WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION Federal Functioning Level 7 – Beginning Literacy Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.7.1 Listen and indicate (by pointing or circling) a specific letter, word, or picture. 1.7.2 Respond appropriately to high-frequency commands (e.g., Stop! Come here., Stand up., etc) through physical action. 1.7.3 Demonstrate understanding of simple words, phrases, and questions in a familiar setting (e.g., classroom, home) by indicating a picture or item. 1.7.4 Listen and indicate (by pointing or circling) a specific cardinal/ordinal number, quantity of money, or time on a digital/analog clock. OC.2 SPEAKING OC.3 GRAMMAR Date & Initial 3.7.1 Express basic needs with very simple words, learned phrases, and gestures (without regard to accuracy in basic grammar). OC.4 PRONUNCIATION/FLUENCY Date & Initial Date & Initial 4.7.1 Identify and pronounce the names of letters of the alphabet and recite them in order. 4.7.2 Pronounce single consonant sounds (with difficulty). 4.7.3 Identify and pronounce cardinal and ordinal numbers and count (1-20). 2.7.1 Repeat words and phrases for clarification and to improve pronunciation. 2.7.2 Answer simple personal questions with yes/ no or one word. 2.7.3 Introduce self and others. 2.7.4 Respond appropriately to simple expressions of courtesy (e.g., Thanks., How are you?). 2.7.5 Ask simple learned questions (e.g., How are you? What's your name? What time is it?). 2.7.6 Greet, show gratitude, and express state of being with very simple words and phrases. 2.7.7 Express likes/dislikes using simple phrases. 2.7.8 Name familiar things, people, and places (e.g., family members, food, clothing, colors, community facilities, room in a house, furniture, jobs). 1 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION Federal Functioning Level 8 – Low Beginning ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.8.1 Respond appropriately to a short sequence of basic directions and commands through physical action. 1.8.2 Listen to simple words and phrases drawn from learned topics and indicate the meaning (e.g., by pointing to or circling pictures, symbols, or synonyms). 1.8.3 Respond appropriately through physical action to short emergency warnings (e.g., Get back!, Slow down!, Look out!). OC.2 SPEAKING OC.3 GRAMMAR Date & Initial 3.8.1 Express basic needs by making affirmative/negative statements (using simple present/past). OC.4 PRONUNCIATION Date & Initial Date & Initial 4.8.1 Identify and pronounce cardinal and ordinal numbers (1-9000). 4.8.2 Pronounce short vowels in familiar words (accent is acceptable). 2.8.1 Ask for very basic clarification, repetition, or assistance using simple phrases. 2.8.2 Answer simple questions (what, when, where) related to basic needs using oneword or previously learned phrases related to familiar topics (e.g., prices, time, weather/season). 2.8.3 Express simple commands (e.g., Come here., Help me., Give me that.). 2 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION Federal Functioning Level 9 – High Beginning ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.9.1 Listen for and indicate specific information from very brief conversations, broadcasts or announcements (in person, on the telephone, or on recordings). 1.9.2 Listen to simple face-to-face conversations on familiar topics and identify the main idea. OC.3 GRAMMAR 3.9.1 Make very simple statements on familiar topics demonstrating minimal control of grammar in the past, present, and future tenses. OC.4 PRONUNCIATION OC.2 SPEAKING 2.9.1 Ask and answer simple questions (what, when, where) related to basic needs using previously learned phrases or simple sentences related to familiar topics (e.g., locations, illness/injury, occupations, transportation). 2.9.2 Describe familiar things, people, places, and routines (e.g., clothing, weather, body parts, self, family members, home, local community, own country, daily schedule). 2.9.3 State very simple opinions, feelings, likes/ dislikes, agreement/disagreement (I like/ don't like.., I think/don't think.., I feel/don't feel.. I agree/disagree that…). Date & Initial Date & Initial Date & Initial 4.9.1 Pronounce (accent is acceptable) twoletter consonant blends (e.g., br-, sp-, cl-, -nd, -sk) and digraphs (e.g., ch, sh, th, wh, ph) in familiar words. 4.9.2 Pronounce long vowels in familiar words (accent is acceptable). OC.5 TELEPHONE Date & Initial 5.9.1 Make emergency 911 calls (e.g., Help! Fire! My address is…). 