Capitol Building 6, Room 353
1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Charleston, West Virginia
April 13, 2016
Call to Order
Following the welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, and introductions, President Michael I.
Green called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 9:03 a.m.
on April 13, 2016, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East,
Charleston, West Virginia.
The following members were present: President Green, Vice President Lloyd G. Jackson
II, Secretary Tina H. Combs, Thomas W. Campbell (via telephone), Beverly E. Kingery, F. Scott
Rotruck, James S. Wilson, and William M. White, and ex officio Michael J. Martirano, State
Superintendent of Schools. Members absent were Gayle C. Manchin and ex officios Paul L.
Hill, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and Sarah Armstrong
Tucker, Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.
Following the call to order, President Green announced that recognitions would take
place later in the agenda.
Dr. William K. Simmons (distributed information), Gilmer County Board of Education,
addressed the Board regarding OEPA audits and plans in Gilmer County to initiate a middle
school; Dr. Laura Porter (provided information for the record), West Virginia University,
addressed the Board regarding proposed changes to Policy 5100; Mr. Brad Michael, citizen of
Morgan County, addressed the Board regarding the closure of Greenwood Elementary; Mr. Scott
Ingleton, citizen of Fayette County, addressed the Board regarding teacher salaries and
consolidation of school systems; Mr. Dale Lee, WVEA, regarding House Bill 4014 and testing;
and, Ms. Shawna Sparks and Ms. Jennifer Campbell, citizens of Fayette County, regarding
Fayette County schools. (Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachment R.)
Approval of Agenda
President Green requested that: 1) Consent Agenda item 5. Amendment - Randolph
County Ten Year 2010-2020 Comprehensive Education Facilities Plan (CEFP) - (Action) be
removed from the Consent Agenda and taken up as a separate item; and, 2) in light of the Board's
receipt, on April 12, 2016, of a notice of intent to file suit regarding Fayette County Schools, that
item IX. Fayette County Schools Update, be removed from the agenda and that updates will be
suspended until such time as the lawsuit is filed and counsel analyzes claims. Following the
requested changes President Green called for other changes to the agenda; no further changes
-2were requested. President Green called a motion to approve the modified agenda. Mr. Jackson
moved, and Dr. White seconded, that the agenda be approved as modified. Upon the call for the
question the motion was carried unanimously.
Technology Showcase
Mr. Sterling Beane Jr., Chief Officer, Division of Technology, presented a video
regarding the Microsoft Imagine Academy.
Consent Agenda
President Green requested a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as previously
amended. Dr. White moved that the Consent Agenda, as amended, be approved. Dr. Wilson
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
(Copies appended to Official Minutes, Attachments A through D and F.)
Approved minutes of March 9, 2016 (Attachment A)
Received WVDE personnel matters (Attachment B)
Approved Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need
policies for Clay, Grant, Lincoln, and Mingo County Schools (Attachment C)
Received Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need
affidavits for Fayette, Lewis, Mingo, McDowell, and Raleigh County Schools
Approved three requests from Cabell County Schools for first time waivers of
WVBE policy (Attachment D)
Approved Cabell County Schools' request for a waiver of Policy 2422.8,
Medication Administration, to allow school nurses to administer the overdose
inhibiter Naloxone (Attachment F).
Amendment/Closure - Morgan County Ten Year 2010-2020
Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan (CEFP)
Mr. David Banks, Superintendent, Morgan County Schools, presented an
amendment/closure to the Morgan County 2010-2020 CEFP for the Board's consideration. The
Morgan County Board of Education's request to amend its 2010-2020 CEFP included the closure
of Greenwood Elementary School and the transfer of the K-2 students now attending Greenwood
Elementary School to Widmyer Elementary School at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school
year and the students in grades 3-5 now attending Greenwood Elementary School to Warm
Springs Intermediate at the beginning of the 2016-2017 school year. Mr. David Ambrose,
President, Mr. Aaron Close, Vice President, Mr. John Rowland, member, Morgan County Board
of Education, and Mr. Jacob Manning, Esq., Dinsmore and Shohl, addressed the Board regarding
the amendment/closure process and preparation of the CEFP document.
