CROP PRODUCTS REPORT October 13. 1993 Crop Product Name PEACHES WHOLSALE PECANS IMPROVED Price per Unit Unit of Mes. 12.5000 bu .8000 lbs Weight per Unit 60.0000 1.0000 Cash Flow Row 20 20 Information prasontad Is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Thasa projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. C4.85 TRACTORS, IMPLEMENTS AND EQUIPMENT OCTOBER 13, 1993 DESCRIPTION FIRST NAHE QUALIFYING NAME KORSEPOHER RATING (HP) USEFUL LIFE (HR OR HI) FUEL TYPE REHAINING LIFE (HR OR HI) FUEL CON. (UNIT/HR OR /MI) ANNUAL USE (HR OR HI) SPEED (HI/H) HIDTH (FT) FIELD EFFICIENCY (X) C A PA C I T Y ( A C / H R ) POKER UNIT HULTIPLIER LABOR HULTIPLIER CURRENT LIST PRICE ($) SALVAGE VALUE (X) CURRENT HARKET VALUE ($) LEASE PAYHENT ($) ANNUAL LICENSE & TAX ($) ANNUAL INSURANCE ($) ON FARH HIRED LABOR (HR) OFF FARH PARTS & LABOR ($) ON FARH OHNER LABOR (HR) ANNUAL USE BASE (HR OR HI) REPAIR COEFFICIENT #1 DEPRECIATION FACTOR #1 YEARS OHNED REPAIR COEFFICIENT 82 DEPRECIATION FACTOR #2 CAPACITY (DEF.,CALC.) FUEL USE (DEF.,CALC.) R & H CALC. (#1,#2) LEASE CALC. (HOUR,YEAR) DESCRIPTION FIRST NAHE QUALIFYING NAHE HORSEPOHER RATING (HP) USEFUL LIFE (HR OR HI) FUEL TYPE REMAINING LIFE (HR OR HI) FUEL CON. (UNIT/HR OR /HI) ANNUAL USE (HR OR HI) SPEED (HI/H) HIDTH (FT) FIELD EFFICIENCY (%) C A PA C I T Y ( A C / H R ) POHER UNIT MULTIPLIER LABOR HULTIPLIER CURRENT LIST PRICE ($) S A LVA G E VA L U E ( X ) CURRENT HARKET VALUE ($) L E A S E PAY H E N T ( $ ) ANNUAL LICENSE & TAX ($) ANNUAL INSURANCE ($) ON FARH HIRED LABOR (HR) OFF FARM PARTS & LABOR ($) ON FARH OHNER LABOR (HR) ANNUAL USE BASE (HR OR HI) REPAIR COEFFICIENT #1 DEPRECIATION FACTOR #1 YEARS OHNED REPAIR COEFFICIENT 82 DEPRECIATION FACTOR #2 CAPACITY (DEF..CALC.) FUEL USE (DEF..CALC.) R & H CALC. (81,82) LEASE CALC. (HOUR,YEAR) TRACTOR IHPLEHENT TRACTOR 40 HP IHPLEHENT IHPLEHENT IHPLEHENT IHPLEHENT DISC--TANDEH 8 FT FERT. SPREADER SHREDDER SPRAYER AIRBLAST 30 20 20 30 2500 1200 2000 1200 1200 12000 2500 1200 2000 1200 1200 360 100 4.5 8 80 50 4 20 67 50 4 6.7 85 75 4.8 24 50 200 4.8 19 50 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 2400 7000 1750 2400 7000 1750 .23 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 .777 .6 6 1.4 .885 C C 2 40 12000 DI 17300 2200 15600 2200 1.1 1.2 600 10 600 .029 .68 .364 .6 10 1.3 .885 C C 2 .777 .6 10 1.4 .885 C C 2 1.5 .92 IHPLEHENT EQUIPHENT TRAILER FLATBED EQUIPHENT COOLER STORAGE PICKING BOXES PEACHES 1800 1800 7500 EL 7500 120 1 504 1 120 1300 2600 400 1300 2600 400 130 20 504 120 1 1800 85 1 1.1 1 .105 .6 10 1.4 .885 D C 2 1800 Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and is not intended to racogniza or pradict tha costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions wara collected and developed by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extension Service and approvad for publication. C4.86 SPRAYER HYDRO. 30 OPERATING INPUT RESOURCES October 13, 1993 Operating Input Jf&\ ================ BACTERIAL SPOT BORER CONTROL CONTAINERS DORMANT SEASON FIFTH COVER FIRST COVER FOURTH COVER FULL BLOOM FUNGICIDE HARVESTING LABOR HERB,POST-EMERGE HERB,PRE-EMERGE HERB,PRE-EMERGE INSECT. WEEVIL INSECTICIDE NITROGEN PEACH TREE PECAN TREE 6 FT PETAL FALL PHOSPHORUS PINK BUD PLANTING LABOR POTASSIUM PREHARVEST SPRAY PREHARVEST SPRAY PREHARVEST SPRAY PRUNING LABOR SECOND COVER SEVENTH COVER SHUCK SPLIT SIXTH COVER THINNING LABOR THIRD COVER ZINC ======== PEACH PECAN TREES NEW TREE TREE PECAN PECAN 1ST CROP 2ND CROP 3RD CROP Price per Unit ======== .553 6.684 .42 14.00 9.926 9.926 9.926 4.85 12.59 3.75 18.74 61.00 67.75 3.625 3.625 .26 2.50 6.25 9.926 .25 9.926 3.75 .10 10.729 10.729 10.729 3.75 9.926 9.926 9.926 9.926 3.75 9.926 .642 Unit of Measure ======= appl appl each appl appl appl appl appl lbs hour acre acre acre lbs pts lbs tree each appl lbs appl hour lbs appl appl appl hour appl appl appl appl hour appl lbs Cash Flow Row ==== 45 45 55 45 45 45 45 45 45 38 45 45 45 45 45 44 43 43 45 44 45 38 44 45 45 45 38 45 45 45 45 38 45 45 Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to recognize or predict the costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Thaso projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. C4.87 AUTO OR TRUCK RESOURCES OCTOBER 13, 1993 DESCRIPTION FIRST NAHE QUALIFYING NAHE KORSEPOHER RATING (HP) USEFUL LIFE (HR OR HI) FUEL TYPE REHAINING LIFE (HR OR HI) FUEL CON. (UNIT/HR OR /HI) ANNUAL USE (HR OR HI) SPEED (HI/H) HIDTH (FT) FIELD EFFICIENCY (X) C A PA C I T Y ( A C / H R ) POHER UNIT HULTIPLIER LABOR MULTIPLIER CURRENT LIST PRICE ($) SALVAGE VALUE (X) CURRENT MARKET VALUE ($) LEASE PAYMENT ($) ANNUAL LICENSE & TAX ($) ANNUAL INSURANCE ($) ON FARM HIRED LABOR (HR) OFF FARH PARTS & LABOR ($) ON FARH OHNER LABOR (HR) ANNUAL USE BASE (HR OR HI) REPAIR COEFFICIENT #1 DEPRECIATION FACTOR #1 YEARS OHNED REPAIR COEFFICIENT 82 DEPRECIATION FACTOR #2 CAPACITY (DEF..CALC.) FUEL USE (DEF..CALC.) R & H CALC. (#1.