Wierzbicki (2008, 2010), Sun et al. (2009), Li et al. (2011), Gruben et al. (2011), Chung et al. (2011), Lecarme et al. (2011), Khan and Liu (2012), Luo et al. (2012), Huespe et al. (2012), Malcher et al. (2012), Lou et al. (2014)). In industrial practice, in particular during sheet metal forming, ductile fracture often initiates after complex non-proportional loading histories. Among these, reverse loading is an important non-proportional loading condition which prevails for instance when a sheet is bent and unbent as it is drawn over a die radius. Simulating the mechanical response of ductile materials up to the point of fracture initiation requires the accurate modeling and identification of the hardening behavior of the material at large strains. Many plasticity models for reverse loading have been developed for life-cycle analysis. As a result, most experimental procedures are designed for characterizing the small strain response only. One of few exceptions are the reverse shear experiments of Barlat et al. (2003) on 3mm thick 1050-0 aluminum sheets. Using wide shear specimens with a narrow gage section of reduced thickness, they achieved shear strains of up to 0.22 prior to loading direction reversal. Yoshida et al. (2002) presented an experimental study on the kinematic hardening response of sheet materials involving a finite strain compression phase. They bonded several flat specimens together and inserted the stack of specimens in an anti-buckling device during testing. Other examples of the use of anti-buckling devices for testing sheet materials under in-plane compression can be found in Dietrich and Turski (1978), Kuwabara (1995), Yoshida et al (2002), Boger et al (2005), Cao et al (2009) and Beese and Mohr (2011). The large strain compression-tension experiments by Yoshida (2002) show that DP steels feature a Bauschinger effect, transient behavior, permanent softening and work hardening stagnation. Recall that the Bauschingereffect corresponds to an early yield after load reversal (Fig. 3-1), transient behavior corresponds to a high hardening rate in the elasto-plastic transition regime resulting from load reversal (Fig. 3-1); permanentsoftening prevails when the stress level after loading reversal remains below that for monotonic - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 75 loading for the same equivalent plastic strain (Fig. 3-1); work hardening stagnation causes a significantly reduced hardening rate after the transient hardening regime (Fig. 3-1). Experimental True Stress Strain Relation 600 Theoretical Isotropic 400 Hardening Response 200 0 .&-200 Bauschinger Effect Transient sofi ening -400 -600 -800 -0.05 0 .05 0.Transient Hardening Hardening at large strains Work Hardening Stagnation Figure3-1 Comparisonof the true stress strain experimental response with a theoretical isotropic hardeningresponse after loading reversalfrom uniaxial tension to uniaxial compression at strain of 0.08 to illustratedifferent hardeningbehaviors: isotropic hardening,permanent softening, work hardeningstagnation, transientbehavior. Detailed reviews of kinematic hardening models are found in Chaboche (2008) and Eggertsen and Mattiasson (2009, 2010, 2011). Prager (1956) type of kinematic hardening, also referred to as linear kinematic hardening, describes both the Bauschinger effect and permanent softening. The main shortcoming of this model is the intrinsic coupling of both effects, i.e. a material exhibiting a Bauschinger effect without any permanent softening cannot be described with Prager's model. Furthermore, it describes neither transient behavior nor work hardening stagnation. Also, this type of hardening is unbounded and results in a persistent and often unrealistic rate of hardening at large strains. The Armstrong-Frederick (1966) kinematic hardening rule, also referred to as non-linear kinematic hardeningmodel, describes the Bauschinger effect and transient behavior. The governing differential equation includes a recall term which activates the so-called dynamic-recovery. The recall term is co-linear to the back stress tensor and is proportional - 76 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets to the increment in equivalent plastic strain. As a result, the evolution of the back stress is no longer linear and unbounded and converges towards a saturation value under monotonic loading. Two parameters are used, one to control the Bauschinger effect and one for the transient behavior. However, the Armstrong-Frederick model describes neither permanent softening nor work hardening stagnation. For improved approximations, several non-linear kinematics hardening models can be added with different recall constants characterizing the back stress evolution (Chaboche et al., 1979; Chaboche and Rousselier, 1983). These models give good predictions in the case of cyclic loading in the range of small strains, as they are able to describe the Bauschinger effect with great accuracy. The special case of coupling linear kinematic hardening with non-linear kinematic hardening provides good predictions in the case of moderate and large strains as it describes the permanent softening behavior during reverse deformation, especially with advanced high strength steels free from work hardening stagnation (Yoshida et al., 2002). However, the permanent softening effect is only represented through the linear kinematic term. As a result, an increase of the amount of permanent softening in the model always results in an increase in the strain hardening at large strains. Mroz (1967) proposed a multi-surface model framework to describe strain hardening. This idea was developed further by Dafalias and Popov (1976) by making use of a bounding surface in addition to the yield surface, with the distance between these two evolving surfaces defining the rate of strain hardening. Chaboche (2008) argues that a model featuring a combination of linear and non-linear kinematic hardening terms in addition to isotropic hardening can replicate the performance of a Dafalias-Popov type of model. However, one advantage of the Dafalias-Popov type of formulations is that the material response to monotonic loading can be identified independently from its response to reverse loading. The Dafalias-Popov model has been developed further by Geng and Wagoner (2000) to account for permanent softening. Yoshida and Uemori (2002) enriched the model even further and incorporated work-hardening stagnation. To the best of the authors' knowledge, experimental results on the effect of loading direction reversal on the strain to fracture are scarce and only found for bulk materials in the open literature. Bao and Treitler (2004) performed reverse loading experiments on - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 77 notched axisymmetric bar aluminum 2024-T351 specimens with compression followed by tension all the way to fracture. They observed a substantial increase in ductility due to precompression. Papasidero et al. (2014) made use of a biaxial testing machine to subject tubular fracture specimens to non-proportional loading. Their results also demonstrated that pre-compressing aluminum 2024-T351 increases the strain to fracture for subsequent loading at higher stress triaxialities. The present paper investigates the effect of loading direction reversal on the strain to fracture in dual phase steel sheets. Section 2 presents an experimental procedure for the large strain pre-compression of 1mm thick notched specimens prior to fracture testing. A finite strain plasticity model is presented in Section 3 combining elements of a nonassociated plasticity model for advanced high strength steels (Mohr et al., 2010) with the non-linear kinematic hardening models of Chaboche (2008) and a Yoshida-Uemori (2002) type of work hardening stagnation approach. The plasticity model is then used in Section 4 to simulate all fracture experiments, before characterizing the effect of loading reversal on the strain at fracture initiation in Section 5. In the latter, a Hosford-Coulomb fracture initiation model with a non-linear damage accumulation rule is proposed to model the observed loading path effect. 3.2 Experiments 3.2.1 Materialand specimens All experiments are performed on specimens extracted from 1.06mm thick DP780 dual-phase steel sheets provided by US Steel. Under uniaxial tension, the material exhibits an initial yield stress of about 450MPa and an ultimate strength of about 800MPa. The axial stress-strain response for uniaxial tension is approximately isotropic (since the red, - 78 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets black and blue curves lie almost on top of each other in Fig. 3-2), while the Lankford ratios are mildly loading direction-dependent: ro=0.75, r 45=0.77, and r9 o=0.95. 1 00C 80C 0~ 0) (0 U) 60C L.. U) 40( -UT0 1~ I- ------ 4U UT90 ----UC 20( 0 0.05 True Strain 0.1 Figure3-2 Uniaxial stress-strainresponse of DP780 steelfor different directions under uniaxial tension. Stocky dog-bone shaped specimens (UTC-specimens, Fig. 3-3) are designed for uniaxial tension and compression testing. A gage section width of 10mm is chosen to allow for the use of an anti-bucking device with a 5mm wide central window for DIC strain measurement (Fig. 3-4). As far as the choice of the gage section length (14mm) is concerned, a compromise is sought between two competing effects: firstly, a large gage length-to-width ratio is desired to guarantee the validity of the assumption of uniaxial stress fields; secondly, a short gage section length is preferred to delay out-of-plane buckling under compressive loading. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 79 50 10 14 Figure 3-3 Specimen geometryfor uniaxialcompression-tensionexperiments. Figure 3-4 Displacement measurement using DigitalImage Correlation(DIC). To investigate the plastic material response at very large strains, flat notched specimens with a 20mm notch radius (NCT-specimens, Fig. 3-5) are employed to subject the material to a compression-tension loading sequence. Notches guarantee that the localized neck will form at the specimen center perpendicular to the loading axis. This facilitates the numerical simulation of the experiments (as compared to conventional uniaxial tension specimens where the position of the through-thickness neck is not known a priori). - 80 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets 50 Figure3-5 Notched specimen (NCT) for compression-tension fracture testing. All specimens feature 50mm wide and 10mm long shoulder areas. The specimens are extracted from sheet metal using water-jet cutting with the specimen axis aligned with the sheet rolling direction. Note that the edge quality of a water-jet cut is sufficient for the present experiments since fracture always initiates at the specimen center, i.e. away from the cut edges. 3.2.2 Experimentalprocedure A hydraulic testing machine (Instron, Model 8802) is used to perform all experiments. Custom-made high pressure clamps are employed to attach the specimen to the testing frame (Figs. 3a and 3b). Unlike conventional wedge grips, the clamps work equally well under compression and tension. Accurate alignment of the upper and lower specimen grips is critically important to delay buckling (we recommend a tolerance of less than 0. 1mm for the parallelism of the top and bottom clamping surfaces). Furthermore, it is important to tighten the specimen clamps under active force control to avoid any plastic precompression due to the Poisson effect during clamping of the specimen. Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 81- Figure 3-6 Front view of the experimental set-up for compression-tension testing. Spacer Device High Pressure Grips Figure 3- 7 Schematic side view of the specimen with anti-buckling device and high pressure clamps. Figure 3a shows a photograph of the assembly of the floating anti-buckling device. The design is similar to that proposed by Beese and Mohr (2011) except for a change in type and number of springs and bolts to apply an increased average lateral pressure of about 3MPa. Thin Teflon sheets are placed between the specimen and the device to minimize friction. Note that the applied lateral stress is very small (about 3MPa) as compared to the axial stress in the specimen (about 800MPa); its effect on the material response is thus neglected when processing the experimental results. The extensometer function of the digital image correlation software VIC2D (Correlated Solutions) is used to determine the relative vertical displacement of two points positioned on the longitudinal specimen axis - 82 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets at an initial distance of 12.5mm and 10mm for the uniaxial and notched tension specimens, respectively (as highlighted by blue dots in Figs. 2b and 3-5). For the notched specimens, the average axial surface strain is also determined in the area of localized necking using a DIC extensometer of 2mm length (red dots in Fig. 3-5). 3.2.3 Experimentalresults The experimental program includes: " Tension followed by compression on UTC-specimens for tensile pre-strains of 0.05 and 0.10 (axial engineering strains), as well as * compression followed by tension on NCT-specimens for compressive prestrains of -0.026, -0.064, -0.091 and -0.132 (axial engineering strain at specimen center as measured with the 2mm long virtual surface extensometer). All experiments are performed at a cross-head velocity of about 1mm/min. Monotonic tension experiments with and without anti-buckling device yielded identical results. This partially confirms that the effect of the lateral friction due to the anti-buckling device is negligible. True compressive strains, as high as -0.2, could be achieved without noticeable buckling. In Fig. 3-2, the true stress-strain curve for monotonic compression along the rolling direction (green curve) is shown next to that for tension. The curve is only shown for strains of up to -0.10 as the effect of barreling makes the assumption of uniaxial stress fields invalid at larger compressive strains. A summary of all measured force-displacement curves for experiments performed with loading direction reversal are shown in Fig. 3-8. For both stocky dogbone specimens (Fig. 3-8) and notched specimens (Fig. 3-9), all curves lie on top of each other during the initial phase of loading (tension phase for the UTC experiments, compression phase for the NCT experiments) which demonstrates the repeatability of the experimental procedure. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 83 1000 UTC-0 - Q_ 500 . UTC-5 UTC-10 (0 0 F- -500 -1000 -0.1 0.1 0 True Strain Figure 3-8 Experimentalresults: engineeringstress-straincurves as obtainedfrom uniaxial tension-compressionexperiments. 10 5 C - 0 0 -j - -5 NCT-3 -NCT-3 -10 -2 -1 - NCT-6 - NCT-13 0 1 Displacement [mm] Figure3-9 Experimental results:force-displacement curves as obtainedfrom notched compression-tension experiments. 3.3 Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) plasticity model A new plasticity model is presented combining elements of the non-associated plasticity model for advanced high strength steels of Mohr et al. (2010), the non-linear kinematic hardening models of Chaboche (2008) and a Yoshida-Uemori (2002) type of - 84 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets work-hardening stagnation approach. The model is embedded into the standard finite strain framework of the commercial finite element software Abaqus/explicit (Abaqus, 2012). 