Current Fluctuations in Semiconductor Devices by Peter Mayer Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering BARKER and MA SSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Science in Physics at the JUL 3 1 2002 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES Feb 2002 @ Peter Mayer, MMII. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. IAuthor ..................................... Department of Electrical hngineering and CdTnAputer Science February 10, 2002 Certified by..............................-. Accepted by .......... ................................. . ajeev J. Ram ssociate Professor Thesis Supervisor .......... Arthur C. Smith Students Graduate on Chairman, Department Committee 2 Current Fluctuations in Semiconductor Devices by Peter Mayer Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on February 10, 2002, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degrees of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Physics Abstract Current fluctuations in semiconductor devices are important for both practical and fundamental reasons. Measurements of the current noise in devices can establish fundamental limits on the attainable signal-to-noise ratio in communication links and can also provide insight into the basic physics of the device's operation. This work presents a suite of current noise measurement techniques useful for studying a range of devices. These techniques are applied to investigate the extent to which the photon noise from lasers biased in the same circuit is correlated due to the current noise in the shared bias currents. The first measurements of the circuit-induced photon noise correlations in semiconductor lasers are presented. A calibrated measurement of the photon noise of a single laser as a function of its bias current is also presented. Thesis Supervisor: Rajeev J. Ram Title: Associate Professor 3 Acknowledgments There are several people without whom this thesis would not have been possible. My advisor Professor Rajeev Ram has been a constant source of support. His unique gift of understanding and explaining complicated phenomena with simple clarity was often called upon, and his contagious enthusiasm for research was invaluable. Mr. Fahan Rana was my principal collaborator on this work, and is responsible for the theory of noise in lasers which was used in this thesis. Fortunately for me, his incredibly deep knowledge of physics was matched by his patience in explaining things, and I leaned on his knowledge frequently. Mr. Harry Lee has been involved in my research in one way or another since I joined this research group. Harry has the dubious distinction of being the firefighter, the guy who I can go to to fix anything. I cannot list all of the ways in which I have depended on his expertise. I have confined myself in these acknowledgements to only addressing my debts to people which are most immediately related to the content of this thesis. More valuable to me than any of the work I have done are the people I have worked with. Some of these friendships are very old, and some are relatively new, but each means more to me than I feel capable of expressing in words. I must break this rule to thank some people who did not have make technical contributions to this thesis, but who at times entirely sustained me. My mother and father have been a firm, unwavering source of support throughout my life. They taught me everything I really need to know. Their honest, simple approach to life is my ideal. In a thesis about electrical measurements, an analogy seems appropriate: they are my ground. There is one more person who should certainly be thanked here, but I can't think of how to do it. With luck, I will have the rest of my life to thank her properly. 4 Contents 1 2 15 Introduction 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.2 Measuring and Characterizing Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.3 Noise in a Fiber Communication Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1.4 Link Slope Efficiency and the SNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.5 Thermal Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 1.6 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 31 Theory of Electrical System Noise Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.2.1 Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2.2.2 D iodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Two-port Equivalent Noise Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.4.1 One-port Thermal Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.4.2 Generalized Two-port Noise Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2.4.3 Multiple Amplifier Stages (Friss's Formula) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.4.4 Optimum Noise Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2.1 O verview 2.2 One-port Equivalent Circuit Models 2.3 2.4 2.3.1 Transistors 2.3.2 Transformers Theory of One-ports and Two-ports 5 6 3 CONTENTS 2.5 External Low Frequency Sources of Noise 2.6 Summary 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Current Noise Measurements 59 3.1 Summary of Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.2 Measurement Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.2.1 Low Noise Current Preamplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 3.2.2 Low Noise Voltage Preamplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 3.2.3 Low Noise Transformer Preamplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.2.4 Data Aquisition System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3.3 Johnson Noise Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3.3.1 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3.3.2 Noise Thermometer 76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 High Impedance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 3.5 Low Impedance Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 3.5.1 New Difficulties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 3.5.2 Two Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 3.5.3 Transformer-Coupled Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 3.5.4 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 3.5.5 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.6 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit-Induced Laser Noise Correlations 93 4.1 Semiconductor Laser Diodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.1.1 Theories of Diode Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 4.1.2 High-Impedance Supression of Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4.1.3 External Current Correlations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Correlation Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4.2.1 104 4.2 The Transimpedance Preamplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 CONTENTS 4.3 4.4 4.5 5 4.2.2 Low Frequency Sensitivity vs. Microwave Measurement Sensitivity . 105 4.2.3 The Photodetectors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 6 4.2.4 The Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7 Measured Single Laser Fano Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 9 4.3.1 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Measurement and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 12 Correlation Measurement...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 4.4.1 Preliminary Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4.4.2 Correlation Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 19 Summary 121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Conclusions and Future Directions 5.1 5.2 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 . . . . . . . . . . 124 . . . . . . 126 . . . . . . 126 5.1.1 M odeling 5.1.2 Current Noise Measurement Techniques 5.1.3 Photon Correlations in Circuit-Coupled Lasers Directions for Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 A Current Noise in a Resonant Tunneling Diode [1] A.0.1 Tunnel Junctions at DC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 A.0.2 Mesoscopic Noise [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 A .0.3 N oise in RTD s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 143 B Basics of Semiconductor Lasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 B.1 Semiconductor Laser Structure B.2 Carrier Recombination and Light Generation B.2.1 B.3 1 10 Laser Rate Equations Solution of the Rate Equations for Low Frequencies C Matlab Code 151 8 CONTENTS List of Figures 1-1 The definition of the relative intensity noise (RIN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1-2 The two alternate circuit representations of a resistor's thermal noise. . . . 21 1-3 A digital optical fiber link .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1-4 The conditional PDFs of the output voltage for a "1" input and a "0" input. 25 1-5 L-R circuit with Langevin voltage noise source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2-1 One-port noise model of a resistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2-2 One-port noise model of a capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2-3 One-port noise model of an inductor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2-4 One-port noise model of a diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2-5 Two-port noise model of a bipolar junction transistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2-6 Two-port noise model of a field effect transistor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2-7 Two-port noise model of a transformer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2-8 Two-port noiseless model of an operational amplifier.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2-9 General noiseless model of a two-port network..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2-10 General two-port network with voltage noise sources at the input and output. 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . 46 2-13 Measurement with noisy voltage amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 2-14 Capacitive coupling of noise into a measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 . . . . . . . . . . 53 2-11 General two-port network with input referred noise. 2-12 Balanced detection scheme for the measurement of sma 11 signals. 2-15 Capacitive coupling of noise into a current measuremen t . 9 LIST OF FIGURES 10 2-16 Correct and incorrect shielding of a sensitive measurement. . . . . . . . . . 55 2-17 Inductive coupling of noise into a measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2-18 Microphonic coupling of noise into a measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3-1 Two-port model of a current amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 3-2 Two-port model of a voltage amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3-3 Resolution and bandwidth of analog-to-digital converters (1999). . . . . . . 66 3-4 Transfer function of ideal DAQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3-5 Original, quantized, and error signals for 3-bit and 6-bit quantization. . . . 68 3-6 Experimental setup for Johnson noise measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3-7 Experimental setup for room temperature Johnson noise measurements. . . 71 3-8 Transfer function of amplifier chain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 3-9 Measured noise with different source resistances, and theoretical contributions to the noise obtained with a curve fit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 Noise power measured as a function of temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 78 3-11 Noise measurement and calibration scheme for photodetector optical noise m easurem ent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3-12 Noise measurement and calibration scheme for photodetector optical noise measurement, written to emphasize symmetry of the signal generators. . . . 3-13 DUT for calibration circuit, with parasitic capacitance. the Thevenin equivalent source and impedance values. 81 Also included are . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 3-14 M easured Fano factor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 3-15 inferred fundamental charge over valid frequencies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 3-16 Low-frequency noise model of a diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 3-17 Transformer-coupled noise setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3-18 Results of parameter extraction from I-V curve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 3-19 Transfer function of the transformer-coupled measurement with diode DUT. 91 3-20 Measurement of diode shot noise using transformer-coupled measurement. . 92 LIST OF FIGURES 11 4-1 One-port noise model of a diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 4-2 Pump supression in a diode laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 4-3 Four simple bias circuit topologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 4-4 The correlated photon noise measurement setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 4-5 Laser characterization curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 4-6 The calibration measurement setup at high frequencies. . . . . . . . . . . . 109 4-7 Measured transfer functions needed for calibrated photon noise measurements. 112 4-8 Power spectrum of the measured voltage noise, taken at Ibias = 81 mA. 4-9 Power spectrum of the photodetector current noise, taken at bias = . 81 mA. 113 114 4-10 Photodetector current and incident light Fano factors as a function of laser b ia s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4-12 Spurious correlation between two lasers voltage biased in separate circuits. . 117 4-13 Spurious correlations measured with one laser off. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 4-14 Noise correlation measured for lasers in 4 different circuits. 120 4-11 The correlated photon noise measurement setup. . . . . . . . . . 4-15 Possible mechanism for spurious correlation in circuits (B) and (C). . . . . 121 5-1 The four measured bias circuit topologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 5-2 One-port noise model of a diode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 A-1 A practical realization of an RTD, and a schematic representation of the structure [3]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 A-2 A schematic energy level diagram for an RTD in the unbiased and biased case, showing the well density of states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 A-3 A typical I-V curve of an RTD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 A-4 A 1-D channel connecting two reservoirs, showing orthogonal occupied and unoccupied transmission states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 A-5 A 1-D channel connecting two reservoirs at low temperature and with an applied voltage bias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 12 LIST OF FIGURES B-1 Basic structure and operation of a laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Important radiative processes in a semiconductor laser. . . . . . . . . . . . 143 145 List of Tables 3.1 Performance of the SR570 low noise transimpedance amplifier. . . . . . . . 61 3.2 Performance of the SR554 transformer amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3.3 Best fit param eters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.4 Best fit parameters for the measurement of Chen and Kuan 4.1 Key specifications of the Analog Devices OP-27 operational amplifier used [4]. . . . . . . . 76 for the m easurem ent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 4.2 Key specifications of the photodetectors used for the measurement. . . . . . 107 4.3 Key specifications of the lasers used for the measurement. . . . . . . . . . . 108 4.4 Average measured spurious correlation with one laser off. . . . . . . . . . . 119 4.5 Average noise correlations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 13 14 LIST OF TABLES Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction Understanding current fluctuations (also called current noise) in semiconductors is important for practical and fundamental reasons. The most important practical reason is that the fluctuations often fundamentally limit the device's signal-to-noise ratio. In most systems in which information must be extracted from an analog electrical signal, current noise plays a part in setting the specifications of the devices [5], [6], [7], [8]. With the continued shrinking of the MOS transistor and the resulting smaller signal levels, noise will become more important in the digital realm as well. Understanding noise's origins, how it can be modeled, and how it propagates through a complex system is essential to modern device design. Noise has also proven valuable as a test of quality and reliability in many devices, since it is highly sensitive to impurities and defects. Aside from practical considerations, the measurement of current fluctuations in semiconductors provides a way to study interesting physics in the device. The easiest access to the physics of a device is provided by DC response curves such as the I-V (current vs. voltage) curve for electron devices and the L-I (light intensity vs. current) curve for light-emitting structures. However, at the price of a slightly more challenging measurement, studying current fluctuations often yields more useful information about the underlying physics of a 15 CHAPTER 1. 16 INTRODUCTION device than a DC measurement [9]. There are several reasons for this. In any device, there is always some 'white' noise superimposed on a DC biased device (noise is called white if it has equal power over a wide range of frequencies, in analogy with white light). The presence of some of this noise in any dissipative system is a necessary consequence of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem [10]. Shot noise, noise resulting from the discreteness of charge in a biased device, also contributes white noise. A measurement of these simple noise sources generally would not yield more physical information than DC measurements. However, because the white noise is filtered by the dynamics of a particular device, measuring the device's current noise is a way to examine the microscopic dynamics of the device. A practical example of this technique is the determination of the relaxation-oscillation frequency of a laser diode, a measure of the rate at which the laser's light can be modulated with an AC current [11]. This measurement can be performed by simply examining the current noise spectrum of the device with a DC bias. It is not necessary to modulate the current driving the laser, or detect the emitted laser light. This is a particularly useful measurement for lasers emitting at wavelengths for which fast or sensitive detectors do not exist. Current fluctuation measurements can also provide information about mesoscopic charge transport, since interactions between charge carriers either through Coulomb repulsion or through the Pauli exclusion principle result in correlated motion of the electrons, altering the noise of the device [12]. Such many-body effects are generally not reflected in the DC response curve of a device. In addition, noise is a very sensitive probe of many forms of scattering. In many devices the noise at low frequencies (called 1/f noise for the shape of its power spectrum) has been found to be strongly correlated with the impurity concentration of the device. Thus noise is often a measure of the electrical quality of a fabricated device. This thesis develops a suite of techniques for measuring low-frequency current fluctuations in semiconductor devices and reviews the theory necessary for designing these mneasurements. In general, noise measurements can be divided into frequency and time domain methods. The former is common in the literature [13] [14] [15] [16], and relies on a frequency 1.2. MEASURING AND CHARACTERIZING NOISE 17 measurement of the noise using a microwave spectrum analyzer and a low noise amplifier. A time-domain setup relies on sampling and quantization of a time signal to measure lowfrequency noise (<1 MHz). In many cases, this method allows for greater accuracy and flexibility than the standard RF techniques. In this thesis, the focus is on time domain measurements. Several setups are designed to allow the measurement of noise from devices of varying impedance. These methods are then applied to make the core measurements of this thesis. First, the photon noise from a heterostructure semiconductor laser diode is measured as a function of bias. Second, the correlations introduced into the photon streams of series and parallel electrically coupled laser arrays are measured. Both results are analyzed in the context of current theory. In general, the challenges in designing these measurements fall into three basic categories. First, the noise from the measurement apparatus which inevitably pollutes the measurement of device noise must be minimized. Second, the exact contribution of the test device's noise to the total measured noise must be measured, and the other unrelated noise subtracted out. Finally, a measurement and calibration method must be found to match both low and high impedance devices. The noise measurement methods described in this thesis will be discussed here in a broad context so as to aid readers in the custom design of noise measurement systems. In the remainder of this chapter, a general introduction to the subject of current noise in semiconductor devices is given. The various measures used to describe noise are defined, and the basic classes of noise measurement techniques are described. To motivate the practical importance of noise considerations and to demonstrate the analysis of a system's noise budget, the noise in a fiber communication link is discussed. Finally, the Langevin formalism is introduced to derive the spectral density of the thermal noise of a resistor. 1.2 Measuring and Characterizing Noise The fluctuations in the current measured through a device generally contain contributions from the motion of large numbers of interacting charge carriers. Modeling such a sys- CHAPTER 1. 18 INTRODUCTION tem deterministically is impossible, so current fluctuations are treated mathematically as stochastic processes. All information about a general stochastic process is contained in the joint probability distributions (PDFs) for the process at all possible times. There is no easy way to measure these PDFs in general, and in most practically interesting cases there is no need for such an exhaustive measurement. Many physically interesting random processes are characterized entirely or chiefly by the first and second order moments of their PDFs, so that the others may be neglected. The measurable quantities of these are the mean, the variance, and the autocorrelation function. A simple way to obtain information about the first and second moments of an unknown process is to repeatedly measure the fluctuating signal at small time intervals. Such a measurement is called a time-domain technique. The samples of the random process should be taken with time separations much shorter than the time span for which the autocorrelation function shows interesting structure. The mean, variance, and autocorrelation of the process are then easily computed. Often performed with a sampling oscilloscope, the measurement is attractive for its simplicity and its general applicability, but is limited by the sampling speed of the measuring instrument. Many physical processes of interest occur over time scales shorter than a nanosecond, which is too fast to be accurately measured by modern time-domain sampling techniques. Other measurements characterizing the first and second moments of the random process are performed in the frequency domain. To connect the time and frequency domains for a deterministic signal, one typically relies on the Fourier or Laplace transform [17]. However, the Fourier and Laplace transform of a stochastic processes are not well defined [18]. A different route to the frequency domain is through the Wiener-Khinchine theorem, which states that the autocorrelation of a time signal and the power spectral density (PSD) of the signal are related through the Fourier transform. The PSD can alternately be viewed as the result of a measurement of the RMS power in small frequency bins at every frequency. This is exactly the job of a spectrum analyzer, the work-horse of frequency domain measurements. Spectrum analyzers which can measure signals in the tens of gigahertz range are readily 1.2. MEASURING AND CHARACTERIZING NOISE 19 available today. However, because microwave spectrum analyzers are usually operated in an environment matched to 50 Q, there is a best-case noise floor set by the thermal noise of a 50 Q load. Time domain measurments are free of this constraint, and can often be optimized for better noise performance than a comparable microwave system, depending on the specific details of the circuit. More will be said about this in Chapter 4. The metrics used to describe noise vary. In theoretical discussions, noise is typically modeled as an instance of some random process. Starting with an understanding of the basic probability distributions of the noise process, the noise's autocorrelation and power spectral density can be derived. An example of this is found later in this chapter, when the power spectral density of the noise in a 1-D quantum channel is derived. When describing unwanted noise in practical analog systems, the relevant quantity is generally the signal to noise ratio (SNR), defined as the RMS power of the signal divided by the RMS power of the noise: 2 SNR - -V(Psignai(t) ) (Pnoise (t)2 ) For zero mean signals, this reduces to the ratio of the variance of the signal to the noise process. The SNR is more commonly expressed in decibels: SNRdB = 10log1 0 (SNR) One point of possible confusion should be clarified. (1.2) When discussing electrical current signals, the SNR is a ratio of mean square electrical currents. Equivalently, the SNR for the electrical signal is a ratio of electrical powers. When dealing with light, the SNR is a ratio of mean square optical powers. This is because in light-wave systems, signals are typically measured in power, whereas in a circuit, current or voltage are generally the signals. When describing noise in a digital communication channel, the preferred metric for noise is the bit error rate (BER). The BER is the ratio of the average number of bits transmitted incorrectly per unit time to the average total number of bits transmitted per unit time. In practical digital fiber systems, bit error rates of 10-9-10--" are commonly required [19]. CHAPTER 1. 20 INTRODUCTION For more specific applications, there are other noise metrics. The relative intensity noise (RIN) is of interest because it is the accepted way to describe noise in lasers. It is defined as the mean square noise power divided by the mean square average power level. In general, the noise is white within the communication band so that the noise can be characterized with a certain power per 1 Hz of bandwidth. Expressed in decibels, a typical value for the RIN in a modern communication system is between -130 dBm and -140 dBm [19]. Fig. 1-1 [11] illustrates a noisy analog light signal with a mean power level Pave, a signal power and some rms noise power Pmod, a. The SNR and the RIN for this signal are given by: P(t)-PaveP modSin((ot) P(t) Pmod P ave t Figure 1-1: The definition of the relative intensity noise (RIN). SNR _((Pmod sin(Wt)) 2 ) mod (1.3) o2 RIN = -" Pave Given the modulation index m (1.4) Pmod/Pave, the RIN and the SNR can therefore be easily related. Later in this section, a relation between the RIN and the BER is derived for a simple communication channel. 1.2. MEASURING AND CHARACTERIZING NOISE 21 When modeling noise in electrical circuits at low frequencies, it is customary to use noise generators [20]. These are idealized current or voltage sources whose output is a stochastic process in time, generally with a mean value of zero, a Gaussian distribution, and a white spectrum. Because the variance of true white noise is not well-defined (due to the finite signal power over an infinite bandwidth), these generators are typically specified with a value in units of Volts/v' Hz or Amps/v Hz. In electronic circuits, the noise power across any two ports can be represented as a noise current (voltage) generator in parallel (series) with the Thevenin resistance of the network defined by the two terminals, as shown in Fig. 1-2. A more careful description of the noise models for circuit elements is given in Chap. 2. VTh =Th RT RT + Th RT -0 tw a Figure 1-2: The two alternate circuit representations of a resistor's thermal noise. In microwave and RF circuits, a simplification of the low frequency description given above is possible due to presence of a universal input and output line impedance (typically 50 Q). In this case, a single number, such as the SNR, is used to characterize the noise at a node in the circuit. Likewise, a single number known as the noise figure (NF), is used to characterize the change in SNR between the input and the output of a device. The NF of a device is given by: SNR~ NF = 10 log1 o SNRin SNROut (1.5) When the NF is given as a specification of a RF or microwave device, the noise at the input CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 22 of the device is assumed to be the thermal noise associated with a 50 Q resistor. Typical noise figures for low-noise room temperature RF amplifiers are between 1 and 3 dB. Note that when describing the noise performance of a device in a circuit not impedance matched to 50 Q, the impedance looking out from the device's input must be specified for the NF to have meaning. More will be said about these issues in Chapter 2. 