Document 10984304

 State Advisory Council on Indian Education Quarterly Meeting March 10, 2015 Meadowbrook Room Sheraton Greensboro Four Seasons Members Present Trina Bennett Dorothy Crowe Chenoa Davis Ryan Emanuel Margo Howard Alisa Hunt-­‐Lowery Karen Goins Kueny Kamiyo Lanning Kara Stewart Members Absent Kathy Chavis Sen. Jim Davis Rep. Charles Graham Veronica Graham Heather Sellers Sharon Williams Liaisons Olivia Oxendine, SBE Ogletree Richardson, DPI Debora Williams, DPI Guests Angela Lynch Joe Richardson CALL TO ORDER The meetings was called to order by the chairperson, Kamiyo Lanning, at 10:02 a.m. with a review of the roles and responsibilities of the Council as recorded in legislation. Debora Williams called the roll. Roll call was followed by individual introductions. RECOGNITIONS The chair recognized Brandi Brooks Davis for years of service to the Council. Kara Stewart was recognized for receiving the UNC Diversity Award – Community Member category. MINUTES Members reviewed the November 2014 and January 2015 meeting minutes. Kara Stewart motioned to approve the minutes with technical corrections. Karen Kueny seconded the motion. NEW BUSINESS Oath of Office Vice chair and notary public Margo Howard administered the oath of office to new member Ryan Emanuel and re-­‐appointed member Karen Goins Kueny. SACIE 2014 Annual Report to the State Board of Education Council chair Kamiyo Lanning and Dr. Ogletree Richardson presented the 2014 SACIE Annual Report to the State Board of Education at the Board’s February State Advisory Council on Indian Education Quarterly Meeting March 10, 2015 1 meeting. Following the presentation Board members asked questions and shared comments. The report returned to the Board in March for action and was approved. State Board of Education Update Dr. Olivia Oxendine reiterated the purpose and importance of the Council’s work. The Council should explore programs that will support academic success and thereby increase graduation rates. Senate Bill 97 Dr. Oxendine facilitated the discussion around Senate Bill 97. Members expressed a concern with the proposed revision that will exclude the naming of state-­‐recognized tribes. Dr. Oxendine reminded the group of the State Board’s responsibility to ensure the voice of every student in the state. Following additional discussion, it was motioned by Alisa Hunt-­‐Lowery and seconded by Dorothy Crowe to send the revision below to Senator Jim Davis for support. American Indian members of the Council shall be broadly representative of North Carolina Indian tribes and organizations, NC state-­‐recognized tribes and organizations (Cohaire Tribe, Eastern Band of the Cherokee Nation, Haliwa-­‐Saponi Indian Tribe, Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, Meherrin Indian Tribe, Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation, Sappony, Waccamaw Siouan Tribe, Cumberland County Association for Indian People, Guilford Native American Association, Metrolina Native American Association, Triangle Native American Society and any other Indian tribe gaining State recognition in the future), and tribes recognized by the US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs. NC Commission of Indian Affairs Update Mrs. Dorothy Crowe reported that the Commission office is receiving SACIE membership applications for terms expiring June 30, 2015. First term members may re-­‐apply. The Commission will act on the applications at the March 2015 meeting. Mrs. Crowe will propose to the Commission that going forward the application deadline be November 1 of each year. Tribes have received information regarding the American Indian Scholarship application. The scholarship is partially funded by revenue generated from AI license plates. At 12:35 p.m. the chair suspended the full meeting for lunch and committee meetings. The chair reconvened the meeting at 1:01 p.m. By-­‐laws Proposed revisions for the by-­‐laws were emailed to Council members prior to the meeting. The chair asked if there were any questions. Hearing none, a motion to approve the revisions was made by Karen Goins Kueny and seconded by Trina Bennett. State Advisory Council on Indian Education Quarterly Meeting March 10, 2015 2 Committee Reports Cultural Responsiveness Committee Kara Stewart shared more information on her work in the community. Kara discussed her blog and challenged other members to read the works of diverse authors. Kara has worked with media specialists in her school district on evaluating the cultural responsiveness of texts. Encouraging members to be community activists, Kara will speak at the 2015 Native Leadership Symposium on how to transfer your interest and passion into action. She will also present a concurrent session at the 2015 Collaborative Conference for Student Achievement and speak to middle and high school teachers at the NC Museum of History. All of the presentations will reference SACIE resources. Action Steps for Committee • All Council members should become familiar with the Culturally Responsive Instructional Resources on the SACIE website. • Speak with Title VII departments about the resources • Offer your assistance and incorporate your area of expertise • Dr. Emanuel will develop a list of university contacts for information sharing • Alisa Hunt-­‐Lowery will develop a list of multi-­‐cultural contacts for school districts • Kara Stewart offered members use of a PowerPoint she developed on SACIE’s instructional resources. Debora Williams will share that PPt file with council members. Kara asked members to use the presentation when speaking with Title VII administrators. Trina Bennett will share the presentation with media specialists. American Indian Education Summit Karen Goins Kueny shared the discussions and planning from the Summit Committee. The summit is scheduled for Friday, October 9. (The Council will meet on Thursday, October 8.) The committee discussed the location and will continue to investigate venues. Considerations include NC State (Alisa Hunt-­‐Lowery will provide a contact) and Guilford Technical Community College – Jamestown. The registration fee is $25.00. Targeted audiences include Title VII administrators, parent committee chairs, and superintendents. Kamiyo Lanning suggested a keynote speaker from the U.S. Department of Education and a topic of graduating all students from high school and providing incentives for continuing education. Kara Stewart agreed to present a breakout session on culturally responsive literature. Another member of the council will present a breakout session on the resources webpage. Next Meeting State Advisory Council on Indian Education Quarterly Meeting March 10, 2015 3 The next quarterly meeting will be held at DPI in Room 504 on Friday, July 17. The chair accepted a motion to adjourn. The motion was made by Kara Stewart and seconded by Dorothy Crowe. State Advisory Council on Indian Education Quarterly Meeting March 10, 2015 4 