West Virginia School Counseling Protocol Utilizing EXPLORE Results Protocol Programmatic Level - 8th Grade School Counselor Performance Standard 2: The professional school counselor facilitates delivery of the WV Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Program for all students. Function 2D: Individual student planning: the professional school counselor coordinates an ongoing systemic approach to assist individual students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans. Indicator 2D1: The professional school counselor facilitates a collaborative approach to student academic and career planning. GOAL: To assist students/parents/teachers in interpreting EXPLORE results for individual, educational and career planning purposes. Activity Description: The school counselor will assist students, parents, teachers in interpreting EXPLORE results for individual, educational and career planning purposes. Rationale: The vision of the West Virginia Board of Education is “all West Virginia students will exceed national educational standards and prepare for higher learning and the world of work through the programs, services and offerings of West Virginia’s thorough, efficient, safe and nurturing education system”. EXPLORE is the assessment administered statewide that yields a national measurement of academic performance. It is vital for students, parents and teachers to understand the relationship between EXPLORE results and academic and career planning. Additionally WVBE 2340: West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress §126-14-4. states the following: All public school students enrolled in the 8th grade, except those eligible to participate in APTA, shall participate in the ACT EXPLORE with accommodations as determined by their respective IEP Teams, Section 504 Committees, or LEP Committees. Materials: CR = Counselor Resource (These resources are posted in the resource section of the Protocols.) CR1 Sample EXPLORE Score Report http://wvde.state.wv.us/oaa/pdf/Sample%20EXPLORE%20Student%20Report.pdf CR2 ACT College Readiness Benchmarks http://wvde.state.wv.us/oaa/pdf/0607%20College%20Readiness%20Stds.pdf CR3 Utilizing EXPLORE and PLAN Results to Improve Student Performance http://wvde.state.wv.us/oaa/pdf/Using%20EXPLORE%20and%20PLAN%20Results.pdf See page 38 & 39 for letter to parents: COMMUNICATING EXPLORE RESULTS TO PARENTS CR4 http://wvde.state.wv.us/counselors/links/advisors/ms-lessons-plans.html CR4a LINKS Lesson 8.7 “GETTING TO KNOW ME” ACT EXPLORE CR4b LINKS Lesson 8.16 “SKILLED VERSUS PROFESSIONAL PATHWAYS” CR4c LINKS Lesson 8.17 “MY 8TH GRADE PLAN” CR4e LINKS Lesson 8.20 “CAREER EXPLORATION” CR5 Excerpt from West Virginia Code §18-1-4. Vision 2020: an Education Blueprint for Two Thousand Twenty http://www.legis.state.wv.us/WVCODE/ChapterEntire.cfm?chap=18&art=1&section=4#01 1 Lead Developers: Dr. Beth Cipoletti, Assessment Assistant Director – WVDE; Mike Runner, Counselor – Taylor Middle School; Myla Kreinik, Counselor – Hamilton Middle; David Gaudino, Marshall County Schools; Cathy Perry, Counselor- McKinley Middle; Finalized by Barbara Ashcraft, WVDE School Counseling Coordinator – June 2011 West Virginia School Counseling Protocol CR6 Excerpt from WVBE Policy 2510: Assuring the Quality of Education http://wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2510.pdf Procedures: 2 1. The counselor will read, become familiar with and follow guidelines from the WVDE booklet Utilizing EXPLORE and PLAN Results to Improve Student Performance. http://wvde.state.wv.us/oaa/pdf/Using%20EXPLORE%20and%20PLAN%20Results.pdf 2. The counselor will read and become familiar with the following LINKS lessons to assist students (and staff) in understanding the purpose of, preparing for, and understanding the EXPLORE. http://wvde.state.wv.us/counselors/links/advisors/ms-lessons-plans.html i. LINKS Lesson 8.7 “GETTING TO KNOW ME” ACT EXPLORE ii. LINKS Lesson 8.16 “SKILLED VERSUS PROFESSIONAL PATHWAYS” iii. LINKS Lesson 8.17 “MY 8TH GRADE PLAN” iv. LINKS Lesson 8.20 “CAREER EXPLORATION” 3. In a classroom guidance lesson, the school counselor will explain the components of the student score report. a. Explain what the numerical scores mean b. Explain how EXPLORE scores predict PLAN and ACT scores c. Describe what scores mean in relationship to college admissions, course selection, and career planning. i. Give example of cutoff ACT scores for various types of colleges. ii. Provide resources for students to look up admissions information for at least two schools in which they are interested. d. Explain the relevance of the World of Work Map and EXPLORE/ACT scores. e. Explain the relevance of EXPLORE scores and any implications for course selections when entering high school. f. Explain how the EXPLORE scores compare to the ACT EXPLORE College Readiness Benchmarks. g. Explain how students may utilize scores in career exploration and planning. 