Abundance, biomass and estimated production rate of net-zooplankton community in the tropical coral-reef waters at Tioman Island, Peninsular Malaysia マレー半島・ティオマン島の熱帯サンゴ礁海域における ネット動物プランクトン群集の個体数・生物量・生産量について 06D5503 中嶋 亮太 指導教員 戸田 龍樹 SYNOPSIS サンゴ礁生態系において、動物プランクトンは1次生産物をサンゴや魚などの高次栄養段階者へ伝達する栄養力学リンクである。そのため、動物 プランクトン群集の組成や生物量並びに生産速度について調べることは、サンゴ礁生態系の栄養構造を理解する上で極めて重要である。しかし、 現在までサンゴ礁動物プランクトン個体群の生産速度について論じた研究例は少なく、個体群を形成する群集の生産量についてはほとんど知ら れていない。本研究ではマレー半島・ティオマン島のサンゴ礁において、プランクトンネットによって採集されるネット動物プランクトン群集を昼夜連 続して採集し、これをサイズ分画(100-200, 200-335, >335 µm)して、その個体数・生物量・組成を調べ、生産速度の推定を行った。また動物プラン クトンの餌環境について調べるために、サイズ 100 µm 以下の粒状態有機物(POM)の量・組成について調べた。調査期間を通じて、ネット動物プ ランクトン群集の生物量は平均 3.03 (± 0.45) mg C m-3 であり、生物量が夜間に高くなる日周性が見られた。夜間の生物量の増大は主に大きなサイ ズの分画(>335 µm)によって引き起こされていた。植物プランクトンが POM に占める割合は 6.5%と非常に低く、POM の大部分はデトリタスで構成 されていた。ネット動物プランクトン群集の生産速度は平均 1.39 (± 0.34) mg C m-3 d-1、あるいはオタマボヤのハウス生産速度も考慮した場合 2.08 (± 1.00) mg C m-3 d-1 と推定された。日間餌要求量について解析を行ったところ、植物プランクトンだけでは植食性動物プランクトンの餌要求量を十 分に満たすことできず、豊富に存在するデトリタスが重要な餌供給源の 1 つとなっている可能性が示された。POM の CN 比(4.48)はサンゴ粘液の CN 比(4.87)と類似しており、デトリタスは主にサンゴ粘液に由来すると推定された。以上のことから、本調査域に生息する動物プランクトン群集の生 産は、植物プランクトンと主にサンゴ粘液に由来するデトリタスによって支えられていると思われ、これらを基点に本調査域サンゴ礁の漂泳区生態 系は成り立っていると考えられた。 Keywords: coral mucus, diel variation, detritus, food requirements, trophic structure qualitative aspects of material flow at lower trophic levels. Production estimates of community or populations of certain net-zooplankton have been made in several coral reefs, such as in Tikehau Atoll [2], Takapoto Atoll [3], Uvea Atoll [4], Great Barrier Reef [5], and Palau [6]. However, the studies on the production estimates of reef net-zooplankton are still few compared to those in temperate waters or other sub- and tropical waters, and thus I have attempted to estimate it in this study. The primary purpose of this study was (1) to examine the abundance, biomass and composition of coral reef net-zooplankton community on a diel basis, (2) to examine quality and quantity of particulate organic matter to estimate the food environment for the net-zooplankton community, and (3) to estimate the production rate of the net-zooplankton community in order to better understand the net-zooplankton ecology in coral reef ecosystem. Materials and Methods Study site This study was carried out at Tioman Island off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia (Fig. 1). The island forms a typical fringing coral reef. Zooplankton and water sampling was conducted at a jetty near Mango Reef of Tioman Island (2º50΄00˝N; 104º09΄40˝E) during 20-22 October in 2003, 22-24 August and 1-3 October in 2004 and 25-27 February and 2-4 June in 2005. Acropora formosa, one of the dominant corals in Mango Reef, were taken on 13-24 March 2006 for chemical analysis of coral mucus. 104º 09’ E South China Sea Laboratory Marine park office Jetty Peninsular Malaysia Tioman Island Zooplankton and water sampling Depth:. 8 m Coral sampling Depth:. 3 m Reef 100 m Mango its tra ca e S lac Th Ma of Introduction Net-zooplankton are one of the integral components of coral reef ecosystems, for they are one of the energy sources to many reef inhabitants including scleractinian corals and fishes. Zooplankton abundance in the water column increases at night over coral-reefs. This increase is caused by onshore advection of pelagic zooplankton which have diel migration offshore and/or migration of demersal zooplankton which stay during daytime in or on the substratum or near the bottom, and migrate into the water column at night. Daytime collections only are, therefore, not suitable for providing a real picture. Coral reef zooplankton often produces density peaks at various times throughout the night, e.g. soon after sunset or before sunrise, and thus investigation on zooplankton density with short time intervals would provide fundamental information on their diel behavior and the representative values of zooplankton density. To understand the net-zooplankton ecology, it would be important