Office of Institutional Effectiveness 2011-2012 SENIOR SURVEY SUMMARY REPORT VISION We seek to become recognized for providing bright and curious students a holistic learning experience that occurs both in and out of the classroom; for being relentlessly focused on learning outcomes; for embracing and solving today’s greatest educational challenges; and for bringing fresh and pragmatic thinking to the problems facing communities, businesses, and governments in Indiana and beyond. OIE Office of Institutional Effectiveness November 2012 OIE No. SEN-S1-2012 2011-2012 SENIOR SURVEY SUMMARY REPORT Brian Pickerill William Knight Rebecca Costomiris (Editor) Office of Institutional Effectiveness Ball State University November 2012 OIE No. SEN-S1-2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • • • The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) developed the Senior Survey in order to collect information from graduating seniors about their satisfaction with various aspects of their education, their experiences while enrolled, the extent to which they made academic and personal gains as a result of their Ball State education, and their plans for employment and further education. • While about 26% of respondents indicated that they will have no student loan debt, approximately 38% indicated they will owe $20,000 or more. • While enrolled at Ball State, the majority of respondents were employed and participated in a social club, fraternity, or sorority. More than 73% reported having participated in volunteer/service work. The Senior Survey was first used with December 2011 baccalaureate graduates. OIE plans to use it with graduating seniors each semester. This report describes the results of the December 2011 and May 2012 administration of the Senior Survey. Satisfaction With Ball State Experiences Of 2,451 graduating seniors contacted, 1,431 responded to the Senior Survey for a 58% response rate. Demographic and Educational Characteristics • Respondent characteristics were very much like those for all graduates; however, females were somewhat more likely to respond than males. Respondents were very similar to the population of all graduates by GPA, credit hours earned, transfer hours, advanced credit hours, entry type, age, and Honors College enrollment. Experiences at Ball State • The majority of respondents reported having graduated in 4 or fewer years. Females were more likely to graduate on time than were males. • More than three quarters of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with Ball State overall and with with the quality of instruction in their major, class size, computer resources, and library resources. • Females tended to have higher levels of satisfaction than males with many Ball State experiences. • Results for many satisfaction items varied significantly by college. College of Applied Sciences and Technology; Teachers College; and Communication, Information, and Media respondents tended to have higher levels of satisfaction on some items than did respondents in other colleges. Academic and Personal Gains • More than 64% of respondents indicated they have gained quite a bit or very much with regard to each item in this section. The highest gains were attributed to understanding abilities, interests, and values and developing knowledge and skills applicable to a career—about 83% indicated they i gained quite a bit or very much in these areas. • Male respondents were more likely than female respondents to indicate they have interviewed or accepted a job offer. • Plans to complete a master’s or doctoral degree varied widely by college, from a high of 62% in Architecture and Planning and 60% in the College of Sciences and Humanities to a low of 21% in the College of Communication, Information, and Media. Employment and Plans for Further Education • About three quarters (74.3%) of respondents indicated it is likely they would be employed or seeking employment after graduation. About 19% reported they will likely attend graduate or professional school. • About 46% of respondents indicated they have participated in an internship, and nearly an additional 13% were planning an internship after graduation • Minority respondents were more likely than white respondents to indicate that they plan to earn a master’s or doctoral degree. Open-Ended Responses • The majority of additional comments were general statements of satisfaction with graduation and completing degree requirements. Many students commented on their major or minor department. Other areas that were often mentioned by respondents were academic advising, faculty, career and educational advancement, and parking services. ! ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Background and Methodology ...................................................................................................... 1 Demographic and Educational Characteristics ............................................................................. 3 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Sex of Respondent and Population Groups ............................................................. 4 Age of Respondent ad Population Groups ............................................................... 4 Degree Type of Respondent and Population Groups............................................... 4 Honors College Enrollment of Respondent and Population Groups ....................... 4 Entry Type of Respondent and Population Groups ................................................. 4 Respondent and Population Profile by Department and College Comparison of Respondents and All Graduating Seniors by Age, GPA (Major, Overall), and Credit Hours (Ball State, Transfer, Advanced, Total) ......... 6 Experiences at Ball State .............................................................................................................. 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 9a Table 9b Table 9c Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Years Enrolled at Ball State at Time of Graduation .............................................. 10 Student Work, Curricular, Athletic, and Social Experiences by Semester ........... 10 Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by Sex .................................... 11 Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by Race .................................. 13 Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by College .............................. 15 Overall Experience at Ball State ........................................................................... 19 Number of Times Respondents Report Changing Majors .................................... 21 Where Respondents Resided ................................................................................ 21 How Respondents Covered Their Annual College Costs ..................................... 22 Student Loan Debt at Time of Graduation............................................................ 22 Satisfaction With Ball State Experiences ................................................................................... 23 Figure 1 Table 15 Table 15a Table 15b Table 15c Percent Satisfied or Very Satisfied with Ball State Experiences ......................... 26 Satisfaction With Experiences (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents).......... 27 Significant Differences by Sex (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) ......... 30 Significant Differences in Satisfaction by Race .................................................. 32 Significant Differences in Satisfaction by College .............................................. 33 iii Page Academic and Personal Gains ..................................................................................................... 37 Table 16 Evaluation of Academic and Personal Gains (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) ........................................................... 39 Table 16a Significant Differences in Academic and Personal Gains by Sex ....................... 40 Table 16b Significant Differences in Academic and Personal Gains by Race ..................... 41 Table 16c Significant Differences in Academic and Personal Gains by College ................. 42 Employment and Plans for Further Education ............................................................................ 43 Table 17 Principle Activity Upon Graduation by Semester ............................................... 45 Table 18 Internships, Interviews, and Job Acceptance (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) ........................................................... 46 Table 19 Full- or Part-Time Employment (Spring Respondents) ....................................... 46 Table 19a Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by Sex .............. 47 Table 19b Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by Race .......... 49 Table 19c Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by College ....... 50 Table 20 Employers of Spring Respondents Who Reported Accepting a Job Offer .......... 52 Table 21 Relationship of Employment With Major Field of Study at Ball State ............... 56 Table 22 Income From Primary Employment .................................................................... 56 Table 23 Plans for Further Education ................................................................................. 57 Table 24 Graduate Schools Respondents Plan to Attend.................................................... 58 Open-Ended Responses .............................................................................................................. 59 Table 25 iv Distribution of Open-Ended Responses by Category .......................................... 60 BACKGROUND AND METHODOLOGY Summary The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) developed the Senior Survey to collect information from graduating seniors about their experiences while enrolled, their satisfaction with various aspects of their education, the extent to which they made academic and personal gains as a result of their Ball State education, and their plans for employment and further education. The literature on college student’s learning, development, and persistence clearly shows that these traits play a crucial role in students’ outcomes. The Senior Survey was first used with December 2011 baccalaureate graduates. OIE plans to use it with graduating seniors each semester. This report describes the results of the December 2011 and May 2012 administration of the Senior Survey. Results were analyzed by noting the percentage of respondents who chose a certain response to each survey item. Percentages may not always sum to 100 due to rounding. The report sections that follow highlight these results. In addition, group differences among survey respondents were investigated (female vs. male, minority graduates vs. non-minority graduates, and college vs. college); significant differences are noted where they occurred. Some refinements were made to the survey after the Fall 2011 administration. These changes are pointed out in the report where appropriate. Students were also asked to add additional comments at the end of the survey. These have been categorized by topic area as shown in the final section of the report. Comments are listed in the appendix by topic area. 1 2 DEMOGRAPHIC AND EDUCATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS Summary Graduating seniors were asked to describe themselves in terms of their demographic and educational characteristics. This information was used both to describe the respondents and to compare the participants with all graduating seniors. In this section, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 survey data are combined. Tables contain data for both semesters. • Females were significantly overrepresented in the survey (61%) as compared to the population (57%). (Table 1) • Most graduating seniors were age 22 or 23; about 8% were 25 or older. (Table 2) • Most were receiving BS or BA degrees. There was no significant difference between respondents and the population of all graduates by degree type. (Table 3) • About 8% of graduating seniors participated in the Honors College. (Table 4) • Among all graduates, at least 75% were regular entry type, about 10% were enrolled in Honors College programs, and about 5% each were unknown, other, or conditional entry types. Respondent entry type characteristics were very similar. (Table 5) • The largest portion of respondents was from the College of Sciences and Humanities (33%). Other large percentages include Teachers College (24%); the College of Applied Sciences and Technology (16%); the College of Communications, Information and Media (14%); and the Miller College of Business (12%). Respondents were very similar to all graduates by department and college. (Table 6.) • The mean age of respondents was 23. Respondents’ mean grade point average (GPA) in their majors was 2.70, while their overall mean GPA was 3.20. Respondents’ mean Ball State credit hours (not including transfer hours) was 111, mean transfer hours was 3, mean advanced credit hours was 3, and mean total hours was 122. (Table 7) 3 Table 1 Sex of Respondent and Population Groups Group Respondents Population 61.4% 57.4% 38.6% 42.6% Total 1431 2451 † Females comprised a significantly larger group among respondents than among the population. Sex† Female Male Table 2 Age of Respondent and Population Groups Group Age 20-21 22 23 24 25 or older Total Respondents 13.0% 46.9% 25.6% 6.4% 8.2% 