Plan Section 10.0 State West Virginia Description of Steps to Ensure Direct and Equitable Access to Funds 10.1 Description of Steps In February of each year the West Virginia Department of Education will issue a press release through the West Virginia Department of Education=s Communications Office. The press release is sent to more than 600 entities composed of newspapers, television and radio stations, educational organizations, state and federal legislators and other groups and individuals interested in adult education. Examples of the other organizations notified will include statewide volunteer literacy organizations, Regional Education Service Agencies, public libraries, community and technical colleges and community-based organizations. These entities will be provided notice of availability of funds and the need to submit an application. In addition, the application will be announced and posted on the West Virginia Department of Education website. The process allows all eligible literacy providers to submit an application. The West Virginia Adult Basic Education application evaluation system treats all applications equally. The application is read by two individuals who then give it a numerical score. If two readers vary by more than 25 points then they must confer and agree to a score that is less than 25 points difference. The scores are averaged and the applicants are ranked by the average of their score. Funding permitting those applicants with scores 70 or greater will be approved for funding. Those entities with scores of less than 70 will be considered on a case-bycase basis and the funding availability. Plan Section 10.0 State West Virginia 10.2 Notice of Availability The West Virginia Department of Education adheres to Section 231 (c), (1) and (2) of the Act. These cited provisions relate to the direct and equitable provisions. The provisions specifically state that all eligible entities have direct and equitable access to apply for grants or contracts and the same grant or contract announcement process and application process is used for all eligible providers. The West Virginia Department of Education will use the same application and application process for all eligible providers. Hence, West Virginia believes in and practices direct and equitable access to the Federal adult education funds. 10.3 Equitable Access To and Participation In Adult Education The West Virginia Department of Education ensures equal access to and participation in adult education programs for all eligible students, teachers and other program beneficiaries in any project or activity carried out. In addition to seeking equity, the West Virginia Department of Education seeks to have students and teachers meet high standards through their participation in the program. A commitment to equitable access and participation in adult education programs ensures that all students develop the knowledge and skills needed to participate effectively on the job, in the family and to obtain satisfaction in one=s personal life. Adult education seeks to strive for high educational standards by organizing academic, life and job curricular offerings around student diversity. Plan Section 10.0 State West Virginia Steps for addressing equitable access to and participation in adult education programs while at the same time seeking high standards for students with participation barriers include the following: ! Educational environments are created that honor diversity and respect the individual; ! Adult education programs strive to assure equity in program management; ! Pre-service and in-service education equips faculty, administration and the staff with the skills needed to teach and work with diverse student populations and communities; ! Fair and impartial teaching practices are incorporated into classrooms to facilitate the academic achievement of all students; ! Fair and impartial assessment practices are incorporated into the classroom; ! Curricula and personnel are observed/evaluated to ensure that issues of equity and diversity are consistently addressed; ! Student achievement and program data are collected and evaluated to ensure that all groups benefit from educational practices and policies; ! The entire curriculum is available to all students through comprehensive, individualized planning and course selection; ! Financial resources, facilities, and staffing are allocated in ways that provide opportunity and success for all students; and, ! Adult education programs, students, parents, community organizations and businesses and industries cooperate as partners in the learning program.