to quantify the amount and composition of their food sources. The food sources consist of living organic particles including pico-, nano-, and microplankton, and non-living organic particles, i.e. detritus. The latter, detritus is considered as one of the important food sources for net-zooplankton in oligotrophic environments including coral reefs. For instance, it is considered that net-zooplankton utilize detritus as a significant food source to compensate for the low available phytoplankton stocks in coral reef lagoon of Great Barrier Reef (GBR) [1]. To understand the ecological dynamics of marine ecosystem including coral reef system, it is important to know the qualitative and quantitative aspects of material or energy flow from lower to higher trophic levels. It requires the estimation of the production rates of populations at different trophic levels and the transfer efficiency between adjacent trophic levels. Because net-zooplankton are one of the important trophic link between primary producers and higher trophic levels, the importance of studies on production rates of net-zooplankton community has been recognized to assess the quantitative and Indonesia Fig. 1. Map of the sampling sites in Tioman Island, Peninsular Malaysia. 04º 49’ N Sampling Net-zooplankton was collected every 3-h for 48-hs by five gentle vertical tows of a plankton net (mesh size, 100-µm) with a flowmeter (Rigosha) from the water column of 1 m above the sea bottom to the surface. The collected samples were pooled and immediately brought back to the laboratory. Prior to the net-zooplankton collection, water was sampled with a 10 L Niskin bottle at 1 m depth below the surface and 1 m above the sea bottom for measurements of POM and chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations, inorganic nutrient concentrations (PO4, NO2, NO3 and SiO3), and community composition of pico-, nano-, and microplankton. The water from the two depths were pre-filtered through a 100 µm mesh screen to remove net-zooplankton and later combined. The combined water (ca. 20 L) was brought back to the laboratory along with the net-zooplankton sample. Coral mucus was collected directly by air-exposure of Acropora formosa for measurements of particulate organic C and N. The collected corals were exposed to air, inverted and hung under sun light for 5 to 10 min. The coral specimens rapidly released gel-like mucus, which was immediately collected in sterilized 50 ml Corning® tube. Ambient seawater was collected simultaneously with coral mucus collection for comparison using a 5 L Niskin bottle at the jetty. Sample analysis The net-collected samples (>100 µm) were size-fractionated into three size-classes (100-200 µm, 200-335 µm and >335 µm) by mesh screens of 200 µm and 335 µm, and fixed with 5 % buffered formalin seawater for microscopic analysis. Large zooplankton or rare species (e.g. mysids, larval decapods, fish larvae, etc) were first counted and sorted out, then the remaining was split (1/1-1/32), from which all zooplankton were characterized and enumerated under a dissecting microscope. Copepods were identified to species, stage (adult or copepodites) and sex whenever possible. The length of an appropriate body portion was measured using an eyepiece micrometer. At least 300 zooplankton were measured in each sample. The length estimates were converted to carbon biomass using the previously reported length-weight regression equations such as by Uye [7]. Subsamples for inorganic nutrients analysis were filtered through a 0.45 µm filter and analyzed using Bran+Lubbe AASC II Autoanalyzer. A subsample (2000 ml) of the pre-filtered seawater was used for POC analysis and filtered onto a 2 inch GF/F filter (Whatman) which was pre-combusted (500 ºC, 4h) and pre-weighted. The GF/F filters were rinsed with distilled water and placed over fuming HCl in a closed glass container to remove carbonates for 24-h. The filters were ground using mortar and pestle, from which