B-1241 c BUDGETS FOR TEXAS CROPS AND LIVESTOCK INTRODUCTION Enterprise budgets were developed by the Extension economist-management for each of the fourteen Ex tension Districts. — EHW ■-'■■ I— Pinhnndle 1 • District Headquarters ©Texas A&M University r C O N TA nE NI T n tS roduction to the Te x a s Crop and Livestock Budgets Procedure Te r m i n o l o g y Used in Budgets Calculating Annual Capital Requirements C a l c u l a t i n g M a c h i n e r y, E q u i p m e n t a n d L i v e s t o c k O w n e r s h i p C o s t s Other Information Available Limitations A va i 1 ab i 1 i ty 4 Appendix I. Formulae for Estimating Machinery Cost 5 and Implement Cost Calculation Capacity Calculation Requirement and Cost Calculations Cost Calculation Tractor, Field Fuel Lube Machinery Repair Insurance and Maintenance 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 Depreciation 11 Interest on Investment 11 Note on Hours of Annual Use of Tractors, Machinery and Implements 12 J^N, Equipment Fuel Repair Hired Insurance Depreciation Interest Auto Fuel and Cost Calculation Costs Maintenance Labor and on Truck Repair Operator Insurance, Depredation Interest and Cost Calculations Ta x e s and Working Livestock Insurance (Purchased Livestock) on Investment Calculation Utility and Property Insurance Procedure Cost Maintenance Ta x Depreciation Interest O p Te E r aXt Ai nSg Procedures Investment Cost or Repair Labor r Calculation Maintenance Labor License, and Milking Building Fuel Calculations Investment on Breeding, Livestock Depredation Interest Procedure on CP aA p iNt a H lA N D L E C o s t 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 Investment DIS C Ta R l cI uCl Ta t i o n C 1P r o c e d u r.e 16 16 16 1 Alfalfa Establishment, Alfalfa, Furrow Furrow Irrigated, Winter Winter Corn Corn for Corn Corn Furrow Grain, Grain, Sprinkler Irrigated, (Natural Gas) C1.13 (Natural Gas) C1.15 C1.17 Irrigated C1.21 Sorghum, Furrow Sorghum Sorghum, Dryland Irrigated, for Furrow Sprinkler Irrigated, C1.25 C1.27 C1.29 Gas) C1.31 Gas) C1.33 (Natural Irrigated, (Natural Gas) C1.35 Irrigated, (Natural Gas) C1.37 Continuous Irrigated Wheat, Furrow Sprinkler Dryland (Natural Beets, Wheat, Gas) Continuous Irrigated, Sprinkler C1.23 (Natural H a y, Dryland, Furrow Wheat, C 1 . 11 Sprinkler Sugar Cont. Gas) Spanish, Sorghum, Continuous C1.9 C1.19 Sorghum, Soybeans, Gas) Irrigated Sorghum, Soybeans, C1.7 Sprinkler Forage Cont. Gas) Dryland Forage Cont. C1.3 Florunner, Peanuts, Forage (Natural Irrigated, Cotton Peanuts, (Natural Irrigated, C1.1 C1.5 (Natural Irrigated, Sprinkler Gas) Dryland Irrigated, Furrow Gas) (Natural Furrow Silage, Silage, (Natural B a r l e y, B a r l e y, for Irri. Dryland Irrigated, Irrigated, C1.39 C1.41 (Natural (Natural Gas) Gas) C1.43 C1.45 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Conv Till Wheat Bud C1.47 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Conv Till Fallow Bud C1.49 Min Till Wheat Bud C1.51 M1n Till Fallow Bud C1.53 Rotation: Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: Wheat-Fallow-Wheat: 11 ^S Set Aside Land for Dryland Crops - Conventional C1.55 Set Aside Land for Irrigated Corn - Conventional C1.57 Set Aside Land for Irrigated Small Grains - Conv C1.59 Rotation: Sorghum-Fallow-Wheat: Min Till Fallow C1.61 Rotation: Wheat-Fallow-Sorghum: M1n Till Fallow C1.63 Rotation: Wheat-Fa1 low-Sorghum: No Till Fallow C1.65 Permanent Pasture Establ ishment,. Sprinkler Irrlg C1.67 Permanent Pasture, Sprinkler Irrlg. (Natural Gas) C1.69 Crop Tractors, Products Implements Operating Auto and Input or Custom /Sff^v, Report Truck Resources C1.78 C1.79 Crop or C1.80 Resources Improvements C1.81 Resources C1.82 Equipment Cost Report Parameters PA N H A N D L E DISTRICT Winter Summer SOUTH » C1.84 Stocker Calf Stocker Irrigated 111 L1 C1.87 1 . Budget Products PLAINS Establishment, C1.83 Report Cow-Calf Alfalfa C1.77 Resources Irrigation \ C1.76 Resources Perennial Livestock TEXAS C1.75 Resources Land Budget TEXAS C1.72 Resources Operation Livestock Machinery Equipment Resources Labor Buildings C1.71 Budget Calf L1.1 . . Budget Report DISTRICT (Pivot) '. L1.3 L1.5 L1.7 C2.1 C2.1 Alfalfa H a y, Corn, Irrigated Irrigated Corn, Cotton, 2X1, Cotton, 2X1, Furrow Cotton, Fresh Grain (Heavier Dryland Irrigated Sprinkler Irrigated Sorghum, Dryland (Heavier Sorghum, Sorghum, Irrigated Set Aside Pivot Land Soybeans, Wheat, Wheat, Wheat. Irrigated Set Crop Auto Custom Aside Te x t u r e and (Sandy Truck Operation Resources 1v Soil) Wheat Equipment Resources Soils) Sdls) Te x t . Resources C2.13 C2.15 C2.17 C2.19 C2.21 C2.23 C2.25 C2.27 C2.33 Soils) for C 2 . 11 C2.29 Soils) Te x t u r e (Heavier Land Input or Pivot C2.9 C2.31 Report Implements Operating Crops Irrigated (Heavier Pivot Products Tractors, Soils) Row (Sandy - - Soils) Irrigated .(Heavier Irrigated Irrigated Soil) Te x t u r e d Furrow Dryland Furrow Soil) Dryland S u n fl o w e r s , Wheat, Irrigated Te x t u r e d Furrow Dryland Soils) (Sandy for S u n fl o w e r s . Wheat, Soils) (Sandy (Heavier - Soils)* Pivot Dryland Irrigated Soils)* (Sandy Center Furrow C2.7 Te x t u r e d Potatoes, Sorghum, (Pivot) (Sandy Market Grain C2.5 Te x t u r e d (Heavier C2.3 (Furrow) Irrigated Dryland Cotton, (Pivot) C2.35 C2.37 C2.39 C2.41 C2.43 C2.45 C2.47 C2.48 C2.50 C2.51 C2.52 Labor Resources C2.53 Land Resources C2.54 Perennial Crop Resources Irrigation Equipment Machinery Cost Budget TEXAS Parameters PA N H A N D L E C2.56 Report C2.57 Report DISTRICT C2.59 L1.1 Cow-Calf Winter Budget Stocker Summer Livestock TEXAS C2.55 Calf Stocker Products PLAINS ROLLING Alfalfa Calf Dryland Cotton, Cotton, Cotton, Dryland(2x1 (Solid (2X2 Planting) Cotton, Guar, Guar, Sorghum, Sorghum, Dryland, H a y, C3.1 C3.5 C3.7 Establishment, Dryland, Dryland, Sorghum, Irrigated Bermudagrass L1.7 1 C3.3 Irrigated Bermudagrass Cotton. L1.5 Dryland Establishment, Coastal Budget Dryland Alfalfa, Coastal L1.3 C3. Establishment, Alfalfa Budget Report DISTRICT Alfalfa, /0^\, L1.1 Irrigated C3.9 Irrigated C 3 . 11 Rows) C3.13 Row C3.15 Pattern) C3.17 40" Narrow Planting Conservation Tillage C3.19 Irrigated C3.21 Dryland C3.23 Irrigated C3.25 Dryland C3.27 Irrigated C3.29 Conservation Tillage C3.31 Wheat, Wheat, Crop Tractors, Dryland, and Labor C3.45 Resources C3.46 Resources Perennial Crop or C3.47 Resources Improvements Irrigation Budget TEXAS C3.48 Resources C3.49 Equipment Cost C3.50 Report Parameters ROLLING PLAINS Farrow to C3.51 Report DISTRICT Cow-Calf Finish Feeder Stocker Calf Hog L3.3 - Calf Production Pull Coastal off Wheat Budget L3.5 - L3.7 March Grazeout Report DISTRICT Bermudagrass Coastal Production Hogs Products CENTRAL TEXAS Coastal C3.53 1 L3.1 Pig Budget Stocker L3. /-S% Production Finishing Livestock NORTH C3.44 Resources Land Machinery C3.43 Resources Livestock Buildings C3.41 Resources Operation C3.35 C3.38 Resources Truck /^^. C3.37 Equipment Input Custom Tillage Report Implements or C3.33 Conservation Products Operating Auto Dryland C4. Establishment Bermudagrass Bermudagrass Hay 1 L3.9 L 3 . 11 L3.13 1 C4.1 C4.3 Pasture C4.5 . y f 3 % . Bermudagrass Overseeded with Ryegrass & Clover C4.7 1 Sorghum #**•-• Set Aside Set Corn Corn Cotton after Sorghum Side Dress (Side Dress C 4 . 