External Operations Portfolio Analysis and Segmentation by Todd A. Rosenfield S.B. Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001 Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management and the Mechanical Engineering Department in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of SACHUSETTS JUN 18 201 In conjunction with the Leaders for Global Operations Program at. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology LIBRARIES June 2014 2014 Todd A. Rosenfield. All right reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part in any medium now known or hereafter. Signature redacted Signature of Author MIT Sloan chool of Wnagdnt, MIT Debartment of Mechanical Engineering May 9,2014 () '0 Certified by Signature redacted _ Charles Fine, Thesis Supervisor Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Signature redacted Certified by Associate Professor, Department of Ia Certified by -Signature Management Josef Oehmen, Thesis Supervisor gement Eng/eering, Technical University of Denmark redacted ,!Warren Seering, Thesis Reader Weber-Shaughness Prof Accepted by ~ser f Mechanic nvering and Engineering Systems Signature redacted David F~. lardt,Mair, Committee on Graduate Studies Department of Mechanical Engineering Accepted by Sinature redacted Maura IBTI OF TECHNOLOGY Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering erson Ibirector of MIT SloanNBA Program MIT Sloan School of Management This page intentionally left blank. 2 External Operations Portfolio Analysis and Segmentation by Todd A. Rosenfield Submitted to the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 9, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract This thesis focusses on a medical device manufacturer, Company X, using a razor-and-blades business strategy, in which surgical instruments are offered to customers at little or no cost in order to facilitate the sale of certain implantable products that require the use of such instruments. It faces considerable challenges in managing the instrument supply chain. Company X is interested in better understanding its instrument portfolio through segmentation so that it can efficiently manage its supply chain with an appropriate supply chain strategy for each segment. This thesis deals with the development of a segmentation methodology that can be used to objectively rank and segment medical device products that do not directly generate sales revenues, but contribute to the revenues generated by a dependent class of products. A methodology was developed to rank and segment the instruments within Company X's instrument portfolio using criticality heuristics. The segments were then evaluated for opportunities for inventory reduction without harming service levels. In addition, a cost minimization decision tool was developed to determine the optimal amount of excess inventory that should be discarded when items subject to minimum order quantities. Using the segmentation methodology and the minimum order quantity decision tool, Company X can potentially reduce its inventory value by over 60%. Thesis Supervisor: Charles Fine Title: Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management Thesis Supervisor: Josef Oehmen Title: Associate Professor, Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Thesis Reader: Warren Seering Title: Weber-Shaughness Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Systems 3 This page intentionallyleft blank. 4 Acknowledgments I would like to thank everyone at Company X for sponsoring this project and providing an excellent learning opportunity and a supportive and collaborative environment in which to work. I would especially like to give thanks to my company supervisors whose collective experience and insight helped make sure I was talking to the right people, asking the right questions and working toward the right goals. I would also like to thank the Leaders for Global Operations program for providing me with this opportunity to over the past two years to change my career and my life. Special thanks also go to my MIT advisors, Charles Fine and Josef Oehmen for the guidance and encouragement over the course of this project. Finally, and most importantly, I'm incredibly grateful to my wonderful wife Runa and sweet daughter Natalia. I can't thank Runa enough for her support and encouragement during these past two years while I lived in two cities to complete the LGO program. 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 Table of Contents A bstract.........................................................................................................................................3 A cknow ledgm ents................................................................................................................. 5 T able of Contents........................................................................................................................7 L ist of Figures..............................................................................................................................9 L ist of T ables............................................................................................................................. 10 1 11 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1.1 Problem Statem ent.............................................................................................................. 11 1.2 Research M ethodology and Objectives ...................................................................... 12 1.3 Thesis Overview ................................................................................................................... 13 2 Company X and Instrument Supply Chain Background ................ 2.1 Com pany X ........................................................................................................................... 2.2 Instrum ent Supply Chain..................................................................................................15 2.3 Forecasting and Inventory M anagem ent................................................................... 17 2.4 SKU Proliferation Drivers............................................................................................ 19 3 Literature R eview ....................................................................................................... 14 23 3.1 Segm entation and Classification................................................................................. 23 3.2 Excess Inventory.................................................................................................................. 26 4 Instrument Portfolio Segmentation Methodology............................................... 28 4.1 Fram ew ork Selection...................................................................................................... 28 4.2 Segm entation M etric factors......................................................................................... 30 4.2.1 Demand ............................................................................................................................................ 4.2.2 Lead Tim e........................................................................................................................................30 4.2.3 Cost....................................................................................................................................................31 4.2.4 Criticality ......................................................................................................................................... 32 4.2.5 Other Possible Segmentation Characteristics................................................................. 33 4.2.6 Segm entation Metric Definition......................................................................................... 34 Instrum ent Revenue Contribution.............................................................................. 34 4.3.1 Revenue and Spending data................................................................................................. 35 4.3.2 Criticality Heuristics .................................................................................................................... 36 4.3 4.4 5 14 30 ABC Segm entation......................................................................................................... 47 D ifferential Supply Chain Strategy ....................................................................... 48 5.1 Segments A, B and C - Base Stock Policy ............................... 7 48 5.2 6 7 8 Segment D - Minimum Order Quantity Management Model............................. Results................................................................................................................................ 49 53 6.1 Segmentation Analysis ....................................... 53 6.2 Idealized Inventory Reduction...................................................................................... 55 Conclusions and Recom m endations ....................................................................... 58 7.1 Segm entation Strategy ................................................................................................... 58 7.2 Instrum ent Set Definitions and Portfolio................................................................... 58 7.3 Supplier M anagem ent ................................................................................................... 59 References......................................................................................................................... 8 61 List of Figures Figure 1: Company X Instrument Supply Chain .......................................................... Figure 2: Revenue Contribution Assignment without Mixed-Platform or Generic Instruments or Revenues...................................................................................... Figure 3: Revenue Contribution Assignment with Generic Instruments....................... Figure 4: Revenue Contribution Assignment with Generic Implants........................... Figure 5: Revenue Contribution Assignment with Mixed-Platform Instruments......... Figure 6: Revenue Contribution Assignment with Mixed-Platform Implants.............. Figure 7: Revenue Contribution Assignment with Mixed-Platform and Generic Instrum ents and Im plants...................................................................................... Figure 8: Lifetime Cost of Minimum Order Quantity Management Function.............. Figure 9: Segm ent Characteristics ................................................................................. Figure 10: Normalized Cumulative Contribution and Inventory Value ....................... 