WV Colleges and Universities Strategic Partnerships with…

Strategic Partnerships with…
WV Colleges and Universities
Examples of ways to collaborate
Colleges are rich with resources and ideal stakeholders to build strategic
partnerships. Since 65% of the job market requires skilled training beyond high
school, local community colleges can benefit from students receiving accurate
information about the workplace and change ‘out of date’ messages we
continue to give our students and steer students towards more relevant postsecondary choices. They can help build the school’s capacity by working as
partners with the LINKS program to educate students about:
 job market trends
 course selections
 the importance of rigor
 being a successful college student
 dual credit and EDGE credits
 financial aid and scholarships
 workforce demands
 skills and attitudes necessary for success
 technology tools
Colleges and Universities provide opportunities for students considering a fouryear college to:
 visit a college campus
 obtain information from students and faculty to assist with:
 making relevant course selections to compliment post-secondary plans
 understanding how college is different than high school
 learning about living on a college campus
 do’s and don’ts of college success
Schools can partner with colleges and universities to:
 hold college day programs
 provide career speakers
 hold ACT/SAT Prep courses
 assist students write winning essays
 assist with interview expositions and senior projects