Reimagining Instructional Time/Instruction Day Proposal  County:    Hancock County Schools 

Submitted File #1, Hancock County Schools’ Proposal for Reimagining Instructional Time Reimagining Instructional Time/Instruction Day Proposal County: Hancock County Schools Contact Name: Dr. Kathy Kidder‐Wilkerson Contact email: Contact Phone: 304‐564‐3411, extension 0 List/Description Of Submitted Files: Proposal, Professional Learning, Primary School Schedule, Middle School Schedule, High School Schedule, Sample Snow Sack Lessons 1. A description of Hancock County’s overall approach for reimagining instructional time/instructional day : Primary School Grade level teams, including special education and related arts, will meet in PLCs to develop two core‐content assignments or a cross‐curricular lesson for each Snow Sack. The special education teachers will be responsible for ensuring the required modifications are made to assignments per each IEP in that grade level. (Examples for Physical Education grades K through 5, Math for grade K, ELA and Math grade 1, and a cross‐curricular project for grades 1 and 2 that will be shared with teachers during Professional Learning are attached.) Each grade level team shall create lessons to equal a total of 315 minutes of instruction per day. Middle School Grade level teams, including special education and related arts, or content area teams (whichever the school decides to do) will meet in PLCs to develop core‐content assignments or a cross‐curricular lesson for each Snow Sack. (Examples for Social Studies grade 6, Music grade 6, Math grade 7, Technology/Reading grade 7‐8, and Science grade 8 that will be shared with teachers during Professional Learning are attached.) Teachers may develop on‐line assignments as long as hard copies are provided to those students without internet connectivity. Each grade level team shall create lessons to equal a total of 330 minutes of instruction per day. High School Grade level teams, including special education and related arts, or content area teams (whichever the school decides to do) will meet in PLCs to develop core‐content assignments or a cross‐curricular lesson for each Snow Sack. (Examples for Algebra I, Band, and Spanish I that will be shared with teachers during Professional Learning are attached.) Teachers may develop on‐line assignments as long as hard copies are provided to those students without internet connectivity. Each grade level team shall create lessons to equal a total of 345 minutes of instruction per day. If teachers choose Submitted File #1, Hancock County Schools’ Proposal for Reimagining Instructional Time 2.
to work within their content area, each lesson shall provide 1/5 of 345 minutes (69 minutes) of instruction per day since there are five class periods in the day. Stakeholders have been involved in the planning of this approach:  Meetings (e.g., Administrators (10/12/15); Faculty Senate Chairs and Employee Organization Representatives (10/07/15); Board Members (10/12/15 and 10/26/15)  eMail (e.g., county staff 10/23/15)  Web‐site (e.g., proposal open for comment 10/27/15.) Exemplars of how the school schedule will be significantly different than the current schedule include:  Instructional time will equal a minimum of five (5) hours  The order of class assignment completion will be determined by the student  The student will determine the amount of time for the completion of each assignment  The day’s start and stop times for assignment completion will vary The communication plan for ensuring parents are aware and informed of days that might be early release or dismissal or will involve the use of community/parent groups during the school day includes: Hancock County Schools will utilize the School Messenger call system, notification on the county website, use of Remind 101, and local TV and radio stations. The county has evidence of capacity and previous experiences with non‐traditional environments by receiving prior professional learning in order to utilize:  Hancock On‐Line  Instruction for Homebound Students  Alternative Education  Day‐Report Center, and  Students with Modified Day Schedules. Hancock County will use the Blackboard learning management system to manage the non‐traditional component of this program. The system features tools to share resources and documents, provide instructional support, and use of discussion boards that can track student participation and measure learning. Other digital platforms, applications or tools the district will use ensure learning is taking place on reimagined student attendance days/instructional days include One Drive, Sway, Skype, and Google