West Virginia School Counseling Protocol 8th Grade ISTP –Academic and Career Planning 8th Grade ISTP –Academic and Career Planning Activity Description: The counselor facilitates a process to ensure that all students prepare for and complete their Five Year Plan: Individual Student Transition Plan (ISTP) in collaboration with parents and appropriate school staff. Standard 2: Program Delivery: The professional school counselor facilitates delivery of the WV Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Program for all students. Function 2D – INDIVIDUAL STUDENT PLANNING The professional school counselor coordinates an ongoing systemic approach to assist individual students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans. Indicator 2D1 The counselor facilitates a collaborative approach to student academic and career planning. Indicator 2D2 The professional school counselor collaborates to develop and implement student plans designed to address individual student social/emotional needs. GOAL: The school counselor will facilitate a coordinated process of career and academic planning, including exploring WV Pathways and Career Clusters, and culminates in the development and revision of the Two-Year Individual Student Transition Plans (ISTP). Rationale: WVDE Policy 2510 requires counselors and/or advisors to meet with students and parents in the tenth grade to develop a Three‐Year Plan or the Tenth Grade ISTP. This is a continuation of the ISTP that was developed in grade eight. Additionally, the policy requires schools to provide a systemic process for students to explore career information, as well as, information on educational opportunities to assist the student in plan the final two years of high school and the first year of post‐secondary. With the ever changing work force and the global economy, 21st century, students need to be informed of career and education opportunities available to them now, and also have the ability to investigate new career and educational opportunities in the future when their lifestyle and job may dictate. Development of the ISTP should be a systemic process in which the student has ample opportunities to explore personal interests, assess abilities, explore career options, and academic and career technical opportunities available to them within the high school and post‐secondary institutions. Protocol Activities: 1) Provide students with the opportunity to explore career opportunities 2) Provide students with a systemic approach of connecting the link between academic choices, test results, and student career options 3) Provide students opportunities for self reflection and study of personal goals. Lead Developer: David N. Gaudino, Ed. D. Marshall County Schools (July‐2010‐revised) 1 Reviewed by WV Protocol Committee June 2010 and revised by Barbara Ashcraft – Oct. 2010 West Virginia School Counseling Protocol 8th Grade ISTP –Academic and Career Planning 4) Provide students with tools to analyze career interests and aptitudes 5) Provide students the opportunity to explore educational opportunities available in high school 6) Provide students information so they may select a career concentration 7) Assist students and parents in the completion of Part I of the Individual Student Transition Plan (ISTP) or Two Year Plan. Materials: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) County/School Specific Graduation Requirements Personal Goals Worksheet (CR1) Skills and Abilities Worksheet (CR2) Individual Student Transition Plan Form (Two Year Plan Sample) (CR3) Individual Student Transition Plan –Letter to parents. (CR4) Program of Studies for the School (County/Specific) Course Handbook (County/School Specific) File folder for each 8th grade student Dictionary of College Terms Lesson Plans – See Resource section on protocol website. Procedures: 1. The counselor will provide an orientation to the eight grade developmental career guidance program. See Lesson Plan 1. 2. The counselor will schedule a computer lab to introduce students to the www.cfwv.com or www.careercruising.com website. 3. The counselor will assist eight grades in navigating the website and provide a schedule of activities for students to complete during the eight grade. 4. The counselor will provide an opportunity for students to assess their skills and abilities. See Lesson Plan 2 (or use interest inventory available on www.cfwv.com) 5. The counselor will provide an opportunity for students to understand goals and the opportunity to develop a set of personal goals. See Lesson Plan 3 6. The counselor will provide an opportunity for students to develop a better understanding of the standardized testing process including understanding the results of the ACT Plan Test. See Lesson Plan 4. 7. The counselor will provide the student the opportunity to complete additional optional career assessments – Written – ex. COPS or Web Based – ex. CFWV, Career Cruising, WV Education Planner. See Lesson Plan 5 8. The counselor will provide the student the opportunity for Web based exploration of career opportunities. See Lesson Plan 5 9. The counselor will provide the student the opportunity to get an introduction to career opportunities available through the military. See Lesson Plan 6. Lead Developer: David N. Gaudino, Ed. D. Marshall County Schools (July‐2010‐revised) 2 Reviewed by WV Protocol Committee June 2010 and revised by Barbara Ashcraft – Oct. 2010 West Virginia School Counseling Protocol 8th Grade ISTP –Academic and Career Planning 10. The counselor will provide the student the opportunity to get an introduction to an post‐ secondary opportunities. See Lesson Plan 7. 11. The counselor will provide the student the opportunity to develop and understanding of the steps toward finding their first job. See Lesson Plan 8. 12. The counselor will provide the student an Introduction to educational opportunities on the high school level including career & technical Programs. See Lesson Plan 9. 13. The counselor will work with teachers, advisors, and parents to help them understand their role in the development and review of the Individual Student Transition Plans. 14. The counselor will provide the student an understanding into the identification, exploration, and selection of Career Clusters. See Lesson Plan 10. 15. The counselor or advisor will work with the student to review of their Individual Student Transition Plan. See Lesson Plan 10. 16. The counselor or advisor will work with the student and parent to complete of the final three years of the Individual Student Transition Plan. See Lesson Plan 10. 17. The counselor will record into WVEIS the student clusters, concentrations and pathways as required. 18. The counselor will provide a yearly review and modification of the Individual Student Transition Plan. This may be completed during the student scheduling process. 19. The counselor will develop, complete and maintain a school based data base of student Clusters and Pathways to use as a resource for career presentations. Limitations: In schools with large ratios or where a counselor is responsible for more than one grade, many of the lessons may need to be delivered in an advisory program or in conjunction with other subjects. It is recommended that all counselors involve all staff in assisting with academic and career development so that all students have a systemic approach to academic and career planning. Additional Resources: • West Virginia Department of Education/Career and Technical Education ‐ www.careertech.k12.wv.us • WVDE Policy 2510 including section 5.5.2 ‐ www.wvde.state.wv.us/policies/p2510.pdf • Individual Student Transition Plan Template developed by the WVDE Office of Career and Technical Education www.careertech.k12.wv.us/ProgramsofStudy.htm • West Virginia Career Pathways – For the most up‐to‐date career pathways, go to www.wvcareerpathways.com • College Foundation of West Virginia – www.cfwv.com Lead Developer: David N. Gaudino, Ed. D. Marshall County Schools (July‐2010‐revised) 3 Reviewed by WV Protocol Committee June 2010 and revised by Barbara Ashcraft – Oct. 2010 West Virginia School Counseling Protocol 8th Grade ISTP –Academic and Career Planning • • • • West Virginia Educational Planner – www.wv.educationplanner.com Career Cruising – www.careercruising.com Dr. Donna Burge‐Tetrick dtetrick@access.k12.wv.us – West Virginia Department of Education, Assistant Director – Division of Technical, Adult and Institutional Education Dr. Kathy D’Antoni ‐ kdantoni@access.k12.wv.us ‐ West Virginia Department of Education, Assistant Superintendent – Division of Technical, Adult and Institutional Education Evaluation: • Completed ISTPs, schedules documenting parent visits, counselor notes on ISTPs, parent signatures, and student surveys (noting satisfaction levels with academic and career planning) Lead Developer: David N. Gaudino, Ed. D. Marshall County Schools (July‐2010‐revised) 4 Reviewed by WV Protocol Committee June 2010 and revised by Barbara Ashcraft – Oct. 2010