r 03000300 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III FOREWORD r Enterprise budgets were developed for all of the crops that are produced ou at least 1 percent of the cropped land in the mixed lands soil resource area. This area includes Bailey. Borden, Cochran, Dawson, Garza, Hockley, Lamb, Lub bock and Lynn counties. All budgets on irrigated crops reflect the assumption of adequate supplies of underground irrigation water to obtain optimum production. All crops except corn were assumed irrigated by sprinkler systems. Most of the com in this area is produced in Lamb and Bailey counties; hence, the budgets for corn are applicable spe cifically to these two counties. The enterprise budgets developed for High Plains III were based on the following assumed organizations. Farm size Cotton allotment Feed grain base Other cropland r Irrigated Dryland (acres) (acres) 800 1600 265 530 400 800 135 270 The machinery inventory (03000500) is ap plicable to all situations since no difference in equipment was found between high level and average managers, and dryland units of approxi mately twice the size of irrigated farms have similar equipment inventories. All calculations of government payments and comments concerning set-aside requirements are based on the 1971 farm program. All govern ment payments indicated herein are net of nor mal crop share rent. Land charges were calculated as the landlords share of the gross income less his proportionate share of the variable inputs, if applicable, and 80 percent of the fixed cost on the irrigation system. Normal crop share rentals in this area provide for the landlord to pay a portion of the cost of chemicals and the harvest on most crops. The exceptions in these budgets are alfalfa and permanent pasture where the landlord pays none of the costs of the variable inputs. A flat land charge of S20 per acre was used for the estab lishment of both alfalfa and permanent pasture. In one instance, permanent pasture typical man agement, the land charge calculated as 14 of the gross return less 80 percent of the fixed cost on the irrigation system was negative. In this case, a land charge of zero was used. The following crop shares were assumed. Crop Cotton Grain sorghum Corn Wheat Forage sorghum Soybeans Alfalfa Permanent pasture Southern peas Landlord's Share Vs V a Vs V* V a M 14 Vs 03000400 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III Assumed Prices Paid And Received By Farmers C Item Unit Price cwt. cwt. bu. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. cwt. bu. cwt. cwt. $ 21.00 21.00 2.50 50.00 30.00 20.00 5.00 135.00 85.00 .50 33.00 15.50 Prices Paid r r Seed: Cotton Grain Sorghum Wheat Alfalfa Corn Sorghum Sudan Soybean Switchgrass Western Wheatgrass Midland Bermuda (sprigs) Castors Southern Peas Custom Rates: Combining southern peas Harvest castors Combining wheat Combining grain sorghum Hay harvest swath, bale, and haul Hauling grain sorghum, castors & southern peas soybean wheat Chemical spraying Cotton ginning Fuel and lubricants: Gasoline L. P. gas Diesel fuel Motor oil (heavy duty detergent) Lubricant Fertilizer (bulk) Nitrogen - anhydrous Nitrogen - nitrate Phosphorus Potash Labor (except hoeing) Hoeing Capital: Chemicals: Pre-emergence herbicide Methyl parathion Malathion ac. cwt. ac. cwt. 6.00 .75 2/ 3.00 3/ .15 4/ bale .45 cwt. cwt. .10 .08 .05 bu. ac. 1.25 500// grossI w t . b a l e 2 1 . 5 0 gal. gal. gal. gal. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. h r. h r. $ 5 gal gal. gal. .20 .11 .155 1.05 .39 .04 .08 .09 .05 2.00 1.50 .085 110.00 5.25 11.00 New, 1972 03000400 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III Assumed Prices Paid And Received By Farmers ^ Item Unit Hail Insurance: Cotton - irrigated Cotton - dryland Grain Sorghum - irrigated Grain Sorghum - dryland Wheat - irrigated Wheat - dryland Corn Soybeans Price $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $ 13.38 11.27 6.88 6.21 12.60 12.70 8.31 15.03 Prices Received Cotton Cotton Seed Wheat Grain Sorghum Alfalfa hay Forage sorghum hay Ensilage - corn Pasture grazing Corn Soybeans Southern Peas Castors lb. lint ton bu cwt. ton ton ton AUM bu. bu. cwt. cwt. .20 60.00 1.30 2.00 20.00 20.00 5.50 12.00 1.15 2.50 6.00 5.50 5/ 5/ 5/ 6/ 55// " > 1/ These price assumptions are not to be interpreted as predictions or prospective prices. 2/ Minimum charge of $10.00 per acre. _3/ $3.00 per acre plus $0.05 per bushel of yield over 20 bushels per acre. 4/ Minimum charge of $3.50 per acre. 5/ Does not include government payment which a farmer might receive for participating in farm programs. 6/ Sold standing in field to alfalfa cuber operator. y-7*lk s~®\ / - ^ 03000500 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Machinery And Equipment Cost Per Hour Of Use Machinery Item and Size Tractor, 100 HP Tractor, 80 HP Tractor, 45 HP Shredder, 4R Tandem Disk 13' Moldboard Plow, 4B Chisel 13' Herbicide Spray Rig Lister-Planter Float Flex Planter Grain Drill, 16f (2) Rolling Cultivator 6R (2) Sandfighter Clod Buster Tool Bar 6R 8-6 Wells & Equip. 5J Cotton Stripper (9) Cotton Trailers Estimated Item New "".""T^" T o t a l Estimated m _ _ _ Depr. _-. N o . C o s . * » % * . Z ™ - D e p r . l / T o ' f « » ' P e r'erHWx.21 r.2/ Of Use Of Use Interest on Investment Per Hour 3/ Fuel, Oil Lub., Rep., Per Hour 4/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $10,500 8,000 3,500 1,400 1,600 1,400 800 500 1,800 1,500 580 1,600 5 10 12 8 8 8 8 10 8 10 5 10 $5,492 5,304 3,500 1,044 1,194 1,044 597 400 1,343 1,194 375 1,274 5,000 8,000 7,200 1,500 2,000 1,600 1,600 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,200 $1.10 .66 .49 .70 .60 .65 .37 .20 1.34 1.19 .38 1.06 $ .62 .53 .23 .37 .32 .35 .20 .12 .72 .72 .16 .64 $ 1.48 1.38 .63 .59 .70 .49 .43 .26 1.28 .32 .39 .44 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1,700 300 385 200 8 10 12 12 1,268 215 350 175 1,600 2,000 2,000 2,000 .79 .11 .18 .09 .43 .06 .10 .05 .91 .10 .05 .05 9,000 4,500 10 12 6,957 4,000 1,500 1,500 4.64 2.67 2.95 1.51 2.89 .74 1/ New cost less value at time of trade, or less salvage value. 2/ Assumes straight line depreciation. 31/ (Investment & Salvage) * 2 x .08 divided by annual hours of use. 4/ Fuel, oil lubrication, repair cost estimate taken from Bowers, Modern Concepts of Farm Machinery Management, 5/ See attached Irrigation Cost Analysis. New, 1972 03000600 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III Yield Per Acre For Ty p i c a l And High Level Management Crop Unit Alfalfa tons Corn bu. Corn Silage Irrigated Ty p i c a l H i g h L e v e l 6. 5 Dryland Ty p i c a l H i g h L e v e l 8.5 100 140 - - tons 20 27 - - Cotton lbs. 600 750 300 375 Forage Sorghum For Grazing AUM Grain Sorghum cwt. Permanent Pasture 4. 5 6 2.5 - 55 67 12 18 AUM 6 12 - - Southern Peas cwt. - - 5 - Soybeans bu. 35 42 - -. Wheat bu. 35 50 18 22 ^ New, 1972 03000700 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs Of Irrigation Water Per Acre Inch Well Depth feet GPM 150 75 200 Distribution System Power 1/ Source h.m sprinkler electricity Sidemove-tow e l e c t r i c i t y 100 h . m s p r i n k l e r e l e c t r i c i t y skid tow line elect r i c i t y 150 h . m s p r i n k l e r e l e c t r i c i t y 250 400 600 800 250 skid tow line side roll furrow side roll s. propelled furrow side roll s. propelled furrow side roll s. propelled furrow 300 s i d e r o l l 400 600 furrow side roll 8. propelled furrow side roll s. propelled furrow 800 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 300 400 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 600 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 800 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 1000 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow electricity n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas nat. nat. nat. gas gas gas nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas Operating Fixed Cost 2/ C o s t 3 / dollars dollars .77 1.07 .89 .97 .83 . .91 .75 .42 .75 .42 .46 .75 1.13 .44 .74 1.63 1.91 . 2 11 .047 .37 .08 2.77 3.08 1.63 1.83 1.24 1.44 1.43 . 2 11 .063 . 2 11 .06., .063 .123 .063 .123 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .37 .11 .37 .11 .11 .22 .11 .22 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 2.89 2.91 2.44 2.46 2.29 1.62 2.13 1.62 1.50 2.04 2.46 1.39 1.96 2.37 1.32 .063 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .11 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 2.34 1.72 2.24 2.66 1.60 2.14 2.56 1.49 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 2.07 2.47 1.43 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 2.37 2.77 1.71 2.24 2.64 1.58 2.15 2.55 1.51 2.12 2.53 1.49 .98 1.27 .98 .82 1.18 1.29 .73 1 . 11 1 . 11 1.22 .44 .66 .78 .50 .77 1.45 1.00 1.36 1.48 1.14 .46 .78 .92 1.15 1.25 1.37 .46 .81 .77 1.12 1.19 1.31 .46 .75 .79 1.47 1.57 1.01 1.33 1.45 1.16 .48 .80 1.15 .48 .78 1.14 .48 .77 1.13 .47 Labor Labor To t a l Cost Requirement Cost hrs. d o l l a r s dollars .88 1.26 1.37 .81 1.24 1.36 .80 New, 1972 03000700 TEXAS HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs Of Irrigation Water Well Distribution Depthi GPM System 350 400 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 600 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 800 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 1000 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow 500 600 800 s i d e r o l l Power 1/ Source nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. nat. gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas s. propelled furrow n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas 1000 s i d e r o l l s. propelled furrow n a t . gas n a t . gas n a t . gas Per Acre Inch Labor To t a l Fixed Labor Operating Cost Cost 2/ Cost 3/ Requirement Cost hrs. dollars dollars dollars dollars .83 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 .11 .04 .22 2.50 2.91 1.85 2.32 2.74 1.70 2.23 2.64 1.60 2.21 2.62 1.58 1.16 1.30 1.42 .50 .86 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .063 .022 .123 .86 1.47 1.59 1.02 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 2.44 2.84 1.80 1.45 1.56 1.00 .063 .022 .123 .11 .04 .22 2.45 2.84^ 1.82 1.20 .52 .81 1.18 .52 .80 1.16 .50 .80 1.21 .56 .89 1.24 .60 1.56 1.67 1 . 