Screening for Patent Quality: Examination, Fees, and the Courts∗ Mark Schankerman† Florian Schuett‡ December 2015 PRELIMINARY: DO NOT QUOTE WITHOUT PERMISSION Abstract This paper studies how government policy instruments can be used to improve the quality of patent screening. We focus on four key policy instruments: patent office examination, application fees, activation (renewal) fees and post-examination challenges in the courts. We show that there are important complementarities among these policy levers and identify conditions under which they can be used to achieve either partial or complete screening. We also examine the welfare implications of different instruments, and the sensitivity of conclusions to the way in which courts are modelled. 1 Introduction The patent system is one of the main devices governments use to increase innovation incentives. However, there is growing concern among academic scholars and policy makers that patent rights are becoming an impediment, rather than an incentive, to innovation. Critics claim that the proliferation of patents, and the fragmentation of ownership among firms, raise the transaction costs of doing R&D and expose firms to holdup through patent litigation (Heller and Eisenberg, 1998; Bessen and Maskin, 2009). These dangers have been prominently voiced in public debates on patent policy in ∗ We are grateful to Jay Pil Choi, Vincenzo Denicolò, Bernhard Ganglmair, Patrick Legros, and participants of the MaCCI Workshop “Economics of Innovation” in Bad Homburg (2015) for useful comments and suggestions. All errors are our own. † London School of Economics and Centre for Economic Policy Research, E-mail: ‡ TILEC & CentER, Tilburg University. E-mail: 1 the United States (Federal Trade Commission, 2011) and recent decisions by the Supreme Court (e.g., eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., 547 U.S. 338, 2006). Many of these problems, critics claim, arise from ineffective screening by patent offices, granting property rights to obvious inventions that do not represent a substantial inventive step, especially but not only in new areas such as business methods and software. In the presence of costly (and probabilistic) review by courts, weak patents – obvious ones that should not be granted – may end up being strong (Farrell and Shapiro, 2008). There is no shortage of criticism about patentability standards being too low, and the need to make screening more effective. But how does one achieve this goal? The economic theory literature focuses primarily on patent design features – e.g., duration and scope of patents (Scotchmer, 1999; Cornelli and Schankerman, 1999; Klemperer, 1990; Hopenhayn and Mitchell, 2000) – but only recently have economists examined ways to enhance the effectiveness of patent screening. In a series of papers, Schuett (2013a, 2013b) studies how patent examination intensity, examiner incentives, and application fees affect ex ante research choices of inventors. In related work, Kou, Rey and Wang (2013) study how the non-obviousness threshold for patenting affects adverse selection in ex ante R&D choices by inventors.1 Legal scholars have written extensively on ways to improve patent screening, including on the use of external peer review (Noveck, 2006), appropriate standard and application of the non-obviousness criterion (Eisenberg, 2004; Dreyfuss, 2008), and presumption of validity and evidentiary standards for invalidation in the courts (Lichtman and Lemley, 2007). At the other extreme, it has been suggested that we should move to a registration system for patents (with effectively no examination for quality) and shift the entire burden of screening to the courts (Lemley, 2001). These proposals by legal scholars have not been subjected to formal economic analysis, embedding them in an equilibrium framework in which policy instruments affect optimal strategies of inventors and competitors. In this paper we study how policy-makers can most effectively use the instruments at their disposal to improve the quality of patent screening. 1 Other related studies include Caillaud and Duchene (2011) and Atal and Bar (2012). 2 We focus on four key screening instruments: the intensity of patent office examination, application fees paid before patent examination, activation (renewal) fees paid by inventions that have passed examination, and review by the courts for patents challenged by a competitor. For most of the analysis, we assume that courts invalidate obvious inventions with certainty (we relax this and study how results change with the characterization of courts later). To our knowledge, we are the first to provide a theoretical analysis of this full set of policy instruments, and to study how these instruments interact with each other. We develop a model in which an inventor faces a competitor. The inventor is endowed with an idea for an invention which can be either obvious (‘bad type’) or nonobvious (‘good type’). The invention type is private information to the inventor. An obvious invention is profitable to develop in the absence of a patent while a nonobvious one requires patent protection to be profitable. Since patent protection increases the profit for both types, however, owners of obvious inventions also have a private incentive to seek a patent. There is a net social cost (benefit) of granting patents for obvious (non-obvious) inventions, so effective screening is important for welfare. The inventor chooses whether to pay an application fee and, if subsequently approved (screening by the patent office is imperfect), whether to pay the activation fee. If the patent is activated, the inventor may choose to license the invention to the competitor and the competitor chooses whether to challenge the validity of the patent in court. Formally, this is a signaling game in which each decision by the inventor can reveal information about the invention type, and the competitor Bayesian updates. The key results from the analysis are as follows. First, we show that the characterization of equilibrium turns on whether patent challenges are credible, and this depends on the examination intensity (quality of patent office screening) and the cost of going to court. If challenges are not credible, bad types do not have to fear challenges; thus depending on the level of fees and examination, they either pool with good types by applying for patents and proposing a high license fee to the competitor, or they do not apply. If challenges are credible, there is no pooling equilibrium. Instead, whenever fees and examination intensity are such that the bad type would apply when 3 challenges are not credible, he also applies with strictly positive probability when challenges are credible. The equilibrium is in mixed strategies, with bad types either randomizing between high and low license fees or between applying and not applying for patents. Over which decision they randomize depends on the level of application and activation fees as well as on the examination intensity and the cost of going to court. This highlights the fact that the policy instruments interact in shaping the equilibrium. Second, we show that if the patent office makes no examination effort (a pure registration system), or if the activation fee is zero and examination is imperfect, complete screening (where only the good type applies) cannot be achieved. This is important because it emphasizes that fees cannot completely screen in a pure registration system. Complete screening can be achieved by a combination of an application fee and an examination that is sufficiently rigorous (even though not perfect). Moreover, the examination intensity required to induce self-screening of inventors is increasing in the activation fee (activation fees and examination are not substitutes). We also show that, despite our assumption that courts are mistake-free, they cannot eliminate all bad patents that are issued. This is because in equilibrium not all bad patents are challenged by the competitor. This result raises serious doubts about over-reliance on the court system to weed out bad patents. Third, we perform a welfare analysis to further investigate the optimal structure of fees, taking the examination intensity as exogenously given.2 The most interesting case arises when examination is not sufficiently rigorous for complete screening to be achievable. In that case, we show that a social planner would always frontload fees, i.e., rely on application rather than activation fees. The intuition for frontloading of fees is that, while application and activation fees are perfect substitutes for the good type, the bad type prefers activation fees, which are due only after having passed examination. When we relax our assumption that courts are mistake-free (i.e., always invalidate obvious inventions) and allow courts to randomly uphold a fraction of patents (‘probabilistic patents’), we show that it is again possible 2 We have yet to complete the welfare analysis when the examination intensity is a choice variable. 