r 04000300 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS IV FOREWORD r Enterprise budgets were developed for all crops that are produced on at least 1 percent of the cropped land in the sandylands soil re source area. This area includes Gaines, Terry and Yoakum counties. All budgets on irrigated crops reflect the assumption of adequate supplies of underground irrigation water to obtain optimum production. All crops were assumed irrigated with sideroll sprinkler except alfalfa which was budgeted with self-propelled center pivot systems. The enterprise budgets developed for High Plains IV were based on the following assumed organizations. Farm size Cotton allotment Feed grain base Other cropland Irrigated (acres) 800 265 400 155 Dryland (acres) 1600 530 800 270 The machinery inventory (04000500) is ap plicable to all situations since no difference in equipment was found between managerial levels, and dryland units in the area have equipment inventories comparable to irrigated farms of about one-half their acreage. r All calculations of government payments and comments concerning set-aside requirements are based on the 1971 farm program. All govern ment payments indicated herein are net of normal crop share rent. Land charges were calculated as the land lord's share of the gross income less his propor tionate share of the variable inputs, if applicable, and 80 percent of the fixed cost on the irrigation system. Normal crop share rentals in this area provide for the landlord to pay a portion of the cost of chemicals and harvest on most crops. The exceptions in these budgets are alfalfa and permanent pasture where the landlord pays none of the cost of variable inputs. A land charge of §20 per acre was used for the establishment of both alfalfa and permanent pasture. The following crop shares were assumed: Crop Cotton Grain sorghum Wheat Castors Alfalfa Permanent pasture Southern peas Landlord's Share V a Vs Vs Vs % V a Vs 04000700 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs Of Irrigation Water ( ^ Well Distribution Depthi GPM System feet f^ 150 75 200 100 h . m s p r i n k l e r skid tow line 150 h . m s p r i n k l e r skid tow line 250 s i d e r o l l furrow 400 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 600 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 800 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 250 300 Power 1/ Source h.m sprinkler electricity Sidemove-tow e l e c t r i c i t y Per Acre Inch Labor Labor To t a l Operating Fixed Cost 2/ Cost 3/ Requirement Cost Cost dollars dollars hrs. id o l l a r s d o l l a r ! .77 1.07 1.63 1.91 .211 .047 .37 .08 2.77 3.08 electricity elect r i c i t y elect r i c i t y electricity n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas .89 .97 .83 .91 .75 .42 .75 .42 .46 .75 1.13 .44 .74 1.11 .44 1.63 1.83 1.24 1.44 1.43 .98 1.27 .98 .82 1.18 1.29 .73 1 . 11 1.22 .66 .211 .063 .211 .063 .063 .123 .063 .123 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .37 .11 .37 .11 .11 .22 .11 .22 .22 . 11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 2.89 2.91 2.44 2.46 2.29 1.62 2.13 1.62 1.50 2.04 2.46 1.39 1.96 2.37 1.32 300 s i d e r o l l furrow 400 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 600 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. .78 .50 .77 1.14 .46 • .78 1.15 .46 1.45 1.00 1.36 1.48. .92 1.25 1.37 .81 .063 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .11 .22 .11 .04 .22 . 11 .04 .22 2.34 1.72 2.24 2.66 1.60 2.14 2.56 1.49 800 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas .77 1.12 .46 1.19 1.31 .75 .063 .022 .123 . 11 .04 .22 2.07 2.47 1.43 nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. .79 1.16 .48 .80 1.15 .48 .78 1.14 .48 .77 1.13 .47 1.47 1.57 1.01 1.33 1.45 .88 1.26 1.37 .81 1.24 1.36 .80 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 . 11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 2.37 2.77 1.71 2.24 2.64 1.58 2.15 2.55 1.51 2.12 2.53 1.49 400 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 600 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 800 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 1000 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas 04000700 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs Of Irrigation Water ^ * \ Well Distribution Depth OPM System 350 400 side roll s. propelled furrow 600 side roll s. propelled furrow 800 side roll s. propelled furrow 1000 side roll s. propelled furrow Per Acre Inch P o w e r 1 / O p e r a t i n g F i x e d L a b o r L a b o r To t a l Source Cost 2/ Cost 3/ Requirement Cost Cost dollars dollars hrs. dollars dollars nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas .83 1.20 .52 .81 1.18 .52 .80 1.16 .50 .80 1.16 .50 1.56 1.67 1.11 1.40 1.52 .96 1.32 1.44 .88 1.30 1.42 .86 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 . 