subsamples were put into a CN analyzer (Fisons model EA 1108 CHNS/O) for POC measurements (PON was not detected due to the inadequate amount of the subsamples that were put into the CN analyzer. To measure the size structure of plankton, 18 L of the pre-filtered seawater (<100 µm) were gently filtered through a 35 µm mesh screen to obtain two size-fractions, i.e. <35µm and 35-100 µm. Analysis of the filtrate (<35 µm) and the particle retained on the 35 µm mesh screen (35-100 µm) were handled as follows. Chl-a concentrations were determined on a subsample (2000 ml) of the filtrate (<35 µm) that were successively filtered through a 3 µm pore-size membrane filter (Millipore) and a GF/F filter. Nominal opening size of GF/F filter is defined as 0.7-0.8 µm; I used 0.8 µm for the opening size expediently in this study. The filter was placed in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and stored at -20 ºC until analysis. Chl-a concentrations were determined using a fluorometer (Turner Designs 10-AU). A subsample (100 ml) and a subsample (50 ml) of the filtrate (<35 µm) were taken for microscopic analysis and fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde seawater and in 2% buffered formalin seawater, respectively. The preserved samples were collected in Corning® tube and stored in darkness at -20 ºC until observation. The observation was carried out within one month for the formalin samples and one year for the glutaraldehyde samples. The particles retained on the 35 µm mesh screen (35-100 µm) were divided into two aliquots with a Folsom plankton splitter. One aliquot was used for Chl-a measurement and the other for microscopic analysis. The aliquot for Chl-a measurement was filtered onto a GF/F filter, which were placed in DMF for pigment extraction and stored at -20 ºC until analysis as described above. The aliquot for microscopic analysis was fixed with buffered formalin to a final concentration of 2% and stored at 5 ºC until observation. Duplicate subsamples (5 ml) of the collected mucus for POC and PON measurements and duplicate subsamples (1000 ml) of the ambient seawater for comparison were filtered onto pre-combusted GF/F filter and analyzed as described above. To enumerate heterotrophic bacteria (hereafter bacteria), cyanobacteria, and flagellates, the glutaraldehyde fixed sample was filtered onto a 0.8 µm black polycarbonate filter and stained with primulin. Cyanobacteria, bacteria, flagellates were counted with an epifluorescence microscope using blue and green excitation at a magnification of 1000 ×. For cyanobacteria and bacteria, at least 400 cells were counted per slide. For flagellates, at least 100 microscope fields per slide were scanned. Cell volumes of bacteria and flagellates were calculated from the length and width measured. The bacterial cell volumes were converted to carbon units using a conversion factor of 0.209 pg C µm-3 [8]. The flagellate cell volumes were converted to carbon units using a conversion factor of 183 fg C µm-3 [9]. Shrinkage of cell volume with preservation was taken into account [10]. Cyanobacterial cell numbers were converted to carbon units using a conversion factor of 200 fg C cell-1 [9]. The microscopic sample of the fraction 35-100 µm was characterized into different taxonomic groups such as ciliate, copepod nauplii, copepodites, and other metazoans and counted under a stereomicroscope. Their body length was measured to determine lorica volume of tintinnids, cell volume of naked ciliates and carbon weight of metazoans. The lorica volume of tintinnids was converted to carbon weight using the regression equation: CW (pg) = 444.5 + 0.053 LV [11], and the cell volume of naked ciliate was converted to carbon unit using a factor of 0.14 pg C µm-3 [12]. Shrinkage of cell volume with preservation was taken into account [10]. The carbon weight of metazoans was calculated from their body length using the previous regression equations as described earlier. Production