1431 Population 12.2% 46.9% 25.2% 7.2% 8.5% 2449 Table 3 Degree Type of Respondent and Population Groups Group Degree BA BFA BGS BLA BM BS BSW BUP Total Respondents 19.4% 2.4% 4.4% 1.7% 1.3% 67.9% 2.0% 1.0% 1431 Population 18.9% 3.8% 5.0% 1.3% 1.1% 67.4% 1.6% .9% 2451 Table 4 Honors College Enrollment of Respondent and Population Groups Group Honors No Yes Total Respondents 91.8% 8.2% 1431 Population 92.4% 7.6% 2451 Table 5 Entry Type of Respondent and Population Groups Group Entry Type Total 4 Regular Honors Unknown Other Conditional Respondents 75.1% 10.1% 6.3% 4.4% 4.1% 1431 Population 75.8% 9.6% 5.4% 4.9% 4.3% 2451 Table 6 Respondent and Population Profile by Department and College Combined Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 Respondents Department Population AY 20112012 Response Percent Rate College N Percent N CAST 72 35 79 39 225 5.0% 2.4% 5.5% 2.7% 15.7% 125 58 122 64 369 5.1% 2.4% 5.0% 2.6% 15.1% 57.6% 60.3% 64.8% 60.9% 61.0% CAP 33 24 14 71 2.3% 1.7% 1.0% 5.0% 65 32 23 120 2.7% 1.3% .9% 4.9% 50.8% 75.0% 60.9% 59.2% CFA 51 37 12 6 17 43 166 39 36 26 101 3.6% 2.6% .8% .4% 1.2% 3.0% 11.6% 2.7% 2.5% 1.8% 7.1% 95 71 25 11 34 70 306 88 58 59 205 3.9% 2.9% 1.0% .4% 1.4% 2.9% 12.5% 3.6% 2.0% 2.4% 8.0% 53.7% 52.1% 48.0% 54.5% 50.0% 61.4% 54.2% 44.3% 62.1% 44.1% 49.3% Interdepartmental Science & Humanities Anthropology Biology Chemistry Computer Science Criminal Justice and Criminology English Modern Languages and Classics Geography Geology History Mathematical Sciences Natural Resources and EM Philosophy Physics & Astronomy Physiology & Health Science 8 12 60 20 15 46 36 32 15 2 24 19 13 8 1 9 .6% .8% 4.2% 1.4% 1.0% 3.2% 2.5% 2.2% 1.0% .1% 1.7% 1.3% .9% .6% .1% .6% 13 15 92 26 23 84 64 48 26 8 44 27 23 12 5 16 .5% .6% 3.8% 1.1% .9% 3.4% 2.6% 2.0% 1.1% .3% 1.8% 1.1% .9% .5% .2% .7% 61.5% 80.0% 65.2% 76.9% 65.2% 54.8% 56.3% 66.7% 57.7% 25.0% 54.5% 70.4% 56.5% 66.7% 20.0% 56.3% Family and Consumer Sciences Technology School of Nursing School of Physical Education Architecture Landscape Architecture Urban Planning Interdepartmental MCOB Accounting ISOM Economics Finance and Insurance Marketing and Management MCOB Art School of Music Theatre and Dance 5 Table 6 Respondent and Population Profile by Department and College (continued) Combined Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 N Percent N Percent AY 20102011 Response Rate 11 69 28 14 27 .8% 4.8% 2.0% 1.0% 1.9% 22 117 40 24 36 .9% 4.8% 1.6% 1.0% 1.5% 50.0% 59.0% 70.0% 58.3% 75.0% CSH Interdepartmental Teachers College Elementary Education Special Education Secondary Education (also shown in content area*) TC 469 23 32.8% 1.6% 765 39 31.2% 1.6% 61.3% 59.0% 90 17 206 6.3% 1.2% 14.4% 154 29 358 6.3% 1.2% 14.6% 58.4% 58.6% 57.5% 336 23.5% 580 23.7% 57.9% Journalism Communication Studies Telecommunications 60 37 100 197 72 4.2% 2.6% 7.0% 13.8% 5.0% 95 53 177 325 139 3.9% 2.2% 7.2% 13.3% 5.0% 63.2% 69.8% 56.5% 60.6% 51.8% 1431 100.0% 2451 100.0% 58.4% Respondents Department College Political Science Psychological Science Social Work Sociology Speech Pathology & Audiology CCIM General Studies/Other University Total Population * Secondary Education Majors are shown in both their content majors and in Secondary Education. These cases are included only once in the totals for colleges and the University. Table 7 Comparison of Respondents and All Graduating Seniors by Age, GPA (Major, Overall) and Credit Hours (Ball State, Transfer, Advanced, Total) Respondents Population Mean Age 23.06 Major GPA 2.70 BSU Hours 110.88 Transfer Hours 10.71 Total Hours 121.59 Advanced Hours 3.21 Overall GPA 3.20 N 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 1431 Std. Deviation 3.58 1.31 21.28 20.00 20.64 5.94 0.45 Mean 22.99 2.69 111.04 10.41 121.44 2.97 3.17 N 2451 2449 2451 2451 2451 2451 2451 Std. Deviation 3.27 1.29 21.00 19.92 20.46 5.51 0.46 When the above demographic and academic characteristics of all respondents were compared with those of all graduating seniors, no statistically significant differences were found. 6 EXPERIENCES AT BALL STATE Summary Graduating seniors were asked how long it took them to graduate and whether or not they participated in various experiences such as working on campus or joining a club or fraternal organization. They were also asked the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with several statements about their experiences at Ball State, how they covered their college expenses, how much they owe in student loans, and how many times they changed their majors. Many of the tables in this section show Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 results separately. Where significant differences exist between groups by sex, race, age, or college, those tables show combined Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 results by those demographics. Overall Responses • • • get into the courses required for my degree program”, “I have met with a faculty member outside of class to talk over questions or concerns about my class work”, and “Most other students at Ball State are friendly and helpful.” They were least likely to agree or strongly agree with the statements “I have talked about personal problems with a Ball State faculty or staff member”, “My advisor helped me explore and clarify my educational goals”, “Most students at Ball State have values similar to my own”, and “I have attended cultural events on campus.” (Table 10) • More than one half of all respondents stated that they never changed their majors while they were enrolled at Ball State, while about 30% said they changed their majors once, and 14% reported changing their majors at least twice. (Table 11) • As a general trend, respondents reported that they lived 1 or 2 years on campus and 2 or 3 years in an apartment or house near campus. Most reported that they did not spend any time living five miles or more from campus. (Table 12) • Most of the participants reported financing their college expenses from Pell Grants, on- and off-campus employment, savings, and other sources. (Table 13) • While about 26% of respondents indicated that they will have no student loan debt, nearly 39% indicated they will owe $20,000 or more. (Table 14) ! While about half of respondents reported they will graduate in 4 years, most fall (December) respondents reported taking 4-5 years to graduate, while most spring (May) respondens reported graduating in 4 years. (Table 8) While enrolled, the majority of respondents indicated they were employed and participated in a social club, fraternity, or sorority. More than 73% reported having participated in volunteer/service work. (Table 9) In a series of 22 statements about which students were asked to indicate their level of agreement, participants were most likely to agree or strongly agree with the statements “I have participated in class discussions”, “I have developed close personal relationships with other students at Ball State”, “I am able to 7 Statistically Significant Differences by Sex • • • Female respondents were also more likely than male respondents to report spending a shorter time living in a residence hall or off-campus apartment, living at least five miles from campus, and participating in volunteer/service work or professional or student government organizations. (Table 9a) Female respondents were also more likely to strongly agree or agree that they have talked with a Ball State faculty or staff member about personal problems (53% of females compared with 44% of males). (Table 9a) • When asked about meeting faculty after class to discuss questions or concerns, males were over twice as likely to indicate they were undecided, compared with females. • Males were more likely than females to report that they participated in varsity or intercollegiate athletics and covered a higher amount of their educational expenses with savings from summer employment or oncampus jobs. (Table 9a) • 8 Females were significantly more likely than males to graduate within 4 years. Nearly 7 in 10 female respondents (69%) said that they graduated within 4 years, compared with fewer than 6 in 10 male respondents (58%). (Table 9a) Males were also more likely than females to indicate they received more than $3,000 in Pell Grants, covered at least $1,500 of their educational expenses using offcampus employment, or covered less than $500 or more than $1,500 of their educational expenses with oncampus jobs. (Table 9a) • When asked about faculty seeming to be generally interested in students, male respondents were nearly twice as likely to indicate they were undecided, compared with females. Male respondents were more likely to strongly agree, but less likely to agree overall. (Table 9a) Statistically Significant Differences by Race • Minority respondents were more likely than non-minority respondents to indicate they received more than $1,500 in other college grants/ scholarships. (Table 9b) • Minority respondents were also more likely than other respondents to report that they participated or held office in social clubs, fraternities, or sororities. (Table 9b) • Finally, minority respondents were much more likely than other respondents to agree or strongly agree that they have attended cultural events on campus. (Table 9b) Statistically Significant Differences by College • Many items were significantly different when respondents are compared and contrasted by college of major. • When looking at time to graduate, University College respondents took considerably longer than respondents who graduated from other colleges. Only 45% of University College students graduated in 4 years or less, compared to a high of about 71% in the College of Sciences and Humanities and the College of Communication, Information, and Media. (Table 9c) • • • College of Fine Arts respondents were most likely to indicate they held an on-campus job (71%), followed by College of Communication, Information, and Media respondents (62%). Teachers College and University College respondents were least likely to have had on-campus employment (42%). (Table 9c) University College (73%) and College of Applied Science and Technology respondents (71%) were most likely to indicate they had offcampus employment. Architecture and Planning respondents (33%) were much less likely to hold offcampus employment while attending Ball State. (Table 9c) College of Architecture and Planning (70%) and College of Communication, Information, and Media (73%) respondents were most likely to indicate that they participated in internships or co-ops compared to respondents from other colleges. Less than 35% of College of Fine Arts, Teachers College, and University College respondents reported internships or co-op experiences on the survey. (Table 9c) • An average of about 43% of all respondents reported they participated in immersive learning experiences. This figure was particularly high in the College of Communication, Information, and Media (58%), Teachers College (53%), and the College of Architecture and Planning (48%). It was particularly low among Miller College of Business (32%) and especially University College respondents (22%). (Table 9c) • Miller College of Business respondents were most likely to report that they participated in or were an officer in a social club or fraternity or sorority. Teachers College respondents were the least likely to report these two experiences. (Table 9c) • More than 82% of College of Applied Sciences and Technology and nearly 86% of Teachers College respondents reported having participated in volunteer/service work, compared to an average of 73% among the colleges and a low of 56% in the College of Fine Arts. (Table 9c) 9 Table 8 Years Enrolled at Ball State at Time of Graduation How many years will you have been enrolled at Ball State by the time you graduate? Semester Fall Less than four years Four years Between four and five years More than five years N 25.9% 4.7% 58.4% 11.0% 344 Spring Total 10.9% 14.5% 64.2% 49.8% 19.5% 28.9% 5.4% 6.7% 1081 1425 Table 9 Student Work, Curricular, Athletic, and Social Experiences by Semester While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever… Percentage “Yes” Semester …work at a job on campus …work at a job off campus …participate in an internship or co-op …participate in an immersive learning experience …participate in a social club, fraternity, or sorority …serve as an officer in a social club, fraternity, or sorority …participate in volunteer/service work …participate in varsity/intercollegiate athletics …participate in a professional or student government organization N Fall 48.0% 67.5% 45.4% n/a Spring 56.4% 58.5% 50.5% 42.7% Total 54.3% 60.8% 49.2% 42.7% 53.6% 56.6% 55.9% 26.4% 31.6% 30.3% 70.5% 74.3% 73.4% 8.5% 10.9% 10.3% 18.8% 28.6% 26.1% 329 969 1298 Respondents were instructed to check all that applied. 