#2) LEASE CALC. (HOUR,YEAR) AUTO OR TRUCK PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON 84000 GA 84000 15 21000 30 13000 16.7 11000 75 600 315 21000 Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a general guida and Is not Intended to racogniza or predict the costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projections were collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. C4.88 J^N CUSTOM OPERATION RESOURCES October 13, 1993 Custom Operation Price Unit Cash per of F1ow Unit Measure Row CUSTOM PICKING PECANS .28 Ibse 42 L A N D P R E PA R AT I O N C U S TO M 1 5 a c r e 4 2 JP^N Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and is not Intondod to racogniza or predict the costs and raturns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. These projections were collected and devalopad by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. C4.89 LABOR RESOURCES OCTOBER 13. 1993 DESCRIPTION OTHER LABOR OTHER LABOR FIRST NAHE OPERATOR LABOR OTHER LABOR QUALIFYING NAHE COST OR VA L U E ($/HR) 4.5 4.5 TOTAL HAGE BENEFITS (X) LABOR TYPE (A.B) B A <**%. Information prasented is prepared solely as a goneral guida and Is not Intandad to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions wara collected and developed by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Service and approved for publication. C4.90 LAND RESOURCES OCTOBER 13, 1993 DESCRIPTION FIRST NAME QUALIFYING NAME HARKET VALUE PROPERTY TAX APPRECIATION RATE INTEREST RATE ANNUAL LEASE APP. CALCUATIONS LAND LAND RENT CROPLAND ($/AC) ($/AC) (X) (X) ($/AC) (Y,N) 25 N j fl ^ N Information prasented is praparad solely as a ganaral guide and is not intended to racogniza or pradict tha costs and raturns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projections were collected and developed by staff mambers of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. C4.91 PERENNIAL CROP RESOURCES OCTOBER 13, 1993 •'*^!v PERENNIAL CROP PERE'NNIAL CROP PERE'NNIAL CROP PEREiNNIAL CROP PERIENNIAL CROP PER ENNIAL CROP DESCRIPTION FIRST NAHE QUALIFYING NAHE HARKET VALUE PROPERTY TAX REHAINING LIFE SALVAGE VALUE APPRECIATION RATE INTEREST RATE ANNUAL LEASE APP. CALCUATIONS ($/AC) ($/AC) (YR) (X) (X) (X) ($/AC) (Y,N) DESCRIPTION PEACH PEACH PEACH PEACH PEACH PEACHIR 598.33 598.33 505.55 505.55 542.90 1075.73 12 100 12 12 100 12 12 12 100 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 N N N 1 N 1A 2 2A 3A N 1 N PERENNIAL CROP PERENNIAL CROP PERENNIAL CROP PERENNIAL CROP PERENNIAL CROP PERENNIAL CROP FIRST NAHE QUALIFYING NAHE HARKET VALUE ($/AC) PROPERTY TAX ($/AC) REHAINING LIFE (YR) S A LVA G E VA L U E ( X ) APPRECIATION RATE (X) I N T E R E S T R AT E ( X ) ANNUAL LEASE ($/AC) APP. CALCUATIONS (Y.N) PEACHIR 1A 1075.73 PEACHIR 2 878.86 PEACHIR 2A 878.86 PEACHIR 3A 459.66 PECAN 1 804.01 PECAN 1A 804.01 12 12 100 12 12 20 100 11 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 N N N N N N y y y % . FIRST NAME QUALIFYING NAME MARKET VALUE PROPERTY TAX REHAINING LIFE SALVAGE VALUE APPRECIATION RATE INTEREST RATE ANNUAL LEASE APP. CALCUATIONS PECAN PECAN PECAN 507.54 507.54 361.90 20 100 11 11 4.5 4.5 4.5 N N N 4 ($/AC) ($/AC) (YR) (X) (X) (X) ($/AC) (Y.N) 4A 9A Information presented is prepared sololy as a ganaral guide and is not intended to recognize or pradict tha costs and returns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Thaso projactions ware collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. C4.92 BUILDINGS OR IMPROVEMENTS RESOURCES OCTOBER 13, 1993 D E S C R I P T I O N B U I L D . O R I H P. FIRST NAME SHED QUALIFYING NAME FUEL - UTILITY COST ($/YR) REHAINING LIFE (YR) 15 CURRENT HARKET VALUE ($) 4000 SALVAGE VALUE (X) PROPERTY TAXES ($/YR) ANNUAL LEASE ($) ON FARM HIRED LABOR (HR) OFF FARH PARTS & LABOR ($) 100 ON FARH OHNER LABOR (HR) LEASE CALC. (ANNUAL) JSPN Information prasontad is praparad solely as a general guida and is not intandad to recognize or pradict tha costs and raturns from any ana particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. C4.93 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT OCTOBER 13, 1993 DESCRIPTION FIRST NAHE QUALIFYING NAME KORSEPOHER RATING (HP) FUEL TYPE FUEL CON. (UNIT/HR OR /HI) USEFULL LIFE (HR) REHAINING LIFE (HR) EFFICIENCY (X) HIRED LABOR PER SET (HR) OHNER LABOR PER SET (HR) NUMBER OF SETS CURRENT LIST PRICE ($) SALVAGE PERCENT (X) CURRENT HARKET VALUE ($) L E A S E PAY M E N T ( $ ) ON FARH HIRED LABOR (HR) OFF FARH PARTS & LABOR ($) ON FARM OHNER LABOR (HR) ANNUAL USE BASE (HR) R & H ENG. ESTIHATE (X) R & H CALC. (81,82) LEASE CALC. (HOUR,YEAR) FUEL USE ( DEF..CALC.) DIST. SYS. POHER PLANT DRIP $300-1200/A PUHP PUMP HATER SOURCE ELECT . MOTOR CENT PUMP & FILT SUBMERSIBLE PUMP 35 HP HELL 250 FT 35 EL 15 15 2.25 126 60000 60000 87 NA NA N A 32000 32000 100 NA NA 40000 40000 70 NA N A 20 20 3500 7500 7500 25000 3500 N A 500 N A 25000 3500 500 3500 2.5 2 4.0 2 4.0 2 NA NA N A - y y \ ^ Information prasontad Is praparad sololy as a ganaral guida and 1s not intandad to recognize or predict the costs and raturns from any ana particular farm or ranch oparation. Those projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. C4.94 MACHINERY COST REPORT OCTOBER 13, 1993 #^s RESOURCE NAHE UNIT VA R I A B L E E X P E N S E S " ° = = = = = F I X E D E X P E N S E S • — T O TA L FUEL OPER. & OPER. CUSTOH REPAIR REPAIR HOURLY DEPREC. ANNUAL TAXES, EXPENSES & H A N A G E . I N P U T O P E R . & H A I N T. & H A I N T. L E A S E & L E A S E L I C E N S E LUBE LABOR OFF FARH LABOR INTEREST & INSUR. TRACTOR DISC-TANDEH FERT. SPREADER SHREDDER SPRAYER SPRAYER TRAILER COOLER PICKING BOXES PICKUP TRUCK 40 HP 8 FT $/HR $/HR $/HR $/HR AIRBLAST $/HR HYDRO. $/HR FLATBED $/HR STORAGE $ / H R PEACHES $/HR 3/4 TON $ / H I 1.871 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.105 0.000 0.078 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.301 0.401 0.141 0.167 1.930 0.714 0.058 0.258 0.167 0.015 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.622 3.377 1.842 7.369 14.328 1.720 1.663 0.950 0.612 0.166 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.146 0.079 0.318 0.618 0.058 0.072 0.034 0.022 0.032 5.080 3.924 2.062 7.853 16.876 2.492 1.793 1.346 0.801 0.290 TRACTOR FERT. SPREADER APPLY FERTILIZER 40 HP $/AC $/AC $/AC 0.280 0.000 0.280 0.914 0.000 0.914 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.051 0.022 0.073 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.447 0.283 0.730 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.049 0.012 0.061 1.740 0.317 2.057 TRACTOR DISC-TANDEH DISCING 40 HP 8 FT $/AC $/AC $/AC 0.647 0.000 0.647 1.701 0.000 1.701 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.095 0 . 11 5 0.210 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.847 0.967 1.814 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.090 0.042 0.132 3.380 1.124 4.504 TRACTOR TRAILER HAULING 40 HP FLATBED PEACHES $/AC $/AC $/AC 0 . 2 11 0.000 0 . 2 11 4.950 0.000 4.950 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.058 0.390 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.926 1.663 4.589 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.315 0.072 0.387 8.734 1.793 10.527 TRACTOR SHREDDER SHREDDING 40 HP $/AC $/AC $/AC 0.658 0.000 0.658 2.151 0.000 2.151 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.120 0.060 0.180 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.073 2.669 3.741 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 . 11 4 0 . 11 5 0.229 4 . 11 6 2.844 6.959 TRACTOR SPRAYER SPRAYING 40 HP $/AC AIRBLAST $/AC AIRBLAST $/AC 0.323 0.000 0.323 0.851 0.000 0.851 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.276 0.324 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.446 2.052 2.498 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.045 0.088 0.134 1.712 2.417 4.129 TRACTOR SPRAYER SPRAYING 40 HP HYDRO. HYDRO. $/AC $/AC $/AC 0.408 0.000 0.408 1.075 0.000 1.075 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.060 0.129 0.189 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.539 0 . 3 11 0.850 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.067 2.139 0.451 2.589 J0^\ Information prosanted is preparod solely as a goneral guida and is not Intended to recegnizo or predict the costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. These projections were collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad far publication. C4.95 BUDGET PARAMETERS REPORT October 13, 1993 Parameter Name DIESEL DIESEL BTU ELECTRICITY ELECTRICITY BTU GASOLINE GASOLINE BTU Va l u e s^^k. Unit of Measure 0.7600 GAL. 135250.0000 BTU 0 . 0 9 5 0 KWH 3410.0000 BTU 1.0600 GAL. 124100.0000 BTU Description Diesel Fuel Energy of Diesel Fuel Cost of Electricity Electricity energy Cost of Gasoline Energy of Gasoline HIRED LABOR 4.5000 HOUR Hired Repair and Maintenance Labor Rate HIRED LABOR IRR 4.5000 HOUR Hired Irrigation Operation Labor INR 0.6620 % Insurance Rate, % of Market value IRITB 12.1000 % I n t e r e s t R a t e , I n t e r m e d i a t e Te r m B o r r o w. IRITE 7.2100 % I n t e r e s t R a t e , I n t e r m e d i a t e Te r m E q u i t y IROCB 12.1000 % I n t e r e s t R a t e , O p e r a t i n g C a p i t a l B o r r o w. IROCE 7.2100 % Interest Rate, Operating Capital Equity IRPCF 7.2100 % Interest Rate, Positive Cash Flow ITI 7.2100 % Interest Rate, Investment Capital LP GAS 0 . 7 0 0 0 GAL. Cost of LP Gas LP GAS BTU 92140.0000 BTU Energy of LP Gas LUBE MULTI 0.1000 NONE Lube Multiplier NATURAL GAS 2.1000 MCF Cost of Natural Gas NATURAL GAS BTU 1000000.0000 BTU Energy of Nat. Gas per 100ft3 or Therm OWNER LABOR 4.5000 HOUR Owner Repair and Maintenance Labor Rate OWNER LABOR IRR 4.5000 HOUR Owner Irrigation Operation Labor PTR 0.0000 % Personal Property Tax Rate Information prasontad is prepared solely as a general guide and is not Intended to racogniza or pradict tha costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Thaso projections were collected and developed by staff mambars of tha Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. C4.96 y^S. r * ^ > B-124KL04) TEXAS AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE . THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Z e r l e L . C a r p e n t e r , D i r e c t o r C o l l e g e S t a t i o n , Te x a s TEXAS LIVESTOCK ENTERPRISE BUDGETS NORTH CENTRAL TEXAS DISTRICT Projected for 1993 r Data collected and submitted by Dr. Kenneth W. Stokes E d u c a t i o n a l p r o g r a m s c o n d u c t e d b y t h e Te x a s A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e s e r v o p e o p l e o f a l l a g e s r e g a r d l e s s o f s o c i o economic level, race, color, sex, religion or national origin. C o o p e r a t i v e E x t e n s i o n W o r k i n A g r i c u l t u r e a n d H o m o E c o n o m i c s . T h e Te x a s A * M U n i v e r s i t y S y s t e m a n d t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. ISO - 01-93, New 1 ^ * > Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. COW-CALF PRODUCTION IMPROVED PASTURES 40 COW HERD N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head ============================================================================== Your PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate CULL COWS BEEF O.IOHd 9.000 CWt. 47.5000 42.75 HEIFER C A LV E S 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 85.0000 107.10 STEER C A LV E S 0.43Hd 4.800 cwt. 95.0000 196.08 To t a l GROSS Income 345.93 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost H AY BERMUDA 24.750 cwt. 3.000 74.25 MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF 1.000 head 10.000 10.00 PA S T U R E BERMUDA 1.800 acre 37.320 67.18 SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW 0.900 cwt. 1.250 1.13 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 3.180 cwt. 2.000 6.36 S A LT & MINERALS 0.490 cwt. 7.930 3.89 SUPPLEMENT 1.500 cwt. 10.750 16.13 V E T. MEDICINE COW-CALF 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 Fuel 5.92 Lube 0.59 Repair 3.18 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 1 9 5 . 6 1 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 150.32 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 1076.780 Dol. 0.121 130.28 Interest OC Borrowed 129.317 Dol. 0.121 15.65 Interest OC Earned -3.441 Dol. 0.072 -0.25 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and 145.68 p r o fi t 4.64 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 40.49 Livestock 18.92 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 59.41 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 5 4 . 7 7 LABOR COST Machinery Other Description Use LABOR Residual returns COST BERMUDA PASTURE Annual NATIVE PASTURE Annual to Average Rate Hr. 4.949 5.000 Costs land, Description Lease Lease To t a l Residual Unit and Equipment 3.108 5.400 Hr. To t a l LAND Input management, Input Use 1.800 Acre 2.000 returns to p r o fi t Rate Return of Cost 36.00 8.000 16.00 Costs management -97.16 20.000 Acre LAND 15.38 27.00 42.38 and Unit Cost and 52.00 p r o fi t -149.16 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost p r o fi t of Production -149.16 495.09 Information prasontad is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and returns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. These projactions wara collected and developad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Service and approvad for publication. L4.1 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Cow-Calf Production Improved Pastures 40 Cow Herd North Central Texas District (4) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description CULL COWS BEEF HEIFER CALVES STEER CALVES Quantity 0., 1 0 H d 9 . 0 0 0 0., 2 8 H d 4 . 5 0 0 0. 4 3 H d 4 . 8 0 0 Unit To t a l $ / Unit cwt. cwt. cwt. 47.5000 85.0000 95.0000 Your Estimate /^^x 42.75 107.10 196.08 Total GROSS Income 345.93 VARIABLE COST Description To t a l BARN H AY FENCING ONE MILE H AY BERMUDA Interest - Earned Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF PA S T U R E B E R M U D A PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE COW-CALF 0.26 2.52 74.25 -0.25 15.65 27.00 10.00 67.18 0.56 21.74 1.13 6.36 3.89 16.13 7.00 Total VARIABLE COST 253.40 Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 50.16 per cwt. of STEER CALVES GROSS INCOME FIXED minus COST Machinery Livestock Land Description and To t a l VA R I A B L E Unit Equipment Acre FIXED COST 92.53 To t a l Acre 52.00 Cost 103.73 85.96 241.69 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 167.26 per cwt. of STEER CALVES To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost 495.09 RETURNS -149.16 Information prasontad is prepared sololy as a general guida and is not intondod to racogniza or predict the costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch operation. Thasa projections were collected and developed by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L4.2 S*®\ ' Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. COW-CALF PRODUCTION NATIVE PASTURES 40 COW HERD N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head ============================================================================== Your PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate CULL COWS BEEF O.IOHd 9.000 cwt. 47.5000 42.75 HEIFER C A LV E S 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 85.0000 107.10 STEER C A LV E S 0.43Hd 4.800 CWt. 95.0000 196.08 To t a l GROSS Income 345.93 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF 1.000 head 10.000 10.00 PA S T U R E BERMUDA 0.500 acre 37.320 18.66 SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW 0.900 cwt. 1.250 1.13 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 3.180 cwt. 2.000 6.36 S A LT & MINERALS 0.490 cwt. 7.930 3.89 SUPPLEMENT 3.000 cwt. 10.750 32.25 V E T. MEDICINE COW-CALF 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 Fuel 5.92 Lube 0.59 Repair 3.18 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 8 8 . 9 7 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y Invested Interest IT Borrowed 1076.780 Interest OC Borrowed 128.182 Interest OC Earned -14.250 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, 1and, management, p r o fi t Unit Rate of Cost Return Dol. 0.121 130.28 Dol. 0.121 15.51 Dol. 0.072 -1.03 Costs and 256.96 _ _ prof 144.76 11 11 2 . 