rate and food requirement estimates The production rate (P, mg C m-3 d-1) of a given taxonomic group was estimated based on its biomass (B, mg C m-3) and specific growth rate (G, d-1): P = B × G. Shrinkage with formalin preservation were taken into account for the biomass. The specific growth rate of copepods, other crustaceans, chaetognaths, cnidarians, larvaceans and polychaete larvae was estimated from regression equations proposed by Hirst et al. [13]. For the remaining taxa (e.g. bivalve larvae), the production rate (P, mg C m-3 d-1) was estimated by the equation given by Ikeda & Motoda [14]. Although this study focuses chiefly on production rates of net-zooplankton community, microzooplankton production rates were also estimated. The growth rate of ciliates was derived from the multiple regression equation given by [15]. Secondary and tertiary productions were calculated separately on the basis of the feeding habits (i.e. herbivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous) of each group based on literatures [16]. The production by typical herbivores and carnivores was assigned to secondary and tertiary production, respectively. The production by omnivores was halved and added to each production. To determine the potential carbon flow from prey organisms to predators, the amount of carbon required by the consumers to support their estimated production rate was calculated using a gross growth efficiency of 0.3 for metazoans [14] and 0.4 for protozoan microzooplankton [17]. Results and Discussion Diel variations of net-zooplankton community Mean abundance (inds. m-3) of total zooplankton (>100 µm) was 7,061 (± 1,836) inds. m-3 ranging from 3,890 (± 1,690) inds. m-3 in October 2003 to 8,339 (± 3,245) inds. m-3 in February 2005. Mean biomass (mg C m-3) was 3.03 (± 0.45) mg C m-3 ranging from 2.29 (± 1.34) mg C m-3 in June 2005 to 3.39 (± 1.85) mg C m-3 in October 2004. The examination of the diel variation of different size-fractions revealed that the night increase occurred most strongly in the large fraction (>335 µm) (Figs. 2, 3). This result is similar to that in a report from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, that a night increase in zooplankton biomass was generally due to an increase in larger-sized zooplankton (>200 µm) [18]. Intense daytime zooplanktivory by fish may be one of the major factors determining diel variation in the abundance of coral-reef zooplankton. Some larger individuals experience a greater susceptibility to visual predators and hence they need to descend and spend the daytime near the bottom or in the crevices of the coral substratum. This behavior in the large sized zooplankton may have caused the strong day/night 100-200 µm (a) (d) (j) 1.2 2.5 1.2 1 2 1 0.8 1.5 0.8 0.6 0.6 1 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 (b) (e) 6 5 1.5 4 1 3 2 0.5 1 0 0 (k) Bivalve larvae Polychate larvae Copepods Decapods Other crustaceans Chaetognaths Appendicularians Others 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 7 2 0 (h) 8 2.5 0.2 0 0 200-335 µm Biomass (mg C m-3) (g) 1.4 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 >335 µm (c) (f) (i) 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 12 18 22 Aug 0 6 12 23 Aug 18 0 6 24 Aug (l) 2.5 3.5 2 2.5 3 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 18 0 1 Oct 6 12 2 Oct 18 0 6 3 Oct 12 12 18 25 Feb 0 6 12 26 Feb 18 0 6 27 Feb 0 12 18 2 Jun 0 6 12 3 Jun 18 0 6 4 Jun Fig. 2. Diel variation in biomass of size-fractionated zooplankton composition. Black bars indicate hours of night. 