10 Table 9a Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by Sex Sex Total Female How many years will you have been enrolled at Ball State by the time you graduate? Less than four years Four years Between four and five years Male N 138 Percent 15.8% 462 N 69 Percent 12.6% 52.7% 248 236 26.9% N 207 Percent 14.5% 45.2% 710 49.8% 176 32.1% 412 28.9% More than five years Yes 40 4.6% 56 10.2% 96 6.7% 630 78.0% 323 65.8% 953 73.4% No 178 22.0% 168 34.2% 346 26.6% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in varsity /intercollegiate athletics Yes 72 8.9% 61 12.5% 133 10.3% No 735 91.1% 428 87.5% 1163 89.7% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in a professional or student government organization Yes 229 28.4% 110 22.4% 339 26.1% No 578 71.6% 381 77.6% 959 73.9% On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -Savings from summer work None 241 31.2% 127 26.9% 368 29.6% $1-$499 191 24.7% 96 20.3% 287 23.1% $500-$1499 215 27.8% 117 24.8% 332 26.7% $1500-$3000 90 11.6% 85 18.0% 175 14.1% Over $3000 36 4.7% 47 10.0% 83 6.7% None 441 57.3% 262 55.9% 703 56.8% $1-$499 163 21.2% 83 17.7% 246 19.9% $500-$1499 105 13.7% 64 13.6% 169 13.7% $1500-$3000 42 5.5% 34 7.2% 76 6.1% Over $3000 18 2.3% 26 5.5% 44 3.6% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in volunteer/service work On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -On-campus jobs 11 Table 9a Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by Sex (continued) Sex Total Female On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -Off-campus jobs On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -Pell Grant During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you… -live in a campus residence hall or house During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you… -live in an apartment or house near campus During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you -live at least 5 miles away from campus 12 Male N 375 Percent 48.9% 238 Percent 51.2% 613 Percent 49.8% $1-$499 144 18.8% 58 12.5% 202 16.4% $500-$1499 149 19.4% 75 16.1% 224 18.2% $1500-$3000 67 8.7% 58 12.5% 125 10.1% Over $3000 32 4.2% 36 7.7% 68 5.5% 472 62.0% 289 62.4% 761 62.2% $1-$499 24 3.2% 21 4.5% 45 3.7% $500-$1499 82 10.8% 29 6.3% 111 9.1% $1500-$3000 100 13.1% 59 12.7% 159 13.0% Over $3000 83 10.9% 65 14.0% 148 12.1% None 127 16.0% 90 18.6% 217 17.0% One Year 203 25.5% 142 29.4% 345 27.0% Two Years 314 39.5% 144 29.8% 458 35.8% Three Years 85 10.7% 48 9.9% 133 10.4% Four or More Years None 66 8.3% 59 12.2% 125 9.8% 150 19.0% 93 19.4% 243 19.2% One Year 113 14.3% 60 12.5% 173 13.7% Two Years 301 38.2% 116 24.2% 417 32.9% Three Years 183 23.2% 145 30.3% 328 25.9% Four or More Years None 41 5.2% 65 13.6% 106 8.4% 484 63.4% 315 70.3% 799 65.9% One Year 85 11.1% 42 9.4% 127 10.5% Two Years 69 9.0% 23 5.1% 92 7.6% Three Years 51 6.7% 32 7.1% 83 6.8% Four or More Years 75 9.8% 36 8.0% 111 9.2% None None N N Table 9a Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by Sex (continued) Sex Total Female N Male 70 Percent 18.4% 118 Percent 19.7% 249 54.3% 368 61.3% Undecided 43 19.6% 83 13.8% Disagree 4.2% 6 2.7% 22 3.7% 6 1.6% 3 1.4% 9 1.5% 80 20.6% 26 10.6% 106 16.7% 127 32.7% 81 33.1% 208 32.9% Undecided 55 14.2% 50 20.4% 105 16.6% Disagree 78 20.1% 48 19.6% 126 19.9% Strongly Disagree 48 12.4% 40 16.3% 88 13.9% Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following -Most Ball State faculty and staff seem generally interested in students. Strongly Agree Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following -I have talked about personal problems with a Ball State faculty or staff member. Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree Agree N 48 Percent 21.9% 65.4% 119 40 10.5% 16 N 13 Table 9b Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by Race Black White Other Total While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever...participate in a social club, fraternity, or sorority Yes N 30 Percent 81.1% N 646 Percent 55.6% N 19 Percent 82.6% N 695 Percent 56.9% No 7 18.9% 516 44.4% 4 17.4% 527 43.1% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever...serve as an officer in a social club, fraternity, or sorority Yes 17 45.9% 348 30.0% 10 43.5% 375 30.7% No 20 54.1% 813 70.0% 13 56.5% 846 69.3% On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -Other college grants/scholarships None 6 16.7% 390 35.0% 9 42.9% 405 34.6% $1-$499 2 5.6% 109 9.8% 1 4.8% 112 9.6% $500-$1499 4 11.1% 180 16.2% 1 4.8% 185 15.8% $1500-$3000 7 19.4% 132 11.9% 3 14.3% 142 12.1% Over $3000 17 47.2% 302 27.1% 7 33.3% 326 27.9% Strongly Agree Agree 11 47.8% 61 12.0% 5 38.5% 77 14.1% 8 34.8% 207 40.7% 3 23.1% 218 40.0% Undecided 3 13.0% 107 21.0% 2 15.4% 112 20.6% Disagree 1 4.3% 94 18.5% 2 15.4% 97 17.8% 40 7.9% 1 7.7% 41 7.5% Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -I have attended cultural events on campus. 14 Strongly Disagree Table 9c Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by College College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N How many years will you have been enrolled at Ball State by the time you graduate? Less than four years Four years Between four and five years More than five years 22 Percent 9.9% 102 78 College of Architecture and Planning N 2 Percent 2.9% 45.7% 40 35.0% 26 Miller College of Business N 24 Percent 14.5% 57.1% 83 37.1% 43 College of Fine Arts N 5 Percent 5.0% 50.3% 50 26.1% 36 Total College of Sciences and Humanities N 96 Percent 20.5% 49.5% 237 35.6% 112 Teachers College N 18 Percent 13.8% 50.6% 67 23.9% 37 College of Communication, Information, and Media N 28 Percent 14.3% 51.5% 111 28.5% 52 University College N 12 Percent 16.7% 56.6% 20 26.5% N 207 Percent 14.5% 27.8% 710 49.8% 28 38.9% 412 28.9% 21 9.4% 2 2.9% 15 9.1% 10 9.9% 23 4.9% 8 6.2% 5 2.6% 12 16.7% 96 6.7% Yes 102 47.9% 30 50.0% 73 50.0% 62 70.5% 250 58.3% 51 42.1% 110 61.8% 28 42.4% 706 54.3% No 111 52.1% 30 50.0% 73 50.0% 26 29.5% 179 41.7% 70 57.9% 68 38.2% 38 57.6% 595 45.7% Yes 152 71.4% 20 32.8% 89 61.4% 50 56.8% 252 58.9% 77 63.6% 102 57.3% 48 72.7% 790 60.8% No 61 28.6% 41 67.2% 56 38.6% 38 43.2% 176 41.1% 44 36.4% 76 42.7% 18 27.3% 510 39.2% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in an internship or co-op Yes 122 57.5% 42 70.0% 70 47.9% 30 34.1% 184 43.0% 41 33.9% 130 73.0% 20 30.3% 639 49.2% No 90 42.5% 18 30.0% 76 52.1% 58 65.9% 244 57.0% 80 66.1% 48 27.0% 46 69.7% 660 50.8% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in an immersive learning experience Yes 59 43.4% 28 47.5% 37 32.2% 29 44.6% 127 38.5% 45 52.9% 81 57.9% 9 22.0% 415 42.7% No 77 56.6% 31 52.5% 78 67.8% 36 55.4% 203 61.5% 40 47.1% 59 42.1% 32 78.0% 556 57.3% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in a social club, fraternity, or sorority Yes 117 55.2% 34 55.7% 93 63.7% 51 58.0% 240 55.9% 49 40.5% 110 61.8% 33 50.0% 727 55.9% No 95 44.8% 27 44.3% 53 36.3% 37 42.0% 189 44.1% 72 59.5% 68 38.2% 33 50.0% 574 44.1% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -serve as an officer in a social club, fraternity, or sorority Yes 69 32.4% 17 28.3% 58 39.7% 28 31.8% 122 28.5% 24 19.8% 54 30.3% 22 33.8% 394 30.3% No 144 67.6% 43 71.7% 88 60.3% 60 68.2% 306 71.5% 97 80.2% 124 69.7% 43 66.2% 905 69.7% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in volunteer/service work Yes 175 82.2% 40 66.7% 106 72.6% 49 56.3% 303 70.6% 103 85.8% 128 71.9% 49 74.2% 953 73.4% No 38 17.8% 20 33.3% 40 27.4% 38 43.7% 126 29.4% 17 14.2% 50 28.1% 17 25.8% 346 26.6% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -participate in a professional or student government organization Yes 54 25.4% 24 39.3% 56 38.4% 19 21.6% 91 21.4% 25 20.7% 57 32.2% 13 19.7% 339 26.1% No 159 74.6% 37 60.7% 90 61.6% 69 78.4% 335 78.6% 96 79.3% 120 67.8% 53 80.3% 959 73.9% While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -work at a job on campus While enrolled at Ball State, did you ever... -work at a job off campus 15 Table 9c Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by College (continued) College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -Savings from summer work None 45 Percent 22.5% $1-$499 44 $500-$1499 62 $1500-$3000 31 Over $3000 On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -On-campus jobs On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources ... -Off-campus jobs On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of the sources... -Other college grants/scholarships How many times have you changed your major while enrolled at Ball State? During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you… -live in a campus residence hall or house 16 N 13 Percent 22.0% 22.0% 12 31.0% 13 15.5% Miller College of Business N 43 Percent 30.1% 20.3% 32 22.0% 34 15 25.4% 24 College of Fine Arts N 16 Percent 19.3% 22.4% 28 23.8% 26 16.8% 9 College of Sciences and Humanities N 148 Percent 35.7% 33.7% 88 31.3% 108 10.8% 47 Teachers College N 32 Percent 28.3% 21.2% 25 26.0% 28 11.3% 21 N 45 Percent 26.3% 22.1% 45 24.8% 51 18.6% 21 University College N 26 Percent 42.6% 26.3% 13 29.8% 10 12.3% 7 N 368 Percent 29.6% 21.3% 287 23.1% 16.4% 332 26.7% 11.5% 175 14.1% 18 9.0% 6 10.2% 10 7.0% 4 4.8% 24 5.8% 7 6.2% 9 5.3% 5 8.2% 83 6.7% 124 61.7% 32 55.2% 87 61.3% 33 40.2% 222 54.3% 76 67.3% 88 50.9% 41 68.3% 703 56.8% $1-$499 40 19.9% 10 17.2% 24 16.9% 24 29.3% 81 19.8% 18 15.9% 41 23.7% 8 13.3% 246 19.9% $500-$1499 26 12.9% 5 8.6% 19 13.4% 17 20.7% 61 14.9% 14 12.4% 19 11.0% 8 13.3% 169 13.7% $1500-$3000 10 5.0% 6 10.3% 7 4.9% 5 6.1% 26 6.4% 5 4.4% 15 8.7% 2 3.3% 76 6.1% Over $3000 1 .5% 5 8.6% 5 3.5% 3 3.7% 19 4.6% 10 5.8% 1 1.7% 44 3.6% None 70 35.0% 39 70.9% 72 51.4% 43 52.4% 221 53.4% 55 49.1% 89 52.4% 24 40.7% 613 49.8% $1-$499 44 22.0% 3 5.5% 18 12.9% 12 14.6% 59 14.3% 26 23.2% 33 19.4% 7 11.9% 202 16.4% $500-$1499 50 25.0% 9 16.4% 21 15.0% 15 18.3% 74 17.9% 15 13.4% 23 13.5% 17 28.8% 224 18.2% $1500-$3000 26 13.0% 3 5.5% 20 14.3% 6 7.3% 39 9.4% 12 10.7% 16 9.4% 3 5.1% 125 10.1% Over $3000 10 5.0% 1 1.8% 9 6.4% 6 7.3% 21 5.1% 4 3.6% 9 5.3% 8 13.6% 68 5.5% None 79 39.3% 8 13.6% 55 38.7% 18 21.4% 141 34.2% 29 25.4% 77 45.0% 23 38.3% 430 34.6% $1-$499 21 10.4% 2 3.4% 9 6.3% 12 14.3% 36 8.7% 14 12.3% 17 9.9% 3 5.0% 114 9.2% $500-$1499 36 17.9% 9 15.3% 21 14.8% 12 14.3% 65 15.8% 15 13.2% 22 12.9% 13 21.7% 193 15.5% $1500-$3000 22 10.9% 7 11.9% 17 12.0% 14 16.7% 58 14.1% 17 14.9% 15 8.8% 6 10.0% 156 12.6% Over $3000 43 21.4% 33 55.9% 40 28.2% 28 33.3% 112 27.2% 39 34.2% 40 23.4% 15 25.0% 350 28.2% None None 137 64.9% 52 86.7% 75 51.0% 57 66.3% 200 47.5% 89 74.8% 107 61.1% 6 9.5% 723 56.4% One time 54 25.6% 7 11.7% 50 34.0% 20 23.3% 144 34.2% 24 20.2% 51 29.1% 29 46.0% 379 29.6% Two times 10 4.7% 1 1.7% 12 8.2% 5 5.8% 49 11.6% 2 1.7% 8 4.6% 12 19.0% 99 7.7% Three or more times 10 4.7% 10 6.8% 4 4.7% 28 6.7% 4 3.4% 9 5.1% 16 25.4% 81 6.3% None 40 19.0% One Year 63 Two Years 86 Three Years 7 11.7% 24 16.6% 7 8.1% 87 20.7% 21 17.6% 15 8.7% 16 25.4% 217 17.0% 29.9% 7 11.7% 43 29.7% 18 20.9% 102 24.2% 36 30.3% 58 33.5% 18 28.6% 345 27.0% 40.8% 22 36.7% 50 34.5% 44 51.2% 141 33.5% 35 29.4% 63 36.4% 17 27.0% 458 35.8% 16 7.6% 10 16.7% 14 9.7% 8 9.3% 43 10.2% 20 16.8% 19 11.0% 3 4.8% 133 10.4% 6 2.8% 14 23.3% 14 9.7% 9 10.5% 48 11.4% 7 5.9% 18 10.4% 9 14.3% 125 9.8% None 29 13.7% 13 22.0% 26 18.1% 11 13.1% 95 22.9% 28 23.5% 24 13.9% 17 27.0% 243 19.2% One Year 24 11.4% 6 10.2% 22 15.3% 7 8.3% 58 14.0% 19 16.0% 34 19.7% 3 4.8% 173 13.7% Two Years 77 36.5% 20 33.9% 38 26.4% 32 38.1% 134 32.4% 41 34.5% 58 33.5% 17 27.0% 417 32.9% Three Years 63 29.9% 14 23.7% 44 30.6% 28 33.3% 94 22.7% 23 19.3% 47 27.2% 15 23.8% 328 25.9% Four or More Years 18 8.5% 6 10.2% 14 9.7% 6 7.1% 33 8.0% 8 6.7% 10 5.8% 11 17.5% 106 8.4% Four or More Years During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you … -live in an apartment or house near campus College of Architecture and Planning Total College of Communication, Information, and Media Table 9c Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by College (continued) College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you -live at least 5 miles away from campus Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -I have developed a close personal relationship with at least one faculty or staff member at Ball State. Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -I have developed close personal relationships with other students at Ball State. 124 Percent 60.8% One Year 25 12.3% Two Years 16 7.8% Three Years 19 9.3% 2 3.6% Four or More Years 20 9.8% 2 Strongly Agree 35 32.7% Agree 50 Undecided 44 260 93 Percent 67.4% 9 6.5% 16 11 8.0% 15 10.9% 3.6% 10 10 30.3% 46.7% 15 14 13.1% Disagree 7 Strongly Disagree Percent 61.3% 799 Percent 65.9% 21.3% 39 9.8% 13 9.2% 10 16.1% 127 10.5% 4 5.3% 6 8.0% 35 8.8% 21 5.3% 11 6.7% 8 4.9% 6 9.7% 92 7.6% 4 6.5% 83 7.2% 5 6.7% 45 10.4% 13 6.8% 8.0% 4 6.5% 111 22 31.9% 24 54.5% 14 23.0% 9.2% 24 32.0% 9 31.0% 204 32.2% 45.5% 28 40.6% 16 41.4% 35 57.4% 40 53.3% 5 17.2% 278 43.9% 6 18.2% 11 15.9% 4 28 13.0% 5 8.2% 6 8.0% 6 20.7% 80 12.6% 6.5% 1 3.0% 7 10.1% 23 10.7% 4 6.6% 3 4.0% 8 27.6% 53 8.4% 1 .9% 1 3.0% 1 1.4% 9 4.2% 3 4.9% 2 2.7% 1 3.4% 18 2.8% Strongly Agree 59 55.1% 20 64.5% 43 57.3% 34 77.3% 114 54.3% 23 40.4% 57 67.1% 19 54.3% 369 57.3% Agree 43 40.2% 8 25.8% 21 28.0% 9 20.5% 72 34.3% 27 47.4% 24 28.2% 11 31.4% 215 33.4% Undecided 4 3.7% 2 6.5% 3 4.0% 1 2.3% 13 6.2% 6 10.5% 2 2.4% 1 2.9% 32 5.0% Disagree 1 .9% 7 9.3% 10 4.8% 1 1.8% 1 1.2% 2 5.7% 22 3.4% 1 .5% 1 1.2% 2 5.7% 6 .9% 3.2% 1 1.3% N N N 116 Percent 71.2% 11.3% 15 9 7.8% 8 7.0% 11.3% 12 66 30.7% 36.4% 89 9.1% University College 38 1 N Teachers College 73 N N Strongly Agree 22 23.2% 6 22.2% 20 24.7% 13 34.2% 63 29.9% 9 14.8% 36 45.0% 8 28.6% 177 28.5% Agree 43 45.3% 8 29.6% 36 44.4% 15 39.5% 75 35.5% 33 54.1% 29 36.3% 9 32.1% 248 39.9% Undecided 11 11.6% 6 22.2% 10 12.3% 5 13.2% 28 13.3% 5 8.2% 7 8.8% 2 7.1% 74 11.9% Disagree 15 15.8% 4 14.8% 13 16.0% 5 13.2% 34 16.1% 11 18.0% 7 8.8% 7 25.0% 96 15.5% Strongly Disagree Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -I have attended cultural events on campus. N College of Sciences and Humanities Percent 63.5% 51 Percent 92.7% College of Fine Arts Percent 65.0% None N Miller College of Business Percent 58.7% Strongly Disagree Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -I have become involved with activities on campus. College of Architecture and Planning Total College of Communication, Information, and Media 4 4.2% 3 11.1% 2 2.5% 11 5.2% 3 4.9% 1 1.3% 2 7.1% 26 4.2% Strongly Agree 10 9.8% 3 13.6% 7 10.1% 6 17.1% 27 14.2% 3 6.1% 20 26.3% 6 17.1% 82 14.2% Agree 38 37.3% 8 36.4% 26 37.7% 16 45.7% 82 43.2% 17 34.7% 34 44.7% 12 34.3% 233 40.3% Undecided 21 20.6% 5 22.7% 17 24.6% 4 11.4% 36 18.9% 14 28.6% 11 14.5% 8 22.9% 116 20.1% Disagree 27 26.5% 4 18.2% 15 21.7% 6 17.1% 31 16.3% 8 16.3% 8 10.5% 5 14.3% 104 18.0% 6 5.9% 2 9.1% 4 5.8% 3 8.6% 14 7.4% 7 14.3% 3 3.9% 4 11.4% 43 7.4% Strongly Disagree 17 Table 9c Significant Differences in Ball State Experiences by College (continued) College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -I have become involved with student organizations. Strongly Agree 30 Percent 32.3% Agree 39 9 14 Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -Most other students at Ball State are friendly and helpful. 