Treculia africana ISSN: 2276-7495 Sally Alloh Sumbele Science Journal of Environmental Engineering Research

Science Journal of Environmental Engineering Research
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Science Journal Publication
ISSN: 2276-7495
© Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
International Open Access Publisher
Research Article
Effects of Auxins and Leaf Size on Rooting of Treculia africana (Decne) Stem Cuttings
Sally Alloh Sumbele
Institute of Agricultural Research for Development,
Ekona Regional Centre, PMB 25, Buea, Cameroon.
Accepted 19 June12
Rooting and shoot growth of juvenile one-node leafy stem cuttings of T.
africana were investigated after treatment with auxins Indol-3 butyric acid
(IBA), α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and IBA/NAA (1:1) all at four
concentration levels (50ppm, 100ppm, 150ppm and 200ppm) including
the auxin-free control (0ppm) and the leaf size effect. Rooting percentages
varied among the three auxins, concentrations and even leaf size.
Maximum rooting percentages were observed in full and half leaf cuttings
treated with 200ppm IBA and half leaf cuttings treated with 150ppm
IBA/NAA. The best auxin for root formation on T. africana stem cuttings
was IBA/NAA (1:1) at a concentration of 200ppm. However, root
elongation was best achieved by IBA at a concentration of 150ppm, with
significant enhancement by full leaf cuttings. Contrary to rooting, shoot
growth was enhanced by lower concentrations of auxins. It was also
observed that shoot growth rate was highest in cuttings treated with IBA,
with full leaf growing better than half leaf. Therefore, it was concluded that
macro-propagation of T. africana stem cuttings can be obtained with the
application of IBA or IBA/NAA.We present a new approach for front
propagation at which the interface moves from a superconducting to
normal region in a superconducting sample. Using the time dependent
Ginzburg-Landau (TDGL) equations we study the interface propagation by
constructing the exact solution for order parameter.
KEYWORDS: auxins, rooting, concentration levels, leaf size, T. africana,
stem cuttings
Treculia africana (Decne) known as the African breadfruit,
is a deciduous forest tree with high nutritional and
medicinal value (Tshiamala-Tshibangu et al, 1997;
Okunlola, 1992; Okafor, 1991). It has been found to occur in
the forest zones of most parts of Nigeria which are
currently undergoing uncontrolled exploitation for
agricultural expansion and other forms of land use
(Zibokere, 1994; NEST, 1991).
T. africana generates substantial cash income for rural
people thereby contributing to their welfare and means of
livelihood. The seeds are a good source of vegetable oil. A
variety of products can be produced commercially from T.
africana flour including confectioneries and soup mixes
while non-alcoholic beverages are prepared from the seeds
(Okafor, 1991). The leaves act as laxatives and are used for
treating worm infections. Its decoction brings relief for
chronic cough and the pounded fruit is also used to treat
skin diseases (Tshiamala-Tshibangu et al, 1997. The roots
are a remedy for giddiness originating from convulsion,
vertigo and other kinds of nervous diseases (Okunlola,
1992). Trees raised from seeds have been reported to
produce fruit only after 5 - 10 years or more. Due to its high
exploitation, the species is threatened with severe genetic
Vegetative propagation of fruit trees through stem cuttings
is rapidly increasing and is of vital importance for tree
improvement and the establishment of large scale
plantations within a short period of time. It has been widely
used for the preservation of genotypes in clone banks and
for clonal seed orchard establishment. Yet, the possible
effects of auxins and leaf size on the rooting ability of T.
africana are unclear. Okafor (1991) reports the successful
propagation of 21 food trees by stem cuttings using adult
budwood, without any application of auxins. Many other
food/fruit trees have been used in experiments involving
the application of auxins to cuttings. Negash (2002) has
worked with cuttings of the African Pencil Cedar treated
only with IBA. Tworkoski and Takeda (2007) recorded little
or no rooting at 2500mg l-1 when shoot cuttings of peach
treated with IBA were used. According to Chu et al (2010),
IBA causes the accumulation of soluble proteins while NAA
causes accumulation of sugar in roots. In Gur et al (1986),
the bases of leafy peach cuttings were treated for 24 hrs
with IBA and a dichlone and then sprayed weekly with
benzyladenine and NAA. Pandey et al (2011) worked on
Ginkgo biloba cuttings treated with IBA and NAA, each at
10μM and 100μM. Bhatt and Todaria (1990) investigated
the effect of trimming of leaves on stem cuttings of
Eucalyptus camadulensis. Although several authors have
reported on the application of IBA and NAA to cuttings,
there is paucity of information on the response of roots and
shoots to IBA and NAA applied by the quick dip method in
combination with the leaf size effect.