11 .04 .22 2.50 2.91 1.85 2.32 2.74 1.70 2.23 2.64 1.60 2.21 2.62 1.58 800 side roll nat. gas s. propelled nat. gas furrow nat. gas .86 1.21 .56 1.47 1.59 1.02 .063 .022 .123 . 11 .04 .22 2.44 2.84 1.80 600 1000 side roll nat. gas s. propelled nat. gas furrow nat. gas .89 1.24 .60 1.45 1.56 1.00 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 2.45 2.84 1.82 500 1/. LP gas as a power source can be fit into this table by increasing the -'• ^1di:tribu1io_Usys.:"0n' malntenan" -d -1-* - -". P-Ping Plant, 11 • ™ u £ i r i z i t Ts t r t £ d lnterest on investraent f°r weii> * - * ■■ * llir^t by,M?rvin ?• Sarti". A">a ta Management Specialist, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Lubbock, Texas; 5/7i; *-'• _ A L FA L FA , I R R I G AT E D . H I G H P L A I N S I V 0 4 0 U 5 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa, High Level Management f ^ "!: Unit Colt^it 1. Gross receipts, from production: Alfalfa ton $ *-tity 20.00 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (0-120-80) ac. 14 80 Tractor (3) hr# 14'*° .63 L a b o r, Tr a c t o r & M a c h i n e r y h r 2.00 Labor Irrigation hr[ 2.00 Irrigation Machinery ac. in# 1#15 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. #085 V^ueor 8.5 $170.00 1 .2 .3 .7 33 6 Total Variable Costs $ 57.21 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (3) T I rnr d^ t i ° n C h a ragce# La Establishment Cost $112.79 hr. a ±c n# # 1/ ac. J2 6 #1 33 3? 12.45 33 1 1 .2 j ^ \ To t a l F i x e d C o s t s $ .14 45.21 6.33 12.45 $ 64.13 5. Total Costs $121.34 6. Net Returns to Management # 14.80 .13 .60 1.40 37.95 2.33 $ 48.66 ^ 1/ Based on stand remaining seven years. feygioP-gp-BY Extension Economists-Management, TA E S , TA M U . New lg72 C.K.pcraiivc Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the llni.~. <:. . ,. ? . AR...,d,„.e eooperat.ng. ,..stribmed in furtherance of the Aets'of Congn^oVm^T 1914.t%tnaed!^l ^^14 AECO fi A L FA L FA . I R R I G AT E D . H I G H P L A I N S I V 0 4 0 0 5 111 EStlmated Cost8> **"* Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa, High Level Management operation t- *£» -._ Date Labor «^- Hour, Fuel, ££.°5r£ (1) Fertilize 3 Mar .25 M^-sep u Per Oil, U*.. „. Rep. , "S*^" Acre .20 Irrigation: (2) Postplant ^ ^^ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 nm 9™ « ». ePa7iK_-o»r im8ati0n' «~* - S5£ ^ t ^ a Ta c ^ i S Developeo by Extension EcoNOMisTs-MnNaceMEiiT. TAES, TAMU. «»w w wo acm oi oongtev of May 8. 1914. aa amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 T" ^m^ ~ 04005122 ALFALFA, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa, Typical Management f^ Item Unit Price or Cost/Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Alfalfa ton $ 20.00 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (0-100-60) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. i n . mo. 12.00 .63 2.00 2.00 1.15 .085 6.5 $130.00 .2 .3 .5 24 6 Total Variable Costs 3. $ 12.00 .13 .60 1.00 27.60 1.76 $ 43.09 Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge Establishment Cost 1/ Value or Cost Quantity $ 86.91 h r. ac. in. ac. ac. Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns to Management .72 1.37 6.20 11.84 24 1 1 .2 $ .14 32.88 6.20 11.84 $ 51.06 $ 94.15 $ 35.85 /"^ 1/ Based on stand remaining seven years. ffo-EioPEp. by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. AECO 6 ALFALFA. I R R I G AT E D . HIGH PLAINS IV °5 21 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, __,__ n ne f tr-a_t ni on n„ INt qe #m Dna. tf e _ 0 T yi m - e^ p .F iPx ee rd Accor set s op e re sH o« u« r„ s- „ mT^r.a cHtro8r. oL ru b. .. ,. R (1) Fertilize 3 Mar 1 Per .25 Acre .20 Irrigation: (2) Postplant Mar-Sep 8 .53* $27.60 $32.88 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, center eac^irrigatJoL±rri8atl0n, natUral »" PUmP±n8 Unit' ^ 3 acre^ches at Developed by Extension Economists-Managementf TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics Texaa AfcM tin.™*-..-. _._,_< .k, it_.i._^ «. .—^ . « A g n c u h u - . c o . p c r. U n g . D l m U m u i t a „ „ « _ « , „ « * £ ? ^ S S ^ e t t S f X _ a J _ _ ! 