4 fully to screen out bad patents by a combination of application fees and sufficiently stringent examination intensity, but doing so requires more rigorous examination by the patent office than when courts are mistake-free. Our results about the virtues of frontloading fees call into question the current structure of fees at the major patent offices around the world. Patent offices often backload a substantial portion of their fees by charging a variety of post-grant fees such as issuance and renewal or maintenance fees. At the USPTO, for example, a patent application with three claims or less costs the applicant a total of $1,740 in pre-grant fees. If the application is granted and the resulting patent renewed to full term, the applicant pays a total of $13,560 (ignoring discounting) in post-grant fees.3 It should be noted that there may be reasons outside of our model for backloading fees. A system of renewal fees essentially ensures that more valuable inventions receive longer protection. Scotchmer (1999) and Cornelli and Schankerman (1999) identify conditions under which society wants to give longer patents for more valuable inventions. In Scotchmer (1999), this occurs if R&D costs are convex in value, while in Cornelli and Schankerman (1999), it improves the incentives of the most productive inventors. Throughout the paper, we take the existence of a patent system as given. It is not a priori clear whether a patent system is the optimal mechanism in the environment we consider; an alternative incentive mechanism such as prizes may perform better. Since abolishing the patent system is not on the table in the foreseeable future, we believe that exploring how to improve the functioning of the existing system is a worthwhile endeavor in its own right. Note also that a patent system with the patentability requirement we will consider below may well place lower informational requirements on the government than a prize system. A prize system requires the government to know the R&D costs of the invention, its value, or the difference between R&D costs and competitive profits, whereas the patent system we envisage only requires knowledge of the sign of the difference between R&D costs and competitive profits. 3 See, accessed on 10 November 2015. Every claim in excess of three costs an additional $420 in pre-grant fees. 5 The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the setup of the model. Section 3 derives the equilibrium. Section 4 provides conditions for full screening as well as some comparative statics, while Section 5 develops the welfare analysis. Section 6 analyzes a number of alternative settings, including exogenous challenges and a more general screening technology. We conclude with a short summary of results and discussion of their implications for policy (to be completed). 2 Model There is a unit mass of inventors. Each inventor is endowed with an idea (v, θ) for an invention. Inventions differ in two dimensions: value, indexed by v, and R&D cost, indexed by θ. The characteristics (v, θ) of the inventor’s idea are his private information. Developing an idea into an invention requires an R&D investment kθ . Once an invention has been developed, the inventor can apply for a patent (i.e., patent applications can only be submitted on inventions, not ideas). Each inventor has a single competitor. Both firms are initially symmetric, and industry profits and consumer surplus prior to the invention are normalized to zero. To fix ideas, consider a cost-reducing invention. In the absence of a patent, once the invention has been developed it can be freely copied (notice that this implies that the competitor learns v). Both firms thus benefit from the cost reduction and obtain a profit πv > 0 each (i.e., total industry profit is 2πv ).4 Total welfare (gross of R&D costs) is 2πv + Sv , where Sv ≥ 0 is consumer surplus. If instead the invention is protected by a patent the inventor obtains πv +∆v , where ∆v is the patent premium, which will be endogenized below, and welfare is 2πv +Sv −Dv ≡ Wv , where Dv ≥ 0 is deadweight loss. We assume that Wv ≥ πv + ∆v for all v. This assumption says that the social returns exceed the private returns to R&D, which is consistent with the evidence in Bloom, Schankerman and Van Reenen (2013). In what follows, we postulate that the requirement for an invention to be 4 For the inventor to benefit from the cost reduction even absent patent protection, competition must not be too fierce. An example under which firms earn higher profits post-invention is Cournot competition. 6 patentable is kθ > πv , i.e., R&D costs must be larger than the competitive profits the inventor can obtain without a patent. Such a patentability requirement can be justified as follows. Consider a social planner maximizing welfare. Which types of inventors does the planner want to give patents to in our environment? From an ex post perspective, the answer is clearly none at all, since patents create deadweight loss. From an ex ante perspective, the planner is still worried about deadweight loss, but also realizes that some socially valuable inventions will not be developed in the absence of the promise of a patent. But ideas with kθ ≤ πv are developed even without a patent. Hence, due to deadweight loss, it cannot be optimal to give them a patent. A second concern for the planner may be that giving patents to some ideas with kθ > πv might lead to development of these ideas even though they are not socially valuable, i.e., kθ > Wv . However, our assumption that Wv > πv + ∆v rules this out, as it implies that ideas that are not socially valuable are not privately valuable either.5 Our patentability requirement corresponds to the notion that patents should be given only to those inventions that require the patent incentive to be developed, and not those that society would have benefited from even absent a patent. This is in line with the rationale courts and legal scholars typically give for the nonobviousness requirement in patent law (see, e.g., Eisenberg, 2004). In what follows, we simplify the analysis by considering a single v.6 5 A further objection to the patentability requirement we impose is that it encourages high-cost inventions. This corresponds to a different environment, in which ideas are endogenous. However, even in such an environment, the patentability requirement kθ > πv can often be justified. To see this, suppose the inventor can choose (or influence, possibly at a cost) θ but not (directly) v. Let v ∈ {L, H} and θ ∈ {G, B}, with kG > kB . Assume θ is a signal of value: letting pθ ≡ Pr(v = H|θ), this implies pG > pB . We have E(Wv |θ) = pθ WH + (1 − pθ )WL . If E(Wv |G) − kG > E(Wv |B) − kB , or (pG − pB )(WH − WL ) > kG − kB , the planner wants to encourage the inventor to go for ideas with θ = G, which have high R&D cost. That is, the planner would like to promote “ambitious” research. She can achieve this by promising patents only to type θ = G. Depending on parameters and information structure, it may or may not be optimal to base patentability on kθ − πv , rather than kθ only; however, in the simplified environment we consider in the basic model below, these rules coincide. 6 The extension to multiple v has yet to be added, but is not fundamentally different as long as the competitor observes v; the signaling game then only involves private information about θ. 7 Hence, we drop the index v from all expressions. Moreover, we consider θ ∈ {G, B}, with kG > π > kB . Inventions of type θ = B occur with probability 1 − λ and will be referred to as obvious while inventions of type θ = G occur with probability λ and will be referred to as nonobvious. Obvious inventions would be developed even in the absence of patent protection, while nonobvious ones would not. Thus, society should award patent protection only to nonobvious inventions. Because for an inventor whose idea is obvious the decision whether to develop does not depend on whether he expects to obtain patent protection, we can normalize kB = 0 without loss of generality and assume kG = k > π. In order to ensure that patent protection can provide sufficient incentive for nonobvious inventions to be developed, we assume ∆ ≥ k − π. We now endogenize the patent premium ∆ by considering an explicit licensing game between the inventor and the competitor. Without a license agreement, the firms compete with asymmetric costs, so that the inventor earns π + ∆I and the competitor π − ∆C . Assume ∆I > 0 and ∆C > 0 (the patent benefits the inventor and hurts the competitor). With a license agreement, so that both firms use the invention but are able to (jointly) exercise market power, the inventor earns π + m + F and the competitor π − F , where m ≥ 0 is the extra profit due to market power and F is the license fee paid by the competitor to the inventor.7 Thus, total industry profit becomes 2π + m. The parameter m can be interpreted as a measure of how lenient or restrictive antitrust policy is towards license agreements (e.g., which kind of pricing schemes are allowed – royalties or lump-sum fees only). We assume that m + ∆C ≥ ∆I , which will ensure that the inventor prefers to license his invention as long as he has sufficient bargaining power. Hence, ∆ = m + ∆C . Letting S − ∆S denote consumer surplus after innovation when there is a patent, we have D ≡ ∆S − m. The assumption that deadweight loss is positive amounts to ∆S ≥ m. We assume S + 2π − D ≥ kG , so that investment in nonobvious innovation is socially valuable even if it comes at 7 Below we will assume that the inventor has all the bargaining power, so that it does not matter how the extra profit m from reaching agreement is distributed between inventor and competitor. 