With this concept in mind, an investigation on the
appropriate auxin and its optimum levels of concentrations
that could best promote adventitious root formation and
subsequent growth of shoot in stem cuttings of T. africana
was carried out. Also, one of the propagule conditions, leaf
size, was examined to determine whether rooting was
enhanced when leaf was trimmed or left whole. To this end,
leafy stem cuttings of T. africana were propagated with
indol-3 butyric acid (IBA) and α-naphthalene acetic acid
How to Cite this Article: Sally Alloh Sumbele, “Effects of Auxins and Leaf Size on Rooting of Treculia africana (Decne) Stem Cuttings ,” Science Journal of Environmental
Engineering Research, Volume 2012, Article ID sjeer-210, 5 Pages, 2012. doi: 10.7237/sjeer/210
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Preparation of stem cuttings
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twice a day for a period of nine weeks, after which different
parameters were assessed.
Data recorded
Leafy stem cuttings of T. africana were obtained from the
16 months old root stock and further cut into equal lengths
of 5cm, each cutting having a single node with a leaf. These
cuttings were dipped into water immediately after
severance and kept in a shady area in the nursery to
prevent dehydration. In order to reduce the leaf area, 150
cuttings had their leaves trimmed to half size. The
remaining 150 cuttings retained their normal leaf size. In
total, 300 stem cuttings were obtained for the experiment.
Auxin preparation and stem cuttings treatment
Different concentration levels of 200ppm, 150ppm,
100ppm and 50ppm of indol-3 butyric acid (IBA) and αnaphthalene acetic acid (NAA) were prepared by weighing
out 20mg, 15mg, 10mg and 5mg of each powdered auxin.
The same concentration levels were also prepared for the
combination of both auxins (IBA: NAA) at a ratio of 1:1 by
weighing out 10mg:10mg, 7.5mg:7.5mg, 5mg:5mg and
2.5mg:2.5mg of each powdered auxin. After dropping each
powdered weight into a one litre keg, 50mls of absolute
alcohol (ethanol) plus 50mls of distilled water were poured
into the keg. Each mixture was shaken properly to allow for
dissolution of the powdered auxin. The basal portions of
cuttings were treated with each of the auxins using the
quick-dip method (Oni 1987).
Treated cuttings were set in 30 germination trays filled
with sterilized river sand treated with the fungicide Dithane
M45. Each germination tray, appropriately labeled,
contained 10 stem cuttings of a particular treatment
concentration. Thus, a particular treatment had two
columns made up of 10 trays, 5 trays with full leaves and
the other 5 with trimmed leaves. Out of these 10 trays, 2
trays containing full and half leaf cuttings were left
untreated, thus serving as the auxin-free control for each
treatment and represented in this study by the
concentration level of 0ppm. Auxin-free control cuttings
were only dipped in distilled water. Each treatment
consisted of 100 cuttings.
Rooting conditions
Immediately after the cuttings were set, the trays were
placed in a high humidity propagator located at the nursery.
The experiment was laid out in a complete block design
inside the propagator. In order to create and maintain a
high humidity environment within the propagator, cuttings
were watered immediately after they were set and then
At the end of the monitoring period, cuttings were assessed
for percentage rooting and callus formation. In addition, the
Number of roots per cutting and the lengths of roots per
Cutting was recorded. The diameter and height of shoot
plus the number of new leaves produced per cutting were
also measured.
Statistical Analyses
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to
detect the significance of the main effects and the
interaction effects of auxin type, leaf size, auxin
concentration, auxin type x leaf size, auxin type x auxin
concentration, leaf size x auxin concentration and auxin
type x leaf size x auxin concentration, respectively; and also
to detect the differences between the means of the different
levels of the three factors namely auxin type, leaf size and
auxin concentration. Multiple comparison between means
for all pairs of data was done using the Tukey-Kramer HSD
(P<0.05) (Jmp 7.0, SAS Institute Inc, Cary NC).
Although rooting was observed in all treatments including
the auxin-free control, data revealed maximum rooting
response in IBA with a percentage of 53%, followed by
IBA/NAA and NAA with 38% and 37% respectively. Figure
1 shows the rooting response of full and half leaf cuttings
treated with three auxin types at four levels of
concentrations plus the auxin-free control of each auxin
type. Irrespective of leaf size, 200ppm of IBA and 150ppm
of IBA/NAA were most effective in promoting rooting. In
the case of auxin concentration and leaf size, the highest
percentage of rooted cuttings (80%) was observed both in
full and half leaf cuttings treated with 200ppm IBA and also
in half leaf cuttings treated with 150ppm IBA/NAA. This
was followed by a 70% rooting recorded for half leaf
cuttings treated with 100ppm IBA and full leaf cuttings
treated with 150ppm IBA, 50ppm and 150ppm NAA and
150ppm IBA/NAA. Rooting response did not depend on the
increase or decrease in auxin concentration. Rooting was
also observed with the auxin-free controls (0ppm) under
each treatment but the response was poor as compared to
the other treatments (Figure 1). For the interaction of auxin
type and leaf size, the highest percentage of rooted cuttings
(29%) was observed in full leaf cuttings treated with IBA
while the least percentage (16%) was observed in half leaf
cuttings treated with IBA/NAA.