3 ! £ _ W S T S m ! AECO 6 ^ " \ 04006112 ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, High Level Management 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. $ .50 Fertilizer (20-120-100) ac. 17.40 Machinery ac# [76 Tractor (1) hr# 1AQ Tractor (2) hr. 138 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 Labor Irrigation hr. 2!00 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. l!l5 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. ]o85 22 1 1 .8 .9 1.9 .2 10 6 Total Variable Costs $ 49.29 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge $ 11.00 17.40 .76 1.18 1.24 3.80 .40 11.50 2.01 $(49.29) ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Cost of Establishment 1.70 1.72 1.19 1.37 20.00 1 .8 .9 10 1 $ 1.70 1.38 1.07 13.70 20.00 $ 37.85 $ 87.14 $ 87.14 Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. (:«H,,Hrraiive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United «?,..■„._ iw w Te A«.u,d,„re cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress oVXyT 1914. t^m^ed^and ^SbTS^ll. AECO 6 ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, „o np ne „r H A n I t e m n w i T i m e s u . „ „ T r a c t o r o r . . . a t i o n N o D a t e Q w e r H o u r s M g c h t H r 8 f L u b . R e^ p .F i Px ee rd Accor set s (1) Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Jul 1 .63 .50 Tandem Disc 2,5 Aug 1 .31 Fertilize 2 Aug 1 Tandem Disc 195 Aug Plant 2,12 Sep .27 $ .64 .25 .18 .23 .25 .20 - 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 1 .38 .30 .13 .60 1.88 1.50 $ .76 $ 1.70 To t a l $ '^S I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .09* $ 4.60 $ 5.48 Postplant Sep-Nov 2 .13* 6.90 8.22 .22* $11.50 $13.70 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, center pivot sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Ecoaomici. Texaa A&M University and the United State. Department of Agnculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congrea. of May 8. 1914. aa amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 /-B% 04006122 ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, Typical Management ^em Unit ^riCtt°5 Quantity Cost/Unit Va l u e or y cost x 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. $ .50 Fertilizer (20-100-60) ac. 13.60 Machinery ac. .76 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. 1.15 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 22 1 1 .8 .8 1.9 .2 10 6 Total Variable Costs Total Fixed Costs ^ .76 1.18 1.10 3.80 .40 11.50 1.84 $ 45.18 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge $ 11.00 13.60 $(45.18) ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. 1.70 1.72 1.19 1.37 20.00 1 10 1 .8 .8 $ 1.70 1.38 .95 13.70 20.00 $ 37.73 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 82.91 6. Net Cost of Establishment $ 82.91 \ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. <:.M.,H...,iivt. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economies. Texas A&M University and the United State. Department of A*,M tv «"!*««»»* l>'«r,buied in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. a. amended; and June 30. 11914 AECO fi ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, Typical Management 04006121 Labor Fuel, Oil, n a f fl T i m e s u nF , ,8- - MTar cahc.t oHr r so.r L. u b. - .RReeoP -F iPxeerd Accor es Date Over H°U Per Acre (1) Operation Item No. Moldboard 1,6,15 Jul 1 .63 .50 Tandem Disc 2,5 Aug 1 .31 Fertilize 2 Aug 1 Tandem Disc 1,5 Aug Plant 2,12 Sep .27 $ .64 .25 .18 .23 .25 .20 - 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 1 .38 .30 .13 .60 1.88 1.50 $ .76 $ 1.70 To t a l $ '^K I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .09* $ 4.60 $ 5.48 Postplant Sep-Nov 2 .13* 6.90 8.22 .22* $11.50 $13.70 To t a l ^ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, center pivot sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management.. TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Ecorwmia. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 80, 1914. AECO 6 04045112 CASTORS, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Castors, High Level Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Castors Unit cwt. Price or Cost/Unit $ 5.50 Quantity Value or Cost 20 $110.00 .2 20 1 1 1 1.5 .8 .1 3 .8 13 .6 4 2.80 6.60 6.80 4.19 2.25 2.22 1.10 .06 6.00 1.60 10.14 5.02 1.38 $ 50.16 20 20 $ 15.00 2.00 $ 17.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Custom Deep Break _/ Seed Fertilizer (80-40-0) Herbicide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest j ^ N Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. lb. ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. hr. h r. ac. in. $100 mo. cwt. cwt. 14.00 .33 6.80 4.19 2.25 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 2.00 .78 8.36 .085 .75 .10 Total Variable Costs $ 67.16 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge $ 42.84 ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs 3.50 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 14.34 1 1. 5 «8 •1 13 1 $ 3.50 2.58 .95 .07 16.25 14.34 $ 37.69 5 . To t a l C o s t s $104.85 6. Net Returns to Management $ 5.15 1/ Assumes deep breaking every five years. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agi .culture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 04045111 CASTORS. IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Castors, High Level Management Operation Labor Labor r u e x ,F u e l , uOni l , I t e m „ , _ T i m e s H r t floun t^fl Tractor or , . R__ Fixed costs N o . D a t e O v e r H ™ r 8 M a c h . H r s . L _ub., _ - - . . «Rep *P- Per Acre Per Acre (1) Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec Moldboard 1,6 & 15 Feb Tandem Disc 2,5 Apply & Inc. Herbicide .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 .80 .50 .40 .22 .51 Jan-Feb 1.20 .38 .30 .21 .28 5,8 Mar 2 .63 .50 .48 .62 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2,13 May 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant 2,9 Jun 1.25 .39 .31 .40 .65 3,14 Jun 2 .12 .10 .02 .02 3.00 2.39 $ 2.25 $ 3.50 S a n d fi g h t To t a l /-""\ Irrigation: (2) Preplant May 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Jun-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkle irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Oevelqpeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Hone Bamonitcs. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acta of Congress of May 8. 1914. aa amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO 6 ^\ 04045122 CASTORS, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV f^ Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Castors, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Castors Unit Price or Cost/Unit Value or Cost Quantity cwt. $ 5.50 15 $ 82.50 ac. lb. ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. h r. .14 20 1 1 1 1.6 .8 .1 3 .6 10 .4 4 $ 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Custom Deep Break 1/ Seed Fertilizer (40-0-0) Herbicide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. in. $100 14.00 .33 1.60 4.19 2.26 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 2.00 .78 mo. 8.36 .085 cwt. cwt. .75 .10 15 15 Total Variable Costs 6.00 1.20 7.80 3.34 1.09 $ 39.57 $ 11.25 1.50 $ 12.75 $ 30.18 ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs 5 . To t a l C o s t s 6. Net Returns to Management ^ .06 $ 52.32 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge 1.96 6.60 1.60 4.19 2.26 2.37 1.10 3.51 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 11.32 1 1.6 .8 .1 10 1 $ 3.51 2.75 .95 .07 12.50 11.32 $ 31.10 $ 83.42 $ (.92) \ 1/ Assumes deep breaking every seven years. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w ^ . 9 7 2 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Dena'rtmeluTf A«r„„l«,„c. cooperating. D.stributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended anT« j^e 30 1014 AECO fi 04045121 CASTORS, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Castors, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, I t e m n a # . _ Ti m e s H o i l - n Tr a c t o r o r , . R F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H^8 Mach. Hrs. L«b-.Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec Moldboard 1,6 & 15 Jan 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 .84 .53 .42 .23 .54 1.14 .35 .29 .21 .26 Tandem Disc 2,5 Apply & Inc. Herbicide 1,5,8 Mar .63 .50 .48 .62 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate Jan-Feb 2,13 May .19 .15 .14 .18 2,9 Jun 1.25 .39 .31 .40 .65 2 .12 .10 .02 .02 3.00 2.40 $ 2.26 $ 3.51 Plant Sandfight 3,14 Jun Total ^ I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant May 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Jun-Aug 2 .38* 4.68 7.50 .63* $ 7.80 $12.50 Total (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 50, 1914. AECO 6 \ 04155112 SOUTHERN PEAS, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Southern Peas, High Level Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Peas Price or Cost/Unit Unit cwt. $ Value or Cost Quantity 6.00 17 $102.00 14.00 .2 20 1 1 1 1.2 .5 2.1 .6 10 4 $ 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest Custom Deep Break 1/ Seed Fertilizer (40-80-0) Herbicide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. lb. ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. mo. ac. cwt. .16 8.80 4.19 1.49 1.48 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 6.00 .10 1 17 $ 6.00 1.70 7.70 $ 44.87 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge .69 4.20 1.20 7.80 1.02 $ 37.17 $ Total Variable Costs 2.80 3.20 8.80 4.19 1.49 1.78 $ 57.13 ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs 2.31 1.72 1.19 1.25 17.11 1 1.2 .5 10 1 $ 2.31 2.06 .60 12.50 17.11 $ 34.58 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 79.45 6. Net Returns to Management $ 22.55 1/ Assumes deep breaking every five years. D c v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 (i.op,-raiivr Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United StaYcs'lVc^riniciitTf AgiiMilitm- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance or the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1«U4. AECO fi 04155111 SOUTHERN PEAS, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Southern Peas, High Level Management operation Item No. Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb Tandem Disc 2,5 Jan-Feb Date Labor Fuel, Oil, „. T i m e s u r t l i r. a T r a c t o r o r . . „ _ _ F i x e d c o s t s Over H^8 Mach. Hrs. ^ub.., Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre .8 .50 .40 $ .20 $ .40 1.2 .38 .30 .21 .28 Mar 1 .31 .25 .24 .31 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate May 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Jun 1 .31 .25 .32 .52 2.07 1.65 $ 1.49 $ 2.31 Apply & Inc. Herbicide Plant 1,5,8 2,13 1,9 To t a l ^ * \ Irrigation: (2) Preplant Jun 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Jul-Aug 2 .38* 4.68 7.50 .63* $ 7.80 $12.50 To t a l ^*% (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developcd by Extension Economists-Manaceheht, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Emnomici. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acta of Congress of May 8, 19J4, as amended, and! June SO. 1914. AECO 6 04155122 SOUTHERN PEAS, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Sourthern Peas, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Peas Unit cwt. Price or 0 . Va l u e or Cost/Unit ^Uan X y Cost $ 6.00 13 $ 78.00 .14 20 1 1 1 1.2 .4 2.1 .6 10 4 1.96 3.20 6.80 4.19 1.52 1.78 .55 4.20 1.20 7.80 .94 $ 34.14 1 13 $ 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Custom Deep Break 1/ Seed Fertilizer (30-60-0) Herbicide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest jj^fcy Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. lb. ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. mo. ac; cwt. 14.00 .16 6.80 4.19 1.52 1.48 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 6.00 .10 $ Total Variable Costs $ 41.44 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge $ 36.56 ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs ^ 6.00 1.30 7.30 2.43 1.72 1.19 1.25 9.90 1 1. 2 •4 10 1 $ 2.43 2.06 .48 12.50 9.90 $ 27.37 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 68.81 6. Net Returns to Management $ 9.19 ^ 1/ Assumes deep breaking every seven years Developedby Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Omperaiivc Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiiitltiiie cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1014. AECO f> S O U T H E R N P E A S . I R R I G AT E D . H I G H P L A I N S I V 0 4 1 5 5 1 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Southern Peas, Typical Management Labor Fuel Oil I 5N.oe.m u D a t e T l m e 8 H o u r s T r a c t o r o r . , ' a t e O v e r H o " * 8 M a c h . H r s . L u b . , R.e p' . FPi xeer d Accor es t s (1) Per Acre Operation Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb .84 .53 Ta n d e m D i s c 2 , 5 J a n - F e b 1 . 1 4 . 