3.3.1 Yield surface The center of the yield surface in the deviatoric Cauchy stress space is described through the back stress tensor X. The tensor 4 is introduced to describe the relative position of a point in stress space with respect to the yield surface center 4= dev[a] - X . (3-1) Note from Fig. 3-2 that the stress-strain curves for uniaxial tension along the rolling, transverse and diagonal directions lie approximately on top of each other. We therefore use the isotropic von Mises equivalent stress measure to define the yield surface f(a,k)= -k=0,(1) with 2(2) Note that the above yield surface corresponds to the isotropic von Mises yield surface if X =0, whereas it is anisotropic otherwise. 3.3.2 Non-associatedflow rule Despite the isotropic stress-strain response under uniaxial tension, the measurements of the Lankford coefficients indicate some in-plane anisotropy in the material. An anisotropic nonassociated flow rule (see Stoughton (2002), Cvitanic et al. (2008), Mohr et al. (2010)) is therefore chosen to describe the evolution of the plastic strain tensor. It is assumed that the increment in plastic strains dP is aligned with the derivative of the Hill'48 potential function in the 4 - space, dfk = dA with "" (3) - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 85 l ~ 2+G 2 +(1+2G +G 2){ +2G 2 af2 -2(1+G){11 3 -2(G +G ){22 33 +G 3 i +3 %+32 (4) In (4), dA > 0 is the plastic multiplier, while the coefficients G1 2, G22 and G3 3 are directly linked to the Lankford ratios, G22 G12 =-1, 1+ro - +and r9o 1+ro G33 = 1+2r45 rO + rO ri0 (5) 1+ro For ease of notation, we rewrite Hill's equivalent stress (5) as quadratic form: G: H1 l (3-7) with the semi-positive definite matrix G. 3.3.3 Definition of the equivalentplastic strain The equivalent plastic strain increment is defined as work-conjugate to the von Mises - space, dc, = - I 4: . equivalent stress in 4 (3-8) Combining Eqs. (4) and (8), the relationship between the equivalent plastic strain and the plastic multiplier is obtained, dzp dIm = d ./ d1 (3-9) Note that in the absence of a back stress, the above definition of the equivalent plastic strain is the same as that proposed in Stoughton (2002), Mohr et al. (2010) and in chapter 2 of this thesis. 3.3.4 Isotropic hardening The isotropic hardening law describes the evolution of the deformation resistance k during plastic loading. Formally, we write - 86 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets (3-10) dk = 8H [T, ]dz,, 5 where duP is the increment in the equivalent plastic strain. 0 /3 1 is a multiplier associated with work hardening stagnation (to be detailed below), and H = H[E,] is the isotropic hardening modulus. In Chaboche (2008), a Voce law is used for the isotropic hardening function. A limitation of such an evolution is its saturation at large strains. Here, we use instead a linear combination of the Voce and Swift hardening laws (Sung et al., 2010) to parameterize the isotropic hardening function, - w)Q-XT H'[z,]10 + wAn(--O + EP)"n-1 (3-11) with the Voce parameters {Q, r}, the Swift parameters {A, co, n} , and the weighting factor 0 !w 1. A better control of the rate of isotropic hardening at large strains is achieved using such a combination. 3.3.5 Non-linear kinematic hardening The evolution law for the back stress is described through the sum of two non-linear kinematic hardening rules, (3-12) . dX = da, + d6 2 with the initial conditions a, (t =0) =0, X(t= 0) =X 0 . The corresponding evolution equations read (2 C1 G :( - - CE dA (3-13) Hill and d42c/ = AV f~ 2 2C2 G:4 4(}2 (3 aj~2dA -E2 (3-14) g Hjll with the work hardening stagnation multiplier 6, and the material model parameters C and Note that the back stress evolution direction is given by the non-associated plastic flow in the non-linear kinematic hardening law. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 87 The two non-linear kinematic hardening rules serve different purposes. al is introduced to model the Bauschinger effect. According to the Frederick-Armstrong differential equation, the evolution of the back stress is no longer unbound under , monotonic loading; it converges towards a saturation stress instead. The second term, a 2 is introduced to model apparent softening. A linear kinematic hardening term is usually introduced which results in permanent softening. This has proven as a useful assumption when modeling the response of metals at moderate strains (Eggertsen and Mattiasson 2011, Zang et al 2011, Geng and Wagoner 2000, Chun et al 2002). However, according to our experimental observations, the softening effect appears to fade away for very large strains. In other words, instead of permanent softening, we introduce transientsoftening through a non-linear kinematic hardening rule. The key difference between transient softening and the Bauschinger effect is the strain scale, i.e. the Bauschinger effect fades away rapidly after a few percent of strain after loading reversal, whereas the strain scale associated with the transient softening effect is at least one order of magnitude higher. In the model, this is reflected in the choice of parameters (e.g. Y ~ 1072). By introducingfi in the evolution of the second backstress term only, the fast recovery from the Bauschinger effect remains fully active during the work hardening stagnation phase. 3.3.6 Work hardeningstagnation This part of our model is inspired by the work of Yoshida and Uemori (2002). Originally developed as a two surface model (Dafalias-Popov framework), we borrow some ideas from Yoshida and Uemori (2002) to define a constitutive equation for the work hardening stagnation multiplier p8. The activation of work hardening stagnation depends on the loading history. To separate the effect of work hardening stagnation from the effect of the non-associated plastic flow, we characterize the loading path in terms of the strain-like path tensor p = inds, 0 (3-15) - 88 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets With n the normal to the yield surface. p is equal to the plastic strain tensor in the case of associated plastic flow. A sphere of radius r is defined around a central point q in a way that p lies always inside (Fig. 3-10). Denoting the distance between q and p as 8, 5= (p-):(p - q), (3-16) we have 8-r 5 0. (3-17) The work hardening stagnation multiplier is then defined as 8 r with 0 p (3-18) 1. The position and size of the sphere are permitted to change according to the evolution equations dq = (1-h)dp (3-19) h dr =-(p - q): dp (3-20) S if 8p=1 (i.e. p is located on the sphere boundary, see Figs. 3-1Ob, 3-1Oe and 3-1Of) and (p -q): dp >0 (i.e. the loading direction dp points outwards). Note that (3-18) was chosen such that the consistency condition d8 =0 is readily fulfilled. The case 6 =1 with d,8 = 0 corresponds to loading with no work hardening stagnation (Fig. 3-10), i.e. isotropic and kinematic hardening are both fully active. 8 = 0 represents the opposite limiting case of maximum work hardening stagnation. Different from the model proposed by Yoshida and Uemori (2002), we allow for partial work hardening stagnation, i.e. 0 <B < 1. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 89 #=1 dfl=0 dp dq no stagnation I p=p (a) (b) dp6<0 ("d p t q161 stagnation stagnationJ (d) p rddsp dp dp no stagnation (e) no stagnation (f) Figure 3-10 Illustration of the work hardening stagnation model in the plastic strain space. The sequence shows (a) the initial values, (b) the evolution during monotonic loading, (c) the point of loading reversal, (d) the transientstagnationafter loadingreversal, and (e)-(f) the evolution after stagnation. - 90 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets 3.3.7 Summary of model parameters The proposed plasticity model includes sixteen material model parameters: * Three anisotropy coefficients {G 2,G 22 ,G3 3} defining the non-associated flow rule * Seven isotropic hardening parameters including the initial deformation resistance ko, the Swift parameters {co, A, n}, the Voce parameters {Q, r}, and the weighting factor w * the initial back stress tensor X 0 * the Bauschinger parameters C, and y * the softening parameters * for work hardening stagnation parameter h c2 and 72 It is worth noting that the proposed Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) model reduces to a conventional Chaboche model when deactivating the work hardening stagnation option (h = 0) and using G,2 = -0.5, G2 2 = 1, G 33 = 3, ao = 0. 3.3.8 Thermodynamic constraints The starting point of our considerations is the free energy imbalance of the form V :5 G:. (3-21) In addition to an elastic part V',, the free energy includes a plastic part V/, associated with kinematic hardening, V/ = Ve + V/, (3-22) which both must be positive, i.e. V/, 0, (3-23a) V/, 0. (3-23b) Assuming the elastic strain energy potential - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 91 I Ve = 2 C : (C - e,)): (F - e,) (3-24) along with the elastic constitutive equation a =/ = C:(E--e,), (3-25) the free energy imbalance may be substituted by the requirement of nonnegative rate of plastic dissipation: (3-26) >~!0 . d, = (7: , -y) Next, we assume a plastic free energy of quadratic form 3 ,[CtI IQ21 - 3 47,C, (3-27) al :a, which readily satisfies the non-negative requirement (23b) for y, > 0 and C, > 0. After application of the back stress evolution equations (13) and (14), the rate of change in the plastic free energy reads 3Q a2: 5 2/,=C1 a1 :aj+# : 2C] a2: a 2i 2C2 (3-28) Combining Eq. (3-26) and (3-28), yields the rate of plastic dissipation 41 = _V 2+4) ,-y,= (1-0) a2 :G:4 _ Hd/ + - ( # P} +,+- a : ,dl+- 3A 2C +#8 3A 2: E2 a]:a]+8 2C 3Z 2C2 a 2 :a, (3-29) 2C2 The second term is unconditionally nonnegative. For loading outside the work hardening stagnation regime (/8 = 1), the thermodynamic constraints are readily satisfied even though a non-associated flow rule is used. A constraint needs to be imposed on the material model parameters if 83<1 and a 2 : G: 4 <0. In that case, the non-zero dissipation condition is satisfied if - 92 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets -CL 2 :G : (3-30) 2 To satisfy (30), it is sufficient to impose a constraint on the magnitude of the back stress , tensor a 2 (2 :G: (3-31) <25ui According to the Frederik-Armstrong law, the evolution of a2 is bound to 2 :G- 2 2 - CG C2 -C mG (3-32) 3 with Am max,G = G denoting the largest eigenvalue of G, max 3, G,1+ G 2 + G2 2 + V + 4G,22 +2G2G2 + 2G2 + G2 - G2. (3-33) The free energy imbalance is thus satisfied if the model parameters respect the constraints y, >0, CI > 0, and 2 C 2 2mxG 3 3.4 k 0. (3-34) Plasticity model identification and validation The plasticity model parameters are identified in a two-step procedure: 1. A first set of parameters is determined using the experimental data of the UTC experiments whose domain of validity is limited by in-plane barreling and out-ofplane buckling at large compressive strains. 2. Subsequently, these parameters are used as seed values for an inverse parameter identification method based on experimental data for the NCT experiments in the pre- and post-necking range. The inverse procedure involves finite element simulations of all experiments on NCT specimens up to the point of fracture and quantifies the difference between the simulation and experimental results. An improved second set of parameters is then obtained from the computational minimization of this difference. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 93 3.4.1 Identificationstep I: determinationof seed parameters The anisotropy coefficients G12 , G2 2 and G33 of the Hill'48 flow potential are determined from the measured Lankford coefficients ro, r4 5, r9o,. Application of Eq. (3-6) yields G 2 =-0.43, G22 = 0.88 and G 33 = 2.59. According to the considerations made in Beese and Mohr (2011), the initial back stress for the cold-rolled material is assumed to take the special form X=XO(e (eD -e 3 0e) (3-35) where the 1-direction corresponds to the rolling direction, and the 3-direction to the through thickness direction. The initial deformation resistance ko and the initial back stress X0 are determined from the tension/compression asymmetry of the material response (Fig. 3-2). Denoting the , absolute values of the initial yield stresses under tension and compression as Y, and Ye respectively, we have k0 = (Y +Yj) (3-36) and X 0 = (Y, -Y,). At 0.2% plastic proof strain, we have Y, _ 450MPa and Y ~ 510MPa, and thus, ko = 48OMPa and XO = -20MPa. The hardening parameters a = {A, n, co, Q5 r, C1, Y ,, C 2 , Y 2 , h} are identified through optimization. Simulations for pure uniaxial tension followed by compression are performed on a single element. The true stress versus logarithmic strain curve is computed for each experiment and compared with the corresponding experimental result. The cost function is expressed as 4 M F, [a]= SIM J 2 F EA3-7 F: F~ ]J - 94 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets where the subscript j =1,2,..,4 differentiates among the stress-strain curves for different levels of pre-strain; M denotes the total of experimental data points used for the computation of the residual for the experiment j. The seed model parameters listed in Table 1 are obtained from minimizing F [a]. 3.4.2 Identificationstep II: full inverse parameteridentification Finite element model A finite element model is built to simulate all NCT experiments. Special attention is paid to the modeling of the post-necking response. Assuming a symmetric mechanical system, one eighth of the entire specimen is modeled using first-order solid elements with reduced integration (element type C3D8R of the Abaqus element library). The mesh features a total of 34,488 elements with eight elements along the half-thickness of the specimen. The size of the mesh is chosen such that the predicted equivalent plastic strain at fracture initiation converged (less than 2% change upon further mesh refinement). The computed axial displacement is reported for the gage section point that corresponds to the position of the DIC extensometer in the experiments. All simulations are performed under displacement control with the displacement prescribed at the top boundary of the specimen shoulder (of the numerical specimen). The explicit solver of the FE software Abaqus is used to solve the computational boundary value problem using at least 100,000 time steps for each simulation run. FEA-basedoptimization of model parameters The set of seed parameters obtained in step I may not accurately capture the behavior of the material at large strains. Buckling limits the range of strains after loading reversal for which the parameters are identified. A strong asymmetry of the material behavior in tension and compression after loading reversal could also affect the relevance of the set of parameters: the seed parameters are obtained from tension followed by compression tests, whereas the fracture experiments feature compression followed by tension. An improved set of parameters is computed through non-linear unconstrained optimization. Each iteration includes the following steps: - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 95 1. Definition of the material model input data card for a given set of parameters a. - 2. Simulation of all five NCT experiments (pre-strain levels 0.0, -0.026, -0.064, 0.091 and -0.132) and extraction of the corresponding force versus DIC extensometer displacement curves, FFA (u), with the subscript j =1,2,..,5 differentiating among the results for different pre-strain levels. 