Threshold Predictions Based on an Electro-anatomical Model of the Cochlear Implant by Darren M. Whiten B.S., Biomedical Engineering Boston University, 1999 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE and ELECTRICAL ENGINEER MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 2003 @ Darren M. Whiten, MMIII. All rights reserved. OF TECHNOLOGY MAY 12 2003 LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis documentBARKER in whole or in part. A u thor .............................................................. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science January 30, 2003 Certified by.. ..................... Donald K. Eddington,Ph.D. 4seagrch LabUrat9ry cf Electronics xiTsSDunervisor Accepted by ...... Arthur C. Smith,Ph.D. Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students - 2 -1 --.1- Threshold Predictions Based on an Electro-anatomical Model of the Cochlear Implant by Darren M. Whiten Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on January 30, 2003, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE and ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Abstract The cochlear implant is an auditory prosthetic used to restore the sensation of hearing by electrically stimulating auditory nerve-fibers via current injections delivered through an intracochlear electrode-array. The detailed peripheral anatomy (e.g. the total number and distribution of surviving spiral ganglion, the proliferation of new bone and soft tissue, and the shape of the cochlear duct) as well as the characteristics of the implanted array are likely to influence the pattern of neural excitation during electrical stimulation, but as of yet the influence of these factors remains largely unknown. We hypothesized that patient-specific models of the implanted cochlea that incorporate individualized anatomy might prove a useful tool in investigating how, and to what extent, the peripheral anatomy influences electric hearing. To investigate the feasibility of formulating such patient-specific models, the histologically processed temporal bone of one implanted patient was used to construct a 3D electro-anatomical model incorporating that patients unique anatomy. Using an iterative finite-difference algorithm, the electric field in the model cochlea was solved in response to 20 different electrode configurations. Coupling these field estimates to a single-neuron model allowed for the prediction of both the neural activation pattern and perceptual threshold for each configuration. To test the degree to which this model captures an influence of the peripheral anatomy, model-derived perceptual thresholds were compared with those measured psychophysically during the patient's last audiological exam. Several qualitative aspects of the patient's pattern of psychophysical thresholds were captured by the model, although, quantitatively the only significant correlations were observed for a subset of the more apical electrode configurations. Collectively, the results of this feasibility study suggest: (1) this preliminary model captures some gross features of electric-stimulation that are influenced by the peripheral 3 anatomy, (2) the inclusion of new intracochlear bone and soft tissue is likely to be an important consideration in developing future patient-specific models, and (3) with additional refinement, patient-specific models are likely to become a useful tool in explaining the influence the peripheral anatomy. Thesis Supervisor: Donald K. Eddington,Ph.D. Title: Research Laboratory of Electronics 4 Acknowledgments Portions of this work were funded by: NIH training grant DC00038 administered by the Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology Program at the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology and NIH contract NO1-DC-2-1001 I would like to thank my advisor, Don Eddington, for his invaluable guidance, encouragement, and tutelage as this work evolved from a summer research project into a thesis. His door was always open and his willingness to invest time, regardless of the hour, was always greatly appreciated. I would also like to thank the members of the Cochlear Implant Research Laboratory - Vic Noel, Joe Tierney, Maggie Whearty, and Meng Yu Zhu - for their eagerness to help, patience in answering questions, and comic relief. This project would not have been possible without the help of the Otolaryngology Department at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. I am especially grateful to Aayesha Khan for providing the histological cell counts, and Ridzu Mahamed for providing the segmented histological images. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge Gary Girzon and Johannes Frijns, whose modelling studies contributed substantially to portions of this work. Last, but certainly not least, I wish to thank my family for encouraging me to attend MIT, and my friends for encouraging me to avoid the perils of having a real job for as long as possible by remaining in school. 5 6 Contents 1 2 13 Introduction 1.1 The Peripheral Auditory System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.2 Introduction to Cochlear Implants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.3 Cochlear Implant Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1.4 Project Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 29 Methods 2.1 Three-Dimensional Model Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.2 Potential Field Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.3 2.2.1 Governing Equations . . . . . . . . . 44 2.2.2 Numerical Implementation of Current Conservation 46 Single-Fiber Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.3.1 Nerve Fiber Modelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 2.3.2 Numerical Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 61 3 Results 3.1 Model Component Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3.1.1 Potential Field Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3.1.2 Single-Fiber Model Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.2 Spatial Distribution of Excited Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3.3 Recruitment Behavior and Dynamic Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 3.4 Model Comparison to Psychophysical Thresholds . . . . . . . . . 91 7 4 Discussion 101 4.1 Model Methods and Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 4.2 Discussion of Model Trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4.3 Recommendations for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 4.4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Appendices 117 A Single Fiber Model 117 A .1 Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 A .2 Param eters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 B Supplemental Data/Figures 123 C Recommendations for Future Work 131 8 List of Figures . . . . . . 17 . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . 28 Model generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . 36 Spiral ganglion voxel distribution . . . . . . . . . . 39 2-5 Electrode array position..... . . . . . . . . . . 40 2-6 Temporal bone x-ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2-7 Implant x-ray with model overlay . . . . . . . . . . 42 2-8 Discretized potential grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2-9 Single-fiber model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 3-1 Representative field solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3-2 Potential solution at unstimulated electrodes 3-3 Membrane voltage behavior for a typical 17 node fiber. . . . . . . . . . . 65 3-4 Sensitivity of fiber threshold to At . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 3-5 Sensitivity of threshold calculation to pulse duration . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3-6 Convention for relative threshold polar plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 3-7 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 1-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3-8 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 5-8 . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3-9 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 9-12 72 1-1 Peripheral auditory system. 1-2 Inner ear structures. 1-3 Cochlear implant schematic 1-4 Histological slice comparison. 2-1 2-2 Cochlear axis 2-3 Side view of the cochlear axis 2-4 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 73 3-10 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 13-16 3-11 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 17-20 . . . . . . . . 74 3-12 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 1-4 . . . . . . . . 75 3-13 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 5-8 . . . . . . . . 76 3-14 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 9-12 . . . . . . . . 77 3-15 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 13-16 . . . . . . . . 78 3-16 Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 17-20 . . . . . . . . 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 3-17 Histogram of relative fiber thresholds 3-18 Fiber recruitment: Electrodes 1-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 3-19 Fiber recruitment: Electrodes 11-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3-24 Threshold profiles: Model rendition 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 3-25 Threshold profiles: Model rendition 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 3-26 Correlation verses N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4-1 Psychophysical thresholds with hypothetical error bars. . . . . . . . . . . 107 4-2 Distribution of weighted fibers across 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4-3 Rendition 2 (N = 450), Electrodes 5 and 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 B-1 Histogram of relative fiber thresholds: Rendition 1 . . . . . . . 124 B-2 Histogram of relative fiber thresholds: Rendition 2 . . . . . . . 125 B-3 Basal Fiber-Tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 B-4 Truncated model: Correlation verses N : Electrodes 1-12 . . . . 127 B-5 Collective distribution of 0 for recruited fibers: Apical 12 subset 128 B-6 Correlation verses N : Electrodes 1-19 129 3-20 Fiber recruitment: Electrode 7 verses 10 3-21 Electrode 7 verses 10 3-22 Range of threshold values 3-23 Patient psychophysical data 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Model-fiber dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 2.1 Resistivity values for model tissues 2.2 Model rendition descriptions 2.3 11 This page intentionally left blank. 12 Chapter 1 Introduction Possibly the most plaguing issue surrounding cochlear implant research is how to account for the overwhelming variability in implantee performance as measured by their ability to comprehend speech. Implant users regularly post scores ranging from zero to 100 percent on speech recognition tests designed to measure auditory performance via the use of word or sentence lists [28]. While some factors such as subject age and duration of deafness have been shown to correlate with performance [3], it is not uncommon for two seemingly identical patients (with regard to audiological history, etiology of deafness, age, etc.) to have extraordinarily different outcomes after being implanted with the same device. Unfortunately, it is often the case that virtually no explanation can be offered to those patients experiencing a poor outcome as to why the implant procedure essentially failed to restore an ability to understand speech. This unexplained variability motivates researchers to address the following questions: what mechanisms limit performance, how do these interact, and to what extent can these be reconciled with device design changes to afford the next generation of implant users an improved ability to understand speech? These questions are a difficult set to investigate, since the performance of each implant patient represents the combined influence of many factors. These are typically 13 CHAPTER 1. 14 INTRODUCTION categorized into two classes: (1) peripheral factors that govern the pattern of neural excitation delivered to the auditory nerve by the implanted electrode-array, and (2) central factors that govern how the patterns of neural activity propagate through the auditory pathways and are interpreted by the central nervous system. The focus of this work is on the periphery, specifically how the anatomy and physiology of the implanted cochlea, along with the characteristics of the implanted electrode array, influence neural activation. Issues associated with the sound processing strategy or stimulation waveform are not considered. Many anatomical features of the implanted ear could potentially influence performance; for example, the precise position of the array, the ingrowth of new bone and soft tissue, the distribution (and number) of the remaining auditory nerve-fibers, and the complex anatomy of the temporal bone. These features vary extensively across patients, although the effects of these anatomical differences remain unknown. We hypothesize that a patient-specific model that captures the detailed peripheral anatomy could prove to be a useful tool in understanding the intricacies of electric stimulation on a patient-by-patient basis. A collection of these patient-specific models could ultimately: (1) address whether, and to what extent, differences in the peripheral anatomy influence patient performance, and (2) identify desirable and undesirable anatomies. Because cochlear implants have been in use for over 20 years, the histological data necessary to derive a meaningful set of such models is quickly becoming available. This project is primarily a feasibility study that generates the first such patientspecific model of an implanted cochlea. Using a single donor's histologically processed temporal bone, a 3-dimensional electro-anatomical model is created that incorporates many of the unique anatomical attributes mentioned above. This model predicts neural activation patterns in response to each of 20 electrode stimulation configurations. To test whether the model is capturing an influence of the peripheral anatomy, model-derived estimates of stimulation threshold (one for each individual electrode 1.1. THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY SYSTEM 15 along the implanted array) are compared with the psychophysical thresholds measured during the patient's last audiological test. The advantage of this approach is that the comparison of model estimates to actual patient data allows for a measure of how well the modelling technique captures an influence of the observed anatomy. Since it is the peripheral auditory system that is being modelled, a review of the normal anatomy and physiology is presented first. 1.1 The Peripheral Auditory System The mammalian auditory system is a remarkable sound-processing instrument capable of detecting sound energies across a wide spectrum of frequencies and intensities. In the functional human auditory system, the detection of sound is often described as occurring in three steps: collection by the external ear, transmission across the middle ear, and transduction into a neural code by the inner ear. Sound propagating through air is collected by the external ear at the pinna and guided toward the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, which marks the boundary to the middle ear (figure 1-1). Energy is transmitted across the middle ear into the inner ear by the bones of the ossicular chain: the malius, incus and stapes. These effectively counter the (acoustic) impedance mismatch between the air-filled external ear and the fluid-filled inner ear. Accordingly, the middle ear overcomes the loss of transmission that typically occurs when sound propagating through air meets a fluid interface. Transduction into a neural code occurs in the cochlea, a system of fluid-filled compartments encased in the unusually dense temporal bone. The spiralling cochlear duct is partitioned by two tissue membranes to form three parallel chambers called the scala vestibuli, scala media, and scala tympani as shown in figure 1-2. The scala media and scala vestibuli are separated from the scala tympani by a fibrous divide called the basilar membrane. This serves as a basement membrane for the Organ of CHAPTER 1. 16 INTRODUCTION Corti, whose motion-sensitive hair cells perform transduction. These compartments spiral around a common bony axis, the modiolus, that incases the auditory-nerve. Cell bodies of the nerve are aggregated into a spiralling cluster (spiral ganglion), that sits in a cavity of the modiolus (Rosenthal's canal). These neurons are bipolar. The peripheral process extends radially to exit the bony modiolus at the habenula perforata and synapse on the base of an individual sensory hair cell. The axonal process extends through the internal auditory canal to terminate in the cochlear nucleus of the brainstem. In the normal human, approximately 30,000 myelinated afferent fibers innervate hair cells over roughly 2.5 turns of the cochlear spiral [41]. Superficial fibers along the nerve trunk exterior peel off first to innervate the base of the cochlear spiral whereas medial fibers travel further up toward the apex before fanning out to innervate the apical turns. Sound energy is injected into the scala vestibule through the round window by the piston-like action of the stapes. Since the fluid of the scala vestibuli is essentially incompressible, a travelling wave displacement of the basilar membrane is initiated that propagates up the cochlear spiral. Local displacements of the basilar membrane cause the attached sensory hair cells to release neurotransmitter, thus initiating neural impulses on the synapsed afferent fibers. Accordingly, information about the local membrane motion (e.g. its frequency and amplitude) is carried to the central nervous system (CNS) by this corresponding subset of local auditory nerve-fibers. The elastic properties of the basilar membrane systematically vary over the length of the spiral such that the mechanical resonant frequency of the partition systematically varies from the base to the apex, allowing the structure to behave as a mechanical frequency analyzer. Disjoint frequency components of the incoming sound preferentially excite disjoint frequency regions of the membrane: high frequency components excite basal regions while low frequency components excite apical regions. Consequently, the power spectrum of the incoming sound is mirrored in both the displacement profile along the basilar membrane and the corresponding discharge 1.1. THE PERIPHERAL AUDITORY SYSTEM 17 Auricle I - ma1ieus Cochlear nerve Cochlea Round window Tympanum ternol auditory Frneatus esEustachian tube cavity Figure 1-1: Peripheral auditory system. Shown are the structures of external ear, the middle ear (malius, incus, and stapes), and the inner ear. From this vantage point, the axis of the cochlear spiral is nearly perpendicular to the page. [Adapted from Noback, CR. 1967. The human nervous system : basic principles of neurobiology. New York : McGraw-Hill. (Permission granted)] patterns of fibers spread along the membrane. Nerve fibers, and the hair cells on which they synapse, are typically referenced by the sound frequency to which they are most sensitive - the characteristic frequency (CF). The logarithmic map of characteristic frequencies along the basilar membrane's 2.5 spiraling turns is called the cochlear frequency axis. Note in the following discussions, the terms frequency axis or CF are used to describe positions along the (spiralling) basilar membrane, while the term cochlear axis is used to describe the axis around which the basilar membrane spirals. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1. 18 Anterior vertical Semicircular Posterior canals vertical Utricle Saccule Vestibular nerve Modiolus Horizontal Cochlear nerve Scala media Ampulla Oval window Spiral ganglion Round window Helicotrema Scala vestibuli Scala media SHair cells Reissner's membrane Organ of Corti Scala tympani Spiral ganglion Basilar membrane Figure 1-2: Inner ear structures. Sound energy injected at the round window travels up the cochlear spiral via a travelling wave displacement of the basilar membrane. The elastic properties of the membrane vary from base to apex allowing it to behave as a mechanical frequency analyzer. [Adapted from from Noback, CR. 1967. The human nervous system : basic principles of neurobiology. New York : McGraw-Hill. (Permission granted)] 1.2. INTRODUCTION TO COCHLEAR IMPLANTS 1.2 19 Introduction to Cochlear Implants The cochlear implant is a neural prosthetic used to partially restore hearing in patients with specific types of profound sensorineural hearing loss. The most common forms of sensorineural deafness involve a loss of hair cell function or viability [19], thus interfering with the transduction process even though a viable population of afferent nerve-fibers may remain. The implant attempts to bypass the external ear, middle ear, and transduction apparatus of the inner ear (hair cells) to directly stimulate afferent fibers via a surgically-implanted electrode-array. Typically, arrays have up to 24 contacts spaced along an inert silastic carrier that is surgically inserted into the scala tympani (figure 1-3). The electrode array parallels the frequency axis of the basilar membrane, such that adjacent contacts along the array may focally stimulate adjacent fiber populations that, in the normal ear, encode different frequencies of the incoming sound. Accordingly, the distribution of stimulation across electrodes attempts to mimic the excitation profile along the frequency axis of the basilar membrane present in the normal ear. Stimulation of individual electrodes is typically accomplished via short biphasic current pulses (20 to 400 ps per phase) delivered at a carrier rate of around 800 Hz. Current pulses can be delivered to an individual electrode referenced to a far-field ground (monopolar) or between adjacent electrodes (bipolar). An externally worn sound processor employs a filter-bank to decompose the incoming sound spectrum into bands, then uses the band-energy to modulate the pulse train amplitude applied to each electrode. Accordingly, temporal changes in an electrode's pulse-train amplitude reflect temporal changes in the corresponding sound spectrum band.' In one popular stimulation strategy, continuous interleaved sampling (CIS), the phase of the pulse-train delivered to each electrode is staggered such that no two electrodes are pulsed simultaneously. This helps to minimize field interactions between 'The effective stimulus strength can also be modulated by adjusting the the pulse phase duration. As a first-order approximation, the stimulus strength can be specified as the charge delivered during each pulse phase (i.e. the duration-amplitude product). CHAPTER 1. 