3 5 Apply & Inc. Herbicide .23 .54 .29 .21 .26 Mar 1 .31 .25 .24 .31 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate May 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Jun 1 .31 .25 .32 .52 2.07 1.66 $ 1.52 $ 2.43 Plant 1,5,8 .42 2,13 1,9 To t a l ^ \ I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Jun 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Jul-Aug 2 .38* 4.68 7.50 .63* $ 7.80 $12.50 To t a l ^ * \ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler attach postplant?1 ^ ^^ "^ * acre-lnches PrePlant **d 3 acre-inches ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. artment 1914. AECO 6 04170112 PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, High Level Management ( * " r ft-! -m. n . U _U■ .n.l .t _ • . P or isct e/ U n i to r C 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM $ 12.00 f tQ - ^ t V i t ay l u e 10 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (150-80-0) ac. 19.20 Weed Control ac. 3.00 Tractor (3) hr. .63 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 $120.00 $ 19.20 1 1 3.00 .6 .8 1.5 24 6 Total Variable Costs 1 ^ .38 1.60 3.00 18.72 1.95 $ 47.85 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge Establishment Cost 1/ ^o r $ 72.15 h r. ac. in. ac. ac. .72 1.25 6.00 10.29 Total Fixed Costs .6 24 1 1 $ .43 30.00 6.00 10.29 $ 46.72 5. Total Costs $ 94.57 6. Net Returns to Management $ 25.43 1/ Net Cost of establishment prorated over five years. D l v e l o h e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 (oopeKMive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United State. Department of AK I,,,c ""J™""* l>.«"bu,ed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8.'1914. a, amended anTl JuKjilJ AECO r> operation Fertilize PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV 04170111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, .<^\ Item -~ _. Times « Tractor or , . 0__.___ Fixed costs 1 ^ Date ^8 Hours ^ Hr8# Lub., Rep. Per Acre ) (1) Per Acre 3 Apr-Sep 3 .75 .60 Irrigation: (2) Postplant Apr-Sep 8 1.51* $18.72 $30.00 /~S (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, and 3 acre-inches at each irrigation. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMd. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 04170122 PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, Typical Management Item Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (100-60-0) Weed Control Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. mo. Price or Cost/Unit $ 12.00 13.40 1.50 .63 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 6.5 $ 78.00 $ 13.40 1 1 1 15 6 $ 31.12 3. Income Above Variable Costs ^ ^ 1.50 .25 1.00 2.00 11.70 1.27 .4 .5 Total Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge Establishment Cost 1/ Value or Cost Quantity $ 46.88 h r. ac. in. ac. ac. .72 1.25 4.50 12.08 Total Fixed Costs .4 15 1 1 $ .29 18.75 4.50 12.08 $ 35.62 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 66.74 6. Net Returns to Management $ 11.26 1/ Net cost of establishment prorated over five years. - e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 t :.H.,K..:.iiv«. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Slates Departure^. AKiMilium- <ooj.crai.iig. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress ol May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO r» PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV 04170121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, „J -4 Item r,^^ Times ««.,-- Tractor or . . R_n Fixed costs operation N Date ^ Hours ^^ Hrs# Lub., Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Fertilize 3 Apr-Sep 2 .50 .40 Irrigation: (2) Postplant Apr-Sep 5 .95* $ 11 . 7 0 $18.75 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, and 3 acre-inches at each irrigation. ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV 04171112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, High Level Management ^ Item Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM 2. Variable Costs: Sprigs Fertilizer (150-80-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. bu. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. i n . mo. Price or Cost/Unit Quantity $ 12.00 .50 19.20 .63 1.48 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 $ 36.00 24 1 1 .8 .5 1.5 1 16 6 Total Variable Costs $ 12.00 19.20 .63 1.18 .69 3.00 2.00 12.48 2.18 $ 53.36 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge Value or Cost $(17.36) ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs 1.10 1.72 1.19 1.25 11.00 1 16 1 .8 .5 $ 1.10 1.38 .60 20.00 11.00 $ 34.08 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 87.44 6. Net Cost of Establishment $ 51.44 Olveloped by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. <:«..|H-iaiive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agnnili....- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914 AECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV 04171111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, High Level Management Operation Labor -. Fuel, Oil, nj I t e m n fl t e T i m e s H o n r A T r a c t o r o r . . P o n F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over Ho^8 Mach. Hrs. Lub. t Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb 1 .63 .50 Tandem Disc 2,5 Feb 1 .31 Fertilize 2 Mar 1 Tandem Disc 1,5 Apr 1 To t a l $ .27 $ .64 .25 .18 .23 .25 .20 - .31 .25 .18 .23 1.50 1.20 $ .63 $ 1.10 Irrigation: (2) Preplant Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Aug 4 .76* 9.36 15.00 1.01* $12.48 $20.00 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,. TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economic*. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acta of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and JuneSo"wi4 AECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, Typical Management Item Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM 2. Variable Costs: Sprigs Fertilizer (100-60-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor. (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. bu. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. i n . mo. 3. Price or Cost/Unit Quantity $ 12.00 .50 13.40 .63 1.48 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 04171122 Value or Cost $ 24.00 24 1 1 .8 .5 1.5 1 16 6 $ 12.00 13.40 .63 1.18 .69 3.00 2.00 12.48 1.93 Total Variable Costs $ 47.31 Income Above Variable Costs $(23.31) 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Total Fixed Costs 1.10 1.72 1.19 1.25 14.00 1 .8 .5 16. 1 $ 1.10 1.38 .60 20.00 14.00 $ 37.08 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 84.39 6. Net Cost of Establishment $ 60.39 Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. <:,H.,H-.:.tive Exiension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agin ilium- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO fi PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, Typical Management operation 04171121 Labor Fuel, Oil, __.__ . Item ,- __ Times « Tractor or . . «„.. Fixed costs 4«~ Date ££• Hours ^ „r8 Lub. Rep. per Acre (1) Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb 1 .63 .50 Tandem Disc 2,5 Feb 1 .31 Fertilize 2 Mar 1 Tandem Disc 1,5 Mar 1 To t a l .27 $ .64 .25 .18 .23 .25 .20 - .31 .25 .18 .23 1.50 1.20 $ .63 $ 1.10 $ Irrigation: (2) Preplant Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Aug 4 .76* 9.36 15.00 1.01* $12.48 $20.00 To t a l ^ ^ \ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches /_-_5^ at each postplant. ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economirs. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 04225112 WHEAT, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, High Level Management Item Price or Cost/Unit Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain Grazing To t a l bu. AUM $ 1.30 12.00 Value or Cost Quantity 35 $ 1.5 45.50 18.00 $ 63.50 .2 1.2 1 1 .8 .5 1.5 1 16 .2 8 $ 2. Variable Costs: f^ Pre-Harvest: Custom Deep Break 1/ Seed Fertilizer (50-0-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest ac. bu. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. in, $100 mo. Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. bu. 14.00 2.50 2.00 .65 1.48 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 10.20 .085 3.75 .05 1 35 .69 3.00 2.00 12.48 2.04 1.69 $ 31.53 $ 3.75 1.75 5.50 $ 37.03 3. Income Above Variable Costs Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor Tractor Irrigation Land .65 1.18 $ Total Variable Costs 2.80 3.00 2.00 (1) (2) ac. Charge $ 26.47 ac. br. hr. ac. in. 1.12 1.72 1.19 1.25 2.67 1 16 1 .8 .5 Total Fixed Costs $ 1.12 1.38 .60 20.00 2.67 $ 25.77 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 62.80 6. Net Returns to Management $ 7. Government Payment ($1.57/bu x yield less rent)2/ $ 36.67 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 37.37 .70 1/ Assumes deep breaking every five years. 2/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for required set-aside acreage of 75%. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States DcpartnicmTf Agiiiiiltiiie ".operating. Distributed in furtherance or the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, ami June 30. 1914. AECO f. 04225111 WHEAT, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, Item Times >. Tractor or . . « Fixed costs operation xg~ Date ™ Hours «« Hrs- Lub. Rep. per Acre (1) Ta n d e m Disc Fertilize Ta n d e m P1*nt 2 1,5 Aug Disc 2,12 To t a l Jul 2 2 1,5 Sep 1.50 Per .63 .63 . .50 50 1 .25 .20 A1u g 1 .31 . 3.25 1 1 1 1.20 /~% Acre $ $ ..36 36 $ .46 - . 2 5 .18 . 