Study Effectively GRADE 7 LESSON 5 Time Required: 30-45 minutes Content Standards: AA.S. 1 Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and across the lifespan. Indicator: AA.A.7.1.04 Demonstrate effective study skills. GOAL: Students will identify and use effective study techniques. Activity Statements: Students will learn the meaning of procrastination and take a self assessment to determine their own level of procrastination. the some of the excuses used as a reason for procrastinating. They will explore the pitfalls of procrastination and will review effective study techniques. Materials: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Handout 1: Procrastination (one copy per student or display handout electronically) Paper, pens or pencils for students Teacher Resource 1: Dealing with Procrastination Teacher Resource 2: Why Students Procrastinate Teacher Resource 3: Definition of Procrastination Procedures: 1. The teacher writes the word “procrastination” on the board. Ask students to give the definition and examples. (See Teacher Resource 3: Definition of Procrastination or another source for more information if needed.) 2. The teacher distributes copies of Handout 1: Procrastination or displays it electronically. Students answer the questions on Handout 1 independently. If the handout is displayed electronically, they will record answers on their own paper. After students have responded agree or disagree to each of the items, explain that agreement with five or more of the statements indicates that you probably procrastinate excessively. Study Effectively GRADE 7 LESSON 5 3. Explain to students that study skills development is important because it can help students reach goals successfully: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Development of positive work habits Setting goals Using planners effectively Managing their time Understanding and using vocabulary Understanding and using various mnemonic strategies Developing reading strategies Taking effective notes Keeping track of homework Planning how and when to study for tests Making use of other strategies based on personal learning style 4. The teacher asks students to share reasons they procrastinate. The teacher then reviews Teacher Resource 2: Why Students Procrastinate and uses the information to supplement reasons students listed. 5. The teacher then asks students who scored low on the self assessment to share ways they avoid procrastination and way this helps make their lives more enjoyable. 6. The teacher then facilitates an activity by following instructions from Teacher Resource 1: Dealing with Procrastination. Students are asked to listen carefully for those things they believe will help them deal with procrastination, be more successful and use time more wisely. 7. The teacher will then facilitate a class discussing using the following discussion prompts. Discussion: Does everyone procrastinate sometimes? Why or why not? For those students who do not procrastinate (as a rule), was there a turning point that caused you to stop procrastinating. Explain. What clues can help you recognize procrastination? When might procrastination become a problem? Does procrastination cause problems in other areas of our lives? Explain. How does procrastination work against us? How can you stop procrastinating? How does procrastination affect study skills? Why is important to develop effective study skills? Study Effectively GRADE 7 LESSON 5 How can we use time management to improve our study techniques? Additional Resources: - Learning Techniques - lesson plans – Study Skills for Middle School and Beyond - Study Skills for Middle School Students - Memorizing Important Facts – Study Skills for Middle School - Study Skills: Overcoming Procrastination - Ten Steps to Stop Procrastinating Extension Activities: Students may continue research on dealing with procrastination and time management. Students may develop personal action plans for completing tasks. Students may research effective study skills and continue to develop their own techniques. Students may chart their own habits to determine how much time is wasted procrastinating. Other activities as assigned by advisor. Developed by: Dr. Penny Fisher, Director, Putnam County Schools (2010)