3 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION Federal Functioning Level 10 – Low Intermediate ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.10.1 Listen to a very simple recorded conversation on a familiar topic (e.g., weather, daily activities) and identify specific information. 1.10.2 Demonstrate understanding of simple questions, answers, and statements in standard dialect containing some unfamiliar vocabulary, spoken slowly with frequent repetition. 1.10.3 Follow very simple oral instructions (e.g., directions to a place in the classroom, building, or community; instruction on how to operate classroom or workplace equipment). OC.2 SPEAKING 2.10.1 Ask for clarification or repetition (e.g., Please repeat that., Say that slowly.). 2.10.2 Request information or assistance (e.g., for community services, customer service, job openings, directions). 2.10.3 Describe a sequence of events in the past on a topic related to personal life (e.g., coming to the U.S., starting English class). 2.10.4 Ask and answer questions (who, what, how, and why) on familiar topics (e.g., own background, house, school, stores, schedules, fares, job responsibilities, weekend/vacation plans/activities). 2.10.5 Describe feelings, goals, abilities, actions, jobs (e.g., plans for future, symptoms of illness, native customs, directory assistance, information requests). 2.10.6 State likes/dislikes, feelings, agreement/ disagreement, and satisfaction/ dissatisfaction. 2.10.7 Participate in simple face-to-face conversations requiring a minimum of courtesy (thanking, meeting, apologizing). 2.10.8 Give opinions, make suggestions, offer advice. 2.10.9 Compare two items (e.g., for size, color, price). OC.3 GRAMMAR Date & Initial 3.10.1 Express basic needs demonstrating minimal control of very basic grammar (simple present, past, future, and present perfect tenses; and the comparative). OC.4 PRONUNCIATION/FLUENCY Date & Initial Date & Initial 4.10.1 Pronounce vowel diphthongs (e.g., au, ow, oy) in familiar words (accent is acceptable). 4.10.2 Pronounce (with an acceptable accent) two- and three-letter consonant blends (e.g., str-, spl-, thr-, -rst) in familiar words. 4.10.3 Pronounce (with an acceptable accent) familiar words containing the schwa sound (e.g., away, upon). 4.10.4 Pronounce (with an acceptable accent) familiar words containing ‘r-controlled’ vowels. OC.5 TELEPHONE Date & Initial 5.10.1 Participate in simple telephone conversations requiring yes/no and minimal responses and some requests for clarification (e.g., Is your brother home? Sorry, no. When will he be back? Pardon me? Can I take a message?). 4 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION Federal Functioning Level 11 – High Intermediate ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.11.1 Listen to an everyday conversation (e.g., about local/world news, weather, TV shows, leisure activities) with some repetition or slower speech and indicate the main idea and supporting details. 1.11.2 Detect the mood of a spoken message by identifying the attitudes and feelings of the speaker or the urgency of the message. 1.11.3 Listen to a spoken narrative on a familiar topic (e.g., a story told on a level text audiotape, or by a classmate) and indicate what happened (either by retelling the story or marking correct items on a worksheet). 1.11.4 Listen to spoken descriptions of people, places, and objects and indicate what is being described. 1.11.5 Follow multi-step oral instructions (e.g., use of a software program or classroom machine, how to perform a dance step or exercise routine, or how to locate/put away an object/resource). others. Express generalities, obligations, desires, agreement/disagreement/ uncertainty, and regrets. 2.11.7 Offer, accept, and decline invitations and assistance. 2.11.8 Apologize/respond to apologies; offer/ respond to praise/criticism. 2.11.9 Ask for and give opinions, explanations, suggestions, and advice. 2.11.10 Compare three or more items for best value, appearance, etc. 2.11.6 OC.3 GRAMMAR 3.11.1 Verbally express basic needs, demonstrating inconsistent control of basic grammar (simple present/past, future, present/past continuous, and present perfect tenses; and the superlative). OC.4 PRONUNCIATION/FLUENCY OC.2 SPEAKING 2.11.1 Clarify by asking questions, rewording, or repeating in order to be understood. 2.11.2 Request information or assistance (e.g., with credit cards, legal problems). 