_· ____~ N ON THE SPACE OF RIEMANNIAN METRICS by David G. Ebin A.B., Harvard University (June 1964) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY September, 1967 Signature of Author............................... Department of Mathematics, August 21, Certified by /4". Accepted by...... F... .,vvvvyL........-o 1967 Thesis Supervisor Thesis Supervisor ... ****a* ...... * Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students __ ZC-- - --~----r-r--·---- -ii- On the Space of Riemannian Metrics by David G. Ebin Submitted to the Department of Mathematics, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABSTRACT The space of Riemannian metrics of a smooth compact manifold is investigated, particularly the natural action of the group of diffeomorphisms on that space. Both the space and the group are enlarged slightly, so that they can be endowed with differentiable structures. The orbits of the group are studied and a "slice" in the space of metrics transversal to these orbits is constructed. Also, the isotropy groups of the action are considered --they are trivial for an open dense subset of the space of metrics. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Isadore M. Singer Professor of Mathematics -iii- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Professor I. M. Singer for his guidance, encouragement, and highly fruitful ideas. Also, he is most grateful to Mrs. Mary Perron who did the typing, and Miss Harriet Fell who magnanimously donated her time to fill in the handwritten portions of this work. ;"11 -- -1- ON THE SPACE OF RIEMANNIAN METRICS I. Introduction and Outline of Arguments. Let a9 be a compact differentiable manifold, M M , and ht the set of the group of diffeomorphisms of smooth Riemannian metrics on 4 M . acts on XJ.from the right in a natural way; i.e., there exists a natural map A:h X A -> A (TIA(ty) = 0- such that lr jt A(rijy) , 'y Es It is the purpose of the present work to investigate this action and to discuss its properties. 'yE we propose to construct at each point which is transversal to the orbit of @& (definition of slice below). subgroup IV = (Tj I e of s8 y a slice through in hl A(q,y) = y) sufficiently near to . y defines a called the isotopy group at is trivial for some fixed V' Each In particular, y --- We shall also show that if V, V in I ' I is also trivial for all Z. We first introduce some notation:* Smooth means differentiable arbitrarily many times. M is a smooth manifold, T(M) its tangent bundle, We use primarily the notation of 12. T*(M) the -2- (T*)k cotangent bundle, k-tensors, and the subbundle of symmetric covariant M is the tangent space to Tp(M) If p s M tensors. at SkT* the bundle of covariant If p ; similar notation for cotangent bundle, etc. f: M -> N is also a manifold and N is smooth, Tf: T(M) -> T(N) is the induced map on the tangent bundle and Tpf: Tp(M) -> Tf(p)(N) < > is defined by restricting is a Riemannian metric, and Tp(M) . product on p bundle, follows: the equation y s A: 0 X• -> A t , ?t an p is defined as , then A(n,,y) A(0,)p (XY) = Y~(p)(TqX, p a M , X,Y e Tp(M) is the inner y in the fibre over is the Value of If >p y is a section of some vector If The right action < Tf Tr 1 Y) satisfies for any . Our construction of a slice is essentially a generalization of the construction used for the action of a compact Lie group on a difterentiable manifold (see 4, p. 108). Let M be a differentiable manifold, compact Lie group and A: G X M -> M a smooth map with the right action property stated above. G(x) = A(G,x) , the orbit of G Fix through x s M ; let x ; let equal (g e GIA(g,x) = x) , the isotropy group of Since A is continuous, is a Lie subgroup of G . Gx If G a is closed in r: G -> G/Gx G , so is the Gx x Gx -3- projection map, there is a unique topology (the quotient topology) on G/Gx With this topology such that G/Gx f: G/Gx -> 7: 0 -> f such that , A coset 0 in ~C (U))'tX (7r A R U is a neighborhood of the trivial is the identity map on induces a smooth injection space of G/Gx , so T4 M G , and (see 5, p. 110). G/Gx -> M 4(G/G ) is a submanifold of defined X , and is a diffeomorphism, whose range (See 4, pp. 105, 108) notation, for any M . Using the above x E M , there exists a submanifold S such that: 1) S 2) G/Gx , and F is invariant under action of A(g,S) n S 3) If then 4: U is compact and therefore closed in Slice Theorem: of : U -> G is injective on every tangent G/Gx -> 4(G/Gx) = G(x) G(x) Also there exists a local cross there is a smooth map ; 4(gGx) = A(g,x) . by is smooth if and only if Xj (0) = Id , the identity element of such that 4: G/Gx is continuous and open. has a natural manifold structure is smooth. section; that is, if 7 0 0 implies X( : U -> G F: U X S -> M Gx g s Gx is a local cross section for is defined by F(u,s) = A() (u),s) , is a diffeomorphism onto an open set in M . __ ____~_~~_~ _~_____ -4- Outline of Proof: g: M -> a map For g E G , we will consider M defined by g(x) = A(g,x). g -i map with inverse the map defined by Tg: T(M) -> T(M) Let G < , > . Let Exp G ; i.e., g: M -> M be the exponential map of corresponding to the Riemannian structure. such that G(x) Exp(V) is defined, for all V x in N and E-neighborhood of Exp G(x) S = N n Tx(M) ; that is Tx(G(x)) r N in S M so the Riemannian v(G(x)) over E > 0 Tx(M) of a slice (see 4, p. 108). Also, if M by , Exp(V) such is defined (see 12, pp. 73-75). is the set of vectors at S F: G X S -> is is a diffeomorphism onto It is easy to check that that: Exp(Tg(V)) E , which are perpendicular to with length less than the subspace Then if is compact, one can find an N = (V E v(G(x))I<V,V> < E2) Let Amon G(x) M T(M) . that if an M M defines a normal bundle G(x) , which is a subset of Since becomes g Exp(V) = Exp(Tg(V)) . is a closed submanifold of structure on By we can find a metric that is invariant under the action of also defined, and is a smooth be the induced map on the tangent bundle. integrating it over V E T(M) as g-l . Let M have a Riemannian metric, an isometry. g , and let S = Exp S has the three properties of Gx = [Id) , it follows F(g,s) = A(g,s) is a diffeomorphism _ iC~ 1__·__ ·1 -__--_ 111~---1 ~.~___ 1.1_~_. -5- onto a neighborhood of this neighborhood, G G(x) in M , and for any y in = (Id) When we try to generalize this theorem to the action of the group or of diffeomorphisms of a manifold the space of metrics ficulties. L of M , we encounter several dif- Our foremost problem is that 4 (nor is it locally compact). M , on is not compact, Therefore, we cannot integrate with respect to Haar measure to construct a metric on which is preserved under the action of not know that an orbit o8 (x) of a cannot immediately conclude that or that the map 4: 4 / 8x -> B(x) 6 77L . Also we do is compact, so we (x) W is closed in ' , is a homeomorphism. Furthermore there are technical difficulties regarding the topologies on the spaces 0 and ?i . is the space of smooth symmetric covariant M , and Ce(S 2T*) Ce(S 2 T*) If 2-tensors on has the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives, then it is a Frechet space. If we give 7h. this same topology, it is an open convex cone in eC(S 2 T*) --- an open set of a Frechet space. If we give ·& the topology of uniform convergence in all derivatives, we find that 6 is locally like a neighborhood in Ce(T) , the space of smooth vector fields, and this is also a Frechet space (see 5 or 6). __·_~ -6- The usual proof of the slice theoxem uses the fact that the manifold M has an exponential map, Exp , which is a diffeomorphism near the zero section of the tangent bundle. However, for Frechet spaces, the implicit function theorem and the local existence theorem for ordinary differential equations are not true in general (see 12, p. vi). There- fore we do not know that there is an exponential map with the above property, so we cannot use the usual proof with these spaces. Because of these technical difficulties, we enlarge the sets 7 and somewhat, so that they are infinite dimensional manifolds, loelly like meighborhoods in Hilbert spaces. These enlarged spaces, which we call Hs are spaces of maps --- 48 s that each partial is square integrable. s or " s s maps which have partial der- ivatives defined almost everywhere up to order to Z and " s such A tangent space at a*l point looks like a Sobolev space, HS(E) ; i.e., a space of sections of some vector bundle on E M , such that each section has square integrable partial derivatives up to order s (see 16). Also we can construct in a natural way, a Riemannian metric on " The action s A which is invariant under the action of extends to a continuous map . A: O s+1 x•s-> -7- y E9fls At any point by 7T(T ) = A(r,y) . q E Also, if for T ( s+l) amd s+1 _> If s+l y T1 P7 ential operator a . , s) lt is smooth. with the appropriate becomes a first order linear differIt turns out that symbols so its range is closed in The isotropy group £0 s+l a induced manifold structure. ->1 2S . has injective T?P ()(. s) (also called compact Lie group, and the factor space b $:0 s + is defined we identify the tangent spaces T*()(T Sobolev spaces, is in 9 s *7 I ) s+1/Iy is a has an induces a map $4 is an injective immersion, but we do not know that it is a homeomorphism onto a closed orbit (as in the classical case). It does, however, induce a normal bundle v on Ss+ 1 /I7 , and the exponential, exp on 1) s coming from the Riemannian structure of section of 9j s is defined near the zero v , though it is not necessarily a diffeomor- phism. Also, we know that any fixed smooth map T.*:01es is an isometry. V in T(ai s ) ->V7s by ZS s+1 defines a q*(y) = A(rT,y) , and q* Therefore, if exp is defined on a vector exp is defined on Ti*(V) , and q*exp(V) = exp Tn*(V) Combining the above information, we get the following restricted version of the slice theorem. -8- If A:65 s+l X Vs _>9sn Theorem: above, for each is the action defined , there is a submanifold 'yea S of a such that: sl T EI 1) If 2) There is a neighborhood such that if 3) T: A(q,S) = S If s+l _ T s V and A(i,S) n S C( : U ->D s+l , and s+1/I F(u,s) = A(3 (u),s) , then neighborhood of V of I inB s+1 / 0 then T E I.y is a local cross section for F: U X S ->7s F is defined by is a homeomorphism onto a . In Section II, we develop some tools of calculus and discuss spaces of Hs functions on open sets in Euclidean space. In Section III, we construct the infinite dimensional manifold of manifold. Hs maps from a compact manifold to some other We define the group Z s and discuss its properties. Section IV is about the manifold s . Using differ- ential operators we define a Riemannian metric p s . on In Section V we discuss the group action A: B s+l x1 S _> js , check its smoothness, and define a manifold structure on 4 s+1/I In Section VI we show that inJective immersion. 1a : S+/I -> s+1 s is an -9- In Section VII we show that our Riemannian metric is invariant under the action of 4 s+l , and look at the normal bundle on O s+1/I induced by the immersion . In Section VIII we state and prove the slice theorem itself. In Section IX we discuss the smooth situation --- we show that $.: Z/I closed subset of in % -> 27 is a homeomorphism onto a , and we prove that the set of metrics with trivial isometry group is open , and dense in 31. In Section X we make a few suggestions as to what further research might be done, extending the present work. -----------mý -10- Hs Functions. II. The purpose of this section is to define a set of kIn to IR m functions from , Hs called functions, (s a positive integer), and to put a topology on this set. Later we will generalize the definition to a set of maps from one manifold to another and construct two examples of such sets called Z s Let struct give U HS(U) to . be a bounded open set in a n . We shall conHs HS(U) , the functions from U to 1Rm and the structure of a Hilbert space. Ce(U) Let and *s be the set of smooth functions from U nRmwhich are bounded and have all derivatives bounded, and let CO(U) be the subset consisting of those functions whose support is contained in U . These are linear spaces under the operations of pointwise addition and scalar multiplication. product on d~(U) Definition 1: If (l,a2,...,an) , I (I a 1 We shall define an inner a)n 2 functions on gtn f e and (U) , n Ial = 7 a an n-tuple of integers i ' i=1 a n , h di t ILCL qu -11- Daf e C' (U) . Remark: Definition 2: C'(U) Let be a bilinear function on = f defined by: (fg) where ls U f Da g dx defines a norm on Definition 3: HS(U) respect to the norm in HS(U) in the norm n . It is ( )s is positive definite, so = (f,f)/2 dmo(U) sal s D refers to the usual measure on dx clear that IIf < , >s II is the completion of II ItI and HS(U) (see 2, p. 192). II5 Ce(U) C"(U) with is the closure of Both are Hilbert spaces We shall write HS(U, R m) when we We show an elementary property of the space HS(u) . 0 0 wish to explicitly specify the range. Proposition 4: Uc V . i: Let U V be bounded open sets of ' n Then there is a natural inclusion Hs (U) -> Hs (V) defined by 0 0 i(f)(v) = 0 v vU f(v) v U which is a continuous linear map. Proof: map. the ~ i: CO(U) -> CO(V) defined as above is a linear 0 0 It is clearly bounded (in fact norm preserving) in Hs norms on U and V . Therefore it extends to -12- 0 f: 9 -> 0 9 Now let be any open set in ft n and let m Definition 5: p q.e.d. i: HS(U) -> HO(V). the map iff there are bounded neighborhoods V C U , and a C function p support (p) C U , f is Hs at U, V of p with p E 9 , we say that Given p: U -> IR 1 identically such that on V pf s H0(U) and We now procede to demonstrate some elementary properties of differentiation which we will need in our construction of spaces of Let let U iff functions on manifolds. E be an open set in the Banach space f: U -> F , Definition 6: HS F and a Banach space. A function from R to 1k is called 0(t) O(t)/t = 0 lim t -> 0 Definition 7: Assuming horizontal at 0 U contains iff for any neighborhood F , there is a neighborhood f(tU') Definition 8: 0 , we say f: U -> F U' c of 0 in f V of 0 U such that is differentiable* at p e U ___ __ I notion is often in O(t)V and only if there exists a continuous linear map This is called the Frechet derivative. if A: E -> F ---------------0 -13- f(p + x) = f(p) + A(x) + h(x) such that of in 0 E II All = F . to max ixill It is a Banach space under the norm 11Axl 2 (see 13, PP. 4-5). Definition 9: Df: U -> L(E,F) is differentiable at p s U Ck is f if and only if exists and is continuous. smooth if f is Ck Dkf: U -> L(E,L(E ''' Let from Lk(E,F) IIAl = max Ixil=1 Ck - is Df ... L(E,F)) is f Of course it if and only if is f Also we say . and we . Ck is f Df C or Ck (k - L's) . ) be the set of continuous multi-linear maps EX EX ... X E Definition 10: D2f = D(Df) k . If for all If Dkf = D(Dk-lf) follows from this definition that Dkf Df(p) = Dp f C1 . is f we define Proceeding inductively we write say U is defined by is continuous we say that Df Assume is differentiable at every point of f: U -> F If be the space of continuous linear maps L(E,F) Let Dpf . and is denoted f is called the A F . In this case into E derivative of from 0 is a horizontal function from some neighborhood h where near x for into F (k - E's). We define a norm on (A(x 1 ,x 2 #** Xk) Lk(E,F) where xi by E B for all i -14- Proposition 11: Lk(E,F) is a Banach space under this norm and there is a canonical norm-preserving isomorphism Q: Lk(E,F) -> L(E,L( Proof: (L(E,F)) ... *.. If A a Lk(E,F) ( ) let *** ((Q(A)(xl))(x 2 )) .. " )(Xk) = A(x1 ,x2 , *o* Xk) It is easy to see that Q is a norm-preserving isomorphism (see 13, p. 5). Remark: Because of the above proposition we can identify L(E,L(E, *** L(E,F)) as a map from U ... ) with Lk(E,F) and consider Df Lk(E,F) to Another concept of differentiability is the following: Definition 12: f: U -> F has Gateaux dertvative at lim [f(f(u+tv) - f(u)] t -,0 We write this limit as df(u,v) in direction Lemma 13: If derivatives at direction f: U -> V , x df(x,v) g: V -> F in direction v respectively. equals dg(f(x), df(x,v)) . Proof: Usual chain rule argument. Lemma 14: u e U 1 v iff v sE and df exists in have Gateaux and at f(x) d(gof)(x,v) If f has Gateaux Derivative and all u in exists and df(u,v) for all defines a continuous map F. -15- 4: on U -> L(E,F) U $(u)(v) = df(u,v) , then See 19, p. C1 is 6. dkf(x,vl ... Let f $= Df . and Proof: by Vk) be the iterated kth Gateaux derivative. Corollary 15: If f x E U , exists for all Ck 1 is and (vi ) C E dkf(x,v vk) such that the map $k: U -> Lk(E,F) defined by $k(n)(vl ... vk) = dkf(u,vl 1 k and D f =k() . is continuous, then f is C Proof: dtf(u,v1 Assume the corollary for ""* Vt) = d(Dt-lf(v 1 by the lemma is bounded Du(Dt-lf(vl .. t-linear map in and equals dtf(u,v1 **. vi vt) k = t-l , then .. vt-1l))(u,v k ) . vt _))(vt) 1 . Therefore The case This which is a Dt f u t = 1 exists is shown in the above lemma, so this proves the corollary. This lemma and corollary will be used to show smoothness of maps from one space of functions to another. This completes our discussion of the derivatives of a single map. We go on to develop the rules for differ- entiating a composition of mappings. Proposition 16: f: U -> V , _--- Let g: V -> G U, V be open sets of (E,F,G E, F ; Banach spaces). Then if v P i- - .h..n Dp (g o f) = Df(p)g * Dpf where composition of linear maps Proof: E bF Definition 17: Proposition 18: at a point p II e + f and Df(p)g: F -> G If f E , of Proof: and f4 g g E and F (a Banach If = (I e 1I 2 + 11 f 112)/2). g: G -> F , then is defined by Dp(f O g) = D f (f 0 g)(x) = f(x) + g(x) (above) are differentiable is differentiable at p , DDpg . First we note that the sum of two horizontal maps is horizontal. Let 0 in E 0 in E Since Then given h2 : G -> F V and F U2 be defined a neighborhood of F , there exists neighborhoods h1 , h2 and hl: G -> E , 0 . and horizontal at 2 indicates the Dpf: E -> F f: G -> E , If f D g: G -> E 0F h 2 (tU " * be the direct sum of space under the norm U1 " Standard (see 17, p. 17). Let and r - respectively such that V1 and of V1 4 V2 C V . are horizontal there exist neighborhoods of ) _c O(t)V2 0 in . Let G , such that U = U1 n U2 . hl (tU 1 ) _c O(t)V 1 , Then h1 ) h2(tU) C 0(t)(V1 0 V2) C 0(t)V . hi V2 9 h2 is horizontal. Our proposition now follows from the computation: -17- g)(p + x) = f(p + x) + g(p + x) (fr =f(p) + Dp f(x) + hl(x) + g(p) + Dpg(x) + h 2 (x) = (f g)(p) + (D f 0 Dpg)(x) + (hl h 2)(x) We now prove a slight generalization of the formula for the derivative of the product of two functions. be Banach spaces; let bilinear map. A, B Ck Let g: E X F -> G U, V Let E,F,G be a continuous be open sets in Banach spaces respectively, and let f: U -> E h: V -> F be functions. Proposition 19: g(f,h): U X V -> G g(f,h)(u,v) = g(f(u), h(v)) D(u,v)(g(fh))(a,b) Ck , and is = g(Duf(a), defined by h(v)) + g(f(u), Dvh(b)) a s A , b s B , u s U , v s V where Proof: This is analogous to the standard proof for the derivative of a product (see 5a, p. 167-169). Let a map by composition, h: V -> G and F are 1 g(X,Y) -> C2 where X * Y , and assume U V and be defined f: U -> are open sets of V , E respectively. Corollary 20: Proof: g: L(E,F) X L(F,G) -> L(E,G) g 2 D.... u-(h o f) = 2 (Duf Df(u) Duf) + Df(uh * D2 +h •fu Duf is a continuous bilinear mapping, so use the -18- above proposition on Du(h o f) = Df(u)h * Duf composition rule to get Corollary 21: and the D(Df(u)h) = D2(u)h Let the above f and h be Ck . Then Dk(h o f) is a sum of terms of the form: u DP(u)h where i+ 1 2 + ... 