Evidence for a Higgs Boson in Tau Decays with mR0 the CMS Detector MASSACHUSETTS 1NE OF TECHNOLOGY by Valentina Dutta, LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Physics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2014 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2014. All rights reserved. Signature redacted A uth or ................................... ....... Department of Physics May 28, 2014 Signature redacted Certified by............................................. Markus Klute Assistant Professor Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted A ccepted by ......................... ............ ProTe sssor Krishna Rajagopal Associate Department Head for Education 2 Evidence for a Higgs Boson in Tau Decays with the CMS Detector by Valentina Dutta Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 28, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics Abstract In this thesis, I describe the search for a Higgs boson through its decay to a pair of tan leptons with the tau-pair subsequently decaying to ail electron, a muon, and neutrinos. The search is performed using data collected from proton-proton collisions by the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to 5.0 fby of integrated luminosity recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and 19.7 fb-' at 8 TeV. The expected significance for a Standard Model Higgs boson signal with a mass of 125 GeV is at the level of 1.2 standard deviations for the electronmuon tau-pair decay mode. A mild excess of events is seen above the SM background expectation in this decay mode, consistent with a SM Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV. In combination with results using other tau-pair decay modes, an excess of events above the background expectation is seen at the level of 3.4 standard deviations. This constitutes the first evidence for a Higgs boson to decay to leptons. This thesis also describes an analysis of the data in the context of physics beyond the Standard Model, particularly in the framework of its Minimal Supersymnnetric extension. Thesis Supervisor: Markus Klute Title: Assistant Professor 3 4 Acknowledgments I would like to express my deep gratitude to my research supervisor, Professor Markus Klute, for his guidance and support over the past few years, for helping me to find encouragement and motivation when I needed them, and for impelling me to try to do better. I cannot imagine the course of my PhD without his help and counsel. Thanks also to Steve Nahn for his excellent advice and for always being a source of good cheer, and to Professor Christoph Paus for many enlightening and entertaining discussions. I have learned a lot while working with members of the MIT PPC group, during meetings, informal discussions, and even during conversations completely unrelated to physics. The group is characterized by intellectual excellence, a passion for physics, as well as a spirit of fellowship and good humor which have all made being a part of it a special experience. I would particularly like to thank the people I have worked with closely on the H - rT analysis: Roger Wolf, Phil Harris, Matthew Chan, and Aram Apyan. Even at stressful times (of which we experienced quite a few), working with them has always been enjoyable. Thanks to other past and present members of the MIT group, including Pieter Everaerts, Si Xie, Josh Bendavid, Kevin Sung, Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos, Marco Zanetti, Fabian St6ckli, Duncan Ralph, Mingining Yang, Andrew Levin, Erik Butz, Gerry Bauer, Sham Sumorok, Leonardo Di Matteo, Max Goncharov, Stephanie Brandt, Xinmei Niu, and Jay Lawhorn, for their help and advice at various times and for providing an agreeable and inspiring environment to work in, both at CERN and at MIT. Special thanks go to Pieter and Josh for being excellent friends during my time at CERN. Thanks, in fact, to all of my friends in the Geneva area and in the US; without them, getting through my PhD with my humor and sanity relatively intact would probably have been impossible. Finally, I must express my gratitude to my family, for their love, support, and encouragement over the years: especially to my parents, Nirmalendu and Indrani, and to my brother Joydeep, and my sister-in-law Purbali. 5 6 Contents 1 2 Introduction 13 1.1 Theoretical Overview of the Standard Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.1.1 Electroweak Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.1.2 The Higgs Mechanism 17 1.2 Higgs Boson Production at the LHC 1.3 The H - 1.3.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Decay Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The T-Lepton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1.4 The Minimal Supersyinietric Standard Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1.5 Analysis Overview 26 T+-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The CMS Detector at the LHC 28 2.1 The Large Hadron Collider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.2 The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 2.2.1 The Tracking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2.2 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter 33 2.2.3 The Hadron Calorimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 2.2.4 The Muon System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.2.5 Triggering and Data Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Luminosity Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.3 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Datasets and Event Simulation 43 3.1 D atasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 3.2 Event Sim ulation 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 3.2.1 Event Generation . . . . . . . . . 45 3.2.2 Parton Showering, Hadronization, and Underlying Event 46 3.2.3 Pileup Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 3.2.4 Detector Simulation . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.3 Signal Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 3.4 SM Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Event Reconstruction and Object Selection 4.1 Primary Vertex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4.2 Particle Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 4.3 Jet Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.3.1 Jet Energy Corrections . . . . . . . . . 58 4.3.2 Pileup Jet Identification . . . . . . . . 58 4.3.3 b-Jet Tagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . . . 59 . . . 60 . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Muon Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Muon Identification . . . . . . . . . . . 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 . . . . . . . . . 64 4.7 Lepton Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.8 Di-T Mass Reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . 68 4.4 4.5 Missing Energy Reconstruction 4.4.1 MVA Missing Transverse Energy 4.4.2 Recoil Corrections 4.5.1 4.6 Electron Reconstruction 4.6.1 5 54 Electron Identification 72 Event Selection 5.1 Trigger Selection . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . 72 5.2 Lepton Selection . . . . . . . . ... .... ... . 74 5.3 Lepton Selection Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.3.1 Tag-and-Probe Method . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 5.3.2 Lepton Identification and Isolation Efficiency 77 5.3.3 Trigger Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 8 5.4 b-Tagging Efficiency and Mis-Tag Rate . . . . . . . . . . 81 5.5 Topological Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 5.5.1 Standard Model Higgs Analysis Selection . . . . . 83 5.5.2 MSSM Higgs Analysis Selection . . . . . . . . . . 84 Event Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 5.6.1 Standard Model Higgs Analysis Event Categories 89 5.6.2 MSSM Higgs Analysis Event Categories 94 5.6 6 Signal and Background Modeling 95 6.1 Signal M odeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 6.2 Background Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 6.2.1 Drell-Yan T-Pair Production (Z . . . . . . . 96 6.2.2 Top-Quark Pair Production (t) . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 6.2.3 Jet-Induced Backgrounds: W+jets and QCD Multijet Production 99 6.2.4 Other Backgrounds: Di-Boson, Single-Top . . . . . 103 6.2.5 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Control Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 6.3 7 . . . . . -> WW -+ 212v -> TT) . Systematic Uncertainties 114 7.1 Luminosity 115 7.2 Lepton Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7.3 Lepton Energy Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 7.4 Jet Energy Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 7.5 $T Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 7.6 b-Tagging and Mis-Tag Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 7.7 Other Normalization Uncertainties . . . . . . . . . 119 Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 7.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.7.1 Z 7.7.2 tt Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 7.7.3 Fakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 7.7.4 Di-Boson Normalization 121 - TT . . . . . . . . . . . Theoretical Uncertainties on SM Signal Processes 9 . 121 7.9 7.8.1 PDF Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 7.8.2 Scale Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 7.8.3 Parton Shower Modeling Uncertainty..... . . . . . . 123 7.8.4 Higgs . . . . . . 123 PT Spectrum Uncertainty . . . . . . . . Theoretical Uncertainties on MSSM Signal Processes 7.10 Summary of Systematic Uncertainties . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . 124 Statistical Analysis and Results 127 Statistical Procedure . . . . . 128 8.1 8.2 9 . . . . . . 124 8.1.1 Likelihood Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 8.1.2 Limit Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 8.1.3 Significance Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 8.1.4 Coupling Fits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Standard Model Higgs Analysis Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 8.2.1 Di-T Mass Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 8.2.2 Event Yields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 8.2.3 Upper Limits on Signal Strength . . 136 8.2.4 Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 8.2.5 Combination with Other T-Pair Final States 138 8.2.6 Combined results of SM Higgs boson searches in fermionic decay m odes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 8.3 Results from ATLAS H Search . . . . . . . . 143 8.4 MSSM Higgs Analysis Results . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 - TT 8.4.1 Di-T Mass Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . 145 8.4.2 Event Yields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 8.4.3 Model-Independent Single Resonance Search 145 8.4.4 MSSM Higgs Boson Search . . . . . . . . . . 150 8.4.5 Combination with Other T-Pair Final States 151 8.4.6 Intepretation of MSSM Higgs Boson Search Results 153 158 Perspective 10 10 Conclusion 162 A Lepton Efficiencies 165 B Tables of Exclusion Limits 172 11 12 Chapter 1 Introduction The search for the Higgs boson has been one of the great scientific quests of the last half-century. In July 2012, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider announced the discovery of a new particle with properties consistent with those of a Higgs boson [1,2]; the very next year, the Nobel Prize in Physics would be awarded to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert for their contributions to the theory of the Higgs mechanism [3-8]. The discovery marked the start of a new era for particle physics. An immediate concern was verifying whether the observed state was compatible with the properties of the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model (SM) [9,10]. The discovery was driven by significant excesses observed in searches for the SM Higgs boson decaying to pairs of Z bosons, pairs of photons, and pairs of W bosons. Thus far, measurements of the couplings of the new boson to W and Z bosons agree with the expectations for the SM Higgs boson [11,12], and its spin-parity properties appear consistent with those of the SM Higgs boson [12-14]. A key ingredient in determining whether the observed boson is the SM Higgs boson is the measurement of its couplings to fermions. The 7-pair decay mode is particularly interesting since it allows the study of the Higgs boson couplings to leptons. 13 1.1 Theoretical Overview of the Standard Model The Standard Model of particle physics describes the observed elementary particles and their interactions. It includes 12 spin-1/2 fermions, 6 leptons and 6 quarks. The known leptons come in two categories: the electron (e), the muon (p), and the tau (T), each with one unit of electric charge, and three corresponding neutrinos (Ve, V, V'), which are electrically neutral. Leptons do not interact via the strong interaction. They are classified in three generations: (1.1) The 6 known flavors of quarks are either "up-type" quarks - the up (u), charm (c), and top (t) quarks - carrying an electric charge of +2/3, or "down-type" quarks - the down (d), strange (s), and bottom (b) quarks - carrying an electric charge of -1/3. Quarks also carry "color charge", a property related to the strong interaction. Like the leptons, they are grouped in three generations: C U d ) (S) t b (1.2) Each of the 12 fermions has a corresponding anti-particle carrying the opposite charge. In the SM, gauge bosons with spin 1 mediate the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions. The photon, which is massless and electrically neutral, mediates the electromagnetic interaction between electrically charged particles. The massive W+, W-, and Z bosons are the mediators of the weak interaction; the W+ and Walso carry electric charge of +1 and -1 respectively. Eight massless gluons mediate the strong interaction between quarks which carry a color charge; gluons themselves also carry color charge and participate in the strong interaction. Mathematically, the SM is formulated as a quantum field theory with the gauge symmetry group SU(3)c ® SU(2)L ® U(1)Y [15]. 14 The color sector, i.e., the strong interactions between quarks and gluons, is governed by the SU(3)c subgroup. The electroweak interactions are described by the SU(2)L ( U(1)y subgroup [9, 10, 16]. SU(2)L is the symmetry of weak isospin which couples only to"left-handed" chiral states and U(1)y the symmetry of weak hypercharge. 1.1.1 Electroweak Theory The SU(2)L transformations of weak isospin operate only on left-handed fermion doublets, which can be represented as VC 1 (1.3) for the leptons or as U c t d' S' b' (1.4) for the quarks; the subscript L denotes left-handed spinors. The left-handed doublets have weak isospin T =, while right-handed fermions form isospin singlets with T = 0 and do not couple to the SU(2)L gauge field. They are denoted as eR, PL, (leptons) and uR, d' , CR, S' , tR, TR b' (quarks). The prime notation used for the quarks indicates their weak eigenstates, a mixing of the mass eigenstates represented by d' d ') =VCK b' A s , (1.5) b with VCKAI being the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix [17,18]. The U(1)y symmetry is generated by the weak hypercharge operator, defined by Q where Q = T3 + y ,(1.6) 2 is the electric charge and T3 the third component of weak isospin. Unlike 15 weak isospin, the weak hypercharge couples to both left-handed and right-handed components of fermions. The gauge fields associated with the SU(2)L 0 U(1)y symmetry group are repre- sented as W, W, W for weak isospin and B, for weak hypercharge. The observable electroweak bosons - the charged W+, the neutral Z, and the photon - are obtained from the gauge fields by (W 1 T W) W AP (1.7) cos OwW3 - sin OwB (1.8) sin OwW + cos w B, (1.9) where Ow is known as the weak mixing angle. It can be expressed in terms of the coupling constants of SU(2)L (g) and of U(1)y (g') by the relations sin 0w = g2 (1.11) w= cos (1.10) , ± g'2 g 2 + g' 2 Ow is a free parameter of the SM and is experimentally measured to be ~ 30'. The gauge field part of the Lagrangian of electroweak interactions is given by 1 L a 1 - (1.12) -BBl and the fermionic part by + i- L=Xi Here XL, V>R i TaW," XL + - _Ri ll + iP YB,) 'OR. (1.13) denote a left-handed doublet and right-handed singlet of weak isospin respectively, -" the Dirac matrices, T' the Pauli spin matrices, and Y the hypercharge operator. The SU(2)L 0 U(1)y gauge symmetry of the electroweak Lagrangian prohibits 16 mass terms for the gauge bosons of the form MI2 WTW" since they would break local gauge invariance and render the theory unrenormalizable. An explicit mass term for the fermions of the form =rn (OL=R + (1.14) 45R4L) violates SU(2)L gauge symmetry since the SU(2)L transformations operate differently on left-handed and right-handed states. However, the W and Z bosons and the fermions are experimentally known to be massive. This mass problem is solved by introducing spontaneous symmetry breaking via the Higgs mechanism. 