How to Cite this Article: Sally Alloh Sumbele, “Effects of Auxins and Leaf Size on Rooting of Treculia africana (Decne) Stem Cuttings ,” Science Journal of Environmental
Engineering Research, Volume 2012, Article ID sjeer-210, 5 Pages, 2012. doi: 10.7237/sjeer/210
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% rooted half leaf cuttings
% rooted full leaf cuttings
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auxin type/conc.
auxin type/conc.
Figure 1. Percentage of rooted (a) full leaf and (b) half leaf stem cuttings of T. africana 9 weeks after auxin treatment
Percentage callused cuttings
On the basis of callus formation, NAA had the highest
percentage of callused cuttings (51%) while IBA had the
least (33%). Meanwhile, for the interaction of auxin type
and leaf size, the highest percentage of callused cuttings
(27%) was recorded for half leaf cuttings treated with NAA
while the least percentage (16%) was recorded for half leaf
cuttings treated with IBA. In the case of auxin concentration
and leaf size, the highest percentage of callused cuttings
(80%) was recorded for full leaf cuttings of the auxin-free
control of IBA/NAA, followed by 70% for full leaf cuttings
treated with 200ppm NAA and its auxin-free control
(Figure 2).
% callused half leaf cuttings
% callused full leaf cuttings
auxin type/conc.
auxin type/conc.
Figure 2. Percentage of callused (a) full leaf and (b) half leaf stem cuttings of T. africana 9 weeks after auxin treatment
Root formation and elongation
Root formation and elongation indicated by number of
roots per cutting and length of roots per cutting revealed
differences in the response of cuttings to auxin treatment.
Highest mean number of roots (4.6) was observed in
IBA/NAA treatment whereas highest mean length of root
(2.86 cm) was observed in IBA treatment. Therefore on the
How to Cite this Article: Sally Alloh Sumbele, “Effects of Auxins and Leaf Size on Rooting of Treculia africana (Decne) Stem Cuttings ,” Science Journal of Environmental
Engineering Research, Volume 2012, Article ID sjeer-210, 5 Pages, 2012. doi: 10.7237/sjeer/210
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basis of data analyzed, IBA/NAA was the most effective
treatment for root formation in T. africana stem cuttings
but the worst for root elongation, while NAA was the worst
treatment for root formation. Except for the mean number
of roots per cutting for NAA which differed significantly at
p<0.05 from the other treatment mean values, there were
no significant variations in mean values of both parameters
among the treatments. Leaf size did not significantly affect
root formation even though full leaf cuttings exhibited the
highest mean number of roots per cutting (3.86). In the case
of root length, full leaf cuttings produced significantly
longer roots than half leaf cuttings of T. africana.
Furthermore, among the different auxin concentrations,
mean number of roots per cutting ranged from 0.896 in
0ppm to 5.976 in 200ppm. Significant variations at p< 0.01
were noted in means of number of roots per cutting among
different levels of auxin concentration. However, there was
no significant difference between concentrations of
200ppm and 150ppm which produced the highest number
of roots. Maximum elongation of roots (3.15cm) was
achieved with 150ppm. Both formation and elongation of
roots were more effective at higher auxin concentrations
but poor with the auxin-free control (0ppm). Only the mean
of the interaction of auxin type x concentration showed a
significant difference at p<0.05 and p<0.01for number of
roots per cutting. All other interactions had means with no
significant differences. With root elongation, all interactions
had means which differed significantly either at p<0.05 or
p<0.01 or both except for auxin type x leaf size whose mean
had no significant difference.
Shoot growth
The maximum shoot height (0.747cm), diameter of shoot
(0.0775cm) and number of leaves per cutting (0.412) were
observed in IBA. Full leaf cuttings showed higher values for
shoot parameters than half leaf cuttings indicating that full
leaf cuttings had a higher shoot growth rate than half leaf
cuttings. However, there was no significant difference
between their mean values. Unlike the roots, shoot growth
was greatly enhanced by lower concentrations of auxins.
Among the different auxin concentrations, 50ppm had the
highest mean diameter of shoot (0.0750cm), height of shoot
(0.898cm) and number of leaves per cutting (0.479). Both
auxin type and the interaction between auxin type and
concentration showed significant differences (p<0.05) in
growth of diameter of shoot per cutting.