2.11.3 Ask and answer questions about common topics (e.g., about the news, weather, movies, TV programs). 2.11.4 Adjust language forms to the level of formality required to fulfill basic courtesy functions in face-to-face conversations (with instructors, employers, peers). 2.11.5 Describe places, systems, and events (i.e., native country/customs/ government, personal history, crimes, accidents, celebrations, or historical events) and make comparisons to Date & Initial 4.11.1 4.11.2 Date & Initial Reproduce all 42 phonemes of English (accent is acceptable). Use English intonation patterns and pauses in statements, questions, imperatives, and exclamations. OC.5 TELEPHONE 5.11.1 Date & Initial Date & Initial Communicate on the telephone about familiar subjects (e.g., job availability, services offered, repairs needed). 5 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST Student: ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION Federal Functioning Level 12 – Low Advanced ESL Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.12.1 Listen to very short movies/broadcasts of a non-technical, very general nature and indicate comprehension of main ideas. 1.12.2 Listen to an announcement or a report (e.g., news, radio, medical) and identify vital information. 1.12.3 Listen to instructions given in standard dialect and at a normal rate with some repetition and respond appropriately. 1.12.4 Listen to new vocabulary used in context and indicate correct synonym/ definition. 1.12.5 Listen to common idioms and reduced speech and indicate the correct meaning or full form of the word or phrase. 1.12.6 Listen to a spoken message and identify the emotional content (e.g., anger, compliment, sarcasm, grief). OC.2 SPEAKING 2.12.1 Use various strategies to clarify meaning (i.e., paraphrasing, asking questions, restating, negotiating meaning). 2.12.2 Ask and answer questions fluently regarding common topics (e.g., school rules/policies, job interview, leisure activities, preferences, accidents). 2.12.3 Request information or assistance regarding common topics (e.g., major purchases, loans, health issues, car or appliance repairs, job promotions/ raises). 2.12.4 Use small talk to initiate, continue, and conclude a short conversation. 2.12.5 Participate in a small-group discussion on a randomly chosen topic of general interest (e.g., current event, feelings and beliefs, cultural norms, shopping, sports) with some hesitations and rewording. 2.12.6 Instruct someone orally on how to perform a common task (e.g., making coffee, looking up information in a directory, counting out change). 2.12.7 Express sympathy. 2.12.8 Complain about a specific problem (e.g., leaking faucet, no garbage pickup) and give reasons for dissatisfaction. OC.3 GRAMMAR Date & Initial 3.12.1 Express basic needs and handle limited social demands demonstrating good, but inconsistent, control of complex grammar structures (perfect tenses; conditional, adjectival, and adverbial clauses; and the passive voice). OC.4 PRONUNCIATION/FLUENCY Date & Initial Date & Initial 4.12.1 Recite a short poem or limerick demonstrating appropriate intonation, rhythm, and stress. OC.5 TELEPHONE Date & Initial 5.12.1 Participate in a telephone conversation (of 3 minutes or more) on a familiar subject (e.g., school assignments, activity plans, unwanted solicitation). 6 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL ORAL COMMUNICATION (Not an FFL: Optional) High Advanced Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: OC.1 LISTENING Date & Initial 1.13.1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of conversations with native speakers without requiring much repetition or rewording. 1.13.2 Demonstrate understanding of descriptions and narrations of factual and technical materials (e.g., by correctly labeling diagrams/pictures, by filling in a written outline/graphic organizer). 1.13.3 Listen to an oral presentation (e.g., an infomercial, ad, political speech) and identify such elements as fact and opinion, bias, and accuracy. OC.2 SPEAKING 2.13.1 Speak fluently in most formal and informal conversations on practical and social topics (e.g., giving an opinion on a movie/restaurant, recommending a good place to shop for specific items/ prices). 2.13.2 Speak with some fluency on technical subjects and on special fields of interest related to academic pursuits or work demands (i.e., by giving a prepared 3-5 minute demonstration or explanation on a self-selected topic). 