1 The Character of Expiratory Flow in the Lung by .John M. Co 11 ins B.5., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (1980) M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology <1982) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology January 21, 1988 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1988 Signature redacted Signature of Author Certified by Signature redacted '{ Accepted by Roger D. Kamm Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted Ain A. Sonin Chairman, Department Graduate Committee ~HUIE MAR 18 1988 l.8WIBJ\rchlvri 2 The Character Flow of Expiratory in the Lung by John Mulloy Collins Submitted to the Department of Mechanical engineering in January, 1988, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study is to predict the expiratory pressure-flow relationship in a human lung. Experiments and analysis of the flow in a single bifurcation provides a means to numerically synthesize the pressure-flow character for a complete lung, as well as providing insight to the fluid dynamic character of expiratory flow. A novel experimental technique was developed to measure the pressure drop across a single bifurcation within a multiEnergy considerations allowed the generation airway model. pressure drop to be separated into components owing to kinetic energy fluxes and viscous energy dissipation. Experiments were first conducted in an idealized symmetric, planar airway spanning the physiologically important Reynolds Sensitivity of the results number range from 50 to 8000. was determined for typical pulmonary conditions; - Non-planar geometries L/D ratio variations airway shape Non-circular Asymmetric flow conditions Turbulent/Laminar flow regimes. The numerical simulations of the human lung generated excellent agreement with available physiological data. Different morphometric models were investigated, demonstrating the importance of the asymmetric geometry of the lung. Title: Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Roger D. Kamm Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 Table of Contents Page 2 Abstract LiftVurr.f I. Fi Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 II. 5 Objective Motivation Approach Background 2.1 2.2 2.3 IV. V. 52 Subtraction Method Downstream Boundary Conditions Subtraction Method Analysis Quasi-steady Test Apparatus Experimental Scaling Data Collection Data Reduction Technique Verification Airway Models Estimation of Correction Factors 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 23 Bifurcation Flow Characteristics Fully Developed Laminar Straight Tube F low Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow Steady Entrance Flow Steady Flow in a Convergent 2-D Channel Flow in a Curved Tube Kinetic Energy Dissipation Definition of Pressure Drop Summary of Pressure Loss Correlations Experimental Methods 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 16 Forced Expiration Flow Limitation Work To-date III. Conceptual Framework 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 11 Axial Velocity Profile Factor Secondary Velocity Correction Factor Pressure Correction Correction Factor Implementation 78 4 Table of Contents (Continued) Page VI. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Planar System Results Embedded Bifurcation Assumption Effect of Upstream Airway Orientation Effect of Additional Parent Tube Length Comparison of Results Transition to Turbulence Effect of Airway Collapse VII. Flow Partition Experiments 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 113 Background Experimental Procedure Data Reduction Results VIII.Implications for Pulmonary Flows IX. 93 Symmetric Airway Results Introduction Pressure Drop Correlations Prediction of Model Experiments Prediction of Physiological Model Lung Simulations Physiological Data Conclusions 125 Experiments 148 References 151 Figures 155 5 List of Figures Figure 1.3-1 bifurcation, after Idealized dimensions of Pedley (1971) A typical Figure 2.1-1 (MEFV) curve, and the effect Bates et al (1971) Figure 2.3-1 pressure in a pulmonary maximal expiratory flow volume of expiratory effort, after Comparison of published frictional losses for the idealized bifurcation. Typical four cell Figure 3.1-1 the parent branch downstream of a Figure 3.2-1 laminar tube a section of Velocity profile in a fully developed flow, and the tube. the resulting Velocity Figure 3.3-1 turbulent pipe flow. Figure 3.4-1 with constant L/D Figure 3.5-1 Dimensional secondary flow pattern bifurcation. profile acting on force balance in fully developed Stepwise contracted tube pulmonary model, ratio's of 3.5, and area ratio's of 1.2. Representation of laminar flow in a 2- convergent channel. Figure 3.5-2 convergent channel Computed velocity profiles in a 2-D flow for a range of flow conditions. Figure 3.6-1 curved tube flow. Secondary flow pattern in fully developed Generation of the four cell secondary pattern typical of expiratory flows from modeling a bifurcation as two curved tubes oriented back to back. Figure 3.6-2 Figure 3.6-3 curved tube flow. Toroidal coordinate system used to flow analyze Prediction of the pressure loss in a Figure 3.6-4 curved tube, normalized by the Poiseuille loss at the same flow rate from the theory of Dean (1927). Experimental results for the pressure loss Figure 3.6-5 in a curved tube, normalized by the Poiseuille loss that would occur at the same flow rate, after Berger et al (1983) Figure 3.9-1 Pressure loss correlations for curved tubes, entrance flow, 2-D convergent channel flow, turbulent flows in straight and curved tubes. and 6 Schematic representation of the Figure 4.1-1 for symmetric flow conditions. method subtraction Figure 4.1-2 bend between two Pressure distributions owing to a 900 long straight tube, after Ito (1960) pipe Schematic of the quasi-steady experimental Figure 4.4-1 pressure measurement locations. and test apparatus Kinematic viscosity of water-glycerin Figure 4.5-1 of water content, from C.R.C. a percentage mixtures as Measured kinimatic viscosity for a 21% by Figure 4.6-1 water glycerin-water mixture as a function of temperature using Haake viscometer, and C.R.C. value. Typical errors between tank level Figure 4.6-2 readings and predicted levels based on manometer calibration voltages. output and fits the curve Entrance test experimental bellmouth and Figure 4.8-1 geometry. tube straight Tank level vs time measurements for the Figure 4.8-2 (L/D = 6.3) at kinematic viscosities of test entrance short 2 /sec cm 0.125 0.475 and Asymptotic region of the differential Figure 4.8-3 a small offset error on the order of showing signal, pressure errors. digitation the Error between the curve fit and the actual Figure 4.8-4 note that the magnitude of the error are level, tank measured typically around the digitation level, and not systematic. Calculated Reynolds numbers vs time for Figure 4.8-5 the short tube entrance test with kinematic viscosities of 0.125 and 0.475 cm 2 /sec. Combined dimensionless pressure vs Figure 4.8-6 Reynolds number for both entrance tests and the subtraction of the two, and theoretical predictions. Results for Figure 4.8-7 length of tubing and theory. the loss in the additional Cross-section of a typical bifurcation Figure 4.9-1 showing the cast section and aluminum coupling collars. Momentum analysis of an exiting Figure 5.1-1 impinging on a flat plat and turning 900. jet 7 & Axial velocity profiles used to calculate Figure 5.1-2 the axial correction factor fa. A) Jan, Re=200 ;B) Chang Menon, Re= 1060; C) Chang & Menon, Re=5712; D) Chang & Menon, Re=6000; E) Chang & Menon, Re=6811; F) Hardin & Yu, Re=2760; G) D.B. Reynolds, Re= 2260, Re=8000 and Re=12200 Cross plot of fa and a as calculated from Figure 5.1-3 the numerical integrals of published velocity profiles, and approximate relation. Figure 5.1-4 - Results of the numerical vs tracheal Reynolds number, and curve fit. integrals of fa Approximate flow profile used to estimate Figure 5.1-5 the mean flow rate and fa factor based on boundary layer thickness. Secondary velocity profiles used to Figure 5.2-1 numerically evaluate the secondary velocity correction factor, fs; A) Chang & Menon Re=1060, @station 3, B)Chang Menon Re=1060 @station 2s, C)Jan Re=200. & Prediction of fa based on the boundary Figure 5.1-6 layer approximation for an entrance prediction, at L/D=1.75 and 3.5, curved tube flow, Sr=1/7, and 2-D convergent channel flow, a=.05. Normalized pressure difference measured Figure 5.3-1 between the top and side of bifurcation leg during expiration vs local Reynolds number. Experimental results for the reservoir Figure 6.1-1 level vs time for the experiments, Gen's 4-2, Nu=.475; Gen's 4-2, Nu=.125; Gen's 4-1, Nu=.475; Gen's 4-1, Nu=.125. Subtraction of the three generation Figure 6.1-2 "upstream" airways from the four generation airway to give the normalized static pressure loss in the test bifurcation. . Decomposition of the total static Figure 6.1-3 pressure loss across a bifurcation into a kinetic energy and 2 frictional component normalized to '4P*Re Frictional pressure loss across a single Figure 6.1-4 bifurcation normalized to the Poiseuille loss for the symmetric flow experiments. Figure 6.3-1 flow experiments. Configurations for the nonplanar symmetric Subtraction of the three generation Figure 6.4-1 "upstream" airways from the three generation airway with the additional tracheal length of L/D =3.5. 8 Frictional pressure loss in a straight Figure 6.4-2 tube, L/D =3.5, downstream of a bifurcation, normalized to the Poiseuille loss in the equivalent length of tubing. Comparison of curved tube, entrance theory Figure 6.5-1 and 2-D convergent channel flow to the band of symmetric flow results. Photographs of the oscilloscope traces Figure 6.6-1 from the hot wire probe, not transition to turbulence appears to occur near Re=1000. Schematic representation of the bronchial Figure 6.7-1 pressure forces, after Hughes (1974) and structure support Stereoscopic measurements of bronchial Figure 6.7-2 cross-sections at various transmural pressures, and two lung inflations. Normalized frictional loss in the semiFigure 6.7-3 circular test bifurcation compared to curved tube theory (note Reynolds number based on hydraulic diameter) Most typical asymmetric bifurcation model Figure 7.1-3 in the middle airways, after Olson (1971) Experimental apparatus for the flow Figure 7.2-1 Note separate fluid circuits. partition experiments. Control volume selected to analyze the Figure 7.3-1 pressure loss in a bifurcation with asymmetric flow conditions. Results for the static pressure loss Figure 7.4-1 across the variable flow leg of a bifurcation, for six different fixed flow rates in the other leg vs flow ratio, F. Decomposition of the static pressure loss Figure 7.4-2 across a bifurcation into a kinetic energy component vs tracheal Reynolds number. (fixed daughter Reynolds # of 1506) Figure 7.4-3 Results for the excess pressure loss due to the mixing of two streams vs F (flow ratio) Momentum analysis of the maximum pressure Figure 7.4-4 recovery due to the unification of two unequal flows. Comparison of the results for the friction Figure 8.1-1 pressure loss in an idealized bifurcation for this and previous investigations. Geometry of a typical asymmetric Figure 8.2-1 bifurcation used for analysis. 9 Comparison of numerical prediction, and Figure 8.3-1 experimental results of Hardin & YU, for the static pressure drop across an idealized three generation pulmonary model. Comparison of numerical prediction, and Figure 8.3-2 experimental results of D.B Reynolds, for the static pressure drop across three generations of rigid "Y" connectors. Depiction of the Zavala lung model, Figure 8.4-1 courtesy of Medi-tech, Watertown Ma. Dichotomous branching pattern Figure 8.4-2 approximation for the Zavala lung model. Comparison of numerical prediction, and Figure 8.4-3 experimental results of Isabey and Chang, for the static pressure drop across the Zavala lung model. Pressure drop components which comprise Figure 8.4-4 the calculated static pressure drop across the Zavala lung model for uniform pressure upstream boundary conditions. Figure 8.4-5 Zavala lung model. Calculated Resistance matrix for the A comparison of the flow distributions for Figure 8.4-6 the Zavala lung model. Asymmetric branching pattern for the Figure 8.4-7 according to the Horsfeild et al (1971) lung Model 2. lung Comparison of numerical prediction, and Figure 8.4-8 experimental results of Reynolds and Lee, for the static pressure drop across a pulmonary cast below the right intermediate bronchus. Comparison of the overall pressure-flow Figure 8.5-1 characteristics for the Weibel and Horsfield lung models. Pressure drop components which comprise Figure 8.5-2 the calculated static pressure drop across the Horsfield lung Percentage of "long" and "short" paths Figure 8.5-3 terminating at a given number of bifurcations into the lung. Static pressure vs generation into the Figure 8.5-4 lung for both the Weibel and Horsfield lung models for several flow rates. Normalized viscous pressure drop vs Figure 8.5-5 generation into the lung for both the Weibel and Horsfield lung models for several flow rates. 10 The variation of normalized viscous Figure 8.5-6 pressure drop vs generation into the lung for Horsfield models for several flow rates. lung Normalized viscous pressure drop vs Figure 8.5-7 average airway diameter for the Horsfield lung model at several flow rates. Average and variation of the diameter and Figure 8.5-8 L/D ratio vs generations into the lung for both the Weibel and HOrsfiels lung models. High and low Reynolds numbers Ratio Figure 8.5-9 factors vs generation for the horsfield et al lung model. Comparison of the effect of flow types; Figure 8.5-10 inspiration, expiration and Poiseuille flows. Comparison of the numerical prediction for Figure 8.6-1 pulmonary resistance based on the horsfield lung model and the experiements of Blide et al, and Vincent et al. Comparison of the numerical prediction for Figure 8.6-2 pulmonary resistance based on the horsfield lung model and the experiements of Hyatt and Wilcox. Comparison of the numerical prediction for Figure 8.6-3 pulmonary resistance based on the horsfield lung model and the experiements of Ferris et al. Page 1. 11 Introduction 1.1 Objective The primary objective of this work is to obtain a relationship between pressure drop and flow rate for expiratory flow from a human lung. relationship Specifically, a is sought which describes the pressure drop a single bifurcation which can be considered inside the airway network. insight to across to be imbedded A related objective is to gain the nature and character of expiratory pulmonary fluid dynamics. The results of this study are intended it possible to make to synthesize the flow resistance of an entire airway system based on predictions for each of the individual bifurcations within the system. Accurate predictions require that the relationship be sufficiently general to allow for ideal" characteristics of a real human lung. the "non- Pulmonary parameters are known to change with position in the with the evolving state of lung experimentally inflation during expiration. combinations of these parameters The number of potential which are encountered lung and in the lung make investigate each one. it impractical to A dimensional analysis of pulmonary flows to describe steady flow across a bifurcation (Jaffrin and Kessic, 1972) dimensionless groupings as identified the relevant the Reynolds number and the geometric scaling parameters. in each branch, This study will attempt only to establish a relationship for a typical bifurcation Page 12 within the parent or of that lung over the of range Reynolds numbers in the tracheal branch from 100 to 10,000. The sensitivity relationship to the expected range of "non-ideal" geometry and deviations from symmetry will also be examined. 1.2 MOTIVATION The major motivation to study the expiratory pressure-flow relationship of a bifurcation is the desire to improve the expiratory flow volume diagnostic utility of the maximal (MEFV) pulmonary function test. predict al, Computer models exist to (Elad et the results of the MEFV as a diagnostic aid 1987, Lambert et al, 1982), but these suffer from the lack of accurate pulmonary pressure-flow relationships. The few correlations for expiratory flow resistance found in the literature (Reynolds, Reynolds, about 1980, 1982, Hardin and Yu 1980) three. 1979, agree only to a factor of While this variability could result from real intra-study differences surprisingly Reynolds and Lee, in the system geometry, the range is large especially in view of the statistical averaging that would result from multiple-generation networks. Further skepticism is based on the seemingly unrealistic approached by the correlations at both high and limits low Reynolds numbers. A second, but equally compelling motivation to the expiratory pressure-flow relationships is the profound of fundamental understanding of expiratory flows, normal breathing. While several investigate lack even during models of inspiratory Page 13 resistance exist (Pedley et al Jaffrin and Kessic 1970a and b, Pedley et al 1971, no equivalent extensive study of 1972), Similarities expiratory flow resistance has been conducted. are expected between inspiration and expiration, differences between the two flows, but preclude as discussed below, a direct comparison. 1.3 Approach The approach used in this study is primarily experimental. treatments of the problem are limited by the Analytical complexity associated with a fully three dimensional flow extending from low ('10) to moderately high Some progress can be made, however, numbers. simple analogous flows. technique, in developing was developed to provide the pressure difference This new method avoids the restrictive assumption made by most previous investigators that the form loss in a single bifurcation is the same for the airway as a whole. errors and to aid experimental approach, called the subtraction across a bifurcation. for in the use of insight. A novel for the Reynolds These are included to serve as both theoretical support for the results, physical ('10,000) It also avoids the substantial involved in the direct measurement of across a single generation due the pressure drop to the considerable variation pressure over the cross-section. experiments, that found A series of "companion" including flow visualization and hot anomometery were used to establish wire transition from laminar to in Page 14 turbulent flow. Experiments were conducted on a network of bifurcations modeled after an "idealized bifurcation" presented by Pedley (1977). The network from which casts were made was designed and fabricated in two pieces on a numerically controlled (Univ. of milling machine by Drs J. Hammersley and D.E. Olson. Figure 1.3-1 presents the dimensions of the idealized Mich.) bronchial bifurcation, which can be further characterized as having; w An ratio of the total daughter tube area to parent tube area of about 1.2, based on a mean diameter ratio of .75 v A variable ratio of the radius of curvature of the tube center-line to the tube radius, with a mean of about The tube curvature is greatest in the daughter 1/7. tube at the bifurcation, and gradually straightens once the branching angle is reached. a A changing cross-sectional shape which is circular the parent and daughter tubes, blended with progressively elliptical to dumbell shapes in the junction of the bifurcation. a in A branching angle, with a sharp flow divider, which varies from '640 in the large airways to 1000 in the smaller airways with a average value of about 700. m Tube length/diameter ratio of 3.5 between bifurcations. x Smooth walls as a result of a thin mucas layer. The idealized bifurcation was chosen rather from a real lung to maximize experimental control, minimize the number of unknowns. understanding and to than a cast Effort was directed first to the most simple planar symmetric flow conditions then extended to determine the sensitivity of typical and to the results variations in upstream boundary conditions, flow Page 15 asymmetries and changes in bifurcation geometry. Applicability of the results found in the constructed idealized models is investigated by comparing predicted and measured values of the pressure-flow relationships in rigid human lung casts. Page 16 2. Background 2.1 Forced Expiration Despite the present lack of detailed understanding, long been recognized as a valuable tool forced expiration has in assessing pulmonary function. Hutchinson the technique as indicator of pulmonary vital in 1958, recognized capacity and the It was not until pulmonary dysfunction over a century ago. insightful work of Hyatt et al, (1846) however, that forced expiration results were described in the more useful form of maximum expiratory flow vs. tests are currently used lung inflation. Forced expiration (Hyatt) to indicate the advent and progression of such important pulmonary disorders as: a Emphysema v Bronchitis v Cystic Fibrosis a Asthma The utility of the MEFV function test is further enhanced because it can be generated from a relatively simple clinical evaluation (Hyatt 1983). the flow vs. The MEFV curves are generated from time traces obtained from a forced vital capacity, maneuver. FVC, To obtain the FVC traces, total lung capacity a subject inhales maximally ( to ) and then exhales into a flow meter as forcefully and completely as possible to residual volume. The Page 17 total is the expired rate verses time. The FVC curves plotting as flow vs. expired the flow and re- lung volume to obtain the Maximal regions; (Hyatt, 1983), one which independent. is effort is effort region occurs during lasting until about 80% of vital capacity. the initial rapid consists of dependent and The effort dependent another which increase in flow, The effort occurs with the independent region, or flow limited region, decay record integrated are see Figure 2.1-1 The MEFV curve, to is used (MEFV) forced expiration curve. Expiratory Flow Volume two characteristic device volume) Typically a Spirometer lung vital capacity. an attached recording with lung volume minus residual expired volume (total in flow rate below approximately 75% of vital capacity. Curves corresponding to various degrees of effort are also shown clearly demonstrating in Figure 2.1-1, the effect of effort. The utility of the MEFV curves in detecting pulmonary dysfunction is primarily a result of the flow of expiration. limited portion During flow limitation for a given gas, the flow is only a function of the mechanical properties of the lung and the geometry of the lung. 2.2 Flow Limitation The flow limiting nature of described by analogy to expiratory flow has been the flow limitation which occurs in thin walled collapsible tubes. Shapiro (1977a), of the physiological and medical aspects of flow in a summary in collapsible Page 18 tubes, this way, describes the effect compliant) " The (extremely airways are easily collapsed by an in-wardly acting transmural pressure; area makes for the resulting decreased cross-sectional increased air speeds; this in turn produces an increased pressure drop associated with the Bernoulli dynamic pressure and with frictional Efforts to model resistance" forced expiration have proven extremely difficult because of the coupled effects of the airway structure and fluid dynamics. Additionally, mechanical properties of the airways and behavior in a bifurcation is information on the the detailed flow lacking. To understand how these interactions and the effect of friction within the lung affects flow limitation, to examine the equations for A one dimensional model to predict walled, it is useful the thin-walled compliant tubes. has been developed by Shapiro the structural/fluid dynamic (1977b) interactions in a thin massless straight compliant tube with varying wall properties and rest area. The interactions are shown to depend on the following: " The nature of the vessel structure in the form of a " tube law " which describes the vessel area as a function of transmural pressure ( internal-external pressure ) and vessel stiffness, Kp. " The external pressure acting on the vessel, both the end pressure boundary conditions. and " Frictional dissipation within the flow. " Changes in rest area along the vessel. The nature of the interactions are summarized in the Page 19 differential equation below; 2.2.1 = 2) - Ao U local dx + + + gC2 Dh is the mean flow speed, S where U tube wave speed, P is the dp' dKp dx dx to C, is the ratio of U to the the tube stiffness, g is the fluid density, g acceleration, Z is elevation, factor which can depend on the geometry, Dh the is the p' local rest area, gravitaional dx + Kp- p' is the static pressure, transmural pressure normalized Ao 1 C2 2S2f d(P+gg2) -dAo dU (1- Kp, is is some friction f local Reynolds number and is the hydraulic diameter defined as 4*area/perimeter, and x is the distance down the tube. Flow limitation occurs when the axial velocity of When flow fluid matches the local wave speed of the tube. or "choking" limitation, occurs, not be the flow will This increased by reductions in downstream pressure. phenomena is exactally the same as that which trans-sonic compressible gas flow and or the is found in in the flow over a weir "waterfall". Much work remains before equation 2.2.1 with more confidence to expiratory flow. estimates can now be applied to each of equation. alone, This work will concentrate can be applied At best, only the terms in the on the frictional losses and not attempt to describe the remaining terms. The effect of frictional dissipation on flow can be seen from equation 2.2.1 to be unique. always acts to remove energy from the flow, limitation Friction which drives the flow Page 20 toward a "choked" speed condition, to meet the local flows, S<1, increasing/decreasing For tube wave speed. the decrease in transmural friction reduces the tube area, flow toward the tube wave speed. which, the flow sub-critical pressure caused by in turn, accelerates the the In super-critical flows, decrease in transmural pressure results in the opposite effect, a decrease in the flow speed toward the wave speed. It is expected then that friction will play an important role in determining not only the required expiratory effort but also the location of the flow limiting or "choked" point. 