20 INTRODUCTION scala vestibuli scala media scala tympani electrode contact electrode carrier auditory-nerve Figure 1-3: Cochlear implant schematic Typical electrode carriers have up to 24 electrode contacts, each intended to stimulate a different subpopulation of afferent nerve-fibers. [Figure courtesy of Cochlear Corp.] electrodes, however the subpopulations of nerve-fibers excited by adjacent electrodes are still likely to overlap extensively. This overlap has generally been considered a cause for poor performance, as discussed below. Several variants of the CIS scheme have been suggested and implemented using different methodologies for transferring the rich spectral and temporal information of speech to the auditory nerve. For example, some schemes only activate a subset of the electrodes based on the analysis bands with the highest band-energies. Work 1.2. INTRODUCTION TO COCHLEAR IMPLANTS 21 aimed at improving the encoding strategy is an active area of research, but outside the scope of this discussion since this thesis is primarily directed at anatomical factors that influence electric stimulation of the peripheral neurons. It is likely that substantial improvements in implant performance will require advances in both the coding schemes and the interface between the electrode-array and the auditory nerve. Implants must be calibrated on a patient-by-patient basis. To fit individual patients, two psychophysically defined levels are recorded for each electrode in isolation: threshold and maximum comfortable level. These measures mark the lowest and highest pulse train amplitudes used by the device. Audiologists routinely use these to specify an electrode-specific function that maps a range of sound energies in the analysis band across the dynamic range of pulse train amplitudes bounded by the threshold and maximum comfortable levels. Limitations Ideally, each contact along the electrode array would excite small, disjoint populations of afferent fibers along the cochlear spiral. Theoretically, this would allow for a detailed representation of the incoming sound spectrum to be encoded in the auditory nerve while preserving the temporal information in each band. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Focal stimulation is severely limited because of interference between adjacent electrodes; the geometry, proximity, and viability of the target fibers; electrode placement; and a host of other implicated problems. Present estimates indicate that while the number of disjoint frequency bands in a device can be as high as 22, the maximum number of independent channels of information received by the implant user is typically limited to about 8 [9, 11, 21]. In the limit that two adjacent electrode pairs excite an identical fiber population, it is virtually impossible for the patient to discriminate between these two unless temporal information can be utilized.2 Besides the limitations imposed by the inability of the electrode array to focally 2 For example, a patient might discriminate these two if the pulse train carrier frequencies differed. CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 22 stimulate narrow regions along the frequency axis of the cochlea, others are imposed by the population of surviving cochlear neurons. Neuronal survival is typically accessed by the viability of the neuron cell body located in the spiral ganglion. It is well documented that the hair cell is more susceptible to injury (ototoxic or noise induced) than cochlear neurons or supporting cell structures. A staggering loss of hair cells may be accompanied by almost no immediate loss of cochlear neurons or supporting cells. However, the secondary loss of spiral ganglion cells following hair cell degeneration typically occurs [31, 56, 30]. In histological studies of the deafened ear, the survival of spiral ganglion cells has been reported to decrease with both age and the duration of deafness, but is reportedly most influenced by the etiology of the hearing loss. Data suggest that patients who experience aminoglycoside exposure or idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss have the highest survival of spiral ganglion cells, while patients who lost hearing to postnatal viral labyrinthitis, bacterial meningitis, or congenital factors have the lowest survival rates [31]. Recently, this has led researchers to search for, and find, neurotrophic factors that appear to prevent the secondary degeneration of spiral ganglion cells after an experimentally-induced sudden loss of hair cells. [54, 49, 46]. Intuitively, one might presuppose that implant users with higher spiral ganglion survival would have better speech recognition scores. While it has been reported that electric stimulation thresholds tend to be anti-correlated with spiral ganglion survival [23], no positive correlation between spiral ganglion survival and speech scores has been reported to date. In fact, Nadol et al. [30] reported a negative correlation on the basis of eight cases. Another variable across patients is the depth to which the electrode array can be inserted into the scala tympani during surgery. This is often limited, theoretically resulting in a mismatch between the frequency band a particular electrode is encoding, and the frequency region of the cochlea it stimulates. Ketten et al. [26] used computer aided tomography (CAT scanning) to image patients to assess where in the cochlea 1.2. INTRODUCTION TO COCHLEAR IMPLANTS 23 the electrodes were positioned. Out of 20 patients, it was found that the most apical electrode was positioned on average near the 1 kHz region of the basilar membrane's frequency axis. This is consistent with many patients' reports of speech sounding very high-pitched when the implant processor was initially turned on. While one might expect better performance with a deep electrode insertion where the placement of the electrodes is closer to the "correct" place along the cochlea, to date there is only a limited amount of evidence to supports this [47]. In fact, it is not unusual for patients with limited insertion depths perform as well as, or even better than, patients with deep electrode insertions [28]. Various other factors have been suggested to explain implantee performance, including the medial-lateral' position of the electrode array, insertion trauma, changes in the tissue properties of the cochlea (e.g. ossification or granulation tissue formation), the status of neural pathways central to the auditory nerve, and a host of cognitive and age-related factors. For most of these factors, no direct method of measuring an individual contribution to auditory performance has been identified. Likewise, no method for estimating how factors interact has been found. Observable statistics including the age at implantation, age at onset of deafness, duration of deafness, duration of implant use, electrode insertion depth, and etiology of hearing loss have been used in factor analysis studies designed to predict the influence of each on speech recognition scores. While the aforementioned factors account for a portion of the variance in speech recognition scores, a relatively large unexplained variance remains [3]. Furthermore, observing that a factor such as age is anti-correlated with performance reveals next to nothing about the physiological mechanisms responsible; except, of course, to suggest that its likelihood increases with age. Consequently, these factors are used mostly as prognosticators for counselling. Identifying the underlying peripheral physiologies that lead to a successful implant user is the ultimate goal of this research. 3 Medial refers to a position closer to the cochlear axis in a radial coordinate scheme. CHAPTER 1. 24 INTRODUCTION Generally, three approaches are used in researching the mechanisms that limit implantee performance: human psychophysical or physiological experiments, animal models, and computer modelling. The question of how the peripheral anatomy influences the device performance lends itself to a computer modelling approach. A disadvantage of most previous computer models is the lack of comparison between model results and animal or patient data. For this reason we sought a model that would allow for such a comparison. 1.3 Cochlear Implant Modelling Several generations of electrical models have been developed to investigate the potential distributions and current flows that drive neural stimulation in the implanted ear. The earliest models of current flow used lumped-parameter models to treat the cochlear spiral as a transmission line [2, 25, 50, 32]. These models assumed the cochlear spiral could effectively be "unrolled", implying that adjacent turns could essentially be decoupled. These model predictions show the potential and current density along the scala tympani to decay exponentially as a leaky transmission line, nearly obeying the formula: Vmp(r) = Ve -Irn e A . (1.1) Here Vmp is the potential referenced to a far field ground, r is the distance from an active monopolar electrode, V is the electrode potential, and A is a length constant. While these models give insight into the gross current flow during electric stimulation, they do not provide the enough data to make predictions of neural excitation. More recent approaches have used volume conduction models to solve for the potential field in the cochlea in response to stimulation. Several methods have been applied, including the boundary-element method [13, 4], finite-element method [10, 39], 1.3. COCHLEAR IMPLANT MODELLING 25 and finite-difference method [16]. All of these methods treat the cochlear structure as resistive based on the measurements of Spellman et al. [48], who reported impedance measures to be dominated by the resistance component up to frequencies of 12.5 kHz. Several investigators have coupled these calculated cochlear potential fields with single nerve-fiber models to render a prediction of neural excitation. Finley et al. [10] developed a 3-dimensional (3D) volume conduction model to infer excitation patterns by utilizing a passive nerve-fiber model based on the activation functions described by Rattay [38]. Citing differences between the human auditory-nerve and the cat auditory-nerve used in previous models, Rattay et al. [40] developed a single fiber model based on modified Hodgkin-Huxley kinetics [20]. This was later used to make neural excitation predictions using potential distributions obtained from a volume conduction model based on a single mid-modiolar image from a normal-hearing human [39]. Frijns et al. constructed a 3D, rotationally-symmetric model [13], and later a 3D, spiralling model [4] of the cochlea which were used to calculate cochlear potentials. Neural excitation was then estimated using an active, nonlinear nerve-fiber model based on mammalian voltage-clamp data. Model predictions of neural activation were compared with electrically-evoked auditory brainstem responses (EABRs) measured in cats by Shepard et al. [44]. Frijns concluded that the use of an active nerve-fiber model was superior in predictive capability as compared to a passive model and that the use of an unrolled cochlear model would lead to erroneous estimates of neural excitation. Until this point, all models discussed have been derived from mid-modiolar histological images taken from unimplanted humans or animals. Models assume an electrode array, implanted into an otherwise pristine scala tympani, with little or no insertion trauma. All cochlear structures remain unaltered, which is not the case in the implanted ear where, as pointed out by Nadol et al. [30], insertion of the electrode array results in significant damage to the inner ear. Growth of new bone and soft tis- CHAPTER 1. 26 INTRODUCTION sue into areas unoccupied in the normal cochlea is typical in the implanted patient, as is seen in the histological image from the implanted patient used in this model shown in figure 1-4A. For comparison, the mid-modiolar image of the unimplanted cochlea used by Rattay et al. [39] for the generation of their model is shown in figure 1-4B. In the implanted patient, the electrode has penetrated the basilar membrane and sits in the scala vestibuli. This, along with the growth of new bone and soft tissue leaves the anatomy of the implanted cochlea unquestionably different from that seen in the normal. 1.4 Project Goals It is not clear how the altered anatomy, especially the ingrowth of new bone and soft tissue, might affect electric stimulation and the results obtained from volume conduction models derived from the normal anatomy. It is also not clear how the electrode position, remaining population of auditory nerve-fibers, and shape of the cochlear spiral influence the performance of the implant. Accordingly, the goals of this research were to: 1. Generate a volume conduction model based directly on the anatomy of an implanted cochlea as it may have existed in situ. This patient-specific model attempts to capture the precise position of the electrode array, the distribution and number of surviving afferent fibers, and the new bone and soft tissue that fill the cochlear duct. 2. Estimate neural activation patterns and fiber recruitment under simulation by each electrode pair in the model. Given a suitable criterion for estimating perceptual thresholds from these model activation patterns, a comparison can be made between the psychophysical thresholds recorded from the patient and those generated by the model. This comparison measures the extent to which 1.4. PROJECT GOALS 27 the model captures the influence of the peripheral anatomy assuming no limitations are imposed by the central nervous system. 3. Determine whether including the new bone and soft tissue necessarily changes the modelling results. This modelling approach has two prominent advantages. First, the comparison between the model-derived and actual psychophysical thresholds can gauge the model's predictive capability as well as guide model revisions. Second, many free model parameters (e.g. spiral ganglion densities) can be measured directly from the histological data set. Ultimately, a series of such individualized models of implant anatomy may allow for the identification of peripheral pathologies that degrade the performance of patients who are otherwise expected to do quite well. 28 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Petrous Bone Bone fluid interface Area of scala vestibuli Electrode contact Electrode carrier Soft tissue Area of scala tympani Spiral ganglion cells (in modiolus) - Scala Vestibuli - Scala Media ___ Organ of Corti (on Basilar Membrane) - Scala Tympani - Modiolus Figure 1-4: Histological slice comparison. (A[top]) Mid-modiolar histological image from the implanted cochlea used in this study. (B[bottom]) Histological image from the normal unimplanted cochlea used by Rattay et al. [39] to generate their model. Chapter 2 Methods Overview The model presented is based on an anatomical reconstruction of postmortem tissue specimens taken from the temporal bone of a single cochlear implant patient. Estimating neural activation patterns in the model cochlea was accomplished in essentially three steps. First, digitized histological images were used to generate a 3-dimensional model of the cochlea capturing the relevant anatomy. The model was represented as a 3D matrix of volume elements (voxels), with each voxel assigned a resistivity value based on the tissue or material it represented. The capacitance of all tissues was ignored. Electrodes were modelled as simple point sources in the resistive volume. Second, the resistive matrix and electrode positions were used to estimate the potential field in the model during a unit current (100 mA) injection between each of 20 bipolar electrode pairs for which behavioral thresholds had been measured. Estimated nerve-fiber tracks were added to the model by an ad hoc automated tracing of expected fiber paths given the location of spiral ganglion cells in Rosenthal's canal. From each field estimate the potential along an individual model fiber-track was extracted and treated as that fiber's extracellular potential during stimulation. Finally, these extracellular potentials were passed to a single-fiber model of the 29 CHAPTER 2. METHODS 30 mammalian auditory nerve that computed an estimate of stimulation threshold (i.e. the lowest current level required to initiate a propagating action potential) for each electrode configuration. The end result is a data matrix containing the calculated thresholds for 1,354 model fibers computed for each of the 20 electrode configurations. Using these fiber thresholds, comparisons can be made between the relative sensitivity across electrodes predicted by the model and the relative sensitivity measured during the patient's most recent audiological evaluation. 2.1 Three-Dimensional Model Formulation The cochlear model is based on 304 histological slices from the donated temporal bone of one implant patient who successfully used the device for more than 9 years. Histological processing included slicing at 20 pm, staining, and mounting for photographing. A gray-scaled 480x512 digital image was taken of every other slice (152 images) at a resolution of 12.5pm x 12.5pm. Image registration was preformed by manually aligning each image prior to acquisition against a ghost image of the previous slice. A copy of each image was made, and imported into a bitmap editor to allow key features to be segmented manually. Image areas representing spiral ganglion cells, the electrode contacts, the electrode carrier, new bone growth, and new soft tissue were labelled and the segmented images saved. The histological processing, photography, and segmentation were preformed by a research member of the Otolaryngology Department at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. Features were verified by comparing the digital images to the histological slides as viewed under a light microscope. Next, both the original and segmented images from each slice were imported into MATLAB for further segmentation and analysis. The model cochlea was created by incorporating information from both the raw and segmented image sets. The segmented image set could not be used directly since it contained slight registration errors such that the segmented areas were not contiguous in 3-dimensional space. 2.1. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION 31 Bone/Fluid Interface A mid-modiolar raw image is shown in figure 2-1A, which also illustrates the model coordinate system. Here many structures of the normal anatomy ar' either missing entirely or indistinguishable; for example, a contiguous basilar membrane is not present. As a result, the first in a series of segmentation steps performed on the raw data set was to define a continuous bone-fluid interface in each raw image that would eventually define the cochlear duct. This continuous interface was drawn in each image for each cochlear turn by fitting a spline curve to a number of user-defined points. This is shown in figure 2-1B. Next the voxels inside the defined cochlear duct were designated as fluid and the voxels outside designated as bone (figure 2-1C). This step defined a two-tissue model, essentially a fluid-filled spiral encased in bone. Since the overall data set at this point was 512 x 480 x 152 for both the raw and segmented image sets, each image was cropped and downsampled by a factor of two, resulting in a more manageable size of 206 x 225 x 152 with a spacial resolution of 25pm x 25pim x 40pm. Since the base of the cochlea is cropped in several of the raw images, additional bone and nerve tissue needed to be added to the base of the model. Spiral Ganglion Cells Spiral ganglion cells were next added to the modiolar bone of the two-tissue model by sampling pixels labelled as ganglion tissue in the segmented image set. These ganglion voxels are shown in figure 2-1C as gray points. Each was then used as a landmark to render an ad hoc fiber track for a single model-fiber. All ganglion voxels were indexed by their angular position (6) in cylindrical coordinates about an estimated cochlear axis, with the most basal ganglion cell serving as the reference (6 = 0) as shown in figure 2-2. Using this axis, the ganglion voxels were assigned angular indices from 0 to 720 degrees. This ad hoc cochlear axis was chosen as a visual best fit to the cochlear spiral. However, given the lack of precise anatomical detail in the model, it remains a subjective choice. CHAPTER 2. METHODS 32 Defining this axis was deemed necessary in order to automate the tracing of fibertracks, although one ambiguity that remains is the orientation of fibers attached to the ganglion cells at the spiral apex. The lack of precise anatomical detail (e.g. the ability to see peripheral dendrites in the histological images) made it difficult to assign angular indices to the most apical spiral ganglion cells (grayed cells in figure 2-2). Rosenthal's canal typically spirals approximately 1.5 turns, with ganglion cells in its most apical half-turn innervating the apical 1.5 turns of the organ of Corti. A review of the literature revealed no systematic method to relate the precise position of these most apical ganglion cells to the position along the basilar membrane they innervate. Conversely, toward the base the relationship between ganglion cell position and basilar membrane innervation is rather well defined. Accordingly, the assignment of an angular index to a ganglion voxel is likely to be appropriate near the base and arbitrary near the apex. Fiber Tracks With the exception of the ganglion cell location, there is no other information about individual fiber paths in either the raw or segmented images sets. As such, the angular index assigned to each ganglion voxel in figure 2-2 was used to generate a relation between ganglion voxel location and fiber track orientation. Beginning at the base of the model, fiber-tracks run parallel to the cochlear axis, fan out radially at the appropriate cochlear angle, and pass through the parent spiral ganglion voxel. The dendritic section of the track extends from the ganglion voxel toward the habenula perforata as shown in figure 2-1D. Since the existence of the peripheral dendrite was not verified in every histological section, the model fibers extend a short distance toward the habenula perforata, but do not extend out of the bony modiolus. A side view of the model showing the cochlea axis with model fiber-tracks shaded gray is shown in figure 2-3. Fiber-tracks were added to the model using an automated procedure written in 2.1. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION 33 MATLAB. The path of each track was designated initially by four points: two points at the model base' (parallel the the cochlear axis) where the auditory nerve exits into the internal auditory canal, a point at the ganglion cell voxel, and a point along the habenula perforata where the peripheral process is expected to exit the osseous spiral lamina. The remainder of the fiber track was defined by spline fit interpolation. This was accomplished in cylindrical coordinates by fitting a spline curve though the mentioned points. Spline curves were forced parallel with the cochlear axis near the model base, with the apical fibers placed closer to the cochlear axis. As a result, the most apical fibers, whose angular orientation is somewhat ambiguous, travel along a path essentially parallel to the cochlear axis with only a short peripheral segment at the apex that fans out toward the cochlear duct. For basal fibers, much less of the the fiber-track is orientated parallel to the cochlear axis since these fibers peel off first to pass through basal ganglion voxels. The modiolar bone, spiral ganglion voxels, and areas surrounding model fibertracks were all designated as a single homogeneous tissue. For notational ease, we refer to this as nerve tissue although it represents the porous bone of the modiolus, neural tissue in the modiolus, and a short segment of the auditory nerve at model's base. At this point, the model consisted of only three segmented tissues: bone, fluid, and nerve tissue. This is referred to as the basic model. 'Model base refers to the YZ boundary plane where the nerve exists the model, not to be confused with the base of the cochlear spiral. CHAPTER 2. METHODS 34 B A 50 50 100 100 150 150 (D (D 200 200 E 250 E 250 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 100 300 200 y-dim [pixels] 400 100 500 E 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 0E 120 X 120 140 160 160 180 180 200 50 150 100 y-dim [pixels] 500 100 140 200 400 D C x) 300 200 y-dim [pixels] 200 50 150 100 y-dim [pixels] 200 Figure 2-1: Model generation for the X and Y dimensions, while the Z-dimension in pixels in are Note all axis units the figures that follow refers to the histological slice number. (A) Raw digital image of a near mid-modiolar slice. (B) Spline curves defining the fluid-bone interface are added using user-defined marker points (C) The area inside the spline is filled as fluid [black] while the area outside the spline is defined as bone [white]. The location of spiral ganglion cells are determined from the segmented image set and added to the modiolar bone as ganglion voxels [gray]. (D) The position of ganglion voxels are used as landmarks to add individual fiber tracks to the model. The modiolar bone surrounding the fiber tracks is then labelled as nerve tissue [dark gray]. 2.1. 35 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION most basal 0=0 y-dim [pixels] 0 I 50 100- 150- 200- 120 100 80 204 140 z-slice x-dim [pixels] 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 2-2: Cochlear axis View looking down the estimated cochlear axis with spiral ganglion voxels as black dots. The relative position of the electrode array is shown by connected circles. In cylindrical coordinates, an angular index is assigned to each ganglion voxel as theta increases clockwise from 0 to 720 degrees and the axial height increases accordingly. The angular index is used as a metric for relating ganglion cell position to fiber orientation. Note that the angular index of the fibers attached to the apical most cells is somewhat arbitrary since it is sensitive to the choice of this cochlear axis. However, these fibers essentially travel parallel to the axis with minimal fanning out. CHAPTER 2. METHODS 36 p~. * ... Figure 2-3: Side view of the cochlear axis View from a vantage point perpendicular to the cochlear axis. Here only the axonal portions of the fiber-tracks [gray] are shown as they enter the base of the model parallel to the axis before fanning out radially to innervate individual spiral ganglion voxels [black]. 2.1. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION 37 Fiber Count Calibration The number of fibers added to the model was dependant on the number of pixels labelled as ganglion tissue in the segmented image set. Since the density of actual ganglion cells in a segmented area of ganglion tissue can vary, we sought a method to calibrate the number of ganglion voxels in the model to the actual number of ganglion cells present in the histological sections. Ganglion cell counts taken under a light microscope were available from previous research done by the Otology Department on the temporal bone in question. These provided a ganglion cell count at every tenth histological section, or equivalently every fifth histological image (since every other section was photographed). In midmodiolar sections there are typically several separate clusters of spiral ganglion cells, as in figure 2-1C where the spiral crosses the section plane in three distinct areas. For each of these clusters, a separate visual cell count was performed. Using microscope cell counts, a relation between the number of ganglion voxels in the model and the number of counted ganglion cells was established. Every fifth z-slice in the model (corresponding to the section planes where cell counts was performed) was designated as the center of a 3D bin in the model. For example, cells counted on section 80 were associated with ganglion voxels on model slices 78 through 82, while cell counts from section 85 were paired with model slices 83 through 87. For the 3D bins toward the model center, a distinct cluster of ganglion voxels are present for each turn of the spiral ganglion represented. In these bins, clusters of ganglion voxels from separate cochlear turns are treated separately. The voxels in each cluster in each model bin were assigned a weight such that the sum of the voxel weights equalled the number of cells counted from the the associated histological section. For example, in the model bin centered on slice 80, three separate clusters were identified, with a group of 49 ganglion voxels populating the cluster from the basal-most turn. A total of 22 ganglion cells were counted under the microscope on section 80 for the associated basal-most turn of the spiral ganglion. Accordingly, 38 CHAPTER 2. METHODS each of these model (ganglion) voxels was assigned a weight of (22/49) such that when the 49 model fibers associated with this cluster are excited, the weight ascribed to this group corresponds to 22 counted neurons. Viewed from above, the distribution of ganglion voxels is displayed in figure 2-4 looking down on the Y-Z plane of the model base. The vertical grid lines denote bin edges. The distribution of ganglion voxels in the model is depicted as the voxel count per 25pm x 40pm rectangle after projecting each ganglion voxel's position onto this Y-Z model plane.2 Note that for some areas in this 2D rendering, separate clusters from distinct turns of the ganglionic spiral overlay each other. For the remainder of this discussion, fiber recruitment is taken to mean the collective sum of fiber weights from all fibers that produce a propagating action potential. Since the sum total of spiral ganglion cells counted was 1,138, fiber recruitment varies from 0 to 1138 as a function of the model stimulus level. Electrode Array The next feature imported into the basic model was the center of the electrode array as estimated from the raw image set. The electrode being modelled is part of a Nucleus22 ® device. 3 This electrode array consists of 32 platinum bands spaced 0.75 mm apart along a silastic carrier. The most apical 22 bands are active electrodes, while the remaining bands serve as stiffening rings. There are 23 bands present in the histological sections used, which were indexed 1 to 23 from apex to base. Note that this numbering scheme is opposite to the convention used by the Nucleus corporation. Since the electrode carrier passes through many image planes, its center conveniently served as a fiducial marker allowing slight adjustments in slice registration in both image sets. These adjustments were made to insure the continuity of the bony 2 1n other words, if the X-dimension is simply removed from the model, the 2D representation of ganglion density in figure 2-4 results. 3 Nucleus is a registered trademark of the Cochlear Corporation, 400 Inverness Drive South Suite 400, Englewood, Colorado 80112 2.1. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION 39 15 50 10 100 150 5 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 z- slice Figure 2-4: Spiral ganglion voxel distribution Projecting all spiral ganglion voxels onto the Y-Z plane of the model base shows the distribution of voxels in the cochlear spiral. Note the Y-dimension is in pixels while the Z-dimension is the section number. The colorbar indicates the number of ganglion voxels per 25pm x 40pm rectangle in this plane. Notice the 2nd turn overlays the first from this vantage point. To relate the number of voxels to the actual number of ganglion cells, visual cell counts were performed on the slides centered between vertical grid lines. Weighting factors were then assigned to each model fiber to reconcile the number of voxels with the number of counted neurons. duct such that misregistrations did not result in a fluid connection between adjacent turns. Bone was intentionally added in some areas where thin bone separated cochlea turns to insure against a breach in duct continuity. Additional bone was also added as a buffer to the cochlear base and walls in order to further isolate the model boundaries from the simulating electrodes. This pushed the final model size to 215 x 240 x 152 total voxels. The center of the electrode array was used to define a spline onto which CHAPTER 2. METHODS 40 100 50. -50- -100 50 100 15 0 200 50 0,,0 15 200 x-dimension y-dimension Figure 2-5: Electrode array position The electrodes [circles] are specified as point sources located along the spline travelling through the electrode carrier center [line]. Both the x-dimension and y-dimension are given in pixels. the electrodes were placed as point sources during model simulations, as shown in figure 2-5. The confirmation of the electrode positions was important since the platinum electrode contacts are often displaced during histological preparation. The position of the electrodes along the center spline was confirmed by comparison to an x-ray film taken before the specimen was sliced (figure 2-6). Since one electrode was missing from the image sets, the comparison to the x-ray film was also used to estimate this electrode's position. To compare the x-ray film with the 3D segmented image set, the voxel positions in the model corresponding to electrode contacts were projected onto a user-defined plane, then rotated and translated to overlay an appropriately scaled, digitized image of the x-ray film. This was done by hand tuning the orientation of the x-ray plane relative to the model coordinate axis, then adjusting the rotation and translation of the projected model points so the two images could be overlayed. 2.1. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION 41 Figure 2-6: Temporal bone x-ray film taken before slicing shows the position of the platinum x-ray (A [top]) Digitized bands spaced along the inert silastic carrier. The length of the white calibration bar (upper left) is 1 mm. This projection of the segmented electrodes onto the digitized x-ray is shown in figure 2-7A. The center spline of the model carrier along with its electrode points was also projected onto the digitized x-ray as shown in figure 2-7B. 42 CHAPTER 2. METHODS Figure 2-7: Implant x-ray with model overlay (A [top]) Digitized x-ray film with segmented electrodes overlayed in black. Notice the 7th electrode is missing from the segmented image set. (B [bottom]) Model center spline with electrodes as points projected onto the same plane as in (A). 2.1. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL FORMULATION 43 Model Renditions The resistivity of each voxel in the model was specified according to the values in table 2.1. Two renditions of the model were constructed as detailed in table 2.2. The second incorporated additional tissues in the cochlea duct including new bone and soft tissue deposits. Here a 3-dimensional lowpass filter was applied to the soft tissue of the segmented data set to fill in small fluid gaps. This effectively filled in small pockets of fluid with a resistivity value proportional to the density of the surrounding soft tissue. Filtering was necessary since small (a few voxels) pockets of fluid inside the soft tissue often caused convergence problems in the potential estimation algorithm. Table 2.1: Resistivity values for model tissues Tissue bone modiolus with nervous tissue fluid soft tissue new bone growth resistivity (Qcm) ref 5000 [15] 300 [15] 50 [33] 300 5000 [15] [15] Table 2.2: Model rendition descriptions Rendition Description 1 Basic three-tissue model (bone, fluid, nerve tissue) with the entire cochlear duct filled with fluid 2 New bone and soft tissue added to the cochlear duct of the basic model as extracted from the segmented image set. Since soft tissue typically surrounds the array, the electrode carrier resistivity was changed to that of soft tissue to remove the tunnel of low conductivity fluid that would otherwise result. Each rendition of the model was run separately, such that 20 potential distributions were calculated for each. 44 2.2 CHAPTER 2. METHODS Potential Field Estimation The 3D matrix of resistivity values and electrode positions are passed from MATLAB to a routine written in C [16] that computes an estimate of the potential field in response to the first phase of a 100 mA biphasic pulse. The field during the second phase is obtained by inverting the solution polarity. Twenty electrode configurations are specified as bipolar+1 electrode pairs with the most basal electrode becoming cathodic during the first half of the biphasic pulse. For convenience, bipolar stimulation between apical electrodes 1 and 3 is referred to simply as electrode 1 or configuration 1. Likewise, stimulation between the 20-22 electrode pair is referenced as electrode 20. Note that this convention (electrode number increasing in the apical-to-basal direction) is opposite to the convention used by the Cochlear Corporation, but consistent with the convention used by other implant systems. Before discussing the numerical implementation of the potential field estimation, a brief review of the governing equations is given. 2.2.1 Governing Equations The field estimate is formulated as a quasi-static formulation of Maxwell's equations with the electric field, E(x,y,z), expressed in terms of the potential field, <b(x, y, z), as E = -V(D. For time-varying (sinusoidal oscillating) fields, the current density J[ (2.1) ] is related to the electric field by the complex conductivity tensor as J = (a + jwF0Fr)E, where - is the material conductivity [-], w (2.2) is the angular frequency of the sinusoid, 2.2. POTENTIAL FIELD ESTIMATION 45 ,o is the dielectric constant of free space [1], and E, is the dimensionless material For the biological tissues and stimulus durations permittivity relative to &o [43]. being modelled, equation 2.2 is dominated by the conductive term such that the material can be modelled as an ohmic isotropic medium [35]. By analogy to ohms law we have the relation J =o-E. (2.3) The rate of free charge (p) entering or exiting any enclosed surface is found by the surface integral j - ds = - Pencoseda dv = jI (2.4) where I,[6] is an enclosed current source. Comparing this to the divergence theorem, J - ds = IV - J dv (2.5) one obtains the result known as the conservation of charge [43], dp dt (2.6) which is used here as a numerical scheme. For direct currents, equation 2.6 will equal zero, thus reducing to Laplace's equation, V -J = - V - (-UVI) (2.7) 0. The task of estimating the potential field in the electrically stimulated cochlea es- CHAPTER 2. METHODS 46 sentially reduces to solving Laplace's equation on a 3-dimensional discretized grid at all positions not containing a current source. The two electrodes are inserted as hypothetical point-sources that make equation 2.6 nonzero at two positions in the model. 2.2.2 Numerical Implementation of Current Conservation A nonconservative method for solving the potential field @(x,y,z) involves writing difference equations derived from a Talyor series expansion of the second-order partial differential equation in 2.7. An alternative, although similar, technique employed here is to use current conservation to formulate a numerical scheme. The surface integral of equation 2.4 is used as a basis for this scheme, where current is conserved across media of different resistivities. This scheme is typically referred to as the finite-difference approach. To estimate the potential field (4D(x, y, z)), all that is required is a 3D matrix of conductivities and the location of the current sources. The elements of the resistive matrix are inverted so that resistivities [Qcm] become conductivities [A]. A potential node is placed in each corner of every conductive voxel such that the 215x 240 x 152 set of conductive voxels fits inside a 216 x 241 x 153 lattice grid of potential nodes as in figure 2-8B. Here each internal node sits at the interface of eight conductive cubes that influence its potential. The potential grid F(Xi, Yj, Zk) is referenced by the shorthand 4Dk. Since the conductive cubes fall between consecutive nodes on the grid they are indexed at the half-step (e.g. i + ,j + 1, k + }). To implement current conservation, we use a cubic control surface (physical dimensions Ax=25ptm, Ay=25pm, Az=40pm) centered on each individual node as in figure 2-8A. Here the cubic control surfaces and conductive volumes are interdigitated such that each control surface encloses a corner of the eight neighboring conductive cubes, as in figure 2-8. If the control volume is sufficiently small relative to the second spacial derivative of the electric field, then the surface integral of equation 2.4 can 2.2. POTENTIAL FIELD ESTIMATION 47 be expressed as the sum of six current vectors, each orientated normal to a control surface face as in figure 2-8A. Current conservation requires ix- - IX+ + IY~ - I+ + IZ-- where I, in an enclosed internal source. IZ+ = Is, (2.8) The calculation of each normal current requires an estimate of both the electric field and conductivity at the control face center. The electric field is estimated from the difference in potential between the center node and its neighbor, while the conductivity is taken as the average of the four conductive cubes the control face lies in. For example, the current (Ix+) is calculated at a position half way between the center node ( positive x-direction (Pi+1,j,k) ij,k) and the adjacent node in the using the following as estimates for the electric field and conductivity respectively. E lD I 4i+l,j,k - ijk To get the current Jz+ we simply multiply these by the control surface area. Accordingly, the six surface normal currents for a control volume centered on node are 2 [IX i+Ij- 4 'i,j,k CHAPTER 2. METHODS 48 ,k ilA ' ' x 2' K2 2' 2 -2' ±. 