1 Proof: * i i2 (Du l f, D1u f,.* i , Du f) ip = k . We have the case k = 2 . The proof for larger k is by a direct induction using the preceding Corollary and the two previous propositions. The following Corollary will be useful in studying Hs the composition of Corollary 22: Drh DS(h o f) functions. is a sum of terms in such that for each term, equal to Proof: t or r Dtf and is less than or [s/2]* + 1 This follows by inspecting the formula of the preceding corollary. If we apply the arguments similar to these of the above three corollaries to the situation g: E X F -> G , [a] I g a bilinear map. f: U -> E , h: V -> F , We get: means the greatest integer less than or equal to a -19- i DS g(f,h)= Proposition 23: (s)* g(Dif, DS-ih) i=0 Proof: D g(Dif, DJh) = g(Di+lf, DJh) + g(Dif, Dj+lh) by the previous proposition. The formula now follows from the binomial theorem. Corollary 23a: g(Drf, Dth) DS(g o (f,h)) where is a sum of terms of form t < [s/2] + 1 . r or If we now restrict our attention to the finite dimensional situation --- let Rn , U, V be open in Rm ---, then f: U-> V , h: V-> IP DufsDf(u)h and are linear transformations represented by the matrix of first order partial derivative of f , and h respectively, (see 58, pp. 170-171). at u and f(u) More generally Drf is a matrix of rth order partial derivatives of u Corollary 22 implies the following result: Proposition 24: Du(h o f) is a matrix of polynomials in the partial derivatives of than or equal to be N Dh DAf s . where f and h , of order less Each term of such a polynomial will N is an integer and IaI < [s/2] + 1 or I<I < [s/2] + 1 Similarly, Corollary 23a implies: (s) f is the binonical coefficient i (s) i s! S-) -20- Proposition 25 D (g(f,h)) in the partial derivatives of such a polynomial will be a function or is a matrix of polynomials f h . and P(g) Daf D h Each term of where P(g) is hne coe'ricients in the matrix which repre- sents the bilinear transformation g , and where lal < [s/2] + 1 or I < f1[s/2] + 1 We now state an important property of Hs compares functions and Ck HS(U) , which 0 functions, and which, when combined with the previous proposition, allows us to Hs define U of functions on manifolds. is an open set of V1 n. Let Ck functions from whose first k U to lk m Ck(U) be the set which are bounded, and derivatives are bounded. It is a linear space under pointwise operations. Proposition 26: II f IIk Proof: f umaxu ( Ck(U) is complete under the norm k Z IDk fl fl) usU i=-O0 u (where DOf = f) Standard, (see 1, pp. 4-5). We will endow Ck(U) with the topology induced by the It is of course the topology of "uniform Ck above norm. convergence". Lemma 27: If (Sobolev) s > [n/2] + k+l , HS(U) C Ck(U) 0 and the inclusion -21- is a continuous linear map. Proof: See 2, Remark: is H p. 194 or 20, pp. 465-467. The above lemma shows that if a function , Ck , if then it is s > [n/2] + k+l . because we know that, for all o function sucah th.h tS ( in a neighborhood of is at Ck p , so is This is so p s U , there exists some ot pf = f f: U ->Rn ' p . n ITH' C Un' IT Therefore, since pf f . We now discuss the properties of composition of Hs functions. Composition Lemma 28: Let g: V -> Euclidean space U, V U , be bounded open sets of g e HS(V) and f H(U) . 0 Assume s large enough so that HCs/2](U) C Cl(U0 HEs/2](V) C Cl(V) , as inSoboley lemma. Also assume Dg isnon-singular at each point v of V. If (f)C: CO(U) (g n c C(V), and gn -> g c U) (gn(V) n in HS(V) such that , in n and in C[s/2]+1(v) HS(U) 0 then H s (V) fngn -> fg Proof: We use proposition 24 combined with the Sobolev lemma. We know that since and clearly in fngn -> fg in f and 0 (U) CO Therefore, we must only show that 1 fn -> f g are CO , fg is CO (see 1, pp. 7-8). fngn converges in HS(V) -22- T rikC4 chrr+h~~n ~bmrI- the matrix Dk (fngn ) ~ 1 I t~ sr v~rr h converges in the L2 By proposition 24, any such entry is: Ii where lal < [s/2] + 1 or sense on V N Daf n D gn [s/2] + 1 ' Case I: I Jat < If [s/2] + 1 , Daf n -> Hs-[s/2]+1(U) C H[s/2]-l(U) C CO(U) Also, sense. D g n -> f ID fnDg Dg in L2 - Daf DgI 2 < I Daf + f in Daf by hypothesis. Therefore Dggn - Daf D~gn IDaf DPgn - Daf Dgl + fV ID gn 2 fV iDgn - DBgl Hence, if 1 ial D g n -> D g in L 2 , and goes to zero for the same reason. is bounded because max (ID a f - D f u u n HU U 2) 2 max (IDafu 2 ) f lDgn - D 12 is bounded because max (IDufI2) u EU 2 IDP n 2) Da < max (IDaf 12 Dafn -> D f CO goes to zero for the same reason. < [s/2] + 1 , Daffn Dg D n,cn converges. veg -23- Case II: I I<< fV [s/2] + 1 . As in Case I, we need to show: Dj n Dvn - D+gn gn (v) (v ) f Dg vn V1Dagn(v) f fD v n D - g(v)f 2 fDgj D ->0 Sra V tg n ,_ (v)In v gn - a g(v) V f D ()f Dg V g ) vn - 2 v gn 2 <-Vmas D D (v)f Dg 2 v) g gD- D Dn _ a JJIV Ign(v) n v[g ni 2 < max (IDvg - Dgl 2)f VE V Vv ID (V f l V + max ( IDvgl }f Dg (v)f - D (v)f 2 The first "max" term is bounded, the second goes to zero and the third is bounded as in case I. However, for the integral terms we must use the fact Dgn that is non-singular. gn E C (V) so Dgn is bounded. (the reciprocal of the det(Dg (T determinant) is also bounded on V , and the bound is uniform Hence we can assume that in n . We know f IDaf1 2 < m and U JIDa 2 ( g(v)fIl2 < max (Idet Dvgl f ID Hence V 1 Idet Dvgj (U g(v)flD vvV > - I1 fV Da(v)f fUIDal 2 2 Idet DvgI T-23a- Similarly fVID~n(vfn - 'L D()1 max (Idet D~gI' i lD~fn fu - DafI2 vsV +- and (max ~ldet fIjDg,(v~ - -max fidet v~V Dvgnl-l) Dgcvf I D gJ-l]) f U jD~tf .2 1 (max(v~Idet D g ~l)l -max vs V 1 ]) [Idet D gV- fIDloaI UU 2 i i a i. -24- The lemma follows. so these terms goto zero. Hs From here on, when dealing with shall always assume that is s functions, we large enough so that the above lemma holds. Remarks: 1) because ben"c0aus Ha(V) tion of "Hs fn T-TH( -> fg in Therefore, since the definiTheefre, since the rdefini- function" is a purely local one (we will prove this soon) we have shown that f o g implies 2) k s , at Hs p Hs f, g whenever at Dpg and g(p) p is non-singular. The proof of the above lemma shows that for Dk(fng n ) Dk(fg) converges to and the same for Dkfn L2> D kf Since fg E HS(V) means that HS(V) is complete. is complete L2 in the sense. g , we find that the composition rule for derivatives holds almost everywhere for the function 3) If g: V -> U f o g has the property that any neigh- borhood of the boundary of g contains the image under of a neighborhood of the boundary of f s H(U) , 4) If k s , V , then for all gof e Hs(V) fn -> f hypothesis that all U Dkf formly to zero on Dg in Cs(U) , we do not need the is non-singular because then, for is bounded and U . Hence Dkf - Dkfn f ID (v)fl2 < goes uniand i C-L~ 1 -25- -> 0 Dk f - Dkg(v)fl 2 -> fvl Vg(vD 0 5) If of f the we can say that the derivatives f E HO(U) U , they being are defined almost everywhere on L2 limit of the corresponding derivatives of (fn) C Ce (U where ) and O f -> f n- in We now prove another property of fn H s (U ) Hs functions which . 0 is also a consequence of the Sobolev lemma and proposition 25. Lemma 29: G and f Let be a bilinear map; E, F, 0 Let e E H0(U,E) Let are Euclidean spaces. HS(U,F) . Then g: E X F -> G be the diagonal map. A: U -> U X U g o (e,f) o A s HS(U,G) and the map 0 (eq) -> g o (e,f) o A , is a continuous bilinear map B: Hs(U,E) X Hs(U,F) -> HS(U,G) 0 0 0 Proof: where Claim: A Let en -> e [e ) C Co(U) , in HS(U) , fn -> f 0 ([f in Hs(V), O 0 c Co(V) o A) C C (U) . (g(en,f ) n- 0 is smooth, it is clear that Since g is smooth and g(en,fn) o A is smooth, so we need only show that support (g o (en,fn) o A) c U But if K 1 = support (en ) , support (g o (en,fn) o A) K 2 = support (fn) , then C K1 n K2 . Therefore (g o (en,fn) o A) _CCO(U) n~f-a ii ..._- ' I~· · -26- Now we wish to show that g o (en,fn) o A -> g o (e,f) o A in DA: U -> L( . Rn X IRn) n HO(U) DuA = A: by D2 A = 0 , the bilinear map with image nX (0) . and Therefore, by the composition rule for derivatives and proposition 19, Du(g o (e,f) o A) = g(Due,f) + g(e,Duf) and more generally DS(g o (e,f) o A) = DS(g o (e,f)) o A . By proposition 25, DS(g o (e,f)) have form IN is a matrix of polynomials whose terms p(g) Dae D f < [s/2] + 1 . such that = Xn a1- U p ((g) g ) D Dn < [s/2] + 1 or Therefore, to show g(en, n) o A -> g(e,f) o A in n taI H~(U) D n -- we need only show 2 e Df -> 0 But < Ip(g) 2 1f IDen Dfn - Dae Dfn212 U + Ip(g) 2 fIDCe U DPfn - Dae D f12 Therefore, if ijal [s/2] + 1 , [IDe - Dae 2 Xn < Ip(g)21max us U De - De UD fn ap 2IDf 2 [IDue + Ip(g) lmax 2) usU f U f n - D fl 2 From here it follows as in the composition lemma that Xn -> 0. Xn (1,f,n) is symmetric in the triplets .' . Therefore, n Xn ap -> 0 T (a,e,en) the case and .......... -27- 1II < [s/2] + 1 also. Hence g(e,f) o A s HS(U) 0 Now we check that B: HS(U) x Hs(U) -> HS(U) is a 0 0 0 bilinear continuous map. B is obviously bilinear, because g is. To check continuity we must show that there is a constant K such that II I1 B(e,f) _< K1i e By proposition 25 and the definition of fIs s Hs norms it is enough to show: There is a constant K fU IP(g)I Dae Df 2 < K such that II e I1al l f lls where lal < [s/2] + 1 < _II [s/2] + 1 . If lal < [s/2] + 1 , or a el 2 ff Df max D2 p()2 Imax ueU Du U Dae Dfl jUIP(g) f pPDe) _D~fl I fl U ID<I2_I2 C , such that s 2 and by Sobolev lemma, there is a constant max IDel < C II e I ., u EU U Therefore let find K K in the case = (g)l C By symmetry we can . 1PI < [s/2] + 1 as well. The lemma follows. Corollary 30: let B(e,f) ("." If e e H (U, be defined by MXn) and 0 ImXn) X H(U, 0 nXp) HO(U, B(e,f)(u) = e(u) • f(u) means matrix multiplication). B: HS(U f Then np) ->nXp)H(U, is a 0 continuous bilinear map. ýd r"80 -28- Remark: This corollary shows us that the definition of Hs a map's being assume U, V are neighborhoods of p e CO (U) , p 1 on 0 be any neighborhood of such that outside U') so corollary, also pp' p' E C(p') Then p' s CO (U) (extending by aHS(U) and pp'f . Hs(U) by the 0 0 1 on V N V' . So V N V' and U' f is Hs Using the notation of the above lemma, if e s Hs(U,E) n c[s/2]+l(u) linear map V' C U' and U' p' can be used to show that Corollary 31: such that and p 1 . p' r V'- p That is, pf e HS(U) . Now let 0 which is included in U V There exists a neighborhood 0 p , is local. at a point , then there is a continuous pe: HS(U,F) -> HS(U,G) defined by te(f) = g o (e,f) oA . Proof: required in We need only note that the proof of lemma 29 L2 HS(U,E) derivatives. bounds on all s derivatives of functions and uniform bounds on the first [s/2] + 1 Therefore the proof works for this corollary as well. This concludes our discussion of the elementary properties of Hs functions. We now go on to investigate further the effect of composition of maps on the spaces. Hs -29- a-Lemma1 32: U,V,g be as in the composition lemma. a: H5(TJ) -> H5 (V) be defined by Let ag Let a (f) = fo g is a continuous linear mapping, and it is therefore smooth. Proof: That show that a_ is linear, is obvious, so we need only a is bounded. find for all 'y such that that 2 f ID'V~fg)1 <K For this it is sufficient to IwI <s a constant 2 fIDo'fI Z = K'V IIflii Ky such .B proposition 2M, we know that to do this we need only find constants K~ such that and we can assume tat < [s/2] Case I: where tat +t-1 fv or IDaf IS 0 2 D~gl < [s/2] IIfII2 < Kar +1. < [s/2] + 1 Q is the bound on the continuous linear injection H (U) C CtaI(U) 0 .Therefore, le~t Ka = 2r 10VjD1g -30- e saC I~ Il L L2 r- +- 1 0 f IDaf DPgi < max IDg f V ID(v)f 2 vvV max (Idet Dgl1 ) f IDuf < max (JD~g12) veV v Therefore, let V v EV = max (ID1gg12) K I f 112 g 2) max [Idet Dvg- ( max l U vV S max [Idet Dg -l) The lemma follows. As a dual to the above lemma we have the following: w-Lemma 33: g E Ce(V) Let V be an open set in [Rn with values in and ~.m ; i.e., for all k , g E ck(v) HS(U,V) = (f e HS(U)f(U) C V . Then HS(U,V) is 0 0 0 open in HS(U, R n) and w : Ho(U,V) -> HS(U, IRm) defined Let by f -> g o f Proof: is a smooth map. If V is open in M n cO(U,V) = (f E CO(V)If(U) C V} CO(U) , it is clear that is open in CO(U) , because has the uniform convergence topology. Hs (U) C CO(u) But is a continuous linear injection and HS(U,V) = Hs(U) n cO(u,V) . Therefore HS(U,V) is open in 0 0 0 Hs(U, n) . g o f E HS(U, IRm) by Remark 3 following 0 the composition lemma, so the image of wg is in Hs(U, km) __ -31- We shall show the smoothness of wg in a number of steps, as follows. 1) mg continuous. 2) The Gateaux derivative f e Ha(U,V) , dw (f,h) exists for all h s HS(U, Rn) 0 0 3) dwg(f,h)(p) = Df(p)(h(p)) 4) Therefore, Gateaux derivative is continuous as map from HS(U,V) 0 to 5) Therefore, L(HS(Uj VRn), 0 Hs(U, ikm)) exists and Dg DfCg(h)= dwg(fsh) 6) cg is Cý and by induction, smooth. Proof of steps: 1) Let -> f Let n- f g fn -> gf in S(U,V) ; we must show 0 in in Hs(U, 1km) . As in the composition and a lemmas, this means that we must show fI Dag D fn - Dag D f But fuI Dn gD f n - max IDgl 2 < w v EV and f ID fn2) ag Dpf % 2 2 -> 0 • max ID glI 2 f since each derivative of D f 2 -- > By definition 0 da since fn -> (f,h) = lim the limit being in the topology of t -,O g f ID fn - P D f l is bounded, in HO(UV) I(g(f+th) - g(f)) , HS(u, R m) 1 -32- Therefore it is sufficient to show that X (1Da + t h g D = lal sense for But and ) g E C(V, Im) Therefore, since (Da+th - Da) sense because is on bounded in U as above. - D (u)g) = D(D~)(h(u)) O < t' < t is uniformly con- is uniformly bounded, we know h D(D g)(h) L2 uniformly on (D(D/g)(h))Dpf in the Xt . L2 g E Ce(V, Rm) Daf+th g -> Dag f and uniformly Dthg Sf+th g Dh -> Dfg f2 D h Therefore U U . on norm implies d co(f,h) sense, so 3) CO is isthg v . Now for the second term of h s By the mean value D(Da(g)) Dfg)D f -> DAf norm. Since v = f(u) + t'h(u) , converges to (D-a+thg . (D(u)th( , tinuous as a function of Hence CO v e V , such that But since L2 1P1 < s u E U , theorem, for all for some converges in the - Dfg Df) is bounded in the h large, +t h (D+thg - Dg)Df + D a fg +th gD = t (f in L exists. I(g(f(u) + th(u) - g(f(u))) = Df(u)+th(u)g(h(u)) by the mean value theorem, where is uniformly continuous in so l(g(f(u) + th(u)) on U . By 2), ~)in on V and 0 < t' < t . h But is bounded on - gf(u)) -> Df(u)g(h(u)) y U , uniformly .(g(f + th) - g(f)) converges in v. Dvg , -33- HS(U, r m) By the above, it converges to CO(u, Grk m) or Dfg(h) 4) in Uk m) HO(U, HO(U, j m) or Therefore it converges to d mg(f,h) = Dfg(h) Dg: V -> L( Iln . derivatives. m) is . is smooth and has bounded Therefore the map mD : HO (U,V) -- > Hs(U,L(Rn,, g Dfg(h) in continuous by step 1) . defined by , f -> Dfg Let m )) defined 9: HS(U,L(Rn, I.m)) _> L(Hs(U, Rn), HS(U, RR 0' 0 by Q(g)(f)(u) = (g(u))(f(u)) It is immediate that is a continuous linear map the map induced by d g (use Corollary 30). from Ho(U,V) is 9 o aý)g L(H (U,M n), HS(U, Ilm)) Therefore, 9 o and dwg so by lemma 13, Dfwg(h) = dwg(f,h) 6) By the 5 iso9 Also, to defines the continuous map DwI g exists and is continuous, . steps above, )Dg: HS(U,V) -> HS(U,L(IR IRm)) is 0 C1 Also 9 defined above, induces a continuous linear map 9: L(H3(U, Rn),HS(U,L( ,n, 0 ,m))) -> L(HO(U, Tn), L(Hs(U, 0 n HS(U, ,m))) 0 defined by ---- Q(M) = 9 oI Dw2 = 0 o DD . Hence w -· MM -34- C2 . is The existence of the in the same way using kth derivative follows and D Dk-l g (hl Dkc Weak g "'* hk ) = Dkg(hl , c-Lemma 34: be in HS(U,V) such that for all p in U Let f e A , c-lemma except let A D f f s C[s/2]+1(U) and : A -> Hs(U, JRn) C s/2]+l(u) q.e.d. Use notation of the HS(v) A c[s/2]+1 (V) . for every Proof: "'" hk ) , and if f -> f be a subset of is non-singular . Then in Hs(U,V) and in cg(fn) -> cg(f) n cog(A) C Hs(U , 1T.n) by the composition lemma. The convergence property follows from the estimates of step 1) fact that _ of the Dag laI < [s/2]+l) and from the c-lemma (if is L2 (if 1 < [s/2]+l). <I -35- III. Hs Functions on Manifolds and the Group Let M, N p E M For there exist charts function. HS(M,N) which are Hs about p-1 o (f r $(U)) o If a map is (U,)) then it is Hs Proof: (U'J1') p and M to at p f(p) Hs N p with respect to (V,*) (P,- (V',~') at f(p) , 1 is another pair o f o $ o (4-o1 o P)*- '-l1 ($(U) n $'(U')) n f-(4 (V) n ?p'(V')) p . *'-1 o * -1 o and on the ') which is a 4' are smooth maps whose derivatives are everywhere non-singular. using the composition lemma, and only if iff with respect to any other pair. 4'= neighborhood of p M . Hs and at is an is the set of maps from one pair of charts set Hs f is (V,*)* at every point of Proposition 36: (*')-1 o f o we say (U,$) and respectively such that If f: M -> N be smooth manifolds, Definition 35: s ff o *-l1 is ',-1 o f o $' Hs . is Hence Hs if q.e.d. Our next general goal is to define a topology and differentiable structure on HS(M,N) . To do so we must use the following: A chart (U, ) at p is a homeomorphism 4 of an open set in Euclidean space, U , onto a neighborhood of p which defines the differentiable structure on the neighborhood (see 13, p. 16). -- 1 -- pro"- 2 -36- Lemma 37: Let f: U -> JR N2f U be a bounded set in Euclidean space an H Hs We first show that Fix p U . We know by the definition of Af that there are neighborhoods E R ) Co(U p , I, Therefore, lemma 29. so Xf Hs OP pPf2 at Up ) E and function. Hs functions Vp of p 1 and so p p HS(U ) . Also POp p. Furthermore, C support (X2) support (Pf) = support (;2f) is compact. p e U , pick ppVf e HS(U ). Up , Vp D support (D) . corresponding pi f E Up and C Hs(U) Hs(Ui) 0 - proposition 4). 0 HS(U) pp , pp Since support (x) Call these Ui (pi) , V and by 1 so cU and we can choose a finite number of points V = U V E 0P 2 pp ý Vp = support (A2f) above, so that ppf HO(U ) ppA ppf support (kf) Now for each and as is compact such that call the pi under the natural inclusion (see Therefore ( 1 Pi ) Vf E Hs(U) 0 . Now consider the function . It is defined on 1:P V since, for all Pi(v) = 1 1 Also . X is smooth and support (pd C U since HO(Up', p X P Hence is ) is an pp ( VP such that Pph E C (Up But Then Hs (U) 0 E Proof: p . E Ce (U,l) function, and v E V , there is some pi support (X) C V , so -i zPi such that E C(V) 0 11_ -37- 1 to an element of Ci(U) C HB(U) P,00 0 2 A f e HO(U) . q.e.d. Therefore we can extend Therefore (p.)