2.3 Work To-date Relatively few studies have examined the frictional dissipation in an airway network during expiratory flow. Pedley (1977) has made the the observation everyone doing a model that "it is as if experiment on inspiration ran out of time or energy when it came time to repeating the measurements for expiration". The few studies which are available consist mainly of experimental model studies in airway networks which are either idealized planar geometric models or pulmonary cast models. Scherer (1972) developed a theoretical model expiratory flow through a single bifurcation. required by Scherer's analysis, a two dimensional to describe The assumptions such as restricting form limits the utility of the model. The comparison of available experimental studies 1982, the flow to Hardin and Yu 1980, Reynolds 1980, (Reynolds Reynolds and Lee 1979) Page 21 shows high variability Figure 2.3-1 results. results for in both the form and magnitude of inferred graphically presents the pressure loss in a standardized the frictional bifurcation based on the correlations published for the results The standardized bifurcation of the 4 different model studies. chosen as the basis of comparison is a typical bifurcation as put forth by Pedley depicted in Figure 1.3-1. pulmonary and graphically (1977), the pressure loss are The results for normalized by the corresponding fully developed Poiseuille flow pressure loss through an equivalent length tube. The magnitude of the results do not agree to better than The nature of these results have within a factor of about 3. some puzzling attributes which appear to be inconsistent with First, at intuition. to 3.5 higher low Reynolds number the results are 1.5 than would be expected of fully developed Poiseuille flow. of results of Hardin (1982), on asymptotic based Second, limits with the exception little similarity exists with the form of the pressure losses found in flows which are expected These similarities that a Re'.5 dependence is discussed in more detail Wilson 1982). maximal framework section. in the conceptual pressure flow relationship found by D.B. incorporated into expiration models Elad et al flow on viscosity, and will be likely to occur, The inadequacy of these relationships (1985) appears to be underestimated is also seen when Reynolds (Elad et found that especially at tend to indicate al (1980) the is 1985, Lambert the dependence of low lung volumes, in comparison with physiological & to be generally similar. Page 22 Staats et al (1980), et al and Wood and Bryan (1969). (1963), The Lambert & data from experiments conducted by Schilder Wilson model was able to produce a better viscosity dependence agreement with experiments, but required that the pressure flow losses at losses be 3.5 times the corresponding laminar very low Reynolds numbers. A possible reason for method used these discrepancies may lie in the in previous studies for extracting flow relations from global experiments, measurements. In all previous the form of the pressure drop across a single bifurcation was assumed to be that found for whole. local pressure- the model as Curve fitting was then used to determine the coefficients for a single bifurcation. for the relationship, which the entire network, may mask a single bifurcation. Imposition of this form is actually a weighted average over the true form of the relation for Page 23 3. Conceptual Framework 3.1 Bifurcation Flow Characteristics The complexity of the expiratory flow within a bifurcation is currently beyond the capabilities of theoretical analysis. The form of the Navier-Stokes equation which describes the flow cannot be solved analytically, Current computational capabilities are typified by the work of Wille months of processor (1984), which consumed about 2 time to solve the similar steady of only inspiratory flow problem at a Reynolds number The remaining alternative to understand the results of model limits of the practical full three dimensional flow are beyond current computers. treatments of the and numerical experiments 10. is to use the flow in bifurcations to develop an understanding of the nature and character of the flow. Similarities can then be drawn with the flow characteristics in similar, but less complicated flows. complicated flows are better understood, Generally, and less the proper analogies taken together can form a conceptual which to the framework in interpret expiratory flows. Flow visualization and hot-wire velocity mapping studies performed Hugh-Jones 1983, in airway models and 1959, Schroter and Chang and Menon 1985, in single bifurcations (West and Sudlow 1969, Patra and Afify Jan 1986 ) have lead to a number of consistent observations on expiratory flows; is that a four cell secondary flow of the junction for tracheal downstream pattern occurs a The most notable Page 24 This flow Reynolds numbers from 50 to several thousand. pattern is shown schematically in Figure 3.1-1. a The secondary flow pattern is developed either within the junction or just downstream of it. a Flow patterns are qualitatively similar for the range of inlet conditions tested; fully developed parabolic inlet flows, blunt inlet flows, and flows with secondary flows similar to those found in the outlet. a The magnitude of the secondary flow velocity is between approximately 1/5 and 1/2 of that in the bulk axial flow. n Axial velocity profiles just downstream of the junction contain a dip which is rapidly transformed into a peak in the plane of the bifurcation, but remains flat in the plane normal to the bifurcation. m Distances greater than about one diameter downstream of and are are "blunt", the junction, the axial velocities thin boundary layer. characterized by a relatively a For the case of a long straight parent branch, the secondary flows generated in the bifurcation are convected downstream through the equivalent of many branch lengths. Inspection of these flow characteristics, and the geometry of a bifurcation lead to the consideration of several flow types as possible analogies to steady expiratory flow. The following are the flow problems for which possible analogies apply, and are well understood based on experimental theoretical and investigations. a Fully developed steady laminar flow in a straight a Fully developed steady turbulent flow tube. in a straight a Steady entry flow in a straight tube. a Steady flow in a convergent 2-D channel. s Fully developed steady flow a Kinetic energy dissipation. tube. in a curved tube. Page 25 3.2 Fully Developed Laminar Straight Tube Flow tube flow was one of the earliest Fully developed straight analogies drawn to describe pulmonary flows (Rohrer 1915). The analogy stems from geometric similarities given that airways, in the most elementary form, can be considered a series of straight tubes. The analogy neglects the effects of curvature on the secondary flows and that each tube section is typically too short for a fully.developed flow to develop. Schlichting (1979) gives the entrance length required to establish a fully developed Poiseuille profile to be; Le=0.03*Re*Dia 3.2.1 A fully developed flow will therefore not evolve within a length of 3.5*Dia. bifurcation which has a typical 1977) until the Reynolds number drops below about Reynolds numbers significantly below 100, be fully developed. length of the tube will dissipation in a fully developed straight serves as a though, limit for low asymptotic (Pedley 100. For an increasing The frictional tube flow therefore the flow in a bifurcation. Derivation of the fully developed pipe flow equations can be found in most text books on fluid mechanics. The problem represents the Navier-Stokes equation in its most simple form; 3.2.2 - = dx where u is the axial velocity, - du 2 dP dr r 2 is the radial position, x the Page 26 axial position, p the pressure, and p is the fluid viscosity. Solving 3.2.2 for the pressure drop across a tube of length L gives; Del P = 32pLU/D2 3.2.3 where U is the bulk averaged velocity defined as the flow rate divided by area, and D is the tube diameter. Equation 3.2.3 can be written in another form which introduces a characteristic pressure P*, and 3.2.4 the Reynolds number Del P =32 L/D P* Re where p* is given by; y * 3.2.5 P ;Nu 2 2 = = gD2 D2 where Nu is the kinematic viscosity. A scaling argument which provides more insight to the nature of the pressure drop can be used to arrive at the same result to within a constant factor. While this is not necessary due to the susceptibility of the problem to analysis, it helps to establish a comparison for rigorous other more complicated effects. From a force balance on a section of shown in Figure 3.2-1, the pressure tube with a length L, force acting on the tube cross-sectional area, can be seen to be balanced by the wall shear stress acting on the wall; Page 27 (P1-P2)nD 2 3.2.6 where = TW(rDL) Tw is the wall shear stress, and for a Newtonian fluid is given by; du Tw = 3.2.7 Adr wall which can be approximated by representing the velocity gradient at the wall as the ratio of a characteristic the bulk velocity, by a characteristic velocity, tube diameter. length, the Combining the approximation with equations 3.2.6 gives the pressure drop as; 3.2.7 and Del 3.2.8 P =P 1 P = Const.*PLU/D 2 2 Comparing equation 3.2.8 and 3.2.3 shows that the two forms agree if the unknown constant in equation 3.2.8 is taken to be 32. 3.3 Fully Developed Turbulent Pipe Flow Laminar flow in a smooth straight tube will remain despite the presence of slight vibrations and other perturbations encountered stable. in "real world flows" for as long as the flow is Instabilities occur in steady flows when the inertial effects dominate the viscous effects. Stability is typically characterized by the ratio of these two effects the Reynolds number. pipe flows and in the form of A Reynolds number near 2300 for steady is the value at which the flow becomes unstable, therefore subject to turbulence. Page 28 in expiration both Turbulent flows are expected to exist because of the high Reynolds numbers encountered, and significant flow disturbances which are present. As will be later, discussed by spatial expected the conditions for the transition are complicated accelerations and secondary flows, both of which are to higher Reynolds numbers. to delay transition No theory based on first principles is yet available to describe turbulent flows, and, the small scale of turbulence renders computer models impractical for a complete solution of Experimental results have, all but the simplest of flows. though, lead to a detailed understanding of structure of turbulence. The pressure loss been well documented in turbulent smooth-walled pipe flows has (Schlichting 1979), and can be explained with the scaling arguments outlined above for laminar flows. Referring to Figure 3.3-1, unlike laminar flows, turbulent flows are characterized by a relatively blunt velocity profile scale eddies efficiently The small with a thin boundary layer. transfer momentum radially to smooth the velocity in the core. Imposition of a no-slip boundary at the wall, generates a region of laminar flow with high shear close to Estimation of the shear stress in the laminar acts on the wall is then given by; 3.3.1 -w where S is the du = )4 dr the wall. sublayer which u(S) 0 wall 8 laminar sub-layer thickness, and u(S) is the Page 29 velocity at the boundary layer edge, 3.3.2 8 a P/v* 3.3.3 u(S) and are given by; a V* where v* is the characteristic velocity for turbulent flows; 3.3.4 v* / ((Tw / g) Experimental measurements of velocity distributions and wall (see Schlichting) shear 3.3.5 v* = stress give v* to be; .1823 [U /r 1/8 combining 3.2.4 and 3.3.1-3.3.5 gives the familiar Blasius friction relation for smooth walled turbulent pipe flows; '4 3.3.6 Del P = 0.3146(4gU2)(L/D)/Re where Re is the tube Reynolds number Re = Up/gD. notation, equation 3.3.6 can be written more concisely as; * 3.3.7 Using the p* Del P = 0.157 P 1.75 (L/D) Re For the case where surface roughness extends into the flow past the laminar sublayer, this relation no longer holds. transitional region exists when the mean roughness height, is between the laminar sublayer A Ks, , yv*/nu=5 to about yv*/nu =70. For Ks above yv*/nu=70 the flow is considered fully rough, the increased velocity gradient at the wall generates the and Page 30 pressure drop given by the expression; Del 3.3.8 P= '4P L/D Re2 2Log(r/Ks) + 1.74 Schroter and Sudlow (1969) have noted that bronchial walls are coated with a liquid mucus thin, and layer which therfore hydraulically smooth. is "microsopically" Macroscopic corrugations in the trachea and main bronchi are present due to cartilidge rings. The effective Ks generated by these corrugations is relatively low due to their wide spacing. These corrugations are therefore unlikely to generate fully rough flow. Consequently apply in the lung, rather it is more probable that 3.3.7 will than 3.3.8. 3.4 Steady Entrance Flow The entrance type phenomena expected similar in a bifurcation are to those for the steady entrance flow problem in a straight tube, but more complicated. The entrance phenomena are a result of the effects of viscosity diffusing the wall to adjust the inlet velocity profile developed final form. in-ward from to its fully The extent of the difference between the inlet profile and the fully developed profile will therefore determine the magnitude of entrance effects on the flow. The entrance analogy in expiratory flows can be seen by considering a lung as being roughly modelled by the geometry shown in Figure 3.4-1. The area changes experienced as the Page 31 flow proceeds toward the "trachea" can be approximated as a series of straight tube sections, L/D = 3.5, in from the wall as the flow proceeds in each straight section. section, The joining the tubes. area ratio contraction, An/An+1=1.2, viscous effects start to propagate with a constant In the contraction the flow accelerates, and the viscous boundary layer Once in the straight section, thins to maintain continuity. the boundary layer continues to grow, but starts from a non- zero value. Rivas and Shapiro (1956) in an analysis of ASME test nozzles accounted for the non-zero initial boundary layer in the straight tube section downstream of a thickness The bellmouth entrance with an "equivalent length" concept. equivalent length, Leq, is the required to develop a boundary that found length of straight tubing layer thickness equivalent to in the inlet of the straight section downstream of the bellmouth. In general, on the flow rate, the equivalent length and bellmouth geometry. is dependent The loss downstream of the entrance can then be calculated as the difference in a tube of the actual length plus Leq, and a tube of length Leq. Applying entrance flow theory with the added correction of an equivalent length to expiratory flow is difficult. The difficulty arises due to the presence of secondary flows, nonuniform required inlet velocity profiles, to calculate Leq. and the flow details Despite these problems, flow analogies have been applied with some success 1977) to the study of inspiratory flows, entrance (Pedley and are expected to Page 32 provide some understanding of expiratory flows. A sizeable amount of literature has been devoted to Boussinesq study of flow in the entrance of a circular pipe. is the first the to be cited as having made a theoretical investigation of the problem in 1891. Since that time many experimental studies have been done, and correspond well Most current analyses of the problem theoretical predictions. are numerical, to but the more simple boundary Boussinesq provides insight layer analysis of the flow character for to large Reynolds numbers. Investigations (Shapiro et al 1954) have shown that for the thin boundary layers near the entrance, the falling pressure gradient has negligible effect on the boundary layer Flat plate, development. Blasius type, boundary layer growth therefore occurs, which gives the boundary layer 3.4.1 S(x)=1.72DV(x/DRe) where D axis, is the tube diameter, x the distance along the tube In and Re is the tube Reynolds number. approximation, the first the core velocity can be taken to be constant, which allows the wall shear rate to be written as; Tw(x) = - - dr Re U du 3.4.2 thickness as; wall S(x) = JU xD which can be integrated to give the loss over a length of pipe L; Page 33 A2 Del 3.4.3 P 4 R3 Re const. L/D where the published experiments place the constant as 4.87. is higher Note that the typically reported value is 6.87, which includes the effects of the changing velocity because it profile. Incorporating the equivalent entrance length and P* into equation 3.4.3 gives; Del 3.4.4 P = 4.87 P * [ (L/D + Leq/D) - The validity of this expression for straight confined to as the entrance the thin boundary For cases in which in the boundary the product of the 10E5, turbulence is layer and the growth pattern of the is altered. This boundary layer transition to turbulence may arise expiratory flows. of 3.5, low On the layer approximation fails Reynolds number and L/D ratio exceeds about boundary layer is length approaches the tube length, and Poiseuille flow results. present tubes intermediate values of Reynolds number. end of the range, Re Leq/D] Assuming an Leq near in 1, with an L/D ratio the transition would occur on the order Re'10,000. 3.5 Steady flow in a convergent 2-D channel. Another geometry that can be used to model both a single bifurcation and the entire airway is a convergent channel. This representation is not very accurate, but provides a means to approximate the effect of a continuing balance between a Page 34 boundary layer growth and thinning. The growth of the boundary layer results from the diffusion of viscosity as the fluid passes through while the boundary layer the network, results from the increasing velocities imposed by thinning the progessively smaller flow area. has summarized the exact solution to (1979) Schlichting The equations can Navier-Stokes equation for the 2-D channel. be considerably simplified for this case in which the flow is and the flow profile depends only on the everywhere radial, azimuthal angle, Defining a The geometry is shown in Figure 3.5-1. 0. local Reynolds number as; Uo h Re = 3.5.1 Nu where Uo is the local centerline velocity, Normalizing the velocity by Uo, channel height. distance by h, and h is the local and the radial allows the N-S equations to be written in terms of a single non-linear differential equation; 2 62u- + 4 U -- -K 2a + Re 3.5.2 802 2o Re with the boundary condition; 3.5.4 a G( S&( 0 ) = 0 .... No slip at = 0 ...... Centerline symmetry with the definitions; 3.5.5 LA = the walls. ) 3.5.3 U(0) = U(0,r)/Uo(r) Page 35 -1 a = Tan 3.5.6 ( '4h/r ) z uh/r The convergence angle, a, the lung which is difficult to define because of the difficulty in converting from a three-dimensional to a two-dimensional One approach to define an appropriate value of geometry. the lung is appropriate for use in is to write the area of the a for lung in the exponential form; 3.5.7 ] A = A exp [0- L = which can be linearized about a typical bifurcation with an L/D of 3.5 and an area ratio of 1.2, 0.052 giving o as approximately (representing an included divergence angle of about 60). The constant K in equation 3.5.2 is the pressure gradient, imposed wall in the form; 3 r K = SP - 3.5.8 g Nu 2 Sr wall Equation 3.5.2 can be solved numerically, for the extremes in Reynolds numbers. to 3.5.2 is presented or analytically The numerical solution in Figure 3.5-2 for the dimensionless velocity profile for a range of Reynolds numbers and the typical pulmonary value of a. The profile is seen to progress from a Poiseuille type profile at low Reynolds numbers to a profile characterized by a blunt core and thin boundary layer at higher Reynolds numbers. The pressure flow characteristics of the geometry also Page 36 follow the same progression from a Poiseuille form to a layer form can be seen most The boundary boundary layer form. easily by solving 3.5.2 the high Reynolds number case and for The high Reynolds number evaluating the wall friction. limit solution to 3.5.2 is; -1 3.5.9 u = 3Tanh 2 (Re a/2) (1 - + Tanh O/a) which generates a shear stress at the wall V(2/3) corresponding to the pressure drop; 2 Del P a cos( = 3.5.10 Re 0(O) L -/3 Del P a pois. Using the value a = 0.052, numerically evaluating 0(O) corresponding to the lung, and to be approximately 1.15, gives the asymptotic frictional relationship to be; 3.5.11 Del P Z Del P .06 Re -/Re A relationship which can be applied to >> 1 lower Reynolds numbers must be obtained from the direct solution to 3.5.2. 3.6 Flow in a Curved Tube The generation of secondary flows downstream of a bifurcation during expiration can also be described by analogy to curved tube flow. Figure 3.6-1 shows the secondary flow Page 37 pattern established by the centrifugal forces generated by the core flow as the flow proceeds around the bend in a curved The resulting pressure gradient across the tube cross- tube. section causes fluid in the core to move outward where the slowing moving fluid at the wall has insufficient axial and is driven velocity to generate the same pressure gradient, to preserve continuity. inward The four cell structure found in the parent bifurcation, shown in Figure 3.1-1, tube of a can be generated by approximating the bifurcation geometry as two curved tubes This geometry is depicted in Figure oriented back to back. and shows that for symmetric flows a balanced four cell 3.6-2, is expected. pattern A basic difference which must be noted between curved tube in a bifurcation and flow is that in a bifurcation both the geometry and area change as the flow proceeds along the bend. the driving factors Despite these differences the analysis of which influence curved tube flow should provide insight as to the nature of secondary flows hypothesis indicated in expiratory flow. This (1986) which is supported by the -work of Jan similarities between the velocity profiles in quasi- steady oscillatory flow in a bifurcation those predicted with curved For tube flow theory. curved tube flow the natural toroidal one, coordinate system is a as shown in Figure 3.6-3. vectors are in the r, The orthogonal unit a, and s directions where r is measured radially outward from the center of the cross-section, a is the Page 38 angle between the radius vector and the plane of symetery, s is measured along the tube axis. and In this coordinate system the steady non-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation take the form The dimensional in Equation 12 of Berger et al. ( denoted with a parameters ') are nondimensionalized by; r = r'/a s = RcO/a p = p'/(gU 2 u = u'/U v = w = w'/U ) given 3.6.1 Berger, Talbot and Yao v'/U outlined a simplification of (1983) these equations for the case of gradual curvature, Sr << 1, by neglecting all terms of order Sr' or higher. = r/Rc The are necessary to drive the centrifugal force terms which secondary motions were retained in the analysis by rescaling the axial velocity as; u = u'/ 3.6.2 [Udr I and for convenience the axial distance is rescaled as z = sr 3.6.3 Introducing the Dean number, Dn, which square root of the inertia and centrifugal is the ratio of the force product to the viscous force; '4 3.6.4 Dn = Re Sr the resulting equation, along with fully developed flow is given the continuity condition for in equation 13 of Berger et al. This equation was obtained by recognizing that the velocities Page 39 no longer vary with axial position. Inspection of this is linear. equation indicates that the axial pressure gradient A stream function is introduced and, following cross- differentiation to eliminate the pressure, equations 15 and 16 of Berger et al are obtained. For small values of Dn the equations can be solved by expanding the solution in powers of Dn about the Poiseuille when expressed in terms of pressure difference is given by Dean ( 1927,1928); [ Del P 3.6.5 Del Ppois.J where Del Ppois. 4 2 1 +.0306(K/576) -. 0110(K/576) is the the Poiseuille pressure drop tube with the same flow rate, and K + . the axial straight The result, tube profile. straight in a is the original form of the Dean number defined by Dean as; a [ Rc L KE= 3.6.6 where Wmax Wmax a Nu 2 2 is the maximum velocity in a straight pipe of the same radius resulting from the same imposed pressure gradient. The relationship between Dn and K depends on the ratio of the flux in the straight tube at a specified pressure gradient, Qs, and the flux in the curved Qs 3.6.7 Dn ' pressure gradient, Qc; E'/ K] Qc tube with the same imposed Page 40 where the ratio Qc/Qs,is (Berger et al); 6 4 2 Qs = 1 -. 0306(K/576) +.0120(K/576) + O(K/576) Qc 3.6.8 Dean's series expansion solution is valid up to Kz576. Figure 3.6-4 presents the results of deans solution for the pressure loss in a curved tube normalized to that in a Poiseuille flow with the same bulk flow rate verses Dn. The graph was generated by calculating the flow ratio based on a value of K, and then the finding the Dn corresponding to K and It the flow ratio. is interesting to note that for Dn S 10, effects of curvature on the pressure gradient are almost negligible. solution, limit of applicability for Dean's Even at the high the effects are small, in the flow resistance at K=576, generating only a 2% increase corresponding to Dn-16. The nature of the flow and the scaling of Dean's solution for the secondary flow can be understood by considering the The axial velocity establishes a forces acting on the fluid. pressure gradient which is balanced by the shear wall induced by the secondary flows. stress at The resulting pressure balance can be written as; 2 3.6.9 r g;U Rc Vsec ^ r which gives the secondary velocity scaling found by Dean; Vsec Sr Re 3.6.10 U the Page 41 At higher values of Dean number, numerical been utilized to solve equation 3.6.7. studies have The most expansive of these numerical studies is by Collins and Dennis (1975) who were able to extend Dean's solution up to Dn=5000. numerical studies suggest that the structure of tube flow at high Dean numbers rotational The the curved is that of an inviscid core surrounded by a thin boundary layer at the tube wall. An understanding of the nature and flow characteristics which typify the high Dean number curved tube flow can be gained by investigating the asymptotic equations. Pedley (1980) formed the asymptotic scaling equation 3.6.7 with streamfunction, 0, thickness, 3.6.11a limits of the governing limits by the asymptotic form for Dean number, Dn, and boundary the layer S; Dn /K U a 3.6.11b 3.6.11c ' -1K /Dn S K Note; Pedley used a dean number, D, defined as /K, and normalized velocities by Nu/a rather These differences in notation account than U. for in the somewhat unusual notation presented in 3.6.14 to preserve the form of Pedley's analysis. For the core flow, the viscous effects are negligible, the pressure gradient established by the centrifugal forces and Page 42 terms: equation 3.6.7a therefore are balanced by the inertial gives; = a + a 1 3.6.12 there is a balance between the In the boundary layer, inertia, 3.6.13 viscous and the centrifugal force terms gives; 4T + a 2a - = 2(a - a) + 3T = T Solving the three equations for the three unknowns gives; 3.6.14 T = a which can be inverted 3.6.15a /K 3.6. 15b S 3.6.15c 8 The pressure drop Del *'a 1/3 to give the parameters in terms of Dn; 1/cJ 1.5 = Dn 1/K /Dn /K = = Dn = Dn Dn is therefore seen to go as; L du L P = Tw - = P D dr wall D U L *L SP - 3.6.16 ' = 8 D - U Dn D In contrast to the secondary velocity scaling at low Dean numbers, equation 3.6.15 allows the secondary velocity scaling to be written directly as; Page 43 U Dn U 3.6.17 U Vsec Dn giving the ratio of secondary velocity a constant, in the core as to that unlike the low dean case in which the ratio increases with Dean number. These asymptotic forms have been verified by numerous experimental and numerical studies and are summarized by Berger et al Results of the experimental studies for (1983). in Figure 3.6-5. losses are shown the frictional The experimental data is sden to be correlated well by the Hasson correlation below curvature dependent branch points which are identified as transitions to turbulence. The correlation is valid down to a Dn of about 20 where Dean's solution asymptote to Poiseuille flow. The Hasson correlation *L 3.6.18 Del P = 32 P r - D Ito (1959), is; 0.556 + 0.0969 Dn Re LJ experimentally documented the frictional in turbulent flows for a curved tube. loss The transition to turbulence was found to be retarded by the action of the secondary flows. The exact reason for transition is still not clear, but it the postponement of is generally believed that the action of secondary flows to thin the boundary layer is similar to the effect of a favorable pressure gradient. the range of experiments 1/15 > Sr critical Reynolds number to be; > 1/9000, Ito reports the For Page 44 0.32 (Re)crit = 2E4 Sr 3.6.19 The experiments were correlated by a Blasius type expression with an additional curvature effect; * L 3.6.20 Del P = 4 P r-3/8 -'4 0.029 + 0.034 Sr Sr - D 2 Dn Re L validated over the experimental range; 1.5 300 > Dn Sr Re Sr = 2 > .034 1.5 For larger values of Dn Sr , the expression becomes; 1/5 3.6.21 Del P = ' P L - 0.316 D 2 Sr Re Dn While the typical curvature encountered is below the range of Ito's experiments, in the lung, it can be used to estimate a critical reynolds number of about 10,000. places the Re Sr 2 product at 200 at that 3.6.20 is the most '1/7, transition, This indicating likely form applicable to pulmonary conditions. 