41.9% 13 9.7% 3 15.1% 4 N 23 Percent 31.9% 44.8% 29 10.3% 7 13.8% 6 N 14 Percent 33.3% 40.3% 14 9.7% 6 8.3% College of Sciences and Humanities N 52 Percent 26.8% 33.3% 61 14.3% 17 8 19.0% Teachers College N 10 Percent 16.7% 31.4% 24 8.8% 8 37 19.1% N 36 Percent 42.9% 40.0% 36 13.3% 7 12 20.0% 4 University College N 9 Percent 28.1% 42.9% 10 8.3% 1 4.8% 10 N 182 Percent 30.0% 31.3% 226 37.3% 3.1% 58 9.6% 31.3% 95 15.7% 1 1.1% 1 3.4% 7 9.7% 27 13.9% 6 10.0% 1 1.2% 2 6.3% 45 7.4% 23.5% 7 21.2% 20 30.8% 10 23.3% 42 21.1% 9 14.5% 35 36.5% 5 17.9% 152 24.2% Agree 66 64.7% 23 69.7% 39 60.0% 23 53.5% 132 66.3% 52 83.9% 48 50.0% 18 64.3% 401 63.9% Undecided 10 9.8% 1 3.0% 5 7.7% 8 18.6% 19 9.5% 12 12.5% 5 17.9% 60 9.6% 1 1.0% 1 3.0% 1 2.3% 3 1.5% 8 1.3% Disagree 1 1.6% 1 1.0% 1 1.0% 1 3.0% 1 1.5% 1 2.3% 3 1.5% 7 1.1% Strongly Agree 19 19.2% 2 7.4% 17 20.5% 16 35.6% 41 20.5% 13 26.0% 36 38.7% 9 28.1% 153 24.3% Agree 40 40.4% 11 40.7% 32 38.6% 16 35.6% 65 32.5% 22 44.0% 35 37.6% 13 40.6% 234 37.2% Undecided 17 17.2% 6 22.2% 12 14.5% 8 17.8% 41 20.5% 7 14.0% 11 11.8% 4 12.5% 106 16.9% Disagree 14 14.1% 5 18.5% 15 18.1% 2 4.4% 21 10.5% 5 10.0% 4 4.3% 5 15.6% 71 11.3% 9 9.1% 3 11.1% 7 8.4% 3 6.7% 32 16.0% 3 6.0% 7 7.5% 1 3.1% 65 10.3% Strongly Agree 15 13.3% 4 14.8% 19 28.4% 19 41.3% 32 15.8% 12 22.6% 28 32.6% 9 25.7% 138 21.9% Agree 60 53.1% 16 59.3% 27 40.3% 14 30.4% 82 40.6% 27 50.9% 40 46.5% 16 45.7% 282 44.8% Undecided 15 13.3% 6 22.2% 15 22.4% 11 23.9% 54 26.7% 9 17.0% 10 11.6% 3 8.6% 123 19.6% Disagree 17 15.0% 1 3.7% 4 6.0% 1 2.2% 25 12.4% 4 7.5% 6 7.0% 4 11.4% 62 9.9% 6 5.3% 2 3.0% 1 2.2% 9 4.5% 1 1.9% 2 2.3% 3 8.6% 24 3.8% Strongly Disagree 18 8 Percent 27.6% College of Fine Arts 24 Strongly Disagree Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -The information that I received from my advisor was accurate. N Miller College of Business Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent would you agree with the following... -My advisor showed concern for my academic needs. College of Architecture and Planning Total College of Communication, Information, and Media Table 10 Overall Experience at Ball State Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent do you agree with the following… Strongly Agree 33.8% Agree 39.5% Undecided 12.7% Disagree 12.7% Strongly Disagree 1.3% Total 157 Spring 31.7% 45.4% 12.6% 6.9% 3.4% 476 Most Ball State faculty are friendly and helpful. Fall 25.5% 69.9% 3.9% .7% 0.0% 153 Spring 25.1% 59.5% 12.1% 2.2% 1.1% 454 Most Ball State faculty and staff seem generally interested in students. Fall 23.1% 59.6% 13.5% 2.6% 1.3% 156 Spring 18.5% 61.9% 14.0% 4.1% 1.6% 444 Most Ball State faculty are good teachers. Fall 18.7% 58.8% 16.5% 5.5% .5% 182 Spring 23.9% 57.4% 13.5% 4.1% 1.1% 465 Most of my classes at Ball State seem relevant and applicable to my future. Fall 14.3% 47.6% 25.2% 10.9% 2.0% 147 Spring 15.7% 53.0% 16.5% 12.6% 2.2% 492 I have participated in class discussions. Fall 50.0% 47.0% 2.4% .6% 0.0% 164 Spring 42.0% 53.2% 2.8% .6% 1.3% 462 I have participated in study groups. Fall 25.6% 53.9% 7.2% 8.3% 5.0% 180 Spring 20.0% 52.8% 12.6% 10.6% 4.1% 436 I have met with a faculty member outside of class to talk about questions or concerns over my class work. Fall 35.7% 52.2% 5.1% 4.5% 2.5% 157 Spring 33.0% 55.1% 5.1% 4.7% 2.0% 448 I have talked about personal problems with a Ball State faculty or staff member. Fall 19.0% 29.4% 13.5% 20.2% 17.8% 163 Spring 16.0% 34.0% 17.7% 19.8% 12.6% 470 I have talked about my career plans with a Ball State faculty or staff member. Fall 28.9% 48.8% 9.0% 12.0% 1.2% 166 Spring 31.8% 47.4% 8.5% 9.1% 3.3% 485 I have developed close personal relationships with other students at Ball State. Fall 54.4% 35.7% 4.7% 4.7% .6% 171 Spring 58.4% 32.6% 5.1% 3.0% 1.1% 473 I have developed a close personal relationship with at least one faculty or staff member at Ball State. Semester Fall 19 Table 10 Overall Experience at Ball State (continued) Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, to what extent do you agree with the following… Strongly Agree 28.4% Agree 40.0% Undecided 12.9% Disagree 14.2% Strongly Disagree 4.5% Total 155 Spring 28.5% 39.9% 11.6% 15.9% 4.1% 466 I have attended cultural events on campus. Fall 18.4% 35.5% 22.4% 15.1% 8.6% 152 Spring 12.7% 42.0% 19.2% 19.0% 7.0% 426 I have become involved with student organizations. Fall 25.4% 37.7% 13.0% 18.8% 5.1% 138 Spring 31.4% 37.2% 8.5% 14.7% 8.1% 468 Most other students at Ball State are friendly and helpful. Fall 17.7% 71.5% 8.2% 1.3% 1.3% 158 Spring 26.4% 61.3% 10.0% 1.3% 1.1% 470 It has been easy for me to get to know other students. Fall 34.1% 46.8% 13.9% 5.2% 0.0% 173 Spring 30.1% 53.1% 11.1% 5.1% .6% 469 Most students at Ball State have values similar to my own. Fall 9.4% 40.6% 34.7% 12.9% 2.4% 170 Spring 8.6% 43.6% 28.3% 14.9% 4.5% 463 My advisor showed concern for my academic needs. Fall 24.5% 35.8% 17.6% 10.1% 11.9% 159 Spring 24.3% 37.7% 16.6% 11.7% 9.8% 470 My advisor helped me explore and clarify my educational goals. Fall 19.0% 30.1% 22.9% 15.0% 13.1% 153 Spring 16.1% 34.8% 20.5% 16.1% 12.4% 483 I am able to get into the courses required for my degree program. Fall 36.3% 48.8% 5.6% 6.9% 2.5% 160 Spring 38.8% 50.4% 4.0% 5.6% 1.1% 448 The information that I received from my advisor was accurate. Fall 18.1% 45.7% 18.1% 12.3% 5.8% 138 Spring 23.0% 44.6% 20.0% 9.2% 3.3% 491 Most offices and staff at Ball State are friendly and helpful. Fall 26.7% 57.0% 10.3% 4.8% 1.2% 165 Spring 22.1% 56.5% 13.8% 6.2% 1.4% 485 I have become involved with activities on campus. 20 Semester Fall Table 11 Number of Times Respondents Report Changing Majors Semester Fall How many times have you changed your major while enrolled at Ball State? Total Spring Percent 51.4% N 168 Percent 58.1% N 555 Percent 56.4% Total 723 One time 31.8% 104 28.8% 275 29.6% 379 Two times 7.6% 25 7.7% 74 7.7% 99 Three or more times 9.2% 30 5.3% 51 6.3% 81 100.0% 327 100.0% 955 100.0% 1282 None Total Table 12 Where Respondents Resided During your enrollment at Ball State, about how many years did you… Fall Spring Combined None 22.9% 14.9% 17.0% One Year 28.4% 26.5% 27.0% Two Years 33.6% 36.6% 35.8% Three Years 8.6% 11.0% 10.4% Four or More Years 6.4% 10.9% 9.8% N 327 951 1278 live in an apartment or house near campus Fall Spring Combined 19.1% 19.2% 19.2% 11.4% 14.4% 13.7% 29.0% 34.3% 32.9% 30.2% 24.4% 25.9% 10.2% 7.7% 8.4% 324 943 1267 live at least 5 miles away from campus Fall Spring Combined 58.2% 68.6% 65.9% 14.6% 9.0% 10.5% 8.5% 7.3% 7.6% 7.6% 6.6% 6.0% 11.1% 8.5% 9.2% 316 896 1212 Semester live in a campus residence hall or house 21 Table 13 How Respondents Covered Their Annual College Costs On average, per year, how much of your educational expenses did you cover from each of these sources… (Check all that apply.) Semester Fall Parents, relatives, friends Spring 174 19.5% 270 30.3% 469 52.6% 507 56.8% 464 52.0% 589 66.0% 303 34.0% 247 27.7% 718 80.5% 892 72 23.5% 98 31.9% 159 51.8% 196 63.8% 149 48.5% 172 56.0% 127 41.4% 82 26.7% 250 81.4% 307 Savings from summer work Other savings On-campus jobs Off-campus jobs Pell Grant Other college grants/scholarships College loans Other than above Total Total 246 20.5% 368 30.7% 628 52.4% 703 58.6% 613 51.1% 761 63.5% 430 35.9% 329 27.4% 968 80.7% 1199 Percentages and totals are based on respondents. Table 14 Student Loan Debt at Time of Graduation Semester How much will you owe in student loans when you graduate? Total 22 Nothing Less than $5,000 $5,000 $9,999 $10,000 $14,999 $15,000 $19,999 $20,000 or more Fall 25.0% 3.7% 81 12 Spring 26.9% 3.8% 255 36 Total 26.4% 3.8% 336 48 7.1% 23 9.2% 87 8.6% 110 8.0% 26 9.9% 94 9.4% 120 12.3% 40 13.1% 124 12.9% 164 43.8% 142 37.1% 352 38.8% 494 100.0% 324 100.0% 948 100.0% 1272 SATISFACTION WITH BALL STATE EXPERIENCES Summary Respondents were asked about their level of satisfaction with a variety of experiences at Ball State, ranging from quality of instruction and academic advising, services to commuters, preparation for employment and graduate school, opportunities for immersive learning and civic engagement, diversity, facilities, library and computer resources, class size, faculty accessibility, and several student services. For these items, respondents were instructed to indicate their satisfaction on a seven-point scale ranging from very satisfied through very dissatisfied. First, all items are presented in terms of overall response. Then, statistically significant items by sex, race, and college of major are discussed. Some items in this section were randomly distributed to exactly half of all graduating seniors. This allows for the survey to be considerably shorter and facilitates a higher response rate for all graduates. • Slightly fewer respondents indicated they were satisfied or very satisfied with places to study (74%), the overall quality of instruction (72%), ease of access to instructors (70%), the condition of buildings (67%), campus dining services (62%), and preparation for their career (61%). (Figure 1 and Table 15) • A majority of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with feedback on assignments (57%), racial and ethnic diversity (57%), the availability of classes at times they needed them (53%), opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses (52%), and residence halls (52%). (Figure 1 and Table 15) • Services to commuters was the item with which the smallest percentage of respondents was satisfied or very satisfied. Only one third of all respondents reported being satisfied or very satisfied. Only 16% indicated they were at least somewhat dissatisfied, however. (Figure 1 and Table 15) • Other items where less than a majority of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied included the overall quality of academic advising (48%), career services (47%), concern for me as an individual (45%), financial aid (44%), opportunities for civic engagement (43%), helpfulness in preparing for further education (42%), the quality of instruction in required general studies (core curriculum) courses (41%), and helpfulness in preparing for employment (41%). (Figure 1 and Table 15) Overall Responses • • More than three quarters of respondents reported they were satisfied or very satisfied with Ball State overall. (Figure 1 and Table 15) Library resources (80%), class size (77%), quality of instruction in their major (76%), and computer resources (76%) had a similar or higher percentage of satisfied and very satisfied responses than did Ball State overall. (Figure 1 and Table 15) 23 Statistically Significant Differences by Sex • Female respondents were significantly more satisfied than male respondents with the overall quality of instruction, preparation for their career, the quality of instruction in their major, opportunities for civic engagement, and campus dining services. (Table 15a) • About 76% of females were satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of instruction, compared with only about 67% of males. (Table 15a) • About 80% of females were satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of instruction in their major, compared with only 70% of males. (Table 15a) • About 65% of females were satisfied or very satisfied with preparation for their careers, compared with only about 54% of males. (Table 15a) employment, helpfulness in preparing for further education, in opportunities for connecting with a local community (civic engagement), opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses, availability of classes when they needed them, campus dining services, and career services. (Table 15c) • College of Architecture and Planning respondents had among the highest levels of satisfaction in preparation for career, but were low on several satisfaction items relative to other college respondents. College of Architecture and Planning respondents exhibited lower than average levels of satisfaction with ease of access to instructors, helpfulness in preparing for further education, and campus dining services. They were lowest overall of all colleges on satisfaction with instruction in their major, overall quality of academic advising, helpfulness in preparing for employment, opportunities for connecting with a local community (civic engagement), and career services. (Table 15c) • Miller College of Business respondents indicated higher than average levels of satisfaction with the quality of instruction in core curriculum (general studies) courses and career services, and had among the highest levels of satisfaction of all colleges on availability of classes at times they needed them and helpfulness in preparing for employment. Miller College respondents had lower