West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8) S 1:


West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)


STANDARD 1: ACADEMIC/LEARNING DEVELOPMENTStudents will acquire attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors to experience academic success, maximize learning through commitment, produce high quality work and be prepared for a full range of career options and opportunities after high school.

Competency 1.1. Self-directed Learning: Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to self-directed learning and success in school and across the lifespan.



(6 8)

Develop Academic Motivation

Crosswalk Comments

Objectives Students will:

MSS.1.1.1 Utilize expanding interests to refine personal skills that inspire school success and preparation for future goals.

MSS.1.1.2 Identify personal learning style(s) and establish habits that contribute to personalized learning.

MSS.1.1.3 Discuss individual differences, including multiple intelligence and social/cultural influences, to identify personal strengths and update plan for improved school focus.

MSS.1.1.4 Exhibit positive attitudes that lead to behavior patterns that improve school success.

MSS.1.1.5 Explore ways to self-motivate in order to be a self-directed learner.

MSS.1.1.6 Exhibit attitudes, skills and behaviors needed to work independently.



Develop Learning Skills

Objectives Students will:

MSS.1.1.7 Exhibit personal qualities that improve learning (e.g. effort, organization, effective use of time, perseverance, responsibility).

MSS.1.1.8 Personalize organizational, study and test-taking skills to enhance learning outcomes.

MSS.1.1.9 Identify support systems available to advance individual learning skills and seek help when needed.

MSS.1.1.10 Identify and practice 21 st Century Learning Skills and Technology tools.



Achieve School Success

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

Objectives Students will:

MSS.1.1.11 Practice personal responsibility and behaviors that contribute to school success.

MSS.1.1.12 Practice working collaboratively in groups or independently as directed.

MSS.1.1.13 Identify how goals, thoughts, emotions, choices, and level of motivation impact school success and take appropriate action.

MSS.1.1.14 Improve personal healthy habits (e.g., good nutrition, sleep, exercise, hand washing, bathing) and executive skills (e.g., paying attention, flexibility, planning and time management) to enhance school success.

MSS.1.1.15 Evaluate the impact of positive and negative behaviors (e.g. not turning in work, attendance, sleeping in class, wasting time) on school success and develop and implement a plan to improve outcomes.



MSS.1.1.16 Identify changing personal learning styles, abilities and interests and incorporate into personalized learning plan to remediate or compensate for weaknesses and to build upon strengths.

MSS.1.1.17 Apply goal setting techniques to develop self-direction and improve school performance.

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Student complies with county acceptable use policy. Student discusses legal and ethical behaviors related to acceptable use of information and communication technology

(e.g., privacy, security, copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism) and predicts the possible effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus setting, hacking) on the individual and society, as well as identify methods for addressing these risks.

Student models ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, computer etiquette, passwords and personal information. Student demonstrates an understanding of copyright by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi-media presentations.

Student recognizes personal limits in his/her knowledge and develops strategies and skills for using technology to seek information.

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

Competency 1.2: Post-Secondary Preparation - Students will complete school with the academic preparation to achieve success in an array of post-secondary options including two and four-year colleges, certificate programs, employment, on-the-job training, apprenticeship programs, and the military.



Prepare for Post-secondary Success

Objectives Students will:

MSS.1.2.1 Identify how one’s own classroom performance in middle school impacts high school course readiness and post-secondary choices.

MSS.1.2.2 Explore academic requirements for success in various post-secondary options and for securing scholarships and assure preparedness for a variety of options.

MSS.1.2.3 Explain how performance in specific academic content areas impacts high school.

MSS.1.2.4 Practice using 21 st century skills to support academic success and postsecondary readiness.

MSS.1.2.5 Analyze how personal choices negatively or positively influence high school and post-secondary options and preparedness for success.

MSS.1.2.6 Identify options for earning post-secondary credits while in high school.



Plan to Achieve Goals



Students will:

Use assessment results and school performance to evaluate academic strengths and weaknesses.

MSS.1.2.8 Use personal data (e.g. assessments, grades, interests) to establish challenging academic and personal goals and to develop career/life plans.

MSS.1.2.9 Analyze assets and barriers to academic goal attainment and utilize school and community resources to overcome barriers and strengthen assets.

MSS.1.2.10 Develop and update personalized learning plan.


STANDARD 2: CAREER DEVELOPMENT/LIFE PLANNING- Students will acquire attitudes, skills, knowledge, and behaviors to make informed career and life


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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

Competency 2.1: Career Exploration and Planning - Students will make informed career decisions using knowledge of self and the world of work.



Develop Career Awareness

Objectives Students will:

MSS.2.1.1 Relate personal abilities, skills, interests, values to career options.

