production Historical review of uranium fromtheTodilto Limestone, Cibola andMcKinley NewMexico Counties, by William L. Chenoweth, Consulting Geologist, Grand Junction, C081506 Introduction The Grants area of New Mexico is well known for its largeresourcesof uranium that occurin sandstonebedsof the Morrison Formation of Late Jurassicage. The areais also one of the few localitiesin the United States where economicdeposits of uranium occur in limestonebeds. During the period 1950through 198L,mines on 31 different sectionsof land in the Grants areaproduced 3,335.75tons of uranium oxide (iJ,O.) from the JurassicTodilto Limestone(Table1). This representsslightly more than 2Voof the total uranium that has been mined in the Grants area. The Todilto has been the most productive limestonehost rock for uranium in the United States,if not the entire noncommunist world. The principal area of Todilto deposits is northwest of Grants and straddles the Cibola-McKinley county line (Fig. 1). The rel- ative sizeof the depositsand their geographic distribution are given in Table2. Thesedata show that 64Vaofthe uranium produced from the Todilto Limestone has come from four sectionsof land. Becausethis report dealsonly with the historicalproduction data, the readeris referred to reports by Kelley (1963), Hilpert (1969), Rautman (1980),and Mclemore (1983b)for descriptionsof the geologyand ore deposits. A report by Albrethsenand McGinley (1982) gives the detailsof the AEC's uranium procurementprogram and a history of the uranium mills. Reportsby Reynerand Sheridan (1950)and Rapaport(1952)give descriptions of the properties at the time mining was starting, and a report by Anderson (1981) describesthe recentconditionsof the mines. all of which are now abandonedor inactive. The namesof the individual mines are given in Table 3. It should be noted that at certain deposits, such as the Sandy and the Zia, ore aiso occurs in the underlying Entrada Sandstone. At others (e.9., the HaystackNo. 2) mineralizationextendsupward into the basalbeds of the overlying SummervilleFormation.No attempthas beenmade to excludethesenonlimestoneores from this tabulation. Database During the time I was employed by the Grand|unction Officeof the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and succeeding agencies,the Energy Researchand DevelopmentAdministration (ERDA),and the Department of Energy (DOE), uranium production statistics were routinely compiled for the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.This articleis an outgrowth of that work and briefly summarizes the uranium production from the Todilto Limestonein the Grants area. The uranium production data given in this paperwere compiledon a property-by-prop- TABLE1-Uranium productionfrom the Todilto Limestone,Grantsarea,New Mexico.Figuresare given in tons U3O6in ore; w : withheld due to the limitednumberof operators. Valencia County lnow Cibolal Explonolion U r o n i u m d e p o s i li n Todilto Limestone Seclion number FIGURE,1-Index.. map -showing the principal area of uranium deposits in the Todilto Limestone, modified from Kelley (1963,p. 137). November 1985 Nap MexicoGeology 1950 7957 7952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 t959 1960 7967 1962 1963 1964 1965 7966 1967 7968 7969 1970 l97l 1972 1973 7974 1975 1976 7977 7978 7979 1980 t98l Totals 0.03 010 3.49 25.69 53.61 60.68 43.67 37 77 85.98 54.81, 9.07 5.49 13.28 4.20 3.35 3.27 0.04 1.11 w 698.40 McKinley County 0.06 22.91, 72.42 145.77 77070 752.09 754.93 158.06 228.57 198.87 158.85 131.59 84.54 75.05 56.74 c/./ I 5.16 8.10 1.38 13.65 w w w w w w w 149.46 762.08 153.60 59.09 Total 0.03 0.16 26.40 99.1L 199.38 231.38 795.76 192.64 2M.04 293.38 207.94 764.34 1,M.87 88 74 78.40 59.95 5/./5 6.27 8.10 1.38 13.65 7.76 74.25 97.80 65.33 57.35 77.28 118.09 749.46 762.08 153.60 59.09 2,637.36 3,335.76 TABLE 2-Geographic distribution of uranium production from the Todilto Limestone, Grants area, New Mexico. Note that mines in four sections produced 647oof the U:Oe. *Western end of orebody is in sec.33, major portion is in sec. 34; productjon cannot be separatei. tOrebody is in sec. 3, T12N, R9W; portal of the decline is in sec. 34. Tons U3O, Number of sections 801-900 701-800 @L-700 501-500 401-500 301-400 201-300 107J00 51-100 