UI m-4- ; D R00 V 36- 1 NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE ....YPERFIN NYP!RFINI::STRUCTURE STRUCTURE IN SLIGHTLY ASYMMETRIC ROTOR MOLECULES GEOFFREY KNIGHT, JR. B. T. FELD La6/A CO' I TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 123 JUNE 10, 1949 RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Y~~.bl The research reported in this document was made possible through support extended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics, jointly by the Army Signal Corps, the Navy Department (Office of Naval Research) and the Air Force (Air Materiel Command), under Signal Corps Contract No. W36-039-sc-32037, Project No. 102B; Department of the Army Project No. 3-99-10-022. Preface The following report contains excerpts from the doctoral thesis of Geoffrey Knight, Jr., "Interaction of Nuclear Electric Quadrupole Moments with Molecular Rotation in Slightly Asymmetric Rotor Molecules." It is concerned with the theory for the interpretation of the hyperfine structure patterns of rotational transitions in slightly asymmetric rotor molecules. The approach has been to approximate the molecular wave functions in terms of symmetric rotor wave functions, and to derive explicit expressions for the quadrupole interaction in terms of the quantum numbers appropriate to the molecular states and of a single asymmetry parameter which measures the departure of the molecule from a symmetric top. The material is being prepared for publication in The Physical Review. This report is issued in order to make the results available to workers in the field as rapidly as possible. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Research Laboratory of Electronics June 10, 1949 Technical Report No. 123 NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE HYPERFINE STRUCTURE IN SLIGHTLY ASYMMETRIC ROTOR MOLECULES Geoffrey Knight, Jr. B. T. Feld NUCLEAR QUADRUPOLE HYPERFINE STRUCTURE IN SLIGHTLY ASYMMETRIC ROTOR MOLECULES Introduction We wish to determine the energy of a nuclear electric quadrupole in the field produced by the electrons and the other nuclei of a molecule. This problem has been solved for the atomic case by Casimir (1) in an investigation of the source of deviations from the interval rule in the hyperfine structure of atomic spectra. Nordsieck (2) has extended the solution to the linear molecules HD and D 2 and Jauch (3) and others have solved the problem for symmetric top type molecules. Recently Bragg (4), making use of previous investigations of the wave mechanical and matrix mechanical descriptions of a rotating asymmetric top (15), has obtained two solutions for the general case of asymmetric top type molecules; one formal, and the other involving interpolation in published tables of line strengths. The objective of this paper is the evaluation of Bragg's formal solution for slightly asymmetric molecules so that the pattern of the interaction is made clear, and so that numerical results can be obtained more readily. The formulae obtained should be useful in the identification of the fine structure of rotational transitions observed in microwave spectroscopy (5), of the subsidiary minima observed in molecular beam measurements (6), and ultimately of the hyperfine structure of electronic transitions in molecular spectroscopy. Also they should simplify the evaluation of the products of certain molecular constants with the nuclear quadrupole moment, once identification has been made. I. Formulation of the Problem Classically