11 Crop C4.13 Nitrogen) Nitrogen) Control) C4.19 (Full Season Insect Control) C4.21 Plant C4.23 Dryland, Solid (Nitrogen Sorghum Fertilizer after Only) Wheat Wheat & High Production, Input Management C4.37 Grazing C4.39 Only C4.41 Resources Resources Resources Livestock Crop C4.44 C4.48 C4.50 C4.51 C4.53 Resources Perennial C4.43 C4.52 Resources Land C4.33 C4.35 Resources Operation Only C4.31 Fertilizer Equipment Truck Labor Spring Grazing and Input Custom Fertilizer Report Implements or Fertilizer with Products Operating Auto Nitrogen Production Wheat Tractors, No Fall Production, Wheat Crop Fall Production, Wheat C4.29 Production, Production, C4.25 C4.27 Soybeans Wheat C4.17 Insect Wheat Wheat C4.15 Season Peanuts, after Cover Crop (Early Wheat Spanish C4.9 Cover with (No Wheat Wheat Hay without Land Wheat after after Cotton Land Aside after for C4.54 Resources C4.55 JP\ Buildings or Improvements vii Resources C4.56 Irrigation Equipment Machinery C4.57 Cost Budget Report Parameters Peaches, /^^ C4.58 Report Dryland, 50 C4.60 Trees/Acre, 1st Ye a r C4.61 P e a c h e s , D r y l a n d , 5 0 Tr e e s / A c r e , 2 n d Ye a r C 4 . 6 3 Peaches, Dryland, 50 Trees/Acre, 3 r d Ye a r C4.65 P e a c h e s , D r y l a n d , 5 0 T r e e s / A c r e , 4 t h t o 1 5 t h Ye a r C 4 . 6 7 P e a c h e s , I r r i g a t e d , 1 0 0 Tr e e s / A c r e , 1 s t Ye a r C 4 . 6 9 P e a c h e s , I r r i g a t e d , 1 0 0 Tr e e s / A c r e , 2 n d Ye a r C 4 . 7 1 P e a c h e s , I r r i g a t e d , 1 0 0 Tr e e s / A c r e , 3 r d Ye a r C 4 . 7 3 P e a c h e s , I r r i g a t e d , 1 0 0 T r e e s / A c r e , 4 t h - 1 5 t h Ye a r C 4 . 7 5 P E C A N S , I R R I G AT E D , E S TA B L I S H M E N T Y E A R C 4 . 7 7 Pecans, Irrigated, Pecans, Irrigated, Pecans, Crop Tractors, and Input or to to Ye a r s 9th 20th Ye a r s Ye a r s C4.89 C4.90 Resources or C4.91 Resources Improvements Irrigation C4.92 Resources C4.93 Equipment Cost Parameters CENTRAL TEXAS viii C4.83 C4.88 Resources Crop ^^i C4.87 Resources Perennial C4.81 C4.86 Resources Operation C4.79 C4.85 Equipment Truck Land Budget NORTH 4th Resources Labor Machinery 10th to Report Implements Custom Buildings 5th Products Operating Auto Irrigated, 1st C4.94 Report C4.95 Report DISTRICT C4.96 1 L4. ■**%K Cow-Calf Production Improved Pastures 40 Cow Herd L4.1 Cow-Calf Production Pastures 40 Cow Herd L4.3 Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-Feb 120 Days) L4.5 Stocker Steers (Wheat Grazing Nov-May 210 Days) L4.7 Stocker Calf Dairy Production Production Dairy Livestock NORTHEAST Native Silage) (with Silage) Report DISTRICT Corn, . C5. Dryland Cotton, Coastal Coastal C5.9 Establishment Bermudagrass Bermuda Pasture, L4.15 1 C5.7 Dryland Bermuda L4.13 C5.5 Dryland Wheat, L 4 . 11 C5.3 Dryland Soybeans, L4.9 C5.1 Dryland Sorghum, Coastal Pasture) (without Production Products TEXAS (Native Hay C 5 . 11 C5.13 Maintenance C5.15 Cstl Bermuda Pasture, Overseeded Clover & Ryegrass C5.17 Small Grains Christmas Christmas - Ryegrass Tree Tree Production Production Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Winter Sixth (Wholesale) (Choose & Cut) C5.19 C5.21 C5.25 First Ye a r C5.29 Second Ye a r C5.31 Third Ye a r C5.33 Fourth Ye a r C5.35 Fifth Ye a r C5.37 through ix Pasture Twelfth Ye a r s C5.39 Crop Products Tractors, Report Implements Operating and or Labor C5.46 Resources Operation C5.48 Resources C5.49 Resources Livestock C5.50 Resources Land C5.51 Resources Perennial C5.52 Crop Buildings or Resources Improvements Irrigation C5.53 Resources C5.54 Equipment Machinery C5.55 Cost Budget NORTHEAST Report Parameters TEXAS Cow-Calf WEST Report DISTRICT Production Stocker with Production Products TEXAS •***%> C5.42 Resources Truck Custom Livestock FAR Equipment Input Auto C5.41 - Winter Winter C5.56 C5.59 1 L5. Pasture L5.1 Pasture L5.3 C6. L5.5 1 Report DISTRICT ^^ COTTON,DRYLAND-Per Ground Acre Costs & Returns 2X1 C6.1 SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS SET ASIDE BUDGET C6.3 C O T T O N , I R R I G AT E D - P e r G r o u n d A c r e C o s t s & R e t u r n s C 6 . 5 P E C O S VA L L E Y P U M P A R E A S E T A S I D E B U D G E T C 6 . 7 Crop Products Tractors, Implements Operating Auto Custom Report and Input or Truck C6.9 Equipment Resources Resources Operation Resources C6.10 C6.12 C6. 13 C6.14 ^*«a^v Labor Resources C6.15 J0^. Livestock Resources Land Buildings Resources or C6.17 Improvements Irrigation Resources Equipment Machinery Budget FAR C6.16 C6.19 Cost WEST Report Parameters TEXAS Sorghum, Coastal j0^\. Establishment, Bermudagrass Bermudagrass Coastal Hybrid Pasture, Establishment, Bermudagrass Coastal Pasture, Bermudagrass Sudan-Sorghum Kleingrass H a y, Hay Oats, Spanish Grain Peanuts, Irrigated, Cotton, Wheat, Tractors, Products Implements C7.5 Irrigated C7.7 Grazing Dryland Dryland for C7.9 C 7 . 11 C7.13 C7.15 C7.17 C7.19 Grazing Solid Planting C7.21 C7.23 Dryland C7.25 Irrigated C7.27 Dryland C7.29 Report and C7.3 Dryland Dryland Cotton, Crop Dryland Irrigated and Pasture, C7.1 Irrigated Establishment, Kleingrass Small L6.3 C7.1 Dryland Bermudagrass Coastal L6.1 Report DISTRICT TEXAS Coastal C6.22 L6.1 Production Products CENTRAL C6.20 Report DISTRICT Cow-Calf Livestock WEST C6.18 Equipment C7.31 C7.32 iP*\ Operating Input Resources XI C7.35 Auto or Truck Custom Operation Labor C7.37 Resources C7.38 Resources Land C7.39 Resources Perennial Crop or C7.40 Resources Improvements Irrigation C7.41 Resources Equipment Machinery Budget WEST C7.36 Resources Livestock Buildings Resources C7.43 Cost Report Parameters CENTRAL Production L7.3 Goat Production L7.5 Budget Coastal Bermudagrass Corn H a y, Sorghum, Dryland Kleingrass Native H a y. Grass for Peanuts, x11 Dryland Dryland Pasture, Grazing, Dryland, Solid C8.1 C8.3 C8.5 C8.7 C8.9 Dryland Pasture, Grain Dryland Dryland Establishment, Kleingrass Dryland Dryland Pasture, Silage, Kleingrass L7.9 C8.1 Establishment,* Bermudagrass Coastal L7.7 Report DISTRICT Bermudagrass Runner L7.1 Production Products TEXAS Small C7.46 L7.1 Sheep Ranch Coastal C7.44 Report DISTRICT TEXAS Cow-Calf Livestock CENTRAL C7.42 Dryland Dryland Planted C 8 . 11 C8.13 C8.15 C8.17 C8.19 C8.21 Runner Peanuts, Runner Runner Dryland, Peanuts, Peanuts, Spanish Irrigated, Irrigated, Peanuts, Spanish Skip-Row Peanuts, Skip-Row Irrigated, Solid Plant C8.31 H a y, Dryland C8.33 Pasture, Dryland C8.35 Irrigated, Fourth Production after Set Aside Land Sorghum Tractors, Production Wheat Production Wheat Production. Auto Custom Labor Livestock Land C8.43 Fifteenth Ye a r s Diversion for Following and Input C8.49 Payment C8.51 C8.53 Hay C8.55 with Resources Resources Operation Resources Resources Resources Resources xiii C8.47 Wheat Sorghum C8.57 Grazing C8.59 Equipment Truck C8.45 Sorghum Grain Continuous Ye a r s Wheat Report Implements or Ye a r after Products Operating Third after Sorghum Crop C8.41 Previous without C8.39 Ye a r through Production Ye a r Second Irrigated, Irrigated, C8.37 First Irrigated, Peaches, C8.27 C8.29 Dryland Peaches, Cotton Planting C8.25 Plant Wheat, Corn Plant Solid Sudangrass Peaches, Solid C8.23 Dryland, Sudan-Sorghum Peaches, Planting C8.61 C8.62 C8.69 C8.72 C8.73 C8.74 C8.75 C8.76 Perennial Buildings Crop or Resources Improvements Irrigation Resources C8.78 Equipment Machinery C8.79 Cost Budget CENTRAL Report Parameters TEXAS Dairy Dairy Dairy Dairy Lactating Lactating Cow Cow Production, Production, Dairy Farrow Feeder (with Lactating Lactating Finishing L8.1 Cow L8.3 Silage) L8.5 Cow* (without Dry Hog Silage) (without Production, to C8.84 L8.1 Production Production, Production, C8.81 Report DISTRICT Cow-Calf Pig L8.7 Silage) Cow Production *. L8.9 L 8 . 