1- 50 12 <1 8 Totals Section, township, range 1 I 30_13-9 0 0 I 1 1 2 ) J 25-13-10 34-12-9* 19-13-10 19-13-9, 13-13-11 4-72-9,29-73-9 9-r2-9, 23-13-10, 24-13-I7 8-8-5, 22-9-5, 20-11-9, 8-12-9, 15-12-9, 3r-13-9, 32-73-9, 34-13-9t, 18-13-10, 26-13-70, 36-13-10, 19-14-7r 6-8-6, 4-77-9,8-71-9, 33-13-9, 16-1.3-t0, 18-14-77, 28-L4-77, 24-14-72 Percent of tons U,Os : lo IJ 10 16 8 7 5 <1 100 JI erty basis from the year-end production Grants merchant and, at the time, mayor. summariespreparedby the Grand junction GundersoncontactedE. O. Hemenwav.Land Office. Only the tons of U.O, in ore mined Commissionerfor the Santa Fe PaciiicRailw-ereconsistently recorded; hence, the grade road Company, who controlled the mineral of the ore usually cannot be calculated for rights on sec. 19, T13N, R10W, where the individual propeities. samplesoriginated (Evans, 1951,p. 1). This compilation indicatesthat during the The Engineering Department of the Atperiod from 1950through 1981,3,335.76"tons chison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway ComUrO, were produced from mines in the Todilto Limestone. Before this compilation was pany, parent company of the SantaFe-Pacific, ef t h e r a i l r o a d ' s made, a production total of 3,36t tons UrO. b e g a n a r e c o n n a i s s a n c o holdings from Cubero to Gallup, which inwas compiled by the DOE Crand Junction Office for Mclemore (1983a).Considerable cluded nearly every odd-numbered section effort has beenspent on trying to resolvethe of land. A field office was establishedat Baca railroad siding near Prewitt, New Mexico. difference of 32.24tons (6+,+d'0lbs), U,O,. In the Grand Junction recordssystem,from The best exposureswere found to be on sec. 1950to L984,production was tabulatedevery 19, T13N, ittOW, ana the Santa Fe Pacific three months and coded for computer stoi- Railway Company began an exploration program of drilling, sampling, and test pitting age.During that time, the type of host rocksandstone,limestone,lignite, etc.-was des- on November 2'1,,1950(Evans,1951,p. 13). ignatedby code.The Todilto production statistics provided to Mclemore (1983a)were by a computer. After checking the g"Ll+d individual properties, on a year-by-yeaibasis, I believe that some early produciion statistics from sec. 1.9, T13N; R9W (poison Canyon mine, Morrison Formation) were confused with sec. 19, T13N, R10W (Havstack Butte mine, Todilto Limestone), boih of which were,operated by the Haystack (D Mountain Development Company and incorrectlycoded as limestone.fhuj, the production total given in this report is probibly @ more accurate.The year-by-yearprirductioir statistics for the Todilto Limestone are given l fo in Figure 2 and Table 1. Production history Although yellow uranium minerals had been known to exist in the Grants area for several years, it was the discovery by paddy Martinez, a Navajo sheepherder, that triggered the uranium boom. In the spring 5f 1950,Martinez collectedsamplesoi todllto Limestone from the foot of Haystack Butte that contained yellow uranium minerals. He showed the samples to Carrol Gunderson, a Uranium was also discovered on sec. 13, T13N, R11W secs. 17, 23, and 25, T13N, R10W, and on sec. 31, TL3N, R9W. (Mining World, 1951). The news of this uranium discoverybrought hoards of prospectorsinto the Grants area. This activity would lead to the discovery of other deposits in the Todilto Limestone as well as depositsin exposuresof the Morrison and Dakota Formations, which triggered the uranium boom in west-central New Mexico. Development of orebodieson the SantaFe lands, with the exception of sec. 19, T13N, R10W, was hindered by litigation. Santa Fe had sold the surface rights to their holdings in previous years, but had retained rights to "coal, oil, gas, and minerals, whatsoever" (Rapaport,1952,p.1), The rancherswho acquired the surface rights claimed that the uranium was superficial and, therefore, belonged to them. The casewas heard in May 1952,and the court decided in favor of the railroad (Rapaport,1952). The first shipment of uranium ore from the TodiltoLimestonewas recordedin December 1.950when Fred Glover shipped 1.0tons of ore averaging0.357oU.O. to theAEC buying station at Monticello, Utah. The shipment was labeled "Private Prcperty," but notes in the AEC