the energy of a charge distribution p(r') in a field Eext produced by other charge far away from the given distribution is (7): Q 1 ~ W = Ze ,ext+P. r=O + P ' Eext E=O - E V"extO + .. S where Ze is the total charge, P = r'p(r')dr' is the dipole moment, (which is zero for a nucleus), and Q = (3r'r' - r't) p(r')dT' is the quadrupole moment dyadic of the charge distribution. We will be concerned here only with the last term. Classically the quadrupole moment dyadic is the charge-weighted average of the simple dyadic (3r'r' - r'2). The corresponding quantum mechanical average for a nuclear quadrupole is: <Im i IQ J imI , 2 I,mi(r ' e,)r' 4I, A rUr - ) (r1,8e1,)r12 sine' dr'de'de' -1- J where T',mI is the wave function describing the state of the nucleus and Ur, is the unit vector in the r' must have the form 4I,m direction. (mi) (I,,) g(r)YI completely specify the state; the if the nuclear spin I and its component m integral then becomes: < Im I IQ Im,> Jg*(r )rs g(rt)dr ' 8 A A (mI) YI ($,$ (m I )(3Ur ,Ur, - ) 1)Y I (8',$')sin,' d'd4' A and V'. A We would like to replace Ur, in this expression by some operator with This can be done if we note that known eigenvalues belonging to I,m. since U, depends only on 8' 3/2(II + II) - I21 has the same angular dependence as (3Ur,Or, -1) so that its substitution as the operator in the matrix element in place of 3r'r' r'21 will change only the integral over r'. <ImIlQIImI> = (II + const <I The symmetrized form II + II (tilda I) - I21 Im> . transposed) must be used to correspond i. to Qij = QJi since IiIj A IjI i , i To evaluate the constant we may consider the expectation value of the I: ZZ component of Q for the state m I eQ I zzI II> - I2II) = const<IIj3I = const I(2I - 1) where eQ = 4I. I (3Z'2 _ r'2 ) I, dT' is called "the" quadrupole moment. The other factor appearing in the quadrupole term of the energy is VE. If it is noted that classically VE is the charge weighted average of the simple dyadic -/r that 5 [3r r - r2 1], we find by the argument just applied to Q =op J'(2J'_ (J'J' -2- + JJt) - 12 1] where q- (3cos(zr) dT and J' is the total angular momentum of the molecule exclusive of I. The operator for the quadrupole term of the energy is (-1/6) times the dyadic dot product of these two operators: 1 Wop = - =1 . Qop : VEop e2 C1Q (2I - 1)J,(2J' K1 ( -) 1i 2 J 3 + $') I 2j,2l ) and the energy of a nuclear quadrupole in the electric field in the interior of a molecule, when the nucleus has spin I and the rest of the molecule as a whole has angular momentum J', is the expectation value of this W in the ~' -1. op state F = I + J', assuming this quadrupole interaction is small compared with the fine structure so that F remains a good quantum number. This expectation value is -. -_~. e2Q w C(C + 1)- )J'(J' + 1)] I(i2+ where C F(F + 1) - I(I + 1) - J'(J' + 1) I, J', and C are numbers that specify nuclear and molecular states. The constant Q is the quadrupole moment of the nucleus, since it depends only on the nuclear spin, I, it can have only one value for a given nucleus in its ground state. Therefore it is a number also; a number that we hope to be able to determine by measuring W. Thus of the various quantities that appear in this formula only eq requires further investigation. II. Evaluation of eq by Wave Mechanics By definition eq is the charge-weighted average of the function (3 cos 2 (Z,r) - l)/r for the rotational state J',J' · ZU = J'; i.e. eq J Jj mole cos r3 er) - l) dT mole where r is the radius vector