11 1.40 1.52 .96 1.32 1.44 .88 1/. LP gas as a power source can be fit into this table by increasing the operating cost for self-propelled sprinklers by 1.65; by 1.80 for all other sprinklers, and by 1.95 for furrow irrigation. 2]. Includes fuel, lubrication, maintenance and repair on well, pumping plant, and distribution system. J3/. Includes depreciation and interest on investment for well, pumping plant, and distribution system. * Prepared by Marvin 0. Sartin, Area Farm Management Specialist, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, Lubbock, Texas; 5/71. ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03006112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, High Level Management Ir t. e m . , U. .n i t P r i c_e o .r . . . . .~. _.Q _ _u a n t Vi tayl u e or Cost/Unit ^ J Cost 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. $ .50 22 $ Fertilizer (20-100-50) ac. 13.10 1 Machinery ac. .80 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .3 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .2 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 2 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 .6 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 10 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 6 Total Variable Costs $ 41.77 3. Income Above Variable Costs $(41.77) 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) To t a l 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed 5. Developed Cost by Extension 1.74 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 20.00 1 1.1 .3 .2 10 1 Costs To t a l Net 11 . 0 0 13.10 .80 1.63 .41 .13 4.00 1.20 7.80 1.70 Costs Of $ Economists-Management, 36.63 $ Establishment TA E S , $ 1.74 1.89 .36 .14 12.50 20.00 78.40 $ TA M U . 78.40 New* 1972 <:iM.|ieiaiivtr Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of AKiiMiltiin- <«M»pcratiiij{. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III , Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, High Level Management 03006111 Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, _ Item „ _ Times „-...-.« Tractor or , . «__ Fixed costs LNo. S^ Date ^ Hours ^ h Hr8# Lub., Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Jul 1 .75 .60 Tandem Disk 1,5 Aug 2 .62 .50 .35 .46 Fertilize 3 Aug 1 .25 .20 - - Plant 2,12 Aug 1 .38 .30 .13 .51 2.00 1.60 $ .80 $ 1.74 To t a l $ .32 $ .77 I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Sep-Oct 2 .38* 4.68 7.50 .63* $ 7.80 $12.50 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. "**S Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 A L FA L FA , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 0 5 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa, High Level Management I_t■e_m. J0p*\ i i U n i -t ^ P_ r i c e . , . o r 1. Gross receipts, from production: Alfalfa ton $ .Q . .u. a n t iVt ay l u e or ._ _ -. . Cost/Unit n ' Cost 20.00 8.5 $170.00 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (0-120-60) ac. 13.80 1 $ 13.80 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .2 .13 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 .3 .60 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 2.1 4.20 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 33 25.74 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 6 1.89 Total Variable Costs $ 46.36 3. Income Above Variable Costs $123.64 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge Establishment Cost 1/ To t a l 5. 6. h r. ac. ac. Fixed Returns 33 1 1 1.25 9.50 11.19 Costs To t a l Net .72 ac. in. .2 $ Management .14 41.25 9.50 11.19 62.08 Costs to $ $108.44 $ 61.56 Jp*\ 1/ Based on stand lasting seven years. New 1972 Olv-lopeo by Extension E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . » t:.N.|H*iaiivc Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiniliuu- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO fi A L FA L FA , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 0 5 111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa, High Level Management Operation Labor Fuel, Item _> _ _ Ti m e s „ Hou" _ _ . Tr a£ch!°£rs! c t o r o r . .L«b. ,_ ' Date Over No. Per (1) Fertilize Mar Irrigation: (2) M a r - S e p 11 2 . 0 8 * .25 Oil, «Rep. _ _ ' F i x'^rAcre' ed costs Acre .20 $25.74 $41.25 " ^ \ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation natural gas pumping unit and 3 acre-inches at each irrigation. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Kwrnomfci. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III 03006122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, Typical Management 1. No Income 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. $ .50 22 $ Fertilizer (20-100-0) ac. 10.60 1 Machinery ac. .80 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .3 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .2 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 2 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 .6 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 10 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 6 Total Variable Costs $ 39.17 3. Income Above Variable Costs 0^ $(39.17) 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge To t a l 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed 5. [tevELOPeo Cost by Extension 1.74 1.72 1.19 1 1.1 .3 .2 10 1 .72 1.25 20.00 Costs To t a l Net 11 . 0 0 10.60 .80 1.63 .41 .13 4.00 1.20 7.80 1.60 Costs of $ Economists-Management, TA E S , .36 .14 12.50 20.00 36.63 $ Establishment $ 1.74 1.89 75.80 $ TA M U . 75.80 W* <:«M.,K-,.,.m. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AK.u-..lim«. cooperat.ng. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, an^ June 30. To.4 A ECO 6 ALFALFA ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa Establishment, Typical Management 03006121 operation Labor Fuel, Oil, , Item n-,.0 Times Hftlira Tractor or L h -^ Fixed costs No. Date Over H°£8 Mach. Hrs. L£;»A^' Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Jul 1 .75 .60 Tandem Disk 1,5 Aug 2 .62 Fertilize 3 Aug 1 Plant 2,12 Aug 1 To t a l .32 $ .77 .50 .35 .46 .25 .20 - .38 .30 .13 .51 2.00 1.60 $ .80 $ 1.74 $ ^ I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Sep-Nov 2 .38* 4.68 7.50 .63* $ 7.80 $12.50 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acta of Congress of May 8. 1914. aa amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 ALFALFA. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III 03005122 Estiniated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Alfalfa, Typical Management ^it 1. Gross receipts, from production: Alfalfa ton $ ™?" Quantity *.!« or" Cost/Unit xu-Ufclty Cost 20.00 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (0-80-40) ac. 9.20 Tractor (3) hr. .63 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 6.5 $130.00 1 .2 .3 1.5 24 6 Total Variable Costs $ 33.00 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (3) Irrigation ac. Land Charge Establishment Cost $ 9.20 .13 .60 3.00 18.72 1.35 $ 97.00 hr. in. ac. 1/ ac. Total Fixed Costs .72 1.25 8.50 10.83 24 1 1 .2 $ .14 30.00 8.50 10.83 $ 49.47 5. Total Costs $ 82.47 6. Net Returns to Management $ 47.53 1/ Based on stand remaining seven years. U i . v s l o p - 0 b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <.«M.,H-.aim. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AK.....lt...r cooperat.ng. D.str.buted in furtherance of the Act, of Congress ot May 8. 1914, as amended, ami JuSe SO. WI4 AECO f> A L FA L FA , I R R I G AT E D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 0 5 1 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Alfalfa, Typical Management operation Labor ___ Fuel, Oil, ™ ^ T H o u r " -N oD. aOt ev e r« ^( -1 ) - M o sua rcEshX.^JgH"- rS * s^* . LLpuueb b r. , . A'R.cer pR e, e p ' . Fertilize 3 Irrigation: (2) Mar 1 Mar-Sep .25 8 *%?£?' .20 1.51* - $18.72 $30.00 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, and 3 acre-inches at each irrigation. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home -Uxmornks, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 ^ C O R N F O R G R A I N , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 6 0 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Corn For Grain, High Level Management ipN Ii t_e m ii U n• _i t. P_r i c e _ .u a n t V or . . .o r _/ _ . * . _ Q i t ay l u e Cost/Unit x 7 Cost 1. Gross receipts, from production: Corn bu. $ 1.15 140 $161.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .30 18 $ Insecticide ac. 3.50 1 Fertilizer(160-60-0) ac. 11 . 8 0 1 Herbicide ac. 6.75 1 Machinery ac. 2.50 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.6 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 1 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 3.3 Labor, Irrigation hr. 2.00 2.7 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .46 22 Crop Insurance $100 8.31 .8 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest 5.40 3.50 11 . 8 0 6.75 2.50 2.37 1.38 6.60 5.40 10.12 6.65 1.77 $ 64.24 Harvest: Custom combine & haul $ 28.00 bu. .20 140 $ 92.24 Total Variable Costs $ 68.76 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) To t a l ac. in. Returns .81 13.48 Costs To t a l Net 1 1.6 1 22 1 4.40 1.72 1.19 ac. Fixed 5. 6. ac. h r. h r. $ $ 39.64 Costs to 4.40 2.75 1.19 17.82 13.48 $131.88 Management $ 29.12 7. Government Payment ($.32/bu. x yield x h allotment less rent)l/ $ 16.80 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 45.92 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 20 percent, Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. D i . v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:nnpeialive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKi,(.,U.ih- (CKijKrating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. A ECO fi CORN FOR GRAIN, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03060111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Corn For Grain. High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, _ _ /g^ T i m e s H f m i r n T r a c t o r o r . ^ F i x e d c o s t s ^ %J Item H ° " * 8 M a c t a . H r s . " » • • ■ « ? • P e r A c r e Date Operation Over No. (1) Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 Tandem Disc 2,5 Dec 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Chisel, Harrow 1,7 Jan 1 .31 .25 .32 .78 Tandem Disc 1,5 Feb 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Float 2,10 Mar 2 .38 .30 .10 .57 L i s t & F e r t i l i z e 1,9 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2,13 Apr 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant & Inc. Herbicide 1,8,9 Apr 1 .41 .33 .51 .79 Cultivate 2,13 May 2 .38 .30 .28 .36 Water furrow 1,16 May-Jun 1 .19 .15 .01 .02 3.27 2.61 $ 2.50 $ 4.40 To t a l r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Mar 1 .74* $ 2.76 $ 4.86 Postplant Jun-Aug 4 1.97* 7.36 12.96 2.71* $10.12 $17.82 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, furrow irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 6 acre-inches preplant and 4 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 s**\ CORN FOR GRAIN, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03060122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Corn For Grain, Typical Management __^» i. __. Price or n ... Cost/Unit Quantlty Unlt 1. Gross receipts, from production: Corn bu. $ 1.15 100 Va l u e o r Cost $ 11 5 . 