3.7 Kinetic Energy Dissipation The case of expiratory flow through a bifurcation which is embedded within an airway can be considered fully developed the sense that the entering velocity profile will be similar in to Page 45 the exiting velocity profile. fully developed symmetric This must be the case for a flow within a "large" airway system because the inlet of a bifurcation will be the outlet of another bifurcation. The most striking feature of this situation is that a total of eight vortices in the two within the bifurcation to only four mechanism for this conversion most likely be considered inlet flows are converted in the outlet. is not clear, The although it can to fall between two extreme alternatives: a Each of the eight inlet vortices are dissipated through viscous action, and four more are generated through the conversion of potential to kinetic energy. n The kinetic energy of the inlet vortices are conserved by the enhancement of the two outer vortices of each daughter tube by the two inner vortices feeding them through the secondary flow. The dissipation in the first case would be similar nature to fully rough turbulent flows in which in large eddies are generated and then dissipated due to viscous action. The generation and dissipation of the secondary flow vorticies will not occur randomly as in turbulent flow, once at each bifurcation. flow is but will occur Another difference from turbulent the orientation of the secondary velocities. In bifurcations, the vorticies are oriented along the axis of flow, which is not always the situation in turbulent flows (Schlichting, 1979). An estimation of the magnitude of the pressure loss that Page 46 would result if the energy in the inlet vorticies were dissipated is the magnitude of kinetic energy; Del P a '4gVsec2 3.7.1 where Vsec flow. is the average secondary velocity in the The magnitude of the secondary flows was given in 1/2 of the bulk flow, U. section 3.1 to be between 1/5 and Using inlet 1/4 as a typical value, the pressure loss across a single generation can be approximated as; Del P 3.7.2 ~ (1/32) P*Re 2 Conservation of the kinetic energy in the second case would result in no induced pressure drop. 3.8 Definition of Pressure Drop Before estimates for the form of the pressure drop in bifurcating flow can be made based on the effects discussed above, the pressure drop must first be defined. The difficulty in defining the pressure drop comes because the pressure across a leg of a bifurcation strong secondary flows and is not uniform. The tube curvature create a pressure variation within the tube cross section which are a substantial fraction of those across the bifurcation (Pedley 1980). The nature of the flow does not allow many simplifying assumptions such as inviscid or low Reynolds number flow to be Page 47 The pressure loss made to help in defining pressure losses. due to the bulk behavior of the fluid integral is desired, which allows loss of information. techniques to be used without The two integral approaches which are candidates for the analysis are momentum and energy balances. are difficult to implement in the analysis because the walls of a bifurcation are inherently curved, introduce unknown wall and as a result, Energy balances are tensile forces. "accounting" for changes in suited to the analysis, well Momentum balances kinetic energy flux by the rate at which work is done on the bifurcation by pressure and viscous forces. The steady-state energy equation for an incompressible fluid can be written in integral form as; {- V2 3.8.1 pu da pu da + - = I Vol I 0 & dVol Where the subscript I represents V2 gu dA -gu - dA 0 integration over the region of inflow and 0 the region of outflow, dA is a differential area, Vol is the static pressure, is the axial velocity component, u is the control volume, is the viscous dissipation function,( and V is magnitude of the see Potter and Foss pp 192), velocity; 3.8.2 where Vsec 3.8.3 V2 = U 2 + Vsec 2 is the magnitude of the secondary velocity; Vsec 2 = p v2 + w2 where v and w are the secondary velocity components. Page 48 The integral of the viscous dissipation function over control volume represents the total viscosity, energy dissipation by later reference is defined as; and for {l dVol DE 3.8.4 the Vol The bulk properties which are measured experimentally are the flow rate, R, defined as; Q, and average static pressure, 1 { p dA 3.8.5 Q 3.8.6 j u dA The average pressure term can be introduced rewriting the pressure, local static pressure as the sum of the average R, and a pertubation, p'. the pressure work Jpu 3.8.7 where Pc This substitution allows terms to be written; dA = { [R + p'] u dA = Q is a correction to accounts for into 3.8.1 by C R + Pc I the average pressure which the non-uniform pressure profile, and is defined as; 1 3.8.8 Pc - p'u dA The kinetic energy flux terms in 3.8.1 in terms of bulk properties by introducing can also be written the secondary Page 49 velocity correction factor, factor, fa; 1 3.8.9 F 3.8.10 f {- L + (u/U) (v/U)2 dA 3 Eu/U] a 2 (w/U) 1 where U and the axial velocity shape fs, dA A is the average velocity, defined as U = Q/A. Introduction of these terms and dividing through by the flow rate, written Q, allows the steady-state energy equation to be in the form: 3 3.8.11 R = 0 D /Q + 0 0 CQ I + f f A s I102 + Pc a J I I The terms on the right hand side of 3.8.10 represent the relative contributions of viscosity, and pressure uniformity correction to static pressure respectively, 3.8.12 kinetic energy changes, the drop or; Del R = Del Pv + Del Pk + Del Pc where the pressure loss terms are defined as: 0 3.8.13 Del Pk = '4Q2(f +f a 3.8.14 Del Pv = D / Q 10 )/A2 s I in the average Page 50 0 Del Pc = Pc 3.8.15 I 3.9 Summary of Pressure Loss Correlations the above To compare the order of magnitude of each of effects, the pressure drop in an idealized bifurcation was The pressure drop was calculated assuming that calculated. theoretical pressure loss form for a particular applied to each branch in the bifurcation. flow condition Results can then to the experimentally determined pressure losses be compared and any similarities in either form or magnitude can serve as an indicator of flow similarities. Table 3.9-1, for below, summarizes the expressions developed the cases of interest, normalizing factor presented is the loss if the flow were everywhere fully developed Poiseuille flow. because it The in normalized form. This normalization was chosen is the anticipated asymptotic experimental results, lower limit for the and indicates the extent to which the flow resistance is enhanced over Poiseuille flow. Figure 3.9-1 presents the results for in a branch of a bifurcation vs tracheal comparison, the factor of the normalized loss Reynolds number. For three band of results found by the previous investigators presented in Figure 2.3-1 is also shown. The magnitude and form of the results are seen to be most similar to curved tube, 2-D convergent channel, flow theory. and entrance Page 51 Table 3.9-1 Del Pv/Del Ppois Case 0.556+0.096Re Sr Curved tube flow Re > 60 .152 Entrance flow Re >> 1 - 2-D Channel flow Re >> 1 - /D 2 ' ' (L+Leq) -Leq L Ln(An-1/An) Re /3 L/D 3/4 Turbulent pipe flow Smooth walls,Re>2000 Turbulent curved tube flow 2 Re > .034/8r Kinetic Energy Diss. 4.9E-3 Re 4/5 1/10 4.9E-3 Sr 9.76E-4 Re Re Re Page 52 4. Experimental Methods 4.1 Subtraction Method The experimental approach developed to quantify the pressure drop across a single bifurcation embedded within an airway system is termed the "subtraction method". Development of this new approach was deemed necessary because of the restrictive assumptions imposed by the methods of previous investigations. The strong secondary velocities and wall curvature typical of expiratory flows establish pressure variations. (1972) and Akhavan "substantial" cross-sectional Experiments by Jaffrin and Hennessey (1980), found that in oscillatory flows the cross-sectional pressures can vary from 20% to pressure difference across a bifurcation. study exists for expiratory flows, 100% of the While no similar large cross-sectional pressure variations can be expected to make a direct measurement of pressure loss across a bifurcation difficult. Previous investigators have typically avoided by basing the this problem loss in a single bifurcation on the measured pressure-flow curve for an entire airway network. Errors in measuring pressures, upstream in plenums and downstream in plenums or straight tube sections, can be expected to be small in comparison to the overall pressure this method requires that single bifurcation, be assumed, loss. Unfortunately, some algebraic form for the typically that found for without substantiation. loss in a the entire network Since the character of the Page 53 entire network represents a weighted average over the entire airway, the overall relationship may not simultaneously reflect the relationship In addition, in each bifurcation. effects may be erroneously included, and entrance it will be difficult at best to distinguish the existence of different flow regimes. The subtraction technique was also developed with the intention of extending the model asymmetric effects. Basing the experiments to include loss in a single bifurcation on systemic characteristics becomes extremely difficult with flow asymmetries. The subtraction method for symmetric flow conditions is shown schematically in Figure 4.1-1. The method requires an airway system which consists of a set of matched upstream airways and a single test bifurcation. The upstream airways are required to produce a boundary condition for the flow into the test bifurcation which can be considered "typical" of the inlet flows to a bifurcation embedded in the lung. The scheme to determine the pressure drop of the test bifurcation alone is as follows; w The pressure-flow relationship for the identical upstream airway network (peripheral to the shaded zone in Figure 4.4-1) is measured over the desired range of flow rates. a Two identical upstream airway networks are then attached to the daughter branches of the test bifurcation. a The pressure-flow relationship of the new combined airway system, consisting of the upstream airway networks and The range of flow the test bifurcation, is measured. used to test the range the rates should be about double upstream airways. Page 54 that the flow rate through is equal to half of systems each of the upstream airway the total. a The symmetry condition ensures m The pressure drop due to the test bifurcation can then be calculated by taking the difference in pressure drops between the combined airway at a specified flow rate, and the pressure drop for the upstream airways at half the flow rate. The subtraction method requires that the pressure-flow relationship of the upstream airways be fully documented, and it assumes that the addition of the test bifurcation does not alter this relationship. This assumption must be justified in light of the experimental measurements of the pressures in a finite pipe bend, Ito (1960), demonstrating that the effect of a pipe bend propagates on the order of a pipe diameter upstream of the bend. Figure 4.1-2 presents Ito's results for the pressure distribution in a finite pipe bend with straight upstream and downstream tangents. The pipe bends used by Ito were severely curved, with a radius ratio gradient Sr=1/3.7. As a result, a very strong pressure is established at the bend entrance which generates secondary flows. The subtraction technique is not expected to be significantly effected by this effect for several reasons; " The idealized bifurcations which make-up the airways are separated by straight sections of about a diameter in length. " The blunt velocity profiles typical in expiratory flows offer a much thinner boundary layer with the low velocities that are most affected by adverse pressure gradients. " The radius ratio in the test bifurcation is more gradual than used by Ito, 1/7 vs 1/3.7. Page 55 Finally, it can be seen from Ito's results that while the variations in pressure can be substantial, the mean pressure variation is significantly lower that the mean pressure loss across the bend. Subtraction of two values obtained may result if the overall in significant error signal/noise ratio is low. in separate experiments experimental The signal/noise ratio for the subtraction experiments is given by the difference in signals from two experiments divided by the sum of the noise in each experiment. High signal/noise ratio therefore require not only that the experimental equipment be capable of low noise levels, but also that the experiments be designed to provide significant differences between signals. 4.2 Downstream Boundary Condition The downstream boundary condition imposed on the terminal airway is an important consideration in determining the signal differences between experiments. Selection of the downstream boundary condition is therefore an important consideration, while assumed not to have an influence on the pressure-flow relationship of the airways upstream of the exit. Three downstream boundary conditions were evaluated, long straight tube, reservoir. a conical Exhausting principle reasons. and exhausting into a into a reservoir was chosen for two The first additional unknown frictional system. diffuser, a The second is that is that it introduces no dissipation sources to the in evaluating the kinetic energy flux exhausted into the reservoir, a better understanding of Page 56 the flow nature might be obtained. This selection was made despite the introduction of slight errors, options. that some advantages are present with the other and Error are introduced with the assumption that the effect of the uniform pressure plenum does not propagate upstream into the "tracheal" branch, previous section, This error in the and that a pressure difference between the imposed hydrostatic head exist. as discussed in the tank and is proportional and streamline curvature, the jet pressure may to the kinetic energy flux and is therefore expected to be small because the curvature in the exiting stream is only significant at low Reynolds numbers, flux where the corresponding kinetic energy is small. The long straight tube has the advantage that establishes a Poiseuille flow profile, allowing a side pressure tap to measure the average cross-sectional generating a known kinetic energy flux. it pressure, A conical and diffuser theoretically would allow recovery of the kinetic energy head, leaving and systemic pressure losses as a result of friction alone therefor maximizing the relative difference between experimental signals. 4.3 Subtraction Method Analysis Analysis of the subtraction technique demonstrates that it is a viable method to measure the area-averaged static pressure difference at a given flow rate across a single bifurcation. It remains to separate that pressure difference into a Page 57 component attributable to friction and one attributable to the To make this distinction, convective acceleration. based definition of pressure drop and developed in 3.7 can be applied to the energy components its two the airway systems defined in Figure 4.1-1. Consider first the airway system consisting of the two The total upstream airways and the test bifurcation. pressure loss of the combined system, static R):, at a flow rate (Del Q, can be written as the sum of the loss in the test bifurcation and the loss upstream of the test bifurcation; 4.3.1 (Del R), (Del = F)j-: + (Del is comprised of just the two the system which Now consider upstream airways. , can be seen to be the same as (Del just one of the upstream airways, the total pressure drop for (Del R)U, at '4 the flow rate. Rewriting 4.3.1 pressure loss in the test bifurcation, given by the difference in flow rate of R)s.- 1 to give the it can be seen to be the driving pressure required for a Q for the combined airway system and the driving pressure required for a flow rate of Q/2 for just one upstream airway. 4.3.2 (Del R) = I-E (Del R) - C Recalling equation 3.7.12, 0 (Del R) U Q/2 the static pressure loss across the test bifurcation can be written as the sum of the viscous and kinetic energy losses plus a correction term for the non- Page 58 uniform cross-sectional pressure distribution; (Del R)x..- 4.3.3 Pv + Del Del = Pk + Del the viscous pressure write with 4.3.2 to which can be combined Pc in the test bifurcation as; loss 4.3.4 Del [ Pv The 3.7.13, it - R) C written for = K (Del R) loss, Del Pk - - U 0 kinetic energy Del Pk 4.3.5 where (Del Del Pc Q/2 Del Pk, can be evaluated with the case of symmetric flow conditions as; * 2 P*Re is understood * (fa+fs) that the E 2 [ P Re (fa+fs) I denotes evaluation subscript of the terms at the inlet of the test bifurcation and E for the outlet, or exit. Applying the principle of continuity, conditions, equation 4.3.5 can be written; 4 *Ei 4.3.6 where e Del local flow the and recalling fs and fa are functions of Pk = '[ P ReI JE L - (fa+fs) L V4E E is defined as the ratio of the parent (fa+fs) :IJ to daughter diameters. Equations 4.3.6 and 4.3.4 combine to give the viscous tube Page 59 Application of the pressure loss in the test bifurcation. expressions requires the difference in driving pressures from two different experiments, the and a functional dependence of (fa+fs) sum and the pressure correction term on the exiting The correction factors will be flow rate or Reynolds number. explored in greater detail in Chapter 5. 4.4 Quasi-steady Test Apparatus The quasi-steady experimental system developed to measure static pressure-flow characteristics of an airway the total system is shown in Figure 4.4-1. The method is considered quasi-steady because a slowly varying hydrostatic head is used to generate the flows to cover the desired range of Reynolds numbers. The quasi-steady flow is driven by the hydrostatic head and resisted by fluid acceleration and friction within the test airway. The desired range of flow rates will be shown to depend on the characteristic pressure P*; viscosity, density and airway size. of the pressure loss at a given flow, a function of fluid P* determines the scale and can be set to amplify the pressures into an easier range to measure with conventional pressure transducers. The driving pressure head is generated in a circular constant diameter fluid filled reservoir. principles therefore dictate the flow rate through the airway will be proportional to varies. Continuity the rate at which For sufficiently low flow rates, the reservoir level pressure gradients Page 60 within the reservoir will only be due to hydrostatic forces, generating to the fluid proportional bottom of the a pressure at system can the instantaneous flow rate in The in the reservoir. level is the reservoir which therefore be determined by the time derivative of the measured hydrostatic the head at base of the reservoir. Hydrostatic conditions also exist exhaust tank for sufficiently tank the exhaust documented phenomena, 107 ), and ( see for - ' 2 Q = w gravity, weir. the plenum and The level Flow over in weir a example Sabersky, is pp is given by; 4.4.1 where Q low flow rates. is maintained by a a well in both - Cd 3 1.5 h (2g) is the width of the weir, g is the flow rate, w is an experimentally determined discharge coefficient Cd (typically '0.62) and h is the fluid height above the weir level. The driving pressure across is given the pressure difference between by plenum and the airway system the exhaust tank. transducer lines leading measures the driving pressure. pressure-flow relationship of flow the reservoir For quasi-steady hydrostatic conditions, pressure taps with fluid filled differential time at any for the airway system over a to a The range conditions can therefore be determined by recording pressure signals over The variation time. in downstream level with flow rate can be two Page 61 made infinitesimally small relative to the change in the In this the weir width. plenum level by increasing limit, the experiment would be simplified because only one pressure signal would be required to driving pressure. monitor both the flow rate and size limitations and the desired Practical accuracy prohibit this experimental simplification of eliminating one pressure measurement for these experiments. 4.5 Experimental Scaling Analysis of the quasi-steady experiments establish the experimental scale for which is necessary to the quasi-steady approximation can be supported, and determine the required fluid properties. The governing equations for an approximate analysis are; one-dimmensional model Continuity dD = Qt = Qweir + Ae dt dt -dH Qr = Ar 4.5.1 where - Qr is the flow in the reservoir, Ar the reservoir area, H the reservoir height, Qweir the area of the exhaust tank over the weir tank, level, is the flow over the weir, Ae is the level D is and Qt of the exhaust is the flow rate "tracheal" tube. Weir flow 4.5.2 where k 1.5 Qweir = k Dw is given from 4.4.1 Motion along a streamline as k= (Euler) (2/3) Cd w (2g) in the Page 62 SV 8V + Fr + V- 4.5.3 where 8 Ss Ss st is the partial velocity magnitude, Fr + ggZ) 1 &(P is a frictional Z is the height in the gravity field, Integrating streamline from the free surface g, is the distance loss per unit mass, and s along the streamline. of is the differential operator, V 4.5.3 along a hypothetical in the reservoir to the exit the "trachea", gives; t V 4.5.4 2 r2 + -d - + V r Lt Jr t 1t P t J P - atm gH +-JFr ds r where the subscript t refers to the tracheal values, and r refers to the values on the free surface of the reservoir. For large exhaust tank areas, assumed tracheal to exist, and using a hydrostatic head can be a gage pressure referenced to the pressure if the exhaust tank were at the weir level, the pressure term can be written; ~ 1 4.5.5 - Pt - P = gDw Defining a characteristic length, L*: jAt 4.5.6 where A L* A ds is the cross-sectional flow area, equation 4.5.4 can be written; such that V= Q/A, Page 63 2 L* dQ + - At dt 4.5.7 t 2 Q 1 A 2 -(At/Ar) + gDw + Fr ds = gH L t and introducing continuity to give the relation between tank height and flow; dQ = -Ar dt dH Q = -Ar- 4.5.8 and dt and writing the frictional d2H dt2 loss in the form which it is typically available; t* [ Fr ds = P Jr Del P 4.5.9 fr where Fn(Re) number Fn(Re) represents some function of the tracheal Reynolds in the airway. in a form which Together these expressions give 4.5.7 convective and demonstrates the balance of the temporal, frictional terms to the driving head; * -gL Ar dH2 - At dt2 Temporal Acc. + r Ag- 2 dH dt At r Convective Acceleration which is a one dimensional with a coupling term Dw, continuity. 2 J1-[At/Ar) ] * 4.5.10 + P Fn[Rel = Frictional Losses gg(H-Dw) Driving Head non-linear differential equation, given by the weir equation and Assuming that the exiting kinetic energy is dissipated before flowing over the weir, the weir height is Page 64 given by; dDw 4.5.11 - dt Ae Dw - Ae 3 Ldt 1.5 (2g) 2 Cd w -dH Ar -- Equations 4.5.10 and 4.5.11 given an approximate frictional can be solved numerically relation. the purposes of For ensuring that quasi-steady conditions exist, only an order magnitude analysis of the equations is needed, however. of The analysis needs to demonstrate that the pressure drops terms are small associated with the temporal both the spatial in comparison to convective acceleration terms and the frictional terms. From the results of Hardin and Yu (1980), loss experienced in a 3 generation airway model, in Figure 1.3-1, "idealized bifurcation" 1.6 * Del P Giving a low limit functional Fn ' where the tracheal Re = 2 1.24 Re 2 dependence Fn as approximately; 1.6 or Re 10 Re Reynolds number 4 Ar 4.5.14 is; L 2 4.5.13 + 25.3 Re P = fr based on the can be used as an The relationship order of magnitude estimate. 4.5.12 the frictional D N h D Nu is given by; -dH dt ldt The order of magnitude analysis of 4.5.11 indicates that Page 65 the exhaust tank to can be considered small level Dw, long as the tank width the reservoir head, H, as r * Ar d 2 H = -L --gL 4 At dt2 4.5.15 it takes for the tank time gL *Nu -D Re T* time, and can be estimated as the is a characteristic where T* 4.5.10 can be written; dRe dt *Nu D large is To estimate the order of compared to the tracheal diameter. magnitude of the temporal terms, as compared level to drop a distance which flushes the airway system; 4.5.16 T* '- L L giving the inertial * At 2 L loss Ar d2H -- L 4.5.17 = L J -11* =L Nu At * -1 dH dt - -Re D Ar D Ar - * L At Nu Re in 4.5.15 as; R Re - *P Ar At dt2 4.5.14, Substituting 4.5.17, magnitude of each term and 4.5.13 gives the order of in 4.5.10; * P At -- 2 2 * P Re I- [At/Ar) 1.6 * 2 Re 10 P Re * 4.5.18 P LArJ Temporal Acceleration Convective Acceleration Comparison of terms shows that terms will be small if; Frictional Losses Driving Head the temporal acceleration in comparison to convective accelerations Page 66 << 1 4.5.19 Ar losses to and comparison of the frictional indicates that the temporal losses the quasi-steady approximation requires the potentially more restrictive condition that; 0.4 Re 4.5.20 [ At ] << 10 LAr J For the maximum Reynolds number under Re=10,000, investigation, this condition reduces to the same of 4.5.19, indicating that the quasi-steady approximation is valid for a large reservoir tank. test apparatus with a sufficiently The scale of the experiment and the range of fluid properties required to generate measurable pressure drops and remain quasi-steady can therefore be estimated from equation 4.5.10 by neglecting the temporal terms. The second order differential equation therefore reduces to the approximate algebraic relation; H - 2 Dw '4Re = 4.5.21 1.6 + 20 Re H* where H* is define as; Nu g; 9 g 2 H* =_ 4.5.22 For P* the maximum Reynolds number of and frictional 10,000, the convective losses in 4.5.18 are on the same order, and Page 67 4.5.21 gives the required driving head to be; H z 4.5.23 At the lower 10E8 H* range of Reynolds numbers, near the 100, reservoir height can similarly be approximated by; 4.5.24 H Z 10E4 H* Imposing practical limits on the experiments, such as a reservoir height of approximately 100 cm, pressures of about diameters about 1% full scale, or 1 cm, and minimum measured and tracheal 1 in, (2.54 cm) the fluid properties required are for a fluid with "substantially" higher density than air, because buoyancy forces have been neglected, and kinematic viscosities in the range; 4.5.25 .05 : Nu S .5 Other practical considerations such as cost, and safety limit the possible choices. availability The selection of water-glycerin mixtures stand-out as an excellent choice. Figure 4.5-1 presents the kinematic viscosity of waterglycerin as a function of water content. The desired kinematic viscosity range falls between 20% and 70% water content by weight. 