100-200 µm 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 (a) 1.4 (d) 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 (g) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0 (j) 200-335 µm Biomass (mg C m-3) difference [19]. Temporal variations in zooplankton concentration in shallow water depend generally on two factors: (1) transport of pelagic species by horizontal currents and (2) vertical migrations of demersal zooplankton. Demersal zooplankton on reefs is mainly comprised swarmers and epibenthic forms. The swarmers, active aggregations of individuals, maintain position near the bottom or around coral formations without settling on the substratum during the day and disperse at night, while the epibenthic species reside on and/or within the bottom substrate or coral formations during the day and some migrate into the water column at night. Among the zooplankton taxa that significantly increased during the night, Pseudodiaptoms spp., benthic harpacticoids, cumaceans, ostracods, amphiopods, polychaetes and many decapods are categorized as epibenthic species, while Acartia erythraea and Centropages orsinii are categorized as swarmers. Some Oithona species are known to be swarmers at various coral reefs, but it is obscure that whether the Oithona in the present study are swarmers since they were not identified into species level and thus pelagic species originating from offshore might be included. During ebb tide, when the external influence is minimal, zooplankton samples collected in reefs contain almost exclusively demersal zooplankton. However, the density of many pelagic species such as Paracalanidae increased coinciding with both minimum and maximum tide levels throughout the study periods. Typical pelagic zooplankton undergo diel migration offshore and advect inshore with the current or tide at night. Some species traditionally characterized as pelagic forms behave like typical demersal zooplankton when they inhabit a coral reef environment to prevent being swept off the reef by surface currents or to avoid heavy predation by abundant visual predators such as fish [20]. It is also possible that pelagic species, which have a diel migration offshore, maintain vertical migration when advected into the reef but cannot reach their normal maximum depth [20]. Therefore, the increase during the night in this study may be caused by both demersal zooplankton and the pelagic species [21]. 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 (b) 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 (e) 0.9 (h) 1.8 0.8 1.6 0.7 1.4 0.6 1.2 0.5 1 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2 Acartia Centropages Subeucalanus Paracalanus+Acrocalanus +Bestiolina (k) Calanopia Pseudodiaptomus Temora 0 0 >335 µm 3 (c) 1.4 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 (f) 1.4 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 1.5 0.6 0.6 1 0.4 0.4 18 22 Aug 0 6 12 23 Aug 18 0 6 24 Aug 6 12 2 Oct 18 0 6 3 Oct 12 Macrosetella Euterpina Corycaeidae Oncaea Nauplii Others 0.5 0 18 0 1 Oct Oithona Microsetella (l) 2 0.2 0 12 2.5 1.2 0.2 0 (i) 0 12 18 25 Feb 0 6 12 26 Feb 18 0 6 27 Feb 12 18 2 Jun 0 6 12 3 Jun 18 0 6 4 Jun Fig. 3. Diel variation in biomass of size-fractionated copepod composition. Black bars indicate hours of night. Composition of particulate organic matter POC concentration in the study area was 160-178 mg C m-3. The mean total chl-a concentration was 0.22±0.07 mg m-3. The phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by pico- and nanoplankton (85-90% of the total chl-a), especially by picophytoplankton cells (>50%), which may reflects the nutrient-poor environment (PO4, 0.07±0.04 µM; NO2, 0.02± 0.01 µM; NO3, 0.14±0.04 µM), though the concentration of silicate was high (7.52±0.98 µM). A C:Chl-a ratio of 50 [22] was used for calculating phytoplankton carbon biomass. The phytoplankton C biomass contributed 3.8-9.8% of the total POC concentrations (mean: 6.5%). Detritus mass (mg C m-3) can be estimated by subtracting the value of living organic carbon from that of POC. The detrital contribution to the total POC varied from 89-96% (mean: 93%). This high proportion confirmed previous measurements performed in other coral reefs; 77% detritus of POC in Davies reef, GBR [1], 84% in Tikehau atoll, French Polynesia [23], and 93% in Enewetak atoll in winter [24]. Since the detritus was the major