than average levels of satisfaction in opportunities for connecting with a local community (civic engagement) or Statistically Significant Differences by Race • Minority respondents were not as satisfied with campus dining services as were white respondents, in particular non-black minorities. About 78% of black respondents, 83% of white respondents, and only 67% of other minorities were at least somewhat satisfied with dining services. (Table 15b) Statistically Significant Differences by College • 24 College of Applied Sciences and Technology respondents had among the highest levels of satisfaction overall in many areas, including required general studies courses, helpfulness in preparing for participate in immersive learning courses. (Table 15c) • • • College of Fine Arts respondents had among the highest levels of satisfaction with the quality of instruction in their major, in helpfulness in preparing for employment, and in helpfulness in preparing for further education. College of Fine Arts respondents tended to report lower than average satisfaction with opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses, the availability of classes at times they needed them, campus dining services, and services to commuters. (Table 15c) Representing more than one third of all respondents, the College of Sciences and Humanities tends to be about average on many satisfaction items; however, they were lowest of all colleges in satisfaction with preparation for their career, and lower than average on opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses or connect with a local community (civic engagement). (Table 15c) Teachers College respondents had the highest levels of satisfaction with preparation for their career and quality of instruction in their major. Teachers College respondents also showed higher than average levels of satisfaction with academic advising, opportunities for civic engagement or immersive learning, and career services. They were less satisfied than average, however, with regard to instruction in general studies courses, ease of access to instructors, helpfulness in preparing for further education, dining services, and services to commuters. (Table 15c) • College of Communication, Information, and Media respondents had the highest levels of satisfaction by college with ease of access to instructors, academic advising, opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses, and services to commuters. CCIM graduates had lower than average satisfaction with the quality of instruction in their major, preparation for their career, and availability of classes at times they needed them. (Table 15c) • University College graduates had among the highest levels of satisfaction with regard to campus dining and services to commuters. However, University College graduates expressed low levels of satisfaction on a variety of items including preparation for their career and career services. They had the lowest levels of satisfaction of all colleges in the quality of instruction in the major, ease of access to instructors, helpfulness in preparing for employment, helpfulness in preparing for further education, opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses, and the availability of classes at times they needed them. (Table 15c) 25 Figure 1 Percent Satisfied or Very Satisfied With Ball State Experiences Ball#State#overall# services#to#commuters# residence#halls# financial#aid# career#services# library#resources# computer#resources# places#to#study# campus#dining#services# the#condi=on#of#buildings# racial#and#ethnic#diversity# feedback#on#assignments# class#size# the#availability#of#classes#at#=mes#I#needed#them# concern#for#me#as#an#individual# opportuni=es#to#par=cipate#in#immersive#learning# courses# opportuni=es#for#connec=ng#with#a#local# community#(civic#engagement)# helpfulness#in#preparing#for#further#educa=on# helpfulness#in#preparing#for#employment# the#overall#quality#of#academic#advising# ease#of#access#to#instructors# quality#of#instruc=on#in#required#general#studies# courses# quality#of#instruc=on#in#my#major# prepara=on#for#my#career# the#overall#quality#of#instruc=on# 0%# 10%#20%#30%#40%#50%#60%#70%#80%#90%# 26 Table 15 Satisfaction With Experiences (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with… …Ball State overall Very Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 0.9% 1.0% 2.7% Somewhat Neutral Satisfied 4.9% 14.2% Satisfied 50.8% Very Satisfied 25.5% Total 1304 …the overall quality of instruction …preparation for my career …quality of instruction in my major 0.4% 0.8% 3.2% 4.5% 18.7% 58.2% 14.1% 1310 1.6% 2.2% 5.3% 6.8% 23.5% 41.5% 19.2% 976 0.7% 1.6% 3.8% 3.4% 14.4% 43.9% 32.2% 1308 …quality of instruction in required general studies courses 1.1% 3.1% 8.9% 14.6% 31.8% 32.9% 7.6% 1308 …ease of access to instructors …the overall quality of academic advising …helpfulness in preparing for employment 0.3% 0.4% 1.8% 8.0% 19.3% 49.2% 20.9% 1305 4.9% 7.7% 9.3% 11.4% 19.1% 31.7% 15.9% 1307 3.8% 5.7% 10.9% 15.6% 23.0% 29.1% 12.0% 1305 27 Table 15 Satisfaction With Experiences (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) (continued) Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with… …helpfulness in preparing for further education Very Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 2.6% 3.8% 6.9% Somewhat Neutral Satisfied 24.0% 21.0% Satisfied 30.3% Very Satisfied 11.5% Total 1292 …opportunities for connecting with a local community (civic engagement) 1.8% 3.0% 6.4% 25.7% 20.7% 30.7% 11.8% 1287 …opportunities to participate in immersive learning courses 1.8% 1.8% 5.4% 21.1% 17.7% 32.2% 20.0% 1287 …concern for me as an individual …the availability of classes at times I needed them 2.8% 5.1% 9.1% 16.1% 22.2% 33.8% 10.9% 645 3.2% 3.5% 9.3% 9.6% 21.8% 37.3% 15.2% 656 …class size 0.5% 0.0% 1.9% 6.8% 14.1% 50.9% 26.0% 647 …feedback on assignments 0.8% 1.1% 5.0% 8.3% 27.6% 45.1% 12.1% 659 ! 28 Table 15 Satisfaction With Experiences (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) (continued) Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with… …racial and ethnic diversity …the condition of buildings …campus dining services …places to study Very Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied 1.7% 2.2% 2.3% Neutral 20.4% Somewhat Satisfied 16.4% Satisfied 41.1% Very Satisfied 15.9% Total 642 0.8% 1.5% 3.5% 9.1% 17.6% 47.5% 19.9% 648 1.4% 1.2% 3.7% 11.4% 20.8% 42.9% 18.6% 650 0.5% .5% 2.3% 5.8% 17.0% 44.9% 29.1% 653 …computer resources …library resources 1.1% 1.2% 2.0% 5.4% 14.6% 42.4% 33.3% 646 0.2% 0.5% 1.1% 4.8% 13.5% 46.3% 33.7% 650 …career services 1.4% 2.5% 6.2% 24.0% 19.4% 31.8% 14.7% 645 …financial aid 4.4% 3.3% 10.7% 17.6% 19.6% 30.6% 13.8% 637 …residence halls 1.6% 2.0% 4.4% 21.3% 18.5% 34.9% 17.3% 642 …services to commuters 3.3% 5.4% 7.6% 33.5% 16.8% 24.8% 8.5% 632 Items with italicized N were randomly distributed to half of all respondents, resulting in an N of approximately half the N from other items, which were presented to all respondents. 29 Table 15a Significant Differences by Sex (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) Sex Female Percent N Overall quality of instruction N 2 .6% 3 .4% 5 Dissatisfied .5% 4 1.4% 7 .8% 11 Somewhat Dissatisfied 2.3% 19 4.6% 23 3.2% 42 Neutral 3.8% 31 5.6% 28 4.5% 59 Somewhat Satisfied 17.3% 140 21.0% 105 18.7% 245 Satisfied 60.5% 491 54.5% 272 58.2% 763 Very Satisfied 15.3% 124 12.2% 61 14.1% 185 100.0% 811 100.0% 499 100.0% 1,310 Very Dissatisfied 1.1% 7 2.5% 9 1.6% 16 Dissatisfied 1.8% 11 2.7% 10 2.2% 21 Somewhat Dissatisfied 5.1% 31 5.8% 21 5.3% 52 Neutral 5.1% 31 9.6% 35 6.8% 66 Somewhat Satisfied 22.3% 136 25.5% 93 23.5% 229 Satisfied 43.9% 268 37.5% 137 41.5% 405 Very Satisfied 20.8% 127 16.4% 60 19.2% 187 100.0% 611 100.0% 365 100.0% 976 .5% 4 1.0% 5 .5% 9 Dissatisfied 1.6% 13 1.6% 8 1.6% 21 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3.3% 27 4.6% 23 3.3% 50 Neutral 2.5% 20 4.8% 24 2.5% 44 Somewhat Satisfied 12.3% 100 17.9% 89 12.3% 189 Satisfied 46.7% 379 39.2% 195 46.7% 574 Very Satisfied 33.0% 268 30.8% 153 33.0% 421 100.0% 811 100.0% 497 100.0% 1308 Very Dissatisfied Total 30 Percent .2% Total Quality of instruction in my major Male Percent N Very Dissatisfied Total Preparation for my career Total Table 15a Significant Differences by Sex (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) (continued) Sex Female Percent N Opportunities for connecting with a local community (civic engagement) Male Percent N Percent N Very Dissatisfied 1.6% 13 2.0% 10 1.8% 23 Dissatisfied 2.8% 22 3.3% 16 3.0% 38 Somewhat Dissatisfied 6.1% 49 6.7% 33 6.4% 82 Neutral 23.0% 183 30.2% 148 25.7% 331 Somewhat Satisfied 20.2% 161 21.4% 105 20.7% 266 Satisfied 33.4% 266 26.3% 129 30.7% 395 Very Satisfied 12.9% 103 10.0% 49 11.8% 152 100.0% 797 100.0% 490 100.0% 1287 Very Dissatisfied 1.0% 4 2.1% 5 1.4% 9 Dissatisfied 1.2% 5 1.3% 3 1.2% 8 Somewhat Dissatisfied 3.7% 15 3.8% 9 3.7% 24 Neutral 8.0% 33 17.1% 41 11.4% 74 Somewhat Satisfied 21.0% 86 20.4% 49 20.8% 135 Satisfied 45.1% 185 39.2% 94 42.9% 279 Very Satisfied 20.0% 82 16.3% 39 18.6% 121 100.0% 410 100.0% 240 100.0% 650 Total Campus dining services Total Total 31 Table 15b Significant Differences in Satisfaction by Race Black Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with... campus dining services 32 Very Dissatisfied N 0 Percent 0.0% Dissatisfied 0 0.0% Somewhat Dissatisfied 2 Neutral 3 Somewhat Satisfied White 7 Percent 1.2% N 1 Percent 8.3% 5 0.9% 0 20 3.5% 13.0% 63 4 17.4% Satisfied 7 Very Satisfied 7 Total 8 Percent 1.3% 0.0% 5 .8% 0 0.0% 22 3.7% 11.2% 3 25.0% 69 11.5% 117 20.7% 1 8.3% 122 20.3% 30.4% 246 43.5% 4 33.3% 257 42.8% 30.4% 107 18.9% 3 25.0% 117 19.5% 8.7% N Other N Table 15c Significant Differences in Satisfaction by College College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -preparation for my career Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -quality of instruction in my major Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -quality of instruction in required general studies courses Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -ease of access to instructors N Percent 2 3.3% 3 2.5% 5.0% 4 1 1.7% 16.9% 18 41.2% 26 39 28.7% 10 1 .5% 2 Dissatisfied 1 .7% 2 Somewhat Dissatisfied 8 5.9% 3 Neutral 7 5.1% Somewhat Satisfied 23 Satisfied 56 Very Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Miller College of Business Percent 1.7% Very Dissatisfied N College of Fine Arts N 1 Percent 1.5% 3.4% 2 3.1% 5 4.2% 5 7.7% 30.0% 33 28.0% 16 43.3% 53 44.9% 25 16.7% 18 15.3% 16 1 .7% College of Sciences and Humanities N Teachers College 7 Percent 2.1% N 1 Percent 1.2% 10 3.0% 14 4.2% 4 4.7% 36 10.8% 24.6% 91 27.4% 10 38.5% 126 38.0% 51 24.6% 48 14.5% 2 .5% N 2 Percent 1.4% University College N 1 Percent 2.4% N 16 Percent 1.6% 4 2.9% 1 2.4% 21 2.2% 13 9.4% 4 9.8% 52 5.3% 10 7.2% 2 4.9% 66 6.8% 11.8% 28 20.1% 10 24.4% 229 23.5% 60.0% 51 36.7% 17 41.5% 405 41.5% 19 22.4% 31 22.3% 6 14.6% 187 19.2% 1 .8% 2 1.1% 2 3.0% 9 .7% 2 .9% 2 3.3% 2 1.3% 5 1.2% 8 4.5% 2 3.0% 21 1.6% 10 4.7% 5 8.2% 3 2.0% 1 1.1% 12 2.8% 2 1.7% 11 6.2% 6 9.0% 50 3.8% 4 1.9% 3 4.9% 6 4.0% 3 3.4% 19 4.4% 1 .8% 5 2.8% 3 4.5% 44 3.4% Somewhat Satisfied 31 14.6% 14 23.0% 24 16.1% 15 17.0% 54 12.5% 16 13.2% 23 13.0% 12 17.9% 189 14.4% Satisfied 98 46.0% 25 41.0% 80 53.7% 24 27.3% 196 45.4% 64 52.9% 62 35.0% 25 37.3% 574 43.9% Very Satisfied 45 51.1% 144 33.3% 37 30.6% 66 37.3% 17 25.4% 421 32.2% 7 1.6% 2 1.7% 1 .6% 1 1.5% 15 1.1% Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral 67 31.5% 12 19.7% 33 22.1% Very Dissatisfied 1 .5% 1 1.6% 2 1.3% Dissatisfied 8 3.8% 5 3.4% 6 6.8% 12 2.8% 5 4.1% 4 2.3% 1 1.5% 41 3.1% Somewhat Dissatisfied 12 5.6% 7 11.5% 6 4.0% 16 18.2% 39 9.0% 11 9.1% 18 10.2% 7 10.4% 116 8.9% Neutral 29 13.6% 10 16.4% 19 12.8% 16 18.2% 60 13.9% 19 15.7% 26 14.7% 12 17.9% 191 14.6% Somewhat Satisfied 57 26.8% 20 32.8% 57 38.3% 35 39.8% 139 32.2% 46 38.0% 44 24.9% 18 26.9% 416 31.8% Satisfied 86 40.4% 20 32.8% 52 34.9% 10 11.4% 140 32.4% 31 25.6% 69 39.0% 22 32.8% 430 32.9% Very Satisfied 20 9.4% 3 4.9% 8 5.4% 5 5.7% 35 8.1% 7 5.8% 15 8.5% 6 9.0% 99 7.6% Very Dissatisfied 1 1.6% 2 1.3% 1 1.5% 4 .3% Dissatisfied 1 1.6% 1 .7% 2 .5% 1 .8% 3 4.9% 1 .7% 1.1% 12 2.8% 2 1.7% Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 1.4% 1 5 .4% 1.8% 2 3.0% 24 Neutral 17 8.1% 6 9.8% 11 7.4% 8 9.1% 27 6.3% 12 9.9% 11 6.2% 13 19.4% 105 8.0% Somewhat Satisfied 39 18.5% 12 19.7% 35 23.5% 20 22.7% 84 19.5% 26 21.5% 26 14.6% 10 14.9% 252 19.3% Satisfied Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -the overall quality of academic advising Percent 1.5% College of Architecture and Planning Total College of Communication, Information, and Media 113 53.6% 31 50.8% 67 45.0% 44 50.0% 197 45.8% 63 52.1% 96 53.9% 31 46.3% 642 49.2% Very Satisfied 39 18.5% 7 11.5% 32 21.5% 15 17.0% 108 25.1% 17 14.0% 45 25.3% 10 14.9% 273 20.9% Very Dissatisfied 15 7.0% 2 3.3% 6 4.0% 23 5.3% 3 2.5% 7 3.9% 8 11.9% 64 4.9% Dissatisfied 18 8.5% 7 11.5% 7 4.7% 5 5.7% 44 10.2% 8 6.6% 7 3.9% 5 7.5% 101 7.7% Somewhat Dissatisfied 13 6.1% 9 14.8% 15 10.1% 16 18.2% 40 9.3% 10 8.3% 10 5.6% 9 13.4% 122 9.3% Neutral 19 8.9% 12 19.7% 14 9.4% 12 13.6% 68 15.8% 7 5.8% 12 6.7% 5 7.5% 149 11.4% Somewhat Satisfied 47 22.1% 14 23.0% 29 19.5% 16 18.2% 79 18.4% 22 18.2% 32 18.0% 10 14.9% 249 19.1% Satisfied 77 36.2% 15 24.6% 52 34.9% 27 30.7% 116 27.0% 49 40.5% 59 33.1% 19 28.4% 414 31.7% Very Satisfied 24 11.3% 2 3.3% 26 17.4% 12 13.6% 60 14.0% 22 18.2% 51 28.7% 11 16.4% 208 15.9% 33 Table 15c Significant Differences in Satisfaction by