1.1.2 The Higgs Mechanism In the SM, the Higgs mechanism introduces a Higgs field, a complex SU(2) doublet of scalar fields (+0 heh with weak isospin T = Iand weak hypercharge 1. + g ) (1.15) Y = 1. The Lagrangian describing the Higgs sector can be written as 2 L (&II-+i5BP + raW7" ~f_4P2 5 4 ~ A(0,0)2 (1.16) with pt2 < 0, A > 0. The potential V(O) = P 250 t -A (t0) 2 (1.17) has its minima at 11 2 $t "A . 17 (1.18) The vacuum or ground state is chosen to be This choice guarantees that Qqo = 0, and therefore the electromagnetic U(1) gauge symmetry generated by Q is unbroken by the Higgs mechanism and the photon re- mains massless. Recasting the Higgs field as deviations from the vacuum, in the form (1.20) 1 = (X) vf- v + h(x)) and inserting it in the Lagrangian for the Higgs and gauge fields gives rise to explicit The gauge boson masses can be identified by mass terms for the gauge bosons. substituting the vacuum state #o in the Lagrangian, with the mass of the W being given by 1 Mw =v-g, (1.21) 2 and the mass of the Z by Mz =v 1 2 g 2 + g' 2 , (1.22) while the photon remains massless. Comparing Equations 1.21 and 1.22 with Equation 1.11 shows that Mw = Mz cosOw. The terms of the potential in Equation 1.17 become EV = - Avh 3 -22 _ = 2 - h2 - h (1.23) -Ah4 4 3mhh - V2 4 Ah4 (1.24) allowing the identification of a scalar particle, the Higgs boson, with mass mh = 2P 2 = 18 2Av, (1.25) as the quantum of the field h(x). The Higgs boson mass is not predicted by the SM and needs to be determined experimentally. The source of fermion masses in the SM is the introduction of a Yukawa coupling between the fermion fields and the Higgs field: 2 -m ICY = - V (YLO'OR + (1.26) ROXL). Using the expansion from Equation 1.20 results in Y m('LOR + VOROL) - _~( V 7 L<)R + 4'RVL)h (1.27) (1.28) for each fermion. We obtain a mass term, n4'<, for the fermions, and a coupling between the fermion and the Higgs scalar given by 4'Ooh. The strength of the coupling is proportional to the mass of the fermion. The Higgs boson has been the subject of a decades-long experimental search in order to confirm the theory of the Higgs mechanism. One of the principal goals in mind when building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN was to either find the Higgs boson or to disprove its existence. 1.2 Higgs Boson Production at the LHC The Higgs boson can be produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC through one of several mechanisms, involving interactions between the underlying quarks and gluons (partons). Calculating the cross section of different processes arising out of proton-proton collisions requires knowledge of the parton distribution functions (PDFs) within the proton. The Higgs boson production mechanism with the highest cross section is the process of gluon fusion, in which two initial state gluons produce a Higgs boson through an intermediate heavy fermion loop. The dominant contribution to this process is via a top quark loop, since the coupling of the Higgs boson to fermions is proportional to their mass. The process with the second-highest 19 q q' H W/Z H qqq (b) vector boson fusion (a) gluon fusion g - W/ Z H W/Z H hh g q (c) W/Z-associated production t (d) tt-associated production Figure 1-1: Feynman diagrams showing the mechanisms of Higgs boson production at the LHC. production rate, roughly an order of magnitude lower than that of gluon fusion, is that of vector boson fusion (VBF), in which the Higgs boson is produced by a pair of W or Z bosons radiated by initial state quarks. The VBF Higgs boson production signature is characterized by two energetic quarks largely separated in rapidity. Next, the Higgs boson can be produced in association with a W or Z boson through the process of Higgs-strahlung, with the Higgs boson being radiated by a vector boson. Finally, Higgs boson production associated with a top-antitop quark pair has an even lower cross section. Leading order Feynman diagrams for these four principal modes of Higgs boson production at the LHC are displayed in Fig. 1-1, while the production cross sections for each mode as a function of the Higgs boson mass at a center-of-mass 20 102 - I ' I 25 -I I -\s=8TeV - I) 102 + 10 IV4 f \sMH8[eV] M 10-1 1 00 200 80 100 300 400 1000 MH [GeV] Figure 1-2: Higgs boson production cross sections at V/s = 8 TeV. energy of 8 TeV are shown in Fig. 1-2 [19]. The Higgs boson can decay directly to pairs of fermions or vector bosons or, through loops, to gluon pairs, photon pairs, or to a photon and Z boson. For Higgs boson masses below about twice the W boson mass, the predominant decay modes are to pairs of bottom quarks, tau leptons, or charm quarks, or through top loops to gluon pairs. Although at these masses the phase space for decays to a pair of W bosons is reduced due to the requirement that one of the W bosons must be off-shell, the strength of the coupling of the Higgs boson to the W boson ensures a respectable branching ratio for W boson pairs. The branching ratios for different decay modes for a Higgs boson mass of less than 200 GeV are shown in Fig. 1-3 [20]. 1.3 The H -+ -r+r- Decay Mode With the discovery of a new boson by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the LHC [1,2], studying the properties of the newly-discovered state and determining its compatibility with the SM Higgs boson became the immediate goal. Measurement of its couplings to fermions is particularly important in order to establish the nature of 21 (11 - U)) bb WW -) 0- CCC 10~ 100 120 140 160 180 200 MH [GeV] Figure 1-3: Higgs boson branching ratios at low mass. this particle. While there are indirect constraints on the coupling of the Higgs boson to the top quark from the measurements in the bosonic final states, determination of the coupling to down-type fermions requires a direct measurement of the Higgs boson decay to the corresponding fermionic final states. Studying the decays of the Higgs boson to pairs of T-leptons and bottom quarks is crucial in this regard. For masses below - 130 GeV, the decay of the Higgs boson to a pair of T-leptons has a significant branching ratio. Although the bb decay mode has a higher branching ratio at these masses, the extremely large backgrounds from QCD multijet production make this mode very challenging experimentally, and it is only feasible to study it through the lens of the associated production or VBF production mechanisms, which have lower cross section [21]. The H -+ large backgrounds, notably from the Z -+ TT TT decay mode does suffer from process; exploiting the VBF production topology or the topology for gluon fusion production with an additional jet improves 22 the sensitivity for studying this process. This decay mode is particularly important because it allows the measurement of the coupling of the Higgs boson to leptons. 1.3.1 The -r-Lepton The T is the heaviest lepton with a mass of 1.777 GeV; due to its massive nature it can decay to lighter particles. Taus decay through the weak interaction to a tau neutrino and a virtual W boson which subsequently produces an electron or a muon and the corresponding neutrino, or decays hadronically. Figure 1-4 shows a Feynman digram representing tau decays. Table 1.1 summarizes the branching ratios for the most prevalent tau decay modes. Hadronic decays of the tau are the most prevalent, occurring about 65% of the time. The leptonic decays, to an electron and two neutrinos or to a muon and two neutrinos, account for 17.8% and 17.4% of tau decays each [22]. Neutrinos in the final state make the reconstruction of the tau challenging since they do not interact in the detector and can only be detected by measuring an imbalance in the visible energy in the detector. VT IT~ e~, p-, ~d,s w Figure 1-4: Feynman diagram representing the decay of the T-lepton. 1.4 The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model The SM has been remarkably successful from the experimental point of view. Nevertheless, there are aspects of the theory that are unsatisfactory; one such problem is that the Higgs boson mass is subject to quadratically divergent radiative corrections 23 Decay mode Branching fraction (%) eve, 7 17.83 ± 0.04 1vtvI- 1r 7± V77±70V~r25.52 17.41 ± 0.04 10.83 10.06 7T0 9.30 8.99 ±0.09 l0VT 7r_7rr±_V_ 0.11 +_0.06 Table 1.1: The most prevalent T-lepton decay modes and their branching fractions, as a percentage of the total tau decay width. at high energy. A popular solution to this problem is the introduction of supersymmetry (SUSY) [23,24], a symmetry relating fermions to bosons, which would protect the Higgs mass from divergent radiative corrections. An additional attraction is that SUSY could provide a candidate for the dark matter in our universe. The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is a minimal extension of the SM incorporating supersymmetry [25,26]. Each particle of the SM is assigned a superpartner; there are scalar partners for the fermions (known as sleptons and squarks), and fermionic partners for the gauge bosons (gauginos) and the Higgs boson (Higgsino). Unlike in the SM, the Higgs sector in the MSSM requires two scalar doublets, with vacuum expectation values vI, v 2 , and five physical Higgs bosons. Three of these are neutral: the h, the H (both CP-even), and the A (CP-odd), and two are charged: the H+ and H-. At tree level, the MSSM Higgs sector can be parametrized in terms of mA, the mass of the CP-odd neutral Higgs boson, and tan 3, the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the two doublets. The major production mechanisms for the neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in protonproton collisions are through gluon fusion via a b-quark loop, and associated production with b-quarks. These are illustrated in Fig. 1-5. The couplings of the neutral MSSM Higgs bosons to down-type fermions like b-quarks and T-leptons are enhanced at large values of tan 0, resulting in significantly higher branching ratios for the T- pair neutral Higgs boson decay mode than in the SM. The enhanced coupling to the bottom quark also boosts the b-associated production mechanism; the presence of bquarks in the final state can therefore be used to improve the sensitivity of an MSSM 24 Higgs boson search. g g b A/H/h b >- - - - - - A/H/h - -- (a) gluon fusion (b) b-associated production Figure 1-5: Diagrams showing the mechanisms of neutral MSSM Higgs boson production at the LHC. At tree level, the masses of the three neutral MSSM Higgs bosons are related by 2 mh,H 1(M2 +-mn2 2 2 /V(M2+m 2 Zi 2 -4mm AZ co COS2 2\. With the inclusion of higher order radiative corrections, an upper bound of (29 (1.9) - 135 GeV [27] is placed on mh, the mass of the light scalar Higgs boson, with an uncertainty of up to 3 GeV on mh depending on the region of parameter space under consideration. At the same time, for mA > mz, the heavy scalar H and the pseudo-scalar A become almost degenerate in mass, with mH ~ mA. Searches for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons are usually presented in the context of benchmark scenarios, in which the values of SUSY parameters which, through radiative corrections, affect the Higgs boson masses, cross sections, and branching ratios, are fixed to certain values. Results are interpreted in the parameter space of mA and tan,3. The m"x scenario [28, 29] has been used for previous searches and allows the light scalar h to reach its maximal value of - 135 GeV, for mA > mz (known as the "decoupling region"). This is the scenario used in this analysis for the presentation of the search results. The discovery of the Higgs-like boson near 125 GeV brings new interest to searches in the context of the MSSM, since the 125 GeV boson could be compatible with the Higgs sector expected in the MSSM within the existing experimental uncertainties. In 25 particular, this state can be interpreted as the light MSSM scalar h while searching for the additional Higgs bosons predicted by the MSSM, and could have a behavior similar to the expected behavior of the SM Higgs boson. Such a constraint on mh affects the permitted regions of parameter space; large regions of parameter space would be ruled out in the mm"x scenario which favors a slightly heavier h in the decoupling region. However, the interpretation of MSSM Higgs boson search results in the m"ax scenario is still relevant since it places conservative lower bounds on allowed regions of parameter space. Moreover, slight modifications of the mm"x scenario brought about by adjusting the value of the stop mixing parameter (Xt), would remove much of the restriction on allowed parameter space [30, 31] by permitting a lighter h. 1.5 Analysis Overview The search for a Higgs boson decaying to pairs of T-leptons with the CMS detector [32] relies on selecting the T-pair decay products. All possible T-pair final states are studied at CMS. They are denoted by the visible T-pair decay products: ThTh, p'rh, ETh, ep, ee, pp; there are also between 2 and 4 neutrinos produced in each case. The primary focus of this thesis is on the study of the ey final state with 4 neutrinos from the two leptonic tau decays. The analysis strategy starts with the selection of proton-proton collision events passing a trigger based on the presence of an electron and a muon candidate. A variety of offline selection requirements are imposed, consisting of a combination of simple cuts requiring measured quantities to be above or below a given threshold, and multivariate techniques which also make use of the correlations between observables. The goal is to improve the ratio of signal-to-background and achieve the best possible sensitivity for identifying a signal. Finally, the classification of the selected events in categories improves the sensitivity of the analysis, and a statistical analysis is performed to obtain the results. The results are combined with those from the analyses of other T-pair final states to obtain the combined significance of the search for a Higgs boson decaying to T-pairs. 