2 0 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 40.49 Livestock __ 18.92 To t a l OWNERSHIP Residual LABOR returns COST Machinery Other To t a l labor, returns management, Input Use Costs to land, Description BERMUDA PASTURE Annual NATIVE PASTURE Annual Residual _ Lease 0.500 Lease LAND returns Costs to 52.79 ^J^-J^B and Unit p r o fi t Rate Return Acre 5.000 p r o fi t __ management, Use and Average Cost Rate Hr. 4.949 15.38 5.000 27.00 _ Input 59.41 Unit and Equipment 3.108 5.400 Hr. COST To t a l land, Description LABOR Residual LAND to Costs of 10.40 Cost 20.000 10.00 Acre 8.000 40.00 __ _ management and ^("KOO p r o fi t -39.60 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t Production ~3?^?9 385.53 Information present ad is praparad sololy as a general guida and is not intonded to recognize or pradict tha costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Those projections woro collected and developed by staff mambers of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L4.3 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. Cow-Calf Production Native Pastures 40 Cow Herd North Central Te x a s District 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per (4) Head Yo u r G R O S S I N C O M E D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t $ / U n i t To t a l E s t i m a t e CULL COWS BEEF O.IOHd 9.000 CWt. 47.5000 42.75 HEIFER C A LV E S 0.28Hd 4.500 cwt. 85.0000 107.10 STEER C A LV E S 0.43Hd 4.800 CWt. 95.0000 196.08 To t a l GROSS VA R I A B L E COST Income 345.93 Description _ BARN H AY FENCING ONE MILE Interest Earned Interest OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS COW-CALF PA S T U R E BERMUDA PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONCULL COW SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER S A LT & MINERALS SUPPLEMENT V E T. MEDICINE COW-CALF To t a l VA R I A B L E COST To t a l 0.26 2.52 -1.03 15.51 27.00 10.00 18.66 0.56 21.74 1.13 6.36 3.89 32.25 7.00 145.84 Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ - 1.94 per cwt. of STEER CALVES GROSS INCOME FIXED minus COST Machinery Livestock Land Description and To t a l VA R I A B L E Unit Equipment Acre FIXED COST Acre Cost 200.09 To t a l 103.73 85.96 50.00 239.69 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 114.18 per cwt. of STEER CALVES To t a l NET Of PROJECTED ALL Cost RETURNS 385.53 -39.60 Information prasented is prepared solely as a goneral guide and is not intondod to racogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions woro collected and davaloped by staff mambars of tho Taxas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.4 _j^ ^"^ l Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-124KL04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. STOCKER STEERS (WHEAT GRAZING NOV-FEB 120 DAYS) North Central Texas District (4) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER STEERS 670 LB. 0.98Hd 6.700 CWt. 81.0000 531.85 To t a l GROSS Income 531.85 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost H AY BERMUDA 2.000 cwt. 3.000 6.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER 1.000 head 4.000 4.00 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 0.250 acre 8.000 2.00 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 6.700 cwt. 2.000 13.40 S A LT & MINERALS 0.188 cwt. 7.930 1.49 STOCKER STEERS 4.800 cwt. 95.000 456.00 SUPPLEMENT 0.500 cwt. 10.750 5.38 V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 W H E AT $/CWT GAIN 1.900 cwt. 25.000 47.50 Fuel 1.41 Lube 0.14 Repa i r 0.30 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 5 4 4 . 6 2 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -12.77 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 143.170 Dol. 0.121 17.32 Interest OC Borrowed 320.777 Dol. 0.121 38.81 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT Costs 56.14 Residual returns to ownership, labor, land, management, and p r o fi t -68.91 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depredation, Taxes, and Insurance) Cost Machinery and Equipment 15.20 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 15.20 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 8 4 . 1 0 LABOR COST Description Input Use Unit Average Cost Rate Machinery and Equipment 0.917 Hr. 4.864 4.46 Other 1.900 Hr. 5.000 9.50 To t a l Residual LABOR returns to Costs land, management, 13.96 and p r o fi t -98.06 -WARNING- No Land Cost Specified Residual returns to management and p r o fi t -98.06 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected Cost to of p r o fi t -98.06 Production 629.91 Information prasented is prepared sololy as a ganaral guide and is not intondod to recognize or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. Those projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff members of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Service and approvad for publication. L4.5 B-124KL04) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993, Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-Feb 120 Days) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description FEEDER STEERS 670 LB. Quantity 0.98Hd Unit 6.700 cwt. $ / Unit 81.0000 Total GROSS Income /""■""^"k To t a l Yo u r Estimate 531.85 531.85 To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 6.00 38.81 9.50 4.00 2.00 1.13 5.19 13.40 1.49 456.00 5.38 7.00 47.50 H AY BERMUDA Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER PA S T U R E N AT I