College (continued) College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -helpfulness in preparing for employment Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -helpfulness in preparing for further education Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -opportunities for connecting with a local community (civic engagement) Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -opportunities to participate in immersion learning courses Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -the availability of classes at times I needed them 34 College of Architecture and Planning N College of Fine Arts N College of Sciences and Humanities N Teachers College N N University College N N Percent Very Dissatisfied 9 Percent 4.2% 2 Percent 3.3% 7 Percent 4.7% 2 Percent 2.3% 19 Percent 4.4% 1 Percent .8% 5 Percent 2.8% 4 Percent 6.2% Dissatisfied 5 2.3% 5 8.2% 5 3.4% 1 1.1% 37 8.6% 7 5.8% 12 6.7% 2 3.1% 74 5.7% Somewhat Dissatisfied 11 5.2% 13 21.3% 8 5.4% 7 8.0% 59 13.7% 11 9.2% 20 11.2% 13 20.0% 142 10.9% Neutral 30 14.1% 8 13.1% 15 10.1% 12 13.6% 83 19.3% 15 12.5% 22 12.4% 18 27.7% 203 15.6% Somewhat Satisfied 43 20.2% 21 34.4% 38 25.5% 21 23.9% 92 21.3% 36 30.0% 35 19.7% 14 21.5% 300 23.0% Satisfied 79 37.1% 8 13.1% 52 34.9% 34 38.6% 102 23.7% 35 29.2% 60 33.7% 10 15.4% 380 29.1% Very Satisfied Very Dissatisfied 36 7 16.9% 3.3% 4 2 6.6% 3.3% 24 5 16.1% 3.4% 11 1 12.5% 1.1% 39 10 9.0% 2.3% 15 2 12.5% 1.7% 24 2 13.5% 1.1% 4 5 6.2% 7.6% 157 34 12.0% 2.6% 3 1.4% 1 1.7% 2 1.4% 2 2.3% 26 6.1% 8 6.8% 4 2.3% 3 4.5% 49 3.8% Dissatisfied N Miller College of Business Total College of Communication, Information, and Media 49 3.8% Somewhat Dissatisfied 16 7.7% 7 11.7% 6 4.1% 3 3.4% 37 8.7% 6 5.1% 11 6.3% 3 4.5% 89 6.9% Neutral 33 15.8% 18 30.0% 42 28.4% 19 21.6% 100 23.4% 32 27.1% 48 27.3% 18 27.3% 310 24.0% Somewhat Satisfied 47 22.5% 11 18.3% 34 23.0% 22 25.0% 78 18.3% 29 24.6% 32 18.2% 18 27.3% 271 21.0% Satisfied 79 37.8% 17 28.3% 42 28.4% 28 31.8% 120 28.1% 33 28.0% 58 33.0% 14 21.2% 391 30.3% Very Satisfied 24 11.5% 4 6.7% 17 11.5% 13 14.8% 56 13.1% 8 6.8% 21 11.9% 5 7.6% 148 11.5% Very Dissatisfied 2 1.0% 4 6.7% 2 1.4% 2 2.3% Dissatisfied 3 1.4% 4 6.7% 8 5.4% Somewhat Dissatisfied 3 1.4% 10 16.7% 13 8.8% 7 Neutral 42 20.2% 8 13.3% 44 29.7% Somewhat Satisfied 37 17.8% 19 31.7% 28 Satisfied 90 43.3% 12 20.0% 40 Very Satisfied 31 14.9% 3 5.0% Very Dissatisfied 3 1.4% 2 3.3% Dissatisfied 3 1.4% 1 Somewhat Dissatisfied 4 1.9% 1 Neutral 28 13.5% Somewhat Satisfied 38 Satisfied 86 Very Satisfied 7 1.7% 3 1.7% 3 4.5% 23 1.8% 16 3.8% 4 3.4% 2 1.1% 1 1.5% 38 3.0% 8.1% 35 8.3% 5 4.3% 7 3.9% 2 3.0% 82 6.4% 32 37.2% 128 30.2% 18 15.4% 39 21.9% 20 30.3% 331 25.7% 18.9% 18 20.9% 80 18.9% 29 24.8% 43 24.2% 12 18.2% 266 20.7% 27.0% 15 17.4% 107 25.2% 46 39.3% 64 36.0% 21 31.8% 395 30.7% 13 8.8% 12 14.0% 51 12.0% 15 12.8% 20 11.2% 7 10.6% 152 11.8% 3 2.0% 2 2.3% 10 2.3% 2 1.7% 1 1.5% 23 1.8% 1.6% 4 2.7% 1 1.2% 8 1.9% 2 1.7% 3 1.7% 1 1.5% 23 1.8% 1.6% 12 8.2% 2 2.3% 37 8.7% 4 3.4% 4 2.2% 5 7.7% 69 5.4% 12 19.7% 30 20.4% 28 32.6% 105 24.6% 21 18.1% 26 14.6% 22 33.8% 272 21.1% 18.3% 14 23.0% 28 19.0% 19 22.1% 71 16.7% 24 20.7% 27 15.2% 7 10.8% 228 17.7% 41.3% 26 42.6% 49 33.3% 19 22.1% 116 27.2% 39 33.6% 59 33.1% 20 30.8% 414 32.2% 5 8.2% 21 14.3% 15 17.4% 79 18.5% 24 20.7% 59 33.1% 9 13.8% 258 20.0% 8 3.7% 2 3.6% 4 4.3% 2 6.5% 21 3.2% 23 3.5% 61 9.3% 46 22.1% Very Dissatisfied 5 4.4% Dissatisfied 5 4.4% Somewhat Dissatisfied 6 5.3% 2 5.7% 1 1.4% 1 2.4% 12 5.6% 3 5.5% 1 1.1% 7 9.6% 8 19.0% 22 10.3% 4 7.3% 10 10.8% 2 6.5% Neutral 10 8.8% 5 14.3% 3 4.1% 7 16.7% 18 8.4% 5 9.1% 12 12.9% 3 9.7% 63 9.6% Somewhat Satisfied 22 19.5% 9 25.7% 20 27.4% 8 19.0% 31 14.5% 18 32.7% 22 23.7% 13 41.9% 143 21.8% Satisfied 51 45.1% 15 42.9% 31 42.5% 14 33.3% 82 38.3% 17 30.9% 27 29.0% 8 25.8% 245 37.3% Very Satisfied 14 12.4% 4 11.4% 11 15.1% 4 9.5% 41 19.2% 6 10.9% 17 18.3% 3 9.7% 100 15.2% Table 15c Significant Differences in Satisfaction by College (continued) College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -campus dining services Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -career services Looking back at your overall experience at Ball State, how satisfied were you with? -services to commuters College of Architecture and Planning Very Dissatisfied 1 Percent 1.1% Dissatisfied 1 1.1% N Somewhat Dissatisfied 2 2.1% 2 7.7% 4 Neutral 10 10.5% 2 7.7% Somewhat Satisfied 15 15.8% 6 Satisfied 47 49.5% 12 Very Satisfied 19 20.0% Very Dissatisfied 1 Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied N Percent N Teachers College N Percent N N N Percent 2 5 2.3% 1 1.8% 4.6% 3 7.7% 10 4.5% 2 3.5% 1 1.1% 8 9.2% 5 12.8% 28 12.6% 8 14.0% 9 10.2% 23.1% 15 17.2% 12 30.8% 47 21.2% 13 22.8% 18 46.2% 46 52.9% 13 33.3% 83 37.4% 24 42.1% 39 2 7.7% 12 13.8% 5 12.8% 47 21.2% 9 15.8% 19 .9% 2 6.9% 2 2.8% 4 1.9% 1 .9% 2 6.9% 10 4.7% 3 3.6% 5 4.6% 3 10.3% 4 5.6% 3 7.3% 18 8.4% 2 2.9% 1 1.2% 4 14.8% 40 6.2% Neutral 16 14.8% 12 41.4% 11 15.3% 14 34.1% 56 26.0% 20 28.6% 18 21.7% 8 29.6% 155 24.0% Somewhat Satisfied 18 16.7% 7 24.1% 16 22.2% 10 24.4% 37 17.2% 13 18.6% 19 22.9% 5 18.5% 125 19.4% Satisfied 49 45.4% 2 6.9% 27 37.5% 9 22.0% 59 27.4% 25 35.7% 27 32.5% 7 25.9% 205 31.8% Very Satisfied 18 16.7% 1 3.4% 12 16.7% 5 12.2% 31 14.4% 10 14.3% 15 18.1% 3 11.1% 95 14.7% 2 6.3% 2 2.8% 1 2.4% 10 4.7% 2 3.1% 3 3.5% 1 4.2% 21 3.3% 2 Percent 2.3% University College 2.6% 2 Percent 2.3% College of Sciences and Humanities 1 2 Percent 7.7% College of Fine Arts Percent .9% Very Dissatisfied N Miller College of Business Total College of Communication, Information, and Media Percent 9 1.4% 8 1.2% 24 3.7% 4 11.1% 74 11.4% 20.5% 9 25.0% 135 20.8% 44.3% 15 41.7% 279 42.9% 21.6% 8 22.2% 121 18.6% 9 1.4% 16 2.5% Dissatisfied 8 8.0% 1 3.1% 1 1.4% 2 4.9% 15 7.0% 3 4.7% 3 3.5% 1 4.2% 34 5.4% Somewhat Dissatisfied 6 6.0% 3 9.4% 6 8.3% 4 9.8% 17 7.9% 8 12.5% 2 2.4% 2 8.3% 48 7.6% Neutral 21 21.0% 19 59.4% 24 33.3% 21 51.2% 75 35.0% 21 32.8% 28 32.9% 3 12.5% 212 33.5% Somewhat Satisfied 23 23.0% 3 9.4% 17 23.6% 8 19.5% 28 13.1% 11 17.2% 10 11.8% 6 25.0% 106 16.8% Satisfied 32 32.0% 2 6.3% 21 29.2% 3 7.3% 46 21.5% 18 28.1% 27 31.8% 8 33.3% 157 24.8% Very Satisfied 10 10.0% 2 6.3% 1 1.4% 2 4.9% 23 10.7% 1 1.6% 12 14.1% 3 12.5% 54 8.5% 35 36 ACADEMIC AND PERSONAL GAINS Summary Graduating senior respondents were asked about the extent to which they had made gains in 15 areas of academic and personal growth. Overall Responses • • Items with which the largest percentage of respondents reported gains included “understanding my own abilities, interests, and values” and “developing knowledge and skills applicable to a career.” (Table 16) The items with which the smallest percentage of respondents reported gains included “writing effectively;” “being prepared for further education;” “using computers;” and “understanding cultural, racial, and gender differences and how they relate to me, my field of study, and my future career.” (Table 16) likely to indicate they feel that they gained very little or some on these two items when compared with females. (Table 16a) • Statistically Significant Differences by Race • Statistically Significant Differences by Sex • • Female respondents were significantly more likely than male respondents to indicate that they feel they have made gains in making connections between classes they have taken, as well as connections between things they have learned in classes and other experiences in their lives. (Table 16a) Females (47%, 40%) were also more likely than males (35%, 31%) to indicate they feel their Ball State educations helped them very much to understand their own abilities, interests, and values and to be open to new ideas. Males were more Eighty-six percent of females indicated they feel they gained quite a bit or very much in developing knowledge and skills applicable to a career, compared with only 78% of males. (Table 16a) Minority respondents were much more likely than Caucasian respondents to indicate they feel they made connections between things they have learned in class and other experiences in their lives. At least half of tminority respondents indicated they feel they gained very much in this area, compared with slightly more than one third of white respondents. (Table 16b) Statistically Significant Differences by College • College of Applied Sciences and Technology respondents were most likely to indicate that they feel they gained very much in the area of making informed judgments and making connections between the classes they have taken. (Table 16c) • College of Communication, Information, and Media respondents were more likely than respondents of other colleges to indicate that they feel they gained very much in regard to writing effectively. (Table 16c) 37 • • 38 College of Architecture and Planning respondents were more likely than respondents in other colleges to indicate that they feel they gained very much in using computers. (Table 16c) College of Fine Arts (67%) and College of Applied Sciences and Technology (60%) respondents were more likely than respondents in other colleges to indicate that they feel they gained very much in the area of developing knowledge and skills applicable to their career. (Table 16c) • College of Fine Arts respondents were also more likely than respondents of other colleges to report that they feel they have gained very much in developing a better understanding of their career goals. (Table 16c) Table 16 Evaluation of Academic and Personal Gains (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) As a result of your Ball State education, please indicate how much you feel you have you gained… Very Quite a Very Little Some Bit Much Total solving problems 1.8% 21.8% 42.7% 33.7% 100.0% thinking critically 2.9% 18.5% 41.6% 37.0% 100.0% making informed judgments 3.6% 19.3% 45.6% 31.5% 100.0% making connections between the classes I have taken 2.3% 20.6% 43.9% 33.2% 100.0% making connections between things I have learned in class and other experiences in my life 3.1% 20.3% 39.9% 36.7% 100.0% speaking effectively 5.2% 23.0% 41.3% 30.6% 100.0% writing effectively 9.7% 25.2% 36.9% 28.2% 100.0% using computers 8.6% 25.5% 35.1% 30.8% 100.0% understanding my own abilities, interests, and values 3.3% 13.5% 40.7% 42.5% 100.0% relating to others 4.2% 21.2% 41.0% 33.6% 100.0% being open to new ideas 2.7% 19.2% 41.3% 36.8% 100.0% developing knowledge and skills applicable to a career 3.1% 14.2% 38.9% 43.8% 100.0% developing a better understanding of my career goals 5.0% 19.4% 39.4% 36.3% 100.0% being prepared for further education 6.5% 29.0% 37.4% 27.1% 100.0% understanding cultural, racial, and gender differences and how they relate to me, my field of study, and my future career 9.6% 21.6% 38.6% 30.2% 100.0% 39 Table 16a Significant Differences in Academic and Personal Gains by Sex Sex Total Female N For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State education... -making connections between the classes I have taken For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State education... -making connections between things I have learned in class and other experiences in my life For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State education... -understanding my own abilities, interests, and values For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State education... -being open to new ideas For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State education... -developing knowledge and skills applicable to a career 40 Male 9 Percent 2.2% N 6 Percent 2.6% N 15 Percent 2.3% 72 17.5% 61 26.2% 133 20.6% Quite a Bit 178 43.2% 105 45.1% 283 43.9% Very Much 153 37.1% 61 26.2% 214 33.2% Very Little 9 2.2% 12 4.6% 21 3.1% 70 16.8% 68 26.0% 138 20.3% Quite a Bit 168 40.3% 103 39.3% 271 39.9% Very Much 170 40.8% 79 30.2% 249 36.7% Very Little 12 2.9% 9 3.9% 21 3.3% Some 52 12.6% 35 15.2% 87 13.5% Quite a Bit 157 38.0% 105 45.7% 262 40.7% Very Much 192 46.5% 81 35.2% 273 42.5% Very Little 10 2.4% 8 3.1% 18 2.7% Some 69 16.6% 60 23.4% 129 19.2% Quite a Bit 169 40.7% 108 42.2% 277 41.3% Very Much 167 40.2% 80 31.3% 247 36.8% Very Little 7 1.7% 14 5.3% 21 3.1% 53 12.7% 44 16.7% 97 14.2% Quite a Bit 166 39.7% 99 37.6% 265 38.9% Very Much 192 45.9% 106 40.3% 298 43.8% Very Little Some Some Some Table 16b Significant Differences in Academic and Personal Gains by Race Black N For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State education... -making connections between things I have learned in class and other experiences in my life White Percent Very Little Some N Percent 18 3.0% Other N Percent 1 4.2% 130 21.3% Quite a Bit 11 45.8% 241 39.5% 3 Very Much 12 50.0% 221 36.2% 4 Total N Percent 18 2.8% 131 20.4% 42.9% 255 39.8% 57.1% 237 37.0% 41 Table 16c Significant Differences in Academic and Personal Gains by College College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N 42 2 Percent 1.7% Some 17 Quite a Bit Very Much For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State experiences... -making connections between the classes I have taken Very Little College of Architecture and Planning 2 Percent 6.9% 3 Percent 4.5% 14.4% 9 31.0% 18 49 41.5% 50 42.4% 9 31.0% 9 31.0% 3 3.0% 2 Some 19 18.8% Quite a Bit 37 Very Much For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State experiences... -writing effectively N 3 27.3% 12 30 45.5% 15 22.7% 7.7% 2 10 38.5% 36.6% 9 42 41.6% Very Little 11 Some College of Sciences and Humanities 7 Percent 3.0% N 26.1% 39 15 32.6% 16 34.8% 2.7% 1 10 13.3% 34.6% 40 5 19.2% 10.1% 3 25 22.9% Quite a Bit 42 Very Much 31 