from the quadrupolar nucleus to the volume element d which contains an amount of charge t'*dT. In so far as the molecule approximates a rigid body, the charge density 9 * can be split into two factors, one depending on the position of d in a molecule fixed system with coordinates r, ", 0" and the other depending on the orientation of -3- the molecule in space. This orientation is most simply described in terms of Euler's angles (8): Here A, B, and C are the principal axes of the z -.. . m molecule. tOu is the intersection of the AB B and XY planes so it is perpendicular to both c C and Z.) Then (*v))J /( = ()p(r,6",O") (44)JJ(OOP) where J is the rotational angular momentum of the molecule. A 2Z3 N Likewise the function 3 cos (Z,r) - /r 3 can be expressed in terms of the polar coordinates of r and Z in the molecule fixed coordinate system by the addition theorem of spherical harmonics (9). The combination of these two expansions gives: + j'*4 [* { [ J + * * 9PFqfp sin29" sin2O sin(O + [ 3 sin2e"sin29 cos2(+ 3 .4 0" d dr 1) upJJdTpdTrot (a) The averages over the molecular charge are characteristic constants of each molecule in a given electronic and vibrational state; we will not consider them further. The evaluation of the rotational integrals for slightly asymmetric molecules is the actual contribution of this paper. C N A Polar angles of r and z in the molecule-fixed coordinate system. Note that the polar coordinates of z in the ABC where and are the Euler's system are and n/2 angles of ABC in the space-fixed system. -4- The wave functions ~JJ that we require are solutions of the following wave equation which describes the rotation of a rigid asymmetric body (10) (11i): (A + b cos2e) ++ ¢ os2) (Ao (As- b 2b 1 a (siea '3) 2 22cose a2i 2-1 - cose s + + (1 + b cos2*) a 2 (1 + 2cot2e) a 2b cos2* cote ~ + b sin2 - 2b sin2* cote csce Up + N' = 0 where Ao= o + b-'- ; X= L _- C= F ~-a +· This equation cannot be solved in closed form. However, the part of it that remains when b, the parameter of asymmetry, equals zero, can be solved by separation of variables. The result is the wave function for the symmetric top (12)(13) O (e ) ei(Ew) =R F(-J + /2- . + 1,J + K cosj /2; ose - MI; 1 + 1I MI co where F(a,b;c;x) is the hypergeometric function, - IK + MI + IK - MI + 2, and NJKM is the normalization constant. K and M are separation constants that must be integer if f is to be single-valued. The third quantum number, J, is a positive integer such that IKI J > IMI. LzJKJ JKM = M"JKM h and LCjK =c _At1 JM = K+JKM so Mh is the component of angular momentum along the Z ponent along the symmetry axis. Therefore, since J is each of these two components, J(J + 1) + 2 must be the angular momentum. In our problem we need to deal only with the case tion then simplifies to: - (2J(+ 1)n2 (J + )!(J - K)2 [1 + cose] J - -5- axis; ihis the comthe maximum value of square of the total M K [1 - cos] J; the wave func- J-- ei(K + J) If this solution is substituted into the asymmetric top Hamiltonian from which the wave equation was derived, we find that (14): a JKJ = - 1) + K ]JJ1 [oJ(J+ 1 [( + K + 1)(J + K + 2)(J - K - 1)(J + l)(J - K+ (J - ) + 2)(J + K - 1)(J + K)] K-2J in units of h 2 CI2. The first term on the right is the energy of a symmetric top type body. If we write Ha = Hs + H', we see that the only non-vanishing matrix elements of H' for symmetric top states are: <J K + 2J IH'I JKJ> -bF(J,K + 1) <J K - 2 IH'IJKJ> -bF(J,K - 1) and where F 2 (J,n) [J( + 1) - n(n+ 1)] [J(J+ 