component of POC in this study, most of the diet of particle-feeders or suspension feeders would consist in detritus. Detrital particles may be derived from dead turf algal community, coral mucus, larvacean’s house and other materials (e.g. moults and feces). As the detrital particles were the major component of POM, their origin may be able to estimate by the C:N ratio of POM. The C:N ratios of POM in this study was 4.48±0.17, which was very similar to those of coral mucus produced by Acropora formosa (4.87±0.13). It was supposed that the detritus in the present study mainly originates from mucus produced by corals [25]. Corals exude as mucus ca. half of the carbon assimilated by their zooxanthellae into the water column, of which ca. 30-50% was released as particulate forms [26]. The coral mucus is expected to contribute to the main diet of the suspended particle-feeders or detritivores in the study area. Production estimates The daily production rate of net-zooplankton was on average 1.39 (± 0.34) mg C m-3 d-1. The size fraction which contributes most to the total production rate varied depending on the month. The large fraction (>335 µm) was the major contributor to the total production rate in August and October 2004 and June 2005, while the small fraction (100-200 µm) was the major contributor in February 2005 (Fig. 4). Copepods were one of the most important groups in total net-zooplankton production rate. The total production rate of copepods (>100 µm) was 0.69 (± 0.09) mg C m-3 d-1. Paracaranidae (Paracalanus + Bestiolina + Acrocalanus), Oithona and copepod nauplii were the most important components among the copepod community production rates. Larvaceans were secondary dominant except in October 2004. Aug 2004 Oct 2004 Feb 2005 Jun 2005 Copepods 1 Other zooplankton 0.8 0.6 0.4 >335 200-335 100-200 200-335 >335 100-200 >335 200-335 100-200 200-335 >335 0.2 100-200 Production rate (mg C m-3 d-1) 1.2 Size class (µm) Fig. 4. Estimated production rate of net-zooplankton in different size-classes (100-200 µm, 200-335 µm, >335 µm). In larvaceans, house production can be an important contribution to total growth. However, as the equation for larvaceans production rate I used in this study is not exactly reflected in the house production data, the production rate for larvaceans may be underestimated. The larvaceans production would be increased if I account for the production of houses, which are discarded and re-secreted frequently. The carbon content of newly secreted houses has been estimated as 23% of body carbon for Oikopleura species [27]. The rate of house production depends on ambient temperature and it has been estimated to 15 houses per day at 28 ºC [28]. Considering the average temperature was 28.4 ºC in this study, at 15 houses per day, this would be equivalent to an additional 0.25-1.70 mg C m-3 day-1. This yields a total net-zooplankton production estimate of 1.33-3.53 mg C m-3 day-1 (overall mean: 2.08±1.00 mg C m-3 day-1), which is 119-193% that of the previously estimated net-zooplankton production. To demonstrate the food chain structure, averages of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and of zooplankton production rate were compared. Net-zooplankton biomass was divided into herbivorous net-zooplankton (i.e. typical herbivores and 1/2 omnivores) and carnivorous net-zooplankton (i.e. typical carnivores and 1/2 omnivores). The diagram of the food chain structure of the each study period and overall mean are shown in Fig. 5. (a) (b) CNZ CNZ CNZ 0.26 / 0.93 0.29 / 0.82 0.95 0.86 CNZ 0.25 / 0.80 CNZ 0.33 / 0.78 0.84 HNZ MZ 1.58 / 2.45 1.01 / 2.47 MZ 0.40 / 0.65 4.64 7.86 MZ 0.30 / 0.65 0.77 / 1.59 3.55 Phytoplankton Phytoplankton Phytoplankton 10.14 10.44 Aug 2004 0.94 1.11 HNZ HNZ 0.81 / 1.36 0.28 / 0.83 Oct 2004 11.67 Feb 2005 HNZ HNZ MZ 0.64 / 0.90 1.06 / 1.60 5.63 Phytoplankton 12.23 Jun 2005 MZ 1.10 / 2.03 0.54 / 0.89 5.42 Phytoplankton 11.12 Overall Fig. 5. Schematic carbon flow diagram at