9 17 39 40 42 43 45 46 52 53 56 List of Tables Table 1: Fictitious Platform Revenue Data by Territory ............................................... Table 2: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue without Mixed-Platform or Generic Instrum ents or Revenues........................................................................................ Table 3: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Generic Instruments ................ Table 4: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Generic Revenues ................... Table 5: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Mixed-Platform Instruments...... Table 6: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Mixed-Platform Implants..... Table 7: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Mixed-Platform and Generic Instrum ents and Implants..................................................................................... Table 8: Idealized Inventory Reduction by Segment.................................................... 10 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 56 1 Introduction This chapter defines the problem statement and presents the objectives and research methodology used in the evaluation of the problem. The thesis overview provides an outline of the entire thesis. 1.1 Problem Statement This thesis deals with the problem of managing the supply chain for large portfolio of products that do not directly generate revenue, including items with very low demand and high minimum order quantities. Company X is a diversified health care company that develops, manufactures and markets a variety of health care products, including medical devices. A subsidiary of Company X primarily generates revenues through the sales of certain implantable products (hereinafter "Implants") used during surgical procedures. Implants can only be used with certain custom designed durable surgical instruments. Thus, Company X designs and deploys sets of these instruments, at no cost to the customer, in order to facilitate the sale of Implants. Within this thesis, any reference to "instruments" is understood to refer only to instruments designed for use with Implants. This business model, which is followed by each of Company X's competitors in this industry, can be analogized to the razor-and-blades or printerand-cartridges model of selling the razor or printer at low cost to facilitate the sale of highly profitable proprietary blades or ink cartridges. During the past several years, managing the instrument supply chain has become more challenging for Company X, due to the proliferation of stock keeping units (SKU's).1 Total inventory levels have risen, while stockouts have become more common. 2 Company X's strategy has historically been to attempt to keep nearly all SKU's on the shelf ready for 1 The instrument portfolio currently stands at over 10,000 SKU's. 10% of instrument SKUs have become backordered at least once within the past 2 years. 2 Over 11 deployment nearly 100% of the time. Because this strategy has proved difficult and expensive to pursue, Company X is assessing the risks and benefits of a SKU level analysis and segmentation of its instrument portfolio. 1.2 Research Methodology and Objectives This research project was developed to investigate the challenges and benefits of a SKU level segmentation of Company X's instrument portfolio. The primary sources of information for this thesis include interviews with multiple stakeholders at various levels within and outside the organization, plant and warehouse visits, company data, and academic literature. Most importantly, the author spent over six months from June to December 2013 working on this project at Company X to gain a better understanding of the business and its challenges. The overall approach was to examine processes and systems in place supporting the current state of Company X's inventory management and control, identify the key drivers in Company X's supply that impact inventory holding costs and service levels, and propose an idealized approach to supply chain strategy based upon the analysis. The primary goals for the project were to: " Develop a framework for segmenting the instruments within the portfolio " Identify opportunities for inventory and capital cost reductions while maintaining service levels " Generate an idealized supply chain strategy based upon a SKU level segmentation framework " Demonstrate how a decision analysis tool can be used to minimize total costs associated with excess inventory of slow moving SKUs with minimum order quantities. 12 1.3 Thesis Overview The remainder of the thesis is structured as follows: Chapter 2 outlines a description of Company X and the challenges it faces in managing its Implants instruments supply chain. Chapter 3 describes the body of literature relating to ABC segmentation and disposal of excess inventory. Chapter 4 details the proposed methodology for the segmentation framework, including the heuristics for measuring the criticality of instruments. Chapter 5 describes the inventory control policies proposed for each segment, including a method for managing excess inventory caused by minimum order quantities. Chapter 6 details the cost improvements that Company X can achieve through the use of segmentation and optimized inventory management described herein. Chapter 7 outlines conclusions and recommendations for Company X going forward. 13 2 2.1 Company X and Instrument Supply Chain Background Company X Company X is a multinational, multibillion dollar healthcare company. A subsidiary of Company X primarily generates revenues through the sale of Implants used during surgical procedures. About half of Company X's revenues are generated in the United States, with most of the remainder concentrated in Europe, but with growing sales in many Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and Latin American countries. Company X sells Implants within three major segments, defined by area of the body in which the Implant is used. Within each of those segments, it offers Implants within many different product lines, also referred to as platforms. Each consumable platform represents a single product line. A surgical procedure utilizing a consumable requires the use of a specialized set of surgical instruments specifically designed for an individual consumable product platform. Previously, Company X's subsidiaries were organized as independently functioning businesses, responsible for their own manufacturing and supply chain operations. However, in 2010, following industry pressure to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs, Company X changed its organizational structure such that primary subsidiary manufacturing and supply chain operations were removed from their respective organizations and re-organized into a separate division within Company X. This organization works with the different subsidiaries to ensure product supply, develop strategies to reduce operating costs, and mitigate supply risks. Executive leaders anticipated that the shift would significantly help in aligning all of the manufacturing and supply chain operations to similar quality standards throughout the network and improve end-customer relationships overall. Following this reorganization, it became 14 apparent that the subsidiary studied for this thesis was underperforming both in terms of inventory costs and service. 2.2 Instrument Supply Chain Instruments are designed in standard sets, sometimes with optional modules. Additionally, customized substitutes are sometimes designed for certain types of instruments in response to customer requests. The manufacture of these types of medical devices are subject to strict regulations, including a long validation period before an instrument can be approved for use after an engineering change order. Instruments are primarily machined metal and polymer parts, tools and assemblies. In the decades prior to this project, Company X had determined that its core competency lay in the design and manufacture of Implants. For this reason, and due to the economies of scale associated with manufacture of instruments, Company X elected to outsource the manufacture of the majority of instruments to third party suppliers. Company X maintains a single main warehouse in the US from which all instruments for use worldwide are stored. Instruments are ordered directly from suppliers, and stored in the warehouse following an inspection, and sent to customers in response to "sales." 3 In the US, sales are driven in each territory by independent distributors. In sales territories outside the US, sales are driven by internal business units. In both cases, each sales territory is assigned a yearly budget with which to purchase instruments. That budget is in part determined by Implant and instrument forecasts. Additionally, an internal marketing department has a separate budget with which to distribute instruments, primarily used for new product 3In the context of this thesis, although instruments are generally not sold to customers, and are instead treated as depreciable assets, their demand behavior emulates items that are sold to customers, and as such, their deployment is referred to herein as "sales". 15 rollouts. In all cases, the instruments are charged to their respective budgets, and customers are not charged for the deployment of instruments. Instrument sales are primarily driven through two channels, new instrument set deployments or breakage and replenishment.4 First, new instrument sets are deployed either to existing customers to expand their capacity for Implant surgeries or to add additional platforms to their offerings. Second, existing instruments in the field occasionally wear out or break, and need to be replaced. Generally, when an order is placed, either for an entire instrument set, or for individual instruments, they are picked from stock at the warehouse, and shipped in small packages directly to the customer. Certain critical and higher volume instruments may be held at the distributor or field warehouses for rapid deployment, especially in non-US markets. However, the vast majority of inventory is held in the main warehouse. In the event that an ordered instrument is out of stock, in the case of a US territory, the remainder of the order is shipped to the customer, the reason being that not all Implant surgeries require the use of all instruments in the set, and the set may still be used for some surgeries without the missing instrument.5 However, in non-US territories, instrument orders do not ship until all instruments in the order are available. An illustration of the instrument supply chain is shown below in figure 1. 