11 . . Production Market Livestock EAST C8.77 L8.13 L8.15 Hogs L8.17 Goat Production L8.19 Sheep Production L8.21 Stocker Calf Production L8.23 Stocker Calf Production L8.25 Products Report TEXAS DISTRICT Corn, Dryland Coastal Bermuda Coastal Coastal L8.27 1 C9. Establishment Bermudagrass Bermuda C9.1 Pasture, C9.3 Hay C9.5 Maintenance C9.7 Cstl Bermuda Pasture, Overseeded Clover & Ryegrass C9.9 Small Grains Christmas Tree - Ryegrass Production xiv Winter Pasture (Wholesale) . . C 9 . 11 . C9.13 Christmas Tree Production Peaches, First Peaches, Tractors, Ye a r C9.25 Fourth Ye a r C9.27 Fifth Ye a r C9.29 Auto or C9.40 Resources C9.41 Resources C9.42 Resources Land C9.43 Resources Perennial C9.44 Crop or Resources Improvements Irrigation C9.45 Resources Equipment Machinery Report Parameters TEXAS Stocker with Production - Products CENTRAL TEXAS Coastal Bermudagrass Coastal C9.48 Report DISTRICT Production C9.46 C9.47 Cost Cow-Calf C9.34 C9.38 Resources Operation C9.31 C9.33 Equipment Truck Livestock Livestock SOUTH Ye a r s Resources Labor Budget EAST Twelfth and Input Custom Buildings through Report Implements C9.21 Third Products Operating Ye a r C9.17 C9.23 Peaches, Crop Cut) Ye a r Peaches, Sixth & Second Peaches, Peaches, (Choose C9.51 L9.1 Winter Winter Pasture Pasture Report DISTRICT Establishment, Bermudagrass H a y, Dryland Dryland L9.1 L9.3 L9.5 C10.1 C10.1 C10.3 ji*\ Coastal Bermudagrass Pasture, Dryland C10.5 Corn. Dryland Cotton, Dryland Cotton, Brazos H a y, Sorghum Pasture, Auto and Input C10.23 C10.24 C10.29 C10.31 Resources C10.32 Resources C10.33 Resources C10.34 Resources Perennial Crop or C10.35 Resources Improvements Management C10.36 Resources C10.37 Resources Irrigation C10.38 Equipment Cost C10.39 Report Parameters CENTRAL TEXAS Report DISTRICT Cow-Calf C10.40 ' Production Feeder P1g Finishing Stocker Livestock C10.21 Resources Operation Land Budget SOUTH Dryland Equipment Truck Livestock Machinery C10.19 Resources Labor Buildings C10.17 Report Implements Custom Dryland Pasture, Products or C10.15 Dryland Winter Operating C10.13 Dryland Wheat, Tractors, C 1 0 . 11 Dryland Sorghum Steer Products C10.43 L10.1 L10.1 Production L10.3 Hogs L10.5 Production L10.7 Report xv 1 /*^% C10.9 Va l l e y Sorghum, Crop C10.7 L10.9 TEXAS UPPER COAST DISTRICT Cotton, Dryland Rice, Rice, First First and Second Auto Custom and Input Resources C 11 . 1 6 ..* C 11 . 1 7 C 11 . 1 8 Resources C 11 . 1 9 Resources or C 11 . 2 0 Improvements Irrigation Resources Equipment Cost Parameters UPPER COAST Report DISTRICT C 11 . 2 5 L 11 . 1 L 11 . 1 Report DISTRICT Corn, L 11 . 3 C12.1 Irrigated Cotton, Cotton, Forage C 11 . 2 3 Production Products TEXAS Sorghum Sorghum, C 11 . 2 1 C 11 . 2 2 Report Cow-Calf Livestock SOUTH C 11 . 1 5 Resources Land Budget TEXAS C 11 . 1 2 Resources Operation Livestock Machinery C 11 . 11 Resources Labor Buildings C 11 . 9 Equipment Truck C 11 . 5 C 11 . 7 Report Implements or Crop Dryland Products Operating C 11 . 3 Dryland Soybeans, Tractors, C 11 . 1 Crop Sorghum, Crop C 11 . 1 C12.1 Dryland C12.3 Irrigated C12.5 H a y, Dryland Dryland C12.7 C12.9 iSPN. Sorghum, xvii Irrigated •. C 1 2 . 11 Sorghum, Dryland, Conservation Soybeans, Tillage Irrigated Peanuts, Spanish, Peanuts, Spanish, C12.13 C12.15 Dryland C12.17 Irrigated C12.19 Broccoli, Irrigated C12.21 Cabbage, Irrigated C12.23 Cantaloupes, Irrigated Carrots, Irrigated C12.25 C12.27 Cucumbers, Irrigated C12.29 Honeydews, Irrigated C12.31 Lettuce, Irrigated Ye l l o w Bell Onions, Irrigated C12.35 Peppers, Irrigated C12.37 Jalapeno Fresh C12.33 Peppers, Spring Irrigated To m a t o e s , Watermelons, Watermelons, Irrigated C12.39 C12.41 Dryland C12.43 Irrigated C12.45 Grapefruit Establishment - Ye a r 1 (145 trees/acre) C12.47 Grapefruit Establishment - Ye a r 2 (145 trees/acre) C12.49 Grapefruit Establishment - Ye a r 3 (145 trees/acre) C12.51 Grapefruit Establishment - Ye a r 4 (145 trees/acre) C12.53 Grapefruit, Mature Grove (145 trees/acre) C12.55 Oranges Establishment - Ye a r 1 (200 trees/acre) C12.57 Oranges Establishment - Ye a r 2 (200 trees/acre) C12.59 Oranges Establishment - Ye a r 3 (200 trees/acre) C12.61 Oranges Establishment - Ye a r 4 (200 trees/acre) C12.63 Oranges - Mature XV111 Grove (200 trees/acre) C12.65 { * * * -■ Plant Cane Ratoon Bermuda Type Cane, Grasses, Bermuda Irrigated Establishment, Grass Bermuda B u f fl e H a y, Pasture, Grass Kleingrass ( or and C12.81 Dryland C12.83 C12.85 Equipment C12.86 C12.90 Resources Operation C12.92 Resources C12.93 Resources Livestock C12.95 Resources Land C12.96 Resources Perennial C12.97 Crop Buildings or Resources Improvements Irrigation C12.98 Resources C12.99 Equipment Machinery Cost TEXAS Cow-Calf Livestock SOUTHWEST ' Production, Cow-Calf C12.100 Report Parameters DISTRICT Cow-Calf J0^\ C12.79 Resources Labor Budget SOUTH C12.77 Report Truck Custom C12.75 Dryland Pasture, Input Auto C12.73 Dryland Establishment, Implements Operating C12.71 Dryland Products Tractors, Irrigated Irrigated Establishment, Kleingrass C12.69 Irrigated B u f fl e g r a s s , Crop C12.67 . 1/3 Production, Products TEXAS Report . Unimproved Production, C12.101 . Brush Improved Improved Report DISTRICT xix . C12.104 L12.1 Country Pasture Pasture L12.1 L12.3 L12.5 L12.7 C13.1 Coastal Bermuda Coastal Coastal Pasture Bermuda Bermuda Coastal Coastal Establishment, Pasture, Pasture, Bermuda Coastal Forage Pasture, H a y, Oats For Forage H a y, For Forage Grazing, Sorghum Corn for Corn Cotton, Cotton, H a y, Cotton, Long Extra C13.5 C13.7 C13.9 C 1 3 . 11 C13.13 C13.15 Irrigated C13.19 C13.21 C13.23 Irrigated Season Long C13.3 C13.17 Irrigated Food, C13.1 Dryland Dryland Irrigated, Cotton, Irrigated Silage, for Irrigated, Irrigated H a y, Corn, Irrigated Irrigated Grazing, Sorghum Irrigated Irrigated Establishment, Bermuda Sorghum Dryland Establishment, Bermuda Dryland Va r i e t i e s Staple Va r i e t i e s C13.25 C13.27 C13.29 Irrigated, Short Season Va r i e t i e s C13.31 Dryland, Short Season Va r i e t i e s C13.33 Sorghum, Dryland C13.35 Irrigated C13.37 Dryland C13.39 Irrigated C13.41 Sorghum, Guar, Guar, Peanuts, Runner, Peanuts, Spanish, Sesame, Irrigated C13.43 Dryland C13.45 Irrigated Soybeans, Winter Irrigated Wheat, Winter Wheat, xx C13.47 C13.49 Irrigated C13.51 Dryland C13.53 / * ^ ^ L J^V Spring Wheat, Irrigated Spring Processed C13.55 Wheat, Dryland C13.57 Beets, Irrigated C13.59 Cabbage, Irrigated C13.61 Cantaloupes,Irrigated Carrots, C13.63 Irrigated Processed Carrots, C13.65 Irrigated Cucumbers, Irrigated Cucumbers (Pickles), C13.67 C13.69 Irrigated C13.71 Lettuce, Irrigated C13.73 Onions, Irrigated C13.75 Fresh Market Processed Pecan Spinach, Spinach, Orchard, Irrigated Irrigated Establishment Phase C13.77 C13.79 C13.81 P e c a n O r c h a r d , P r e - P r o d u c t i o n P h a s e ( Ye a r s 1 - 4 ) C 1 3 . 8 3 P e c a n O r c h a r d , E a r l y P r o d u c t i o n P h a s e ( Ye a r s 5 - 9 ) C 1 3 . 8 5 Pecan Orchard, Operational Phase ( Ye a r s 10-20) C13.87 P e c a n O r c h a r d , E a r l y P r o d u c t i o n P h a s e ( Ye a r s 5 - 9 ) C 1 3 . 8 9 Pecan Crop Labor Livestock and Input or Phase ( Ye a r s Report Implements Operating Custom Operational Products Tractors, Auto Orchard, Equipment Resources Truck Resources Operation Resources Resources Resources 10-20) C13.91 C13.93 C13.94 C13.98 C13.100 C13.101 C13.102 C13.103 ijpP^N Land Resources xx 1 C13.104 Perennial Buildings Crop or Resources Improvements Management C13.106 * C13.107 Equipment Machinery Cost Budget SOUTHWEST C13.108 Report Parameters TEXAS Cow-Calf 1/3 Production, Country Improved Improved Pasture Pasture L13.1 L13.3 L13.5 L13.7 Goat Production L13.9 Alfalfa, Report DISTRICT BEND Dryland, Dryland, Corn, Claypan/Blackland Claypan/Blackland Claypan/Blackland Sorghum, Set Brush Production Establishment, Winter C 1 3 . 