files indicate that the shipment came from sec. 9, T1,2N,R9W, where Mark Elkins owned the mineral rights. The Anaconda Copper Mining Company secured numerous leases in Tanuarv and February L951 and began an extensiveexploration and development program in March. In August 1951,uranium in the Todilto Limestone on the Laguna Indian Reservation was discovered by foy Sinyella, a Supai Indian living on the Laguna Reservation (Towle and Rapaport, 1952). In late 1,957,the Santa Fe Railway Company made a few small test shipmentsfrom secs. 19 a d 25, T13N, R10W to the AEC ,F o Colendor yeor FIGURE 2-Uranium production from the Todilto Limestone, Grants area, New Mexico NetDMexicoGeology November 1985 TABLE 3-Names of mines in the Todilto Limeindicate aliases. stone, Grantsarea. Parentheses Section, Township, Range Name of mine and./or property Valencia[now Cibola] County 8-8-5 Crackpoi 5-8-6 Paisano 22-9-5 Sandy 4-17-9 Tom 13 8-11-9 Lone Pine 3 20-11-9 Cedar 1 (Section20) (Yucca) 4-72-9 Bunny, Blackhawk, Christmas Day 1, Red Bluff 2 and 4, Red Bluff 3, 5, and 9, Red Bfutr 7, 8, and 10, Gay Eagle, UDC-5 (SuttonCroup). Last Chance 8-12-9 9-12-9 Section 9 (Private Property) 75-1.2-9 Zia, Lalara 34-12-9 F-33 McKinley County 19-1.3-9 Hope 29-1.3-9 Faith (Section 29) 30-13-9 BarbaraJ 1, BarbaraJ 2 (Dalco), BarbaraJ 3, Flat Top 1-5, Piedra Trieste, Rimrock L,2, and 3, Roundy Lease,Whitecap 31-13-9 Section31 32-13-9 Section 32 (Moe 4) 33-13-9 Charlotte 34-1.3-9 Vallejo (Double Jeny) (Farris 1) 16-13-10 Red Point 18-13-10 Section 18 (Brown Vandever Allotment) (Wiiliams Lease) 19-13-10 Section 19 (Haystack Butte) 23-13-10 Section23 25-13-10 Section 25, Section 25 shaft 26-13-10 Section 26 (Hanosh) (DesideroAllotment) 36-13-10 Rimrock School Section (Section 35) 13-13-11 Bibo Trespass,NM-B-1, SWt/+Section 13 (Haystack 2) 24-73-11. Section 24 (Nana-A-Bah Vandever Allotment) 18-14-11 Red Top 1 and 2 79-14-'11. Billy the Kid (Section 19) 28-74-1.1 T Group, Red Cap 24-1.4-72 Elkins buying station at Monticello, Utah. Small shipments also were made in 1951by the Shaw Company and by William Barlow from the Red Point and Last Chance properties, respectively. Early in 7952, Warren McCormackmade a shipment to Monticello from the Billy the Kid propert, north of Prewitt, New Mexico. On December27,1957,the AEC entered into a contract with the Anaconda Copper Mining Company to purchaseuranium concentratesproducedby Anacondaat a site near Bluewater,New Mexico. In order to stimulate exploration and ore production in the Grants area, the AEC engiged Anaconda to operate an ore buying station at the Bluewater site. The station opened on June 9, 1952, and ores were bought from independent operatorsuntil early 1958. At the beginning of the AEC program, ore producerswere paid for their oresunder the terms of the AEC's Circular5, Revised(U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and U.S. Geological Survey, 1951). This schedule contained a baseprice of $3.50nbU.O, for ores containing0.20%or greaterUrOr. Ores containing lessthan 0.20%U3O8receiveda base price grading down to $1.504bU.O, in ores containing the minimum acceptablegrade of November 1985 NeusMexicoGeologv 0.10%U3O8.All ores receiveda mine development allowanceof $0.50/lbUrOu,and ores containing0.21.%U3O8and better receiveda $0.75nbgrade premium. The AEC also paid a $0.06per ton-mile haulage allowance for the first 100miles. The highJime ores of the Todilto were not amenableto acid leachingand required use of the hot carbonateleach process.To develop this process,Anacondaconstructedand operateda pilot plant at the Bluewater site from March to October 1953. The original 300-ton-per-davcarbonateleach mill began operatingin Oitober 1953and was expanded to 1,200tons per day in 1955when it was equipped to treat both limestoneand sandstone ores. With a market for highiime ores established in the area, production from the Todilto Limestone began to increasein 1952. Exploration, which had begun at rim exposures, gradually progresseddowndip with drilling depths exceeding200feet.The Santa Fe Railroad Company establisheda mining subsidiary, Haystack Mountain Development Compan, and began an extensiveexploration program. They were joined by a largenumber of companiesand individuals. In 1955,Anacondacommencedmining at their F-33 mine in the SE1/+sec. 33/ T12N, R9W on the East Grants Ridge. By 1959,the underground workings had extended nearly 2,000feet into adiacentsec. 