0 0 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .30 18 $ Insecticide ac. 3.50 1 Fertilizer (80-40-0) ac. 6.80 1 Herbicide ac. 6.75 1 Machinery ac. 2.36 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.6 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .9 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 3.1 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 2.2 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .46 18 Crop Insurance $100 8.31 .6 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest 5.40 3.50 6.80 6.75 2.36 2.37 1.24 6.20 4.40 8.28 4.99 1.48 $ 53.77 Harvest: Custom Combine and Haul $ 20.00 bu. 100 .20 Total Variable Costs $ 73.77 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 41.23 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) To t a l Fixed 5. 6. ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Returns 1 1.,6 «9 18 1 Costs To t a l Net 4.22 1.72 1.19 .81 7.83 $ 30.45 Costs to $ 4.22 2.75 1.07 14.58 7.83 $104.22 Management $ 10.78 7. Government Payment ($.32/bu. x yield x h of allotment less rent)!./ $ 12.00 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 22.78 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of allotment. O c v e i . o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:.M.|H-.:iiiv<- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Ag.Milium- ".operating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30, 1914. A ECO 6 CORN FOR GRAIN, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03060121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Corn For Grain, Typical Management Operation Labor m Fuel, Oil, __.__ . I t e m n a t . _ T i m e s H o i i r fl T r a c t o r o r , . R F i x e d c o s t s N o . D a t e O v e r H ™ * 8 M a c h . H r s . L « b - » R e P - Per p - Acre l,™ (1) Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 Tandem Disc 2,5 Dec 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Jan 1 .31 .25 .32 .78 Chisel, Harrow 1,7 Tandem Disc 1,5 Feb 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Float 2,10 Mar 2 .38 .30 .10 .57 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2,13 Apr 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant & Inc. Herbicide 1,8,9 Apr 1 .41 .33 .51 .79 Cultivate 2,13 May 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Water Furrow 1,16 May 1 .19 .15 .01 .02 3.08 2.46 $ 2.36 $ 4.22 .74* $ 2.76 $ 4.86 1.48* 5.52 9.72 2.22* $ 8.28 $14.58 List & Fertilize 1,9 To t a l Irrigation: (2) Preplant Mar Postplant May-Aug Total (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, furrow irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 6 acre-inches preplant and 4 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. aa amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 CORN FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03065112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Corn For Silage, High Level Management Item Unit ■■. . _/ t„ _. ,u. . P r i c e Qour a _ n -t .i t _y , _ . _ _ _ V a l u e_ .o r Cost/Unit ' Cost _ 1. Gross receipts, from production: ton Silage $ 5.50 27 $148.50 2 . Va r i a b l e C o s t s : Seed lb. .30 25 $ Insecticide ac. 3.50 1 Fertilizer (210-60-0) ac. 13.80 1 Herbicide ac. 6.75 Machinery ac. 2.50 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.6 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 1 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 3.3 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 2.7 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .46 22 Crop Insurance $100 8.31 .7 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Total Variable Costs $ 67.61 3. Income Above Variable Costs ( j ^ $ 80.89 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) To t a l 6. ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed 5. Returns 4.40 1.72 1.19 .81 16.85 1 1.6 1 22 1 Costs To t a l Net 7.50 3.50 13.80 6.75 2.50 2.37 1.38 6.60 5.40 10.12 5.82 1.87 $ 4.40 2.75 1.19 17.82 16.85 $ 43.01 Costs to $ 11 0 . 6 2 Management $ 37.88 7. Government Payment ($.32/bu. x yield x h allotment less rent)]./ $ 16.80 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 54.68 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 ( oi.|H-.:iiiv«- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Akin ilium- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 CORN FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03065111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Corn For Silage, High Level Management Labor _, Fuel, Oil, Item n i l T.Maa cThr .a cHt o D-a*t.e- T Oivmeer s HH ™r *t 8 r sr . oLr " b, , \.R ej ^p "F iPxeerd Accor se t s No. (1) Per Acre Operation Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec 1 .41 .33 $ .40 Ta n d e m D i s c 2 , 5 D e c 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Chisel, Harrow 1,7 Jan 1 .31 .25 .32 .78 Ta n d e m D i s c 1 , 5 F e b 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Float Mar 2 .38 .30 .10 .57 List & Fertilize 1,9 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2,13 Apr 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant & Inc. Herbicide 1,8,9 Apr 1 .41 .33 .51 .79 May 2 .38 .30 .28 .36 Water Furrow 1,16 May 1 .19 .15 .01 .02 3.27 2.61 $ 2.50 $ 4.40 Cultivate 2,10 2,13 To t a l $ .62 . I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Mar 1 .74* $ 2.76 $ 4.86 Postplant May-Aug 4 1.97* 7.36 12.96 2.71* $10.12 $17.82 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, furrow irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 6 acre-inches preplant and 4 acre-inches at each postplant. Developeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 80, 1914. AECO 6 ^ \ CORN FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03065122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Corn For Silage, Typical Management ltcm iC . o .s. t. /. U nPi rt i c e Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Silage ton $ 5.50 o r Qr«t a n. ." .t y V a l u e ^o r 20 $ 11 0 . 0 0 2 . Va r i a b l e C o s t s : Seed lb. .30 23 $ Insecticide ac. 3.50 1 Fertilizer (180-60-0) ac. 12.60 1 Herbicide ac. 6.75 1 Machinery ac. 2.36 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.6 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .9 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 3.1 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 2.2 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .46 18 Crop Insurance $100 8.31 .6 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Total Variable Costs $ 61.28 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 48.72 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) To t a l 6. ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed 5. To t a l Net 4.22 1.72 1.19 .81 10.13 1 1.6 .9 18 1 Costs Costs Returns 6.90 3.50 12.60 6.75 2.36 2.37 1.24 6.20 4.40 8.28 4.99 1.69 to $ 4.22 2.75 1.07 14.58 10.13 $ 32.75 $ Management 94.03 $ 15.97 7. Government Payment ($.32/bu. x yield x \ allotment less rent)l/ $ 12.00 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 27.97 J ^ \ 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 CiM.|x-iaiivc Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of AgiMtiliim- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. A ECO fi CORN FOR SILAGE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Corn For Silage, Typical Management Times Over Labor Hours (1) Tr a c t o r o r Mach. Hrs. 03065121 Fuel, Oil, Lub., Rep. Per Acre Fixed costs Per Acre Operation Item No. Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 Tandem Disc 2,5 Dec .31 .25 .18 .23 Chisel, Harrow 1,7 Jan .31 .25 .32 .78 Tandem Disc 1,5 Feb .31 .25 .18 .23 Float 2,10 Mar .38 .30 .10 .57 Mar .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2,13 Apr .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant & Inc. Herbicide 1,8,9 Apr .41 .33 .51 .79 Cultivate 2,13 May .19 .15 .14 .18 Water Furrow 1,16 May-Jun .19 .15 .01 .02 3.08 2.46 $ 2.36 $ 4.22 List & Fertilize 1,9 Date To t a l /"*^ ^^\ I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Mar 1 .74* $ 2.76 $ 4.86 Postplant Jun-Aug 3 1.48* 5.52 9.72 2.22* $ 8.28 $14.58 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 tiftes tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, furrow irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 6 acre-inches preplant and 4 acre-inches ^_^. at each postplant. , 1 Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 C O T T O N , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 7 5 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Cotton, High Level Management item 1. 2. Gross receipts, from production: Cotton lint Cotton seed To t a l Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (60-40-0) Herbicide Insecticide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Strip Strip Labor Ginning Subtotal, Harvest Unit lb. ton lb. ac. ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. $100 mo. ac. h r. bale Price or Cost/Unit Quantity $ 750 .20 60.00 .21 6.00 4.19 2.50 2.44 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 2.00 .78 13.38 .085 1.82 2.00 21.50 .6 Value or Cost $150.00 36.00 $186.00 30 1 1 1 1 1.3 1.2 .1 3.3 .8 13 .9 4 $ 6.30 6.00 4.19 2.50 2.44 1.92 1.66 1 1 1.5 $ 1.82 2.00 32.25 $ 36.07 .06 6.60 1.60 10.14 12.04 1.57 $ 57.02 Total Variable Costs $ 93.09 Income Above Variable Costs $ 92.91 Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. ac. 9.58 1.72 1.19 .72 16.25 22.27 1 1.3 1.2 .1 1 1 $ 9.58 2.24 1.43 .07 16.25 22.27 Total Fixed Costs $ 51.84 Total Costs $144.93 Net Returns to Management $ 41.07 Government Payment ($.15/lb x yield less rent)l/ $ 84.37 Net Return Including Government Payment $125.44 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside of 20%. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:«.«.|K-.aiive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agin ilium? cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 C O T T O N , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 7 5 111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Cotton, High Level Management Operation Labor _, Fuel, Oil, Item nal._ Times Ho„_. Tractor or , . -^ Fixed costs No. Date Over H^8 Mach. Hrs. w*.fHep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec Moldboard 1,6,15 Jan Chisel 2.7 Jan. Tandem Disc 1,5 Feb Apply & Inc. Herbicide 2,5,8 Mar 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 .5 .38 .30 .16 .39 .5 .16 .13 .06 .07 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 2 .69 .55 .47 .60 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2.13 May 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant 2 , 11 M a y 1.5 .47 .38 .49 .78 Sandfight 3.14 Jun 2 .12 .10 .02 .02 Cultivate 1,13 Jun 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 3.30 2.64 $ 2.44 $ 3.69 .50 $ 1.82 $ 5.89 List & Fertilize 1 . 8 To t a l 18,▶19 Nov 1 1.00* Preplant Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Jun-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 Strip I r r i g a t i o n : (2) To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. ^^\ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Econcmtcs. Texas ASM University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and-June SO. 1914. AECO 6 C O T T O N , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 7 5 1 2 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Cotton, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Cotton Lint Cotton Seed To t a l Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (60-40-0) Herbicide Insecticide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Strip Machinery Strip Labor Ginning Subtotal, Harvest Unit Price or Cost/Unit Quantity lb. ton $ 600 .20 60.00 .5 Value or Cost $120.00 30.00 $150.00 lb. ac . ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. $100 mo. .21 6.00 4.19 2.50 2.53 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 2.00 .78 13.28 .085 30 1 1 1 1 1.7 1 .4 3.9 .8 13 .8 4 6.30 6.00 4.19 2.50 2.53 2.52 1.38 .25 7.80 1.60 10.14 10.62 1.58 $ 57.41 ac. h r. 1.82 2.00 21.50 1 1 1.2 $ 1.82 2.00 25.80 $ 29.62 bale Total Variable Costs $ 87.03 Income Above Variable Costs $ 62.97 Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. 9.79 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 14.87 1 1.7 1 .4 13 1 $ 9.79 2.92 1.19 .29 16.25 14.87 Total Fixed Costs $ 45.31 Total Costs $132.34 Net Returns to Management $ 17.66 Government Payment ($.15/lb. x yield less rent)l/ $ 67.50 Net Return Including Government Payment $ 85.16 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set aside-acreage of 20%. D i . v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:o..,H-i:.iiv<- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiiiiltiiif cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 C O T T O N . I R R I G AT E D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 7 5 1 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Cotton, Typical Management Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, Item n«_«-__ Ti m e s U r tl .- o Tr a c to r o r , . « _ _ _ , Fi x e d c o s ts N o . D a t e O v e r H ° " ™ M a c h . H r s . L " b " * * * - Per * — Acre a— (1) Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Moldboard 1,6,15 Jan Chisel 2,7 Jan Tandem Disc 1,5 Feb Fertilize 3 Tandem Disc Dec 1 .41 .33 .75 .56 .25 .40 $ .62 .45 .24 .58 .08 .06 .03 .04 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Mar 1 .35 .28 - 1,5 Mar 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Apply & Inc. Herbicide 2,5,8 Mar 2 .69 .55 .47 .60 List 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Plant 2,11 May 1.50 .47 .38 .49 .78 Sandfight 3,14 Jun 2 .12 .10 .02 .02 Cultivate 1,13 Jun 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 3.87 3.10 $ 2.53 $ 3.90 .50 $ 1.82 $ 5.89 To t a l Strip 18,19 $ Nov 1 1.00* Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 ^ \ Irrigation: (2) Preplant Postplant To t a l Jun-Aug (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at.*^ each postplant. \ Developed by Extension Economists-Management., TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914; as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO'6 COTTON, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III 03075212 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Cotton, High Level Management Item 1. 2. Gross receipts, from production: Lint Cottonseed To t a l Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest Seed Fertilizer (20-20-0) Herbicide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Strip Labor Machinery Ginning Subtotal, Harvest Unit lb. ton lb. ac. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. $100 mo. Price or Cost/Unit «-**. Vac„Vr $ 375 $ .3 .20 60.00 .21 2.60 3.50 1.60 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 11.27 .085 18 1 1 1 1 75.00 18.00 $ 93.00 $ 3.78 2.60 3.50 1.60 1.48 .5 .3 2.1 .5 4 .69 .19 4.20 5.63 .67 $ 24.34 h r. ac. bale 2.00 1.82 21.50 1 1 .8 Total Variable Costs $ 45.36 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery ac . Tractor (1) hr. Tractor (2) hr. Tractor (3) hr. Land Charge (rent) ac. $ 2.00 1.82 17.20 $ 21.02 $ 47.64 8.20 1.72 1.19 .72 16.47 Total Fixed Costs 1 1 1 .5 .3 $ 8.20 1.72 .60 .22 16.47 $ 27.21 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 72.57 6. Net Returns to Management $ 20.43 7. Government Payment ($.15/lb x yield less rent) 17 $ 42.19 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 62.62 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for required set-aside acreage of 20 percent. O l v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:.M.,H-,aiiv«- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales DcpartmenTof Aki..ilium- «K.jH.ratmg. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 C O T T O N , D R Y L A N D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 7 5 2 11 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Cotton, High Level Management Operation Labor __ Fuel, Oil, Item Date Times Hourr Tractor or . . „._ Fixed costs Mach. Hrs. L"b••**** Per Acre Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 Chisel 1,7 Feb 1 .31 .25 .11 .14 L i s t & F e r t i l i z e 2,9 Mar 1.25 .47 .38 .48 .62 Cultivate 2,13 Apr .50 .10 .08 .07 .09 Plant 1,9 May 1.50 .46 .37 .47 .76 Spray Herbicide 3,8 Jun 1 .25 .20 .05 .06 Sandfight 2,3,14 Jun 2 .13 .10 .02 .02 2.13 1.71 $ 1.60 $ 2.31 .50 $ 1.82 $ 5.89 To t a l Strip 18,19 Nov 1.00* ^ \ ^ \ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 COTTON, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III 03075222 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Cotton, Typical Management Item 1. Unit _ Gross receipts, from piroduction: Lint Cottonseed Total . . . _. ._. . lb. ton 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Herbicide Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Strip Labor Machinery Ginning Subtotal, Harvest P r i. c. e o rQ un a n. .t .i t yV a l u e o r Cost/Unit Cost $ .20 60.00 300 $ .2 lb. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. $100 mo. .21 3.50 1.80 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 11.27 .085 18 1 1 1.3 .2 .3 2.1 .4 4 $ 3.78 3.50 1.80 1.92 .28 .19 4.20 4.51 .57 $ 20.75 h r. ac. bale 2.00 1.82 21.50 1 1 $ 2.00 1.82 12.90 $ 16.72 .6 Total Variable Costs $ 37.47 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Land Charge 60.00 12.00 $ 72.00 $ 34.53 ac. hr. hr. hr. ac. 8.20 1.72 1.19 .72 15.94 Total Fixed Costs 1 1.3 .2 .3 1 $ 8.20 2.24 .24 .22 15.94 $ 26.84 5. Total Costs $ 64.31 6. Net Returns to Management $ 7.69 7. Government Payment ($.15/lb x yield less rent)l/ $ 33.75 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 41.44 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 20%. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 < .M.|K-i:itiv»- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiniltim- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 COTTON. DRYLAND. HIGH PLAINS III 03075221 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Cotton, Typical Management operation ^ Shred Disc & Chisel List ££8 Plant Spray 11 .31. 3 1 .25 . 2 5 Mar 1.25 .471 . 2 5 .38. 4 7 To t a l 18,19 1,9 Apr 1.41 . 4 1 .33 .33 .50. 5 0 .10 11.50 .50 May 3,8 1 J u n .25 1 2,3,14 J u n2 2 .13 2.13 1.71 $ 2.13 Nov 1 . 1 0.08 .46 . 4 6 1.00* .08 .37 . 3 7 . 1 3.10 .48 1.60 1.71 .62 .14 .62 .07 . 0 7 .09 .47. 4 7 .76 . 2 0 .05 . 0 5 .10 $ $ .11. 1 1 . 3 8.48 costs Per Acre $$ . 4. 04 0 ..20 25 .50 Oil, »_> Fixed Pe^Acre' Feb Herbicide S a n d fi g h t gg^S^. D1e c 2,13 1,9 Hours Fuel, or , _. 1,4,5 Fertilize Cultivate Strip Date 1,7 & Labor .. Tractor Tf«»tn Times .02 . 0 2 $ 1.60$ 1.82 .06 .02 2.31 $ 5.89 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home l-conomlcs, Texas ASM University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8.1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 \ FORAGE SORGHUM FOR GRAZING, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03085112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Grazing, High Level Management rI t* e- _m_ - . UI n. -i .t 4 . . _ P r i c e. „ 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM $ or . n or Q. u. .a n t iVt ay l u e Cost/Unit ^ J Cost 12.00 6 $ 72.00 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. .20 6 $ 1.20 Fertilizer (180-60-0) ac. 12.60 1 12.60 Machinery ac. 1.53 1 1.53 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.4 2.07 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .5 .69 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .1 .06 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 2.4 4.80 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 .8 1.60 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 13 10.14 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 .98 Total Variable Costs $ 35.67 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 36.33 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge To t a l 5. 