4 There are some alternative channels driving instrument sales, include some sales for revenues. However, these represent a comparatively tiny percentage of total instrument sales. s Some instruments may only be used in a small percentage of surgeries, depending on the characteristics of the patient and the preferences of the surgeon. 16 L Distributor A Distributor B Distributor ... -I L Supplier 1 ie. Supplier 2 Company X Instrument Warehouse Customers Supplier... Satellite Warehouse Figure 1: Company X Instrument Supply Chain 2.3 Forecasting and Inventory Management Instrument inventory policy is largely based around sales forecasts. Sales forecasts, in turn, are based on two primary sources of data: historical sales data and territory budgets plans. 6 Each territory's plans for how it intends to allocate its budgets are combined with historical sales data to generate monthly forecasts. Because these forecasts are largely based on internal budgeting decisions, it is believed by many stakeholders that the forecasts should be relatively accurate. However, a number of factors have led to very poor historic forecasting. First, although each territory distributor gathers and submits data on its plan to allocate its yearly budget, they are not required to adhere to their plans. Instead, they are permitted to spend 6 In addition, new product launch plans contribute to instrument forecasts for new products. However, this thesis is concerned primarily with the inventory management for legacy instruments rather than for new product launches. 17 their budgets on a completely different product mix. In practice, distributors tend to change their orders and plans quite drastically. Second, although standard instrument sets are defined for each platform, customers are not required to adhere to them. In the US, custom instrument sets are routinely assembled from the catalog to the preferences of the surgeons, making individual instrument forecasting more difficult. Outside the US, each territory had its own set definitions, which varied significantly from territory to territory, also making individual instrument forecasting more difficult. Third, a major source of sales for various instrument SKUs, especially the lowest volume SKUs, is largely the replenishment of broken or worn instruments in the field. It cannot be easily forecasted when such replenishment will be required. Finally, the proliferation of SKUs within the portfolio has generally made forecasting more difficult for each individual SKU, as Company X is unable to significantly pool inventory risk. Because of Company X's poor ability to forecast, and because instruments tend to have long lead times (frequently 3 months, sometimes longer) a culture of conservative inventory management arose. Surgeries cannot be performed, and thus Implants cannot be sold, without deployed instrument sets. As a result, Company X largely maintains a make-to-stock inventory strategy for its Implant instruments, in order to maximize potential Implant revenue. As mentioned above, the manufacture of the vast majority of instruments is outsourced. Because of the strict regulatory environment requiring expensive and time consuming process validation, nearly all instruments are sourced from a single supplier. Depending on the preferences and capabilities of the supplier, an individual SKU is managed either through purchase orders, or managed by the supplier. In the case of purchase order SKUs, an analyst will conduct a monthly review and submit a purchase order to the supplier if necessary, depending on current stock levels, forecasts, and 18 desired safety stock levels. The size of the order is generally at the discretion of the analyst, and both volume discounts and minimum order quantities frequently contribute to order size decisions. In the case of supplier managed SKUs, minimum and maximum inventory levels are set with the directive to suppliers that inventory remain within these limits. Inventory and forecast updates are set to the supplier weekly, enabling them to plan their manufacturing activities. Minimum and maximum inventory levels are often set according to rules of thumb, and tend to allow for a significant buffer of safety stock and a large spread between the minimum and maximum permitted stocking level in order to permit suppliers to supply on a less than monthly basis. These inventory policies and the culture of conservative inventory management, combined with a management plug permitting the storage of additional inventory to guard against unquantified supplier risk have together resulted in ever increasing inventory levels and holding costs. 7 2.4 SKU Proliferation Drivers A number of factors have contributed to the instrument SKU proliferation at Company X, which in turn has contributed to the difficulty in forecasting instrument demand, ability to service that demand, and inventory holding costs. These factors include platform and instrument lifecycles, the culture of accommodating surgeon preferences, and business strategy surrounding instrument set design. ProductLifecycles Company X has been selling Implants for many decades, and has many different Implant platforms within each of its three market segments. When a new Implant platform (or a new set ? Company X was required to rent additional space in a warehouse across the street to accommodate its warehousing needs. 19 of instruments for an existing platform) is launched, especially if it is intended to be a blockbuster rather than to fill a niche need, it is generally first launched in the US, where margins are highest, and in certain high sales territories outside the US. When a new platform is launched, even if it is intended to replace an existing platform, the older platform is usually not immediately discontinued. Instead, its instrument sets remain in the field and need to be serviced for years thereafter. This is the case for several reasons. First, it would be impossible for suppliers to manufacture the instruments needed to deploy the sets necessary at all intended customers in a short period of time. Instead, as soon as regulators approve the sale and use of a new Implant platform, instruments are deployed as they are produced according to the marketing department's launch plan. Second, surgeons need to be trained on the technique for new surgical instrument sets. It would not be possible to support the simultaneous training of all customers. Thus, even if a newly introduced platform is intended to supplant an older platform, it would take several years to convert existing customers to the new platform. Third, some surgeons may prefer to continue using older Implant platforms or instrument sets. While these sets remain in the field, they need to be supported. Additionally, newer Implant platforms and instrument sets tend to be more expensive than older platforms. It does not make financial sense to deploy new expensive instruments in certain international markets where they will not be able to achieve revenues to justify the expenditure. Instead, instrument sets from older platforms, including some that may have been phased out in Company X's primary markets, may be deployed and marketed in these lower tier markets. 20 As a result, instruments that are part of sets designed for older platforms remain in the instrument portfolio for many years, and it is difficult to predict when older instruments will be retired. Surgeon Preferences Historically, surgeons have been the decision makers regarding which of Company X and its competitors to rely on for its Implants. Each competitor essentially relies on the same business model of distributing instrument sets at no cost to facilitate the sale of Implants. As a result, switching costs for hospitals are very low. Because surgeons have been the decision makers regarding the purchase of Implants, they can demand that Company X design specialized instruments (such as with a custom handle) as substitutes for various instruments in the standard sets. If Company X refuses to provide such custom instruments, surgeons can credibly threaten to switch to a competitor because of the low switching costs and their decision making power. Company X's culture and strategy has been to accede to surgeon's demands for custom instruments, regardless of their individual costs or effects on the instrument supply chain, in order to avoid any lost sales. This strategy has contributed to the overall proliferation of instruments, but also specifically to the proliferation of extremely low demand instruments that are difficult to efficiently stock. Instrument Set Design There is a standard instrument set for each platform, sometimes with optional modules for uncommon patient characteristics or alternative surgical techniques. However, as detailed above, surgeons are not required to use the standard set. In the US, hospitals are free to request, 21 through the distributors, a set of instruments assembled from the entire catalog. Internationally, each territory has its own set definition that hospitals within that territory use.8 Due to the freedom with which hospitals and surgeons are provided with which to design their own instrument sets, and Company X's desire to provide maximum choice to their customers, there is a reluctance to retire individual instruments. 8 Set definitions for each territory are set by the distributors based on the preferences of hospitals within the territory, and concerns for minimizing the cost of deployed instruments. Outside the US, Consumables margins are generally lower, and instrument costs are charged to distributors P&L, so concerns about instrument costs are reflected in set design. 