ACADEMIC MASTER PLAN FEBRUARY 2015 SURVEY QUANTITATIVE DESCRIPTIVE DATA Report Last Modified: 02/20/2015 1. Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements regarding various options UNI could use to increase access to the institution. UNI should increase access by recruiting more Question international students students of color distance education students nontraditional students out of state students first generation students students from community colleges veterans and active military personnel other Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 7 19 111 155 111 403 3.85 8 4 73 125 191 401 4.21 42 79 101 121 55 398 3.17 4 6 84 180 127 401 4.05 3 12 81 159 143 398 4.07 5 3 80 156 159 403 4.14 12 16 85 143 144 400 3.98 4 3 99 175 121 402 4.01 1 0 21 6 46 74 4.30 Strongly Disagree 2. I believe that increasing the number/percentage of undergraduate students who come from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds is very important. # 1 2 3 4 5 Answer Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Response % 4 1% 23 6% 81 20% 163 131 402 41% 33% 100% Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Value 1 5 3.98 0.85 0.92 402 3. I believe that increasing the number/percentage of undergraduate students who come from diverse ethnic or cultural backgrounds is very important. # 1 2 3 4 5 Answer Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Response 177 152 % 44% 38% 53 13% 17 4% 4 1% 403 100% Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Value 1 5 1.81 0.79 0.89 403 4. The current level of diversity of the UNI student body is adequate to meet the mission of the university. # 1 2 3 4 5 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Answer Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Response 6 59 % 1% 15% 101 25% 168 42% 67 17% 401 100% Value 1 5 3.58 0.96 0.98 401 5. I believe that increasing the number/percentage of undergraduate students who are among the best in their class or chosen areas of study is very important. # Answer Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total 1 2 3 4 5 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Response % 1 0% 10 2% 52 13% 155 186 404 38% 46% 100% Value 1 5 4.27 0.64 0.80 404 6. Considering the best educational experience for our students and the role we should play within the regent system, what do you believe is UNI's optimal undergraduate student body size? Answer Min Value Max Value Average Value Standard Deviation Responses Optimal Size for UNI 1.00 20,000.00 13,895.56 2,012.77 394 7. Currently the number of full time graduate students at UNI is approximately 600, and the number of part time graduate students is approximately 1200. In the future, which do you think UNI should seek to do? Answer 1. reduce the number of graduate students 2. maintain this level of graduate student enrollment 3. increase the number of graduate students Total Response % 33 8% 151 38% 209 53% 393 100% Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Value 1 3 2.45 0.42 0.65 393 8. UNI should look to expand Question undergraduate programs graduate programs Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 8 30 95 113 139 385 3.90 28 53 91 101 116 389 3.58 Strongly Disagree 9. I believe that UNI should devote resources and pursue policies that would distinguish it as a highly selective public university even if it means becoming Question less accessible to diverse groups of students. a much smaller university like Truman State (with 5700 undergraduate and 290 graduate students). Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 80 169 64 63 21 397 2.44 120 147 58 51 19 395 2.25 Strongly Disagree 10. I believe that UNI should devote resources and pursue policies that would distinguish it as an accessible and highly diverse public university, even if it means Question becoming less selective in its admissions criteria (e.g., lower ACT scores). that student/faculty ratios would increase. Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 104 152 52 68 18 394 2.35 83 144 70 79 17 393 2.50 Strongly Disagree 11. If trade-offs are required, UNI should devote resources and pursue policies that seek to Answer increase accessibility maintain balance between selectivity & accessibility increase selectivity Total Response % 60 15% 280 71% 56 14% 396 100% 12. For each of the following items, indicate your level of agreement for including it as a distinctive part of UNI’s mission in the future. Question Two-Year Degrees Interdisciplinary Research Clusters Training Ground for Teachers Study Abroad Opportunities Honors Programs Distance Education Five-Year Degrees (Bachelors plus Masters) Graduate & Professional Programs Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Diverse Student Body Remedial Coursework Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 146 131 69 37 6 389 2.04 4 19 127 150 88 388 3.77 4 13 55 140 177 389 4.22 6 17 79 175 113 390 3.95 6 14 96 174 98 388 3.89 57 83 91 111 45 387 3.01 14 54 126 149 46 389 3.41 11 48 89 152 89 389 3.67 7 13 61 181 127 389 4.05 11 30 73 183 92 389 3.81 56 92 151 68 20 387 2.75 Strongly Disagree 13. For each of the following items, indicate your level of agreement for including it as a distinctive part of UNI’s mission in the future. Question Service & Community Based Learning Writing Intensive Courses Senior Project Experiences in Majors Required Experiential Learning for all Undergraduates Interdisciplinary Majors or Programs Academic Learning Communities (e.g., Cornerstone or First-Year Only Classes with Peer Mentors) Living & Learning Communities (involves residence halls with topic- or major-based programming) Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 7 28 97 162 94 388 3.79 3 21 59 186 122 391 4.03 8 17 104 156 105 390 3.85 9 34 105 140 102 390 3.75 4 19 65 198 104 390 3.97 17 26 97 173 78 391 3.69 10 28 110 156 86 390 3.72 3 9 66 202 111 391 4.05 Strongly Disagree 14. Employment group Answer Academic Administration Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Term Faculty Adjunct Faculty Other Graduate Assistant Total Response % 32 8% 275 71% 15 34 27 4% 9% 7% 2 1% 385 100% Response % 32 9% 81 22% 157 42% 60 16% 11 10 7 3% 3% 2% 0 0% 2 1% 14 374 4% 100% 15. Primary Unit Answer College of Business Administration College of Education College of Humanities, Arts & Sciences College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Rod Library Other Academic Affairs Business Operations Administration & Finance Student Affairs Total 16. How long have you been employed at UNI? Answer Less than 5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years More than 15 years Total Response % 90 24% 66 68 17% 18% 156 41% 380 100%