1.3 Noise in a Fiber Communication Link To understand how noise enters and affects a practical system, consider the direct detection of a fiber optic signal. Noise present in the incident light beam and noise introduced in the detection process combine to set a fundamental limit on the accuracy of the received signal, quantified here by the bit error rate at the receiver. A direct detection receiver typical of those used in fiber optic communication links [8] is shown in Fig. 1-3. Digital data is transmitted using light of frequency v through the fiber link using a simple on-off keying format. The light signal intensity L,(t) is assumed to take the values Lo and L, with equal probability. Superimposed on the signal is some noise with intensity L,(t). This light signal is transduced into current using a PIN diode photodetector with a quantum efficiency r, an area A, and a bandwidth Av. The quantum efficiency is the average number of electrons generated for each incident photon. The resulting current signal is gained up by an amplifier with a transimpedance of R and, for simplicity, a bandwidth equal to that of the detector. The amplifier will always contribute some noise to the input signal, modeled here as a noise current generator Ian (t) placed across the input of the amplifier. Methods of modeling noise from amplifiers will be discussed in more detail in chapter 2. The output voltage from the signal alone is V(t), and the output voltage from the noise is V,(t). The output signal voltage V1(t) can take on values of Vo or V corresponding to the input light signal levels of Lo and L 1 . Finally, the output voltage (the sum of the output signal voltage and the output noise voltage) is fed into a comparator which interprets the signal as a one or zero depending on whether it is greater or less than some threshold voltage. 1.3. NOISE IN A FIBER COMMUNICATION LINK 23 R L- -- F_ optical --- + an + Figure 1-3: A digital optical fiber link. For simplicity only amplitude noise is considered in this simple model, and uncertainties in the timing of the pulses are neglected. If a photon in the incoming stream of light has an arrival time independent of the others (so-called Poissonian statistics), then two principal contributions to the output noise voltage V(t) can be expected: the noise present in the light L, and the current noise Ian (t) from the amplifier. The noise present in the incident light signal L, is shot noise, due to the signal's Poisson statistics. This is generally a good assumption in practical communication systems, especially if the link between the receiver and the source is lossy. The noise L,(t) is transduced by the photodiode into current noise In(t) - L,(t) Aq. Here Ln(t)A is simply the number of noise photons incident on the detector per unit time. The signal L,(t) is similarly transduced into a current 1 (t) = L, r/qq. This current signal is then tranduced by the amplifier into a voltage V(t) = Is(t)R. The two current noise sources at the amplifier's input are similarly transduced into output noise voltage noises V1, (t) from the incident light and Van (t) from the amplifier noise. Both V 1,(t) and Van(t) can be modeled as random processes. Because it was assumed that each photon arrival was independent of other photon arrivals, In (t) is a Poisson process with mean I(t). Its variance is therefore: 2 or,=21, (t)qAv(16 (1.6) CHAPTER 1. 24 INTRODUCTION At the output, this results in a voltage noise: = 21(t)RqAv = 2V(t)qAv a (1.7) The variance of Ian(t) is determined by the internal details of the amplifier (see Chapter 2), and is typically given by some a a, giving rise to an output voltage noise variance of: 2 UVa = R2202 a _ (1.8) Since the light and amplifier noise sources are statistically independent of one another, their variances can be summed to calculate the total variance of the output noise voltage: 2 = o a + o7 (1.9) The plot in Fig. 1-4 depicts the PDFs of the total output signal V(t) + V"(t) for the case when a zero and a one are transmitted. In general the variance of the PDF given that a '0' was transmitted can be different from the variance of the PDF given that a '1' was ao and a1, respectively. The output signal is sampled at discrete transmitted. Call these times, once per bit. To optimize the performance of the receiver, a threshold voltage V'h must be determined. If a voltage above V'h is sampled, the signal is recorded as a one; otherwise, the signal is recorded as a zero. The optimum cutoff voltage minimizes the probability of error, which is equal to the sum of the two shaded areas in Fig. 1-4 (with each area weighted by the probability of receiving a one or zero). A reasonable (but not quite optimal) choice for a cutoff voltage is the intersection of the two Gaussian curves. This voltage is given by: a VinIf Q(X) = exp( 4) dy, 1 0o 1 + uV Oo + or11 0 (1.10) the shaded area under the Gaussian can be calculated to find the bit error rate: V1 - V Oro + (T 1.4. LINK SLOPE EFFICIENCY AND THE SNR probability density function if a 'O' was transmitted 25 probability density function if a '1' was transmitted probability of error V0 V V V Figure 1-4: The conditional PDFs of the output voltage for a "1" input and a "0" input. In the preceeding discussion, the BER of a system and the statistics of a system's fundamental noise sources were connected. The basic method can be extended to account for more complicated communication protocols or detection schemes [6],[21],[22]. 1.4 Link Slope Efficiency and the SNR During the discussion of the noise in a fiber link given in the previous section, the noise in the photons incident on the photodetector was assumed to be shot noise. This was done mainly to avoid involving a more detailed noise model for the photons emitted from the laser into the discussion; in a real link, the noise can be many times shot noise, and may or may not even be set by the laser's intrinsic noise. But in any case, the noise which degrades the signal to noise ratio of an optical link does not typically scale with the modulation CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 26 power of the signal, but rather with the average output of the laser, or with some other unrelated source (e.g. thermal noise in the modulation circuit). In such a sitiiation, one way to improve the SNR of the link is to increase the link slope efficiency. In a microwave analog link, the link slope efficiency is the small signal gain between the modulated current driving the laser (or external modulator) and the small signal output current at the receiving photodiode. If we confine the discussion to links whose components are impedance matched to 50 Ohms, the link slope efficiency for a simple link of the type discussed in the previous section is simply the product of the laser slope efficiency and the photodetector slope efficiency, where the photodetector slope efficiency is assumed to include any optical loss in the link. Clearly, the best possible link slope efficiency for such a setup is 1, and this is often difficult to achieve. This limit is physically set by the simple fact that for every electron which is injected into the laser as part of the modulation current, at most one photon is emitted; at the photodetector, at best one electron of modulation current results from this incident photon. Several schemes have been proposed for improving the link slope efficiency [23]. One proposal is to use a series cascade of lasers. In this scheme, a single electron is capable of producing multiple photons (one photon from each laser). Using a series array of discrete lasers, efficiencies of greater than 1 have been attained [24]. By epitaxially growing the lasers together and coupling them using tunnel junctions, one can overcome many of the bandwidth-limiting parasitic issues associated with the series discrete lasers, and still see enhanced slope efficiencies. The bipolar cascade laser, a working prototype of this concept useful for fiber links, has recently been demonstrated [25]. A pressing theoretical and experimental question associated with this approach is to what extent the added link slope efficiency improves the current-to-current link SNR. To calculate the theoretical SNR in a series cascade of N lasers, one might reason that total signal could be found by adding the magnitudes of each of the N individual laser signals in phase. To find the total noise from the N lasers one would add the variances of the N individual noise signals, assuming each laser's noise is independent of the other lasers' noise. THERMAL NOISE 1.5. This would give a 27 = vN improvement in the SNR compared to a single laser. According to this simple reasoning, by adding more series laser stages one can achieve arbitrarily high SNR. Of course the real world is not so kind, and there are several ways in which this analysis fails to hold. One fundamental error of the calculation is the assumption of totally independent noise sources. In this thesis, this assumption is investigated experimentally by measuring the correlation between the light of series and parallel coupled lasers. To the extent that this light is correlated, the noise contributed by each must not be considered independent. 1.5 Thermal Noise One fundamental source of noise in practical systems is thermal noise. is present in every dissipative system. Thermal noise In their seminal paper, Callen and Welton {10 showed that fluctuation and dissipation are inextricably linked together on the quantum level. Dissipation of energy in a system occurs through a coupling into some reservoir. This coupling between the states of the system and the bath of reservoir states causes information about the state of the system to be leak out; this loss of information manifests itself as noise in the system. The most important source of dissipation from a circuit persepctive is the resistor. Nyquist [26] originally derived an expression for the thermal noise of a resistor with a very clever thermodynamical argument involving a resistor attached to a matched transmission line. Here the thermal noise of a resistor is derived in a different way using the Langevin method. The Langevin method is a very powerful and general tool for analyzing noise in linear systems. Consider the simple L-R circuit shown in Fig. 1.5, along with a white thermal voltage noise generator whose spectral density we wish to determine. A differential equation relating the voltage source v(t) to the current in the circuit i(t) can be written: L ditt) + R i(t) = v(t) dt (1.12) CHAPTER1. INTRODUCTION 28 + v(t) L 1 i(t) R Figure 1-5: L-R circuit with Langevin voltage noise source. Fourier transforming this equation, we can write: LdjwI(w) + RI(w) = V(w) (1.13) To find the power spectral densities of the current and voltage, we multiply by the complex conjugate: (LjwI(w) + RI(w)) (-LjwI*(w) + RI*(w)) = V(w)V*(w) (1.14) Multiplying out and rearranging: ,P) S~(Ll) =R 2 Sv + w2 L 2 (1.15) It will be convenient to have our spectral densities in terms of frequency f rather than angular frequency w, so that the result of the calculation will be in a recognizable form. Si(f) = With the use of a trigonometric identity, Sv f) R2 + (2bf)2L2 (1.16) Si can be easily integrated to find the total current 1.5. THERMAL NOISE 29 power: (z2) (i= * f*X 10 Si(f) df = S df R 2 + (2rf)2L 2 Jo _ - _ _ "O 4RL (1.17) We can assume that the inductor and the resistor are in thermal equilibrium. From the equipartition theorem of statistical mechanics, it is known that the stored energy in the circuit is given by: 1 2 1 2 -L(2) -kT (1.18) Inserting this result into Eqn. 1.17, we immediately obtain: Sv = 4kTR (1.19) The Langevin approach combined with the equipartition theorem of statistical mechanics has allowed the rapid calculation of the thermal noise in a resistor. Unfortunately, like Nyquist's original derivation, the Langevin method does not really provide much insight into the microscopic motions of the electrons which give rise to thermal noise. If the derivation is taken a step further, the voltage noise spectral density can be inserted into Eqn. 1.15 to calculate the current power spectral density. 4kTR R 2 + W2 L 2 (1.20) The current power spectral density is not white, but is low-pass filtered by the inductor in the circuit. This makes it clear how systems can display complex noise behavior even though the fundamental sources of noise in the system may be very simple. The power of the Langevin formalism, barely used in this simple example, lies in its ability to propagate simple sources of noise through complex system models. CHAPTER 1. 30 1.6 INTRODUCTION Thesis Outline The basic outline of this thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 investigates the basic sources of noise in high sensitivity measurement systems. Models for the noise in important practical devices are given, and a general framework for dealing with noise in electronic circuits is presented. Less fundamental sources of noise important in the design of low noise measurements are discussed. In Chapter 3, the measurement instruments built in this thesis are introduced. The challenges involved in performing the specific measurements of this thesis are outlined, and solutions are chosen. Measurements calibrating and testing the setups are described and results of these preliminary measurements are presented. The goal of Chapter 4 is twofold. First, the circuit model for laser noise is used to calculate correlations in the light of circuit coupled lasers. In the second part of the Chapter, measurements made on lasers are described and the results are presented. Results are compared to theoretical calculations when appropriate. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses possible improvements to the measurements, and indicates directions for future work in the field. Chapter 2 Theory of Electrical System Noise Modeling 2.1 Overview It is a fundamental tenet of experimental physics that a measurement always disturbs, to some degree, the system which is measured. When possible, one designs the measurement such that this disturbance is small. In the case of noise measurements, this is not often practically feasible. It is necessary to understand the noise sources present in each of the basic building blocks of a measurement apparatus, so that their effects may be properly accounted for during an analysis of the measured results. The purpose of this chapter is to list some useful equivalent circuit noise models and describe how these models can be used to design measurements. Noise circuit models for circuit elements used for this thesis are presented. The goal here is not to review how all of the models are derived, but rather to present the models with enough physical motivation to aid an experimenter attempting measurements similar to the ones undertaken in this thesis. References to more detailed treatments of the models are given. Along with the intrinsic noise in circuit elements, other important external sources of spurious noise are reviewed, along with practical methods for avoiding them. 31 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 32 2.2 2.2.1 One-port Equivalent Circuit Models Resistors, Capacitors, and Inductors Resistors, capacitors, and inductors are the simplest one port electronic devices. Of the three, only resistors contribute significant noise to the system, due to the fact that they are inherently dissipative. The noise model for a resistor shown in Fig. 2-1 consists of the resistor in parallel with a current source which supplies the noise signal. Ideal elements are shown with a dotted box around them. R R Figure 2-1: One-port noise model of a resistor. The current noise signal Ith is treated as an instance of a Gaussian stochastic process with a white frequency spectrum. The magnitude of the current noise is most conveniently described by giving the noise current power per 1 Hz of bandwidth. This spectral density was shown by Nyquist [26] to be: (2.1) S1,th =4kT R In addition to the thermal noise (also called Johnson noise) current in parallel with the resistor, there is also a 1/f noise source. This noise also has zero-mean Gaussian statistics, and is well represented by a spectral density: S,1/f ( = C (2.2) 2.2. ONE-PORT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODELS 33 In this expression IDC is the DC current flowing through the resistor and a is a constant whose value depends on the specific type of resistor. Of the four common types of resistances, carbon-composition have the highest a. Carbon-film resitors typically have a about 1/4 the value of the carbon-composition type. Metal-film resistors are next, with a about 1/4 the value of the carbon-film resistors. Best are wire-wound resistors, with a roughly 1/4 the value of the metal-film resistors [27]. Of course these numbers are intended as a rough practical guide for a circuit designer, not as a physical theorem of accurate or universal validity. Identifying the physical mechanisms responsible for 1/f noise is an unsolved problem, in the sense that there exists no accepted explanation for why it is found in so many different physical systems, from the tides of the ocean to the voltage flucuations in the gate of a FET. For a review of the more popular theories for 1/f noise and a guide to the extensive literature on the subject, see [28]. Because ideal capacitors and inductors do not dissipate energy, they do not contribute noise to the system. However, to the extent that real devices are lossy (non-zero leakage currents in capacitors and non-zero parasitic resistances in inductors) this is violated. With some care in selecting high-quality components, these unwanted noise sources can be made negligible for a practical experimental setup. Also, while inductors and capacitors may be intrinsically noiseless, their environment is not. Inductors can be particularly effective in picking up stray magnetic fields from power lines or other electronic equipment and coupling unwanted inductive currents into measurement. Stray electric fields can capacitively couple unwanted voltages into the circuit, but this problem is can be somewhat alleviated by proper electrostatic shielding, as will be discussed later. The noise model for a capacitor is shown in 2-2. Note that the lead and leakage resistances are not ideal, and therefore can contribute thermal and 1/f noise according to the resistor noise model given above. For economy of notation, the noise generators for resistors will not be explicitly drawn in this thesis, unless their presence deserves special emphasis. Resistors in noise models can be assumed to possess thermal and 1/f noise unless a dotted box is drawn around the resistor, indicating that it is ideal. In capacitors, the resistors 34 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING I I Rlead Rleak C Figure 2-2: One-port noise model of a capacitor. and their noise sources can usually be neglected. A notable exception is for electrolytic capacitors, which have comparatively large leakage currents and should be used with care in sensitive circuits. Also, polar electrolytic capacitors can emit large amounts of burst noise for hours if they experience even a momentary reverse (incorrect) bias. The noise model for an inductor is shown in 2-3. The model includes a non-ideal resistor R series Li Figure 2-3: One-port noise model of an inductor. in series with an ideal inductance to model the series resitance of the windings and any 2.2. ONE-PORT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODELS 35 magnetic losses in the core of the inductor. In contrast to the capacitor, this resistance is generally noticable. For a 100 mH inductor, a typical Rseries is about 100 Q. 2.2.2 Diodes The basic current noise model of a diode, laser or otherwise, is shown in Fig. 2-4. R series r In(ALI11/f Figure 2-4: One-port noise model of a diode. The resistor Rseries is a parasitic resistance representing the losses in the Ohmic contacts of the diode. For the laser diodes measured for this thesis, this value is in the 2-10 Q range. Because it is a real resistance with actual power loss, it contributes noise as specified by the resistor noise model given above. In series are the parallel combination of the differential resistance rd, a 1/f noise source Il/f, and a current noise source I,. The differential resistance rd is not a real resistance in the sense that it is capable of dissipating power, but is rather a ratio of the small change in voltage to the corresponding change in current across the junction; it is therefore depicted as ideal. The current through CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 36 a diode is typically approximated by an exponential law of the form Vi I = Is (e nkT - 1) (2.3) where I is the current through the diode, I, is the saturation current of the diode, V is the voltage across the diode, q is the charge of an electron, k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature of the diode, and n is an empirical fitting constant of order 1 which can have a weak bias dependence. The differential resistance is found as: dV ddI nkT - Vq qIenk nkT qI (2.4) ( For higher frequency modeling, one includes diffusion and depletion capacitance in parallel with Rd. The precise origins of the Ii/f noise source are still poorly understood, but it typically takes the form: SI,/f(f) = 0I C (2.5) Typically 3 and -y are of order 1, and a varies widely depending on the diode. A helpful parameter is the 1/f noise corner frequency, which is the frequency at which the 1/f current noise power SI,i/f equals the noise current power Sin. This typically occurs at around 10 kHz, but can range between 1 kHz and 1 MHz. The noise current source I1 in the diode model is taken to be an instance of a Gaussian stochastic process with white spectral density. This is a reasonable approximation in the low frequency limit in which one is interested in frequencies less than the inverse of the characteristic carrier scattering and transport times of the diode, as is the case in this thesis. The magnitude of this noise, or more precisely the noise power per unit frequency, is dependent on the detailed physics of the diode, and sometimes the bias current. For example, in a simple tunnel junction, each carrier's transport across the junction is largely 2.2. ONE-PORT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT MODELS 37 independent of the other carriers. This results in a current spectral density of: qV SItj = 2qlDCcoth( k) 2kT (2.6) Here IDC is the DC bias current through the diode, and V is the voltage across the junction of the diode. For most other types of diodes the situation is more complicated. Even in a simple p-n homojunction, which is known to (roughly) display shot noise behavior, the physics of what really goes on and where the noise comes from is quite subtle [28] [29]. It is very common even in recent papers to attribute the noise in a forward biased semiconductor homojunction laser to the noise of two terminal currents in the laser, one in the forward Vq direction of magnitude If = Ienkr and one in the reverse direction of magnitude I, Is. With some fuzzy thinking, one could decide that the carriers in these currents cross the junction of the device in a independent manner, resulting in Poisson statistics and shot noise. For low frequencies (compared to the transport times of the diode) this model happens to give the correct noise spectral density: (2.7) SI,hid = 2q(If + Ir) Unfortunately, this simple explanation, while appropriate for some devices (like a vacuum triode operated in the thermally-limited current regime), is simply wrong for a typical semiconductor diode. The noise model of the semiconductor diode is discussed more in Chapter 4, but it is sufficient to observe here that the carrier fluxes which actually cross the depletion layer of a diode are much larger than the currents measured at the terminals [28], invalidating the 'independent transport' explanation. Unfortunately, this erroneous explanation is still common in published work and textbooks on electronic devices. In general, in trying to assess the noise added to a measurement from a diode, it is reasonable to assume a simple shot noise model SI, = 2 qIDC as an order of magnitude estimate. But to take a Parthian shot at even this rough of a generalization, a heterojunction laser biased just above the threshold of lasing can display SI, at a thousand times the shot CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 38 noise level. 2.3 2.3.1 Two-port Equivalent Noise Models Transistors The most important part of most sensitive electronic measurements is the amplifier which boosts the signal to a level useful for data aquisition. To understand the noise in amplifiers, it is necessary to first understand the noise in their constituent transistors. The noise models presented for these devices will be in the common-emitter hybrid-pi model for bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), and the analogous common-source small signal model for fieldeffect transistors (FETs). While these models are very useful, like the diode model they should not be taken as gospel truth, but rather as good approximations which may differ from reality for different materials and geometries. The noise model for a BJT is shown in Fig. 2-5. The resistance Tb is the base parasitic b rb/ 2 p '1/f rb/ 2 ~ C rbc - ... A/LJ%........... 1b,sh be ce 9mvs Iec,sh Figure 2-5: Two-port noise model of a bipolar junction transistor. resistance and is engineered to be as small as possible, generally between 10 and 200 Ohms. The resistance rbc is the parasitic resistance between the base and the collector and is usually large enough to neglect. The two ideal resistances are Tbe and rce. They are the differential resistances of the forward biased base-emitter junction and the differential resistance of the reverse biased base-collector junction, respectively. b,sh is due to shot noise in the base 2.3. TWO-PORT EQUIVALENT NOISE MODELS 39 current and has the power spectral density S, ,sh = 2 (2.8) qIB where IB is the DC current flowing into the base. Likewise Ic,sh is shot noise from the collector current with spectral density Sl,c,sh = 2 (2.9) qIc where Ic is the DC collector current. Also shown in Fig. 2-5 is the 1/f noise generator I/f accompanying the base current. As in the diode noise model, this noise has a spectral density SIi/f (f) DC (2.10) This noise generator has been placed in the middle of the base resistance rb in an effort to accurately model empirical results [30]. Finally, it must be remembered that the non- ideal resistances in the model carry noise according to the resistor noise model. Practically speaking, Tbc is large enough so as to render its noise sources unimportant, and the base resistance rb generally does not display significant 1/f noise. The noise model for a general FET device is shown in Fig. 2-6. For a typical FET, d Zgd r0 p Fiur2-:Topr osemdlo il efc rnitr 40 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING R(z,,) and R(zgd) are very small, and the impedances can be taken to be pure capacitors. Physically speaking, the real parts of these impedances are vanishingly small because in modern processes the gate oxide in a MOS structure which insulates the gate from the other two terminals can be made with very few defects. At low frequencies, the only remaining impedance is the drain to source resistance, which is the effective resistance seen across the channel from the output of the transistor. The resistance is modelled as ideal even though it is dissipative and therefore contributes thermal noise. The thermal noise from the channel is added in separately later. I/f is the usual 1/f noise generator for the drain current with spectral density (2.11) SI,1/f (f )= Ith is related to the thermal noise of the channel, although its exact calculation is somewhat complicated, and involves an integral over the length of the channel [29] [28]. Below saturation, when the channel of the FET is not pinched off, the value of the spectral density is the usual thermal noise: St ~ 4kTgm (2.12) Above saturation, when the FET is pinched off (normal operating condition), the spectral density is different: S1th ~ -4kTgmn 3 (2.13) The noise source I9 represents shot noise of the gate leakage current, and has the spectral density Sl,g =- 2qIG (2.14) where IG is the DC gate leakage current [29]. For most modern FETs, this leakage current is very small, and this noise source is unimportant compared to the thermal noise. The noise models for BJTs and FETs described above are important for deciding what devices to use for a particular measurement. 41 2.4. THEORY OF ONE-PORTS AND TWO-PORTS 2.3.2 Transformers In the context of this thesis, transformers were used to impedance match noise sources with measuring amplifiers. Fig. 2-7 shows the noise model of a 1:N transformer with the '1' side chosen as the input. The resistances rp and r, are primary and secondary coil resistances, ...... ......... r rCr 1 : N L 1I N C Figure 2-7: Two-port noise model of a transformer. respectively. They obey the usual resistor noise model; thermal noise from these devices typically dominates the noise from the transformer. The resistance rec represents magnetic core losses, and like any dissipative process, contributes thermal noise. The inductance LP is the primary inductance, which sets the low frequency limit of the transformer. The capacitance C, models the distributed parasitic capacitance of the secondary coil, and often sets the high frequency limit of the transformer. 