4.6 Data Collection A Digital Equipment corp. MINC-23 digital lab computer was Page 68 used to digitize and record the pressure signals. equipped with a -5 The MINC is to +5 volt 16 bit A-D converter, with 4 reserved bits for configuration information, giving a The differential pressure digitation level of 2.44 mvolts. was measured with a Valydyne differential pressure transducer model DP 103-10 ) driven with a Valydyne carrier-demodulator (model CD 15) The hydrostatic reservoir pressure head was measured with a Honneywell Microswitch pressure transducer, (model 143PC conditioner. op-amps, ), through an analog signal and passed The analog signal conditioner and provides a signal offset and is based on two 751 Both amplification. the signal conditioner and the carrier demodulator allowed the output of each transducer to cover the full -5 to +5 volt scale of the A-D converter to minimize digitation error. Before an experimental water-glycerin mixture #200) drip run, the kinematic viscosity of the is measured with a Cannon-Fenske type viscometer. The simple drip viscometer was calibrated with a Haake ( Model RV12 rate of 346 1/sec to (Tube ) viscometer at a shear insure accurate results. A typical mixture was used to generate a temperature viscosity correlation, shown in Figure 4.6-1. temperatures experienced, Cannon-Fenske viscometer For the range of fluid the viscosity measured with the ( Tube #200), partially submerged in the exhaust tank for temperature equlibration, and the viscosity interpolated based on the exhaust tank temperature were in agreement An experiment to within 1%. is begun by filling the reservoir to the Page 69 level required to generate the maximum desired Reynolds number, necessary, to empty and outputs are checked and scaled if The transducer see 4.5.21. and the flow gate is removed. is recorded, The time for and the low transducer output also scaled to utilize the full -5 The reservoir is then refilled, the tank is checked, to +5 voltage range. stopping at about 10 different levels to record and re-calibrate the pressure tank transducers. The re-calibration is necessary not only because the offsets and amplification may have been changed, but also to maintain the desired accuracy in tank and differential head levels as a result of potential changes in transducer amplification with ambient temperature changes. Experience demonstrated that slight non-linearities, on the order of I to 2%, in the pressure signals to about 5% in the results. introduced errors up The errors appeared primarily as slight oscillations when pressure differences were normalized by the square of the calculated flow rate. The digital signal processing easily allowed the non-linearities to be corrected by fitting the transducer calibration curve to higher order curves. the small A second order curve provided enough correction for non-linearities in the differential height reading, while a third order curve was necessary for the reservoir level transducer. Figure 4.6-2 presents the typical differences between the tank and levels measured with a manometer, those predicted with the non-linear transducer calibrations. represented by The errors are less than the digitation errors 2mvolts' .03cm, and errors in reading the Page 70 .05cm. manometer, Once the tank calibrations, is full after the experiment finishing the transducer is ready to begin. The data acquisition is started as the flow gate was removed. The data acquisition rate was fixed to give 500 sets of voltage readings over the time required for the tank to empty. The data sets, along with the calibration values and experimental were then stored on floppy disks for later conditions transmission and analysis. 4.7 Data Reduction The data sets obtained in each experiment were reduced to obtain the non-dimensional pressure-flow relationship of the test airway. The digital scheme implemented with a fortran code first converts the data from a set of voltages to reservoir level vs time and non-dimensional differential pressure vs time by multiplying by the appropriate combination of the stored values of the transducer calibrations, viscosity, tracheal diameter, The data near kinematic and data acquisition rate. the start of the experiment are discarded the flow becomes quasi-steady. The time scale for quasi-steady state to be established is also given by T* until defined in 4.5.16, which can also be interpreted as the time necessary for the fluid initially in the network to be convected out. The curve fitting errors outlined above are approximately constant throughout the signal range. Percentage errors are Page 71 therefore greater at the lower signal these errors, levels. To minimize the the experiments are allowed to run until tank level reaches zero. Any non-zero asymptotic reading in the differential pressure signal is assumed to be an offset, and is subtracted from the results to improve Offsets greater than one or two digitation levels are reading. taken as an indication that the calibration valid, is no longer and both the experiment and calibration are repeated. Data below some critical tank level, or the low pressure 1% full scale, typically 1 cm is used, are also discarded due to the high percentage errors expected. The height vs time data is converted to a Reynolds number vs time form by evaluating Equation 4.5.14 at each point. Calculation of the time derivative of the reservoir height data proved to be the most sensitive step in scheme. in Digitation errors and experimental noise resulted significant errors in calculating the derivative with simple finite difference schemes. To minimize these errors, fitting technique was developed to point. a curve calculate the slope at a A second order curve was fit to a specified points before and after each data point. number of The curve fit was then analytically differentiated and then evaluated at the time corresponding to the data point. Typically 10 points on either side of the time being evaluated were used, corresponding to 21 points out of the 500 total points involved in each curve fit. The numbers of points used in the averaging represents a Page 72 compromise between competing factors. in the averaging decreases, increases as the number of points but Point to point noise inaccuracies in the curve fit appear when averaged over too wide a range. Additionally, in the curve fit are included as the number of points increased, data at the ends of is lost. the curves The dimensionless pressure vs time, the Reynolds and number vs time data are then assembled parametrically to generate the dimensionless pressure-flow relationship for the The data are stored in this form for later use in the airway. implementation of the subtraction technique. 4.8 Technique Verification Verification of both the quasi-steady experimental approach the subtraction technique was deemed necessary to validate the subtraction technique. For this purpose, into a straight through a bellmouth entry understood flow from a reservoir tube was selected ( Rivas and Shapiro because it is both well and can be implemented on the same scale as Two the airway system. sets of experiments with different water-glycerin mixtures, and therefore Reynolds number ranges, in the geometry depicted in Figure 4.8-1. entrance was placed on the diameter 1958 ), tubes, one with a were conducted The same bellmouth inlet of two different length of 6.3 inches, 1 inch and the other 9.8 inches. Figure 4.8-2 presents the plot of reservoir height verses time for the short entrance at two different mixtures with Page 73 2 kinematic viscosities of 0.125 and 0.475 cm /s. both cases sufficient time is allowed for the zero pressure signal The asymptotic region of the differential is amplified in Figure 4.8-3. level, digitation The amplification shows that a The offset small offset exists. to is about equal to improve the accuracy of the low flow results. to be small the bulk of in comparison to the signal. Applying the curve fitting previously described, derivative, but can be The noise over the signal can be more clearly seen by taking the difference between the actual signal and the mean signal. technique at each point as but in addition to evaluating the the mean height value can be approximated by the curve fit value. The difference between the curve fit values and the actual values of the height data 4.8-4. the so can be subtracted from the differential The noise in the signals is difficult to see, noted level limit to be achieved. asymptotic signal Note that in is shown in Figure The noise levels are seen to be primarily a result of digitation errors, .03cm, which remain approximately constant over the range of reservoir levels. Figure 4.8-5 presents the calculated results for Reynolds number vs time for two experiments with the short entrance. Parametrically combining the dimensionless pressure data and Reynolds number data gives the dimensionless pressure-flow relationship. The combined experimental relationships are shown in Figure 4.8-6 for both experiments. the theoretical prediction for the geometry For comparison, is also shown. The Page 74 close agreement, to within 1-2%, the quasi-steady technique. the validity of demonstrates The validity of the non- dimensionalization is demonstrated by the overlapping region of results which correspond to substantially different flow rates. To test the validity of the subtraction technique, tests were repeated for the longer the additional loss in the longer 3.5 inches calculated. and the tube due to the additional The combined results for tube- at the two viscosities Once again, entrance, the results fall is also shown the longer the in Figure 4.8-6. within 1-2% of theory, and the overlapping region confirms the non-dimensionalization. The tubes are both the same diameter, allowing the additional pressure drop due to the additional length to be calculated from the simple difference in the pressure flow relationship for the two geometries. The results are summarized in Figure 4.8-6, showing the losses in each experiment and the difference which represents the loss in the additional length of tubing. The loss in the additional length of tubing alone is shown in Figure 4.8-7, along with a published empirical correlation, characteristic pressure, P*. theory are seen to be within normalized to the The error between the results and 10%. Important characteristics of the results are; " Experimental results fall within about 10% of the theoretical prediction over the Reynolds range from 100 to 10,000 " The accuracy of the results is achieved despite a difference in signals ranging from about 10 to 15%. This can therefore be seen as a severe test of the subtraction technique because signal differences Page 75 expected in the airways are * The Reynolds number larger. and P* properly scale the results. The small error between theory and experiment confirms the analysis which indicated that the temporal negligible portion of the total experimental results. Further confirmation can loss. the temporal be found by calculating accelerations are a terms based on the actual The pressure drop was calculated to be no more than .03 cm HaO, which places its magnitude below the system resolution level. 4.9 Airway Models The dimensions of the symmetric airway model built to typify symmetric airways of the The model lung are given in Table 4.9-1. consists of symmetric bifurcations modeled after The bifurcations are "typical" bifurcation in Figure 1.3-1. coupled with rotary junctions which allow generation to generation orientations to vary, as well addition or removal of generations as allowing the to the airway network. Table 4.9-1 Flow Percentage Generation Number Diameter cm Length cm Number of Branches 0 2.44 4.31 1 100 1 1.85 6.47 2 50 2 1.39 4.85 4 25 3 1.08 3.78 8 12.5 4* 1.00 2.00 16 6.25 * the Note Generation 4 was not used in all experiments Page 76 Construction of the bifurcations which make-up was achieved with casting techniques and a planar, the airways two piece, The two piece airway model was three generation airway model. designed and built by Drs J. Hammersley and D.E. Olson in clear plexiglas Each half of the airway was cut Mich.). (Univ of using a numerically controlled milling machine, with a series of ball-end end mills. The circular cross-section of the branches, which are smoothly blended at junctions, are formed by the two the bifurcation halves and the branching geometry is formed by the tool path. The geometric scaling for Pedley (1977), nominal with the airway is two exceptions. that given by The availability of only size end mills restricts the values of the tube The resulting daughter-parent tube diameter diameters. ratios vary slightly from one generation to the value of 0.78 given by Pedley. 0.75 for the first two generations, another and from The diameter ratio's are and 0.778 for the third. The second difference is that the radius of the tube curvature is fixed, and does not taper from the bifurcation to the point at which the branching angle is met. radius of curvature is used instead, value of the curvature radius This difference is significant A constant representing to parent a typical tube radius of 7. and advantageous from an experimental standpoint because it generates a constant diameter straight section of tubing, L/D bifurcation. described ~ 1, between each The straight section isolates the airways, in the subtraction technique discussion, and as allows Page 77 the circular collars forming the rotary junctions to be cut on a lathe. Construction of the individual bifurcations began by making a wax cast of the planar airway formed by the void by the two halves of the plexiglas model. CT Bridgeport, ), The wax had a 3% ( Aqua-wax # 261-8105, shrink ratio when cooled left Gesswiein Corp, allowing the airway to easily be removed when the plexiglas model is separated. A wax bifurcation is cut out Aluminum collars are placed on the straight section at the ends of the daughter and parent tubes. wax bifurcation are then placed mold, and a casting compound #2850 FT with catalyst #11) is parted, the casting is poured into Cumming the mold. is removed and placed L/D The collars and in a specially built ( Emmerson and , two piece ,Stycast The mold in boiling water to remove the wax. Figure 4.9-1 shows the cross-sectional view of the final bifurcation. Smooth transitions between bifurcations are assured by the concentric collars which are tube center-line by the ' indexed to the diameter straight sections at the ends of the parent and daughter branches. The concentricity also allows the bifurcations to be rotated while maintaining the smooth transition. , of the airway at the mid-section between bifurcation junctions. Page 78 5. Estimation of Correction Factors 5.1 Axial Velocity Profile Factor Factors were introduced into the steady one-dimensional 3 to energy equation in Chapter The axial three-dimensionality in the flow. factor, fa, velocity profile and can be written in equation 3.7.10, is defined the include the effects of in the equivalent form; fa = 5.1.1 P3 uudA 1 IQ I' ] LU U2Q Inspection of 5.1.1 actual i [ J d A shows that fa represents the ratio of kinetic energy flux to same flow rate with a blunt the flux that would occur velocity profile. can therefore be considered an at the The value of fa indication of the "bluntness" the velocity profile, decreasing to 1 as the profile becomes flat. Evaluation of fa, and its Reynolds number dependence, requires detailed measurements of the velocity profile. The laborious nature of velocity mapping techniques and the need to evaluate fa at every flow rate tested places practical number of experiments for which evaluated. Alternately, limits on the fa could be the dependence of fa on more easily measured bulk experimental quantities can be investigated, correlations and/or theoretical predictions developed calculate fa. and to The resulting measurements or estimates of fa Page 79 if the errors based on bulk properties can be used, introduced are within an acceptable range. Two methods have been investigated to estimate the value of fa. The first method utilized 5.1.1 the exiting momentum flux, approximate relation between fa and which is a measurable experimental to develop an quantity. The relation between fa and the momentum flux can be seen by writing the axial velocity, u, a perturbation, &. as the sum of the average velocity, U, Substitution into 5.1.1 GI 5.1.2 where aa gives; 3 dA - fa = 3a - 2 + is the normalized axial momentum flux, defined as the ratio of the actual momentum flux to the flux that would occur at the same flow rate with a blunt profile. The normalized flux, aa, is given by; 5.1.3 aa J = 2 dA 2 dA u - [+j = The exiting momentum flux, M, - II and can therefore be written in terms of aa as; 5.1.4 M = aa C gU2] Application of the momentum equation to the control volume shown in Figure 5.1-1, relates the momentum flux to a experimentally measurable quantity, momentum flux, M, a restraining force. is balanced by the force created by the The Page 80 impinges on a stationary plate which exiting fluid as it The momentum correction factor, the flow 900. turns aa, can be determined along with the flow rate and driving pressure by measuring the restraining force in addition to identified. pressures already Relating (a to fa requires that the it should be small in comparison to which are on the order small integral quantity in Inspection of the integral 5.1.2 be known. the two term indicates the other terms in 5.1.2, The velocity perturbation, '1. in comparison to U, and G, The the area can therefore be expected U/U integrated over to be small is the average value of U- when integrated over the cross-section is defined to be zero. cube of that in comparison to 1 because the values are small, and the values are both positive and negative over the crossThe axial velocity correction factor can therefore be section. in terms of the approximated number, momentum flux and Reynolds two experimentally determined quantities as; M 5.1.5 fa = 3aa - 2 = 3 2 P* Re - 2 The second method developed to determine fa based on bulk properties utilizes published velocity profiles measured expiratory flows. allows direct developed. The results for the velocity profiles integration of 5.1.1 correlations of in numerically, and possible fa with experimental conditions to be Only a limited amount of experimental data on the velocity profiles in expiratory flows is available to evaluate Page 81 the integrals. The published velocity profiles available, Figures 5.1-2a to g, were scaled, integrals evaluated and the with finite difference approximations. see The errors introduced by the scaling process and the integration approximation are but are estimated to be on the order of difficult to quantify, 10%. The results for a range of expiratory flow conditions were found to correlate well Additionally, with the tracheal the results provided confirmation of the approximation in arriving at 5.1.5. fa and aa, Reynolds number. The resulting values of and the range of experimental conditions and Reynolds numbers at which the values are evaluated are summarized in Table 5.1-1. Table 5.1-1 Reference Jan 1986 Chang and Menon 1985 Configuration Quasi-steady, single bifurcation Asymmetric human upper airway cast Hardin and Yu 1980 Symmetric idealized pulmonary model Reynolds 1982 Asymmetric human airway cast Tracheal Reynolds # aa fa 200 1.15 1.47 1060 1.11 1.32 5712 1.07 1.21 6000 1.03 1.09 6811 1.02 1.08 2760 1.06 1.17 2260 1.09 1.22 8000 1.04 1.13 12200 1.04 1.13 Page 82 fa, The cross-plot of aa and along with the predicted relation is shown in Figure 5.1-3. The small deviations of the experimentally determined relation between fa and aa from the prediction are within the approximate error band of Included predictions of the in the Figure are also theoretical relation between fa, and (a for the self-similar velocity profiles established in flow in a long straight considered 10%. laminar and fully developed turbulent tube. These comparisons can be to cover the profile extremes expected in expiratory flows and further validates the assumptions used to generate 5.1.5. Figure 5.1-4 presents the cross-plot of fa and The plot shows fa decreasing with Reynolds number. Reynolds number, confirming the observations increasing that velocity profiles become more blunt as the Reynolds number A tracheal increases. least squares curve fit gives the approximate relation; 5.1.6 + 6.54 Fa = 1.05 ,/Re The behavior of fa can be explained in terms of the observed expiratory flow characteristics. profile is typified by a blunt core and similar The axial velocity thin boundary layer, to both entrance type flows and high Dean number curved tube flows. In both cases, the boundary layer is seen to thin as the flow increases for a fixed geometry. Estimation of fa values and a confirmation of the boundary Page 83 layer analogy can be generated by considering the effect of a kinetic energy flux. thinning boundary layer of exiting flow profile can be approximated as shown blunt core with velocity Uo, in Figure 5.1-5, a and a linearly decreasing velocity in the boundary layer. Integration of the velocity profile for a given value of the normalized boundary thickness, The layer S'=&/a, gives the average flow velocity and exiting kinetic energy flux to be; 5.1.7 5.1.8 U = Uo ( 1 - dA 3 = Uo u S' 1 2 + - S' 3 2, 33 1 - - 8' + -8 5 2 which can be combined to give fa as; 2 E 1 - 1.5 8' +0.6 V' 5.1.9 1 fa = [ 1 - S' For entrance flows, + 0.333 '2 3 the boundary layer thickness can be approximated by the Blasius flat plate boundary (Equation 3.4.1) S'<<1. layer growth with free stream velocity Uo, as long as Figure 5.1-6 shows the prediction of fa for the Blasius relation at tube lengths of 1.75, and 3.5 diameters. The relation is seen to be relatively insensitive to over the narrow range, fa values found length and provides an excellent prediction of in expiratory flows. For high Dean number curved tube flows, the boundary layer was Page 84 shown in 3.5 to be; 5.1.10 where C ' = C [ Re Sr is an unknown constant near 1, and is based on the average tube velocity. the Reynolds number To evaluate C, high Dean values of fa calculated by Olson (1971) the can be used to compare the results of 5.1.9 with the boundary layer Olson's experimental thickness given by 5.1.10. are well fit for Dean numbers greater be approximately equal to 2. values of fa than 200 if C is taken to Applying 5.1.10 to the typical values of fa based on the curved lung geometry with Sr=1/7, tube boundary layers are also shown in Figure 5.1-6 to predict the form and magnitude of the expiratory values of fa. In a similar fashion, the results for fa based on the velocity profiles calculated for the 2-D convergent channel also shown in Figure 5.1-6. The ability of the curved are tube, entrance and 2-D convergent channel profiles to so closely predict the results for the expiratory data strongly supports the observation that expiratory flow can be characterized by a blunt profile and thin boundary layer. The consistent predictions for fa for a wide range of geometries also supports the use of the correlation in 5.1.6 to predict fa for idealized bifurcation. therefore not likely variation Errors in using this form for to be large, in determining fa are and can be estimated from the in the results to be within about t5%. The error the fa experimentally from Page 85 measurements of exiting momentum flux can be estimated to be significantly higher. 2% error only Achieving 5% error overall in the Reynolds number measurement, and allowing requires that the momentum flux be measurable to within accuracies of about 1%. This accuracy is highly unlikely due to the difficulties associated with measuring forces, and the noises introduced by turbulence and other fluid dynamic effects in the exhaust tank. High accuracies require that the diverter plate be large to edges. insure that no axial momentum "leak" around the Small pressure variations within the exhaust tank as a result of the fluid motions therefore can exert large forces when working over the large surface of the diverter plate. view of these uncertainties in the direct measurement the correlation with Reynolds number, 5.1.6, of In aa, will be used to reduce the experimental results. 5.2 Secondary Velocity Correction factor The secondary velocity correction factor, the kinetic energy flux contained the exiting flows. in the secondary velocites of The magnitude of fs is the ratio of kinetic energy flux contained to the axial fs, represents in the secondary velocities, normalized kinetic energy flux that would occur with the same flow rate and a blunt axial velocity profile. The value of Fs is defined written as; in equation 3.9.7 and can be Page 86 [ 2 fs = 5.2.1 Vsec LU where Vsec 2 u dA - -A JU is the magnitude of the secondary velocity. Evaluation of fs is more difficult than for fa because of the lack of experimental data on secondary flow profiles in expiratory flow. The secondary velocity profiles have been visually studied, but are difficult experiments to quantify because the secondary velocities are typically a fraction of the A number velocity magnitude. local but only two studies have conducted on inspiratory profiles, been published which present of studies have been measurements on secondary flows in expiration. and Chang in a model Menon (1985) measured velocities the secondary of the human upper airways, and Jan the secondary velocity profiles in an single model in oscillatory flow. shown in The secondary Figure 5.2-1a to integrated numerically similarly to fa. 5.2.1 bifurcation velocity profiles are These published c. measured (1986) results can be the method described for An alternate technique is to approximate the integral in as; Vsec fs 5.2.2 The results for agreement with normalized integrals = 2 u - 2 dA - the numerical the estimate based ~ (Vsec/U)ave integrals are on the secondary velocity magnitude. and estimates are summarized in good of the results for the average value The in Table 5.2-1. Page 87 Table 5.2-1 Vsec/U Estimated fs Reynolds # Integrated fs Chang & Menon (Station 3) 1060 .04 0.215 .046 Chang & Menon (Station 2s) 1060 .04 0.214 .046 .028 0.18 .032 Tracheal Investigator 166 Jan (ave) The magnitude of the secondary velocities are most likely established by the curved tube type phenomena. The secondary velocity scaling for curve tube flow was shown to be linear This scaling explains the with U for high Dean numbers. constant Vsec/U, as seen in Table 5.2-1, and allow fs to be estimated as a constant for high flow rates. fs z 0.04 5.2.3 This approximation is not where the scaling changes, reduced relative to U. scaling lower flow rates, valid at and the secondary velocities are But, as seen in table 5.2-1, is approximately valid down to a Reynolds number of about 200 for a typical bifurcation. At these lower reynolds numbers, the kinetic energy flux becomes small to other terms in the energy equation, error the in comparison which minimizes any in approximating fs as a constant. Page 88 5.3 Pressure Correction The pressure correction term introduced in equation 3.7.7 accounts for the effect of non-uniform pressure and axial in using velocity profiles the a simple area averaged pressure The correction becomes necessary energy equation. in in the subtraction experiments because average pressures and not velocity weighted pressures are specified with the hydrostatic heads. the pressure correction Evaluation of due to complete the is difficult term measurements of lack of experimental Estimates static pressure distributions in expiratory flows. of the correction term of errors the correction terms are likely as however, in sufficient accuracy the estimate are therefore only can be made, to be small order second and system errors. To estimate the order to can be considered streamlines. normal to the streamlines the pressure perturbations result of the in perpendicular df Rs variations the streamline, to pressure gradient and the streamline. across the the in the flow pressure gradients to be written; is the velocity magnitude, Rs curvature curvature g V2 - - dP Pc, equation allows The Euler 5.3.1 where V be a of n is is the radius of in the direction The magnitude tube can approximated and using by an average radius of the pressure integrating of curvature, the Page 89 giving; U2 C a g p' - 5.3.2 Rs where C is the tube and a 1, near is an unknown constant, radius. The radius of curvature for a streamline can be written in the vector equation form ( Hildebrant ) ; 3 Rs = 5.3.3 I IA X V is a result of the velocity where the acceleration vector A vector V changing with position in a steady flow. Evaluating allows the curvature 5.3.3 in the torrodial coordinate system, radius to be written in terms of the tube radius, and the velocity components; 5.3.4 (v/w) 1 + Rs = r J 2 U 2 I For expiratory flows, velocity components, V V2 + 2 + W2 W2 tangential secondary the radial and v & w, + are on the same scale, and the square of the axial velocity is typically large compared to the square of the secondary velocities (v 2 +w 2 ), which allows an average radius of curvature to be approximated as; 5.3.5 Rs Z /2 a [ V/Vsec ]2 combining with 5.3.2 gives; 2 5.3.6 p' I z -A Experimental C g Vsec support for = rU2 V2 C (Vsec/U) 2 this scaling can be demonstrated Page 90 the tube by measurements of the pressure variations along While this wall. is not equivalent to establishing the true pressure variations, Figure it should reflect the magnitude. 