3. Evaluation of the global cost function (3-38) -LAj j=1 la,[a] = with N denoting the number of experiments included in the optimization. For each experiment, a cost function Aj is defined A 2 = (3-39) 3 3 The cost function is a measure of how well the model performs with respect to three criteria: (1) The first criterion Ai evaluates the relative error in the value of the predicted maximum load. max(F )-max(Fj( max F )( (2) The second criterion A2 evaluates the relative error in the overall predicted drop of the load from its maximum value to its value at fracture. max(F )- F) max(F - (max(F/s )- FA )-F EA f (3) The third criterion A3 evaluates the relative error in the value of the displacement at predicted maximum load. - 96 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets Fx F F L) UY (3-42) uEYP_ U F,6.F6 This set of criteria has been constructed in an attempt to obtain an accurate prediction of the macroscopic specimen response in the post necking range. The optimal set of parameters a, is then determined through the minimization of the cost function, a~,, = arg min lu [a]. (3-43) The minimization is performed using a derivative-free Nelder-Mead algorithm as implemented in the algorithmic development software Matlab (v.7). The final set of parameters as obtained after 84 iterations is given below the seed values in Table 1. In the material chosen for this study, the set of seed parameters already provided satisfying accuracy, and the optimization of the seed parameters provided only minor improvements. However, this method was found necessary for other materials featuring early buckling or pronounced tension-compression asymmetry. MPa X0 Pa A n co Q T w C Y, C2 MPa - - MPa - - MPa - MPa - 2 h - ko seed 480. 30. 946.5 0.15 0.023 164.3 22.1 0.5 204.6 51.3 108.9 6.1 0.7 final 512. 30. 997.2 0.19 0.031 143.7 32.2 0.5 235.4 50.8 92.1 5.9 0.6 Chaboche seed 480. 30. 707.2 0.22 0.013 41.8 29.4 0.5 322.7 51.2 497.3 1.1 0. final 495. 30. 743.9 0.11 0.019 63.2 40.4 0.5 301.2 48.5 453.3 1.0 0. CCY Table 3-1 Plasticitymodel parametersfor the Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) model and the Chaboche model. 3.4.3 Model verificationfor reverse loading - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 97 The comparisons of the measured and predicted stress-strain curves for uniaxial tension-compression (UTC) are shown in Fig. 3-11 a. The remainder plots in Fig. 3-11 show the force-displacement curves extracted from finite element simulations (solid lines) of the NCT specimens next to the experimental measurements (solid dots). The corresponding surface strain (axial strain at the specimen center as averaged over a distance of 2mm) evolutions are shown on the blue secondary axis. The proposed model predicts accurately the load-displacement relation for all experiments. The magnitude of the maximum load as well as the corresponding displacement are well captured. The post necking behavior is well predicted as the load drop corresponds to the experimental measurement for all levels of pre-compression. A comparison of the computed and measured surface strain evolutions shows that the proposed plasticity model is able to provide reasonable estimates of the surface strains in the area of localized necking for all levels of pre-strain. However, the surface strain history plots are more sensitive to model inaccuracies. For example, the simulation for loading reversal after a pre-strain of -0.09 (Fig. 3-11 e) overestimates the surface strain at the instant of fracture by as much as 14% (0.41 versus 0.36 in the experiment). The predicted forcedisplacement curve on the other hand agrees well with the experiment. With the goal of identifying the loading paths to fracture for monotonic and reverse loading, the model performance has only been assessed for these loading conditions in the context of the present work. The reader is referred to the work by Yoshida and co-workers for a more comprehensive validation of the main model ingredients. 0.6 1000 8.. 0 500 a 0.4 0 0.3-S LL 0.2 it-500 2 -1000 0 -0.1 0 True Strain 0.1 -0.1 0.5 1 1.5 Displacement [mm] (b) NCT-0 - 98 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets (a) UTC - 3 0.4 .5 0.3 0.2 0) 4 4) 0 0 U_ lii 0.6 0.5 2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 Q) 0 U- -0.2 -4 | -0.3 0 -0.4 _) -0.5 -0.6 -6 2 -8- 0.5 0 0.3 0.2 0.1 r 2 0 0 - 0 -0.3 -0. 4 S -0.5 .9 -8 2 -0.6 -10 -0.7 0.5 1.. 1 Displacement [mm] 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ~ 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 0" -0. 3 UJ 3 10 8 6 4 0.3 * . -0.4 -8- 2 10 12 -0.7 -0.8 0 -0.5 0 0.5 Displacement [mm] (e) NCT-9 1 0 u- 40 0.2 (j) 0.1 0 3 -0. 1 G 2-2 -0.2 C -0.3-0.4 w -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7 - -2% 0.6 0.5 0.4 a . 0 10* 0 U_ 0 -0.5 (d) NCT-6 100. 86-4 G -0.1 -2 -4 -6 1.5 1 Displacement [mm] (c) NCT-3 0.7 0.6 0.5 : 0.4 'F 8 6 4 - .- . 10 8- -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Displacement [mm] (f) NCT-13 Figure 3-11 Comparison of CCY model (solid lines) and experiments (soliddots) for (a) uniaxial tension-compression(UTC), and (b)-() notched compression-tension(NCT); the Chaboche model predictionsare depicted as dashed lines. For reference, we also repeated the entire calibration and validation procedure with the Chaboche model, i.e. for the CCY-model with no work hardening stagnation and associated plastic flow. The corresponding results are shown as dashed curves in Fig. 3-11. The Chaboche model also provides good predictions of the macroscopic force-displacement curves, but it tends to overestimate the strains inside the neck. Remark. Thickness profiles can also be used for "local" validation. We had prepared these for specimens extracted from a different batch of sheets that had been tested much earlier (and hence featured slightly different mechanical properties). We also had calibrated - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 99 both the CCY and Chaboche model for those sheets which resulted in similar agreement of the simulated and measured force-displacement curves as for the material above. Selected experimental (solid dots) and simulated thickness profiles (solid lines) are shown in Fig. 3-12. As for the surface strain measurements, the simulation results agree reasonably well with the experimental measurements. In particular, good agreement is observed for the ratio of the strains outside and inside the neck (e.g. 0.55 outside the neck vs 0.35 inside the neck in the case of monotonic tension). Unfortunately, we could not repeat the thickness profiles measurements on the current batch of specimens due to the shortage of material. - 100 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets E -I, 0.4 lie 0.3 0. 5 0 -5 Longitudinal Position (a) * E E * 'N .-w-- 0' 0. 5 I I 0. 0. J9 0. I 0.: -5 0 5 Longitudinal Position (b) -5 0 5 Longitudinal Position 5 E E 0. a. 0. 0.2 (c) Figure3-12 Thickness profiles at the instant of inset offracture as measuredexperimentally (solid dots) and extractedfrom numerical simulation (CCY=solid lines, Chaboche=dashedline) after pre-compression up to a surface strain of (a) 0. (b) 0.08, and (c) 0.12; note that the results are shown for specimens extractedfrom a different batch of DP780 sheets. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 101 3.4.4 Model verificationfor monotonic multi-axial loading The stress state sensitivity of the fracture initiation on DP780 steel sheets had been determined in chapter 2 using " a flat 10mm wide specimen with a lateral notch (R=6.67mm) for plane strain tension (Dunand and Mohr, 2010); " a flat 20mm wide specimen with a central hole (R=20mm) for uniaxial tension (Dunand and Mohr, 2010); * a butterfly specimen (Dunand and Mohr, 2011) with reduced thickness gage section for shear; Here, all experiments are repeated on the specimens extracted from the new batch of sheets closely following the experimental procedures outlined in chapter 2. The monotonic experiments are simulated using the CCY plasticity model as calibrated based on the reverse-loading experiments. The comparison of the measured force-displacement curves (dotted curve) with the simulation results (solid curves) shown in Fig. 3-13 confirms the model's ability to provide good predictions of the overall specimen responses. For reference, we also performed these simulations with the Chaboche model which yields less accurate predictions. In particular, the force decrease for notched tension is predicted too early. As a result, the strain at the specimen center at the instant of onset of fracture is overestimated. 0.7 10 0.2 * 8. . 4 * 0 0.5 .3 Upn4 W 0.2 0 0. 3 0.1 2 0 0 0.5 1 0 Displacement [mm] (a) - 102 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets 0.8 12 0.7 0 ) - 14 0.6 A= 110 p 0.5 E 8 04 . 0 6. A 0.3W A' 4 0.2 2 0.1 0 C 0 1 0.5 Displacement [mm] (b) 18 16 14 Z 12 810 08 6 4 2 0 1 2 Displacement [mm] (c) Figure 3-13 Results from monotonic experiments: (a) notched tension (NT6), (b) tension with a central hole (CH), and (c) butterfly specimen (SH); solid dots = experiments, solid lines = CCY model, dashed lines = Chaboche model; the contour plots show the distributionof the equivalent plastic strain at the instant offracture initiation. 3.5 Effect of loading reversal on ductile fracture initiation The effect of pre-compression is investigated at the specimen level to gain insight into the different ductility of material points that undergo monotonic stretching as compared to those that are subject to compression-tension cycles when a sheet is drawn over a radius or when hinge lines propagate during the folding of box structures. The uniform state of the sheet after production (rolling, etc.) is therefore considered as the reference state of zero - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 103 strain and the strain introduced thereafter up to the point of failure is reported as fracture strain. 3.5.1 Characterizationof the stress state The plasticity model is anisotropic due to the Hill'48 flow potential and the non-zero back stress. However, for the sake of simplicity and due to the lack of experimental data for different material orientations, it is assumed that the fracture response is not affected by the orientation of the stress tensor with respect to the material coordinate system. The stress state is thus characterized through the stress triaxiality and the Lode angle parameter (which are both isotropic measures). The stress triaxiality 1/ is proportional to the ratio of the first invariant of the Cauchy stress tensor, I,, and the second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor, = CV J2! -m= with = and 3UV 3 37 = jdev[a]: dev[a (3-44) 3 The dimensionless Lode angle parameter, W, measures the ratio of the second and third invariants of the deviatoric stress tensor, 1 2 and J 3 . Its mathematical definition reads - 0 2 =1--arccos 3 J3 j (3-45) with J 3 := det(dev[a4. 3.5.2 (3-46) Effect ofpre-compressionon resultsfor notched tension Figure 3-14a shows the computed equivalent plastic strain distribution inside the neck of the notched tensile specimens at the instant of fracture initiation, while Fig. 3-14b depicts the corresponding thickness profiles. The red dots on the specimen surface in Fig. 3-14a highlight the position of the 2mm DIC surface extensometer. In a first approximation, both the average axial strain and the thickness reduction at the instant of fracture are unaffected by the amount of pre-compression. The axial (engineering) strain - 104 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets measured by the DIC surface extensometer is about 0.35 and the thickness reduction is about 30%. However, the shape of the neck and the strain distribution inside the neck are strongly influenced by the amount of pre-compression which results in an increase of the local equivalent plastic strain to fracture as a function of the pre-strain (Fig. 3-14a), ranging from Z. = 0.57 for monotonic tensile loading to i= 0.77 compression to a local equivalent plastic strain of 0.13. 0. 0.8 ENCT-0 IN-(a) 0.55 E 0.5 0> = 0.45 0 0.4 -NCT-0 -NCT-3 - 0.35 -NCT-6 -NCT-9 -NCT-13 0.3 -5 5 0 Longitudinal Position (b) for fracture after pre- - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 105 Figure 3-14 (a) Equiv. plastic strain distribution in the longitudinalspecimen cross-section, and (b) thickness distributionat the instant offracture initiation. In the initial compressive phase of loading, the thickness of the specimen is increased. At the same time, the isotropic hardening capacity in the tensile loading phase decreases as a function of the pre-strain; as a result, the localization of deformation inside the neck is more pronounced which causes a steeper thickness gradient in the vicinity of smallest cross-section (compare the slopes of the thickness profiles in Fig. 3-14b). A more detailed description of the evolution of the thickness and state variables at the location of fracture initiation in the NCT-13 experiment is given in Fig. 3-15. In addition to the forcedisplacement curve (Fig. 3-15a) * Fig. 3-15b shows the evolutions of the deformation resistance k (solid line), the back stress tensor component {cE1 tensor component { 2 III } (dashed line), and the back stress (dotted line); * Fig. 3-15c shows the evolution of the von Mises equivalent stress; * Fig. 3-15d shows the evolution of the longitudinal thickness profile; * Fig. 3-15e shows the evolution of the equivalent plastic strain as a function of the stress triaxiality (so-called "loading path to fracture"); Stagnation (,Q < 1) takes place between points (D and (,8 = 0) at point ®. At @ and reaches its maximum this point, both isotropic hardening and transient softening are inactive, while the kinematic hardening term associated with the Bauschinger effect is the only active hardening mechanism. At the same time, through-thickness necking initiates during the phase of hardening stagnation (compare the thickness profiles 3-15d). Full hardening resumes beyond point ® and ® in Fig. (Fig. 3-15c). It is well known in the literature that the strain hardening capacity affects the geometry of the neck (e.g. Pardoen et al, 2004). Here, the strain hardening capacity is affected in several ways by the precompression: the total isotropic hardening capacity decreases as a function of the pre-strain. However, this effect is competing with the hardening capacity in the Bauschinger transition, modelled by the kinematic hardening. During the stagnation phase, the rate of - 106 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets strain hardening is very low (between point and ® in Fig. 3-15c), leading to a more localized evolution of the neck. The consequence on the evolution of triaxiality is observed in Fig. 3-15e, where there is a rapid increase of the triaxiality as a function of the plastic strain between point ® and ®. Following the stagnation phase (after point ®),there is a short phase of significant increase of the rate of hardening (Fig. 3-15c), leading to a more diffused evolution of the neck. In Fig. 3-15e, there is temporarily almost no evolution of the triaxiality with respect to the plastic strain after point 3 10 ~ @ 8 6 4 2 0 -2 @. 