Following discussion, during which compliance with the amendment/closure process was
discussed, Mrs. Combs moved, and Mr. Jackson seconded, that Morgan County Schools' request
to amend its ten year CEFP inclusive of the closure of Greenwood Elementary School at the end
of the 2015-2016 school year be approved. President Green called for a break.
President Green called for a break at 10:51 a.m.
Call to Order
President Green called the meeting back to order at 11:06 a.m.
Amendment/Closure - Morgan County Ten Year 2010-2020
Comprehensive Educational Facilities Plan (CEFP) (Continued)
President Green called for discussion regarding the motion that Morgan County Schools'
request to amend its ten year CEFP inclusive of the closure of Greenwood Elementary School at
the end of the 2015-2016 school year be approved. Discussion ensued regarding the
amendment/closure process and CEFP document. President Green called for the question to
approve Morgan County Schools' request to amend its ten year CEFP inclusive of the closure of
Greenwood Elementary School at the end of the 2015-2016 school year. The motion was carried
with five members voting yes, and three members (Mr. Campbell requested that his vote be
recorded) voting no. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment G.)
Approval of Waiver of WVBE Policy 6204, School Closings or Consolidations
This item was nullified with the approval of Morgan County Schools' request to amend
its ten year CEFP inclusive of the closure of Greenwood Elementary School at the end of the
2015-2016 school year.
Amendment - Randolph County Ten Year 2010-2020
Comprehensive Education Facilities Plan (CEFP)
Ms. Pamela Hewitt, Interim Superintendent, Randolph County Schools, presented an
amendment to the Randolph County 2010-2020 CEFP for the Board's consideration. The
Randolph County Board of Education's request to amend its 2010-2020 Ten Year CEFP would
change Valley Head Elementary School and Homestead Elementary School from permanent
status to closure status. Randolph County asserted that the proposed amendment would generate
a cost savings for Randolph County Schools in excess of $1,352,000 in salaries, utilities and
maintenance and allow collaboration between George Ward Elementary School and Tygart
Valley Middle/High School, easing the transition for fifth graders from elementary to middle
-4Discussion ensued regarding funding, facilities, and student enrollment. President Green
called for a motion regarding the amendment. Ms. Kingery moved, and Dr. White seconded, that
Randolph County Schools' request to amend its ten year CEFP be approved. Upon the call for
the question the motion was carried with seven members voting yes, and one member (Mr.
Campbell) voting no. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment E.)
Office of Education Performance Audits (OEPA)
Director's Information
Ms. Susan O'Brien, Director, OEPA, stated that all scheduled audits have been
completed; OEPA's website development is on schedule; Jefferson County exits occur next
week; is scheduled to provide a presentation at a future WVASA meeting; and, a meeting is
scheduled with Dr. Martin Keller, Superintendent of the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and
the Blind, regarding the audit process.
Initial On-Site Reviews for Schools Located in RESA 8
Ms. O'Brien presented initial on-site reviews for schools located in RESA 8 for the
Board's consideration. The Legislature amended and reenacted W. Va. Code §18-2E-5, by Senate
Bill 359, which led to the WVBE repeal and replacement of Policy 2320, A Process for
Improving Education: Performance Based Accreditation System. The primary focus of the new
accreditation process is providing feedback on practices and processes that correlate with high
student success and improvement, and continuous improvement of all schools. Policy and code
compliance are also monitored. In response to Policy 2320 (effective July 1, 2014) and the
direction of the WVBE, the OEPA instituted initial on-site reviews of the High Quality Process
Standards in all West Virginia public schools during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years.