5.3-1 presents the pressure difference measured in two pressure taps at the top and side of the daughter branch of a bifurcation with planar symmetric upstream airways. pressure difference wall at these wall positions, 900 was measured instead of the hydrostatic The separated by pressure otherwise the experiment was conducted as described difference, in Chapter 3. as they should These two points were chosen, reflect the maximum pressure variation along the wall given the expiratory flow profiles previously presented. The experimental results are fit reasonable well by the curve; confirming .06 P 2 2 * Del P z 5.3.7 Re 0.12 '4gU the P* and Reynolds number scaling and allows the constant C in 5.3.6 to be approximately evaluated as; C = 2//2 5.3.8 .12 / EVsec/U] where an additional factor of 2 2 = 3.67 is introduced to reflect that the pressure perturbation along the wall will be about half of the maximum. order The results confirm that the constant C is of 1. To determine the pressure correction term, a more sophisticated analysis is needed because each of the factors the expression giving Del So Pc can be both positive and negative. that while the scale of the term can be found relatively easily, in the actual value may be much lower, or possibly even Page 91 negative. the vortex cells can be To evaluate the pressure term, considered PL.., in the center of curvature, to have a low pressure increasing outward toward the wall and the center of the The average pressure in the cell can therefore be tube. written as; 2 Vsec P = P 5.3.9 + dA 1 de-- 'gU2 A 0 E is a dummy variable of integration, r is the radial where and C distance from the center of the vortex cell, correction constant evaluated previously. is the The pressure perturbation can therefore be written as; r r 5.3.10 Vsec p-P= p= 2 Vsec 2dE -] U2 dA 1 dE ] A 0 0 which allows Pc to be written as; r u Pc 5.3.11 Ysec j - L U ',gCU2= A U L J 2 de dA E -- A 0 Numerical evaluation of the right hand side of equation 5.3.11 was used to give the approximate pressure correction term. The integrals were difficult to perform because it required estimating the center of the available data vortex cell. is sparse to evaluate the integrals, The and is the same as the data to evaluate secondary velocity correction factor. The results give a value of .06, which as expected is Page 92 small, and on the order of the secondary velocity correction factor. 5.4 Correction factor Implementation The frictional pressure drop in the test bifurcation was written in equation 4.3.4 as the difference between two two correction factors. minus the sum of experimental values, The correction factors can be combined term as the pressure correction writing into one expression by fs=0.04, Pc/'gU 2 =.06, to give; 5.4.1 4 2 Del Pk + Del Pc = fa+0.1) *KP*Re With the aid of 5.2.3 and 5.1.6, '/4E (fa+0.1)] the sum of the correction factors can be combined into one correction factor, can be written in terms of the f, which local reynolds number; 5.4.2 1.15 + 6.54 f = fa + 0.1 = ,/Re this allows the correction factors to be reasonable degree of accuracy, only one measurement, implemented with a an estimated insensitive to the geometrical flows, in terms of the tracheal Reynolds numbers. of 5.4.2 as well as the constant were found apply with about 5%, details, to be relatively and can be expected the same level of accuracy to real as well as those The form in idealized bifurcations. to pulmonary Page 93 6. Symmetric Airway Results 6.1 Planar System Results The planar system results covered the Reynolds number range from about 50 to experiments. 10,000 with two sets of the quasi-steady The fluid mixture used in the first set of experiments had a high glycerin content with a kinematic viscosity of about 0.45 cm 2 /sec, resulting in tracheal numbers from about 50 to 2000. The fluid mixture used second set of experiments had a lower glycerin content, 2 yielding a kinematic viscosity of about 0.125 cm /sec, tracheal Reynolds numbers from about 300 to 10,000. Reynolds in the and The normalized results from the two sets of experiments were superimposed to cover the entire Reynolds number range, over- lapping from Reynolds numbers of about 300 to 2,000. Typical experimental tank height verses time results for the low and high viscosity mixtures for both the four generation, and the three generation "upstream" airway network are shown in Figure 6.1-1. and scaled, tracheal The noise The curves were then differentiated as described in chapter 3, to generate the Reynolds number verses normalized pressure difference. is similar is equivalent to to that found for the entrance test, and the level of digitation noise associated with the data acquisition equipment. Each experiment was conducted at reduced and analyzed separately. checked, least twice, and the data The normalized results were and found generally to vary by no more than about 1 to Page 94 Larger variations were taken as an indication of 2%. experimental error, This and the experiments were repeated. level of error can be expected primarily as the result of digitation noise in calculating the Reynolds number. The normalized pressure-flow results were into The overlap of the two overlapping experimental ranges. two ranges, as with the entrance test, then synthesized confirm both the theory and conclusion that the experiments scale with P* and Reynolds number. The static pressure difference for the single test bifurcation is given by subtraction of the experimental results according to 4.3.2. Figure 6.1-2, The subtraction the total upstream loss, the test bifurcation diameter P*, Reynolds number and normalized the corresponding in the trachea of the test bifurcation. The static pressure loss in the test bifurcation can be seen to represent about 30% of losses. in where the results for the 3 generation experiment were re-scaled to represent to is graphically depicted the magnitude of the system This is contrasted with the entrance flow experimental results, in which t5% accuracy was achieved with experiments differing by only about 10%. Errors in the experimental measurements of the test bifurcation can therefore be conservatively estimated to be within 5%. The frictional component of the pressure loss in the test bifurcation can be computed by subtracting the corrected kinetic energy and pressure correction terms as given Figure 6.1-3 presents the total static loss, in 5.4.3. kinetic energy and Page 95 pressure correction component, component. The components are all kinetic energy, normalized by Kinetic Energy = ' g U2 = 1 P* Re 2 Figure 6.1-3 shows, as would be expected, frictional losses dominate for Additionally, the nominal given by convention as; Nominal 6.1.1 and resulting frictional the that the lower Reynolds numbers. that the kinetic energy losses become more important and eventually dominate at the higher Reynolds numbers. The transition, where the contribution of frictional loss and changes in kinetic energy are about equal, occurs near a Reynolds number of 5000. To better understand the nature of the bifurcation, the loss in re-normalized to if the flow were everywhere This loss Poiseuille-like. form, loss can be the frictional loss that would occur the frictional is the expected lower asymptotic and the normalization demonstrates the extent to which the flow is affected by the presence of the bifurcations. The re-normalized results are shown in Figure 6.1-4., The frictional loss is seen to approach the expected Poiseuille-like form for Reynolds numbers of order loss smoothly increases with Reynolds numbers, nearly a 10-fold 100. and approaches increase over the Poiseuille form at a Reynolds number of about 10,000. 6.2 Embedded Bifurcation Assumption Inclusion of the upstream airways was The intended to Page 96 establish inlet boundary conditions for the test bifurcation which could be considered "typical" of an embedded bifurcation. equivalent The embedded bifurcation assumption is to assuming that the loss in any bifurcation within an idealized airway of infinite extent the local flow rate. While it is only a function of is impossible to experimentally verify this assumption, it can be approximately tested by comparing the pressure-flow results found in bifurcations at different generations To test the assumption, in the airway. the planar experiments conducted in the four generation system described above were repeated a three generation system. created by removing airways. in The three generation system was the terminal generations from the upstream The terminal branches were removed rather than the "tracheal" bifurcation so that the same test bifurcation could be used for both experiments, thus reducing errors introduced by slight model differences. Figure 6.1-4 also presents the results for pressure loss found for the test bifurcation with two generations upstream of the test bifurcation generation system), the frictional (the three and with three generations upstream. results are seen to be unaffected by the change The in generation, differing by less than the estimated experimental error of 5%. 6.3 Effect of Upstream Airway Orientation The bifurcations in the lung are not oriented in a planar Page 97 manner, but at a variety of relative angles, generating a fully three-dimensional branching network. To determine the effect of three-dimensionality on the pressure difference across a bifurcation, the bifurcations were systematically rotated 900 from the planar orientation. Three sets of experiments with symmetric in the upstream airway increasing levels of "three-dimensionality" were conducted to estimate the effect of bifurcation orientation on the pressure loss. Configurations tested are shown in Figure 6.3-1, and were selected so as to preserve the symmetry of the airway system. System symmetry allows the preceding analysis to be used reducing the experimental results, in maintaining equal flows down each branch of the system. Normalized results for the frictional pressure loss in the test bifurcation for the three non-planar configurations tested are presented in Figure 6.1-4. The results for the frictional loss were obtained by assuming that the velocity profiles are unaffected by the change in the orientation of the upstream bifurcations. This assumption allows the correction factors previously developed to be used. Support for making this approximation was obtained from the experimental results of Chang and Menon (1985). The factors calculated from Chang and Menon's work were measured planar pulmonary casts, and were found in non- to fall on the same correlations as the results for correction factors found from the symmetric planar systems. Similarity in the results for the frictional losses in the Page 98 test bifurcation despite the variety of upstream bifurcation orientations indicates that any three-dimensional effects on the pressure-flow relationship The results consistently fall within a band of negligible. about in the test bifurcation are The and show no observable trends. 5%, considered negligible as it 5% band can be is of the same magnitude as the estimated error in the system results. 6.4 Effect of Additional Parent Tube Length Typical length-to-diameter ratios encountered lung are not fixed, as from about 2 in the idealized model in the upper airways, peripheral airways to up in the human at 3.5, but vary in the to about 5 (Nikiforov and Schlesinger 1985). The effect of the length to diameter ratio on the frictional loss in a bifuration can be estimated by studying the loss in a straight tube segment downstream of a bifurcation. A complete assessment of the effects of length ratios on the pressure-flow relationship to diameter is likely to be more complicated, as changes in kinetic energy fluxes for a given flow rate can also be expected to occur. Additionally, possible cascading effects of length-to-diameter ratios are also neglected. This experiment was conducted by adding a straight tube section of length 3.5 diameters to a planar airway. Once again, symmetry is preserved, three generation allowing the same previously described analysis to reduce the experimental results. A simplifying difference in applying the subtraction Page 99 technique is that tubing does not the additional include a change loss in the added length of in velocity or kinetic energy. Because the flow area is constant and the correction factors are assumed to depend only on Reynolds numbers, no kinetic energy change is assumed to occur. The pressure flow relations for the airway with and the additional straight section, along with the without difference due to the additional Figure 6.4-1. The additional tube section is shown in pressure loss, Poiseuille loss at the same flow is shown along with the normalized normalized by the in Figure 6.4-2, loss in a planar bifurcation. Comparison of the results for the two systems demonstrates the striking similarity. negligible, found as they approximately fall within the that for lung, 5% band assumed to represent the in the orientation experiments, The similarity in results experimental error. the Differences in the results are is an indication the length-to-diameter ratios typically encountered the pressure-flow relationship can be considered to be linearly proportional to A slight increase tube length. loss in the straight in the measured tube section at high Reynolds numbers may be an exception. While the magnitude of the deviation indicated by the results may lead is not though, reflect an the straight tube. increased error Figure 6.4-1 the trend to significant differences at Reynolds numbers higher than '10,000. could, large, This deviation in the results for shows that represents only about 5% of the signal at the signal the higher Reynolds in Page 100 numbers, increasing the potential errors. 6.5 Comparison of Results A summary of all of the experimental results for the pressure-flow relationships for symmetric flow conditions in the idealized test bifurcation are shown in Figure 6.5-1. The results can all be represented by a single band which represents a prediction to within 5%. The band of results are seen to be well represented by the curved tube theoretical with the bifurcation curvature ratios of 1/7, given prediction, by the simple relation; P Del [32 P* L/D 6.5.1 0.556 + 0.057 Re K Re 1 is valid down to a Reynolds number of about 60, below which which, the frictional Poiseuille loss. loss Del P The factor K is is given identically by the introduced in the Poiseuille loss term to account for the difference in daughter/parent tube Reynolds numbers encountered in a bifurcation, allowing in the expression. the use of just tracheal Reynolds number The factor K is defined by applying the Poiseuille loss to leg each in the bifurcation, K 6.5.2 where Dp/Dd which = '4 giving; 1 + '4 (DP/Dd)] is the parent tube - is a constant 1.333 for the = 1.092 daughter tube diameter ratio, idealized bifurcation. Applying this relationship to each branch of a bifurcation Page alters the numerical constants Reynolds number dependence. because it is 101 in 6.5.1 slightly because of the The first term remains unchanged but the second term must be raised to linear, 0.067 to account for the lower velocity in to apply the results to each branch of a Therefore, bifurcation, basing on the local parent Reynolds number 6.5.3 the daughter branch. Del P P Del P Pois. and not the Reynolds number, the form to use is; =el 0.556 + 0.067 Re LJ Application of the entrance flow and 2-D convergent channel flow pressure-flow predictions are also shown in Figure 6.5-1. Two empirical entrance-flow predictions are included for comparison, one with no equivalent length assumed upstream of the bifurcation junction, and the other with an equivalent of one diameter assumed upstream of the bifurcation prediction with no assumed upstream equivalent but can be corrected with eqivalent junction. length The is high, the addition of the assumed constant length. The entrance theory with Leq=D predicts all of the results the results but fails to predict for the test bifurcation well, for the straight tube downstream of the bifurcation. straight tube section does not contain a junction, therefore no boundary The and layer thinning and re-growth occurs. The loss should therefore be given by the application of the entrance theory over the length of the additional accounting for the parent tube length and tube, the addition of the Page previously identified one diameter equivalent length. equivalent This was the while entrance theory can predict not found to be the case, results for 102 the straight tube section, it requires that no length be used. The apparently unpredictable nature of the equivalent length factor in the entrance theory suggests that that provided by correlation to the experimental results is curved tube theory. The similarity in the form of both entrance theory and curved tube theory, suggests the better strongly though, that while neither analogy may strictly apply, Reynolds number to the ' power the is the characteristic form for the pressure-flow behavior of a bifurcation. though, The 2-D convergent channel predictions, consistently predict the trend The L/D dependence is not in the experimental linear, but varies For for sufficiently high Reynolds Numbers. numbers this inverse dependence prediction due to the additional substantial results as inversely with L/D lower Reynolds is not dominate, Poiseuille-like form assumed by the flow. length results. due to the The drop in the is therefore not as it could be for very high Reynolds numbers, and in a prediction close to both the equivalent curved tube prediction and experimental results. 6.6 Transition to Turbulence The range over which the experiments in the idealized bifurcation were conducted varied from, 50 to 10,000. range contains the Reynolds number values which other This Page investigators have reported for 103 the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. By analogy to the sudden increase in pipe flow resistance that accompanies the transition to turbulence, many investigators have used changes in the slope of the Log-Log plots of the dimensionless pressure-flow behavior of expiratory flows as an indication of transition to turbulence. al (1980) Hardin et reported such a transition at a parent Reynolds number of 4500, Reynolds numbers of noted that Reynolds D.B. (1982) noted two transitions at 1800 and 4300, and Isabey & Chang (1981) the transition occurs between Reynolds numbers of investigator 1,500 and 4000. Each were not sudden, but gradual, the transitions noted that and attributed the gradual nature of the transition to the averaging that occurs in measuring losses over an entire system. Other expiration investigators have used flow visualization and hot-wire anemometry to detect Chang and Menon (1985) transitions to turbulence. used hot wire anemometry to measure velocity profiles, and while not directly investigating transitions to turbulence, noted that the flow was not fully laminar at a Reynolds number of only (1959) 1060. West & Hugh-Jones used die traces in water and noted that preceeding fully turbulent flow, "wavering", occurred in the main bronchus and trachea at a Reynolds number of 1550. Inspection of the experimental results for frictional pressure drop 4, gives no in the test bifurcation, presented in Figure 6..1- suggestion of a transition to turbulence. The Page 104 results increase smoothly from the Poiseuille form to the fully developed curved tube form with no apparent discontinuity Possible characteristic of a transition to turbulence. averaging in a complete airway which may mask a sudden transition should not occur with the experimental subtraction technique which determines the results for a single bifurcation. To further investigate the possible transition to turbulence in the test bifurcation, two sets of experiments were conducted. Hot wire anemometry and die-in-water traces established that transition to turbulence occurs in the Reynolds number range from about 1000 to 1500. Hot-wire measurements were made by placing the probe in the center of an extended axial positioned at the location corresponding to the exit of the test bifurcation. of a "trachea", The probe position along the axis of the trachea three generation planar airway, at a distance of diameters from the bifurcation center. A.C. 1.75 components of the hot wire traces recorded on a storage oscilloscope are shown in Figure 6.6-1 for six different Reynolds numbers. and position in the cross-section were varied, significantly effect the results. Orientation and not found to The width of the probe and its support prohibited measurements close to the tube wall, where velocity fluctuations are expected to be oscilloscope magnification, lower. The Reynolds number and average peak velocity fluctuations relative to the bulk flow are summarized below in Table 6.6.1. Page 105 Table 6.6.1 Y scale mv/div. Reynolds # Trace # G/U X scale sec/div. 1 713 20 .2 o.o0e 2 1037 20 .2 0.033 3 1548 20 .2 0.047 4 1585 20 .2 0I.04e 5 1697 20 .2 0.057 6 2286 50 .1 0.071 The traces show that small random fluctuations typical of turbulence are present at Reynolds numbers as low as 700, below which only the high frequency measurement noise is present. The fluctuations grow to represent about 7% of the mean velocity at a Reynolds number of about 2300, magnitude of the fluctuations were found constant. to remain roughly Selecting a single value at which is difficult, above which the turbulence begins but the fluctuations appear to grow rapidly until a Reynolds number of about transition value. 1000, which will be considered the This transition value is consistent with the other hot wire results of Chang and Menon with reported turbulence at a Reynolds number of 1060. Flow visualization experiements were used to transition from laminar dye tracer in water. identify the to turbulent flows with an India ink The original two piece planar airway formed by two clear plexiglas halves was used in the experiments to allow the flow to be easily viewed. The airway Page 106 model was placed in a large water filled container with the trachea connected to a hose leading to a drain. India ink dye was injected at various positions within the airway by maneuvering a catheter into position, and injecting the dye from a syringe source. The flow was driven by tank, the hydrostatic head in the supply and controlled with a variable resistance valve downstream of the airway. A simple bucket and stopwatch approach was used to measure the flow rates. The flow is observed to although clearly remain laminar, not poiseuille-like as secondary flows disperse the dye, a Reynolds number of about 1500 slight 1400. up to At a Reynolds number of about "wavering", as described by West & Hugh-Jones in the dye traces occurs at the exit of the trachea. Reynolds number increases, As the the wavering grows stronger and propagates upstream toward the bifurcation junction. The intensity of the dye wavering, or velocity fluctuations continue to increase until the dye breaks up into a fully turbulent flow at a Reynolds number of about 2300. The dye fluctuations are also seen to have propagated into the daughter branch at the same tracheal Reynolds number of 2300, 1500. which corresponds to a local Reynolds number of about The strongly turbulent region also propagates upstream toward the bifurcation as the Reynolds number Reynolds number of 3400 in tube, the trachea, increases. or 2300 in the daughter the strongly turbulent region is seen to enter the daughter tube. At a Page 107 This pattern continues to progress upstream as the "Wavering" starts at each branch Reynolds number increases. at a local Reynolds number of 1400, breaking up into strong local Reynolds number of about 2300. Thus establishing a transitional Reynolds number of about 1500, turbulence at a agreement with the results of West & Hugh-Jones, higher in but slightly than the transitional value found with hot-wire techniques. Discrepancies between the transitional Reynolds number value between the hot-wire technique and flow visualization techniques are not large, but appear to be consistent. A possible explanation for the difference is that the velocity fluctuations are a small fraction of the bulk velocity at the start of transition, and build to more significant increasing Reynolds numbers. The fluctuations are therefore not be easily visualized until in the time before the fluid These results are levels with they are large enough to grow leaves the bifurcation. in general agreement with the results of the previous investigators with the exception of the noted transition at or near a Reynolds number of 4500 by D.B. Reynolds and Hardin & Yu. lies in the manner in which identified. An explanation for this discrepancy the transition at 4500 was Hardin & Yu and Reynolds assumed that a change in the dimensionless static pressure-flow relation signified the transition to turbulence. The transition identified by these can be explained investigators and others in terms of the pressure - flow results. At a Page 108 Reynolds number of about 5000, the results show that the dominate factor contributing to the static pressure loss inertial changes from a viscous losses to an transition noted by these The investigators may therefore not be a but a regime transition, supporting the turbulent transition, results found losses. in this investigation. 