2.13.3 Request information and assistance regarding topics of interest (e.g., higher education/ job requirements, vacation planning). 2.13.4 Summarize lectures or presentations of no more than five minutes (e.g., by guest speakers, seen on video) by restating main ideas. 2.13.5 Deliver a 3-5 minute, factual oral presentation on a topic of the student's choice (e.g., describing a work of art, persuading someone, describing a causal relationship). 2.13.6 Orally paraphrase/summarize a reading passage of no more than one page, from a trade magazine (e.g., Newsweek, Time). 2.13.7 Given a problem situation, speak persuasively, negotiate options, and resolve the conflict. 2.13.8 Given a controversial topic, state own opinion, and clarify reasons for opinion. OC.3 GRAMMAR Date & Initial 3.13.1 Demonstrate some control of complex grammatical patterns (perfect tenses and passive constructions). Date & Initial OC.4 PRONUNCIATION/FLUENCY Date & Initial 4.13.1 Demonstrate good control of stress, rhythm, and intonation in delivering an oral presentation. OC.5 TELEPHONE Date & Initial 5.13.1 Make phone calls to gather information on an assigned topic (e.g., recreational activities price/schedule, product availability/price, doctor/dentist qualification/availability, comparison of checking/savings accounts, loan information, housing features/price/ availability). 7 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 7 – Beginning Literacy Part 1 Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.1 PHONEMIC AWARENESS/WORD ANALYSIS Date & Initial 1.7.1 Name letters of the alphabet. R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & Initial 2.7.1 Identify numbers (1-20) and match to quantities and words. 2.7.2 Read own basic personal identification (name, address, telephone). 2.7.3 Match pictures or symbols to learned vocabulary words and phrases. R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION Date & Initial 5.7.1 Arrange a series of related pictures in sequential order. 5.7.2 Arrange letters in alphabetical order and write them sequentially. R/W.6 SPELLING/DICTATION Date & Initial 6.7.1 Write dictated letters and numerals. Date & Initial 4.7.1 Accurately and legibly copy basic shapes, numerals, and manuscript letters. 4.7.2 Accurately and legibly copy basic personal information (name, address, etc.) i.e., for simple forms or labeling an envelope. 4.7.3 Develop and use own signature. 8 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 7 – Beginning Literacy Part 2 Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.1 PHONEMIC AWARENESS/WORD ANALYSIS Date & Initial 1.7.2 Identify and pronounce single consonant sounds and use them to decode words. 1.7.3 Identify and pronounce short and long vowel sounds. 1.7.4 Identify and match upper- and lowercase manuscript letters. R/W.2 VOCABULARY 3.7.1 Read and understand very short sentences on learned topics using vocabulary and structures previously learned daily. 3.7.2 Use context clues to identify missing words from simple sentences. 3.7.3 Indicate the answer to very simple factual written questions (yes/no, true/false) about a very short, familiar story or description. 3.7.4 Locate home country and USA on a map of the world. Date & Initial 4.7.4 Date & Initial 2.7.4 Identify numbers (1-100) and match to quantities and words. 2.7.5 Identify and match U.S. coins and bills to name and value. 2.7.6 Identify symbols and notation related to money and prices (i.e., dollar/cent signs, decimal point, percent). 2.7.7 Identify and match common abbreviations (days, months, years, time of day, and clothing sizes) to full form of the word. 2.7.8 Locate dates on a calendar. 2.7.9 Interpret and match correct times on analog and digital clocks. 2.7.10 Identify common signs and labels with one word or symbol (e.g., no smoking, restroom, hospital, police, danger, stop, poison). R/W.3 COMPREHENSION R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY Accurately and legibly copy words, phrases, and short sentences. 4.7.5 Write learned vocabulary words, phrases, and simple sentences to label pictures. 4.7.6 Count items and write correct amounts up to 20. 4.7.7 Count money (coins and bills) and write correct amounts (up to $20) using proper notation. 4.7.8 Using proper notation, write dates in full, abbreviated, and numeric forms. 4.7.9 Write telephone and Social Security numbers and addresses using appropriate numerical format. 4.7.10 Using proper notation, write correct time to label analog clocks. 