1i~ x 'j+,k - Ay + . i ,j ,k .+1 Ay (i-Ij-I~ i+.,j+.,k+} A i~J1,k -4 - AYAZ (2.11) +Ji+,j+,k- Izliajk+ 1= (2.10) -!k+l ±1 2' 2 Ui (07-.~j-I~ + -- - k+ i + i Ij 1 7i+-J ,k (2.12) + (2.13) .Ik ! (2.14) Notice the computation of these six currents uses only the conductivities of the eight adjacent cubes, the potential of the center node, and the potentials of the six adjacent nodes. Consequently, the potential at each node is coupled only to that of its six principle neighbors. Equations 2.9 - 2.14 can be consolidated and written as [i-,j,k = [Ixi+,j,k = -,k i,j+ ,k [Izi,j,k+ = (i,j,k i-1,j,k) (2.15) Dij,k) (2.16) 4 i,j-1,k) (2.17) - 1 i+,j,k (' i+1,j,k - -i,j-I,k [Yli~j+.k 1Iz ij,k-l -,J,k ('i,j,k - ( 1 1 i,j,k-! ( i,j,k iJ,k+1 ( 4 'Ii,j,k) (2.18) 4i,j,k-1) (2.19) I~ij,k) (2.20) i j+1,k - i,j,k+1 - 2.2. POTENTIAL FIELD ESTIMATION 49 (A) CONTROL SURFACE +Y, k00 t ' 0 so ijk ,k k+%2 AY 'Z 2jk S-i+, i i, j, Az k..i'/k (B) CONDUCTIVE MESH i-M j+% k-% kio0 0, Figure 2-8: Discretized potential grid (A) Cubic control surface used for conservation of current around node <bi,j,k located at its center. Normal currents are calculated by estimating the electric field and conductivity at each face center, then multiplying by the face area. (B) Potential grid used in current calculation. Each conductive cube is defined at its corners by eight potential nodes. Here the upper right conductive cube is left out to view the orientation of the control surface about the center node. The dotted line added to the control surface in (A) shows how this surface is orientated in (B). CHAPTER 2. METHODS 50 where the 3's are formed from the (known) conductance values and the physical dimensions. Substituting equations 2.15-2.20 into the current conservation relation, one obtains [xI] Ilyi,j+! ,k + [Izj ,k - [xli+I,j,k + ['"]iYj - . - i,j,k+ [ = i,j,k (2.21) where I, is only nonzero at the two nodes modelling the electrodes. In this manner a complete nodal equation can be written for each potential node that does not lie on the model exterior. For example, the nodal equation for node /31!,2,2('D2,2,2 - 'D1,2,2) - 021,2,2(03,2,2 - 4CD2,2,2) + /32,11,2('b2,2,2 - 4)2,1,2) 02,21,2()2,3,2 - (D2,2,2) + 2,2,1 (1)2,2,2 - - '12,2,1) - 02,2,21 (4D2,2,3 - 4D2,2,2) )2,2,2 = becomes 12,2,2 Here Dirichlet boundary conditions specify the potential as zero for each boundary node. In this formulation, an approximation to Neumann boundary conditions 4 is accomplished by setting the conductivity of voxels at the model boundary close to zero, thus confining current flow to the model interior. The complete set of nodal equations form a system of coupled equations that can be recast in matrix form as B = I where 1,1,1 4) = '11,1,2 41)216,241,153 4Neumann boundary condition require the derivative normal to the boundary surface to be zero. For example, 1 = dx 0 at the Z-Y boundary surface. 2.2. POTENTIAL FIELD ESTIMATION 51 1,1,1 I= 1,1,2 I216,241,153 and B is a banded, sparse matrix containing only seven nonzero diagonals filled with the entries of 3. All the entries of I are zero except for the two points in the model where a current source and sink are specified. Estimating the potential field now conveniently reduces to performing a matrix inversion of B to solve for <1. Since B is a (7 x 10) - by - (7 x 107) sparse matrix, iterative methods must be employed. The estimated solution to di was obtained using the PreConditionedConjugate Gradient algorithm ' (PCCG) as implemented by Girzon [16]. The solution vector <b is simply reshaped into a 3D matrix to yield a (216 x 241 x 153) estimate of the potential field. 'For a discussion of the PreConditioned Conjugate Gradient algorithm see Axelson and Barker [1] CHAPTER 2. METHODS 52 2.3 Single-Fiber Model The single-fiber model used in this work is based on the modified spatially extended nonlinear node (SENN) model as described by Prijns [13]. The model provides an estimate of stimulation threshold in response to a transient extracellular stimulus. Under each bipolar configuration, the 3D potential field estimate, <P, is calculated for a biphasic (30 pus per phase) 100 mA current pulse as discussed in section 2.2. From <P the potential along each individual fiber is extracted by sampling the potential along the fiber track as it courses through the model. By interpolation, the potential at the model fiber's nodes of Ranvier are specified along both the peripheral dendrite and axon. These are packaged as a vector of external potentials, V1, that the single-fiber model iteratively scales to find a threshold Ve that generates an action potential. Since we are modelling the cochlea as a collection of resistive media, scaling V' is equivalent to scaling the current source used to excite the electrode pair. Alternatively, the fixed-amplitude V. can be used and the stimulus intensity modulated by adjusting the duration of the biphasic current pulse. In fact, this is the intensity-modulation scheme used in the Nucleus device over the range of psychophysical thresholds recorded from the patient. Here the stimulus intensity is modulated by using pulse durations ranging between 22.26 ps and 32.85 ps; however, simply converting these measures to charge delivered per phase [nC] allows for easy comparison with the model results. Since the electrodes are modelled as point sources, instead of bands separated by highly resistive silastic, the threshold charge [nC] returned by the single fiber model is not expected to match precisely with what was measured psychophysically. This is not a serious problem, since we are primarily interested in the relative sensitivity across fibers and across the 20 bipolar electrode configurations. For the purposes of this investigation, each fiber threshold is reported as the relative threshold (T,) in reference to a 100 mA biphasic pulse of 30ps per phase. 53 2.3. SINGLE-FIBER MODEL 2.3.1 Nerve Fiber Modelling The mathematical formulation for the time-varying membrane voltage, Vm(x, t), is derived as a modified form of the cable equation. The passive cable equation for a cylindrical fiber with a linear membrane conductance takes the form, A2 a92Vm Ox 2 ~ -Vm at = 0 (2.22) where A and r are space and time constants respectively. Equation 2.22 is a second order partial differential equation (PDE) of the parabolic type where Vm is a continuous function of both space (x) and time (t). Incorporating the nonlinear membrane conductances described by Schwarz and Eikhof [42] adds significant complexity to the membrane behavior, essentially necessitating a simulated solution. A typical method for dealing with a nonlinear PDE of this form involves a technique called the method of lines, where the spatial variable (x) is discretized into N spacial regions, with the spatial derivative (') set to zero within each region. This technique transforms the nonlinear version of equation 2.22 into a system of N coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) where time is the only remaining independent variable. Subsequently discretizing time leaves a set of coupled, nonlinear algebraic equations [27]. In this model of the myelinated afferent auditory fiber, the spacial discretion corresponds to specifying Vm at adjacent nodes of Ranvier, again resulting in a system of coupled ODEs which can then be simulated by temporal discretization and numerical integration. A section of the modified SENN model-fiber employed here is shown in figure 2-9. It is composed of N nodes of Ranvier, indexed by (i), and N-1 internodal segments, indexed by (k). The membrane current at each node is composed of a capacitive current (Ic), a linear leak current (IL), a nonlinear sodium current (INa), and a nonlinear potassium current (IK). The myelinated internodal segments of the membrane are CHAPTER 2. METHODS 54 treated as perfect insulators, allowing only an axial current to flow between adjacent nodes. The nodal capacitance and axonal conductance are determined by the fiber dimensions (Appendix A). The number of total nodes (N) varies between 14 and 23 depending on the fibers orientation in the electro-anatomical model. Most fibers have 6 dendritic internodal segments. The fiber dimensions and relation to the cell body are given in table 2.3. Table 2.3: Model-fiber dimensions node (i) 1 2 3 4 internode (k) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 node length f(i) [pm] node diameter d(i) [pm] 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 internode length L(k) [pm] internode diameter D(k) [pm] 175 175 175 175 175 175 40 150 200 250 300 350 350 350 3 3 3 3 3 3 5.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 label II | dendrite | [CELL BODY] I | axon I II 55 2.3. SINGLE-FIBER MODEL e(i-1) * n(i) L ) I. ion CI L (i-1) L(i+1) GNt GK GL (H-i) (1+1) VNU VK +Cc+ +W CI On( +1) Coi+1) GNt GK+ (0-1) (0-1) VNa K GL _j Cm(7 (-) L GNt GK+ (i) (i) Node ( i-1i) (i) VN8VK VL + + + + GL CI (0+1) (+1) VL + Node (I) Intemode (k-1) D(kL) Intemode (k) Node (i) L(k) (i) (I+1) Figure 2-9: Single-fiber model Three nodes of Ranvier are shown with transmembrane currents at each node composed nonof a capacitive current (I,), a leak current (IL), and an ionic current (Io,). The linear, voltage-dependant kinetics of the sodium conductance (GNa) and the potassium internconductance (GK) are adapted from Schwarz and Eikhof [42]. The myelinated are (Ve(,)) node each at odes are treated as perfect insulators. The external potentials determined by the field estimate as in section 2.2. See table 2.3 for fiber dimensions. See equation 2.23 or appendix A.2 for parameter conventions. CHAPTER 2. METHODS 56 The deviation of the membrane voltage from its resting state at the ith node (V(j)) is given by dV( ) - [Ga(V(l - -GL(V(i) - 2V(j) + V(±i+))] + [Ga(V VL) - - 2Ve_ e + Vege)] Iion( (2.23) using the conventions Vi, the internal potential referenced to a far field ground Vm(i) e ,M the external potential referenced to a far field ground Vmm = [Vim - Ve()] the transmembrane potential [Vm(1 ) - Vrest] the deviation of the membrane voltage from rest V(i) Vrest the resting membrane voltage as calculated using the Goldman Equation the membrane capacitance at node i Ga( k) the axial conductance at internode k (note in equation 2.23 that Ga was treated as uniform) GL VL the membrane leak conductance the leak current equilibrium potential chosen such that IL + Ii,, = 0 in the resting state Equation 2.23 can be derived by balancing current at the internal node labelled Vi) in figure 2-9. The values of the external potential V, are taken from the scaled vector V' as extracted from the estimated potential field. A subtle point worth mentioning is that in this formulation the extracellular potential is completely dictated by Vo as computed in the electro-anatomical model; consequently, the model fiber kinetics do not influence the extracellular potential. The model's nonlinear behavior is governed by the voltage-depentant sodium (GNa) and potassium (GK) conductances. described by Frijns [13] are: The sodium and potassium currents as 2.3. SINGLE-FIBER MODEL INa%) [PNah()mh) 57 (Vm(0 7 -( cK]exp) 1-j (V (VF = S K n j) 2 ) [cs+] - [c%+] exp R S- exp Vm F\ (V ) F V 7dJ fj) RT .) F\~ -T (2.25) R where PK potassium permeability n(s), potassium activating factor PNa sodium permeability h(j) sodium inactivating factor d(j) node diameter R gas constant node length T absolute temperature sodium activating factor F Faraday's constant M(i), Here the activating factors m(i), n(i), and h(j) are nonlinear, time-varying, and voltagedependant with each obeying a first order differential equation of the form dm() = 1M. +(OM() +m dt( +! 3O )m W (2.26) (2.27) The voltage dependance of amn() and +)3m() described in appendix A. Similar equa- tions govern n(s) and h(j) as detailed below. 2.3.2 Numerical Simulation We seek a solution to the membrane voltage deviation at each node (V()) as a function of time to determine if a propagating action potential is observed in the numerics. To accomplish this, only V(), m(i), n(j) and h(j) need to be simulated as a function of time, since all other model variables can be formulated from these four and the 58 CHAPTER 2. METHODS fiber dimensions. To simply our exposition, we form column vectors from each (e.g. V , V(N)]T) allowing this entire system to be concisely described with the = [V),... following four coupled equations ( from [13] ): dV d dt dm dm AV+BVe + C (Iact + IL) (Oam( + ) dt dt = dn 0 / ma)) + m am(N) dh -=+ dt 3 (2.28) (am(N) + 0 (ah(1) ah(1 ) + 3 1m(N)) 0 h(j)) '-h ah(N) 0 an(,) (anl) + On()) (2.30) (ah(N) + 1h(N)) 0 n + dt an(N) 0 (2.29) (an(N) + (2.31) /3f(N)) Calculation of the vectors Iact and IL requires V, m, n, and h. Likewise, the calculation of the a's and O's to find m, n, and _h requires V. Here A, and B are tridiagonal matrices that describe the resistive coupling between nodes, and C is a diagonal matrix containing the nodal capacitances. The entries of A, B, C, and the voltage dependency of the a's and /'s can be found in appendix A. Equation 2.28 implements a sealed-end (spatial) boundary condition requiring zero axial current to the left of node 1 or to the right of node N in figure 2-9. This 2.3. SINGLE-FIBER MODEL can be conceptualized as setting 59 GA(.) and GA(,,) to zero, forcing any axial current to flow only between nodes 1 through N. To obtain a simulated V(t), equations 2.28 - 2.31 are discretized by replacing all time derivatives with finite-difference approximations, then numerically integrated on a uniform time grid of spacing At. The fiber is initialized in its resting state with the membrane potential equal to the resting potential at all fiber nodes (e.g. V = 0). Likewise, all elements of the vectors _m, n, and h are initialed in their respective resting states as m, no, and ho (given in appendix A). The time derivatives of V, m, n, and h are also initialized as zero. This system is driven by a time-varying vector of extracellular potentials, Ve(t), that takes the form of a biphasic pulse with 30 pus per phase. During the stimulus phase, Ve(t) is set to a scaled version of Vo as Ve(t) 0 0 < t < 5ps + Cscale -Ve 5ps < t < 35pas - 0 Cscale e (2.32) 35ps < t < 65pas t> 65ps where Cscale is a scale factor applied to vary the stimulus intensity across different runs. The choice of (temporal) integration technique is a tradeoff between the accuracy and stability of the solution and the ease and speed of the implementation. Explicit and implicit methods form two broad classes of integration methods used on coupled 60 CHAPTER 2. METHODS ODEs of this type.6 For explicit methods, such as Euler's method or Runge-Kutta methods, the technique boils down to evaluating the right side of equations 2.28 2.31 at known values of V(tn), _M(tn), n(tn), and h(tn) to obtain V(tn+1 ), _M(tn+1 ), n(t,+ 1 ), and _h(tn+l) [27]. Implicit methods such as backward Euler and Crank- Nicholson involve solving a linear system (i.e. a matrix equation) for the values of V(tn+1 ), M(tn+1), _(tn+ 1 ), and h(tn+ 1). Since 1,354 model fibers were included in this preliminary model, a simple first order Euler method was implemented with a sufficiently small time step to obtain a stable solution. This allowed for the simultaneous calculation of V(t) for upwards of 200 fibers with the same number of nodes by forming a 3D data structure in MATLAB (node number x time iteration x fiber number ). A subset of fiber thresholds were calculated using a smaller time step to evaluate the sensitivity of the model results to the choice of time increment. After integrating, the existence of a propagating action potential is determined by thresholding V(i, t), the Ccaie factor changed, and another run initiated. The value of Ccaie is iteratively scaled and the time evolution of V(i, t) checked for an action potential until a threshold Cscae is found. Threshold is defined as finding two values for Ccale that differ by less than 1 percent, one of which initiates an action potential, while the other does not. The fiber's relative threshold (T,) is taken as the larger of these values. In addition to providing threshold estimates, the single-fiber model also returns an estimate of the spike initiation node. 6 The issue of primary interest in choosing between explicit and implicit methods is one of stiffness. Stiffness measures the difficulty of solving an ODE or PDE as the ratio of the longest time scale to the shortest time scale. This is analogous to the ratio of the largest to smallest eigenvalue (i.e. condition number) in describing the difficulty of performing a matrix inversion. Explicit methods usually suffice for non-stiff problems, while implicit methods have more desirable numerical behavior for stiff problems, but are more difficult to implement. The stiffness of a compartmental neuron model, such as this one, increases with both the number of compartments and the degree of resistive coupling between compartments. For example, if the axial conductance G, on both sides of a node is much smaller than the combined nodal membrane conductances (GL +GK +GNa), then the nodal voltage is essentially decoupled from its neighbors, thus decreasing the stillness [27]. Chapter 3 Results 3.1 3.1.1 Model Component Results Potential Field Estimates Field estimates for the 20 electrode configurations typically required 8-10 hours to compute using a Pentium IV, 1.4 GHz workstation. On average, 250-300 iterations of the PCCG algorithm were required for convergence to a solution. A representative contour-plot taken along a Y-Z plane' for the 12 th electrode configuration is shown in figure 3-1. As expected, in the regions close to the electrodes the potential solution is nearly the same as that of an electrostatic dipole. 2 From figure 3-1 one notices that the potential near the model center, where the excitable tissues of the modiolus are located, deviates substantially from that predicted by a simple dipole solution. This supports the use of an iteratively computed solution over an analytical approximation to the potential field during electric stimulation. The potential predicted at inactive electrodes shows an exponential decay toward zero as the distance from the active pair is increased as shown in figure 3-2. The 'This plane is nearly perpendicular to the cochlear axis, see figure 2-5 for orientation. The analogy between the electrostatic dipole problem and the direct-current problem being modelled here is that if the electrodes are replaced with appropriate point charges, and the resistive media replaced with free space, then the potential field solutions would be the same [43]. 2 61 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 62 20 40 60 80 C 0 E 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 20 40 60 80 100 z-slice 120 140 160 Figure 3-1: Representative field solution. Contour plot of an estimated potential distribution on a mid-model Y-Z plane during the first half of a 100 mA biphasic pulse delivered to electrode pair 12. The electrode array is projected onto this plane with the most basal electrode located at the upper right. During this phase the more apical electrode (0) is anodic first. potential at the inactive electrode between the active pair is near zero, as expected from the electric dipole analogy. 3.1. MODEL COMPONENT RESULTS 63 15 10 5 I-l 0 0 CL -5. -10 -15 2 4 6 8 12 14 10 Electrode Contact 16 18 20 22 Figure 3-2: Potential solution at unstimulated electrodes Potential along the unstimulated electrodes for configuration 6 during the first half of the biphasic pulse using model rendition 1. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 64 3.1.2 Single-Fiber Model Results Computing threshold estimates for the 1,354 model fibers for the 20 electrode configurations required approximately 36 hours per model rendition. A typical 300 psec simulation is shown in figure 3-3. Shown is the time progression for the external potential Ve(i, t) in 3-3A, the membrane voltage deviation V(i, t) due to a supra-threshold pulse in 3-3B, and the deviation V(i,t) due to a sub-threshold pulse in 3-3C. Since it is only the relative sensitivity of fibers across different electrode configurations that is of interest, the fiber thresholds are presented as relative thresholds (re 100 mA, 30 psec per phase pulse). The relative threshold (T,) assigned to this fiber is 0.3313, corresponding to a biphasic pulse delivering 993.9 nC of charge per phase. The psychophysical threshold (Tp) for this electrode was recorded using a pulse delivering 23.2 nC per phase (966 pA biphasic pulse with 23.98 ps phase duration). Scaling The magnitude of the threshold stimuli predicted by the single-fiber model does not match the level of the biphasic pulses used by the device. This discrepancy is not entirely unexpected since: (1) the electrodes were modelled as point sources that were not separated by resistive silastic, meaning that current flow directly between them was not impeded, (2) the impedance associated with the material interface between the electrode and the surrounding fluid was ignored, and (3) the biphasic pulse used in the model did not incorporate a short delay between pulse phases, as occurs in the actual device. Other potential sources of this scaling discrepancy are the assumed tissue resistivities and the model-fiber dimensions. Neither of these parameters have been well studied. In this preliminary model, the fiber dimensions are based on measures in guinea pig. Consequently, the peripheral dendrites are shortened such that they do not exit the modiolus. 