2.4 Theory of One-ports and Two-ports Because the noise generated in the circuit models given above is typically a small signal, the formalism of linear circuit theory can be applied to predict a system's noise behavior even when nonlinear elements are involved, as long as the system maintains a stable bias. This formalism allows one to abstract away from the particular circuit elements to generalized one-port and two-port devices. Some results of this theory which are central to this thesis are presented here. CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 42 2.4.1 One-port Thermal Noise It is a standard result of linear circuit theory that an arbitrary network of resistors, capacitors, and inductors with two nodes of the network designated as the measurement port can be written in terms of a Thevenin or Norton equivalent circuit [31]. A Thevenin equivalent circuit consists of a voltage source in series with a general complex impedance ZT, and the Norton equivalent circuit consists of the parallel combination of a current source and a general complex impedance ZN. To calculate the thermal noise exhibited at the output port due to resistive elements within this network, one could insert the noise models for each of the elements earlier (neglecting the 1/f noise sources) and turn the crank of linear circuit theory for each independent source of noise, summing all of the variances (because they are uncorrelated) for all of the noise sources to obtain the total noise. There is a much faster way to obtain the noise if the Thevenin impedance ZT is known [30]: simply take the real part of the impedance and calculate its thermal noise. This can be seen to be true from a simple thermodynamic argument. If a resistor with value R(ZT is connected across the ports of the Thevenin network, thermal equilibrium guarantees that at each frequency there is no net power transfer between the network and the terminating resistor. This means that the thermal noise emitted by the network must be equal to the thermal noise emitted by the resistors. 2.4.2 Generalized Two-port Noise Models Is is often useful to regard some portion of a circuit as a noiseless two-port device. For example, the BJTs and FETs discussed above are best regarded as two port devices. Although they contain three terminals, one is designated as a shared terminal common to the both the input and the output; in Fig. 2-5 and Fig. 2-6 the common emitter and common source configurations were given, respectively. More complicated circuits such as an operational amplifiers can often be well described by simplified two port models, as in Fig. 2-8 [32]. Note that this paricular noise model, by choosing a side of the two port to place the voltage dependent voltage source and a side of the port to measure the voltage upon which 2.4. THEORY OF ONE-PORTS AND TWO-PORTS 43 + Vin Zj- Figure 2-8: Two-port noiseless model of an operational amplifier. the source depends, has implicitly designated one port as the input and one port as the output. The model was not designed to work in reverse; it does not predict the response at the input of the circuit to a disturbance at the output. Also note that not only the gain, but also the input and output impedance of the two-port have a non-trivial frequency dependence. While this is the standard noiseless amplifier model, a more complete model is possible. The input and output voltages can be related to one another with complete generality using four complex frequency dependent parameters: out (2.15) z 11 Iin + k 12 Vout in =k 2 1 Vin + Z22 Iout This is shown below in Fig. 2-9. This model uses voltage controlled voltage sources to drive 'in ......................................................................................... 1out z+ zil in z2 2 + k 12Vout - V + ut -k21Vi B-ut Figure 2-9: General noiseless model of a two-port network. 44 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING signals through the two-port. It is possible to formulate the two-port model in terms of any combination of current or voltage controlled current or voltage sources. The standard theory of noiseless two ports can be easily extended to handle noise sources within the circuit which the two-port represents [30]. By successively treating each port of the two-port as a one-port (with the other port left open circuited), the noise at each port can be calculated using the principle of superposition from ordinary linear circuit theory, and, where appropriate, the one-port thermal noise technique discussed above. The noisy network can then be replaced with a noiseless two-port model with voltage generators at the input and the output, as in Fig. 2-10. These generators will still have zero-mean Gaussian I Iout 1+ +I in + k o'ut _1 VN,out 22 V' V' VN,in out + -out _ills Figure 2-10: General two-port network with voltage noise sources at the input and output. statistics (assuming all of the circuit noise generators had zero-mean Gaussian statistics), but they can have spectral densities with non-trivial frequency dependence, and they can have some non-trivial correlation with one another. To make it easier to compare the noise contributed by a two port network to a signal applied at its input it is helpful to express all of the two port's noise at its input. To do this one starts with the general two-port input and output relations with voltage noise sources at both the input and output, shown in Fig. 2-10. By inspection, one can write: k 12 (Vout + VN,out) Vin = Z111In + Vout = k2 1 (Vin + VN,in) + z22I 1out -VN,in - VN,out (2.16) 2.4. THEORY OF ONE-PORTS AND TWO-PORTS 45 Now consider an identical noiseless two-port network with current and voltage noise sources at the input, as depicted in Fig. 2-11. The input and output voltage relations can be written ............................................... lout II- Z2 2 Z VN In ot ut +, kV {N 1- Ut k2 1V -k- --- o + Figure 2-11: General two-port network with input referred noise. by inspection (note that V..t = V0ut/ for this model): +IN ) +k12Vout Vin = z11(Iin Vout = k21(Vin+VN)+z22Iout (2.17) -VN Referring to Eqn. 2.16 and Eqn. 2.17, the noise appearing at the input (Vin) and output (Vout) can be made equal by setting the values of I and V, appropriately. VN VN,in IN VN,out(1 ± k 12 ) - (2.18) VN,out k21 z11k21 Because this can always be done (as long as k 2 1 / 0 and z 11 4 0), all practical noisy two-port circuits can be expressed in this form. If the parameters k 2 1 or z 11 become equal to zero, one or both of the noise sources in Eqn. 2.18 will diverge. That these constraints apply is not surprising; if either k 21 or zii equals zero the output portion of the circuit in Fig. 2-11 becomes totally decoupled from the input noise sources, and the input referred model is incapable of reproducing the output noise VN,Out in Fig. 2-10. A common caution in the literature on this subject [30] [28] is that the input referred 46 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING noise model is only valid in the forward direction, and may not be used to calculate the noise coupled out of the input. This is not true; as formulated above, the general noise model for a two-port is totally symmetrical with respect to input and output, and can be used to calculate the noise from either port. However it must be remembered that at a given frequency, the two-port is characterized by 12 real parameters: the real and imaginary parts of z11 , k 12 , k 21 , and z22 , as well as the power of each noise source, and the real and imaginary part of the cross-correlation between the noise sources. The cross-correlation is often ignored in practical calculations, and it is seldom important when calculating the effects of noise at the output of a real amplifier. This is a result of the specific positions of the noise sources in the FETs and BJTs which make up the amplifier. However, when calculating the noise out of the input port of an amplifier, the correlation typically becomes very important and must not be forgotten. One application for which this is important is the balanced detection scheme, shown in Fig. 2-12. The idea behind balanced detection is F VI + cross- nV DUT F ---- - - - - correlator ZV, ZSig + V + V - A2 In,2 Figure 2-12: Balanced detection scheme for the measurement of small signals. to measure a small signal Voi from the DUT using two amplifying circuits in parallel, and then cross-correlating the measured signals (VI and V2) to remove the effects of the noise. 2.4. THEORY OF ONE-PORTS AND TWO-PORTS 47 More quantitatively, Here the V eoise V A 1 (Vig + VnIolise + VIo2ijse) V2 A2 (Vsig + V (2.19) +o2 V1ise) represents the noise signal at the '1' amplifier due to the noise generators on the input of the '1' amplifier, V' o2se represents the noise signal at the '1' amplifier due to the noise generators on the input of the '2' amplifier, and so on. These noise signals contain the combined effects of the voltage and current input noise sources of each amplifier. The cross-correlation of V and V2 can be taken: Rv 1 v 2 = (T) AIA 2 (Vs-g(t)Vsig(t - T) +Vsig(t)V 7 2se(t - VSig(t)V2 se(t --- V~oise ft)V2ise(t ... V112se(t)Vsig(t Vs(t) $,jise .. + - )+ - (2.20) (t)Vg(t - T) + --- ) +Vaise(t)VJise(t -T)+Vro2se(t)Vise(t (t - T) T) - -T) ) +±-- ++--- All of the uncorrelated terms (signal with noise, or noise from amplifier '1' with noise from amplifier '2') are zero, and the cross-correlation can be written: Rv1 v2 (7) = AIA 2 (Vsig(t)Vsig(t - T) +V 'lise(t)Vraise(t- 7)+ (2.21) ...02(t)V22se(tT) The only terms which remain are the desired autocorrelation of the signal and the undesired cross correlation terms resulting from the coupling of noise from the '1' (or '2') amplifier into the '2' (or '1') channel. The size of these noise sources can be determined using the input referred noise model discussed above. For most amplifiers, they can be shown to be small, and for FET input amplifiers they are virtually zero, allowing the balanced detection CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 48 method to be used with confidence. A detailed discussion of this technique can be found in [33]. 2.4.3 Multiple Amplifier Stages (Friss's Formula) Often when measuring small signals, two or more cascaded amplifier gain stages must be used. As amplifers frequently have different gains and contribute different amounts of noise to a measurement, the ordering of the amplifiers can be important. This was first noted by Friss [34] for impedance matched radio circuits. The result given here is for unmatched amplifiers which are not significantly loaded by the impedance of the measured signal source, relevant for all of the measurements in this thesis. Suppose that one has two voltage amplifiers, one with gain A 1 and input noise voltage N 1, and the other with gain A 2 and input noise voltage N 2 . Suppose further that the measured signal is a pure voltage source of voltage S. If the amplifiers are arranged with '1' first and '2' second, the output signal is: MA = A 2 (A 1 S + N1 ) + N2 For amplifier '2' first, and '1' second, the signal is: MB = A, (A 2 S + N 2 ) + N 1 In both cases, the desired signal is A 1 A 2 S, and the rest is noise. Examining the noise terms, it is clear that amplifier '1' should be used in the measurement chain if A1- 1 A2 - 1 N1 N2 (2.22) Otherwise amplifier '2' should be used. This criteria explains why designers of low noise measurement systems spend most of their effort on reducing the noise of the first stage. As long as the designer has some flexibility in setting the first stage gain (generally the case), 2.4. THEORY OF ONE-PORTS AND TWO-PORTS 49 the gain can almost always be made large enough to render the noise of the second stage unimportant. 2.4.4 Optimum Noise Resistance Another important result which follows naturally from the two-port input-referred noise model discussed above is that of the optimum noise resistance. Consider a voltage amplifier with independent input referred noise sources V and I, used to measure a Thevenin voltage source with resistance R. Note that R, expresses thermal noise (Fig. 2-13). The voltage S+ + | n Vth n R Vsg sig DUT Figure 2-13: Measurement with noisy voltage amplifier. signal at the input is simply Vin = Vsig + Vh + Vn + In RS (2.23) The goal of an experimenter is to measure Voi 9 with as much accuracy is possible. The thermal noise from R, which corrupts the signal will always be present, and represents an ultimate limit to how well the signal can be measured. This observation motivates the definition of the noise factor F (recognizable as the noise figure defined in Eqn. 1.5, but this CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 50 time not expressed in dB): F total noise power ni noise power from thermal noise in source For our present scenario, we can write F =v S_ + Sv_ + RS Sth = 1 + S +R\Si 4kTRs (2.24) where Sth is the PSD of the thermal noise of R5, and SI and Sv are the PSDs of the current and voltage noise sources, respectively. The noise factor is a useful figure of merit for an amplifier because it recognizes the inevitability of thermal noise at the source, and quantifies how much more noise is added by the amplifier. A perfect amplifier has F = 1, and real amplifiers have F > 1. It is clear from Eqn. 2.24 that for large R, the noise factor F will be large due to the contribution of the R2S 1 term in the numerator. Similarly, for small R, the denominator approaches zero, and F becomes large. There is an optimum value of R. for which the F is minimized. Using simple calculus, this can be shown to be: Ro = Sv =nVn _L (2.25) This important result should be interpreted as a guide for the selection of an amplifier based on the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the device being measured. There are two points of common confusion which should be clarified. First, it never makes sense to place a resistor in series or parallel with a device in order to achieve the optimum source resistance; thermal noise from the added resistor will only make things worse. Second, the concept of optimum noise resistance is seldom very useful if the DUT has a significant reactance !(Z,) at the measurement frequencies. One can derive a relation between the current and voltage noise generators and the real and imaginary part of Z. in a manner analagous to 2.5. EXTERNAL LOW FREQUENCY SOURCES OF NOISE 51 the method above: SV S1 - (Z)2 (2.26) Unfortunately, because the reactance of any practical DUT tends to be frequency dependent (ZIapacitor jI= ' Zinductor = JwL), the optimum ratio between the current and voltage noise depends on frequency as well. From a design perspective, one rarely has enough control over the current and voltage noise of the measuring amplifier to match this frequency dependence over any significant bandwidth. 2.5 External Low Frequency Sources of Noise There are a number of other sources of noise which find their origin in the environment outside of the measurement, but are coupled in through vulnerable components. They can usually be avoided by following certain rules in laying out the measurement. However, one often finds that some of the rules offered must be broken, for convenience or by necessity. Whether or not breaking a particular rule will result in a significant degradation in signal quality is usually most easily determined by just trying it. Capacitive Coupling, Shielding, and Ground Loops Unless one enjoys the luxury of working in an electrostatically shielded room, there are many sources of stray electrical fields in a room which can corrupt a measurement. A room is essentially a large capacitor, floor and ceiling defining the sides. Large conductors in the room (people, optical tables, etc.) distort the electrical fields and the corresponding electrostatic potential. Room lighting, electrical conduits, and electronic equipment provide the origins and terminations of the stray field lines. In engineering terms, every conductive object in the room has a capacitance with every other metal object in the room, including the conductors in the measurement apparatus. The problem which can arise from this is shown in Fig. 2-14. The measured device (DUT) is taken to consist of a Thevenin equivalent resistance R 52 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING /C //, %4 +___ VorI +,R Rm s > measurement device DUT Figure 2-14: Capacitive coupling of noise into a measurement. and a voltage signal source V, and the measured quantity is taken to be a voltage or current measurement performed across the resistor Rm. For voltage measurement (e.g. voltage amplifier) Rm is taken to be large, and for a current measurement (e.g. transimpedance amplifier) Rm is very small. The capacitor C drawn in dotted line is some parasitic capacitance between the signal wire of a measurement and some other metal object in the room with a fluctuating potential V. If one supposes a C=2 pF coupling capacitance, R=10000 Q, and a voltage measurement, a voltage of 15 [W is measured due to the parasitic capacitance, enough to swamp any reasonably small signal. Note that the larger the value of the parallel combination of R and Rm, the more vulnerable the circuit is to capacitive voltage coupling. Thus for voltage measurements (large Rm) across high Thevenin equivalent impedance devices (high R) one is particularly vulnerable to this form of noise. This is one benefit of measuring a large impedance device with a transimpedance amplifier. However, even this may not be enough. Fig. 2-15 depicts an unshielded DC current measurement of a weak luminescent source. The large transient spikes at the beginning of the measurement were caused by the experimenter walking away from the measurement apparatus, disturbing the pattern of electrostatic fields in the room (the large glitch at roughly 350 seconds is also from movement). A more general solution to the problem of capacitive coupling is shielding. The intuitive idea behind shielding is simply to prevent the random spurious electric 2.5. EXTERNAL LOW FREQUENCY SOURCES OF NOISE 53 10 987- 605- E 30 2 0101 0 100 200 300 400 time (seconds) 500 600 700 Figure 2-15: Capacitive coupling of noise into a current measurement. fields in the room from talking to sensitive nodes of the measurement circuit. Shielding around an amplifier can also reduce unwanted capacitive feedback that could potentially degrade the bandwidth or stablity of the amplifier. A detailed and clear discussion of shielding and related issues are presented in [35]. Here we simply note that for an electrostatic shield to be effective, three conditions must be satisfied. First, the shield must be a conductor which completely encloses the sensitive portion of the measurement circuit. For low frequencies (<10 MHz) and for moderately sized shields (< 1 m 3 ), alumininum foil is perfectly sufficient, as the electric fields may be treated quasistatically, and travelling-wave effects ignored. For proper shielding at higher frequencies (10 MHz to 100 GHz), the skin depth of the shielding material must be considered. Second, the shield should be connected to the zero reference of potential in the circuit. Connecting the shield to wall ground if the measurement circuitry inside is floating relative to ground is generally a bad idea, and may even make for more noise pickup than having no shield at all. Coaxial cables, which carry the signal inside of a cylindrical grounded case, can then be conveniently used to exit the shielded enclosure and obtain or deliver signals. CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING rX U4 If the transmitted signals are extremely small (pA to fA range), triaxial cables are often used in place of coaxial cables. These feature a third shell in between the signal and the ground, which is kept at the same potential as the signal using a buffer amplifier at the signal source. This prevents the radial leakage currents which would otherwise be present from the signal to the ground, and also eliminates much of the mutual capacitance in the cable between the signal and the ground. Lastly, the shield should connect at one point only to the ground of the measurement apparatus. If the signal source which is being measured is connected to earth ground, efforts should be made to have the shield connect to earth ground at the same physical location as the signal-earth ground connection. This eliminates the possibility that current flow in the shield (necessary to perform its function) can couple into the signal ground of the measurement. If shield current flows through the small but finite resistance of the signal ground path, it can cause spurious voltage fluctuations to appear in the measured voltage. This problem is known as a 'ground loop'. For similar reasons, it is always a good idea to wall-plug any necessary electrical measurement equipment into the same electrical main, preferably through a power supply regulator which quiets the wall power. Noisy equipment (arc lamps, fluorescent lighting, computers) is ideally plugged in on a separate circuit. There are some basic difficulties with the above description. One is getting power into the shield to supply electronic equipment. There exist well developed techniques for doing this using shielded transformers solution. [35]. Relying on battery powered devices is an even simpler Another issue which can arise is the measurement of two independent signals within the shielded enclosure. Eliminating capacitive crosstalk between these signals by following the above prescriptions requires the construction of two separate shielded areas, one for each signal. Where not practical, simply spatially separating the signals within the shield can be helpful. Fig. 2-16 shows a shielded single ended amplifier reading a signal from a DUT represented by a Thevenin equivalent impedance. Note that the shield connects with the signal ground at the point where the signal ground is connected to earth ground. Also shown is an 2.5. EXTERNAL LOW FREQUENCY SOURCES OF NOISE 55 incorrect signal connection (with an 'x' through the wire), which would result in a ground loop and a corresponding deterioration in the measured signal quality. Vsig + .. i/I mproper onnectin RThe. different ground groundVose Figure 2-16: Correct and incorrect shielding of a sensitive measurement. Inductive Coupling Inductive coupling is the magnetic analog to capacitive coupling. An example of this is sketched in Fig. 2-17. An AC source of current outside of the measurement apparatus generates a time varying magnetic flux which passes through a loop in the measurement circuit. By Faraday's law, this induces a voltage into the measurement circuit. In effect, induced H-field or I InV -DU measurement device Figure 2-17: Inductive coupling of noise into a measurement. there is a transformer whose primary is the noise source coil (Ia) and whose secondary is 56 CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING the measurement circuit. Like capacitive coupling noise, the problem is worst for voltage measurements on large DUT impedances. Unlike capacitive coupling noise, there is no simple way to shield measurements from magnetic fields. In principle, P--metal (metal with a high magnetic permeability) can be used to enclose an experiment. This channels magnetic fields around the measurement and away from the loops. However, because pmetal is expensive, difficult to shape, and susceptible to shock-induced damage, it is almost always easier to eliminate the loops which are causing the coupling. Twisting wires and even coaxial cables will often solve the problem. Twinax cable (two twisted wires within a concentric guarding shield) is often a good solution to the combined problem of capacitive and inductive coupling. Sometimes simply changing the orientation of equipment is helpful. Microphonics, dC -- noise Noise can also be mechanically introduced into a circuit. This is known as microphonic, or more generally noise. an example of the basic mechanism is depicted in Fig. 2-18. In CV mechanical eetoee eetotr UTvibration amplifier Figure 2-18: Microphonic coupling of noise into a measurement. some way, the environment causes a time dependent change in the value of a capacitance in the circuit (C). This is sometimes through the mechanical vibration of a coaxial cable which has not been properly secured. That this causes a spurious signal can be seen by differentiating the standard voltage-charge relation of a capacitor: d d(CV) Q=->I dt dt dQ dt dV dC C dt +V dt (2.27) 2.2 2.6. SUMMARY 57 The !dt term gives rise to a spurious current if there is a voltage V across the terminals. Often the offset voltage of an op amp is sufficient to see this effect. In particular, the electrometer op amps which are typically used to measure small currents (e.g. Analog Devices AD546) often have relatively large (~ mV) offset voltages at their inputs. While micro- phonic noise is typically much smaller than the capacitive, inductive, and ground related noise discussed earlier, it can become important when looking at very small current signals, or when the voltage across a high impedance load is measured. Tying down loose cables and wires and using low-noise cabling are the best ways of dealing with microphonic noise. There are more exotic spurious environmental sources of noise which can potentially plague the experimenter. For a more thorough investigation, the reader is referred to Chapter 3 of [30]. 2.6 Summary In this chapter, the modeling of noise in electrical systems is discussed from an experimental perspective. The goal of the chapter is to demystify the myriad sources of noise which are present in any sensitive measurement and help in the design and optimization of customized measurement systems. The key results of this chapter are summarized here. First, noise circuit models for various elements common to experimental setups are presented. These are divided into one-port and two-port models; the one-port models are resistors, capacitors, inductors, and diodes, and the two-port models are BJTs, FETs, and transformers. In each device, there are typically several sources of noise, although one source is often dominant. Once the noise models are available, the machinery of linear circuit theory can be applied to model the noise of arbitrary systems. In particular, the abstractions of one-port and twoport models, traditional fare of introductory circuits classes, are generalized here to describe networks with arbitrary noise. The thermal noise from an arbitrary one-port network is shown to be equal to the thermal noise of a resistor whose value is the real part of the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the one-port. The noise in a two port is referenced CHAPTER 2. THEORY OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOISE MODELING 58 Q back to the input and expressed in terms of a noise voltage source and a noise current source, allowing the easy comparison of signal levels and noise levels for a measurement system. This model is used throughout this thesis and is standard in the electronic circuit community. Having provided the necessary tools for modeling noise in electronic circuits, two important principles of low noise circuit design are presented. The first stage of an amplifier chain is shown be the main contributer to the noise factor (and noise figure) of the chain. This suggests that the low noise circuit designer focus his or her efforts on the careful design of the preamplification stage. This can often be done by matching the optimum noise resistance of the measurement apparatus to the DUT's Thevenin resistance. For the important special case of a resistive DUT, the optimum noise resistance was shown to be , where V,, and I, are the voltage and current noise generators of the measurement apparatus. Finally, some other sources of spurious noise external to the measurement circuit are discussed. Capacitive coupling noise is by far the biggest offender of these, but it is also the easiest to prevent. A careful description of electrostatic shielding shielding is given, and the next most common gremlin of low noise measurements, the ground loop, is discussed. Inductive coupling noise is touched upon, as well as microphonic 4- noise. Chapter 3 Current Noise Measurements 3.1 Summary of Instruments For this thesis a set of time domain measurement systems were developed to make noise measurements in a range of devices under various operating conditions. When reviewing these systems, one should remember the three key difficulties in making measurements of current noise. The first difficulty stems from the nature of the noise signal. Physically interesting current noise is invariably a small signal of wide bandwidth. Both high sensitivity and wide bandwidth are generally important goals. With high gain and high bandwidth issues of stability and sensitivity to parasitics often arise. Small perturbations in the topology of the circuit can result in large changes in the behavior of the system. The second difficulty is related to the many other signals in the environment of the measurement along with the noise of interest. It should be clear from the discussion in Chapter 2 that for a given measurement system, there are many uninteresting sources of spurious noise present along with the interesting noise which is to be studied. The philosophy adopted here is that if unwanted noise cannot be turned off, it must be minimized by design. If it cannot be minimized, it must be carefully subtracted out. In every case, it must be understood. Dealing with spurious sources of noise can necessitate a detailed 59 CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 60 understanding of things which initially do not seem relevant to the measurement. The third and greatest difficulty in noise measurements is in calibrating the measurement. Because of the constraints imposed by the first difficulty (high sensitivity and high bandwidth), the noise measurement apparatus is often highly optimized and very sensitive to small changes, even parasitic changes, in its circuitry and in the device under test. This means that the transfer function describing the action of the device on the measured signal is nontrivial and unstable with respect to small changes in the measurement. This means that a method of calibration is required, and further, the calibration must take pains not to perturb the circuit from its behavior during the measurement. Interesting noise has a spectral and amplitude character very different than the sinusoidal signal sources which are known with confidence and used for calibration. Therefore further contortions on the part of the experimentalist are required to ensure that the calibration with a known signal is really providing information which pertains to the unknown noise. The measurement systems described in this chapter address these issues. 