Beginning with school year 2016-2017, the OEPA will conduct on-site reviews of each school in
the state once every four years. In service and timeliness to West Virginia school systems
located within RESA 8, this report will contain School Monitoring Reports, as a result of on-site
reviews conducted February and March 2016, for Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, and Hardy
counties. Reports for Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan and Pendleton counties will be presented May
2016. Link to individual on-site review reports: http://oepa.state.wv.us/documents/sobrienRptsRESA8Part1.pdf.
Mr. Rotruck moved that the individual school reports for Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire,
and Hardy counties be approved, and any school in which a function rating was lowered to
emerging or unsatisfactory or policy or code was found non-compliant, be required to revise the
strategic plan within 30 days and begin corrective action. Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and
upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official
Minutes, Attachment H.)
The Board recognized the 2016 Multi-Service Army Junior Reserve Officer Training
Corps (JROTC) State Champions.
Raider Challenge: Riverside High School, Kanawha County
-5Instructors: Major Matthew Wadler, First Sergeant Aaron Friday, and Sergeant First Class
Kenneth Butler
Cadet First Sergeant Michael Elswick-Team Commander Cadet Corporal Robert Carter
Cadet Command Sergeant Major Cecil Dean
Cadet Sergeant Justin Bailey
Cadet Captain Matthew Martin
Cadet Lieutenant Zavian Gravely
Cadet Master Sergeant Justin Estep
Cadet Master Sergeant Billy Burke
Cadet Sergeant Tyler Ford
Cadet Sergeant Phoenix Carpenter
Drill: Spring Valley High School, Wayne County
Instructors: Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Damron and Sergeant First Class Max Layne
Cadet Captain Syerra Wilson
Cadet Private Brianna Lilly
Cadet Command Sergeant Major Cesar Ventura
Cadet Private Tyler Lyons
Cadet First Sergeant Ashley Skaggs
Cadet Captain Kassidy Marks
Cadet Second Lieutenant Dakota Sanders
Cadet Private First Class Hugo Martinez
Cadet Private First Class Gabriel Ross
Cadet Major Daniel May
Cadet First Lieutenant Ashley Ross
Cadet Private First Class Brettina Jeffers
Cadet Private Randi Rice
Cadet Second Lieutenant Sunnie Hensley
Cadet Captain Allison Peters
Cadet Corporal Nathaniel Fornash
Cadet First Lieutenant Emily O’Neal
Cadet Second Lieutenant James Farren
Cadet Captain Draggon Napier
Cadet Captain Ryan Blake
Cadet Second Lieutenant Trinity Nalley
Cadet Major Noah Bias
Cadet Private First Class Shawn Miller
Marksmanship: Wayne High School, Wayne County
Instructors: First Sergeant Johnny Abbott and Staff Sergeant James Taylor
Cadet Sergeant Jennifer Rowe
Cadet First Lieutenant Tyler Roy
Cadet Staff Sergeant Alexander Jackson
Cadet First Lieutenant Emily Hudson
Cadet Second Lieutenant Jeremy Foster
Cadet Captain Corey Morgan
Cadet Second Lieutenant John Creed III
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Amber Justice
Cadet First Lieutenant Makenzie Wolfe
Appeal for Initial On-Site Review for School's Rating at
Hurricane High School, Putnam County, RESA 3
Ms. O'Brien presented an appeal for initial on-site review for school's rating at Hurricane
High School, Putnam County, RESA 3, for the Board's consideration. The Legislature amended
and reenacted W. Va. Code §18-2E-5, by Senate Bill 359, which led to the WVBE repeal and
replacement of Policy 2320, A Process for Improving Education: Performance Based
Accreditation System. The primary focus of the new accreditation process is providing feedback
on practices and processes that correlate with high student success and improvement, and
continuous improvement of all schools. Policy and Code compliance are also monitored. In
response to Policy 2320 (effective July 1, 2014) and the direction of the WVBE, the OEPA
instituted initial on-site reviews of the High Quality Process Standards in all West Virginia
-6public schools during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. W. Va. Code §18-2E-5(k)(6)
states "a school or county that believes one or more findings of a review are clearly inaccurate,
incomplete or misleading, misrepresent or fail to reflect the true quality of education in the
school or county, may appeal to the state board for removal of the findings." Under Policy 2320,
§126-13-14(1)(b)(1), Level 1 - Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Director of the OEPA, or
designee, will review the appeal. A written decision will be rendered and sent to the school
system within five days of receipt of the appeal.