6.7 Effect of Airway Collapse The idealized bifurcation proposed by Pedley, and used as the basis for this study presumes a circular cross-section for the airways. While this geometry is generally valid for neutrally and positively inflated airways Winter el al 1982), 1966, its validity for negative transmural pressure is not clear. effect ( Hyatt & Flath Non-circular airways are likely to the characteristics of the pressure-flow relationship, and are expected to be most important during expiratory flows where negative transmural pressures are present. The cross-sectional geometry of the airways complicated function of tissue properties, and lung inflation. typical Figure 6.7-1 tension in the lung parenchyma act tissue tethering, presents a cross-section of a airway proposed by Hughes et al forces acting to form the airway. (1974), showing the Internal airway pressure and to distend alveolar pressure acts to collapse the airway. airway wall is a the airway, while Tension in the tissue acts to resists distention under inflation, and bending stiffness resists airway collapse under negative transmural pressures. Studies of human tracheas and upper bronchial airways 1975, Khosla 1985) have demonstrated consistent crescent collapse patterns. The Griscom & Wohl 1983, Jones et al results of Khosla is typical, collapse for showing the crescent shape increasingly negative transmural collapse patterns are not These pressures. expected to be consistent through-out the airways because of the additional tissue support ( Page 109 asymmetric cartilage in the upper bronchial airways. Collapse patterns in all but the upper airways have not been documented well because of the experimental difficulties. Casting techniques are difficult to implement because the pressure distributions which establish the airway collapse have not been achived with static conditions necessary for cast setting. Optical observations are also difficult to implement in all but the largest airways. The small airway dimensions under collapsed conditions, and the distortions caused by hemispherical optics typical of commercially available bronchioscopes limit their usefulness. Stereo X-ray-tantalum dust techniques have been successfully implemented by Hughes et al (1974) to study intrapulmonary airways between 4.8 and 9 mm I.D.. views of thw airways were compared, geometries were constructed. et al for The stereo and cross-sectional The results obtained by Hughes a nominal 4.8 mm airway at two different lung volumes and a variety of transpulmonary pressures are shown Figure 6.7-2. In contrast to the upper airway collapse, results show nearly concentric collapse, except at the the low in Page 110 lung volumes and high pressures. (10 cm) collapsing transpulmonary The tedious nature of this approach has limited the available airway testing, leaving the exact nature of airway collapse still unclear. Without more extensive physiological information the effect of airway collapse on the cross-section geometry and the resulting influence on the pressure-flow relationship can To determine the extent only be approximate. to which "reasonable" airway geometries during collapse may effect pressure flow realtionship, the a simple semi-circular cross- section geometry was chosen because, " The crescent type collapse upper airways. is typical of the trachea and " It can be easily constructed with casting techniques and the two piece airway model. " It is similar to the previously tested circular geometry. The subtraction technique was implemented with the semicircular geometry with the two airway systems consisting of semi-circular airways. The results for the static pressure drop across the test bifurcation as a function of flow rate were obtained using the same method as before. reduce the data in non-dimensional form and energy and viscous loss component, To further into a kinetic some additional assumptions were made. First, the characteristic length used to calculate the Reynolds number and characteristic pressure P*, be the hydraulic diameter of the cross-section. was chosen to Page 111 Area D = 4 =4 Perimeter h 6.7.1 C '4u D2] D C D 1 + 'rT 2/u +1 the correction factors developed and used for the Secondly, circular 1 cross-section are also applied Additionally, cross-section. to semi-circular the results are the frictional longer L/D normalized by a Poiseuille-like form, which has a ratio without a corresponding due to the decrease in diameter change in length. The results for the frictional losses, normalized Poiseuille form are shown in Figure 6.7-3. channel. entrance type losses, The results have employed are based curved tube type and the loss in a 2-D on the hydraulic a curvature ratio of the Along with the experimental results are the predictions for correlation losses, to 1/11.45, and diameter, and a L/D ratio of 5.72. Despite geometry, of the significant in cross-sectional curved tested Reynolds number results are tube correlation Both range. lower due Reynolds numbers below about to Reynolds number tested of 300, 200. tubes with Schlichting (1979) the frictional the L/D dependence. At the results start to deviate within 10% at the This deviation at non-circular shows that most of entrance and convergent the Reynolds numbers can be expected based in straight over the weaker more significantly, but are still reduces loss falls within t5% the results for the frictional the empirical channel change on the lowest lower the results for flows cross-sections. the hydraulic diameter properly results for a variety of cross-sections Page in the turbulent regime, results but 112 typically under-predicts the in the laminar regime by about 10%. The ability of the analogy to curve tube flow is striking given that the semi-circular model of the test bifurcation, but also the L/D and radius ratio. While the tests are not conclusive, support to use the simple curved in most any state. theory at the significant regions. it provides substantial' tube correlation for the lung The underprediction of the curved tube low Reynolds number range in determining the overall that the errors are relatively low, the loss changed not only the shape is small is not expected to be pressure drop given and that the magnitude of in comparison to the higher Reynolds number Page 113 Flow Partition Experiments 7. 7.1 Background The actual flow conditions in the lung are not symmetric, as modeled here, but include asymmetric geometries and flows. These types of asymmetries have been found and documented throughout the lung al ( Horsfield 1971, Weibel 1963, Snyder et 1981) but their effect on the pressure-flow characteristics of the lung have not been elucidated. Asymmetric flow partitioning significant to have a influence on the pressure-flow relationship within the bifurcation. is that is expected The most obvious effect of asymmetric flows the pressure drop from each daughter branch in a bifurcation to the parent branch In addition, the mixing of is likely to be different. two steams of unequal velocities in the parent branch is likely to generate increased frictional dissipation over the symmetric flow case. The lack of published information may be a result of the deficiencies in the systemic approaches alluded to The subtraction technique, to however, above. offers a systematic means study the effects of asymmetric flow partitioning in a single bifurcation. The expected flow asymmetries in the upper airways have been documented by Horsfield. In order flows in each branch of the lung, to be proportional therefore acini, to to calculate the Horsfield assumed the flow the number of terminal bronchioles, which are subtended by the branch. and The flow Page 114 ratios vary from unity to over 4. substantially higher than unity, one sigma standard variation of The average flow ratio at a value of 2.1, 1.1. is with a These flow ratios do not represent the velocity difference in the two joining streams because the daughter included. tube area's are not This effect will be discussed further The approach used in the next chapter. to understand the effect of flow asymmetries on the pressure-flow relationship is parametric, utilizing the symmetric bifurcation previously studied. parametric approach and the subtraction technique, in the studies of symmetric bifurcations, utilized are likely to introduce some errors in modeling the flow. technique, as has been described before, The The subtraction introduces potential errors such as neglecting cascading effects. Further errors introduced by the parametric approach arise because flow asymmetries are not likely to occur alone, but in conjunction with other asymmetries. Olson which (1971) is not presented a typical pulmonary bifurcation symmetric, as has been modeled, Olson's asymmetric bifurcation model is shown in Figure 7.1-3, with daughter tube diameters which are not differences in resulting flow area's will flow asymmetries but asymmetric. equal. The interact with the to determine velocities in the daughter branches and therefore kinetic energy fluxes. While important to understand the limitations imposed by parametric approach, the insights developed by controlled variation of parameters are expected to improve the it is Page 115 understanding of pulmonary flows. 7.2 Experimental Procedure in applying the subtraction The conceptual approach technique to the asymmetric flow problem is similar for the symmetric flow case. The experimental be changed to establish the asymmetric flow, the pressure drops from each of parent branch. to that approach must and to isolate the the daughter branches to The experimental apparatus developed which achieves both the pressure isolation and asymmetric flow partitioning is shown in Figure 7.2-1. The asymmetric flow in the test bifurcation is established by specifying the flow in one of the daughter branches, the other head. while is allowed to vary with the changing hydrostatic Various flow ratios are therefore generated as the flow rate in the hydrostatically driven branch changes with the tank level. The prescribed flow, which separate circuit to isolate the fluid, centrifugal pump ( Gould model a flow restricting valve, (Fischer and Potter, model is contained in a is generated by a #3642 size #1 ), metered with and measured with a Rotometer 10A 1027A). Upstream boundary conditions for each daughter branch of the test bifurcation are maintained as before with airways distal to both daughter branches. The experimental techniques developed to measure the pressure flow characteristics of an airway for the symmetric flow studies are essentially unchanged in this case. Page 116 Differentiation of the tank level to measures flow rate, and a differential pressure transducer between the reservoir and exhaust tank measures the driving pressure. the loss in the upstream airway, which symmetric flow conditions, is an airway with from the loss in the hydrostatic branch gives the loss in the hydrostatic bifurcation. rate branch Subtraction of leg of the test The pressure difference in the constant flow is not measured. Four valves are positioned to allow the system to be filled and run with the same pump. The valve positions in the run and the fill mode are summarized in Table 7.2-1. Table 7.2-1 Valve Status Mode Gate Status #1 #2 #3 #4 Fill Open Closed Closed Open Closed Run Closed Variable Open Closed Open Near steady flow rates in the "constant" flow rate branch are maintained despite the change in operating pressures resulting from the change in pressure with hydrostatic Maintaining a constant inlet pump head, and minimizing level. the pump outlet pressure variations gives the near constant flow rate. Constant inlet pressures are maintained by supplying the pump from the exhaust with an overflow weir. tank which has its level maintained An added benefit of using the exhaust Page 117 tank as a supply to the pump is that it minimizes air entrainment in the system which would result if the aerated fluid in the storage tank were used. a high pressure ( several hundred inches of water ) Near constant downstream pressures are maintained by using centrifugal pump and metering the flow with a high resistance valve (#2). Pump flow studies with varying exit pressures typical of those expected showed that in an experiment (0 to 50 cmH20), the flow rate varied by less than 1.5%. This potential error is combined with two other additional level sources of error to increase the expected error in the flow partition experiments. introduced to Vibrations the system by the pump and errors in reading the constant flow source flow meter are expected the approximately t5% error found to add to in the symmetric flow experiments. 7.3 Data Reduction The subtraction technique, to give the total as outlined above, can be used static pressure difference across one leg of a bifurcation during asymmetric flow conditions. analysis previously developed for The the symmetric flow conditions to decompose the static pressure loss into frictional and kinetic energy components can not be used, it is no longer applicable. While the previously developed analysis does not apply directly, the energy based methodology used to develop the as Page 118 decomposition procedure can be used for the asymmetric flow conditions as well. The control volume selected to analyze the flow is shown in Figure 7.3-1. control The selection of the volume is such that; " The flow enters/exits the control control surface. volume normal to the " The control volume includes one daughter branch and parent branch of the bifurcation. the " The inlet to the control volume from the second daughter branch is the same area as the branch itself. Using subscripts 1,2 and 3 to refer with the variable flow, fixed flow, to the daughter branch the second daughter branch with the and parent branch respectively, continuity equation and energy equation allows the (3.7.1) to be written as; 7.3.1 Continuity ... 7.3.2 Energy Equation dVol= -Q P A U + A U = 2 2 1 1 U U 3 3 ... * 2 + 'f P Re 1L1 1 *2 + Iuf P Re 2L 2 2 2 o[P P + + Q J 3 *2 P Re 3 3 3J 'f Vol Where the correction factors and the pressure correction into the factor f, defined Note that the correction factors were developed for symmetric flow conditions, that but it was found the same correction factors applied in 5.4.2. the ( see Chapter 5 ) term have been included to asymmetric as well as symmetric flows. Following the definition of frictional pressure drops, integral of the dissipation function can be written as; the Page 7.3.4 dVol = Q J Del Pv 1 119 Del + Q 1 Pv 3 3 Vol Del Pv, where the subscripts on the viscous pressure drops, refer to the leg of the bifurcation in which the dissipation occurs. in terms of P, can be written Pe, The pressure, estimated. leg 2 must be the pressure at Before 7.3.3 can be used, and two pressure differences; = P- P 7.3.5 2 p 1 - P' LI - J [L P'1 - P The pressure loss in daughter branch #1, branch #2, Pe-P'e, are due to frictional -P [P + L 2 21 2 Pt-P'1 , and losses alone because the area of the daughter branch remains constant between bifurcation junctions. The pressure loss in the variable flow daughter branch can therefore be written as Del Pv1 , to be consistent with 7.3.4. Pe, is more difficult to assess, the base of each as flow in two curved tubes. P' 1 but can be approximated by considering the flow patterns in the geometry in the vicinity of the leg, - The difference in pressures at junction. The flow junction can be approximated The pressure differences are a result of gradients established by the centrifugal forces, given to a first approximation by the Euler normal equation 5.3.1. equation, Integrating the Euler equation across the cross-section and weighting the pressure by the differential area, gives the average pressure difference between the Page 120 centerline of the tube and the bifurcation carina as; a r 2-/a 2 -r 2 =g - dr J Rc '4ra2 - Del P 7.3.6 a 4U2 U2 c; 3r Rc 0 where a is the daughter curvature, tube radius, Rc and the ratio of the two for is .75*(1/7). is the radius of the test bifurcation The change in the radius of curvature across the cross section and the pressure variations due to the secondary flows have been neglected, and the axial velocity has been approximated by the average axial velocity, pressure difference across the U. The junction between the two legs can be approximated with 7.3.6 as; - U-U=c P+Re2 r P' 1 7.3.7 where r 4 a 4 3Tr Rc P 2 2 2 4 1 2 3n * Rc 3 is defined as the flow ratio, and for geometry of the ideal bifurcation r = U 7.3.8 /U =Q 1 Combining into a 2 1 2- 3 LE + r]2 the symmetric is given by; /Q 1 2 the expression for Pe and the continuity equation the energy equation gives; 7.3.9 Del Pv + Del Pv = Del F 1 3 - Del 2 r2-1 * 4 a Pk + - P Re2A /A21 3L 3 1JL E1 + r]2 3nRc 3 where the static pressure drop, Del pressure drop, Del Pk, are given by; R, and the kinetic energy Page 121 7.3.10 Del - P f=P 1 3 3 + fr 7.3.11 Del Pk = ' P f Re 3 3 A /A 33 3 (1 + where Del f 1 2 2 * 2 r R, r, and the Reynolds number are experimentally measured quantities. 7.4 Results The experiments were conducted at seven different fixed The fixed flows varied from 0 to 902 cc/sec, flow rates. which corresponds to a Reynolds number range in the daughter tube from 0 to 4390. The normalized results for in the test the total static pressure loss leg of the bifurcation at 6 of, the 7 different fixed flow rates in the second bifurcation Figure 7.4-1. The pressure loss is normalized to the kinetic energy flux, '4P*Re2 , in the parent bifurcation, and leg are shown in tube of the test is plotted against the flow ratio, F. experiment with 0 fixed flow is not shown because r (The is infinite) The normalized pressure loss about +.9, near a flow ratio of is seen .8, and decreasing values of the fixed daughter The pressure loss is seen decreases away from 0.8. to have a maximum of increases with tube Reynolds number. to decreases as F both increases and Negative pressure losses occur at Page low F, indicating that cause a pressure test 122 the presence of the fixed flow rate can increase along the direction of flow in the leg of the bifurcation. This apparent paradox can be explained by the pressure changes caused by the fluid accelerations. For conditions where the fixed flow rate is substantially higher than the variable flow in the test some leg of the bifurcation, pressure recovery occurs as the fixed flow slows upon entering the larger parent branch. This negative pressure loss can be accounted for by subtracting the predicted pressure loss due to kinetic energy changes. Figure 7.4-2 presents the decomposition of the static pressure loss, Pk, Del R, into the kinetic energy component, Del and the frictional component, Del Pv, experimental run. for a typical The negative pressure drops are shown to be predicted by the changes in kinetic energy, and leave as a remainder a positive pressure loss which is attributable to the affects of friction plus the curvature pressure correction. Further data reduction requires partitioning dissipation between the daughter branch and The viscous pressure loss the parent branch. in the daughter branch can be approximated by the loss that would occur flows were symmetric. the viscous in the leg This assumption is valid if if the the effects of the flow asymmetry do not propagate upstream. results of the symmetric experiments give this loss daughter branch as; in the The Pv = 32 P 11 Del 7.4.1 123 [.556 + L Re .067/Re] J - Page D The viscous pressure loss in the trachea was assumed to be the sum of two components; loss for in Figure 7.4- is shown the 6 different experiments to The loss is seen to be the same for each experiment, within about 15%, and is given by; 2 * Del Pe = 'P Re 7.4.2 1 -F 2 2[ 3 L1 + 3. The excess and an excess component. the flow were symmetric, if the loss that would occur This loss represents the excess kinetic energy flux due in velocity of the two mixing streams. to the differences in the straight simple momentum analysis of a mixing flow section of the parent tube is outlined gives the potential pressure recovery owing to A and in Figure 7.4-4, in the parent branch the velocity equilibration as; 7.4.3 P -P 3 where U -4 2 = ; ['U + L 31 3 and Uz. refer to 2 2 U U - L 32 the velocity + '12U 3 32 that the fluid in leg Using continuity, 1 and 2 attain when in the parent branch. 7.4.3 can be written as; U 2F P -P 3 = 3 UL 3 32 U - 32] + U 31 22 = - 1 2 U 3 32 - 7.4.4 -2 -U 31 r + 1 2 Page which is identical frictional 124 to the excess loss over and above estimated losses found experimentally. The similarity of the losses indicates that the available kinetic energy in the mixing streams due to the bulk velocity differences is not recovered as the flows mix to The a uniform velocity. 15% error represented by the results in Figure 7.4-3 is not reflective of the true predictive capability of the experimental correlations, as it is a cumulative error applied to only one component of the pressure loss. The excess loss was computed by subtracting a friction prediction which has an 5%, and a kinetic energy prediction which accuracy of about employed a number of assumptions. the three components, all The total loss is a sum of of which are approximately of the same order. For 1/2.1=.476), the additional typical flow ratios of about 2.1 approximately equal asymmetric pressure loss is to the change in kinetic, in an accuracy of about (or which results 5% in predicting the static pressure loss. The form used to describe the additional pressure difference created by the asymmetric effects has the distinct advantage of reducing to when the flow ratio the symmetric form automatically is one. Computational models can therefore include the asymmetric pressure loss term, apply to symmetric conditions with no and loss of accuracy. Page 8. 8.1 125 Implications for Pulmonary Flows Introduction A primary objective of this work relationship between pressure and expiration from a human lung. As were designed, flow developed relationship lung, a and The next step is to use airway into conditions in the distribution are the experimental and Intrinsic to known well that the The entire the enough the the overall the experiments properly lung, results. by numerically assembling and the chapters have complete lung. a complete system, that make-up these results to predict performance can be calculated. the assumption describe the pressure- elements which presented network can be simulated bifurcations to The previous pressure-flow performance of a during first step, experiments a in the structural these efforts and the flow rate which exists executed single bifurcation. described is to predict lung this approach simulated geometry and to permit is the flow flow accurate numerical modeling. To test networks the accuracy of geometries will complicated physiological human lung. Their are be these assumptions, tested first, then, simple airway more models before simulating a complete a number of reasons for working with the simplified models first; * Geometries and'flow distributions of the simplified networks are known, and do not have to be approximated. * Experimental results for a range of simplified geometries are available in the literature, and can serve as a check Page 126 on the numerical prediction over a wide range of flow rates. * The quality of the fit between the numerical predictions and the observed experimental results can serve as an indicator of the error in predicting the performance of a complete human airway. The first set of simplified airways which will be tested are idealized models constructed to simulate only a few These models are smooth generations of the airway network. walled, branch symmetrically, and have equal flows in branches Because the terminal branches can represent of the same order. a significant portion of the pressure drop of the entire airway, care is taken to represent of these airways accurately. flow correlations and the pressure-flow relation The numerical model uses entrance (Rivas & Shapiro 1956) for these branches, the experimentally determined curved tube type correlation elsewhere for the frictional dissipation. A number of physiological airway models are also available in the literature for comparison of the measured and predicted pressure-flow relationships. These models are less well characterized in terms of both geometry and distribution, but the pressure-flow character of the airway is well documented. The models are not smooth walled, asymmetrically, and sometimes branch than dichotomously. well flow branch trichotomously rather Numerical simulation of these models, as as a real human airway, require that the equations written previously for symmetric branching be modified for daughter branches of unequal For comparison purposes, size. Figure 8.1-1 presents the Page 127 estimated frictional pressure drop across a single bifurcation based on the measured systemic performance by several different investigators and the results from this study. the figure shows that frictional terms. Inspection of this study appears to under-predict One might that the systemic therefore expect predictions based on the results from this study will low. the also be If this is not the case, and comparison of the systemic prediction and actual experimental results are close, it would indicate that basing the performance of a single bifurcation of the systemic performance can introduce significant errors. 8.2 Pressure Drop correlations The correlations for the pressure drop components previously presented strictly apply only branched bifurcations. branch asymmetrically, be modified. Real airways, to symmetrically however, typically which requires that these expressions Asymmetric geometric conditions have not been tested experimentally, so the applicability of the asymmetric forms must be assumed to be at least approximately accurate. The geometry of the bifurcation is assumed to be that given in Figure 8.2-1. It is further assumed ratio of a bifurcation branch the experimental is constant at test bifurcations, Sr= 1/7. that the radius the same value as The viscous pressure loss correlation which applies to each branch of bifurcation therefore remains unchanged. Kinetic Energy Flux the Page 128 Application of the energy equation to determine the pressure drop due to the changing kinetic energy flux in a symmetric bifurcation with symmetric flow conditions is The expression was modified in 5.4 to in 3.7. outlined and the pressure work due to the energy in the secondary flows, pressure variations generated by the secondary flows. of the equation was further modified to account for asymmetric flow conditions interest, include in 7.3. The form the case of The case of physiological asymmetric geometry and flows, simple extension of the equation, and can be seen to be a is given by; 3 2 * Del P 8.2.1 = P KE Re 3 2 - f 3 3 1 2 [A /A 3 1J 3 c Where i 2- i + r 3 is defined as the daughter tube area ratio; 8.2.2 A / A 1 2 Inspection of 8.2.1 shows that it reduces to the previously developed expressions when the ratios are set equal symmetric geometry with 4=1, to 1; and symmetric flow conditions with r=1. Mixinq Loss The experimental investigation of additional viscous dissipation resulting from asymmetric flow conditions was reported in chapter 7. indicated that The results of the experiments the pressure loss can be predicted by assuming 129 Page the excess momentum in the two streams is lost as the Applying the momentum equation to the velocities equilibrate. straight section of the parent branch of the bifurcation in 8.2-1 gives; 2 * 8.2.3 Re 2 '4P Del P = (r -)2 ( + 1)2 -_ 4 m Inspection of 8.2.3 shows that it reduces to the proper form for the two simplifying cases. symmetric bifurcation, obtained. No mixing =1, For the case of a and the earlier result is loss occurs when the velocities of the two daughter branch streams are equal; V 8.2.4 Q A Q 1 1 1 V A 2 2 2 or when; = Q 8.2.5 Q 1 A 2 A 1 2 8.3 Prediction of Model Experiments Two sets of model experiments are available in the literature which present measurements of the static pressure drop across a set of symmetric bifurcations. (1980) developed a smooth walled symmetric Reynolds (1980) blown glass tubing. D.B. experiments in rigid "Y" connectors, Hardin and Yu lung model from conducted two sets of one with L/D ratios of 5, the other with L/D ratios of 9. Prediction of Hardin & Yu's Results The bifurcations used in the study are very similar to Page those in this study, and 130 it could therefore be expected that the results should also be similar. pressure drops, though, The reported frictional differ by about a factor of 2. Figure 8.3-1 presents the range of Hardin and Yu's experimental results, and the numerical prediction for the normalized total static pressure drop. to be good, to within about 1000 to 10,000, range. and is best The agreement is seen 10% over the Reynolds range from in the higher Reynolds number The agreement is good over the entire range, despite Hardin and Yu's contention that a transition to turbulence occurs at a Reynolds number of about 4500. The agreement between the measured and predicted static pressure drop is much better than would be expected given the difference in calculated frictional pressure drop. The agreement is better than would be expected for two primary reasons. The first is that Hardin and Yu assumed that the kinetic energy correction factors were unity, underpredicting by about Yu did not 15%. The second reason is include entrance effects in the peripheral airways which were a significant fraction of the total system, that Hardin and loss in their in an overprediction of and the averaging resulted true dissipation results for a bifurcation. Prediction of D.B. Reynolds Results The experimental results and prediction are excellent agreement for both airway models, as shown in Figure 8.3-2. The agreement supports the linear L/D dependence found in the Page 131 this study, Reynolds, given the much longer L/D ratio's tested by both L/D ratios tested. and the fit for The close agreement in the static pressure the value of loss could be expected given the close agreement losses shown Yu, in Figure 8.1-1. in frictional Unlike the case for Hardin and frictional resistances in airways with constant area tubes Reynolds data drop off rapidly away from the trachea. therefore more closely reflects the frictional relations internal in the bifurcations. 