3.2 Measurement Equipment The most important intrumentation used for the time domain measurements were two commercial low-noise amplifiers, a transformer, and an analog-to-digital converter. In what follows, a brief description of each is given, and other possible choices of intrumentation are discussed. Also used for the measurements in Chapter 4 were two home-made transmpedance amplifiers. These are discussed in more detail in Chapter 4. 3.2.1 Low Noise Current Preamplifier The key element of a noise measurement system is typically the first device or amplifier in the measurement chain which provides signal gain. As shown in Section 2.4.3 the noise floor (and the sensitivity) of the measurement is usually determined by this stage. This first stage is often a solid state amplifier. For a particular device under test (DUT), the optimum first-stage amplifier for noise measurement depends on the Thevenin equivalent 3.2. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT 61 impedance of the device seen by the measurement system. In this thesis, two complimentary techniques are developed to deal with high and low DUT impedances. For higher impedance measurements, a current preamplifier is chosen for the first stage. The job of the current preamplifier (also called a transimpedance amplifier) is to transform a current signal at the amplifier input to a voltage signal at the output. The gain (transimpedance) of the amplifier is therefore specified in Ohms. The transimpedance amplifier used in the time-domain measurements of this thesis was the SR570 low noise current preamplifier from Stanford Research Systems. Table 3.1 depicts the range of settings possible on the SR570, as specified by the manufacturer. The current preamplifier contributes Transimpedance Input Current Noise Bandwidth Input Impedance I kQ 10 kQ 100 kQ 150 pA/ Hz 100 pA/ IHz 60 pA/ Hz 1 MHz 1 MHz 800 kHz 1Q IQ 100 Q 1 MQ 2 pA/ IHz 600 fA/ Hz 200 kHz 100 Q 20 kHz 2 kHz 200 Hz 100 Hz 20 Hz 10 Hz 10 kQ 10 kQ 1 MQ 1 MQ 1 MQ I MQ 10 MQ 100 MQ 1 GQ 10 GQ 100 GQ 1 TQ 100 fA/ Iz 60 fA/ FHz 10 fA/ Hz 10 fA/ \Hz 5 fA/f Hz Table 3.1: Performance of the SR570 low noise transimpedance amplifier. unwanted noise to the measurement, which can be modeled at the amplifier's input with a current noise source I, and a voltage noise source V,. Because a current preamplifier is typically used when the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the DUT is large, the input current noise of the amplifier typically dominates over the input voltage noise, and therefore only the current noise is specified for a commercial amplifier. "Large", in this context, means large enough so that parasitic capacitance at the input of the amplifier becomes troublesome, either by degrading the bandwidth of the amplifier or by capacitively coupling spurious signals into the measurement. In this thesis, the equivalent resistance of the DUT was not always large enough to ignore the voltage noise. Fig. 3-1 depicts the two-port model CHAPTER, 3. 62 CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS of a transimpedance amplifier with both noise sources. In Zzout zin Ilin V nI n V=RGInl Figure 3-1: Two-port model of a current amplifier. While the SR570 is a well-regarded commercial low noise amplifier [36] [4], the best custom designed amplifiers can allow measurement of signals which are 10 to 100 times smaller [37] [36] [38]. This is due mainly to the fact that a custom designed amplifier can be highly optimized for the specific measurement for which the amplifier is intended. Other techniques which can be employed to reduce the noise of the amplifier include cooling the input stage of the amplifier stage to reduce the thermal noise from the channels of the input JFETs [39], measuring the DUT with two identical systems to allow uncorrelated noise to be subtracted [33], and designing very careful electromagnetic shielding [40]. The latter two techniques are explored later in this chapter. Even with these improvements, a severe reduction in the dynamic range (the range of input signal amplitudes which can be measured) often must be accepted to improve significantly over the SR570 [36]. The advantage of using a commercial transimpedance amplifier over a custom built amplifier is the ease with which measurement bandwidth, noise performance, sensitivity, and impedance matching can be traded off (using the wide range of programmable settings), while still retaining reasonable overall performance. This allows for a measurement system to be developed which can be easily adapted to various DUTs. It is the opinion of this author that an experimenter's time is better spent developing a careful method of calibration for a good commercial preamplifier rather than attempting to custom design a different low noise amplifier for every DUT. As will be seen, with careful calibration, voltage or current 3.2. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT 63 signal to noise ratios of 'TO can be tolerated while still measuring signals to better than 5% accuracy. A promising method for measuring small currents not investigated in this thesis is contact-free detection. This method relies upon an inductive mesurement of the mag- netic field created by the DUT current [41]. Further improvements in sensitivity might be attained with the use of a SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) as the sensing element. There exists an extensive literature on high sensitivity DC current measurements (for example, [42]) and commercial DC current sensing SQUIDs are available nowadays. 3.2.2 Low Noise Voltage Preamplifier To measure noise from lower impedance devices, a low noise voltage preamplifier is used for the first stage of amplification. A voltage amplifier is also useful as a second stage amplifier for high impedance device measurements. For these applications, the SR560 voltage preamplifier was selected. The amplifier allows the user to select from gains between 10 and 50000, while maintaining a bandwidth of greater than 1 MHz, an input impedance of 100 MQ + 25 pF, and an input referred voltage noise of < 4 nVvlHz. While the voltage amplifier's noise performance can again be characterized by current and voltage noise sources at the amplifier input, only the voltage noise is typically specified, since the amplifier is usually used to measure DUTs with Thevenin equivalent impedances much smaller than the optimal noise resistance of the voltage amplifier. Fig. 3-2 depicts the two-port model of a voltage amplifier. As was true for the transimpedance amplifier, the best custom designed voltage amplifiers achieve better noise performance than the SR560 by roughly a factor of 10-100. The most popular technique is to design a low-gain first stage of the amplifier using very low noise (and often cryogenically cooled) discrete JFETs. This stage is then followed by a commercial low noise amplifier (e.g. OP17, OP27) second stage. There are several exam- ples of this in the literature [43] [44] [45] [46]. In general, these amplifiers suffer from the CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 64 Zout + V=AVl Figure 3-2: Two-port model of a voltage amplifier. same drawbacks as the custom designed current preamplifiers discussed above, with two differences. Custom designed voltage preamplifiers are typically not as sensitive to changes in the DUT's resistance, making measurements on a variety of devices easier. This is due to the high input impedance seen while looking into the gate of the FET which typically composes the first stage of the amplifier. However, custom designed voltage preamplifiers are typically much more sensitive than current preamplifiers to variations in the capacitance seen at the input of the amplifier. An amplifier whose performance has been optimized for a given DUT may become unstable if slightly more parasitic capacitance appears across the amplifier input. Even a small change in the coaxial cable length between the DUT and the amplifier can change the capacitance seen at the input by a factor of two or more, upsetting the stability of the amplifier. For this reason, a commercial amplifier was selected over a custom design. 3.2.3 Low Noise Transformer Preamplifier A transformer preamplifier can be helpful to measure signals from very low impedance (< 50Q) sources. It is typically built with a low-noise transformer as an input stage and a voltage amplifier as a second stage to provide additional voltage amplification. The two port model for a transformer is discussed in Section 2.3.2. The SR554 transformer preamplifier chosen for the measurement in this thesis consists of a transformer with a 1:100 coil ratio connected in series with a low noise voltage amplifier. 3.2. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT 65 The internal amplifier of the SR554 was bypassed and the SR560 was used in its place. The key performance specifications of the SR554 are summarized in Table 3.2, as specified by the manufacturer. The noise floor of the SR554 is almost entirely determined by the Johnson Gain Input Voltage Noise 500 100 pV/ Hz Available Bandwidth Amplifier Input Impedance <15 kHz 0.5 Q Table 3.2: Performance of the SR554 transformer amplifier. noise of the parasitic resistance of the primary and secondary coils of the transformer. The low frequency performance of the device is set by the primary inductance and the DUT resistance, and the high frequency performance is set by the shunt capacitance seen by the output terminal and the DUT resistance. Care must be taken to avoid loading the transformer output with cable capacitance, as this will degrade the bandwidth. 3.2.4 Data Aquisition System The final step in all of the time domain measurements is to sample and quantize the voltage signal from the previous stages of the measurement chain with an analog-to-digital converter. This converter is typically packaged with some other electronincs such as variable gain amplifiers and memory buffers on a single circuit board. The board is known as a data aquisition system (DAQ). There are four specifications which are important for low noise measurements: the number of bits of quantization, the maximum sampling rate, the minimum full-scale range, and the input-referred voltage noise. The input to a DAQ is a continous time signal taking on a continous range of voltages. A computer can only input a finite number of data points per unit time and can retain only finite precision voltage values in memory. The limitation imposed by the first contraint sets the maximum sampling rate of the DAQ, and the limitation imposed by the second sets the number of bits of quantization. A signal quantized with 16 bit quantization can take on any one of 216 = 65536 different values at a given sampling instant. Due to constraints imposed by high-speed analog design, sampling rate and resolution are traded off against one another. This is evident in Fig. 3-3 [47], which is a plot of the resolution and sampling 22 - I1- _ 1 slope: -1 bit/octave [--_ 18 20 _ MI-v 4 2 - uhybrid S8i IC L-. C .. _ - -state-of-the-art--- E+4 1E+5 IE+7 IE+6 1E+8 IE+9 1E+10 E+11 Sample Rate (Sampess) Figure 3-3: Resolution and bandwidth of analog-to-digital converters (1999). rate of various commercial analog-to-digital converters available in 1999. The line overlaying the data points depicts the state of the art A-to-D converters at that time. The maximum sampling rate of a DAQ sets the bandwidth of the signal which can be measured. This is given by the well-known Nyquist sampling theorem, which states that sampling at a rate f, is sufficient to reconstruct a signal which is band-limited to frequencies of less that f-. Frequencies greater than f2 will be aliased down to lower frequencies. For 2 a discussion of these issues, see [171. The full-scale range (FSR) of a DAQ is the maximum voltage which a DAQ can sample correctly. Signals above the FSR are "truncated", meaning that they are assigned the maximum quantization level permitted irrespective of their actual value. The minimum FSR of the DAQ is the smallest FSR possible for the DAQ while still maintaining the proper number of bits of quantization. The minimum FSR is important because taken together with the number of quantization bits B, it sets the smallest voltage interval which can be measured with the DAQ. This voltage is known as the minimum step size and is given by FSRgin. The transfer function of an ideal DAQ is sketched in Fig. 3-4 [48]. 67 3.2. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT vout 4 3 2 1 full scale range (FSR) -- 1 -2 tep size -3 Figure 3-4: Transfer function of ideal DAQ. The sensitivity of a DAQ is theoretically set by the FSR and the number of quantization bits B. This limit on the sensitivity can be expressed in terms of the circuit noise models developed in Chapter 2. The key idea is to consider the difference between the real analog signal and the quantized version of the signal to be a noise source. Of course this noise is an artifical construct, physically unrelated to the thermal and shot noise discussed throughout Chapter 2. The noise is best understood as a convenient signal processing abstraction. Figure 3-5 depicts an unquantized signal, a quantized signal, and the difference between the quantized and unquantized signals for 4 bits and 16 bits of quantization. It is evident from Fig 3-5 that as the number of bits of quantization increases, the noise injected by the DAQ (the difference between the original and quantized signals) begins to look more like white noise, in the sense that the noise signal at a time becomes less and less correlated with noise a short time later. A good rule of thumb is that the error signal can be said to be white noise as long as the unquantized signal changes by more than one quantization level between consecutive sampling instants. This allows the noise to be conveniently represented as an CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 68 1 original and quantized signals 1 original and quantized signals 6-bit quantization 3-bit quantization 0.5 a cci 0.5 ci) 0) cci 01 0 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 1 -1'- 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 error signal 8 0.02 3-b1 0.1 uantization 0.015 0.05 0.01 0 0.005 a 01 0) cci 0c -0.05 0 0 -0.1 -0.005 -0.15 -0.01 -0.2 6 error signal 0.15 0a 4 0 2 4 6 8 -0.015 6-bit Luan t iza t ion 0 2 4 6 8 Figure 3-5: Original, quantized, and error signals for 3-bit and 6-bit quantization. additive voltage noise source in series with the input voltage signal of the DAQ. A more detailed analysis [48] finds that the standard deviation of the quantization noise voltage signal is: 1 FSR UQN = vT2 2B (3-1) where FSR is the full scale range in volts and B is the number of bits of quantization. This noise is known as quantization noise; it is a fundamental result of the quantization process, and is present even in an "ideal" DAQ. In addition to quantization noise, a real DAQ has additional noise from the amplifiers that perform the sampling. This noise can dominate the quantization noise when the DAQ is operated at small FSRs, but the quantization noise is usually a good estimate of the noise performance of a DAQ. In either case, the noise can 3.2. MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT 69 be treated as an input voltage noise source at the input of the DAQ. Two DAQ systems were used in this thesis. The first DAQ used for measurements was the National Instruments PCI-6052E. The NI DAQ performs 16-bit quantization, has a maximum single-channel sampling rate of 333kHz, and a minimum FSR (for differential signals) of 100mV. At the minimum FSR, the standard deviation of the DAQ's noise is approximately 5/6 amplifier noise and 1/6 quantization noise. This translates to a signal-tonoise ration of approximately 90 dB. At the higher FSRs, the NI DAQ system is quantization noise limited, with an SNR of about 107 DB. Because of the high SNR, the quatization noise could be ignored. The second DAQ was the Gage Compuscope 14100. The Gage DAQ performs 14-bit quantization, has a maximum single-channel sampling rate of 100 MHz, and a minimum FSR of 100mV. The dominant source of noise in the Gage DAQ was amplifier noise from the sampling process. The SNR of the Gage DAQ at the speed and input range for which it was used was over 60 dB, and therefore its noise could be ignored. Another important signal processing issue pertaining to time sampled measurements is aliasing. A complete discussion of aliasing can be found in [48]. Here it is sufficient to note that sampling a continuous, wide-band signal with a finite sampling frequency Fs maps the signal power present across the entire spectrum of the real signal to a finite frequency band (-F,/2 to Fs/2). Input signals with frequency magnitudes greater than Fs/2 are mapped onto this finite band in the output signal by the sampling process, and prevent the spectrum of the output from being interpreted as a sampled representation of the spectrum of the input. This problem is normally taken care of with an anti-aliasing filter, a filter before the sampler which attempts to limit the spectrum of the input to frequencies less than IFs/2L. In this thesis, a variety of filtering methods were employed to ensure that aliasing was not a source of error. CHAPTER 3. 70 3.3 CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS Johnson Noise Measurements Two sets of Johnson (thermal) noise measurements were made. The goal of the first set of measurements was to characterize the full noise behavior of the measurement chain, allowing the accurate measurement of the noise of an arbitrary device. We use a method similar to the one used in [4]. The goal of the second set of measurements was to confirm the linear dependence of thermal noise power on temperature by measuring a resistor over a range of temperatures using a liquid Helium cryostat. Both sets of measurements were made using the experimental setup depicted in Fig. 3-6. Equivalent Two-port Amplifier Cryostat n DUT (resistor) A resistor of impedance Z, was + V OU _ V + V V=H(w)Iin Computer DAQ Board Figure 3-6: Experimental setup for Johnson noise measurements. placed in the device under test (DUT) position across the input of an SR570 low noise current preamplifier. The DUT was kept at some temperature T,. Signal gain was either provided by the SR570 transimpedance amplifier, or by the cascaded combination of the SR570 with the SR560 voltage amplifier. In Fig. 3-6, the amplifier(s) are represented with a single equivalent two-port amplifier. The two-port is characterized by an input impedance Zi,(w), a transimpedance H(w), and two equivalent input noise sources I(W) and V"(w). As discussed in Section 2.4.3, if the gain of the first stage amplifier is sufficient, the noise 3.3. JOHNSON NOISE MEASUREMENTS 71 from the second stage is unimportant. This condition was easily met in this measurement. In general all of the quantities which characterize the two-port model depend on frequency. The calibration procedure described here can be used to determine these quantities at any particular frequency. The output signal from the voltage amplifier signal is sampled at 300kHz using the DAQ and stored as a time series on a computer. Aliasing was not an issue because the The MATLAB input signal was band-limited by the bandwidth of the ampifier chain. programming environment was used to perform any necessary digital signal processing and curve-fitting. 3.3.1 Calibration DUT (1). Equivalent Two-port Amplifier in (2~ Zcal (3 Zout + + VOut ZS + vn fg |V=H(c>)Ii (1) - calibration DUT (2) - open circuit subrmComputreoA DAQ Board (3)- measurement DU Figure 3-7: Experimental setup for room temperature Johnson noise measurements. Fig. 3-7 depicts the Johnson noise measurement setup with the DUTs used for room temperature noise measurements. Johnson noise from an impedance Z, is modeled as a parallel current source I,. Also shown is a calibration circuit with a an impedance of Zai and a voltage source Vfg. The voltage V0 st at the output of the amplifier circuit can be CHAPTER 3. 72 CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS calculated from the sources at the input. When the noise resistor (Z,) is the DUT (position (3) in Fig. 3-7), the result is: Z8 |2 (IP + I) + V2 + 2IV, - R(CIvZ*) ount = |H (j)| 1 ZIjs+Zi12 Zs + Zin| (3.2) In the Johnson noise measurement calibration setup, there are seven unknown real parameters which must be determined. First, the effective transimpedance H(w) of the amplifier chain must be determined. The magnitude of both of the amplifier noise sources I(w) and V(w) must also be measured. Both the real and imaginary parts of the AC amplifier input impedance Zi,(w) are unknown and must be determined. As discussed in Chapter 2, there can be a non-zero correlation CIV between the current and voltage noises. In general, the real and imaginary parts of this correlation coefficient must be determined. However, for the case of the JFET input of the SR570, this correlation can be safely ignored. The reason for this is that for low frequencies the noise of a modern low-noise JFET is almost entirely due to the thermal fluctuations in its channel. Referring to the FET noise model in Chapter 2, this means that all of the noise is expressed as a single current noise generator between the drain and the source (output), or alternatively a single voltage noise generator between the gate and the source (input). Because the input referred current noise source for the JFET is basically zero, we know that its correlation with the input referred voltage noise source will be unimportant for this measurement. This leaves 5 unknown real parameters in the expression for VIout: Rs2(Is ± I+) + V 2 n 2 n |Rt + Zin1 2)2 v2n = H (bj)2R (3.3) Because noise is a wide-band signal, it is useful to express Eqn. 3.3 as a relation between the output voltage power density and the input power voltage and current densities: 2 Svot =|H()| RH2(SIs + Sin) + SVn sR2 (3.4) 3.3. JOHNSON NOISE MEASUREMENTS 73 To determine the effective gain of the two-port, the calibration DUT (position (1) in Fig. 3-7) was used. A function generator (Vfg) was applied in series with a Rcai =1 MQ resistor, resulting in a 10nA sinusoidal current entering the input of the amplifier. Care was taken in selecting a resistor Rai with a negligible parasistic capacitance Cpar. At frequencies greater than 1 2irRcaiCpar, the parasitic capacitance shunts the the resistor, resulting in a greater current into the amplifier, and distorting the calibration of the amplifier gain. The parasitic capacitance Cpar of the resistor was measured as 0.2 pF, resulting in a negligibly small calibration error. Using the output voltage measured on the DAQ and sweeping the frequency of the function generator's input current signal, the effective transimpedance of the amplifier chain was measured and stored on the computer. Fig. 3-8 is the measured transfer function. Johnson Noise Transfer Function X 10 0 C _0 0- E Cn C: 0) 2) () 00 10 20 30 frequency (kHz) 40 50 60 Figure 3-8: Transfer function of amplifier chain. Next, the DUT was removed (position (2) in Fig. 3-7), and the input of the transimpedance amplifier was left open (but shielded). This removed the effects of the voltage noise on the output of the amplifier, leaving only the current noise Sin. A measurement of CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 74 the output voltage signal by the DAQ was stored on the computer. The expression for the output voltage for this measurement simplifies to: Svout(w) = |H(cj)j2Sj.(u) (3.5) The measured V0ut contains noise power in a wide spectrum. To single out a particular frequency (5 kHz was chosen), Vst was digitally filtered by a narrow high order Bessel filter, leaving only noise in a 500 Hz band around 5 kHz. This narrow-band voltage noise at the output was then used to find the current noise at the input in the same narrow bandwidth. The output voltage noise power per Hz of bandwidth is related to the input current noise power per Hz by: Svout(w) = G(w)12 SI"(w) (3.6) Here G(w) is the transfer function of the measurement apparatus cascaded with the transfer function of the Bessel function digital filter. This transfer function is found in practice by multiplying the measured transfer function of the amplifier with the transfer function of the chosen Bessel filter. Because this G(w) is narrow band, Sv0 ut and S1n can be taken to be independent of frequency in the band of interest, and Eqn. 3.6 can be integrated over frequency to yield: vout W = SIn fIG(w)2 dw (3.7) Here the integral of the output voltage noise power over frequency is recognized as the variance of the Bessel filtered output voltage noise, which can be easily calculated from the filtered data. The quantity f JG(w)12 dw is found using a numerical integration, allowing an equivalent input current noise power density Smn to be calculated. Determining the remaining three unknown real parameters Vn(w), !R(Zi,(w)), and a(Zjn(w)) required a curve fitting technique. Measurements of V0st(w) 2 were taken for several different resistances R, using the resistor noise measurement setup ((position (3) in Fig. 3-7). The noise was then filtered by the same high-order Bessel bandpass filter used earlier, and an 75 3.3. JOHNSON NOISE MEASUREMENTS identical procedure was followed to find the equivalent input current power -i== R(Ss + SIn) + SVn S hn |SRs + Zin2 from Eqn. 3.4. To obtain a good fit, the resistance values R, spanned several orders of magnitude. Fig. 3-9 depicts the variance of the measured input current noise variance cri, 7 Measured Noise and Contributions x 10- 6 a) 5 sum of noise sources amplifier voltage noise E4 ) x> Cz 0 measured total noise a) thermal noise /amplifier 1 - current noise 7 100 104 106 resistance at amplifier input (Ohms) 102 108 Figure 3-9: Measured noise with different source resistances, and theoretical contributions to the noise obtained with a curve fit. for the different DUT resistances. Also shown in Fig. 3-9 are the contributions of the three noise sources I, Vs, and I, to the output noise obtained with the curve fit using Svn, WR(Zin), and (Zin) as fitting parameters. In this calibration, SI, is a known parameter, CHAPTER 3. 76 CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS and is calculated from the Johnson noise formula: SIs = AkTs Rs (3.8) The values for the parameters for the best fit are shown in Table 3.3. The same parameters were measured in [4], and are presented in Table 3.4. The agreement is reasonably good, and the discrepency can most likely be explained by normal variation between the amplifiers. Voltage Noise Current Noise R(Zi,) a(Z,)1 3.05 nV/ 628 fA/ 630 Q 670 i Hz Hz Table 3.3: Best fit parameters. Voltage Noise Current Noise R(Zin) 'n(Z) 3 nV/v Hz 560 fA/v/Hz 500 Q 1000 Q Table 3.4: Best fit parameters for the measurement of Chen and Kuan [4]. In this measurement, the parameters were determined at a particular frequency, 5 kHz. By simply iterating the procedure described above using different values for the center frequency of the narrow Bessel bandpass filter, all of the parameters of interest can be calculated at any given frequency. However, in practice, the 3-parameter nonlinear curve fitting proved difficult to automate, making characterization at all frequencies very tedious. For the rest of the measurements in this thesis, it was possible to develop calibration procedures to eliminate the added noise sources and effects of the amplifier input impedance from the measured noise without the careful independent determination of the measurement noise sources and amplifier impedance described above. However, it is important to note that such a detailed calibration is possible, and may sometimes be necessary. 3.3.2 Noise Thermometer In the calibration section discussed above, the variation of Johnson noise with resistance R, was used to characterize the noise behavior of the two-port amplifier. However, it is clear 3.3. JOHNSON NOISE MEASUREMENTS 77 from the Johnson noise formula (Eqn. 3.8) that the noise scales not only with resistance Rs, but also with temperature T. This observation is the basis for the field of Johnson noise thermometry [49] [50] [51]. The idea is to use a resistor's Johnson noise as a measure of the absolute temperature. In this thesis a simple Johnson noise thermometer was developed and tested at temperatures between 5K to room temperature. The SR560 voltage amplifier was used for the measurement because of its wider measurment bandwidth. An anti-aliasing filter was present within the amplifier. As might be expected, using the voltage amplifier rather than the transimpedance amplifier initially introduced a great deal of capacitive coupling noise into the measurement, as discussed in Section 2.5. The metal walls of the cryostat were employed as a shield, allowing the measurement to be made. Fig. 3-6 (including the cryostat) depicts the Johnson noise thermometry setup. A liquid Helium flow cryostat was used to cool a 4.75 kQ wire-wound resistor to temperatures ranging from 5K and room temperature. A wire-wound resistor is used because its resistance is constant over the measurement temperature range. Measurements of the output voltage noise V 0st at each temperature were recorded, and the power spectral density of the noise was calculated. The values of this power spectrum were averaged in a frequency band of 6 kHz to 30 kHz at each temperature. The results are plotted in Fig. 3-10, using arbitrary units for the power. The linearity of the total noise power with temperature is apparent. This is the signature of Johnson noise. The deviations from linearity at low temperatures can be explained by the difference in position of the thermocouple measuring temperature and the DUT resistor. Because the resistor is located further away from the He reservoir than the thermocouple, it does not cool all the way to 5K, resulting in spurious thermal noise. The amplifier noise sources V and I, simply add a constant background to the measured noise. If necessary, the background noise could be obtained by fitting a line to Fig. 3-10 and finding the noise power at the intercept of the fitted line with the power axis. Since the amplifier noise does not depend on temperature, this noise power can be subtracted from the total voltage variance to yield the voltage variance due to Johnson noise VOtJN. This CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 78 Measured Noise Power with Temperature 2.62.4,2.2 2 0 I- 1.8 Z 1.6 1.4 1.2 S 1 10 50 100 150 200 Temperature (K) 250 300 Figure 3-10: Noise power measured as a function of temperature. output voltage noise variance is the result of spectrally white thermal noise passing through the amplifier with gain H(w), and can therefore be expressed as: (V 2J= (outJN) 2 4kTs dw Rs f c H(w)1 H()| o (3.9) The integral on the right hand side of Eqn. 3.9 is taken over the frequency band of the measurement, and can be easily calculated numerically from the data taken in Section 3.3.1. Eqn. 3.9 can then be solved for temperature T . This is an example of a measurement that does not require the independent calculation of the amplifier's noise contributions and input characteristics described in Section 3.3.1; 3.4. HIGH IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT 79 the effects of the amplifier on the output noise voltage are neatly removed by subracting all of the noise which does not vary with DUT temperature. 