Preemptive Quarantine: Where Is It Warranted? John R. Withrow, 1 Jr. , Eric L. 2 Smith , Frank 3 Koch , and Denys 4 Yemshanov 1Softec Solutions, Inc., 384 Inverness Pkwy, Ste 211, Englewood, CO 80112 2USDA-FS FHTET, NRRC Bldg A, Ste 331, 2150 Centre Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80526 3USDA-FS Southern Research Station Forest Sciences Laboratory, P.O. Box 12254, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 4Great Lakes Forestry Centre, 1219 Queen Street East, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2E5 Abstract In pest risk assessment it is frequently necessary to make time-critical decisions regarding management and regulation of expanding pest populations. In conditions where the invasive pest outbreak is expanding rapidly, preemptive quarantine of the areas that are under imminent threat of infestation is one of few available management tools that can be implemented quickly to help control the expansion of the pest population. The preemptive quarantine of locations that surround the infested area also acts as a safeguard to mitigate a vexing issue of failed detections of the pest in field surveys. We present here a method that assesses the suitability of preemptive quarantine measures at the level of small geographical subdivisions (U.S. counties). The cost of a preemptive quarantine in a given subdivision is weighed against the protective benefit to other neighboring subdivisions. We demonstrate the approach in the development of a model to be used as a decision-aid tool in determining the suitability of preemptive quarantine across multiple subdivisions (counties) that surround the areas infested with the emerald ash borer (EAB), an emerging threat of ash tree species in the North America. The model identifies the U.S. counties where the introduction of preemptive quarantine would most effectively slow the spread of the EAB population and provide risk reduction to certain high-value areas. Introduction The procedure is a cost-benefit analysis Infested Areas COST ? This area may be a good candidate for preemptive quarantine Vulnerable High Value Area Model Output – Fall, 2011 Figure 1 The management of large-scale outbreaks of invasive alien pests involves a three-fold process of detection, quarantine, and either eradication or at least suppression. Weaknesses in any of the three above categories compromise the integrity of the process as a whole. Detecting the presence of a new invasive organism is typically associated with a certain degree of uncertainty. In addition, agencies tasked with the mandate of surveying and regulating the invasive threats often have limited resources and are unable to cover all the locations adjacent to the infested regions with sufficient density of the surveillance plots. Hence, various predictive models are employed to prioritize the locations where the arrival of the invasive species is the most likely. Since human-mediated spread has been recognized as an important vector for many forest and agricultural pests, quarantine of the areas infested with the invasive pest has been widely recognized as one of few available measures to slow the spread of expanding pest populations. However, imposing a quarantine is often a costly and irreversible action, and so imposing a preemptive quarantine should only occur under conditions highly favorable for doing so. The final rating for each county is calculated as the difference between two quantities – the benefit and the cost of quarantine. The benefit is calculated as the probability that the county is infested multiplied by the increased hazard to other counties, which is then multiplied by an estimated effectiveness of quarantine, here assumed to provide a 50% reduction in anthropogenic dispersal. The cost for the county is calculated as simply the host value of that county multiplied by the probability that it is NOT already infested. The result is a single number calculated for each county, where positive numbers indicate favorable conditions for preemptive quarantine, and more positive numbers indicate a greater degree of quarantine urgency. The benefit is the host value of surrounding uninfested counties times the probability that county A is infested times the reduction in probability of spread that comes from quarantining county A Model Parameters Estimate 30% annual increase in counties infested 50% reduction Description Amplitude of natural and human-aided dispersal in the absence of quarantine Effectiveness of quarantine Standard dispersal distance of human100 kilometers aided dispersal Standard dispersal distance of natural 5 kilometers dispersal All counties are Host (hazard) value for each county weighted equally Amplitude of human-aided dispersal Amplitude of natural dispersal These probabilities use dispersal distance parameters Benefit minus cost Figure 1. Model results for the fall of 2011, shown with existing infested counties in black and a preexisting preemptive quarantine boundary shown in blue. Areas in red and orange have the largest suitability for being added to the quarantine. This modeling of dispersal allows for a probability-of-infestation value to be calculated for each uninfested county. This probability, when multiplied by the value of host in that county, gives a rating of hazard. In addition, the dispersal modeling also allows for the calculation of how much this hazard rating would increase for surrounding counties if the first county in question were to be found as infested. Considering