26 The same trigger requirements and lepton candidate selection criteria are applied in the context of both the SM Higgs boson search (henceforward also referred to as the SM analysis) and the search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons (henceforward referred to as the MSSM analysis). However, the two analyses rely on different approaches to background rejection based on event topology, and different categorizations of events which target the relevant Higgs boson production mechanisms in each case. 27 Chapter 2 The CMS Detector at the LHC 2.1 The Large Hadron Collider The largest and highest-energy particle collider built to date, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [33] is a remarkable feat of engineering. Located at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) facilities on the border of Switzerland and France, the LHC occupies a tunnel, 27 km in circumference, at depths of upto 175 m beneath the French and Swiss countryside near the Swiss town of Geneva. The high energies of the circulating proton beams in the LHC are achieved by a series of accelerators which boost the protons to successively higher energies before finally injecting them into the LHC, the last in the chain of accelerators. Figure 2-1 shows a schematic representation of the accelerator complex at CERN. The protons in the LHC are obtained by ionizing hydrogen gas by applying an electric field. They are first accelerated to an energy of 50 MeV by the Linac 2 linear accelerator, then injected into the Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB), which accelerates them to 1.4 GeV. This is followed by the Proton Synchrotron (PS), where they are arranged into bunches and accelerated to 25 GeV, and then the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), which accelerates them to 450 GeV. They are then finally injected into the two LHC beam pipes, with one beam of protons circulating clockwise and the other beam counterclockwise, and accelerated up to their maximum energy. A large 28 number of superconducting electromagnets are responsible for the transport of the beams along their desired trajectory in the LHC. 1232 dipole magnets, each 15 m in length, bend the beams, while 392 quadrupole magnets, 5 - 7 m in length, focus them. The two beams collide at the four detectors located around the LHC ring: ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb. Prior to entering the detectors, the beams are squeezed or made narrower in order to increase the probability of collisions. Collisions in 2010 and 2011 took place with each beam reaching an energy of 3.5 TeV for a total collision energy of 7 TeV, and in 2012 with an energy per beam of 4 TeV for a total collision energy of 8 TeV. The LHC delivered instantaneous luminosities of up to 3.5 x 1033 cm-2 s-1 in 2011 and up to 7.7 x 1033 cm- 2 S-1 in 2012. The design parameters of the LHC correspond to a bunch spacing of 25 ns, with beams consisting of 2808 bunches and 1011 protons per bunch, achieving the design instantaneous luminosity of 104 cm- 2 s- 1 with an average of 20 proton-proton interactions per bunch crossing. Figure 2-2 displays graphs of the total integrated luminosity delivered by the LHC and recorded by the CMS experiment in 2011 and 2012. CMS LHC No th Area ALICE LHCb TT41 TT40 SPS T12 n of Tin HiadatATL T8 C NG S AS Hi~dT6 Gran Sasso AD TT2 O SE am E st Area Figure 2-1: A schematic representation of the accelerator complex at CERN. 29 CMS Integrated Luminosity, pp. 2011, CMS Integrated Luminosity, pp, 2012, /a= 8 TeV W= 7 TeV Data included from 2011-03-13 17:00 to 2011-10-30 16:09 UTC 7 6 Data included from 2012-04-04 22:37 to 2012-12-16 20:49 UTC 7 LHC Delivered: 6.13 CMS Recorded; 5.55 25 lb lb 6 I LHC Delivered: 23.30 lb CMS Recorded: 21.79 fb 20 20 0 C C 15 415 4 0 3 2 - 10 2 1 1 0 25 Y S0 01 Date (UTC) 0 Date (UTC) (a) Total integrated luminosity in 2011 (b) Total integrated luminosity in 2012 Figure 2-2: Cumulative luminosity per day delivered by the LHC (in blue) and recorded by CMS (in orange) during proton-proton collisions at Fs = 7 TeV in 2011 (left) and at \s = 8 TeV in 2012 (right). 2.2 The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector One of the two large general-purpose detectors located around the LHC ring, the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector [32] is located deep underground at interaction point 5 on the ring, near the French village of Cessy. The cylindrical detector is 15 m in diameter and 22 m long, weighing a total of 12500 tons. The design of the detector is built around the superconducting solenoid magnet which gives the detector its name; 12.5 m long and 6 m in diameter, it produces a 3.8 T magnetic field and is the largest magnet of its type ever built. The magnet is key for the precise momentum measurement for high-energy charged particles. Located inside the solenoid are a silicon-based tracking system, an electromagnetic calorimeter and a hadronic calorimeter. Outside the solenoid is the iron return yoke of the magnet, interspersed with layers of a muon detector. A cutaway diagram showing the different sections of the CMS detector is shown in Fig. 2-3. The coordinate system used by CMS is right-handed and has its designated origin at the collision point. The x-axis points towards the center of the LHC ring, the y-axis points vertically upward towards the surface, and the z-axis in the direction of the beam. The azimuthal angle q represents the angle measured counter-clockwise in the xy plane from the x-axis, while the polar angle 0 is measured counter-clockwise 30 Siperconducting Solenoid e Slicon Tracker Pbel Debctor Very-forward Calorimeter Preshower Hadronic Calorimeter Bectromagnetic Calorimeter Muon Compact Muon Solenoid Figure 2-3: A cutaway diagram showing the different components of the CMS detector. in the rz plane from the z-axis, r being the radial coordinate in the xy plane. The pseudorapidity coordinate, q, is commonly used to describe the angle with respect to the beam axis and is defined as 0 2 =- ln[tan(-)] (2.1) A brief description of the different components of the CMS detector follows. 2.2.1 The Tracking System At the high luminosities delivered by the LHC, there are multiple proton-proton interactions occurring during each bunch crossing, each producing large numbers of particles. In order to identify the trajectories of charged particles with high precision and assign them to the correct interaction, high granularity and a quick response time are required. The CMS inner tracking system is based entirely on silicon detector technology and is the largest silicon tracker ever built, containing about 200 m 2 of active silicon area. The tracker consists of an inner pixel detector and an outer silicon 31 -1.5 -1.3 -0.9 -1.1 -0.7 -0.5 -0.3 0 -0.1 1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.3 1.1 1.5 -1.7 1200 1 -1.9 1000 1.9 -2.1 ---. 800~ _ 2.1__ _ -2.5 2.5 lii2I.3 -23_ 6001 400 III i r(mm)1 II _200 TEC- PIXEL e TEC+ -200I I -400 -600 IIIII i IIl ______ ..800j -1000 -1200 -2600 -2200 -1800 -1400 -1000 -600 -200 200 600 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 Figure 2-4: A view of the CMS tracker in the rz plane showing its different sections. strip detector. Figure 2-4 shows the layout of the tracker in the rz plane. Pixel Detector The detector closest to the interaction point is the silicon pixel detector, consisting of 66 million pixels, each a cell 100 x 150 pm 2 in size. There are three barrel layers, 53 cm long, located at radii of 4.4 cm, 7.3 cm, and 10.2 cm with respect to the beam line, and two endcap disks on each side located at z = ±34.5 cm and z t46.5 ± cm, extending from a radius of about 6 cm to 15 cm. The pixel detector has a pseudorapidity coverage of -2.5 < r < 2.5 and is able to achieve a spatial resolution of 15 - 20 pm for a single hit. It is essential for the reconstruction of secondary vertices and for high-level triggering. Silicon Strip Detector Surrounding the pixel detector is the silicon strip detector, consisting of 9.3 million strips arranged in 15148 modules distributed in four subsystems: the Tracker Inner Barrel (TIB), the Tracker Inner Disks (TID), the Tracker Outer Barrel (TOB), and the Tracker Endcaps (TEC). The TIB and TID, using silicon micro-strip sensors 320 pm in thickness, occupy the radial region from 20 cm to 55 cm; the TIB consists of four layers and the TID of three disks on each side. The TIB has a strip pitch varying 32 from 80 pin to 120 pim with a single point resolution of 23 - 35 pim. The strip pitch in the TID varies from 100 - 141 pnm. The TOB extends to a radius of 116 cm and to a distance of 118 cm in the z direction with six layers of micro-strip sensors 500 pim thick, varying in pitch from 183 pm for the first four layers to 122 pim for the outer two layers, and in resolution from 53 pm to 35 pm. The TEC occupies the region 124 cm < jzj < 282 cm and 22.5 cm < Jrj < 113.5 cm. There are 9 disks on each side with up to seven rings of silicon micro-strip sensors either 320 jim or 500 pm thick; the radial strips range in pitch from 97 pm to 184 pim. The modules in the first two layers of the TIB and TOB, the first two rings of the TID and TEC, and the fifth ring of the TEC have a second module mounted at a stereo angle of 100 mrad, providing a measurement in the z direction in the TIB and TOB and in the radial direction in the TID and TEC. This provides a single point resolution of 230 pim in the TIB and 530 pm in the TOB in the z direction. 2.2.2 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter The electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is situated inside the CMS magnetic coil and is designed to measure the the energy of electrons and photons with precision. The ECAL is composed of 75848 scintillating lead tungstate (PbWO 4 ) crystals arranged in a cylindrical barrel and two endcap sections. The crystals have a high density of 8.28 g/cm 3 , a short radiation length (Xo) of 0.89 cm and a small Moliere radius of 2.2 cm. These characteristics ensure a high granularity and a compact detector. The crystals produce 80% of their scintillation light within 25 ns allowing for a fast detector response. The light produced is in the blue-green range with a broad maximum in wavelength at 420 - 430 uni. However, the amount of light emitted is fairly low and is sensitive to temperature. To address this issue, a cooling system was designed to maintain the temperature of the crystals to within 0.1'C. Photodetectors are used to collect the light produced when electrons or photons enter the ECAL. In the barrel region silicon avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are used while in the endcaps vacuum phototriodes (VPTs) are used. The ECAL barrel region (EB) occupies the pseudorapidity range of 1rj| < 1.479. 33 r~-0, 0.3Xr Preshower (E rip,24.7Xe Figure 2-5: A schematic diagram of a cross section of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter, showing the arrangement of the barrel (EB), endcap (EE), and preshower (ES) sections. The crystals in the barrel are tapered with a cross section of 22 x 22 mm 2 for the front face and 26 x 26 mm 2 for the rear face. They are 230 mm long, corresponding to 25.8 radiation lengths. The endcaps (EE) occupy the pseudorapidity range 1.479 < Ir4 < 3.0. The crystals in the endcap are 220 mm long (24.7 Xo); they have a front face cross section of 28.6 x 28.6 mm 2 and a rear face cross section of 30 x 30 mm 2 . A preshower sub-detector (ES) is placed in front of the endcaps with the primary goal of identifying neutral pions in the range 1.653 < Ir/| < 2.6. This detector is a sampling calorimeter consisting of alternating lead layers, to initiate electromagnetic showers, and planes of silicon strip sensors, one located at a thickness of 2 X 0 and another at 3 Xo, to measure the energy deposited and the shower shape. A schematic diagram representing a cross section of the ECAL is shown in Fig. 2-5. The energy resolution of the ECAL can be parametrized as )2 = (S)2 E/ E (2.2) () E an with S representing a stochastic term, N a noise term, and C a constant. 34 .T The stochastic term has contributions from fluctuations in the lateral shower containment (1.5 - 2 %), and from photostatistics (2.1 %). The contributions to the noise term come from electronics noise, digitization noise, and noise from pileup. The constant term comes from a variety of sources, including the longitudinal non-uniformity of the light collection, calibration errors, and energy leakage from the rear of the crystals. Test beam measurements conducted in 2004 found a typical energy resolution of (2.8% 2 2- E = o2)2 )2 E + (12% E + (0.30%)2 (2.3) with E being measured in GeV. Although the ECAL crystals were designed to be resistant to radiation damage, they do suffer from a reduction in transparency as color centers form in the crystal and absorb some of the transmitted light [34]. These changes in transparency need to be monitored and corrected for. A laser monitoring system is used for the purpose of tracking changes in crystal transparency over time and deriving appropriate corrections. 2.2.3 The Hadron Calorimeter Surrounding the ECAL is the CMS hadron calorimeter (HCAL). The HCAL is important for measuring neutral and charged hadrons and also for the measurement of missing transverse energy coming from neutrinos or from exotic particles. The HCAL uses sampling calorimeter technology, with alternating layers of absorber and scintillator. A barrel section (HB) covers the pseudorapidity range up to 1,q < 1.3 and endcaps occupy the region 1.3 < Iql < 3.0. The amount of material in the HB is restricted since it is contained between the ECAL and the solenoid coil; in order to absorb any remaining part of the hadronic shower, an outer calorimeter (HO) or tail catcher is placed outside the magnet. Finally, radiation-hard forward calorimeters (HF) extend the pseudorapidity coverage in the range 3.0 < 1r| < 5.2. Figure 2-6 shows the layout of the different HCAL sections. The HCAL barrel is constructed from brass absorber plates alternating with plas35 rill Figure 2-6: Longitudinal view of CMS showing the barrel (HB), endcap (HE) outer (HE), and forward (HF) sections of the HCAL. tic scintillator tiles; the innermost and outermost absorber plates are made of stainless steel in order to provide structural strength. The total absorber thickness ranges from 5.82 interaction lengths at ir77 = 0 to 10.6 interaction lengths at 1r/j = 1.3, with the crystal ECAL providing an additional 1.1 interaction lengths. Hadronic particles interact with the absorber to produce secondary particles, resulting in hadronic showers as they pass through the successive layers of absorber. As the showers develop, they cause the active scintillator layers to emit light in the blue-violet range. Wavelength shifting fibres absorb the scintillation and shift it to the green range of the spectrum; the light signals are digitized and read out using hybrid photodiodes (HPDs) which can operate in a high magnetic field. An HPD consists of a photocathode and a pixelated silicon photodiode and produces a gain of roughly 2000. The HB is segmented into sectors, or towers, occupying an area of 0.087 x 0.087 each in rT# space. Since the size of the HB is restricted by its placement within the solenoid, the HO is designed to provide additional stopping power to catch the tails of hadronic showers. The HO utilizes the iron return yoke of the magnet as an absorber with layers 36 of scintillator interspersed with the iron. The granularity of the HO, like that of the HB, is 0.087 x 0.087 in rpb. In combination with the solenoid, the HO increases the total amount of material to at least 11.8 interaction lengths, except at the boundary between barrel and endcap regions. The HE, like the HB, is made from alternating layers of brass absorber (steel is used for the inner and outer layers) and scintillator. In combination with the ECAL, the absorber corresponds to about 10 interaction lengths of material. The granularity of the HE is 0.087 x 0.087 for Ir/1 < 1.6 and about 0.17 x 0.17 for Irj1 > 1.6. The HE also uses HPDs as photodetectors. The HF, located in the forward region of the detector, needs to be able to withstand extremely high particle fluxes. This requires the active material to be radiation hard. Quartz fibers were chosen for this purpose to provide the active medium, and steel is used as an absorber. Charged particles traveling through the fibers cause Cherenkov light to be emitted; the light is guided to photomultiplier tubes to be read out. Test beam studies conducted in 2002 measured the energy resolution of the HCAL for single pions to be o-2 ()- E ( 11 -/E ) 22 2 (5.5%)2 (2.4) with E being measured in GeV. 2.2.4 The Muon System Muons are able to pass through the calorimeters with minimal loss of energy and reach the outermost layers of CMS, the muon detectors. Placed outside the solenoid, the muon system has a cylindrical barrel section and two endcaps. It relies on three types of gaseous particle detectors: drift tube chambers in the barrel region, cathode strip chambers in the endcaps, and resistive plate chambers in both barrel and endcap regions. Figure 2-7 shows a longitudinal view of the muon system illustrating the layout of the stations containing each of these three types of detectors. 