8 the expense of deadweight loss. To obtain a patent, the inventor must submit an application to the patent office and pay an application fee φA ≥ 0. The patent office then examines the application. Nonobvious inventions always pass the examination. Obvious inventions pass the examination only with probability 1 − e, where e ∈ [0, 1] represents the patent office’s examination intensity; with probability e obvious inventions are detected and refused patent protection. Inventions that pass the examination must pay a fee φP ≥ 0 in order to be issued a patent. This payment thus occurs after the patent office has decided whether to allow or reject the application, and has to be paid only in case of allowance. We will refer to payment of φP as the inventor activating the patent and to φP as the activation fee.8 If the inventor does not apply, does not pass the examination, or does not pay φP , the invention falls into the public domain. An inventor holding a patent on his invention can enter into a license agreement with his competitor. We assume that the inventor makes a takeit-or-leave-it offer to the competitor to license the cost-reducing invention for a license fee of F .9 After receiving the inventor’s offer, the competitor decides whether to accept or reject. If the competitor accepts, she pays the license fee and can use the invention in production. If the competitor rejects the license contract, she has the option of challenging the patent in court at cost l.10 We assume l < ∆C ; otherwise, the competitor never has any incentive to challenge. The court then determines the validity of the patent. We assume that during litigation the court learns the invention’s true type θ. If the invention is obvious (θ = B), the court invalidates the patent and both firms can freely use the invention. If the invention is nonobvious, the court upholds the patent and the inventor can offer a new license contract to the competitor.11 8 One can think of the activation fee as a renewal fee paid in lump sum, whereby the inventor chooses to maintain his patent for some duration in exchange for payment of φP . 9 Elsewhere in the literature, this licence negotiation stage is sometimes referred to as a settlement stage (see, e.g., Meurer, 1989). 10 In the baseline model we assume that the inventor does not incur litigation costs. This simplifies the analysis and avoids multiplicity of equilibria. We relax this assumption in Section 6.2. 11 In other words, courts do not make mistakes in assessing patent validity. In Section 9 Our equilibrium concept is Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium. 3 Equilibrium 3.1 Nonobvious inventions We start by analyzing the problem of an inventor of type G. Consider first the licensing stage. Suppose that it is common knowledge that the patent is valid (θ = G), so that the competitor has no incentive to challenge. Consider a license fee offer F . If the competitor rejects the license, the firms will have asymmetric costs and earn π + ∆I and π − ∆C , respectively. If the competitor accepts the license, they will have symmetric costs and earn π + m + F and π − F . Thus the maximum license fee the competitor is willing to pay is F = ∆C . At this fee, the inventor is better off licensing than not if ∆I ≤ m + ∆C , which we have assumed to hold. This leads to the following lemma. Lemma 1. If it is common knowledge that the patent is valid, the inventor will offer to license it at a fee of F G = ∆C , which the competitor accepts. The inventor earns π + ∆ and the competitor earns π − ∆C . Now suppose it is not common knowledge that θ = G. Let λ̃(F ) denote the competitor’s belief that the patent is valid given that the inventor offers her a license at fee F . Yet, regardless of the competitor’s beliefs, the type-G inventor will offer the exact same license contract identified in Lemma 1. The reason is that he does not care about the competitor challenging the patent: he does not incur litigation costs, and he knows that in the event of a validity challenge his patent will be upheld in court, after which the outcome identified in the lemma will materialize.12 It follows that the behavior of an inventor of type G is simple and can be summarized as follows. Lemma 2. An inventor of type G will invest in R&D, apply for a patent, pay the activation fee and offer a license at fee F G to the competitor if ∆ − (k − π) − φP − φA ≥ 0; (1) 6.2, we examine a more general screening technology in which both patent office and courts can make errors (of both type I and type II). 12 We relax both of these assumptions in Section 6.2. 10 otherwise he will not invest (and hence cannot apply for a patent). 3.2 Obvious inventions Contrary to type-G inventors, type-B inventors care about challenges and thus about the competitor’s beliefs. Suppose type G always invests, applies, activates, and offers to license his patent at fee F G . Denote by α the probability that a type-B inventor applies for a patent. Similarly, denote by ρ the probability that a type-B inventor activates the patent in case he passes examination, and by y the probability that she offers a license contract with fee F G . Indeed, all three of these decisions – whether to apply for a patent, pay the activation fee, and which license fee to offer – potentially provide information about the inventor’s type. In addition, the outcome of examination also provides information. The competitor’s belief that an activated patent is valid when offered a license contract at fee F G is λ̂ ≡ λ̃(F G ) = λ . λ + (1 − λ)(1 − e)αρy Now consider the competitor’s decision whether to challenge the patent when offered a license contract at fee F G = ∆C . If she accepts the contract or rejects it but does not challenge, her payoff is π − ∆C ; if she challenges, her expected payoff is λ̂(π − ∆C ) + 1 − λ̂ π − l. With probability λ̂ the invention is nonobvious, in which case the court upholds the patent, and the inventor holds the competitor down to a payoff of π −∆C (see Lemma 1). With probability 1− λ̂ the invention is obvious, in which case the court invalidates the patent, and the competitor obtains π. In either case the competitor incurs litigation costs of l. Thus the competitor prefers challenging to not challenging if and only if 1 − λ̂ ∆C ≥ l. (2) The lower bound on λ̂ occurs if the type-B inventor pools with the typeG inventor, i.e., if α = ρ = y = 1, and is denoted λ(e) ≡ λ . λ + (1 − λ)(1 − e) 11 Because this is the lowest value that λ̂ can take it is the one that makes challenges most attractive from the competitor’s point of view. If challenging the patent is not worthwhile for the competitor under pooling, it will never be worthwhile. Hence, we will say that a validity challenge is credible if and only if (1 − λ(e)) ∆C ≥ l. (3) That is, if the type-B inventor mimics the type-G inventor, challenging the validity of the patent is a credible threat. Remark: Note that (1 − λ(e)) is decreasing in e, implying that, as the patent office steps up its examination efforts, it may crowd out private challenges. The reason is that higher e makes it less likely that a type-B inventor passes the examination, and therefore strengthens the competitor’s belief that a successful patent applicant is of type G. The following lemma characterizes the type-B inventor’s and competitor’s equilibrium behavior in the case where challenges are not credible. Lemma 3. Suppose (3) does not hold. Then, the type-B inventor applies, activates and proposes F G (i.e., α = ρ = y = 1) if (1 − e) [∆ − φP ] − φA ≥ 0, (4) and does not apply otherwise. The competitor never challenges. Proof. Since challenges are not credible, the type-B inventor can obtain the same