((Z p)?f) 1 Now assume M is a compact manifold and fix f e H5 (M,N) . Tf = (h E HS(M,T(N))Iwh = f) Let projection 7: T(N) -> N . Tf where r is the is a linear space --- the linear structure induced by the linear structure on the fibres of T(N) . We shall define an inner product on Tf , making it a Hilbert space. Let of N [Vj) and 'j: of the bundle (Ui,Ki,Pi M, Ki be a collection of coordinate neighborhoods T(Vj) -> Vj X I T(N) . where [U i ) n local trivializations Pick a finite collection of triples are coordinate neighborhoods of is a compact subset of Ui , and pi E C(M, I) such that: 1) There exists Ai a CE(M, I.) such that 2) Support (pi) C-Ui and pi r Ki pi = 2 1 3) U tinterior (Ki))= M 4) For each i , there exists J such that f(Ui) c v . The existence of the collection ((Ui,Ki,Pi)) follows from the usual arguments used to construct partitions of -38- unity (see 13, p. 27). We now define an inner product on on We now define an inner product v2 : Vi Vi X IRn -> _> ~Rn Mn ng: X ~R" Let Let second factor. factor. Let 2 (P 2*j (Piihh h iS = hij by projection on the by proSection on the . h, h'h' E Ty Tf h, h, h' E T, ~ Ui): Ui): Ui -> IR. n ->Vn Let Let (3 (j is such that is that f(Ui f(Ui)>cv C Vj ,n ,~ Ui): h' _> Hs Ui): ,jUi Ui -) [R" 7Tj(Pih' 2= "g~'j(Pih' hi j h;j Tf . Tf By lemma 37, 317, hijs h;j hij ~H E HO(U hij' SO (v,, ~R (hij, h;j)s (hijt hi)s so ") is defined. defined. is Definition 38: 38: Definition Tf X Tf -> Tf X Ty -> Let Let . Z(hij (hij' , hij) hiJ )Ss (h,h') (hh')i . ~F~ ( , It isis clear clear that that It ) is aa positive positive definite definite is bilinear map, is an inner product on bilinear map, so so itit is an inner product on Proposition 39: 39: Proposition product product Proof: is a Hilbert space with the inner is a Hilbert space with the inner Tf Tf We must show completeness. completeness. Tf Ty (hn - h-m (hn ij ij i 13' Therefore, Therefore, since Hs1(U) E; HS(U) 0 i -> h: M Ivl -) HS(U) HS (U) 0 such that such that T(N) T(N) ,, by by h(p) = h(P) . interior (Ki) p p E E interior (Ki) L Assume (hn) ~hn) is is . all i , Then for for all hiJ Tf . Ty (0) Cauchy in in Cauchy h be be a a map map from from hn n ii ij > 0 hm m )) -_> O ij iS as as n,m -> -> oo o . nm exists there exists is complete, complete, there is -> h h n1i -> hiJi -'(f(p), in H s (U) Define in HS0(U) Define hij(p)) (p>> for for -39- We must show that this is a consistant definition; p s interior (Ki) N interior (Ki,) i.e. that if hij()) (f(p), f(Ui,) CV, . pijl(f(p), hn p e Ui n Ui' . Hs an -> - Pi: hin Support (piPi , Ui N Ui 2 ,2 = (p ) Pi' Pi'hij Phi'j (p ) n in on It is clear that and C Ui n Ui' i ( Ui n U fi . ) n Ui ,). By symmetry Therefore Ki N Ki' , so h and since on Ui n Ui well defined. h agrees with p -> ? l(f(p), hij(p)) on the open set interior (Ki) , h s HS(MT(N)) . w2 Pj(Pih) r Ui = hij , so in Tf and Tf Proposition 40: Also is complete. The topology of the particular choices of Proof: hn -> h q.e.d. Tf (UiKi, i) is independent of and (Vj,ij) . First we recall that to prove two Hilbert space norms equivalent, one must only show the identity map is bounded as a map from other norm. 1 1II Tf is S HO(Ui N Ui,) (f(p)),hi,j,(p)) wh = f 7 2 %jhn Therefore by lemma 37 . H(U Hs in = 1 ) , if hn,,(p)) PihJ H s = Pihnij1 (f(p), hij(P)) =p pi, Pi -1pi(f(p), ipi'i' n-n = Pi'hj and , where hij(p)) To show this we note that for all function on (since (f(p), = ' with one norm to Tf with the . But Now given any two collections and [(Uj 1 , Kilpi,), refinement (V ,~f.,)) ((Ui,Ki,Pi), (Vj j)) there is a common ((U i n Ui,, Ki n Ki', (Vj n Vj,,1 PiP,), (Pvj V)iV n ) We shall show that the norm of the refinement is equivalent to either of the original ones. ( First we point out that the norm Ui depends on the chart of so H(Ui) is really Hs((-l(U)) (so: 01 (Ui) 0 is (by the on -> Ui )j a$-lo so: H(O - 1 (U.1 ) -> Ui linear isomorphism. is an is the (01Ui))-> H(O 1(U It has so it is a topological , HO(Ui) Hence M and a-lemma 37) a continuous linear map. a 01 o H(O(Ui 1) -1 However, given two smooth maps a continuous inverse, _ where : open set of Euclidean space and chart map. ) is an open set of Ui . , is well defined as a "Hilbertable" topological linear space (a space whose no topology can be defined by an inner product). product (( inner product the inner the ,J ),) thaton on H(U (V,) H sO norm Therefore is up to to is defined defined up equivalence. topological topological equivalence. any that for remark that we remark Next we for any Next constant is aa constant is This This is is e HSO HO(Ui, (Ui' j ~) r,fi E there ,, there M (hh)of openC (fih, S fi (hh)s (r ihJ rih)h)s that chart, fi such that the where the 30 where corollary 30 of corollary consequence or direct consequence aa direct multiplication. is scalar scalar multiplication. map is bilinear map bilinear (UiKipi) , we replaced (UjrKjrPI) J We replaced (Ui'Ki'Pi) ' we replaced L ) pi Pi Pi by by by if in in Hence if Hence p1 2 , the identiy map map pi2 , the identiy pi 2 , the identiy map _ ~L-~_.-~ I 1 -41- of Tf with the new norm into Tf with the old norm would be continuous, and therefore an isomorphism. Now show that that the the topology topology of does depend Now we we show of Tf Ty does not not depend on the local trivializations trivializations *, on T(N) T(N) . Let *j and II 111 1I I $j be two such trivializations. trivializations. Let on (Vj~*j)J Tf induced by: induced be induced induced by by be 1(Ui.,KiPi), ((Ui,Kip2), C(UIJKI~P 2i (VAj)} equivalent to to that that induced induced by by equivalent II II II, 12 shall shall show that that be the norm II 1[11 112 112 and let a.nd let which we know is which is [(Ui,Kipi), [(UI'KIJPI)' (Vj,4j)] (Vj,~j)l . We We is is bounded by aa constant times times ~1 II ill·' Note that 72 o Note that s2 o j o Pi 2 h ~j o pi 2h Ui = 7T~( t~ Ui 2j aJ from V VJ L(lk nn L(I~ to dimension of the ffbre the dimension fibre of R n) ca n> T(N) T(N) 2o where o a aj is smooth, smooth, is and therefore therefore by by lemma lemma 37, 37, and ( ) and )2 (( • , )2 giving rise f~iving r~se to to the the norms norms hk- where where nn is is (see 13, 13, p. (see p. 35)· 35). o ph (pi(jo 2j enoh e a, oh = aj of of (P, (Pi taj (tj O o a7 h)).( is is o~ O Pih) pih) H HSs pi(2j v oo h) h) E HS(Ui,L( In ", Pi taj oo ~I~ E HSO (UI'L( IR inner products products over be the inner I1 1111 II1 and and 11 112 112 11 By 30, there By corollary corollary 30, there is is aa constant constant on defines a L( tq L( t nJ n,fF~ n) n) linear transrormatfon linear transformation in in Since 1 Ui . r Ui' defines a 3 2 0 -1 = ( Pi(aj o a oo h))·(820 2 T2 o ~j o 1CI j o 1C/j O Pi h n: T(N) 7: T(N) -> -> N and srgniries "." ~he action of the signifies the Also Also Let Qj 0 P Pi 2 h o 2h 1) o --1 j o ?-1 -1 By the the definition definition of of aa vector vector bundle, bundle, By smooth map o0 o hh f`Ui), r Ui),' Pi(lj i(Aj ao U Uii respectively. respectively. C , depending Ci depending i nv oo hGUi))s hfUi)) s such that that n,fn)). IR ")) . -42- (hh) 2 C2(h,h) 11 112 From this it is clear that z Ci 11111 II 1il and and that , is bounded by 11 112 Now we know that the norm (call it are equivalent. II 113) which corresponds to the set ((U i Ki n Ki 0 Ui , , ,' Pi Pi' , ý Vj n Vj,)] which we define by the . replacing *j, j V n v, (V II II4 is equivalent to the norm same set with ) To prove the proposition we need only show that II 113 is equivalent to ,for equivalent to II II4 v2*jPipi'2 and Also is and that therefore all are equivalent. To show this we replace form a new it then follows by symmetry (((Ui,,Ki,,pi,), (V ,,ij,) that the norm induced by )1 II1 pi Pi' by pi 2 p2, to II I13 2h r Ui n ui, = (Pi pi'2) ( wv21ji 2 h pi 2 Ui n Ui E Hs ( Ui o *jPih)[ Ui n Ui' n Ui , ) C HO( U i) H0(Ui n Ui,) Ci H (Ui) 7 2 o * o pih ý Ui e Hs ( U i 2 and ) Therefore, since the above inclusions are continuous 2 2 o Pi' Pi h on Ui by corollary 30, the s-norm of v 2 o is less than some constant times the product of the of Pi Pi'2 ii and v2?Pih 2P. on Uia . s-norms Therefore, there is a - - ---I -43- new constant new constant C C (depending (depending on on pi Pi') pi22 Pi such such II that that II II, isbounded bounded by by cC IIII II,11 . The The proposition proposition follows. follows, is Remarks= Remarks: 1) 1) Note that that in in the construction construction of not used used the the fact fact that that not T(N) T(N) space space T(N) T(N) N N . Hence, we Hence, if if we E get a Hilbert E ,, we we get a Hilbert with with any any vector vector bundle bundle Tf C HS(M,E) . Ty c KS(ME) 2) 2) If we consider consider the the special special case case If we f Identity map, then r = Identity N N functions. functions. = M M and and Tf T f = ~h (h E HS(M,E) E HS (ME)lrh wh = Identity] Identity) Tff , ' then, then, is is the the space space of of sections sections of of Hs HS we have is tangent bundle, is the the tangent bundle, but but only that that it is only it is aa vector vector bundle bundle over over replace replace Tr Tf E E ,, which which are are Palais also also defines defines aa Hilbert Hilbert space space or of such such Palais functions which which he he calls calls functions HS(E) HS(E) (see 17, 17, p. p. 149). 149). (see We We shall show than is his. shall show later later than our our definition definition is equivalent equivalent to to his, Derinitlon 41: Definition 41: CkT CkT, k Assume rf is is = (h s Ck(M,T(N))lwh = f) (h e Ck~MT(N))lsh Ck . . CkTf Let CkT, is a linear space is a linear with operations defined the same same way way as as for for with the the operations defined the II IIj be be a a norm norm on CkTf defined by by Ih Ilhll space Tf TT . Let Let = Z //max CIDah,,iq (Iah Imax D h )j C i alPEK la (k i lalk where Ki Krt and hij hij Hilbert Hilbert structure structure in in Proposition 42: T Tf CkTf CkTf p are defined a.s as in in the definition definition or of the Tr Tf . is a Banach space whose is a Banach space whose independent of the choices for for K i and hij independent h 13 ,' Proposition 42: i topology is topology is (as in in the las situation). Situation). jf `1 r" -44- Proof: Tf One can use essentially the same arguments as for (see 1, pp. 14-17). C1Tf D Tf Proposition 4~: Proof' and the inclusion is continuous. The inclusion is obvious, since we have picked large enough so that all Hs by the Sobolev lemma for each on HO(Ui) and I hijll from the definition of II hij I > max (IDphij where = max (ID hij hij . Also, i , there is a constant Ilhij l I < Ci II hij IIs such that C functions are s II IIs Ci is the norm + Ihij(P)I) But it is clear that + Ihij(P)l . Therefore p EK.i 2 1 lal_<1 (IDah i(P)I) < Z C II h max pe K i i i I.I" The proposition follows. Now we proceed to define a manifold structure on HS(M,N) (our method is like that of 6, p. 306). smooth Riemannian structure on e: T(N) -> N . We know that hood of the zero section of smaller neighborhoods in 9' , such that restricted to a fibre system at tinuous, so p e with exponential map is defined on a neighbor- T(N) . Also we can pick some 9 , 9' with 9 9 the closure of e [ 9' is a diffeomorphism. e r 9' T (N) defines a normal coordinate (see 15, p. 59). f(M) N Fix a But f: M -> N is a compact subset of N . is conHence there -45- is an s -l (f(M)) in Now let e h 9f Lemma 44: *f r Of Proof: 4'f(h) = e e h . by h e eh = eh' . and e is smooth. 4 T f Tf is injective. and n 7r-(p) . c c OTf B6 is a a neighborhood of Qf 2 B6 n Tf 9f Take p E M, Then for all h, h' E Or eh(p) = eh'(p) h(p) = h'(p) Therefore, 0 . is injective on the fibres of Now we show that fore if It is clear that is a neighborhood of zero in h(p), h'(p) E Recall Hs is First we show that since and define is injective. and assume and e . 9f = (h E Tflh(M) C 9) Hs , since is contains all vectors of length less than Of -> HS(M,N) 1f: G n r-1 (f(M)) such that h = h'. Hence is a neighborhood of zero in Tf . and the injection is continuous. 6-ball about 0 in for some Tf . 0 in B6 n Tf We shall show that 6 . For each coordinate neighborhood Riemannian metric on CTf , There- N V in N the is represented by functions is a symmetric positive gk: Vj -> R , where (gkl(p)) definite matrix for all p E Vj . Let *j be the usual trivialization induced by the coordinate system ( ai1 •-(p))= i 1 i (p,(al,a2 , .o. an))) is -46- 1/2 be the unique positive definite symmetric Let gkj matrix such that (g1/2 ) = gk and let g-1/2 be its 4-1/2 inverse. Then if X e Tp(N) , (gk-/2) k1/2 ) s L(R is an element of -12 (gp , X)12 X) = I(x) 2 X, g IRn) with inverse p -> gl/2 is continuous. and the map Therefore, there isa 6 such that if IVI < 6 o Ip 1/2VI < for all p e Ki . j(gl/2X)l < h CO Tf p Ki , . X e w-I(v) Assume (X,X)1/2 < E . Then such that such that < 6j , then for all max (lhij(P)) P eKi (h(p), h(p)) < E . Let Therefore if 6 = min [(6j (the minimum of a finite set, since there are only a finite number of Ki). Now clearly of elements f _D B6 n Tf h E COTf B6 such that for any (h(p), h(p))1/2 < s . We define since consists only p in M , The lemma follows. HS(M,N) to be a manifold where the set U (Gf,of) is a collection of charts for HS(M,N) fHSB(M,N) We shall call these standard charts. To be sure that this definition makes sense, we must check that if 1f If 1 (4f(gf) by symmetry of f inverse as well.) and n *f.(Qf,)) f' f, f' is a smooth map. a HS(M,N) (Then we can say that it has smooth --I PPP"- Proposition 45: Proof: Then 9 f o *f E: 9 C T(N) -> N X N Let fl(f is smooth on has been chosen so that 8 . in a neighborhood of 9 derivatives on E and Hence E(Q) E -1 and E n f,(9f,)). E(X) = (7(x), e(x)). by o Pf(h))(p) = E-l (f'(p), eh(p)) (fl f(@f) We note that are smooth maps and E- 1 have bounded respectively, and e also 9 . has bounded derivatives on The remainder of the proof falls in the context of a general procedure for determining smoothness of maps on Tf . spaces such as Therefore we now discuss this pro- cedure, which is essentially a globalization of the c-lemma. Lemma 46: sets in M (Vjj ) on N II product where < >s and functions (Vj II1, ( , h be a collection of such that there is a collection of pairs ((Ui,Ki pi), norms, (Li c Wi c Ki cU Let )) on = pi Tf h (h,h') hij ) is the inner product on Then the norm equivalent to II Tf . on by Ui , ((Wi,Liai), II 112 and )3 and (pi) = 3 (1i) on M (Vj.j)} define Define a new inner = i( <hij jh Wihij Ui ) W and H s (Wi ) II 113 on Tf defined by ( 1 and so that II 112 )3 is s ' -48- Proof of the Equivalence: We know that 1I II 1 II 112 and C > 0 , are equivalent, so it is enough to find a constant such that II I > II 113 CII l 112 . 11IIi> II 113 because <hij h ij I> s > <hij , Wi, hij' Wi> we know that there is a constant The lemma follows if we let Procedure 47: (Wi) Let h' s Tf' f' Q Hs (Wi') $ CO Qi if in do the following: , vI *** of the norm on exists. . v) respectively. Wi by hi ,and o h' by h' Tf in Qi For for i and let = Qi from : Q -> Tf' . (hilh E Q Hs into (W i ) implies 4 To check that exists for all Tf, , we know that uous linear map from hh- Tf' Make sure that for Check that corollary 15, t be sets of the above HS(Wi') 4 Ck-1 Assume W i> has the subset topology of (hn)i -> hi $(hn)i -> $(h)i dk$(hi j hi -> $(h)i , where is o h be an open set in Consider thelmap • Ci (Wi' and v2 o we denote Let W, •j hw i Tf v 2 o0j we denote such that C = min [1 and form defining norms for h e Tf Ci Wi>s < Ci <hij W1, aihjd <cihij h also by Corollary 31 s 4 is dk$(h, vl Q Ck to i is Ck Q6, v h . we 1 * v k Then by definition dk (h, v1 ... vk) ... vk ) defines a contin- Lk(TfTf,) S Tf . Then by _:___ -I -49- Example 48: Let g: T(N) -> T(N) be a smooth map which takes fibres into fibres so that h -> goh by Proof: . To show existence of c-lemma. d cg(h,v) we use steps one and two of the j,4 o g o = D(phi(p)) -l1(p, hi(P)) o 2 d co (h,v) = Dh g(v) , c Assuming , k-1 Ck-1 we note, using the v continuous and to get the The same estimates work because for any d (g(h,v)(p) Hence ... and and equals is *.. to Hs (W.) 1 v) vk- (h,vk) which exists ... v- ) . Therefore, by corollary 15, any element of v o j o v Vi be bounded in the ~ from Hs (Wi) , but it is true for Wi , CO sense d cw(hi ,v)) . This is not true for v vi if Tf . Now it is easy to show the smoothness of h wg is smooth, because the estimates of (to get existence of If k-1 1 ) = Dh g(v ... c-lemma (step 6), that c-lemma require that = k-1 We cannot say that the map induced by H s (Wi) vi v C Remark: the vi(P)) Dh gg(v) = Dh(g)(v) k-11 1 D~ g(v 1** h vk) = d (ck-1 Dk (v1 p E Wi Therefore o01)(o, g o so D -g(v Wg smooth. hi -> Wg(h)i Wmc(h)i(P) = 72 o dk .g is Then cog: Tf -> Tf, is in the domain, h i -> (f1 o *f)(h)i -l f o is the . k-1 vk-) , -50- hi composition - and = w 2 *j (f',eh) -> w2 * j 'E- (f ', 2 *jh) 7 2 %jh) -> e *Jl (f, (f, h -> eh) . 4j , T72' The maps = eh E- 1 e, are smooth, so composing with them is a smooth (' Also, the maps operation. eh -> (f',eh) and hi -> (f,hi) Since the composition of Gateaux are clearly smooth. derivatives is the derivative of the composed maps (see H s (Wi') lemma 14) all Gateaux derivatives exist in can let Wi = Wi ' I d(* o here). (we Also f)(h,v) = D(f',eh)(0, Dhe(v)) and the corresponding formula holds for higher derivatives. -1 is smooth. o f *l Hence, the procedure 47 applies, so This proves proposition 45. Now we know that that for any is a smooth manifold such HS(M,N) f f E HS(M,N), a small neighborhood of looks like (i.e., is homeomorphic to) a neighborhood of 0 in Tf . We restrict to the case define .5 s = (f . H s (M , M ) f M= N bijective and and f- 1 6 H s (M,M)L. We shall show that this set is a group under the operation of composition of mappings, and that it is an open subset of HS(M,M) , and therefore a manifold. Lemma 49: p EM , ___A Ln If Tpf f s V s , then f is C1 is a linear isomorphism from and for all Tp(M) to Tf(p)(M) -51- Proof: f and f-1 Sobolev lemma. are Therefore 1 : T(M) -> T(M) Tf-l by the remark following the Tf: T(M) -> T(M) p e M , Hence, for any -1 T f are linear maps which are inverse to each Tf(p)f-1 other, so they are both isomorphisms. q.e.d. This tells us that all elements of Remark: and are well defined functions and are inverse to each other. and C . s C1 are homeomorphisms with C1 Corollary 50: is closed under composition of mappings. Proof: s 1 inverse. f,g e . s We shall show implies V f o gs s by passing to the local situation and using the composition lemma. Fix p s M. Pick coordinate neighborhoods of p, g(p) and U, V, W V , of such that p neighborhood of of f(p) and pf - HO (V1 ) since U0 C U f(p) g E HS(UO) . and p rV and g- 1 (V1 ) g(UO ) so there are neighborhoods p E Co(V1, ~) g-1(V 1 ) c U0 . (pf) o g Then there is a neighborhood f(V) C W . g(U) f o g(p) , respectively, so that 0 such that . V0O _ U0 is a V0, VI V1 c g(U0) s -1 (V )) g rg-1 (V 1 ) E H (g 1 Therefore, by the composition lemma Hs(g-1(V 1 )) , so (pf) o gt g- 1 (v O) Hs (g-l1 ( 0)) but __M pf = f on V0 , so f o g •g- (V0 ) E Hs (g - l ( VO)) , -52- Hence f og is HS g- HS, s off- is at p , so f og (f og)-l is HS Similarly· . HS , and is f og E ~5 q.e.d. Remark: This tells us that S .