For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State experiences... -using computers Very Little Teachers College 3 Percent 4.4% N 16.7% 16 114 48.9% 73 31.3% 2.2% 3 1.4% 13 28.9% 52 23.5% 10 53.3% 17 37.8% 98 44.3% 23 30.7% 14 31.1% 68 9.1% 8 10.5% 5 12.8% 12 36.4% 28 36.8% 14 38.5% 15 45.5% 28 36.8% 28.4% 3 9.1% 12 15.8% 6 5.3% 2 6.1% 6 Some 37 32.5% 4 12.1% Quite a Bit 35 30.7% 11 Very Much 36 31.6% 16 For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State experiences... -developing knowledge and skills applicable to a career Very Little 2 1.7% Some 10 8.7% 4 Quite a Bit 34 29.6% Very Much 69 For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State experiences... -developing a better understanding of my career goals Very Little N 3 Percent 3.2% 23.5% 17 32 47.1% 17 25.0% University College 25 Percent 3.6% 14.3% 133 19.3% 20 57.1% 314 45.6% 8 22.9% 217 31.5% 2.3% 2 5.9% 15 2.3% 11 12.8% 8 23.5% 133 20.6% 49.1% 38 44.2% 16 47.1% 283 43.9% 19 33.3% 35 40.7% 8 23.5% 214 33.2% 9.0% 6 9.2% 9 9.8% 3 9.7% 65 9.7% 48 21.6% 24 36.9% 11 12.0% 6 19.4% 168 25.2% 30.8% 84 37.8% 24 36.9% 30 32.6% 11 35.5% 246 36.9% 20.5% 70 31.5% 11 16.9% 42 45.7% 11 35.5% 188 28.2% 7 15.6% 22 9.6% 7 10.1% 7 7.7% 3 7.5% 60 8.6% 10 22.2% 64 27.9% 18 26.1% 17 18.7% 11 27.5% 178 25.5% 41.6% 8 17.8% 91 39.7% 25 36.2% 32 35.2% 11 27.5% 245 35.1% 28.6% 20 44.4% 52 22.7% 19 27.5% 35 38.5% 15 37.5% 215 30.8% 2 2.4% 1 2.3% 6 2.6% 7 7.8% 3 10.0% 21 3.1% 11.4% 13 15.3% 1 2.3% 44 19.0% 6 11.8% 13 14.4% 6 20.0% 97 14.2% 16 45.7% 44 51.8% 12 27.9% 100 43.1% 19 37.3% 28 31.1% 12 40.0% 265 38.9% 60.0% 15 42.9% 26 30.6% 29 67.4% 82 35.3% 26 51.0% 42 46.7% 9 30.0% 298 43.8% 2 1.6% 3 11.5% 3 4.2% 3 6.8% 13 5.7% 6 6.4% 4 12.1% 34 5.0% Some 22 17.2% 3 11.5% 15 21.1% 9 20.5% 53 23.0% 9 15.0% 13 13.8% 9 27.3% 133 19.4% Quite a Bit 50 39.1% 15 57.7% 30 42.3% 10 22.7% 96 41.7% 22 36.7% 36 38.3% 11 33.3% 270 39.4% Very Much 54 42.2% 5 19.2% 23 32.4% 22 50.0% 68 29.6% 29 48.3% 39 41.5% 9 27.3% 249 36.3% Very Little N College of Fine Arts Percent 6.5% For each of the following items, please indicate how much you feel you have gained as a result of your Ball State experiences... -making informed judgments N Miller College of Business Total College of Communication, Information, and Media N 2 Percent 5.7% 18.1% 5 45 47.9% 29 30.9% 2 17.5% 28 30.8% 20 35.9% 12 8 7.8% 17 22.1% 33.3% 32 48.5% 22 N EMPLOYMENT AND PLANS FOR FURTHER EDUCATION Summary Graduating senior respondents were asked about their progress and plans for employment and further education. They were also asked about plans and accomplishments toward finding employment, such as internships and interviews. Students who had obtained employment were asked where they would be working, how it related to their major at Ball State, whether it was a full- or parttime position, and what salary they would be making. Graduates were also asked about their plans for further education. about 15% had secured part-time employment. (Table 19) • The Spring 2012 survey was revised to ask respondents who had received job offers to list their specific employer. In addition, the spring survey included items on income and the relationship of the new employment to respondents’ majors at Ball State, which had been included in the Fall 2011 survey. • Of those respondents who indicated they will be employed, about 63% responded that they would be working in the area of their major, while about 24% indicated they would be working in a related area. Only 13% indicated they would be working in an area not related to their major at Ball State. (Table 21) • About half of employed respondents (48%) indicated they will be earning at least $30,000 per year. However, more new jobs were paying below $20,000 (31%) than were paying at least $40,000 (27%). (Table 22) • Graduates were asked about plans for further education. Overall, about 49% were planning to attend graduate or professional school; and about 47% either had no plans or were unsure of their plans for further education. (Table 23) Overall Responses • • When students were asked what their principle activity after graduation will likely be, about three quarters (74%) of all respondents indicated they would be employed or seeking employment. This question was revised for the spring survey. The fall survey did not have a category for seeking employment. (Table 17) Overall, about 19% of respondents reported they were planning to attend graduate or professional school. (Table 17) • About 46% of respondents indicated they have participated in an internship, and nearly 13% additional were planning an internship after graduation. (Table 18) • About 39% of respondents reported they had set up interviews, and nearly as many (35%) had already interviewed for a post college job. (Table 18) Statistically Significant Differences by Sex • • Twenty-four percent of all respondents reported they had accepted a job offer to begin after graduation. (Table 18) • Of respondents who had obtained employment, about 85% indicated that they would be working full-time, while Male respondents were slightly more likely than female respondents to indicate they would be employed or attending graduate school. Males exceeded females in plans to attend graduate school by only 3 percentage points, and their employment percentage was about 2 points higher than females. (Table 19a) 43 • Male respondents were also more likely than female respondents to indicate they had interviewed or accepted a job offer. (Table 19a) • Female respondents (49%) were more likely to indicate they plan to complete a master’s or doctoral degree than were male respondents (41%). Only about 17% of female respondents indicated they had no plans for further education after graduation, compared with 21% of male respondents. (Table 19a) • College of Communication, Information, and Media (70%) and Architecture and Planning (64%) respondents were most likely to indicate they had participated in an internship. (Table 19c) • Miller College of Business respondents were most likely to indicate they had interviewed or set up an interview for post-graduation employment or had already accepted a job offer. (Table 19c) • Although Teachers College graduates typically do not secure employment until sometime after graduation, of those respondents who have accepted a job offer, 100% indicated that their employment was in their field of major. In addition, at least three quarters of all College of Applied Sciences and Technology, Miller College of Business, and College of Fine Arts respondents indicated that their new employment was within the field of their major. (Table 19c) • Plans to complete a master’s or doctoral degree varied widely by college, from a high of 62% in Architecture and Planning and 60% in the College of Sciences and Humanities to a low of 23% in the College of Communication, Information, and Media. (Table 19c) Statistically Significant Differences by Race • Minority respondents were more likely than white respondents to indicate that they plan to earn a master’s or doctoral degree. Black respondents (14%) were much more likely to indicate plans for a medical, law, or other professional degree than were white (3%) or other minority (10%) respondents. (Table 19b) Statistically Significant Differences by College • 44 There were many differences in plans for employment and further education by respondents’ college of major. College of Applied Sciences and Technology (61%) and Miller College of Business (59%) respondents were most likely to indicate they would be employed after graduation. (Table 19c) Table 17 Principle Activity Upon Graduation by Semester Semester What is likely to be your principle activity upon graduation, based on your current situation? Employment N Seeking employment* Graduate or professional school N Additional undergraduate coursework N Military service N Volunteer activity (e.g., Peace Corps) N Starting or raising a family* N Starting a business * Other, please specify: Don’t know (no plans) Total * N N N N N Fall 253 Spring 285 Total 538 77.8% 30.4% 42.7% 0 399 399 .0% 42.6% 31.6% 52 182 234 16.0% 19.4% 18.6% 2 6 8 .6% .6% .6% 3 9 12 .9% 1.0% 1.0% 1 10 11 .3% 1.1% .9% 3 7 10 .9% .7% .8% 0 6 6 .0% .6% .5% 11 22 33 3.4% 2.4% 2.6% 0 10 10 .0% 1.1% .8% 325 936 1261 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% These response options were added in Spring 2012. A few cases for Fall 2011 are recoded from write-in responses on ‘Other.’ 45 Table 18 Internships, Interviews, and Job Acceptance (Combined Fall and Spring Respondents) Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... Yes 45.9% I plan to do this 12.7% No plans to do this 41.3% Total 100.0% 573 159 516 1248 Set up an interview for post college job? 39.1% 44.2% 16.8% 100.0% 489 553 210 1252 Interviewed for a post college job? 35.1% 47.6% 17.3% 100.0% 437 593 215 1245 Accepted a job offer to begin after graduation? 24.0% 56.3% 19.7% 100.0% 299 701 246 1246 Participated in an internship? Table 19 Full- or Part-Time Employment (Spring Respondents) Will you be working full-time or part-time? full-time N 173 85.2% part-time N 30 14.8% Total N 203 100.0% *This question was not asked in Fall 2011. 46 Table 19a Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by Sex Sex Female N What is likely to be your principle activity upon graduation, based on your current situation? Total Male Employment 331 Percent 42.1% N 207 Percent 43.7% N 538 Percent 42.7% Seeking employment 265 33.7% 134 28.3% 399 31.6% Graduate or professional school 137 17.4% 97 20.5% 234 18.6% Additional undergraduate coursework 7 .9% 1 .2% 8 .6% Military service 2 .3% 10 2.1% 12 1.0% Volunteer activity (e.g., Peace Corps) 8 1.0% 3 .6% 11 .9% Starting or raising a family 7 .9% 3 .6% 10 .8% Starting a business 3 .4% 3 .6% 6 .5% Other, please specify: 21 2.7% 12 2.5% 33 2.6% Don't know (no plans) 6 .8% 4 .8% 10 .8% Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... -Interviewed for a post college job? Yes 257 33.0% 180 38.6% 437 35.1% I plan to do this 399 51.2% 194 41.6% 593 47.6% No plans to do this 123 15.8% 92 19.7% 215 17.3% Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... -Accepted a job offer to begin after graduation? Yes 169 21.8% 130 27.7% 299 24.0% I plan to do this 454 58.4% 247 52.7% 701 56.3% No plans to do this 154 19.8% 92 19.6% 246 19.7% 47 Table 19a Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by Sex (continued) Sex Total Female Which best describes your plans for further education after graduation? no plans for further college-level education unsure of future education plans plan to complete more courses, but not towards a degree plan to earn another Bachelor's Degree plan to earn a Master's or doctoral degree plan to earn a medical, law, or other professional degree 48 Male N Percent N 131 Percent 16.7% N 101 Percent 21.2% 232 18.4% 212 27.0% 146 30.6% 358 28.4% 13 1.7% 8 1.7% 21 1.7% 21 2.7% 8 1.7% 29 2.3% 385 49.0% 195 40.9% 580 46.0% 23 2.9% 19 4.0% 42 3.3% Table 19b Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by Race Black N Which best describes your plans for further education after graduation? no plans for further collegelevel education unsure of future education plans White 2 Percent 5.6% N 212 Percent 18.7% 8 22.2% 329 plan to complete more courses, but not towards a degree plan to earn another Bachelor's Degree plan to earn a Master's or doctoral degree plan to earn a medical, law, or other professional degree Other N Total 5 Percent 23.8% N 219 Percent 18.4% 29.0% 1 4.8% 338 28.4% 18 1.6% 1 4.8% 19 1.6% 24 2.0% 2 5.6% 22 1.9% 19 52.8% 520 45.9% 12 57.1% 551 46.3% 5 13.9% 33 2.9% 2 9.5% 40 3.4% 49 Table 19c Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by College College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N What is likely to be your principle activity upon graduation, based on your current situation? 127 Percent 61.1% Seeking employment 48 Graduate or professional school 22 Employment College of Architecture and Planning N 15 Percent 25.4% 23.1% 17 10.6% 22 Miller College of Business N 83 Percent 58.9% 28.8% 35 37.3% 18 College of Fine Arts N 30 Percent 35.3% 24.8% 34 12.8% 17 2 1.0% Volunteer activity (e.g., Peace Corps) 1 .5% 1 1.7% 124 40.0% 132 20.0% 129 5 1.2% Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... -Interviewed for a post college job? 50 N 49 Percent 42.6% 31.4% 60 30.7% 2 N 82 Percent 48.2% 52.2% 59 1.7% 9 University College N 28 Percent 44.4% 34.7% 14 5.3% 15 N 538 Percent 42.7% 22.2% 399 31.6% 23.8% 234 18.6% 3 4.8% 8 .6% 1.4% 6 1.4% 2 1.2% 12 1.0% .7% 3 .7% 4 2.4% 1 1.6% 11 .9% 5 1.2% 2 1.2% 1 1.6% 10 .8% 2 1.2% 6 .5% 10 5.9% 33 2.6% 2 1.0% 1 1.7% 1 .7% Other, please specify: 6 2.9% 3 5.1% 1 .7% Don't know (no plans) Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... -Set up an interview for post college job? Teachers College 1 Starting a business Yes N 2 Starting or raising a family Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... -Participated in an internship? College of Sciences and Humanities Percent 29.5% Additional undergraduate coursework Military service Total College of Communication, Information, and Media 3 3.5% 7 1.7% 1 1.2% 9 2.1% 2 2 1.7% 1.7% 1 1.6% 10 .8% 114 55.9% 37 63.8% 61 43.3% 34 40.5% 156 37.5% 37 33.6% 121 70.3% 13 20.6% 573 45.9% I plan to do this 15 7.4% 19 32.8% 21 14.9% 14 16.7% 60 14.4% 3 2.7% 21 12.2% 6 9.5% 159 12.7% No plans to do this 75 36.8% 2 3.4% 59 41.8% 36 42.9% 200 48.1% 70 63.6% 30 17.4% 44 69.8% 516 41.3% Yes 87 42.4% 28 47.5% 81 57.4% 32 38.1% 128 30.7% 36 31.9% 79 46.5% 18 28.6% 489 39.1% I plan to do this 89 43.4% 23 39.0% 40 28.4% 44 52.4% 176 42.2% 74 65.5% 75 44.1% 32 50.8% 553 44.2% No plans to do this 29 14.1% 8 13.6% 20 14.2% 8 9.5% 113 27.1% 3 2.7% 16 9.4% 13 20.6% 210 16.8% Yes 79 38.7% 24 41.4% 80 57.1% 23 27.4% 116 28.0% 19 16.8% 80 47.3% 16 25.8% 437 35.1% I plan to do this 99 48.5% 24 41.4% 39 27.9% 51 60.7% 184 44.3% 89 78.8% 77 45.6% 30 48.4% 593 47.6% No plans to do this 26 12.7% 10 17.2% 21 15.0% 10 11.9% 115 27.7% 5 4.4% 12 7.1% 16 25.8% 215 17.3% Table 19c Significant Differences in Employment and Further Education by College (continued) College College of Applied Sciences and Technology N Please indicate your accomplishments or plans for work after graduation. At this point, have you... -Accepted a job offer to begin after graduation? Is this job in the area of your major at Ball State or in a related area? Which best describes your plans for further education after graduation? 