date name_ I:1 U --.t*l-=\tu allowance allocation t-l-€&ad directions using io,-,r ,.*.fr.r will tell you how rnuch "money" you have to.spend Yrcu Tuy !e b.eans orotherobjectst"ptt""mone)i'No*'ytt''"edtomakespendingdecisionsinallof ifr.t. ."t.gfries. PlaJe one bean in each square next to the opiion vou choose in each goul is ro spencl somethingin each category, making sure you have enouqh money to cover all categories. ;;;;;"ry.%r. school lunches take packed lunch from home buy lunch at school buy lunch at nearby fast-food restaurant video games play with games you alreadY have purchase used video games play video games at an arcade buy new video games for teachers T tr T TT I T tr T T tr E E tr activlty 1-1 Page 1 name_ il rH':J-\ -;;;r-:lde [=L: ffis allowance allocation moues borrow from public librarY rent a video go to half-price matinee go to see full-price movie sports equipment use equipment that you already have buy used sports equipment buy new sports equiPment buy brand-name sports equlPment www. pnacticalmoneyskills' com for teachers T tr tr tr T T T tr T T E tr TET tr n tr activity 1-1 page 2 allowance allocation clothes wear what you alreadY have buy at a thrift store buy at a discount store buy at a department store T TT tr T tr T tr n donations to church or other charitY less than five Percent five percent 10 percent www. for teachers T TT ET activity 1-1 Page 3 date Iesson 1 quiz: sPending Plans circle the correct answer for each question' 1. Spending plans are decisions about how you spend your allowance' True False A written spending plan is the best way to manage an allowance' 2. True False 3. Spending plans should be discussed with parents' True False 4. Ever,vone has the same spending plan' True False 5. My spending plan must remain the same for an entire year' True False 5. Giving to a church or charity can be part of my spending plan Tiue False 7. Changes can be made in my written spending plan: i O.tlv once a week b. OnlY once a month c. Only everY slr months d. As my needs change 8. Saving provides moneY for: a. EmergencY exPenses b. Unplanned exPenses next Year c. Expenses in five Years d. Ail of the above 9. A spending Plan can be m-ade bY: ' a. Keepine a diarY of exPensesb. Ask'i"g u friend to mike it for You .. O..idi"g what to purchase whin you go to. the store J. Ct..t l,ig how much money is in your pocket 10, Which of the following is NOT a spending plan category: a. TransPortation b. Entertainment c. CandY bars d. Clothing for teachers level 2-lessonl quiz lesson 1 quiz: sPending Plans circle the correct answer for each question' 1. Spending plans are decisions about how you spend your allowance True * False 2. A written spending plan is the best way to manage an allowance' True * False 3. Spending plans should be discussed with parents' Tiue * False 4. Evervone has the same spending plan. True False 5. * My spending plan mlrst remain the same for an entire year' True False *. 5. Giving to a church or charity can be part of mv spending plan' Tiue * False 7. Changes can be made in my written spending plan: i. Onty once a week b. Only once a month c. Only everY six months d. As my needs change *' 8. Saving provides moneY for: a. EmergencY exPenses b. Unplanned exPenses next Year c. Expenses in five Years d. All of the above * 9. plan can be m-ade bY: A spending ' 10. a. Keepint a diarY ofexPenses * b. Asking a iriend to make it for You c. Deciding what to purchase when you go to. the store d. Checkiig how much moneY is in your pocket Which of tl-re following is NOT a spending plan category: TransPortation b. Entertainment a. c. CandY bars * d. Clothing www.practicalmoneyskills'com for teachers level 2 - lesson 1 answer keY date name_ fl ,Fits\, spending diarY "J*{'=Bd* t-H @ffi directions At the end of the week you may out this chart, answer the fi1l vou After be surprised to see where Your monev goes' For one week, keep track ofhow you spend your mone,v. questions below. day amount spent item setting uP a spending Plan What are the common categories for the expenses in you spending diary? 7. 2. J. 4. 5. how much did you spend in each Gategory? total amount sPent categorY www. pnacticalmoneyskills. com for teachers activity 1-3 date name_ flt A[:=*H* spending plans l=L* W\fl directions you Put yourself on a budget for one month. First, determine what categories of expenses what your decide Then "gift," for example. and "fun," food," have. You may includE actually spend' spending limit ir foi .u.n categoty. Each iveek track how much you expense category www. practicalmoneyskills. weekly budget com for teachers amoLtnt spent week L week2 week 3 week 4 activity 1-4