65 3.1. MODEL COMPONENT RESULTS S-0 > -2, -4 20 150 100 time [usec] 50 0 0 fiber node i 200 250 300 200 250 300 20 25 30 150 -...-. --..... S 100 50 -- - -50. 20 E 10 0 0 ~~. ............. 0 fibernode(i) - . 50 100 150 time [usec] -. -... -...-... E15O N -...- ..- ..- - 100 -501 20 10- fiber node (i) 0 0 50 100 150 time [usec] Figure 3-3: Membrane voltage behavior for a typical 17 node fiber. (A-top) The time varying extracellular potential Ve(t) for a stimulus level of 33.0 mA per phase (i.e. Cscaie = 0.33). The extracellular potential is positive first since this fiber is closer to the anode in this configuration. In this figure, node index (i) 17 is the most peripheral dendritic node. (B-middle) The membrane voltage deviation V(t) during the initiation of an action potential by a super-threshold biphasic pulse with 33.1 mA per phase. (C-bottom) The membrane deviation due to a sub-threshold pulse with 33.0 mA per phase. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 66 I i I change 160 ~-748 fibers: % change = 0 140 120 100 E2, (D 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.5 I I 1 1.5 I I I 3 2 2.5 3.5 change in threshold [percent] I I 4 4.5 5 Figure 3-4: Sensitivity of fiber threshold to At Histogram of change in fiber threshold (percent) by changing from a 0.2 ps to a 0.05 ps time-step. Simulation Time-Step (At) Stable threshold estimates were obtained using a time-step of 0.2 Ps even though a transient ringing was present in the membrane-voltage solution following the stimulus onset and offset. The amplitude of this instability typically decayed to zero within 5 ps, and the solution was otherwise well behaved. Thresholds were obtained for a series of 1,354 fibers using a 0.05 ps time-step to evaluate the sensitivity of the threshold measurement to changes in time-step. As expected, the transient ringing is not present in the 0.05 ps solutions, but the threshold estimates are remarkably consistent with those computed using a 0.2 ps time-step. Of the 1,354 fibers recalculated at a smaller time step, 748 showed virtually no change in threshold. The remaining fibers typically showed a slight increase (<2 percent) in threshold as shown in figure 3-4. 3.1. MODEL COMPONENT RESULTS 67 Pulse Phase Duration In the device being modelled, the biphasic pulse intensity is modulated by changing both the pulse amplitude and phase duration. Over the range of psychophysical threshold measurements taken on the patient, the phase duration is varied between 22 ps and 32 As while the amplitude is held constant at 966 pA. In the single-fiber model, thresholds were calculated by varying the pulse amplitude using a fixed, 30 As phase duration. Consequently, the comparison of model thresholds (T,) to psychophysical thresholds (T,) relies on the approximation that the stimulus intensity is simply a linear function of charge delivered per phase of the stimulus pulse. To the extent that an action potential is generated when a criterion membrane depolarization occurs, this charge equivalence-approximation should hold for sufficiently short phase durations. The reasoning being that as the phase duration is shorted such that the stimulus waveform approaches a series of Dirac delta functions, the nonlinear voltage dependencies of the ionic currents can be ignored, and the circuit in figure 2-9 treated as a linear transmission line. To verify this approximation, a subset of relative thresholds were recalculated using a 23 ps phase duration. Converting these two threshold estimates to charge delivered per phase allows the pairwise comparison shown in figure 3-5. Here the threshold estimates obtained using 23 As/phase stimuli are plotted verses the estimates obtained using 30 ps/phase stimuli. Since the model deviation from this equal-charge approximation was considered negligible, fiber thresholds were not recalculated by adjusting phase durations. 68 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS -1.MRJi a .5 0. *0 0 02 1000 0 E C,, c'J 5, .5 a 500 a .5 0 500 1000 relative threshold [nC] using 30 micro second pulse 1500 Figure 3-5: Sensitivity of threshold calculation to pulse duration The charge-equivalence approximation predicts these points to fall on a line of slope 1.0 passing through the origin. 69 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS Spatial Distribution of Excited Fibers 3.2 The spatial distributions of relative fiber thresholds are shown in figures 3-7 to 3-11 and 3-12 to 3-16 for model renditions 1 and 2 respectively. As explained in figure 3-6, thresholds are displayed in polar coordinates using the angular indexing scheme of figure 2-2 where the radial distance represents a fiber's relative threshold . Electrode 1 ELECTRODE 8 270 anode first 0 0.5 1.0 30 15 60 120 90 660 marker line 30 210 630 cathode first 300 240 1 0r 361-720 degrees Electrode 1 0-360 degrees Relative Threshold 90 540 -- 1.5 51 360 ~-90 420 480 450 Figure 3-6: Convention for relative threshold polar plots Each fiber's relative threshold is displayed in polar coordinates using the angular index of figure 2-2. Since most relative thresholds fall between 0.02 and 1.0, the data are displayed as points along a linear radius between the 0.0 and 1.0 circular contours. The angular index begins at the most basal model fiber (0 = 0) and sweeps clockwise through 720 degrees to index fibers at the model apex. Fibers in the basal turn (0-360 degrees) are shown on the left, and the apical fibers (361-720 degrees) on the right. Note that fibers indexed at 1 and 360 degrees are not adjacent along the spiral. The apical neighbors for a 360 degree fiber on the left are located in the right plot starting at 361 degrees. The angular position of the electrodes in this radial coordinate system are shown with symbols (0,O) on the 1.0 threshold contour of the basal turn (left plot). During the initial pulse phase the more apical electrode (0) is anodic and the more basal electrode (0) is cathodic. The lowest 50 fiber thresholds are highlighted with a marker-line drawn inside the 0.0 contour circle. For illustrative purposes, only a single fiber's threshold is shown on the left, while multiple fiber thresholds are shown on the right. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 70 240 600 90 57 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 660 Electrode 1 0-360 degrees 270 300 Electrode 1 0 180 30 15 57 60 120 450 90 Electrode 2 240 Electrode 2 0-360 degrees 270 300 361-720 degrees 630 5190 30 21 600 0 180 15 a . 60 54 30 60 120 450 90 Electrode 3 240 660 420 480 Electrode 4 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 0 180 90 57 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 660 540 Electrode 4 60 361-720 degrees 630 660 600 51 30 . * 15 90 ' 90 57 450 906 Electrode 4 240 420 480 60 120 54 0-360 degrees 270 300 360 -'90 51 0 21 420 480 450 -0 180 .'30 15 120 -60 90 Figure 3-7: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 1-4 71 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS Electrode 5 24 Electrode 5 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 30 21 57 0 180 90 Electrode 6 240 21 600 30 120 540 450 Electrode 7 - 120 0-360 450 Electrode 8 degrees 0 120 90 '' 660 57 0 180"" - 361-720 degrees 630 600 30 21 420 480 300 * *."...90 . 270 15 6 51 30 90 i* 540 0 . . 660 57 0 180 15 361-720 degrees 630 600 30 240 420 480 .. Electrode 8 90 . 0-360 degrees 270 300 90 60 - 5. 60 24 f.-90 57 30 - 361-720 degrees 630 660 Electrode 6 0 Electrode 7 420 450 0-360 degrees 270 300 90 *90 480 180 15 60 - - 21 540 60 120 *90 51 30 - 15 361-720 degrees 630 660 30 90 540 360 51 90 480 420 450 Figure 3-8: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 5-8 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 72 361-720 degrees 630 Electrode 9 0-360 degrees Electrode 9 270 660 600 300 240 57 30 21 90 0 540 y 180 15 . ; 0 30 .. 420 480 60 120 90 51 450 90 Electrode 10 240 - 240 90 60 540 30 ..- 60 120 Electrode 11 660 57 0 ' 15 361-720 degrees 630 600 30 21 18 Electrode 10 0-360 degrees 270 300 90 450 0-360 degrees 270 300 630 51 . s. : 90 *.v ** 30 21 420 480 450 0 . 18 degrees 361-720 degrees 361-720 630 12 Electrode 12 Electrode 30 15 60 120 90 Electrode 12 0-360 degrees 270 660 600 300 240 90 57 21 180 30 360 540 0 30 15 51 90 -. 420 480 12060 90 450 Figure 3-9: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 9-12 73 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS Electrode 13 240 Electrode 13 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 0 180 60 90 51 450 90 Electrode 14 240 Electrode 14 0-360 degrees 270 300 660 90 57 0 180 540 60 51 30 15 361-720 degrees 630 600 30 21 90 600 12 0 450 90 Electrode 15 240 420 480 60 120 90 540 30 15 660 57 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 Electrode 15 0-360 degrees 270 300 660 600 57 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 90 60 54 1800 450 90 Electrode 16 240 Electrode 16 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 600 0 18 30 15 60 90 361-720 degrees 630 660 660 90 57 30 21 12 420 480 60 120 90 51 30 15 360 540 90 51 420 480 450 Figure 3-10: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 13-16 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 74 Electrode 17 240 Electrode 17 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 0 180 15 57 30 21 23 90 54 60 51 30 480 240 Electrode 18 0-360 degrees 270 300 21 90 54 60 90 (51 30 60 480 240 Electrode 19 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 0 180 90 540, 60 51 30 15. 60 90 480 0-360 degrees Electrode 20 361-720 degrees 270 600 300 240 420 450 90 Electrode 20 0 180 630 660 90 57 30 21 540- 60 -30 15 9 361-720 degrees 630 660 57 30 21 120 420 450 90 Electrode 19 660 57 0 180 15 361-720 degrees 630 600 30 120 420 450 90 Electrode 18 90 45 60 120 361-720 degrees 630 660 -90 1 60 120 90 9 480L420 450 Figure 3-11: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 1: Electrodes 17-20 75 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS Electrode 1 0-360 degrees Electrode 1 270 600 300 240 57 30 21 0 180 30 15 90 0 54 90 51 420 480 60 120 450 90 Electrode 2 240 Electrode 2 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 0 180 90 54 9 420 480 60 120 60 -:: 51 30 15 450 90 240 Electrode 3 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 361-720 degrees 630 660 90 .- 57 540 30 1 21 361-720 degrees 630 660 57 30 21 Electrode 3 361-720 degrees 630 660 .. a. 60 0 180 51* 30 15 240 420 450 90 Electrode 4 90 . 480 60 120 *. Electrode 4 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 90 57 300 21 361-720 degrees 630 660 360 54 189 30 -- 15 60 120 90 420 450 Figure 3-12: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 1-4 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 76 54 .. ... 24. 60 90 56 30 .480 . *.'. 450- Electrode 0-360 degrees 270 300 6 . .26 361-720 degrees 630 600 57 30 -- 21 90 3- 90 Electrode 6 ., - 60 120 s.' 57 180 15 660 600 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 Electrode 5 Electrode 5 0-360 degrees 270 300 24 660 90 . -*. . ( 180 30 15 80.. 120 450 90 Electrode 7 24 0-360 degrees 270 300 51 90 '- 30 21 54 180 87 Electrode i60 361-720 degrees degrees 630 600 15 51 30 - 5757 240 . I..'. .'. 90 90 420 40 90 Electrode 8 90 *- 480 60 120 .7. s 660 54 0-360 degrees 270 300 360 51 '90 30 21 420 480 450 C 18 30 15 60 120 90 Figure 3-13: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 5-8 77 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS Electrode 9 240 Electrode 9 0-360 degrees 270 300 57 0 18f 60 51 60 120 90 54 30 (15 9 240 21 40 450 Electrode 10 0-360 degrees 270 300 00 43 600 0 180 90 5 51 30 15 240 450 Electrode 11 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 30 21 0 18 30 15 90 51 90 54 480 Electrode 12 Electrode 12 0-360 degrees 270 600 300 0 180 30 1(5 60 120 90 361-720 degrees 630 660 90 57 30 21 40 450 90 240 361-720 degrees 630 660 57 60 120:0 0 480 60 90 Electrode 11 361-720 degrees 630 660 57 30 120 420 480 90 Electrode 10 660 600 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 360 540.... 90 51 420 480 450 Figure 3-14: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 9-12 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 78 Electrode 13 240 Electrode 13 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 90 57 0 180 660 54040W 60 - 30 15 480 60 120 Electrode 14 240 Electrode 14 0-360 degrees 270 300 0 . 540" 51 30 15 240 60 -- -. 420 361-720 degrees 630 660 90 57 30 60 I4L 51 30 15 .90 420 480 60 450 90 0-360 degrees Electrode 16 361-720 degrees 630 270 600 300 0 180 30 15 60 660 90 57 30 21 90 90 .- - 600 0 12 60 60 .. Electrode 15 180 240 9 450 21 Electrode 16 , 480 0-360 degrees 270 300 120 660 .. 90 Electrode 15 361-720 degrees 600 5754066 12 3 630 21 180 420 450 90 540 360 90 51 420 480 450 Figure 3-15: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 13-16 79 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS Electrode 17 240 Electrode 17 0-360 degrees 270 300 600 361-720 degrees 630 660 .. 57 -'30 21 0 180 0 540 51 30 15 90 480 60 120 90 420 450 90 240 21 Electrode 18 0-360 degrees 270 300 Electrode 18 600 57 30 * 0 180 15 0 51 90 480 60 420 450 90 Electrode 19 240 90 w, 54 30 120 361-720 degrees ,45630 660 Electrode 19 0-360 degrees 270 fuI 300 660 600 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 90 .. 57 0 54 0 180-\ 51 30 15 480420 60 120 *90 450 90 Electrode 20 0-360 degrees Electrode 20 240 -. 0 15 60 90 90 -- - 540 360 Su90 51 -30 120 - 57 0 180- 660 600 300 21 361-720 degrees 630 270 420 480 450 Figure 3-16: Excitation patterns: RENDITION 2: Electrodes 17-20 80 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS Possibly the most salient feature present in these spatial distributions is the eleva- tion in threshold for fibers positioned at angular indices (0) between those of the active electrodes. This result is seen in varying degrees for all electrode configurations in the left (basal) panels of figures 3-7 to 3-16. A similar result has been reported by Frijns et al. [13, 4] and Hanekom [18]. The explanation for this lies in an analogy to the electric dipole, where the plane defining points equidistant from the two electrodes 3 is an equipotential plane. Since the excitation of a model fiber is proportional to the second spatial derivative of the potential along the fiber's length [36], fibers lying in, or nearby and parallel to, this plane are unlikely to be excited. Interestingly, in many simulations a secondary collection of fibers with elevated thresholds was observed at an angular index approximately 180 degrees basal to the active electrode pair. For example, electrode 1 of rendition 2 shows this pattern in the basal turn. It is likely that this results from the same equipotential effect as describe above. Fibers in the apical turn (right panel) did not show a great deal of spatial selectivity, essentially because action potentials were most often initiated in the axonal sections of these fibers. As shown by the marker-line in the polar plots, the 50 lowest threshold fibers were typically located at 6 just basal and apical to the active electrodes. Accordingly, as the stimulus level in the model is increased the first fibers recruited typically form a bimodal distribution over 0 centered on the active electrode pair. This result is also consistent with the model described by Frijns [13]. Qualitatively these patterns support the hypothesis that the neural elements closest to the electrode pair are not necessarily the most sensitive to electric stimulation. A subtle trend in figures 3-7 to 3-16 is the similarity in thresholds between basal fibers located near 0-5 degrees and mid-spiral fibers located at 355-360 degrees for several electrode configurations. These fibers innervate different cochlear turns, yet the thresholds calculated are often nearly identical as in the first 4 electrodes of 3 This plane is orthogonal to the line connecting the active pair and passes through a point midway between the electrodes. 3.2. SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF EXCITED FIBERS 81 both renditions. This emphasizes the contribution of the fiber's angular position in determining its threshold in the model. However, the threshold values for the mostbasal fibers may be inaccurate since the orientation of fibers around a single cochlear axis is not a good anatomical approximation for the most basal fibers in the hook region. Analysis of the spatial results are somewhat limited by the fact that no psychophysical data are available for comparison. For example, if the patient's ability to discriminate individual electrode pairs (e.g. d' measures) were known, these distributions might be used to derive a model-estimate of which electrode pairs the patient could most easily discriminate. Overall, the spatial distribution of relative thresholds were quite similar between renditions 1 and 2. While difference are apparent, these are most easily seen by comparing the recruitment of fibers across electrodes. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 82 Recruitment Behavior and Dynamic Range 3.3 Histograms of the entire set of relative fiber thresholds across all 20 stimulus configurations are shown in figure 3-17 for both model renditions. Histograms for each individual electrode are shown in appendix B. By ordering the fiber thresholds in 4 ascending order, the ability of each electrode pair to recruit fibers can be displayed. The recruitment behavior for model renditions 1 and 2 are shown in figures 3-18 and 3-19. Rendition 1 ca 2000 2000 1800 1800 1600 1600 1400 1400 Rendition 2 nI 1200 1200 E) 1000 1000 800 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 n I,. 0 1 0.5 Relative threshold 1.5 0 0 0.5 1 Relative threshold 1.5 Figure 3-17: Histogram of relative fiber thresholds Note recruitment is taken to mean the collective sum of fiber weights from all spiking model fibers. Since the sum total of spiral ganglion cells counted was 1138, fiber recruitment varies between 0 and 1138 as a function of the stimulus level (Cscaie) for each electrode configuration. 4 83 3.3. RECRUITMENT BEHAVIOR AND DYNAMIC RANGE Electrode 2 Electrode 1 1200 - 1200 . ./ 1000 1000 / 800 600 /- /- 400 -30 -10 -15 -20 Electrode 3 -25 -5 600 v 400 0 -35 0 V U) 1200 0 1000 U) II / 800 (0 U) I 600 n ii: / 400 V U) I- 200 0) U) -30 -25 . . -10 -20 -15 Electrode 5 . -5 C . 800 600 / 400 / -30 -5 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 7 -25 0-35 800 -o U) 600 V 400 -30 -25 -5 0 .- -20 -15 -10 Electrode 6 / / / / 200 0-35 0 0 400 CO 0) -5 200 1000 U) -20 -15 -10 Electrode 4 600 1200 - -c 200 -25 0 0 U) / -30 800 V U) -I 1000 0-35 . 200 1000 1200 800 ' 1200 0-35 a V) /- 200 0-35 - -30 -25 -10 -20 -15 Electrode 8 -5 0 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 10 -5 0 -5 0 1200 1200 1000 U) 1000 800 800 / 600 '0 a) /- 600 400 400 I- 200 200 0 -35 -30 -10 -20 -15 Electrode 9 -25 -5 0-35 0 1200 V U) 1200 1000 0 1000 U) 800 CO U) .0 600 ii: -4 800 600 400 V U) 400 200 -C 0) 200 01 -35 - -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Relative Threshold [dB] -5 0 0 -35 -30 -10 -20 -15 -25 Relative Threshold [dB] Figure 3-18: Fiber recruitment: Electrodes 1-10 Cumulative weighted fiber recruitment for model rendition 1 (dotted) and rendition 2 (solid). Threshold values are in dB re 100 mA, 30 ps per phase pulse. 84 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS Electrode 11 Electrode 12 1200 1200 ' 1000 cc) .. 800 U- 600 400 a) V al) -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 13 -5 0 ai) 1000 a) 200 0 -3 5 800 600 ai) 200 C-) ci) 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 15 -5 0 a) Cl) U- 1200 a) 1000 -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 16 -5 0 200 0 -3 5 1200 - 600 /- 400 200 Cc) M 0 ai) 5 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 17 -5 0 'a 0) I- 1000 / I 400 800 ai) a: 600 ai) .5 U -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 19 -5 0 1200 '0 ai) Ci, 0 -3 5 800 800 ' / -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Electrode 20 -5 0 / 400 200 200 0-3 -35 0 600 /,- ' -5 1200 -ii: 1000 ' "~ -20 -15 -10 Electrode 18 200 1000 ' -25 400 200 -30 -30 1200 a- / 5 0 -3 5 1000 / I 800 600 200 Cl) 19AA 600 -30 400 800 ai) 400 400 -5 0) 600 _0 -15 -20 -10 Electrode 14 2M1000 800 Q -25 1000 600 400 0 -30 1200 800 -30 - - 1200 5 - 800 400 5 3: 1000 600 200 -I -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 Relative Threshold [dB] -5 0 0 -3 5 -30 -20 -15 -25 -10 Relative Threshold [dB] -5 0 Figure 3-19: Fiber recruitment: Electrodes 11-20 Cumulative weighted fiber recruitment for model rendition 1 (dotted) and rendition 2 (solid). Threshold values are in dB re 100 mA, 30 pus per phase pulse. 