37 'U' 800 eta= 0.8'/ a. RPC ' 1.04 1.2 700 MB3 6 M 3 -1 500 1.6 400 2.1 300 2.4 CSC 200 100 0e 0 200 400 60 ) 800 1o000 1200 Z (cm) Figure 2-7: Longitudinal quarter view of CMS showing the layout of the drift tube (DT) stations, the cathode strip chamber (CSC) stations, and the resistive plate chamber (RPC) stations in the muon system. Drift Tubes Drift tube (DT) chambers are used in the barrel region, in the pseudorapidity range 1rqj < 1.2. The 250 DT chambers are arranged in 4 stations - concentric cylinders centered on the beam line - interspersed with the layers of the magnet return yoke. The four stations each have eight chambers providing a measurement in the r# plane; additionally, the inner three stations have four chambers providing a measurement in the z direction. Chambers are composed of 2 or 3 superlayers, each with 4 layers of drift cells. Drift cells in neighboring layers are offset by a half-cell width with respect to each other in order to avoid dead spots. The gas used in the drift cells is a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide. The drift cells have a cross section of 13 x 42 mm 2 . The maximum drift length within a single cell is 21 mm, which corresponds to a drift time of 380 ns in the Ar-CO 2 mixture. 38 Cathode Strip Chambers Cathode strip chambers (CSCs), 468 in total, are used in the endcaps of the muon system in the pseudorapidity range 0.9 < 'rj < 2.4. Each endcap has 4 stations of CSCs alternating with the iron return yoke layers. The CSCs are trapezoidal multiwire proportional chambers containing cathode strips running radially outward, perpendicular to anode wires running in the azimuthal direction. Both strips and wires are read out, allowing measurements of both radial and azimuthal coordinates. Resistive Plate Chambers Layers of resistive plate chambers (RPCs) are embedded in both the barrel and the endcaps of the muon system, providing coverage for |r| < 1.6. There are 480 RPCs, arranged in 6 layers, embedded in the barrel: there is at least one layer in each of the stations, with the first two stations having 2 layers. The endcaps each have 216 RPCs arranged in 3 layers. RPCs are based on a double-gap design, with a gap width of 2 mm, operating in avalanche mode. The fast response and excellent timing resolution provided by the RPCs allow the muon triggering system to identify the bunch crossing from which a muon originated. 2.2.5 Triggering and Data Acquisition During its run in 2011 and 2012, the LHC delivered proton-proton collisions with a bunch spacing of 50 ns, corresponding to a crossing rate of 20 MHz. However, multiple proton-proton interactions can take place at each bunch crossing (an average of 20 per second for the design luminosity), resulting in interaction rates several orders of magnitude beyond current data processing and storage capacities. A trigger system is therefore essential in order to reduce the rate of events to be recorded to a manageable level, with the goal of only retaining events which show signs of interesting physics. This reduction in rate is achieved in CMS using a two-stage process: the Level- 1 (LI) trigger and the High-Level trigger (HLT). The LI trigger relies on custom programmable electronics and has a nominal output rate of 100 kHz. The HLT uses 39 software and can implement sophisticated algorithms in order to further reduce the rate down to a few hundred Hz. The Li trigger makes use of coarse information from the calorimeters and the muon system, while the full readout from each detector component is held in buffers in the front-end electronics. Information from the tracker is not used by the Li trigger. Every bunch crossing is analyzed; the latency allowed before the transmission of the Li decision to the front-end electronics is 3.2 ps. Transverse energies measured in groups of ECAL crystals or HCAL towers are used to determine electron/photon candidates, hadronic tau candidate vetoes, and transverse energy sums in calorimeter regions. A global calorimeter trigger uses this information to find jets, compute the total transverse energy and missing transverse energy, and determine the best electron/photon candidates. From the muon systems, track segments and hit patterns are combined to find tracks and determine muon candidates; information from the calorimeters is also used by a global muon trigger to find the best muon candidates. The final Li trigger decision of whether to accept or reject the event is then based on the candidate trigger objects delivered by the calorimeters and muon systems electrons/photons, muons, jets, hadronic taus - and global information such as the total and missing transverse energies. The arrival of a Li accept initiates the extraction of the data stored in the frontend buffers and transmission to the CMS data acquisition (DAQ) system by Front-End Drivers (FEDs). An event builder assembles the fragments from all the FEDs into a single event. The data is then transferred to a computing farm where the HLT, essentially a software filter system, comes into play. The HLT reduces the rate of events to be stored by a further factor of about a 1000. The HLT uses faster versions of the offline event reconstruction software and uses sophisticated algorithms in applying selection criteria to determine which events should be stored. The full detector information can be incorporated, including information from the tracker. Improved position and momentum resolution are available with respect to the Li. Muon trigger rates can be reduced with respect to Li through the use of the improved resolution, and the presence of a track can be used to distin40 guish between electron and photon candidates which are triggered by the presence of energy clusters in the ECAL. The position of the interaction points corresponding to proton-proton collisions can be reconstructed using tracks from the pixel detector. In order to reduce computing, the HLT employs various trigger levels and attempts to reject an event as soon as possible. Physics objects are reconstructed using candidates identified by the Li trigger as a starting point. To minimize the amount of processing, a strategy of partial reconstruction is adopted: only the quantities necessary for applying a set of selection criteria are reconstructed. Thus track reconstruction, which is expensive in terms of CPU usage, is only performed when necessary after other selection requirements have been applied. 2.3 Luminosity Measurement The luminosity delivered to CMS is measured by a method which counts the number of clusters reconstructed in the pixel detector, which is expected to be proportional to the instantaneous luminosity [35-37]. The instantaneous luminosity for proton-proton collisions is given by C = forbit 27ru a, . (2.5) Here N1 and N2 are the numbers of protons per bunch in the two colliding proton beams, determined by measuring the electric current of the beam, and nb is the number of colliding proton bunches per beam, which is determined beforehand. The orbit frequency of the bunches in the LHC, forbit, is fixed at 11246 Hz. The effective area of overlap between the colliding beams is given by 27Fr ory, with or, and o, being the effective beam widths in the x and y directions respectively. These are measured using a procedure known as a Van der Meer scan [38], which profiles the beam shapes in the x and y directions by varying the beam positions relative to each other and measuring the pixel activity. The beam profiles are found to be described by the sum of two Gaussian distributions with a common mean value. The ratio of the absolute 41 luminosity to the pixel activity measured during a Van der Meer scan determines the calibration of the pixel luminosity measurement; the instantaneous luminosity is then monitored during the course of data-taking by measuring the pixel activity. 42 Chapter 3 Datasets and Event Simulation The analysis procedure relies on the implementation of an event selection applied to collision data and to the simulated event samples which are used to model the signal and background processes of interest. The datasets derived from recorded proton-proton collisions which are used for this analysis, and the simulated datasets used to model various processes are discussed in the following sections, followed by a brief description of the signal and background processes which are of interest for this analysis. 3.1 Datasets Events passing the HLT (Section 2.2.5) are grouped, based on the trigger requirements they fulfill, into collections known as primary datasets to ease processing and to address the requirements of different physics analyses. For instance, events passing triggers which require the presence of an electron trigger object are grouped into a "SingleElectron" dataset. Trigger paths are defined by a sequence of trigger re- quirements, starting with an LI trigger seed, followed by a series of filters imposing different requirements on selected objects. The primary dataset of interest for the T-pair final state with an electron and a muon is the "MuEG" primary dataset, referring to trigger paths requiring both a muon candidate and an electron or photon 43 candidate (triggers based on electrons start at LI with the identification of isolated electromagnetic objects which could be electron or photon candidates). Muon candidates are based on matching a tracker track with compatible track segments in the muon system. Electron candidates are found by matching energy clusters in the ECAL with a track. Table 3.1 contains a list of the data samples used to select events for the analysis. The entries correspond to events collected in different data-taking periods; the "PromptReco" label refers to events which have undergone the prompt reconstruction process, while the remaining data samples have undergone a further re-reconstruction with improved calibration. The integrated luminosity quoted corresponds only to the data considered suitable for physics analyses. The data analyzed corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb- 1 collected at x/= 7 TeV in 2011, and 19.7 fb--collected at F = 8 TeV in 2012. Integrated Luminosity (fb') Data Samples for 2011 0.2 /MuEG/Run201lA-lOMayReReco-vl/AOD 1.0 /MuEG/Run2011A-PromptReco-v4/AOD 0.4 /MuEG/Run201 1A-05Aug2Ol 1-vl/AOD 0.7 /MuEG/Run201 1A-030ct201 1-vI/AOD 2.7 /MuEG/Run201 1B-PromptReco-vl/AOD 5.0 Total integrated luminosity Data Samples for 2012 0.9 /MuEG/Run2012A-22Jan2013-vI/AOD 4.4 /MuEG/Run2012B-22Jan2013-vI/AOD 7.0 /MuEG/Run2012C-22Jan2013-v1/AOD 7.4 /MuEG/Run2012D-22Jan2013-vI/AOD 19.7 Total integrated luminosity Dataset Name Table 3.1: List of data samples used for different data-taking periods in 2011 and 2012 and the corresponding integrated luminosity collected in each. The AOD label refers to the data format used for storing events. 44 3.2 Event Simulation Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are a very important element of particle physics data analyses, and are used to model the signal and background processes being studied. The production of a sample of Monte Carlo simulated events starts with the generation of the particles produced in the hard scattering process using an event generator, followed by parton showering and hadronization processes, simulation of the underlying event, and of the passage of the particles produced through the CMS detector. 3.2.1 Event Generation Event generators make use of parton distribution functions (PDFs), which provide the probability density for a parton to carry a given momentum fraction, to describe the distribution of parton momenta within the incoming protons. PDFs are determined from fits to experimental data, including deep inelastic scattering data from lepton-nucleon scattering experiments, data from proton-nucleon scattering experiments, electroweak W and Z boson production studies, and studies of jet production. The event generators sample events based on the kinematics of particles produced in the hard scattering process. The sampling makes use of PDFs for the incoming protons and matrix element calculations of the underlying physics process. The matrix element calculations may be leading order (LO) or next-to-leading order (NLO), depending on the event generator. The POWHEG [39-42], MADGRAPH [43], and PYTHIA [44] event generators are used for this analysis. matrix element calculations, while MADGRAPH POWHEG uses NLO and PYTHIA use LO matrix element calculations for event generation. The decays of T-leptons are handled separately by interfacing the event generator to the TAUOLA [45] package. 45 3.2.2 Parton Showering, Hadronization, and Underlying Event Higher order QCD corrections are taken into account by introducing additional partons to the event, while the effects of initial or final state photon radiation are taken into account with the addition of radiated photons. The outgoing partons are then hadronized and unstable hadrons allowed to decay. These processes are handled by PYTHIA for this analysis; events generated by POWHEG or MADGRAPH are passed to PYTHIA for parton showering and hadronization. Simulation of the underlying event, due to the "spectator interactions" of partons not involved in the hard scatter, is also added. The collections of parameter settings used in PYTHIA to model the un- derlying event are known as "tunes". The default tunes used by CMS for samples simulated at \ = 7 TeV and V = 8 TeV are known as the "Z2" and the "Z2*" tunes respectively [46]. In order to avoid double counting, emitted partons generated by MADGRAPH POWHEG or are matched to the clusters of hadrons produced from the showering and hadronization steps by PYTHIA. The MADGRAPH generator includes parton emission diagrams for up to four partons and provides a better description of jet multiplicity and kinematics. 3.2.3 Pileup Simulation The effects of pileup interactions are modeled by incorporating additional inelastic proton-proton collisions simulated using PYTHIA. The distribution of the number of simulated pileup interactions is based on a prediction of the pileup distribution expected in observed events. In order to achieve a better description of observed events, simulated events are re-weighted in order to match the expected pileup distribution for each data-taking period, which is computed based on the instantaneous luminosity profile for the period in question. 46 3.2.4 Detector Simulation The passage of the final state particles produced through the CMS detector and the detector response is simulated with the help of the GEANT4 [47] program. The de- tector simulation includes an implementation of the detector geometry, the effect of the passage of particles through the detector material and energy losses. Particle trajectories are determined, including the effects of the magnetic field. The electronic readouts from the different components are emulated for each event, including simulations of the effects of detector noise. The simulated event output produced is in the same format as data from actual collisions and undergoes event reconstruction (as described in Chapter 4) and further processing in the same manner as real data. The simulated events thus obtained can be analyzed using the same procedures as for observed collision events. In order to model the observed data as closely as possible, several corrections are applied to simulation. These include the pileup reweighing procedure described above, various corrections to account for differences in efficiencies for selecting objects between data and simulation (Sections 5.3 and 5.4), and energy scale corrections applied to simulated objects like jets based on measurements from observed data (Section 4.3.1). Events selected in data may then be compared to the predictions for signal and background processes with the help of the simulated event samples. 