Classroom. During PLCs grade level teams will discuss outcomes related to quality of work, completion rate, and make adjustments to planning as needed. District administrative staff will also monitor overall communication and programmatic issues and continuously evaluate results. Submitted File #1, Hancock County Schools’ Proposal for Reimagining Instructional Time 7. The protocols for instituting and communicating a reimagined student attendance days/instruction day are: To advise stakeholders of the possibility of a Reimagined Instructional Day:  A School Messenger call and a principal letter home to parents explaining process  Information posted on the county web‐site  Social media posts  Newspaper articles  Student orientation to process, and  Parent orientation to process via PTA and/or after‐school meetings Once the Superintendent or designee has decided that schools will be closed on a specific day, a School Messenger telephone call will be placed to the homes of all students involved and to all employees; personal calls will be made to TV stations and radio stations. In addition community partners will be notified by telephone calls. Maintenance and Custodian staffs will report on‐time to prepare parking lots. Faculty and staff will report at regular times. 8. The county will implement the following process on a reimagined student attendance day: Once notification has been received that Hancock County’s proposal has been accepted, principal letters to parents will be sent and School Messenger calls will be made. The information will be posted on the county web‐site and shared with Faculty Senates, Employee Organization Representatives, PTA groups, Community Partners, and citizens. The students will be oriented to the process as well as parents. On a Reimagined Instructional Day, a School Messenger call will be sent out to the homes of our students and employees advising that this cancelled day is such. Employees will report to work by 8:00 at their assigned work‐station. All Snow Sacks will be given out in January at each school’s Reimagined Instructional Time Forum for Parents. Parents will be advised as to what number Snow Sack to use and be reminded that the schedule denoting teacher availability is enclosed with the assignment. Upon return to school, students have two‐days to turn in assignments. Teachers and administrators will be available to students for most of the day; if weather permits, all schools will open their computer labs for student use. If the cancellation occurs on a Friday, all attempts will be made to deliver backpacks with nonperishable food items to the students that normally receive them at school. Submitted File #1, Hancock County Schools’ Proposal for Reimagining Instructional Time Professional Learning in Differentiated Instruction has already begun. Further PL will be available monthly. November All PLCs will create assignments. After‐school Professional Learning will be offered to teachers at least twice. Professional Learning will be offered to Special Education teachers on November 4th. December PLCs will finalize assignments and submit to principals for review. After‐school Professional Learning will be offered to teachers at least twice. Professional Learning will be offered to all teachers on December 22nd. January Each school will hold a Reimagined Instructional Time Forum for Parents. Parent/ students will be given numbered assignments for use on reimagined days; each assignment will include needed resources in case the student does not utilize the computer/internet for completion of same. After‐school Professional Learning will be offered to teachers at least twice. February Professional Learning will be offered to all teachers on February 15th April A teacher/student/parent survey will be conducted to provide feedback on the success of Reimagined Time in Hancock County Schools. Students’ access to on‐line resources will be accounted for by: the classroom teacher. Teachers will utilize the discussion board and chat features of Blackboard as well as be available on a rotating schedule so that students have sufficient support to successfully complete assignments. Equitable instructional materials for those students that do not have access to the internet will be provided by: giving a hard copy of assignments and resources, and opening school computer labs for student use. Community partners will be engaged by: notification from the Hancock County Schools Reimagining Instructional Time Task Force Team, providing food (if they already do so), and providing work sites for students. Opportunities that exist at community locations include: Submitted File #1, Hancock County Schools’ Proposal for Reimagining Instructional Time public libraries at north‐end, center and south‐end of county, childcare centers at north and south‐ends of the county, and recreation centers at north and south‐ends of county. Schools will be open, if possible, to provide internet access. 