34. During 1955,231.38 tons of uranium oxide were produced, which made that year the third highestproduction year on record(Fig. 2). Of the total, approimately 44%camefrom ore that had been stockpiledon sec.19,T13N, R10Wby HaystackMountain Development Comoanv. PublicLand Order 964,dated May 73, 1954, mandated withdrawal of 1,3,700acres from mineral entry for the purpose of exploration by the AEC. The lands were locatedin T12N, R9W;T13N, Rs9,10,11W; and T14N, R11W. With the exceptionof NEl/+, S1/zsec.3, sec. 11, and SEll4,3112 N1/zsec.13, T13N, R11W all lands were restored in 1956.In order to test the validity of the withdrawal, Art Bibo mined a total of 3,736 tons averaging 0.22% U.O, from an open pit in the SE1/asec. 13, T13N, R11W during 1956-1961.The court ruled in favor of the government and Bibo was found to be trespassing. In L974, the AEC leasedsec. 13 for mining. During the mid-1950'sexplorationdrilling for undiscovereddepositswas done on areas of the Todilto bench where drilling depths exceeded400feet, and by 1958orebodieson sec.30, T13N, R9W were being mined from vertical shaftsof similar depths. On May 24, 1956,the AEC announced the establishmentof a new domestic uranium procurementprogram for the period April 1, 1.962,through December 31, 1966.The new program guaranteed a government market for 500 tons of UrO, in concentrateper year from any one mining property, or operation, at a flat price of $8.00nb.Thus, in 1956,the stagewas set for a continuing AEC concentrate procurement program after March 31., 7962, wlth an established price for concentrates rather than for ores. The prices, premiums, and allowancespaid under Circular 5, Revised(U.S.Atomic EnergyCommission and U.S. GeologicalSurvey,1951),would no longer be in effect. After March 31, 1952,the AEC requiredthat the mill operatorpay'treasonable"prices to independent producers. The May 1956 announcement resulted in continued exploration for deeper orebodies in the Todilto. Exploration for new deposits of uranium became so successful in New Mexico and throughout the western United Statesthat the government felt a need to limit its procurementprogram. On November 24, 1958, the AEC announced that all concentrates purchasedby the AEC in1962-t966 must be derived from ore reservesdevelopedbefore November 24, 1,958.Under this announcement, the AEC determined which ore reserveswere eligibleon a property-by-property basis. Properties with eligible ore reserves were given a market quota (allocation).As a result of this announcement, exploration for in the Todilto Limeundiscovereddeposits stone ceased. In1959, production from the TodiltoLimestonereachedan all-time-highlevel when 1.9 propertiesproduced 720,552tons of ore that contained 293.38 tons U.O; and averaged 0.24%U3O8Gig. 2). This was largely due to the fact that Anaconda, the only market for limestone ore, announced they would not acceptthe ore after May 1959.Anaconda's carbonatecircuit mill and their F-33 mine in the Todilto Limestone were shut down that month. Operatorsof other mines in the Todilto such as Haystack Mountain Development Company, Mid-Continent Uranium Corporation, and various independent operators, were forced to find other markets such as the Phillips Petroleum Company mill and the Homestake-New Mexico Partners' mills, both of which had carbonatecircuits. During the time that the AEC maintained a buying station at Bluewater (1952-1958), 320,726tons of ore that averaged0.32VoU3Og were receivedand sampled.Anaconda purchasedabout 182,280tons from the AEC and the remainder was sold by the AEC to Phillips and to the two mills in which Homestake Company was a partner (Albrethsen and McGinley,1982). On November 9, 7961,,Homestake-Sapin Partners acquired the assetsof the Homestake-New Mexico Partners including their mill, which was adjacentto the HomestakeSapinmill. BothAEC contractswere replaced with a single contract and the HomestakeNew Mexico Partners'mill was shut down on April t4, 1962.Meanwhile, as of April 2, 1952,United NuclearCorporationwas merged with Sabre Pinon Corporation (Sapin) and the surviving corporation was renamed