1) - 1)] n(n- Since the symmetric top wave functions form a complete set (13), we can expand the asymmetric top wave functions in terms of them. We have just seen that the Hamiltonian is diagonal in J and M, so the expansion has the form: NT~=K' z SKJKJ K Then for any function P(O,*,4j), ' SKXSKI, Y';JPJTJdT 9 '%NK P ,;;d . (b) K,Kt We will apply this equation to each of the terms of eq in turn. 4J* 1. The (3 sine d d d dependent part is 2 The os2 6 - 1) ,J -iK,iKId 2r KE dependent part is C2 (J,K) The substitution X- (1 + cose)J+K( - cose)J'K(3 cos2 1/2(1 - cosG) reduces this to: -6- - 1) sin d9 C2(,)j' - C2(J,K)2+2+ [2(l - 2 2 x] )]J+t[ (1 - x)J+K(x)J-K 2 x [1 6x(1 - x)] - 2dx (1- - x)J+K+l (x)JK+l dx. 6 According to integral No. 482 in Pierce's Tables this is: 2(2J + 1)! (J + K)'(J(J + K).(J - K)' I2J+ 2J J 2. K) [-6 (J + K+ 1)(J - K+ 1) )2J + 3 + sin29 sin(* + *') sin 3 d d d' The 9 dependent part is e'ik sin( ')eiK'd + = 0 for K' A K + 1. We will find that if 5, T 0, S.+l,T - 0 Therefore, all terms of the second group in eq vanish, either because of the vanishing of the integral or because of the vanishing of SK, TSK+1, . sin2 JOI 3. The Cos2( 1 + *s) dO d T dependent part is: f1 ' e-iX. [e2( +') + e-2i(+*')]elKd2' 2 2l('-K+2) 1 ) The ,K'J sin K+2 5K-2 dependent part of f IGJ TJJ sin2 e 9 JK+2J dT is 5 C(J,K)C(J,K + 2)(1 + cosO)J+K+l(l - cos8)j 'K1 = C(J,K)C(J,K + 2) i22(1 )J+K x +I xJ-KI In the K + 2 case this is: -7- x(1 sin3 dO x)2dx T 22J 8 C( XJ-K dX K+2)J++2 (2J + )! (J - K - 1)(J tJ + K~jkW-KT4(V + -K) 2) J+ K+ 2)!(J (2+ 2J+)1 2F(JK + 1) 4 40(2J + 2)(2J+ 3) In the K - 2 case it is: 8 · 2 2J (1 - x)J+K C(J,K)C(J,K - 2) (2J 4- (T3 K kI 1)) 1) + ( + xJK+2 dx ++ :-K + 2) HT+ K)(J K)J K+ 2)!1 K)(J- + 3) 2F(JK - 1) 4 -J + 2(2J + t= ) Combining these results with Eq. (a), page 4, and with Eq. (b), page 6, and noting that S BK, TSK-2, K Ffi,-l)F(JK) (J + 1 2J =J 2 + 3 K we finally find that eq = (+ 1 )( 2 J+3) + 1) j T 3K J(J+l) *cs l dr -23K, K+ 2 F(J,K + 1) . * 3 sin2e3 cs2d Bragg's formula (4). This is identical with Only the SK,'s, which depend on the degree of molecular asymmetry, remain to be evaluated. They cannot be obtained in a closed form in the general case, but if the molecule is nearly symmetrical we can find an approximate solution by means of perturbation theory. We wish to find the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian H = H + H' where a =E E = AoJ(J + 1) H' is small, of the order b. We know that H° + K where n represents J, K, J and a- K/IKI is the quantum number of degeneracy. Let H - E and expand 'Pin terms of the symmetric top wave functions: - 7 an,a'4n,a n,a (These an,,, will become the SKT1s when they are properly normalized.) Then -8- I - (H-H°W = H' gives n,a na nm,a n j n, aT (E - En) ani am <n IH'IX *(1) ) m, If b, and therefore H', is small, we expect the energy values and the eigenfunctions to differ very little from those of the symmetric top. Therefore as a first approximation we will assume that am, << a,= if E Ep. Then Eq. (1) becomes ~ n,a _a \7-P<no a ,a IH'I PB> E - E° p n Substitution of this approximation back into Eq. (1) gives as the second approximation: (Ep - ) a r<nalHc'Ip> ap - L3' <ncaIH'I my><m lH'IPa>) + m Ep- y'sp j (2) For the case n = p this is a, aIH'ImY <PClI p>+ <mIH'IP> 'YAAp L (E - Ep)6 - 0 m (3) The solution of Eq. (3) will give the ratio ap, 1 /a, 2 as well as the energy Ep. Eq. (2) will then give a,a n p in terms of one undetermined constant, say ap 1' the value of which will be fixed by normalization. In applying these results to our problem we must consider these equations for each value of p in turn, making use of the fact that <JKJIH'I JK + 2J> = -bF(J,K + 1) are the only non-vanishing matrix elements of H'. For K = 0 Eq. (3) gives E = E0 + E <O 0 IH'I2>0 2 + <IHI - E22 For K = 1 the secular determinant is: -9- E 2>2 - E2O- (E1 E0) <1 IH'I 3)>2 - <1 IH'I - 1> o 3 BO 1 =0 - <lI'l- 1> (E1 - E) - <-1I H'I- . 