11 4 L13.1 Sheep Products C O A S TA L Alfalfa Unimproved Production, Cow-Calf C 1 3 . 111 Report DISTRICT Production, Cow-Calf Livestock TEXAS Resources Resources Irrigation C13.105 Claypan/Blackland Wheat, Aside Dryland, Land, Claypan/Blackland Clean Tilled, Upland L 1 3 . 11 C14.1 C14.1 C14.3 C14.5 C14.7 C14.9 C 1 4 . 11 Coastal Bermudagrass Estab. - Claypan/Blackland C14.13 Coastal Bermuda Pasture, Dryland-Claypan/Blackland C14.15 Kleingrass Establishmt., Dryland-Claypan/Blackland C14.17 Kleingrass Pasture, Corn, Cotton, Rice, Coastal Dryland, Irrigated, Sorghum, Coastal Coastal Coastal xxii Dryland Plain C14.19 C14.21 Plain C14.23 Plain C14.25 Plain C14.27 Set Aside Land Clean Sorghum Peanuts, Peanuts, Plain Dryland C14.29 C14.31 Dryland, Rio Grande Plain C14.33 Irrigated, Rio Grande Plain C14.35 Rio Sorghum B u f fl e g r a s s Coastal Pasture, Watermelons, B u f fl e g r a s s Tilled, Grande Pasture, Estab., Dryland, Pasture, Dryland Plain Dryland Rio - Grande Rio Grande C14.37 C14.39 Plain C14.41 Plain C14.43 Coastal Bermuda Establishment - Rio Grande Plain C14.45 Coastal Bermuda Pasture, Dryland-Rio Grande Plain C14.47 Kleingrass Establishment, Kleingrass Crop and Input or Custom C14.61 Resources C14.62 C14.63 Resources C14.64 Resources Perennial Crop or Irrigation C14.65 Resources Improvements Cost Parameters C O A S TA L Cow-Calf BEND Production, C14.68 Report C14.69 Report DISTRICT Improved Report xx i i i C14.67 v Partially Products C14.66 Resources Equipment Machinery Livestock C14.60 Resources Land C14.51 C14.54 Resources Operation Livestock Budget TEXAS Equipment Truck C14.49 C14.53 Resources Labor Buildings Dryland Report Implements Operating Auto Pasture, Products Tractors, Dryland C14.73 L14.1 Pasture L14.1 L14.3 Budget Index 11 c\ xxiv AN INTRODUCTION TO THE TEXAS CROP AND LIVESTOCK BUDGETS* Estimating the production costs and returns of, farm enterprises for planning purposes is a difficult, but important, task. Timely and accurate cost of production estimates are necessary: (a) to make input use decisions, and to arrange for operating capital requirements, (b) for enterprise selection, (c) to estimate the potential profitability of capital investment decisions, and (d) to develop marketing strategies and assess their impact on costs and returns. Budgeting is a deceivingly simple tool which can be used for analysis of problems ranging from day-to-day detailed choices to major questions about the size and type of farm business. Budgeting, as a management tool, is the testing and estimation of likely outcomes from decisions before they are implemented. Enterprise budgets are both a product of and the basic building block for the planning process. The Texas Crop and Livestock Budgets are projected enterprise budgets jointly prepared by the Texas Agricultural Extension Service (TAEX) and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) to assist farmers and ranchers in estimating "real" economic costs and returns of production, in current dollars.1 The information presented in the budgets is prepared as a management planning guideline and therefore is not intended to recognize or predict the costs and returns from any particular farm or ranch operation. It is suggested that users modify the budgets to fit their individual situations by making changes in yields, input levels, prices and other factors. A column titled "Your Estimate" is provided on each budget to make modifications convenient. Furthermore, the expiration date on each budget indicates updating is necessary. * Prepared by Robert H. Jenson, Assistant for Management Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, February, 1986. This paper is designed to accompany the distribution of the Texas Crop and Livestock Budgets (TAEX) and is reviewed and updated annually. 1 Alternative procedures are mixed in their method of handling the impact of inflation on costs, or attempt to estimate nominal cash costs of production either before or after relevant taxes. In fact, most budgets are a mixed bag of nominal, real, before-tax, after-tax, cash and non-cash concepts and procedures. THE 1992 CROP BUDGETS INCLUDE THE ANTICIPATED GOVERNMENT deficiency payments for cotton, corn, sorghum, barley, oats and wheat. To qualify for these payments producers must be in compliance with the government program for the respective crops. In evaluating the whole farm situation proper acreage adjustments and fallow acreage costs must be included when determining costs and returns per acre. Budgets for "set aside" land are included in several of the districts. Some of the crop budgets include the cost from the "set aside" budgets. In using budgets for crops that are in the government program, care must be taken to correctly account for "set aside" land. The budgets also include several enterprises that require an establishment that may include one or more years of providing inputs before realizing any income. Enterprises that require this type of establishment include pasture and hay enterprises and orchards or groves. Budgets for these enterprises generally include a Perennial Crop line listed in the fixed cost section and are usually preceded by an establishment budget. The cost of establishment is amortized at an interest rate and number of years defined in the Perennial Crop. This works well for enterprises like hay and pastures where a single year of establishment is required. Enterprises with several years preceding production followed by some years of increasing production before reaching a mature production level require budgeting techniques beyond the capabilities of most enterprise budgeting analysis. Perennial crop values may provide an estimate of amortized costs, but capital budgeting analysis using net present value or internal rate of return as well as cash flow analysis would be required to adequately determine the profitability of these types of enterprises. Procedure One of the major problems involved in enterprise budgeting is the lack of information concerning the amount of production which will result from a particular combination of inputs. Information for the Texas Crop and Livestock budgets is assembled from published and unpublished sources. The data are obtained and continually revised with the cooperation of farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness firms through informal surveys and personal contacts. Data 2 1 supplied by these sources are confidential and provide average values which are used in developing and revising budgets. Scientific sampling techniques required to produce statistically reliable estimates, however, are not used due to time and cost limitations. When possible, published information from the Texas Statistical Reporting Service and published research from the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (TAES) are used in preparation of the budgets. Regionally based agricultural economists provide leadership in assembling the data and constructing the budgets. The input levels used, the combination of inputs and machinery operations, and the type and length of ownership of machinery and equipment are not necessarily profit-maximizing. They are only believed to be representative or typical for the specified geographic area. Budget preparation is a time consuming task involving numerous data and mathematical calculations. A computer program has been developed to aid in budget preparation. The TAEX budgets are prepared using the Microcomputer Budget