V E PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS STOCKER STEERS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE STOCKER WHEAT $/CWT GAIN Total VARIABLE COST 597.39 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l Va r i a b l e C o s t $ 90.98 per cwt. Of FEEDER STEERS GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST -65.54 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Machinery and Equipment Total FIXED Cost To t a l 32.52 32.52 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 95.93 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS Total of ALL Cost 629.91 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -98.06 Information prasented Is prepared sololy as a ganaral guida and is not intended to recogniza or pradict tho costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projections wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approvad for publication. L4.6 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. STOCKER STEERS (WHEAT GRAZING NOV-MAY 210 DAYS) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head ============================================================================== Your PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit Return Estimate FEEDER STEERS 840 LB. 0.98Hd 8.400 cwt. 73.5000 605.05 To t a l GROSS Income 605.05 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost H AY BERMUDA 2.000 cwt. 3.000 6.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER 1.000 head 4.000 4.00 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 0.250 acre 8.000 2.00 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 8.400 cwt. 2.000 16.80 S A LT & MINERALS 0.300 cwt. 7.930 2.38 STOCKER STEERS 4.800 cwt. 95.000 456.00 SUPPLEMENT 0.500 cwt. 10.750 5.38 V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 1.000 head 7.000 7.00 W H E AT $/CWT GAIN 3.600 cwt. 25.000 90.00 Fuel 1.41 Lube 0.14 Repair 0.30 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 5 9 1 . 4 1 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 13.64 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 143.170 Dol. 0.121 17.32 Interest OC Borrowed 342.398 Dol. 0.121 41.43 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, J^N Costs and p r o fi t 58.75 - 4 5 . 11 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e d a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 15.20 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 15.20 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 6 0 . 3 1 LABOR COST Machinery Other Description Use and Equipment 3.040 Hr. To t a l Residual Input to Average Cost Rate Hr. 4.864 4.46 5.000 15.20 0.917 LABOR returns Unit Costs land, management, 19.66 and p r o fi t -79.96 -WARNING- No Land Cost Specified Residual returns to management and p r o fi t -79.96 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t Production -79.96 685.02 Information prasontad is praparad sololy as a ganaral guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch operation. Thasa projactions wara col looted and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extension Service and approvad far publication. L4.7 B-1241(L04) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993, Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-May 210 Days) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description Quantity Unit $ / Unit FEEDER STEERS 840 LB. 0.98Hd 8.400 cwt. 73.5000 Total GROSS Income To t a l Your Estimate 605.05 605.05 To t a l VARIABLE COST Description 6.00 41.43 15.20 4.00 2.00 1.13 5. 19 16.80 2.38 456.00 5.38 7.00 90.00 H AY BERMUDA Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER PA S T U R E N AT I V E PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS STOCKER STEERS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE STOCKER WHEAT $/CWT GAIN To t a l VA R I A B L E COST 652.50 Break-Even Price, Total Variable Cost $ 79.26 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS GROSS FIXED INCOME minus COST Machinery Description and To t a l VA R I A B L E COST Unit Equipment FIXED Acre Cost -47.45 To t a l 32.52 32.52 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 83.21 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS To t a l NET of PROJECTED ALL Cost 685.02 RETURNS -79.96 y-Sfrv Information prasontad Is prepared sololy as a ganaral guida and Is not Intended to recognize or predict the costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. Thaso projections were collected and developed by s t a f f m a m b o r s o f t h o Te x a s A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n S e r v i c e a n d a p p r o v a d f o r p u b l i c a t i o n . L4.8 Projections for Planning Purposes Only B-1241(L04) Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993. STOCKER CALF PRODUCTION (NATIVE PASTURE) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description Quantity Unit FEEDER STEERS 730 LB. 0.98Hd 7.300 To t a l GROSS $ / Unit Return Estimate cwt. 77.0000 550.86 Income 550.86 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use Unit $ / Unit Cost H AY BERMUDA 4.000 cwt. 3.000 12.