There has been successful propagation of 21 food trees
including T. africana by stem cuttings using adult budwood,
without any application of rooting hormone (Okafor, 1991).
Auxins have shown promising results at various
concentrations for rooting cuttings of several plant species
(Puri and Shamet, 1988). Apparently, there is no universal
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auxin for rooting of stem cuttings of food/fruit trees.
In this respect, hormone – species specificity were evident
in some investigations. IAA and IBA in Pinus banksiana
(Haissig, 1983), IBA:NAA (1:1) in Triplochiton scleroxylon
(Leakey et al,1982), IBA and NAA in Terminalia superba
(Oni, 1987), NAA/GA (gibberillic acid) (1:1) at 100ppm for
Irvingia gabonensis, NAA (100ppm) for Parkia biglobosa,
NAA/IBA (100ppm) for Pentaclethra macrophylla, NAA
(100ppm) for Hildegardia barteri (Oni and Abiade, 1989).
In the present study, it was observed that all the treatments
induced rooting. Rooting percentages varied among the
three auxins, their concentrations and even with leaf size.
Hence, maximum rooting response was observed in full and
half leaf cuttings treated with 200ppm IBA and half leaf
cuttings treated with 150ppm IBA/NAA.
IBA has also been reported to be more effective in root
induction in stem cuttings of G. biloba (Pandey et al, 2011).
Even though, there was no trend of increase or decrease in
auxin concentration with rooting response, the highest
responses were observed in higher concentrations
(150ppm and 200ppm) of some of the treatments. Although
stem cuttings without any treatment (auxin-free controls,
0ppm) were able to root, rooting induction, formation and
elongation in these cuttings were lowest in comparison to
auxin-treated cuttings.
In line with this study, Bhatt and Todaria (1990) reported
that NAA was responsible for callus formation in Sapindus
mukorossi and Quercus leucotrichophora especially at
higher concentrations. Girouard (1967) attributed callus
formation in stem cuttings to either lack of sufficient food
reserve, internal factors, relative humidity or the age of the
Effect of treatment differed in response to root formation
and elongation. The present investigation showed that the
best auxin for root formation on T. africana stem cuttings
was IBA/NAA (1:1) at a concentration of 200ppm.
However, root elongation was best achieved by IBA at a
concentration of 150ppm, with significant enhancement by
full leaf cuttings. It was also observed that shoot growth
rate was highest in cuttings treated with IBA, with full leaf
cuttings growing better than half leaf cuttings. However,
contrary to rooting, shoot growth was greatly enhanced by
lower concentrations of auxins.
Net CO2 assimilation rate depends on several factors, one of
which is the quantity of light absorbed by the leaf (Evans,
1996). A larger leaf area may absorb more light than a
smaller leaf area resulting in a higher photosynthetic rate in
full leaf than in half leaf cuttings and the production of
adequate organic compounds which are essential for the
growth of the shoot and the root. Also, nitrates absorbed by
the roots are transported through the xylem to the leaves
where they undergo reduction in the light (Pessarakli,
How to Cite this Article: Sally Alloh Sumbele, “Effects of Auxins and Leaf Size on Rooting of Treculia africana (Decne) Stem Cuttings ,” Science Journal of Environmental
Engineering Research, Volume 2012, Article ID sjeer-210, 5 Pages, 2012. doi: 10.7237/sjeer/210
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2002; Lambers et al, 2008). The reduced nitrates and plant
hormones which are needed for growth are then
translocated from the leaves to the shoot area first before
they move to the roots; hence it may the reason why shoots
require a lower concentration of the auxins than the roots.
Howland and Bowen (1977) also reported that higher auxin
concentrations favored survival and rooting while low
concentrations favored sprouting. Nitrogen and carbon
metabolism are closely intertwined. A few outputs of the
carbon-nitrogen cycles intertwining are: carbohydrates
which are essential for root formation and growth, and the
feedback coupling of protein availability and plant
hormones which enhances the growth of leaves on plants
(Schulze et al 2005; Touraine 2004).
Raising a planting stock of T. africana by macropropagation may be a possible solution to the shortcomings
of propagation by seeds. Moreover, multiplication of a
genetically desired trait of T. africana within a short period
of time by full leaf stem cuttings can be successfully
obtained with the application of IBA or IBA/NAA. Taking
into consideration that this method is easy and cost
effective, T. africana plants could be grown on a large scale
for commercial and industrial purposes.
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How to Cite this Article: Sally Alloh Sumbele, “Effects of Auxins and Leaf Size on Rooting of Treculia africana (Decne) Stem Cuttings ,” Science Journal of Environmental
Engineering Research, Volume 2012, Article ID sjeer-210, 5 Pages, 2012. doi: 10.7237/sjeer/210