3)2 D1 3 Now <1 IH'I 3> = -bF(J,2) - -<l IH'I - 3> SO E1+ = E + _. - 1> + <O1 IH 1 ~~E1 - E3 <llH The first reduces Eq. (3) to a1l For K . a_; the second gves a -all. 2 the elements Tii of the secular determinant are: <21H'I >2 T 1 1 = E 2 - E - <2IH'Io> E2 - E o = _-2 H'I ><0 IH'I - 2) T12 E 2 - E°o T2 2 = E2 - E2 2 <-21H'I0) ( <-2E E2 - Eo T 21 = = 4 T21 <-2 IH'I- 2 )4> . Nov <2 H'I10) = -bF(J, 1) - <-21H'0) and <2 H' 4> = -bF(J,3) = <-21H'I- 4) 80 E2+ - E2+ o2 IHI E 2 - E4 + is the solution of the secular equation. The first reduces Eq. (3) to a22 = a 2 ; the second gives a 2 = -a2. For K = 3 the elements Tii of the secular determinant are: -10- 11 <3 HII 1>2 E 03 E01 3 3 <3 IH'I 5>2 E - E 3 5 T1 2 = 0 = T21 T 2 2 - E3 - E - <-31 I.I- i>21 E33) E°1 -31 E- 5 )2 E03~ E 5 so E3+ = _ <31'HII 5>2 O31H' >2 + 0 E 0 - E5 L 3~ 5 The substitution of this result into Eq. (3) does not give any relation between a33 and a33 , but we note that if terms of the third order approximation, namely <31'1 ><l IH'I - ><- IHII- 3> had been included the result a3 - + a33 would have been obtained and E3+ would no longer have been degenerate. For K > 3 the solution of II is: + <KIHIKE - 2>2 + <KIHI K + 2>2 4 EK 2 E4KEK+2 EX a a + K Thus 0 o- 2 (J, 2 E1+ = E1 + bF(J,O) - b 2 F (J. 2) 8 F 2 (12 ' -) + -2 = E 20 2 - b 0 . E3, · · Eo 3 +b · · 2 · 2 F2(J,.2) - b2 8 · · -11- · · u42 a·· b2 b F2(J,X + 1) l) b2 F2(JK E + b EK± E+ -oE+ The + subscript corresponds to the symmetric-antisymmetric combinations Substitution of these values of of degenerate symmetric top wave functions. E into Eq. (2) and subsequent normalization give the S'8s which can then The resulting values of eq depend only be substituted into Bragg's formula. We obtained the on rotational quantum numbers and molecular constants. following values of the SKT's and formulae for eq: b F(Jl) 2o K = 0 2o 300 ) lb -b b42 ? = -2o a2 V = eq = - .. az (J, 1 )(2J + 3) (J + 2V 2 b2F2(J,2)1 a2 V aSy' lax' 531 K - 1 b F(J,2) 31 J2 SllS 11 S-3 az = b2 + F2(J,2) 1 2' ___ 1 3 - J(J + 1) + (J + 1)(2J + 3) 2 F(J,O)F 2(J,2) - F(J,2) [1 8 + bF(J.0)1 [a2 _F(J,O) +bF2(,,2 + [1 + bF(JO)j b 2 F2j,2) 12_ IF ± 3-31 2V 8 1 I- -11 =" eq = F(J,) [b F2 (J,1)] - .. 1)2 +j~i1 f~-j(j2 * [-(J + b a2 -a2 a2 y 32or O or 0 I -12- 2 } 8 K = 2 KS22 =2 =_ s2,2 1 b2 T2 /-2 - I 1 2 - J(J + 1) + 3 b2F2(J3) aV -b2(J, 1 42 ax '7 So,2 b 2 :2,.3) 1 288 : =0 - 1 b 2 F 2 (J3) =-2 + 288 b F2 1 ii- (J 12 - J(J + (J "1)(2 + 3 ay 12 - $-2,2 S_4,2 - 12 F(, 3) = , s2,2 a2 v 2v 'I Bt,2 F2V, .. b 12 F2 (J,3) - a2V = -az + 288 (J + 1)(2J + 3 K= 2 . . eq 2 (T') b F(J,3) S-4,2 a2v a7 ib + '-b 7 2-=F(J, ) -2,2 . eq = a-Z +2Jj ¢J' U 2 L 288 F S_4 o,2 2 b -IZ -13- )+ b2F2J,3)]a 2 K >2 SK+2K = r b F(J.K + 1) 4 -T2 -2 a vb * + ) 4K - ) F 2(jK_ 2 L 32( + 1) 32(K - 1) F(J eq = 72 - (J + K + ) (.. )(32J +) (K+ + 1) _ 1-2)F~~~2(2~iJ - 1) a2V; -b 2(K K -) -12) 1 b--~2IF2(jK + 1 aJK [b , 'bL a2v Z K(+ 1) + ) These values of eq should be in error only by terms involving b to the third and higher powers. The following table and graphs give the