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed To t a l Net Returns 2.57 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 6.80 1 1.4 .5 .1 13 1 Costs Costs to $ 28.70 $ Management $ 2.57 2.41 .60 .07 16.25 6.80 64.37 $ 7.63 Jp*\ D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:.M.,K-.;,.iv.- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of AK.....H...C «H.perau„g. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended! and June 30.^14 A ECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR GRAZING. IRRIGATED. HI(3H PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Grazing, High Level Management Times Over 03085111 Labor Fuel, Oil, _. . h a™. ."^ oM a T cr ahc. t oHr r so.r ^, - .. t e«P„ - FPi xeerd Accor set s H (1) Per Acre operation Item No. Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec .41 .31 $ .40 $ .62 Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb .75 .60 .32 .77 Tandem Disc 2,5 Feb .31 .25 .18 .23 Mar .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 1.13 Apr .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant 2 , 11 M a y .31 .25 .10 .14 Sandfight 3.14 May .06 .05 .01 .01 2.41 1.91 $ 1.53 $ 2.57 List & Fertilize 1,9 Date To t a l ^S Irrigation: (2) Preplant Mar 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. /^S Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR GRAZING, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03085122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Grazing, Typical Management Ucm • io s_ t_/ .U P l uoeg to r C n ri ti c e o r /Q%^«t .l .t _y ■ . _ . V a C Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM $ 12.00 4.5 $ 2 . Va r i a b l e C o s t s : Seed lb. .20 6 $ Fertilizer ac. 8.80 1 Machinery ac. 1.57 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.2 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .8 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .3 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 2.7 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 .8 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 13 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Total Variable Costs $ 21.32 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge 5. 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed To t a l Net Returns 1.20 8.80 1.57 1.78 1.10 .19 5.40 1.60 10.14 .90 $ 32.68 3. Income Above Variable Costs To t a l 54.00 2.62 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 2.07 1 1.2 .8 .3 13 1 Costs Costs to $ 24.17 $ Management $ 2.62 2.06 .95 .22 16.25 2.07 56.85 $ (2.85) jj^s D i . v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 <:.K.,K-iativ«- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Aginnltim- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR GRAZING, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Grazing, Typical Management 03085121 operation Labor Fuel, Oil, I t e m „ Dat , _ _ T i m e s h "louri ™ Tractor or TT "' 1 9 Fixed costs N r t D a t e O v e r ^ f 8 M a c h . H r s . L « «_ub., > . , RRep ep. Per Acre No. Per Acre (1) Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb .75 .60 .32 .77 Tandem Disc 2,5 Feb .31 .25 .18 .23 Fertilize 3 Mar .31 .25 Tandem Disc 2,5 Mar .31 .25 .18 .23 List 1,9 Apr .25 .20 .38 .62 Plant 2,11 May .31 .25 .10 .14 Sandfight 3,14 May .06 .05 .01 .01 2.71 2.18 $ 1.57 $ 2.62 To t a l ^ * \ Irrigation: (2) Preplant Mar 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. ^^\ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR GRAZING, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III 03085222 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Grazing, Typical Management Ii t. e m ii U ,n_i t P r _i c e 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM $ . .u a n t V or _o. r. - , . _ _/ . « _ _ _ Q i tayl u e Cost/Unit x J Cost 12.00 2.5 $ 30.00 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. .20 2 $ Fertilizer (40-0-0) ac. 1.60 1 Machinery ac. 1.19 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .3 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .1 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 1.8 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Total Variable Costs $ 9.14 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 20.86 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Land Charge To t a l 5. 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. Fixed To t a l Net Returns .40 1.60 1.19 1.63 .41 .06 3.60 .25 1.79 1.72 1.19 .72 9.47 1 1.1 .3 .1 1 Costs Costs to $ 13.58 $ Management $ 1.79 1.89 .36 .07 9.47 22.72 $ 7.28 D i . v e i . o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 (:.M.,K-i.iiivt. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States DcpartmenTof AK.H..Iimr cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 FORAGE SORGHUM FOR GRAZING, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Forage Sorghum For Grazing, Typical Management Labor m Fuel, Oil, I t e m r Date . . . . . . T i m e s Hours u T r a c t o r o r . . . Lub., . ' - .Rep __ Fixed costs Per Acre Over Mach. Hrs. No. Per Acre (1) Operation Chisel 03085221 Mar 2 .63 .50 $ .22 $ .29 Apr 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Plant 1.25 .39 .31 .40 .64 1 .06 .05 .01 .01 1.77 1.41 $ 1.19 $ 1.79 Ta n d e m S a n d fi g h t To t a l 1,7 2,5 1,9 3,14 May Jun ^ % (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by ~ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. A ECO 6 ) G R A I N S O R G H U M , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 9 5 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, High Level Management Item Unit _ „ . _. „ P r i c .e„ o r _ Q u a_ n. _t i t yV a l u e o r Cost/Unit x 7 Cost 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain cwt. $ 2.00 67 $134.00 2. Variable Costs Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .21 10 $ Fertilizer (130-60-0) ac. 10.60 1 Herbicide ac. 2.50 1 Insecticide ac. 4.50 1 Machinery ac. 1.72 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.5 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .7 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .1 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 2.9 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 1 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 16 Crop Insurance $100 6.88 .7 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest 2.10 10.60 2.50 4.50 1.72 2.22 .97 .06 5.80 2.00 12.48 4.82 1.41 $ 51.18 Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest $ 10.05 6.70 $ 16.75 cwt. cwt. .15 .10 67 67 Total Variable Costs $ 67.93 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 66.07 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. To t a l Fixed 5. 6. Returns 1 1. 5 a 7 •,1 16 1 Costs To t a l Net 2.81 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 17.22 $ 2.81 2.58 .83 .07 20.00 17.22 $ 43.51 Costs to $ 111 . 4 4 Management $ 22.56 7. Government Payment ($.52/cwt. x yield of h of allotment less rent)l/ $ 11.62 8. Net Returns Including Government Payment $ 34.18 y 1/ Based on planted acreage. Does not consider required set-aside acreage of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. D E V E L O P E D B Y E X T E N S I O N E C O N O M I S T S - M A N A G E M E N T, T A E S , T A M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 <:.«.|H-,.,iiv,- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Auni ilium- numerating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 GRAIN SORGHUM, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03095111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, High Level Management Operation Item " _ : No. *" Date Labor Fuel, Oil, Ti m e s u o u r 8 Tr a c t o r o r . , « _ . _ F i x e d c o s t s Mach. Hrs. L"b••AKcp* Per Acre Over Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 Moldboard 1,6,15 Feb 1 .75 .60 .32 .77 Ta n d e m D i s c 2 , 5 F e b 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 List & Fertilize 1,9 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate Apr 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 May 1 .31 .25 .10 .14 Jun 1 .06 .05 .01 .01 Spray Herbicide 2,8 Jun 1 .25 .20 .05 .06 Cultivate 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 2.85 2.28 $ 1.72 $ 2.81 Plant 1,13 2 , 11 S a n d fi g h t 3,14 1,13 Jun To t a l •^\ Irrigation: (2) Preplant Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Jun-Aug 4 .76* 9.36 15.00 1.01* $12.48 $20.00 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre*-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management^ TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Sates Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 GRAIN SORGHUM, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03095122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, Typical Management ,U, c. .m, „ . .U. .n.i t PriC c eo s t / Uonr i t 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain cwt. $ n Q <f "c «. t> t " y V a l u e C o s to r 2.00 55 $ 11 0 . 0 0 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .21 10 $ Fertilizer (60-040-0) ac. 6.00 1 Herbicide ac. 2.50 1 Insecticide ac. 4.50 1 Machinery ac. 1.76 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.3 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 1 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .3 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 3.2 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 .8 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 13 Crop Insurance $100 6.88 .6 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest cwt. cwt. .15 .10 8.25 5.50 $ 13.75 55 55 $ Total Variable Costs $ 57.58 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 52.42 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge (rent) To t a l Fixed 5. 6. To t a l Net ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. 2.86 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 14.75 Costs to 1 1. 