22 3 Literature Review The literature surrounding inventory classification policies and the handling of excess inventory is extensive, and this review is not intended to be exhaustive. Rather, it is meant to provide a summary of various approaches to classification and excess inventory, as well as how these approaches can be used to better understand inventory segmentation/classification and excess inventory at a medical device company such as Company X. 3.1 Segmentation and Classification For organizations managing large portfolios of SKUs, it may not be practical to individually control each product. One way to manage a large number of SKUs is to aggregate them into different groups and set common inventory control policies for each group. For example, Millstein et al. (2014) notes that management may set different service levels for different groups, reflecting a company's order fulfillment strategy and customer relationship policies. Grouping provides management a means for specifying, monitoring and controlling inventory performance. Guidance for how to treat the different groups ranges from vague suggestions such as stricter managerial oversight or attention to more specific suggestions such as varied service rates or distinct control policies (make-to-order versus make-to stock, for example). A well-known method of inventory grouping is the ABC classification system, widely used throughout the world. ABC classification generally is well described by Silver et al. (1998). In a typical ABC implementation, items are grouped according to their transaction volume or sales value, and it is often found that small number of items account for a high percentage of volume or sales. The categories are typically labeled A, B, and C, respectively. There is little agreement on the breakdown of percentages for each classification, however. A 23 common breakdown is to follow the Pareto "80/20" rule, giving the top 20% of items the A classification, the next 30% B, and the bottom 50% C. Flores and Whybark, (1986). Silver, et al. (1998) suggests a 10/50/40 breakdown. Juran (1954), a pioneer in manufacturing quality management and in Pareto analysis as applied to inventory management, describes a 5/20/75 breakdown. Nor is there universal agreement on the optimal number of classes. Fewer classes provides for more simplicity in setting inventory control policies, while more classes increases complexity while allowing for finer control. The number of classes is usually limited to six. Silver, et al. (1998). Millstein et al. (2014) suggests an optimization model to determine the optimal number of inventory groups and their corresponding service levels, as constrained by a limited inventory spending budget. ABC classification is typically performed based on a single criterion, most commonly demand value, followed by demand volume. Teunter, et al. (2010). However, it is recognized that using only revenue, or any single criteria, to classify items can fail to capture all the factors that may be important for classification and optimization of inventory policy to various stakeholders. Other criteria recognized as relevant for various organizations include inventory holding cost, part criticality, lead time, commonality, obsolescence, substitutability, number of requests for the item in a year, scarcity, durability, reparability, order size requirement, stockability, demand distribution, and stock-out penalty cost. See Eslaminasab and Dokoohaki (2012). There are several approaches to using multiple parameters in inventory classification. Flores and Whybark, (1986) describe a two factor classification (dollar value and criticality, as determined by management) to classify items into 9 categories using a 3x3 table, which were 24 then mechanically bunched into three criticality categories. Eslaminasab and Dokoohaki (2012) describe using a non-linear optimization model to maximize total portfolio performance across multiple criteria. Ernst and Cohen (1990) suggest the use of statistical clustering methods. Zhang et al. (2001) proposes classifying SKU's through the use of a ranking criteria defined by the ratio (D/c 2 ) where D is the expected yearly demand, 1 is the lead time, and c is the cost, using that classification to set a desired service level, and using heuristics to determine order quantities and reorder points. Teunter et al. (2010) proposes a ranking criteria defined by the ratio (bD/hQ) where b is the backorder cost (as a proxy for criticality), D is the expected demand per unit time, h is the inventory holding cost per item per unit time, and Q is the average order quantity, setting an overall desired fill rate, and using an optimization model to minimize costs by setting the service level for each classification. Spare parts inventory classification is an active area of classification literature. Flowers and O'Neill (1978) applied traditional ABC analysis on manufacturing equipment spare parts inventory, ranking items by the cost of items used annually. It is recognized that traditional ABC classification using a single criteria, such as demand or cost, is not sufficient for heterogeneous spare parts that may have vastly different levels of criticality. Molenars et al. (2012). Spare parts inventory management is of particular concern because if a spare part is not available, the shortage cost may be far greater than any potential individual lost sale if manufacturing lines are shut down, or if a customer switches suppliers. Rego and Mesquita (2011) reviewed a significant amount of literature concerned with classifying spare parts according to their demand forecasting models (among other spare parts issues). Gajpal et al. (1994) propose spare part classification based on a single criticality metric as determined by an analytic hierarchy process, a multi-criteria decision making tool that takes into account the 25 relative importance of various criteria values using weights as determined by normalized eigenvectors. Braglia et al (2004) applied also applied the analytic hierarchy process using the same method, but additionally used decision tree analysis to segment the items into one of four different inventory management policies. Molenars et al. (2012) proposes the use of the analytic hierarchy process and a decision tree to classify spare part criticality based on equipment criticality, logistics characteristics, and probability of failure. Each of the above spare parts criticality classification schemes rely on qualitative assessments of the characteristics of each spare part. 3.2 Excess Inventory A significant amount of literature explores the concept of the disposal of excess inventory. Virtually all of this literature, however, looks at the situation from a revenue maximization perspective for items that are directly sold for revenue, rather than for a cost minimization perspective. Furthermore, none of the literature analyzes a situation subject to future minimum order quantities. Tersine and Toelle (1984) and Tersine et al. (1986) present tools for making disposal decisions regarding excess inventory, assuming deterministic demand and multi-period review in order to maximize profits. However, in neither of these articles do they consider the impact of minimum order quantities on their ability to replenish in the future. Each of Rosenfield (1989), Lovejoy (1992) and Qetinkaya Parlar (2010) examine the decision to dispose of excess inventory assuming stochastic demand processes under various circumstances. Again, however, none of them consider the situation where the future replenishment of an item is subject to minimum order quantities. 26 Alternatively, there is significant literature concerning inventory control policies for items subject to minimum order quantities. For example, Zhou et al. (2006) examined the effectiveness of a heuristic policy for a single-item periodic review inventory system with stochastic demand and minimum order quantities. However, none of this literature considers the possibility of a disposal decision by an entity with excess inventory in the face of such minimum order quantities. 27 4 Instrument Portfolio Segmentation Methodology The question this chapter attempts to answer is what framework to use for the portfolio segmentation, and what factors to include in the analysis. To answer this question, we looked at the frameworks presented above and selected one appropriate for Company X. 4.1 Framework Selection A basic ABC classification based on either of the classic criteria of demand or revenue cannot be applied, as instruments generally do not directly generate any revenues. As detailed above, the instruments are deployed to hospitals at no cost to facilitate the sale of Implants, and are treated as depreciable assets once they are deployed. Alternatively, a simple ABC classification based only on demand fails to account for the fact that these parts are parts of instrument sets, and may have varied degrees of criticality with respect to Company X's ability to continue to generate revenues through the sale of Implants. A multi-factor ranking metric, such as those proposed by Teunter, et al. (2010) or Zhang et al. (2001) seem more appropriate. Treatment of instruments as spare parts may seem appropriate, as the instruments in some ways function as spare parts. Just as a manufacturing line can be shut down if a piece of equipment malfunctions and needs a spare part, an instrument set can no longer be used to perform surgeries if an individual instrument needs replacement. However, there are significant differences that lead away from this treatment. First, the loss of use of a single instrument set may not be comparable to an entire manufacturing line in terms of dollar value. Second, the use of analytic hierarchy process to measure spare part criticality requires the use of several subjective judgments and manual data coding regarding both the divisions of the modes and the relative weights of each criteria and 28 mode. Company X wishes to avoid this cumbersome and subjective process in favor of an analysis that can be performed using objective data already in existence. Thus, we are led to propose a multiple criteria segmentation metric that can be used to rank and segment the instruments. There are a number of criteria that can be selected for this metric. We first look to the literature for guidance on the metric. ) As noted above, Zhang et al. (2001) suggest a ranking metric defined by the ratio (D/c2 where D is the expected yearly demand, 1 is the lead time, and c is the cost. This ratio fails to take into account item criticality, and this seems insufficient for Company X's purposes. Furthermore, it puts undue weight on item cost, as noted by Teunter, et al. (2010). Alternatively, Teunter et al. (2010) proposes a ranking metric defined by the ratio (bD/hQ) where b is the backorder cost (as a proxy for criticality), D is the expected demand per unit time, h is the inventory holding cost per item per unit time, and Q is the average order quantity. This ratio includes a measure of criticality, which is important for Company X to conclude. However, this metric was defined with the purpose of using an optimization to minimize total inventory costs, including holding and shortage costs, while holding a desired total fill rate constant. Although it includes a measure of criticality, it does so with the specific function of minimizing total inventory and shortage cost, under the assumption that shortage cost can be accurately measured. Further, although the metric is aimed at reducing costs, a stated goal of this project, the cost minimization function fails to allow for the application of alternative inventory control policies to the different classifications (such as make to stock versus make to order), rather than simply setting different service levels. Company X is not concerned with setting a desired overall fill rate. Rather, it wishes to classify its instrument inventory based on 29 objectively measurable criteria and have the flexibility to determine the inventory control policy for each segment. 