8.4 Prediction of Physiological Model Experiments Two sets of experiments were published which present the pressure-flow relationship for a more physiologically accurate airway network than the was reported by Isabey and Chang central airways of the human lung Meditech, Watertown, Ma). Reynolds and Lee right (1979) idealized models. The first in a model of the (1981) (Zavala Lung Model, The second was reported by in a cast of a human lung below the intermediate bronchus. Zavala Lunq Model A drawing of the Zavala lung model 8.4-1. The details of the Zavala model by Slutsky et al (1980), including trichotomies, For presenting and geometry were reported the branching pattern, the branch the purposes of simulating the flow was reconfigured is shown in Figure lengths and diameters. in the cast, the model into the "dichotomous" representation shown in Page 132 Figure 8.4-2. Table 8.4-1 presents the branching pattern and dimensions of the dichotomous model. Note that the dimensions reported for model the dichotomous are different from those given by Slutsky et al, part due to in Inspection of a the translation of trichotomies. male cast of the Zavala lung model also generated some dimensional differences because the diameters reported by Slutsky et al were the major axes for elliptical sections, and not a hydraulic or area averaged diameter. Prediction of Isabey & Chang's Results Despite the differences in geometry, the agreement between the experimental results of Isabey and Chang and prediction is good. The comparison in Figure 8.4-3 presents the experimental results and the numerical prediction based on two different flow distribution assumptions. assumption The first is that the flow is distributed according fraction of alveoli subtended by 1971). the numerical the branch to the (Horsfeild et al, The second flow distribution is believed to better represent the actual experimental conditions by generating a uniform pressure in the peripheral airways exposed to the plenum. Figure 8.4-4 presents the pressure drop components, expected, the static pressure drop is dominated by viscous dissipation at about 2200, Mixing and as low Reynolds numbers. At a Reynolds number of the kinetic energy component starts to dominate. losses are an order of magnitude lower than the other Page 133 Table 8.4-1 "Dichotomous" Zavala Lung Model "Internal" Branches... Diameter Length cm cm 2. 10 1. 70 1. 80 1. 20 1. 30 1. 20 1. 70 0. 90 1. 20 1. 70 0. 70 1. 20 0. 90 0. 90 1. 20 0. 70 1. 00 0. 90 0. 80 0. 70 0. 40 0. 70 0. 50 0. 70 0. 50 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 80 0. 60 0. 70 0. 50 0. 70 0. 70 0. 80 0. 90 1. 00 7.90 5.20 3.90 3.20 1.90 2.20 1.80 1.80 1.20 0.30 1.30 0.70 0.80 0.30 0.30 1.20 0.60 0.70 1.50 0.80 0.90 0.40 1.20 1.10 0.60 0.90 1.10 1.00 1.10 0.70 0.60 0.40 1.50 2.10 2.30 0.30 0.20 0.20 Branch Numbers Parent Other D. Daug.#1 Daug.#2 0 1 1 3 2 2 4 6 3 7 5 5 4 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 32 32 19 18 17 0 3 2 9 6 5 13 17 4 18 12 11 7 19 20 21 8 10 14 15 16 23 22 25 24 27 26 29 28 31 30 33 32 35 34 77 39 65 2 5 4 7 11 8 10 14 15 16 22 24 26 28 30 32 38 37 36 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 34 66 68 70 72 74 64 3 6 9 13 12 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 65 39 77 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 35 67 69 71 73 75 76 Branch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Page 134 Table 8.4-1 (Continued) "Dichotomous" Zavala Lung Model "Terminal" Branches Diameter cm 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.30 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.40 Length cm 1.40 2.10 1.90 1.20 1.60 1.70 1.50 1.20 1.20 2.10 1.90 1.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.80 1.70 2.20 2.70 1.20 1.50 2.30 2.20 2.00 2.00 1.30 1.00 2.30 2.30 1.20 1.10 1.20 1.10 2.90 3.00 1.20 1.30 1.50 2.60 Branch Numbers Parent Other D. 18 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 38 17 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 19 37 41 40 43 42 45 44 47 46 49 48 51 50 53 52 55 54 57 56 59 58 61 60 63 62 76 38 67 66 69 68 71 70 73 72 75 74 64 36 Branch Flow Percentage 2.3064 5.36 5.3685 1.81 1.8253 1.81 1.8253 1.3743 1.3743 3.8865 3.8865 3.1772 3.1772 2.4013 2.4014 2.4014 2.4013 2.3490 2.3503 3.8865 3.8865 1.60 1.6067 3.8865 3.8865 1.56 1.5793 3.1772 3.1772 1.5886 1.5886 1.5886 1.5886 2.591 2.591 2.290 2.290 1.56 2.591 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Page 135 components. The prediction is seen to fall high Reynolds numbers. The reason for this the roughness of the Zavala model, is not expected to be below the experiments at which, important in a real is assumed to be as discussed before, The lung. overprediction at low reynolds number is not great, only about 10%, and may be attributable to inaccuracies in the geometry modeling. Generation of Uniform Pressure Boundary Condition Given that the Zavala alveoli, lung model was not supplied by but by a uniform pressure plenum, the flow distribution calculated by Horsfield et al will correct. not be The more correct flow distribution is the one which generates uniform pressures in the peripheral branches. Unfortunately, the coulpled non-linear equations which characterize the pressure-flow relation are written to calculate a pressure drop given a flow rate. The equations and calculational scheme cannot easily be inverted to generate the required flow rates in an airway to produce a uniform upstream pressure boundary condition. To determine this more correct flow distribution, iterative approach was used. flow distribution, Starting with the Horsfield et al the problem was resistance matrix and calculating branch i, an linearized by forming a the change given a change in flow rate in pressure in in branch j. Page 136 8.4.1 R Delta P / Delta Q i j = ij After inverting the resistance matrix and multiplying by a uniform pressure vector, process had the flow vector is given. to be repeated a number of times because the problem is not linear, and the solution only represents an estimate of the correct flow distribution. iterations the flow vector converged, After a number of and remained constant. graphical presentation of the resistance matrix Figure 8.4-5, showing that would be expected, but negative values which to converge This that the matrix is shown in is primarily diagonal as it also contains off-diagonal is why a full matrix approach is needed to a solution. The non-linear resistances result in the flow distribution being a function of flow rate. The flow distribution is shown in Figure 8.4-6 for a number of different flow rates, as the initial assumed flow distribution. The flow distribution is seen to vary markedly from the form, but the pressure-flow results as well initial assumed in Figure 8.4-3 show that the systemic performance reacts by varying only about This finding will be Given that terminal lung is tested. the respiratory tree has upwards of 230,000 branches it becomes prohibitive resistance matrix. et al important when the full 10%. to form and invert a The 10% overprediction with the Horsfield flow distribution can then be taken as an indication of the error introduced by inaccurate flow assumptions. A 137 Page Prediction of Reynolds & Lee Lung Cast Results To model asymetric used. the lung portion used by Reynolds and Lee, lung model airways, Each BPS (BPS). branch of order 1, 2 proposed by Horsfield et al(1971) The model uses the central and one dimensions of provide the al Model 2 a statistical as an N bifurcates N-M, the branches for each BPS is excellent, though, 10,000. order 5. are different to N- The The Horsfeild et in Figure 8.4-7. Lee, along with The in Figure 8.4-8. with falling within the experimental 100< Re< one of a the pressure drop up to the right intermediate bronchus are shown two for where 3 and results of Reynolds and the numerical prediction for range from varies between is schematically represented the airway, two branches, best current pulmonary model. The experimental between average representation asymmetric into where M was in bronchopulmonary segments terminating is modeled of order the the agreement numerical prediction error band over The curvature of the entire the prediction tends to be slightly less than the experimental results. The flow distribution was Horsfield et distribution because of Zavala is al. the to attempt to generate a large lung model likely No was made results, be that to change given by the flow uniform pressure boundary condition number of terminal introduce no flow relation. assumed to the more error than in 10% branches. the Based on the flow distribution error in the pressure Page 138 8.5 Lung Simulations of systemic pressure drops results for With models. to predict a wide variety of airway we can move on with confidence agreement, this in a complete the pressure flow characteristics of lung. human lung Two models will be approaches to lung model the in The symmetric lung. accurate representation of a these the effects of lung lung, Comparison of the its use. based on indication of give an extremes is the most used pulmonary model its complexity has limited pulmonary predictions numerically because and the asymmetric Horsefield et al provides the most 2 represent the geometry of (1963) of Weibel its simplicity, due to model modeling investigated and they are both widely used, but with published shown excellent agreement this study have results on the experimental predictions based The numerical two lung models should and asymmetry, the sensitivity of pulmonary predictions on the details of the lung geometry. Figure 8.5-1 presents relationships of cast energy flux, the verses agreement between close; at worst, difference tracheal is the pressure-flow The results are pressure normalized and dimensional gV2, pressure/flow rate, The results for two pulmonary models. the two common forms, in the the two lung models diameters, th-e lung resulting kinetic models give in different in the trachea. is suprisingly not more than 20% apart. that the airway resistance, Reynolds number the to A major reason for different flow rates for the Page 139 same tracheal Reynolds number. Upon closer inspection of the results from the two models lung the tracheal diameter difference is seen to account for most of the difference at diameters are set equal, the Weibel model below the asymmetric model numbers. low Reynolds numbers. results then fall prediction at high Reynolds The reason for this is seen in Figure 8.5-2 which presents the pressure drop components for asymmetric model. If the the Horsfiel In the higher Reynolds number range the pressure loss associated with the mixing due to the model asymmetry represents about 20%'of the total static pressure loss. The symmetry of the Weibel model of loss, precludes this type and results in the static pressure prediction falling below the prediction of the asymmetric model. Pressure Distributions The distribution 'of pressure within the lung is important to determine the relative contribution of each generation to the overall pressure-flow characteristics. A difficulty arises in trying to present pressures and pressure gradients in the asymmetric path chosen. lung model because it will depend on the Unlike the symmetric airway model, the static pressure and viscous dissipation pressure drops will not be the same in branches which are distal the same number of generations to the trachea. Additionally, and alveoli will the number of generations between the trachea also vary depending on the path chosen with Page the asymmetric lung model. 140 Figure 8.5-3 presents the percentage of paths through each of the BPSs with a given number of branches between the trachea and alveoli for the horsfield lung model 2. Shown are the percentage of paths with a certain number of total generations following the shortest and longest possible path for each BPS. asymmetric the lung model Note that the will have many more generations into lung than the symmetric Weible model which consists of generations of conducting To present 18 airways. the data averaged quantities will average used for the asymmetric model be used. The is a simple arithmetic mean of the values at a specified number of generations into the lung. No flow percentage weighting is used. Figure 8.5-4 presents a comparison of the static pressures verses generations into the lung for a range of flow rates. of the averaging problem, asymmetric lung model static pressure drop Because the averaging static pressure in the is actually an integration of the average in each generation. Comparison of the results from the two models shows The gradient of static pressure is generally good agreement. seen to extend more deeply into demonstrating the increased resistance. difference the lung for low flow rates, importance of frictional At higher flow rates the inertial in the larger airways dominates. difference exists between pressure An interesting the results of the two models; pressure gradients are seen to remain at significant further into the lung for the asymmetric lung model. the levels Page 141 Viscous Pressure Drops The reason for the more significant static pressure gradients deep inside the the difference in frictional characteristics. lung with the asymmetric model is Figure 8.5-5 presents the pressure drop associated with viscous energy dissipation, including the curved tube type friction and mixing losses, vs generation into Surprisingly, the asymmetric maximums for the frictional first is similar symmetric the lung model more deeply in the shows that two local pressure drops can occur. in nature to lung model lung for the two models. the one predicted by the near generation 5. The second occurs much lung, near generation 22. To ensure that this second maximum does indeed occur, is not a manifestation of the averaging process, viscous pressure drop entire band of results indicates that and it and the average 1 standard deviation for four different flow rates are shown in Figure 8.5-6. occurs, The is therefore not The behavior of the this second maximum likely to be a aberration generated by the averaging process. Note that the second maximum is most pronounced at lower flow rates, presumably that as the flow rates are increased with the higher Reynolds numbers near which behave as Re1 - the trachea, (curved tube type friction) the terms and Re 2 (mixing loss terms) become dominate. To better understand the reason for the second maximum, the results were recast to present the frictional pressure drop vs Page 142 the second local indicate that The results once again Figure 8.5-7. diameter, maximum exists, and did not result from a peculiarity associated with the distribution of average airway diameter with generation. diameter and Figure 8.5-8 presents the average lung models. length to diameter ratios for both in number of generations, Apart from the difference models demonstrate the same general with generation into both lung dimensional characteristics the lung. The reason for the second maximum must therefore be based on the interaction fluid dynamic phenomena and the asymmetry of the lung geometry. the asymmetric lung geometry, with unequal flows mixing losses, To analyze how a local maximum can occur consider a single bifurcation in each daughter branch. which are not important deep Neglecting into the lung, the viscous pressure drops are simply the curved tube type result found for symmetric flow conditions. the viscous pressure to loss in the daughter branch, 8.4.2 = . 1 + I L r the parent branch, of order N-1, 1.5 Dn-1/Dn 15]Re L J 2 The ratio, of of order N, is given by; 3.5 rL/D]n J 0.743 l, >> 60 [L/DI n-1 8.4.3 I1 + L 2 r 1I= Dn-1/Dn J L 0.794 3 EL/D~n Re 1 60 [L/D] n-1 The ratio factor, is constructed from three terms; diameter ratio factor and L/D factor, nominally near unity. a flow ratio which are The product of these ratios will in Page 143 determine the factors for the Horsfield model 2 verses generations into the lung. 8.5-9, and The results are shown indicate that the local maximum in Figure is primarily due to the product of the flow ratio factor and diameter ratio factor reaching a minimum below minimum is not likely to occur because the flow ratio factor diameter ratio remains above 1 near generation 22. The with the symmetric flow model is identically unity, an the 1. Comparison of Different Flow assumptions For comparison purposes, Figure 8.5-10 presents the prediction for the viscous flow resistance verses number of generations into the Weibel flow assumptions. et al (1970) for lung model for three different The figure presents the results of Pedley inspiratory flows, the results of this study for expiratory flows and for a baseline comparison the resistance assuming Poiseuille flow. The results show that the three flow assumptions produce significantly different viscous pressure profiles above about the 10th generation. number drops Below the 1 0 1,* low enough that the flow Poiseuille like. generation, the Reynolds is essentially The difference in profile between the inspiratory and expiratorty is due primarily to the difference in L/D dependence. Both inspiration and expiration depend on Reynolds number to the 1.5 power, but Pedley et al found a square root dependence on L/D where this study found a dependence. linear Page 144 8.6 Physiological Data The final comparison which can be drawn between the numerical pulmonary predictions and published data is with experiments conducted on living humans. The available data is sparse presumably due to the difficulties associated with simultaneously monitoring alveolar and tracheal pressures (not mouth) to determine the pressure-flow character of the intrathoracic airway. The data also tend to be incomplete, with such critical parameters as lung volume, tracheal diameter not reported, and contain great variability. Most of the data TLC, for which lung volume, change with is not available at the the airway models are based. the dimensions of the lung volume to was found to be valid for (1972), the the lung volume, 75% To correct for lung can be approximated to 1/3 power. This approximation lower airways by Hughes et al but can only be considered a rough approximation for the trachea and bronchial airways which are supported with cartilage rings. To determine the lung prediction, volume correction for the dimensional the numerical airway resistance can be written in terms of the dimmensionless Moody type friction factor for the airway; 8 g f' 8.6.1 Res = Q ( T where Dt Dt2)2 is the tracheal diameter, and the friction factor is; Page 145 Del 8.6.2 fI P = P* Re 2 ' The airway resistance at any lung volume can therefore be expressed in terms of the calculated resistance at 75% TLC and the same flow rate by; - Vol Res 8.6.3 = 75% TLC where f'' TLCj LL 75% L LV Res LV 14/3 75/ Lf'' - [' is friction factor calculated at the new Reynolds number due to the change in tracheal diameter for a fixed flow rate. Writing the lung volume, volume, RV, and vital LV, in terms of the capacity, VC, the lung residual lung volume at 75% TLC 8.6.4 Vol .75( RV + VC = ) is; 75% TLC lung volume can also be rewritten as; LV = RV + 8.6.5 Taking ( LV - RV ) The actual the ratio of 8.6.4 to 8.6.5, and dividing through by VC gives; Vol 75% TLC .75 ( RV/VC + 1 8.6.6 LV Where %VC vital RV/VC + %VC lung volume in terms of the percentage of capacity, and the ratio of residual lung volume to vital capacity is approximately constant at a value of 0.29 for the studies below. Figures 8.6-1 to 8.6-3 presents the numerical prediction Page corrected for lung volume, and available; Hyatt and Wilcox, et al, 1970; Ferris et al, 146 the four sets of studies 1963; Blide et al, 1964; Vincent The results show excellent 1964). agreement given the variability in the physiological data. The predictions fall within the experimental observations, but typically tend to be near the high end of the data. this tendency is not very significant, the comparison with the Weibel model, small tracheal diameter of 1.6 cm. it is possibly, as with due to the relatively The agreement appears to be equally good over the entire flow range tested, L/sec. The lung volume correction, approximation, While from .5 to 2 while only a rough appears to predict the character of the results well. A similar approach can be utilized to address the simulation of pulmonary flows with gasses other These tests have proven useful augment the pressure drops at than air. in some clinical settings to low flow rates, making measurements easier and more reliable with conventional pressure transducers. The dimensional groupings which characterize the flows are the Reynolds number and characteristic pressure, P*. increase P*, flow rate. Increasing both Nu and g, while decreasing Reynolds number for a fixed The effect on the dimensional resistance at a fixed flow rate can be expressed similarly to equation 8.6-3; 8.6.7 Res = Gas X where the [ I Res air - 1 ey nl friction factors are calculated at the Reynolds Page 147 number given the flow rate, and density. airway diameter, gas viscosity, Page IX. A new experimental 148 Conclusions technique was developed to measure the "typical" bifurcation embedded pressure-flow character of a within a lung. The technique was tested on a section of the entrance region in a straight tube flow, Experimental flow. errors of less than 5% demonstrated the and can serve as an estimate of validity of the technique, the error a well understood in measuring the static pressure difference across a bifurcation. Experiments utilizing a range of water-glycerin mixtures allowed the physiologically important Reynolds number range to be examined; 50 Re 8,000 Analysis of the results indicate that the character of the flow within the bifurcation is similar by mechanisms which - thin the boundary layer. Curved tube flow Entrance flow in a convergent channel layer control/growth similarity is drawn because of the experimental - tube Flow in a two dimensional The boundary to flows typified results indicating; Lack of sensitivity to core flow details -- Turbulence was observed at a Reynolds number of about 1000, but no change in the frictional pressure flow character accompanied the transition. --The orientation upstream bifurcations had no effect on the pressure-flow results in the test bifurcation. - Velocity profiles were characterized by a kinetic energy correction factor, fa, which was shown to be Page 149 similar in form and magnitude to flows with boundary layer growth. fa = - 1.05 + 6.54/-/Re The form and magnitude of the pressure drop due to viscous dissipation is also similar to the boundary layer flows; Del Pv = Del .556 + .067 /Re poisL The curved tube flow analogy was found to apply best for the range of "perturbation" experiments performed, although the 2D convergent channel flow also closely predicted the observed behavior. - Approximately linear - Relatively insensitive to shape with; the use of a hydraulic diameter the corresponding change in curvature ratio in L/D The preference for the curved channel tube analogy over the analogy also results from the similarity observed secondary flow patterns. secondary flows, 2D in the The existence of the and the similar scaling with curved tube flows presents a strong case for the influence of curvature. The linear dependence in the frictional term was also demonstrated, both in the "perturbation" experiments, predict the D.B Reynolds varied from 5 to 9. (1980) to be of experiments While the curved preferred slightly over the and by the ability to in which L/D's tube flow analogy may be 2D channel analogy, each is likely importance, acting together, and not as isolated effects. The effects of asymmetric flows on the pressure-flow results can be approximated as an additional loss 150 Page corresponding to unequal the loss in the excess momentum of the velocities. r * Del P = - 1 P Re 2 r+1 L m 2 ]2 J Numerical model predictions of idealized lung models were in excellent agreement with published experimental results - Geometric pulmonary models - Physiological models and casts Numerical simulations of the complete human lung also demonstrated excellent agreement with the available phyiological data. The use of an asymmetric lung model shown to be important, explaining the observed pulmonary dependence of gas viscosity at was increased low flow rates. The distribution of the viscous pressure losses demonstrated that this increase is due primarily to lower airways. the MEFV curve increased resistance in the This finding helps to explain the utility of in diagnosing lower airway pulmonary disorders. The dimensional scaling shows that this effect occurs at Reynolds numbers, not necessarily low flow rates, highlights the utility of using gasses other generate measurable pressures at low which than air to low Reynolds numbers flows. With the ability of these results to predict pressures resulting from specified flows, they can be applied to the collapsible tube flow pulmonary models with more confidence. 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I I I I 10, Reynolds Number Figure 2.3-1 Comparison of published frictional pressure losses for the idealized bifurcation. 158 Figure 3.1-1 Typical four cell secondary flow pattern in the parent branch downstream of a bifurcation. / /// / /4ZzZ/ /,/ zzg ~zz Z dX) -r (D (ia P ) P (a 1 2 Umax 2 ) // 2 Figure 3.2-1 Velocity profile in a fully developed laminar tube flow, and the resulting force balance acting on a section of the tube. Umax Figure 3.3-1 Velocity profile in fully developed turbulent pipe flow. 159 L An LA = 3.5 /D n n-i n A =1.2 n n-1n Stepwise contracted tube pulmonary model, Figure 3.4-1 with constant L/D ratio's of 3.5, and area ratio's of 1.2. r Figure 3.5-1 Representation of laminar flow Dimensional convergent channel. in a 2- 160 Convergent Channel Flow Velocity Profiles 1.6 Re - 312 -U~h/lv 719 1.4 1509 3407 1.2 5262 - 1.0 ca 8 6 .2 0 0 .5 1.0 1.5 Angular 2.0 2.5 Position (5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Deg Channel) Figure 3.5-2 Computed velocity profiles in a 2-D convergent channel flow for a range of flow conditions. 5.0 161 Outside of Bend Inside of Bend Figure 3.6-1 curved tube flow. Secondary flow pattern in fully developed ZDG 4C 0C Figure 3.6-2 Generation of the four cell secondary flow pattern typical of expiratory flows from modeling a bifurcation as two curved tubes oriented back to back. 162 S=RO R > Cr 0 Figure 3.6-3 curved tube flow. Toroidal coordinate system used to analyze 163 Friction Loss in a Curved Tube Dean Solution 1.025 Del P/Del P Poiseuille 1.02 F 1.015 F 1.01 I 1.005 F I 1 1 I ~L-t<IIII I 10 1111111 100 Dean Number Figure 3.6-4 Prediction of the pressure loss in a curved tube, normalized by th e Poiseuille loss at the same flow rate from the theory of Dean (1927). 