Management System (MBMS). This computerized tool stores and retrieves base data, prices, and other factors; calculates machinery, capital, and labor costs; organizes the costs and returns in a variety of formats; and performs a number of budgeting analyses. Terminology Used in Budgets An enterprise budget is an economic recipe for the production of a commodity usually expressed in terms of the production unit (e.g., per bushel, per head, etc.) or by a common resource (e.g., per acre of cropland). It is a statement of all expected revenues and expenses, both actual and imputed. There are three general types of costs that make up the total economic cost of producing any farm commodity. These are variable costs, fixed costs, and overhead costs. Variable costs (sometimes referred to as operating costs) are those short-run costs that may j0$te\ 2 McGrann, James, M., Kent D. Olson, Timothy A. Powell and Ted R Nelson, "Microcomputer Budget Management System User Manual." Dept of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, February 11, 1986. change with changes in level of production and/or are controlled by the manager. They are /-t-^ generally the cost of items that will be used up during one production cycle. If the manager decided to cease the production activity, these costs are avoidable. Examples are such operating inputs as fuel, fertilizer, chemicals and some hired labor costs. In the long run, all production costs are variable. In the TAEX published budgets, variable costs are further divided into pre-harvest and harvest costs where applicable. This separation is particularly useful for decisionmaking in which crop abandonment or graze-out are common practices. Once variable costs are incurred (e.g., seed after planting), they have the characteristics of fixed costs and are referred to as "sunk" costs. Income above variable costs serves to guide most farm management decisions, particularly in the short run. If income over variable costs is negative, and since variable costs are by definition avoidable, a producer will minimize his losses by ceasing production. Selecting enterprises which maximize income over variable costs will lead to greater short-run profit. "**\ Fixed costs may be defined as those costs that either do not change with the level of production or cannot be controlled or avoided. Examples are items such as property taxes, insurance, depreciation, and interest on investment. Cash or fixed dollar land rents and owneroperator labor may also be considered fixed costs. Fixed and variable cost analysis is a useful tool in determining profitability of an investment (e.g., machinery) based on its life or ownership period. It can aid in determining the best replacement policies, whether to own or custom-hire services, and a host of other decisions. However, fixed and variable cost analysis does not adequately explain the cash flow and income tax effects of an investment Cash flow analysis is directed more to the question of fiscal feasibility, or the ability to meet the financial obligations of the investment, than to the question of profitability. Consequently, the two types of analysis must be used together in order to present a clear and total picture of investment alternatives. Overhead costs are costs of machinery, equipment, buildings, and management that cannot J^- be directly identified with an individual enterprise. Since these items are involved in the overall farm operation, it is sometimes difficult to reasonably include them in enterprise budgets. Examples of overhead costs might be telephone service, office supplies, general utilities and legal and secretarial expenses. The allocation of fixed and overhead costs is not generally required for most farm management decisionmaking. At best, it is an arbitrary procedure for shared resources (e.g., the fixed costs are allocated by percentage of total annual use in the Texas budgets). However, estimates of the fixed resource requirements and the relative efficiency at which alternative enterprises use fixed and limiting resources are important to enterprise selection. The concept of opportunity cost, rather than incidence of cost, is used in estimating a number of production cost items. The opportunity cost of a production resource is its current value in its next best alternative use. The opportunity cost concept is useful in estimating the appropriate costs of inputs that are either not purchased or do not have a clear market value, dp\ such as equity capital, land rents, returns to operator labor, and farm-produced feedstuffs. Cost incidence versus opportunity cost is the primary difference between economic cost of production and cost estimates derived from cost accounting records when all inputs to the production process are included. The projected net return in the budgets (the "bottom line") is the residual returns remaining after accounting for accrued and imputed costs to other factors of production. (The variable and fixed costs discussed above.) In most cases, the net return is a projected return to certain overhead, management, and profit (risk) for the enterprise, the only remaining factors of production for which returns have not been imputed. Calculating Annual Capital Requirements Annual operating capital is the short term capital required to finance cash variable and fixed costs during the enterprise production cycle. The MBMS program allows for the internally generated cash (e.g., from the sales of products of the enterprise) to offset the operating input expenses. Any cash surplus is carried forward as savings and any deficit 5 constitutes an operating capital requirement The annual capital requirement is the weighted average net capital requirement (weighted by days outstanding). The annual operating capital is not the minimum or maximum of short-term financing required by the enterprise. Annual capital requirements may even be negative if accumulated monthly receipts are greater than expenses over the production cycle. The interest charge on borrowed capital and the interest savings on surplus cash are listed separately on the budgets to allow for different interest rates. In most cases, the TAEX budgets assume that 100% of the required capital is borrowed (0% equity capital is used to meet operating requirements). Calculating Machinery, Equipment and Livestock Ownership Costs One of the more difficult tasks in estimating costs of production is estimating the cost of owning and operating farm machinery. Coupled with this difficulty is the associated problem of how to allocate the cost of items (e.g., tractors) shared by a number of enterprises on a farm. The MBMS program divides equipment and livestock into seven categories: tractors, selfpropelled machinery, implements, equipment, auto and trucks, breeding, milking and working livestock, and buildings and other improvements. Current replacement values and capital budgeting techniques are used as the basis for calculating projected ownership costs (depreciation, interest, taxes and insurance) in the TAEX budgets. This projected (economic) cost may be more or less than the estimated cost based on the book values and IRS-approved depreciation schedules of the various classes of equipment and livestock (rather than current market value) for established farms or ranches that have a combination of used and new machinery. This method, however, more closely reflects the "real" earnings required to cover the "real" cost of recapturing equipment investment, especially during high rates of inflation. The depreciation method