3.3 Signal Processes The SM Higgs boson analysis searches for a Higgs boson produced through one of the following processes: Gluon fusion (gg -± H): this is the dominant SM Higgs boson production process. Two initial state gluons produce a Higgs boson through an intermediate fermion loop (primarily a top quark loop). Vector boson fusion (VBF): this is second most prevalent SM Higgs boson production process. Initial state quarks radiate a pair of W or Z bosons which 47 produce a Higgs boson. Associated production with a vector boson (VH): this process does not contribute significantly to the expected signal yield in this analysis. The Higgs boson is produced in association with a W or Z boson which radiates the Higgs boson. Simulated Higgs boson signal samples are produced for a range of Higgs boson masses; the analysis makes use of samples generated for Higgs boson masses between mH 90 GeV and mH =145 GeV in 5 GeV steps. The Higgs boson production cross sections used are provided by the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group [20]. The cross sections calculated for gluon fusion has terms up to NNLO and next-to-next-to-leading log (NNLL) terms, while the cross sections calculated for VBF and VH production include NNLO QCD and NLO electroweak terms. The branching ratios to T-pairs is determined using the HDECAY program [48-50], with NLO QCD and electroweak corrections. The production cross sections and branching ratios to T-lepton pairs used for SM Higgs bosons are listed in Tables 3.2 and 3.3 [19,20,51]. The MSSM Higgs boson analysis searches for neutral Higgs bosons produced through the following mechanisms: Gluon fusion: this is the dominant production mechanism for low and intermediate values of the tan 3 parameter (the ratio of the vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs doublets in the MSSM). Because of the enhancement of the coupling to down-type fermions in the MSSM, the gluon fusion process through an intermediate b-quark loop has an enhanced contribution in the MSSM. Associated production with b-quarks: this mechanism becomes more dominant at higher values of tan 3 due to an enhanced coupling to b-quarks. This process is also initiated by initial state gluons. Simulated samples are produced for hypothetical MSSM Higgs boson masses ranging from 90 GeV to 1 TeV. The MSSM neutral Higgs boson production cross sections and their uncertainties which are used in this analysis are provided by the LHC Higgs 48 mH [GeV] 90 95 100 105 110 115 Cross section [pb] Gluon fusion V BF WH ZH ___ = 7 TeV 29.03 1.723 1.654 0.8959 26.10 1.639 1.404 0.7678 23.64 1.557 1.195 0.6616 21.45 1.478 1.029 0.5724 19.56 1.404 0.8847 0.4978 17.89 1.344 0.7626 0.4345 tt H 0.2162 0.1880 0.1637 0.1432 0.1257 0.1105 120 16.43 1.279 0.6617 0.3808 125 15.13 1.222 0.5785 0.3351 0.08632 130 13.98 1.168 0.5059 0.2957 0.07660 135 12.95 1.117 0.4431 0.2616 0.06816 140 12.02 1.069 0.3846 0.2322 0.06079 145 11.45 1.023 0.3437 0.2068 0.05429 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 36.23 32.69 29.68 27.01 24.70 22.66 20.86 19.27 17.85 16.57 15.42 14.46 s=8TeV 2.191 1.990 2.084 1.695 1.988 1.447 1.897 1.242 1.809 1.071 1.729 0.9266 1.649 0.8052 1.578 0.7046 1.511 0.6169 1.448 0.5416 1.389 0.4768 1.333 0.4216 1.092 0.9383 0.8102 0.7022 0.6125 0.5358 0.4710 0.4153 0.3671 0.3259 0.2898 0.2583 0.3202 0.2786 0.2433 0.2133 0.1871 0.1651 0.1459 0.1293 0.1149 0.1024 0.09150 0.08199 0.09758 Table 3.2: SM Higgs boson cross sections for different production processes at 7 and 8 TeV. Cross Section Working Group for the mja" benchmark scenario. For small and mod- erate values of the tan / parameter, the gluon fusion process, mediated largely by top and bottom quark loops, dominates for the production of MSSM neutral Higgs bosons. The cross sections are calculated at NLO in QCD by HIGLU [52,53]. Corrections to the top quark loop contribution at NNLO are provided by the GGHONNLO [54-58] program. For larger values of tan 0, associated production with b-quarks becomes more prevalent. The cross sections for this process are calculated at NLO in what is known as the four-flavor (4FS) scheme, and at NNLO in what is known as the five49 mH [GeV] 90 95 H -± 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 TT branching ratio 8.33 x 10-2 8.32 x 10-2 8.28 x 10-2 8.17 x 10-2 7.95 x 10-2 7.58 x 10-2 7.04 x 10-2 6.32 x 10-2 5.45 x 10-2 4.49 x 10-2 3.52 x 10-2 2.61 x 10-2 Table 3.3: Branching ratios for the Higgs boson decay to T-lepton pairs. flavor scheme (5FS) using the BBHQNNLO program [59]. The 4FS and 5FS calcula- tions are combined using a procedure known as "Santander matching" [60]. The Higgs Yukawa couplings used for the cross section calculations and branching ratios for neutral MSSM Higgs boson decays to T-pairs are obtained from FEYNHIGGS [27,61-63]. Figure 3-1 shows the branching ratios to 7-pairs computed for different values of tan j as a function of mA, while Fig. 3-2 shows the product of the production cross sections for the two main MSSM Higgs boson production modes with the 7-pair branching ratios for two different values of tan 3. The enhancement with respect to the expectation for the SM Higgs boson at higher values of mA and tan 0 is illustrated in these plots. SM Backgrounds 3.4 One of the principal challenges of this analysis is the discrimination of a Higgs signal from the large sources of background. The primary background processes are listed below: Drell-Yan T-pair production (Z -± TT): this is the dominant source of background after the selection of two well-identified leptons of opposite charge and has the 50 1 10-1 MSSM -E ------! IIM I N - gg- aI ........ --- 0 2 >mv - ---- tan b= -------- tan p~=5 0 ..... ... 10- 10 .. --. BR(t), SM 10- 100 200 300 500 mA/H [GeV] 400 Figure 3-1: Branching ratios for the MSSM pseudo-scalar Higgs boson A for decays to r-lepton pairs for different values of tan 3 computed in the mj"' scenario, compared to the T-pair branching ratio for a SM Higgs boson. same final state as the signal, making it challenging to discriminate against. Top-pair production (tt): both top-quarks decay, through a W boson, producing leptons. b-quark jets will also be present from the top-pair decay. Di-boson production (WW, WZ, ZZ): di-boson production, with the W or Z bosons decaying into leptons, constitutes another possible source of background. W boson production with additional jets (W+jets): this constitutes a background in the case that the W boson decays to a lepton while a jet fakes a good quality lepton. QCD multijet production: a jet or non-isolated lepton can fake a good quality lepton. Despite the high cross section, the contribution from this background is reduced by the requirement that both selected leptons must be fakes. Associated single top production (tW): single top production is much rarer than tf production, but constitutes a small source of background when leptons are 51 -, -L 1005 9 . . . .1 10 4 10 --- ---------- X 1 .1 .1 . .1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 gg-+ bb$ (tan P=5... 30) gg-+ ( (tan P=5...30) gg-+ H (SM) qq-* qqH (SM) 10 10 10"2 I 10 -3 tan p3-s 10 -4 1010- 100 200 300 500 400 m[ [GeV] Figure 3-2: Product of the production cross section with the branching ratios for decays to r-lepton pairs as a function the mass of the MSSM pseudo-scalar Higgs boson A for different values of tan /3 computed in the mm" scenario for gluon fusion (gg -- q) production and associated production with b-quarks (gg -+ bbq). The rates for SM gluon fusion and VBF Higgs boson production are shown for comparison. produced from the top-quark and associated W boson decay. Z -4 pp: this is a very small source of background in the event that one of the muons radiates a photon which converts to electrons; one of these electrons may be identified as a signal electron while the other muon from the Z boson decay is identified as a signal muon. Z ± ll+jets: Z -+ 11 events in which one of the leptons (an electron or a muon) escapes detection while a jet fakes a muon or electron are another small source of background. H - WW: the decay of the Higgs to a pair of W bosons which decay leptonically also constitutes a source of background due to the combination of leptons and neutrinos in the final state, particularly in event categories which exploit VBF production. Although this is a Higgs boson induced process, it is treated as a 52 Process Generator ___ Z -+ iiTT tt - X tt- 2l21v/2b (*) Cross section [pb] -- 7 TeV = s = 8 TeV MADGRAPH 3048 3504 MADGRAPH 164 POWHEG - X(tW) WW - 212v WZ -+ 313v POWHEG 15.7 225 26.2 109 22.2 WZ -4 212q MADGRAPH 4.78 0.857 1.79 5.82 1.06 2.21 ZZ MADGRAPH 0.064 0.181 MADGRAPH 0.250 0.776 0.716 2.50 ti t lIv2q2b (*) - 41 ZZ -+ 212v ZZ -+ 212q - POWHEG MADGRAPH MADGRAPH MADGRAPH Table 3.4: Cross sections and event generators corresponding to simulated event samples used for modeling background processes at V= 7 and 8 TeV. The inclusive Z - i, Irr cross sections are computed at NNLO using FEWZ [64], the inclusive di-boson cross sections at NLO using MCFM [65], and W/Z boson branching ratios are taken from [22]. The single-top cross sections are obtained using approximate NNLO calculations [66,67]. The CMS measured cross sections are used for tt [68,69]. The simulated samples labeled (*) are only used in the analysis of 8 TeV data. background for the H -+ TT search which targets the T-pair decay mode. The methods used for estimating each background contribution are discussed in Chapter 6. The cross sections used to estimate the normalizations for various background processes are obtained from CMS experimental measurements in some cases and from theoretical NLO calculations in others. A list of the cross sections corresponding to the different simulated event samples used to model SM background processes in the analysis of 7 and 8 TeV data may be found in Table 3.4; the table also lists the event generator used for producing each simulated sample. 53 Chapter 4 Event Reconstruction and Object Selection The search for a Higgs boson decaying to T-lepton pairs relies on the reconstruction of the T-pair decay products. For the final state with an electron, a muon, and four neutrinos, the reconstruction of leptons (electrons and muons) and missing energy, which indicates the presence of neutrinos, is very important. The reconstruction of jets is also critical since the analysis makes use of jets to categorize events in order to target different Higgs boson production mechanisms. Vertex reconstruction plays a role in verifying that the objects selected for the analysis originated from the hard-scattering process. Events which have been accepted by the trigger system (Section 2.2.5) are processed using sophisticated software algorithms in order to reconstruct different physics objects. The specific triggers used to collect data for this analysis are described further in Section 5.1. The large amount of hadronic activity inherent to proton-proton collisions and the increased activity due to pileup present challenges to successful event reconstruction. In order to model the expected behavior of various processes in the detector, Monte Carlo simulations are used, in which particles originating from a given physics process are generated and their stable decay products are propagated through a simulation of the detector. Simulated events also undergo the event reconstruction process in a 54 manner analogous to observed data in order to allow for a direct comparison between data and simulation. 4.1 Primary Vertex Successful reconstruction of proton-proton interaction vertices is a significant challenge in the high-luminosity environment of the LHC. Vertex reconstruction is performed using the tracks produced by charged particles originating from the collisions. Tracks which are consistent with having their origin at the same interaction point are clustered using the Deterministic Annealing (DA) clustering algorithm [70]. A fit is then performed to obtain the vertex position, or common point of origin, corresponding to each cluster of tracks. The tracking system provides a resolution of ~ 50 Pm in separating vertices. When multiple vertices are reconstructed in an event, the vertex with the largest sum of the p2 of tracks associated with that vertex is taken to belong to the hard-scattering process and is referred to as the primary vertex. Any other reconstructed vertices in the event are assumed to be due to additional proton-proton collisions in the same bunch-crossing, referred to as in-time pileup. Pileup originating from collisions in the preceding or succeeding bunch-crossings is referred to as out-of-time pileup. Some additional requirements are imposed on the selected primary vertex in the analysis: " The distance in z from the primary vertex to the nominal interaction point (located at the origin of the CMS coordinate system) must not exceed 24 cm. " The transverse distance from the vertex to the nominal interaction point must not exceed 2 cm. " The number of degrees of freedom for the vertex fit should be at least 4. Figure 4-1 shows the expected and observed distribution of the number of reconstructed vertices for 2011 and 2012 for events selected by this analysis using the criteria described in Section 5.2. 55 CMS Preliminary, (1) 4- is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb J.... 2500 eja----- 4-- 1 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb 5xH(12 5Ge5xH(125 GeV)-oWW observed U, electroweak 2000 5xH(1 25 GeV) - 9- WN OCD bkg. uncertainty bkg. uncertainty [Z Tobserved electroweak 5000 SQCD - 6000 1 4000 1500 3000 1000 2000 500 0 1000 0 10 20 0 30 20 30 Figure 4-1: Distribution of the number of reconstructed vertices for the 2011 (left) and 2012 (right) data-taking periods for events selected by this analysis (Section 5.2). The points represent the observed distribution while the stacked histograms represent the expected distributions for each contributing SM process. The shaded black area represents the uncertainty on the total expected background contribution. 4.2 Particle Flow CMS makes use of a particle flow (PF) algorithm [71-73] which utilizes information from all the sub-detectors in an attempt to identify and reconstruct all of the particles produced in the proton-proton collisions. The particles reconstructed by the algorithm, known as particle flow candidates, are classified as muons, electrons, photons, charged hadrons, or neutral hadrons. The PF algorithm starts with tracks from the silicon tracker, muon segments from the muon system, and energy clusters from the ECAL and HCAL. The latter are seeded by crystals or towers in which the energy deposits exceed a certain threshold; adjacent crystals or towers are iteratively added to the cluster if they contain sufficient energy. Tracks are then extrapolated into the calorimeters and associated with clusters if they are found to pass within the cluster boundaries, ECAL and HCAL clusters are linked together if their positions are compatible, and muon segments are linked to compatible tracks. These combinations form the building blocks used to assign PF candidates. As each PF candidate is identified, the associated 56 blocks and elements are iteratively removed from the list in order to avoid double counting. Isolated PF muons are identified by imposing a restriction on the energy sum of tracks and calorimeter deposits around a reconstructed muon. PF electrons are formed from blocks containing a track and an energy cluster with the help of a multivariate discriminator used to reject pions; clusters which appear to originate from bremsstrahlung photons are associated with the electrons. Any remaining blocks containing both tracks and clusters are used to reconstruct charged hadrons. Finally, any remaining ECAL clusters not linked to a track form PF photons, while HCAL clusters not linked to a track form neutral hadrons. Particle flow candidates are used for the reconstruction of jets, hadronic taus, and missing transverse energy ($T), computation of isolation quantities as a measure of additional activity around lepton candidates, and mitigation of the effect of pileup on the analysis. 