payoff as a type-G inventor once he passes the examination, which is the highest payoff he could ever hope to secure. Thus we do not have to consider deviations to other license fees, regardless of the competitor’s beliefs λ̃(F ). The type-B inventor’s only relevant decision is whether to apply. He prefers applying to not applying if and only if eπ + (1 − e) [π + ∆ − φP ] − φA ≥ π, which after rearranging yields (4). When challenges are not credible, the type-B inventor either applies for (and activates) a patent and then pools with the type-G inventor by offering F = F G , or he does not apply at all. By contrast, when challenges are 12 credible, pooling with type G cannot be an equilibrium. The reason is that the competitor would then have belief λ(e) and would therefore challenge the patent with probability 1, in which case the type-B inventor would be sure to have his patent invalidated. To avoid being challenged, the type-B inventor can offer to license his patent at a fee that is low enough for the competitor to prefer not to challenge. Consider a candidate equilibrium in which type G proposes F G = ∆C and type B proposes F̃ < ∆C (i.e., a separating equilibrium). The competitor correctly infers that λ̃(F̃ ) = 0. For the competitor to prefer not to challenge although he believes that the patent is invalid with certainty, it must be that π − F̃ ≤ π − l, or F̃ ≤ l. The out-of-equilibrium belief most likely to support this as an equilibrium is λ̃(F ) = 0 for any F ∈ / {F G , F̃ }. Given these beliefs, the competitor’s best response is not to challenge if F ≤ l; thus, the type-B inventor might as well propose F̃ = l. This is not an equilibrium, however, as type B could do better by deviating to F G . Observing F G would lead the competitor to believe that the patent is valid with certainty, and therefore refrain from challenging. Hence, the equilibrium can be neither pooling nor separating. What this argument suggests is that, when challenges are credible, the only equilibrium is a semi-separating one in which the type-B inventor randomizes over one of his decisions (applying, activating, license fee) and the competitor randomizes over challenging and not when observing a license offer at fee F G . To determine over which decision the type-B inventor will randomize, suppose first that application and activation fee, φA and φP , are sufficiently low (in a sense yet to be made precise). Then, type B always applies and activates; the randomization will occur over the license fee to propose. As in Meurer (1989), the type-B inventor will propose ∆C with probability y FB = l with probability 1 − y, where y is chosen so as to make the competitor indifferent between challenging and not. Denote by x the probability that the competitor challenges the patent when faced with a license offer F = F G . The competitor chooses x so as to make the type-B inventor indifferent between proposing ∆C and l. This is an equilibrium if it allows type B to break even, i.e., if his payoff from applying exceeds his payoff from not applying: π +(1−e)(m+l−φP )−φA > π. 13 If type B cannot break even proposing l but could break even proposing ∆C , the randomization must instead occur over the application decision (or the activation decision). The competitor then chooses the probability of challenges x so as to make type B indifferent between applying and not (or between activating and not). The following lemma characterizes the equilibrium. The lemma is based on the condition for type G to invest, (1), being satisfied, which requires in particular φP ≤ ∆. Below we examine under what assumptions the various conditions characterizing type B’s behavior given in the lemma are compatible with (1).13 Lemma 4. Suppose (3) holds. Then, the equilibrium behavior of the type-B inventor and the competitor can be characterized as follows: (i) If φA ≥ (1 − e)(∆ − φP ), the type-B inventor does not apply (α = 0), and the competitor does not challenge (x = 0). (ii) If φA < (1 − e)(∆ − φP ), the type-B inventor applies with strictly positive probability (α > 0) and randomizes such that λ(e) ∆C = l. 1− λ(e) + (1 − λ(e)) αρy (5) The competitor always accepts when offered F = l (x = 0); she always challenges the patent when offered F ∈ / {l, F G } (x = 1). When offered F = F G she randomizes between accepting and challenging. Specifically: (a) for φP < l + m and φA < (1 − e)(l + m − φP ), the type-B inventor chooses α = ρ = 1 and y ∈ (0, 1) solving (5). The competitor challenges with probability x such that (1 − x)∆ = l + m; 13 (6) The uniqueness of the equilibrium is due to our assumption that the inventor does not incur litigation costs. If litigation were costly to the inventor, there would be a continuum of semi-separating equilibria with F G ≤ ∆C and (depending on parameters) also pooling equilibria. Note, however, that a semi-separating equilibrium with F G = ∆C always exists. 14 (b) for φP > l + m and φA = 0, the type-B inventor chooses y = 1 and (α, ρ) ∈ [0, 1]2 solving (5). The competitor challenges with probability x such that (1 − x)∆ = φP ; (7) (c) for max{0, (1 − e)(l + m − φP )} < φA < (1 − e) (∆ − φP ), the type-B inventor chooses ρ = y = 1 and α ∈ (0, 1) solving (5). The competitor challenges with probability x such that (1 − e) [(1 − x)∆ − φP ] = φA . (8) Proof. For φA ≥ (1 − e)(∆ − φP ), type B’s payoff from applying is weakly less than his payoff from not applying even if there are no challenges, so (α = 0, x = 0) is an equilibrium, establishing (i). (This equilibrium is unique for φA > (1 − e)(∆ − φP ).) In what follows, we first show that for φA < (1 − e)(∆ − φP ), there is no equilibrium in which α = 0, ρ = 0, or y = 0, that there is none in which α = ρ = y = 1, and that there is also none in which x = 0 or x = 1, implying that the equilibrium must be in mixed strategies. We then prove the more specific claims made in (ii.a)-(ii.c). Suppose first there were an equilibrium with α = 0, ρ = 0, or y = 0 when φA < (1 − e)(∆ − φP ). Then the competitor’s belief would be λ̂ = 1, and hence she would not challenge. But this means that the type-B inventor could secure a strictly positive expected payoff of (1−e)(∆−φP )−φA > 0 by applying, activating and offering F G , contradicting the optimality of α = 0 or ρ = 0. Moreover, by offering F = F G = ∆C type B obtains a higher payoff than by offering F = l (because ∆C > l), contradicting the optimality of y = 0. Hence, under the assumed condition on φA , in any equilibrium we must have α > 0, ρ > 0 and y > 0. Next, suppose there were an equilibrium with α = ρ = y = 1. Then λ̂ = λ(e), and by (3), the challenger would always challenge. But then type B would be better off deviating in some dimension. (If φP > 0, type B would be better off not activating or not applying. If φP = 0 < l + m, type B would be better off offering F = l.) Now consider the competitor’s decision to challenge. If there were an equilibrium in which she never challenges (x = 0), then all type-B inventors 15 would apply, activate and offer F G (α = ρ = y = 1). But in that case, (3) implies that the competitor would strictly prefer to challenge. If there were an equilibrium in which she always challenges (x = 1), then type B would prefer not to apply, in which case the competitor would be better off not challenging. Hence, the only equilibrium is in mixed strategies. For the competitor to be indifferent between challenging or not, his beliefs about the type of inventor he faces must be such that the payoff from challenging is the same as the payoff from not challenging, i.e., (2) must hold with equality. Using the definition of λ̂ yields (5). The conditions for the type-B inventor to be indifferent depend on parameters and are specified below. Claim (ii.a) [φP < l + m and φA < (1 − e)(l + m − φP )]: Because the competitor always accepts the offer F = l, the type-B inventor can guarantee himself a payoff of l+m following activation. Hence, if φP < l+m, type B strictly prefers activating to not activating, implying ρ = 1. By the same argument, if φA < (1 − e)(l + m − φP ), type B strictly prefers applying to not applying, so α = 1. The only randomization variable that remains is y. For the type-B inventor to be indifferent between offering F = l and F = ∆C , both must procure him the same payoff. This requires π + l + m = π + (1 − x)∆, or (6). Claim (ii.b) [φP > l + m and φA = 0]: Because φP > l + m, the inventor will never offer F = l, as he would be sure to make a loss then. Hence, y = 1. In any equilibrium in which the type-B inventor is indifferent between activating and not, which requires π = π +(1−e)[(1−x)∆−φP ], or (7), his payoff from applying for a patent will be zero. Because φA = 0, he will also be indifferent between applying and not. Hence, any combination of α and ρ which (given y = 1) solves (5) constitutes an