4.7.11 Accurately complete a very simple form with personal information. R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION Date & Initial 5.7.3 Arrange numbers (1-100) in numerical order and write them sequentially. 5.7.4 Arrange a series of pictures showing the passage of time in chronological order. 5.7.5 Arrange scrambled words to make a sentence. R/W.6 SPELLING/DICTATION 6.7.2 Date & Initial Write letters for dictated sounds. R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION 7.7.1 Date & Initial Date & Initial Recognize punctuation used in sentence endings (period, question mark, and exclamation mark). 9 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 8 – Low Beginning ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & Initial 2.8.1 Identify numbers (1-900) and match to words. 2.8.2 Match learned vocabulary words on familiar topics (e.g., family members, home, classroom, body parts, jobs) to pictures. R/W.3 COMPREHENSION 6.8.1 Write dictated dates, telephone numbers, amounts, and prices using appropriate numerical format. 6.8.2 Write dictated learned vocabulary. Date & Initial 3.8.1 Make predictions about a text using visuals and titles. 3.8.2 Interpret and follow very simple visual instructions that utilize pictures and diagrams. R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY Date & Initial 4.8.1 Count money and write correct amounts (up to $900) using proper notation. 4.8.2 Correctly endorse a given check. R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION R/W.6 SPELLING/DICTATION Date & Initial R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial 7.8.1 Recognize and use periods for learned abbreviations (e.g., Apr., Mon., tel.). 7.8.2 Identify and use periods for titles (e.g., Mr., Mrs.). 7.8.3 Recognize and use periods for sentence endings. R/W.8 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ SENTENCE STRUCTURE/VERB TENSES Date & Initial 8.8.1 Distinguish between simple present and simple past by matching sentences to pictures. Date & Initial 5.8.1 Sequence a simple list of words in alphabetical order (by first letter). 5.8.2 Compose original simple sentences (about self, family, home, country, work) using learned vocabulary words and phrases. 10 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 9 – High Beginning ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & Initial 2.9.1 Identify numbers (1-9000) and match to words. 2.9.2 Read written numbers (one, two, etc.), times, prices, dates, sizes, and isolated words and phrases in familiar contexts (traffic signs, store ads, clothing tags, fast food menus, calendars). 2.9.3 Distinguish between singular and plural vocabulary words. R/W.3 COMPREHENSION using proper notation for time. R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION 5.9.1 Sequence a list of numbers (up to the thousands) in numerical order. 5.9.2 Write a series of related sentences based on personal experience/familiar material. 5.9.3 Compose a very simple message (personal note to a friend or instructor). Date & Initial R/W.6 SPELLING/DICTATION 3.9.1 Answer simple written questions (yes/no, true/ false, short answer) that require inference and drawing conclusions about a familiar story or description. 3.9.2 Scan for specific information in simple life-skill materials related to immediate needs (i.e., ads, schedules, signs, forms, telephone directory, addresses, and food packaging). 3.9.3 Locate local city and county on a state map and West Virginia on a map of the USA. 3.9.4 Read and interpret short, simplified stories on familiar topics containing previously learned vocabulary and sentence patterns. 3.9.5 Identify the sequence of a very simple narrative passage (by arranging sentences in correct order). R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY 4.9.1 Write correct amounts (up to 9000) using proper notation. 4.9.2 Accurately and legibly fill out checks for amounts in the thousands. 4.9.3 Accurately write own return address on an envelope (e.g., pre-addressed to utility company). 4.9.4 Accurately and legibly fill in a time sheet Date & Initial Date & Initial 6.9.1 Accurately spell learned vocabulary words (for example name of city/state, classroom items, family members, etc). 