Ms. Kingery moved that Hurricane High School's (Putnam County) school monitoring
report, specifically ratings and comments for Standard 3 (Standards Focused Curriculum,
Instruction and Assessments), Functions A (Classroom Learning Environment), B (Standards
Focused Curriculum) and D (Instructional Delivery); Standard 5 (Educator Growth and
Development), Function A (Professional Development); Standard 6 (Efficient and Effective
Management), Function D (Data, Information Systems, Technology Tools and Infrastructure);
and Standard 7 (Continuous Improvement), Function B (Processes and Structures) be approved
thereby removing the original findings from the school monitoring report approved by the
WVBE January 2016. Mr. Rotruck seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment I.)
Appeal for Initial On-Site Review for School's Rating at
Daniels Elementary School, Raleigh County, RESA 1
Ms. O'Brien presented an appeal for initial on-site review for school's rating at Daniels
Elementary School, Raleigh County, RESA 1, for the Board's consideration. The Legislature
amended and reenacted W. Va. Code §18-2E-5, by Senate Bill 359, which led to the WVBE
repeal and replacement of Policy 2320, A Process for Improving Education: Performance Based
Accreditation System. The primary focus of the new accreditation process is providing feedback
on practices and processes that correlate with high student success and improvement, and
continuous improvement of all schools. Policy and Code compliance are also monitored. In
response to Policy 2320 (effective July 1, 2014) and the direction of the WVBE, the OEPA
instituted initial on-site reviews of the High Quality Process Standards in all West Virginia
public schools during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school years. W. Va. Code §18-2E-5(k)(6)
states "a school or county that believes one or more findings of a review are clearly inaccurate,
incomplete or misleading, misrepresent or fail to reflect the true quality of education in the
school or county, may appeal to the state board for removal of the findings." Under W. Va.
Code §126-13-14(1)(b)(1) Level 1. Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Director of the OEPA,
or designee, will review the appeal. A written decision will be rendered and sent to the school
system within five days of receipt of the appeal.
Mr. Campbell moved Daniels Elementary School's (Raleigh County) school monitoring
report, specifically ratings or comments for Standard 3 (Standards-Focused Curriculum,
Instruction and Assessment) Function A (Classroom Learning Environment), Function D
(Instructional Delivery); Standard 5 (Educator Growth and Development) Function B (Teacher
Collaboration); Standard 6 (Efficient and Effective Management) Function D (Data Information
Systems, Technology Tools and Infrastructure); and Standard 7 (Continuous Improvement),
Function C (Monitoring for Results) be approved thereby removing the original findings from
-7the school monitoring report approved by the WVBE December 2015. Mr. Rotruck seconded
the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy
appended to Official Minutes, Attachment J.)
Dr. Wilson addressed the Board regarding the closure and consolidation of schools
stating that it is his position that this is a local decision. Mr. Campbell stated that he was in
agreement with Dr. Wilson; his concern is with the funding formula.
President Green called for a break for lunch at 12:08 p.m.
Call to Order
President Green called the meeting back to order at 12:42 p.m. and stated that Mr.
Campbell departed the meeting following the recess for lunch.
Policy 2510, Assuring the Quality of Education:
Regulations for Education Programs
Mr. Clayton Burch, Chief Officer, Division of Teaching and Learning, presented Policy
2510 for the Board's consideration and stated that a few minor typographical corrections had
been made to the policy that are not reflected in the attachment. The policy incorporates four
current policies (Policy 2444.1, Applied Music Credit, Policy 2442.3, Maximum Teacher-Pupil
Ratio Grades K-6, Policy 2450, Distance Learning and the West Virginia Virtual School, and
Policy 2515, Uniform Grading) to create a comprehensive and complete Policy 2510. The
policy provides flexibility to districts and schools in regards to the number of instructional
minutes required for high school credit-bearing courses and the inclusion of course requirements
across content areas. Sixty-three (63) comments were received during the comment period;
changes as a result of comments may be found in Attachment L-1. The proposed repeal and
replacement will provide flexibility to districts to allow adjustments in time and scheduling to
target mastery of content. This flexibility also extends to allow for enhanced personalized
learning for students.