equilibrium. Claim (ii.c) [max{0, (1 − e)(l + m − φP )} < φA < (1 − e) (∆ − φP )]: Because (1 − e)(l + m − φP ) < φA , the type-B inventor cannot break even offering F = l; hence, y = 1. To see that type B will necessarily randomize over the application decision rather than the activation decision, suppose to the contrary ρ < 1. This would require (1 − x)∆ = φP . But in that case, type B’s payoff from applying would be zero, and given φA > 0 he would prefer not to apply. Hence, ρ = 1. The only randomization variable that 16 remains is α. For type B to be indifferent between applying and not, it must be that π = π + (1 − e)[(1 − x)∆ − φP ] − φA , or (8). Let us denote α̃ = ỹ ≡ λl . (1 − λ)(1 − e)(∆C − l) That is, α̃ (ỹ) is the value of α (y) solving (5) when y = 1 (α = 1) and ρ = 1. Notice that α̃, ỹ ∈ (0, 1) when challenges are credible. Furthermore, let x̃ ≡ 1 − and x̂ ≡ l+m ∆ (1 − e)(∆ − φP ) − φA . (1 − e)∆ That is, x̃ is the value of x solving (6) while x̂ is the value of x solving (8). Notice that x̃ ∈ (0, 1) (because l < ∆C ) and x̂ ∈ (0, 1) when φP < ∆ and 0 < φA < (1 − e)(∆ − φP ). Figure 1 depicts how the equilibrium that arises when challenges are credible depends on φA and φP . The figure is drawn under the implicit assumption that φA > 0 so that ρ = 1. In region 1, where φP ≤ l + m and φA ≤ (1 − e)(l + m − φP ), fees are sufficiently low for the type-B inventor to always find it worthwhile to apply and activate (α = ρ = 1) while randomizing over the license fee to offer, with y = ỹ; the rate of challenges is given by x̃. Moving toward the north-east into region 2, type B can no longer break even by offering the low fee F = l; he now randomizes over the application decision, applying with probability α = α̃ while activating and offering the high license fee F G with certainty (ρ = y = 1). The rate of challenges is given by x̂. As fees increase further and we reach region 3, the type-B inventor no longer applies (α = 0) and the rate of challenges drops to zero (x = 0). The figure also shows the condition under which type G finds it profitable to invest, (1). The φA = ∆−(k −π)−φP line is drawn under the assumption that e > ē(0) (to be defined below), which implies existence of region 3. If instead e < ē(0), then region 3 does not exist. That is, there is no combination of φA and φP such that type G (invests and) applies and type B does not. We investigate this point in more detail in the next section. 17 φA ∆ − (k − π) φ A (1 − e)∆ α = 0, x=0 = 3 ∆ − (k No investment by type G − π) − φ P α = α̃, y = 1, x = x̂ (1 − e)(l + m) φA =( 2 1− e)( l+ m α = 1, 1 −φ P) y = ỹ, x = x̃ 0 l+m φA =( 1− e)( ∆ −φ P) ∆ − (k − π) ∆ φP Figure 1: The equilibrium as a function of φP and φA when ē(0) < e < 1 4 Fees and screening In this section we look at the effect of fees on screening of inventors, taking the patent office’s examination intensity e as exogenously given. We first study under what conditions we can achieve full screening, i.e., deterring applications by type B without discouraging investment by type G. We then derive comparative statics results for the case where full screening is not possible. 4.1 Full screening The two following propositions examine when and how it is possible to induce complete self-screening of inventors, so that only nonobvious inventions are applied for. The results show that the extent to which fees are effective screening tools depends on the examination intensity e. Proposition 1. If either e = 0 or φA = 0 and e < 1, there is no equilibrium in which only the type-G inventor applies. Proof. If e = 0, then by Part (i) of Lemma 4, deterring type B requires 18 φA + φP ≥ ∆. If φA = 0 and e < 1, then by Part (i) of Lemma 4, deterring type B requires either e = 1 or φP ≥ ∆; since e < 1 by assumption, we must have φP ≥ ∆. In either case, type G will not invest, as his payoff then is ∆ − (k − π) − φP − φA ≤ −(k − π) < 0, where the last inequality is due to the definition of a nonobvious invention. This proposition makes two points. First, it underlines the importance of patent examination. If there is no examination at all (e = 0), then fees cannot completely screen out obvious inventions. This happens despite the fact that we have assumed that courts are perfect at discriminating between obvious and nonobvious inventions. One might have expected that the resulting payoff differential at the litigation stage would suffice to screen inventors through an appropriate choice of fees. The reason why this fails to hold is that the competitor is Bayesian and updates her beliefs based on the inventor’s equilibrium strategy. If there were an equilibrium in which only type G applies, the competitor would rationally expect any applicant to be of type G, and therefore refrain from challenging. But then, in the absence of patent examination, type B would also find it worthwhile to apply, hence such an outcome cannot be an equilibrium. Instead the equilibrium will be in mixed strategies, implying that at least some type-B inventors apply. In contrast to the competitor’s decision whether or not to challenge the patent, the patent office examines all patents, regardless of the inventor’s equilibrium strategy. Second, we cannot rely exclusively on the activation fee φP if we want to induce self-screening of inventors; screening relies crucially on the application fee φA being positive. This is related to the previous result. If applications are costless (φA = 0) and examination is less than perfect (e < 1), type-B inventors have nothing to lose from applying. But once a patent passes examination, it is subject only to a possible challenge by the competitor, whose decision depends on his beliefs, which in turn depend on the inventor’s equilibrium strategy. Because of the mixed-strategy nature of the equilibrium, completely deterring type B through the activation fee is possible only by setting φP ≥ ∆, which also deters type G. Proposition 2. For any activation fee φP < ∆ − (k − π), there exists an 19 application fee φA > 0 such that only the type-G inventor applies if and only if e ≥ ē(φP ), where ē(φP ) ≡ k−π . ∆ − φP (9) Proof. By Lemma 2, investment by type G requires π − k + ∆ − φP ≥ φA . By Part (i) of Lemma 4, deterrence of type B requires φA ≥ (1 − e)(∆ − φP ). An application fee φA satisfying both inequalities exists if and only if π − k + ∆ − φP ≥ (1 − e)(∆ − φP ), or π − k + e(∆ − φP ) ≥ 0, which can be arranged to yield e ≥ ē(φP ) defined in (9). Proposition 2 says that complete screening of inventors is possible provided the examination intensity is sufficiently large. Note that, for any φP < π + ∆ − k, the examination intensity required is strictly less than one: the patent office does not have to be perfect. Exactly how rigorous the patent office needs to be depends on φP , as the following corollary shows. Corollary. The examination intensity required to achieve complete selfscreening of inventors, ē(φP ), is increasing in φP . This result speaks to the relative effectiveness of application and activation fees in inducing inventors to self-screen. The higher the activation fee φP , the higher the examination intensity needed for screening. In other words, higher activation fees make it more difficult to induce inventors to self-screen. The intuition is that, while application and activation fees are perfect substitutes for type-G inventors, type-B inventors prefer activation fees, which only need to be paid conditional on surviving examination. For type G, all that matters is the sum φP + φA because he knows he will pass. By contrast, for type B what matters is φA + (1 − e)φP . A further result of our analysis is that despite the fact the courts are mistake-free, they cannot eliminate all bad patents that are issued. To see this point, note that eliminating all bad patents would require that x = 1 whenever α > 0, i.e., all issued patents would need to be challenged. Alternatively, type-B inventors would have to reveal themselves so that they could be targeted by challenges. But as Lemma 4 shows, neither of these 20 is an equilibrium outcome. There is no equilibrium with α > 0 and x = 1. There is also no equilibrium in which type-B inventors reveal themselves and then get challenged. Although for φP < l and φA < (1 − e)(l − φP ), type B sometimes reveals himself by offering F = l, the competitor optimally responds to this by not challenging. 