0.6 0.5 0.4 F C/ . 0.1 0 . 0.3 0.2 - -0.1 -6 -0.2 -0.3- -8 -10 -12 -0.6 -0.7 - -4 0 0 -0.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 Displacement [mm] (a) 23 800 600 aCO '2 400 200 * I I I I I I I * I I I * I * I * I II I I II I I SI I I SI,-------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill I Ill I * * * * (a 1 j-~~ I I I I I I I I I I I S I 4- (U 0 1200 k 4 1000 a- 800 . 600 400 4 {~2}I1 ~ 200 -200 0.4 0.6 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain (b) 0.8 WO 0.2 0.4 0.6 Equivalent Plastic Strain (c) 0.8 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 107 0.55 0.8 3 E 0.6 0.5 CCY (DU 4E C- 0.45 d 0.4 0.4H 0.2 0.35 -5 R66 -0.33 5 0 Longitudinal Position 0.33 0 triaxiality 0.66 0.99 (e) (d) Figure 3-15 Detailed analysis of the NCT-13 results: (a) force-displacement curve and local surface strain; Evolutions of (b) the CCY hardening terms: isotropic hardeningresistance (solid line), axial component of the back stress tensors (dashedline) and (dotted line), (c) the von Mises stress, (d) the thickness profiles, and (e) the stress triaxiality; the dashed line in (e) depicts the Chaboche model prediction; the labels 9, (, @and (@indicate the point of loadreversal, onset of stagnation (also maximum load in tension), end of stagnation, and onset offracture. 3.5.3 Hosford-Coulombfracture initiationmodel Assuming that the onset of fracture is imminent with the onset of localization at the microscale, the Hosford-Coulomb model has been developed based on the results from 3D unit cell computations for proportional loading (Dunand and Mohr, 2014). In particular, it is postulated in chapter 2 that ductile fracture initiates after proportional loading when the linear combination of the Hosford equivalent stress and the normal stress acting on the plane of maximum shear exceeds a critical value, 5HF + c( with 5-HF I a ,H- a 1 a+(7 + 7, aa(-8 +.. b0 (3-47) - 108 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets After transformation of the Hosford-Coulomb criterion into mixed strain-stress state space, the strain to fracture for proportional loading reads, "p[1,0] = b(1 {i(f, +c){ f)" +(f2 - f)" + c(2q + f,+ +(f, - f)" (3-49) with the Lode angle parameter dependent trigonometric functions cos(1 f1[#]= - ) f 2[]= cos[ (3+ ) and f 3 []= -- cos[(i+ (3-50) with the transformation parameter p = 0.1 (Roth and Mohr, 2014), and the fracture model parameters {a,b,c}. Note that the Hosford exponent a controls the effect of the Lode angle parameter, while the friction coefficient c primarily controls the effect of the stress triaxiality on the strain to fracture. The model parameter b is a multiplier controlling the overall magnitude of the strain to fracture. It is defined such that it is equal to the strain to fracture for uniaxial tension (which is the same as that for equi-biaxial tension). To predict the onset of fracture after non-proportional and non-monotonic loading, the above criterion is embedded into a damage indicator model framework. Let D e [0,1] denote a scalar damage indicator, with the initial value D = 0 for the undeformed material, and D = 1 for the deformed material at the instant of fracture initiation. The evolution of the damage indicator is then related to the evolution of the equivalent plastic strain using a stress state dependent non-linear damage accumulation rule (Papasidero et al, 2014), dD=m _P f - "- (3-51) Irrespective of the choice of the damage accumulation exponent m > 0, the condition D = 1 is fully equivalent to the direct application of (33) for proportional loading. In the case of non-proportional loading, values of m < 1 put more weight on the effect of the stress state at the early stage of loading, whereas values of m > 1 emphasize the effect of the stress state right before fracture initiation. In the case of m =1, the so-called linear damage accumulation rule is retrieved (e.g. Bai and Wierzbicki, 2010). - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 109 Model identificationand verification 3.5.4 For each experiment performed, we extract the loading path to fracture, E, = E,[rq, ] at the location within the specimen, where the highest equivalent plastic strain is achieved corresponding numerical simulation. The solid lines in Fig. 3-16 depict the loading in the paths to fracture in the strain versus stress triaxiality plane for eight different experiments. The end of each path corresponds to the instant of fracture initiation. S 1.1 T-13, SH .0.8 CH 0.6 0 NCT-6 NCT-3 NCT NT6 o U . 0.6NCT-0 S0.4 )0.4 W0.2 W 0.2 -0.33 01 0 0.33 Triaxiality 0.66 0.99 S -NCT- .13 0. -1 CH NCT-3 NCT-25 NT6 0.5 0 -0.5 Loide Angle Parameter 1 Figure 3-16 Loadingpaths to fracture as extractedfrom finite element simulations of allfracture experiments up to the instant offracture initiation(endpoint ofsolid lines); the Hosford-Coulomb fracture initiation model predictionsare shown as soliddots. The four fracture initiation model parameters {a, b,c,m} are identified based on the loading paths using a gradient free inverse identification algorithm (Nelder-Mead minimization in Matlab). The results for the shear (SH), central hole tension (CH) and the monotonically loaded NCT-specimen (NCT-0) are included in the calibration procedure for {a,b,c} to cover a wide range of stress states; in addition, the reverse loading experiment NCT-9 is included in the data basis to identify the damage accumulation exponent m . After launching the identification procedure with the seed values {1.5,0.7,0.01,0.8}, the "optimal" parameters a = 1.65, b = 0.62, c = 0.05 and m = 0.45 are obtained after 76 iterations. Figure 1 b shows a 3D plot of the identified Hosford- - 110 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets Coulomb criterion 7'=fJ[r,] for proportional loading. The characteristic strains to fracture of pure shear, uniaxial tension and plane strain tension are 0.81, 0.64 and 0.51. f 1.5 0.5 -0.33 0 0 -0.5 0 0.5 0.66 0.33 )7 Figure 3-17 Strain to fracturefor proportionalloading as afunction of the Lode angle parameter and the stress triaxiality. The resulting model predictions of the instants of fracture initiation are shown as solid dots in Fig. 3-16. The solids dots lie exactly on top of the ends of the loading paths for the calibration experiments (black lines) which indicates that the model has sufficient mathematical flexibility to be fitted to the experimental data. The blue dots predict the instants of fracture for the four experiments that have not been included in the calibration procedure. As for the calibration experiments, the blue dots (model predictions) lie approximately on top of the ends of the blue solid lines (hybrid experimental-numerical data) which is seen as a partial validation of the proposed phenomenological model. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 111 1.2 1 --- 0.8 E 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.8 0.6 04 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain 1 Figure 3-18 evolution of the damage indicatorat the location offracture initiationin compressiontension experiments. Figure 9a allows for a more detailed comparison of the model predictions (solid dots) with corresponding experimental results (star symbols), revealing a maximum relative error of about 5% for the NCT- 13 experiment. The evolution of the damage indicator for the compression-tension experiments is shown in Fig. 3-18. The curves all show an abrupt increase in the damage accumulation rate dD/ dis at the instant of loading reversal. This is due to the jump in stress triaxiality (and Lode parameter) from -0.39 (-0.8) to +0.39 (+0.8). The corresponding strains to fracture for proportional loading at these stress states are 1.43 and 0.60, respectively. According to Eq. (3-52), this jump implies an increase in the rate of damage accumulation, i.e. at a given equivalent plastic strain, the damage accumulation is much lower under compression than under tension. - 112 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets 0.850.8 0.75 o1 0.5E 0 .0.6- 0 0 0.55 0 o 0.5 Experiment HC 0 HC no comp. * HC NL 0 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 Compressive pre-strain 0.15 Figure 3-19 Strain to fracture after compression-tension loading of NCT specimens as afunction of the equivalentplastic strain at the point of loading direction reversal; the star symbols present the hybrid experimental-numericalresults, the solid dots care model predictions. 3.5.5 Discussionof the effect ofpre-strainon ductilefracture The basic mechanism responsible for the apparent ductility increase is that void like defects (which trigger the shear localization at the microscale) do not nucleate or grow under compression. Hence the main tendency of an increase of the strain to fracture as a function of the pre-compression strain. However, even after computing the net fracture strain (i.e. subtracting the pre-compression strain from the final fracture strain, Table 2 and Fig. 3-20), we observe an increase in ductility due to pre-compression. This second order effect is attributed to the local thickening of the specimen in pre-compression phase, thereby delaying the necking related stress triaxiality increases after loading reversal. - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets - 113 NCT-0 NCT-3 NCT-6 NCT9 NTC-13 0. 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.13 Fracture strain 0.56 0.60 0.73 0.75 0.77 Net fracture strain 0.56 0.66 0.67 0.66 0.64 Pre-compression strain Table 3-2 Net fracture strain (equivalentplastic strain at fracture minus compressive pre-strain) as afunction of the compressive pre-strain. 0.750.7 0.65 a) 4 0 0.6 C.) 0.55 LL 0.5- z 0.45. 0.40 35*0 0 0 o o Experiment HC 0 HC no comp. * HC NL 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 Compressive pre-strain 0.15 Figure 3-20 Netfracture strain after compression-tension loading ofNCT specimens as afunction of the equivalentplastic strain at the point of loading direction reversal; the star symbols present the hybrid experimental-numericalresults, the solid dots care model predictions From a phenomenological point of view, it is worth noting that the present results suggest that the stress state at the beginning of the loading history has an important effect on the final strain to fracture. This becomes apparent when comparing the results obtained with the proposed nonlinear damage accumulation rule (m=0.45) with those obtained using a linear damage accumulation rule (m=1). A slight increase of the ductility in terms of equivalent plastic strain at fracture is predicted using the linear rule (open square dots in Fig. 3-20), but it is well below the prediction of the non-linear rule (star symbols in Fig. 3- - 114 - Chapter 3: Compression-Tension to Fracture of Dual Phase Steel Sheets 20). An alternative modeling approach using the linear rule would be to consider the material after pre-strain as a new virgin material with zero initial value of the damage indicator. Even though the predictions with this approach (open diamond symbols in Fig. 3-20) lie above those obtained with the conventional linear rule, there is still a significant gap between the model predictions and the experimental results. 3.6 Summary An experimental procedure is developed in order to perform compression of sheet material and delay buckling. A uniaxial specimen geometry is used to identify the plastic response of the material under reverse loading. A geometry with notches is used to characterize the hardening at high strains after loading reversal, and to measure the ductility after loading reversal. A Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) model is proposed to account for the observed Bauschinger effect, transient softening and work hardening stagnation. The parameters are identified through an inverse calibration in order to predict the post necking behavior of the notch tests. The model is carefully validated using local surface strain measurements and thickness profiles. The ductility of the material in terms of equivalent strain at fracture increases with compressive pre-strain. A Hosford-Coulomb damage indicator model with a non-linear damage accumulation rule is calibrated and validated based on the experimental data. The model predictions agree well with all experimental results for the DP780 steel with a maximum relative error of 5% in the strains to fracture. It is worth noting that the same phenomenological damage accumulation rule provided an accurate description of proportional and non-proportional experiments on aluminum 2024-T351 (Papasidero et al., 2014). - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 115 Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture Based on the Combined Chaboche Yoshida model for reverse loading, a new plasticity model is developed so that parameters obtainedfrom monotonic tests can be directly used, and so that the parametersfor reverse loading are independently identified. An experimental method to perform reverse shear on sheet material is introduced. Two specimen geometries areproposed: one with a uniform gage section with thickness reduction is used to identify the parametersof the plasticity model after shear loading reversal; another specimen geometry, optimized to concentrate strains in the center of the gage section, is used to characterizethe effect of shear reversal on the ductility of the material. Data of Compressionfollowedby tension up tofractureon notch specimens is also considered. Based on the assumption that ductile fracture is the imminent consequence of the localization of deformations in a narrow band, it is proposedto predictfractureinitiationwith a criticalhardening rate. The model is an equivalent of the Hosford-Coulombfracture criterion in stress space for proportionalloading. The criticalhardeningrate model is successfully calibratedfora wide range of stressstates in the case ofmonotonic loading. The model is validatedon thefracture experiments for reverse loading: compressionfollowed by tension and shearreversal. - 116 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 4.1 Introduction Since the pioneering work of Gurson (1977), porous plasticity models have received considerable attention over the past three decades because of their sound micromechanical basis and ability to predict fracture in many applications. Inspired by the early work of McClintock (1968) and Rive and Tracey (1969), Gurson-type of models are developed to provide a mathematical description of the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids in solids. It is undisputed that these mechanisms are highly relevant at high stress triaxialities such as encountered in front of crack tips (Needleman and Tvergaard, 1987). In crack-free sheet materials, the stress state is usually close to plane stress and hence the void growth driving stress triaxiality does not exceed the theoretical value of 2/3. Even inside a localized neck where three-dimensional stress states develop, the stress triaxiality seldom exceeds values of 0.8. Consequently, there is limited void growth in a statistically homogeneous sense in sheet specimens. This conclusion is also supported by experimental observations of Ghahremaninezhad and Ravi-Chandar (2012) from micrographs taken at different stages during tension experiments on aluminum alloy 6061 -T6 and ... Morgeneyer et al. (2008). At the macroscopic level, there