WV ADULT EDUCATION IN-SERVICE CLASS VISIT REPORT FOR EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS Instructions WVAdultEd practitioners may choose to visit another adult education class in order to receive three hours of elective professional development credit. You may only take advantage of this opportunity every other year, and you must visit a different class/program each time. The purpose of this visit is to see how another program is structured and to exchange ideas with another practitioner. Your task is not to evaluate the other teacher, but rather to see what new perspective you can bring to your own classroom. Follow the process below: Decide with your local, regional, or institutional education coordinator whose class you should visit. If you need a recommendation, ask the state professional development coordinator to recommend an instructor/program to visit. Contact the instructor yourself or ask the coordinator to make the contact to see if the person is willing to be visited and observed. Discuss: Convenient days/times for a visit. (Can you meet with the instructor a few minutes before/after class in order to talk? Will you be able to observe some class time and some intake or goalsetting activities?) Distance you will need to travel and directions to the site. Obtain permission to travel from your supervisor (county director, coordinator, institutional education supervisor, etc.) Follow local procedures/policies regarding release time and travel reimbursement for professional development activities. Bring the Class Visit Report Form along to the class visit. You may want to take notes on a hard copy and then complete the electronic form later. Save this file to your computer or data storage device before you begin answering questions. Go to the top left and select “Save As”. A dialog box will open. Select the location where you want the file saved (either My Documents, Desktop, or to a data storage device location). Be sure you change the location. Otherwise, your file will be saved to a temporary location and will not be able to be retrieved. Also in the dialog box, make sure the file name--Class Visit Report-- is showing. Click on “Save.” Make note of the location to which you saved the file so you will know where it is located when you are ready to work on it. Fill-in the required information and click on “Save” again to save your work to your computer or data storage device. Send your travel reimbursement form to your local program. Submit the Class Visit Report Form electronically to: Cathy Shank, Coordinator West Virginia Adult Education Professional Development Office cshank@k12.wv.us In-Service Class Visit Report 1 WV ADULT EDUCATION IN-SERVICE CLASS VISIT REPORT Observer: Date: Instructor Observed: Type: Time: Class Site: Full-time Part-time General AE/HSE English Language Acquisition Institutional Ed SPOKES/HTGR Community College Other: Ask instructor about type of students present in classroom. Notes: Type: Yes No Yes No General AdultEd/HSE TANF Recipients English Lang. Learners Youth Incarcerated Ask students about the class: What do they like about coming to this particular class/learning center? What makes this program different from schools they attended before? Ask students about barriers: What makes it hard to attend at times? What special arrangements (if any) do they have to make in order to attend? What type(s) of instructional strategies do you observe? Notes: Type: Large Group Small Group Computer-assisted One-on-One Tutorial Individualized Other: In-Service Class Visit Report 2 Observe or Ask the Instructor About… Describe What You Observe or Discover Compare To Your Own Class The Class Structure: What is the sign-in procedure? What is the daily schedule/routine? What is the weekly/monthly schedule? The Intake Process: Are there specific days/times for entry/intake? How does the instructor handle new students that arrive unexpectedly? Is the intake paperwork done paper/pencil or electronically? How are special needs/barriers determined and addressed? How are learning styles determined and addressed? What is used for career exploration? Are students connected to post-secondary opportunities aligned with their interests? How is a private conversation managed? How is this intake information used after it is collected? When is the information revisited? In-Service Class Visit Report 3 Observe or Ask the Instructor About… Describe What You Observe or Discover Compare To Your Own Class The File Management System: What information is found in each of these types of files? Permanent Program files Confidential files Student working files Where are different files stored? The Standardized Assessment Schedule and Process: Are there specific days/times for testing? Which standardized assessment instruments are used? How does the instructor determine when to administer an interim or exit post-test? How does the instructor keep track of who needs to be tested? For classes that serve HSE Diploma candidates: What is the process for those who only want to take the practice test to qualify for free TASC testing? How are those being tested scheduled? In-Service Class Visit Report 4 Observe or Ask the Instructor About… Describe What You Observe or Discover Compare To Your Own Class Setting up the Instructional Plan for Each Student: How are goals set? How are instructional materials determined? How are assignments determined? How does the instructor keep track of completed assignments? How are students assessed on classroom learning? Instruction in the Classroom: How is class time organized? What are typical daily activities? (Examples: daily journal entry, math quiz, pronunciation, spelling, computer typing, group lesson, etc.) How is the class divided for group work? How are groups organized? How does the instructor manage activities for students at various levels? How is UDL addressed? What choices are available to students for input, practice, etc.? In-Service Class Visit Report 5 Please attach a list of educational materials (see last page). Comment on why you selected them. Collect information (title, publisher, price, URL, etc.) of text books, software, or other educational materials you would like to have in your own classroom. Suggestion: Give your supervisor this list and ask to purchase. What is working well that you could adapt or change to use in your own program or classroom? What strategies, materials, or procedures could you offer to share or exchange with the instructor? How are you going to follow-up? In-Service Class Visit Report 6 EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS LIST Title In-Service Class Visit Report Publisher URL (if appropriate) Apx. Price 7