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER 1.000 head 4.000 4.00 PA S T U R E N AT I V E 4.000 acre 8.000 32.00 SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER 7.300 cwt. 2.000 14.60 S A LT & MINERALS 0.263 cwt. 7.930 2.08 STOCKER STEERS 4.800 cwt. 95.000 456.00 SUPPLEMENT 0.750 cwt. 10.750 8.06 V E T. MEDICINE STOCKER 2.000 head 7.000 14.00 Fuel 1.41 Lube O.14 Repair 0.30 To t a l O P E R AT I N G I N P U T a n d C U S T O M O P E R AT I O N C o s t s 5 4 4 . 6 0 Residual returns to capital, ownership labor, land, management, and p r o fi t 6.26 C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n Q u a n t i t y U n i t R a t e o f C o s t Invested Return Interest IT Borrowed 143.170 Dol. 0.121 17.32 Interest OC Borrowed 313.617 Dol. 0.121 37/95 To t a l C A P I TA L INVESTMENT R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, Costs and p r o fi t 55.27 -49.01 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e c i a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) C o s t Machinery and Equipment 15.20 To t a l OWNERSHIP Costs 15.20 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t - 6 4 . 2 1 LABOR COST Machinery Other Description Use and Equipment 2.000 Hr. To t a l Residual Input to Average Cost Rate Hr. 4.864 4.46 5.000 10.00 0.917 LABOR returns Unit Costs land, management, 14.46 and p r o fi t -78.67 -WARNING- No Land Cost Specified Residual returns to management and p r o fi t -78.67 -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified Residual To t a l returns Projected to Cost of p r o fi t Production -78.67 629.52 J^*\ Information presonted is prepared solely as a ganaral guida and is not intondod to racognize or predict the costs and raturns from any ono particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions woro collected and dovolopad by staff members of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sarvice and approvad far publication. L4.9 B-124KL04) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993, Stocker Calf Production (Native Pasture) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description FEEDER STEERS 730 LB. Quantity 0.98Hd Unit 7.300 cwt. $ / Unit 77.0000 Total GROSS Income To t a l Yo u r Estimate 550.86 550.86 VARIABLE COST Description To t a l H AY BERMUDA Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MISCELLANEOUS STOCKER PA S T U R E N AT I V E PENS & EQUIPMENT PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALES COMMISSIONSTOCKER SALT & MINERALS STOCKER STEERS SUPPLEMENT VET. MEDICINE STOCKER 12.00 37.95 10.00 4.00 32.00 1.13 5.19 14.60 2.08 456.00 8.06 14.00 Total VARIABLE COST 597.00 B r e a k - E v e n P r i c e , To t a l Va r i a b l e C o s t $ 83.44 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST -46.15 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Machinery and Equipment Total FIXED Cost To t a l 32.52 32.52 Break-Even Price, Total Cost $ 87.99 per cwt. of FEEDER STEERS Total of ALL Cost 629.52 NET PROJECTED RETURNS -78.67 Information prasontad Is praparad solely as a ganaral guida and Is not Intended to racogniza or predict the costs and returns from any one particular farm or ranch operation. Thasa projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved for publication. L4.10 B-1241(L04) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993, DAIRY PRODUCTION (WITHOUT SILAGE) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description BREEDING HEIFERS B U L L C A LV E S D A I R Y CULL COWS DAIRY H E I F E R C A LV E S D A I RY MILK Quantity 0.200 0.450 0.22Hd 13.000 0.030 135.000 Unit head head cwt. cwt. cwt. $ / Unit 700.0000 125.0000 47.5000 150.0000 12.9700 Total GROSS Income Unit head cwt. cwt. head lb. head acre cwt. head head head cwt. $ / Unit 24.500 7.900 3.000 18.000 0.910 15.000 20.000 5.300 34.750 40.000 30.000 0.720 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs C A P I TA L I N V E S T M E N T D e s c r i p t i o n 8 0 8 ..24 Quantity Invested 2514.501 2.309 -232.546 IT Borrowed OC Borrowed OC Earned Cost 24.50 524.56 333.00 18.00 36.40 15.00 100.00 3.82 34.75 40.00 30.00 97.20 12.44 1.24 8.41 1279.31 Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t Unit Dol . Dol . Dol . Rate of Return 0.121 0.121 0.072 Cost 3 0 4 ..23 0..28 - 1 6 ..77 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 287.74 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 520.49 O W N E R S H I P C O S T D e s c r i p t i o n ( D e p r e d a t i o n , Ta x e s , a n d I n s u r a n c e ) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 165.88 20.61 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 186.50 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r , l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o f 1t 334.00 LABOR COST Description Input Use Unit 6.219 Hr, 4 8 . 0 0 0 H r, Machinery and Equipment Other Average Rate 5.000 5.000 31.10 240.00 62.90 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t COST Cost 271.10 To t a l L A B O R C o s t s LAND Yo u r Estimate 2087.55 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use BREEDING DAIRY 1.000 GRAIN MIX 66.400 HAY 111 . 