4.2 Partial screening The previous subsection has shown that when e < ē(0), it is impossible to achieve full screening. Nevertheless both application and activation fees can be effective in achieving partial screening. In addition, fees and examination will affect the rate of challenges and the licensing fees proposed by inventors. The next proposition considers the effects of φA , φP and e on the equilibrium variables α, x, and y. Proposition 3. Suppose the type-G inventor invests and challenges are credible, i.e., (1) and (3) hold. Then: (i) An increase in φA or φP weakly decreases applications by type B (α), weakly decreases the rate of challenges (x), and weakly increases the license fee proposed by type B (y). (ii) An increase in e has ambiguous effects on applications by type B (α), the rate of challenges (x), and the license fee proposed by type B (y). Proof. To be added. Proposition 3 shows that an increase in fees unambiguously decreases bad applications and challenges (in a weak sense). It also leads to higher license fees, as type-B inventors switch from randomizing over the license fee to randomizing over the application decision. Perhaps more surprisingly, the effect of an increase in the examination intensity e has ambiguous effects on applications by type-B inventors. Over some range, the application rate of type-B inventors actually increases with e. The intuition is that more rigorous examination makes it more likely that a granted patent is valid, other things equal. That is, higher e raises the competitor’s posterior belief λ̂. But in equilibrium, the competitor must be indifferent between challenging and not, which requires that λ̂ be held constant. Therefore, in region 2, 21 type B responds to an increase in e by adjusting the probability of applying (α) upward. 5 Welfare To be able to say more about the optimal structure of fees for a given e, let us derive the expected welfare as a function of the equilibrium variables α, x, and y.14 Assume that the cost of examining an application with intensity e is γ(e). Denoting expected welfare by W , we have W (α, x, y) = 2π + S + λ(−D − xl − k − γ(e)) + (1 − λ)α (1 − e) (y(1 − x) + 1 − y)(−D) − xyl − γ(e) . (10) With probability λ, the invention is nonobvious, in which case the inventor always applies and society incurs the deadweight loss D, the cost of investment k and the cost of examination γ(e) with certainty, while it incurs the cost of challenges l with probability x. With probability 1 − λ, the invention is obvious, in which case the inventor applies with probability α. Conditional on application, society incurs the deadweight loss with probability (1 − e)(y(1 − x) + 1 − y), the cost of challenges with probability (1 − e)xy, and the cost of examination with certainty. To understand these probabilities, recall that with probability 1 − y, the type-B inventor offers F = l, which is always accepted; with probability y, type B offers F = ∆C , which is accepted with probability 1 − x and instead leads to a challenge with probability x. Expression (10) highlights several important points. First, holding everything else constant, welfare is decreasing in the application rate of type-B inventors, α. This implies that welfare is maximized with complete screening (where α = x = 0). Second, if α > 0, the effect of the rate of challenges x on welfare is ambiguous. Differentiating W with respect to x yields ∂W = −λl + (1 − λ)(1 − e)αy(D − l). ∂x (11) On the one hand, challenges help society get rid of invalid patents (which increases welfare provided deadweight loss exceeds litigation costs, D > l), 14 We are focusing on the case ρ = 1, i.e., we neglect situations in which φA = 0. 22 but on the other hand, they create wasteful litigation of valid patents. Third, assuming deadweight loss exceeds litigation costs, welfare is increasing in y. Taking the derivative of the term in square brackets with respect to y, we obtain x(D − l), which is strictly positive for x > 0 and D > l. Let e ≡ [k − π − (∆C − l)]/(l + m). If e < e, only region 1 is attainable, and in region 1 welfare is unaffected by φA and φP because α = 1, x = x̃, and y = ỹ, none of which depend on fees. To make the problem interesting, assume in what follows that e < e < ē(0), so that both region 1 and region 2 are attainable but region 3 is not (i.e., full screening cannot be achieved). Geometrically, region 3 in Figure 1 disappears as the φA = (1 − e)(∆ − φP ) line now shifts above the φA = ∆ − (k − π) − φP line. The social planner’s problem is to choose φA and φP to maximize welfare subject to type G investing, taking e as given: max W (α, x, y) (φA ,φP ) subject to φA ≤ ∆ − (k − π) − φP . Although welfare does not depend directly on φA and φP , it depends on them indirectly through their effect on the equilibrium values of α, x, and y. The following proposition characterizes the welfare-maximizing combination of fees. Proposition 4. If e < e < ē(0) and ∆C > D > l, welfare is maximized for φP = 0 and φA = ∆ − (k − π). Proof. Notice that within region 1, welfare does not depend on either φA or φP , as α = 1, x = x̃, and y = ỹ are all constant in φA and φP . Similarly, within region 2, welfare depends on φA and φP only through x = x̂(φA , φP ) (which we make explicit by including the fees as arguments) and not through α = α̃ or y = 1. Thus the welfare maximization problem is reduced to a choice between W (1, x̃, ỹ) and maxφA ,φP W (α̃, x̂(φA , φP ), 1). Notice also that αy is the same in regions 1 and 2, as αy = ỹ in region 1, αy = α̃ in region 2, and α̃ = ỹ. The proof proceeds as follows. We first show that, keeping αy fixed, welfare is decreasing in α. Second, we show that fixing αy at its equilibrium value in regions 1 and 2 (α̃ = ỹ), welfare is decreasing in x. Third, we show that x̃ ≥ x̂(φA , φP ) for any (φA , φP ) in region 2. Together these claims 23 imply that the solution to the welfare maximization problem is obtained by solving minφA ,φP x̂(φA , φP ) subject to φA ≤ ∆ − (k − π) − φP . Claim 1: For any (α, y) ∈ (0, 1)2 and (α0 , y 0 ) ∈ (0, 1)2 such that αy = α0 , y 0 , W (α, x, y) ≥ W (α0 , x, y 0 ) if and only if α ≤ α0 . Rewriting W we have W (α, x, y) = 2π + S − λ(D + xl + k + γ(e)) + (1 − λ) (1 − e)αyx(D − l) − α[(1 − e)D + γ(e)] . (12) For αy = α0 y 0 , we have W (α, x, y) − W (α0 , x, y) = (1 − λ)(α0 − α)[(1 − e)D + γ(e)] ≥ 0 if and only if α ≤ α0 . Claim 2: (∂/∂x)W (α, x, y)|αy=α̃ < 0. Replacing αy by α̃ = λl/[(1 − λ)(1 − e)(∆C − l)] in (11) yields D−l ∂W = λl − 1 < 0, ∂x αy=α̃ ∆C − l where the inequality follows from the assumption that l < D < ∆C . Claim 3: x̃ ≥ x̂(φA , φP ) for any (φA , φP ) such that (1 − e)[l + m − φP ] ≤ φA (1 − e)[∆C + m − φP ]. Since x̂ is decreasing in φA and φP , its maximum x̂max is attained for (1 − e)[l + m − φP ] = φA . We have x̂max = ∆C − l = x̃. ∆C + m Hence, x̂(φA , φP ) < x̃ for (1 − e)[l + m − φP ] < φA . Having established these claims, we now solve for the welfare-maximizing fees, i.e., the fees that minimize x̂ subject to type G investing: min x̂(φA , φP ) φA ,φP subject to φA ≤ ∆ − (k − π) − φP . Since x̂ is decreasing in φA , the constraint must bind at the optimum. The problem becomes min φP (1 − e)(∆ − φP ) − (∆ − (k − π) − φP ) k − π + e(φP − ∆) = . (1 − e)∆ (1 − e)∆ Since this increases with φP , the minimum is reached at φP = 0, implying φA = ∆ − (k − π). This proposition shows that, if examination is not rigorous enough to allow for full screening, the planner should set activation fees to zero and 24 use only application fees. The intuition is that, as discussed above, type B prefers fees to be backloaded while type G is indifferent between application and activation fees. Here, keeping the sum of fees φA + φP fixed, the rate of challenges x decreases as we frontload fees, because fewer challenges are necessary to make type B indifferent between applying and not. Moreover, the planner should set application fees at the highest level compatible with investment by type G. Again, this is related to the fact that higher fees decrease x, which the proof shows to be welfare enhancing. 6 Alternative settings 6.1 Exogenous challenges It is instructive to compare the results we have obtained when challenges are endogenously triggered by a fully Bayesian competitor to the case where challenges are exogenous. Specifically, suppose that all patents get challenged at a constant rate x̄ ∈ (0, 1) (independently of the inventor’s type θ) and that courts do not make mistakes in determining validity.15 Then, the type-G inventor activates iff ∆ ≥ φP while the type-B inventor activates iff (1 − x̄)∆ ≥ φP . Clearly, for ∆ > φP > (1 − x̄)∆ and φA + φP ≤ ∆ − (k − π) (which can both be satisfied provided x̄ is sufficiently large and φA sufficiently small), the activation fee screens out type-B inventors without dissuading type-G inventors. Moreover, no minimum level of patent examination is required to achieve this. While this argument does not provide a reason why the activation fee would be a better screening tool than the application fee, it is easy to construct an example where this is the case. To do this, let us extend the basic model by introducing learning about the gains from patenting over time. Suppose the type-G inventor does not know whether the gains from patenting are high or low until after applying for a patent. For concreteness, assume that the gains are either ∆ (with probability ν) or 0 (with probability 1 − ν). The type-B inventor knows his gains from patenting already at the moment of applying. Assume that the application fee needed to screen out a 15 One could obtain similar results by assuming that challenges are more likely for type θ = B and courts are random. 