4.2 Segmentation Metric factors Having arrived at the conclusion that a multiple criteria ranking metric is most appropriate for the classification of Company X's we explore the relevant criteria to include the segmentation metric. The criteria for whether or not to include a given item characteristic in the segmentation metric include whether the characteristic can be objectively measured with available data, whether the characteristic reflects the cost of maintaining high service levels, and whether the characteristic reflects the importance of the item to Company X's business. 4.2.1 Demand Both Zhang et al. (2001) and Teunter, et al. (2010) include demand in their segmentation metric, recognizing its importance in classification schemes. The fact that the traditional single criterion of ABC classification is either demand volume or demand value supports this view. That in many cases it is insufficient on its own to measure the strategic importance of an item does not lead us to exclude it. It should be noted that higher the demand not only leads to higher cycle stock levels (assuming the same cycle length), but also leads to higher levels of safety stock (and in turn, higher holding costs) because higher variability is typically associated with higher demand. 4.2.2 Lead Time Items with short lead times have lower safety stock levels (and in turn, lower inventory holding costs) because Company X does not have to account for as much variation of demand during lead time. This characteristic seems especially significant for Company X both because most lead times are fairly long due to the make to order policies 30 of its suppliers and because there is significant variation in lead time from supplier to supplier. For this reason, Zhang et al. (2001) included this characteristic in their segmentation metric, as items with shorter lead times are cheaper to stock due to the lower demand variability during lead time, and hence lower safety stock levels. Teunter et al. (2010) did not include lead time in their segmentation metric because it was derived from an expression of the fill rate in terms of the service level. However, lead time does factor into the performance of their segmentation metric in terms of the level of safety stock required following the optimization. The importance of lead time to maintaining low inventory costs leads us to include it in our segmentation metric. 4.2.3 Cost Both Zhang et al. (2001) and Teunter, et al. (2010) include cost in their segmentation metrics. Teunter includes inventory holding cost per item per unit time. Zhang instead includes unit cost. Because we are interested in including in our segmentation metric characteristics that reflect that cost to stock an item, we definitely want to include a measure of the actual cost of holding that item. Ideally, the metric should include both a measure of the actual inventory holding costs and capital costs of holding inventory. However, we have no reliable objective measure of any activity, volume, weight or other basis for allocating inventory holding costs, other than the cost of the item itself. The cost of the item does reflect the capital holding costs, however, and is believed to be correlated with actual holding cost. Because item cost is the only objective measure we have of inventory holding cost, we will assume that total holding cost, including both actual and capital costs, is proportional to item cost. It should be noted that Zhang includes the square of cost in their metric. We will not square this characteristic in order to avoid putting undue importance on that characteristic. 31 4.2.4 Criticality For the purposes of this thesis, criticality is generally defined as the importance of an item to the continued success of the business. For example, it could relate to importance of a spare part to the continuing operations of a manufacturer, the strategic importance of offering an item for sale (such as to retain a high value customer), the lost profits associated with a shortage, or the ability of the item to directly facilitate the sale of other items. Most of the literature relating to spare parts classification recognizes the importance of criticality in setting up the segmentation. However, they generally rely upon subjective assessments of the relative importance of various criteria relating to criticality, as well as of the relative degree of criticality between different modes within those criteria. Teunter et al (2010) includes a shortage cost as a measure of criticality in their segmentation metric, however because shortage cost cannot be objectively measured for Company X's Implant instruments, we cannot include that as a measure of criticality. Instead, we looked for an alternative measure to compare SKU criticality. One of the motivations for the project that led to this thesis was a desire to better understand how the various instruments within portfolio were contributing to Company X's revenues. Many stakeholders within Company X had directly expressed this desire to the author of this thesis. Thus, we determined that the best measure of criticality for the purposes of segmenting the instrument portfolio would be an objective measure of Implant revenue contribution by each individual instrument SKU. Section 4.3 below details how Implant revenue was assigned to the instrument SKUs. 32 4.2.5 Other Possible Segmentation Characteristics Strategicimportance Although it is recognized that certain Implant platforms, and their associated instruments, are more critical to Company X's long term business strategy, any measurement of this strategic importance would be inherently subjective. Because we wish to include only objective data in the segmentation metric, we will not include any such criteria in the analysis. It should be noted that the criticality metric, as defined below, could easily be multiplied by a strategic importance factor if Company X wishes to assign strategic importance values to its instrument SKUs. Demand variability Demand variability directly affects the holding costs for a given SKU due to necessary increases in safety stock levels. However, we will not include this factor because it is well known that the coefficient of variation of an item is inversely correlated with its periodic demand. Order Quantity Teunter et al (2010) included order quantity in their segmentation metric because, according to their analysis, higher average order quantities lead to, leaving all else equal, lower cycle service levels and fill rates. However, we are assuming a periodic order up to S policy with a monthly review period for all SKUs, where D/Q as Teunter did, neither D nor assume Qwould Q is equal to D. Thus, if we include have any effect on the ranking. 9 Because we Q is equal to the monthly demand for each item, we do not include it in the segmentation metric. 9Teunter et al. assert that their method is applicable to a periodic review policy by accounting for the expected level of "undershoot". However, no details are provided. 33 4.2.6 Segmentation Metric Definition Based on the above analysis, we include periodic demand, lead time, item cost (as a proxy for capital and holding cost rate) and criticality (to be objectively measured with Implant revenues). Higher periodic demand and higher criticality are assumed to have higher importance, and are thus placed higher in the numerator of our segmentation metric. Higher lead time and higher costs directly increase the holding costs of stocking an item, so they are placed in the denominator of the metric. Thus, we define the metric as follows: Mi = DC (1) where mi is the segmentation metric value for a given SKU I, D is the period demand, C is the criticality factor, 1 is the lead time, and c is the item cost. 4.3 Instrument Revenue Contribution As described above, we wish to include an objective measure of criticality in our segmentation metric. Because Company X wishes to better understand how individual instruments are contributing to Implant revenues, we will use the available data to assign Implant revenues to instrument SKUs based on the level of spending on each instrument in each territory. Ideally, we would collect data on every deployed instrument set throughout the world and the revenues generated from each surgical procedure using that instrument set, and assign the revenues from each procedure based on which instruments were actually used in that procedure. Over a period of time, the revenues assigned to each SKU could be summed and objectively compared. However, such data as described are not available. The most useful data Company X was able to provide to measure instrument contribution 34 is at the territory level. For each territory, we collected data on the cost of instrument SKUs actually deployed as well as the revenues generated by each Implant SKU over a period of nearly two years. Revenues generated by Implants were assigned to the instrument SKUs based on data regarding which Implant platforms instruments were designed for. Because customers are permitted to construct custom instrument sets from the entire catalog of instruments, non-standard uses of instruments could not be accounted for. 4.3.1 Revenue and Spending data The revenue from each Implant SKU sale is first assigned to one of three market segments, hereinafter referred to as Market Segments 1, 2 and 3, which each correspond to different parts of the body. Revenues are further divided among each of the product lines, or platforms, within each market segment, with the notation that a SKU in platform 1-a belongs to Market Segment 1 and platform a. In some cases, an Implant SKU can be used with multiple platforms. In those cases, they will have the notation 1-ab, belonging to Segment 1 and both platforms a and b. In some other cases, an Implant SKU can be used across most or all platforms within a given segment. This will be indicated with the notation of platform 1-0. In total, there are three types of instruments, single platform (ex. 1-a), mixed platform (ex. 1-ab), and generic (ex. 1-0). The spending on each instrument SKU is also assigned to one of segments 1, 2 or 3. Again, within each segment, an instrument is generally assigned to a given platform, with the notation of platform 1-a. In some cases, an instrument SKU is used for multiple Implant platforms. In those cases, they will have the notation 1-ab, as with Implants. In some other cases, an instrument may be used across most or all platforms within a given segment, in which case they will be noted with platform 1-0. 