3 1 •3 13 1 $ Costs Returns 2.10 6.00 2.50 4.50 1.76 1.92 1.38 .19 6.40 1.60 10.14 4.13 1.21 $ 43.83 $ 37 51 $ Management 2.86 2.24 1.19 .22 16.25 14.75 95.09 $ 14.91 7. Government Payment ($.52/cwt. x yield x h allotment less rentU/ $ 9.54 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 24.45 1/ Based on planted acreage. Does not consider required set-aside acreage of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 c:.H.,K-.atiVf Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Detriment of AK.....I.„... looperat.iig. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended am, June 30. Si4 A ECO fi GRAIN SORGHUM, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03095121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, Tt-»m Times .. Tractor or - . *>-.-. Fixed N" o ? > Date o£r H°£9 mSS. Hr8. L^;'A^- Per Operation Shred & Disc Moldboard Ta n d e m Disc List 1,9 Plant Apr 2 , 11 Herbicide .31 1 .25 1 Jun .5 Cultivate 1,13 Jul 1 3.15 .31 Jun 3,14 To t a l 2.53 .60 $ .62 .32 .77 .25 .18 .23 .25 .18 .23 .20 .31 S a n d fi g h t .40 .25 1 2,8 $ .31 Mar May .33 .75 1 1 2,5 .41 1 Feb Mar Disc 1 Feb 2,5 3 Ta n d e m Dec 1,6,15 Fertilize Spray 1,4,5 /^s. costs \ Acre ) 1 .19 $ .25 .25 .06 .38 .62 .10 .20 .14 .05 .06 .05 .01 .01 .15 .14 .18 1.76 $ 2.86 /-*\ I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Mar-Apr 1 .25* Postplant Jun-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 .82* $10.14 To t a l $ 3.12 $ 5.00 11 . 2 5 $16.25 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-Inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. ^^ Developeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914; as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 GRAIN SORGHUM, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III 03095212 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre of Grain Sorghum, High Level Management Ir t. e. m it U n ,i .t . P0 r i c e 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain cwt. $ .„ or . .Q. .u a n t V or ._n _ i tay l u e Cost/Unit ^ ' Cost 2.00 18 $ 36.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .21 2.5 $ Fertilizer (40-20-0) ac. 3.40 1 Herbicide ac. 2.50 1 Machinery ac. 1.20 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .3 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .1 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 1.8 Crop Insurance $100 6.21 .2 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. cwt. 3.50 .10 1 18 $ $ Total Variable Costs $ 15.72 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Land Charge ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. Fixed 5. 6. To t a l Net 3.50 1.80 5.30 $ 20.28 3. Income Above Variable Costs: To t a l .53 3.40 2.50 1.20 1.63 .41 .06 3.60 1.24 .41 $ 14.98 Costs Costs Returns 1 1.,1 •,3 a,1 1 1.80 1.72 1.19 .72 8.27 to $ $ 12.39 $ Management 1.80 1.89 .36 .07 8.27 32.67 $ 3.33 7. Government Payment ($.52/cwt. x yield x h allotment less rent)]./ $ 3.12 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 6.45 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for required set-aside acreage of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. O i . v e l o p e o b y . E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 <...,.,K.,:,.iv<. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Dc'partm^nTof AK.«..lt.m- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. A ECO 6 GR AIN SOR G H U M , D RY L A N D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 0 9 5 2 11 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, Tu_rr .a tTr oaarccho xPi*xecerud Atccuorae I t e m , xDate _ _ . _ Ti m e s «u „_ to sit s H. o s. c M . rr H,or sru. . _* *.>*«-' ..*«*_.P' *r F Over No. Per Acre (1) Operation Chisel Mar 2 .63 .50 $ .22 $ .29 Apr 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Plant May 1.25 .39 .31 .40 .64 Jun 2 .13 .10 .02 .02 1.84 1.46 $ 1.20 $ 1.80 Ta n d e m S a n d fi g h t To t a l 1,7 2,5 1,9 2,3,14 ^ \ /*m\ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8.1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 GRAIN SORGHUM, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III 03095222 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, Typical Management |pN Itura C„ o .s_t _/ U P n ir ti c e Unlt 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain cwt. $ 2.00 o r* - »n t i .t ., _ 12 V a l Cu oe s to r $ 24.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .21 2.5 $ Fertilizer (20-0-0) ac. .80 1 Herbicide ac. 2.50 1 Machinery ac. 1.20 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .3 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .1 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 1.8 Crop Insurance $100 6.21 .1 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 .53 .80 2.50 1.20 1.63 .41 .06 3.60 .62 .32 $ 11.67 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. cwt. 1 12 3.50 .10 $ $ 3.50 1.20 4.70 Total Variable Costs $ 16.37 3. Income Above Variable Costs $ 7.63 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Land Charge $ 1.80 1.89 .36 .07 5.33 ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. To t a l Fixed 5. 6. Costs To t a l Net $ Costs Returns 1 1.,1 s,3 •,1 1 1.80 1.72 1.19 .72 5.33 to 9.45 $ Management 25.82 $ (1.82) 7. Government Payment ($.52/cwt. x yield x h allotment less rent)l/ $ 2.08 8. j ^ \ Net Return Including Government Payment $ .26 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for required set-aside of 20 percent. Assumes planting 100 percent of the allotment. Di.vei.opeo by Extension Economists-Management, TA E S , TA M U . New 1972 <:..o,Hi:.tivr Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of AKni ilium- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO G GRAIN SORGHUM, DRYLAND, HIGH PLAINS III 03095221 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Grain Sorghum, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, Fixed costs X _ _ T ° * t e « ~ H o u r s ^ . ° H r s ! « - *Per • • Acre "5» PerA^re (1) Operation Mar 2 .63 .50 Ta n d e m D i s c 2 , 5 A p r 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 List & Fertilize 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Plant May 1.25 .39 .31 .40 .64 Jun 2 .13 .10 .02 .02 1.84 1.46 $ 1.20 $ 1.80 Chisel S a n d fi g h t To t a l ^y 1,7 1,9 2,3,14 $ .22 $ .29 ^ \ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by /~s\ Developed by Extension Economists-Management^ TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 80, 19.4. AECO 6 S O U T H E R N P E A S . D RY L A N D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 1 5 5 2 2 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Southern Peas, Typical Management f^ Item Unit _ t. i_ __ _ . 1. Gross receipts, from production: Peas cwt. 6.00 .P_r i c e Qour a n- .t i t.y . t Cost/Unit J 5 $ V_ a l u e f co r Cost 30.00 2 . Va r i a b l e C o s t s : Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. Fertilizer (20-20-0) ac. Machinery ac. Tractor (1) hr. Tractor (2) hr. Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. Interest on Op. Cap. mo. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. cwt. .155 2.60 1.48 1.48 1.38 2.00 .085 12 1 1 1. 1 .6 2. 1 4 $ 1.86 2.60 1.48 1.63 .83 4.20 .36 $ 12.96 6.00 .10 1 5 $ 6.00 .50 $ 6.50 Total Variable Costs $ 19.46 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Land Charge Total Fixed Costs $ 10.54 ac. hr. hr. ac. 2.18 1.72 1.19 6.97 1 1. 1 •6 1 $ 2.18 1.89 .71 6.97 $ 11.75 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 31.21 6. Net Returns to Management $ (1.21) D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 t:.K.pe.aim. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AK..<..li...r «M,peraii..g. Distributed in furtherance of die Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 S O U T H E R N P E A S , D RY L A N D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 1 5 5 2 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Southern Peas, Typical Management operation Labor Fuel, Oil, Item _.__._ „ » __. » » " Tractor _ _ _ h .or 0 £ ,r e__,_ ! ^ b' . « R' e Fixed p . - ~ costs —■ Date Times Over No. (1) Per Acre Chisel 1,7 Mar 2 .63 .50 $ .22 $ .29 Tandem Disc 2,5 Apr 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 L i s t & F e r t i l i z e 1,9 Apr 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate 2,13 May 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 Plant 1,9 Jun 1 .41 .33 .42 .68 Cultivate 2,13 Jul 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 2.11 1.68 $ 1.48 $ 2.18 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by * Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 /*^| PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03171112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, High Level Management "~ Unit Cost/Unit Price or ~ _.__ Quantity Va l u e o r Cost 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM $ 12.00 2.5 $ 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. 1.35 4 $ Fertilizer (80-60-0) ac. 11 . 8 0 1 Herbicide ac. 5.50 1 Machinery ac. .78 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .5 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .2 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 1.8 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 1 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 16 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 6 3. Income Above Variable Costs $(15.88) 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge 5. 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed Cost 1.66 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 20.00 1 1.1 .5 .2 16 1 Costs To t a l Net 5.40 11 . 8 0 5.50 .78 1.63 .69 .13 3.60 2.00 12.48 1.87 $ 45.88 Total Variable Costs To t a l 30.00 Costs of $ 44.29 $ Establishment $ 1.66 1.89 .60 .14 20.00 20.00 90.17 $ 60.17 D l v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 ( iH.