~ is a group under the opera- tion of composition of mappings. Lemma 51: If C1 is a f is a bijective map, then Proof:_ We assume on and s 1. areaC N f induction. f Therefore, f 1l Therfore H5 (M,Iv) HS C[s/2]±l is also ol map with C[S/'2]+1 [S/2]±l and Now use . C1inverse. (see 13, p. 13). [s/2]+l is large enough so that the statements of the composition, alemmas hold. Consider f We know that D(f l) 1 is the map the composition of i is H o and s2± - )=Df) f((f q -> f1 f 1 (q) -> Df is smooth and fore , .There (D ~1 f) f (q) -> . non-singul ar . i Hk (D -1 r f (q) and matrix inverse (call it Df is S- Therefore, by remark 3 following the composition lemma 28, is- w- locally with range and domain in a lEuclidean space. i).But f1 Assume functions CS~+ functions will be functions will be f-1is and HIS7 4] large enough so that is a , sH(NI)sof Then H[([s/2]±l)/2] map in and D(f l) i o Df is everywhere Hence, by the composition lemma, i o Df o -----------------------------~ -53- Hk is . Therefore D(f-l) Hk , so is f-1 Hk + l is The lemma follows. Proposition 52: Proof : • is an open subset of HS(M,M) & s By the above lemma, we can consider set of bijective f s s E Hs(M,M) and Hs [fn) maps with C Hs (M,M) inverses. such that . Then for sufficiently large hn E Tf , such that hn -> 0 C1 in Tf . @f(hn) = fn . as the Pick f fn -> in n , we can find fn -> Since Therefore, by proposition 43, f , h n -> 0 C1 Tf in Lo ok at f, and h locally: SLA fn = ehn , Dfn = Dhn e * Dhn so with bounded derivative (on (Dh n c-lemma, fore, fn (p fn ( p ) uniform in in the and CI e 9 C T(M)) converges implies fn -> f ) -> . sense: Dp f n -> Dfn is a . converges. C1 b --- da map with s There- That is, for all p eM , D pf , and this convergence is p map with it, in the function So, as in the It is well known (see 16, p. 21) that if C1 C Cl C1 is open in is a inverse, so is any map sufficiently near sense. C1 f Hence for large inverse, so H s (M ,M) . fn E q.e.d. n , . fn is a Therefore, · · ·: -7 ppop- Remark: 9 s , inherited We now have a manifold structure on from the structure on HS(M,M) . .V 8 is a smooth manifold and a group; the question arises whether the group operation is smooth. This we shall not prove --- it seems that it is false (7) ---but we will obtain some lesser results in this direction. Proposition 53: f -> f o C . Then to be the map Proof: f Fix ard charts of se and let Z s at f and 0 in open neighborhoods of -1 4f o R Then ft o *f tRr The map Tf to ft Tf and (!- and Uft are respectively. h -> e o h -> e o h o is the map We must show Io R 0o AC: h -> h o C is a linear map of a-lemma. (Ui ) Pick coordinate neighborhoods 1 (Ui)] pi, ai, covering M, are also coordinate neighborhoods, and such that there are sets functions TfC For this we shall use the continuous. Uf where be stand- Therefore, we need only show that it is TfC . such that is smooth. (pf, Uf) (?f ,Uq ) = h o 1 . -> E-1(f o C, e o h o r) to be smooth. R s s R :C ->D and define C esZ Let and pairs L i c Wi c Ki Ui and (Vj,*j) , which satisfy the properties of lemma 46, and also the following property: For each i' s CO(-l i , there are functions (W)) so that pi' s CO(-1(U)) ((•-l(Ui), 1- 1 (Ki),PI) and (Vj ,j)) f -55- (((-lwi), -1 (Li), ca), and Tf . (For the construction of 11 I1', 11 11 2' II 113' and We shall show that A : T II on II1 11113' and on 11 113 TfC on Tf as in lemma 46. is bounded in the norms TfC . and see 10, p. 3.) and -> Rfoc Tf define norms on ai pi, II i11, 11 112 Now we get norms and (Vj, j)) By the definition of these norms, it is enough to show that for each map defined by Ai in the norms of h h Hs(U1) o C 1 C- (w) HS(-1 (Wi)) . and i, the is bounded But this map is the composition A -i Hs(Ui) -- > H(C(-1(U)) map a(, -1(ui)) (B(f) = f r and . -1(Wi)) a-lemma, and B B Hs(-i B-> H -l(wi)) B A where A is the is the restriction map. is continuous linear by the is because it is norm decreasing. The proposition follows: Proposition 54: Let C edD . s L (f) (i.e. C E ) s and C is a smooth map). -> LC: : Define V by = C of . Then LC is a smooth map. Proof: Z = Fix -1 of origin of o L Tf f s MMIMMý We look at the map o 'f which we claim is defined near the and into GCf , we know that II s . Tf . h E Cf From the definition of if and only if there is an s > 0 _ _··_ ·- · -56- 1 l 9,, Since was defined using normal coordinates, we know that for h , the distance from any such the length of Since a <h(p), h(p)> < s . p s M, such that for all p to eh(p) h(p) M r is compact and is continuous, there is such that if the distance from 6 is less than 9f length less than 6 . We claim Z @f . any M , the distance between in q in C(p) M and is C(q) so that it contains only vectors of restricted is less than *-l oLL to E . Restrict p p 6 , then the distance between less than is equal to a . o If(h) h E @f . Take But L is defined on the Then by the above, for C(p) and o kf(h) = Ceh . Ceh(p) Therefore, E-1 (f, Ceh) is defined and it equals To conclude the proof, we need only show that Zf: 9f -> T f is smooth. This of course, follows from the -1 general procedure as in the case of *f1 o df , because we know that E-1 , C and e are smooth maps with bounded derivatives. Corollary 55: For any E•s ,I L :S _ s is continuous. Proof: Z : f -> T f as above. for checking continuity. M We recall the procedure hi -> ZC(L)i is the composition MOP"-57- 1 3 2 hi -> (f,h i ) -> ej1(hi) = eh -- > (Cf,Ceh) 4 -,E-1 7T*JIE ((f,leh). -- > Here all steps but Tp 3 are clearly continuous. is everywhere non-singular and H means hn > hij f [s/2]+l(w) . in H(Ui) so But Hs (W) hni- >-> hi hi inin hn -> h in Therefore, by the weak continuous, so the sequence is also. e-lemma 3 is This proves the cor- ollary. i: 4s Proposition 56: V s by _> 1 -> Proof: 8 Since show that i S' I = * the map and L continuous at -1 o i o a* are continuous, we need only Id . But in the chart has the following form: p -> E-l(eh(p),p) . usual reasoning. . I(h) This map is smooth by the The proposition follows. This concludes our discussion of We shall now look at Riemannian metrics on 001. is continuous, is a topological group. so • s of ~ -1 HS s ,the functions and space of HS M . I M -----------M -58- IV. The Space of Let StT* t-tensors over Hs Metrics. be the bundle of symmetric co-variant M (the symmetrization of the cotangent bundle tensored with itself Hs the Hilbert space of Tf where StT*). of Ck(StT * StT* ) (defined as Definition 57: The times). sections of f = Id: M -> M Let t and T(N) form on y(p) HS, respectively Ck is replaced by Ck sections Ck, respectively Hs , respectively y of S2 T* Ck such that for Tp(M) metrics Lemma 58: Proof: (defined as defines a positive definite bilinear We shall call the set of of StT* be CkTf). respectively smooth, sections p E M , Hs(StT*) be the Banach space of smooth Riemannian metrics are the all Let Hs metrics s , the set Ck9?" and the set of smooth metrics C0 9~7 is an open subset of 9 . CO(S2T*) We use the fact that the set of positive definite symmetric matrices is open in the set of symmetric matrices. Let of M , Ki C Ui [Ui] (Ki) and be a finite set of coordinate neighborhoods a collection of compact sets such that U Ki = M . If ?i: S2 T*(Ui) -> Ui k m m is the natural trivialization induced by a coordinate system --- I -~1 -59- xi xn ; that is, *** I((kgjk dxJdxk)p) (Pglgg129' '',gnn) ) jk then (gjk)p is a positive definite matrix for all is a continuous function on gjk Ui is compact. Ki and p e U Therefore, because of the fact that the set of positive definite matrices is open, we can find an for any section [ max h of si , such that S2 T* if 2 o *i(h) - 72 o * (g) < 5i , then peKi = (hjk)p is positive definite for all p E Ki Now clearly if s = min (si) and COS2T * has the norm i -i(h)p II 1 II = h max [(1 2 o ?i(#p)l) then I h-,ll everywhere positive definite, or h e CO Lemma 59: < E implies . q.e.d. (W s,) is a positive cone in Ckk Ck(S 2T*) (H8 (s2 T*)). Proof: If A and matrices and a, b B are positive definite symmetric are positive real numbers, is a positive definite symmetric matrix. aA + bB The lemma follows directly. Proposition 60: cone in For all k, Ck(S2T*) . is an open positive Also for sufficiently large is an open positive cone in 1 Ck HS(S 2T*) s , 9~ s __~ _ -60- Proof: Ck(s 2T*) The injections HS(S 2 T*) c CO(S2T*) Since 97s ) . E 9s Hs(S 2 T*) Let Let B(T(X)) bilinear forms of metric on all X X HS(S 2 T*) , and for = HS(S2T * ) X 6 . be a manifold based on a Hilbert be the bundle of bounded symmetric T(X) , (see 19, p. 155). is a section y of p s X , the bilinear form A Riemannian B(T(X)) Tp on such that for Tp(X) definite and defines the given topology of Let B(Hs(S 2 T*)) bilinear forms on T(flS) Hs(S 2 T*) . -> -s II b I= max 114xl=1111 ( b(x,y) ).) =1 5 )) s X HS(S 2 T* ) , B(T(?S = B(Hs(S 2 T*)) such that for all which induces the topology on struct a metric on %P7 s 1 on M =6Sx B(Hs(S 2 T*)) is a smooth map is a positive definite bilinear form on action of O Tp(X) . (It is a Banach space Hence a Riemannian metric on t s P: is positive be the set of symmetric bounded under the operator norm Since Ck(s2T*) is naturally identified with ; that is, T( IS) Definition 61: space. T (Vns) ,fl= c0oh7n HS(s2 T*) , it has a is an open set in , Ck and The proposition follows. natural manifold structure based on each CO(S2T*) are continuous. 0n HS(S 2 T * = CO and Ws C HS(S 2 T*) . ye s Hs(S2T*)(C! T7T(q s)) We shall con- which is invariant under the s . To define this metric we use the I -d · ·:· -61- HS(S 2T*) definition of given in 17, p. 149, so we must first discuss that definition and show that it coincides with ours. HS (S2 T* ) in We briefly review the construction of (17). Let E E . the smooth sections of Let Ce(M,Pj Ip be the ideal of functions in p . vanish at Zk(E) = Ik+l * Ce(E) C(E) is Let U sections of E k-jets of E 1 over Z pi(x1 polynomials in fi ) . Let E p . at We Jk(E) , whose fibre at each is trivial over (xl M U , and let sl ... sm U . Let containing x1 ... xn be smooth U which are a basis for the fibre Consider the set of sections of at each point. of the form where Ce(M, R be a coordinate neighborhood of be coordinate functions on U which J (E) p , such that of Ce(M,IR) and k (E) = Ce(E)/Zk(E) and let shall define a vector bundle p eM be p EM Fix is a module over k (E) is called the set of Ce(E) be the ring of M . the smooth real-valued functions on let M , and be a vector bundle over *** *** xn)si xn) . where pi ( x l .. xn ) It is a linear space. are smooth functions on U . E are We i By Taylor's theorem -62- we know that at fixed p in for each fi fi p such that pi exists some polynomial U k+ pi Also, if a polynomial is in i there , k+l sE , its first Ik derivatives are zero, so it must be zero. . i Hence k+l J (E) is isomorphic to the vector space whose elements have form Z pi si To define the vector bundle k (E) we need only specify sufficiently many smooth local sections; i.e. enough smooth local sections to span each fibre 1,x The elementary functions 1 J (E) J )2,xlx2,...(xIr ,x2,...,xnfx span the set of polynomials of degree less than or equal to k . Hence the elementary functions times span Jk(E) . over U . Let these be smooth sections of 1 2 s ,s ,... s n Jk(E) It is easy to see that these functions trans- form smoothly on overlapping coordinate systems, so they define a smooth bundle Jk(E) . There is a natural linear injection If s E Ce(E) , ik(s)p represented by definition of s in Jk(E) Palais defines ik: Ce(E) -> CO(Jk(E)) is defined to be the element Ce(E)/Z (E) that HS(E) ik(s) It follows from the is smooth whenever as follows: Let s have Jk(E) a smooth Riemannian structure --- a positive definite inner product < , > on each fibre such that the product of any two smooth sections is a smooth function on M . is. -63- Define H (Jk(E)) to be the completion of CO (k(E)) with respect to the norm induced from the inner product = Ips ,sp dp(p) (s,s') on M . p is a smooth measure where Palais shows that HO (Jk(E)) vector space does not depend on the for Jk(E) or on the measure Jk: Cm(E) -> injection. as a topological Riemannian structure P. C (Jk(E)) C HO(k(E)) is a linear Therefore, an inner product on CO(E) . an inner product on completion of CO(E) Define HO(k(E)) HS(E) is to be the with respect to this inner product. Now our proof of the equivalence of the two definitions will be done with two lemmas. A-Lemma 62: Ce(E) Hs the set of B-Lemma 63: as a map from topology) to Proof of a norm is dense in sections of E HS(E) A-Lemma: II Ij for COe(E) as a subset of Ce(E) and let partition of unity subordinate to i , there is a smooth function Ai (Palais OH(E) ((Ui,Ki' Pi), Hs(E) (Vj, j)] to define (cai be a smooth [Ui) such that for each such that 1 ai = 1 (This can be done, for given any partition of unity let ai = (a,)21 Z(a) 2 . Then is is continuous HS(E) as a subset of Pick HS(E) with our topology. The identity map on Ce(E) where Ai = 11 i/ 4z(a)2 2 1 a' which 1 i~J(i)2 is clearly smooth since Now pick h s HS(E) . By lemma 37, =i(Cr2 o jo h Ui) E HO(Ui) that II hi - ai( the norm on is nowhere zero.) 2 o h :M ->E by Pick hi •0 C0(Ui) . Co is in i h0 (p)= Ce(E) . is close to Let h p jU . hO = Zh HS(E) . in where Let ih hi - We shall show that We know l= and h = Zaihi , so i , hi II Pk'2 jh 0 - Pk1i 2 is close jh I % k IIIk is the norm on HO(Uk) Xik = Pk 2 jh- Pkaijh . 2 jhi - aijh I"k = Ci E Pkai±jh such that II h i - aih Ci , such that For any . k, I Xik lk pkv2 jh0 have their support included in: Uk n Ui ' so they are elements of Cik k = i , corollary 30 If tells us that there is a constant < Ci 1 '1 hp)) p Ui it is sufficient to show that for each to aih . Hs(Ui) II Xik Ik IZ= 2 II Xik II k Therefore, IIh Ui) such Define S(P.90) hi oj(aih -o 0 o h Ui) II < e where II 1i is HO(U i ) . 0 2 Cik k and there is a constant Xik iii . Hence Ci Cik - h I < k C. Cik , and since E i,k can be made arbitrarily small, CO(E) is dense in H (E) q.e.d. -65r Proof of B-Lemma: inner product on A norm on JS(E) . HS(E) is defined via an We shall construct several inner products which are "locally flat" on various neighborhoods of M . Each will give a norm on of course, all the norms are equivalent. a set HS(E) and, Therefore, if P is bounded in one such norm it is bounded in all of them. We shall show that this implies that bounded in HS(E) Let (Vk.) E ' Vik 2) For each as well. M such that: is a trivial bundle for each K call Vi0k , such that UVik = M 3) The sets Uk ((Uk KkPk), (VJ j)) *j over Vio k k Fix Uk which we shall Vik Uk 0 Vik = 0 if i 10 and can be used to form a collection which defines a norm for HS(E) , is the restriction of the trivialization of k , subbordinate to and let (ai) E be a partition of unity (Vik) , and let be a trivialization of basis of Vik there exists a neighborhood contained in a single neighborhood where is be a finite collection of convex coordinate neighborhoods on 1) P E(Vik) . 'Ii: Let E(Vik) -> Vik X Rm (el,... em) be a PK m and sj , defined by sj(p) = t~l(p,e ) be 1 -1 ' ` -66- E(Vik) , and if at each fibre of are a basis are the elementary (pi) Vik , of degree less polynomials in the coordinates of (pis]) s , the set of sections than or equal to JS(E) inner product of over >i < ai Then >i < >k = Zai product on i . orthonormal basis since Uk i0 Vik be defined to be ai = 0 p = Z ai(dx 1 dx 2 Consider the set it defines on is is an i if 10 and s IIo) 2 ... dxn)ik Let a measure on *** dxn)i .. HS(E) ((Uk,Kk,Pk), (dx by < (Vi', i)P k , >k M and let and p and the norm Hs(E) S E Z fisi E(Vi k) . ( Uk on ai(P) Pisi) has a natural measure i on defined be the norm Let p s M , Uk , Also on induced by the coordinate system. IIk Vik . 1 . Each set for is a >i It is a positive definite inner >i because for any Js(E) positive for some II (pis ) is defined to be zero on the complement of < Let be the Js(E) , where smooth positive indefinite inner product on < is a which makes Vik an orthonormal set on each fibre. < Let on each fibre. Js(E)(Vik) basis of (S ) E(Vik) . Then the set a section of where (si ) are the basis of sections Then 2 dxl lk a•sU js k(Da(pf i)) i ..0 dxn __ -T_ -67- By corollary 30, there is a constant (11s 110)2 k < Ck k such that )2 fU (Da i Ck k la1)s 2 Let Bk(S) = I•l<_s LI (Daf 1 ) k k(S < IIS II2k Let s be of Js(E) induced by S . Fix p = (x 0,... x•) We shall show that Bk(S) < the section By Taylor's theorem, - (Daf)(x-p)a zI a. fi(x) -I·I<_• p Let be the monomial pa Then sp X a si a! (D f)Pa i = x1 1 since <U,6> > - (si P) J Ukk ,s> = Therefore on . Bk(S) 'I p n in fUkla<sa((D p Vki0 f))2 dx1 dx n ... Uk , and IIS 11k where pk k IIs 110k = max IaI.s is the norm of We see that it is bounded by The lemma follows. --.N .** xn Uk . 2 2 so (IsIIo) • -k CII SS I k HS(E) p are an orthonormal basis on p = dx1 ... dxn in 2 for all taIL~s II 2k = f M 2 E IS k 4 Jk 0 k S II S Ilk · ·_· · -681 ---------so Proposition 64: Proof: HS(E) = HS(E) By the and by the A-lemma, as a topological vector space. Cw(E) is dense in each space, B-lemma, the identity map is continuous for the two topologies. Therefore, it extends to a continuous map (also the identity) id: Ha(E) -> HS(E) this map is injective, so to show isomorphism we need only show it is onto. Let Uk, Vik be as in the B-lemma, and let be a partition of unity subordinate to ak is the square of a smooth function. Then ak r2 o *j o h l Uk o h) t Uk e HO(Uk) o 2 [fn ) Hs is an Co(Uk) H(Uk) Let such that p l = P)" -> II Ilk so k( by lemma 37. on Hs(E) , so h s HS(E) . Uk , so Let Uk ' in by P E Uk jh) t Uk ,'in HO(Un 2 he Hs(E) Let function on Then it is clear from the definition of fn Uk , such that each fn -> ak(7 2 %jh) (h) C C(E) (ak] h ->a ak h E HS(E) . Therefore, I1 Ilk But in h = Z akh id: HS(E) -> HS(E) and hence it is an isomorphism. that since k is onto q.e.d. In order to define and discuss the properties of the Riemannian metric P: ~Is -> BO(HS(S 2 T*)) , we shall need to use differential operators. We now define such operators -69- and mention a few of their properties. Details can be found in 17, Chapter IV. Definition 65: M . E and F D: Ce(E) -> Ce(F) A map of order Let k s E C(E) if D be vector bundles over is a differential operator is a linear map such that if s E Z (E) , then and D(s) = 0 Jet bundles are a "universal space" for differential operators in the following sense: is a kth D: jk(E) -> F map Jk: Ce(E) -> such that if is the natural injection, then D D: Ce(E) -> C'(F) order differential operator, then there is a linear map this, If D = D * jk . C (jk(E)) Because of can be uniquely extended to a continuous linear D: HS(E) -> D: Jk(E) -> F HS-k(F) D: Ce(E) -> Cm(F) the map D(s) = D o jk(s) s > k . for all is a kth Also, given -defined by order differential operator. We note that a differential operator of order a differential operator of k+i k is also for any positive integer i , and also that the composition of two operators of order k and I is an operator of order k+1 . We give several examples of differential operators which we will have occasion to use: Example 66: Let V affine connection on ----.. : Ce(T(M)) X Ce(E) -> Cm(E) E . That is V be an is a bilinear map -1 -70- such that if then , V E Ce(T(M)) f e Ce(M,R) V VfVS = f S E Cc(E) V (fs) = (Vf)S + and S , D: C (E) -> C(E X T*(M)) by D(X)(Y) = D V f , S X (X C'(E), YE C M )) is a first order differential operator called the co- variant derivative (see 17, p. 85). Example 67: Y7 7 Fix a Riemannian metric C~(S 2 T*) . 