MSS.2.1.2 Examine specific job requirements and factors (e.g. income, working conditions, job outlook, and physical requirements) in relation to personal abilities, skills, interests, and values.

MSS.2.1.3 Use relevant inventories to match interests and aptitudes with the world of work.

MSS.2.1.4 Use a variety of resources (e.g. websites, career speakers, job shadowing) to explore career options.

MSS.2.1.5 Examine roles, responsibilities and requirements for progressions of career levels from entry level to advanced leadership and develop a personal career growth vision.

MSS.2.1.6 Explore career options in relation to selecting a career cluster.

MSS.2.1.7 Explore funding opportunities for various post-secondary options, evaluate eligibility requirements in relation to personal assets and



Objectives academic preparation and work to increase eligibility.

Develop Career/Life Plan

Students will:

MSS.2.1.8 Describe lifestyle dreams and possible career options and evaluate the probability of attaining goals.

MSS.2.1.9 Establish challenging academic and personal plans for middle school to support career/life plans.

MSS.2.1.10 Select a career cluster using a variety of career, academic and personal data.

MSS.2.1.11 Develop a two-year plan as specified in WVBOE policy.

MSS.2.1.12 Develop a long-term career plan that integrates personal skills, interests, and educational credentials.

MSS.2.1.13 Develop a long-term life plan that reflects options for personal/social relationships, parenting/ family, housing, civic life, travel and interests.

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)



Careers and Life Success

Objectives Students will:

MSS.2.1.14 Explore how identified career choices impact life styles and opportunities.

MSS.2.1.15 Practice expected workplace dispositions, skills and behaviors in the school and community (e.g. attendance, punctuality, communication, relationships, attitudes, perseverance, collaboration, critical thinking, leadership) to prepare for career success.


MSS.2.1.16 Discuss the importance of lifelong learning as situations and responsibilities change requiring new knowledge and skills.


Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and conducts evaluations by applying comprehensive criteria.

STANDARD 3: PERSONAL/SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT- Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors that support school success and prepare them for adulthood.

3.1. Respect for Self and Others - Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors to understand and respect self and others, maintaining positive relationships.



Understand self and others 21C.S.5-8.2

The student will demonstrate the ability to explore and develop new ideas, to intentionally apply sound reasoning processes and to frame, analyze and solve complex

Objectives Students will: problems using appropriate technology tools.

MSS.3.1.1 Recognize and accurately identify feelings and respond appropriately in varying situations.

MSS.3.1.2 Analyze how various situations impact personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

MSS.3.1.3 Analyze how thoughts, feelings, attitudes, values, and beliefs affect decision making and behavior.

MSS.3.1.4 Describe and demonstrate ways to express feelings in a respectful, safe manner.

MSS.3.1.5 Recognize when help is needed for intense emotions (e.g. anger, grief,

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8) sadness, depression, conflict, and hurt) and seek help if necessary.

MSS.3.1.6 Recognize how one’s actions affect others and work to minimize negative consequences.

MSS.3.1.7 Work to minimize negative consequences, including feelings and beliefs about yourself, in relation to successes and failures and others’ actions.

MSS.3.1.8 Use mistakes and adverse situations to grow personally and socially.

MSS.3.1.9 Acquire attitudes, knowledge, behaviors and skills that shape a positive future e.g. recommendations for awards, academic options, extracurricular involvement, good parenting, positive school staff attitudes about you.

MSS.3.1.10 Describe and practice social/emotional intelligence.



Maintain Positive Relationships

Objectives Students will:

MSS.3.1.11 Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants and feelings. 21C.O.5-8.1.LS3

MSS.3.1.12 Acquire and practice effective conflict resolution techniques.

MSS.3.1.13 Demonstrate cooperative behavior with others.

MSS.3.1.14 Use listening skills to identify and understand the feelings and perspectives of others.

MSS.3.1.15 Demonstrate self-control.

MSS.3.1.16 Recognize feelings of anger and practice anger management skills.

MSS.3.1.17 Understand and use verbal, physical and situational communication cues to get along with others.

MSS.3.1.18 Practice attitudes and behaviors that assist with making and keeping friends.

MSS.3.1.19 Discuss different types of peer pressure and model safe, effective ways to address.

MSS.3.1.20 Compare and contrast the differences between aggressive, passive, passive/aggressive, and assertive behaviors and practice using behaviors

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Student presents thoughts, ideas, and conceptual understanding efficiently, accurately and in a compelling manner and enhances the oral or written presentation through the use of technology.

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8) that produce positive relationships.

MSS.3.1.21 Describe bullying and use effective practices to address it.