based on book value and used for income tax purposes underestimates the total amount of capital needed for replacement of machinery and equipment under inflation. Accelerated depreciation schedules, combined with short accounting lives, may overestimate the real economic depreciation needed for long run 6 f*' production. Users of the budgets should review their fixed costs closely and be conscious of the differences in ownership cost based on current replacement values versus those developed from historical or accounting costs and used for income tax purposes. Since detailed information on equipment fuel, lubrication, repair and labor requirements is not generally available, MBMS uses a series of functional relationships and parameter settings for each machinery and equipment item to estimate ownership and operating costs. (See machinery and equipment data and parameters at the end of each budget set and formula section that follows). The hourly cost calculated for each piece of machinery or equipment and the per acre or per mile cost of each farming operation, including associated labor and materials costs, is also printed at the end of each set of crop budgets. Other Information Available Budget analyses available from the budget generator are detailed line item reports, summary jiP^ reports and reports by stage, operation, resource, residual returns and expense type. The crop budgets are printed using the report by stage. The livestock budgets use the residual returns and operations reports. Also available is. the ability to generate whole farm cash flow summaries on the basis of enterprise budgets and the number of units of each in the farm organization. Details concerning this information may be obtained from the economistmanagement serving the particular Extension district Limitations Careful evaluation of the resource situations must precede the drawing of inferences from an enterprise budget Farms having resource situations (available land, machinery, capital, and management, for example) that differ from the situation assumed by the budgets can come to considerably different conclusions. Differences in assumed annual hours of use of machinery and equipment because of farm size or other uses, or size of the machinery used, can make significant differences in per unit costs and net returns. These differences in resources and organization must be evaluated and accounted for adequately if reliable conclusions are to be drawn. The Texas Crop and Livestock Budgets are projected budgets, not historical or actual. It is difficult to make accurate estimates of future prices, yields, or other production uncertainties. Most of the budgets are prepared 12 to 18 months in advance of the crop harvest or the end of the livestock production cycle. Therefore, the user should evaluate current production outlook information and use his expectations to update the budgets in preparing to use them. In addition, year-to-year comparisons of the published budgets are not advisable due to changes in farm size, technology, and farming patterns. Availability The Texas Crop and Livestock Budgets are published annually and distributed in loose-leaf form on a subscription basis. Various budgets are published for each of the fourteen Extension Districts in the state. To subscribe send $100 to: Extension Farm Management, Dept of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77843. Individual copies of budgets for major enterprises in a particular Extension District may be obtained at no cost through local county Extension offices. APPENDIX I. FORMULAE FOR ESTIMATING MACHINERY COST4 TRACTOR, MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENT COST CALCULATION5 The tractor, self-propelled machinery, and implement calculation section is the major computational part of MBMS. Several options are available to users to calculate both hourly and per acre costs. The two major options are for calculation of repair, maintenance and depreciation costs. Option one is based on user defined costs associated with an hourly use base while option two duplicates the procedure and formulas in the 1983 ASAE Yearbook to calculate repair, maintenance and depreciation costs. Nearly all of the published budgets are calculated using option two, so that is what will be explained here. Field Capacity Calculation The field capacity of different implements and self-propelled equipment must be calculated to determine tractor hours or self-propelled hours per acre. Calculated capacity for tractors and self-propelled machinery is similar except that selfpropelled machinery has its own capacity estimate. A wheel tractor or a track layer relies on the implements to determine capacity and power requirements. Since multiple implements are allowed on one tractor the slowest implement should determine the overall capacity. A tractor multiplier is used to convert the implement hours per acre into tractor hours per acre. The implement hours per acre is calculated from the implement information. The capacity of self-propelled machinery, such as a combine, is calculated from the speed, width and field efficiency information. The following equation is used to calculate capacity. C = (S * W * FE) / 8.25 where C = acres per hour calculated capacity S = implement speed in miles per hour W = swath width of the implement in feet FE = field efficiency is the ratio of accomplishment in acres per hour compared to theoretical maximum efficency Speed is expressed in miles per hour, width in feet, and field efficiency as the ratio of actual capacity to theoretical capacity. The constant, 8.25, is used to convert the units to acres per hour. The tractor and machine hours per acre are used to calculate operator hours per acre and fuel per acre. They are also used to allocate the fixed costs of interest, depreciation and the annual lease payment The required operator's hours are a multiple of the tractor or machinery hours per acre. We expect the operator to work longer than the machine due to pre-operation checkouts, waiting, etc. This additional time is expressed as a percentage of the tractor or the machine hours. The following equations are used to calculate operator's hours per acre for tractors or self-propelled machinery. 4 For a complete listing of formulas used by MBMS see the "Microcomputer Budget Management System User Manual", Chapter 9 (See footnote 2). 5 Irrigation equipment calculations are nearly identical except calculated on an acre-inch basis. 9 Operator's hours/acre = Tractor hours/acre * labor multiplier Operator's hours/acre = Machine hours/acre * self-propelled labor multiplier The operator wage is multiplied by the operator's hours per acre to calculate the cost of operator labor per acre. Operator cost/acre = operator's hours/acre * wage rate Fuel Requirement and Cost Calculations Fuel cost is calculated using equivalent PTO horsepower of the implement(s) and the required fuel use multiplier of the fuel type. Equivalent PTO horsepower required varies directly with implement width, tillage depth, soil texture, and speed of operation. All these factors determine draft of an implement For tractors pulling two or more implements, the required horsepower for that tractor is the sum of the required horsepower for each implement The formulas for calculating fuel cost are shown below. CFC = (F * HPR * FM) where CFC = calculated fuel use cost per hour HPR = equivalent PTO horsepower required FM = fuel use multiplier for each fuel type FMd.esel = .52X + .77 - .04 * (738X + 173)0,5 FMLPG = .53X + .62 - .04 * (646X)05 X = HPR divided by the maximum PTO horsepower available Lube Cost Calculation Lube cost per hour is calculated as a percent of the fuel cost The multiplier is stored in the parameter file. where LC = FC * (LM * .01) LC = lube cost per hour FC = fuel cost as defined for the two options LM = lube multiplier Repair and Maintenance Repair, maintenance and depreciation calculation procedure duplicates the Agricultural Engineers Yearbook of 1983, sections: ASAE EP391 and ASAE D230.3. The formulae for these calculations are: R = LP * RC#1 * ((HPU + AU)/1000)RCW - (HPU/IOOO)*0*2)/ AU where R = repair and maintenance cost per hour (R & M) LP = current list price RC#1 = repair coefficient #1 HPU = hours of previous accumulated use AU = hours of annual use RC#2 = repair coefficient #2 . 