Mr. Jackson moved that Policy 2510 be approved. Mr. Rotruck seconded the motion.
President Green called for discussion.
Ms. Kingery moved that, at section 5.4.f.2., the statement read ". . . , the school will
review their schedule based on student need and be approved by the local board of education."
Dr. White seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
President Green called for a motion to approve the policy with amendment effective
July 1, 2016. Dr. White moved that the policy be approved as amended. Mr. Rotruck seconded
the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. (Copy
appended to Official Minutes, Attachments L-1 and L-2.)
Policy 2520.4, West Virginia College- and
Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies
Mr. Robert "Joey" Wiseman, Executive Director, WVDE Office of Middle/Secondary
Learning, presented Policy 2520.4 for the Board's consideration. The repeal and replacement of
Policy 2520.4, Next Generation Content Standards and Objectives for Social Studies in West
Virginia Schools, with the West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social
Studies is recommended. This replacement allows for the removal of the performance descriptors
and Common Core Literacy Standards. There are no major changes to the social studies content
of the current courses. A new numbering system and the addition of grade band indicators will
allow parents and teachers to guide and monitor progress. Three high school courses were added
to provide more offerings to students with no prescribed high school course sequence.
Investigation of postsecondary education and workforce preparedness skills have been added to
the personal finance standards in civics. This policy includes content standards that reflect a
rigorous, challenging and focused curriculum. Policy 2520.4, West Virginia College- and
Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies, provides a focus for teachers to teach and
students to learn those skills and competencies essential for future success in the workplace and
further education. Additionally it will allow students the options of a new US History
comprehensive course along with courses in sociology and psychology.
Dr. White moved that Policy 2520.4 be placed on public comment for 30 days. Mr.
Rotruck seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment M.)
Policy 2320, A Process for Improving Education:
Performance Based Accreditation System
Ms. O'Brien and Ms. Michele Blatt, Chief Officer, Division of School Effectiveness,
presented Policy 2320 for the Board's consideration. The amendment of Policy 2320 is
recommended to reflect the addition of multiple metrics to the A-F accountability system, to
realign the relative weight of metrics, and other amendments appropriate to accommodate
implementation of the system.
Following discussion, Mr. Rotruck moved that Policy 2320 be placed on public comment
for 30 days. Mr. Jackson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was
carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Mc.)
Policy 4110, Attendance
Ms. Blatt and Ms. Heather Hutchens, WVDE general counsel, presented Policy 4110 for
the Board's consideration. The amendment of Policy 4110 is recommended to reflect changes
from the 2015 legislative session and to ensure accurate data collection regarding attendance of
-9Following discussion, Ms. Kingery moved that Policy 4110 be placed on public comment
for 30 days. Dr. Wilson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was
carried unanimously. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment N.)
Policy 5100, Approval of Educator Preparation Programs
Ms. Blatt, assisted by Dr. Monica Beane, Executive Director, WVDE Office of Educator
Effectiveness and Licensure, presented Policy 5100 for the Board's consideration. Policy 5100
has been revised to propose newly available Praxis assessments and changes in existing, WVBErequired assessments (new adoption titles and corresponding numbers). Proposed revisions also
include the following: clarifying language regarding clinical experience and test validity period;
updating the admission criteria requirements to WVBE-approved programs; support for Praxis
preparation by EPP; removing Highly Qualified language and revising program requirements for
special education and gifted education (as per ESSA); requiring passing of Praxis II for program
completion; adding language regarding the review of programs of study, timeline, and outcomes;
adding low performing criteria. Policy 5100 establishes requirements for program design and
delineates the collaborative program review processes to ensure that educator preparation
programs are designed to produce educators with the knowledge, skills and dispositions
necessary to be effective in the P-12 classroom.