25 type-B inventor with high gains from patenting, φA = (1−e)[(1− x̄)∆−φP ], is so large that the type-G inventor earns a negative expected profit from investing even if φP = 0: π + ν∆ − k − (1 − e)(1 − x̄)∆ ≤ 0, or k − π ≥ [ν − (1 − e)(1 − x̄)]∆ (13) At the same time, assume that if φP is set so as to screen out the type-B inventor, φP = (1 − x̄)∆, then it is profitable for the type-G inventor to invest if φA = 0: ν[∆ − (1 − x̄)∆] ≥ k − π, or ν x̄∆ ≥ k − π. (14) Inequalities (13) and (14) can only ever be simultaneously satisfied if ν x̄∆ > [ν − (1 − e)(1 − x̄)]∆, or e < 1 − ν. Thus, if patent examination is not too rigorous, then there exists a range of values of (k − π) such that we can screen out type-B inventors through the activation fee. At the same time, by construction, screening through the application fee is not possible. 6.2 A more general screening technology Many observers argue that patents are “probabilistic” in nature (Lemley and Shapiro, 2005), suggesting that court decisions are subject to some amount of randomness. We have so far assumed that courts do not make mistakes in assessing validity. In this section, we look at a more general screening technology whereby both patent office and courts sometimes make mistakes. This technology encompasses both the basic model (with perfect courts) and completely random courts (where the probability that a patent is upheld does not depend on the inventor’s type θ) as special cases. Suppose the patent office and the courts review applications with intensity e1 and e2 respectively. The intensity of review equals the probability 26 Table 1: Probability of acceptance and rejection at review stage i by type Type G Type B Acceptance ei + (1 − ei )qi (1 − ei )qi Rejection (1 − ei )(1 − qi ) ei + (1 − ei )(1 − qi ) that they find out the inventor’s true type. With probability 1 − ei , i = 1, 2, they find no strong evidence either way, in which case the patent office allows the application with probability q1 while the courts uphold the patent with probability q2 . This leads to stage-i probabilities of acceptance and rejection for each type of inventor given in Table 1, with i = 1, 2, stage 1 corresponding to patent office review and stage 2 corresponding to court review. Our basic model is a special case of this setup with e1 = e, q1 = 1, and e2 = 1. In addition, suppose that both the inventor and the challenger incur litigation costs. The inventor’s litigation costs are lI while the challenger’s are lC . Assume (1−e2 )(1−q2 )∆C < lC < (e2 +(1−e2 )(1−q2 ))∆C ; otherwise the competitor either would not want to challenge even when being sure of facing a type-B inventor or would want to challenge even when being sure of facing a type-G inventor. Everything else is the same as in the basic model. 6.2.1 Random courts Before considering the full-fledged generalization, let us look at the special case in which e1 = e, e2 = 0, and q1 = q2 = q ∈ (0, 1). That is, courts are random: the probability that a patent is upheld does not depend on the inventor’s type. This implies that, once they pass the examination at the patent office, both inventor types are equivalent, in the sense that they have the same continuation payoff. Thus, either both or neither of the inventor types activate the patent, and if they do, both types offer the same license fee F . Assume also that lI = 0 and lC = l. The competitor’s payoff from accepting then is π − F , while her payoff from rejecting and challenging is q(π − ∆C ) + (1 − q)π − l. Hence, the competitor challenges iff F > l + q∆C . If (1 − q)∆C < l, challenges are not credible; therefore the inventor charges F = ∆C and earns the same payoff as the type-G inventor in the 27 baseline model. If instead (1 − q)∆C ≥ l, challenges are credible. The inventor then faces a choice between asking for F = l + q∆C , which avoids a challenge and yields π + m + l + q∆C , or asking for F > l + q∆C , which triggers a challenge and yields q(π + ∆) + (1 − q)π. The inventor’s payoff from activating the patent is thus V = max{q∆, l + m + q∆C }. It follows that both types of inventors activate their patents iff V ≥ φP . As one might expect, when courts cannot distinguish valid from invalid patents, activation fees are ineffective as a screening tool. The type-G inventor invests iff π + V − φP − φA − k ≥ 0. Assuming challenges are credible, i.e., that l ≤ (1−q)∆C , we have l+m+q∆C ≤ ∆, and hence V ≤ ∆. Thus, the type-G inventor earns a lower payoff with random courts than with mistake-free courts. Not surprisingly, probabilistic patent enforcement by the courts is a drag on innovation. The type-B inventor applies for a patent iff (1 − e)[V − φP ] − φA ≥ 0. We therefore obtain the following result. Proposition 5. Suppose courts randomly uphold a fraction q of patents, independent of θ, and that (1 − q)∆C ≥ l. For any activation fee φP < π + V − k, there exists an application fee φA > 0 such that only the type-G inventor applies if and only if e≥ k−π ≥ ē(φP ). V − φP Proof. The threshold on e can be found using the same argument as for Proposition 2, replacing ∆ by V . The inequality (k − π)/(V − φP ) ≥ ē(φP ) follows from the fact that, if (1 − q)∆C ≥ l, then V ≤ ∆. Thus, while it is still possible to induce inventors to self-screen, doing so requires more rigorous examination by the patent office than when courts are mistake-free. 6.2.2 Imperfect but non-random courts Now consider the full-fledged generalization. Type G’s expected payoff from investing (and then applying for and activating the patent, if granted, and 28 offering a license at fee F G ) is h πG = (e1 +(1−e1 )q1 ) x (e2 +(1−e2 )q2 )(π+m+∆C )+(1−e2 )(1−q2 )π−lI i + (1 − x)(π + m + F G ) − φP + (1 − e1 )(1 − q1 )π − k − φA , (15) where x is the rate of challenges given F G . To understand this expression, note that the application is allowed by the patent office with probability (e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ), in which case the patent is either challenged (probability x) or not (probability 1 − x). In the event of a challenge, the patentee wins with probability (e2 + (1 − e2 )q2 ), in which case she earns π + m + ∆C , and loses with probability (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ), in which case she earns only the competitive profits π. In either case she incurs litigation costs of lI . If there is no challenge the patentee earns π +m+F G . The application is rejected by the patent office with probability (1 − e1 )(1 − q1 ), in which case the patentee earns only π. Suppose type G invests and applies; moreover, suppose that if he is successful in obtaining a patent, he activates it and charges a license fee F G = ∆C (we will later examine under what conditions this is an equilibrium). The competitor’s belief that an activated patent whose holder offers a license fee of F G is valid is λ̂ = λ(e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) , λ(e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) + (1 − λ)(1 − e1 )q1 αρy where α, ρ, and y are the probabilities that type B applies, activates, and offers to license at fee F G , respectively. The lower bound of λ̂ is attained at αρy = 1 and given by λ= λ(e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) . λ(e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) + (1 − λ)(1 − e1 )q1 Challenges are credible if and only if π − ∆C ≤ λ [(e2 + (1 − e2 )q2 )(π − ∆C ) + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 )π] + (1 − λ) [(1 − e2 )q2 (π − ∆C ) + (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))π] − lC (16) [1 − (1 − e2 )q2 − e2 λ]∆C ≥ lC . (17) or 29 Consider the behavior of type B in the case where challenges are credible, i.e., (17) holds, and fees are sufficiently low as to make applying and activating profitable (i.e., α = ρ = 1); we will later make this statement more precise. Let us look for an equilibrium in which type B randomizes over the license fee FB as follows: G F = ∆C FB = F̃ with probability y with probability 1 − y, where F̃ is chosen such that the competitor does not find it worthwhile to challenge. The competitor’s beliefs on the equilibrium path are λ̃(F G ) = λ̂ and λ̃(F̃ ) = 0. The out-of-equilibrium belief most likely to support the equilibrium is λ̃(F ) = 0 for F 6= F G , F̃ . For the competitor to refrain from challenging when observing F 6= F G despite assigning probability 1 to the patent being invalid, it must be that (1 − e2 )q2 (π − ∆C ) + (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))π − lC ≤ π − F. The highest fee that satisfies this inequality is F = lC + (1 − e2 )q2 ∆C . Let s(F ) ∈ [0, 1] denote the competitor’s probability of challenging the patent when observing a license fee offer F . Sequential rationality requires s(F ) = 0 for F ≤ F and s(F ) = 1 for F > F , F 6= F G . Thus, F̃ = F . We also have s(F G ) = x, which depends on λ̂. For the type-B inventor to be indifferent between offering F G and F̃ , it must be that π + m + F̃ = x[(1 − e2 )q2 (π + m + ∆C ) + (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))π − lI ] + (1 − x)(π + m + F G ). Simplifying and using F G = ∆C yields x= (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))∆C − lC ≡ x̃. (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI For the competitor to be willing to randomize between challenging and not, it must be that (16) holds with equality when replacing λ by λ̂. After simplifying we thus need λ̂ = (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))∆C − lC . e 2 ∆C 30 Using the definition of λ̂, substituting α = ρ = 1, and solving for y yields λ(e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) lC − (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 )∆C y= ≡ ỹ. (1 − λ)(1 − e1 )q1 (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))∆C − lC Finally, we need to check that the type-G inventor has no incentive to deviate. The best deviation would be to F = F̃ . But since x is chosen so as to make the type-B inventor indifferent between F G and F̃ , and type G has a higher probability of winning in court, type G must strictly prefer F G to F̃ . The above equilibrium was derived under the assumption that fees are sufficiently low for the type-B inventor to find it profitable to apply. Since the type-B inventor’s payoff in this equilibrium is equal to his payoff when offering F̃ , this requires (1 − e1 )q1 [m + lC + (1 − e2 )q2 ∆C − φP ] > φA . (18) Suppose instead (18) does not hold. Then, the above strategy profile cannot be part of an equilibrium. However, if the type-B inventor’s payoff from applying is positive when there are no challenges, i.e., (1 − e1 )q1 [m + ∆C − φP ] > φA , (19) then – rather than randomize over the license fee to offer – type B will randomize over the decision to apply.16 Since in equilibrium type B’s probability of applying (α) must be such that the competitor is indifferent between challenging and not, we will have lC − (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 )∆C λ(e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) ≡ α̃ = ỹ. α= (1 − λ)(1 − e1 )q1 (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))∆C − lC The competitor chooses x to make the type-B inventor indifferent between applying and not: π = (1 − e1 )q1 x[(1 − e2 )q2 (π + m + ∆C ) + (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))π − lI ] + (1 − x)(π + m + ∆C ) + (e1 + (1 − e1 )(1 − q1 ))π − φA . Solving for x yields x= m + ∆C − φP − φA /[(1 − e1 )q1 ] ≡ x̂. (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI 16 As in the basic model, there is also the possibility of randomizing over activation, but this can only be part of an equilibrium for φA = 0. In what follows we neglect this special case. 31 If (19) is not satisfied, type B does not apply. Now let us check whether type G finds it profitable to invest in R&D. The expression for πG in (15) can be rewritten as πG = (e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) (1 − x(1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) − xlI − φP − (k − π) − φA . This expression highlights several important points. First, the assumption that m + ∆C > k − π no longer suffices to ensure that the type-G inventor wants to invest when fees are zero. To see this, suppose φA = φP = 0. Then, we have x = x̃ (i.e., the rate of challenges in region 1). Type G’s profit becomes πG = (e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 ) m + ∆C [(e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))∆C − lC ][(1 − e2 )(1 − q2 )(m + ∆C ) + lI ] −(k−π). − (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI Even if the patent office does not wrongly reject applications (q1 = 1) and courts are perfect (e2 = 1), as in the basic model, the presence of litigation costs means that πG ≥ 0 if and only if m + ∆C − (∆C − lC )lI ≥ k − π. m + ∆C + lI An even more important difference with the basic model emerges as we let fees increase to the point where x depends on φA and φP (region 2). Suppose x= m + ∆C − φP − φA /[(1 − e1 )q1 ] , (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI which is the equivalent of x̂ (i.e., the rate of challenges in region 2). We then have (e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 )e2 (m + ∆C ) (m + ∆C − φP ) − (k − π) (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 )(m + ∆C ) + lI e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 − φA 1 − (1 − e1 )q1 (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI πG = Hence, the type-G inventor’s profit is decreasing in φP but not necessarily in φA . To see this, notice that we can further simplify the expression in square brackets as (e2 (1 − e1 )q1 − e1 (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) − e1 lI . (e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI 32 If (e2 (1 − e1 )q1 − e1 (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) − e1 lI > 0, (20) πG is decreasing in φA , but if (20) is violated, πG is actually increasing in φA . The intuition as to why this can happen is likely related to the argument in Atal and Bar (2011): increasing fees raises the perceived patent quality, which benefits patent holders. However, while this argument is made in a reduced-form way in Atal and Bar, here we endogenize the benefits from higher perceived patent quality. In our setup, higher perceived patent quality leads to fewer challenges. Under some conditions, the indirect effect through a decrease in the rate of challenges can dominate the direct effect of higher fees. A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for (20) is that e2 e1 < . (1 − e1 )q1 (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ) (21) The next result shows that this inequality can be linked to certain features of the system of patent review, as discussed below. Lemma 5. Suppose q2 ≥ q1 ≥ 1/2 and e2 > e1 . Then, there exists lI∗ such that πG is decreasing in φA if and only if lI < lI∗ . Proof. Suppose first that q1 = q2 = 1/2. Then (21) simplifies to e1 e2 < , 1 − e1 1 − e2 (22) which is equivalent to e1 < e2 . The condition q2 ≥ q1 ≥ 1/2 implies q1 ≥ 1−q2 . Dividing the left-hand side of (22) by something larger than its righthand side preserves the inequality. Thus, if the conditions in the lemma are satisfied, (20) holds for lI = 0, while for lI → ∞, (20) can never be satisfied. By continuity, there exists lI∗ as claimed. The condition q2 ≥ q1 can be interpreted as the courts applying a presumption of validity: in the absence of strong evidence of obviousness, they are (weakly) less likely to deny patent protection to an inventor than the patent office. The condition q1 ≥ 1/2 means that most of the time also the patent office does not reject an application without strong evidence. The condition e2 > e1 says that the courts are more likely to find out the true 33 nature of an invention than the patent office. Hence, according to Lemma 5, if patents benefit from a presumption of validity and courts are better at distinguishing obvious from nonobvious inventions than the patent office, the type-G inventor’s profit is decreasing in φA if litigation costs are sufficiently low. In what follows we assume that (20) holds so that πG decreases with φA . We then have πG ≥ 0 if and only if φA ≤ (e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 )e2 (m + ∆C )(m + ∆C − φP ) (e2 (1 − e1 )q1 − e1 (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) − e1 lI − (k − π) [(e2 + (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) + lI ] . Let us check how the slope of the right-hand-side term in φP compares to that of the corresponding condition for type B, i.e., (19). That is, we want to know whether the following inequality holds: (e1 + (1 − e1 )q1 )e2 (m + ∆C ) > (1 − e1 )q1 . (e2 (1 − e1 )q1 − e1 (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ) − e1 lI A sufficient condition for this is e2 (m + ∆C ) ≥ (e2 (1 − e1 )q1 − e1 (1 − e2 )(1 − q2 ))(m + ∆C ), which is always satisfied since (1 − e1 )q1 < 1. We conclude that, as in the basic model, φA and φP are closer substitutes for type G than for type B. That is, fixing φA + φP , type B prefers fees to be backloaded (in activation fees) more strongly than type G. In fact, type G may even prefer fees to be frontloaded. 34 References [1] Atal, V. and T. 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