3.3. RECRUITMENT BEHAVIOR AND DYNAMIC RANGE 85 The overall shape of these recruitment curves are qualitatively consistent with the single fiber recordings from cats made by van den Honert and Stypulkowski [52] using monopolar stimulation. For many electrode configurations, especially the apical-most, the effect of adding the new bone and soft tissue (as identified in the patient's cochlear duct) to model rendition 2 was to increase the range of fiber thresholds, making the recruitment curves in figures 3-18 and 3-19 less steep for the second model rendition. Overall, adding the tissues unique to rendition 2 had differential effects on recruitment; in some figures the recruitment curve is shifted to the left (i.e. fibers are recruited at a lower stimulus level), while in others portions of the curve are shifted to the right, meaning recruitment occurs at a higher stimulus level. Additionally, the shape of the recruitment curve is often different for the two renditions (e.g. electrode 14). One striking difference between model renditions is the relationship between the recruitment curves of electrodes 7 and 10 as shown in figure 3-20. In the first rendition, the recruitment behavior is very similar such that the recruitment curves in figure 3-20 nearly overlap. In the second rendition, the recruitment by electrode 7 typically occurs at higher stimulus levels while recruitment by electrode 10 is shifted to lower stimulus levels. This indicates that adding the additional tissues to the second model rendition had a substantial impact on the potential field, enough to differentially impact fiber recruitment even though these two electrode pairs are relatively close to one another along the array. Not only is the direction of this effect different for electrodes 7 and 10, but it is likely the mechanism may be different as well. Histograms of theta for fibers recruited by electrode 7 (recruitment=400) and electrode 10 (recruitment=200) are shown in panels A and C of figure 3-21, respectively. These recruitment values are chosen from figure 3-20 because they reflect where the recruitment curves of renditions 1 and 2 differ. For both electrode pairs, the pattern of recruited fibers is bimodal across theta, 86 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 1200endition 1 - Rendition 2.- 1000 - 800- Renndition () E2 Q(D 2 100 600 (D ~, 400 Rendition 2 , - 200 0 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Relative Threshold [dB] Figure 3-20: Fiber recruitment: Electrode 7 verses 10 Recruitment by electrodes 7 (solid) and 10 (dashed) in both model renditions. with a distinct mode of stimulated fibers both above and below the angular position of the electrodes (marked by X's). While the null separating the two modes5 is shifted toward the base (lower theta) for electrode 10 compared with 7, the histograms for rendition 1 (gray) and rendition 2 (black) are remarkably similar for each electrode individually. This suggests that the difference between renditions 1 and 2 is not the spatial distribution of fibers recruited. This is confirmed in panels B-C (electrode 7) and E-F (electrode 10) which show scatter-plots of relative threshold verse theta6 for the model fibers contributing to the bimodal recruitment patterns displayed in panels A and C. For electrode 7 in panels B and C, the difference in single-fiber thresholds between rendition 1 (gray) and 2 (black) is not very prominent near the position (0) of the electrodes, but steadily increases for 0 < 175 and 0 > 300. Accordingly, electrode 7's rendition 1 and 2 recruitment curves do not diverge from each other until the recruitment value is above around 175 weighted model fibers. 5 1n this region of theta fibers are relatively unlikely to be stimulated given the analogy to the electric dipole discussed in section 3.2. 6 Note these plots are essentially the respective polar plots of section 3.2 re-plotted on cartesian coordinates and focused on the most sensitive fibers. 3.3. RECRUITMENT BEHAVIOR AND DYNAMIC RANGE 87 For electrode 10 in panels E and F, the difference in single-fiber thresholds between rendition 1 and 2 is both in the opposite direction and relatively uniform across 0. Accordingly, electrode 10's rendition 2 recruitment curve is translated to lower stimulus levels for all recruitment values. In the sense that it impacts fibers at nearly all 6, the mechanism causing this decrease in single-fiber threshold for electrode 10 seems more "systemic" than, and thus likely to be different from, the mechanism(s) causing the threshold increases observed for electrode 7. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 88 I r 0.35 60 0.6 I Sd. 0.3 50 -D 0 -o 0 0 a) .0 (C) ELECTRODE 7: Upper Mode (B) ELECTRODE 7: Lower Mode 0.4 x (A) ELECTRODE 7 70 a) 40 Ia) 30 IU L 0.25 0.4 0.2 W) I- .I.- 0.1 10 %h 0.1 0.05 0 , 100 . 200 300 Theta 0 ' 100 i 40 0 5C 0 200 150 Theta (E) ELECTRODE 10: Lower Mode (D) ELECTRODE 10 . AA . x x x 0.35 - 4f 250 350 300 Theta 40 0 (F) ELECTRODE 10: Upper Mode 0. 0.3 0.3. 4C 35 0 > 30 25 'a 0 0.25 a) 2! 0.2 CC 0.05 200 S .. 400 100 0 120 140 Theta 160 cps- 0.05 0 300 Theta 1 0.1 0.1 10 5 0.2 * - 15 0.25 0.15 0.15 F 20 0100 V Z 0. 15 20 0.5 180 200 250 Theta 300 Figure 3-21: Electrode 7 verses 10 (A) Histograms of theta for fibers recruited by electrode 7 for rendition 1 (gray) and rendition 2 (black). The position (0) of each contact of the electrode pair is shown by an "x". (B-C) Scatter-plots of relative threshold verse theta for fibers contributing the the lower/upper modes of the bimodal distribution present in panel A. Here rendition 1 is in gray and rendition 2 in black. (D) Histograms of theta for fibers recruited of by electrode 10 for rendition 1 (gray) and rendition 2 (black). (E-F) Scatter-plots relative threshold verse theta for fibers contributing the the lower/upper modes of the bimodal distribution present in panel C. 3.3. RECRUITMENT BEHAVIOR AND DYNAMIC RANGE 89 Range Estimates The recruitment curves show that, for each electrode, a range of model stimulus levels can be defined where fibers are actively being recruited (i.e. the sigmoidal region of the recruitment curve). All the weighted fibers are recruited for levels above this range, while no fibers are recruited for stimulus levels below this range. This dynamic range can be estimated for each electrode individually using the stimulus levels (relative thresholds) required to recruit 99% and 1% of the model fibers. 7 Here the model range (in dB) can be calculated using the ratio of these two measures, respectively. Psychophysically, the maximum-comfortable and threshold levels measured from the patient also define a range of stimulus levels that result in different sensations for each electrode. A psychophysical range (in dB) can be calculated using the ratio of these two measures, respectively. To the extent that the psychophysical range estimate is substantially larger than the model range estimate for any particular electrode, one can argue that the modelling results are inconsistent with the patient data. For example, if the patient's maximum-comfortable and threshold levels [nC] for a particular electrode differ by a factor of 100 (40 dB), but the model's highest and lowest single-fiber thresholds for the same electrode vary by only a factor of 10, then an inconsistency in range exists. To see this, assume threshold occurs in the model by recruiting the single most sensitive fiber with a stimulus level of Mt. If the patients psychophysical range is a factor of 100, then one expects that at 100 Mt the model fibers are still actively being recruited, i.e., 100 Mt is in the model's dynamic range.8 If the dynamic range of the model ends at 10 Mt then the model does not explain how the patient could still report different sensations at levels of 100 Mt. 7Note the 9 9 th and 1 st percentiles are arbitrarily chosen instead of the highest and lowest fiber avoid the influence of outliers. thresholds to 8 This argument subtly assumes that the model stimulus levels differ from the device levels only in scale, without any offset term. 90 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS Inconsistency in range was not found to be problem, as shown in figure 3-22 where the psychophysical range estimates (x) are plotted along with the model range estimates from rendition 1 (<>) and rendition 2 (o). Especially for rendition 2, the model range values are well above the psychophysical ranges, indicating the model is consistent in this regard. 30-35 4 25 - 0a,) 2 *X ' ' X- -x- 10 x. -x. - 5 -0' 2 4 6 8 10 12 Electrode 14 16 18 20 Figure 3-22: Range of threshold values Model range estimates for each individual electrode are calculated using the ratio of fiber thresholds marking the 1 " and 9 9th percentiles for rendition 1 (0) and rendition 2 (o). The patient's psychophysical range (x) was calculated using the ratio of maximum comfort level to threshold for each electrode. 3.4. MODEL COMPARISON TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL THRESHOLDS 3.4 91 Model Comparison to Psychophysical Thresholds To the extent that behavioral thresholds are determined by the peripheral anatomy and physiology, the patient-specific model should predict a pattern of relative thresholds across electrodes similar to the pattern of psychophysical thresholds measured from the patient. In order to make such a comparison, all that is needed is a suitable metric for deriving a perceptual threshold estimate from the model's collection of single-fiber thresholds for each individual electrode. Possibly the simplest metric to generate this estimate is to assume that perceptual threshold occurs in the model when a requisite number (N ) fibers are recruited. Accordingly, for any choice of N a (model-derived) perceptual threshold can be assigned to each electrode as the relative threshold of the last fiber needed to meet the N weighted fiber recruitment criterion. For any choice of N between 1 and 1138, a model threshold profile can be drawn showing the stimulus intensity needed to recruit the N fibers for each of the 20 electrode configurations. Electrodes requiring a higher stimulus intensity to recruit N fibers will show up as peaks in these model threshold profiles. For the remainer of this discussion, the term thresholdprofile is used to make the distinction that these are model-derived estimates of psychophysical threshold as opposed to those actually recorded from the patient (Tn). Correlating the Tp values with a threshold profile captured at a given N provides an estimate of whether, and to what extent, the model is capturing an influence of the peripheral anatomy on psychophysical threshold. The subject's most recent psychophysical measures are displayed in figure 3-23. Threshold profiles for a subset of N are shown in figures 3-24 and 3-25 for model renditions 1 and 2, respectively. The patient's behavioral threshold pattern is reproduced in gray in each plot for convenience. Both the product-moment correlation-coefficient (r) and the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient (rs) are displayed above each plot. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 92 Psychophysical Threshold 32[ 0 28 Q. S26 I c 24 o2 22 2 120 UC 0O 4 6 8 10 12 Electrode 14 16 18 20 Maximum Comfort Level . 110 100 90 801 ) 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 Electrode 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 3-23: Patient psychophysical data Psychophysical data are presented as the charge [nC] delivered per phase of the biphasic stimulating pulse. 3.4. MODEL COMPARISON TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL THRESHOLDS 93 Figures 3-24 and 3-25 on pages 94 and 95 Figure 3-24: Threshold Profiles: Model Rendition 1 Threshold profiles (black line/right ordinate) and psychophysical thresholds (gray line/left ordinate) across the 20 electrode pairs. The model-derived threshold is the relative threshold value of the last fiber needed to meet the N-fiber criterion. N ranges from 5 (upper left) to 800 (lower right). Figure 3-25: Threshold Profiles: Model Rendition 2 Threshold profiles (black line/right ordinate) and psychophysical thresholds (gray line/left ordinate) across the 20 electrode pairs. The model-derived threshold is the relative threshold value of the last fiber needed to meet the N-fiber criterion. ranges from 5 (upper left) to 800 (lower right). N CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 94 10 .2 0.11 40 R=0.122 N=15 R=0.101 R =0.124 N=10 R=0.14 R= 0.175 N=5 40 R =0.0465 R =0.0444 N=25 40i Rs=0.188 0.2 40 0.2 .5 0.15 0.15 35 1 0.15 35 } 35 I-. 0 F- 0.1 0. 05 30 30 0 0.05 0.05 25 0.05 25 25 0 0.1 30 0. 1 30 -v (L 20 201 0 0 5 0 20 15 10 35 0.3 30 0.22 30 02 301 0.2 0.1 0.1 30 } 0.1 25 0.05 25 10 5 0 15 0.11 25 0 20 '0 20 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 15 0 201 0 20 15 10 5 R=-0.0225 N =400 R =-0.0609 R= -0.0644 0. 5 40 N =350 40 0 0.3 35 251 '0 20 20 R=-0.057 Rs=-0.121 0.4 N =300 0. 4 40 R=-0.0855 Rs=-0.101 N =250 40 =-0.174 0.4 R=-0.158 N =200 10.4 40 s=-0.167 0.3 0.15 0. R=-0.17 N =150 1 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 0 20 35 35 Z. 0 40 N =100 401 R =-0.0407 R= -0.0356 20 15 R=-0.156 Rs=-0.17 10.4 0.2 N =50 40 10 5 20 s=0.0197 0.5 - 0.3 35 0. 3 35 30 0. 2 30 0.2 25 0. 1 25 0.1 0 0 0 20 10 5 0 15 R=-0.00242 Rs = 0.113 0.5 N =450 40 20 0 20 0 5 10 15 R =0.00637 R= 0.17 N =500 0. 5 40 20 0 0 20 5 10 15 0 20 0 20 10 5 0 20 R =0.0809 R= 0.293 N =600 R =0.0408 R= 0.231 0.5 40 N =550 40 15 1 I50 0. 30 0, 0 20 0 5 10 15 0 1' 40 5 10 15 5 10 15 0 20 10 5 0 15 20 R=0.185 Rs=0.379 N =800 1 40 0 20 R=0.166 Rs=0.338 N =750 i1 i 40 0 20 R=0.141 Rs=0.366 N =700 R=0.113 Rs=0.361 N =650 20 20 20 1 40 0 0.5 30 1 0.5 30 0.5 30 0. 30 0' 0 ' 20 0 5 10 Electrode 15 20 0 20 0 5 10 Electrode 15 0 20 o 20 0 5 10 Electrode 15 20 20 0 - - 5 10 Electrode Figure 3-24: Threshold profiles: Model rendition 1 15 20 95 3.4. MODEL COMPARISON TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL THRESHOLDS 10.1 40 0.1 R =0.275 N= 15 R =0.266 R=0.254 N=10 R =0.223 R=0.304 N=5 40 R =0.288 R=0.272 N =25 Rs =0.279 10.1 40 0.1 . 40 0 F0. 0.05 30 30 } 0.05 0.05 30 0.05 30 0 20 5 0 ' ' 10 15 R=0.193 N =50 40i 20 201 0 10.2 0 20 15 10 5 '0 20 R =-0.00082 0 20 s= 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 N =150 R=0.0248 Rs =0.127 0.2 40 N =100 40 Rs=0.229 35 0 0 0. 2 40 R =0.0228 R, =0.05 0.4 N =200 0.0641 0.15 35 0.1 5 35 0.15 35 0.3 0. 1 0.2 0. 05 25 F- 30 0.113 0 0.1 30 25 0. 05 2 5 0.0 5 25 0. 0 20 15 10 5 0 R=0.0774 N =250 10 5 0 15 5 10 0 15 40 0.10 20 0. 20 10 5 0 R =0.239 Rs =0.224 0.5 N =350 10.4 0, 4 40 0 20 R=0.147 Rs=0.196 N =300 Rs =0.15 40 20 0 20 20 30 R =0.317 N =400 15 20 R= 0.3 0.5 40 ~0 .5 II, 0.3 35 0. 3 351} Fa 30 0. 2 30 0.2 0 25 01 0.1 25 020 0 5 10 15 0 20 R =0.368 R, =0.282 0.5 N =450 40 20 10 5 0 R =0.341 N =500 40 15 I-. 0 20 0 0 20 0 ' 10 5 0 15 20 201 0 0.5 15 10 20 R=0.277 Rs =0.176 0.5 N =600 R=0.303 Rs=0.15 N =550 As =0.268 10.5 40 10 5 40 .5 I-. 0 0 3 0 5 0 10 15 0 20 5 1 10 15 40 20 0 20 R=0.227 Rs =0.164 1 N =700 R =0.257 R =0.2 N =650 40 0 ' 20 '0 20 5 10 R=0.192 N =750 15 0 20 Rs=0.161 1 40 20 0 ' ' ' 5 10 15 0 20 R=0.14 Rs =0.0853 11 N =800 40, B C. .5- 0. 30 5 30 0. 5 0.5 0. 5 301 30 0 0. 0 20 0 5 10 Electrode 15 20 20 L 0 '0 5 10 Electrode 15 20 0 20 0 5 10 Electrode 15 20 0 20 0 10 5 Electrode Figure 3-25: Threshold profiles: Model rendition 2 15 20 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 96 The threshold profiles of figures 3-24 and 3-25 show a few notable qualitative similarities with the psychophysical thresholds. The Tp measures are essentially bimodal, with elevated thresholds at electrodes 7-9 and 17-19. Other smaller fluctuations in the Tp values are present, but since the magnitude of these fluctuations is close to the step size used by the device to modulate intensity (5 nC per phase of the stimulating pulse), they may not be significant (see discussion sections 4.1-4.2). For both model renditions, there are several threshold profiles where a similar bimodal pattern is present. For example, N = 5 in rendition 1; and N = 15 and N = 450 in rendition 2 show this pattern. Possibly the strongest similarity between the model and patient data is the prominent peak in the rendition 2 threshold profiles near electrode 7 for values of N ~ 25 and N> 200. The strongest dissimilarity tends to occur at electrode 20, which is typically elevated only in the model results. Since N is a free parameter, the product-moment and Spearman correlation coefficients for every possible choice of N were calculated and are shown in figures 3-26A and 3-26B for renditions 1 and 2. While the product-moment correlation coefficient (r) is a widely used, and intuitive measure of linear correlation, it is a relatively poor statistic for evaluating significance unless it is fairly certain that the data are from a bivariate normal distribution [37]. Since no such certainty exists for this data set, the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient (rs) is relied on as the primary test of significance. 9 The value of r, that denotes statistical significance is shown in the panels of figure 3-26 with a horizontal dotted line. A statistically insignificant positive correlation 9 Statistical significance is taken as p <0.05 (two-tailed) using the relation t = r, 1r 2 (3.1) where r, is the Spearman coefficient, n is the number of items in the data set, and t distributes as a Student's t with n-2 degrees of freedom. This nonparametric measure of correlation is more robust since it does not rely on the distributions from which Tp and the threshold profile values were drawn [14, 45]. However, there is a loss in statistical power since all magnitude information is lost in the rank-ordering process. 3.4. MODEL COMPARISON TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL THRESHOLDS 97 exists for many values of N for both model renditions (figures 3-26A and 3-26B). However, it is interesting to note that the second rendition posts mostly positive correlations over a range of N between 1 and 800. Since the elevated apical T, values near electrode 7 seemed to be represented in the threshold profiles of model rendition 2 over a range of N (see N 250-750 in figure 3-25), the data were split to examine the correlation in the basal and apical sections of the model individually. Accordingly, the correlation plots across N are repeated using the apical 12 subset and basal 12 subset of electrodes in figures 3-26 C-D and figures 3-26 E-F respectively. For the basal 12, no values of N yielded a significant correlation. Reasons why the model may be more likely to capture the influence of the anatomy for the apical electrodes as opposed to those near the base are discussed in the next chapter. For the correlations calculated using the apical subset of electrodes (figures 326C and 3-26D), two distinct regions warrant further discussion: the insignificant correlations occurring for N e-z 1-60 in both renditions and the significant correlation over N - 350-700 in rendition 2.10 While the evidence for a correlation is strongest for N ~ 350-700 in rendition 2, the weaker correlations near N - 1-60 better fit with the intuition that perceptual threshold likely occurs after stimulating only a relatively small population of neurons. This intuition follows from a host of examples in the auditory system where remarkable efficiently is a recurring theme that allows for the encoding of an enormous range of sound frequencies and intensities. A system where perceptual threshold is reached only after stimulating a large percentage of the neural population is expected to be much less efficient than one where perceptual threshold occurs after stimulating only a few fibers. Further support for this intuition comes by analogy to research done on tactile perception where researchers have found perceptual threshold to occur after stimulating only a single tactile afferent fiber [51]. Bearing in mind that the normal human is expected to have an afferent fiber popu'This result was not sensitive to choosing 12 as the number of points in the subset. For example, splitting the data into to apical/basil 11 or 13 yields the same result. CHAPTER 3. RESULTS 98 lation of nearly 30,000 fibers [41], we might estimate this subject to have had a total of approximately 8,000 fibers remaining." Accordingly,threshold profiles captured from the model with N ~ 450 correspond to stimulating about 3,150 neurons; a number that seems too high to fit with our notion of efficiency. However, it is not impossible that the connections of these 8,000 afferent fibers to the central nervous system may be compromised such that only a small percentage of afferent spikes successfully propagate through the normal auditory pathways to contribute to perceptual threshold. Regardless, none of these arguments satisfactorily address the problem of which value(s) of N should be selected as a criteria for estimating perceptual threshold. Only future research can answer that question. Collectively, these observations are consistent with a weak correlation occurring mainly in the apical electrodes of rendition 2. The strongest support for this comes from the fact that, with a few exceptions, the correlation was always positive and reached statistical significance over a range of N between 400-700. 10 "This estimates comes from multiplying the 1,138 counted ganglion cells by 10 (since only every th section was counted) and then multiplying by a correction factor. 99 3.4. MODEL COMPARISON TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL THRESHOLDS (A) Rendition 1: Electrodes 1-20 1 . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . 0.5 (B) Rendition 2: Electrodes 1-20 1 0.5_ C U) .5 U) -.. 