POST-SECONDARY PLANS GRADE 11 LESSON 7 Time Required: 30-45 minutes Content Standards: Students will complete school with the academic rigor and preparation essential to choose from a wide range of substantial post-secondary options, including college. Indicators (Students will…): AA.A.11.2.03 Develop a postsecondary transition plan including campus/workplace exploration, the admissions and/or application process, financial aid sources and process, and personal timeline. GOAL: Students will explore their post-secondary options and recognize steps involved in becoming prepared. Activity Statements: Students will discuss their post-secondary plans and the information relating to such options. Materials: Handout 3 “Am I Ready?” Alumni of your school Several copies of college guides such as Peterson’s Guide Several copies of employment and military guides Procedures: 1. Distribute Handout 3 “Am I Ready?” Have students complete worksheet to prepare them to receive today’s information and to aid in generating questions. 2. Introduce two or three alumni of your school and have them explain how they made their post-secondary choices, how they chose the college or school they are attending or job where they are employed. 3. Ask students to cite admissions requirements to colleges familiar to them. Ask students to discuss alternatives to four-year universities. Some suggestions include employment, community college, engineering and technical colleges, vocational-technical school, fine arts schools, nursing school, business school, military. 4. Have students make a list of two to three interesting options and describe the information they will need to transition into the next stage of their lives (college, training, work, military.) POST-SECONDARY PLANS GRADE 11 LESSON 7 5. With the class, develop a list of personal information about the applicant a college or employer may require. Some suggestions are: GPA, class rank, ACT/SAT scores, high school curriculum, extracurricular and community, activities, honors and awards earned, work experience, community service/volunteerism, leadership positions, resume. Discussion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you planning to attend college, seek employment or the military after graduation? If you are, do you know where you want to attend, be employed or serve your country? What questions were no or left unanswered in Handout 3? Brainstorm and discuss post-secondary options. Have you applied for financial aid for post-secondary education? Have you taken the required entrance exam for post-secondary education? Have you taken required steps for employment or military? Additional Resources: Several copies of college guides such as Peterson’s Guide Written instructions for navigating the selected program, such as KUDER, Choices, or Discover (ACT) and a sample analysis sheet for chosen program. Handouts 1 and 2 Extension Activities: Students can complete a career and/or college search identifying their own special needs, talents, and requirements. Websites where student may do a college search ( ). Visit a college campus using Handouts 1 and 2. WV Education Planner on 12 Ways Not to Choose a College: eName=12_Ways_Not_to_Choose WV Education Planner on selecting a School: Students: Complete Activity #12 – Finding the Right College. Browse school profiles to prepare questions about programs and school features of interest for college visits Adapted from: Chicago Public Schools (9-12) 30 Advisor/Advisee Lessons Grade 11 Lesson 30 and Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Center Grade 10 Unit 1 Lesson 2 and Grade 12 Unit 1 Lesson 4