Tioman Island. Values in boxes of phytoplankton denote their biomass (mg C m-3) and of MZ, HNZ, CNZ are production rate (mg C m-3 d-1) / biomass (mg C m-3). Biomass expressed in bold. Values with arrows are daily requirements (mg C m-3 d-1) of the components above them. MZ: microzooplankton, HNZ: herbivorous net-zooplankton, and CNZ: carnivorous net-zooplankton. Overall, the relative biomass of the primary, secondary and tertiary producers was 74.8%, 19.6% and 5.6%, respectively. The daily carbon requirement of the tertiary producers corresponded to 32.3% of secondary producers. The transfer efficiency from the secondary to tertiary production was 17.2%. The daily carbon requirement of the secondary producers (5.42 mg C m-3 d-1) approximated to 48.8% of phytoplankton carbon biomass and it is likely to be high. Although primary production of phytoplankton was not measured in this study, it can be roughly estimated from chlorophyll and light data. The primary production of phytoplankton (P, g C m-2 day-1) can be estimated using a regression proposed by Ryther & Yentsch [29] as: P = R/k × C × 3.7, where R is relative photosynthesis for the appropriate value of surface radiation (m-3 day-1), k is the extinction coefficient (m-2), and C is phytoplankton biomass (g Chl-a m-3). The average phytoplankton biomass was 0.22 mg Chl-a m-3. The extinction coefficient (k) is calculated to 0.085 from the Secchi disc reading (SD), i.e. k = 1.7/SD [30], considering the Secchi disc depth off the study site was 20.1 m. The daily surface radiation near to the study site is 480.8 cal cm-2 day-1 and thus R can be determined as 8.8 from the Figure 1 of [29]. If it can be assumed that the daily irradiance is constant throughout the year because the latitude of the study site (2º50΄00˝N) is close to the equator, the primary production of phytoplankton would be estimated to 0.084 g C m -2 day-1 or 9.7 mg C m-3 day-1 considering an average depth of the study site (8.7 m). Therefore, the transfer efficiency from the primary to secondary production would be 16.9% or 24.1% taking the house production by larvaceans. The carbon requirement of secondary producer would be equal to 80.4% of the primary production considering the larvaceans house production. In this case, the remaining (19.6%) primary production is probably barely adequate to support bacterial production, which generally averages 20-60% of the primary production [31]. Hence, a certain amount of carbon required by the secondary producer might be supplied with detritus which constituted the major proportion of particulate organic carbon as in other coral environment. Phytoplankton alone may not be sufficient to sustain the secondary production. The carbon requirements of herbivorous net-zooplankton can be compared with their ingestion rates on detritus to know whether the detritus fulfill the estimated zooplankton carbon requirement. A filtration rate on heterotrophic particles including detritus has been estimated as 2 liters mg C-1 h-1 for natural net-zooplankton assemblage in Davies Reef, GBR [1]. By multiplying the filtration rate with the average detritus mass (176.4 mg C m-3) and herbivorous net-zooplankton biomass (2.03 mg C m-3), it was estimated that the ingestion rate on detritus of 13.8 mg C m-3 d-1 for the herbivorous net-zooplankton assuming all the herbivorous net-zooplankton assimilate 80% of their ingested carbon [32], a value is much higher than their estimated carbon demand (5.42 mg C m-3 d-1). Obviously not all the detritus is available to the herbivorous net-zooplankton, but even if only half the detritus particles could be captured by the net-zooplankton, the ingestion of detrital carbon would be fulfill their metabolic demands. Consequently, the detrital carbon can be considered to be one of the important carbon sources in the study site. Coral mucus probably contributes most to the detritus as inferred by C:N ratio. 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