9. Certified staff will be provided Blackboard, Google Classroom, One Drive, differentiated instruction, and developing rubrics professional learning to ensure they have the knowledge and capacity needed to provide quality blended instruction to students. Timeline is included in answer number eight. 10. The certified and classified school staff will be deployed on student attendance days/instructional days by: School Messenger call. Certified and classified school staff will complete their contractual obligations on these days by: being present at their assigned school or work station for the entire school day. They may participate in Professional Learning, school meetings, and/or PLCs. Teachers will be available to students at specified times in the morning and afternoon via face to face, telephone, Skype, and/or emails. Please include a visual representation (e.g., chart, spreadsheet) Three schedules are attached: Primary, Middle School and High School. 11. The district will use completed work turned in and/or the student accessing Blackboard if he/she chooses to do the assignments online to collect information on participation. Students will have two days upon returning to school to submit their assignments. The outcomes that are expected include students mastering the standards covered in their lessons. The outcomes will be assessed by the product produced from the assignment, or class discussion and review, or teacher grading, or teacher completion of the rubric presented with the assignment. 12. The following considerations have been given to providing child nutrition services: each school has an organization providing backpacks with nonperishable food items that can be picked up or possibly delivered. Information on community meal offerings will be provided via School Messenger, on county website, and a hard‐copy included in the envelope with each assignment. 13. The county budget will be impacted by:  A loss of child nutrition revenue  A savings in transportation Submission File #2 – Hancock County Schools’ Primary Staff Schedule for Reimagining Instructional Time TIME 8:00 – 8:30 8:30 ‐ 9:30 9:30 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 PLC, PROFESSIONAL AVAILABLE IN CLASSROOM AVAILABLE IN LUNCH PLAN LEARING, OR MEETING FOR STUDENTS COMPUTER LAB Meet with Principal to receive schedule of assignments; gather materials; report to appointed designation. PK – 2 and SPED 3 – 4 Related Arts 3 – 4 and Related Arts K – 2 PK and SPED NA K – 4 and SPED PK and Related Arts 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:30 1:30 ‐ 2:30 2:30 – 3:30 3:30 – 4:00 NA K – 4 and SPED PK and Related Arts PK – 2 and 3 – 5 and SPED Related Arts 3 – 5 and PK – 2 and Related SPED Arts NA K – 4 and SPED PK and Related Arts NA K – 4 and SPED PK and Related Arts Meet with Principal to evaluate day and make changes if needed for next reimagined instructional day. Custodians, Maintenance and Secretaries will follow their normal schedule to carry out their daily assigned duties. Aides will accompany the teacher to which they are normally assigned. Bus Operators will receive staff development at the Transportation Garage. Submission File #3 – Hancock County Schools’ Middle School Staff Schedule for Reimagining Instructional Time TIME 8:00 – 8:30 8:30 ‐ 9:30 9:30 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:00 PLC, PROFESSIONAL AVAILABLE IN CLASSROOM AVAILABLE IN LUNCH PLAN LEARING, OR MEETING FOR STUDENTS COMPUTER LAB Meet with Principal to receive schedule of assignments; gather materials; report to appointed designation. 5 ‐ 6 and SPED 7 ‐ 8 Related Arts 7 ‐ 8 and Related Arts 5 ‐ 6 SPED NA 5 – 8 and SPED Related Arts 5 ‐ 6 and SPED 12:00 – 12:30 12:30 – 1:30 1:30 ‐ 2:30 2:30 – 3:30 3:30 – 4:00 8:00 to 4:00 NA 5 ‐ 8 and SPED Related Arts 7 ‐ 8 and Related Arts 7 ‐ 8 and Related Arts 5 ‐ 6 and SPED NA 5 ‐ 8 and SPED Related Arts NA 5 ‐ 8 and SPED Related Arts Meet with Principal to evaluate day and make changes if needed for next reimagined instructional day. Professional Support Staff will meet with the appropriate Director. Custodians, Maintenance and Secretaries will follow their normal schedule to carry out their daily assigned duties. Aides will accompany the teacher to which they are normally assigned. Bus Operators will receive staff development at the Transportation Garage. 