0 0 0 MGMT. RECORDS 1.000 MILK REPLACER 40.000 DAIRY 1.000 MISCELLANEOUS PASTURE DAIRY 5.000 SALT 0.720 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.000 UTILITIES 1.000 VET. MEDICINE DAIRY 1.000 HAULING MILK 135.000 Fuel Lube Repa1r Interest Interest Interest Return 140.00 56.25 135.85 4.50 1750.95 Description Input PA S T U R E R E N T D A I R Y Annual Lease Use Unit 5.000 Acre Rate of Return 2.000 Cost 10.00 To t a l L A N D C o s t s 10.00 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o m a n a g e m e n t a n d p r o fi t 52.90 - WA R N I N G - N o M a n a g e m e n t C o s t S p e c i fi e d 52.90 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t To t a l P r o j e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n 2034.65 Information prasented is preparod solely as a ganaral guida and is not intandad to racogniza or pradict tha costs and raturns from any one particular farm or ranch oparation. Thasa projactions wara collected and developed by staff members of tha Taxas Agricultural Extansion Service and approvad for publication. L4.ll Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, B-1241(L04) 1993, Dairy Production (without Silage) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head GROSS INCOME Description BREEDING HEIFERS B U L L C A LV E S D A I RY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK Quantity 0.200 0.450 0.22Hd1 1 3 . 0 0 0 0.030 135.000 Unit head head cwt. cwt. cwt. Total GROSS Income $ / Unit 700.0000 125.0000 47.5000 150.0000 12.9700 To t a l Yo u r Estimate 140.00 56.25 135.85 4.50 1750.95 2087.55 VARIABLE COST Description To t a l BARN HAY BREEDING DAIRY BULK MILK COOLER CALF HUTCHES SILAGE DIGGER/WAGON FEED MILL FEED SYSTEM FEEDER MECHANIC FEEDING AREA GRAIN MIX HAULING MILK HAY HAY RACKS HOLDING AREA Interest - Earned Interest - OC Borrowed LIVESTOCK LABOR MANURE SYSTEM MGMT. RECORDS MILK REPLACER MILK ROOM MILKING EQUIP. MILKING PARLOR MILKING STALLS MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY DAIRY PASTURE PICKUP TRUCK 3/4 TON SALT HORIZON SILO DAIRY SUPPLIES TRACTOR 40 HP UTILITIES DAIRY VET. MEDICINE WAGON MANURE WATER SYSTEM 0.10 24.50 0.63 0.01 0.55 0.70 0.09 0.33 0.06 524.56 97.20 333.00 0.06 0.06 -16.77 0.28 240.00 0. 19 18.00 36.40 0.22 1.25 0.45 0.70 15.00 100.00 38.13 3.82 0.06 34.75 9. 18 40.00 30.00 0.23 0.19 Total VARIABLE COST 1533.92 GROSS INCOME minus VARIABLE COST 553.63 FIXED COST Description Unit Acre Machinery and Equipment Livestock Land Acre Total FIXED Cost To t a l 374.28 116.45 10.00 500.72 Total of ALL Cost 2034.65 NET PROJECTED RETURNS 52.90 Information prasented is prepared solely as a ganaral guida and is not intandad to recogniza or predict the costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch oparation. These projections were collected and davalopod by staff mambars of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service and approved for publication. L4.12 / y ^ % . B-1241(L04) Projections for Planning Purposes Only Not to be Used without Updating after October 13, 1993, DAIRY PRODUCTION (WITH SILAGE) N o r t h C e n t r a l Te x a s D i s t r i c t ( 4 ) 1993 Projected Costs and Returns per Head PRODUCTION Description BREEDING HEIFERS B U L L C A LV E S D A I RY CULL COWS DAIRY HEIFER CALVES DAIRY MILK Unit head head cwt. cwt. cwt. Quantity 0.200 0.450 0.22Hd 13.000 0.030 135.000 $ / Unit 700.0000 125.0000 47.5000 150.0000 12.9700 Total GROSS Income Return 140.00 56.25 135.85 4.50 1750.95 2087.55 OPERATING INPUT or CUSTOM OPERATION Description Input Use BREEDING DAIRY 1.000 GRAIN MIX 66.400 HAY 39.000 MGMT. RECORDS 1.000 MILK REPLACER 40.000 MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY 1.000 PASTURE DAIRY 5.000 SALT 0.720 SORGHUM SILAGE 11 . 5 0 0 SUPPLIES DAIRY 1.OOO UTILITIES 1.000 VET. MEDICINE DAIRY 1.000 HAULING MILK 135.000 Fuel Lube Repa1r Unit head cwt. cwt. head lb. head acre cwt. ton head head head cwt. $ / Unit 24.500 7.900 3.000 18.000 0.910 15.000 20.000 5.300 25.000 34.750 40.000 30.000 0.720 Total OPERATING INPUT and CUSTOM OPERATION Costs CAPITAL INVESTMENT Description 736..74 Unit Quantity Invested 2514.501 3.481 -197.773 Interest - IT Borrowed Interest - OC Borrowed Interest - OC Earned Cost 24.50 524.56 117.00 18.00 36.40 15.00 100.00 3.82 287.50 34.75 40.00 30.00 97.20 12.44 1.24 8.41 1350.81 Residual returns to capital, ownership l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fitt Dol. Dol. Dol. Rate of Return 0.121 0.121 0.072 Cost 304..23 0..42 -14..26 Total CAPITAL INVESTMENT Costs 290.39 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o o w n e r s h i p , l a b o r, land, management, and profit 446.35 OWNERSHIP COST Description (Depredation, Taxes, and Insurance) Machinery and Equipment Livestock Cost 165.88 20.61 Total OWNERSHIP Costs 186.50 R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o l a b o r, l a n d , m a n a g e m e n t , a n d p r o fi t 259.85 LABOR COST Description Unit Input Use 6.219 48.000 Machinery and Equipment Other H r. H r. Average Rate 5.000 5.000 Cost 31.10 240.00 Total LABOR Costs 271.10 Residual returns to land, management, and profit - 11 . 2 5 LAND COST Description Yo u r Estimate Input Use PASTURE RENT DAIRY Annual Lease Unit 5.000 Acre Total LAND Costs Rate of Return 2.000 Cost 10.00 10.00 ■21.25 Residual returns to management and profit -WARNING- No Management Cost Specified R e s i d u a l r e t u r n s t o p r o fi t -21.25 To t a l P r o j e c t e d C o s t o f P r o d u c t i o n 2108.80 Information prasontad is praparad solely as a general guide and is not intandad to racogniza or pradict tha costs and raturns from any ona particular farm or ranch operation. Thasa projactions wara collected and dovolopad by staff mambars of the Texas Agricultural Extansion Sorvica and approved far publication. L4.13