1 8 .31. 3 1 .25 . 2 5 .11. 1 1 $ .65 $ .23 .43 1.12 I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .25* Postplant Oct-Apr 4 .76* Total 1.01* $ 3.12 9.36 $12.48 $ 5.00 15.00 $20.00 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached Irrigation Cost Sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 50. 1914. AECO 6 04225122 WHEAT, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Item Gross receipts, from production: Grain Grazing To t a l Unit Price or Cost/Unit bu AUM $ 1.30 12.00 ac. bu. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. 14.00 2.50 1.60 _ . Va l u e or an 1 y Cost 30 $ 1.5 39.00 18.00 $ 57.00 .14 1.2 1 1 .8 .5 1.5 .8 13 .2 8 $ 1 30 $ 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Custom Deep Break 1/ Seed Fertilizer (40-0-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. in. $100 .65 1.48 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 mo. 10.20 .085 ac. bu. 3.50 .05 .69 3.00 1.60 10.14 2.04 1.47 $ 27.33 3.50 1.50 5.00 $ 32.33 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge .65 1.18 $ Total Variable Costs 1.96 3.00 1.60 $ 24.67 ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. 1.12 1.72 1.19 1.25 3.80 Total Fixed Costs 1 .8 .5 $ 1.12 1.38 .60 13 1 15.25 3.80 $ 23.15 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 55.48 6. Net Returns to Management $ 7. Government Payment ($1.57/bu x yield less rent)2/ $ 31.42 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 32.94 1.52 1/ Assumes deep breaking every seven years. 2/ Based on planted acres. No allowance made for set-aside acreage of 75%. Developeo^by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AgiiMilhne cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO r> 04225121 WHEAT, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, __,. . I t e m n * t - _ » T l m e s H o u r * Tr a c t o r o r , . - ^ F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H°?*8 Mach. Hrs. L"b •• ***' Per Acre Tandem Disc 1.5 Jul 2 .63 .50 $ .36 Fertilize 2 Aug 1 .25 .20 - Tandem Disc 1,5 Aug 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Plant 2,12 Sep 1 .31 .25 .11 .43 1.50 1.20 $ .65 $ 1.12 (1) To t a l Per ^ \ Acre $ .46 I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Oct-Apr 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 Total ^"% (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached Irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-Inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. ^^\ Developed by Extension Economists-Manacement, TAES, TAHU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8.1914. as amended, and June 80. 1914. AECO 6 04225212 WHEAT, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Item Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain Grazing To t a l bu. AUM Price or Cost/Unit $ 1.30 12.00 Value or Cost Quantity 12 .4 $ 15.60 4.80 $ 20.40 .5 $ 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest bu. ac. h r. h r. h r. $100 mo. Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. bu. 2.50 .53 1.48 1.38 2.00 11.15 .085 1 .5 .4 1.1 .1 8 $ 3.00 .05 1 12 $ $ Total Variable Costs (1) (2) Charge 3.00 .60 3.60 $ 10.35 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor Tractor Land 1.25 .53 .74 .55 2.20 1.12 .36 6.75 $ 10.05 ac. hr. hr. ac. .96 1.72 1.19 5.60 Total Fixed Costs 1 .5 .4 $ .96 .86 .48 5.60 $ 7.90 1 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 18.25 6. Net Returns to Management $ 7. Government Payment ($1.57/bu x yield less rent)l/ $ 12.56 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 14.71 2.15 JL/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for required set-aside acreage of 75%, Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. CoojHiative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States -New-^.1972 Department of Agiinilime coopciating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO f> 04225211 WHEAT, DRYLAND. HIGH PLAINS IV Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, I t e m n _ . « . _ _ Ti m e s u _ - . . * « Tr a c t o r o r . . . - , _ F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H°?" Mach. Hrs. L^.,Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Tandem Disc 1,5 Jul Chisel 2,13 Jul Tandem Disc 1,5 Aug Plant 2,12 Sep To t a l 1 .31 .25 .16 1 1 .5 .18 .23 .13 .06 .07 .31 .25 .18 .23 .31 .25 . 11 .43 1.09 .88 .53 $ .96 $ $ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. of Agriculture cooperaung. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 80. 1914. AECO 6