4. After explaining the components of the score reports and describing what the test results mean, the counselor will ensure that each student has an individual meeting to review his/her results. This process will vary depending on the school. Some examples are: 1) The counselor meets with students in the classroom after the score report presentation; 2) The counselor holds individual meetings with students in an alternate setting; or 3) The counselor trains and coordinates with teacher/advisors to ensure each student has an individual EXPLORE consultation in advisory. The school counselor will develop a process to document the following has occurred during the consultation: a. Student explains what his/her scores mean in relation to his/her academic goals (If it is evident that the student is unable to do so, the counselor or advisor will explain significance and relevance to each student b. Communicate the graduation requirements, course selections, and Program of Studies relating the relevance of the World-of-Work Map and EXPLORE/ACT scores c. Assist each student in understanding the relationship of his/her career interests to the World-of-Work Map and the relationship with future career plans and selection of Career Cluster and concentration. Lead Developers: Dr. Beth Cipoletti, Assessment Assistant Director – WVDE; Mike Runner, Counselor – Taylor Middle School; Myla Kreinik, Counselor – Hamilton Middle; David Gaudino, Marshall County Schools; Cathy Perry, Counselor- McKinley Middle; Finalized by Barbara Ashcraft, WVDE School Counseling Coordinator – June 2011 West Virginia School Counseling Protocol d. Identify the resources to assist student with career exploration and planning to further explore career related to World-of-Work Map e. Discuss the student’s future academic goals, career plans, postsecondary options, and potential implications of EXPLORE scores and the World-of-Work Map. f. Discuss the academic preparedness to pursue individual educational goals and career plans. 5. The school counselor will create a process to communicate with ALL parents about their student’s EXPLORE results (Parent Nights, appointments, ISTP meetings, advisor/parent meetings, etc.). 6. The school counselor will discuss with the student/parent the academic strengths and weaknesses as indicated by the EXPLORE scores. 7. The school counselor will again utilize the EXPLORE results when designating an educational pathway, career cluster, and developing the Individualized Student Transition Plan (ISTP – 2 Year Plan) in order that the student will be fully prepared for post-secondary education or gainful employment upon graduation. 8. If possible, the school will make a third copy of the results or copies of the students’ improvement objectives will be given to core/advisor teachers for placement in student portfolio for ongoing student planning. 9. a. The counselor will provide staff/advisor training to ensure staff understand the significance of the EXPLORE to best advise students regarding course selection, seeking academic supports, and career planning. b. The counselor will support staff with understanding how to use EXPLORE results to identify areas of weakness in specific content areas to assist students in setting improvement goals for the 10th grade PLAN and progress toward meeting ACT’s College Readiness Benchmarks. Counselors will retain a copy of EXPLORE results in student ISTP folders for use during 9th grade scheduling and development of the 10th grade ISTP (3 Year Plan). Limitations: Space, technology, teacher cooperation, parent participation, counselor motivation and time management Additional Resources: http://actstudent.org/explore/index.html www.CFWV.com www.CareerCruising.com Evaluation: Documentation: Counselor monthly calendars Daily classroom visitation schedule Student/parent forums Student sign-in sheets Parent meeting/conference lists Student individual meeting lists Documentation on ISTP Plan – student/parent signatures 3 Lead Developers: Dr. Beth Cipoletti, Assessment Assistant Director – WVDE; Mike Runner, Counselor – Taylor Middle School; Myla Kreinik, Counselor – Hamilton Middle; David Gaudino, Marshall County Schools; Cathy Perry, Counselor- McKinley Middle; Finalized by Barbara Ashcraft, WVDE School Counseling Coordinator – June 2011