4.3 Jet Reconstruction Jets are collimated bundles of particles produced by the hadronization of a quark or gluon (parton), through QCD interactions. They are reconstructed based on the list of PF candidates using the anti-kT clustering algorithm [74] with a distance parameter of 0.5. The algorithm computes a "distance" between each pair of particles and between each particle and the beam line: dij = min (kT, k) diB = k 2, R2 (4.1) (4.2) with kTi, yi, and /i being the transverse momentum, rapidity, and azimuthal angle of particle i respectively. R is a distance parameter which is chosen to be 0.5 for this analysis. The parameter p, determining the relative power of the energy and geometrical scales, is chosen to be -1 for the anti-kT algorithm. Pairs of particles are successively combined based on which of these distances is smallest. If dij < diB, 57 particles i and j are combined, adding their momenta; otherwise particle i is removed from the collection and promoted to a jet. The process is iteratively repeated on all remaining particles until there are none left. Jet Energy Corrections 4.3.1 In order to achieve a more accurate estimate of the original parton energy, corrections are applied to the jet energy to account for pileup and non-uniformities in detector response. The contribution of particles coming from pileup and the underlying event is estimated to be the product of the jet area and an event-by-event density p computed using the FastJet technique [75-77] and is subtracted from the jet energy. Corrections are then applied as a function of the PT and q of the jet in order to calibrate the jet energy scale and to match the jet energy response in simulation to the observed response in data. The correction factors are derived using di-jet, 7+jets, and Z+jets events [78]. Jets selected for the analysis are required to have mg1 < 4.7 and to have a corrected transverse momentum greater than 30 GeV unless they are identified as b-jets (Section 4.3.3), in which case they are required to have a corrected PT > 20 GeV. They are also required to be a distance AR > 0.5 away in 71q space (AR = 2 4.3.2 + -(Am) (AO) 2 ) from the leptons selected in the analysis. Pileup Jet Identification Particles originating from pileup interactions may be clustered by the jet reconstruction process into pileup jets. Pileup jets tend to have lower momentum than jets originating from the hard scattering process; however, multiple softer pileup jets may overlap and be reconstructed as a high-pT jet. Such jets tend to be more diffuse in shape than jets originating from the hard interaction (non-pileup jets). In order to distinguish between pileup jets and non-pileup jets, a multivariate discriminator based on a Boosted Decision Tree (BDT) implemented in TMVA [79] is used [80]. Information used in the discriminator includes the compatibility of the tracks belonging to the jet constituents with the selected primary vertex, variables describing the 58 jet shape, and the numbers of charged and neutral components in the jet. The BDT is trained using a simulated sample of Z -+ pp + jets events in which reconstructed jets matched to those coming from generated partons are treated as non-pileup jets and all others as pileup jets. Jets selected in the analysis are required to exceed a threshold on the discriminator value known as the Loose working point. This working point is ~ 95% efficient for jets with PT > 25 GeV. For jets with PT > 30 GeV, the working point corresponds to an efficiency of > 99% for jets within the tracker volume (,r1 1 < 2.4) and ~ 95% for jets outside the tracker volume. 4.3.3 b-Jet Tagging The identification of jets originating from b-quarks is important to the analysis both in order to reject the tt background and, in the context of the search for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons, to target Higgs boson production in association with b-quarks. Algorithms used for identifying or "tagging" b-jets exploit properties such as the relatively long lifetime of b hadrons which results in displaced secondary vertices. The Combined Secondary Vertex (CSV) algorithm is used in this analysis for btagging [81]. It is implemented in the form of a likelihood discriminant, combining information about track impact parameters and reconstructed secondary vertices. In this analysis, jets are considered to be b-tagged if they have a CSV discriminator value greater than 0.679 (known as the CSV Medium working point), PT > 20 GeV, and lql < 2.4 (i.e., they lie within the tracker volume). 4.4 Missing Energy Reconstruction The detection of neutrinos, which do not interact in the detector, relies on the conservation of the total transverse momentum in an event, which should be zero. Any imbalance in the total transverse momentum indicates the presence of undetectable particles like neutrinos. Making use of the list of particles generated by the PF 59 algorithm, the PF missing transverse energy (MET or $T) vector is computed as (4.3) $P -Ti, i with Pri 4.4.1 {all PF candidates} being the transverse momentum vector of the ith PF candidate. MVA Missing Transverse Energy Reconstruction of the missing transverse energy ($T) is especially important for this analysis due to the presence of neutrinos from the decay of the T-lepton. The $ plays an important role in the rejection of non-di-T backgrounds and in the reconstruction of the T-pair invariant mass. However, effects such as mis-measurement of particle momenta can result in a corresponding mis-measurement of the $T. The presence of particles due to pileup also introduces a random component to the $T. Increasing levels of pileup, with the corresponding increase in the number of particles in the detector, result in a significant degradation of the $k resolution. In order to reduce these adverse effects, the analysis makes use of a multivariate BDT regression technique, referred to as the MVA missing transverse energy (MVA $vregression makes use of 5 alternative methods of computing the " The negative vector " $T) PT sum of all PF candidates (PF [82]. The MVA $T in the event: $k). The negative vector PT sum of all tracks associated to the selected primary vertex. * The negative vector PT sum of all tracks associated to the selected primary vertex and all neutral PF candidates within jets passing the pileup jet identification described in Section 4.3.2. " The negative vector PT sum of all tracks associated to the selected primary vertex and all neutral PF candidates within jets failing the pileup jet identification. * The negative vector PT sum of all tracks associated to the selected primary vertex and all neutral PF candidates plus the positive vector sum of all neutral 60 PF candidates within jets failing the pileup jet identification. The two selected leptons in the event are excluded from the each of these measures of $T, PT sum in each case. For a hadronic recoil vector is computed as _ -Z ijrp (4.4) with j"P corresponding the PT vectors of the visible leptons originating from the hard interaction. The magnitude and azimuthal angle 0 of the recoil, the scalar E ET of each of the $T variables, the momentum vectors of the two highest momentum jets in the event, and the number of vertices reconstructed in the event form the inputs for the BDT regression. The regression computes a correction to the magnitude and angle of the PF recoil in an attempt to match the true hadronic recoil. The regression is trained based on the recoil in a simulated sample of Z -> PP events, which are expected to have no inherent Z -+ 1up $T, and validated on a data sample selecting events. The corrected recoil, added to the vector sum of the leptons according to Eq. 4.4, produces a corrected measure of the The improvement achieved by the MVA PT of the visible gT. T is illustrated in Fig. 4-2, which shows the resolution and response of the components of the recoil parallel and perpendicular to the Z boson direction as a function of the number of reconstructed vertices for simulated and observed Z -± pup event samples. At 21 reconstructed vertices, the average for 2012, the MVA to the raw PF 4.4.2 $T improves the resolution by a factor of two with respect $T. Recoil Corrections Differences between data and simulation in the gT response and resolution are accounted for using corrections derived based on the hadronic recoil in Z -* PP events. The response and resolution of the components of the recoil parallel (u1l) and perpendicular (ua) to the Z boson are parametrized as a function of the Z boson PT and the number of reconstructed jets. The parametrization of the recoil determined 61 CMS Preliminary 2012 30 CMS Preliminary 2012 , , , ,130 U' Data Particle Flow 9 0 25 0 Data Particle Flow -25-MC Particle Flow 20 . I MC Particle Flow 20 * + Data Particle Flow MVA U) 0 y y 15 MC Particle Flow MVA 10 . t Data Particle Flow MVA *U, 0 - 0 15 MC Particle Flow MVA 10 * 5- 5 0 10 20 30 0 Number of Primary Vertices 10 20 30 Number of Primary Vertices Figure 4-2: Resolution of the components of the reconstructed recoil in the directions parallel (left) and perpendicular (right) to the Z boson direction versus the number of reconstructed primary vertices for simulated and observed Z -± ppi events. from data is compared to simulation for a sample of Z -* pH events and corrections for the response and resolution of the recoil are derived. These recoil corrections are then applied to simulated events as a function of the PT of the generated Higgs or Z boson and the number of jets. The of the 4.5 PT $Tis then recomputed as the negative vector sum of the leptons and the corrected hadronic recoil. Muon Reconstruction Muon reconstruction relies on information from the silicon tracker and the muon system. One approach starts by combining hits in the muon stations to form segments which are then used to reconstruct tracks. Muons based only on tracks in the muon system are known as Standalone muons. Global muons are reconstructed by matching standalone muons to tracks in the tracker. A global x 2 fit to the tracker track and the muon system hits determines the parameters of the global muon. Hits used for constructing the standalone muon may be removed from the global fit if they are incompatible with the trajectory. The combined information from the tracker and the muon chambers provides an improved measurement of the muon trajectory. An 62 alternative approach attempts to match a tracker track with a segment in a muon station. Muons reconstructed in this manner are known as Tracker muons. 4.5.1 Muon Identification Muons selected in the analysis are required to be either Global or Tracker muons. They are also required to have been identified as muons by the PF algorithm. Some additional quality requirements are imposed: o The normalized X2 of the global track fit is required to be be smaller than 10. o At least one segment in the muon stations is required to be included in the global track fit. o The muon are required to have track segments in at least two muon stations. o The muon is required to have at least one hit in the silicon pixel detector and hits in more than 5 layers of the inner track detector. These selection criteria are referred to as the Tight muon identification criteria. In order to reduce background from non-prompt muons, which could be produced in semi-leptonic decays of heavy flavor hadrons, and from pileup, constraints are also applied on the impact parameter of the muon track with respect to the primary vertex in the longitudinal direction (d,) and in the transverse plane (do). The impact parameters are required to satisfy Id2l < 0.1 cm and 4.6 |dol < 0.02 cm. Electron Reconstruction Electrons are reconstructed based on the presence of a track in the tracker and energy deposits in the ECAL. The reconstruction is complicated by the fact that they tend to lose a substantial portion of their energy through bremsstrahlung. The energy loss is described well by the Bethe-Heitler model [83], however, its distribution is non-Gaussian which introduces challenges for the electron track reconstruction. 63 The electron reconstruction [84] begins with a supercluster, a group of ECAL crystal clusters combined in order to capture the energy of the electromagnetic shower. A supercluster in the barrel region is seeded by a 5 x 1 cluster centered on a crystal with an energy deposit exceeding the seed threshold; adjacent 5 x 1 clusters in the / direction are added to the supercluster if they contain some of the shower energy. In the endcap, a supercluster is seeded by a 5 x 5 cluster centered on the seed crystal; an iterative process adds overlapping 5 x 5 arrays centered on crystals on the supercluster border to the supercluster if those crystals contain sufficient energy. A reconstructed supercluster is matched with compatible track segments in the pixel detector, accounting for the effect of the magnetic field. Compatible hits in successive tracker layers are then added in order to reconstruct the electron track. One method used for the track fitting uses the Kalman Filter (KF) technique [85]. However, this technique is not optimal unless the energy loss distribution is Gaussian. Therefore, a Gaussian Sum Filter (GSF) technique [86], based on a sum of Gaussian distributions, is used in order to model the energy loss through bremsstrahlung in a manner closely approximating the Bethe-Heitler description. The combination of a GSF track and compatible supercluster is known as a GSF electron. The momentum assigned to the electron is derived using a weighted mean of the supercluster energy and the track momentum measurements, with the weights depending on the uncertainties of each measurement. 4.6.1 Electron Identification GSF electrons are selected for the analysis based on a BDT discriminator which uses variables relating to the track quality, cluster shape, and kinematics. The following variables are used as inputs to the BDT: " Normalized x 2 of the KF track fit. * Number of valid hits in the KF track fit. " Normalized X2 of the GSF track fit. 64 * jArjjnj, rj distance between the supercluster and the track evaluated at the primary vertex. * distance between the supercluster and the track evaluated at the pri- IAbinl, mary vertex. * jAcaiol q distance between the supercluster seed and the track evaluated at the calorimeter surface. * o-is, cluster covariance matrix characterizing shower width in the r direction. " uoo, cluster covariance matrix characterizing shower width in the # direction. " H/E, the ratio of hadronic to electromagnetic energy. " Supercluster width in the rj direction. " Supercluster width in the " # direction. fbrem, the estimated fraction of bremsstrahlung energy in the electron energy. " Ratio of energy in 1 x 5 array of cells to energy in 5 x 5 array around the seed cluster. " R 9 , the ratio of energy in 3 x 3 array around the supercluster seed to the supercluster energy. " Ratio between the electron cluster energy and the track momentum evaluated at the ECAL surface. " Ratio between the seed cluster energy and the track momentum evaluated at the ECAL surface. 01 E 1 , where E is the electron energy and p the track momentum. o Ratio of energy in pre-shower detector to supercluster energy. 