Exhibit Respectful Behavior

Objectives Students will:

MSS.3.1.22 Recognize personal boundaries and respect privacy needs of self and others.

MSS.3.1.23 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors and exhibit respectful behavior.

MSS.3.1.24 Recognize and respect likenesses and differences of self and others.

MSS.3.1.25 Practice using social skills, dispositions appropriate for various settings

(e.g. school, home, community, business settings, and other public places) and interact approximately with varying audiences.

MSS.3.1.26 Practice using positive character traits (honesty, responsibility, kindness, fairness, self-discipline, and perseverance).



Competency 3.2: Goal Setting and Attainment - Students will make decisions, set goals and take necessary actions to attain goals.



Decision Making and Personal Responsibility

Objectives Students will:

MSS.3.2.1 Compare and contrast various behaviors and choices in relation to possible consequences and work to improve choices.

MSS.3.2.2 Describe how peer pressure influences personal decisions and create and follow an action plan to minimize negative peer pressure.

MSS.3.2.3 Identify a variety of alternative solutions to a problem.

Student demonstrates ethical behavior and works responsibly and collaboratively with others, in academic and social contexts, to accomplish both individual and team goals related to improved academic, extracurricular and co-curricular performances.

Student, when presented with a problem, identifies the information needed, uses text, people, online databases and search engines to filter relevant information efficiently, analyzes information for biases, synthesizes information gathered and creates an effective and efficient response to the problem

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

MSS.3.2.4 Utilize a goal-setting process to create action plans for school, home and civic life.


Student sets challenging goals and strategically plans to reach those goals, monitors performance and adjusts effort and strategies, seeks assistance when needed, and demonstrates focused commitment to reaching the established goals.

Student engages in a problem solving process

MSS.3.2.5 Create and follow action plans to attain school, home, and civic goals.

MSS.3.2.6 Use problem solving techniques to generate alternatives and make



MSS.3.2.7 Identify outside influences and barriers to goal attainment and create and follow an action plan to overcome them.

MSS.3.2.8 Compare and contrast the impact of one’s choices and actions on others and use a decision making model to improve outcomes.

MSS.3.2.9 Describe how current decisions have long term consequences (e.g. parenting, legal issues, post-secondary and career options, financial impact) and make choices that produce desired outcomes.


Student maintains focus on larger project goal, frames appropriate questions, reflects on possible courses of action and their likely consequences, develops and initiates a plan of action with appropriate smaller objectives and benchmarks, and submits the completed project when due.

Competency 3.3. Safety and Survival Skills - Students will acquire attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors to ensure the emotional & physical safety of self and others and develop basic survival skills.




Protect Emotional Safety

Students will:

MSS-3.3.1 Identify triggers that determine when feeling emotionally unsafe and seek help as needed. that divides complex problems into simple parts in order to devise solutions.

MSS.3.3.2 Identify feelings and reactions associated with emotional distress and develop and follow a stress reduction plan.

MSS.3.3.3 Analyze how situations such as teasing, bullying, harassment, breaking rules, threats, intimidation, damaging others property and other violent acts impact emotional safety and develop a safety plan for self and others.

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

MSS.3.3.4 Analyze how various factors contribute to emotional distress (e.g. substance abuse, self-harm, domestic violence, emotional abuse, vehicular misuse, bullying, weapons, unfamiliar situations without supervision, cyber threats) and develop a personal safety plan.

MSS-3.3.5 Seek help from appropriate school and community resources when intense feelings interfere with emotional health and/or school success.

MSS.3.3.6 Practice taking appropriate actions when aggressive or threatening behavior occurs.

Protect Physical Safety and Plan for Survival Learning


Objectives Students will:


Articulate and follow rules and laws to protect self and others.

MSS.3.3.8 Compare and contrast safe and unsafe environments and discuss ways to avoid dangerous situations.


Student develops an understanding of the need to protect his/her identity online, in e-mail, and or websites, limits the distribution of personal information and pictures, and evaluates the authenticity of e-mail that solicit personal information. Student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems.

“ MSS-3.3.9

Develop strategies to protect physical boundaries, rights, and personal privacy in relation to personal safety in various scenarios and apply if needed.

MSS.3.3.10 Know and use emergency contact information (e.g. police, fire, medical,

911 and family phone numbers, addresses, contact names) to protect personal safety.

MSS.3.3.11 Develop and implement safety strategies to respond to aggressive behavior.

MSS.3.3.12 Identify resource people in the school and community and demonstrate how to ask for help.

MSS.3.3.13 Identify physical effects of substance abuse.

MSS.3.3.14 Exhibit responsible behavior, including resisting pressures to participate in unsafe/unhealthy activities (gang involvement, unsafe risk-taking,

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8) irresponsible social media interactions, bullying and harassment, inappropriate sexual contact, property damage, cruelty to animals, domestic violence and other harmful acts).