3.4 High Impedance Measurement The measurements discussed in Section 3.3 were made on resistors with mid-range impedance. In this context mid-range means that both the current noise and the voltage noise of the amplifier made important contributions to the measured signal. The measurements discussed in this section were made on a photodiode whose impedance was on the order of tens of MQ. For most amplifers (inlcuding the SR570) this means that the voltage noise is unimportant, and results in a substantial simplification in the measurement. Additionally, the use of a transimpedance amplifier eliminates many of the effects of parasitic capacitance at the amplifier's input (as discussed in Section 2.5) on the amplifier's performance. This allows cicuits to be substituted in and out of the noise measurement as necessary while remaining confident that the overall system function which the measured noise sees does not change due to changing parasitics. This freedom is very useful in developing a calibration for the measurement. To measure current noise from a photodiode detector, the SR570 was used. The setup is shown in Fig. 3-11. This setup is similar to the Johnson noise setup described in Section 3.3.1; the DUT, a large-area Hamamatsu photodiode detector, is represented by an equivalent impedance and a noise current source. Near the detector, a red LED was used as a light source. A quiet source of current was necessary to bias the LED; a battery with a 1000 Q resistor was the best solution. The photodiode was left unbiased to eliminate the shot noise of the detector's dark current, and the input of the transimpedance amplifier acted as a sink for the detector current. The transfer function H(w) of the amplifier was measured using the calibration circuit in Fig. 3-12. The key question for an experimenter to ask when making calibrated noise measurements is whether the measurement circuit looks the same looking out from the known source and from the noise producing device. If the voltage source Vt est in Fig. 3-11 is really just a CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 80 In (1) Equivalent Two-port Amplifier r-- Zca ------ - - (2) + Zs _ s Is s test4 (1) --- -- V=H(w)I- - calibration circuit (2) - DUT (photodiode) Computer (LabVIEW, MATLAB) DAQ Board Figure 3-11: Noise measurement and calibration scheme for photodetector optical noise measurement. simple voltage source, and does not vary for different frequencies, the setup can be redrawn using a Norton equivalent circuit in a way which emphasizes the symmetrical placement of the calibration source and the noise source (Fig. 3-12). Both the calibration source and the noise source see the same circuit at their output ports, ensuring that the calibration is valid. To be sure that the Vtest had no frequency dependence, Zca included a voltage divider and a medium size resistor, rather than a single large resistor. This provides the small currents necessary for the calibration while pushing the pole introduced by the parasitic capacitance of the large resistor to frequencies much higher than the measurement bandwidth (Fig. 3-13). As in the Johnson noise calibration, the voltage source used in the transfer function was a function generator (Vfg). Next, two noise measurements were recorded using the DAQ and the computer. First the detector noise with the red LED turned on was recorded, and the DC current was measured. Next the background noise was measured with the LED turned off. The power spectral densities of both measurements were caluculated using MATLAB, and the PSD with the LED off was subtracted from the PSD with the LED on. This eliminated the 3.4. HIGH IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT 81 In (1) Equivalent Two-port Amplifier (2) Zcal Z0 u ZZ Vn test V=H(o)Ili itest test/Z al (1) - calibration circuit (2) - DUT (photodiode) Computer (LabVIEW, MATLAB) DAQ Board Figure 3-12: Noise measurement and calibration scheme for photodetector optical noise measurement, written to emphasize symmetry of the signal generators. amplifier noise. As with the Johnson noise measurement, there is an input output relation which can be written: Svoutw = H (w) I' Sh n ()(3.10) Using Eqn. 3.10, the PSD of the input current noise is calculated. For the measurement to work, two stringent conditions must be met. The first, that the signal source for the calibration must see the same impedance at its port as the noise source, has been discussed already. The second condition is that the input impedance seen by the amplifer be the same during the calibration measurements, diring the measurement with the LED illuminating the photodiode, and during the measurement with the LED off. To help ensure that this is the case, both the calibration source and the photodiode are both always connected, as shown in Fig. 3-11. It remains to verify that the impedance seen by the amplifier does not change depending on whether the illuminating LED is off or on. This is not a priori obvious, and would most likely have been a serious problem if a high impedance (voltage amplifier) measurement had been made. Fortunately, the transimpedance setup was stable in this respect. The depletion capacitance of the photodetector (on the order of pF) was always in parallel with cable capacitance on the order of 100 pF, CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 82 Zcal 416 Q 120 kQ 50.0 Q Cpar 10.2 Q + - +V test Vfg 10.2 -zca=. v tes~-v f" 466 120 1+ kQ jo) -120000 -Cpar Figure 3-13: DUT for calibration circuit, with parasitic capacitance. Also included are the Thevenin equivalent source and impedance values. washing out the effects of any changes in its value. The differential resistance of the photodiode was always much larger than !R(Zcai), and therefore had little effect on the resistance seen from the input of the amplifier. Fig. 3-14 depicts the so-called Fano factor of the noise current as a function of frequency. The Fano factor, a useful measure of non-equilibrium noise, is the ratio of the PSD of the measured current noise divided by the PSD of perfect shot noise, which is simply 2q IDCFor most of the frequency range shown, the measured Fano factor was approximately 1, consistant with perfect shot noise. This is not surprising, since the photon noise from the LED was most likely of order shot noise (see Chapter 2), and the extremely low collection efficiency of the setup strongly promotes Poisson photon statistics in the light striking the detector. Fig. 3-14 shows the Fano factor over the entire frequency band of the measurement, but actually the measurement was only accurate over a portion of that band. Below 10 kHz the DC blocking capacitor in the first stage of hampered the accuracy of the measurement, and above 70 kHz there was excess noise due to aliasing in the DAQ. In the measurement band 10 kHz-70 kHz, the noise was measured to be shot noise to within 2%. Fig. 3-15 shows the measured data over the actual valid frequency range. In this measurement, the shot noise 83 3.5. LOW IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT LED shot noise (3.6 pA DC photocurrent) 2.5 2 - 1.5 0 U0 C p.. . . u-Z 0.5- 0 2 4 10 6 8 Frequency of Measurement (Hz) 12 14 x 104 Figure 3-14: Measured Fano factor. formula is turned around, and the measurement is used to infer the value of the charge of an electron. 3.5 3.5.1 Low Impedance Measurement New Difficulties Measuring noise from a low impedance source such as a forward biased diode presents some new difficulties, and the techniques described above must be modified. There are two reasons for this. The main reason best discussed in terms of the concept of optimal source resistance described in Section 2.4.4. For every amplifier, there is a unique source resistance R, at which the noise factor of the measurement is minimized. In other words, CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 84 x Inferred Electron Charge 10-19 1.9 1.8-1.7 0 1.6 1.5 1.41.31 1 2 3 4 5 Frequency of Measurement (Hz) 6 7 X 104 Figure 3-15: inferred fundamental charge over valid frequencies. if the measured DUT has this characteristic resistance, the ratio between the DUT noise and the intrinsic noise of the amplifier is maximized. It is generally a good idea to attempt to construct a measurement amplifier so as to match R, to the impedance of the DUT of interest. Typical values of R, for BJTs range between a few kQ and a few hundred kQ [20]. For FET devices, R, is even higher, ranging from hundreds of kQ (JFETs) to hundreds of GQ (MOSFETs). Because a laser or a LED has a Thevenin equivalent resistance of about 5 , the mismatch between the DUT impedance and R, is a severe impediment to a sensitive measurement. A second problem associated with low-impedance measurements is specifically related to measurements of diode structures. The equivalent circuit for a forward biased diode relevant for the frequency range of interest was discussed in Chapter 2, and is redrawn here 85 3.5. LOW IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT in Fig. 3-16. There are two sources of noise in the circuit: the "shot" noise of the diode R series Figure 3-16: Low-frequency noise model of a diode. (which we know may actually vary from the traditional shot noise limit somewhat depending on the details of the specific device), and the thermal noise associated with the parasitic resistance of the device. The latter is not of primary theoretical interest, and corrupts the measurement of the former. If the diode is operated in its forward biased regime, things become even more difficult. The resistance rd becomes very small and shunts the shot noise away from the measurement apparatus. Even if a perfect current measurement is made at the output of the diode (meaning that the Thevenin resistance of the measurement apparatus is zero) the series parasitic resistance of the diode will cause a large fraction of the shot noise to be shunted. The fraction of the shot noise current which actually makes it into the measurement is given by fmeas = Srp rp + Rseries (3.11) CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 86 3.5.2 Two Solutions There are two common solutions to the impedance matching problem between the DUT and the R, of the amplifier. The first is to use several input devices (either BJTs or FETs, depending on the desired R,) in parallel for the first amplifier stage [20]. If N paralleled devices are used, the voltage equivalent input voltage noise E, is reduced by a factor of /N, and the equivalent input current noise is increased by the same factor. The result is that R, =, is reduced by a factor of N. The price paid for this is reduced bandwidth, since the gate-to-source and source-to-drain capacitances both scale with N. A second solution to the impedance mismatch problem is to use a transformer as the input stage of the noise measurement apparatus. As discussed in Chapter 2, a transformer with a 1:N primary to secondary winding ratio reduces the impedance seen by the DUT by a factor of N 2 . This results in a reduction of the optimum source resistance R, of the amplifier following the transformer by a factor of N 2 . The price paid by the addition of a transformer to the measurment chain is the added Johnson noise associated with the parasitics of the transformer, and also the bandwidth restrictions imposed by the transformer (see Chapter 2). The method attempted for this thesis was the transformer coupled method. The bandwidth was judged acceptable for the measurements of interest, and the technique provided the best chance for achieving an adequate reduction of the R, of the SR560 voltage amplifier. It should be noted that the paralleled-device technique appears to be the preferred method in the noise measurement literature 3.5.3 [44], [45], [43]. Transformer-Coupled Measurement A diagram of the transformer-coupled measurement is shown in Fig. 3-17. There are several signal sources at the input of the transformer. The DUT, taken here to be an ideal diode, contributes shot noise from the junction, and Johnson noise from the parasitic series impedance. All of the resistors in the surrounding circuit contribute Johnson noise. The function generator voltage source is used for calibration of the measurement, and a 6 87 3.5. LOW IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT _ SRS56O 300Q 10009i DUT diode) + VI I transformer - I- Function generator Computer Bias F1 DAQ Figure 3-17: Transformer-coupled noise setup. volt lantern battery provides a quiet current bias for the diode. The the noise model of the transformer and the diode were discussed in Chapter 2. They should be inserted into Fig. 3-17 for a complete analysis of the measurement. There are two key parameters of interest; the signal/noise ratio at the output, and the bandwidth. The former can be calculated for a DUT whose parameters are known by analyzing the circuit of Fig. 3-17 and comparing the signal and noise level at the input of the second stage amplifier. The low end of the bandwidth is set by the source resistance and the primary inductance of the transformer (f = A), and the high end of the bandwidth is A consequence of set by the source resistance and the output capacitance (fhigh = this high frequency limit is that one must be careful not to load the output of the transformer with parasitic cable capacitance. For example, 100 pF of cable capacitance, due to the impedance stepping of the 1:100 transformer, looks like a 100pF * 1002 = 1pF capacitance from the input, which can significantly affect bandwidth. Another important point is that the coupling capacitor at the input of the transformer should be made as large as possible to avoid decreasing the low frequency bandwidth limit of the measurement. For the setup CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 88 used in this thesis, the coupling capacitance was required to be larger than 10 pF or so. This is an awkwardly large value for a non-electrolytic capacitor, but it was achieved with a parallel combination of four 5 pF polypropylene capacitors. While nonpolar electrolytic capacitors of the required capacitance are available, their intrinsic noise and relatively high leakage currents make them a questionable choice for sensitive measurements. On a final practical note, this setup proved extremely sensitive to both capacitive and inductive parasitic noise. The former was minimized by placing every part of the measurement up and including the SR560 in a properly shielded box. The latter was a much more vexing issue; even with perfectly sound wiring practices the coils of the transformer still picked up significant noise. The magnetic coupling problem was eventually dealt with by moving to an area as far away as possible from power lines and computers, and carefully choosing the orientation of the transformer coils to minimize flux linkage. 3.5.4 Calibration A new calibration of the instrument must be performed for every DUT which is measured. Further, if the DUT is a nonlinear device, then a calibration must be performed for each bias point. This is tedious, but necessary, since the bandwidth of the measurement is strongly dependent on the Thevenin equivalent resistance of the DUT, due to the bandwidth limitations of the transformer discussed in Section 3.5.3. The calibration was performed in the usual manner, by applying a known sinusoidal signal in the function generator and sweeping the frequency, while recording the output on the DAQ. The key to the calibration is knowing the value of all of the impedances at the input of the transformer. The transfer functions of the signal of interest (shot noise in the diode, for example) to the transformer input and the function generator to the transformer input are different, and both must be computed in order for the calibration to be useful. The only unknown impedances are those of the DUT, and measuring them is the first step in the calibration. A high-power silicon homojunction p-n diode was chosen to test the calibration and 3.5. LOW IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT 89 measurement of the tranformer-coupled setup. The values of the parasitic and differential resistance were obtained by carefully measuring the I-V curve of the device. A diode model of the form nkT =(3.12) was assumed for this device in the forward bias regime, where V is the voltage drop across the junction, I, is the unknown saturation current, and n is an unknown ideality factor modeling the deviation of the device from the ideal diode law. The contact resistance due to the Ohmic contacts in the device can be assumed to be constant with bias [521. This is a reasonable model for forward biased low-level injection, and the high-power device can be easily kept within this regime. This model gives a differential resistance of r = nkT qI (3.13) Along with the differential resistance, a diode posseses a parasitic series resistance rp on the order of Ohms. This becomes important after the the device turns on (when the differential resistance becomes small). Using this model, a curve-fit was obtained to extract the values of n and rp from the numerical derivative of the measured I-V curve. The data and the curve fit are shown in Fig. 3-18. While more detailed models of a diode are available [52], this model is good enough to capture the effects of interest. Note that the impedance of the diode is dependent on the bias current. The next step in the calibration is to obtain the transfer function of the measurement apparatus from the DUT shot noise source to the measured output by using the function generator and sweeping a test signal across the required bandwidth. This is conceptually the same as what was done in the other noise calibration techniques discussed earlier in the chapter, although a factor of fmeas (from Eqn. 3.11) must be manually inserted to complete the calculation. The resulting transfer function of the measurement is plotted in Fig. 3-19. The total DUT impedance seen by the transformer input can be calculated from the I-V CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 90 Measured Resistance With Fit 20 18 1614 -12 0 U)IU 8 6 4 1 01 0 10 5 15 bias current (mA) Figure 3-18: Results of parameter extraction from I-V curve. curve. However, a more accurate method was found for this particular type of measurement. Since the bandwidth of the measurement depends sensitively on the equivalent impedence of the DUT, a small potentiometer can be used in place of the diode, and the value can be changed until the transfer function of the measurement with the resistor is equal to the transfer function of the measurement with the diode. Using this technique, the DUT equivalent impedance could be determined to within 0.1 Q. However, the curve fit above is still required to resolve the separate contributions of r, and rd to the total impedance. 3.5.5 Measurement Once the calibration was done, two more measurements were necessary to find the shot noise of the diode. The function generator was disconnected and replaced with a 50Q termination, 3.5. LOW IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT 1 91 Transformer Transimpedance X106 0 1.6 1.4 C) CU _0 a) 1.2 0- E 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 20 30 frequency (kHz) 40 50 Figure 3-19: Transfer function of the transformer-coupled measurement with diode DUT. accurately duplicating the function generator's impedance load on the measurement circuit. The first measurement was taken with the diode in the DUT position. Next, the measurement was repeated with the matched potentiometer from the calibration as the DUT. The power spectral densities of the amplified voltage signals of both measurements were calculated. The measurement of the diode (Sd) included significant noise contributions from the signal (the shot noise), the Johnson noise of the parasitic resistance of the diode, the Johnson noise of the input of the transformer, and the input referred noise of the second stage voltage amplifier. The measurement of the matched potentiometer (Spot) included contributions from the Johnson noise of the potentiomenter (whose value is rd + r ~ rd), the Johnson noise of the transformer input, and the second stage voltage amplifier noise. The measured shot noise Seh can then be found by: Sh(L h) = Sd(w) - Spot (w) This power spectral density can then be deconvolved using the transfer function from the CHAPTER 3. CURRENT NOISE MEASUREMENTS 92 calibration measurements to yield the shot noise in the same manner as outlined in Section 3.4. This process, and the final result are illustrated in Fig. 3-20. The noise spectral 500450 400 350 .2 300 C L250 200 150 100 50- -... .... 0. 5 25 15 20 10 Frequency of Measurement (kHz) 30 Figure 3-20: Measurement of diode shot noise using transformer-coupled measurement. density measured is consistent with a 1/f-type noise spectrum. 3.6 Conclusions This chapter has described a set of general techniques for measuring the current noise from devices of various impedances. The basic equipment used for these measurements included the SR560 voltage amplfier, the SR570 current preamplifier, the SR554 transformer preamplifier, and two data acquisition systems. The philosophy of this work is that when measuring current noise, understanding and compensating for the spurious sources of noise which corrupt the measurement is more effective than attempting to eliminate all spurious noise through heroic custom designed circuitry. Measurements using each of the setups have been presented here. These include a measurement of the input-reffered noise sources of the SR570 amplifier, a cryogenic measurement of the Johnson noise of a resistor with temperature, a calibrated measurement of the shot noise generated from a low-efficiency optical link, and a calibrated measurement of the 1/f noise spectrum of a silicon diode using a transformer coupled setup. Chapter 4 Circuit-Induced Laser Noise Correlations The correlation of the photon noise in two lasers which are biased in the same circuit, under various biasing conditions and in different circuit topologies, is studied here. To appreciate the motivation and results of these experiments, some background in semiconductor lasers is helpful. This can be found in Appendix B. The first part of this chapter assumes this background, and reviews current theories of noise in semiconductor lasers. Some experimental and theoretical context is also necessary to appreciate the measurements of this thesis. The work which first sparked interest in the relationship of the photon noise of a laser to its biasing circuit was the seminal paper of Yamamoto and Machida [53] pointing out that a laser biased with a current source well above threshold can emit amplitude squeezed light. Squeezed light is light with a noise spectral sensity less than that of the so-called "standard quantum limit" of shot noise (2hvPDC). This sparked a series of experiments [13] [16] [54] [55] attempting to achieve the maximum level of squeezing permitted by [53]. This proved difficult, and a series of theoretical papers (e.g. [56] [57] [58]) delved further into the basic physics at work within the laser to find the source of the excess noise. As the work relating to squeezing advanced, optical correlation measurements began to 93 94 CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS appear in the literature. A method for squeezing was proposed taking advantage of the intensity noise correlations expected from series coupled lasers [59]. At around the same time, the photon noise correlations from series and parallel coupled LEDs were measured and shown to display positive and negative correlations [60], consistant with the measurements in this thesis on laser devices. The bias-induced correlation between two lasers was studied theoretically [61]. In [62] the correlation in the intensity noise between two facets of a semiconductor laser is measured using a hybrid-pi splitter and a spectrum analyzer. Using a similar measurement technique, series and parallel coupled LEDs are investigated in [63], and squeezing is observed. The correlation between the electrical and optical noise of a laser is measured for the first time in [64]. Sadly, a clear description of the experimental apparatus is missing from the latter, and no attempt could be made to repeat the measurement. To the best of the author's knowledge, the measurement in this thesis is the first measurement on the photon noise of series and parallel coupled laser diodes. Consider the circuit noise model originally presented in Section 2.2.2, reproduced here in Fig. 4-1. Recall that Rseries is the series parasitic resistance of the laser (mainly from Rseries d n Figure 4-1: One-port noise model of a diode. 1/f 4.1. SEMICONDUCTOR LASER DIODES 95 its Ohmic contacts) and rd is the diode differential resistance. The resistance Rseries is dissipative and therefore contributes thermal noise to the circuit. The two current noise sources in parallel with the differential resistance model the laser noise and the 1/f noise of the laser. For the rest of this discussion the 1/f noise source I[/f will be ignored; since it appears in parallel with the laser noise I it can be added back to the model anytime if necessary. The noise model of Fig. 4-1 does not provide two key pieces of information. First, in a heterostructure laser we do not know the value of the spectral density of the I noise generator with precision, and even the differential resistance can be more complicated than the simple expression in Eqn. 2.4. Second, the circuit model makes no mention of the photon noise, or its relation to the the current noise. To address both of these questions, an understanding of the basic processes at work within a diode laser is necessary. 4.1 4.1.1 Semiconductor Laser Diodes Theories of Diode Noise One accepted theory of homojunction P-N junction noise is outlined by Buckingham in his book on electronic noise [28]. According to Buckingham's theory, noise in a homojunction diode results from thermal fluctuations and generation-recombination noise in the minority carriers within a diffusion length of the junction. The mathematical approach for this theory is to write an expression for a single current pulse due to a noise event a certain distance away from the junction. At a given location these events are taken to be a Poisson process independent of the noise events at other locations, and Carson's theorem (see [65]) can be used to write the noise power spectral density resulting from noise events at that location. The contributions to the noise power spectral density can then be integrated over the length of the quasineutral regions to obtain the full noise spectral density for the diode. The end result for a homojunction P-N diode is that at low frequencies, the noise generator I displays shot noise. Van der Ziel [29], using a different method for the noise calculation, arrives at the same result. CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 96 The first theoretical attempt to derive the noise model for a heterostructure laser diode was by Yamamoto and Machida [53] using an approach similar to that of Buckingham's. A more detailed theory generalized to series and parallel laser arrays was recently given by Rana and Ram [661. This theory relied upon a detailed model of the heterostructure to write down a rate equation for all of the independedent transport and recombination processes of importance. The Langevin method introduced in Section 1.5 was used to model the noise. This resulted in expressions for the current noise generator I,, and the photon noise generator P,a describing the noise in the photon stream. 4.1.2 High-Impedance Supression of Noise When the models of [53] or [66] are biased with an impedance which is large compared to the differential impedance of the diode, a unique phenomenon is observed. Consider the circuit seen by the noise source I, shown in Fig. 4-2. Rseries Rlarge +V VBL rd n Figure 4-2: Pump supression in a diode laser. If Rlarge is much larger than rd, then the current from the noise generator will be 4.1. SEMICONDUCTOR LASER DIODES 97 shunted by rd and no noise current from the laser will flow through the external circuit. At the same time, the thermal noise of the series resistance of the circuit R. = Rseries + Riarge also drops. Therefore the noise in the external circuit can be surpressed well below shot noise. The spectral density of the current noise in the external circuit can be written (at low frequencies): Sext=( R rd + RS )2 Rs + ( Td + Rs (4.1) )2 The supressed external current noise also exerts a profound influence on the noise power of the light emitted from the laser, which is correlated with the external current noise. It can be shown that for high bias currents (relative to the threshold current of the laser), the Fano factor of the intensity noise at low frequencies is given by [66] F where = (4.2) - TL L is the quantum efficiency of the laser. The TIL term is known as partition noise, because it is introduced by the random partitioning of the charge carriers and light within the laser. This effect is known as amplitude-squeezing, or high impedance pump supression. The proposed aplications of highly squeezed light are numerous, and can be found in the fields of communication, spectroscopy, and quantum computing, to name a few. 4.1.3 External Current Correlations If two or more lasers are biased in the same circuit, the theory of [66] predicts that the lasers can influence one another through their shared biased current. Because the external current noise of a laser is intimately correlated with the photon noise, the light from lasers sharing the same bias circuit can be correlated by the external current noise. Measuring these correlations, and in so doing helping to confirm the theory of [66] is the goal these measurements. Consider the four two-laser circuit topologies shown in Fig. 4-3. In each circuit, Rp represents the series parasitic impedance of the laser, rd its differential resistance, and IT CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 98 d1ii Rd1 (A) (C Rp2 ~C' R +: (B)C I........ ... R p2 : . p2 1 ~ n1 n:n2 dd n2 d2 Figure 4-3: Four simple bias circuit topologies. its noise. The voltage sources V and the current sources I supply the bias for the lasers. Each of the resistors R, also contribute thermal noise to the circuit, although the thermal noise sources are not shown. Also shown in the figure are the "external" noise currents going through each laser's terminals. This current is important in determining the photon noise of the lasers, as was mentioned in Section 4.1.2. Note that in the series coupled circuits ((A) and (B)) the external noise passing through both Circuit (A) biases the two diode for the external e ( lasers in series with a voltage source. An expression current noises in the circuit can be written down by inspection: AA) t) ( lasers is the same. ) In2Td2 R d+ R1+rd2 +R2 Ith2Rp2 Rd 1 +lrd +R2+-rd2 d2Inld rd2 + RP2+1 +Rp1 +Ith1Rp1 R 2 +r 2 +RP1 + d1 99 4.1. SEMICONDUCTOR LASER DIODES Because the noise current from each of the lasers flows through both lasers, and the photon noise of each laser is correlated with its own external current noise, the photon noise of the lasers due to the external current noise is expected to become positively correlated. Circuit (B) has the two lasers in series and biased with a current source. This is exactly the case where squeezing (discussed in Section 4.1.2) is expected. None of the noise current from the diode noise sources (I41 and In2) or the thermal noise sources of the parasitic resistances (Rpi and Rp2 ) travels through the external circuit, because the impedance presented by the biasing current source I is assumed to be very large. For the experiments performed for this thesis (and for any current source built from a battery in series with a large resistance), the current source I contributes negligable noise to the external current. Therefore I(B) 0 exti = I ext2 = 0(4) (4.4) In circuit (C), the lasers are placed in parallel and voltage biased. The current noise is I~c) - RpInIrail 1 + rdl + Rp1 rlIth1Rpi 45 (4.5) In = In2rd2 Ith2Rp2 (4.6) exti rd2 + Rp2 Rp2 + Td2 In this case, the noise from the two lasers is completely decoupled; none of the noise current from laser 1 passes through laser 2, and vice versa. Therefore correlations between the noises of the two lasers are not expected. The final circuit (D) places the two lasers in parallel with a voltage bias. The external CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 100 noise is 1 (D) extJ1 Td2 + Rp2 + rdl + Rp1 Rp2 + rd2 + Rp1 + (4.7) Vdl In2rd2 Ith2Rp2 7d1 + Rp 1 + rd2 + Rp2 Rp1 + Tdl + Rp2 + rd2 I(D) ext2 +thlRp1 Inlrdl Tdl In2rd2 + Rp1 + rd2 + Rp2 Ith2 Rp2 Inlrdl 7 'd2 + Rp +- -- Rp1 + rd1 + Rp2 + rd2 (4.8) IthI RpI Rp2 + rd2 + Rp1 + 2 + rdl + Rp1 Vdl Physically, what is happening in (D) is that the current noise from each laser is forced through the other laser, becasue none of it can pass through the high impedance of the current bias source I. In this circuit, as with circuit (A), correlations in the part of the ouput photon noise due to the external current noise of the two lasers is expected. The expressions in this case look identical to those for the circuit (A), except for the sign reversals. In this case, the magnitude of the correlation is expected to be the same as the correlation in circuit (A), but the correlation is negative. Lastly, we explicitly evaluate the cross-spectral densities of the photon noise in cases (A) and (D) in terms of the power spectral densities of the thermal and laser noise sources. We assume laser converts the current to light power with a factor sources I1, r7_, and that the noise In2, Ithl, and 1th2 are independent. One finds: C(A) Vp hv 72 + R2R2+± 2 q) (q h q ) Rp1 + ri 2 A-- Rp2+ Td1 2 (1q (hv 2 2 (rd1+ Rl1+r2+ 2 =2 (Iq (R t * 2 Rp2 +r7-2 1 Rp2 + Rp2 + 2 Td2 A +Rp1 +r7-c Rd2 1 -. + lR1 2 (4.9) 4.1. SEMICONDUCTOR LASER DIODES C(D) ( \i I ) iv P1-, 2 .1 2 q) ( 101 rdl1+ Rp1+ Td2 rd2 + Rp2 ) + Rp2 (hv 2 771 qIJ'th2 \Rp+rdl hv 2 (Pq Pitl *.. (4.10) 2 /hv r) 2 7 2 +r1 + Rp) Rp 2 + R+ 2rd2J 2 R1p 2 (Rp2 + rd2 + RpI + rdli It is clear that if the differential resistance of the lasers is very much smaller than the series parasitic resistance, this model predicts that thermal noise will be the dominant souce of laser correlation. To get a more quanitative estimate for the extent to which thermal noise acts to correlate the noise of the two lasers, we define a measure of the correlation equal to the ratio of the cross spectral density C of the laser noise to the geometric mean of the power spectral densities P of each laser: C = Assuming rdl = rd2 < Rp = Rpi Paser1 (C(4.11) X Piaser 2 Rp2 and Paser i = Paser 2, we find for cases (A) and (D): 1 4kT JCn = 2 RP PlaserI x Paser 2 (4.12) To get a sense for how large this correlation is for typical lasers, we assume values of Rp=3.1 Q, v=8809 nm'adm , and T1 = 0.68. These are the values for the lasers used in this thesis. 06.Teeaetevlefothlaesueintithi. In Section 4.3 the lasers' noise is measured to be approximately 10 times the standard quantum limit (shot noise). Assuming each laser has a DC bias current of IDC the shot noise is P = 2hv(IDCl h) q (4.13) With IDC=90 mA as it was for the correlation measurents later in this thesis, the correlation CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 102 in the photon noise due to thermal noise is: (4.14) Cn = 0.0065 This is a rather small correlation, and it is clear that if any significant correlation is measured in circuits (A) and (D), it must be due to the intrinsic laser noise, and not the thermal noise of the parasitic resistances. 4.2 Correlation Setup The basic setup for the correlation measurement is shown in Fig. 4-4. series config. Lb Apr LC D+ L SL bt Cbt shunt: _VB otBBD AA -- f-.--- - -- -- -- - -- -- ---- - -- -- -- - -- -- -- - Figure 4-4: The correlated photon noise measurement setup. The setup is composed of two separate circuits, one which drives the lasers and one which measures the noise current from the photodetectors. The bias current for the laser was 4.2. CORRELATION SETUP 103 provided by a 12 Volt lantern battery VBL. The current was controlled using a potentiometer Rpot. A 15 mH inductor was used for additional high frequency impedance (note that throughout this thesis, the prefix 'in' stands for 'milli', contrary to some electronics part labeling conventions). The inductor had a parasitic resistance of 15 Q, which can be added for modeling purposes to the potentiometer resistance Rpot. The voltage source Vat (a function generator) and the resistor Rcal are used for calibration of the measurement. The 10 mF capacitor Csah,,t can be switched in or out of the circuit. The lasers L 1 and L 1 were the diode lasers, specifications for which are given later. The light from the lasers was directed at the PIN photodiode detectors Di and D 2. Their specifications are also given later. The photodiodes were biased using a conventional 40 V power supply. They were isolated from the power supply and from each other at high frequencies by using the identical inductors Lbt, which had an inductance of 100 mH and a parasitic resistance of 60 Q. The identical capacitors Cbt were each 20 mF. With the inductors Lbt they formed two bias-Ts, allowing the the photodiodes to be voltage biased at DC while passing AC signals through the capacitors into the transimpedance preamplifiers (Apre with feedback impedance Zf). The specifications of the preamplifiers are also described later. The two output channels were then amplified again with SR 560 low noise voltage amplifiers, whose specifications are given in Chapter 3. The resulting voltage signals were then sampled at 25 MHz using the Gage data acquisition card (also discussed in Chapter 3) and stored on a computer. To eliminate capacitive coupling noise, most of the setup (everything up to and including the preamplifiers) was placed in a large metal box. The box was connected to the ground of the photodiode circuit at the point where the connection to the earth was made, to avoid ground loops. The three most important devices for the correlation measurement are discussed next. CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 104 4.2.1 The Transimpedance Preamplifiers The preamplifer chosen for this measurement (shown in Fig. 4-4) was the Analog Devices OP-27 in the transimpedence configuration with feedback impedance Zf. a low noise, high speed, precision operational BJT amplifier. The OP-27 is Its key specifications are summarized in Table 4.1. Gain Bandwidth 63 MHz Voltage Noise VN Slew Rate 17 V/ps Current Noise IN 3nV/VHz 0.4 pA/ Common Mode Rejection 126 dB Open Loop Gain 1.8 million Hz Table 4.1: Key specifications of the Analog Devices OP-27 operational amplifier used for the measurement. The transimpedance (ratio of output voltage to input current) of the preamplifers is set by the feedback impedances Rf. The impedance was 10000 Q in parallel with a 18 pF capacitor. The 18 pF capacitor was necessary to stablize the amplifer. The bandwidth of a transimpedance amplifer is usually a nontrivial function involving the amplifer gain characteristics, the feedback impedance, the impedance of the input, and various parasitic capacitances. In this case, the most important pole is set by the R and C of the feedback impedance alone, and occurs at about 880 kHz. The feedback capacitance was set small enough to allow a small amount of gain peaking, pushing the 3 dB point out to around 1.1 MHz. The bandwidth of the second stage amplifier (SR 560) was also approximately 1 MHz. There are three sources of noise in the transimpedance amplifier: the input referred voltage noise, the input referred current noise, and the thermal noise of the feedback resistor. Once these sources are identified, elementary circuit theory can be used to find the input referred noise from each. The result is that the thermal noise of the resistor and the input noise of the amplifier combined give an input referred current noise of approximately 1.4 pA/ Hz. The noise from the amplifier noise voltage source was on the order of the voltage noise divided by the impedance of the photodetector 3nV/ 100 MQ = te 10-1nV/v V/tHz did andwere not make a significant contribution. The current noise signals from the photodetectors were 4.2. CORRELATION SETUP 105 always larger than the shot noise of the 35 mA photocurrent. This corresponds to a signal of about 110 pA/v -Hz,more than 100 times that of the amplifier noise. Because in the final results of the measurements is in terms of power and not amplitude, this corresponds to a signal to noise ratio of 1102 ~ 10000. A point should be made regarding the choice of the OP-27. Choosing a BJT amplifier over a FET amplifier appears slightly inconsitent with the noise models presented in Chapter 2. The noise performance of a FET amplifier is usually far superior to that of a BJT amplifier when measuring high impedances like a reverse biased photodiode. For example, the Analog Devices AD546 electrometer amplifier has an input current noise only 1.6 fA/vfHz. The reason for choosing the BJT amplifier over a FET amplifier was its better was its high gain-bandwidth product, coupled with the fact that its noise performance was more than good enough more the job at hand. The gain-bandwidth product of the AD546 amplifier has a gain-bandwidth product of only 1 MHz, by way of comparison. 4.2.2 Low Frequency Sensitivity vs. Microwave Measurement Sensitivity Microwave measurements like the one in [63] rely on a low noise amplifier and a spectrum analyzer to characterize the measured noise. It is worthwhile to compare the sensitivity achievable through microwave techniques with the techniques associated with the correlation measurements here. Consider a photodetector AC coupled to a microwave amplifier and a low frequency amplifier in turn. For a typical microwave measurement, the impedance seen by the input of the amplifier is 50 Q, because at high frequencies microwave components must be impedance matched to avoid reflections. The total current seen at the microwave amplifer is then the signal from the photodetector I, the thermal noise of 50 Q, the noise from the dark current of the photodiode Id, the current noise of the operational amplifier In, and the voltage noise of the amplifier Vn 50 Q* Itot IttIs Is + 0kT + I + In + vn (4.15) An excellent noise figure for an LNA is 1.6 dB. This can be used with the known source CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCEDLASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 106 impedance of 50 Q to calculate the root spectral density of the amplifier's noise current I, + " = 11.9 pA / vHz 50 Q (4.16) The total current at the input terminals of the low voltage amplifier is a similar sum, but thermal noise of a 50 Q resistor need no longer be included. If the same expression is written for the low frequency amplifier Itt (4.17) = Is + Id + In + Vf Td where rd is the differential resistance of the photodetector under reverse bias. An AD546 electrometer op-amp in the transimpedance configuration can have In + (4.18) r ~1.6 fA/v/Hz rd depending on the specifics of the setup. Therefore, in this case, the sensitivity of the low frequency setup can be as much as 10000 times that of the microwave setup. When the thermal noise which is usually present due to the 50 Q matching condition (the second term on the RHS of Eqn. 4.15) is added, it only makes things worse for the LNA. Of course, the price paid for this improved sensitivity is bandwidth; to operate the AD546 at that sensitivity might mean having a bandwidth of only 10 Hz. Also, the benifits of using low frequencies are best reaped in circuits with large impedances. The noise performance of microwave circuits and low frequency circuits for devices with low impedances is much more comparable, with microwave circuits often having an edge. 4.2.3 The Photodetectors The photodetectors used in this measurement were the Hamamatsu S3590-01 silicon PIN photodiodes. The detectors were chosen for their large area (1 cm 2 ). This allowed the photodetectors to be tilted at an angle relative to the incident laser while still collecting 4.2. CORRELATION SETUP 107 most of the laser's light. The photodetectors were tilted to avoid reflecting light back into the laser and causing instabilities which might distort the noise. The key specifications of the photodetectors are given in Table 4.2. Photosensitivity 0.51 A/W Terminal Capacitance 75 pF Quantum Efficiency 78% Dark Current 1.7 nA Max. Power Dissipation 100 mW Cut-off Frequency 35 MHz Table 4.2: Key specifications of the photodetectors used for the measurement. From the model in Chapter 2, we know that the dominant noise of the photodetector is the shot noise of the dark current. This is much smaller than the currents to be measured, and does not contribute significant noise to the measurement. There are two important cautions pertaining to the photodiodes. First, if the photodiodes were not properly heat sunk, the large incident laser power caused them to overheat, degrading their bandwidth and quantum efficiency noticably. This was avoided by heatsinking the detectors with a large block of aluminum, and blowing a fan on the aluminum block to promote convective cooling. The second experimental pitfall associated with using these photodetectors to detect lasers were spatial saturation effects due to the large incident photon flux. To avoid this, the photodetector was reverse biased at 40 V, the maximum allowed according to the manufacturers specifications. The presence of either of these problems is very apparent when the laser-to-detector transfer function is measured, and both problems were confirmed absent when the measurements where made. 4.2.4 The Lasers The lasers used for this measurement were SDL-5400-C GaAlAs cw laser diodes from JDS Uniphase. The lasers were Fabry-Perot index guided structures, and were guaranteed to be single mode at high bias and in the absence of temperature changes, drive current changes, and optical feedback. The manufacturers measured the key specifications of each laser, and the information is given in Table 4.3. 108 CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS Thresh. Current Slope Eff. Quantum Eff. Series Resistance Wavelength 19.3 mA 1.04 A/W 68% 3.1 Q 809 nm Table 4.3: Key specifications of the lasers used for the measurement. Plots of the voltage device, optical output power, and slope of the optical output power versus drive current are also provided by the manufacturer. They are reproduced here in Fig. 4-5. P vs I / 0 dP/dI U vs I / P vs MPD-I In 3 E M U SN Ir D 3+ 0 03 I I-Q L 0 ouptpwradth. 50 EM + + + + + + E- 100 150 DRIVJE CURRENT, 200 P\ . 3 M 1 co W 03 Li G +rn + L N3+ + 0 D 0 50 100 ISO 200 DRIVE CURRENT, mA rnA Figure 4-5: Laser struture characterization curves. ipemd The lasers are popular in the quantum optics literature, and are often used to generate single-mode squeezed light [55] [58] [67] [54] [68]. They were chosen here for their high output power and their simple mode structure. The lasers were temperature stablized using a hand-made Peltier cooling setup. Each laser was mounted on a copper rail which was also the ground contact of the laser. The laser package was allowed to overhang the edge of the copper by a small amount. This did not compromise the thermal contact between the laser and the copper rail, but prevented any light escaping through the back facet of the laser from reflecting back into the laser. The copper rails were in thermal contact with a Peltier cooler, which dumped the heat from the laser into a large aluminum block. While the copper rails were electrically insulated from one another, heat sink grease was used to assure a good thermal contact between them. The Peltier cooler was feedback controlled through a thermistor mounted in one of 109 4.3. MEASURED SINGLE LASER FANO FACTOR the copper rails, and the temperature of the laser was kept at 16 degrees C throughout the measurement. It was important that the lasers be in a stable, single mode during the experiments. Any mode hopping behavior would have dominated the noise properties of the device, and washed out the relatively quiet stationary white noise spectrum from the driving current. To confirm that the lasers were quiet enough to be useful, normalized measurements of the laser light's Fano factor were made. 4.3 Measured Single Laser Fano Factor To obtain to Fano factor of the photon stream the measurement apparatus must be characterized. To understand this, a simplified picture of the measurement is helpful. Fig. 4-6 shows the measurement setup of Fig. 4-4 at high frequencies and with only one channel in use. Also shown in the figure are some of the transfer functions which will be useful in the discussion of calibration. The circuit is shown below: G=KH K H Zf Rcal L2 D2 +, Vcal -Computer DAQ Figure 4-6: The calibration measurement setup at high frequencies. The measured quantities in this experiment are the DC photocurrents from each of the photodiodes, and the fluctuating voltage which is sampled by the DAQ. To obtain the CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 110 Fano factor of the light, all that is needed is the transfer function H characterizing the conversion of an AC current in the photodetector to a voltage measured by the DAQ. Once H is obtained, the Fano factor of the current noise in the photodetector can be found from F 1 (f) S1 (f) 2 qIDC _ Sv(f)/H(f) 2 (4.19) qIDC Once the F1 is known, the Fano factor F(P) of the light can be obtained using the value for the quantum efficiency of the photodetector, qd. For a perfect photodetector (Id = 1), every incident photon is transduced to an electron of current, and F 1 = Fp. A photodetector with Wi < 1 adds partition noise to the signal, as discussed in [18]. The relation between the power spectrum of the current noise S, and the photon noise Sp can be written: S 1 = riSP + (1 - qd)qdPDC (4.20) Here PDC is the DC laser power incident on the detector, given by: PDC = IDC/Id (4.21) Equations 4.19, 4.20, and 4.21 can be combined to give an expression for the the Fano factor of the light in terms of measurable quantities. SF 2hvPDC _ Sv/H - (1 - rid)IDC Td 2hvlIDC (4.22) In this expression, IDC and Sv can be directly measured, and H can be obtained using calibration methods similar to those developed in Chapter 3. 4.3.1 Calibration The transfer function H could be directly measured by inserting a known current source into the measurement circuit in place of the photodetector. By varying the frequency of the current source and recording the voltage at the output of the measurement, the transfer 4.3. MEASURED SINGLE LASER FANO FACTOR ill function H -- V/I could be measured. This was the method used for the measurement of LED shot noise in Section 3.4. The only problem with a direct measurement of H is that the current source inserted into the calibration circuit inevitably has a different Thevenin equivalent impedance than the real device, which can bias the results. For the measurement in Section 3.4 this was not an issue, because the measurement was made with a less agressive bandwith (< 150 kHz) and with a more well-behaved amplifier (SR 570). Also, the parasitic capacitance of the detector used for this measurment is considerably higher than that of the detector used in Section 3.4. To be sure to include all of the circuit parasitics, the calibration was done by modulating the laser bias current. This allows the measurement of the bias-current-to-DAQ-voltage transfer function G(f). From this, the transfer function H was obtained by using the known bias-current-to-detector-current transfer function K. K can be measured easily at DC: K = 0.58 IDC Ibias - Ith (4.23) Here IDC is the DC photocurrent, Ibia, is the DC laser bias current, and Ith is the threshold current of the laser. The measurement was made at various bias levels, and only small variations in K with bias were seen. From the measured G and K, H can be calculated from H(f) = G(f) K (4.24) Here it has been assumed that K does not vary with frequency. This is consistant with the specifications for the laser and the photodetector. The measurement of G(f) was made using the the calibration circuit shown in Fig. 44. A 1 V oscillating signal from a function generator Vcal was applied through the 10000 Q resistor Rca, resulting in a 0.1 mA modulation of the laser current. The results of a CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCEDLASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 112 measurement of G, along with the resulting H, are shown in Fig. 4-7 12000 --- H --- G 10000 8000 C: CL 6000 E 4000 I2000 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency (MHz) Figure 4-7: Measured transfer functions needed for calibrated photon noise measurements. 4.3.2 Measurement and Results Armed with all of the necessary quantities, the measurement of the voltage noise at the DAQ can be made and used to calculate the photon stream noise. The measurements were performed in a dark room to eliminate spurious signals from the fluorescent room lighting. It was also helpful to turn off the monitor of the computer screen, which happens to produce noise within the measurement band. The measurement was made at 16 different laser biases, ranging from just above the threshold current of the laser to around 4.5 times the laser's threshold (90 mA). All of the data were taken without the shunting capacitor; at high frequencies, the laser was current biased, not voltage biased. For each measurement, the voltage at the DAQ was sampled about 500000 times at 25 MHz. The calibration was repeated at each individual bias, to capture and bias-dependent parasitic effects which might affect the transfer characteristics of the amplifier. 4.3. MEASURED SINGLE LASER FANO FACTOR 113 Fig. 4-8 shows the measured power spectrum of a sample scan taken at a laser bias current of 81 mA. The PSD function in MATLAB was used to obtain an estimate of the 4x1-11 10 3. 5 C') 30 a) 5 0. a) 2 a) 5 0: 01. 1 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency of Measurement (MHz) Figure 4-8: Power spectrum of the measured voltage noise, taken at Ibias = 81 mA. power spectrum. The MATLAB algorithm relies upon the Welch's averaged periodogram method, which windows the data and performs ensemble averaging. Care was taken to stay well within acceptable bounds of the method's accuracy. The spikes in the power spectral density near 1 MHz and below 100 kHz were caused by spurious coupling to the computer needed for the data acquisition. Using Eqn. 4.24, the power spectrum of the photodetector current noise was calculated. Fig. 4-9 shows the results. To obtain the Fano factor of the current noise Fr, the power spectra at various bias points were averaged over a 100 kHz bandwidth centered at 550 kHz. The results for the photodetector current Fano factor and the light Fano factor are plotted in Fig. 4-10. The results of the measurement indicated that the noise of the laser was a strong function of the bias current. In particular, at bias currents near 40 mA, the noise in the laser is 114 CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS x 1019 1.8 co) C: 1.6 1.4 a) 0 Cl) 0 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 C:) 0.4 'U 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Frequency of Measurement (MHz) Figure 4-9: Power spectrum of the photodetector current noise, taken at Ibias = 81 mA. especially pronounced. This excess noise is attributed to the unstable mode character of the laser within that bias range. Measurements with an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) allowed the mode-hopping of the laser to be seen very clearly. At higher biases (> 60 mA), the OSA indicated stable lasing without mode-hopping, and a corresponding drop in the light's Fano factor was measured. At 90 mA of bias current, where the manufacturers suggest operating the laser for optimal performance, the laser's Fano factor was measured to be about 10. Based on the results of these measurements, a laser bias current of 90 mA was chosen for the correlation measurements. 4.4 Correlation Measurement The setup used for measuring the correlated photon noise of the lasers was shown in Fig. 4-4. The high frequency equivalent circuit of the measurement is shown in Fig. 4.4. By putting the lasers in parallel or in series and by closing or opening the switch, the laser circuit can be made to match all of the four topologies shown in Fig. 4-3. 4.4. CORRELATION MEASUREMENT 115 104 -. F, ... FF, 103 0 C15 L 102 0 C IL 101 9 3 Ith=1 . mA 100' 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Laser Bias (mA) Figure 4-10: Photodetector current and incident light Fano factors as a function of laser bias. The correlation metric measured in this experiment is given by - R (CSD(si, 82)) YPSD(si) x PSD(s 2 ) where CSD(si, S2) is the cross spectral density of the two signals s, and S2. PSD(si) and PSD(s 2 ) are the power spectral densities of s, and s2. A completely correlated signal results in Cn=l, and a completely anticorrelated signal results in Cn=-1. Becasue of this metric, the correlation measurement is much simpler than the measurement of the Fano factor; knowledge of the transfer function H is not necessary, because any dependence on H in R (CSD(si, S2)) is canceled out by the same dependence in VPSD(si) and VPSD(s 2 )Therefore the signals si and S2 which are used for the measurements are simply the noise voltages measured in the DAQ. 116 CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS series config. Ai- Di LI +" Zf config. L2D2 .... AV AV A B As discussed in Section 4.2.1, the noise contributions from the amplifier noise of the circuit are very small. As small as they are, the are also uncorrelated, making them totally unimportant in setting the accuracy limits of the measurement. The two main sources of error in the correlation measurement are spurious correlations introduced into the circuit through capacitive or inductive coupling between the measurement circuits (spurious mutual correlation), and spurious correlations from some other environmental noise source which is picked up by both circuits (spurious environmental correlation). A great deal of care was taken to properly shield the measurement, eliminate ground loops, and reduce the mag- 4.4. CORRELATION MEASUREMENT 117 netic flux linkage between the measurement circuits. Despite this care some preliminary measurements were necessary to be sure that the measured correlation was that of the laser noise, and not from some other spurious source. First, the noise was measured when both lasers were voltage biased with separate batteries. Any correlation which appears as the result of such a measurement is spurious, and is a potential source of error. The results of this measurement are shown in Fig. 4.4.1. The correlation is roughly zero until it starts increasing at around 1 MHz. The flatness 0.5 0 -1 0 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency (MIHz) 2 Figure 4-12: Spurious correlation between two lasers voltage biased in separate circuits. of the noise trace below 1 MHz lends support suggests that spurious correlations in the measurement bandwidth are small. The bandwidth over which the measurements are to be made is between 450 kHz and 650 kHz. Averaging the correlation trace of Fig. 4.4.1 over that bandwidth results in a correlation of 0.03. As an even more rigorous test for spurious correlation between the detector circuits, noise measurements were made with one laser at normal (90 mA) bias and the other turned off. This was repeated for both lasers and with both current and voltage bias. This measurement is far more sensitive to spurious mutual correlations in the photodector circuits than the a measurement with both sources on. The noise floor of the photodetection circuit was shown earlier to be much smaller than the typical noise due to the laser, so that even the CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 118 smallest amounts of spurious signal picked up in the dark (laser off) photodetector circuit can easily be the dominant signals in that circuit. Because the correlation metric used here is normalized, the weakness of the spurious signal is not important, only the degree of its correlation with the strong signal. Hence a small spurious signal which would be unnoticable in the noise correlation with both lasers on can cause huge correlations when one laser is off. This measurement does not rule out the possibility of mutual spurious noise between the laser bias circuits, since one of the lasers was turned off. The results of these measurements are shown in Fig. 4.4.1. Signs of mutual spurious correlation are evident in these traces. I 0.51- 0.5 0 0 U U-0.5 .4. 