Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds To be presented at CiE '13 Jérôme Durand-Lose Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Université d'Orléans, Orléans, FRANCE Frac 2013 28 février & 1e mars 2013 LIRMM Montpellier 1 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 2 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 3 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Time (N) Time (R + ) Signals in cellular automata Space (Z) Space (R) Signal (meta-signal) Collision (rule) 4 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Vocabulary and example: nd the middle Meta-signals (speed) M (0) Collision rules M M 5 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Vocabulary and example: nd the middle Meta-signals (speed) M (0) div (3) div Collision rules M M 5 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Vocabulary and example: nd the middle Meta-signals (speed) M (0) div (3) hi (1) lo (3) M div hi lo M M Collision rules { div, M } → { M, hi, lo } 5 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Vocabulary and example: nd the middle back M hi M lo M div M Meta-signals (speed) M (0) div (3) hi (1) lo (3) back (-3) Collision rules { div, M } → { M, hi, lo } { lo, M } → { back, M } 5 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Vocabulary and example: nd the middle M M back hi M lo M div M Meta-signals (speed) M (0) div (3) hi (1) lo (3) back (-3) Collision rules { div, M } → { M, hi, lo } { lo, M } → { back, M } { hi, back } → { M } 5 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Complex behavior 6 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Complex behavior 6 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Signal machines Complex behavior 6 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 7 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Accumulating 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 8 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Accumulating Accumulations are quite common 9 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Computing 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 10 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Computing Simulating a Turing machine (on a nite tape) c c c c c c c b b b b a q0 q0 c c c c c c b b c c b b q0 q0 q0 b c a # ... b c # ... b b ... c b ... c # ... b ... b ... b ... b ... c ... c ... c ... q1 a c q1 b q1 q1 q1 c q1 q1 b c c q0 q0 q0 q1 q0 q0 q0 # q0 b b # q0 c b q0 q0 a q0 c b 11 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Few speeds 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 12 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Few speeds Minimality Minimal number of Accumulate 4 signals to... le le zig zag zig ri ri 13 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Few speeds Minimality Minimal number of to... Accumulate 4 Compute 13 meta-signals (21 collision rules) Cyclic tag system signals [Durand-Lose, 2011] 13 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Problematics Few speeds Minimality Minimal number of to... Accumulate 4 Compute 13 meta-signals (21 collision rules) Cyclic tag system signals [Durand-Lose, 2011] Minimal number of Accumulate speeds to... this talk Compute [Becker et al., 2013, Durand-Lose, 2013] this talk [Durand-Lose, 2013] 13 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Simple cases 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 14 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 15 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 1 or 2 speeds 1 speed 2 speeds No collision at all Bounded number of collisions No accumulation Not Turing-universal 16 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Simple cases 4 speeds or more 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 17 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Simple cases 4 speeds or more Accumulation le le zig zag zig ri ri Computation Accumulation Turing-universal 18 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Simple cases 4 speeds or more Computation simulation TM Accumulation c q1 q1 c b le le zig zag zig #̇ # q1 q1 q1 b ri c ri c # q0 q0 # c Computation c q0 c # q0 #̇ # q0 q0 q0 q0 b b # q0 c b q0 q0 a Accumulation Turing-universal q0 c b 18 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 19 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Q Rational (numbers) case ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 20 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Q Rational (numbers) case ( ) Rational case (Q) Rational speed Rational initial positions Collisions at rational positions as the solution of systems of two rational linear equations Implemented in Java Exact precision (on Q) Tons of space-time diagrams 21 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Q Rational (numbers) case ( ) Rational space-time diagrams 22 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Q Rational (numbers) case ( ) Embedded in a mesh Some gcd computations [Becker et al., 2013] Embedded in a mesh [Becker et al., 2013, Durand-Lose, 2013] Mesh 0 1 2 Results No accumulation [Becker et al., 2013] No computation [Durand-Lose, 2013] 3 23 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Irrational accumulating case 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 24 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Irrational accumulating case Simple fractal construction Fractal construction cell cell ϕ-1 t righ t left cell righ 1 left border Fractal [Becker et al., 2013, Durand-Lose, 2013] t righ left ϕ must satisfy ϕ1 = ϕ −1 1 ϕ is the t righ ϕ seed 1 Golden ratio 25 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Irrational computing case 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 26 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds 3 speeds Irrational computing case How to enlarge the tape? q0 q0 c c c c c c b b c c b b q0 q0 q0 b c a # ... b c # ... b b ... c b ... c # ... b ... b ... b ... b ... c ... c ... c ... enl q1 b q1 q0 t righ c left c q0 c arg eq1 q1 q1 b c q1 t righ c q1 q1 c q0 t righ enl arg e q0 c q0 q0 q0 q0 b q0 b q0 c b q0 q0 a border c c c c c c c b b b b a but do not generate it! border Use the fractal... q0 c b 27 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Results and future work 1 2 3 4 5 Signal machines Problematics Accumulating Computing Few speeds Simple cases 2 speeds or less 4 speeds or more 3 speeds Rational (numbers) case (Q) Irrational accumulating case Irrational computing case Results and future work 28 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Results and future work Results Rational signal machines Up to ( rational ratios) At least 4 speeds to accumulate or compute With an irrational ratio between initial distances 3 (rational) speeds are enough to accumulate and compute Turing-universal 25-meta-signal 3-speed signal machine with the Golden ratio With an irrational ratio between speeds Can be used to get an irrational ratio between distances 3 (rational) speeds are enough both to accumulate and compute normalization 29 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Results and future work Future work Use irrational values as oracle Black hole (hyper-)computation Analog computation? 30 / 30 Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds Results and future work Becker, F., Chapelle, M., Durand-Lose, J., Levorato, V., and Senot, M. (2013). Abstract geometrical computation 8: Small machines, accumulations & rationality. Draft. Durand-Lose, J. (2011). Abstract geometrical computation 4: small Turing universal signal machines. Theoret. Comp. Sci. , 412:5767. Durand-Lose, J. (2013). Irrationality is needed to compute with signal machines with only three speeds. In CiE '13 , LNCS. Springer. 30 / 30