Post-Secondary Costs GRADE 8 LESSON 15 Time Required: 30-45 minutes Content Standards: AA.S.2 Students will complete school with the academic rigor and preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college. AA.S.4 Students will acquire skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and to make informed career decisions. Indicators: AA.A.8.2.15 AA.C.8.4.15 Explore the cost associated with postsecondary options. Explore costs related to postsecondary education. GOAL: Students will review post-secondary cost. Activity Statements: Students will receive information about the cost of various post secondary education options. Then students will use scenarios given to them about high school seniors looking for sources to fund their postsecondary education choices. Using these scenarios they will have to seek and find all of the available sources to fund their postsecondary education, while other students will be representing the various sources. Materials: Whiteboard or LCD data projector Instructor Resource #1 Education & Training Cost Instructor Resource #2 Sources to Finance Your Post-Secondary Cost Instructor Resource #3 Student Scenarios Handout #1 Education & Training Cost Handout #2 Sources to Finance Your Post-Secondary Cost Post-Secondary Costs GRADE 8 LESSON 15 Procedures: Say: Today we are going to discover the cost of various postsecondary education options and then we will do an activity to help us learn about the different funding sources available to cover these costs. Ask to students to guess the cost attending a vocational or technical school, a community college, a 4 year college and a private college. Show Instructor Resource #1 Education and Training Cost Pass out Handout #1 Education and Training Cost Pass out Handout #2 Sources to Finance Your Postsecondary Costs Pick one student to represent each of the 7 total sources and sit them spread out in the classroom with their copy of Handout #2 with them. Assign each student as one of the sources of funding listed on Handout #2. Instruct them as students approach them for funding they have to secure that the student meets their criteria to receive funding from them. Then they are to award the funding by entering the amount they can award on the student scenario form. Divide the rest of the students into groups of 4 and give each student in each group one of the student scenarios. Instruct each of the students that they are pretending to be the student in their scenario and they are to visit each of the 7 sources of funding to determine what sources of funding they are eligible to receive. Once they have visited all 7 sources they are to return to their group and complete the rest of the chart. Then have each member of the group read their scenario and funding sources they were eligible for to the rest of their group. Post-Secondary Costs GRADE 8 LESSON 15 Discussion: 1. What did you learn today about the cost of different postsecondary education choices? 2. What did you learn today about the available funding sources for your postsecondary education options? 3. Did anyone learn new information today, if so what did you learn? 4. How is today’s information important to your future? 5. What can you start doing now to make resources available to you in your future? Additional Resources: Extension Activities: Instruct students to go to to look up the specific school in West Virginia they are interested in attending and find the current cost. Resource or Adapted from: Grade 9 Unit 1 Lesson 1