10 r R e p a i r CRC#1 o e f fiisc i ae nvariable t # 1 that helps determine the shape of the repair curve for a specific machine. Repair Coefficient #2 RC#2 is an exponent variable which, in conjuction with RC#1, determines the shape of the repair curve. Repair and maintenance costs are highly variable and unpredictable as to time of occurrence. These equations are but estimates of average values. A typical variation could be expected to range from 50 percent to 200 percent of the estimated cost in this data. Insurance Insurance cost is based on a fixed percentage of market value. Insurance cost per hour is calculated by the following formula: INS = (INR * .01 * M) / HAU where INS = insurance cost per hour INR = insurance rate based on current market value (%) M = current market value HAU = hours of annual use Depreciation Depreciation is based on equations to estimate the remaining value of the machine and on the assumption of constant annual use of the machine. Two values that are specified are factors used to calculate salvage value and hourly depreciation. DF#1 is the percentage of original value that remains after the first year depreciation. DF#2 is a component of the standard double declining balance equation. Values for both depreciation factors were taken from the 1983 Agricultural Engineers Yearbook. Depreciation cost calculation uses the two depreciation factors to calculate salvage value and to adjust current market value. This value is then divided by the number of years of expected ownership times annual use. The formula for calculating depreciation (D) is: D = M - SV / (HAU * YO) where D = depreciation per hour M = current market price SV = LP * DF#1 * (DF#2) ** YO LP = list price DF#1 = depreciation factor #1 DF#2 = depreciation factor #2 YO = years owned HAU = hours of annual use Interest on Investment Interest on investment is calculated using the following formula. 0**\ f IC = ((M + SV) * (IR * .01)) / (2 * HAU) where IC = hourly interest cost on capital investment 11 M = current market value, purchase price SV = salvage value, defined in depreciation calculations HAU= hours of annual use IR = interest rate, annual percent Note on Hours of Annual Use of Tractors, Machinery and Implements Hours of annual use (HAU) is a key variable in all the equations. The machinery cost in the budgets can be significantly different from an actual farm with different annual machinery use. EQUIPMENT COST CALCULATION PROCEDURE The costs of equipment such as augers, livestock handling equipment etc. are calculated with defined data. The option to have costs calculated does not exist as with tractors and machinery. Depreciation, interest, insurance, taxes, fuel consumption, and repair and maintenance costs are all calculated from defined data. Fuel Costs Fuel costs are calculated by multiplying the annual use by the fuel price. The annual use is calculated by multiplying the specified gallons per hour of use by the annual hours of use. Not all equipment uses fuel. Repair and Maintenance Calculations The hours of owner and hired on-farm labor and off-farm purchased parts and labor for a specific repair and maintenance base hours of use level are defined. The formula for this calculation is as follows: R = ((FHL * CHL + FOL * COL + PLS) / BASE) where R = repair and maintenance cost per hour (R & M) FHL = on-farm hired labor (hr) CHL = cost of on-farm hired labor for R & M FOL = on-farm owner labor for R & M (hr) COL = cost of on-farm owner labor for R & M PLS = off-farm parts, labor and supplies for annual R & M BASE = operating hours on which repair and maintenance cost is based Hired Labor The amount of hired operator labor is specified on an hourly basis when the enterprise budget is defined. The hourly quantity is multiplied by the hourly labor wage stored in the labor resource file to determine hourly hired labor cost This value is added to repair and maintenance hired labor to determine total hired labor cost. Insurance Insurance costs per hour are based on a fixed percentage of market value divided by hours of annual use. INS = (INR * .01 * M) / HAU where INS = insurance cost per hour INR = insurance rate based on current market value M = current market value HAU = hours of annual use 12 '•^v r D e p r e cDepreciation iation is a measure of the actual decline in value of the equipment in the current year. It is dependent on the portion of remaining life used in the current year and on the current market value adjusted for salvage value. D = ((HAU / RL) * (M * (1 - (SV * .01)))) / HAU where D = current depreciation per hour HAU = hours of annual use RL = remaining life M = current market value SV = salvage value as a percent of current market value Interest on Investment Interest costs per hour are based on the average amount of investment (market value) adjusted for one-half of depreciation in the current year. The total interest cost is then divided by hours of annual use. IC = ((M - D * HAU/2) * (IR * .01)) / HAU where IC = interest cost of capital M = current markt value D = depreciation as defined in depreciation calculations HAU = hours of annual use IR = interest rate (%) AUTO AND TRUCK COST CALCULATION PROCEDURES The costs of operating automobiles and trucks include both fixed ownership costs and variable operating costs. Fixed costs include depreciation, interest on investment, annual insurance premium, license and tax. Operating costs include repair and maintenance costs, fuel costs and owner operator labor costs. Costs are calculated on a per hour and per mile basis. Fuel Fuel costs are calculated on both a per hour basis and on a per mile basis. Both are dependent on the efficiency of fuel use and on fuel costs. FCMI = FUC / FU FCHR= FCMI * MPH where FCMI = fuel cost per mile FU = miles per gallon of fuel FUC = fuel cost per gallon of fuel FCHR= fuel cost per hour MPH = average speed of operation in miles per hour j0^\ Repair and Maintenance Calculations The hours of owner and hired on-farm and off-farm purchased parts and labor for a specific repair and maintenance base hours of use level are defined. The formula for this calculation is as follows: 13 R = ((FHL * CHL + FOL * COL +PLS) where R = repair and maintenance cost per hour (R & M) FHL = on-farm hired labor (hr) CHL = cost of on-farm hired labor for R & M FOL = on-farm owner labor for R & M (hr) COL = cost of on-farm owner labor for R & M PLS = off-farm parts, labor and supplies for annual R & M BASE = operating hours on which repair and maintenance cost is based / BASE) ^ / Operator Labor The number of hours of operator labor used for each vehicle is based on the number of hours the vehicle is in operation. Hours of annual use is determined by multiplying the number of miles the vehicle is driven annually by