8 C 0 0 0 0 ii cc3 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 l- -1 -1 400 200 0 600 800 200 0 1000 400 600 800 1000 (D) Rendition 2: Electrodes 1-12 (C) Rendition 1: Electrodes 1-12 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 -0.5 [ -0.5 F -1 0 200 400 600 800 -1 -1 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 (F) Rendition 2: Electrodes 9-20 (E) Rendition 1: Electrodes 9-20 1 0.5 0.5 I 0 .2 0 0 0 0 CU 0 -0.5 - -0.5 . -1 -1 0 200 800 600 400 fiber recruitment (N) 1000 0 200 800 600 400 fiber recruitment (N) 1000 Figure 3-26: Correlation verses N coeffiShown are product-moment (black line) and Spearman (gray line) correlation significance cients for all values of N. The horizontal line (dotted) indicates statistical (p<0.05). 100 CHAPTER 3. RESULTS Chapter 4 Discussion 4.1 Model Methods and Assumptions Fiber-tracks As with any model, some anatomical features were captured while others neglected. While the nonuniform distribution of ganglion cells is probably captured due to its calibration against visually counted cells, the fiber trajectory may not be. As pointed out by Plonsey [36], the excitation strength of an extracellularly applied field on a nerve fiber is proportional to the second spatial derivative of the potential along the fiber's length. Accordingly, the excitation of the single-fiber model depends on the second spatial derivative as in equation 2.23. In the model this spatial derivative is governed by: (1) the potential field solution, (2) the spatial fiber-track trajectory through the model, and (3) the interpolation method used to estimate the potential at the model fiber's nodes of Ranvier that fall between potential nodes of the field estimation grid. Consequently, the ad hoc methods used to add fiber-tracks to the model undoubtedly influenced the threshold calculations. Since the subjectively chosen cochlear-axis and ad hoc tracing schemes were not systematically varied and thresholds recalculated, the sensitivity to these parameters is not known, and should be the focus of future work. 101 CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 102 Fiber-tracks were added to the model using the approximation that all fibers are oriented around a single cochlear axis. Consequently, the most-apical fibers are less likely to be accurately represented given the ambiguity in assigning 0 discussed in section 2.1. Likely of more concern are the model-fibers near the base. For these basal-most fibers this approximation is essentially a gross misrepresentation of the anatomy, since in the human cochlea these afferent neurons do not converge toward the same axis as fibers from higher cochlea turns (i.e. there is no single central-axis these fibers converge toward, as in figure B-3 of appendix B). Given the anatomical inaccuracies of these basal fiber-tracks, which are typically recruited first by basal electrode pairs, it is not surprising that the threshold correlations tended to occur mostly for the more apical electrodes pairs. One question certainly worth addressing is whether these "anatomically-inaccurate" fibers contribute substantially to the correlations observed for the apical 12 subset of electrodes in figure 3-26 C-D. If these unreliable fibers (e.g. those closest to the base with 0 < 30 and the most apical with 0 > 480) are removed from the model, similar positive correlations are observed for both model renditions (figure B-4 of appendix B).1 This suggests the contribution of these fibers to the correlations observed for the apical 12 subset is small. The reason for this is that the fiber recruitment underlying the observed apical correlations is mostly localized to values of 0 toward the middle of the spiral (figure B-5 of appendix B). Recruit-N Criterion for Estimating Model-Derived Perceptual Threshold The comparison between model and psychophysical data relies on the assumption that perceptual threshold occurs in the model cochlea when a requisite N fibers are recruited. While this assumption has several weaknesses discussed below, there is some indirect evidence that this approximation may be an appropriate starting point. 1 Curiously, a region of anti-correlation appears in this truncated model for rendition 1 (N between 100 and 400), although the patterns of positive correlation remain similar. 4.1. MODEL METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS 103 Recent advances in implant technology have afforded researchers the ability to record the electrically-evoked compound action potential (ECAP) from inactive electrodes during electric stimulation. Previously these measure were only available intraoperatively [14] or with patients using the Ineraid implant system [5], which utilizes a percutaneous plug to connect the sound processor to the electrode array. The ECAP can be interpreted as the collective sum of electric activity as the action potentials from the stimulated fiber population travel down the auditory nerve toward the brainstem [34]. For fibers with action potentials originating along the axonal process, the antidromic component also theoretically contributes to this gross potential. Accordingly, the ECAP as recorded from an intracochlear electrode can vary depending on the synchrony and location of the generated action potentials. Several researchers have reported correlations (e.g., r a 0.7-0.85) between the threshold stimulus level required to detect an ECAP and the psychophysical threshold level [6, 7, 55, 12, 22]. Under the assumption that the ECAP amplitude is a monotonically increasing function of only the number of spiking fibers, 2 then psychophysical threshold should be be correlated with the stimulus level required to excite some requisite number of fibers, which then give rise to an ECAP of some requisite (detectible) amplitude. Two lines of evidence support the notion that ECAP amplitude may be a near linear function of the number of spiking fibers. First, and certainly more convincing, Hall [17] reported a strong correlation (r= 0.75-0.92) between the maximum elicited ECAP amplitude (all viable fibers stimulated) and the number of remaining spiral ganglion cells in animals with graded cochlear lesions. 3 The second argument stems from the work of Wang [53], who estimated single-unit contributions to the CAP in hearing cats. These were successfully used to synthesize a model-predicted CAP whose N1 (first negative wave) amplitude was consistent with that of the experimen2 This essentially assumes that all fibers contribute equally, regardless of differences in fiber position or size. 3 Note in this study the amplitude of the ECAP was measured at the brainstem, not intracranially. CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 104 tally measured gross potential. Given (1) the lack of a systematic change in unit response amplitude verses CF reported by Wang, (2) the expected synchrony of spike initiation during electric stimulation, and (3) the presumably negligible differences in spike latency for a reasonably small cluster of fibers, one might predict the threshold ECAP amplitude to reflect the nmmber of spiking fibers. In fact, modelling work by Miller et al. [29] similar in methodology to that of Wang, but using data from electrically-stimulated nerve fibers, concluded that variable fiber latency has only a small effect on the ECAP growth function, and therefore there are likely only small differences between the growth functions of the ECAP amplitude and the simple count of spiking fibers. However, there are a few arguments against assuming that perceptual threshold occurs with the recruitment of some fixed number of fibers. For example, this can only be the case if the spatial distribution of recruited fibers is irrelevant to the perceptual detection task, a concept that is known to be false in the normal ear. With hearing subjects, psychophysical threshold and loudness percepts are often explained in the framework of an auditory filter-bank. Near threshold, sound energy within an auditory filter can be integrated, while sound energy within adjacent filters can not. Consequently, the threshold level for detecting a narrowly spaced tone-complex falling in a single auditory filter will be lower than that of a similar tone-complex with widely spaced frequency components falling in adjacent auditory filters. If the concept of an auditory filter is applied to the psychophysics of electric hearing, then we expect the recruitment of N closely spaced model-fibers to induce a different psychophysical percept than the recruitment of N model-fibers dispersed over a wide range of angular indices. Additionally, given the potential for changes that may differentially occur in more central portions of the auditory pathway in the hearing impaired, the possibility exists that exciting two similar populations of fibers will not result in the same perceptual threshold, even if the populations are nearly identical with regard to the total number 4.1. MODEL METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS 105 and distribution of excited fibers. This is especially a concern given the variety of congenital and non-congenital etiologies that may bring about hearing loss at various ages. However, it is unlikely that in the near future such centrally mediated influences will be well characterized. Psychophysical Measurement Error One issue that limits the correlation between model-derived and measured behavioral thresholds is the a priori accuracy of the psychophysically measured thresholds, which range between 71 and 92 clinical units (21.5 -31.7 nC/phase). These values contain measurement error due to: (1) quantization, since the stimulus level is varied in discrete increments of ~ 5 nC/phase, and (2) the test-retest variability associated with all psychophysical measures. Consequently, the measured threshold levels can be considered as the sum of the actual psychophysical thresholds and the, presumably zero-mean, measurement error. 4 To the extent that perceptual thresholds are determined by peripheral mechanisms, we might expect the model to capture some percentage of the variation in threshold 5 across electrodes. However, even in the hypothetical context that (1) the variation in psychophysical threshold across electrodes is completely determined at the periphery and (2) the model is perfect, the measurement error places an upward 4 Here we consider the actual threshold measures as stationary, and describe the test-retest variability, attention-related variability, and quantization noise in this single error term. This error is presumably uncorrelated across electrodes, and uncorrelated with the true threshold value. 5The square of the measured correlation coefficient (r 2 ) is referred to as the coefficient of determination, which is interpreted as the proportion of variance in one measure that can be accounted for by the other [45]. CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 106 bound on the percentage of the threshold variance that can be predicted by the model.6 Given that we have only one set of psychophysical observations, we can not quantify the measurement error except to use approximations based on the observations of other Nucleus implant users. Here we rather arbitrarily estimate the measurement error (95% confidence interval) to be ± 2 nC, or equivocally ± 4 clinical units. 7 Casual observations by members of the Audiology Department at the Massachusetts Eye and Infirmary suggest that the test-retest error is likely to be much less than this for a user of the Nucleus device; nevertheless, we choose ± 4 clinical units as a conservative upper bound for our discussion. Using this error estimate, and the variance observed in behavioral threshold measures across electrodes(var(T,)), the theoretical maximum percentage of variance the model can predict is ~ 88% (i.e. r=.94). 8 For this reason, patients selected for deriving future models should show large differences in threshold across electrodes, at least as large as those observed here. Even better would be a patient with multiple sets of psychophysical data so that the measurement error and stationarity of the threshold measures could be examined. Additionally, the next patient selected should have a pattern of threshold measures dissimilar to the bimodal pattern seen in this patient in order to test whether the model can predict a wide range of psychophysical threshold patterns. 'More precisely, the coefficient of determination (p2 ) is limited by the ratio of the measurement error variance (ut) to the true threshold variance (a2 ) as: 2 2 at + m(4.1) 02 M Conceptually the variance in behavioral threshold across electrodes at might be further partitioned into the variance that results from independent peripheral (-2) and central (k) factors such that 02 = 0 2 +0 2 . Here we simply assumed that o2 =0. 'Here the measurement error is assumed to distribute as a zero-mean gaussian (o = 1.125) quantized into 0.5 nC steps such that ~ 95% of the error values are between -2 nC and 2 nC inclusive. 8 Variability due to central factors (at) only decreases this percentage. 4.2. DISCUSSION OF MODEL TRENDS 4.2 107 Discussion of Model Trends For convenience, the patient's psychophysical threshold measures are reproduced below in figure 4-1 with hypothetical error bars representing + 4 clinical units (see previous section). Figure 4-1 shows that after including this ad hoc expectation of measurement variability, there are, arguably, three salient trends in the patient's behavioral thresholds: Trend #1 - a peak centered on electrodes 7-9 Trend #2 - a steady increase from electrode 14 to 19 Trend #3 - a decrease from 19 to 20 34 - 32- 0. 30- .C co 70 c 0 282624- C) IL 222018 - 0 5 10 Electrode pair 15 20 Figure 4-1: Psychophysical thresholds with hypothetical error bars. The error bars (± 4 clinical units) represent the 95% confidence interval for the ad hoc measurement noise described in the previous section. Careful examination of the threshold profiles in figures 3-24 and 3-25 shows that the first two of these trends are present in varying degrees for selected N in both renditions. CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 108 Trend #1 Possibly the strongest similarity between the model-derived and behavioral thresholds is the distinctive decrease in model threshold moving from electrode 7 to 10, consistent with the right half of the peak in behavioral thresholds at electrodes 7-9. This decrease in the threshold profile is present for nearly every choice of N in rendition 2 (fig. 325), where for values of N above ~ 200 it represents half of a peak in the model profile centered on electrodes 7-8 that is consistent with the the peak in behavioral thresholds. However, in the model-derived estimates, electrode 9 is typically not included in this peak of elevated thresholds, whereas in the behavioral estimates it is. For rendition 1, this peak is also weakly present only for very low N (see N = 5 of fig 3-24). A major difference between renditions 1 and 2 is that only in rendition 2 is there a substantial peak in predicted thresholds near electrode 7 for N > 200. The difference in model-derived thresholds between electrodes 7 and 10 is the result of adding new bone and soft tissue to the model as discussed in section 3.3. A detailed analysis of the influence of the new bone and soft tissue on the potential field is beyond the scope of this thesis, but should be the focus of future work. However, it is certainly the case that the impact of new bone and soft tissue can be both substantial and complex, and thus unlikely to be captured with a transmission line or 2D modelling approach. Trend #2 Also present to varying degrees in the threshold profiles of rendition 1 and 2 is the steady increase in thresholds from electrode 14 to 19. Variation across electrodes in the model-derived thresholds is a result of: (1) the nonuniform distribution of weighted fibers along the length of the cochlear spiral (theta), and (2) differences in single-fiber thresholds across theta resulting from the complex model geometry, new bone and soft tissue, and the position of the active electrode pair. The nonuniform distribution of weighted fibers is shown in the histogram of figure 4-2A. Centered on 4.2. DISCUSSION OF MODEL TRENDS 109 O ~ 100 is a gap region almost completely devoid of model fibers. For many values of N this gap partially explains why the model-derived thresholds increase for electrode pairs from 13 to 20. As the stimulated electrode pair moves from 13 toward the base, the area being excited by the electrodes is increasingly likely to include this gap region. The impact of this is shown in panels B-I of figure 4-2, where the angular distribution of excited fibers for an N = 50 criterion is displayed for odd electrode pairs between 5 and 19.' For electrode pairs 5-13 in panels B-F the stimulated subset of fibers form a bimodal distribution that translates across 0 as the position of the electrode pair (X's in figure ) moves toward the base. For model electrode pairs 15-19 (panels G-I), a portion of the expected bimodal region of excitation falls in the gap where very few fibers are present; consequently, higher stimulus levels are needed to recruit more distant fibers (i.e the model-derived thresholds are elevated). While this provides a partial explanation of why the patient might have elevated thresholds for electrodes toward the base (trend #2), it does not explain why the patient's threshold for electrode pair 20 was relatively low (trend #3). Nevertheless, these observations show that the distribution of remaining nerve-fibers is likely an important factor in determining perceptual threshold. In order to evaluate the relative influences of the nonuniform fiber distribution verses the variation in fiber threshold imposed by the model geometry, future work should include a model repopulated with fibers spread uniformly across 0. Comparisons between these two models would help differentiate the influences of fiber density from the influences of the model geometry. 9 Data from rendition 2 CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 110 (A) Weighted fiber density verse theta 50 C) 40 30 20 -C .9 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 (B) Electrode Pair 5 600 70 (F) Electrode Pair 13 30 15 .x x x 10 20 0 ( 0 U) 10 0 ) 100 200 300 400 500 (C) Electrode Pair 7 30 600 0 0 70 100 20 200 300 400 500 (H) Electrode Pair 17 600 70 0 200 300 400 500 (1) Electrode Pair 19 600 70 0 200 600 70 0 nL... 30 o 30 20 10 10 40 70 0 x x 40 100 600 50 xx 0 200 300 400 500 (G) Electrode Pair 15 200 300 400 500 (D) Electrode Pair 9 600 00 7C0 25 xx 100 - x x 020 30 o 20 15 0I .05 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 0 7C0 100 (E) Electrode Pair 11 30 25 xx x x 20 0 20 15- ( 10 10 5 A 0 100 200 300 400 500 Theta [degrees] 600 7C0 0 0 100 300 400 500 Theta [degrees] Figure 4-2: Distribution of weighted fibers across 6 (A) Histogram of weighted fibers across 0 (B-I) Histogram of recruited fibers under the N = 50 criterion for odd numbered electrode configurations 5-19. The angular position of each electrode of the stimulatus pair is marked with an "x". The 0 bin width is 10 degrees. Data from rendition 2. 