35 The Implant revenue data was aggregated for each platform in each territory during the revenant time period. A table of fictitious data is presented below to illustrate how the data was aggregated. Territory Platform 1-a 1-b 1-ab 1-c 1-0 2-d 2-e 2-f 2-de 2-0 Mercury $200,000 $400,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 $300,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $2,000,000 Venus $300,000 $500,000 $100,000 $2,000,000 $50,000 $10,000,000 $6,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $10,000,000 Earth $1,000,000 $800,000 $1,200,000 $3,000,000 $1,200,000 $8,000,000 $12,000,000 $18,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 Mars $500,000 $300,000 $50,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 Table 1: FictitiousPlatform Revenue Databy Territory Instrument revenue data was similarly aggregated to the total cost of deployed instruments in each territory during the relevant time period. 4.3.2 Criticality Heuristics As described in section 4.2.4 above, we decided that instrument criticality would be incorporated into the segmentation metric, and that we would measure it by assigning revenues generated form Implant sales to their associated instruments. Implant revenue in each territory was assigned from Implants to instruments according to a set of heuristics, which will be illustrated by way of several examples. * Case 1: In this simple case, also referred to as the base case, there are only instruments within a Market Segment used for single platforms (ex. 1-a) and Implant revenues attributable to single platforms (ex. 1-a). For this case, Implant revenue was assigned to instrument SKUs in its platform in 36 proportion to the fraction of the cost of deployed instruments of each SKU out of the total instrument spending in that platform. For each of cases 2-5, a single additional type of instrument or Implant is added to the base case. " Case 2: In this case, instruments not attributable to an individual platform within a segment (ex. Platform 1-0) are added to the base case. For these instruments, Revenue was assigned from Implants within their Market Segment in proportion to the fraction of the cost of deployed instruments of each SKU out of the total instrument spending in that Market Segment. * Case 3: In this case, Implant revenue not attributable to an individual platform within a segment (ex. Platform 1-0) was added to the base case. That revenue was assigned to instruments within that segment in proportion to the fraction of the cost of deployed instruments of each SKU out of the total instrument spending in that Market Segment. " Case 4: In this case, instruments attributable to two or more specific platforms (ex. Platform 1-ab) were added to the base case. The addition of mixed-platform instruments adds the complication that revenue from certain platforms needs to be assigned to an additional category of instruments. Revenue was assigned to those instruments from Implants in each of their associated platforms in proportion to the fraction of the cost of deployed instruments of each SKU out of sum of the cost of deployed instruments in both of those platforms 37 " Case 5: In this case, Implant revenue attributable to two or more specific platforms (Ex. Platform 1-ab) was added to the base case. The addition of mixed-platform Implants adds the complication that revenue from an additional category of implants needs to be assigned to certain platforms. That revenue was assigned to instruments in each of their associated platforms in proportion to the fraction revenues generated by each of those specific platforms out of the sum of those revenues. " Case 6: In this case, every type of instrument and Implant described above is added to the base case. The assignment of Implant revenue to instruments in each of the above cases is illustrated below. Case 1: Market Segment without any mixed-platform or generic instruments or revenues: In this simple case, assume Market Segment 1 only has instruments and Implants within each of two platforms, 1-a and 1-b with the following instrument spending and Implant revenues in a given territory: Implant Revenue Platform Instrument Spend 1-a Sa ra 1-b Sb rb Segment 1 total S= sa + sb R=ra+ rb Table 2: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue without Mixed-Platform or GenericInstruments or Revenues The Implant revenue contribution (c) assigned to the ith SKU within platform 1-a is as follows: Cai = -i ra Sa 38 (2) where si is the instrument spending on the ith SKU. The equation for instruments in platform 1-b is identical. The revenue contribution assignment in Case 1 is illustrated in Figure 2: S- Dri-a ri-b S1-b Figure 2: Revenue ContributionAssignment without Mixed-Platform or Generic Instruments or Revenues The total contribution for a given SKU, Ci from the segmentation metric ratio, would thus be equal to the sum of the contribution ci from each territory. Case 2: Market Segment with generic instruments: In this case, assume Market Segment 1 has instruments within each of three platforms, 1-a, 1-b and 1-c along with generic instruments, 1-0, and Implant revenue in each of 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, with the following instrument spending and Implant revenues in a given territory: Platform Instrument Spend Implant Revenue 1-a Sa ra 1-b Sb rb 1-c 1-0 Sc So rc n/a Segment 1 total S= Sa + Sb + Sc + SO R=ra + r+rc Table 3: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Generic Instruments 39 The Implant revenue contribution (c) assigned to the ith SKU within platform 1-a is as follows: Cat = (1 a -) (3) Because there is a proportion of Segment 1 spending (Platform 1-0 SKUs) not attributable to any specific platform within Segment 1, the revenues attributable to Platform 1-a SKUs must be reduced in proportion to the fraction of Platform 1-0 instrument spending within Segment 1. The equations for Platform 1-b and 1-c SKUs are identical. Implant revenue contribution assigned to the ith SKU within platform 1-0 is as follows: coj = S R The revenue contribution assignment in Case 2 is illustrated in Figure 3: r-a ri-b Si-a .G- r1-c s1-C s1-O Figure 3: Revenue ContributionAssignment with Generic Instruments 40 (4) Case 3: Market Segment with generic Implants In this case, assume Market Segment 1 has instruments within each of three platforms, 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, and Implant revenue in each of 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, along with generic Implants, 1-0, with the following instrument spending and Implant revenues in a given territory: Platform Instrument Spend Implant Revenue 1-a Sa 1-b sb ra rb 1-c 1-0 sc n/a Segment 1 total S= sa + sb rc +sc ro R=ra+ rb + rc + ro Table 4: Instrument Spend andImplant Revenue with Generic Revenues The Implant revenue contribution (c) assigned to the ith SKU within platform 1-a is as follows: Ca,i = -"ra+Sro s Sa (5) Because there is a proportion of Market Segment 1 revenue (Platform 1-0 SKUs) not attributable to any specific platform within Market Segment 1, the revenues attributable to Platform 1-a SKUs must be increased in proportion to the fraction of spending on each instrument within Market Segment 1. The equations for Platform 1-b and 1-c SKUs are identical. The revenue contribution assignment in Case 3 is illustrated in Figure 4: 41 r1-a S1-a r1-c s1-C Figure4: Revenue ContributionAssignment with Generic Implants Case 4: Market Segment with mixed-platform instruments In this case, assume Market Segment 1 has instruments within each of three platforms, 1-a, 1-b and 1-c along with mixed platform instruments, 1-ab, and Implant revenue in each of 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, with the following instrument spending and Implant revenues in a given territory: Instrument Spend Platform 1-a Sa 1-b Sb Sab 1-ab 1-c sc Segment 1 total S= sa + sb + sab + sc Implant Revenue ra rb n/a rc R=ra + rb + rc Table 5: Instrument Spend and Implant Revenue with Mixed-Platform Instruments The Implant revenue contribution (c) assigned to the ith SKU within platform 1-a is as follows: Ca,i = -ra Sa sa+sb Sa+Sb+sab 42 (6) The contribution of revenues from Platform 1-a Implants attributable to Platform 1a instruments is reduced by the fraction of spending on mixed-platform instruments out of the sum of instrument spending on Platform 1-a, 1-b and 1-ab instruments. The equation for Platform 1-b instruments is identical. The Implant revenue contribution assigned to Platform 1-ab instruments is as follows: Cab,i = Si sa+Sb+Sab (ra + rb) (7) Because in this case there are no mixed-platform instruments for platform c, and no generic instruments or implants, the equation for instruments in platform c in this case is identical to equation 2 in Case 1. The revenue contribution assignment in Case 4 is illustrated in Figure 5: ri-a sl-a S1-ab Sr-c Si-c Figure 5: Revenue ContributionAssignment with Mixed-Platform Instruments Case 5: Market Segment with mixed-platform Implants In this case, assume Market Segment 1 has instruments within each of three platforms, 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, and Implant revenue in each of 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, along with 43 mixed-platform instruments, 1-ab, with the following instrument spending and Implant revenues in a given territory: Platform 1-a Instrument Spend Implant Revenue Sa ra 1-b Sb rb 1-ab n/a rab 1-c Sc Segment 1 total S=sa+ Sb + sc rc R=ra+ rb+ rab+ rc Table 6: Instrument Spend andImplant Revenue with Mixed-Platform Implants The Implant revenue contribution (c) assigned to the ith SKU within platform 1-a is as follows: Ca,i = r rab) +(ra+ (8) The contribution of revenues attributable to Platform 1-a instruments is increased by the fraction of spending on each SKU out of the sum of instrument spending on Platform 1-a and 1-b instruments. The equation for Platform 1-b instruments is identical. Because in this case there are no mixed-platform instruments for platform c, and no generic instruments or implants, the equation for instruments in platform c in this case is identical to equation 2 in Case 1. The revenue contribution assignment in Case 5 is illustrated in Figure 6: 44 r1-ab r1-b S1-b ri-c Si-c Figure 6: Revenue ContributionAssignment with Mixed-Platform Implants Case 6: Market Segment with mixed-platform instruments and Implants and generic instruments and Implants In this case, we combine all the added elements from Cases 2-5. Segment 1 has instruments within each of three platforms, 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, along with mixed-platform instruments 1-ab and generic instruments 1-0, and Implant revenue in each of 1-a, 1-b and 1-c, along with mixed-platform Implants, 1-ab and generic Implants 1-0, with the following instrument spending and Implant revenues in a given territory: Platform 1-a 1-b 1-ab Instrument Spend Implant Revenue Sa ra Sb rb Sab 1-c Sc rab rc 1-0 So Ro Segment 1 total S= sa +Sb + Sab + Sc + SO R=ra + rb+ rab+ rc + ro Table 7: Instrument Spend andImplant Revenue with Mixed-Platform and Generic Instruments and Implants 45 The Implant revenue contribution (c) assigned to the ith SKU within platforms 1-a, 1-b, 1-ab, 1-c and 1-0 are as follows: ca,i )a sasb ra rab ra+rb ra SakSa+Sb+Sab ( k Cb, i :-LL sa+sb b Sb (sa+Sb+sab) (rb + r+rab CabJ si sa+Sb+sab ccj = -(Ta + Tb rc (1 coj = R 0 (9) S (10) - LO b +b s L s S + rab ) + + Lr -) sb S( ro 1) sS (12) (13) As is evident from these equations, when the various values for mixed-platform and generic instruments and revenues are reduced to zero, the equations reduced to those equations in the earlier cases. The revenue contribution assignment in Case 6 is illustrated in Figure 7: r1-a S1-a ri-ab sl-ab r1-b S- Figure 7: Revenue ContributionAssignment with Mixed-Platform and Generic Instruments and Implants 46 As noted above, and as seen in the equations used, Implant revenues were assigned to instrument spending proportionally to the dollar value of the cost of the instruments deployed. Alternatively, we could have could have assigned revenue proportional to the number of instruments deployed. We felt assignment proportional to cost was more appropriate in order to avoid giving undue weight in the criticality measurement to relatively inexpensive items. This assumes that the relative importance of instruments to surgical procedures is correlated with the cost of an item. 4.4 ABC Segmentation Using the above heuristics to calculate the contribution (and thus criticality) by each instrument in each territory, and summing across all territories yields a total contribution across all territories.1 0 The segmentation metric given in equation 1 was then calculated from the available data, and SKUs were then ranked according to that value. There is no universal agreement on how many classifications to use, and the sizes of those groups. We chose to use four segments, denoted Segments A, B C and D, using percentages of 10, 15, 25 and 50, respectively. 10 We also added revenues for instruments that were actually sold by Company X to the total contribution. These were almost universally significantly smaller than revenues assigned using the heuristics. 47 5 Differential Supply Chain Strategy With the Segmentation completed as detailed above, we now turn our attention to how to treat the different suggestions with respect to supply chain strategy. Guidance from the literature concerning segmentation and classification range from vague suggestions such as pay closer to attention higher priority segments, to more specific control policy decisions such as make-toorder versus make-to-stock. 5.1 Segments A, B and C - Base Stock Policy For Company X, who wishes to maintain a make-to-stock policy for as many SKUs as possible, we recommend for Segments A, B and C using a traditional order up to S base stock policy. Company X's already uses a monthly review policy and suppliers are already accustomed to monthly orders. Periodic review order up to S inventory policies are well known in the literature, the industry, and Company X, and will not be described in detail herein. It should be sufficient to note that safety stock levels are related to the expected demand during the review period plus lead time. Company X already uses supplier managed inventory for many of their suppliers depending on the volume of items purchased and supplier capabilities. Supplier managed inventory is recommended where feasible in order to provide suppliers with earlier and more frequent data regarding SKU level demand. Minimum and maximum inventory requirements can be set to the same levels that they would otherwise be without supplier managed inventory (safety stock and the order up to quantity minus the demand during lead time, respectively). The benefit of the segmentation in applying this control policy is to easily set the desired service level for each segment. For segments A, B and C, we may set a service level of 99.9%, 99.5% and 99%, respectively, to minimize the probability of a stockout without 48 allowing safety stock to reach unreasonable levels. Depending on how comfortable Company X is with more frequent stockouts, service levels can be decreased in order to decrease safety stocks. 5.2 Segment D - Minimum Order Quantity Management Model Segment D presents an interesting problem. A sensible recommendation may be to use a make-to-order inventory control policy for instruments within this segment, or at the very least to use an appropriate order up to quantity and safety stock, given the expected demand and demand variability. Most of the items in Segment D have such low demand (many with zero demand during the observation period) that the order up to quantities are far below the minimum order quantities required by the supplier. These minimum order quantities are in part responsible for the excessive levels of inventory being experienced by CompanyX. The question remains how Company X can deal with these minimum order quantities. We hypothesize that it is more economical for items with extremely low demand, when looking at the total instrument cost (purchase plus holding costs), to order the minimum order quantity, but discard some amount of them instead of holding all of them in inventory. To test this hypothesis, we developed a model to calculate the present value of the lifetime cost of stocking a slow moving SKU subject to a minimum order quantity. Several assumptions are built into the model, including constant expected demand, nonperishability of individual items, indefinite SKU lifetime with a constant probability of obsolescence, and order size of one. Given the following parameters: D = expected demand per year 49 N = Number of items purchased M = Minimum order quantity c = unit cost i = cost of capital r = inventory holding cost rate The present value of the total cost (purchase cost plus discounted holding cost) of stocking all items purchased at the beginning of the cycle is defined as: C= cM+;I= , cret zdz (14) which is equivalent to: )(i/D) C=cm + r1 y1 - (5 which is equivalent to: C = cM + N- e-i/D ('1 /D (16) Equation 16 being the present value of the cost of purchasing and holding a slow moving SKU for one purchase cycle, the lifetime cost of stocking the SKU for an expected lifetime of T is equal to: = )TDIN CM + () (N - e~lD (1-eID e(-1 )iN/D (17) This is a non-linear function that can be used to find the optimal N to minimize total lifetime costs with non-linear optimization minimization function. The function can be used to incorporate a probability of obsolescence (rendering the entire stock simultaneously obsolete) by substituting i+h for each instance of i in equation 17. 50 The formula can alternatively be formulated assuming a setup cost, s, and a separate unit cost, c. If the supplier is willing to charge separately for the setup cost and waive the minimum order quantity, the cost function becomes: C*= Ns + cN( + ( ) (N- eLID (e- )iN/D In order to illustrate the use of equation 16, we present an example using fictitious data and parameters in order to protect Company X's confidential information. For this example, we will assume an item cost of $100, a holding cost rate of 20%, a cost of capital rate of 10%, a probability of obsolescence of 5%, an expected demand of 0.5 per year, a minimum order quantity of 25, and an indefinite expected lifetime. Using these parameters, we find that total cost is minimized with N=7, meaning that company X would pay its supplier for the cost of the minimum order, 25, but only accept delivery of 7. This lowers the present value of total lifetime costs for this item by over 35%. As shown in Figure 8, shows that the cost function is less sensitive as N is increased than if it is decreased. As such, Company X may wish to err on the side of holding more inventory if it is not certain of the true demand. It should be noted that the sensitivity is dependent on the other parameters, and the exact behavior of the example shown in Figure 8 is not universal. 51 8000 C* - -- 10000 - - - --- 6000 - 12000 _- --- - 4000 2000 -- 0 5 10 15 20 25 N Figure 8: Lifetime Cost of Minimum Order Quantity Management Function It should be noted that the use of the minimum order quantity management and inventory disposal tool may have additional beneficial side effects for Company X, in addition to direct inventory holding cost reductions. Due to the reduced quantity of the orders, but the same total purchasing cost (and in turn, increased effective unit cost), Company X may wish to increase its standard cost for certain slow moving items. An increase in this cost will increase the cost to the budgets of territory distributors who fulfill orders of these items. Without a corresponding increase to their budget, this extra hit to their budget may give them the incentives to push sales of faster moving substitutes with lower cost in order to preserve their budgets. The overall effect on the supply chain would be to move sales from slower moving, more difficult to forecast items to faster moving predictable items. This would improve Company X's overall ability to service its portfolio and reduce overall inventory holding costs. It may also provide a justification for the future rationalization of slow moving items in order to reduce portfolio complexity. 