6.9.2 Use word endings to mark grammatical elements (-s, -es, -‘s). R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial 7.9.1 Recognize and use capitalization rules (including initial word in sentence, proper names, dates, addresses, and the word 'I'). R/W.8 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ SENTENCE STRUCTURE/VERB TENSES Date & Initial Date & Initial 8.9.1 Write simple statements (affirmative and negative) and questions using singular and plural nouns. 8.9.2 Select the correct verb form to indicate simple present, simple past, and present continuous. 11 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 10 – Low Intermediate ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: Date & R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION Initial 2.10.1 Identify and match abbreviations for common weights and measures to full form of word and visuals. 2.10.2 Identify contractions and match to complete words. 2.10.3 Predict the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary and phrases using contextual clues (e.g., synonyms, antonyms). 2.10.4 Identify root word, prefixes, and suffixes. Initial 5.10.1 Make a list organized with a clear purpose (e.g., shopping, party, class duties). 5.10.2 Compose a very simple story. 5.10.3 Write a telephone message including time, date, number to call. 5.10.4 Compose and organize related sentences to form paragraphs that include a topic sentence and at least two supporting details. Date & R/W.3 COMPREHENSION Date & R/W.6 SPELLING/DICTATION Initial 3.10.1 Use context clues to identify missing words from paragraphs. 3.10.2 Read and interpret simple signs, symbols, abbreviations, product labels, and pictures in the context of specific topics (e.g., employment, housing, health). 3.10.3 Identify the main ideas and supporting details/examples in simple familiar material. 3.10.4 Read, interpret, and follow very simple, one-step written directions. 3.10.5 Interpret simplified charts, graphs, tables and maps to answer informational questions. R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY 6.10.1 Use appropriate spelling rules (e.g., double final consonants) for adding -ing and -ed endings to verbs. R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial Date & Initial 4.10.1 Accurately and legibly complete simplified medical history, banking, or order forms. 4.10.2 Accurately fill out simplified forms (registration, change of address, job application) requiring biographical/ personal information. Initial 7.10.1 Identify apostrophes and quotation marks. 7.10.2 Recognize and use commas for addresses, dates, and simple series. 7.10.3 Identify and revise sentence fragments and run-ons and errors in punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark, and comma) in simple and compound sentences. R/W.8 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ SENTENCE STRUCTURE/VERB TENSES Date & Initial 8.10.1 Compose original simple sentences using correct verb tenses (present, BEverb, present continuous, and past). 12 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 11 – High Intermediate ESL Part 1 Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: Date & R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & R/W.6 DICTATION/SPELLING Initial Initial 6.11.1 Spell dictated, very basic sight/frequently used words and useful single-syllable words. 6.11.2 Write a brief telephone message based on a conversation or a recording. 2.11.1 Locate a specific item in an alphabetical listing (class list, telephone directory, dictionary) or in a topical listing (picture dictionary, table of contents). Date & R/W.3 COMPREHENSION Initial R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial 3.11.1 Read and interpret (i.e., identifying correct multiple-choice answers) short narratives or descriptions even on unfamiliar topics (with help from visuals). 7.11.1 Use correct sentence endings, commas in a series, and apostrophes in simple and compound sentences. Date & R/W.8 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ Initial SENTENCE STRUCTURE/VERB TENSES Date & 8.11.1 Combine simple sentences to form compounds (using conjunctions and commas). 8.11.2 Recognize and use appropriate forms of regular/irregular verbs and possessive adjectives in composing sentences. 8.11.3 Recognize and use consistent verb tenses (simple present, past, and future). 8.11.4 Recognize and use prepositions of time and place. R/W.4 LEGIBILITY/ACCURACY Date & Initial 4.11.1 Accurately address an envelope (i.e., to friend, instructor) including return address. R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION Initial 5.11.1 Compose simple and compound sentences on familiar topics (e.g., family, native country, home). 