coefficients of 2V 2V Kax2 in these formulae for eq. (It is important to note the term that is independent of b and which, therefore, does not appear in the expression for eq when K 1.) Calculations are simplified by use of the identity + 1)ner - nCross I (15). For byrefJ,n)ce I of Table toKing, or by reference to Table I of King, arner and Cross I (15). -14- 00 co o te ai A~ ,j ~4 H O 0o i '* C CO cu I0 N vo \D t in 0 i O o oMJ '0 in f fn am H I s CU o 0 * OH I I I U U a C oO CO o in 0 LA n * HO H0 O 00 aO 0 0000 0 ' M 0 LH -! O\ D 0 0 0 0 0-I _ 0 OO C* o cuo cQ __ I W _ _ __ 0 0 0 ic 0 o O N I I 0 -I I c o o c; IO 0* O-! O CU cm CU O 0I~ -15- 0 At In H 0 t c\ CUH 0 0 ! \ o o- ts K\ W c\ CU XD CO * ** UL Ln ' O LA 0 cu H *t in I.\ '0 ~0 tt- CO co -I -3 -4 -61 2 Fig. 1 3 4 Magnitude of coefficient of -b 5 2 - 6 / ay' -16- 7 8 vs. K for different values of J. ; ' K=3 *1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 J- Fig. 2 I 1 - I lI I I 2 3 4 5 Magnitude of coefficient of -b -,V) 2ax -17- ay 2 vs. - I I 6 7 K=2 8 J for different values of K. III. Application of These Formulae to Experimental Measurements of Rotational Fine Structures It was shown in Part I that the energy of a single nuclear quadrupole moment in the electric field in the interior of a rotating molecule is: C(C+ 2e uQ 1)-( )I(I + 2I(2I1 - 1J2J - q(J,)Q + ) 1) where c )-I(I + 1)-J(J + 1) F(J + so that in general each term for given J is split into a number of levels. Therefore, in any of the allowed transitions there will be fine structure. The magnitude of the separations of these fine-structure components will be simply: Shu [WQ(FlJ 1 Tl ) - WQ(F PJ 2 2 'T 2 - [WQ(F3-JlTl) - Q(.4'J2 'V2 )] 3/2. 1 J - 2 transition for I As an example let us consider the J The rotational energies of the initial and final states are shown schematically (for a more complete diagram see Herzberg, "Infrared and Raman Spectra"). JK IK I f/ K= ±2 -~220 2 221 0 K=:I 212 -I 202 -2 K:=O K:±+_l J= I 110 IllI 0 101 -I K=:O Here the first vertical group of levels refers to symmetric top energies; the second group to asymmetric top energies. In the next column the large numeral gives the J value and the small numerals give the K values of the limiting prolate and oblate symmetric tops. The numbers in the column labeled T give the order of the energy levels. v = K_1 - K1 . Now each of these levels is split further by the quadrupole interaction. In our example these separations from the unperturbed rotational levels are: -18- I J F 3/2 1 5/2 1 e2 q(1,T)Q 3/2 -e2q(1,'r)Q 2 WQ 1/2 5 e2 q(J1,)Q 7/2 I e 2 q(2,,)Q 5/2 - ; e 2 q(2, )Q 3/2 0 1/2 7 e 2 q(2,r)Q and the frequency fine structure is: 1 q(l,rl) - q(l,'rl) + q(2, T2 ) - -At i 5 q(2,, 2 ) + 5 q(2,r2 ) -q(l,rT) -q(1,r1 ) - -Au I - ' = -AI- 3 J q(l,T1 ) J q(1, 1 ) - q(2,r 2 ) = -AVI 1 '7 + 'ff where A- h/e 2 Q. If we now subtract one of these lines, say the + , from each of the others in turn, we obtain: * q(2,'r 2 ) = -A J. 5 - ~ J~~-u 7 = -AD1 - q(l,tl) + q(2,r 2 ) = -A -I. -19- X q(1,rl1 ) + q(2, 2 ) q(l,r1 ) + q(2,T2 ) = -A( q(l, 1 ) - .