the United Nuclear Corporation. United Nuclear acquired the uranium assets of Phillips Petroleum in February 1963 and the Phillips'mill was closed in March. Ores that were processed by Phillips were then sent to the Homestake-Sapin Partners' mill. Hence, all of the limestone ore mined marketwas entirely supportedby the electric manuscript by Richard Chamberlin and in the Grants area after March 1963was nro- utilities for usein their nuclearpower plants. Christoph-erRiutman greatly improved it. cessed at the Homestake-Sapin Partners' Prices were dictated by what the utilities plant. In April of 1968,the partnership be- would pay, and becausethey were less than References came United Nuclear-Homestake Partners, the previous government prices, only tite Albrethsen, Holger, Jr., and McGinley, F. E., 1982,Sumand in 1981HomestakeMining Company ac- higher grade, Iower cost operationscontinmary history of domestic uranium procurement under quired completecontrol of the operation. ued. U.S.Atomic EnergyCommission conhacts,final report: U.S. Department of Energy, Report GJBX-220(82),762 In 1962, it was apparent to the AEC that In 1,971,Homestake Mining Company pp. the private market for uranium concentrates leasedthe F-33 mine from Anaconda.-ProO. J., 1981,,Abandoned or inactive uranium would not be sufficient to sustain a viable duction from this propertv resumed in the Anderson, mines in New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines domestic uranium industry by the end of sameyear and continued into 7977. and Mineral Resources,Open-file Report 148, 768 pp, 1966 when the AEC procurement program At an AEC leasesaleheld on May t5,1974, Evans,T. O.,1957,Explorationof uranium deposits,section 19,T13N, R10W,NMBL and PM, near Grants. New was scheduledto end. Thus, on November GeorgeF. Warnockwas the successfulbidder Mexico:U.S. Atomic Energy Comission, ReportRMO20, 7962, the AEC announced its "stretch- to leasethe SEl/+,S1/zN1/z sec.13,T13N, R11W 998, 1.4pp. (releasedto open files in L982). out" program for t967 through 1970.Under for uranium mining. Warnock's royalty bid Hilpert, L. S., 1969,UraniumresourcesofnorthwestNew Mexico:U.S. GeologicalSuruey,ProfessionalPaper503, the program, the milling companies could of 5.55Vaon the first 190,000lbs U,O, pro1.66pp. voluntarily defer delivery of a portion of their duced was the highest percentagereceived. V C., compiler, 7953, Geology and technology of 1963-1966contract commitments until l96Z The lease *as ,p"proue'don Juie 12, 1974, Kelley, the Grants uranium region: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and 1968in return for an AEC commitment and after a period of exploration drilling, and Mineral Resources,Menoir 1,5,277pp. to purchase,in7969 and7970,an additional mining commenced in October 1975. The Mclemore, V. T., 1983a,Uranium industry in New Mexico-history, production, and present status: New amount of UrO8equal to the quantity so de- lease, designated NM-B-1 by the federal Mexico Geology, v. 5, no. 3, p. 45-51. ferred. The "stretih-out" program was the government, was reassigned to the Todilto Mclemore, V T., 1983b, Uranium and thorium occurlast of the major policy changesmade in the Exploration and Development Corporation rencesin New Mexico-distribution, geology, production, AEC procurementprogram. and resources/with selectedbibliography: New on March 23, 1976.In addition to producing Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources.OoenThe price to be paid for the deferred ma- ore from new underground mines on the lease file Report 183,950 pp. terial in t967 and 1968would be $8.00/lb,the block,Todilto Explorationlocatedand mined Mining World, 1951,Santa Fe Railroad Company evalusame as the 1962-1966contracts. The price a new orebody in the SW1/+sec. 13, a Santa ates Grants, New Mexico, uranium deposits: Mining W o r l d ,v 1 3 , n o . 4 , p p . 3 7 , 5 8 . to be paid in 1969 and 1970for concentrate Fe RailwayCompanylease(HaystackNo. 