Dr. White moved that Policy 5100 be placed on public comment for 30 days. Dr. Wilson
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
(Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment O.)
Policy 5202, Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of
Professional/ Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classifications
Ms. Blatt, assisted by Dr. Beane, presented Policy 5202 for the Board's consideration.
Policy 5202 establishes the requirements regarding licensure of educators to work in the public
schools of West Virginia is critical to the success of all students in the 21st century. As changes
occur in education, certification and licensure policy must be revised to meet the needs of this
21st century education system. As continuous revision occurs, Policy 5202 reflects many of
these changes. Revisions to Policy 5202 assure appropriate certification of educators for
licensure to work in the public schools of West Virginia in order to meet the needs of all students
in the 21st century, as part of the cycle of continuous improvement.
Dr. White moved that Policy 5202 be placed on public comment for 30 days. Dr. Wilson
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
(Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment P.)
WVBE Personnel Matters inclusive of
Termination of Employment of an Employee of the
West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
President Green called for a motion to approve the Board's personnel items found in the
attachment. Dr. White moved that personnel items found in the attachment be approved. Mr.
- 10 Jackson seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried
President Green requested a motion to accept the resignation of Ty Ellen Strauch, an LPN
at the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind, effective April 12, 2016. Ms. Kingery
moved that the resignation of Ty Ellen Strauch be accepted effective April 12, 2016. Dr. White
seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.
(Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment Q and addendum.)
Update - WVBE Actions for Improved Outcomes
Ms. Donna Holyman Peduto (distributed information), WVBE Director of Operations,
provided a brief update regarding actions taken by the Board to improve educational outcomes
and support to county boards of education. NASBE Stipend Award for School Leadership
"Integrating Effective Principal Policy Development into State Strategic Plans” - Ms. Peduto
provided information regarding the NASBE stipend award. Overview of Remake Learning
Days - May 9-14 - President Green provided an overview of the Remake Learning Days
initiative. (Copy appended to Official Minutes, Attachment S.)
Items for Future Consideration
Dr. White requested that an item be placed on May agenda for a NASBE update; Ms.
Kingery requested an item for discussion at the May meeting regarding House Bill 4014 and next
steps; and, Superintendent Martirano indicated that he will begin monthly updates regarding
ESSA in May.
Follow Up Audit for State Controlled Gilmer County Central Office
Executive Session
Ms. O'Brien reported that a follow up audit for the Gilmer County Central Office had
been completed and requested an Executive Session as provided in W. Va. Code
§6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception]. Mr. Gabe Devono, Superintendent, Gilmer County
Schools, addressed the Board regarding the follow up audit. Ms. Kyre-Anna Minney, Academic
Coach/ Instructional Facilitator, Gilmer County Schools, and Ms. Norma Hurley, member of the
Gilmer County Board of Education, were also in attendance.
President Green called for a motion to enter into executive session. Mr. Jackson moved,
in accordance with W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception], that the Board move
into executive session. Mrs. Combs seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the
motion was carried unanimously. The Board entered into executive session at 2:19 p.m.
Return from Executive Session
The Board returned from executive session at 2:57 p.m. at which time President Green
reported that no decision were made or action taken. (Copy appended to Official Minutes,
Attachment K.)
- 11 -
Future Meetings
The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held May 11, 2016, in Charleston, West
Virginia. The meeting will continue on May 12, 2016, if the agenda is not completed on May 11,
President Green called for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Jackson moved, and Mrs. Combs
seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried
unanimously; the meeting was adjourned at 2:58 p.m.
Minutes approved by the Board on May 11, 2016.
Michael I. Green, President
Tina H. Combs, Secretary
Minutes were recorded by
Virginia M. Harris
Secretary to the Board