|H-i:itiv<- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of A^.Milium- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. A ECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, High Level Management 03171111 Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, „. I t e m n . * . _ _ Ti m e s u _ - . _ - . _ _ Tr a c t o r o r , _ . „ _ „ F i x e d c o s t s No. Date Over H™*8 Mach. Hrs. L«*..Rep. Per Acre (1) Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Mar 1 .75 .60 Tandem Disc 1,5 Apr 2 .62 Fertilize 2 Apr 1 Plant 2,12 May Weed Control 3 May .32 $ .77 .50 .35 .46 .25 .20 - 1 .31 .25 .11 1 .25 .20 — 2.18 1.75 To t a l $ ^ \ ^ \ .43 $ .78 $ 1.66 Irrigation: (2) Preplant Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Sep 4 .76* 9.36 15.00 1.01* $12.48 $20.00 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,. TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03170112 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, High Level Management f^ lt°m Unit l uoe_ co r C■oI s _t /_U. n Pi tr i c e o0r - ^r it t y_ . . V a C 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing AUM $ 12.00 12 $144.00 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (100-80-0) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. mo. 15.20 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 1 Total Variable Costs $ 45.82 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (2) Irrigation Establishment Cost 1/ Land Charge 15.20 .55 1.00 3.80 23.40 1.87 .4 .5 1.9 30 6 $ 98.18 h r. ac. in. ac. ac. Total Fixed Costs 1.19 1.25 8.60 6.00 .4 30 1 1 $ .48 37.50 8.60 6.00 $ 52.58 5. Total Costs $ 98.40 6. Net Returns to Management $ 45.60 1/ Based on stand remaining seven years. D i . v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 (o..,K-i;itivi- Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States DcpartmcnTof AKiiiiiliuie cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III 03170111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, High Level Management operation Fertilize Irrigation: Labor Fuel, Oil, /^^ TM»m Times .. Tractor or . . «_..___ Fixed costs 1 X^m Date ™ Hours ^h. Hrs. L«b.,Rep. Per Acre ) (1) Per Acre 2 Apr-Jul (2) Apr-Sep 2 .50 10 .40 1.89* $ 23.40 $ 37.50 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, and 3 acre-inches at each irrigation. Developed by Extension Economists-Management,. TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. A ECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III 03171122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, Typical Management .. f^ I^» Ualt __. Price cost/iteit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grazing ADM $ or n _ ._ Va l u e o«»«»txty 12.00 2.5 $ 2. Variable Costs: Seed lb. 1.35 4 $ Fertilizer (50-40-0) ac. 7.60 1 Herbicide ac. 5.50 1 Machinery ac. .78 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .5 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .2 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 1.8 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 1 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 16 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 6 Total Variable Costs 6. ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed 5. Cost 1.66 1.72 1.19 .72 1.25 20.00 1 1.1 .5 .2 16 1 Costs To t a l Net 30.00 5.40 7.60 5.50 .78 1.63 .69 .13 3.60 2.00 12.48 1.69 $(11.50) 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge To t a l Cost $ 41.50 3. Income Above Variable Costs f^ or Costs of $ 44.29 $ Establishment $ 1.66 1.89 .60 .14 20.00 20.00 85.79 $ 55.79 D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 CiM.|K-iaiivf Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of A«...ilium- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. A ECO 6 PERMANENT PASTURE ESTABLISHMENT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture Establishment, Typical Management 03171121 Operation Labor Fuel, Oil, Item --._.._ Times „_____ Tractor or . __,_ " »__' Fixed costs Per Acre Ho. D»te SmT »»«" „_ch. Hrs. "?'• »?' (1) Per Acre Moldboard 1,6,15 Mar 1 .75 .60 Tandem Disc 1,5 Apr 2 .62 .50 .35 .46 Fertilize 2 Apr 1 .25 .20 - - Plant 2,12 May 1 .31 .25 . 11 .43 Weed Control 3 1 .25 .20 — — 2.18 1.75 May To t a l $ .32 $ ^ * \ .77 $ .78 $ 1.66 Irrigation: (2) Preplant Apr 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Sep 4 .76* 9.36 15.00 1.01* $12.48 $20.00 To t a l ^ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 \ PERMANENT PASTURE, IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III 03170122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, Typical Management f^ Item Unit . .s t _ Co / U_ n. i t P r i c e Qo«r a »r tt i . y. . . 1. Gross receipts from production: Grazing AUM $ 2. Variable Costs: Fertilizer (50-40-0) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Interest on Op. Cap. 12.00 ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. in. mo. 6 7.60 1.38 2.00 2.00 .78 .085 $ 72.00 1 $ .4 .5 1.3 21 6 $ 42.68 3. Income Above Variable Costs ^ ^ 7.60 .55 1.00 2.60 16.38 1.19 $ 29.32 Total Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Tractor (2) Irrigation Establishment Cost 1/ Land Charge V a lCu oe _ co r h r. ac. in. ac. ac. Total Fixed Costs 1.19 1.25 7.97 .5 $ 21 1 1 .60 26.25 7.97 - $ 34.82 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 64.14 6. Net Returns to Management $ 7.86 1/ Based on stand remaining seven years. U i . v e i . o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 Cim>|k-ialive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Af-iiiuliim- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO fi PERMANENT PASTURE. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III 03170121 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Permanent Pasture, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, ,o»p e- r. a -t .i -oj .n. N I toe #m Dnae t. e^ (Thi m e s U r t „ o T r a c t o r o r . . . u ^ r H o u r s ^ ^ H r 8 # L u b . , R e_ p„ . F Pi xeer d Accor se t s (1) Per Acre Fertilize Irrigation: 2 Apr-Jul (2) 2 Apr-Sep .50 7 .40 1.32 $16.38 $26.25 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached Irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, and 3 acre-inches at each irrigation. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914. as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO 6 S O Y B E A N S , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 1 9 0 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Soybeans, High Level Management ^ lttm \ Unit 1. Gross receipts, from production: Soybeans bu. C .o. s t_/ ,U_n_i t P r i c e Qo ur a rnt t "_y . . $ 2.50 42 V a lCu oe s to r $105.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. Fertilizer (0-40-0) Herbicide ac. Machinery ac. Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest .05 65 $ ac. 3.60 1 4.13 1 2.03 1 hr. 1.48 1.3 hr. 1.38 1.1 Machinery hr. 2.00 3 hr. 2.00 .8 ac. in. .78 13 $100 15.03 .5 Cap. mo. .085 4 Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest il^N bu. bu. 42 42 .09 .05 $ 56.24 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge 6. ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed To t a l Net Returns 3.78 2.10 5.88 $ 48.76 3. Income Above Variable Costs 5. $ $ Total Variable Costs To t a l 3.25 3.60 4.13 2.03 1.92 1.52 6.00 1.60 10.14 7.51 1.18 $ 42.88 1 1. 3 1. 1 13 1 3.03 1.72 1.19 1.25 9.85 Costs Costs to $ 3.03 2.24 1.31 16.25 9.85 32.08 $ Management $ 81.64 $ 23.56 / ^ \ D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 («M.|K-iaiive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of AKiiniliute cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 S O Y B E A N S , I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 1 9 0 111 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Soybeans, High Level Management operation Labor Fuel, Oil, _. . I t e m „ „Date _ Ti m e s H r t i i r. a Tr a c t o r o r , h R e _ F i x e d c o s t s Over H™" Mach. Hrs. L"b-»ReP- Per Acre No. (1) Per Acre Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec Moldboard 1,6,15 Jan Chisel 2,7 Jan Tandem Disc 1,5 Feb Apply & Inc. Herbicide 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 .5 .38 .30 .16 .39 .5 .16 .13 .06 .07 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 2,5,8 Mar 2 .69 .55 .47 .60 List & Fertilize 1,9 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate Apr 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 May 1 .31 .25 .10 .14 Jun 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 3.02 2.41 $ 2.03 $ 3.03 Plant 2,13 2 , 11 Cultivate 1,13 To t a l ^ \ ^*\ Irrigation: (2) Preplant May 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 SOYBEANS, IRRIGATED, HIGH PLAINS III 03190122 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Soybeans, Typical Management /I^N 'a- C „o s .t / P U rni ict e Unlt 1. Gross receipts, from production: Soybeans bu. $ or 2.50 /»_■.' t l. t. y, . - 35 $ V a lCu oe s to r 87.50 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed lb. .05 65 $ 3.25 Fertilizer ac. 3.60 1 3.60 Herbicide ac. 4.13 1 4.13 Machinery ac. 2.08 1 2.08 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.5 2.22 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 1 1.38 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 3.1 6.20 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 .8 1.60 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 13 10.14 Crop Insurance $100 15.03 .4 6.01 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 4 1.15 $ 41.76 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest f ^ bu. bu. .09 .05 35 35 $ 46.66 Total Variable Costs $ 40.84 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Irrigation Land Charge To t a l 5. 6. ^ ac. h r. h r. ac. in. ac. Fixed To t a l Net Returns 3.15 1.75 $ 4.90 $ 1 1.5 1 13 1 3.19 1.72 1.19 1.25 5.71 Costs Costs to $ 3.19 2.58 1.19 16.25 5.71 28.92 $ Management $ 75.58 $ 11 . 9 2 \ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Ompciaiive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of AKin.ilime cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 S O Y B E A N S , I R R I G AT E D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 1 9 0 1 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Soybeans, Typical Management operation Item -_ L^m Date Shred & Disc 1,4,5 Dec Moldboard 1,6,15 Jan Chisel 2,7 Tandem Disc 1,5 Apply & Inc. Herbicide Labor Fuel, Oil, Times ™ Tractor or , . «^„ Fixed costs ^k £™B Hours ^^ Hr8# Lub., Rep. per Acre ^ Per Acre (1) 1 .41 .33 $ .40 $ .62 .75 .56 .45 .24 .58 Jan 1.25 .08 .06 .03 .04 Feb 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 2,5,8 Mar 2 .69 .55 .47 .60 List & Fertilize 1,9 Mar 1 .38 .30 .38 .62 Cultivate Apr 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 May 1 .31 .25 .10 .14 Jun 1 .19 .15 .14 .18 3.12 2.49 $ 2.08 $ 3.19 Plant 2,13 2 , 11 Cultivate 1,13 To t a l I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Mar 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant May-Aug 3 .57* 7.02 11.25 .82* $10.14 $16.25 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economict, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8. 