5.11.2 Compose a simple narrative description about daily activities or past events in chronological order. 5.11.3 Compose a short essay about a familiar topic with a least three sequential paragraphs (indenting each paragraph). 5.11.4 Write a short message, invitation, or thank you note to an instructor, family member, friend, or fellow worker. 5.11.5 Write a series of directions (e.g., a recipe, directions to home/school). 13 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 11 – High Intermediate ESL Part 2 Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & Initial 2.11.2 Use roots and affixes (e.g., -ly, -ful, -less, re-, un-, pre-) to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. 2.11.3 Identify synonyms and antonyms for new words. 2.11.4 Understand and predict the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary and phrases from contextual and grammatical clues. R/W.3 COMPREHENSION Date & Initial 5.11.6 Compose a personal or business letter using proper conventions and format. 5.11.7 Compose a cohesive, three-paragraph essay with an introduction and at least three sequential paragraphs that have logical breaks in ideas, and transitional words within and between paragraphs. Date & Initial 3.11.2 Locate pertinent information in ads, labels, pay stubs, dictionaries, public signs, and telephone/ building directories, and apply it to answer questions. 3.11.3 Read, paraphrase, and summarize simplified materials on familiar topics (i.e., simple newspaper articles on current events, social letters, public information notices, or narratives). 3.11.4 Draw conclusions and make inferences about short passages (by identifying correct multiple choice answers or by writing short answers to questions). 3.11.5 Identify main idea, details, and sequence of events in short passages. 3.11.6 Read and follow simple, multi-step written instructions and diagrams. 3.11.7 Draw meaning from short multi-paragraph passages using contextual and syntactic clues (pronoun references, transitional words, sequential markers). 3.11.8 Read and interpret simplified charts, graphs, and maps (including directions). 3.11.9 Recognize and use comparison and contrast (e.g., to determine the best values on products/services). R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION R/W.6 DICTATION/SPELLING Date & Initial 6.11.3 Listen to oral instructions and write an accurate summary of the steps. 6.11.4 Use appropriate spelling rules (e.g., change y to i) to add -er, -est, and -ly endings to adjectives. R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial 7.11.2 Correctly capitalize elements in a letter (i.e., address, salutation, and closing). 7.11.3 Use a dictionary or spell checker to check and correct spelling. R/W.8 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ SENTENCE STRUCTURE/ VERB TENSES Date & Initial Date & Initial 8.11.5 Recognize and use adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions in simple and compound sentences. 8.11.6 Recognize and use consistent subject/ verb agreement, comparative adjectives, and correct pronoun antecedents in sentences and paragraphs. 8.11.7 Recognize and use consistent verb tense (present, present continuous, past, future) in sentences and paragraphs. 4.11.2 Accurately and legibly fill out simple authentic forms (i.e., job/ credit applications, medical history, school registration, banking). 14 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING Federal Functioning Level 12 – Low Advanced ESL Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.2 VOCABULARY Date & Initial 2.12.1 Draw meaning from unfamiliar words by using contextual clues, knowledge of cognates, and analyzing prefixes, suffixes and roots. 2.12.2 Identify idioms in specific contexts and paraphrase or identify synonyms. R/W.3 COMPREHENSION Date & Initial 3.12.1 Locate pertinent information in a common reference source (i.e., an English monolingual dictionary, atlas, almanac, encyclopedia, or telephone directory). 3.12.2 Read and interpret simple 200-word articles on common topics (e.g., geography, culture, historical figures/ events, current events, and health) found in encyclopedias, newspapers, periodicals, and non-technical journals. 3.12.3 Summarize a written passage several paragraphs in length. 3.12.4 Draw conclusions and make inferences about expository writing or a short selection of fiction (by writing complete sentence answers to questions). 