1 1.0 /HASSON CORRELATION (1955) * 0o 5040 = 0.0969K" 2 0/ + 0.556 s 100, 200* , 648 250 0.50 .0, R/o z2050 00 p 1/4 2- .47136K 0% 0 2 3' 4 l0o, 0 K Friction ratios for various curvature ratios. (, White (1929); 9, Adler (1934): A, t6 (1959) (K. 2D = (2ao/i')(a/R)1 2 ). From Van Dyke (1978). Experimental results for the pressure loss Figure 3.6-5 in a curved tube, normalized by the Poiseuille loss that would occur at the same flow rate, after Berger et al (1983) 165 COMPARISON OF EFFECTS Del P/ Poiseuille Del P I VV Band of Bifurcation Results 10 1 100 1000 * C. TUBE ENTR. * TURB. C.T. 2-D Chan. 10000 + TURB. S.T. Figure 3.9-1 Pressure loss correlations for curved tubes, entrance flow, 2-D convergent channel flow, and turbulent flows in straight and curved tubes 166 Subtraction Technique Schematic Plenum P, Y D=.75 Dr L= L.67 Dr L= 1.75 Dr Dr =2.47 cm Static Pressure Drop Test Bifurcation 0 ps =(Pu-PO)=(PR-PO)-(P -P) Schematic representation of the n4. 1-d Fibtre od met ion or symmetric flow conditions. subrac 10 00 10 I -0,2 c . 20 0-90' R/r a3,7 Ro- 2x10 4 30 0 PIEZOMETER READINGS -X----- OUTER SIDE +--- INNER SIDE --- e--- TraP ~0 ------- BOTTOM -0,61 h - (v t/2g) 04 GRADIENT IN STRAIGHT PIPE -1,0 -1,2 -1,4 DOWNSTREAM TANGENT - UPSTREAM TANGENT-l, Figure 4.1-2 bend between two BEND Pressure distributions owing to a 90* long straight tube, after Ito (1960) pipe 168 Quasi - Steady Test Apparatus Iese d (P/ g) dt i(/ Water /Glycerin 7/ IGate / / Weir /S /. / Zj /' I -I Collection F ump test Tank Return Loop Schematic of the quasi-steady experimental Figure 4.4-1 apparatus and pressure measurement locations. 169 Kinematic Viscosity of Glycerin Data from C.R.C., 20c Kinematic Viscosity - Cs 100 10 I 0 I I I 20 40 60 80 100 % Water Content Figure 4.5-1 Kinematic viscosity of water-glycerin mixtures as a percentage of water content, from C.R.C. 170 Viscosity Temperature - Measured with Haake Viscometer Kinematic viscosity cm-2/s 0.7 a 0.6 S U U 3 CRC Value U No 0.5 . 20c U@ 0.4 Measure Viscosity c U 79% Water - 21% Glycerin - 0.3 0.21- 0.1 10 I I iI I Ii Ii I 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Deg C ( Temperature ) 0 Figure 4.6-1 Measured kinimatic viscosity for a 21% by water glycerin-water mixture as a function of temperature using Haake viscometer, and C.R.C. value. 171 Calibration Errors cm H20 0.06 Error in Fit - cm 0.04 4 0.02 0 -- -0.02 -+ -0.04 -0.06 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Manometer Reading -cm "Res. -+/- Height + Differ. Head Dig. Error Figure 4.6-2 Typical errors between tank level calibration manometer readings and predicted levels based on the curve fits and output voltages. 172 Bellmouth Entrance Geometry R=D :- L TD - 10*D --- Exhaust Tube Tank Bellmouti Collar L Reservoir Wall Plenum Figure 4.8-1 Entrance test experimental bellmouth and straight tube geometry. 173 Reservoir Tank Level vs. Time Short Entrance Test 160 I I I I , I ,I I I I , I I I 140 Vise.= 0.125 ern*2/sec - 120 100 80 Vise.= 0.475 (m**2/see 60 LU (n) LU 40 20 0 -20 i 0 20 I I I 40 I 60 I I I I 80 100 SEC0NOS TIME - i l I 120 iI Ii 140 160 180 Tank level vs time measurements for the Figure 4.8-2 short entrance test (L/D = 6.3) at kinematic viscosities of 0.475 and 0.125 cm 2 /sec 174 Differential Height Signal Typical Asymptotic Region Data .030 -.025 .020 .015 M: U- I III II IiII IIII11 1, 1 L .010 A uJ -E .005 0 -. 005 i i i ii i .010 ' 45 5 t ' i 460 ' i' 465 ii' i 470 III ' '' ' ii 475 480 OPTR POINT INDEX ' 485 ' 490 495 500 Asymptotic region of the differential Figure 4.8-3 pressure signal, showing a small offset error on the order the digitation errors. of 175 Error in Curve Fit Curve Fit Value - Data Value .06 II II I I I .05 .04 .03 Digitation Error Level I-t .02 1: .01 L. 0 U- uLJ .01 .02 uLJ .03 Digitation Error Level 4 - -. 05 -. 06 07 10 ' 20 ' 30 40 .- 50 TIME 60 - , 70 80 , 90 , -. 100 110 SECONDS Figure 4.8-4 Error between the curve fit and the actual measured tank level, note that the magnitude of the error are typically around the digitation level, and not systematic. 176 Calculated Reynolds Number vs Time Short Entrance Experiments 9000 I I I I I I I I T- 1 I I I I I I I I 8000 7000 Vise.= 0.125 cm**2/sec 6000 U) 5000 4000 LU 3000 2000 ~ Visc.= 0.475 crn**2/rec 4 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 TIME - SECONDS Figure 4.8-5 Calculated Reynolds numbers vs time for the short tube entrance test with kinematic viscosities of 0.125 and 0.475 cm 2 /sec. 177 Quasi-Steady Ent rancq xperiments Static pressure loss normalized by P*-pv /D , vs Reynolds number 108 L/D-9.8 10 7 IN CC- 106 CC LU- 10S Legend A-A L/D-9.8 v-0.478 cm2/~/sec %j V-.12 UM2 /sec C-C L/D-6.3 v-0.475 cm2 /sec D-D L/D-6.3 v-0.125 cm /see E-E Difference in Results B-B I ' 104 1 10 2 L/ID-W.0 1 03 II II 10, REYNOLDS NUMBER Figure 4.8-6 Combined dimensionless pressure vs Reynolds number for both entrance tests and the subtraction of the two, and theoretical predictions. 178 Entrance Result. Theory & Experimental Static pressure loss normalized by P*-pv 2/D 2 , vs Reynolds number For the entrance section of a tube from L/D-6.3 to L/D-9.8 107 - 106 0- 105 Legend A-A Experimental Data B-B Entrance Theory 104 - -' ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ': 10 3 102 : i i i i 10' REYNOLDS NUMBER Figure 4.8-7 Results for length of tubing and theory the loss in the additional 179 Model Bifurcation Construction Aluminum Collars Airway I Stycast Alumiuum Collar Cross-section of a typical bifurcation Figure 4.9-1 showing the cast section and aluminum coupling collars. 180 Momentum Analys is Control Volume ,-Force Plate F Restraining Force Ai rway Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic Pressure wall Flow Exits Normal To Control Surface Figure 5.1-1 Momentum analysis of an exiting impinging on a flat plat and turning 900. jet 181 Figure 5.1-2 A) Jan, Re - 200 .000 Figure 5.1-2 B) 1060 Station 2S, Re L 0.2 0.7 1.6 1.8 0 dorsal & , & Figure 5.1-2 Axial velocity profiles used to calculate the axial correction factor fa. A) Jan, Re=200 ;B) Chang Meno n, Re= 1060; C) Chang & Menon, Re=5712; D) Chang & Menon Re=6000; E) Chang & Menon, Re=681; F) Hardin Yu, Re=2760; G) D.B. Reynolds, Re= 2260, Re=8000 and Re=12200 182 A L 4 M 5 p 9 Figure 5.1-2 C) Station 9, Re - 1.5 1.5 5712 0 -1.0 0 1.0 -1.0 0 Figure 5.1-2 D) 0 r0 R 1.0 1.61 Station 4, Re - 6000 0 0.81 L-M A-P 01 -1 00 Figure 5.1-2 E) Station 5, Re - 6f 1.5 __ 1 1.- -1.0 0 rJR . r|R 0 0 0 1.0 -1.0 0 r~ /R rR ..1 1.0 183 o Figure 5.1-2 F) Hardin & YU Re 2760 INPLANE OF BIFURCATION o NORMAL TO PLANE OF BIFURCATION VELOCITY U. m/s 2. 5 r PP 0 = 2760 I 2. 1.5 1.0 0.5 Figure 5.1-2 G) D.B. Reynolds Re - 2260 I I - ~I I I L -16 -14 -12 710 -8 EDGE I -6 -4 -2 1 2 4 6 8 DISTANCE FROM CENTER. mm 2.0 Re = 8000 Re = 12200 10 112 14 EDGE 0 R9 1 =12200 o Re m 8050 X Re, = 2260 16 Il 1.5 F 87E .2 0 0 E I * I, I, 1 p I II it.I 0.5 rI II 0 1.0 0.5 0 Radial position, r/r, 0.5 1.0 184 Fa vs Ba Experiments and Estimation Fa 2 Poiseuille Flow 1.8 1.6 Fa =3Ba -2 1.4 1.2 Turbulent Flow 1 I -I I 1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.4 Ba 9 Experimental Data a as calculated from Cross plot of fa and Figure 5.1-3 the numerical integrals of published velocity profiles, and approximate relation. 185 Fa vs. Reynolds Number Fa 2 1.8 P Curve Fit 1.6 1.05 + 6.54/Sqrt(Re) U 1.4 mu U 1.2 F U U a I 1 100 I ~ A .. I LiL I I ---I-- 1000 Experimental Data Figure 5.1-4 vs tracheal Results of the numerical Reynolds number, and curve fit. integrals of F a 186 Boundary Layer Appoxima t i on 2a Uo \\ Figure 5.1-5 77777777 Approximate flow profile used to estimate the mean flow rate and thickness. fa factor based on boundary layer 187 Fa Comparison Experiment and Theory Fa 2 Flow Type 1.5 Entrxance, L/D = 3.5 2-D Channel, alpha = .052 Curved Tube, Curvature Ratio = 1/7 Entrance, L/D = 1.75 1.6 1.4 Data 1.2 -Experimental 100 1000 10000 10000 Reynolds Number Figure 5.1-6 Prediction of fa based on the boundary layer approximation for an entrance prediction, at L/D=1.75 and 3.5, curved tube flow, 6r=1/7, and 2-D convergent channel flow, x=.05. 188 L Figure 5.2-1 A) Figure 5.2-1 B) dorsal L p A 0.1 0.5 H+ R P- dorsirl R A 0.1 0.5 Figure 5.2-1 0) I ' ~ / - ,.. I.- \ IL' / Tx , \ II / \\ .\ /~x ~ - - - I A I I ~. I / ~ ,. .~ \ - Secondary velocity profiles used to Figure 5.2-1 numerically evaluate the secondary velocity correction factor, fs; A) Chang & Menon Re=1060, @station 3, B)Chang Menon Re=106O @station 2s, C)Jan Re=200. & - \ tI I / - \ / iiI II 189 Diametric Pressure Variat ion 106 2 * AP .06 P Re 105 10 103i 10 2 - - 103 10, Reynolds number Normalized pressure difference measured Figure 5.3-1 between the top and side of bifurcation leg during expiration vs local Reynolds number. 190 Reservoir Level vs Time 160 140 Generations 4 120 100 u-O LU- Generations 4 Nil = .125 - U - 1 Nu = .475 - 80 2 - - X: - Nu = .125 Nu = .475- 60 CD LU- 40 20 -20 0 . 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 TIME - SECONOS Experimental results for the reservoir Figure 6.1-1 level vs time for the experiments, Gen's 4-2, Nu=.475; Gen's 4-2, Nu=.125; Gen's 4-1, Nu=.475; Gen's 4-1, Nu=.125. 191 Planar Bifurcation Results Static pressure loss/P*tr vs tracheal Reynolds number 108 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ul1~ 7',"o~oz / 107 /01 A106 0-. a: -LJ C3 x", 10 IAZ11-A-A 4 Gen. 10' Leg~end2 Network, v-0.476 cm2 /sec B-B 4 Gen. Network, v-0.125 cm2 /sec C-C 3 Gen. Network, v-0.497 cm 2 /seo D-D 3 Gen. Network, v-0.125 cm /seo E-E Drop Across Test Bifurcation 103 11 10 i i i i . . ,, . .. 102 . . . . . I 103 101 TRRCHERL REYNOLDS NUMBER Note: P* and bifurcation. Reynolds number refer to tracheal values in the teE Figure 6.1-2 Subtraction of the three generation "upstream" airways from the four generation airway to give the normalized static pressure loss in the test bifurcation. 192 Pressure Drop Components I I I I I - 101 . I I I I I I I I I V v 16P 1/2 p V 2 LiPs 100 APv A Pk ' ' 10~1 10, I ........ ' I 1n 2 103 10, Tracheal Reynolds Number . Figure 6.1-3 Decomposition of the total static pressure loss across a bifurcation into a kinetic energy and frictional component normalized to '4P*Re2 11,11 193 Symmetric Bifur cat ion Results Frictional pressure loss/Poiseuille loss vs Reynolds Number 10 cE Legend A-A 3 Planar Upstream Airways B-B 2 Planar Upstream Airways C-C 3 Upstream Airways, Config. A D-D 3 Upstream Airways, Config. B E-E 3 Upstream Airways, Config. C cr Uij -0 100 ' 101 ' ' i i 103 TRRCHEAL REYN0LOS NUMBER 102 i , 101 Figure 6.1-4 Frictional pressure loss across a single bifurcation normalized to the Poiseuille loss for the symmetric flow experiments. 194 4 3 Bifurcation-Bifurcation Oreintation Bifurcation Number Series A _ _ _ Planar 1 VI 2 VV _ Series B _ Series C _ __ 90 Deg. Planar _ 90 Deg. Planar _V 90 Deg. _V 3 4 Figure 6.3-1 flow experiments. Configurations for the nonplanar symmetric 195 Results for Additional Parent Length 102 I 10' I I I I I I I I I I I I : t Airway with Additional Parent Tube Length Airway Alone 04 100 10-1 Loss in Adiitional Parent T Tbe Length 10-2 1 10 2 I I 11111, i a 10 a I A 7 a a a 10, Reynolds Number Subtraction of the three generation Figure 6.4-1 "upstream" a i rways from the three generation airway with the additional tracheal length of L/D =3.5. 196 Pressure Loss in Additional Parent Tube Length 10 Del P/Del P pois. Experimental Results +1- - I I I r..I'IHlIt ILLE 1 1 10 I i) 5% Band I I. I I I 100 1000 10000 Reynolds Number Prediction Form Curved Tube ....... Entrance Figure 6.4-2 Frictional pressure loss in a straight tube, L/D =3.5, downstream of a bifurcation, normalized the Poiseuille loss in the equivalent length of tubing. to 197 Symmetric Bifurcation Results 10 Del P/ Del P pois. Experimental Results +/- 5% Band I II 1 10 1000 100 10000 Reynolds Number Prediction Form - Curved Tube ....... Entrance Figure 6.5-1 and 2-D results. Compar isnn convergent channel flow - 2D Channel of curved tube, to entrance theory the band of symmetric flow 198 #1 #3 #2 -. #4 #5 Figure 6.6-1 Photographs of the oscilloscope traces from the hot wire probe, not transition to turbulence appears to occur near Re=1000. 199 Pexb m PeI(local) PpI -- Pe I(b r)- 1 Palv I .Pib BRONCHUS PARENCHYMA "Schematic representation of bronchial lumen, bronchial wall, peribronchial space, limiting membrane (1m), and surrounding alveolar tissue. Intrabronchial (Pib), extrabronchial (Pexb), alveolar (Palv), and pleural (Ppl) pressures are indicated as well as elastic recoil pressure of bronchus [Pel(br)] and alveoli locally [Pel(local)]. Bronchial narrowing during expiratory flow (indicated by arrow) is illustrated by lighter shading of bronchial wall." Figure 6.7-1 Schematic representation of the bronchial support structure and pressure forces, after Hughes (1974) 200 4 - 3 2- * 7 6 X ONI 1 0 S 4 3 2 DISTANCE (mm) Bronchial area in cross-section (from stereoscopic measurements) at constant lung volume under static [Pib +10 cmH!O (outer ring)) and dynamic [Pib -10 cmH1O (inner ring), conditions. Note concentric narrowing. Alveolar pressure +10 cniH-O in both insances. Numbers indicate measurement sites. z 6 5 C E - LU 42 2i U I 0 1 2 - - I n 3 4 5 6 7 DISTANCE (mm) Bronchial cross-section (from stereoscopic measurements) approximately at different lung volumes under static conditions. Noteflattening in the some circular shape at Pib +10 and 0 cmHsO with cmHtO). -10 (Pib lung collapsed and compressed Figure 6.7-2 cross-sections inflations. Stereoscopic measurements of bronchial at various transmural pressures, and two lung 201 Semi-Circular Airway Results 10 Del P/ Del P pois. Experimental Results 5% Band ...... ...... ..... .......... .......... ... ....... .. .. .. ..... ....... ..... ........ .... .......... . . . . ............ ... ................. . . ..... . . . ....... . I 1 100 I I _______ I I I I I 1000 llI 10000 Reynolds Number Prediction Form Curved Tube ....... Entrance Figure 6.7-3 circular Normalized test bifurcation -- frictional 2D Channel loss in the semi- 202 0. 66D 2.5D 45 Deg I t D 25 Deg 0 .875D 5D Figure 7.1-3 in the Most middle airways, typical after asymmetric bifurcation model Olson (1971) 203 Quasi-Steady Test Apparatus (Modified for the Flow Partition Experiments) dt dC / ater/Glycerin / Q=AR d (P/ 'g) iAesvOi'q ' // A< Gate /o Weir #2 #1 Me te r Col lection Tank 9LAPS #3 'ump Return LoUop #4 Experimental apparatus for the flow Figure 7.2-1 Note separate fluid circuits. partition experiments. 204 V2, P 2, A2 Control Volume P3 3-P2 V3, P3, A3 V1, P1, Al Pt, Control volume selected to analyze the Figure 7.3-1 bifurcation with asymmetric flow a pressure loss in conditions. 205 Static Pressure Drop Aoross the Vaiable Flow Branoh with Asymmetrio Flow I - .9 I .8 Id .7 .6 .5 f-. p. .4 -I Il .3 .2 . Legend A-A Re2 - 4690 B-B Re2 - 3980 C-C Re2 - 3014 D-D Re2 - 2280 E-E Re2 - 1506 F-F Re2 - 662 T 0 I 10 ~1 -1 I I I I I I I I 100 100 I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I 101 Gamma - F - Q1/Q2 Figure 7.4-1 Results for the static pressure loss across the variable flow leg of a bifurcation, for six different fixed flow rates in the other leg vs flow ratio, F. 206 Pressure Drop Components (For Fixed Flow Giving Re2-1506) 2.5 Dissipative Pressure Loss Component 2.0 1.5 1.0 01% *e .5 *e I-. Statio 0 Pressure -. 5 Kinetia Energy Component -1.0 -2.0 - -1.5 10 3 10' Trachel Reynolds Number Figure 7.4-2 Decomposition of the static pressure loss across a bifurcation into a kinetic energy component vs tracheal Reynolds number. (fixed daughter Reynolds # of 1506) 207 Flow Partition Resul t s - A __- - 1.1 Excess frictional pressure loss/(1/2pV2 ) vs Flow Ratio 1.0 .9 Momentum Excegs Logg .8 2 .05 r+ .7 Excess AP 1/2pV 2 .6 .5 .4 .3 -- :-op .2 - Laend A-A Re -4390 01 D-D Re -2280 E-E Re 2 -1506 0 - B-B Re -3721 C-C Re.-3014 F-F Re 2 -662 -. 1 10-I I IJI,I t I I I II I 100 Flow Ratio Figure 7.4-3 Results for the mixing of two streams vs r 101 r - Re 1 / Re 2 the excess pressure loss due to (flow ratio) 208 Momentum Analys is (For Equal Daughter Tube Diameters) U 2 Control Volume U 32 U 3 U 31 P 3p, 3 3 U - P 3 P L 32 31 U U 32 J , r - r + 1 2 2 14U 3 + U 31 U 3 2 32 31 = 3 U 3+ L31 2 -U U 2 = [ - 1U = 3 2 2 2 32. Momentum analysis of the maximum pressure Figure 7.4-4 recovery due to the unification of two unequal flows. 209 Comparison of Investigators Results Viscous Pressure Loss in an Idealized Bifurcation Delt.a P 100 Delta P/Poiseuille 10 1 10000 1000 100 Parent Reynolds Number ~~-- Exp's Hardin & Yu Reynolds 1980 Reynolds 1982* Reynolds & Lee 1979 Figure 8.1-1 Comparison of the results for the friction pressure loss in an idealized bifurcation for this and previous investigations. 210 D1 Q1 D3 ~ Q3 ~~~ D2 Figure 8.2-1 bifurcation used Geometry of a typical for analysis. asymmetric 211 Pressure-Flow Results Experiment vs. Prediction (Idealized 3 Gen. Airway Network) 10 Systemic Delta P/(KE) Numerical Model Prediction Experimental Range 1 1000 I-IIIII 10000 "Tracheal" Reynolds Number Figure 8.3-1 Comparison of numerical prediction, and experimental results of Hardin & YU, for the static pressure drop across an idealized three generation pulmonary model. Pressure-Flow Results Pressure-Flow Results Experiment vs Prediction ("Y" Connectors, L/D=5) Experiment vs Prediction ("Y" Connectors, L/D=9) Delta P/(KE) Delta P/(KE) 10 ,- 10 r Numeric al Prediction r) Numerical Prediction Experimental Range 1 -I _ I Experimental Rainge I I I 1000 I 10000 "Tracheal" Reynolds Number 1 1000 10000 Tracheal Reynolds Number Figure 8.3-2 Comparison of numerical prediction, and experimental results of D.B Reynolds, for the static pressure drop across three generations of rigid "Y" connectors. 213 Zavala Lung Cast TRACHEOBRONCHIAL TREE B. lit Division - Mainstem Right Bronchus {Apical Right Upper Lobe B Posterior B2 eg b Segment Antero pial 131+B2 Poterior b c Segment B. it Division Left Mainstan 93 Segen Bronchus Left Upper Lobe Upper Division Lateral Segment a 84 { Segment gS 6 B.chus b A. assal g. Right Intermediate Left Main Bronchus b D. Left Ineaer b BronchuLos (aBronchus C Lower Lobe Superior Segment Infior b Segment Be Supero 0. Rih nferior b Basal Segment De iAntir of-Med t bb c Figure 8.4-1 BasalSeel. h M am Pk. WMM"4 MA bE courtesy s Iu Segment -. Subsuper8or Posterior 810 Saul Seg. .4 Subsuperior Basal Sag. Be Basal ". Dmsion ao Medial B7 ab b Anterior Right n Mainstemr gC. Superior Sasna Sell i. Right b / Right Middle Lobe b m7" b .2223 ceBe$&[ BBasal Se. Bepo Latera Basal S B1 strr seg. Depiction of the Zavala lung model, of Medi-tech, Water town Ma. Left 214 Zavala Lung Model "Dichotomous' Branching Pattern 9 50 48 24 62 51 5 63 61 44 12 5 22 45 20 4 3 4041 55 2 2 3 3115 3 60 64 6 23 6 46 54 54 8 39 74 26 52 2 53 0 42 68 14 75 19 3 34 35 69 33 66 70 76 28 77 67 36 72 56 73 2 58 71 Figure 8.4-2 approximation for 47 37 16 43 17 38 Dichotomous branching 1 ung model. the Zavala pattern 7 215 Zavala Lung Cast, Results Experiment vs Prediction P/KE 100 System Delta Model Prediction Horsfield Flow Distribution Uniform Pressure Flow Dist 10 - 1 100 Experi me nta Results 1 1000 Tracheal Reynolds Number 10000 Comparison of numerical prediction, and Figure 8.4-3 experimental results of Isabey and Chang, for the static pressure drop across the Zavala lung model. 216 Zavala Lung Cast Results Pressure Drop Components 100 Pressure Drop/(KE) Uniform Pressure Boundary Condition Static Pressure /Drop 10 1 Kmnetic Ener y Comp onenT "Viscous" Loss Component 0.1 Mixing Loss, Compon ent' 0.01 100 1000 10000 Tracheal R1eynolds Number Pressure drop components which comprise Figure 8.4-4 the calculated static pressure drop across the Zavala lung model for uniform pressure upstream boundary conditions. 217 Zavala Lung Cast, Resistance Mat.rix Perspective View Rij i=17 -' 17 < BPS # < 33 j= 17 i=33 _-'\j= 3 3 Horizontal View Along Diagonal Resistance Matrix Rij = DPi/DQj Figure 8.4-5 Zavala lung model. Calculated Resistance matrix for the 218 Flow Distribution Results Zavala Lung Cast Flow Percentage 765- F2 El 4- I 32- 1 - 0 II 39 jil I I I 42 45 I I I 48 I I I I 51 I 54 I I I 57 I~I I I 60 III I hi1ii I1 63 --r- I 66 11 69 72 75 Terminal Branch Number LID H&C C Re=100 LIM Re=4k E Re=10k Figure 8.4-6 dA comparison of the flow distributions for the Zavala lung model. 219 Asynietiric Lung Model Horsfield et al Model 2 Central Airway Branching BPS #31 BPS #24 BPS #30 BPS #25 BPS #20 III's V/22 BPS#2 BPS #23 BPS #26w BPS #18 BPS #17 BPS #21 BPS #19 BPS #32 BPS #3:3 BPS #28 BPS #29 Bronchopulmonary Sepmne n t B ranr rhinar Se ff ria e n t Brq-riql-iiin Orde r N Order N-I Figure 8.4-7 according to the Ord er N-M (3 < M < 5) Asymmetric branching pattern for the Hc rsfeild et al (1971) lung Model 2. lung 220 Pressure--Flow Results Experiment vs. Prediction (Human Lung Cast Below R.I.B.) Delta P/KE 100 Numerical Model Prediction 10 Experimental Range I I I I L.. L I II L.. L.I I I 1000 100 I I II II II 10000 Reynolds Number at R.I.B. and Comparison of numerical prediction, static the for Lee, experimental results of Reynolds and pressure drop across a pulmonary cast below the right intermediate bronchus. Figure 8.4-8 221 Pulmonary Pressure-Flow Prediction Resistance and Friction Factors 100 DP/KE Res. cm H20/(L/S) Horsfield et al Model Weibel Model 10 1.2 1 0.8 - 0.6 0.4 - 0.2 1 100 -LI 0 1000 10000 Tracheal Reynolds Number Figure 8.5-1 Comparison of the overall pressure-flow characteristics for the Weibel and Horsfield lung models. 222 Pulmonary Pressure Drop Compone Horsfield Asymmetric Pulmonary Model Delta P/KE 100 Static Pressure Drop 10 "Viscous" LosS Component Kinetic Energy 1 Mixing Loss - 0.1 100 Component, 1000 10000 Tracheal Reynolds Number Pressure dr-op components which comprise Figure 8.5-2 pressure drop across the Horsfield lung the calculated static Horsfield & Cunining Model 2 Distribution of Number of Generations % of B.P.S. Paths / z z I 1- I 0.8- I / 1.2 0.6 0.4- K L 0.2- 0- 1 I~I 1 1 I 1 I - 1 I 223 I I I I s - I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 15 16 17 18 1920212223242526272829303132 Number of Generations into the Lung "Short Path" "Long Path" Percentage of "long" and "short" paths Figure 8.5-3 terminating at a given number of bifurcations into the lung. Weibel Lung Model Results Horsfield et al Lung Model Results Static Pressure vs. Generation Average Static Pressure vs. Generation Static Pressure/KE 20 Avearge Static Pressure/KE 20 Flow Rate e .125 L/S Flow Rate 0.125 L/S .25 L/S 0 .5 L/S -1 L/S '4k .25 L/S 0 .5 L/S I L/S I L/S 10 / -+ 10 S 2 L/S ..... 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 Generations into the Lung 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Generations into the Lung Static pressure vs generation into the Figure 8.5-4 and Horsfield lung models for Weibel the both lung for rates. several flow 30 35 Weibel Lung Model Results Horsfield & Cumming Results Viscous Pressure Drop vs. Generation Viscous Pressure Drops vs Generation Viscous P Drop/KE 2 1.6 Average Viscous P Drop/KE 1.4 1.51 1.2' Flow Rat e Flow Rat ,.125 L/S 'a .25 L/S .5 L/S 41 L/S * 2 L/S 1 0.8 A\ / N) - .125 L/S ' 0.6. .25 L/S S.5 L/S 2L/S 2 0.4' 0.5 0.2 A 0 0 5 10 15 Generations into the Lung 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Generations into the Lung Normal ized viscous pressure drop vs Figure 8.5-5 generation into the lung for both the Weibel and Horsfield lung models for several f low rates. 30 35 226 Horsfield & (irminig Model Viscous PrCssUIre Loss Distribution Flow Rate = 125cc/See Flow Rate Viscous Pressure Drop/(KE) 1.4 1 1.6 = 250cc/Sec Viscous Pressure Drop/(KE) 1.2 1.4 I Std Average +/- A 1 Average +/- Std 1.2 0.8 1 0.8 ... ..-.. -, 0.6 0.6 1AV 0.4 0.2 02 /. 0 4 7 10 13 18 19 22 25 Ed 1 0 4 7 10 ' .'...'..'.. 13- 16 19 2U 2 26 Generations into the Lung Generations into the Lung Flow Rate = 500cc/Sec Flow Rate = I L/Sec Viscous Pressure Drop/(KE) 1.2 31 Viscous Pressure Drop/(KE) 1 +/- 1 Std 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 10 t413 16 19 E 26 B Generations into the Lung 7 I Std Average +/0.0 0 31 i 4 i 7 10 13 18 1 22 i 26 - Average 0.8 28 31 Generations into the Lung The variation of normalized viscous Figure 8.5-6 pressure drop vs generation into the lung for Horsfield models for several flow rates. lung 227 Horsfield & Cumming Model 2 Results Viscous Pressure Drops vs Diameter 1.6 Average Viscous Pressure Drop/KE 1.4 F low Rate .125 L/S .25 L/S * 1.2 1 .5 L/S 1 L/S 2 L/S 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.01 IL 0.1 I iI I 1 Average Airway Diameter cm Figure 8.5-7 Normalized viscous pressure drop vs average airway diameter for the Horsfield lung model at several flow rates. 228 Diameter vs. Generation 2 Diameter (im) 1.6 H&C Model 2 Data I (Average +-I- 1 Std.) Weibel Model 0.6 30 25 20 15 10 Genertationu into the Lung 0 Comparison of Lung Models L/D Ratio vs Generation Length/Diameter 6 H&C Model 2 Da ta (Average I/- I Std.) -t 3 Weibel Model - 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Genertations into the Lung Average and variation of the diameter and Figure 8.5-8 L/D ratio vs generations into the lung for both the Weibel and HOrsfiels lung models. Viscous Pressure Drop Factors vs. Generations into the Lung (Low Reynolds # Form) Viscous Pressure Drop Factors vs. Generations into the Lung (Large Reynolds # Form) Factors Factors 4 Diameter Ratio Factors 3 Diameter Ratio Factors N, N, In L/D Ratio Factor 2 L/D cra~ 1 Flow Ratio Fa 2tor 0 5 10 15 A I I III 0 Flow Ratio Factor 20 25 30 Generations into the Lung Estimates based on averaged data from Horsfield et al 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Generations into the Lung Estimates based on averaged data from Horsfield et al High and low Reynolds numbers Ratio Figure 8.5-9 factors vs generation for the horsfield et al lung model. 35 230 Weibel Lung Model Comparison Expiration, Inspir-ation and Poiseuille Flows Flow Rate = 0.125 L/S Flow Rate = 0.25 L/S Visc. Res (cm HZO/(L/S)) O.tAlo 0.01. Vise. Res (cm H20/(L/S)) - 0.0 3 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.006 0 0 6 to 15 20 0 6 to is 20 Generations into the Lung Generations into the Lung Flow Rate = 1.0 L/S Flow Rate = 0.5 L/S Visc. Res (cm H2O/(L/S)) Visc. Res (cm H20/(L/S)) 0.1 0.06 . 0.08 0.05 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 .01 00 0 6 10 16 20 0 * Expiration o 5 10 15 20 Generations into the Lung Generations into the Lung Inspiration * Poiseuille Comparison of the effect of flow types; Figure 8.5-10 inspiration, expiration and Poiseuille flows. Airway Resistance Comparison Flow Rate = 0.5 L/sec 3 Res. cm H20/(L/S) Airway Resistance Comparison Flow Rate = 500 cc/sec Res. em H20/(L/S) 1.2 Experiment vs. X 2.5 1 Experiment vs. Numerical Prediction x 0.8 F Numerical Prediction 4.. 1.5 0.6 0.4 ~ - 0. .5 I0 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 20 30 40 % Vital Capacity Pred - Sub. RV - Sub. KH - 50 60 70 80 90 % Vital Capacity Sub. JT Sub. FH Experimental Data of Blide et al (1964) - Prod. -" Sub. - #3 Sub. #1 Sub. #4 - Sub. #2 Experimental Data of Vincent et al, 1970 Comparison of the numerical prediction for Figure 8.6-1 pulmonary resistance based on the horsfield lung model and the experiements of Blide et al, and Vincent et al. 100 232 Airway ResisLance Comparison Flow Rate = 1 L/sec 3.5 Res. cm H20/(L/S) Experiment vs. 3 Numerical Prediction 2.5 2 +.4 ------ ---- 0.5 0 20 30 40 ~--Pred. .x Sub. #4 50 60 - 1 70 % Vita CaIpaeity ",-, Sub. #1 Sub. #2 0 Sub. #5 A 80 90 100 Sub. #3 Sub. #6 Figure 8.6-2 Comparison of the numerical prediction for pulmonary resistance based on the horsfield lung model and the experiements of Hyatt and Wilcox. 233 Airway Resistance Comparison @ 50% Vital Capicity 1.6 Res, cm H20/(L/S) 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Experiment vs. 0.4 Numerical Prediction 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 I I 1.5 2 2.5 Flow Rate L/see Prediction -I- Ferris et al Figure 8.6-3 Comparison of the numerical prediction for pulmonary resistance based on the horsfield lung model and the experiements of Ferris et al.