My Wonderfully Changing Body GRADE 5 LESSON 18 Time Required: 30-45 minutes Content Standards: AA.S.7 Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others. Indicators (Students will…): AA.PSD.5.7.15 AA.PSD.5.7.16 AA.PSD.5.7.01 Understand how personal responsibility affects the larger community. Understand the necessity of appropriate personal hygiene, and its effects on social relations. Develop a positive attitude toward self as a unique and worthy person. GOAL: Students will comprehend the necessity of appropriate hygiene practices and their effects on social relationships. Activity Statements: 1. Students will be able to identify, define, and understand vocabulary words relating to body changes and personal hygiene. 2. Students will discuss the American cultural values about cleanliness of body and clothes. 3. Students will discuss how personal hygiene affects friendships and relationships during the “middle years of school” and beyond. 4. Students will discuss what makes famous people attractive to their audiences- pointing out the stars’ grooming habits in comparison to their own. Materials: Dictionary or Internet access Chart Paper Magazines Markers Handout 1: Preventing Body Odor Handout 2: No Sweat My Wonderfully Changing Body GRADE 5 LESSON 18 Procedures and Discussion: 1. Instructors will assign the following for homework the session before the assignment: “Bring in a picture of your favorite TV, movie or music personality. It can be anyone from TV or movies or music, but they must be a "real" person (no cartoon characters).” 2. Instructor will visually project or write the following words for students to learn as vocabulary: water, dermis, heat, antiperspirants, bacteria, apocrine, androgens, bromhidrosis, and puberty. Divide students into groups of 4-5. Be sure that each group has a “recorder”. Assign each group 5 of the words. Ask them to find definitions for as many of the words as they can within a 10 minute time span. They do not have to look up the words in any order. After 10 minutes, call “time”. All writing ceases. Have the recorder for the 1st group go to the board/chart paper and summarize the definition for one word on their list. Go around the room until all words are defined. Ask the students what they think they will be learning about. 3. Next, instructor will ask students to take out the picture they brought from home. If they did not bring a picture, they should write down the name of his/her favorite actor/actress, or music personality. If they brought in a picture, have them write the name of this person on the picture (for those of us who may not know who this is). Collect the papers. Post picture in front of the class, then read the choices aloud. Ask the students what these people have in common and use a chart or the board to write the words they use to describe similarities. Urge students toward the physical characteristics. If they have not already said it, explain that one thing these people have in common is that they are attractive people. 4. Instructor will ask and discuss the following with the class: a. Does an attractive appearance simply "happen" or do these celebrities have to work at it? b. What do you think these celebrities do to keep themselves attractive? c. What if you met the celebrity of your dreams, and this person had bad body odor? What would you think if the celebrity had torn dirty smelly clothes when you saw them? What would you do? How would you feel about this person then? d. Ask students to define or explain what personal hygiene is. List the examples they give on the board. List should include: shower/bath, clean clothes, brush teeth, deodorant, wash hair, etc. e. Go back over the list one-by-one. Let students problem-solve how each should be done. How often should baths/showers be taken? Clothes washed? Teeth brushed? Deodorant used? Developed by: Myla Kreinik, Counselor, Hamilton Middle School(2009) My Wonderfully Changing Body GRADE 5 LESSON 18 f. How does bad hygiene affect relationships with friends? Should a friend talk to another friend who is having problems with hygiene? Whose responsibility is this? g. End by telling students that some parents will remind them to shower/bathe, wash clothes or wear clean clothes, brush teeth, use deodorant, wash hair everyday from now until you are 18; others won't. Remind the students that they are old enough to take care of these things themselves. 5. Give Handout 1: Preventing Body Odor. Have students read it out loud in class. Additional Resources: Crump, Marguerite, No B.O.!, free spirit publishing, Minneapolis, MN, 2005. Lesson written by- Robin Sumner :; Adapted for 5th grade and LINKS by Myla Kreinik: Ask the school nurse to visit, perhaps bringing samples of antiperspirants and soap for each student that have been donated to the school Extension Activities: Handout 2: No Sweat: A Quest To Understand Body Odor – Complete at home. Developed by: Myla Kreinik, Counselor, Hamilton Middle School(2009)