3.12.5 Follow multi-step, written instructions (e.g., directions for food preparation). 3.12.6 Read and interpret authentic printed materials (i.e., graphs, charts, tables, or forms) found in newspapers, magazines, medicine labels, recipes. R/W.4 ACCURACY/LEGIBILITY R/W.6 DICTATION/SPELLING Date & Initial 6.12.1 Correctly spell and divide useful learned multi-syllabic words according to basic rules (e.g., double consonants). R/W.7 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial 7.12.1 Recognize and use correct punctuation (commas, apostrophes, quotation marks, colons, and semicolons) in compound and complex sentences. 7.12.2 Edit and revise writing for parallel form, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Date & Initial 4.12.1 Record information accurately and completely on authentic forms and applications (e.g., an accident report, drivers’ licenses application). R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION complex sentences. 5.12.2 Compose a five-paragraph essay (of at least 200 words) on a given topic that includes a clear introduction, welldeveloped ideas, relevant facts, details, examples, and/or descriptions with appropriate transitions and a clear ending. 5.12.3 Compose personal letters or invitations using appropriate tone and format. 5.12.4 Construct a simple resume or curriculum vita using appropriate format. 5.12.5 Create simple tables (i.e., schedules; job or class assignments). 5.12.6 Write a series of directions on how to complete a task (i.e., pump gas, make coffee, use a fax machine). Date & Initial R/W.8 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ SENTENCE STRUCTURE/VERB TENSES 8.12.1 Demonstrate proficiency in sentence construction by combining two or more sentences into one (using conjunctions and/or commas). 8.12.2 Recognize and use prepositions and interjections in compound and complex sentences. 8.12.3 Use verb tenses and forms accurately and appropriately (including modals, passive voice, and conditional tenses). Date & Initial 5.12.1 Compose simple, compound, and 15 WEST VIRGINIA ADULT BASIC EDUCATION SKILLS CHECKLIST ESL READING/WRITING (Not an FFL: Optional) High Advanced Student: Program: Instructor: Date Enrolled: R/W.3 COMPREHENSION Date & Initial 3.13.1 Locate pertinent information on a research topic in reference materials (found in libraries or on the Internet). 3.13.2 Read and summarize short stories and other recreational literature (not more than 20 pages) by identifying and paraphrasing the main points of the passage. 3.13.3 Read and interpret technical materials and complex manuals (in the student's own field of interest) to identify pertinent facts and paraphrase key points. 3.13.4 Analyze and make inferences about an author’s point of view (by identifying the main idea, identifying fact and opinion, making logical conclusions, and identifying faulty logic). 3.13.5 React personally to a persuasive essay by drawing oral or written conclusions and stating own opinion on the issue. 3.13.6 Draw meaning from written passages on unfamiliar topics by using contextual and syntactic clues. 3.13.7 Identify the techniques of comparison/ contrast; cause/effect; generalization/ example; figurative language, symbols, fact/opinion in written passages. R/W.5 ORGANIZATION/COMPOSITION R/W.6 CAPITALIZATION/PUNCTUATION Date & Initial 6.13.1 Follow the writing process to proofread and rewrite an essay to assure sentence variety, correct punctuation, grammar, usage, cohesiveness, and relevant supporting details. 6.13.2 Recognize and use capitalization rules (including within quotations) to write sentences with few errors. 6.13.3 Consistently use correct articles (a, an, the) with few errors. R/W.7 GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS/ SENTENCE STRUCTURE/ Date & Initial VERB TENSES 7.13.1 Use verb tenses and forms accurately and appropriately (including in reported speech and conditional constructions) in complex sentences. Date & Initial 5.13.1 Utilize a variety of simple, compound, and complex sentences in a cohesive essay. 5.13.2 Write a simple outline of a written passage or an oral presentation. 5.13.3 Use the writing process (brainstorm, cluster, freewrite, and correct essay structure) to construct an essay. 5.13.4 Compose business letters (i.e., a cover letter for a job application or a letter of complaint) using appropriate organization and format (i.e., titles, paragraphing, inside address, greeting, body, closing, and signature). 16