65 /rjI PTbJ < 20 GeV PT > 20 GeV PT < 0.8 0.925 0.905 0.8 < rjl < 1.479 0.915 0.955 IT| > 1.479 0.965 0.975 Table 4.1: Thresholds applied on the electron identification BDT discriminator output in different PT and T1 ranges. Selected electrons are required to have a discriminator output exceeding the appropriate threshold value. The sample of electrons treated as signal electrons in the BDT training is derived from a selection of Z -± ec events in data, while the sample of background electrons is derived from a selection of multijet events in which a jet is misidentified as an electron candidate. The detector response differs according to the electron 71. separately for three different T1 The BDT is trained regions, corresponding to the ECAL endcap (I'q > 1.479), the forward barrel region (0.8 < 171 < 1.479), and the central barrel region (IT1 < 0.8). It is also trained separately for low-PT electrons (PT < 20 GeV) and high- PT electrons (PT > 20 GeV). An electron is considered to pass the BDT selection if the discriminator exceeds the thresholds listed in Table 4.1. In addition, electrons selected by the analysis are required to satisfy the impact parameter constraints Id, < 0.1 cm and Idol < 0.02 cm with respect to the primary vertex. The conversion of a photon into an electron-positron pair in the detector can be a source of background, particularly in the case that one of the conversion legs carries most of the initial photon momentum. In order to minimize the probability that a selected electron comes from a photon conversion, electron candidates with tracks missing hits expected in the inner tracker layers are rejected. Vertex fits are also performed for pairs of compatible tracks; if the vertex fit probability is larger than 10-6, neither of the tracks have hits in the tracker layers between the interaction point and the fitted vertex, and the transverse distance between the fitted vertex and the selected primary vertex exceeds 2 cm, the pair is identified as a conversion and any electron candidate with a track corresponding to one of the tracks in the conversion is rejected. 66 4.7 Lepton Isolation Lepton candidates originating from jets tend to be surrounded by additional hadronic activity and are generally less isolated from other particles than the signal leptons which should be selected for the analysis. Lepton isolation is a further criterion used for rejecting backgrounds. Lepton isolation is computed by summing the PT of PF candidates in the neighborhood of the selected lepton, within a cone of size AR = 0.4. The lepton itself is excluded from the isolation sum by applying an inner veto cone for particles to be included, as detailed in Table 4.2. In the case of charged PF candidates, the candidate is excluded if the lepton track matches the track of the PF candidate. In computing the muon isolation, photon and neutral hadron candidates are considered only if their transverse energy exceeds 0.5 GeV. Additional particles originating from pileup can result in increased values of the isolation quantity, making a restriction on the isolation variable less efficient. To assist discrimination against pileup, charged PF candidates can be further classified as coning from the hard interaction, or as coming from pileup, based on whether or not the track of the charged particle can be associated with the selected primary vertex, determined by the z distance between the track and the primary vertex. Charged particles for which this distance is greater than 0.1 cm are designated as originating from pileup and are not used to compute isolation. However, the identification of particles coming from the selected primary vertex based on the association of their tracks with the vertex is only feasible for charged particles. A further correction is applied for the contribution of neutral particles used to compute the isolation which may be due to pileup and is known as the A/ correction. The pileup contribution of charged hadrons is first computed by taking the PT sum of all charged hadron candidates within the isolation cone which fail the primary vertex association; in the case of the muon isolation they are required to have PT > 0.5 GeV and be outside a cone of size AR = 0.01 around the selected lepton. The neutral contribution from pileup is then estimated to be one-half of the charged contribution, based on the approximate 67 e isolation veto cone size 0.01 (barrel), 0.015 (endcap) 0.0 0.08 0.0 p isolation veto cone size 0.0001 0.01 0.01 0.01 PF candidate type Charged Neutral hadron Photon Charged, PU Table 4.2: Minimum AR (with respect to lepton candidate) of PF candidates used to compute contributions to lepton isolation for different candidate types. relative frequency of charged hadron and neutral hadron production. This estimate is subtracted from the neutral contribution to the isolation sum; the maximum correction allowed is the full value of the original neutral isolation contribution. The corrected combined isolation is defined as PT +max I : where Echarged PT, neutral PT, 0, PT + and Z PT (4.5) PT) PT ycharged,PU neutral charged are the contributions of charged particles, neutral hadrons, and photons to the isolation sum and Zcharged,PU the estimated contribution of charged hadrons originating from pileup. Selected leptons are required to be isolated by applying a maximum threshold on their relative isolation, II (4.6) PT with pl being the lepton transverse momentum. Ire, < 0.15 and Irel < 0.10 in the barrel (1gj The restriction for electrons is < 1.479) and endcap (171 regions respectively. Muons in the region IT,} < 1.5 ( rj > 1.479) > 1.5) are required to have Irel < 0.15 (Irei < 0.10). 4.8 Di--r Mass Reconstruction Reconstruction of the T-pair invariant mass is an important element of the analysis since it is the variable used to extract the presence of a H -+ TT signal. However, the reconstruction of the di-tau system is complicated by the presence of neutrinos 68 CMS Simulation, Is = 8 TeV (1 0.16 - 0.14 CMS Simulation, ep Z-m ------ H--TT, m 0.10 = 125 GeV E> 0.12 ------ H-mTt, m = 125 GeV . 10.10 - - 0.08 0.0 0.06 -- 0.04 0.040.02- 0.020.00 ep 8 TeV ~Z-)*TT 0 -z- CD is = 0 50 100 '' '''' 150 200 ' O 250 . 0 .. 50 100 150 200 250 MT [GeV] mvis [GeV] Figure 4-3: Distributions of the invariant mass of the visible T-pair decay products, mvis (left) and the SVFit mass (right) compared for samples of simulated Z -+ TT events and H -- TT events for an SM Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV. The histograms are normalized to have unit area. from the T-lepton decay which carry a significant portion of the energy. An algorithm known as SVFit is used to estimate the r-pair invariant mass, mm-, based on the momenta of the visible products from the T-lepton decay and the $g. The SVFit mass provides a better separation of signal from the Z -+ Tr background than just the mass of the visible decay products (mvis) as can be seen in Fig. 4-3, and achieves a resolution of 15 - 20 % on A fully-leptonic T mIT. decay is characterized by 3 unconstrained parameters, chosen to be: " The fraction of energy carried by the visible lepton from the tau decay, x. " The azimuthal angle # of the tau direction. " The mass of the two-neutrino system, m,,. Constraints are provided by the four-momentum of the visible lepton from the and $x and $,, T decay, the x- and y-components of the $T. A maximum-likelihood method is used to estimate the most probable value of m,, based on the known parameters. 69 The m,, reconstruction relies on constructing a likelihood function f V|p is VIS, a1 ,(4.7) 62) for measuring the observed gT with components $X and $y, given that the four- momenta of the visible tau decay products have the values piis and piis, and that the unknown parameters characterizing the two tau decays have the values d (x, #1 , mn,mi) and a2 = (X 2 , #2 , m,,,2). The likelihood is a product of three likelihood functions, modeling the kinematics of the two tau decays and the compatibility of a T-pair decay hypothesis with the measured $Trespectively. Matrix elements [87] are used to model the leptonic tau decays: , = d dx dmn,, do c 4m2" [(m2 + 2m!,)(mi ' (T within the constraints 0 < x < 1 and 0 < mv, < mV1 - - m!,)] V' , (4.8) x. The likelihood function quantifying the compatibility of a tau decay hypothesis with the measured $T is defined to be T L, (gT) =exp 1 : P" x- -- 1 V-. Here, V is a covariance matrix representing the expected using a $--significance $X - Z P/ $T (4.9) resolution estimated algorithm [88], V ( f , (4.10) and IV is the determinant of the matrix. E p", Z p" represent the sum of the neutrino momenta in the x and y directions respectively. The probability of measuring a mass mI 70 is computed from the combined likeli- hood as P(mT) J S (mrn - ms (p1 , f& 'T PVis s , d -d , (4.11) and the best estimate for m,, is taken to be the value of m'T which maximizes this probability. The VEGAS integration program [89] is used to compute the integral, scanning mTT in steps of a few GeV. The best estimate of performing a quadratic fit to the value of mTT mTT is obtained by found by the scan to maximize the likelihood and the two neighboring points and taking the most probable value found by the fit. 71 Chapter 5 Event Selection As described in Section 1.5, the H - TT analysis relies on the selection of the T-pair decay products. For the final state with an electron, a muon, and 4 neutrinos, referred to in this thesis as the ep, final state, this implies the selection of a well-identified and isolated electron and muon of opposite charge. A sequence of selection requirements is imposed in order to reject sources of background while preserving a high efficiency for signal events. The selected events are then classified in categories in order to improve the analysis sensitivity by exploiting Higgs boson production kinematics or by benefiting from improved mass resolution in the designated categories. 5.1 Trigger Selection The eu selection relies on events passing either a "Mul7Ele8" trigger at HLT, requiring a muon candidate of PT > 17 GeV and electron candidate of or a "Mu8_Ele17" trigger at HLT, requiring a muon candidate of electron candidate of PT > PT PT > 8 GeV, > 8 GeV and 17 GeV. In order to cope with increasing instantaneous luminosities and maintain reasonable trigger rates, the quality requirements on the electron leg of the trigger became more stringent with the progress of data-taking in 2011 and 2012, as did the PT thresholds applied on the trigger objects at the Li trig- ger level. At the beginning of the 2011 data-taking period, both triggers were seeded 72 by an Li trigger requiring a muon candidate with PT > 3 GeV and a Li electron or photon (e/-y) candidate with PT > 5 GeV. The version of the Mul7_Ele8 trigger used at the end of the data-taking period in 2011 had an Li requirement of a muon candidate of PT > 12 GeV and an e/-y candidate of PT > 5 GeV, while the version of the Mu8Ele17 trigger used at that time required an e/ candidate of PT > 12 GeV and no threshold on the muon leg at L1. In 2012, the Mui7_Ele8 trigger was seeded by an Li trigger requiring a muon candidate of PT > 12 GeV and an e/-y candidate of PT > 7 GeV. Table 5.1 lists all of the HLT paths used in the analysis and the integrated luminosity corresponding to the data collected with each trigger. Only one version of each of the Mui7_Ele8 and the Mu8_Ele17 triggers was used at any given time. The successive versions of each trigger imposed slightly more stringent identification and isolation criteria on the trigger objects. The selection criteria imposed on the electron trigger object are indicated in the names of the trigger paths listed in Table. 5.1 and further described in Table 5.2. Events selected for the analysis were required to pass at least one of these triggers. Integrated Luminosity (fb 1 ) Trigger Path 2011 Mu17_Ele8_CaloIdL Mu17_Ele8_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL Mu8_Ele17_CaloIdL Mu8_Ele17_CaloIdT_CaloIsoVL 2.0 3.0 1.2 3.8 2012 Mul7_Ele8_CaloIdT-CaloIsoVL-TrkIdVL-TrkIsoVL Mu8_Ele17_CaloIdTCaloIsoVLTrkIdVL-TrkIsoVL 19.7 19.7 Table 5.1: List of trigger paths used to select events and the integrated luminosity of the data collected with each of the triggers. 73 Trigger name label Calo~dL Calo~dT TrkIdVL CalolsoVL Trk~soVL Selection criteria for barrel (endcap) electrons H/E < 0.15 (0.10) C< 0.014 (0.035) H/E < 0.10 (0.075) CldUicx < 0.011 (0.031) <0.01 (0.01) TAVin < 0.15 (0.10) ECALIso/ET < 0.2 (0.2) HCALIso/ET < 0.2 (0.2) Trklso/ET < 0.2 (0.2) Table 5.2: Requirements on electron trigger objects corresponding to different labels used in HLT trigger path names. The H/E, -inin, IATin , and JA5inl variables are described in Section 4.6.1. ECALIso, HCALIso, and TrkIso refer to isolation quantities computed based on energy deposits in the ECAL, HCAL, and tracker respectively within a cone of size AR = 0.3 around the object. 5.2 Lepton Selection After applying the trigger requirements, further offline selection criteria are imposed. The selection requires one muon in the pseudorapidity range 1r1 < 2.1 and one electron with IrA < 2.3. Asymmetric PT thresholds are applied on the leptons; the leading and trailing leptons are required to have PT > 20 GeV and PT > 10 GeV respectively. Selected events with a low-PT muon between 10 and 20 GeV are required to have passed the Mu8_Ele17 trigger, while those with an electron between 10 and 20 GeV are required to have passed the Mu17_Ele8 trigger. Events in which the PT of both leptons exceeds 20 GeV can be selected by either trigger. In order to ensure that the leptons selected offline are the same as the objects which fired the trigger, the selected electron and muon are required to be within AR < 0.5 of the corresponding trigger objects, where AR represents the distance in ?1k space. The muon and electron are required to fulfill the identification and isolation requirements described in Sections 4.5-4.7. The asymmetric choice of pseuodorapidity thresholds on the lepton candidates are driven by slightly different analysis considerations. The restriction on the muon T1 was originally dictated by triggering limitations and coherence with analyses in other final states involving muons; and although the current eu triggers used in the 74 analysis would permit the offline selection of muons up to 2.4 in rl,, no advantage in sensitivity has been found from such an expansion of the muon 'q acceptance. Thus the offline restriction on muons to be selected in the range rj| < 2.1 is maintained. Conversely, the triggers used for the analysis would permit the offline selection of electrons up to 2.5 in Ilq. However, the restriction of electrons to IqI < 2.3 is driven by considerations related to the estimation of the Z TT background. This background - is modeled using an embedding technique described in Section 6.2.1, which relies on the selection of two reconstructed muons in collision data which are then replaced with simulated tau decays. The restrictions on the kinematic acceptance for muons result in poor statistics for events with visible T decay products reconstructed at higher values of 17j in the embedded event sample, motivating a threshold of 2.3 on the electron pseudorapidity. Again, this choice is found to have no adverse effect on the sensitivity of the analysis. A dedicated analysis targeting the associated VH production node considers final states with 3 or 4 leptons (electrons, muons, or hadronic taus) coming from the T-pair decay and from the decay of the associated W or Z boson [901. In order to remove any overlap of events, events selected in the ey final state are removed if they are found to have an additional electron or muon with PT > 10 GeV fulfilling the selection criteria used in the VH analysis. These selection criteria are listed in Table 5.3. Electron selection criteria for additional lepton veto Kinematics PT > 10 GeV, IrI < 2.5 Impact parameter Id2| < 0.2 cm, Idol < 0.045 cm Identification Electron identification BDT (Section 4.6.1) Isolation Irel < 0.3 Muon selection criteria for additional lepton veto Kinematics PT > 10 GeV, lql < 2.4 Impact parameter Id2l < 0.2 cm, Idol < 0.045 cm Identification Tight muon identification (Section 4.5.1) Isolation Irel < 0.3 Table 5.3: Selection criteria used for additional lepton veto. Events containing an additional electron or muon satisfying the corresponding requirements are rejected from the analysis. 