the average speed of operation. OL = (1 / MPH) * MAU * LMULT where OL = hours of owner operator labor used annually MPH = average speed of operation in miles per hour MAU = miles of annual use LMULT = labor multiplier Insurance, License, and Taxes The annual insurance premium and any applicable licensing fees and taxes paid for each vehicle are defined values. Depreciation Depreciation is a measure of the actual loss of value in the auto or truck occurring in the current year. Thus it may be different than depreciation used for tax purposes. The formula takes the fraction of remaining life used in the current year (AU/RL) and multiplies it by the current market value of the auto or truck (M) less salvage value (LP * SV * .01). ^\ D = (AU / RL) * (M * (1 - (SV * .01))) where D = current annual depreciation AU = annual use based on miles RL = remaining life based on miles M = current market value SV = salvage value as a percent of current market value Interest on Investment Interest on investment is calculated as the opportunity cost of capital. Interest is calculated on the actual market value of the vehicle less half the year's depreciation. This is justified by thinking of interest in the following manner: the opportunity cost of capital is the rate of return on capital which could be obtained in an alternative use. The alternative use of capital in this case would be to sell the vehicle and use the receipts in another investment IC = where IC = M = D = IR (M - D / 2) * IR * .01 total interest cost or opportunity cost of investment current market value d e p r e c i a t i o n a s d e fi n e d i n d e p r e c i a t i o n c a l c u l a t i o n j t a i . = interest rate ^] 14 BREEDING, MILKING AND WORKING LIVESTOCK The cost of owning livestock depends on whether the animals were raised or purchased. Raised animals must include all production inputs associated with raising the animal. Purchased animals are treated like any other purchased asset, so depreciation must be calculated. Livestock costs include interest on investment, insurance and property tax cost Livestock Insurance INS = INR * .01 * M where INS = insurance cost INR = insurance rate based on current market value (%) M = current market value Depreciation (Purchased Livestock) Depreciation is a measure of the actual loss of value in the purchased livestock occurring in the current year. Thus it may be different than depreciation used for tax purposes. The formula takes the fraction of remaining life used in the current year (1/RL) and multiplies it by the current market value of the livestock (M) less salvage value . D = (1/RL) * (M * (1 - (SV * .01))) where D = current annual depreciation RL = remaining life M = current market value SV = salvage value as a percent of market value V Interest on Investment Purchased and raised animals are treated as a capital asset There is an interest opportunity cost of holding onto the animal. This cost is calculated by the following formula: IC = (M-D/2) * IR * .01 where IC = opportunity cost of holding the animal M = current market value D = depreciation as defined in depreciation calculation IR = interest rate BUILDING COST CALCULATION PROCEDURE Building costs include both ownership costs and variable or operating costs. Ownership costs include depreciation, interest on investment, insurance and property tax. Operating costs include repair and maintenance costs and annual fuel costs or utility payments. The procedures and formulas to calculate these costs are given below. Fuel or Utility Cost Annual fuel or utility cost is defined. Repair and Maintenance The repair and maintenance cost calculation procedure requires the following data: off-farm parts and labor cost, and the number of hours of hired labor and operator labor which are used for repair and maintenance. 15 R = where R = FHL CHL FOL COL PLS ((FHL * CHL) + (FOL * COL) + PLS) annual repair and maintenance = on-farm hired labor = cost of on-farm hired labor = on-farm owner-operator labor = cost of on-farm owner-operator labor = off-farm parts and labor Labor The labor for operation of the building is specified when the enterprise budget is defined. On-farm labor costs for maintenance and repair are calculated when repair and maintenance costs are determined. Property Tax The calculation of property tax is also straightforward. Annual property tax is entered as a $/yr value that appears in the fixed cost section of the budget. Insurance Insurance is the cost of insuring the capital investment (building) against loss or damage. Thus it is based on a percentage of the current market value of the building. INS = INR * .01 * M where INS = insurance cost INR = insurance rate based on current market value (%) Depreciation Depreciation is a measure of the actual loss of value in the building occurring in the current year. Thus it may be different than depreciation used for tax purposes. D = (1 / RL) * (M * (1 - (SV * .01))) where D = current annual depreciation RL = remaining life (yrs) M = current market value SV = salvage value as a percent of current market value Interest on Investment Interest on investment is calculated as the opportunity cost of capital. Interest is calculated on the actual market value of the building less half the year's depreciation. IC = (M - D / 2) * IR * .01 where IC = total interest cost or opportunity cost of investment M = current market value D = depreciation as defined above in depreciation calculation IR = interest rate (%) OPERATING CAPITAL COST CALCULATION PROCEDURE Annual operating capital is the short term capital required to finance cash variable and 16 fixed costs during the enterprise production cycle. The MBMS program allows for the internally generated cash (e.g., from the sales of products of the enterprise) to offset the operating input expenses. Any cash surplus is carried forward as savings and any deficit constitutes an operating capital requirement The annual capital requirement is the weighted average net capital requirement (weighted by the days outstanding). The annual operating capital is not tie minimum or maximum of short-term financing required by the enterprise. Annual capital requirements may even be negative if accumulative monthly receipts are greater than expenses over the production cycle. An example will illustrate how the annual operating capital interest borrowed and interest earned are derived. Suppose you can borrow money at 12% interest, and you can receive 12% interest on any cash surplus (called operating capital borrowed and surplus cash flow in the parameter file). Assume 100% of the operating capital is borrowed. The following table shows the effect of three transactions. Date 01/01/84 01/15/84 02/01/84 02/15/84 Cash Receipts. — 50 100 Cash Expenses Difference 100 — — — 100 50 100 — Balance Days to Date Outstanding -100 -50 50 50 — 15 15 14 Annual Capital Interest on OC —__— —_— 4.167 2.083 -1.944 .50 .25 -.233 The annual capital is calculated as the outstanding balance times the days outstanding divided by 360 (e.g., 100 X 15 / 360 = 4.167). This value times the interest rate yields interest payed or received (e.g., 4.167 X .12 = .5). In the budgets annual capital and interest will appear positive (+) for money borrowed and negative (-) for money earned, i.e., interest earned is a negative cost There are two operating capital interest rates in the budgets including: (1) interest rate on borrowed capital and (2) interest rate on equity capital. Separating operating capital into these categories allows for different interest rates. j0&\ 17