is also growing evidence that the stress-strain response of sheet metal can be predicted with reasonable accuracy up to the point of fracture initiation using non-porous plasticity models. The decrease in the force level that is observed in the post-necking range can usually be described without introducing damage into the material model. However, as shown by Dunand and Mohr (2010), Song et al. (2010), Tardif and Kyriakides (2012) and in Chapter 2, a careful identification of the large strain hardening response of non-porous models through inverse procedures is required. Despite the physically sound formulation of Gurson models, it is very difficult to find experimental evidence that justifies their application to sheet metal as far as the description of the elasto-plastic material response is concerned. It is reemphasized that this statement is made with regard to the plasticity of sheet metal only. An ad-hoc approach to predicting ductile fracture with porous plasticity models is to assume that fracture initiates when the computed porosity reaches a critical value. A more physical approach would be to assume that the porous plasticity model provides an accurate description of the effect of porosity on the material's load carrying capacity which implies - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 117 that ductile fracture is predicted "naturally". In other words, the solution of a boundary value problem will feature zones of plastic localization (dilational shear bands) that will eventually cause the loss of load carrying capacity of the structure at hand (e.g. Needleman and Tvergaard, 1984). The study of Besson et al. (2003) of slant fracture nicely illustrates this approach. Such simulation models can be supplemented with coalescence criteria (see review by Benzerga and Leblond, 2010) to account for localization events at the mesoscale. Note that the latter may even occur before macroscopic localization (Tekoglu et al., 2014). Recent experimental evidence regarding ductile fracture at low stress triaxialities (Barsoum and Faleskog, 2007, Mohr and Henn, 2007, Dunand and Mohr, 2011 a) is not in good agreement with the trends predicted by conventional Gurson models. The qualitative differences are mostly due to the fact that conventional Gurson models do not predict shear localization at low stress triaxialities (at reasonable magnitudes of strain). So-called shearmodified Gurson models have thus been developed to capture the localization at low stress triaxialities. A recent example is the work by Nahshon and Hutchinson (2008) who added a shear term to the void volume evolution law of the GTN model (Tvergaard and Needleman, 1984) and demonstrated the importance of this modification in their predictions of shear localization. Danas and Ponte Castaneda (2012) used non-linear homogenization to come up with a porous plasticity model that accounts for void shape changes (that are characteristic for shear loading). Their analysis also shows the loss of ellipticity at low stress triaxialities. Given the limited benefits of Gurson type of models as far as predicting the elastoplastic response of sheet metal is concerned, the combination of non-porous plasticity models with damage indicator models provides an attractive framework for predicting fracture in industrial practice. Different from porous plasticity and coalescence models, damage indicator models often have no physical basis and are at most physics-inspired. The damage indicator is a dimensionless scalar variable that evolves as a function of the stress state and plastic deformation, dD= dp_ "[ 77,9 ] (4-6) - 118 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture It is initially zero while fracture is assumed to occur as it reaches a defined critical value. The heart of these models is the weighting function T[q, 0], which provides the strain to fracture for proportional loading as a function of the stress triaxiality q and the Lode angle parameter 0 . Bao and Wierzbicki (2004) provide a comprehensive overview on different stress-state dependent damage indicator models including weighting functions based on the works of McClintock (1968), Rice and Tracey (1969), LeRoy et al. (1981), Cockcroft and Latham (1968), Oh et al. (1979), Brozzo et al. (1972), and Clift et al. (1990). More recent representatives of this class of models are the modified Mohr-Coulomb model by Bai and Wierzbicki (2010) and the micro-mechanically motivated Hosford-Coulomb model by Mohr and Marcadet (2015). Even though the latter has been derived from a localization criterion for proportional loading, it gives satisfactory results for both proportional and non-proportional loading paths (Bai (2008), Papasidero et al. (2015), and Chapter 3). The main shortcoming of damage indicator models is the lack of physical arguments justifying their validity for non-proportional loading paths. Even though the variable D is often called damage and Eq. (4-1) is referred to as damage accumulation rule, it is emphasized that D has no direct physical meaning (unlike the damage variable used in continuum damage mechanics). Instead, it may be more appropriate to view the damage indicator framework as a heuristic mathematical model for predicting path dependent fracture initiation. The main objective of the present paper is to provide a mechanism-inspired model for predicting ductile fracture initiation under proportional and non-proportional loading. An important byproduct of this work is an advanced plasticity model which accounts for the direction dependent Lankford ratios, the Bauschinger effect, work hardening stagnation and quasi-permanent softening. The proposed model is successfully validated using experimental data for two advanced high strength steels for proportional monotonic experiments, compression-tension experiments and reverse shear experiments. 4.2 Plasticity model In view of predicting the large deformation and fracture response for non-proportional loading paths, a finite strain plasticity model formulation is presented that accounts for (i) - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 119 loading direction dependent Lankford ratios, (ii) the early yield after load reversal (Bauschinger effect), (iii) the high hardening rate in the elasto-plastic transition regime resulting from load reversal (transient hardening), (iv) permanent softening, and (v) work hardening stagnation. As discussed in the review papers by Chaboche (2008) and Eggertsen and Mattiasson (2009, 2010, 2011), combinations of linear and non-linear hardening rules can account for the Bauschinger effect, transient hardening and permanent softening, while further model enrichments are necessary to account for hardening stagnation (e.g. Yoshida and Uemori, 2002). To account for all five effects (i)-(v), we proposed in Chapter 3 to combine the plasticity models of Mohr et al. (2010) with the non-linear hardening models of Chaboche (2008) and Yoshida-Uemori (2002) type of hardening stagnation. In the sequel, the model of Chapter 3 is reformulated to simplify the associated material model parameter identification procedure. In particular, the hardening laws are formulated such that that the model parameters describing the material's response to monotonic loading do not need to be readjusted when calibrating the parameters that account for reverse loading effects. 4.2.1 Yield function andflow rule To define the pressure-independent yield surface, we introduce the tensor 4 as a measure of the difference between the deviatoric Cauchy stress and a deviatoric back-stress tensor X, = dev(a)- X. (4-2) Applying the von Mises equivalent stress definition, - 3 , =(4-3) the yield surface is written as f = 4p -k,. = 0, (4-4) - 120 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture with kis denoting the isotropic deformation resistance. Following the recommendation of Stoughton (2002), Cvitanic et al. (2008) and Mohr et al. (2010), a non-associated flow rule with a Hill'48 flow potential function is employed, =d 4G (4-s5) 5 with the positive definite fourth order tensor G, here shown in the engineering notation as a matrix 0 0 0 G4 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 + G12 1+2G] 2 + G2 2 0 0 0 0 G12 12 ) -(G 22 -(G +G1 2 ) -(1+G G22 +G2) 22 ) -(1 (4-6) . and the plastic multiplier dA The von Mises definition is adopted to define the equivalent plastic strain, i.e. dT, = 4.2.2 ddc' :9A (4-7) Hardeningevolutions The hardening laws are chosen based on the Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) model proposed in Chapter 3. An attempt is made to simplify the model parameter identification by introducing a deformation resistance B that describes the material hardening response for monotonic uniaxial tension along the rolling direction. For this special case, the yield condition is written as (-I = ko +kkin = B (4-8) with k,., denoting the isotropic deformation resistance as introduced in Eq. (4-4), and denoting the back stress. kkn - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 121 In most plasticity models, established analytical forms (Holomon, Swift, Voce, power law, exponential function, etc) are used to parameterize the isotropic hardening law Ek,[ ,] .(4-9) kan = The special feature of the current model is that a parametric form (Swift-Voce) is used to describe B as a function of the equivalent plastic strain, (4-70) +(1 - w)O +Q(1 - e-bp B= wA(o + V with the Swift parameters {A,co,n}, the Voce parameters {YO,Q,b}, factor 0 w and the weighting 1. The repartition of the effective hardening response into isotropic and kinematic hardening will then be described through additional constitutive equations. For general 3D settings, kso, kkin and B will serve as internal variables of the constitutive model. For notational convenience, we also introduce the sum of kis and kkif as dependent variable, k = k, +kl (4-81) The initial configuration of the material shall then be characterized through the initial conditions @ ,=0: B=k =ko =wAOn+(I-w)Y% and kkn (4-92) =0. For arbitrary three-dimensional loading, the stress B defines a bounding limit fork, k ! B, (4-103) while the evolution of k is expressed through the differential equation dk = SB+y,(B - k)d., j (4-114) where S e [0,1] is an additional internal variable associated with hardening stagnation. For loading paths without any hardening stagnation (e.g. monotonic uniaxial tension), we have S = 1 at all times, and consequently dk = dB and k = B. In the case where work hardening stagnation occurs, the strict inequality k < B holds true. The recovery term - 122 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture y,,(B-k)dE, allows the variable k to converge towards B whenever the material deformed outside the hardening stagnation regime (S = 1). The repartition between isotropic and kinematic hardening is then prescribed through the equation dki= if kkfl<lks 0 dk .kki -k (4-15) (1+P where we introduced the dependent model parameter p; due to thermodynamic considerations, it is related to the anisotropy in the plastic flow and is defined as a function of the maximum eigenvalue A. of the matrix G, 3 (4-16) 2A Initially, kis = Y and kk,, = 0. This means that the apparent strain hardening under uniaxial tension (evolution of B) is entirely stored into the kinematic hardening contribution, until B = 2YO. It has been found that for low cycle fatigue (Dafalias and Popov, Yoshida), it is not necessary to introduce an isotropic hardening for the yield surface. When B > 2Y, the apparent strain hardening under uniaxial tension is equally split into an isotropic and a kinematic hardening contribution, in order to verify the thermodynamic constraints (see section 4.2.5). The deformation resistance k,,0 enters directly into the definition of the yield surface (see Eq. (4-4)), while the evolution of imposes a constraint on the evolution of the back stress tensors. 4.2.3 Evolution of the back stress tensor The back stress tensor is decomposed into two terms, X=C + The e'VVolUtorul for+the ack-stress 4Lnso p.(4-17) U is defindU thuugl tle Uifferential equation kkf - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 123 dE + Sy,(k, dP -IdkA). d= - 2 (4-18) The proposed evolution rule is a combination of terms inspired by the classic Prager (1952) and Armstrong-Frederick (1966) formulations. Inspired by White et al (1990), the traditional coefficients of these evolution rules are replaced by instantaneous moduli and bounding radii that are allowed to change in time. Different from Prager's linear kinematic hardening rule which makes use of a constant modulus, the hardening modulus dk, / dE, of the Prager term (first term of the right hand side) is bounded by the evolution of the variable kk,1 . Formally, this non-linearity is introduced through the constraint dkg = min C dkkn 3 ds,' ' dA (4-19) which typically becomes active at large strains and for large values of C,,. Similarly, different from Armstrong-Frederick's kinematic hardening rule which makes use of a constant radius, the radius of the bounding surface to the backstress is controlled by the variable k, . Note that the Armstrong-Frederick recovery effect on the back-stress evolution (second term on the right hand side of Eq. 4-18) is interrupted during work hardening stagnation. This feature represents the transient softening effect of chapter 3. Analogously to the evolution equations of the back stress Pj, we define the hardening law for a, d = Z{dcdp d a 3 dE, _ + ?4jkadEP - cdA / 3 (4-120) with the model parameter y, and the constraint dk, = dk,, - dk,6. (4-131) As discussed in chapter 3, the evolution a is not affected by hardening stagnation to model the Bauschinger effect. - 124 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 4.2.4 Work HardeningStagnation As for the CCY model of chapter 3, the constitutive equations for the evolution rule of S are inspired by the work of Yoshida and Uemori (2002). Work hardening stagnation is activated as a function of the loading history. Firstly, a strain-like measure of the loading path o is introduced, do =- 2 33 4 dA. (4-142) The distance of i to a point q is then defined as - 0) = 2 _(co-q):(co- q) 3 (4-153) 0. (4-164) and limited to o-r When C =or and (w-q): do >0, r and q are dq = (1 - dr = h - updated as follows: h) - dco (4-175) do) (4-186) We can now define the internal variable S: S((to,q, r) =enf(4-27) if (o - q): do < 0 then 0 The internal variable S corresponds to the ratio of the distance of O to q when &- increases. It is set to zero when it decreases. This means that the hardening is deactivated in case of reverse loading and progressively reactivated at large strains after reversal. 4.2.5 Thermodynamic constraints The starting point of our considerations is the free energy imbalance of the form (4-28) The free energy is limited to an elastic part V/, - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 125 (4-29) which must be positive, i.e. (4-190) , V/, ' 0 Assuming the quadratic elastic strain energy potential: VIe = 2 (C : ( -E,)): (r - EP) (4-201) along with the elastic constitutive equation: = C:(E -EP) (4-212) the free energy imbalance may be substituted by the requirement of nonnegative rate of plastic dissipation, d, = y (4-223) Combining equations (4-1), (4-12) and (4-31), we obtain the rate of plastic dissipation : - c(+):G Hill + d, =(a+P+) : P, = (4-234) 0 The first term is unconditionally nonnegative. A constraint needs to be imposed on the material model parameters when (a + P): G : 4 <0 . In that case, the non-zero dissipation condition is satisfied if (4-245) (a + P): G : 41 _-! 