Richard Anthony Young Course: ACCTMIS 3300H Campus: COL College: BUS Autumn 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________ SEI Comment Report Class Number: 4206 While at times frustrating and stressful, this course was by far the most interesting I've had this semester. The difficulty level is obvious, but it was far more rewarding to find solutions and understand things in this class than in easier classes. Classroom discussions were also more interesting in this class than in 2300H, but that might be attributable to the class being more used to presenting, and the topics being discussed. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I came into this class with a poor attitude. I did not do as well as I would have like on the 2300H final and was just disgruntled, trying to figure out why we were even talking about these topics as they seemed as if they had little real world application. As this class progressed, my eyes were opened more and I actually started to enjoy the class. By the end of the semester, this has become my favorite class and I enjoy attending and participating. I can see all of the applications and I find myself applying the concepts we have learned to everyday things. My favorite part of this class was the papers (mostly after the midterm). I learned so much from those and they were extremely stimulating and created great class discussion. The most frustrating part of this class was the problems from the Demski book. I learned alot from the Demski book, but often the mathematical computations would trip me up and I would not really see the point the problem was trying to make. I think it would be beneficial to spend more time going over mechanics of solving the problems so more of us are able to solve them correctly then talk about the results, instead of getting tripped up while solving the problem. I think that is why I thrived so much with the paper was because I could interpret the results much easier and think about them. On the whole, this class was awesome and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be in this class and the ACCT Honors program in general. Prof. Young does a great job, even if some are intimidated or scared to say so. His stories are quite hilarious too. Fantastic class if you can keep a good attitude and not get discouraged by the seemingly large mountain to climb. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Great class. It would be nice to take more time on papers with examples to explain those over the content-heavy ones. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Since second half of the semester, all our assignments are reading and summary. And we haven't done actual problems for a while. So at the end of the semester, i kinda forget what we learnt before about framing question and performance measurement. Maybe it is better to spread out the reading assignments throughout the whole semester? For example, the honest and social norms articles can be assigned right after we learn performance measure or managerial incentives. But overall, I learnt a lot from this class. It is more challenging than other accounting courses in a good way. As long as I understand the material, everything just make sense. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I like the material. The papers we read are interesting. The grading is very subjective and unfair. The professor gives grades based on his assumption to people. And he is so sure that his ASSUMPTION is right. He treats the students unfairly. He seriously favors the ones he likes _____________________________________________________________________________________ One of the most difficult, yet gratifying classes I have taken in the Honors Accounting program, and at OSU in general. The material is definitely challenging, and sometimes way over my head. (comment continues on next page) Page 1 of 4 Richard Anthony Young Course: ACCTMIS 3300H Campus: COL College: BUS Autumn 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________ SEI Comment Report Class Number: 4206 However, I do not think this is an issue. If I wanted to get easy A's, I would have gone to a lesser university and coasted through the accounting program there. The point of Rick Young's class is to think and learn to communicate complex concepts. We learned all about cost accounting in the beginning of the year, then I feel like the rest of the semester was not exactly cost accounting as most schools would teach it. However, I feel that the articles we discussed were much more stimulating than traditional cost accounting texts. I was able to present in front of the class a lot and this helped me understand the material better (although my midterm score did not reflect this) and learn how to communicate and teach effectively. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Although this class was extremely difficult, I learned a lot, and it was enjoyable once I was able to get the hang of things. Some subject matter is exceptionally more difficult than the rest, and I would suggest that the professor cover this material himself, because it is hard to learn from the student presentations where the presenter does not understand the material themselves. _____________________________________________________________________________________ The one thing that I would hope to include more of is make things more practical to real life. I do not believe anything we learned will be used in the real world. Everything is theoretical, which won't help us in our actual jobs. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Young has had a tremendous impact on my life, both in terms of how I view my academic career and future professional career. If it weren't for him I would never have considered accounting as a means of work in the future. At times he demands a lot of his students, but in my opinion that is something that is shared by all great leaders. Professor Young is a phenomenal teacher in that he is someone who presents complex, abstract concepts to students so that they can grow and develop for the future. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Young is the best professor I've had at Ohio State. The material learned here goes well beyond cost accounting, and is applicable not only to all areas of business but to any subject material. This class helped me to think for myself more than any class before, and there was a great balance between developing intuition through the study of economic models and forming opinions on complex issues with interactions. If I could, I would gladly take this class and 2300H again.For the future, I personally had no clue what the heck we were doing when I started in 2300H. I did not understand why we were studying this material and what use it had, and looking back I feel that I wasted time during the beginning of 2300H since I didn't study and learn the material from the correct perspective. I think taking time to explain to the class the use of the material that we learn would be helpful to future students. Explaining that we are developing intuition on managerial decision making through looking at economic models and research. Also, perhaps throwing in some research papers into the beginning course would be helpful. For 3300H, I would have liked to spend more time on the debate between product and activity based costing. We touched on it for a couple days I think, but perhaps covering one or two more research papers about the use of costing numbers either in practice or fundamentally would have been extremely interesting.Overall, thanks for the past two semesters, where I probably learned more that I have in all the rest of my classes combined. Page 2 of 4 Richard Anthony Young Course: ACCTMIS 3300H Campus: COL College: BUS Autumn 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________ SEI Comment Report Class Number: 4206 I really enjoyed this class this semester. I felt that I've learned so much and challenged myself by learning those research papers. Even though it was very hard in the beginning, I gradually find ways to study them. Now, I'm more confident in understanding intricate materials and I believe that my learning ability has been improved a lot by taking this course. I'm grateful to be an honor accounting student and I really appreciate the benefits and opportunities of being part of this program. Professor Young is very helpful not only inside classroom, but also outside of classroom. He encourages and helps students to pursue their interests. _____________________________________________________________________________________ this class is definitely challenging, just like 2300H. but it does integrate my understanding about the accounting issues and helps me understand the incentives behind the problems.Professor Young is a very passionate professor. sometimes he might be a little bit harsh but in generally is nice _____________________________________________________________________________________ This class is extremely challenging. I personally love the challenge and being surrounded by like-minded students. Despite his "mean" reputation, Professor Young is very passionate and approachable. I learned more from this class than any other class I have taken. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I think that this course was good this semester. I believe that I understood a lot of the information from last semester better because some of the concepts were hard to grasp at first. However, I believe that sometimes Prof. Young can be a little aggressive towards the students at the board, even though I know his intentions are good. Like most of the students in this course, I am used to understanding everything in my other/"less challenging" courses, so sometimes this class can be discouraging. However, as much as I hate being the one at the board, I think that it is very helpful in understanding both the problems and papers assigned. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I loved the class, however I wish we would read more articles that have real business implications. _____________________________________________________________________________________ By emphasizing active learning, I stayed away from memorization and found that more justice was done to the material this way. I didn't feel the pressure to know everything but still was forced to be prepared. The research papers were my favorite part of the class and provided me with good skills for reading difficult writing (not that Demski doesn't already accomplish that) with fewer puns. Will miss you, Professor Young! _____________________________________________________________________________________ Professor Young cares for his students and really focuses on having students learn for themselves. I feel overall this is a good approach for learning, and randomly picking students to present the homework forces them to actually complete the homework for class. My only qualm is that I felt that in class, there really was no direction with the students presenting the homework. Not all of us are experts on this subject and quite a few times we were at a loss as to what the proper method of doing the homework was and what we should be taking from the homework. Many times it felt that Professor Young was equally as frazzled as those at the board. I just feel the classes should have more direction. I definitely learned a lot from this course. It encourages students to think for themselves, digest (comment continues on next page) Page 3 of 4 Richard Anthony Young Course: ACCTMIS 3300H Campus: COL College: BUS Autumn 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________ SEI Comment Report Class Number: 4206 dense information, present ideas clearly and concisely, and openly discuss complex issues. Additionally, the course motivates students to focus on learning the material for the sake of understanding it rather than memorizing and regurgitating text to get a good grade. Personally, I find myself studying for the upcoming final not because I want an A, but because I want to prove that I have a good grasp of what was covered. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I think the research assignments in this class were very helpful. Being able to read academic articles like these is an important skill that I will be able to apply to many of my classes. It was very difficult to adjust to taking 3 Honors Accounting classes this semester, but I think these kinds of issues will be worked out in the future. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 4