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 -1 D 2 re 1 Fre que ncy (M Hz) Frequency (MHz) 1.5 2 I + 0.5 0.5F 0. 0 U -0.51 0.5 0 0.5 1 Frequency (MHz) 1.5 2 ~0 0.5 1 1.5 Frequency (MHz) Figure 4-13: Spurious correlations measured with one laser off. Still, within the measurement bandwidth the correlation is remarkably small. The average correlation of each of the measurements is given in Table 4.4 The small correlations measured indicate that in the actual measurements, the correlations due to the spurious pickup of noise between detector circuits is negligable. Iterating the measurements in Table 4.4 proved 4.4. CORRELATION MEASUREMENT scenario laser laser laser laser 1 1 2 2 119 [correlation voltage current voltage current biased, biased, biased, biased, laser laser laser laser 2 2 1 1 off off off off 0.00 0.04 -0.01 0.01 Table 4.4: Average measured spurious correlation with one laser off. to be a very useful and effective way to diagnose spurious mutual coupling. From these measuerements it is conluded that the correlation measured in Figure 4.4.1 is most likely environmental in origin, or related to spurious coupling between the laser circuits. 4.4.2 Correlation Measurement Four measurements of the correlated noise were taken, each one corresponding to one of the circuits discussed in Section 4.1.3. The results are shown in Figure 4.4.2. The average correlations over the band between 450 kHz and 650 kHz are given in Table 4.5. circuit (A) circuit (B) circuit (C) circuit (D) 0.31 +/- 0.01 0.05 +/- 0.01 -0.07 +/- 0.01 -0.31 +/- 0.01 Table 4.5: Average noise correlations. The error bars indicated in the table reflect only the estimated random error in the averaging process, and do not include any systematic errors due to spurious correlations. A large positive correlation (0.31) is observed for the voltage biased, series coupled lasers. A negative correlation of the same magnitude was measured for the current biased, parallel coupled lasers, agreeing with the theory presented in 4.1.3. Smaller correlations are observed with the series coupled, current biased circuit and the parallel coupled, voltage biased circuit. The exact origin of these correlations is not understood. One theory is that these correlations are spurious correlations due to inductive coupling between the lasers and some other source of fluctuating magnetic field. Fig. 4.4.2 shows how inductive coupling might give rise to the measured correlations for both laser circuits. In circuit (B), the inductive coupling induces a voltage in the circuit driving a noise current Iimd through both of the CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 120 I (A) 0.5 0 0.5 -zZ* =(0). -0.5 1-1 - I 0.5 0 1 1.5 2 -1 Frequency (MHz) 1 1.5 Frequency (MHz) 2 (D). + 0.5 0 - 0 0.5 0 2 I (C) -I 0 1.5 1 0.5 Frequency (MHz) ir 0.5 0 -0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 2 Frequency (MHz) 0 0.5 Figure 4-14: Noise correlation measured for lasers in 4 different circuits. lasers in the same direction, resulting in a positive spurious correlation, consistent with what was measured. In circuit (C), the same positive correlation could be induced by a Ifnd. However, a noise current I' will also be induced in the circuit. This current flows in the opposite direction through the lasers, and would act to negatively correlate the noises. Becuase of the relatively large loop (~ 3 cm) formed by the leads to each of the lasers, this latter loop is larger than the former, and therefore this negative correlation is expected to dominate over the positive correlation from IAd, resulting in a net negative correlation. This also matches with the measured data. Further tests must be made before this model for the correlations in (B) and (C) is accepted, as the existence of magnetic fields capable of inducing a coupling over a wide bandwidth would be surprising. 4.5. SUMMARY 121 (B) (C) ind ind "id Figure 4-15: Possible mechanism for spurious correlation in circuits (B) and (C). 4.5 Summary A model for the correlations in circuit coupled lasers has been presented and tested. Correlations in the light are theoretically expected due to the shared biasing circuitry of the lasers. Noise from the laser and which flows through the external biasing circuitry can couple into the other laser, creating correlations. The circuit noise of the laser can be divided into thermal noise due to the parasitic series resistance of the Ohmic contacts of the laser, and more complicated noise originating from within the laser. Four representative circuit topologies were examined theroretically and experimentally. Circuit (A) biased the lasers in series using a voltage source bias. Positive correlations due to the thermal and laser noise from both lasers flowing through the external circuit are expected. Circuit (B) biased the lasers in series using a current source bias. Circuit (C) biased the lasers in parallel using a voltage source. In both cases, no correlations were theoretically expected, because the external circuits shunt the noise currents from each laser away from the other laser. In circuit (D), the lasers are biased in parallel using a current source. A negative correlation of the same magnitude as the positive correlation of circuit (A) is predicted. Finally, assuming values for parameters consistent with those used in the measurements, an expression for the photon correlation due to thermal noise is derived. This is expected to be very small, and so any correlation observed by the measurement is assumed to be from the intrinsic laser noise. CHAPTER 4. CIRCUIT-INDUCED LASER NOISE CORRELATIONS 122 To test the predictions of the theory, two commercial SDL-5400 GaAlAs single transverse mode Fabry-Perot lasers were used, along with two Hamamatsu S3590-01 silicon PIN photodetectors. The photodetector signals were amplified using two custom made tran- simpedance amplifiers, allowing a measurement bandwidth of approximately 1 MHz. To measure the photon noise, each laser was directed at a detector, resulting in a 58% currentto-current quantum efficiency. Before measuring the photon correlations, a single laser was current biased, and a normalized measurement of its photon noise was made. At bias currents of 90 mA (about 4.5 times the threshold current) the Fano factor of the photon noise was meased to be approximately 10. When operating in this bias regime, the laser was free of any mode-hopping behavior which might wash out the correlations which were to be measured. Finally, the correlation meaurements were made for each of the 4 circuit topologies. Several preliminary measurements are made to ensure that spurious correlations are not present. Circuit (A) displayed a current correlation of 31%, and circuit (D) resulted in a -31% correlation. The opposite signs and equal magnitudes of the correlations are in good agreement with theory. The large degree of correlation indicate that the biasing circuit has a very noticable effect on the noise of a laser. Also measured were the correlations in circuits (B) and (C). While much smaller, the correlations observed in these measurements are inconsitent with the theory. A possible mechanism for the spurious correlation, inductive coupling, is discussed. Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Directions 5.1 Summary and Conclusions This work in this thesis is directed towards three intertwined goals. The first, primarily addressed in Chapter 2 is to present the models and the formalism needed to describe noise in an arbitrary electronic circuit, as well as some simple low noise design principles. The second goal is to provide a suite of techniques for measuring current noise in various devices. These were presented in Chapter 3. The culmination of this work was the first measurement of the circuit-induced correlations in the light of two lasers. The results of the measurement are in agreement with a theoretical calculation of the correlation. 5.1.1 Modeling To allow the experimenter to understand and predict the behavior of measurement circuits, noise models for the most common circuit elements are presented. These are resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, BJTs, FETs, and transformers. The models given are specific instances of one port and two port devices. Some useful results regarding the modeling of noise within idealized one and two port systems are presented. First, with a simple thermodynamical argument it is shown that the thermal noise from an arbitrary one port network is easily related to the real part of the one port's 123 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 124 Thevenin equivalent resistance. The two-port model from standard circuit theory is generalized to include input and output noise sources to model arbitrary noise within the two-port. In this general case, the noise of the input and output generators can be both non-white and correlated. To allow for easy comparison of the signal level at the input to the noise contributed by the two port, the noise source at the output of the two port is referred back to the input. This is consistant with the convention in commercial electronics specifications. Contrary to what is often said in the literature, as long as certain basic conditions are met, the input referred noise sources have all of the power and generality of the original noise description in terms of noise sources at both ports. The sensitivity limits for the so-called balanced detection scheme are presented in light of these results. The concept of the optimal noise resistance is introduced. If an amplifier whose input referred current and voltage noise generators are known is used to measure a small signal from a device, there is a certain device impedance which minimizes the noise figure of the setup. For a device whose impedance is resistive, this ratio is simply V"/I, the ratio of the input referred noise voltage generator to the input referred current noise generator. For more general device impedances and noise behavior, the method of minimizing the noise figure will lead to a different optimization condition. This method gives the designer of low noise measurements a design constraint on an amplifier used to measure signals from a particular device. In short, this thesis has endeavored to present a practical, unified framework for modeling noise in electronic circuits, along with some tips on low noise circuit design. The ideas and methods of this chapter do not pertain only to measurements of current noise, but more generally to any sensitive electronic measurement. 5.1.2 Current Noise Measurement Techniques A set of current noise measurement techinques were described. The basic equipment used for the preliminary measurements in this thesis was described and characterized. These included the SR560 voltage amplfier, the SR570 current preamplifier, the SR554 transformer 5.1. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 125 preamplifier, and the data acquisition system. The two-port input referred noise formalism developed in Chapter 2 is used to describe the noise contributions from the measurment chain. A method for characterizing the noise of an arbitrary amplifier was described and applied to the SR570 amplifier. By measuring the noise at the output for a variety of source impedances, the results could be fit with very good agreement to a two-port input referred noise model. Results agreed with a similar calibration in the literature. Using a series of cryogenic measurements, the linear temperature dependence of thermal noise power from a 4.75 kQ resistor was confirmed. A noise measurement technique for high impedance devices was developed. The measurement setup was used to perform a calibrated measurement of the shot noise of a photodetector's photocurrent. The photocurrent was produced from a weakly coupled optical link with an LED. The principle of the calibration is to include a known signal source whose input-to-output transfer function is identical to that of the noise source to be measured. Knowledge of this transfer function can be used to deconvolve the measured power spectral density of the noise at the output. By turning the LED off, a the noise due only to the amplifier can be measured. This is subtracted from the measured spectral density of the noise with the LED on to eliminate the noise from the amplifier. Using this method, the standard quantum limit was measured to better than 2% accuracy. A transformer coupled method of noise measurement was developed to handle devices whose low impedances are poorly matched to the available optimal noise resistances of FETs and BJTs. The current noise in a diode was measured at low frequencies and found to follow a 1/f type spectrum. In describing specific current noise measurement techniques, this thesis attempts to highlight the main difficulties of noise measurements, and to suggest techniques by which these difficulties can be overcome. CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 126 5.1.3 Photon Correlations in Circuit-Coupled Lasers A model for the correlations in circuit coupled lasers has been presented and tested. Correlations in the photons are expected due to the shared biasing circuitry of the lasers; current noise from one laser can flow through the external biasing circuitry and couple into the other laser. The circuit noise of the laser can be divided into thermal noise of a parasitic series resistance, and more complicated current noise source originating from within the laser. Two sets of measurements were made using SDL-5400 lasers. First, a calibrated measurement of the Fano factor of the laser at frequencies of less that 1 MHz was made for several bias currents between threshold and 4.5 times threshold. A region of significantly enhanced noise was measured near 2 times the laser's threshold. Measurements with an optical spectrum analyzer confirmed that the enhanced noise was due to mode hopping within the laser. A quieter region at 4.5 times the threshold current of the laser was chosen for the correlation measurements. The circuit induced current correlations in four simple circuit topologies have been measured (see Fig. 5-1), and the dominant source of error is attributed to spurious correlations due to capacitive and inductive coupling of noise into the measurement circuit. The measured correlations agreed with the theoretically predicted correlations, except for the small but non-zero correlations measured in the series coupled current biased lasers and the parallel coupled voltage biased lasers. A possible cause of this spurious correlation involving inductive coupling is proposed, and is shown to be consistent with the measured data. 5.2 Directions for Future Work There are several possible directions for future work building on the results and methods of this thesis. The most immediate direction is to continue with the photon correlation measurements. The most striking discrepancy between theory and experiment was in the non-zero cor- 5.2. DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 127 *II Figure 5-1: The four measured bias circuit topologies. relations measured from the series coupled current biased lasers and the parallel coupled voltage bias lasers. Correlations on the order of +/- 5% were measured, a significant deviation from the expected uncorrelated noise. In Chapter 4, a mechanism for these correlations in terms of spurious inductive coupling was proposed, but time and circumstance did not allow this mechanism to be verified. In subsequent measurements, more attention should be paid to reducing the area of current loops which may inductively couple noise into the measurement, introducing spurious correlations. More care should probably also be taken to physically separate the circuit biasing the laser from the measurement circuit. Despite significant efforts which were already taken in these areas, it is possible that the importance of inductive coupling was underestimated in the measurements of Chapter 4. The correlation measurements have provided clear confirmation for the general predictions of the laser noise circuit model. However, further effort should be made to separate out the contributions to the correlation from the thermal current noise source and the laser current noise source in the model (see Fig. 5-2). CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 128 R series rd n 1/f Figure 5-2: One-port noise model of a diode. It was argued in Section 4.1.3 that for the laser used in this thesis, the correlation due to the thermal noise of the lasers' parasitic resistances was too small to be observed. A chief reason for this is the presence of noise in the photons which is not correlated with either of the two current noise sources. While this excess noise is not unexpected, in a practical measurement this excess noise tends to wash out the correlations due to the circuit noise. A possible solution to this problem is cooling the lasers in a cryostat. This lowers the threshold current of the laser, and is expected to also lower some of the intrinsic noise of the laser. By cooling the laser to 15 K, the lasers can be operated at more than 30 times their threshold currents [54]. Operating the laser at high biases is known to further decrease the intrinsic noise of the lasers [541. The likely mechanism for this is the further suppresion of longitudinal side modes whose presence is responsible for much of the excess noise in the laser [67] [56] [571. If the intrinsic noise of the laser is lowered, the portion of the lasers' photon correlation due to thermal noise will be more easily seen. Of course the thermal noise from the resistor will also fall at low temperatures, but it is hoped that the advantages of lower laser noise will outweigh the loss of signal due to the reduced thermal 5.2. DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 129 noise. An added benefit from cooling the setup can be realized if the photodetectors are included in the cryostat. The photodetectors often limit the maximum light power which can be measured due to saturation effects which drive down the bandwidth of the detectors. Limiting the light power in the context of these correlation measurements means limiting maximum bias of the laser; this in turn limits the noise reduction which can be attained by biasing the laser well above threshold. If the detectors are cooled, significant improvements in this bandwidth are expected. At 77 K, a five-fold improvement in bandwidth over room temperature performance was reported using detectors similar to the ones used in this thesis [691. If a temperature regime and a bias current are found which reduce the laser's intrinsic noise to an acceptable level, then a potentiometer can be used in series with the circuit coupled lasers to test the circuit model of Figure 5-2. By taking correlation measurements at diffrent values of the potentiometer, the functional dependence of the photon correlation may be extracted, a further test of the laser circuit noise model. In the discussion, so far, the focus has been on the relative contributions of the two circuit noise sources to the photon correlation. The relative contribution of the noise sources can also be probed in a different way, by varying the bias current. Because the thermal noise of the parasitic resistance of the laser is independent of bias current, examining the correlation as a function of bias is a probe of the lasers' current noise sources. The correlation of the lasers should be measured as a function of bias to investigate how the current noise source of the laser varies with bias. Comparing this measurement with theory requires a much deeper investigation of the microscopic noise processes at work within the laser than was given in this thesis [66]. A final direction for future study in this area is the direct measurement of the correlation between the laser's current noise and the noise in its light. This measurement was actually undertaken over the course of this thesis on two occasions, but without much success. The difficulty lay with the measurement of the current noise of the laser, given the low impedance of the laser at forward bias conditions ~ 5 Q. During the first attempt at measuring the CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS 130 laser noise, the transformer coupled setup of Chapter 3 was used to help match the low impedance of the laser circuit to the large optimal noise resistance of the SR 560 low noise voltage amplifier. The measurement was successful, but unfortunately the bandwidth was limited to under about 20 kHz, which turned out to be well before the 1/f noise corner of the device. Any of the laser noise of interest was swamped by the 1/f noise signal. Another measurement was attempted with the SDL-5400 lasers using a transformer with a smaller turn ratio in the hopes that they would display less 1/f noise, but the results were inconclusive. A drawback of applying transformer coupled measurements to lasers is the possiblity of inadvertant inductive current spikes which can destroy the lasers. A safer method to obtain comparable levels of sensitivity to the transformer coupled measurement might be to include a cooled JFET preamplifier in the cryostat along with the laser and the detector. The noise in a JFET is almost entirely due to the thermal noise of the channel (see Chapter 2), and can be therefore be decreased by going to lower temperatures. An added advantage of a cooled JFET amplifier over the transformer coupled measurement would be a much wider bandwidth, and a diminished sensitivity to parasitic elements in the measurement circuit. Appendix A Current Noise in a Resonant Tunneling Diode The purpose of this appendix is to provide a detailed theoretical description of the fundamental origin of noise in the representative system of the resonant tunneling diode (RTD). Aside from the theoretical benefits of understanding the fundamental processes responsible for current noise, it is hoped that the reader will get a sense for some of the exciting physics which is accessable to the experiementalist through noise measurements. Some knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics is helpful to follow the discussion. It draws frequently on insights from the excellent text by Datta [1] and a very thorough review of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors by Blanter and Biittiker [2]. A practical realization of the RTD structure using a GaAs quantum well and AlGaAs tunnel barriers is shown in Fig. A-1. [3]. Also sketched in Fig. A-1 is the energy of the bottom of the conduction band. The valence band is not needed for a first-pass discussion of transport because the RTD is a majority carrier device, due to the degenerate doping in the emitter and collector. During normal operation, the Fermi-levels of the electrons on either side of the device are far below the height of the barriers in the conduction band (Vo). The electrons traverse the barriers by sequentially tunneling through each barrier, an entirely quantum mechanical process. 131 APPENDIX A. CURRENT NOISE IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE 132 V0 AIGaAs -- +E barriers -- GaAs GaAs well GaAs ............ Z substrate 4 Figure A-1: A practical realization of an RTD, and a schematic representation of the structure [3]. A.0.1 Tunnel Junctions at DC [1] The RTD is composed of two tunnel barriers as shown in Fig. A-1. For a single barrier, considered alone, Schr6dinger's equation is easily solved to calculate the transmission probability T(E) of an electron incident on the barrier. The key result of the calculation is that there is no resonant behavior in the tunneling; the transmission probability monotonically increases as the energy of the electron is increased towards the top of the potential barrier. Even if the device is biased, the picture is qualitatively the same. There is no resonant behavior because the solution to Schr6dinger's equation in the barrier has no sinusoidal character, and this is the case as long as the energy of the tunneling electron is less than the minimum of the barrier potential. Resonant behavior can be obtained by adding another identical barrier in series with the first. If the tunneling probabilities for transmission through the barriers are small, as they typically are for a real device, then the well region of the RTD can be said to possess quasibound states. The non-zero tunneling probability out of the well introduces a broadening in the density of well energy states (and therefore a finite lifetime). This broadened density of 133 Vbias=O E well density of states EFr EF(z E Vbias>O well density of states EF __ Eb EFr Figure A-2: A schematic energy level diagram for an RTD in the unbiased and biased case, showing the well density of states. states acts like a window for electron transport through the structure. Applying a voltage bias to the structure raises or lowers this window relative to the reservoir of electrons on either side of the RTD. This is sketched in Fig. A-2. When no bias is applied to the structure, the RTD acts as a barrier, allowing no electrons to pass. As a bias is gradually added, the Fermi-level of the emitter (EF on the left-hand side) eventually reaches the energy level of the bound state (Eb). A channel for conduction is opened, and current begins to flow. The current through the RTD continues to increase as the energy of the quasi-bound state is swept across the Fermi sea of the emitter charge reservoir, and then decreases for a while until other channels for conduction are opened (not shown in Fig. A-2). The resulting I-V curve for the RTD, with its characteristic regime of negative differential resistance, is sketched in Fig. A-3. In this discussion, several important approximations were made. A low enough temperature was assumed so that the spread of the Fermi level of the emitter was less than APPENDIX A. CURRENT NOISE IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE 134 region of negative differential resistance V Figure A-3: A typical I-V curve of an RTD. the quasi-bound state width. Increasing the temperature has a smearing effect on the I-V curve. Likewise, scattering processes ensure that the current does not decrease all of the way to zero in the valley of the I-V curve. Inelastic scattering current contributes to the valley current because electrons in the emitter above the well quasi-bound state energy can give up energy to the lattice and tunnel through the Eb bound state, or receive energy and tunnel through one of the higher well bound states or over the barrier. Elastic scattering (electron-electron or interface) also effects transport. While elastic scattering does not change the total energy of the electrons, it does redistribute the electrons' momentum in k-space. Because only k, matters for tunneling through the well, this redistribution affects transport. In sketching the potential profile for forward bias, for simplicity it was assumed that the emitter and collector are heavily doped, causing the potential to drop entirely across the well and barriers. In reality, the conduction band in the emitter bends down next to the barrier, which makes a small triangular quantum well. Also, it was assumed that there is no space 135 charge buildup in the device. This makes the potential drop occur evenly. A more careful calculation would self-consistantly solve the Schr5dinger and Poisson equations, taking into account the effects of the static charge distribution on the potential profile. the simple assumptions made here capture the necessary features of the device. extensive research and a variety of approaches [70], However, Despite modeling RTDs is still an active area of research. A.0.2 Mesoscopic Noise [2] In a mesoscopic device (one in which the device dimensions are comparable or smaller than the mean free path of the electron), current fluctuations through two fundamental sources: thermal fluctuations and shot noise. At non-zero temperatures, all systems coupled to a reservoir of states show thermal fluctuations. The size of these fluctuations can be related to the dissipation in the system through the fluctuation-dissipation theorem [10]. This makes some intuitive sense, as fluctuation and dissipation are in many respects two sides of the same coin; the dissipation is a measure of the power flowing from the system into the reservoir, and the size of the fluctuations are a measure of