2 j It is thus sufficient to impose a constraint on the magnitude of the total back stress tensor, V(c +P): G : (ct+ P) < Hjjl (4-256) According to the evolution laws of a and P, the evolution of a + P is bound to ( +p) G :(. + : 0. 3 (4-37) - 126 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture With A, the largest eigenvalue of the matrix G Amax,( =max ,G44 ,l+G 2 +G22 ++4G 2 +2GG22 +2G +G2 -G 22 (438) And hence the additional thermodynamic parameter constraint 2 - 3 k ki A max,G - iso kin - iso (4 39) The condition (4-39) is verified according to equations (4-11) and (4-15) controlling the evolution on kiso, and kkin. Note: The condition (4-39) means that the sum of the backstresses is bounded by the current isotropic yield surface. When the back-stresses reach the isotropic yield surface, it is proposed to distribute the total hardening between the isotropic radius and the evolution of the back-stress so that (4-39) remains satisfied. 4.2.6 Illustrationfor uniaxial loading For uniaxial loading with an isotropic flow rule, the yield condition becomes: |a - a -,8|- k,, = 0. (4-40) = dA - (4-41) The flow rule simplifies to de Equations (9) to (14) remain unchanged. The distribution of the hardening between its isotropic and kinematic contribution reads dkiso = 0 if kki < dk i kkn = k,,o (4-42) 2 We can now re-write the evolution of the kinematic back-stress tensors dc9 = dk, + Sy,(k, - I:id, With (4-43) - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 127 dk, = min(dAC,,dkkin (4-44) And finally da = dka +a(ka - a)de, (4-45) Critical hardening rate fracture initiation model 4.3 4.3.1 Mechanism-basedmodeling There is a consensus in the literature that the localization of deformation within a narrow band is a main precursor to ductile fracture (eg. Danas and Ponte Castaneda (2012), Nahson and Hutchinson (2008), Pardoen and Hutchinson (2000), Tekoglu et al (2012), Rousselier and Quilici (2015), Auliffe and Waisman (2015)). Assuming that the initiation of ductile fracture, i.e. the formation of macroscopic cracks in metals is imminent with the onset of localization, the onset of ductile fracture can be predicted through an infinite bandtype of localization analysis (Rice, 1976). For a material obeying the incremental stressstrain relationship d-= L:dc ,(4-46) Rice (1976) showed that the condition for localization in a planar band reads det[Linkn, ]= 0 (4-47) with n denoting the unit normal vector to the localization band. Rice (1976) has also shown that the above bifurcation condition describes the loss of ellipticity of the governing field equation. It is worth noting that Rice's criterion remains valid irrespective of the loading history. The loading history effect on the onset of shear localization is entirely described by the plasticity model which provides the evolution of the elasto-plastic tangent matrix L (fourth order tensor) and the stress tensor a (which enters into the corresponding finite strain formulation, see Mear and Hutchinson (1985)). In engineering practice, the above approach is seldom used due to the high computational costs associated with solving - 128 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture equation (39) and its incompatibility with simple non-porous plasticity models (when prediction localization at low stress triaxialities). 4.3.2 Phenomenologicalmodelingfor proportionalloading As an alternative to bifurcation analysis, engineers often use fracture initiation criteria that provide the equivalent plastic strain to fracture as a function of the stress state, 6P' = (4-48) ] 'r, The existence of a fracture envelope can be justified for proportional loading in stress space. It was shown in chapter 2 that any envelope in stress space can be transformed into the form of (3) for materials featuring isotropic hardening only. For example, the HosfordCoulomb model in principalstress space {-, u1 1 ,. -7 } reads with the Hosford (1972) measure of the stress 7HF = { I - 0 7H )a + (a,, - CIII )' + (a, (4-50) - 0-111 and the model parameters {a, b, c}. Using coordinate transformations, the same criterion may be expressed in terms of the stress triaxiality, Lode parameter and Mises equivalent stress. In the modified Haigh-Westergaardspace {,7, 0, J}, we have, - b - (4-51) . (f-)" +(f2 f)" +(f- f)} +c(2r7+ f, + f 3 ) 0= O 1 [ri, 0]= with the Lode angle parameter dependent functions - 2 S[,,_ fl[o]=-COs -( 3 6 , -]2 0) ,[0]=-Cos 3 17 2 -(3+0) , A1[0]=_--Cos -(1+0) 16 13 [6 (4-52) _ For a Levy-von Mises material with isotropic hardening, a third representation of the Hosford-Coulomb criterion in the mixed stress-strainspace {q, 0, ,} is readily obtained - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 129 when using the inverse isotropic hardening law, , to substitute the von Mises = equivalent stress by the equivalent plastic strain, fpr =k (4-53) [ [ 7,O ]. In the latest coordinate frame transformation, we made use of the bijectivity of the hardening law b = k[Z,] The bijectivity of the hardening law allows us not only to substitute the equivalent von Mises stress through the equivalent plastic strain, but we can even express the fracture criterion in terms of a critical hardening rate, A forth representation of the HosfordCoulomb model in the mixed hardeningrate & stress state space {r,0,dU/ds,} reads \pr S =$ k' , , (4-54) | All four representations of the Hosford-Coulomb criterion have been visualized for plane stress conditions in Fig. 4-1 for a power law material k[E,]=A(EO +-6 (4-55) n. with the Swift parameters A = 1100, E, = 0.36 and n parameters a =1.5, b=1000MPa and c =0.1. = 0.2, and the Hosford-Coulomb It is reemphasized that all four representations are fully equivalent and predict the same instant of fracture initiation for a given proportional loading path in stress space. - 130 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 120 100 0 80 0 a. C/) 0 0 W) U) 60 0 0- 0 40 20 0 0 433 First In-Plane Stress 0.33 Triaxiality 0.66 (b) (a) 1.2 .C 1 5150 0.8 t 2490 0.6 1340 790 (U 02 ui 0.4 -4Y.33 - ..... i490 320 220 0 0.33 Triaxiality 0.66 (c) -0.33 0 0.33 Triaxiality 0.66 (d) Figure 4-1 Representationof the Hosford-Coulomb criterionfor apower law materialwith plane stress condition in thefollowing spaces (a) first and second in-plane stress components (b) HaighWestergaard (c) mixed stress-strain (d) mixed hardeningrate-stress. The initial Von Mises yield envelope (solidblack line), the subsequent Von Mises iso-contours (black dotted line) and HosfordCoulomb fracture locus (solidblue line) are shown. 4.3.3 Phenomenologicalmodelingfor non-proportionalloading A discussed in the introduction, we seek for a mechanism-based alternative to the heuristic damage indicator modeling framework to predict ductile fracture initiation for proportional and non-proportional loading paths. Aside from the lack of physical - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 131 arguments supporting the particular mathematical form of the damage indicator framework, we also found a strong counterexample: experiments suggest an increase in the total strain to fracture after shear reversal (see section This is in contradiction with the prediction of damage indicator models which are insensitive to the effect of loading direction reversal for pure shear. Inspired by the fact that Rice's (1976) localization criterion in terms of the tangent modulus L naturally incorporates the effect of the loading history, we propose a phenomenological derivative of Rice's model by postulating that ductile fracture initiates when the hardening rate d6 /dE reaches a critical value for a given stress state {q, 0}. = g[d5,:]- ( (4-56) Note that different from (43), we omit the superscript 'pr', i.e. criterion (12) is a priori proposed to predict ductile fracture for both proportional and non-proportional loading paths. We also note that dE defines the von Mises equivalent strain increment of the total strain tensor, dE:d. (4-57) di= 3 - Similarly to Rice's localization criterion, the dependence on loading history of ductile fracture initiation is inherited from the plasticity model. For materials exhibiting isotropic hardening only, the proposed model would reduce to a simple stress based criterion. This simple form for modeling the effect of loading history has been advocated by Stoughton and Yoon (2011). However, for materials exhibiting non-linear kinematic hardening (such as Bauschinger effect or transient softening), the above model will immediately predict a history effect on ductile fracture. This plasticity model effect is shown schematically in Fig. 2 and will be elaborated further in the subsequent sections dealing with real materials. The stress-strain relation is shown for monotonic and reverse loading after 0.45 plastic strain. A constant stress state is assumed even after loading reversal (eg. shear reversal). Fracture under monotonic - 132 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture loading is assumed to initiate at an equivalent plastic strain of 1. The figure shows the effect of plasticity on the strain to fracture depending on the choice of critical quantity at fracture: equivalent plastic strain, corresponding to equation (4-53), in blue, Von Mises stress, corresponding to equation (4-51), in green, and hardening rate, corresponding to equation (4-58), in red. As far as the parametric form of g[q,0] is concerned, we suggest using (48) as evaluated for a power law hardening model with n = 0.1, n +(f f)a + c(2r7+ f, + f 3 ) f2)" +(f2 - f) (f - g[77,]= Htrr (4-58) The proposed critical hardening rate model therefore features three model parameters: the critical hardening modulus H,,, for uniaxial tension, the friction coefficient c, and the . Hosford exponent a 120C Monotonic 1 000 0~ (0 00 C') Stress G) Strain 1~ (0 'I) 600 Hardening Rate C') 40C C 0 20C r 0 1 1.5 0.5 Equivalent Plastic Strain - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 133 Figure4-2 Effect ofplasticity on the prediction offracture under reverse loadingfor the HosfordCoulomb model as afunction of the choice of criticalquantity atfracture. 4.3.4 Extendedformulation An important underlying assumption in the proposed ductile fracture model is that the fracture initiation is imminent with the onset of localization. There are a few exceptions where this assumption does not hold true. Consider for example a material in which LUders' bands form (e.g. Hall, 1970). In that case, localization bands occur temporarily, but cease rapidly as the hardening rate picks up. For such a material, the hardening rate right after initial yield is close to zero or even negative; the proposed model would predict fracture at this stage of loading even though significantly higher strains are attained in reality. A similar situation is encountered when PLC bands form in aluminum alloys (e.g. Benallal et al., 2006) or during work hardening stagnation after loading reversal in DP steels. The common feature of these special cases is that the localization is stabilized rapidly due to the material's remaining hardening potential. Localization corresponds to a catastrophic (i.e. fracture initiation), if there is no more hardening stabilization possible under continued monotonic loading along the current loading path. The failure criterion therefore must state that fracture occurs at an instant tf if the localization criterion Eq. (58) is satisfied, and provided that the hardening modulus did not increase if the loading continued along the same strain path. Denoting the hardening modulus H at an instant tf after loading along a specific strain path c[t] from the initial configuration (t =0) to the current configuration (t = t1 ) as [tf]]:= 6 (4-59) the fracture criterion is formally rewritten as max H[t t !tf 1 ] + 4t](t -t 1 )] g)[t 1], 0 (t] (4-60) - 134 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture It is noted that the loading path assumed in (54) is only possible post-localization scenario. As for propagating instabilities (e.g. Kyriakides, 2001), the formation of a crack after the onset of localization also depends on the kinematic restrictions imposed by the surrounding material. In other words, different from the onset of localization, fracture initiation is expected to depend on the non-local conditions. Comment on the model sensitivity 4.3.5 At first sight, the formulation of a fracture initiation model in terms of the hardening rate to be more sensitive to experimental inaccuracies than models that are directly formulated in terms of strains. It is therefore worth emphasizing that the conversion from strains to hardening rates is only done computationally, i.e. the identification of the model parameters {a, H is based on the measured strains to fracture for different stress , c} states. Possible experimental uncertainties in the measurement of stress-strain curve slopes therefore do not enter the model parameter identification process. The same applies to inaccuracies in the calibrated plasticity model. Even if thee plasticity model provides only a poor approximation of the material's large deformation response, these plasticity model inaccuracies will not affect the model predictions of the strain to fracture for proportional loading. However, the model predictions for nonproportional loading depend on the slope accuracy of the plasticity model. In other words, in order to benefit from the model's ability of providing accurate estimates of the strains to fracture after complex loading histories, it is necessary to use an adequate plasticity model. For instance, the increase in ductility after reverse shear loading is only possible if a plasticity model with non-linear kinematic hardening or hardening stagnation is employed. 