that detection efforts are imperfect and that matters of quarantining EAB can be very urgent, these probabilities play an important role in recommending areas for preemptive quarantine. The cost of preemptively quarantining county A is the host value of the county A times the probability that it is not already infested by neighboring infested counties (i.e., the probability that the quarantine is actually preemptive) This is the probability that county i is not already infested, by either anthropogenic dispersal (first term) or natural dispersal (second term). Each term is taken as the complement of a summation of probabilities that each infested county k might successfully disperse into county i. The model is applied to the management of emerald ash borer (EAB) among counties in the eastern United States. The number of counties infested with EAB has been found to grow at a rate of about 30% per year. This provides an amplitude to the dispersal of EAB, which is modeled as two omnidirectional Gaussian kernels emanating from the centroid of each infested county, where two kernels are utilized to separately depict anthropogenic and natural dispersal. Since the kernels are Gaussian, each utilizes a “standard dispersal distance” that gives a distance within which 68% of all dispersal is assumed to take place. These distance parameters are estimated to be 100 km (anthropogenic) and 5 km (natural dispersal). A BENEFIT The Mathematics In this study, we present a quantitative and objective methodology for considering the cost of preemptive quarantine at a given geographical subdivision and weighing it against the expected benefits of the quarantine to the other neighboring subdivisions. The method takes the form of a spatially-explicit decision-aid model that calculates a numeric value to each subdivision. These values have utility both in an absolute and relative (ranking) sense, with numbers greater than zero indicating favorable conditions for preemptive quarantine, and more positive numbers indicating greater degrees of quarantine urgency. Methodology vs. A Quarantine effectiveness (0 – no effect, 1 – full effect) Cost of preemptive quarantine of county i outweighs the benefit Host value of county i This term determines the total potential harm that county i, if infested, could potentially inflict on neighboring uninfested counties j depending on their respective host values Hj and the probability that an infestation in county i could spread to county j. + 0 Benefit of preemptive quarantine of county i outweighs the cost Results and Discussion Figure 1 presents the map of the quarantine feasibility values for the scenario that uses our estimated parameter values. The map illustrates several broad predictions regarding the allocation of preemptive quarantine efforts for EAB in eastern North America. The areas where such preemptive quarantine would be most feasible are located in counties shown in red and orange. As one might anticipate, these areas describe counties in close proximity to the existing EAB infestations throughout the eastern U.S. with the most intense values allocated to counties that are spatially surrounded by existing EAB infested counties. Suitability for preemptive quarantine (Q) is calculated for every county i. Simply put, it is the difference between two terms, benefit and cost. The second term, cost, is simply the host value of the county (Hi) multiplied by the probability that the county is not already infested (Ii). The first term, benefit, is the probability that the county is infested (1 – Ii) multiplied by the increase in risk that this infested county would now enact on all surrounding counties (ϕ ϕ) multiplied by the degree to which this risk is reduced via quarantine (ω ω). Also shown in the figure is a boundary (shown in blue) of an existing planned preemptive quarantine by USDA-APHIS in 2011. This boundary extends the quarantine area to include all but extreme eastern Pennsylvania and all but extreme southern West Virginia. It is observed that in these two states this existing boundary is strongly approximated by the boundary between moderate (yellow) and high (orange) values of model output. The model, therefore, provides the prescriptive feedback of extending this existing boundary of preemptive quarantine to include all areas of high (orange) and very high (red) model output, along with the added value of a nationally consistent objective basis for such quarantine. Conclusions A model is presented that for a given set of discrete spatial entities presents an objective decision-aid for selectively employing a preemptive quarantine on one or more spatial entities in an effort to further protect others from a spatially dispersing exotic pest. The model has provided prescriptive value to the 2011 EAB quarantine efforts of USDA-APHIS, and its simplistic formulation allows for intuitively reasonable predictions, rapid data-driven feedback to changing conditions, and insights into which ecological and sociological processes potentially play the most intensive role in the ongoing process of predicting the dispersal of exotic pests and providing recommendations as to management. Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Marla Downing of USDA-FHTET and Paul Chaloux of USDAAPHIS for their continued support of this project. Special thanks are extended to Ian Leinwand for additional input and commentary. This project was funded under USDAFS Task Order AG-7604-D-09-0541. EAB images courtesy,,, and