@ -A -A q(2,T 2 ) = -A(ol -A= l -; 7 3 -A 5 These correspond to the numbers obtained in the measurement of fine structure; that is, the separation of each line from a given line. We have here the only possible pattern for J = 1 J = 2 fine structure, essentially in terms of the single parameter q(2, 2)/q(1, l), as far as ratios of frequency differences are concerned. Similar patterns can be written for all specific cases of J1 l J 2. In order to identify an experimentally determined set of fine lines for a slightly asymmetric molecule once the J1 and J2 values are known, we may need only the zero-order approximations to eq, i.e. those without b if b is sufficiently small. In that case the ratio q(J,0 2 2 )/q(Jls 1 1) reduces to a set of numbers, one for each pair of values of 1 and 2 and the ratios of frequency differences are completely determined. There is one exception; if either T1 or 2 corresponds to K - 1 the ratio of the q's is not in general a pure number if 2 aX' ax1 - as yais comparable to a2 azI so there is nothing to be gained by substitution for the eq's. Once identification has been made the last set of equations can be solved for eq(Jl,'rl)/A and eq(J 2,T 2 )/A and our formulae can then be used to obtain values of a 2v a2v eQ , eQ --y axe1ay? , and a 2v eQ - aZ2 Very recently Mr. J. H. Goldstein (16) at Harvard has measured the separations of the components of two of the rotational lines of vinyl chloride, C2N3C35, which he has identified as llo0 211 and 111 + 212 transitions, and very kindly permitted us to use his data. -20- c 2N3c1 Transition Component 110-' 211 5/2 - 7/2 111 -'212 35 Separatioi from Principal Component (5/2- 7/2) in Mc/sec 0 5/2 - 5/2 - 6.35* 11 3/2 5/2 -14.31 "2 3/2 - 3/2 - 9.79 03 1/2 - 3/2 4.51 04 1/2 - 1/2 10. 89 05 0 5/2 - 7/2 5/2 - 5/2 - 7.79 3/2 - 5/2 -14.37* 3/2 - 3/2 - 8.82 3.10 l3 04 10.85 05 1/2 -3/2 1/2 --1/2 °2 *The frequency of one line in each group has been altered slightly; 6.65 -*6.35 and 14.17 -14.37. When these frequencies are substituted into the last set of equations, we obtain q(1,O)/A = -5.28 + 0.03 ergs q(l,l)/A = -6.36 + 0.03 q(2.0)/A = +7.32 + 0.05 q(2,-1)/A = +8.88 + 0.04 where the root mean square deviations of the various determinations of the q's are given. Our formulae are eq(l,O) eq(l, 1) eq(2,-1) eq(2,o0) 1 a2v = + Ta z 2 r+ (a2v a 2w ay 2 _ axl ay 1 ra2v al a2v a 2v 2v 1 aa + 2v 7 L3z'2 \ax' 1 a 2v (a2v 7 LaZ 1 -21- aX1 ax' as~~i - /-~z2 a2v aS )1 . Substituting the experimental results gives eQ = -58.2 + 0.3 Me/sec -82v- azl eQa v = -56.7 + 0.5 Mc/sec = -57.5 + Mc/sec (average) a2v aY' a2 \ax' - 5.4 + 0.6 Me/see 0. 5.5 + 1.0 M/sec = - Applying Laplace's equations, V2 v = 0, we find that 2 eQ = +26.0 Mc/sec a 2v eQ --ay' = +31.5 Mc/sec e ax, These average values agree perfectly with Goldstein's evaluation using one of Bragg's formulae and interpolation in the CHK tables. However, the 3-percent difference between the two values of eQ a2 v/az 2 may be significant, possibly indicating a second order effect. Using the value Q = -0.079 x 10-2 4 cm2 we find (17)(18): +4.8 x 106 ergs/cm 2 -a e 2 a2v e --- = -2.2 x 1066 ax' e a2 -2.6 x 106 Appendix Relation between the Parameters of Asymmetry K and b and c Label the moments of inertia so that A 1/C. K Then 2- 2(b (a _ + c) a-e c-+ a-c- (c ; If B C, b2= 2a -b a -b 2 - (a + b) o-b (b+ e) - -a ' 2 - a - b -1/B, Let a -1/A, a) - K+l b-c b If A~ B, B < C. c)+ b-o -c b - c a- c - cb -s ) - (b -c) K- 1 K I K-+ 1 Note that Jbl g 1/7 over half the range of K and Ibl < 1/3 for any degree of asymmetry. -22- References (1) H. B. G. Casimer, Archives du Musee Teyler 8, 201 (1936) (2) A. Nordsieck, Phys. Rev. 58, 310 (1940) (3) J. M. Jauch, Phys. Rev. 72, 715 (1947) (4) J. K. Bragg, Phys. Rev. (5) J. Bardeen and C. 4, 533 (1948) . Tawnes, Phys. Rev. , 97 (1948) (6) B. T. Feld and W. E. Lamb, Phys. Rev. 67, 15 (1948) (7) J. 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