4.4 Experiments The proposed plasticity and fracture models will be validated based on the experimental data for two different materials: 1.0mm thick DP780 steel sheets provided by T UO Cee, O)L~ 1 A aWIU.yrrm Ice ii 9r steel sheets provided by Arceior'viittai. !or1 1-al - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 135 4.4.1 Overview on experimentalprocedures In an attempt to obtain a comprehensive characterization of the plastic and fracture response of advanced high strength steels the following experiment types have been performed: (a) Monotonic uniaxial tension (UT): tensile specimens with a 10mm wide gage section (Fig. la) are positioned into a universal testing machine and loaded at a constant cross-head velocity of 2mm/min. In addition to the axial strain, the width strain is measured using planar Digital Image Correlation (DIC); (b) Monotonic notched tension (NT-x): the minimum gage section width of all notched specimens was 10mm (Figs. lb and Ic), while the notch radii were either 20mm (NT20) or 6.67mm (NT-6). The notched specimens were loaded at constant cross-head velocity of 2mm/min all the way to fracture. The relative axial shoulder displacements were measured using 17 mm and 15 mm long DIC extensometers for the NT-6 and NT-20 specimens, respectively. In addition, a local relative displacement has been measured using a 2mm long virtual extensometer at the specimen center; (c) Monotonic central hole tension (CH): the employed tensile specimens were 20mm wide and featured a 4mm diameter hole at the gage section center; as for the NT specimens, a global relative displacement has been measured using a 40 mm long axial virtual extensometer; (d) Monotonic punch experiments (PU): Using a 127 mm diameter hemispherical punch, a disc specimen is loaded all the way to fracture at a punch velocity of 5 mm/min. The surface strains are measured in the apex region of the punched specimen using stereo DIC. (e) Uniaxial tension-compression experiments (UTC): the specimens are first loaded up to an axial strain of 0.1 or 0.2 under uniaxial tension, before loading direction reversal. A low friction anti-buckling device is employed to apply compression stain increment of up to 0.15 before buckling failure. The axial strains are monitored in these experiments using a 12 mm long virtual extensometer; - 136 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture (f) Notched compression-tension experiments (CTR): notched specimens with the same gage section dimensions as the NT-20 specimens are first subject to compressive strains of up to -0.13, before removing the anti-buckling device and loading the specimen all the way to fracture under tension; the global and local axial DIC extensometer lengths are 12 mm and 2 mm, respectively. (g) Reverse shear plasticity experiments (MO): tangential loading is applied onto a rectangular specimen (Fig. 4-4), while keeping the vertical force zero (Mohr and Oswald, 2008). The strains are measured within the 5 mm wide and 50 mm long gage section using planar DIC. To avoid any plastic deformation in the gripping areas and to reduce the required tangential forces, the gage section thickness is reduced to 0.5mm using conventional milling. Fracture initiates near the gage section edges which limits the validity of the experiments to equivalent strain levels of about 0.3 for monotonic loading; the experiment are performed in a tangential displacementcontrol mode at a constant velocity of 0.5 mm/min; (h) Reverse shear fracture experiments (BUT): in close analogy with the shear plasticity experiments, tangential loads are applied to a butterfly-shaped specimen (Fig 4-6, Dunand and Mohr (2011)). Different from the MO specimen, fracture initiates near the specimen center where the stress state is close to pure shear. The relative tangential and normal displacement of the specimen shoulders is monitored using planar DIC. All experiments are performed a constant tangential velocity of about 0.5 mm/min, while keeping the normal force zero. 4.4.2 Details on experimentalprocedures The experimental procedures for experiment types (a)-(f) have been described in detail in Dunand and Mohr (2010), Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. We therefore limit our detailed description to the experimental procedures for the reverse shear experiments which have not been reported previously. All shear tests are performed on a custom-made Instron dual actuator system (Fig. 43). The boundary conditions and the alignment are well controlled by the rigid high - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 137 pressure grips. The vertical actuator controls the vertical load applied to the top of the specimen. The horizontal actuator is under displacement control. verllcal actuat clamp specimen horizota ackuator horizontW b ba elldcll 0 Figure 4-3 Schematic of the dual actuator system Reverse shear plasticity experiments The high width to height ratio of the MO specimen (Fig. 4-4) ensures that the shear stress field is approximately within the specimen gage section; it can therefore be calculated based on the force measurements at the specimen boundaries. After machining the specimens, a random speckle patter is applied onto the gage section surface. A digital camera monitored the central part of the gage section at resolution of 20 pm/pixel and at a frame rate of 1Hz. The tangential displacement is applied at a constant horizontal actuator speed of 0.5 mm/min. The experiments are aborted as soon as small cracks become visible by eye in the gage section corners. - 138 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture VF T gag. section t - h*2t -h trH 4- 4 rim7 Figure4-4 Geometry of the Mohr-Oswaldspecimen. The shear strain is determined from the relative tangential and normal displacements Au and Av of two points positioned on the vertical symmetry axis of the specimen at an initial distance of L = 2mm. Following the developments of Mohr and Oswald (2008), the logarithmic axial strain is (4-61) , =In I+-) (L and the logarithmic shear strain (4-62) dt A L+ Av L = 2 The work-conjugate shear component of the stress is evaluated using the approximation F - H A0 (4-63) exp [e with the initial cross section area A0 ,and the tangential force F, acting onto the specimen. Recall that the vertical force is kept zero throughout the experiments and hence U-j =0. Denoting the elastic shear modulus as G , we compute the plastic strain components 2e = 2c, -q,/ /G and c ~ c,, (4-64) - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 139 and the equivalent plastic strain = fJ(('p)2 (4-65) .p )2d Figure 4-5 shows an example equivalent stress versus equivalent plastic strain curve for the DP590 material for an MO experiment with loading reversal at a strain of about 0.09. In the same figure, we also show the stress-strain curve from a tension-compression experiment (UTC specimen) with loading reversal at the same equivalent plastic strain (solid dots). The remarkable agreement of both curves is seen as a partial validation of the reverse shear testing technique. Furthermore, it is noted that significantly larger strains could be achieved with the MO specimen (before the formation of corner cracks) than in a UTC specimen which fails due to buckling. 1000 800- CO $ C > 600400 200 - 0 Tension/Compression Mohr-Oswald 0.2 0.3 0.1 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0.4 Figure4-5 Comparaisonof the stress-strainresponse of DP780 under loading reversal after 10% equivalentplastic strainforshear reversal (solidline) and tensionfollowed by compression (dotted . line) Reverse shear fracture experiments As mentioned above, the MO specimen fails because of strain concentrations at the gage section corners and is thus not suitable for measuring the strain to fracture for pure - 140 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture shear. Instead, the butterfly (BF) specimen (Fig. 4) introduced by Dunand and Mohr (2011) is used. It features slightly curved specimen shoulders which generate significantly larger strains at the specimen center than at the free gage section boundaries. As a result, fracture initiates near the gage section center where pure shear conditions prevail'. T FF ~h1A*S ~*C rc - w 1A Figure 4-6 Geometry of the Dunand-Mohrbutterfly specimen. A velocity of 0.5mm/min is applied to the horizontal actuator, while keeping the vertical force zero. The horizontal and vertical relative displacements Au and Av of the specimen shoulders is measured at an acquisition frequency of 1Hz using a 12 mm long DIC extensometer which is initially aligned with the vertical axis of symmetry of the BF specimen. Due to the heterogeneity of the mechanical fields, the equivalent plastic strain evolution at the specimen center is extracted from a finite element simulation of the experiment. Following the modeling guidelines of Mohr and Dunand (2011), we made use of a solid element mesh with four first-order elements along the half-thickness of the specimen gage section (i.e. an element size of about 0.06 mm). The instant of loading reversal in reverse loading experiment is then also determined after computing the strain evolution for a monotonic experiment. 1This statement holds true for most engineering materials tested so far. However, it is important to verify the validity of this assumption for each experiment performed. - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 141 Overview on experimentsperformed 4.4.3 The same battery of monotonic experiments has been completed for both materials: * Uniaxial tension (UT) for three different loading directions * Central hole and Notched tension (CH, NT20 and NT6) along the rolling direction " Punch (PU) experiment * Mohr-Oswald (MO) and butterfly (BF) shear with the rolling direction parallel to the vertical axis For the DP590 steel, the effect of loading direction reversal has been characterized using " Reverse Mohr-Oswald (MO) shear plasticity experiments with loading reversal at an equivalent plastic strain of 0.1 and 0.2; " Reverse butterfly (BF) shear fracture experiments with loading reversal at an equivalent plastic strain of 0.25 and 0.50; For the DP780 steel, a more extensive experimental program has been performed to investigate the effect of loading direction reversal: * Uniaxial tension-compression (UTC) experiments with loading direction reversal at an equivalent plastic strain of 0.05 and 0.1; * Reverse Mohr-Oswald (MO) shear plasticity with loading direction reversal at 0.1 (see Fig. 4-6); " Notched compression-tension (CTR) experiments with loading direction reversal at an equivalent plastic strain of 0.05, 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20; Table 4-1 also provides a comprehensive summary on all experiments performed. The main purpose of the performed experiments is to serve as basis for material model identification and model validation. We therefore omit a separate discussion of the experimental observations per se in the present section. Instead, the experimental results are introduced in the next section on the model application and validation. - 142 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture DP590 DP780 NT6 X X NT20 X X CH X X PU X X UTC X NCT X MO (monotonic) X X MO (reverse) X X BUT (monotonic) X X BUT (reverse) X Table 4-1 Summary of all experiments Application and validation 4.5 4.5.1 Plasticitymodel parameteridentification The proposed plasticity model features the following material parameters: - G12, G22, G44 (anisotropic flow potential parameters) - co, ko, A, n, Q, b, w (Swift-Voce parameters) - Cp, yp, y,, h (kinematic hardening and stagnation parameters) As mentioned above, the great advantage of the model is that these parameters can be identified sequentially. 5.1.1 Monotonic Loading Firstly, the parameters G 12 , G22 and G 44 of the G matrix are determined from the Lankford coefficients. G -I/ r +ro G ,G2 -" =-I r0 1+rr9 r~o I+ ro ,+ a'--4 G Cn +2r = r0 1 + r 0 (A (4-6 k.. - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 143 Then, the Swift parameters co, A, n and the Voce parameters ko, Q, b are independently determined to fit the data from the true stress-strain response of the material. ro [-] r4s [-] ro [-] DP590 0.98 0.84 1.13 DP780 0.78 0.96 0.77 Table 4-2 Lankford Ratios. Finally, the parameter w is determined through the hybrid experimental and numerical method of chapter 2. It is optimized so that the predicted load displacement response for the NT20 specimen matches the experimental result. During this optimization, the parameters for reverse loading are set to dummy values (e.g. Cp=0, yp=100, y =100, h=0), since they have negligible effect on the simulation. ko Q E A [MPa] [MPa] [-] [MPa] DP590 345.9 335.8 24.9 DP780 614.0 270.0 32.2 0b n E [-] [-] [-] 1031.0 0.0013 0.2 0.73 1170.0 3.1 10-' 0.11 0.79 Table 4-3 Swift- Voce Law parameters. 4.5.2 Reverse Loading The proposed model presents the advantage that the effects of the parameters for reverse loading are quite independent, and do not affect the response of the model under proportional loading conditions. The parameter ya is related to the typical recovery time of the transient behavior. The parameter h is related to the typical length of the work hardening stagnation phase. The parameter Cp is related to the amount of transient softening. The parameter yp is related to the rate of strain hardening after the end of the work hardening stagnation phase. The effect of each parameter is illustrated in Fig. 4-6. - 144 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 800 . . 800 700 700 Al 600 0-600 g 500 $ 500 (n 400 m 400 -T) 300 . 300 0 200 0 200 100 100 0 C 0 C 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain (a) 700- . . . 80 0 - 800 (b) 70 0 1.4 600- 0-60 0. g 500 2 50 04) m 400 n 40 0 .T 300 .T 30 0 0 200 0 20 0 100 100 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain (c) C ''0 _ _ _ _ _ _ 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain (d) Figure 4-7 Effect of model parametersfor reverse loading: (a) parameterya (b) parameterCp (c) parameterh (d) parametery8. The Von Mises stress-equivalent plastic strain relation is numerically evaluated using a single element simulation. The boundary conditions are such that the element is under simple shear and loading reversal is applied at the corresponding experimental equivalent plastic strain as obtained with the Mohr-Oswald tests. The predicted stress-strain response is then compared to the experimental response obtained with the Mohr-Oswald tests. The - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 145 parameters x = {C,,3 ,yh} are optimized in order to minimize the area under the experimental and numerically predicted curves. The error function is expressed as M 2 1 [x] , where the subscript j levels of pre-strain; = = 0 SIM E0' 2 (4-67) ,,I=- [: ,Z]U O 1,2 differentiates among the stress-strain curves for different M, denotes the total of experimental data points used for the computation of the residual for the experiment j . The model parameters listed in Table 4 are obtained from minimizing F, 1[x]. C6 Y2 YE h [MPa] [-] [-1 [-] DP590 51.3 74.8 2.1 0.49 DP780 231.6 65.2 6.0 0.64 Table 4-4 Reverse Loading HardeningParameters The prediction of the stress-strain response under monotonic and shear reversal loading is compared to the experimental measurement in Fig. 4-7. - 146 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 900 - 800 700 'u 500 0 400 300 2500 100 U) 0.2 0.4 0.4 00.2 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0.6 0.6 (a) 1200[ a- 1000CO C') a) 1~ 800 4-' C/) C') a) C') 600 400 0 200 - n 0 _ _ 0.2 0.1 Equivalent Plastic Strain 0.3 (b) Figure 4-8 Comparison of the Von Mises stress to equivalentplastic strainafter loadingreversal for experimentaldata (black dotted line) and the predictionofthe model after calibration(redsolid line) for (a) Shear reversalon DP590 (b) Tension compression on DP780. In addition, the predicted load-displacement response for shear reversal on the clothoid butterfly specimen is compared to the experimental result in Fig. 4-8. - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 147 20 20 15 10 15 5 0 -j 10 0 -j 5 0 -5 -10 -15 0 -20 0 3 2 1 Displacement (mm) -1 4 0 1 2 Displacement (mm) 3 (b) (a) 20 15 10 Z5 0 0 -J -5 -10 -15 -20 -2 0 2 Displacement (mm) (c) Figure 4-9 Comparison of the experimental (dotted line) and predicted (solid line) load displacement response for (a) monotonic shear (b) shear reversal after 25% equivalent plastic strain (c) shear reversal after 50% equivalentplastic strain. - 148 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 0.5 8 0.4 C 0.3 4 0.1 0 LL 0.05 0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 w -0.2 -0.4 -0.5 -8 0 0.15 0.05 0.1 0.15 Displacement (mm] (a) (b) -_ 4 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 -0.3 C 4 0.3 0.2 0 U- 0 -4 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -8 -0.4 L -0.4 -8 0.5 0.4 0.1 U) a) -1 ID -0.2 -4 8 . 