2). produced from properties controlled by the Production from the mines on the leaseblock Rapaport,Iruing, 1952,An interim report on ore deposits of the Grants district, New Mexico, part Ill-descripmilling companywould be calculatedwith a and in the southwestquarter continued until tion of the individual properties: U.S. Atomic Energy formula basedon costsduring the 1963-7968 1981and 1979,respectively. Commission,ReportRMO-840, 73 pp. (releasedto open files in 1983). period, not to exceedfi6.7011b. The price for A sharp rise in uranium prices, beginning all concentratesproduced from ores pur- in about 1,974,rcsulted in renewed interest Rautman, C. A., compiler, 1980, Geology and mineral technology of ihe Grants uranium region 1979: New chased from independent producers would in Todilto orebodies.Hence, exploration and Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Mernbe $6.7011b of containedU.Or. In the Grants mining increasedin the late I970's. Explooir 38, 400pp. area, all mills participated in the "stretch- ration drilling by RanchersExploration and Reyner, M. L., and Sheridan, M. J., 1950, Preliminary report on uranium depositsin McKinley and Valencia out" program, and Todilto mines that pro- Development Corporation located orebodies [now Cibola] Counties, near Grants, New Mexico: U.S. duced in the t962-1.966period were pro- in the Todilto Limestone in the southern porAtomic Energy Commission, Report RMO-507, 52 pp. vided a market through 1970. tion of sec. 19, T13N, R9E, the railroad sec(releasedto open files in 1982). lnl954, Congresspassedthe PrivateOwn- tion where the PoisonCanvonmine (Morrison Towle, C. C., and Rapaport, Irving, 1952,Uranium deposits of the Grants dishict, New Mexico: Mining- Enership of SpecialNuclear Materials Act. This Formation)is located. A440-ft shaft, named gineering, 4, no. 11, pp. 1037-1,040. act initiated the transition from a govern- the Hope mine, was sunk to the orebody. U.S. Atomic v.Energy Commission and U.5. Geological ment uranium market to a commercial ura- Productionbeganin 7977and continued inio Suruey,1951,Prospectingfor uranium-part 50, Guaranteed minimum pdce for uranium-bearing camotitenium market, which would supply the nuclear 1981.In !979, approximately50% of the total type or roscoelite-typeores of Colorado Plateau area: power plants.Although severalmines in the Todilto production camefrom the Hope mine. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, pp. 88Grants area supplied uranium to both the Todilto Exploration and Development Cor94. government and private industry in the late poration located additional ore in the north1960's,all Todilto production during that time ern part of sec.30, T13N, R9W.Todilto sunk was acquired by the AEC. a 1,000-ftlong decline, named the Piedra TriAfter reachingan all-time-highpeakin 1959, este mine, which produced ore in 1979 and production declined to a low of 1.38 tons 1980. U.O, in t969; orc reseryes that were eligible In addition to the propertiesalreadymenunder the AEC's November 24, 1958, an- tioned, five other mines alsoproducedin the nouncementwere depleted by then. A final postAEC period (1971-1981): Sec.19,T13N, cleanupeffort of the mines in sec.30, T13N, R10W Sec.25, T13N, R10W;Roundy Lease; R9W resultedin an increaseof production to Billy the Kid; and the Red Bluff. 13.65tons UrO, in 7970, the final year of the Declining uranium prices, beginning in AEC's procurement program. en egC taU- early 1980,forced the closure of the mines ulation of Grants production bv I. M. Gav in the Todilto. The last production from the (pers. comm., 1972)indicates tirat througir Todilto Limestone was recorded in August 1970 mines in the Todilto Limestone pro- L981from the Hope mine. In the future, when duced 1,053,744tons of ore that contained uranium prices rise, mining of orebodiesin 4,627,357lbs UrO, and averaged0.227olJ 3O,. the Todiltb Limestonewiil nb doubt resume. Becausemy data is recordedin tons U3OEit ACKNOwLEDGlrnvrs--This report would not is necessaryto convert Gay's pounds U.O, have been completed without the encourto tons (by dividing by 2,000) for a compar- agementof Vireinia T. Mclemore of the New ison. Converting pounds to tons UrOr, Giy's Mexico Burearl of Mines and Mineral Renumber of 2,313.68tons, checks extremelv sources. The compilation by Elizabeth A. well with my independent tabulation o'f Learnedof the pre-l954 production from the 2,313.57tons. various mill receipts to the AEC is gratefully Beginning on January t, 1971,the uranium acknowledged. A critical review of th-e Nan Mexico Geolqy November 1985