2 T*) a: C'(T(M)) -> Cm(S Let 7 a(X) = QX(7) , the Lie derivative of y = gijdxi If in local coordinates then (see 9, p. If k av he Xk +6 + 6- k = (vk ki @X(Y) i gr Then be defined by with respect to dxJ and gkdxx kv) dxi X = vi X. i 6D dx j 0 dx kdx ' 107). X s ZP(T(M)) Therefore, Example 68: a , v i6 is a first = 0 symmetric with respect to a subbundle of so y as in example 67, and let Fix and = and X,Y a(x) =0 order differential operator. bundle of homomorphisms of A s SHp M . on T p(M) , T(M) y ; into SH be the T(M) , which are that is, if p EM , yp(AX,Y) = 7p(X,AY) . Hom(T(M),T(M)) = T(M)0Q T*(M). SH is We shall construct a first order differential operator P: Ce(SH) -> C(S2T* T(M)) . Whenever we use local coordinates we assume that repeated indices are summed. 1 Mý -71- We first recall that the exponential map on matrices (call it exp), takes the set of symmetric matrices onto the set of positive definite symmetric matrices and is a diffeomorphism between these two sets (with their usual The exponential map can be applied to manifold structure). any linear transformation on finite dimensional vector spaces, so it induces a map exp: Hom(T(M), T(M)) -> Hom(T(M),T(M)). exp(SH) C SH , and exp t SH is a smooth injective map onto the positive definite elements of SH , where we say Let Then is positive definite. yp(AX,Y) X,Y -> c(SH) s ' * a and define M . Cm(S2 T* ( T(M)) 7 y li, because and and V a 7 * a is a be the Riemannian respectively, to be the difference tensor of ; that is, if X,Y E O(T(M)) , - p(s)(X,Y) = Y ap = exp(sp) by for the definition of 17 ). We define (see 11, p. 71 and 1 Let connections associated to 7a a E CC(SH) (7 * a)p(X,Y) = yp(apX,Y) defined by Riemannian metric on p(s) defined Tp(M) is positive definite if the inner product on by A E SHp Va VXY X. and V (s) is symmetric in are symmetric connections and X (see p. 64). We now show that tial operator. Sgi s ~ Y -gg, P is a first order linear differen- To do so we use local coordinates. ssP a ~ ai and k ij and Let a 1 ij be In general x ~ xij means that the tensor field is expressed locally by the functions (xij) X -72- the Riemannian-Christoffel symbols corresponding to and Va From the Levi-Civita formula we know: -k- ( g rk ij + ) where for Srk y g rj Substituting aa 2 rgrgi aa ,xjx 21 SXi 2 b is the matrix we get ksb a fVa a - 1 gbs 15 gki x gkj , (see 11, p. 72). y * a ~ air gr where g -i xj g inverse of (+) p(s) ~ ar k iJ Then respectively. V is the matrix inverse of computation we get: . a rj By direct computation we get: a k 1 k Pij ij ra Ia ks bS i (x ýa. r ýa r grj + x j -I grj - ai gri ax aaiJ Note that 8(exp(s))i (ap k if k ax (siJ) p = O 1 _ = exp(s)i k - Tx k Therefore j siJ i and s i 6 =0, ki x k) i) 6x 1 (gks 6 6r ~ -x = 0 . gkk i P )) 6gJ px p 1 0 ) = -73- P is first Hence jl: Ce(SH) -> OC(J 1 (sH)) where P(s) = P o jl(s) order, and and P: Jl(SH) -> S 2 T* is some bundle map. P is B is linear we have to show that To show that linear or that for any p M , the map in M . Sp is is linear. Fix some p P : Jl(SH) -> S2 T p p p a symmetric linear transformation so it is conjugate to tiJ = a diagonal map --- a map . 6 Hence we can choose a coordinate system so that at i p , With this coordinate system, p . at a k 1 ij ij 2 From this, it + 6 6 t t is clear that P kg( cannot say immediately that s P s' and j bi = e- ri r9 6 Jp(SH) r • gij maps zero into zero P(?s) = ?ý(s)) . and is homogeneous (i.e., know that given and s r 6sr k x i grj I 6i i p , Hence at k = e ai 6 si= However we is linear, for we do not there is a single coordinate system for which they are both diagonal. But we do have the following: Lemma 69: and If f(O) = 0 a F then map f f: IRn _> km is homogeneous is linear. -74- Proof: Fix asI~n m = 1 , or and assume f is real valued. f(a) -•(f(?a)) = By the mean value theorem, (ha) = ~( (0) + Dt a f(a)) Let -> Since D0f 0 we get D 0 f(?a) = D 0 f(a) f(a) = f(0) + is linear, so is m ) . E:ch f = (fl,f 2 ,.. 0 <t < 1 f . fi If m > 1 , we let is linear, so f is linear. q.e.d. (+) and the fact that From the formula smooth it is clear that the above lemma,, 1J p "exp" (SH) is smooth. is linear so P is Hence by is a first order linear differential operator. p: 9Z-> B(Hs(S2T*)) each 'y6 an inner product on to show how this is done. bundle E JS(S2T ) . We proceed First we note that for any and any positive of bundles where is defined by assigning to 0 -> SkT*Q Eik k , there isan exact sequence k(E) > k-l(E ) -> 0 jk is the natural projection Ce(E)/Z k (E) -> CO(E)/Zk- 1(E) Sik p p induced by the inclusion Zk(E) C Zk-l(E) and - p ik: skT* Given e e E s .em(E) L- E -> Jk(E) and such that is defined as follows: t E T*(M) , pick sp = e and f C~m(M, I ) dfp = t . Then and -75- ik(tk Sp) is the image of For the proof that fkss e C(E) ik in Jk(E) is well defined (i.e., independent of the choice of f and s) and that the sequence is exact, see 17, p. 58. Proposition 70: D: Ce(E) -> OC(T*(M)@ E) D: J1 (E) -> T*(M)d derivative, then is a splitting of E -> Jl(E) -> JOE = E T*(M)4 the exact sequence E is a covariant and conversely any such splitting defines a covariant derivative. Proof: See 17, pp. 84-85. Proposition 71: for bundles E If D1 and are covariant derivatives D2 F , then and D: Cd(E ( F) -> C (T*(M) D(e I f) f + 7 1 2 (e QP D 2 f) = D1 e e ) E aF) defined by (where 71 2 : E @ T*(M)@ F -> T*(M) (@E0F by interchanging T*(M) and E factors) is a covariant derivative for Proof: Remark: D ' E@ F See 17, pp. 87-88. If and E = F C (S2E): C (S2E) D 1 = D 2 , then -> Co(T*®S2E) and D r Ce(S 2 E) is a covariant derivative. Corollary 72: Given a finite set of bundles each with covariant derivative derivative 1 D on E1 ® Ee2 (Ei1 =1 Di , there is a covariant *. 0 Ek such that k D(el@ e2.''* @en) = Z li(el® e 2 @0 .. i=1 where vli Note: The above on on (T S2T ) D will be written as S2 T* . Ak = Dk o Dk- t h factors. D1( D on 8 ek) D2 ... · T* Ak Let be the 1 o ... o DO ' S2T ) Dk ) order differential defined by induces a linear bundle k S2 T*. Ak: Jk(S 2 T*) -> (T*) kth Dk and we get a covariant derivative (call it , operator Ak: Ce(S2T * ) -> C'(T *k map i interchanges the first and Now given covariant derivatives DO thDiei. Let Sk: (T*)k -> SkT* be the canonical map which "symmetrized" tensors: Sk(t to(1)ZI 1 t is the symmetric group on Let Proposition 73: SAk: the exact sequence IdS2 k(S2T ) ) be defined by: o Ak -> STkT*@ S2 T* SkT* O S 2 T* -> Jk(S2 T*) -> splits k-l (S2 T) See 17, p. 90. Corollary 74: Covariant derivatives on induce an isomorphism: Jk(S2T.) k I iT& i=0 -L- kI symbols. SAk: Jk(s2 T*) -> SkT*@ S2 T* SAIk = (S I(k Proof: k ®t(k) where S 2 T* T*(M) and S2 T* . -77- Proof: The splitting of the above proposition gives an isomorphism Ji(S2T*) 2 T* S2 SIT*"( Ji-l(S2T*) . corollary follows from an induction on 7 se¶ i T(M) ; using it we is an inner product on Jk(S 2 T*) . shall construct an inner product on ) y defines an isomorphism (also called y: T(M) -> T*(M) by: y(V) The X -> is the map (7(V),X) By means of this isomorphism it gives an inner product on T*(M) . by: Also (V1 gives an inner product on y @V2 @ "'" @Vk, W1@W2 0 0 Wk) =r Sk* and therefore on the subbundle . Hence k inner product on S2 T* SiT* (T*)k k and on Z i=1 7 1 defined (ViWi) gives an 2T S3 SiT* i=0 Therefore, we seek an isomorphism between k Z SiT* S2 T . By corollary 74, Jk(S2T ) and it is sufficient to i=0 find covariant derivatives on Given connection V V' derivative on S2 T* m v' on is defined by v E CO(T(M)) , as well. T (M) T(M) , the Riemannian connection. we have an isomorphism between get a connection and , we have a canonical affine 7y 6 on S2TT w T*(M) T(M) and T*(M) Also so we T*(M) . V'm = y(7v(7-1w)) Ce(T*(M)) . ' where induces a covariant and by corollary 72, we get one on Therefore 7 defines an isomorphism U, -78- E S2 T* • JS(S 2 T*) SiT 0 7 dx 2 .'' dxn . -det(Vij) y Therefore HO(Js(S2 T)) , and this gives induces an inner product on HS(S 2 T*) . an inner product on )) g: ar -> B(H(S 2T Let Definition 75: . M --- in local coordi- also defines a measure on nates it is J (S2 T) and an inner product on the inner product on HS(S 2 T*) equals p.(y) by y in the induced by manner described above. B to construct a ýk ential operator C (SH) X C (S2 T*) operator from 70 E ~ s , and -h - order differential C'(SkT @ S2T to ) be the subbundle of SH and let W We begin by using the differ- that the extension is mooth. Fix extends to p We proceed to show that Hom(T(M),T(M)) , consisting of homomorphisms which are SAk: jkJ(S2T by 0o . Let SAk: induced by -> Pick SkT*§ S2 T as C(SH) . . be the homomorphism induced y0*(exp a) Then S2 T k(S2T*) -> SkT* yO*(exp a) Let y0 . symmetric with respect to Let . e be the homomorphism SAk, C (S2T * ) -> Co(SkTD 2T*) SAk: be the differential operators defined by these homomorphisms. Proposition 76: by Let Bk: C'(SHI& Pk(a I& g) = SAk(g) - SAk(g) S 2T * ) k -> is a *) Ca(SkT kth S2 T * ) order I PWO -79- differential operator. Proof: Case I: k = 1. and T*(M) Let 7 V a k : We proceed by induction on induced by the metrics yo the connections on covariant derivatives. ,. Lemma 77: Let Note that P(a ) Prooof of lemma: 'Du(X,V) and T*(M) T(M) 'D , O(T*(M)) SE Ce . E Ce(S 2T* I T) Pick and Da y0 and D(V 0 w) - Da(V = so B(a)(w) e Ce(S2T CCO((T*) 2) X,V E Ce(T( M )) . V x(To() ),V) o( -• y . W)= 0 Pl(a Q V (V(7 ()) ) ) , V) X) -X(a(V)) + W(V V The lemma follows. be covariant derivatives on S2T* Using corollary 72, ('D - 'Da)(V)@ W + = B(a)(V)@ W + Therefore their 'Dco - 'Daw = B(a)(w) . Then = W(P(a)(x,v)) induced by 'Da x(v,w) = (Vxv ,w)+ (V, V xw) - 'DaMt(XV) D '7 and We recall that for any Riemannian = X(M(V)) - W((xv) Now let 7 = yO*(exp a). and and t7 a be the connections on connection T(M) We first analyse the connections on W) S(sA1 12 Tl2(V (V@ O 6('D TDa)(W)) (a)(W)) - SA)(v 0 w) = P(a)(V)@ w + v12 (V ID(a)(W)) . --- I - ~ ~___ -80- order differential operator it P is a first Since is clear from the above formula that 2 Pi: Ce(SH@ S2 T*) -> C'(T*b S T*)) Case II: We shall assume the proposition for Pk+l prove it for derivatives on SAk Then SAk: " Let kth k k a y7 and 70 are the linear maps S2T order operators 1 ... k-1 o ... and o D1 oD a . 1 ) o Ak + S a o (Dk+1l k+l k+1 SAk+l - SAk+l and Pk be the covariant induced by k(2T*) -> SkT * Dk Sk o Ak = Sk o Dk a k S o A = S oD oD a Di a and Di S2 T* (T*)i& corresponding to the k is also. -Dk+ + k+1 o (Ak a Dk+l o k) We look at the two terms on the left of the above expression. In the first term, v1 where and vli in case I, .. rl (vl r vk Vk+2) k+l '. v2 (Dk+1 - Da+ 1 ( k+2 Z i=1 ** (a)(v,) kE C ((T*)k) Vk+ 1 interchanges the first and a @ vl ) .* ith Vk+2 -> (Dk+l **D Vk+2 Vk+l C(S factors. 2 T*) As ak+2 - Dk+ 1 is a first order operator from C shl. (SH & (T*)k S2T*) -> Ce((T*)k +- l S2T*) , and it is Vk+ 2 ) -81- Also Ak Hence S+o of - a o A Second term: k+: (k+l) S2 T*)) kk ka) is a k t Hence Ak Ce(SH® S T*). - Hom(Jk(SHOD S2T*), which gives an element of o so it is C (Sk+lT*( to k S k o (A 2 By assumtion, induces an element of Sk+ S2 T*) Ce(SH order linear operator on Also is defined by an element Hom(J 1 (SH)@ Jk(S 2 T*),Sk+lT*O S2 T*) order operator from S2 T*). Hom(Jk(S 2 T*),(T*)kg S2 T * ) gives an element of (Dk+ (T*)k 0 S2 T*),(T*)k+1l Hom(J1(SH 0 induced by an element of (T*)k h k a S2T*)) Hom(Jk+l(SH & S2 T*), J1((T*)kM S2 T*)). S2T * ) Jl((T*)k( -> Sk+1T* S2 T* is a linear map. S Hence element o k+1 Pk+l a k+1 of so it is a (k+l) C (Sk+1T* S2T) o (Ak _ k) a is induced by an S2 T*), Hom(Jk+1(SH ( Sk+ 1 T X* S2 T*) Cd(SH@ S2 T*) order operator from , which is (a @ q) -> Sk+ 1 o Dk o (Ak Hence each term of of order k+l Since Ps . Pk+l to is k)(q) a differential operator This concludes the proof. is an sth order differential operator, Ps: Hs(SH (0 S2T*) -> HO(SsT* 0 S 2 T*)) is a continuous linear map. For any k < s , k: Ce(SH S 2T * ) -> Cc(SkT*I is a differential operator of order 1 s . S 2 T*) Therefore, the 0 -82- s same is true of 1r: Cm(SHOS 2 T*) -> CO( where F s • Bk . 1=0 defined to be is 5: HS(SH® S2 T1) -> HO( Z S2 T*) Z SkT* k=0 Hence S2 T * ) SkT*I k=0 We note that the map 9 t: f-> B(Hs(S2T*)) depends on three things: 1) The isomorphism IkT Js(S2T*)C -t) T k=0 2) The inner product on 3) The measure on S2 T* Z Sk T*' k=0 M . Therefore, to prove that L is smooth we look at each of these separately. 1) E: By fixing YO 0 E <-> -s Hs(SH) * Since exp , defined by we got a correspondence 7 = 70* a -> log a . is a diffeomorphism from symmetric to positive definite symmetric matrices, example 48 tells us Therefore that this correspondence is a diffeomorphism. to show s is smooth we can work either on p or on Hs (SH) The standard map q: SH X S2T * -> SH S2T * S is bilinear. Hence by lemma 29, there is an induced map q: Hs (SH) X H s (S T * ) -> Hs (S H and bilinear. 1 ( S2 T o q: Hs(SH) X HS(S ) which is continuous 2 T*) 0 -> HO( kT*@ S2T k=0 is therefore also continuous and bilinear. ----- I -83- P1 : HS(SH) -> L(Ha(S 2 T*), HO( z SkT k=O Let be defined by 1!(a)(g) o q(a,q) , then =" a continuous linear map. S2T)) is '1 clearly Also from the construction of '5 we know the following: Proposition 78: h0,h: C (S2T*) Let -> a e C6(SH), Cc( 7 = y 0 *(exp a) SkT*® S 2 T ) Z , and let be the linear maps k=O yo induced by g and C(S2T ) , Proof: y respectively. 1(a)(g) Then for all = ho(g) - h(g) . Simply follow the steps of the construction of %I s -> L(Hs(S 2 T ), Definition.79: 6 . SIT*@ S2T )) HO( Z k=0 (y) by tl pI are. 2) (E- = ho - ( ) ) p1 smooth since E-1 and by the above proposition. pl(Y)(g) = h(g) Also is We know that since every y 6 it defines a continuous inner product on s is continuous, T*(M) and hence S on S2 T* . Z SkT* k=0 tnner products on Let Z SkT* PR be the space of continuous S2 T* and let P2: 9n s -> PR k=O P2 (7) be defined by: Z SkT* a k=O S2 T is the inner product on induced by y . Note that PR is an open convex cone in the linear space of continuous bilinear maps on Z skT S2 T k=0 Proposition 80: P2 : ~ s -> PR is smooth. mod -84- We follow several easy steps: Proof: i: ( 9s T*(M) on s defined by y . where is the matrix inverse of gij HS(S2 T)). is an open convex cone in s _> V Riemannian structures Hs be the space of Let ?Zs a) by i(y) is the inner product on gij . T*(M) dx j i(gij dx In local coordinates Hs b) Hs 7 when is and that the map be defined by: J2 E. j2 (g)(V Let W, V' 0 s (T*) c) The map -_> d) s(T* @ ® T*) W') = g(V,V')g(W,W') qk: s((T*)k) ? s(T*k) -> restricting an inner product on the subbundle s S2 ^ k k: Hs(S2 (T*k - > A: Is -> &s It is smooth by lemma 29. jk: Is Similarly i(y) be the space of is the composition of the diagonal map and a bilinear map. j: j 2: = g iJX is smooth. E , let 92 S(E) For any bundle inner products on i ) Since matrix inverse is a smooth map, by example 48, we know that is Let 9? is smooth. s(SkT*) (T*)k defined by to a product on SkT* gives a continuous linear map H s2 k ) -> HS(S2(SkT ) ) Combining s (T*) jk s( s->z and SkT * qk we define S2 T* ) , j(g) being the k=O inner product on product are. g on Z skT*C k=O T*(M) . j S2 T induced by the inner is smooth because k and jk __ ___ __ -85- I Let Let r:• inclusion of inclusion Hs HS e) e) -> S2T * ) _> SkT* s( Z SkT"C9 S2Ti~) S2T~) SkT"Cg c k=O k=O s SkTC* Hs (S 22 (I: SkT+~3 HS(S~ k=O k~0 inclusion inclusion continuous is aa continuous is rr maps. maps, C cO maps into into the be the be PR PR 2 s 2 kT S cc CO( SkTI1~S C0(,2 (C k=O 2 S T*)) T S2T,)n) SS 2TT T ) so it it is is smooth. smooth. r o j 2 = roSor I~L2 f) f) yg fpg ' defined by which is O(M, IFt ) , f t CO(M,R ,) , feC , deterbeing deterbeing pg M, pg M, the correspondence yo . Then Then the correspondence by the Riemannian metric mined mined by the Riemannian metric p~ f I"f, on on pO Pg fix a a smooth measure We fix 3) 3) q.e.d. q.e.d. is smooth. is smooth. 2 C12 so o i which is defined by p = fp a continuous continuous associates with each continuous measure a, function on . M M (M,2. ~R, C0 (M, -> cO Vs -> P3: ~ZS 1"3' Let Y , the measure associated to P3 ProPosition Proposition 81: Let Prooof= Prooof: from SH W fibre ~R, ribre . : Hs(SH) -> Hs(M,~ smooth. smooth. Then Let 3 Therefore (i.e., e(f)=ee f elf) ) . Let Let e(f)(p) e(f)(p) e O o '13o p3 ooEE map aa linear linear map M with M with map continuous iilinear near map induces aa continuous C-4 1W )) I~ HS(M, i: HS i: (M, IR P3 = ioeo CL3 This is This is bundle over X over trivial M ,, the trivial x M i13:HS(SH)-'HS(M'IR) by by is by by = log( log(Jdet(yo* O exp a)/det(y 0O)).)· . is P smooth. is smooth, is I" xX MM -> IR SH -> 13: SN Ct3: ~R p if ( 7 ) PO p = P3 P ~3(Y)Po (a) IIS~(a) to SO that =~Jd~t7~y~;JT/^Sd~-t~T~Y~n';T-~:~-;;O i j C13(Y) be defined so that if 3(7) =4det(tyij)/det(TO )ij locally locally )) e: H(M, ) -> H(M,IR e:HS(MP)--)HS(MVL) = T f(p)i/il) . i=0 i=0 I )) CO(M, IR cO(M, where ee ) is is inclusion. be the inclusion. E: ~)"f2S s -> E:?' -> HS (SH) Hs(SH) is is -86- · tre aditeomorpnism terinea in 1). --~T hence P3 L is smootn. and the extension is a smooth map. on O~s 5: L(JS(S2T ) , Z Let k=0 SkT @ S2T ) X PR X CO(M,IR.) B(Hs(S2T )) be the obvious map; that is, -> · · I- -- p: ' -> BO(H(S 2T )) extends to a map Proposition 82: Proof: -· is the bilinear form induced on form on H0((S 2T)) h from the bilinear which is defined by the measure the inner product on homomorphism HS(S2T * ) jý(h,g,f) fpO ' J (S2T ) which comes from the and the inner product g on S Z k_ k5 S T 2* 9 S-T . k=0 is clearly a continuous tri-linear map. Io map. 8 B0(Hs(S2T )) is therefore a smooth -> (P1,' 2,' 3 ): It has been constructed so that io (Pl X P2 X 3) The proposition follows. P: 0ýp s -> BO(Hs(S2 T*)) To insure that Riemannian metric for 0 image of s defines a we need only check that the . consists solely of positive definite inner products which induce the given topology on Hs(S2T ) . We note the following: Lemma 83: Let E be a vector bundle. Then a norm on H (E) is defined by a continuous inner product on and a positive continuous measure on on i E M . The topology H (E) is independent of the particular inner product = -87- and measure which are chosen. See 17, p. 148 (Palais states this lemma for smooth Proof: inner product and measure, but in his proof uses only the fact that they are continuous.) It is clear that the images of p3 and P2 consist of continuous positive definite inner products and continuous positive measures, so together they induce the usual topology on S2T) is is s~Sk HO( k=0 a Riemannian metric, it Hence to show the 1 enough to show: 0( Z skT* -> L(Hs(S 2 T*), Hi k=0 p: f Proposition 84: . S2 T*) ) has image consisting of maps which are homeomorphisms into. is injective for all P1 (Y) Proof: for some g Hs (S2 T * ) But this component is just 1l(Y) Since (gn) a sequence in gn -> 0 . da 'C S T then the com2T* S T 2T* = S T g HS(S 2 T) , Pl()(gn) -> 0 implies and To show this we will use coordinates = . SA (gn) k=O following statements: --- sO(* for, if is injective, we need only show that for examine the local situation. l(gn) in 0?s L(y)(g) = 0 , which lies in pl(y)(g) ponent of is zero. in y . We note that if 7 = 70 * (exp a), For the moment, we assume the -88- 1) g e HS (S 2 T * ) , k < s . Let Ak (g) = D(g ) P + terms of form fD g functions and Iai < k ; and an Hs-k f'Dagi f' , f5 k+l gn - > 0 implies If H[ s / 4 ] in Hk - ( S 2 T* gn -> 0 We use ()(g) f f is a Pk is a sum of [s/2] +1[s/2] Csk Qk 2) -> 0 k-1 - is a sum of terms function and ) and H k (S 2 T * ) . means that for all Note that k < s , SAk(g) k = 0 so we know that We use induction on is obvious. large enough so that Ak+l k= l A (g) a a a k a (g) = Ial=k D -> 0 . gn - > 0 Now the proposition follows by induction using 1): S2 T ) HO(Sk T * SkAag n -> 0O in to prove the proposition. SOa(gn) = gn case odd C CO , then in in HO(SkT *® S2T) Proof of ven k e k/2 k odd 2 2) where k even <(k/2 la ij ' k In local coordinates k . in HO(S2 T ) 2). AO(g) = g a Note that we have chosen so the s HS(S 2 T * ) c C[s/2]+I(s2T*) , and that We assume that (gij) + Pk + Qk " For any function h • K -89- which is a coordinate function of a local section of SkT*@ S2T where k+ , f a Hs is an Dk + l ( Therefore a If f Da(gj) h -1 (and therefore a • Dk+1 f Dagi Proof of ) 2): But since a term is of form By 1) S ka(g)n = lalk Ial =k f'Da(gij)n of Qk(gn ) . f' is C implies CO implies Therefore, Pk(gn) + Qk((gn) -> 0 But this and the fact that that ___A --- gn -> 0 in Hk . ) ij Pk(n -> 0 . If , hence k > [s/2] + 1 , the fact that k-l-([k/2] + 1) Qk k+2 Hk-1 ' Pk (g n so is of form Qk l in jal < [k/2] + 1 hence in f'Dagi gn -> 0 HS -k C C and Similarly if are f nd D g1ij SPk Pk+1 . a + Pk+ Dagi 77 D gij+ f Dk + l (f ' Dag + fh has form fDa 1Dagi of form q C[s/2]) function. z 7 lD gij la =k Da (gij)) =1al=k+] Pk 6h has coordinates of form We examine k < [s/2] + 1 , (gij)n -> 0 in Qk(gn) -> 0 . If Da(gij)n -> in Da(gij) -> 0 Qk(gn) -> 0 implies q.e.d. 0 H[s / 4 ] and in this case also. Z D (gij ) in Hk - 1 aj =k gn -> in 0 Hk -1 -> 0. implies -90- V. The Group Action. well. The lemma follows. -91- Ow:.) : s+d X HS(32T s+ H (S2T ) A(q,g) = q*(g) a s+l to a map H2(S2 T) A We can extend / > Hs 2T ) by defining In this case if we fix as above. *: HS(S2T * ) -> H(S2T ) , we get and consider the following: q*: HS(S2T * ) -> HS(S2T ) Proposition 87: is a continuous linear map. Proof: Linearity is obvious. I II Ill , , 113 -1(U i ) II corresponding -1 (wi) and II 113 , 1 , HS(S 2 T*) be norms for Ui , Wi , to sets Let as in Lemma 46. II 1lIand II 13, Looking at Tr in norms it islocally the sequence. (1) (u)) -> Hs, -1( where (1) is P: y (3) (2) H (U1 ) - piy -> o (PIy) rj-1(Wi) . (1 is a map of the form it is continuous. tinuous. (3) Now fix _> ?s y by is a which is continuous, (2) is norm-decreasing so it is con- II 113, *? t2ý as described in corollary 31, so This shows that II II1 norm to the s+ s: is pe , -1)) and 3 is restriction to o 4 -> (piY o 9)( I)(x), the set Hs Hs (r-1(Ui)) -> , ?