Student Exit Protocol 8-12 West Virginia School Counseling Protocol


West Virginia School Counseling Protocol

Student Exit Protocol


Activity Description: Counselor will participate in a structured approach with all students who exit school early prior to graduation:

School Counselor Performance Standard

: Standards are in DRAFT format and will be added later.


Indicator (s):

GOAL: Counselor will facilitate exit interviews and explore alternatives to students dropping out of school.


: The purpose of this protocol is to provide a uniform process for all schools to use when working with all students who are exiting school early, prior to graduation. It is important for every student to talk to one or more professional educators who are knowledgeable about the ramifications of dropping out of school and will work closely with the student and his/her family to possibly prevent the student from making the decision to drop out of school. This protocol outlines the counselor’s role in the student exit process.

The counselor should be knowledgeable about viable alternatives to public school education and assure that each potential dropout has received counseling and advisement regarding viable educational options.

When a full-time school counselor is available in the school, he/she will serve as the caring professional educator and will advocate on behalf of the student to facilitate an ‘informed, caring’ exit process for each student. The school counselor possesses the skills to help motivate students to explore alternative pathways to receiving their diploma and setting goals that promote future success for the student. The school counselor will collect data to determine why students are dropping out of school and what changes are necessary to prevent students from dropping out of school, based on follow-up student surveys. The school counselor will assist administration in creating a school-wide exit process in which the student meets with the SAT team to work collaboratively to show that the school cares about the student’s well being. Each school will ensure that each potential dropout’s story is heard and the school makes every effort to keep the student in school and support his/her needs, providing interventions to help the student succeed.


West Virginia School Counseling Protocol –


Activity Statement:

The school counselor will conduct an initial exit interview upon learning about the student’s desire to leave school. If the counselor cannot convince the student to stay in school by offering to provide support services and resources, the counselor will schedule a formal exit interview with the SAT team, inviting parents and other educational partners to meet and explore all alternatives to the student dropping out of school. The team will listen to the student’s story expressing his/her reasons for dropping out, examine needs and offer interventions the school may provide to help the student stay in school and succeed. If after a concerted effort on the part of the SAT team, the student still wishes to dropout, the counselor will complete WVEIS documentation, as well as, future educational plans for all students dropping out of school. The counselor will attempt to contact the student and conduct time specific follow up interview to explore possibility of students re-entering school.


Student Exit Screen in WVEIS (under development)

Post-Exit Education Plan (compliments 5 year plan)

Follow-up Student Survey (state exit survey being developed)

Follow-up Student Interview Guide


1.) Any student planning to drop out of school will be given an appointment to meet with the school counselor for an exit intervention interview.

2.) . If the counselor cannot convince the student to stay in school by offering to provide needed supports, the counselor will schedule a formal exit interview with the SAT team, inviting parents and other educational partners in an effort to explore all alternatives to the student dropping out of school.

3.) Every effort will be made during this interview to convince the student to stay in school even if the student is 18 years old) Every attempt will be made to hold the SAT team in person. However, if the student parent refuses to return to school, the final exit interview will be conducted via a conference call. It is recommended, that the interview be scheduled before or after regular school hours, if necessary, in order to accommodate the attendance of the parent/guardian and as many of the student’s teachers, as possible.

4.) If the student is on probation, it is highly recommended that the Probation Officer be present in person or by phone for the interview. (DHHR, or other community representatives working with the student should also be included).

5.) If the student has an IEP, then the Special Education Coordinator in the building or the County

Director of Special Education should be invited to attend the interview.

Developed by: West Virginia Dropout Prevention Committee: Adam Green, Barbara Ashcraft, Charles Heinlein, Clifford

Cunningham, DeWayne Duncan, Dixie Billheimer, Emily Haas, Gretchen Grove-DeJarnett, Jack Wiseman,

Gayle Manchin, Patrick Crane, Rebecca Derenge, Secretary Kay Goodwin, Steve Knighton, Shelly DeBerry

Approved by: School Counselor Protocol Standards Committee – June 2010


West Virginia School Counseling Protocol –


6.) During the interview, the school counselor or an administrator will facilitate a discussion with the student as to why they are requesting to leave school. The student’s responses are entered into the

Student Exit screen in WVEIS (see attached).

7.) All possible alternatives to the student dropping out of school are to be explored at this time.

8.) After presenting possible alternatives, if the student still decides to drop out of school then the counselor completes the Post-Exit Education Plan with the student and obtains all appropriate signatures.

9.) The counselor notifies the appropriate grade level administration of the student’s decision to dropout and any post-exit plan that has been developed with the student and parent. The principal then meets with the exiting student to finalize school exit details.

10.) The school counselor conducts a follow-up phone interview if at all possible. If not a survey/questionnaire will be sent (prompted by WVEIS), 30 days after the student has dropped out of school.

11.) At this time, the counselor explores the possibility of the student re-entering school.

12.) The school counselor conducts a follow-up interview/survey (prompted by WVEIS), 6 months after the student has dropped out of school.

13.) The school counselor conducts a follow-up interview/survey (prompted by WVEIS), one year after the student has dropped out of school.




1.) Counselor log of initial contact with potential dropouts

2.) Notes from exit interviews

3.) Counselor log of follow-up interviews with dropouts.

4.) Follow- up surveys completed.

5.) WVEIS records noting re-entry.

Developed by: West Virginia Dropout Prevention Committee: Adam Green, Barbara Ashcraft, Charles Heinlein, Clifford

Cunningham, DeWayne Duncan, Dixie Billheimer, Emily Haas, Gretchen Grove-DeJarnett, Jack Wiseman,

Gayle Manchin, Patrick Crane, Rebecca Derenge, Secretary Kay Goodwin, Steve Knighton, Shelly DeBerry

Approved by: School Counselor Protocol Standards Committee – June 2010