6 0.5 0.4 0.3 8 -0.5 -0.6 -0.05 5 -0.3 Displacement [mm} z 0 C -0.1 -4 0 0 4 a) C 0.2 T 0.5 0.4 -0.5 -0.6 _ 10 0.05 -0.05 Displacement [mm] 0 0.05 0.1 Displacement [mm] . 0 U- 8 0.1 (d) (c) 0 0.4 0.3 0.2 -E 0.1 0 0 8 4 0 2) 0 0- -4 -0.1 -0.2 -8 -0.3 5 -0.4 -12 -0.5 -0.1 -0.1 -0.05 -0.05 0 0 0.05 Displacement [mm] (e) Figure 4-10 Comparisonofthe experimental measurements (dottedline) and the model prediction (solid line) for load-displacement(black) and local surface strain (blue)for (a) CTRO (b) CTR_05 (c) CTR_10 (d) CTR_15 (e) CTR_20. - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 149 4.5.3 Fracturemodel parameteridentification The critical hardening rate model set of parameters X = {a, H, c} is calibrated for each material through an inverse analysis. The minimization problem is: x = arg min(maX Hi, [] -- )HR[iI) {a,H,c} With Hybri(i) the equivalent plastic strain at the onset of experimental fracture determined using the hybrid method, and FiR (i) the equivalent plastic strain at fracture predicted by the critical hardening rate for the given loading paths and parameters {a,b,c}. For each material DP590 and DP780, the data from the monotonic experiments: NT6, NT20, CH, SH, PU is used. The obtained parameters are summarized in Table 4. The performance of the calibrated fracture criterion is shown in Fig. 4-10. The loading paths identified by the hybrid experimental and numerical method are shown in terms of equivalent plastic strain versus triaxiality and are interrupted at the experimentally identified point of fracture initiation. The dots represent the predicted initiation of localization. The point lies on the numerically determined loading path and its distance to the tip of the loading path (solid line) reveals the error in the prediction. For all materials, the maximum error across all tests stays within 3% of error. H a c DP590 146.3 1.89 0.005 DP780 143.1 1.77 0.022 Table 4-5 FractureParameters. - 150 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture 1.6 1.4 1.2 CO CH 1 0.8 . PU SH NT20 0.6 w NT6 0.4 0.2 0 0 06 0.66 0.33 Triaxiality 0.99 (a) 0.8 0.6 0 4-0 C w 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.66 0.33 Triaxiality 0.99 (b) Figure 4-11 Calibrationofthe criticalHardeningrate H-C model using the monotonic datafor (a) DP590 (b) DP780. 4.5.4 Validationand discussion - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 151 0 CTR_20 CTR 15 0 CTR_10 .0 CTR 05 CTR_0 0.8 C -.. 4:.' O.65 0. *0.4 c0.2 C 'F 0.66 0.33 Triaxiality (a) 1.6 1 RS_50 A RS_25 ~1.2 PU CH (U _ SH 0.8 NT20 0.6 NT6 B- 0.4 w 0.2 0 0 0.66 0.33 Triaxiality 0.99 (b) Figure 4-12 Predictionof the onset offracture (dots) using the criticalhardeningrate model and loading paths to fracture (solid lines) for (a) compression followed by tension experiments on DP780 (b) Shear reversal experiments on DP590. - 152 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture The performance of the model is evaluated in the case of reverse loading conditions. Fracture initiation is predicted for the compression-tension tests on DP780 and the reverse shear tests on DP590 using the parameters calibrated in section 4.3. The performance of the model is illustrated in Fig 11. It is quite remarkable that the points lie almost on the tip of the loading path for two levels of pre strain in the case of compression followed by tension of DP780. Remember that no additional parameter was introduced to add flexibility of the fracture model for complex loading. Only variations in the identification of parameters for complex loading can affect the prediction of the model, as well as the data from the hybrid method. Small inaccuracies in the data for the two other tests may also be attributed to experimental uncertainties. The equivalent plastic strain at fracture is only slightly overestimated after shear reversal of DP590. Uncertainties in the data could be related to inaccuracies in the identification of the plastic behavior and the formation of a relatively narrow shear band in the simulation. Overall, the critical hardening rate fracture criterion predicts the strain at fracture within 8% accuracy. Keeping in mind all sources of errors, it seems that a critical hardening rate identified phenomenologically for proportional loading shows some relevance to predict ductile fracture after loading reversal. 4.6 Summary An experimental method to identify ductile fracture after shear reversal is presented. In addition, data of ductile fracture after compression followed by tension on notched specimens is considered. A plasticity model is introduced to model DP steels under reverse loading. Parameters related to reverse loading can conveniently be identified independently of the response in proportional loading. Reverse shear experiments are used for calibration at large strains after loading reversal (also made at large strains). Starting from the assumption that ductile fracture is a consequence of localization of deformations within a narrow band, and the lecture of the conditions for localization of plastic deformations by Rice (1976), it is proposed that localization occurs at a critical hardening rate, which is a function of the stress state. It is shown that it exists a critical hardening rate that is nathematiCally equivalent to the I osrd-Coulomb criterion for proportional loading of a Levy-Von Mises material with isotropic hardening. A phenomenological formulation is - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - 153 proposed and calibrated using experimental data for proportional loading. The performance of the critical hardening rate model is evaluated in the case of loading reversal. Overall, the critical hardening rate fracture criterion predicts the strain at fracture within 8% accuracy. Keeping in mind all sources of errors, it seems that a critical hardening rate identified phenomenologically for proportional loading shows some relevance to predict ductile fracture after loading reversal. - 154 - Chapter 4: Critical Hardening Rate Model for Predicting Path Dependent Ductile Fracture - Chapter 5: Conclusion - 155 Chapter 5: Conclusion 5.1 Summary of findings 5.1.1 Hosford-Coulomb In chapter 2, a fracture initiation model was proposed to predict the onset of fracture in advanced high strength steels at low stress triaxialities. Assuming that the onset of ductile fracture is imminent with the formation of a band of localization at the mesoscale or microscale, a stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter dependent fracture initiation model was formulated based on the results from a fully three-dimensional localization analysis. The resulting model is an extended Mohr-Coulomb model, which makes use of the Hosford equivalent stress and the normal stress acting on the plane of maximum shear to predict the onset of fracture. A consistent transformation from the principal stress space to the space of equivalent plastic strain, stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter was performed to obtain a fracture initiation model for non-proportional loading. The particular feature of this transformation is that it makes use of the material's isotropic hardening law and therefore preserves the physical meaning of the underlying stress-based localization model. Experimental results were reported from ductile fracture experiments on three different advanced high strength steel sheets (DP590, DP780 and TRIP780). The experimental program included a shear experiment, tension with a central hole, notched tension and a punch experiment, thereby covering a wide range of stress states. The comparison of experiments and simulations showed good agreement of the Hosford-Coulomb model predictions with all experiments for all materials. It is worth noting that without any shear localization analysis results at their disposal, Stoughton and Yoon (2011), and Bai and Wierzbicki (2010), had already correctly hypothesized on the existence of a MohrCoulomb type of criterion for predicting the onset of ductile fracture. However, the analysis of chapter 2 showed that the direct use of a Mohr-Coulomb criterion systematically - 156 - Chapter 5: Conclusion underestimated the strain to fracture for biaxial loading, while it could be predicted with great accuracy when using the Hosford-Coulomb model. 5.1.2 Ductile fracture of sheets after in-plane compression-tension Chapter 3 deals with large strain compression-tension fracture experiments performed on uniaxial and notched flat specimens extracted from dual phase steel sheets (DP780). High compressive in-plane strains (of up to 13%) were achieved using a floating antibuckling device. The relative displacement of the specimen boundaries, as well as local strains on the specimen surface, were measured using digital image correlation. A Combined Chaboche-Yoshida (CCY) model was proposed to account for the observed Bauschinger effect, transient softening and work hardening stagnation. The material parameter identification based on notched compression-tension experiments for very large strains was shown in detail. Subsequently, the model was applied to predict the material response in different monotonic experiments (notched tension, tension with a central hole and pure shear), and for different levels of reverse loading. The plasticity model predictions agreed well with the results from all experiments, including the evolution of the surface strains at the specimen center. The extracted loading paths to fracture showed a significant increase of the strain to fracture as a monotonic function of the applied pre-strain. For example, applying a prestrain of 0.13 increases the strain to fracture from 0.57 (for monotonic loading) to 0.77. The transient hardening of the material and the local thickening of the sheet during compression delay the formation of a neck and the consequent increase in triaxiality (as well as the consequent decrease in the Lode parameter). A Hosford-Coulomb damage indicator model with a non-linear damage accumulation rule was calibrated and validated based on the experimental data. The model predictions agreed well with all experimental results for the DP780 steel with a maximum relative error of 5% in the strains to fracture. It is worth noting that the same phenomenological damage accumulation rule provided an accurate description of proportional and non-proportional experiments on aluminum 2024- T351 (Papasidero et al., 2014). - Chapter 5: Conclusion - 157 5.1.3 CriticalHardeningRate Chapter 4 presented an experimental method to identify ductile fracture after shear reversal. In addition, it referred to considerations in chapter 3: The data of ductile fracture after compression followed by tension on notched specimens. An improved plasticity model was introduced to model DP steels under reverse loading. The main added feature compared to chapter 3 was that the parameters related to reverse loading could conveniently be identified independently of the response in proportional loading. Reverse shear experiments were used for calibration at large strains after loading reversal (also made at large strains). Starting from the assumption that ductile fracture is a consequence of localization of deformations within a narrow band, and the lecture of the conditions for localization of plastic deformations by Rice (1976), it was proposed that localization occurs at a critical hardening rate, which is a function of the stress state. It was shown that there exists a critical hardening rate that is mathematically equivalent to the Hosford-Coulomb criterion for proportional loading of a Levy-Von Mises material with isotropic hardening. A phenomenological formulation was proposed and calibrated using experimental data for proportional loading. The performance of the critical hardening rate model was evaluated in the case of loading reversal. Overall, the critical hardening rate fracture criterion predicted the strain at fracture within 8% accuracy. Keeping in mind all sources of errors, it seems that a critical hardening rate identified phenomenologically for proportional loading shows some relevance to predict ductile fracture after loading reversal. 5.2 Ongoing and future work 5.2.1 OrthogonalLoading This study focused on a specific type of complex loading: reverse loading. The plasticity of the material is affected by other well-known effects such as the crosshardening for different types of non-linear hardening. This suggests that the response of the material under orthogonal loading conditions undergoes different physical mechanisms of deformation. Two types of tests have already been developed. Large dogbone specimens were pre-strained in tension. Uniaxial tensile specimens, as well as tensile specimens with - 158 - Chapter 5: Conclusion notches, were extracted and tested. Alternatively, the butterfly geometry may be used to perform shear followed by tension. Early results suggest that the DP980 material features a very rapid transient behavior after re-yielding. IQ 35 30 25 20 -J 0 15 10 0a 0 04 0 008 Displacement (mm) 01 012 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Displacement (mm) (a) 0.4 (b) Figure 5-1 Comparison of the experimental load-displacement (dashedlines) with the numerical prediction (red line) using the plasticity model calibratedin chapter 4 for DP590 on orthogonal tests (a) notched tension at 90 degrees with respect to a 5% tensile pre-strain (b) shear to 50% equivalentplastic strainfollowed by plane strain tension to fracture. Some constitutive models describing such effects already exist. In addition, the response of the material at large strain after orthogonal loading tests must be studied. Once the strain hardening response of the material is well predicted, it would be of great interest to investigate the relevance of the critical hardening rate model for such types of tests. 5.2.2 Validations studies The model proposed in chapter 3, including the plasticity and the fracture models, has been applied in order to predict fracture during three point bending of a hot formed martensitic hat-shaped profile. At a certain displacement of the punch, fracture is imminent at two competing locations. One is mostly under plane strain tension A, while the other, B, - Chapter 5: Conclusion - 159 undergoes plane strain compression followed by plane strain tension. Using the CCY plasticity model with a non-linear damage accumulation rule, the fracture initiation was predicted at point A, in agreement with the experiment; while at point B, a linear damage accumulation with isotropic hardening predicts fracture, since the increase in ductility is not predicted for reverse loading conditions. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5-2 Comparison of (b) the crack during experimental three point bending of a martensitic hat-shapedprofile with (a) the crack predictedby FEA using a lineardamage indicatorand (c) the crackpredictedby FEA using the non-lineardamage indicator. In another attempt to understand the effect of loading histories on ductile fracture, three point bending tests of a cold formed hat-shaped profile made in DP980 were performed. Numerical simulations of the process using several modelling approaches were considered. It has been found that fracture cannot be predicted if a virgin state of the material is assumed after the cold forming process. 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