((9) r* is continuous from the norm. The proposition follows. (i.e. y smooth) and define = A(r,y) . 'li -92- 4 Proposition 88: Proof: is smooth. sej s+l , and smooth exponential map Fix e: T(M) -> M . We look at i.e., consider : T -> Z V -> ?(V) , qi aerined dI near zero in T V -> (y o e o V)(Te o V * TV)(Te o V * TV) is "o" means where 4 in terms of a chart at composition of maps and means "." multiplication of matrices or linear maps. y Since by example 48. Therefore 4 is smooth. _, 89: Corollary For all Also is smooth. V -> Te o V Hs+ 1 (U) q.e.d. , yef is continuous. Everything remains smooth as above except V -> y o e o V . But since we can use the weak ascertain that is a diffeomorphism, e o V c-lemma 34, as in corollary 55, to V -> is continuous. y o e o V is continuous. I is the isotropy group of the action manifold structure to the coset space Definition 90: I Therefore q.e.d. Now we discuss the subgroup --- is smooth All multiplications are smooth by lemma 29. HS(U) . Proof: Similarly y o e o V is clearly a continuous linear map from V -> TV to V -> are smooth, e and = ( E S+1 A(,y) of Z s+1 which A , and give a s+1/I• = y . -93- I From the fact that A Z St is a subgroup of consists only of r C1 is a means that Cl is an action it is clear that . Also we know that X homeomorphisms. homeomorphism such that "tq E Iy , Therefore if q*(7) = 7 . This is an isometry with respect to the metric r any isometry of 7 . Clearly, 7 . the group of isometries of is y in IT , so is I The following results are well known: Theorem 91: Let be a smooth compact manifold with M 7 . smooth Riemannian metric If gn -> g Tgn -> and (i.e., If Cm). convergence Iy (1 < k , uniformly on Tg g , k . A(g,p) = g(p) IY A: IY X M -> M Also, M morphisms lie in I i(X)p = T(Id,p)A(X,O) of • between the Lie algebra Il By is defined by induces a natural identification, vector fields on C is a compact Lie group. Iy the first part of this theorem, the topology of independent of C1 M (i.e., is given the topology of uniform m) . I be in uniformly in all derivatives gn -> g convergence), then (g n Let i , and the set O, of whose one parameter groups of diffeoi is defined by where Id is the identity of IY (see 12, 18). We shall now show that the inclusion a smooth map. --- d I c• s is We shall use the following form of the existence 7ON -94- theorem for differential equations: Lemma 92: zero, and Let Y J yO E , Y uO EU , and let Then there are subsets be a smooth map. map R containing U be open sets of some Banach spaces and F , where J,Y,U be an open interval of 0, yO, uo containing E f: J x Y X U -> F Jo' Y0 , UO of such that there is a smooth h: JO X Y0 x U0 -> U , and D(t,y,u)h(l,0,0) = f(t,y,h(t,y,u)) , for all (t,y,u) in JO X Y0 X U0 s i: I T C j Proposition 93: is smooth. Id , We need only show smoothness at the identity Proof: r E I at any for, 94. See 13, P. Proof: i = R -1 o i oR , T , and we know that multiplication on the right is smooth for OV s and I . Id , To show smoothness at in I ) s. and Since that the exponential map from a neighborhood of Id in I . -- L- Z Z ) of zero in -> I of zero in T (exp, Y) s Id is a Lie group, we know exp: % We let As usual, a chart for (call it Y I we look at charts at is a diffeomorphism to a neighborhood give a chart for I consists of a neighborhood TId . As a map from Y to Z . -95- i has the following form: an element of <0 X e Y . Then Pick M . , is a vector field on a one parameter group of diffeomorphism E: T(M) -> M X M this situation in local coordinates. coordinate neighborhood at 4: and let of T(M) T(U) -> U x J.n f(t,x,q) = v 2 o * o X(q) 7(9z1) lemma it is clear that are defined. JO h has range in where h Assume Y small defined by U . Then the X is locally is defined by the above U and since f(t,3X,q) = Af(t,X,q) h(t,X,q) = h(l,tX,q) is big enough to include h: Y0 -> HS(UO,U) by when both sides Y0 , we can insure 1 h(X)(u) = h(l,X,u) is smooth, all maps in the range of and therefore Hs . (1) following: E), be the local trivialization Therefore, by shrinking Define since a normal being the zero vector field). (yo h: JO x Y0 X U0 -> that U which corresponds to q -> h(l,X,q) i(X) M (with respect to in f: iR X Y X U -> R.n diffeomorphism M , If We examine Take induced by the coordinates. enough so that the map p . M . on Tt p -> E-'(p, r1 (p)) as , It generates is the fixed exponential on is the vector field X Then C2) X -> i(X) X -- > h(X) -- > (p -> h are C is locally the U) (p,h(X)(p))) -> (p -> E1-p,h(X)(p)) The smoothness of this sequence is a particular case of the following lemma: 1 -96- Lemma 94: Let A be a linear subspace of is a Banach space, and let 1(x) = 91 , where (qt) $: A -> V Proof: *j X . Uo, W i on M Ui -> Ui ' (h, JO 0 Y0 be a neighborhood of zero in Y0 (one for each for each that i , (1), (2), max usU PId o (3) ]j Du(7 4: A Ui such that ' as above). 2 Let such that for each of the X E B , then o ?j o X) II< E < 1 B -> TId B about and such Id). is locally the sequence above. usual norms on each Then assuming 4-1 o Id 4 is continuous in the Hs W) Id 'o 4 is k-l we shall show that Gateaux derivative converges locally and that it defines the following map from (+) is small Ui (the chart of Z s We shall show that kth is smooth and trivializations B c Yo , such that if i) 4(B) c ?Id(GId) Then Then However, we insist that enough so that there is another chart h: JO X YX0 be defined by A We pick charts as usual. s+l which is the one parameter family of diffeomorphisms corresponding to near zero in Cr(T(M)) dk (,ld o $)(b,v 1 B to Lk(A,TId) ... vk)(p) = Dk I d o $(b))(vl(p),... vk(p)) I I _1 ·___ ` --l ` -97-9-i ] c A, er (vii ,[v C -Idb where so Dk(id o $(b)) near p and B. B. M .@Id o •(b): (b): M M -> -> T(M) T(M) ,, is defined using local coordinates (b)(p) . ?ld o this map has range in derivatives of p P dk bounded by those of Since o $(b) is smooth, smootId Lk(A,TId) . That is, the first lld o 4)(bjv 1 ... (vi] s are uniformly vl) lI o $(b) and of That the map is continuous will follow from the -1 proof of the continuity of We work locally on Then on HS(Wi) il Ui . o o ie which we now give. and identify we get the map Y0 -> Hs(Ui'UI) -> Hs(Wi) o~wihw X -> h(X) X with Wi v2 o oX OX from By the existence theorem of differential equations, (*) h(l,X,p) = p + We claim that if eC jO Xh(t,x,p)dt X n -> X , and therefore in Hs (Ui,Ui) Ih(1,X,P) h(l(l,X,p)l < < h(X n ) -> h(X) then as well. IXnh(t,Xn) II Xn-X 110 where But Cc II 110 + - Xh(t,X,p) Idt 11DXn 11011 is CO II DXn 110< s < 1 by the selection of h(t,Xn,P)- h(t,X,p)11 0 norm on B . Uii r -98- Therefore, Sh(X) - h(X n ) O < IIxn - X 10/(1-11 DX n 110 ) < IIXn- x II0/(1-E) (*) From 3(1,x, k Dk 3 where CO h(X) -> h(Xn) Therefore )h= Dk(Id) th k means the < DX - DX n h(Xn) - DkX -> h(X) 3(1,X ,p) (X IDk D3 (1, h(X n ) -> h(X) This tells us that Therefore Dk -1 DId B -> X,p) Id IP oo in TId) <k Ck- )h- Dx( hl + 1 DXn 1O1D(lk 0o3D(lX,3 ( En Sn -> where Ck , as in the is continuous. o 4(b)) C h(X) and hence o nb-> n Also i for all o in k , so the map defined above is continuous. ... vk ) , 0 case. Now it remains to show the existence of dk((Id o $)(b,v 1 ,Xr? p)hl p h(Xn) -> o 4(bn)) -> D(? Lk(A, Dh 3 o h)I n + Therefore h) . 3 Therefore if we assume o h) o = DX ' Dkh + terms with D3(1,x,p)(X o 3(l'VXJP)(X 3(13xpp) Dk(lxp)(X 0 derivative in the third component (i.e., D 3 h(v) = Dh(O,0,v)) Dk(,Xp) + f and the equality at (+) . B -99- We note that - h(1,X,p) lim P(h(l,X+rV,p) r r -> 0 d(h)(X,V)(p) By (*) d(h)(X,V)(p) p lim - D3(1,X,p)h(V) fI 1h(tx 0 r(Xh(t,x+rV,p) - Xh(t,x,p) + rVh(t,x+rV,p))dt At each p , this converges to J 1 DX D2 (t,x,p)h(V) + Vh(t,x,p)dt We will show that the convergence is uniform in in all derivatives. so Vh(t,X+rV,p) -> 1(h(1,X+rV,p) in Vh(t,x,p) - h(l,X,p)) p . - Xh(t,x,p) ) - DX * D2(tx,p)h(V)dt + sr , r 2(t,x,p) Er -> IIDX 11011 .O(h(t,X+rV,p) Now Hence - D 2 (1,x,p)h(V) 1 r Xh(t,x+rV,p) f01(X = h(X+rV) -> h(X) We know from above that - h(t,X,p)) CO convergence follows since 0 - D2 (t,x,p)h(V) I0 II DX 110 r • < E< 1 convergence follows as before, Just differentiate everything with respect to Assuming p . dk-l(h)(X,Vl ..* vk-l) by the same method and (+) holds. we get dk(h)(X,V 1 .. Vk) This proves the lemma i -100- and also shows that i: I Definition 95: X Let sional manifolds, P & X , f and Y f: X -> Y is smooth. be smooth infinite dimen- a smooth map. Tpf: Tp(X) -> Tf(p)(Y) If at each Tpf(Tp(X)) is injective, Tf(p)(Y) , and has a closed linear complement, is closed in then -> 1) s injective and is a homeomorphism into, then f(x) an embedding and f is If, in addition, is called an immersion. is called f is called a submanifold of Y (see 13,pp. 19-21). Remark: If Y is a manifold based on a Hilbert space, any closed linear subspace of plement, so Tpf(Tp(X)) f is an immersion if is closed in Proposition 96: Proof: so i i has a closed com- Tf(p)(Y) is injective and Tpf Tf(p)(Y) . i: I -> $ s is an embedding. is a smooth injective map and Iy is compact, must be a homeomorphism onto a closed subset of Therefore, we must show that Tp i(T p(I )) is closed in identity in I . Let Xe Tpi Ti(p)( is injective and that s) . , and let We work at the 7t be a one parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by t -> qt and is a smooth homomorphism Ti(X) = T0 h(d ) . $ h: IR. -> Z X s Therefore, if Ti(X) = 0 , s -101- Th() 0. Ttoh(~) t0 dt But then for any = T(tt0) o Ti(X) = 0 . map, so for all Hence Ti , Hence qt =Id . h o TIdi o TR -1 ) T (I so is a constant Therefore is injective at the identity. T i = TR Also , ts tO e X = 0 . For any se1 injective everywhere. Tni is finite dimensional. Therefore Tpi(Tp(I )) is finite dimensional and hence closed in qe.d. Ti(p)(·b s) Remark: identify As a result of the above proposition, we can I i(I ) . and Proposition 97: Let c: I X composition of mappings. Proof: Then TId , E-l(p,ef eg(p)) D(f,g)c(uv) = D ,efeg(p (f,g) Note that f ) )E - 1 be defined as is smooth. c takes c . s Id X Id E 1I x) We show smoothness at a single chart p -> )s_ . Using into the map is smooth, so ( 0 , Df e g ( p ) e ( u e g (p ) + Deg(p)f • Dg(p)e (vg(p))) the right side of the above equation being continuous in the local norms as usual. Since u is smooth, the exist- ence of higher derivatives follows in the same way. Now , -102- pick q EI c = L o1 R fact that , s 2 o c o (L -1, c Then since S. R -1): is smooth at Iý X Id X Id -> , and the ~ s , L and are smooth (propositions 53 and 54) implies that (9,C) smooth at Corollary 98: Then S Proof: . Let the c R is q.e.d. S = U s TIdR (TId(I )) = TIdR is a smooth subbundle of T(V It is clear that the fibres of q( ) . s) S are closed (actually finite dimensional) linear subspaces of T(Z s) Therefore, we need only construct smooth local trivializations. Let U be a chart about the identity The chart map gives a trivialization which defines an identification of Let a: U X X -> T(U) a(u,X) = T(Id,u) c(X,0) , ? o a: U x ,TId( Z s)) C(u)(X,Y) $(Id) = 4(u)(X) + Y , ?: T(U) Z U X TId( TU(Z s) and sZ S) Z TId( s) , uU . is smooth. and it gives a smooth map defined by : U -> L(TId( in a(U,X) = TId Ru(X) , a s) C be a complement to @ to a map and so -> U X TId(c : U -> L(( Let by Id in s3), X is the identity map on $(u)(X) = 4, o a(u,X) TId(Z s) TId(t s)) , and extend by Y 6 C . TId(, s) . is smooth Therefore -103- by shrinking U , we can insure that the range of contains only linear isomorphisms. Let by P,'(v) = (F(u))-1 o *(V) T(U) V T(U) S(U) If and u = Y(V) . diagram: > UX TId(Z s) ... > UX% any point of O is Tj i': T(U) -> U X TId(• S) = (TIdRu)-1(V) ('(V) VE If V E S , say V s TIdRu( O ) , Therefore we get the commutative ' s+1 , applying TId(RQ) we get a commutative diagram: T(N (U)) -- > RN(U) X T ( l S) RUl S(R (U)) --- R (U) XT c ) This diagram gives us a smooth local trivialization of fore S induced from a trivialization of S is a smooth subbundle. T(b s) . There- q.e.d. Remark: T(• s) has a global trivialization T( > s) .X TId s) defined by V -> T (R )-1V) . However, we do not know that this triivialization is smooth. -104- On the other hand, the proof of the above corollary shows that S because if XEEC X,rj -> TIdR Lemma 99: and Y V, I(X) S % , defined by is a smooth map. is an involutive subbundle; that is, if are vector fields that lie in elements of 0 X,Y Won Z = [V,W] s by V S , so does X [X,Y]. S and define vector fields = TIdR (X), W = TIdRI(Y) Z'i = TIdR is the vector field vector fields of form fore xZ s -> S We use the usual argument for Lie algebras --- Proof: Take does have a smooth global trivialization V ( Clearly l[X,Y]) .. But S . There- span the fibres of is involutive. . q.e.d. Now we are ready to use the Frobenius theorem to Z construct the manifold Theorem 100: Let subbundle of T(X) . neighborhood W X of S/I 7 be any manifold, Then for any z S an involutive z E X , there is a and a diffeomorphism ý: U X V -> W (U,V open neighborhoods of zero in Banach spaces) such that $(0,0) = z , the composition T1 (U X V)C-- T(U X V) T onto S(W) , where whose fibres are > T(W) T1 (U X V) is a bundle isomorphism is the subbundle of T(U X V) Tx(U) X 0 C Tx(U) X Ty(V) = T(x,y)(U,V ) x E U, yE V. :: · -105- See 13, pp. 91-96. Proof: The elements of vectors in T(,Z s) S are (from their definition) the which are tangent to some coset that is the elements of T(I comes from the fact that I q) _C T(Z s) , R~(I ) I= is I (the inclusion a submanifold). Therefore, applying the above theorem to S we get the following: Proposition 101: hood W of For any nr z s , there is Iq and a diffeomorphism that for any fixed $: U X V -> W v e V , $ r U X (v) phism onto a neighborhood of $(O,v) a neighborsuch is a diffeomor- in the coset I $(0,v) 7: D Let give J s/IT s Z s/I Pick be the usual projection, and the quotient topology, so that tinuous and open. for s/Iy near the identity coset. W a neighborhood of U, V $(U,o) and Lemma 102: . Id so that Since a homeomorphism into, we can make nW= is con- We shall define a differential structure as in the above proposition. IT v $: U X V -> W i: Iy c> Z W s is small enough so that Clearly we can restrict W so that W are connected. There exists connected neighborhoods U O, V0 of -106- zero, included in Proof: Clearly Since L5 s W1, hoods 4(uo,v) c ITI N WO X V1 ) , where x(Ul about zero included in UO, V0 Pick E IT n WOW Let a al 4(2) Then I to f W1 a CI n W1 . be a line in a (I W0 . in respectively. (U (u',v) 4, c IT 0 from Then e nn W c $(U X V) . C 0 Therefore, if = v , IT n so WO a, , r E $(U,v I7T NW0 c in from r to C at rq= C(u,v 0 ) 0 ) . Since W(U 0 Ov) . q.e.d. w o $ r (0 X V0 ): V0 ->> s/I is a homeomorphism onto a neighborhood of Give J~ s/Iy ) From the we know that the tangent . a I an- Id to . (U1,0) (-1(a-1 to is a smooth curve Because of this lemma, Definition 103: = W0 C W2 a - Therefore U1 T$(T(U)) , v X V) ITl n W0 . be in O(h)r W) was any element of Remark: V is a smooth curve from any point lies in a = and a construction of and U and let Therefore in r are connected balls U1 , V1 small enough so that E WO , Pick for some is a topological group, we can pick neighbor2 W2-1 c W of Id such that W1 C W , 2 W 1 = and such that 1(UO,V) WO = in WO = C(UO X VO) v e V0 r a WO , there exists a for any IY U, V , such that if I in ) s/I a manifold structure by -107- declaring that for each element ?P = VooRTo : VO 0 -> It is clear that a neighborhood of s/I is 7' I T Z of 's/ is a chart at T injective and Ig . O) cq(V covers q , so we need only check that the charts 1 are smoothly compatible. (1) (2) form: V -> 4(o,v) (5 wV2 1 ) -1l( I(O,V),q-T ° o " (where defined) has 1(3 )(0,V)( -> -> where 2 projection on the second factor. 4(O,V)C7 10) -_> I : U0 X V0 -> V 0 ( 0, V)_I is the The first three steps are clearly smooth; the last two comprise the map V - 2 s/I s Remark: -1~((0,V)Cr o -1 ) which is also smooth. is a manifold. R acting on g Proposition 104: s/I in the usual way is smooth. S -s>) 7: The map smooth local cross section at any coset Proof: Let X 1 : hood of 1 by map X( Therefore (IyTI) Corollary 105: s/I 7 -> Z = R, o = T , and A map 7 o f: L is smooth if and only if particular 7 is smooth. s /Ii I S/I f o07: .* be defined in a neighbor- o%)X • 1 ?