64 Percent 31.1% 115 No plans to do this In the area of my major Yes I plan to do this College of Architecture and Planning N 14 Percent 24.1% 55.8% 34 27 13.1% Miller College of Business N 47 Percent 33.6% 58.6% 75 10 17.2% College of Fine Arts N 18 Percent 22.0% 53.6% 44 18 12.9% Total College of Sciences and Humanities N 73 Percent 17.6% 53.7% 211 20 24.4% Teachers College N 19 Percent 16.7% 50.8% 85 131 31.6% College of Communication, Information, and Media N 49 Percent 29.0% 74.6% 105 10 8.8% 5 100.0% University College N 15 Percent 24.2% 62.1% 32 15 8.9% N 299 Percent 24.0% 51.6% 701 56.3% 15 24.2% 246 19.7% 27 77.1% 7 53.8% 27 75.0% 11 78.6% 26 53.1% 22 53.7% 3 30.0% 128 63.1% In a related area 4 11.4% 4 30.8% 9 25.0% 2 14.3% 14 28.6% 11 26.8% 4 40.0% 48 23.6% Not related to my major no plans for further college-level education 4 11.4% 2 15.4% 1 7.1% 9 18.4% 8 19.5% 3 30.0% 27 13.3% 44 21.3% 12 20.0% 40 28.4% 13 15.5% 43 10.2% 10 8.7% 61 35.5% 9 14.3% 232 18.4% 61 29.5% 11 18.3% 50 35.5% 28 33.3% 84 20.0% 40 34.8% 64 37.2% 20 31.7% 358 28.4% plan to complete more courses, but not towards a degree 5 2.4% 4 2.8% 2 2.4% 7 1.7% 1 .9% 1 .6% 1 1.6% 21 1.7% plan to earn another Bachelor's Degree 1 .5% 1 .7% 1 1.2% 12 2.9% 1 .9% 2 1.2% 11 17.5% 29 2.3% plan to earn a Master's or doctoral degree 93 44.9% 41 29.1% 40 47.6% 250 59.5% 63 54.8% 39 22.7% 17 27.0% 580 46.0% plan to earn a medical, law, or other professional degree 3 1.4% 5 3.5% 24 5.7% 5 2.9% 5 7.9% 42 3.3% unsure of future education plans 37 61.7% 51 Table 20 Employers of Spring Respondents Who Reported Accepting a Job Offer College College of Applied Sciences and Technology Where will you be employed? N Campus Crusade for Christ Community Hospital Continental Property Management Country Shack DNA sports center Dupont Hospital Early Head Start Gene B. Glick Company Graduate School at University of Missouri Indianapolis Convention & Visitors Association IU Health IU Health Methodist Hospital Keihin Kiwanis International MPDC Muncie Power Products Pitney Bowes Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa Sharon Brown Events Spencer Gifts St. John's Hospital Stonehenge Golf & Country Club Tipton Community School Corporation Turner Construction U.S. Army University of Illinois Women's Volleyball Von Maur Weidner Apartment Homes White House/Black Market 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Subtotal College of Architecture and Planning 52 Americorps VISTA Better Billy Bunkering Systems Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf (Intern Full-Time Summer Job) Campus Crusade for Christ CSO Architects [expletive deleted] companies. I will be working at an organic farm. It is a shame that BSU is devoid of any help in this area. Kah Nursery 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Keystone Architecture Inc. The Estopinal Group 1 1 Subtotal 9 Miller College of Business Agrigold Hybrids Ball State University Grad Assistantship Campus Crusade for Christ Cerner Cummins Inc. Ernst & Young Ernst & Young, LLP Federated Insurance First Investors Corporation First Merchants Corporation Indianapolis Zoo Katz, Sapper & Miller King Systems Corporation Kohler Kronos Inc. Performance Dynamics, Inc. PJs college of cosmetology Poly Vista PriceWaterhouseCoopers Reckitt Benckiser Ricoh USA Speedway LLC Texas Roadhouse U.S. Army Wal-Mart 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subtotal 27 College of Fine Arts Ball State University Civic Orchestra of Chicago Drury Lane Theatre Minnetrista Mophonics Opera New Jersey Red Frog Events The Municipal Theatre Association of St. Louis (The MUNY) The Santa Fe Opera Vorderman Photography 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Subtotal 53 10 College of Sciences and Humanities Anacore Inc. Angie’s List Behavioral Analysis Center for Autism Chicago Botanic Gardens Cincinnati Financial City Year (AmeriCorps) Department of Child Services Eastern Illinois University Housing and Dining Services EPIK Grant-Blackford Mental Health Hamilton County Parks and Recreation Home Instead Senior Care Indiana State Government Japan Exchange Teaching Program Kohls Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Libert mutual insurance Liberty Mutual Life Care Centers of America Lin Media - station WLFI/NewsChannel 18 Marion Superior Court Mercer SAIC Sallie Mae San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research and the University of Georgia Marine Education Center and Aquarium Spectrum Health Systems Swiss Re The Christian Center The U.S. Army Total Quality Logistics United States army Weaver Popcorn Western Illinois University (assistantship) White Lodging Youth Opportunity Center Subtotal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 Teachers College Apple Tree YMCA Private family... I will be nannying full-time The Goddard School 1 1 1 Subtotal 54 3 College of Communication, Information, and Media AccuTech Computer Systems Along the Tracks Productions American Marketing and Publishing Angie's List Asher Agency Borshoff Burd Ford Camp Riley Christians Broadcasting Hope CJD Consulting Cool World Video Creations Disney Company Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Five Star Distributing and Sweetwater Pro Audio Internship Fort Wayne Tin Caps Hamilton County Republican Party Hazen and Sawyer Iacono Productions Indiana Blood Center Ivy Tech Community College Kimberly Clark Kohl's Midtown Athletic Club Morrison Woods Health Campus MutualBank New Providence Entertainment Radio-One SEP Southern Illinois University Teach For America Teach For America - Indianapolis Corps – Thomas Carr Howe High School (USA Charter Schools) The Navigators The Washington Redskins Subtotal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 34 University College Americorps VISTA Huffer Memoriral Child Care Center Levin & Perconti O'Reilly Auto Parts The Cathedral School Tuffy Automotive Service Center * Subtotal 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 Total 154 This item appeared only on the spring survey. 55 Table 21 Relationship of Employment With Major Field of Study at Ball State Is this job in the area of your major at Ball State or in a related area? Percentage 63.1% N 128 In a related area 23.6% 48 Not related to my major 13.3% 27 100.0% 203 In the area of my major Total * This item appeared only on the spring survey. Table 22 Income From Primary Employment* What is your annual income (before taxes) from your primary employment? Less than $20,000 This item appeared only on the spring survey. 56 N 60 $20,000 to $29,999 20.8% 40 $30,000 to $39,999 20.8% 40 $40,000 to $49,999 15.6% 30 $50,000 to $59,999 7.8% 15 $60,000 to $69,999 2.6% 5 $70,000 to $79,999 .5% 1 $80,000 or more .5% 1 100.0% 192 Total * Percentage 31.3% Table 23 Plans for Further Education Which best describes your plans for further education after graduation? Semester Fall Total Spring no plans for further college-level education 17.0% 55 18.9% 177 18.4% 232 unsure of future education plans 30.2% 98 27.7% 260 28.4% 358 plan to complete more courses, but not towards a degree 2.5% 8 1.4% 13 1.7% 21 plan to earn another Bachelor's Degree 2.2% 7 2.3% 22 2.3% 29 44.8% 145 46.4% 435 46.0% 580 3.4% 11 3.3% 31 3.3% 42 938 100.0% 1262 plan to earn a Master's or doctoral degree plan to earn a medical, law, or other professional degree Total 100.0% 324 100.0% 57 Table 24 Graduate Schools Respondents Plan to Attend Where will you attend graduate school? (if known) Institution Ball State IUPUI Indiana University Eastern Illinois University Eastern Michigan University Indiana Purdue Fort Wayne N 95 16 7 2 2 2 IU Robert McKinney School of Law 2 Purdue University University of Cincinnati University of Washington Yale University Arizona State University Ball or U. Indy Cambridge, England or UC, Boulder Chapman Chicago, IL Clemson University Columbia University Cornell D'Youville College DePaul University Florida Institute of Technology Georgia Georgia Tech GW School of Law Harvard Divinity School Hawaii Pacific University Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law Indiana University School of Medicine Iowa State University IU East or IUPUI (unless BSU gets an MSW program…) IUN, IUPUI Koc University (Not yet accepted) Lincoln Memorial University Loyola University in Chicago Marian University Mercer University Miami Ohio 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 58 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Institution (continued) Michigan State College of Medicine Minnesota State University, Mankato Mississippi State University New Mexico State University New York University North Dakota University Northern Illinois University Rosemont College Shenandoah University Southern Illinois University St. Meinrad School of Theology Texas A&M The University of Southern California University of Arizona University of California Davis University of Cincinnati or the University of Michigan University of Evansville University of Florida University of Glasgow University of Illinois at Champaign University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana University of Illinois in Chicago University of Iowa University of Louisville or University of Southern Maine University of Mannheim, Germany University of Maryland, Baltimore County University of Missouri University of Nevada Las Vegas University of Saint Francis Valdosta University Valparaiso or Indiana University Indianapolis Valparaiso University Law School West Virginia University Western Illinois University Western Kentucky University Yale or NYU N N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 197 OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES Summary A total of 487 responses were provided when students were asked to add any additional comments they may have. These were reviewed and categorized into 32 separate topic areas by two staff members. Responses that spanned multiple topics were parsed into separate responses by topic. Responses were edited for spelling, but not grammar. Expletives were deleted and names associated with negative responses were removed. By far the largest comment topic area was a general statement of satisfaction with experiences at Ball State. About 18% of all comment fragments were expressing some general satisfaction with Ball State. About 12% of those completing this item commented on a specific department, usually their major or minor department. The largest specific comment area concerned academic advising. Nearly 1 in 10 (9%) who recorded additional comments mentioned academic advising. Many of these comments are suggesting that changes be made or that more attention be given to academic advising issues. Nearly as many respondents (8%) commented about faculty members. These comments were more likely to be positive than comments about advising, although several comments were specifically about faculty (rather than freshman) advising. The “Career and Educational Advancement, Placement, and Services” category is about all types of career and additional educational assistance offered to students. Many of these comments expressed anxiety about prospects for finding employment or starting a career. Only 4% of respondents commented about parking and campus safety. Nearly as many commented on the cost and value of their education (4%); clubs, social experiences, and student organizations (3%); or facilities and grounds (including library) (3%). About 2% of respondents provided comments that were grouped into an “Administration, Staff, and Policies” category. Another approximately 2% provided comments in a category labeled “Learning and Growth.” (Table25) 59 Table 25 Distribution of Open-Ended Responses by Category Topic Satisfaction Specific Department and College Comments Advising Faculty Career and Educational Advancement, Placement, and Services Parking, Campus Safety No comment Cost and Value Clubs, Social Experiences, and Student Organizations Facilities and Grounds (including Library) Academic Rigor and Student Quality Administration, Staff, and Policies Learning and Growth Athletics Writing Proficiency Exam University Core Curriculum Commuting and Distance Education Programs Internships, Student Teaching, and International Programs Non-Traditional Students Residence Halls General (and Cultural) This Survey Dining Diversity Financial Aid, Bursar Muncie and Local Community Other Immersive Learning Technology Issues Course Scheduling and Availability Climate for Students Transfer Student Issues Total 60 Percentage 17.9% 12.1% 9.2% 8.2% 6.4% 4.1% 3.9% 3.5% 2.9% 2.7% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.4% 1.4% 1.2% 1.2% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 100.0%