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 W H E AT. I R R I G AT E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 11 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, High Level Management Unit Price or Cost/Unit bu. AUM $ 1.30 12.00 Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Wheat Grazing To t a l Value or Cost Quantity 50 2.5 $ 65.00 30.00 $ 95.00 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed bu. 2.50 1.5 $ Fertilizer (100-40-0) ac. 7.60 1 Machinery ac. .89 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 1.1 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .4 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .3 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 2.2 Labor Irrigation hr. 2.00 1 Irrigation Machinery ac. in. .78 16 Crop Insurance $100 12.60 .3 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 8 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. bu. 1 50 4.50 .05 $ $ $ 48.62 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge ac. h r. h r. h r. 6. 7. 8. Government Net .72 ac. Payment to Including x 50 bu. Government less 1.66 1.89 .48 .22 20.00 10.80 35.05 $ Management ($1.57 $ $ Costs Returns Return 1.25 10.80 Costs To t a l Net 1 1.,1 s,4 «,3 16 1 1.66 1.72 1.19 ac. in. Fixed 5. 4.50 2.50 7.00 $ 46.38 Total Variable Costs To t a l 3.75 7.60 .89 1.63 .55 .19 4.40 2.00 12.48 3.78 2 . 11 $ 39.38 81.43 $ 13.57 rent)l/ Payment $ $ 52.36 65.93 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 75%. O t . V E L O P E O B Y E X T E N S I O N E C O N O M I S T S - M A N A G E M E N T, TA E S , TA M U . N e W , 1 9 7 2 CiHi|H-i:itive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of A^iMilium- cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30. 1914. AECO f> W H E A T. I R R I G A T E D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 1 1 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, High Level Management Labor Fuel, Oil, ,o)pneprIa. tfl iHo on n NIot > e mD an t- et - p0 yTei rm H e so uHr so ^r ^ T H r ar c8 t>o rL uo br . ,. R . eBp .F ipx ee rd Accor se t s (1) Per Acre Tandem Disc 1,5 Moldboard 1,6,15 Jul Chisel 2,7 Jul Tandem Disc 1,5 Jul Fertilize 3 Tandem Disc 1,5 Drill 1 .31 .25 $ .18 $ .23 .5 .38 .30 .16 .39 .5 .16 .13 .06 .07 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 Aug 1 .31 .25 - Aug 1 .31 .25 .18 .23 2,12 Aug 1 .38 .30 .13 .51 2.16 1.73 $ .89 $ 1.66 Jun To t a l /*% I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .25* $ 3.12 $ 5.00 Postplant Oct-Apr 4 .76* 9.36 15.00 1.01* $12.48 $20.00 To t a l (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches ^^ at each postplant. ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. ZrEtZZZ ExteMion J*0* *» Agriculture Home Economic. Texas A&M University the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed and in furtherance of the Act. of Congress of Mayand 8. 1914. a. amended. ^.mJBITSu! AECO 6 03225122 WHEAT. IRRIGATED. HIGH PLAINS III Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management /f^\ item Gross receipts, from production: Grain Grazing To t a l Unit Price or Cost/Unit bu. AUM $ 1.30 12.00 35 2.5 $ 45.50 30.00 $ 75.50 bu. ac. ac. h r. h r. h r. h r. 2.50 6.80 1.5 1 1 1.2 .4 .3 2.3 .8 13 .2 8 3.75 6.80 .94 1.78 .55 .19 4.60 1.60 10.14 2.52 1.86 $ 34.73 1 35 $ Quantity Value or Cost 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed Fertilizer (80-40-0) Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Labor Irrigation Irrigation Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest hr. ac. in. $100 mo. ac. bu. .94 1.48 1.38 .63 2.00 2.00 .78 12.60 .085 3.75 .05 $ $ 40.23 Total Variable Costs $ 35.27 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Irrigation Land Charge 3.75 1.75 5.50 ac. h r. h r. h r. 1.82 1.72 1.19 ac. in. 1.25 8.06 ac. .72 Total Fixed Costs 1 1. 2 •,4 ,3 13 1 4 $ 1.82 2.06 .48 .22 16.25 8.06 $ 28.89 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 69.12 6. Net Returns to Management $ 6.38 7. Government Payment ($1.57/bu. x yield less rent)l/ $ 36.65 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 43.03 jpN 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 75%. D e v e l o p e d b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w, 1 9 7 2 Oiopeialive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agiii ultme cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 W H E A T, I R R I G A T E D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 1 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Item ~ ^ Date operation Ta n d e m Disc Moldboard 1,5 1,6,15 Chisel 2,7 Jul Ta n d e m Disc 1,5 Fertilize Ta n d e m Drill 3 2,12 To t a l Jul 1 Jul .75 Jul 1 Jul Aug 1 Fuel, Oil, or ... „„ Fixed Hr8^••^ Per .25 1 .18 .45 .08 .06 .31 $ .24 ___ costs ^\ Acre ^ .23 .58 .03 .04 .25 .18 .23 .25 .18 .23 .25 1 .31 .38 1.81 $ .56 .31 1,5 2.26 .31 .25 Jul Disc Labor _, Tractor Hours ^^ Times £™a $ .30 .13 .94 .51 $ 1.82 I r r i g a t i o n : (2) Preplant Aug 1 .25* Postplant Oct-Apr 3 .57* 7.02 .82* $10.14 To t a l $ 3.12 $ 5.00 11 . 2 5 $16.25 (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. (2) See attached irrigation cost sheet. Assumed at 600 GPM, 250 feet well, sprinkler irrigation, natural gas pumping unit, 4 acre-inches preplant and 3 acre-inches at each postplant. Developeo by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. as amended, and June SO. 1914. AECO 6 W H E AT. D R Y L A N D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 2 1 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, High Level Management Ito" Unlt _n . i t P r i c e Qour a nr tt i t y. . . C o• is t /• U Gross receipts, from production: Wheat Grazing bu. AUM 22 $ 1.30 12.00 V a lC uo e s to r $ 28.60 6.00 $ 34.60 .5 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest: Seed bu. 2.50 .7 $ Fertilizer (20-0-0) ac. .80 1 Machinery ac. .53 1 Tractor (1) hr. 1.48 .8 Tractor (2) hr. 1.38 .1 Tractor (3) hr. .63 .3 Labor, Tractor & Machinery hr. 2.00 1.5 Crop Insurance $100 12.70 .1 Interest on Op. Cap. mo. .085 8 Subtotal, Pre-Harvest Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. bu. 1 22 3.10 .05 $ $ Total Variable Costs $ 21.04 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Tractor (3) Land Charge ac. h r. h r. h r. ac. Fixed 5. 6. To t a l Net 1 .96 1.72 1.19 1 6.98 .12 .22 6.98 $ 9.66 $ Management .96 1.38 i Costs to $ ,8 ,1 s,3 i .72 Costs Returns 3.10 1.10 4.20 $ 13.56 3. Income Above Variable Costs To t a l 1.75 .80 .53 1.18 .14 .19 3.00 1.27 .50 $ 9.36 23.22 $ 11 . 3 8 7. Government Payment ($1.57/bu. x 22 bu. less rent)l/ $ 23.03 8. Net Return Including Government Payment $ 34.41 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set aside acreage of 75%. D l v e l o p e o b y E x t e n s i o n E c o n o m i s t s - M a n a g e m e n t , TA E S , TA M U . N e w 1 9 7 2 c.M.|K-tative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agin nil me cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of die Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914. AECO 6 W H E A T. D R Y L A N D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 2 1 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, High Level Management Labor __. _ Fuel, Oil, p. 0, __nl.n Operation x No. sr Dat »~ Tandem Disc 1.5 Jul Chisel 2,7 Jul Tandem Disc 1,5 Aug Fertilize 3 Plant 1,12 To t a l Sir/ 1 ■* « KVs! .31 .25 .16 1 Aug Sep **:•*•• Per Acre W-s" .18 $ .23 .13 .06 .07 .31 .25 .18 .23 1 .35 .28 - 1 .31 .25 .11 .43 1.44 1.16 $ .53 $ .96 .5 $ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by *. ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management^ TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Hotfee Economics, Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 ) W H E A T. D R Y L A N D . H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 Estimated Costs And Returns Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Item 1. Gross receipts, from production: Grain Grazing To t a l Unit Price or Cost/Unit bu. AUM $ 1.30 12.00 Quantity 18 .5 Value or Cost $ 23.40 6.00 $ 29.40 2. Variable Costs: Pre-Harvest Seed Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Labor, Tractor & Machinery Crop Insurance Interest on Op. Cap. Subtotal, Pre-Harvest bu. ac. h r. h r. h r. $100 mo. 2.50 .53 1.48 1.38 2.00 12.70 .085 Harvest: Combine Haul Subtotal, Harvest ac. bu. 3.00 .05 .7 1 .8 .1 1.1 .1 8 1 18 $ $ 3.00 .90 3.90 $ 11.37 Total Variable Costs 3. Income Above Variable Costs 4. Fixed Costs: Machinery Tractor (1) Tractor (2) Land Charge $ 1.75 .53 1.18 .14 2.20 1.27 .40 $ 7.47 $ 18.03 ac. h r. h r. ac. .96 1.72 1.19 7.52 Total Fixed Costs 1 .8 .1 $ .96 1.38 .12 7.52 $ 9.98 1 5 . To t a l C o s t s $ 21.35 6. Net Returns to Management $ 7. Government Payment ($1.57/bu. x 18 >u. bu. less r e n t ) ] . / $ 18.85 8. Net Return Including Government Payment oent $ 26.90 8.05 J£P\ 1/ Based on planted acres. No allowance is made for set-aside acreage of 75%. Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. New, 1972 <:.n.|>ei:itive Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Texas A&M University and the United Stales Department of At-1 null me cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6 W H E A T, D R Y L A N D , H I G H P L A I N S I I I 0 3 2 2 5 2 2 1 Estimated Costs, And Requirements Per Acre Of Wheat, Typical Management Labor Fuel, Oil, Fixed costs operation xsr — sr »— izsr**?. Per-_;-^- -~ Acre Tandem Disc 1,5 Jul Chisel 2,7 Jul Tandem Disc 1,5 Aug Plant 1,12 Sep To t a l 1 .18 .23 .13 .06 .07 .31 .25 .18 .23 .31 .25 .11 .43 1.09 .88 $ .53 $ .96 .31 .25 .16 1 1 .5 $ " " ^ (1) Labor hours calculated at 1.25 times tractor hours except where noted by ^ Developed by Extension Economists-Management, TAES, TAMU. Cooperative Extension Wort in Agriculture and Home Economics. Texas A&M University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914. aa amended, and June SO, 1914. AECO 6