( admits a isa smooth is the identity map. -> N (N s -> N any manifold) is smooth. In -108- Proof: Assume f = f o V o 7 f o r . is smooth. f o and X is smooth because, using charts becomes W 2 : U X V -> V . is smooth. q.e.d. Hence if Near a coset are smooth so R f o $ and is smooth I N f p'q , is. T r o f -- -109- -s+l> 7s 4y: Now let be defined as before by = 7 , 47(I1) 4, (also called 1' = al (a E I ) 4 Proof: $o V . smooth. j -1 Ie $ 7: ) s+l/I7 ->Z s l*(7) $ If . *a*(7) = - (7) (al)*(7) = then is smooth and injective. 4 Therefore by the Corollary 105, (I 71) = $(I C) implies and I q = I7 . an immersion. g*(7) = *(7) so is To do so we must show that s+1/Iy) -> T (p)( s) is injective and We shall first study the map and in particular TIdId: TId(Z s+l) We recall that HS+l(T(M)) TId(b s+l) and is naturally identified T (911 s ) is identified with With the above identification, TId : Hs+ (T(M)) -> Hs(S2T*) 4 , > Ty(%s) HS (S2T* ) Lemma 107: is q.e.d. has closed range. with , makes sense. We are interested in showing that Tp : Tp( Since is smooth by Proposition 88 and clearly 4 = (T) = r (7) = $(I 7) so the definition of Lemma 106: 7 (also called 4) defines a map ) by 7 onto an Orbit through 5 s+l The Map of VI. is the differential -110- a operator derivative of x). a(x) = Ox(7 ) , (the Lie defined by y with respect to the vector field (See Example 67). Proof: We know that a and TIdI are both Hs+1(T(M)) continuous linear maps from HS(S 2 T*) to Therefore it is enough to show that they agree on the dense subset V E C'(T(M)) Cm(T(M)) . Then V of (rtj . tO is the map +1 C:K -> smooth curve in g s+l p -> . Pick generates a one parameter group of diffeomorphisms out that the map HS(T(M)) We first point t -> by tis a whose tangent at any point (p) V , an element of o Smoothness near Id . T to is shown in Lemma 94. Smoothness everywhere then follows from the fact that right multiplication is smooth in 2 s and ~ . From this it is also clear that the tangent to C at C(t) is V o Now to compute to the curve d d , o c(t)) p))o (tY since i HS(S 2 T*) is a(V) . Tit e T't( TIdP(V) s+1) . we look at the tangent o C(t) , at zero, = . d (())I is by definition is smooth, ~ ( At each point so it must be the map Therefore @V(7)p o C(t)) pEM , exists in p -> @V(7)p which The lemma follows. We now look at Ty for any 'q s We 7 7 ... *": HS(S 2 T*) -> HS(S 2 T *) the continuous linear map = A s*ts , Tq so for any Proposition 108: Proof: p = T* o f * : HS(S2T*) -> H s (S2 T ) (7 s+l)) T I(T oT 1(R -,) (T ( •* o is a restriction of s V s>-V i": recall that S+l)) o R for Ti o o R (C) = T*(TI-1)*(7) = (*(7) = "T*(CT-1) T 7T/= TT7"* o TId o TTI (R 1 T1 T- -1 ) T I(T (I so Therefore s+l)) 4 +1)) TI o a o T(R _l)(T (T Corollary 109: T i(T I ( s+l)) and Ti 1) T I(R are linear isomorphisms. Our next goal is to show that closed in TP(T)( ?) ' TIdI (TId(b s+l)) HS( 2T ) are isomorphic subspaces of Proof: and ) = HS (S 2 T*) . T T(T ( s+l)) is Because of the above corollary it is sufficient to do this for the case T = Id . so we examine We know TIdi = a: H s+ l (T(M)) -> H(S a . To do this we must use a few properties of differential operators which we now explain. Let E and F be vector bundles on D: C'(E) -> C (F) be a operator. kth Then as we know, M and let order differential D induces a linear 2T ) , r__ -112- D: Jk(E) -> F . bundle map: 0 ->SkT* sequence: Definition 110: x E k> For any k(E) -> Jk-1(E) -> 0 ot(D)(e) = D o ik(t x t ... Let t . D at and so that D is called elliptic if t T*(M) in p be a smooth measure for and let HO(E) defined by have smooth inner products F (')F and (')E M E p t x e) , which is called is bijective for all non-zero ot(D) t E T (M) , p E M and ot(D): Ep -> Fp there is a linear map the symbol of Also we have the exact and Ho(F) have explicit inner products. Definition 111: A D : C (F) -> CO(E) e E Cm(E) is an adjoint of f E See 17, if if for all D has a unique D* pp. 70-72. fM (De,f) = H-k (F) D (Def)Fdp = fM (e,D*f)Edp Every operator adjoint which we call Note: fM , f E C (F) ' Proposition 112: Proof: order differential operator kth j (e,D*f) s > k . for all e E HS(E) , This is true because the formula holds on the dense subset of smooth sections, and D and D are continuous linear maps. -113- Proposition 113: at(D*) o at(D) and (ot(D))*: Fp -> Ep map Proof: Ep at(D*) = (Gt(D))* where is the adjoint of the linear at(D): Ep -> Fp products on t c T*(M) , ft(D* o D) = For all and with respect to the inner Fp . See 17, pp. 68 and 73. Corollary 114: If for all non-zero ot(D): E -> Fp t E T*(M) , is injective, then D* o D: Cw(E) -> C (E) is an elliptic operator. Proof: Any injective linear map followed by its adjoint is an isomorphism. Since D* o D Apply this fact to fM (D* o De,e') = fM (De,De') = fM (e,D* o De') is its own adjoint. be the extension of Let If D is a kth operator from to F then E 1) Ker D = Ker Ds CO(E) Ds: Hs(E) -> Hs-k(F) D: C"(E) -> Co(F) . Proposition 115: subspace of at(D) . order elliptic is a finite dimensional and similarly a finite dimensional subspace of Ker D* = Ker Ds Ce(F) . 2) Hs-k(F) = im Ds (DKer D* , in particular im Ds Proof: is closed in H-k(F). See 17, 178-179. , -114- Assume a continuous linear map. (algebraic) linear complement to B . closed in f: A -> B be Banach spaces A,B Let Lemma 116: is an C and f(A) is B , and closed in f(A) Then CC B B = f(A) ( C See 17, p. Proof: 119. D: Cc(E) -> Ca(F) Now let t that for all non-zero Then injective. D* o D have the property is T*(M) , ot(D) in is a self-adjoint elliptic operator. Proposition 117: o D)s+k * Ker D im (D and s > k , Hs-k(E) = For o D. Also o D = Ker D im (D* o D)s+k = im D The first statement follows from 2) of Proof: adjoint. Let or HO(E) Clearly ( )o Ho(F) . be the inner product on Then (e,e')o = fM (e,e') dp Ker D* o D DKer D . O = (D*De,e) 0 = (De,De) Ker D* o D = Ker D . im (D* o D)s+k Cim Ds Ds+ k . is its own D* o D Proposition 115, and the fact D Ker D o Also if De = 0 . so Furthermore because it is D*De = O , Hence clear that (D* o D)s+k = Therefore in view of the first statement we need only show that im D* n Ker soD= D* o D = t0) 0}o or -115- that im D* (Ker S then D o D*f = 0 e = D*f = 0 . De = 0 (D o D*f,f) so 0 and e = D*f = 0 , or im Ds+k is closed in HS(F) , and s+k e Ker D s . Since Proof: If The proposition follows. Corollary 118: HS(F) = im D D = (0 . Ker D* is s closed we need only show that the above direct sum is true in the algebraic sense. is closed and the sum is fe Hs(F) topological. im Ds+k s+k We first show that let im Ds+k s+k Then by Lemma 116 it follows that D*f = 0 such that Then 0 = (D* o D+ke,e) f = . Now we show Ds o Ds+k(H s+k(E)) and + Ker D s , and (0C f = Ds+ke . = (Ds+ke,D+ke)O im D HS(F) = D*-1(Ds(H s (F)) * s+k Ker D*= s so spans Hs(F) Ds(HS(F)) by the above proposition. Therefore Hs(F) = Ds 1 (Dss o Dsk(Hs+k(E))) s+k = Ker D + Ds(H+ k E)) The corollary follows. Now we apply the above corollary to the first order operator Proposition 119: a . Let as+l: Hs+1(T(M)) -> H(S2T*) im as+1 Then is closed and has closed complement in ) H s (S2T2 Proof: t e Tp(M) t / 0 , and local coordinates of p c M All we need to show is that for any 7 p , and let be such that n xn * x is injective. Gt(a) dx Let U fE Ci(U, ) V = vi = t , f(p) = 0 , let (df) Pick on a neighborhood dx if 8xI p be a smooth vector field defined near p . Then ot(C)(Vp)= fV(y)p i fk S(fv k 6f But f(p) = 0 , so gfV()p dxi Q dxj vk)) - +- + k .(f f vk) vk + ki(f 6 (Yki xj 6f + Ykj xi k p j dxi 0 dx From this formula we see that if of T*(M) induced by corresponding to implies t = 0 is the element under the isomorphism fV(Y)p = t (V* y , ot(a)(Vp) = 0 V V* + V* or 0 t . Vp = 0 . Therefore The proposition follows. Now we know that for all T I is closed in is clearly onto T,(,)( * Tw( )( s E e Z s+1 , the image of ) . = $o and s+/Iy) , so the image of TT7 T V -117- TV ) In order to show that $ is the same as that of also show that T$ is an immersion, we must is injective on each tangent space. qie Since at any . s+l , T•? = Tv())) o To , it is enough to show the following: Proposition 120: then a(V) = 0 , Hence if a(V) = 0 V T (V) r = Id . Here we 1 implies is = 0 , I7 . Therefore , so T P(V) = 0 only if RH o I7 Tr(Id)RT o TId = 0 lies in the identity For any Therefore for (V) = 0 . ->31• is smooth, so o R -1 = GV(7) i E~s s+ V T (S s+l) T R _ 1 (V) E Ker a , and this occurs o TR be defined by o v v((,t)) TIdv(V) = 0 only if T But if the one parameter group generated by o*a o TR -1 . = TIdT(V) = O . is a smooth vector field and (It) (qt )C coset R and s+1) We first consider the case need to show TY T ( V T v(V) = 0 . Proof: V , If R . R, o v = 7 oR is smooth. . Hence if o TTR R1 :) Let TId s+/I / . -> s+1/I Therefore Also o T R _1 (V) = 0 , T v(V) = 0 . _ 1 (V) = 0 , so q.e.d. We now have shown: Proposition 121: 7: z s+1/I 7 ->q s is an injective immersion. 1 VII. (q-l)* a diffeomorphism with inverse We shall show that is > s q*: we know s+l 11 Eo For any s Acts Isometrically on The Group ,Z s+1 is an isometry --- that it i* p: ft S -> B(Hs(S 2 T*)) preserves the Riemannian metric This demonstration is a step by step examination of the p . construction of r Assume is smooth. T(M) inner products on 7 , D tively, and let > < Let ', D' corresponding affine connections on derivatives on If Lemma 122: V' and < >' q*(y) be the respec- be respectively the and covariant T(M) T*(M) . X, Y are vector fields on 1VTTX T VX'ly= (T)Proof: 7 defined by and V and M, .Y is uniquely characterized by the two properties: 1) 2) X<Y,Y>' Y Y7X = 2 <VX'Y,Y>' X - [X,Y] = 0 (see 11, p. 71). We shall establish these properties for -1 Tr1 \ TqX TrY using the fact that analogous properties hold for 17 . J -119- 1) Xp<Y,Y>' = Xp<ThY, )qY> (p) TTI(Xp)(<T•Y,TYY>) = = 2 <VTTIX ThY, TY> = 2 <-TI TrjYY>' 2) (TT)-1VTýX TTY - •-'V•7y TTX - [X,Y] = Tri-(VTqX TTY -VTrY TrjX - [TrX, T1Y]) = TU O) = 0 The lemma follows. r* o D = D' o Tr* Lemma 123: * where acts on T*(M) 0 T*(M) in the usual way. Proof: Let u be a field which corresponds to W = 7 - l(W Da ) is by definition the map T *(y)( V Th•jw) = TtUY(W)) the map (T*)k the vector c(Y) = <W,Y> ; i.e., by ' T-1W). Dk, Dk induced by y( V XW) . Therefore, T7XW)) which is D' o Trjno) Also = n*(Y)(Tr - If X -> X -> Tr*(y( 7 X -> q*(Y)( VX'T Corollary 124: on w W . Dc* Do is the map x -> M and 1-form on 1 W) . Hence -1 W) . The lemma follows. is are the covariant derivatives y and *(7y) respectively, then -120- r* o Dk = Dk o Proof: D' where V* 7* (T*)k and Follows directly from the definitions of and the fact that if T~* (t~o) = TI*(-) Let (T*)k acts on < >k Let (T*) k and (T*) a , D TIi*(C(a) < and induced by Lemma 125: TE (T*)k+l and 7 be the inner products on >k r~*(Ty) respectively. <a'T>k a,T E (T*)k = * T>k <7k* Proof: Use local coordinates: Let i1 k , dx 1®9..* 9dx T = Til 0** ik 7 = yj dx i @ dx j , and n xn),... y n(xl (xl S• Xn) <a,T> k = 1 k aj "'" Jk 7 is the matrix inverse of yi <TI*(a)2*(- l 1 *** 7 fi ýxm where Yj iAl k 11 ** · k T) (,Y) I ml ýx ik *•®dx k ik k ' k T*(7)lm = (7ij * i dx 1) 1 i ax and 1i be the map yl(x I ... ** * a = ... . I kk ax ~ m1l ýxmk k mk SThelemma follows.() The lemma follows. ,' ,· J1 "'Jk -121- Corollary 126: let < JS(S 2 T*) induced on tively. Let Let g > by and h D y, 2*(g) , r*(h) Proof: be the inner products j*(y) , and D' J (ST ) respec- S2 T* and induced by be those induced by g, h , q*(g), I*(h) hq(p)> = <I*(g)p, Th*hp> <g(p), Then >' be smooth sections of g, h be the sections of and < and This follows from the preceding lemma and corollary. By the corollary Dk o D1 Therefore r*(g) = q*(g) effect of r* l*(g) where on each component JS(S 2 T*) ~ isomorphism D'n*(g) = T* o Dk o Dk- 1 *o is defined by the SkT*@ S2T* and the S2T* induced by SkTz y and k=0 (Dk] k=1 follows from the previous lemma. . Now the corollary Proposition 127: p(t) products Let and be smooth sections of ( ) l(T*(y)) S2T ( and be the inner HS(S 2 T) on , and let measures on M defined by =.. (g,h) = f n),... yn(d x ... <g,h>p(det 7ij)/2 p T*() y and Using local coordinates, let xn) dxl g, h (g,h) = (q*(g), q*(h))' . Then We use the previous corollary and examine the Proof: 1(h )' a . be T = . dxn(p) .Yi Then D(g) -122- (q*(g), T*(h)) = f<q*(g), j 1/2 dx 1 *. q*(h)>p (det( i ax p S.. dxn(p) J<g, >-1 (p) det(yk) (det yi) 1/2dx deWs• ! p 1 (det = f<g,h> ij )1/2 p by the change of variables theorem. is (g,h) . ( S.. dxn(p) But this last term q.e.d. (g,h) Corollary 128: Proof : jp dx ) and = ( (7*(g), 1*(h)) for 2 T* ) g,h E H(S )' are continuous and by the proposition, the equality holds on a dense subset of Hs(S2T*) . Corollary 129: and (g,h) = (7*(g), T*(h))' rq E OV s+l Proof: Let 7n -> 'q be the inner product and g, h E HS(s2T ) for p Also Since (l1)* inI p(qn*(y)) are continuous, (Tn) C on (I*(g ), n )* o is smooth, and (qIn-I)* v(g) Hs(S D) . Let 2 T*) T*(h))n _> S(( (q*(g), q*(h))n 4 s+l Since )n ( 4' ( T*(h))' g*(g), nl o q*(h)) n1 I )* (g ) -> g a•nd (-nl)*(h) -> h n(n d x(p) -123- (g,h) = (r*(g), Therefore l*(h))' q.e.d. This finishes the demonstration that P isometry on V? s is an s? is a connected manifold, so the Riemannian metric on 72 s s defines a metric on f (The distance between way. 1* p and the lengths of all curves from p q is the minimum of q .) to induces the given topology on 92 S , in the usual This metric (see 19, p. 158), and any (Riemannian) isometry preserves the metric because it preserves the length of curves. A: V s+l X We have shown that uous in each variable separately. s -> S is contin- We are now in a posi- tion to show joint continuity. Proposition 130: A is jointly continuous in its two arguments. Proof: Let Yn -> 7 and Tn -> r in "f s and BO s+1 respectively. A(A(Tnyn) ,Yn)= =Tn*(Yn ) continuous. Ps( n' 7 ) -> ps (*(yn) so A If 0 . , " ps Gn (y) -> Tn(y)) -> since 0 . q.e.d. 1n Therefore since s , then is the metric on 9 Therefore, is continuous. i*(7) = A(tl,•) is an isometry, gn (n) -> *(t) , -124- v We shall eventually look at the normal bundle on Zs+ I7 induced by the immersion $ effect of the exponential map of "i s and at the on this bundle. First, however, we want to show that the exponential map .V commutes with the action of sl. Specifically we shall show: Proposition 131: exp: T(J s) -> f: O If f s s -> As is an isometry and is the exponential map defined s by the Riemannian structure on V (exp defined in a neighborhood of the zero section), then for any if exp V is defined, exp(Tf(V)) V s T(~ ) is defined and f exp(V) = exp(Tf(V)) Before we prove this proposition we examine the definition of exp . We use the construction in 13, pp. 109-111. Definition 132: Let and s)) -> T*(*? s) 7*: T(T*( Co w(V) = v*(V)(TW'(V)) , V s T(T*(9. s)) be the map induced by T(V9S) n = [r *(dw) T*(t s) (which will be noted p a bundle isomorphism on on . : T( P s) -> be the bundle projections. The canonical one-form structure ': T*(* 7: T( fS) ->fs, is defined by . The Riemannian ( , )) on s) -> T*( from forms on Define the two-form 0 5 s) 'bZs . Let rl T*(9?? s ) on T( t gives to forms s) by s -125- If Let f: (Tf)* forms on be the induced map of forms T( Lemma 133: Proof: )-> T(9 ) s , Tf: T(% S -> to T(97 S) S) • If Pick f is an isometry 5 s)) X,Y s TV(T( (Tf )* (n) and extend them locally to vector fields which also will be called (Tf)*(n)(X,Y) = n(TTf(X), = dc(T 1 X and Y . TTf(Y)) o TTf(X), T F' o TTf(Y)) (2) (1) = (T r' o TTf(X))(Wc(T r' o TTf(Y))) - (T F o TTf(Y))(c(T r (3) - c(T rl (1) o TTf([X,Y])) = (T P o TTf(X))((Tf(V), Tr' o T l' o TTf(Y))) = (T P o TTf(X))((Tf(V), Tf o T7(Y))) = X((V, TF(Y))) Similarly (2) (3) = Y((V, T7(X))) = (Tf(V), T-' oTT' o TTf([X,Y])) = (V,Tr([X,Y])) . 1(X,Y) = X((V,= Tv(Y))) - Y((V, T7X)) - (V,T7([X,Y])) by the same reasoning. q.e.d. o TTf(X))) _~ ___ -- -126- Let K: T(es) ->1k by K(V) =½(V,V) is a T(.7 s one form on Lemma 134: dK on There exists a unique vector field X T(V 8s) such that for any vector field on T(Vo s ), n(Z,X) = -dK(X) . Proof: See 13, pp. 109-110. Lemma 135: Proof: If f (Tf)*(K) = K , so By lemma 133, on T( is an isometry of (Tf )* () s, 9Or TTf(Z) = z (Tf)*(-dK) = -dK . = 9 , so for any vector field S), (f-1 also an isometry) S(TTf(Z), X) = (Tf-l)* n(TTf(Z),X) = (Z, TTf-1(x)) = -dK(TTf -1 (X)) = (Tf-')*(-dK)(X) = (-dK)(X) Hence TTf(Z) = Z Definition 136: by the above lemma. Let V e T( S) integral curve of the vector field Let Z OV be the such that Pv(O) = V . __ r -127- If PV(1) is defined, exp(V) = y o PV(1) . Proposition 137: exp exp(V) Z is defined and is called the exponential spray. is defined on a neighborhood of the zero section of T(W s) and if 9 Exp: 9 -> 9Ps X s by Exp(V) = (w(V), exp(V)), Exp is a local diffeomorphism near any zero tangent vector in T(ft S) Proof: See 13, pp. 72-73. Proof of Proposition 131: of exp BTf(V) Itis clear from the definition that we need only show the following: PV and have the same domain of definition and Tf o PV(t) = PTf(V)(t) for all t To show this we need only check that integral curve of Z , and statement is obvious. Tf o PV is an Tf o PV(O) = Tf(V) . The latter Also d(Tf o Bv(t))t 0 = TTf(•(v(t))Ito) TTf(ZP(t)) in the domain. = ZTf o Pv(t) = TTf(ZV(t)) and by lemma 135. The proposition follows. As a final preparatory step to proving the slice theorem, we look locally at the normal bundle by 4: s+1/I 7 -> Definition 138: Let v induced S X, Y be two manifolds, f: X -> Y _ __E_________________~__ -128- an immersion and Then 7: T(Y) -> Y be the tangent bundle. f*(T(Y)) = ((x,v) c X X T(Y)lf(x) = r(v)) is a bundle over X with fibre It is called the pull back of Clearly if f f*(T(Y))X T(Y) Tf(x)(Y f , by ) (see 13, pp. 38-39). is injective, there is a natural map v(f): f*(T(Y)) -> T(Y) by (x,v) -> v , which isalso injective. is an injective immersion so we can find be a neighborhood of the identity coset in $ r U is an embedding or that $(U) s+/I/ U to 7 such is a submanifold of ~7 s Definition 139: and V Let v(U) = (V E T(fs)Ilr(V) = is normal to the subspace Tu $(Tu(s+5 $(u) I)) c $(U) . This iscalled the normal bundle of $(U) in9 Proposition 140: v(U) is a vector bundle and exp 1 v(U) is a diffeomorphism from a neighborhood of the zero section of v(U) Proof: to a neighborhood of See 13, pp. 45-46, $(U) 73-74, in ?s and 104-105. i-ipw- ____ __ __ ___ -129- The Slice Theorem. VIII. Theorem 141: S of t)fs , , r I , i*(S) = S There is a neighborhood such that if rjE V 3) -> U and so that V in 9 exp rv(U) $(U) E-ball about zero in in the set on which Proof of q*(s) 1): Iy F: U X S -> F s is a homeo- sN is a diffeomorphism when restricted v (Id)(U), exp preceding proposition). exp rj is a submanifold of W? s J to the set of vectors of length < E . Since , then o S+ýly a neighborhood of the identity coset, E > 0 , so that and in , and 8s+l/I morphism onto a neighborhood of Pick 4 F(u,s) = ( C (u))*(s), then is defined by Proof: I is a local cross section at s+' 8+1 7:h4 V of rj (S) n S / and X2 : U -> 8 If the identity for 7(Id) there exists a submanifold such that: 1) For all 2) ys At each r r v(U) Let so that s ES S be an open S is included is a diffeomorphism (see S = exp(S) S is an embedding, Pick Let and let = q* o exp(t) = exp o T(j*)(t) S is a submanifold. s = exp(t) by proposition 131. _ _ _I -130- Since II T(*)(t)I1= II t II < r* is an isometry Tr E since I and T y(*)(Tr(Id) (T(Id) Also, s+l/I[ ) , s+1/Id))) = Tr(Id) T (d) s+1 so r*(s) = exp o T(q*)(t) E S SS , Ttr*(t) Therefore, s+I/I )) = c(D i*(4(w E . -1 Proof of 2): i*(s) = 1*(s') T*(y) 3): p: v(U) -> U F so A: 0 Therefore K(u,t) = T(? II V II < exp(B) . (u)*)(t) , are continuous. F is Th*(t) = t' ) 7 and let We shall show Let Also if K: U X S -> B is clearly bijec- Therefore, since is bijective. F F is (where is the right action), and F-1 (W)= (p o exp-1(W), A(, -1i Therefore, B , K F(u,s) = A( ?C(u),s) s ->9s 1), I F(u,s) = exp o K(u, exp-l(s)) . s+l x× as in is a vector over be the bundle projection map. continuous since a vector is 4 B = (V e v(U), Let E Then , and therefore, Tr*(t) is a diffeomorphism on exp A j and assume II is a homeomorphism onto be defined by Tq*(t) II TT*(t) 11< E . and T EV s' = exp t' . , $(U) 4 i*(7) = 7 Proof of tive. = exp t' being injective), so Hence Pick s = exp t , Let 4•II T*(t ) e v(U) that (U) . , an element of 4 (exp . = exp T(q*)(t) T* exp(t) over V = v Let C and W E exp B , o continuous, -1I o p o exp-1(W),W)) so F is a homeomorphism. q.e.d. LIII__ __I_ -131- IX. The Smooth Situation. Since A:0 s+1 s _> large s , we know that also. In particular, if #5 /1 s A: is continuous for all X 21-> ft -> P, : W is continuous is continuous, and 4 : ) /17 is given the quotient topology, - > is a continuous injection. • /I onto a closed subset of / 4): Proposition 142: ->/I . is a homeomorphism The proof will be a sequence of lemmas. Lemma 143: set (pi9 (n) of in Given any sequence of points in (qIm) compact set. Cn(Pi) n(Pn ) For a single , so -> pi ' well. (nn) qi 1 " 7m(Pi) is a sequence in a satisfies the lemma. Then refine Cn Tn so that so that (Pi ] If Cn(Pi Cn(Pj+l) ) = [Pl "'. Pj+,l -> q1 for converges as This refinement satisfies the lemma. Lemma 144: in i , there is some Hence it has a convergent subsequence assume there is a sequence i < J . and finite M . There is a subsequence such that for all M , such that Proof: ([I _ C Fix such that 7, r' Trm(y) E -> V? and let 7' . ([m) be a sequence Then for any finite ___ __i_ __ -132- collection of vectors (Vi9 in Wi [rn) , such that for all and a subsequence TCn(Vi ) -> Wi Proof: Let vectors Also, if Vi 0, i , Wi + 0 . K be the maximum of the lengths of the Vi with respect to . K = max[('(Vi, Vi))1/2 i . T(M) , there exist vectc Y(TTJmV I , m, qm*(y) -> y' , for each Since y'(Vi,Vi) . mVi) -> ciently large '' . Y''(TV, Therefore, for suffl qmVi)1/2 < 2K . Let S2 K(M) = [V s T(M)I(7'(V,V))1/2 < 2K) . S2 K(M) is comps and for large m , T,,m(V ) E S,,(M) . Now we can construct a subsequence as in the previous lemma. and (Y)(vivi) -> 0 so W = 0 then which is impossible. Lemma 145: Let e: T(M) -> M be . K, %, and spray defined by let Km, fm and Z y on qme = emTm Zm " Tm is an We use the same proof be the function , two-form, ani T(M) (see lemmas 133-135), and be the corresponding objects for ThenK m=(TTm)*(K), 7*(') •m Then We have proved this in the case that Let = the exponential map of .m(Y) isometry (see proposition 131). here: y'(Vivi) q.e.d. em: T(M) -> M be that of Proof: If Vi am =(Tm)*(n) T m (2 ) and ad Zm = TT =T -133- PV(t) Therefore if V, Thm o PV(t) is an integral curve of Proposition 146: y' . Z through TT1qmZ through e': T(M) -> M be the exponential Let Then em -> e' on compact subsets of Proof: an integral curve of The proposition follows. T1m(V) . map of is Let -> Y' T(M) K', n' and and spray defined by Z' 7' -(Y) L', Km -> , uniformly in all derivatives be the function, two form T(M) . on m -> Q' Then, since and Zm -> Z : all convergences being uniform in all derivatives on compact subsets. If and , e(V) = V e T(M) (1,V) = jO V + 7 o (1l,V) w: T(M) -> , where Z(tv)dt, the integral curve of M Z Convergence for such a case is proven in lemma 94. Proof of Proposition 142: exists a number respect to Since M is compact, there E > 0 , such that any ball in 7) of radius less than Let (pi ] of K = max E' > 0 (with E lies entirely in some normal coordinate neighborhood of there exists and M M . Also for 7' with the same property. (y'(V,V)/7(V,V)] VE T(M) M such that for each i , . Pick a finite set Ui is a normal _ ___~i~ -134- (with respect to 7) coordinate neighborhood centered at U Ui = M . i (ViJ) j T Pick (vi ) i such that for each fixed is an orthonormal basis (with respect to , y) of (M) . (Wi J Find Ck(Pi that (WiJ) ) C T(M) -> q1 Tk(Vi J ) and is a basis of ial : such for all - i,j . Tq (M) by lemma 144. i1 q = e(z aiJvi j ) Ui about Z(ai ) where Ji Pi If < 6 > (- 1,- In 4 4 mi Th Consider a fixed i q E Ui Therefore, ji k(qk) = Cke(Zai Vi j ) = [TC (ViJ) so ) [(k and a subsequence j e o Trk(ZaiJVi j ) , Ck(q so ) Tk(ViJ) -> Wi ek -> e' Also is a bounded set. k uniformly on bounded sets, -> e'(zai5 WiJ) C(q) = e'(Z aiJiWiJ) Let Then - Ck > C on Ui . M be defining it on each M and 6 = K-1/2min(S,E') Pi ' of radius less than and Ck(q The two constructions of must coincide. since = e' Ck - Therefore > C o L o on each e-1 Ui . Since to be a map on C (Rk) are maps on C(q) , it is clear that for -> ) Extend Pi where 1(q) C Ui ' e (from Ui Ui q and - > C on M . : T (M) -> M is Pi I Ui ,) is well defined on k 0 U M and On Ui , e Tp (M) 1 . _IIIIIC ______ I -135- and L: Tp(M) -> Tqi(M) j L(Z aiJViJ) = 2 aiJi Loe e - (Ui) is the linear map defined by . Since is contained in a neighborhood of zero of radius < E' (with respect to e ' r Lo y'(WiJwiJ) < K , -1 ePi(Ui ) 7'). Therefore is a diffeomorphism. a diffeomorphism onto a neighborhood of To show that C a diffeomorphism, C(M) compact, so is closed in Now we show C be the metrics on respectively. covering [Ui ) is open in induced by with respect to Ui is injective. So we consider and pk(Ck(p), k Ck(P) -> p'(C(p), k(q)) C*(7) orbits of o Since so in > a Ck(q) -> > I , so C(q)) diffeomorphism. *(7) -> such that C(p), M . C t Ui But Hence Let M C p, pk is is is onto. and 7 , Ck(y) , and p' Y' A be the Lebesque number of the there is some Then C(pi) Since M . is injective. M Let is is a diffeomorphism we need only check that it is one to one and onto. C(M) i Ui Hence p,q s Ui a homeomorphism into. . for all C(q) . k . Ck -> C in . are closed. C UU i p(p,q) > ('() But -> y' Therefore, C(p) + C(q) . Let We know p, q E M where C*(7) = 7' V p(p,q) < L , p ; i.e., if 0E Hence C is a , This shows that the Now we show imI(7) -> i*(Y) . s: 0/I1 Then -> . __ -136- , /I 1 in -> -1)*() (Tim o then I h /Iy in U that (qm i ) n U = 0 . that k in E Ck - U . and (Timi) Contradiction. /I 7 • 7 , so there is a and a diffeomorphism C Hence if rml(y) -> such k , Therefore for large . C E I -> such (Tim and a subsequence (Tmi)*() [k) of > C the desired conclusion. and that there is a neighbor-> 7ym(7) hood subsequence T-> I~--- m I Therefore assume of I q m o i-1 _> Iy If we can show that . y IyT m -> IY The proposition follows. /I-> /: Using the fact that is a homeomors , one phism into, and using the invariant metric on " can prove the following: , y s If for Theorem 147: then there exists a neighborhood all 7' e V , any y E such that (7 ('= t' I7 is trivial. there is a I, ,/ III = (Id) . = (Id)) 7' is the trivial group, I V 7 , such that for of Also if dim M > 1 , for in any neighborhood of y , That is, the set is open and dense in . We call it the set of generic metrics. Preparatory to the proof of this theorem, we construct an invariant metric on / t metric on 9r . For t s , let pt be the induced by its Riemannian structure as defined in section IV. -137- Let P('Y"Y ) ->R X* p:t 1 =PteYorY t>s Pt is a metric on Et which is invariant p under the action of Jb topology on V - p is an invariant metric is immediate from That in 7y *1 pt t p(yn,7 therefore, and which induces the given . the fact that each n " ) 1+Pt(YsT 2 Proposition 148: Proof: by for all ) ( 7n ' y) -> 0 . t , implies that n -> 7 n -> 0 Pt( YY) implies that Therefore, -> Y, 7) Conversely if then for each n pt(y n , t , so -> O . Pt yn -> 7 is. Also, if C1 in the y -> Ps ( n,' But 7) 0 , -> 0 sense and generally y in the or If p(Y,7') < e and so p(q*(y),y) for all -> 0 , and p(Yn,7) -> k , Ck in 2 C sense. Yn -> 7, This proves the proposition. Proof of Theorem 147: then p(Tj*(Y),7') choosing max < E < 2s . T E Is, Hence by a small neighborhood we can insure that V (p(T*(y),y)) is small. Since 4 :. -> 9t is a homeomorphism into, this means that we can require that the set U y'sV (r} is within any fixed neighborhood of Id -138- . in Hence to prove the openness of find a neighborhood of Id in V p e M Fix a point E V, 7' and let coordinate neighborhood of respectto y , and a neighborhood of such that if 2 ýb we need only p W W. I, be a convex normal U with radius 3a (with y). e r Tp(M) That is, is a diffeomorphism from the 3a open ball about zero of radius points ql, q2 ql to q2 q2 are within onto U , and for any U , there is a unique geodesic from in 6a . of length less than e some distance Also, if ql and p , so is the entire of geodesic segment between them, so this geodesic lies entirely inside U , (for existence of U see 3, pp, 246-248). Pick 7y' a V, V a neighborhood of U contains a convex neighborhood of radius bigger than any E IV, where d and y' Let and , -> d' such that for all d(q,q(q)) < a are the metrics on with y' , and for with respect to q EM , p and d'(q,q(q)) < a , M induced by respectively. 0n dim M = n . f: I and 2a y On be the orthogonal group for Given 7' E V , $pn where we shall define a map 7 7 We first F(U) X define a function : U -> F(U) is the bundle of orthogonal frames over where U with respect to 7' . over p and define X. (q) to be the parallel translate of F to q q E Iy, = FIFp X(r((p)) Claim: r s 1., If of where Frj the angle between Case I: = Id . x q by the equation is the map induced by r M on the f(Qi)(x) rq(p) = p . Assume and (n-l) sphere such that x is greater than or Then f(rI) = Id 0 n only But it is well known that if . TpB = Id: T (M) -> 1 to 7/2 Trj = Id if p 1 + Id , then there is a power and 1 and a point equal to f(I) and define on the bundle of frames over 1i Fp along the unique shortest goedesic from Now pick f(Tr) Fix an orthogonal frame T (M) and Ti is an isometry, then (See 12, pp. 131, 138,) Clearly, f(i) = in this case, so our claim is an elementary property of Case II: n(p) 1p Assume the claim false and let of be some power . Let from r p b = d'(C(p),p) to C(p) and and let r(p) to g!, g 2 Tq(p) be the geodesics respectively. . Let V1 be the tangent to tangent to and V2 g2 at C(p) . p of radius b geodesic Hence V2 g2 Let Sb and V2 the is farther from d' . C(p) E Sb Sb Sb , so part of the p than the distance , because are in a convex neighborhood of V1 be the sphere is perpendicular to V1 points outside of d'(p,9T(p)) > b C(p) with respect to and by the Gauss lemma, Therefore at Then the angle between v/2 . is less than around gl Tr(p) and b C(p) p . Using induction we.can state the following: ), The sequence farther from 2(, p), 13 (p),... gets continually p . We recall a trivial property of compact groups: Lemma 149: If an element 1 G of is a compact topological group, given G and a neighborhood identity, there exists a power i of W q of the such that i Proof: Assume the lemma false, and let hood of the identity such that check that the set set cover (1iV) V VV- 1 C W . (qiV) of The lemma follows. [ i] Then we can is a disjoint collection. is closed and therefore compact. (3i) be a neighbor- But the has no finite subcover. The IV, is a compact group and by the above, p , so does not approach 7i(p) Id . li does not approach This is a contradiction; it establishes our claim. We shall now show that by shrinking 7' we can insure that if on the E V , V slightly, , there is no 1 E I, (n-l) sphere such that the angle between f(7)(x) 7/2 . is bigger than or equal to x x and This, of course, will conclude our proof of the openness of b Assume that a is small enough such that for all q EM , to a 3a -ball about zero, and restrict any e rTq(M) is a diffeomorphism when restricted '' E V , the above is true for a e' , the exponential associated to Then, for any if v', v e Tq(M)) between v and Y(v,v') < 0) restrict v' then . so that for 2a -ball using 7' q E U , there is and V a c > 0 such that I1v II = I v' JI= a and the angle is not less than 7/2 ,(i.e., d(e(v), e(v')) > 40 . V , so that for 7' e V We further and corresponding v,v' d'(e'(v), e'(v')) > 3c • Now find and Vp E Tp(M) and vq h, a > h > 0 , such that if such that v II a , then if q E U is the parallel translate of the shortest geodesic through p d(p,q) < h and vp to q , then q along 7~ -142- d(e(v), e(v q)) < c 7' a V, . Restrict q E M , and Ny vq Vp Pick vq c . E I, vp < d'(e'(vp), e'(v p) h Si%± U C be the translate of e'(T"v ) = since T M a . e'(vq)) to e th1- th1 e CZ IV, ra q = r(p) , and let q . Then + d'(e'(vq), so the first therm on the right Also the second term is less than e'(v q)) is less than e'(vq)) < 2c y' E V , e'(TI(vp))) is a parallel translate of d'(e'(Tv p), d'(e'(v p), < min(c,h) , is q , so that for all so that for any VT r vp is less than vp ' Fc% d'(e'(Trqvp), But V d'(q,r(q)) i ow length of let v p, and corresponding Finally restrict V < 3c 7/2. vp . 2c Therefore, so the angle between This shows that TTIvp and is open. Now to show that A& is dense we look at the curvature tensor and perturb it slightly. T_(M) f be the non-zero vectors in : T_(M) -> j- Ric(X,X) f Fix by f (X) ty E T(M) . Let = Ric(X,X)/<X,X> , where denotes the Ricci curvature, (see 11, p. 95). is a smooth function on T_(M) and if set of normal coordinates in a neighborhood such that the components matrix at and let p, then gij of y (Ixi U are a of p , are the identity e'(vp)) 2 gni 2gnn Z xnx nix+ i xi2 1 gii f (X ) = ( i nX 2 n - (This is a direct calculation using the standard formulae for curvature and Let to S(M) SE S(M) has a maximum on - (0o , maximum of near connections, see 11, p. 63). be the set of unit vectors in f '). affine f f T (M). y so that fy, i that for all i, j, k , 7' ~ 1 nates at + Ei p j) for ij ( ) = arbitrarily U . Then 2iini i i sx n on - 2 U U , such = 0 . y' = ' p , ir txnx off of + axi 2 and a Eij 5 CO(U) , such that (Ir n=l, = U 2nn .. f'7 ry'(Xn) > f yn (X ) . ( y' f ,(Xn) = f (X ) It is clear that if n > 1 , there are rarily close to zero in Let are normal coordi- (xl) y' also, and at + 1 ( ij) whose support is in M defined by: over y' has a greater maximum. (symmetric in be the metric on and since for We shall find Take a set of smooth functions and (with respect , this maximum is the (mX) = f (X) on M f7 =f 7 = O.) This construction tells us the following: arbit- -144- 1) At any point p of M and unit vector X E T (M) , and for any neighborhood find a Riemannian metric such that 7' = y U of p , we can y' arbitrarily near to off of U and 7 fy,(X) > f(X) . Also, the following is immediate from the definition of f : 2) y For any EWZ , if rl6 ,1 f (TrX) = f (X) X E T_(M) . for any Furthermore, from the proof of the openness of A we know: 3) p in p s M , there are neighborhoods For any M , and V of where , there exists d in 9f y' e V , such that for any la I, 7 I = (Id) (, q a U is the metric on and there is of 6 > 0 or for some d(q,7(q)) > 6 such that M a U induced by y7 Using the above three statements, it is easy to show the denseness of maximal at of p & X e Tp(M) . 3a of radius b Perturb y . We select Let U p EM so that f be a convex neighborhood for which 3) holds. Pick b0 < a b on fy(X) > f (X) . B as in 1) Then for any is to get Y 70 T(M) , so that such that b T_(Bp Y ) (Y) f T(X) >f , . b S2 a = (g e Mld Let metric on •I 1 (f max such that there is (Y)) . X1 & and such that Tpl(M) (Xl) f = 0 yeT (A1 ) and q E S2 a Then if 2a - b 0 < d 0 (p,q) < 2a + b ) EM , pl E A1 pick 70 . is the do where (p,q) = 2a) < d 0 (p,j(q)) < 2a + b 2a - b , 0 B 0 rT(p) so defined by M A1 = (q Let b 0) E T_(B , Tr1(X) SI0 2) , if Therefore by 0 b f o ( XI ) < f1 (X ) ( X)= < fl b and induced by 71 , f 0(X) . e(Pl EB i . A2 = and let Let q a-b1 J d l (p,q) < a + bl). X2 a Tp (M) so as to maximize Continue inductively to get pl ... pn -. and let -> 1 = E n (pp Ie I dl be the metric M12a - bO J dl(p,q) < 2a, Pick P2 E A2 iL ) and fyl b0 ... bn A I A nn = (Id) be the exponential map of M X M ,-,-1, Y Then if 71 ... 'n . We claim that and En: T (M) Let pl about b ) q(p) EB 0 p and B 1 11 bl-ball such that 71 to get on a y0 Now perturb , i=1,... Tn bO Case I: (Yi) for any q are independent vectors in U , q = en(2 yiYi) r E E1 so if Thus T (M) , i small 71(q) = e n( yT 1 (Yi)) But by making TQY we can insure that bn bn0 is arbitrarily close to i Yi ' (since the inequalities f n(x)n < f nn(X) (Xn) < f n(Xn-1 ) " (*) f and (**) fT(X) > max bi)f YE T(Ai-B Pi) n (YY) n b imply that that means r(q) b and 7(pi) E B '), and hence T(p) E B 0 p q . By 3)) , this is arbitrarily close to q . By this q = Id . Case II: are not independent, move the If (Yi) slightly so that they are. Clearly this can be done (*) and by the argument of case I, Iy without annulling the inequalities , Therefore, Now it is clear that of theorem 147 is t is dense in • complete. p (**) = (Id) , so the proof . -147- X. Further Research. The present work gives rise to several avenues of additional research. Perhaps the broadest one is that of Hs further applications of another. maps from one manifold to This is the first instance known to the author of the use of Hs possibilities. maps, but they should have many other They are preferable to in that the manifold of Hs Ck functions maps is based on a Hilbert space rather than a Banach space, and in that they are a more natural tool when discussing the range and Kernel of a differential operator. One thing that might be done using them, is to study the orbits of XE (or .0 s) in spaces of other structures (e.g. conformal, complex, semi-Riemannian) on a compact manifold. Eells and Earle have done this with conformal dim M = 2 , (see structures in the case 8). As to more particular results, it would be nice to show that the map ~: V s+1/I/ _> % onto a closed subset of V s is a homeomorphism and by this, to get the full classical slice theorem. This would tell us that the orbits of 0 s+l are closed and give a first in W S step towards investigation of the quotient space 7 s/iO s+l REFERENCES 1. Abraham, R., Lectures of Smale on Differential Topology, Notes at Columbia University, 1962-63. 2. Bers, L., John, F., and Schechter, M., Partial Differential Equations, Interscience, New York, 1964. 3. Bishop, R., and Crittendon, R., Geometry of Manifolds, Academic Press, New York, 1964. 4. Borel, A., Seminar on Transformation Groups, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1960. 5. Theory of Lie Groups, Princeton Chevalley, C., University Press, 1946. 5a. Diendonne, J., Foundations of Modern Analysis, Academic Press, New York, 1961. 6. Eells, J. Jr., On the Geometry of Function Spaces, Symp. Inter. de Topologia Algebraica, Mexico 1958, pp. 303-308. 7. , A Setting for Global Analysis, A.M.S. Bulletin, Vol. 72, 1966, pp. 739-807. 8. , and C. J. Earle, The Diffeomorphism Group of a Compact Riemann Surface, A.M.S. 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