MSS-3.3.15 Develop a personal safety plan for various dangerous situations (threats of harm, weapons, irresponsible vehicle use, physical abuse, emotional abuse, child neglect, stranger danger).

MSS.3.3.16 Develop and practice using survival plans for various dangerous situations such as being lost, being wounded, fires, being held against your will, being an accident victim, and natural/ manmade disasters.


Standard 4. GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - Students will acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors regarding the social/cultural, economic, and environmental issues associated with being positioned as a globally responsible and successful citizen.

Competency 4.1 Intercultural Perspectives: Students will acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors of an intercultural perspective that contributes to civil and considerate living in a modern society and global community.



Acquire a diverse and knowledgeable world view

Objectives Students will:

MSS. 4.1.1 Compare and contrast aspects of various communities (e.g. traditions, culture, values, roles, customs, religion, language, and family systems) and describe how this contributes to each individual’s perspective and world view.

MSS. 4.1.2 Analyze factors that contribute to different social and world views (e.g. ethnicity, race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, family composition, lifestyle, religion, economic status, and nationality) into personal perspective and world view.

MSS. 4.1.3 Apply interculturally sensitive perspectives to social interactions.



Interact respectfully with diverse cultures

Objectives: Students will:

MSS. 4.1.4 Formulate respectful resolutions for situations where differing opinions are expressed.

MSS. 4.1.5 Describe global issues and events from perspectives of various

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8) individuals and groups to understand viewpoints other than one’s own.

MSS. 4.1.6 Develop messages for various situations that reflect understanding of multiple meanings in diverse contexts.

MSS. 4.1.7 Investigate methods for enhancing language proficiency and the ability to communicate effectively across cultural and linguistic boundaries.

MSS. 4.1.8 Demonstrate understanding of how stereotyping and prejudices contribute to interactions with others.

MSS. 4.1.9 Show respect for differing abilities, viewpoints and customs in all interactions.

Competency 4.2 – Democratic Principles: Students will acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to contribute to a just, peaceful and sustainable global democracy.



Promote Social Justice

Objectives Students will:

MSS. 4.2.1 Adhere to classroom and school rules and community laws to protect individual rights and property.

MSS. 4.2.2 Discuss issues of social injustice (e.g. economics, health care and child welfare).

MSS. 4.2.3 Investigate programs for advocacy and promotion of social justice.



Assume Responsible Leadership

Objectives: Students will:


The student will exhibit leadership, ethical behavior, respect for others; accept responsibility for personal actions considering the impact on others; take the initiative to plan and execute tasks; and interact productively as a member of a group.

MSS. 4.2.4 Discuss how good leaders protect and care for people and things and improve situations.

MSS. 4.2.5 Identify and practice using qualities of successful leaders and good team members.


Student is flexible in approach to solving problems and completing tasks, considers alternative methods, solutions and perspectives, abandons strategies that do not work, and reallocates time and resources as priorities

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

MSS. 4.2.6 Utilize various team roles to support leaders in reaching team goals.

MSS. 4.2.7 Identify ways to assume leadership to help others in the family and class, school and community.


MSS. 4.2.8 Learn leadership through service.

MSS. 4.2.9 Assume a leadership role in promoting fairness and justice to protect and care for people and things.



Practice Financial Responsibility

Objectives: Students will:



Compare the financial costs of goods and services and with the family’s ability to pay for them.



Evaluate financial choices based on one’s own needs, wants, and values and how they guide spending, saving, credit and implications for the family budget.

Evaluate the immediate consequences of a recent financial choice and its MSS.



4.2.13 impact on the family’s spending and saving plan.

Create a personal budget with income from incidental funds (birthday and other gifts, allowance, chores, entrepreneurial endeavors, part-time job, etc.) and track spending and payments.





Describe thrifty ways to manage budgets and achieve goals to avoid long term negative financial consequences (e.g. generational poverty, bankruptcy, foreclosure, educational opportunity loss, work style, failure to obtain goals).

Discuss concepts of consumer protection (e.g. laws, identify theft and predatory scams).



Student manages emotions and behaviors, engages in collaborative work assignments requiring compromise, and demonstrates flexibility by assuming different roles and responsibilities within various team structures.

Student exhibits interpersonal and problemsolving skills when in the role of leader. He/she helps others stay focused on the goal, monitors progress of the group, and successfully moves the group toward the goal.

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West Virginia Student Success Standards (6-8)

Discuss concepts related to financial institutions (e.g. laws, banks, credit unions and checking cashing services).

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