4.2. DISCUSSION OF MODEL TRENDS ill Trend #3 One glaring discrepancy between the model-derived and behavioral threshold patterns occurs at electrode 20. While the patient's psychophysical threshold is among the lowest for electrode 20, the model predicts an elevated threshold for electrode 20 for many choice of N (see figures 3-24 and 3-25). Since this is the most basal electrode pair, to some degree, it may be considered the least reliable given the anatomical inaccuracy of fiber-tracks toward the base discussed in section 4.1. Furthermore, the more basal point-source of electrode pair 20 is relatively close to the X-Z boundary plane of the model, raising the suspicion that the potential field solution for this particular electrode pair may contain artifacts from the boundary condition. In fact, plotting the correlation verse N with only electrode pair 20 removed yields two regions of significant correlation in rendition 2, as shown in figure B-6 of appendix B. Future model renditions using more anatomically accurate fiber-tracks at the base and more isolation from the influence of the model boundary may provide a better correlation for the basal electrode pairs. Correlation Results The degree to which similarities were present between the model-predicted threshold patterns and those measured psychophysically were quantified by measuring the correlation coefficient between the two sets of measures. Regardless of the the model's simplifying assumptions (e.g. only three physiological tissues represented, point-source electrodes) anatomical inaccuracies, (e.g. basal fiber-tracks, guinea pig nerve-fiber dimensions) and subtle methodological weaknesses (e.g. forward-euler method), there is still moderate evidence for a correlation between the model-predicted and behavioral thresholds for the apical set of electrodes. The strongest support for this correlation comes from rendition 2, where the observed correlations in the apical subset (figure 3-26D) were always positive below N = 1000 and had peaks as high as r=0.57 (@N =20) and r=0.82 (LN =417), indicating that for these particular choices of N the CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 112 model predicts 32% and 67% of the variance in the behavioral measures (for the apical 12 subset). By measuring the correlation for a subset of electrodes toward the apex, the correlation required to achieve statistical significance increases. Accordingly, only the second of these peaks is significant, even though the first may be of more interest given our expectation that a relatively small N be used in estimating behavioral thresholds. Admittedly, our interpretation of these results is certainly limited by the choice of N, however under the hypothesis that no correlation exists (i.e. p=O), we might certainly expect to measure a negative correlation for some values of N less than 1000. It should be noted that this treatment makes three crucial assumptions: (1) variation in the measured psychophysical thresholds across electrodes (o2 ) results from the influences of the peripheral anatomy, centrally-mediated factors, and measurement error; (2) these three influences are treated as independent such that we can simply partition the observed variance (o 2) as the sum of the individual variances,10 and (3) the variation in behavioral thresholds due to an influence of the peripheral anatomy is on the order of, or larger than, the variation imposed by central influences. Admittedly, it is possible the influence associated with central mechanisms could be much larger than that of the periphery. In such cases, this modelling approach would not be expected to predict a substantial portion of the variation in behavioral threshold across electrodes. However, this scenario seems unlikely given the reported correlations between behavioral thresholds and ECAP-predicted thresholds. It is not the focus of this work, nor can this work address the question of the extent to which peripheral mechanisms are primarily responsible for the variation in "In other words, the variation imposed by the periphery, by central mechanisms, and by measurement error are unrelated such that knowledge of one does not change the expectation of another. More precisely, we are treating each behavioral threshold value as the sum of three independent random variables that describe: the threshold due the peripheral influence (X 1 ), the central influence (X 2), and measurement error (X 3 ). Accordingly, the variance imposed by these three collectively is simply the sum of the individual variances, i.e., var(X 1 + X 2 + X 3 ) = var(Xi)+var(X 2)+var(X 3 ) [8]. 4.2. DISCUSSION OF MODEL TRENDS 113 psychophysical thresholds. Only a series of such models might be able to approach answering this question. It is simply taken as an underlying assumption of this work that a peripheral influence is likely a substantial one that can be captured by a patient-specific model. Spatial Excitation Patterns One interesting question that arises is the extent to which the spatial distribution of the fibers stimulated by one electrode is distinct from other electrodes, especially for higher values of N. If the collection of excited fibers is essentially the same for each electrode, then one can argue that the model results are not consistent with the patient's ability to discriminate speech sounds."-" In general, the results show that the pattern of excitation is different between electrodes even for relatively large N. For example, two representative polar plots of the fibers recruited at N = 450 are shown in figure 4-3. Also illustrated in figure 4-3 is the tendency at higher values of N for fibers to be recruited from adjacent turns of the cochlea (e.g. those with 6 ~ 675). Should this "cross-turn" recruitment actually occur in the implanted ear, it would essentially deliver afferent spikes to the CNS from cochlear regions not intended to be stimulated. Besides highlighting the complexities of electric stimulation of the auditory nerve, this model makes several predictions that can be investigated further with psychophysical experiments. One example is the tendency for the recruited fibers to form a bimodal distribution along the cochlear length (e.g. figure 4-2 B). This occurs since the fibers positioned between the electrodes typically have elevated thresholds;1 3 a result that has also been reported by Frijns et al. [13, 4] and Hanekom [18]. "This argument considers only the spatial or frequency cues used for speech perception without considering temporal cues. 12 The patient's most recent speech scores were: 92% CID Everyday Sentences Test 71% Iowa Medial Consonant Recognition Test 28% Monosyllabic Word Test 13 See spatial distributions in figures of section 3.2 CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 114 Given the complex interaction between the computed potential fields and the nonuniform distribution of surviving nerve-fibers observed in this patient, to some degree it is not surprising that simple measures such as the total number of surviving ganglion cells have not been found to correlate with speech perception scores. Finding an single anatomical attribute that correlates with speech reception is likely to be much more complicated that counting the total number of remaining ganglion cells. Electrode 5 Electrode 5 0-360 degrees 270 300 24 600 0 180 30 15 90 54 60 90 51 60 120 450 Electrode 8 Electrode 8 0-360 degrees 270 300 240 30 60 660 57 0 180 15 361-720 degrees 630 600 30 21 90 420 480 90 120 660 57 30 21 361-720 degrees 630 90 0 6060 540 90 51 420 480 9 450 Figure 4-3: Rendition 2 (N = 450), Electrodes 5 and 8 See figure 3-6 for conventions. Polar plots for N = 450 show that the recruited populations are not completely overlapping and may contain fibers from adjacent cochlear turns, as it the case here where fibers at 0 ~ 675 have been recruited. 4.3. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 4.3 115 Recommendations for Future Work Given the results reported here, future work should focus on three issues: (1) increasing the anatomical accuracy of the most apical and, more importantly, the most basal fiber-tracks, (2) increasing the accuracy with which ganglion cells are segmented and the frequency with which they are calibrated against visual cell counts, and (3) estimating a suitable value of N by comparing a series of models. Additionally, many changes could be made to each individual part of the modelling technique as listed in appendix C. One serious weakness of the modelling technique presented here is that formulating the model is very time consuming (> 1.5 months), a problem that may be alleviated by automating portions of the segmentation process, or possibly by switching to the finite-element approach. 4.4 Conclusions The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility of generating a patientspecific model with sufficient detail to address two questions: 1. Can such a patient-specific model of the implanted cochlea be used to capture the influence of the peripheral anatomy on psychophysical thresholds? 2. To what extant does the inclusion of new bone and soft tissue, which typically invade the implanted cochlea, influence the neural recruitment observed in these models? While the results presented do not answer either of these questions unequivocally, they do suggest that a patient-specific model used to predict psychophysical thresholds is probably feasible, and worth pursuing. The observed similarities between the model-derived and measured perceptual thresholds suggest this simple model is at least beginning to incorporate some of the relevant anatomical features necessary to capture the intricacies of electric stimulation at a patient-specific level. This CHAPTER 4. DISCUSSION 116 conclusion is tempered by the observation that, as of yet, many of the subjective parameter choices in the model (e.g. cochlear axis, dendrite representation) have not been systematically varied to test their influence on the results. Of course, the extent to which this modelling technique truly captures the influence of the peripheral anatomy on psychophysical thresholds will only be clear after several other models derived from different patients are tested for their ability to predict different patterns of psychophysical threshold. A collection of models will also likely provide evidence of whether there is a suitable choice for N that maximizes the correlation across all models. Based on the results reported here, a critical part of future models will likely be the inclusion of the new bone and soft tissue that infiltrate portions of the implanted cochlear duct. These modelling results support the importance of these tissues for primarily two reasons: (1) the inclusion of these tissues substantially changed the shape of the recruitment functions and (2) for many values of N one effect of including these tissues was to increase the correlation between model-predicted and behavioral thresholds. While it may be the case that new bone and soft tissue deposits influenced thresholds measures in this patient more than most, the results certainly argue that including these tissues makes a difference and should not be neglected. Incorporating changes to this preliminary approach may eventually yield a collection of patient-specific models that fairly accurately predict psychophysical thresholds. Because cochlear implants have been in use for well over twenty years, donated temporal bones representing a wide range of anatomies (e.g. different distributions of spiral ganglion cells and patterns of new tissue formation) are an increasingly more available resource that can be used to refine such patient-specific models. It is hoped that a collection of these histologically-derived models will eventually help reveal anatomical differences, patterns of electrode position, and other peripheral features that account for the differences in both psychophysical and speech-reception performance. Appendix A Single Fiber Model 117 APPENDIX A. SINGLE FIBER MODEL 118 A.1 Equations As described by Frijns [13], the vector form of equation 2.23 is dV dV dt = AV + BVe + C (Iact + IL) (A.1) where (A.2) V = [(Vm(l)- Vrest), ... Ve = , V(N) T [Ve ) .... (A.3) Iact - [Iact(l) (A.4) IL , (Vm(N) - I...lact(N)]T [-GLl)VL,... ,-GL(N) L T. Vrest)] T (A.5) (A.6) The nodal conductances and capacitances are calculated using the fiber geometry as: 7r(0.5D(K))2 Ga(k) (A.7) PaL(k) GL ) = gL7rd(i)l(i) (A.8) Cm( = cmlrd() l(i). (A.9) The resistive coupling between nodes along with the sealed end (spatial) boundary condition are incorporated in A,B, and C as A.1. 119 EQUATIONS -(GA( 1 GA ) +GL(j)) 0 Cm) Cm1 ) -(GA() GA() Cm(2 +GA( 2) +GL( 2 GA( 2 ) )) Cm( ) 2 C,(2) -(GA(Kl) 0 C.( GA -(GA( GA(K) Cm(N) Cm(N) 2) 0 1) +GA( 1 GA(K) Cm(N-1) -(GA(K) +GL(N)) GA(j) -(Gl) C.( +GA(K) +GL(N-1)) Cm(N-1) Cm(N-1) GA( 2 ) 2 )) Cm(2) C1( 2 ) GA(K- ) 1 Cm(N-1) -(GA(Kl) +GA(K)) GA(K) Cm(N-1) GA(K) Cm(N-1) -(GA(K)) Cm(N) Cm(N) 0 1 0 Cm1 1 Cm( ) 2 1 Cm(N-1) 1 Cm1,(N) 0 The voltage-dependant a's and O's that determine the activation factors m(i), n(i), and h(j) are given by: [Aam(V() 1exp - 3am) amV)W)a/- ( T-T")] Q10am (A.10) APPENDIX A. SINGLE FIBER MODEL 120 Aa (ax - V(i)) exp V ") (Ccth Aen (V(i) - Oan) afn() .1-exp Oa-) 1-xp( (A.12) (-TO) (A.13) C)3h A,3n(0,3-V) 1 - exp io-To on - Qi V(i) -0" Acem(V(i) - oam) Ach(!ah - V(i)) .( exp V(i)-3h) -eP Cah Aan(V(i) an(.) 1 - - I exp )om 1-exp 00 ( AQf - i (A.17) [Q1Oan I (A.18) V (Tio-To Q10/3m I (A.19) (A.20) io Q10h (T-T) Aon (Oon - V()) 1-exp 10ah I pos-vte ' 3 (T)-To V(i) 1-exp (( / f(j) (A. 15) (A.16) /an) Am(/3m - V())) = .- (-To Q10am ,3.-ve ah() (A. 14) ioa - 44,,_79 = -Q10an [om -exp (V-oom h(i) (A.11) I Aom(oom - V()) 3 [0Qah] Q T[Qo)] a 4i " -00 .- Toa) IQ 3 (A.21) I A.2. PARAMETERS A.2 symbol 121 Parameters value units description V, V the internal potential referenced to a far field ground Ve M V the external potential referenced to a far field ground Vm(. V V(i) V -[Vi, - Ve()] the transmembrane potential =[Vm(1 ) - Vrest] the deviation of the membrane voltage from its resting potential Vrest -0.0846 V the resting membrane voltage as calculated using the Goldman Equation CmM F the membrane capacitance at node i Ga(k) Q-1 the axial conductance at internode k GL Q-1 the membrane leak conductance at node i VL V the leak reversal potential e(i) ym node length d(j) pm node diameter L(k) um internode length D(k) um internode diameter PK 2.04e- 6 m X s-1 potassium permeability PNa 51.5e-6 m x s1 sodium permeability Pa 0.70 9L 728 Q-1 x mn-2 unit area leak conductance Cm 0.02 F x m-2 unit area leak membrane capacitance T 301.16 K corrected absolute temperature TO 293.15 K absolute temperature F 96485 C x mo1-1 Faraday's constant R 8.314 mol-1 x K- 1 gas constant [C± [Na+ 142.0 mol x m-3 Na concentration outside 10.0 mol x m-3 Na concentration inside [cs.] 4.2 mol x m-3 K concentration outside [cN<+] 141.0 mol x m-3 K concentration inside [Nas] [COa+ axoplasmic resistivity Sx m 0.0077 initialization value no 0.0267 initialization value no 0.76 initialization value 122 APPENDIX A. SINGLE FIBER MODEL symbol value units description qlOm 2.2 temperature dependant parameter q103m 2.2 temperature dependant parameter q10ah 2.9 temperature dependant parameter q10h 2.9 temperature dependant parameter q10an 3.0 temperature dependant parameter q10p3 3.0 temperature dependant parameter A am 0.49 am constant Barm 25.41 am constant Cam 6.06 am constant Aom 1.04 am constant Bom 21.0 am constant COM 9.41 am constant Aah 0.9 - ah constant Bah 27.74 - ah constant Cah 9.06 . ah constant A)h 3.7 Bflh 56.0 - ah constant COh 12.5 - ah constant Aan 0.02 - an constant Ban 35.0 - an constant Can 10 - an constant A3n 0.05 - an constant B)3 10.0 - an constant Can 10.0 - an constant ah constant Appendix B Supplemental Data/Figures 123 APPENDIX B. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA/FIGURES 124 300 250 250 250 200 200 200 200 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 2 150 L 0.5 0 200 250 200 200 150 e 1 E8 ~Ia 200 150 150 150 . 100 100 50 50 100 100 50 50 " , 0 0 0.5 n 0 0.5 0 1 0 0 0.5 0 1 3001 250 250 200 2001 150 1 r AMM 0.5 0 1 E 12 Ell E10 E9 150 100 150 100 100 50 1001 50 50 50 0 0 0.5 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0 1 300 250 250 200 1 E 16 E 15 E 14 E 13 200 150 150 200 8 0.5 0 1 E7 E6 0 250 0.5 1 0.5 1 E5 300 250 0 0 0 . E4 E3 E2 E1 150 100 150 100 100 100 50 0 """".""" 0 0 0 0.5 50 50 50 0.5 1 0 0 1 0 1 150 150 100 rn 100 u> 100 La 50 50 1 n 120 150 0.5 E 20 E 19 E 18 E 17 0.5 120 100 40 50 20 0 U""**"" 0 0.5 Relative Threshold 0 0 0 1 0 0.5 Relative Threshold 1 0 0.5 Relative Threshold 1 0 0.5 Relative Threshold Figure B-1: Histogram of relative fiber thresholds: Rendition 1 1 125 250 200 200 150 E4 E3 E2 E1 200 150 150 150 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 0 0 0 0 0.5 IltTIUUL 0.5 E5 50 0 1 0 150 150 1 100 100 1 E8 150 100 100 ii 50 50 50 50 0 mu*"*"*"MuA 0 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 250 150 0 1 0.5 EI 2 250 300 200 0.5 Ell E10 E9 a 200 L 200 150 150 100 150 100 100 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 11 100 80 100 80 860 0.5 E 16 150 120 100 150 100 0 0.5 E 15 E 14 E 13 A 0.5 200 150 8 0 1 E7 E6 200 0.5 60 50 40 50 20 01 0 -0.5 20 flIllIlIUIfIIIIIIhJII~la 0 UllMlllliuJ 0 0 1 dl 150 120 100 100 100 880 0.5 E 20 150 [I 150 0.5 E 19 E 18 E 17 140 0 0.5 1 A 60 50 40 50 50 20 0 0 0 0.5 Relative Threshold 0 0 ' "*"""1"IM"""' 0 0.5 Relative Threshold 0 0.5 Relative Threshold 1 0 0.5 Relative Threshold Figure B-2: Histogram of relative fiber thresholds: Rendition 2 1 APPENDIX B. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA/FIGURES 126 (A (B) Cochlear Neurons of of Lower Basal Turn Basa Cochear erv* Cochlear Neurons of of Lower Basal Turn FRber-Tracks Model Cochlear Axis Figure B-3: Basal Fiber-Tracks. (A) Schematic of the basal cochlear neurons as they join the nerve trunk. Note these neurons do not converge toward a single cochlear axis, but rather course downward toward the internal auditory canal. (B) In the model, these basal fibers converge toward the model cochlear axis. Also note the change in direction of the nerve trunk as it enters the internal auditory canal is not included in the model. [Adapted from Schuknecht [41]] 127 (A) Rendition 1: Electrodes 1-12 1- 0.8 - 0.6 . 0.4 0.2 0 C 0 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 100 200 300 500 400 fiber recruitment (N) 600 700 800 900 (B) Rendition 2: Electrodes 1-12 0.8 - ....... . . ... ....... . .. .... ... ... . .. . . .. . .. . .. ... .. . ..... 0 .6 ... . .. .. .. 0.4 :C 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6-0.80 100 200 300 600 500 400 fiber recruitment (N) 700 800 900 Figure B-4: Truncated model: Correlation verses N : Electrodes 1-12 Here the most basilar (0 < 30) and the most apical (0 > 480) fibers have been removed from the model. Shown are product-moment (black line) and Spearman (gray line) correlation coefficients for all values of N . The horizontal line (dotted) indicates statistical significance (P<0.05). APPENDIX B. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA/FIGURES 128 1200 C,> U) 1000 V 800- U) 6001a>) 400 200 0 ~-rrF1Th - 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Theta [degrees] Figure B-5: Collective distribution of 0 for recruited fibers: Apical 12 subset Pooling the 700 lowest threshold fibers under stimulation by each of electrodes 1-12 are located in (rendition 2) shows that the overwhelming majority of recruited fibers the middle of the model spiral. 129 (A) Rendition 1: Electrodes 1-19 0.5 - . ................... 0 0 0 0 o -0.5- -1 0 200 800 600 400 1000 fiber recruitment (N) (B) Rendition 2: Electrodes 1-19 1 . . . . . .. .5 ( - - - ,.. -- - - .. - -.- . -..- .- .-+ 0 0 0 CO -0.5 - -1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 fiber recruitment (N) Figure B-6: Correlation verses N : Electrodes 1-19 correlation coeffiShown are product-moment (black line) and Spearman (gray line) significance statistical cients for all values of N . The horizontal line (dotted) indicates (P<0.05). 130 APPENDIX B. SUPPLEMENTAL DATA/FIGURES Appendix C Recommendations for Future Work 131 APPENDIX C. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 132 There remain many issues that could be further investigated, and changes that could be made to the modelling approach that would potentially improve its ability to capture an influence of the peripheral anatomy: 1. The resolution and accuracy with which anatomical structures are segmented and labelled could be increased, possibly by photographing every section. This might help to avoid the ambiguities encountered here, such as the orientation of the apical fibers and the slight registration errors between consecutive images. 2. The problem of estimating the potential field in the modiolus may be better approached using the finite-element or boundary-element method. Future models might use these methods to increase the model resolution in the modiolus while simultaneously decreasing the model resolution near the model boundaries since these formulations do not require a uniform mesh [24]. 3. Visual ganglion cell counts should be obtained at a spacing closer than every 10 th section. This will allow for a better calibration of the model fiber distribution. 4. The model could be extended at the base to include regions of the internal auditory canal. This would allow for longer fiber-tracks with more nodes of Ranvier. 5. The fiber trajectory should include the change in direction that fibers undergo near the base of the cochlea as they exit into the internal auditory canal. 6. The trajectory of the most basal fiber-tracks should be adjusted such that the dentritic section is nearly perpendicular to the osseous spiral lamina, as opposed to the approach used here where these fiber tracks orient towards a common cochlear axis. 7. Future models should incorporate regional measures of whether the peripheral dendrite was present or degenerated. Additionally, the peripheral dendrites 133 added to the model should extend to their anatomically correct position, instead of simply orientating the toward habenula perforata as was done here. 8. The sensitivity of the potential field estimate and the single-fiber thresholds to the resistivity values used might be investigated. 9. The effect of changing the electrode geometry to bands separated by silastic should be investigated. 10. In this initial model the dimensions of the single fiber were adapted from Frijns [13] as an initial approximation. The dimensions of the model fiber should be changed to reflect those of a human auditory nerve fiber, including varying internodal distances and axonal diameters. Additionally, Rattay et al. [40] have provided evidence that morphological differences in human fibers may cause changes in spike propagation not accounted for in this model (for example, the inability of a peripherally initiated spike to successfully cross the cell body due to a lack of myelination around the cell body). These morphological considerations should be incorporated in future models. 11. The estimation of the potential along a given model-fiber's nodes of Ranvier were calculated by linear interpolation of the potential field grid. Changing to a quadratic interpolation scheme may allow for a more accurate estimate. 12. The scheme used to integrate the coupled nonlinear difference equations in the single-fiber model should utilize higher order implicit methods where the error scales as At 2 [O(At 2 )] instead of the O(At) obtained with forward Euler. Either a backward Euler or Crank-Nicolson scheme would accomplish this [27]. 13. 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