52 6 Results 6.1 Segmentation Analysis Based on the segmentation metric defined above in Section 4.2.6, and using the Implant revenue assignment heuristics described in Section 4.3, Company X's portfolio of active instrument SKUs was divided into four main segments. As described above, the segmentation metric, mi is defined as DC/ic, where mi is the segmentation metric value for a given SKU i, D is the period demand, C is the criticality factor, 1 is the lead time, and c is the item cost. A visual representation of the results of the segmentation and their characteristics is shown below in Figure 9. It should be noted that the value of items held in inventory shown in Figure 9 indicates the average inventory value over the observation period, not the current state of inventory. Obsolete Critical -10% of SKUs e57% of Spend *63%of Contribution *30% of Inventory I I *Outside of segmentation analysis scope *Coded in system as obsolete or discontinued High Priority *15% of SKUs of Spend *25% of Contribution -22% of Inventory e26% Cost Drivers *25% of SKUs -14% of Spend *11% of Contribution 27% of nventory I Anemic pop Demand *50% of SKUs *2% of Spend *0.7% of Contribution *21% of inventory Figure9: S ?gment Characteristics 53 D1: 1958 stocked SKUs w/ demand D2: 1013 SKUs already classified as MTO D3: 2216 SKUs with zero demand As shown in Figure 9, Segment A, which we have named "Critical", the top 10% of SKUs according to the segmentation metric, account for 57% of the cost of deployed instruments, 63% of revenue contribution, but only 30% of the cost of items held inventory. There may be opportunities for the more efficient management of inventory, but because we will be using a high service level for this segment, the priority will not be inventory reduction. Segment B, which we have named "High Priority", the next 15%, accounts for 26% of the cost of deployed instruments and a proportional 25% of revenue contribution and 22% of the cost of items in inventory. Again, there may be some opportunities for inventory reduction in this segment, but we will still prioritize a high service level for this segment. Segment C, which we have named "Cost Drivers", the next 25% of SKUs, accounts for 14% of the cost of deployed instruments, but only 11% of revenue contribution, while taking up 27% of the cost of items held in inventory. There may be significant opportunities for inventory reduction in this segment. Segment D, which we have named "Anemic Demand", the bottom 50% of SKUs, accounts for only 2% of the cost of deployed instruments, and less than 1% of revenue contribution, while taking up 21% of the cost of items held in inventory. We will focus our attention on a method to reduce inventories in this segment while dealing with minimum order quantities that Company X's suppliers usually require, as described above. Segment D is further divided into three sub-segments comprising items that had positive demand during the period of observation, items that had zero demand, and items that are already classified as make to order (some of which had positive demand). For items neither already classified as make to order, nor subject to minimum order quantities above the 54 optimal periodic order quantity, we will specify a base stock policy at a service level below Segment C in order to reduce inventory holding costs. Also shown in Figure 9 is Segment E, additional SKUs that are still tracked by Company X, but indicated to be obsolete and/or discontinued. These SKUs were not included in the segmentation analysis, but still collectively account for a non-insignificant value of items held in inventory. 6.2 Idealized Inventory Reduction In order to assess the effectiveness of using the segmentation metric to set the base stock policies and service levels, as well as the minimum order quantity management and inventory disposal decision tool, we will compare the total inventory holding cost reductions that Company X can achieve in the ideal state (that is, assuming optimized average inventory levels for a given service level in each segment). In order to protect Company X's confidential information, the data will be normalized and presented only on a percentage basis. Figure 10 illustrates the normalized cumulative revenue contribution, calculated as described in section 4.3.2, in segmentation rank order. Also shown are the normalized cumulative inventory value in the current state and the cumulative inventory value in the ideal state, normalized against the current inventory value. 55 Cumulative Contribution vs. Inventory Value 0.8 P - ---- Cumulative Inventory State 0 ' O.6 0.6Current o-Cumulative Inventory - Ideal State 0.4 0.0 0 2000 8000 6000 4000 10000 12000 Segmentation Rank Figure 10: Normalized Cumulative Contributionand Inventory Value As can be seen in Figure 10, lower ranked items account for a disproportionate amount of cumulative inventory for Company X. In the ideal state, total inventory is reduced by over 60%. However, to better understand the reductions across each segment, we look at the reductions of each segment individually in Table 8. Segment Inventory Value, Current State A B C D Total 0.305 0.221 0.265 0.209 1 Inventory Reduction, Absolute 0.174 0.133 0.173 0.148 0.627 Inventory Value, Ideal State 0.130 0.088 0.092 0.061 0.372 Table 8: Idealized Inventory Reduction by Segment 56 Inventory Reduction, Percentage 57% 60% 65% 71% 63% As shown in Table 8, despite the fact that we have used higher service levels for higher priority segments, there are significant inventory and similar reductions to be made across the portfolio. Despite a 99.9% desired service level in segment A, we can achieve a 57% reduction of inventory for items in Segment A for Company X. This indicates that Company X is being overly conservative in its inventory policy across its portfolio. It should be noted that the 71% reduction in inventory value for Segment D only incorporates the reduction of inventory value due to the minimum order quantity management and excess inventory disposal tool, but does not factor in the increased purchase costs due to its use. Thus, the total cost savings for Segment D will be less than 71%, most likely about half that value. 11 In the example shown in in Figure 9 in Section 5.2, average inventory level is reduced by 72%, but the present value of lifetime cost is reduced by only 35%. 57 7 7.1 Conclusions and Recommendations Segmentation Strategy As shown in Table 8, despite the fact that we have used higher service levels for higher priority segments, there are significant inventory reductions to be made across the instrument portfolio. The segmentation metric we defined has great utility in ranking items within the portfolio, giving Company X the ability to efficiently manage items within each segment with an appropriate inventory control policy. However, the data for this thesis was collected over a limited period of time, and a greater time horizon would improve the measure of criticality. Improved data granularity would also improve the measure of criticality. We recommend, to the extent possible, Company X track the deployment and use of instruments at each customer in order to better understand how instruments are actually used in practice. This type of data would considerably improve Company X's ability to objectively measure individual SKU criticality. 7.2 Instrument Set Definitions and Portfolio As described above, the use of instrument set definitions are a key contributor to Company X's SKU proliferation and inability to efficiently manage its instrument portfolio. There are a number of initiatives Company X could embark upon to prevent these problems in the future. The use of standardized set definitions would greatly improve Company X's ability to service its instrument portfolio. Instrument demand at the SKU level is incredibly difficult to forecast because each territory may have a different instrument set for the same platform (and in the US, customers can order custom sets). Eliminating this variability would have a tremendous effect on Company X's ability to forecast demand, which in turn would improve their ability to provide high service levels. Standard instrument sets may 58 be more expensive than the non-standard sets currently being ordered in various territories, leading to overall increased instrument deployment spending. We recommend further study regarding the overall effects of standardized set definitions on instrument spending and inventory costs. Any such study should necessarily include an analysis of the possibility of alienation of customers who may switch to the competition in response to standardized sets. Further study is also recommended on the area of SKU rationalization and lifecycle management for Company X. Product lifecycles and the expanding portfolio of platforms are major contributing factors to the complexity of the platform, especially to the plethora of slow moving SKUs with high minimum order quantities. Efforts should be made to identify candidates for SKU rationalization to reduce portfolio complexity. 7.3 Supplier Management The characteristics of Company X's instruments (externally sourced, custom designs, long lead time, low volume, minimum order quantities high degree of regulation) have contributed to their growing inventory costs and poor service levels. There are, however, a number of approaches Company X could take with respect supplier management that could improve their ability to provide high service and lower inventory cost. Company X should endeavor to consolidate its suppliers. For all suppliers, smaller order quantities are not very profitable, and minimum order quantities are in place to ensure not only that each order is profitable, but also to pay for setup costs on each order. By consolidating its supply base, Company X could gain leverage against its major suppliers to decrease their minimum order quantities or unit costs. Suppliers who do a lot of business with Company X 59 may be willing to supply smaller lots of low demand items in order to ensure it continues to get the large orders of highly profitable higher demand demands. Company X may also wish to renegotiate the structure of its supply contracts. Currently, Suppliers do not charge separately for setup costs, but instead simply charge a per unit cost. 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