power flowing from the reservoir to the system. Shot noise is best defined as noise resulting from the quantization of charge. Unlike thermal noise, shot noise is not present in equilibrium. It is present only when there is DC transport. On a mesoscopic scale, the difference between shot noise and thermal noise is a matter of definition; when calculating the noise in a structure, it is often possible to obtain both types of noise as two different limits of one general expression [71]. A useful model for understanding the origins of thermal and shot noise is the onedimensional single energy channel. The channel consists of a single barrier transmitting an incident electron of energy E with a probability T. For now, transport is examined only in a range dE around a particular energy E0 . It is assumed that there are two identical reservoirs of electrons on either side of the conducting channel, and T is taken to be 1, meaning that there is perfect transmission of incident electrons with energy E 0 . The energies of the electrons in each reservoir are distributed according to identical Fermi-Dirac distribu- 136 APPENDIX A. CURRENT NOISE IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE 1-D Channel Emitter reservoir Collector reservoir Occupied (dark) or unoccupied (light) transmission states Figure A-4: A 1-D channel connecting two reservoirs, showing orthogonal occupied and unoccupied transmission states. tions f(E), each at the same non-zero temperature, with the same Fermi-levels. Because the channel only transmits at energy Eo, only electrons in the reservoir with energy E0 contribute to transport. The probability that the stream of transport states of energy E0 incident on the barrier from the left-most reservoir will be occupied by electrons is given by the Fermi-Dirac distribution evaluated at E0 , f(Eo). The situation on the right side of the barrier is identical, as the system is symmetric. This scenario is sketched in Fig. A-4. It is a fundamental postulate of statistical mechanicals that a system is equally likely to be in any of its accessable microstates. Therefore, in the stream of particles incident on one side of the barrier, the occupation of a given state is statistically independent of the occupation of every other state. This allows an easy calculation of the variance in occupation number of the states incident on one side of the barrier: (An 2 ) (n2) - (n)2 (A.1) For Fermi-Dirac particles like electrons, the average occupation number (n) and the mean- 137 square occupation (n 2 ) are both simply f(Eo) (Poisson statistics), giving: (An 2) = f(Eo)(1 - (A.2) f(E0 )) Already, it is clear that there will be fluctuations in the current between the two sides of this device due to the fluctuation in occupation in the reservoir. This is the defining characteristic of thermal noise. To calculate the current fluctuations due to electrons incident on one side of the channel, the number fluctuations above must be weighted by a proportionality factor 4'dE Av [72]. Taking into account both of the statistically independent incident electron streams gives an additional factor of 2. One finds: 6(AI 2 ) = 2e 2 h f(Eo)(1 - f(Eo))dE Av (A.3) The factor of f(Eo)(1 - f(E 0 )) is sharply peaked at the Fermi-level, indicating that only electrons near the Fermi-level are important in conduction. Equation A.3 can be easily integrated over energy to find the total current fluctuations due to all of the reservoir electrons. If the result is expressed in terms of the quantum of conductance G = one finds [73]: (AI 2) = 4GkTAv (A.4) This expression for thermal noise also holds for macroscopic systems (eg. resistors) where it is traditionally referred to as the Johnson or Nyquist formula. To understand the origin of shot noise in the single energy channel model, consider low temperatures so that thermal noise is not important. If a voltage bias Vapplied is applied to this device, current will flow preferentially from the emitter to the collector due to the difference in the Fermi-levels of the emitter and collector reservoirs. Only the carriers in the emitter reservoir which are above the Fermi-level of the collector reservoir can participate in transport (as sketched in Fig. A-5), since all of the states below the collector Fermilevel are filled in the low temperature limit. Restricting the discussion to emitter electron energies capable of transport, the probability that an electron from the emitter reservoir 138 APPENDIX A. CURRENT NOISE IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE 1-D Channel incident reflected Emitter Collector transmitted E E EFg 0 00* a0 at Vapplied Figure A-5: A 1-D channel connecting two reservoirs at low temperature and with an applied voltage bias. will be transmitted to the collector reservoir is simply T, and therefore the probability of occupation of the transmitted current stream will also be T. Because the transmission or reflection of an electron at the barrier is a quantum mechanically random process, each transmission or reflection is independent of the others, and the stream of particles exiting the device on the right exhibits Poisson statistics. The mean square occupation is therefore T. The standard deviation of the occupation number fluctuations of the transmitted electron stream is then (An 2 ) = ( _' (nT)2 = T(1 - T) (A.5) These fluctuations are known as partition noise because the scatterer partitions the ordered stream of current into two disordered streams. This random scattering of certain electrons but not others is the fundamental origin of shot noise. To convert from occupation number fluctuations to current fluctuations, the factor of 2V dE Av from the previous discussion of thermal noise is used again. In this case, dE = -fE(emitter) - E(collector) f = eVpplied is the width in energy of the conducting channel. 2e 2 6(A1 2 ) = 2 h T(1 - T)eVapplied Av (A.6) 139 In the limiting case of small T and expressing the result in terms of the conductance of the channel Gchan = T - , this becomes: 6(AI 2 ) = 2GchaneVapplied Av (A.7) Recognizing that Ichan = GchanVapplicd, the traditional shot noise formula is obtained: 6(AI 2 ) = 2 elchan AV (A.8) [74]. For larger values of T, it is clear This is known as the Schottky limit for shot noise from the discussion that the noise will be suppressed under the Schottky limit. The ratio of the current fluctuations in a system to the Schottky limit is called the Fano factor. A.0.3 Noise in RTDs In the previous sections the fundamental microscopic origins of noise were discussed using a coherent 1-D channel model. As primitive as the model was, it provides some insight into the noise properties of the RTD. In Section A.0.1 it was argued that there is a maximum in the DC current when the quasi-bound state energy is centered within the energy reservoir of the emitter (Fig. A2). The transmission T(E) through the device in this situation is simply proportional to the density of states of the smeared out quasi-bound well state. This can be simply motivated with no mathematics by noting that the tunneling current into or out of the well is proportional to three factors: the density of occupied states the electron leaves, the density of unoccupied states the electron can enter, and some tranmission coefficient T(E). In the case sketched in Fig. A-2, the emitter states are filled up to the Fermi level. The states which the electron is tunneling into (on the right of Fig. A-2) are all empty. The transmission T(E) due to just a single barrier is not strongly dependent on energy, and can be taken as constant T for the energy range over which transport is possible. The only important energy dependence in the tunneling current is that of the quasi-bound state which the 140 APPENDIX A. CURRENT NOISE IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE electron must pass through to cross the device. As is often the case with lifetime broadened discrete states, the density of states g(E) (and therefore T(E)) is well approximated by a Lorentzian distribution in energy. Knowing the form of T(E) for the RTD and applying the result of Section A.0.2, the total shot noise can be calculated analytically by dividing T(E) into narrow channels in energy and integrating the noise from each channel. It is worth noting that T(E) can be quite large on resonance; for identical barriers T(Eb) = 1. From the discussion in Section A.0.2, this large transmission will give rise to current noise suppression in the device. In other words, the Fano factor should be less than one when device is biased on resonance. In the ideal situation considered here, it can be shown [1] that the Fano factor is exactly 1/2. This result agrees well with the suppression of shot noise observed in real devices [75]. However, this agreement should be viewed with some suspicion; in real devices at room temperature, electron-phonon scattering often destroys the coherence of the electrons in the well before they have a chance to tunnel out. This casts the entire procedure used above into doubt, as the 1-D channel model was completely coherent (i.e. no scattering). Further, it is not even clear that the RTD's I-V curve will still possess the same transmission maxima on resonance, since the discussion of the I-V curve and T(E) was also based on a totally coherent model. Both of these concerns have been addressed by developing a sequential tunneling model for the RTD, which treats transport and noise in the device using a master equation. Is has been demonstrated that dephasing does not alter the DC transport [1] or Fano factor [761 of the RTD significantly. A measurement of the Fano factor in the RTD is sensitive to much of the important physics of the device. The shape of the quasi-bound states, the tunneling probability through the double barrier structure, and the asymmetry of the device affect the noise power measured through the Fano factor. Many of these properties are also reflected in the DC transfer function of the device. However, so far only single electron transport has been considered. It was assumed throughout the discussion that the electrons interact only with a static potential, and not with each other. When effects on transport due to electron-electron interaction are introduced, the DC I-V characteristic may not be significantly altered, but 141 the current noise may show dramatic changes. This can be seen by considering Fig. A-2 and the effect of a single electron's entrance into the RTD well. After one electron tunnels into the well of the device, an electron immediately following it sees a different potential in the quantum well due to the electrostatic repulsion of the first charge, which is still in the well. This can be modeled as an increase in the potential energy floor of the well, or equivalently as a capacitance between the well and the emitter. If the change in potential is sufficient to influence the alignment of the quasi-bound state with the emitter reservoir of states, then the transport of the two electrons can become correlated. For example, suppose the device is biased so that the well quasi-bound state is below the emitter Fermi level (in the negative differential resistance regime). The added well potential from the new electron pushes the well quasi-bound state up relative to the emitter Fermi-level, and the next electron tunneling into the well from the emitter will have an easier time. This introduces a positive correlation between the tunneling of electrons into the well. The resulting 'bunching' in the tunneling electrons gives rise to shot noise enhanced well above the standard quantum limit of 2eI. A Fano factor of 6.6 has been attributed to this effect [18]. This mechanism can also give rise to shot noise suppression if the device is biased so that the well quasi-bound state is just above the emitter Fermi level. Whether this effect or the shot noise suppression mechanism discussed earlier (using the 1-D coherent channel model) is more important in determining the supressed Fano factor depends on the details of the device. 142 APPENDIX A. CURRENT NOISE IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE Appendix B Basics of Semiconductor Lasers B.1 Semiconductor Laser Structure A idealized semiconductor laser of the type used for the measurements in this thesis is shown on the left side of Fig. B-1. The two terminals of the device are the metal layers on electrons photons mow S substrate Metal S E holes Figure B-1: Basic structure and operation of a laser. the top and the bottom of the structure. Below the top metal contact is a p-doped region. Above the botton metal contact is an n-doped region. So far this is similar to a normal homojunction or heterojunction diodes. In between the two quantum wells is an undoped region of a lesser-bandgap material known as the cladding. This region is lattice matched to 143 APPENDIX B. BASICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS 144 the n-doped and p-doped regions, meaning that the lattice describing the crystal structure of the materials is ideally continuous throughout the device. Not shown in the figure is the length and geometry of the laser in the direction coming out of the page. Lasers of the sort used in this thesis are typically a few hundred microns long, and they are terminated on each side by smooth reflective facets which serve as mirrors for the light generated within the structure. The smaller band-gap of the of the cladding material serves two purposes. First, because the index of refraction of a material is inveresely proportional to its bandgap, light emitted from inside the device is confined inside of the high index cladding. In the laser diagram of Fig. B-1, the light is guided in the direction emerging from the page. The other key benefit of the small band-gap of the cladding is to confine the electrons and holes which enter the device from the n-doped and p-doped regions. This increases the probability of electron-hole recombination, resulting in photon emission. This is one big difference between an LED or laser structure as compared to a traditional diode or transistor; for the laser and the LED, the device is engineered to maximized electron-hole recombination in order to increase the radiative efficiency of the device, whereas electrical devices are designed with as little electron-hole recombination as possible. Note also that unlike the homojunction diode, the heterojunction diode is a majority carrier device, in the sense that the electrons and holes responsible for the devices operation are injected from the n-doped and p-doped sides, respectively. This process is shown in the schematic diagram on the right side of Fig. B-1. Also shown in the figure are multiple quantum wells (MQW). The quantum wells are made from another material with an even smaller band-gap, again lattice matched to the surrounding structure. The wells are small enough (~ 80 A) to offer quantum mechanical confinement in the dimension of the well for the carriers in the well, which turns out to enhance the performance of the laser. Carriers injected into the cladding from the n-doped and p-doped regions relax into the lower energy of the quantum well before undergoing recombination. B.2. CARRIER RECOMBINATION AND LIGHT GENERATION B.2 145 Carrier Recombination and Light Generation A semiconductor laser is pumped applying a bias to the metal contacts, which injects holes (from the p-doped side) and electrons (from the n-doped side) into the intrinsic cladding. Once in the cladding, the carriers quickly relax into the quantum wells. There are several processes by which carriers injected into the quantum wells recombine. They are divided into radiative and non-radiative processes. A good laser is designed to minimize non- radiative recombination. The other important recombination occurs through the processes of spontanous and stimulated emission, shown in Fig. B-2. During a spontaneous emission E, - spontaneous emission absorption stimulated emission Figure B-2: Important radiative processes in a semiconductor laser. event, an electron recombines with a hole and emits a photon. The inverse of this process is absoption, also shown in the figure; an incoming photon creates an electron hole pair and is itself annihilated. This process is responsible for light emission in LEDs and in semiconductor lasers pumped with current below the threshold of lasing. The recombination rate per unit volume in the laser scales with the density of carriers. During a stimulated emission event, an incoming photon induces another electron to recombine, producing another identical photon. In this context, identical means that the excited photon is in the same mode as the exciting electron. It is this process which allows for photon gain. The rate of stimulated emission within the laser scales as the product of the electron and photon densities, and therefore this process only becomes important at high photon densities. In a properly engineered structure, at a certain bias current level this process becomes the dominant form of recombination. At this point the device is said to begin lasing. To model APPENDIX B. BASICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS 146 the processes at work within a laser more precisely, we rely on rate equations. B.2.1 Laser Rate Equations The physics of a semiconductor laser, including its noise, can be well modeled using rate equations. To derive the rate equations the laser is divided the laser conceptually into two reservoirs, one for the carriers injected into the active region of the laser and one for the photons in the lasing mode of the laser. For multiple modes, more reservoirs can be used, but here we focus on a laser which lases in a single mode. All of the different rates by which particles can enter or leave each of the reservoirs can then be written down. If the current intering the terminals of the laser is I, the amount of current entering the active region of the laser is T1I. The injection efficiency miis a number between 0 and 1 modeling the internal efficiency of the laser, and it is designed to be as close to 1 as possible. Once inside the carrier reservoir, the carriers can recombine nonradiatively, spontaneously, or through stimulated emission, as discussed above. A photon which is created through the radiative recombination processes has three possible alternatives. The photon might be absorbed in the active region and create an electron-hole pair, it might be emitted through one of the end facets as useful light, or it might be lost through free carrier absorption, absorption outside of the active region, or through a scattering process. Equations describing the time rate of change of the carrier and photon numbers subject to all of the above processes can be written. The various rates are typically written in units of events second x volume dN V -dt Vp = = - dt I q - (R 8p(N) + Rnr (N) - (Rstim (N, Np) - Rabs(N, Np)) V (Rstim(N, Np) - Rabs(Np)) - + R'P(N)V +r (B.1) (B.2) Here N is the carrier density and V is the active region volume, so that NV is the total number of carriers in the carrier reservoir. Likewise Np is defined as the density of photons B.3. SOLUTION OF THE RATE EQUATIONS FOR LOW FREQUENCIES 147 in the cavity, and V is the effective volume the photons occupy (related to the volume of the cladding), so that their product NpVp is the number of photons in the cavity. The quantity 7 is simply the total number of carriers electrons (or holes) injected into the active region. The rates Rnr, RP, and Rstim are the nonradiative, spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission rates; they have a negative sign because they act to decrease the carrier density. The absorption rate Rabs acts to increase the carrier density and enters with a positive sign. In the photon number rate equation, the Rstim and Rabs terms enter with the opposite signs from the carrier number rate equation, as one would expect. The R, term models spontaneous emission into the lasing mode. Although we are discussing a single mode laser, no laser is truly single mode, especially before the threshold of lasing. All of the rest of the photon loss, including the useful output power from the facet, is in the term P The time Tp constant Tp is the known as the photon lifetime. The useful output power P is taken to be a fraction % of the photon loss term, where %o is known as the optical efficiency. P, = 71,hv (B.3) Tp B.3 Solution of the Rate Equations for Low Frequencies The rate equations are the basic tools for modeling a laser's operation and dynamics. With the Langevin formalism introduced in Chapter 1, they can also be used to model a laser's noise. In this thesis we are concerned with the noise properties of lasers at frequencies of under 1 MHz. Because the dynamics modeled by the laser rate equations occurs on time scales of nanoseconds or faster, the rate equations solved for the steady state contain all of the information we need. Therefore the time derivatives on the left side of Eqn. B.1 can be set to zero, and we can set about solving the equations for the steady state values of the carrier and photon density. Clearly much of the physics at work in a laser is hidden inside the dependence of the various rate constants on the carrier density and the photon density. The rate constants Rstim and Rabs should both be proportional to Np; one would intuively expect that the APPENDIX B. BASICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS 148 number of photons absorbed per unit time and the number of carriers stimulated into emitting per unit time should be proportional to the number of photons which initiate the events. The photon density to be factored out of the rate constants, allowing the definition of new rate constants depending only on N. Np (stim(N) - rabs(N)) = Rstim(N, Np) - Rabs(N, Np) (B.4) The basic dependence of the rate constants rstim (N) and rabs (N) on the carrier density N can also be deduced by thinking of the laser as a simplified two state system. In this picture, an electron-hole pair is regarded as an electron excited from the ground state (valence band) into the excited state (conduction band). Both bands have finite density of electron states. Clearly an absorption event in the laser depends on the presence of an electron in the valence band. Just as important, however, is the presence of a vacant space in the conduction band for the electron to be excited into. The presence of this space is not guaranteed because electrons obey the exclusion priciple; if all of the states in the conduction band are occupied by electrons, no other electrons may be excited to those states. For stimulated emission, the situation is reversed. A stimulated emission event depends on the presence of an electron in the conduction band, and the presence of a vacant space in the valence band into which the electron can decay. The key insight is that as the laser is pumped with more and more current, the conduction band is populated with an increasing number of electrons (with density N) waiting to decay to the valence band. As this happens, the rate constant rstim(N) increases and the rate constant rabs(N) decreases, due to the changes in the available states for each process. Eventually, the difference (rstim(N)-rabs(N)) actually becomes positive. Physically this corresponds to net photon gain in the medium. With this information, the photon density rate equation (Eqn. B.1 can be solved for the steady state photon density. N =s S V/7p - (rstim - b Tabs )v (B.5) B.3. SOLUTION OF THE RATE EQUATIONS FOR LOW FREQUENCIES As the laser is pumped harder the quantity (rstim - rabsV) 149 approaches the value of V/rp, causing the photon density to diverge. This is exactly the threshold condition, at which the gain a photon sees through one round trip through the cavity is exactly balanced by its roundtrip loss. Of course, the photon density does not actually blow up; instead, (Tstim(N) and rabsV)(N) are forced to clamp at their threshold values. Through this clamping of the gain the carrier density N is also clamped at some value Nth. This has profound consequences for the second steady state rate equation, which is solved here for the pumping current I. I = (Rp(Nh) + Rnr(Nth)) + qV(rim(Nth) - Vabs(Nth))Np (B.6) Here all of the quantities which depended on N have been clamped at their threshold values. As the pumping current I is increased beyond threshold, the only quantity on the right side of Eqn. B.6 which can change is the photon density Np. All of the recombining current past the threshold current Ith is taken up by the stimulated emission of the device. This allows us to define Ith = qV (Rsp(Nth) + Rnr(Nth)) (B.7) h and to write a simple equation for the laser output power above threshold: Po =Toihv(I - th) + Pp, (B.8) The term Pp is the power of the output light due to spontaneous emission. Its magnitide is clamped at threshold, and at high pumping levels is negligable. Below threshold, a semiconductor behaves like a convential light emitting diode, which emits spontaneously emitted light into all of the available modes. Above threshold, one mode of the laser wins the competition between the modes, and any further electrical current pumping the laser supports stimulated emission into the lasing mode, giving wise to an approximately linear output power vs. input current relation. 150 APPENDIX B. BASICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR LASERS Appendix C Matlab Code fano-vs-bias .m % This code performs the calibrated noise measurement on the laser % It calls the function meas-noisejfun clear; startfreq=2e4; endfreq=2e6; startfreqifor-avg=.5e6; endfreqfor-avg=.6e6; 10 hnames={ %'h20.O-1.26' 'h20.0-1.26' 'h22.5-2.76' 'h22.5-2.76' 'h27.5-5.68' 'h35.2-10.1' 'h35.2-10.1' 'h35.2-10.1' 20 'h45.7-16.1' 'h45.7-16.1' 'h45.7-16.1' 'h51.2-19.15' 'h54.9-21.3' 'h70.8-30.2' 'h75.1-32.6' 'h80.9-35.8' 151 APPENDIX C. MATLAB CODE 152 'h89.2-40.4' 30 onnames={ %'d0.306' 'dl.26' 'd3.38' 'd5.96' 'd8.9' 'd10.2' 'dll.3' 'd12.3' 'd13.9' 'd14.7' 'd17.1' 'd19.2' 'd22.3' 'd28.32' 'd32.0' 'd36.6' 'd40.50' 40 50 I.offname=' dof f' dc=[ %0.306e-3 1.26e-3 3.38e-3 5.96e-3 8.9e-3 10.2e-3 60 11.3e-3 12.3e-3 13.9e-3 14.7e-3 17.le-3 19.2e-3 22.3e-3 28.3e-3 32.0e-3 36.6e-3 40.5e-3 bias=[ I1; 70 153 for I=1:length(onnames) [freq(:,1),fano-c(:,1),fano-l(:,1)] = measnoise_fun(hnames{1},... onnames{1},offname,dc(l),startfreq,endfreq); end 80 figure; plot (freq,fano-c); figure; plot (freq,fanoi1); for l=1:length(onnames) min-found=0; max-found=0; min-ind=l; 90 max-ind=length(freq(:,1)); len=maxind; for ind=1:1en if ((freq(ind,1) >startfreqifor avg)&(min found==0)) min-ind=ind; min-found=1; end if ((freq(ind,1)>endfreqifor-avg)&(max-found==0)) max-ind=ind-1; max-found=1; 100 end end fano c_avg(1)=0; fanoLavg(1)= 0; for m=min-ind:max-ind fano-c-avg(l)=fano-c-avg(l)+fano-c(m,1); fano-l-avg(l)=fano-l-avg(l)+fanoil(m,1); end fano-c-avg(l)=fano-cavg(l)/(max-ind-min-ind+1); fano-l-avg(l)=fano-l-avg(l)/(max-ind-min-ind+1); 110 end bias=dc*1.78+18e-3; figure; semilogy(bias,fanocavg,' bo-'); hold on; semilogy(biasfano-l-avg,'ro-'); xlabel('Laser Bias (mA)'); ylabel('Fano Factor'); set(gca,'linewidth',3); set(gca,'fontsize',16); 120 APPENDIX C. MATLAB CODE 154 meas-noise-fun.m function [freq,fano-c,fano-1] = meas-noisefun (hnane,onnameoffname,... dc,startfreq,endfreq) % necessary constants lambda=807e-9; q=1.602e-19; hbar=1.054e-34; h-hbar*2*pi; c=2.998e8; slope-efficiency las=1.05; %W/A %A/ W photo sensitivity-det= 0.58 nu=c/lambda; 10 eta-l=slope-efficiencylas*q/h/nu; etadd=photo-sensitivity-det*h*nu/q; freq_s=2.5e7; rawdata-file1=onname; rawdata-file2=offname; SRSfilter-file=hname; % 'on' file % 'off' file % filter file 20 num=2^14; DC-current=dc; rawdatal=load(rawdata-file1); rawdata2=load(rawdata-file2); data1=rawdata1 -mean(rawdatal); 2 data2=rawdata2-mean(rawdata ); [psdl, f]=psd(data1,num,freqs); [psd2, f]=psd(data2,numfreqs); 30 SRSfilter-raw= load(SRSfilter-file); mninfound=0; max-found=0; nin-ind=1; maxind= length(f); ler=length(f); for ind=l:len if ((f(ind)>startfreq)&(min-found==0)) min-ind=ind; min-found=1; end if ((f(ind)>endfreq)&(max-found==0)) max_ind=ind-1; 40 155 max-found=l; end end 50 f-trunc=f (min-ind:max-ind); psdltrunc=psd1 (min-ind:max-ind); psd2-trunc=psd2(min-ind:max-ind); H=interp1 (SRSfilter raw(:, 1),SRSfilter-raw SRSfilter= [f-trunc,H]; Hsqr=H.^2; (:,2),f-trunc)/(eta-d*eta1); freq=f trunc; 60 Ldc=D C _current; psd-current _noise= (psdItrunc-psd2_trunc) ./Hsqr /freq-s*2; psd-theory=2*1.602e- 19*I-dc; fano-c=psd-current noise/psd-theory; figure; plot (fitrunc,fanoc,'b'); xlabel('Frequency of Measurement (Hz)'); ylabel('Fano Factor (ratio of noise to standard quantum limit) '); 70 title('current and photon noise'); hold on; Pdc=Lidc/(etad*q/h/nu); photon-fluxdc=P-dc/h/nu; psd-post psd-current-noise/(q^2); psd-pre=(psd-post -(1-eta-d)*eta-d*photon-flux-dc)/(eta-d^2); psd_light=psdpre*((h*nu)^2); psd_light_theory=2*h*nu*P_dc; 80 fanoI= psd-light/psd-light-theory; plot (ftrunc,fano, ' g'); xcorr. m % This code calculates the noise correlations Fs=25e6; num=2^13; Fstart=250000; Fend=550000; APPENDIX C. MATLAB CODE 156 10 corrdata=load(' 11seriesl2v-sep'); psd1=psd(corrdata(:,1) ,num,Fs); psd2=psd(corrdata(:,2),num,Fs); [csd,freq] =csd(corrdata(:,1),corrdata(:,2),num,Fs); cmetric=real(csd./ (sqrt (psd1.*psd2))); %figure; %subplot(2,1,1); %semilogy(freq, abs(cmetric),'r'); %figure; %semilogy(freq, cmetric,'b'); %hold off; %subplot(2,1,2); figure; plot(freq/le6, cmetric); set(gco, ' linewidth',3); set(gca,' Fontsize',16); set(gca, ' linewidth',3); axis([O 2 -1 1]); xlabel('Frequency (MHz) '); 20 30 ylabel('C-n (correlation)'); index=1; while freq(index)<Fstart index=index+1; end sind=index; 40 index=1; while freq(index)<Fend index=index+1; end eind=index-1; sum=0; for index=sind:eind sum= cmetric(index) +sum; end avgcorr=sum/ (eind-sind+ 1) 50 Bibliography [1] S. Datta, Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems. University Press, 1995. Great Britain: Cambridge [2] Y. M. Blanter and M. Buttiker, "Shot noise in mesoscopic conductors," Physics Reports, vol. 336, pp. 1-166, 2000. [3] F. 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