75 A possible, albeit small, source of background to this analysis comes from Z -+ pp events in which one of the muons from the Z boson decay radiates a photon which could convert to electrons, one of which may satisfy the electron selection requirements. In order to suppress this background to negligible levels, the selected electron is required to have no additional reconstructed muon with PT > 3 GeV within AR < 0.3 to reduce the likelihood that the electron comes from a photon radiated by a muon. 5.3 Lepton Selection Efficiency While Monte Carlo simulation provides an excellent modeling of physics processes and description of detector response for the most part, there may still be differences with respect to collision data in describing the detector due to inaccurate detector simulation or changing conditions with the progress of data-taking. Such discrepancies can lead to differences in the efficiencies for selecting physics objects between collision data and simulation. These discrepancies can be corrected for by measuring the efficiencies for selecting the relevant physics objects in observed data and simulation, and applying the appropriate corrections to the simulation in order to provide a better description of the data. The correction takes the form of a scale factor, Edata/EMC, applied to simulation as a weight on an event-by-event basis, where Edata and EMC are the efficiencies measured in data and simulation respectively. The efficiency measurements most relevant for this analysis are those of the lepton selection efficiencies. The absolute efficiency for selecting a lepton cannot, in general, be measured in data. Instead, the procedure followed measures the conditional probability of a reconstructed object (a GSF electron or a Global muon), to fulfill the additional stricter requirements implemented in the analysis selection. Measuring the same probability in simulation and applying the corresponding scale factor, Edata/EMC to simulation provides a good reproduction of the data selection efficiency in simulation. The method used to determine lepton selection efficiencies relies on Z boson decays 76 to pairs of leptons and is known as the tag-and-probe method [91]. 5.3.1 Tag-and-Probe Method The tag-and-probe technique relies on the selection of Z -+ cc or Z - pp events. The procedure begins with the selection of di-lepton events. Stringent selection criteria are imposed on one of the two lepton candidates in order to reduce backgrounds; this lepton is known as the "tag". The other lepton is known as the "probe"; the efficiency for the selection requirements under study is given by = N pass Npass + Nfail (5.1) where Npass and Nfai1 are the numbers of probes passing or failing the requirements respectively. In order to select Z boson events with high purity, the di-lepton mass is required to be in a window around the Z boson mass, chosen to be between 76 GeV and 106 GeV for this analysis. In the cases where the remaining backgrounds are deemed to be nonnegligible, the numbers of passing and failing probes and the corresponding efficiencies are determined after background subtraction by performing a simultaneous likelihood fit to the di-lepton mass distributions from the event samples in which the probes pass or fail the selection requirements, known as the "passing" and "failing" samples. Since the detector response differs in different kinematic regions, the selection efficiencies and the corresponding data-to-simulation scale factors are measured in bins of PT and r for this analysis. 5.3.2 Lepton Identification and Isolation Efficiency The efficiencies for identification and isolation requirements are measured in one step for electrons and muons using an implementation of the tag-and-probe technique. For the purpose of this analysis, the tag electron (or muon) is required to be a GSF electron (or Global muon) which satisfies the corresponding lepton identification and isolation requirements. The probe lepton is a GSF electron or Global muon within 77 the PT and y range for which the efficiency is being measured. In order to prevent any bias in the probe selection from trigger requirements, the events used for the measurement are collected using single lepton triggers which are fired by the tag leptons. The selected events are divided into passing and failing samples based on whether or not the probe passes the identification and isolation requirements. A simultaneous likelihood fit to the di-lepton mass distributions for the passing and failing samples is performed to measure the efficiency in data. The signal model used for the likelihood fit is obtained from a convolution of the mass shape template derived from simulation with a Gaussian distribution. The simulation is thus used to model effects like final state radiation and detector effects which influence the shape of the mass distribution, while the Gaussian accounts for differences in modeling the energy scale and resolution between data and simulation. For the electron efficiency measurement, an exponential function is used to model the background shape in the passing sample, and a double exponential for the background in the failing sample. In the case of the muon efficiency measurement, the background levels are small in both the passing and failing samples; consequently, an exponential model is used for the background shape in both samples. Figure 5-1 shows representative examples of the fit results used to determine the efficiencies for electrons and muons. The measurement of the lepton identification and isolation efficiency in simulation does not suffer from the added complication of background contamination because of the availability of the MC generator information. The measurement can be directly performed on objects matched to leptons at generator level. Both tag and probe leptons are required to be matched to generator-level leptons originating from the Z boson decay within AR < 0.5. The efficiency in each bin of PT and ij is then simply calculated by counting the number of passing and failing probes in that bin and computing the passing fraction using Eq. 5.1. The efficiencies and scale factors measured for the electron and muon identification and isolation efficiencies in different PT and Tj regions are listed in Appendix A. The derived scale factors are applied as event weights to simulation as a function of the 78 PT and T of the selected electron and Failing probes Passing probes C/) : 1.5 < 900 JI~ 1711< 2.3 15 GeV < p < 20 GeV -T 800 11978 Events =0.2 I' -0,0021 CD : 1.5 < ITl < 2.3 > 5000 N=~g1'40.± l ±91 =1 0490.8 =32685.0 ±242.4" N 72616 Events 02.7 ±18.1 N 00 N.-= 1 700 =00021 E= 0.2430 15 GeV < p < 20 GeV 13545.6 t 255.5' 4000 600 500 3000 400 2000 300 200 - 1000 100 . 0 80 100 80 12 12 100 Mee [GeV] mee [GeV] Failing probes Passing probes +00007 50000 0.0 < 1r1< 0.8 1 25 GeV < pT < 30 GeV 364057 Events 40000 0.8 < < _0.0 D18000 25 GeV< p < 30 GeV 0=0.8141-0. N =3189235 605. LJ 6000 N00 =2805.3t156.3- 14000 95704 Events E=0. 31410 N = 7 2834.6 N =2 297.2 888.1± 93.9 12000 30000- 10000 8000 20000- 6000 ............I ......... 4000 10000: 2000 80 100 0 120 m,, [GeV] 80 100 120 m,, [GeV] Figure 5-1: Examples of results of the simultaneous fit to the di-lepton mass distributions from the passing and failing samples used for electron (top) and muon (bottom) identification and isolation efficiency measurements. The examples shown are the fits used the measure the efficiency of electrons in the range 15 GeV < PT < 20 GeV and 1.5 < IrI < 2.3 (endcap region) and of muons in the range 25 GeV < PT < 30 GeV and 0.0 < 17| < 0.8 (barrel region). The dashed red curve represents the fitted background while the solid blue curve represents the sum of the fitted signal and background in each sample. muon. Figure 5-2 shows the efficiencies for 8 TeV data and simulation measured in bins of PT and TI. 79 w 1. 0- 1.0 0. 0.8 0. 0.6 0. 4 - 0.4 - 0--0 -t -uData -0-M +MC 0. 0. 0 . 50 100 - - -UData 0.2 0.0 15 0 e pT [GeV] w +sMC -2 0 2 e il U.) 1. 1.0 0. 8 0.8 0. 6 0.6 0 0. 0.4 -w Data 0. 2 -0. - Data 0.2 +MC +MC 50 100 0.0 150 -2 0 2 pl PT [GeV] p Figure 5-2: Lepton identification and isolation efficiencies measured in 8 TeV data and simulation for electrons (top) and muons (bottom), as a function of lepton PT and r. 5.3.3 Trigger Efficiency The efficiency an event to pass the trigger is derived from the efficiencies of an electron and muon passing the full selection requirements to pass the corresponding leg of the electron-muon trigger, which is described in Section 5.1. The trigger efficiency is measured using Z --+ Tr events in the eu channel which satisfy the offline ep selection requirements. For the measurement of the electron trigger efficiency, electron-muon events are collected using a single muon trigger fired by the selected muon. The muon is treated like a tag lepton and is required to pass the full muon selection require80 ments. The selected electron, which is required to pass the full electron selection requirements, is treated as the probe. The electron trigger efficiency is derived from the fraction of probe electrons which pass the electron leg of the trigger. Similarly, for measuring the muon trigger efficiency, events are collected using a single electron trigger fired by the selected electron and both leptons are required to pass the full selection. The muon trigger efficiency is then measured from the fraction of probe muons which pass the muon leg of the trigger. Since the background contamination from non-cp events after applying the full lepton selection is quite low, the efficiencies are obtained by simply counting the number of passing and failing probes in each case and calculating the fraction of passing probes in the sample. As for the identification and isolation efficiencies, the trigger efficiencies are also calculated in bins of PT and Rather than applying the trigger efficiencies measured in data to the simulation directly, simulated events selected in the analysis are required to pass the cy trigger implemented in simulation, and the scale factors between the trigger efficiencies measured for data and simulation are applied to bring the simulated efficiencies closer to the observed efficiencies. The scale factors are applied in the form of event-by-event weights to the simulation. The efficiencies and scale factors measured for the electron and muon trigger legs in different PT and q regions are listed in Appendix A. Figure 5-3 shows the efficiencies for 8 TeV data and simulation measured in bins of PT and I. 5.4 b-Tagging Efficiency and Mis-Tag Rate The use of b-tagging to identify events which contain a b-jet is relevant for the categorization of events in both the MSSM and SM analyses (Section 5.6). Differences between simulation and data in the efficiency for tagging b-jets and the rate for mistagging jets from light quarks or gluons are corrected for by using measurements of the efficiencies and scale factors in data and simulation [92, 93]. The procedure followed attempts to correct the simulation to have the same b-tagging efficiency and mis-tag 81 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 -uData 0.2 -5Data 0.2 + MC 0.c MC 50 100 e 0.0 150 pT[GeV] -2 0 2 en w 1.C 1.0 O.8 0.8 O.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 -uData SData 0.2Il O.0 -- U 0.2 +WMC 50 100 0.U 150 [pT +MC - 0 2 L1 [GeV] Figure 5-3: Trigger efficiencies measured in 8 TeV data and simulation for the electron leg (top) and muon leg (bottom) of the epu trigger, as a function of lepton PT and q. rate as data by re-classifying randomly chosen subsets of b-tagged and untagged jets as un-tagged or b-tagged respectively as required. The efficiencies and scale factors are applied based on the PT, q, and flavor of the jet in simulation. Topological Selection 5.5 The principal source of background after the lepton selection is from the electroweak Z -4 TT process with the same T-pair final state, with a cross section several orders of magnitude larger than that expected for the signal. In order to improve discrimination 82 against the Z - TT background, selected events are classified in categories designed to enhance Higgs boson production by exploiting the production kinematics. The selection criteria used for the categories also result in improved T-pair reconstructed mass resolution which allows for better separation of a signal, at higher mass, from the Z -+ TT background, which peaks at the Z boson mass. Prior to this categorization of events, a selection is applied based on event topology in order to reduce other sources of background such as tt, W+jets, and QCD multijet production. 5.5.1 Standard Model Higgs Analysis Selection The topological selection applied makes use of a multivariate analysis based on a Boosted Decision Tree (BDT), relying not only on discriminating variables but also on their correlations. The goal of this selection is to discriminate between signal events and events originating from non-di-T sources, primarily tt, by relying on the expected kinematics of events with genuine T-pairs. The variables used target distinguishing information about the event such as the correlation between the directions of the visible leptons and the $Twhich are strongly related for di-tau events, impact parameter information which could indicate the relatively long lifetime of the tau, and b-tagging information which could identify a tt event. The following variables are used in the BDT: * pls, the transverse momentum of the combined four vector of the two selected leptons projected onto their bisector in the transverse plane. * p(, the projection of the missing transverse energy vector on the same bisector. * The A0 between the electron and muon. * The missing transverse energy, e The transverse mass mT(ll, $T) 9T. between the dilepton system and the mT(ll, 9T) =I2pfTg$(1 - cos(A#(ll, 83 VT))), $T. Here (5.2) where pj is the PT of the dilepton system and AO(1l, between the dilepton system and the $T) the azimuthal angle $. " The transverse impact parameter do of the electron with respect to the selected primary vertex. * The CSV b-tag discriminator value of the leading (highest-pT) jet with PT > 20 GeV in the event, providing it exceeds the CSV Loose threshold of 0.244. This cut-off is used because the CSV distribution is not well-modeled in simulation at very low values below the Loose threshold. Figure 5-4 shows the distributions of these variables for simulated gluon fusion and VBF signal samples for a Higgs boson of mass 125 GeV, and for the tt and fakeinduced (W+jets/multijet) backgrounds. Each of the variables provides discriminating power between the signal and background. The BDT is trained using a combination of simulated gluon fusion and VBF signal events against the tt and fake-induced backgrounds. The output of the topological BDT is shown for the relevant samples in Fig. 5-5, demonstrating the power of the discriminator to separate signal from background. Events are selected if they have a BDT output exceeding -0.5; this threshold is chosen to maximize the signal significance. This working point corresponds to an efficiency of > 96% and > 91% for simulated samples of gluon fusion and VBF signal events respectively. Figures 5-6 and 5-7 show the distributions of the BDT input variables for the observed data and for the expected background contributions for the 2011 and 2012 data-taking periods respectively. The BDT output distributions are shown in Fig. 58. The techniques used to model the various signal and background processes are described in Chapter 6. These distributions are obtained after applying the lepton selection. 5.5.2 MSSM Higgs Analysis Selection In the case of the search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to tau pairs, an alternative topological selection is applied which relies on the correlation between 84 m.0.18 ggH(125)-r - qqH(125)-4TT 0.18 0.14 - fakes 0.16 - DI 40.20 - 0.16 ggH(125)-+t qqH(125)-+TT t - - - - 0107 7 - 0.18 7 - 0.16,- - <0.20 fakes - 0.14 0.12 - ggH(125)-+T' qqH(125)-mT t fakes 0.14 - 0.12 0.12 - 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 00 -j0.02 00 10 20 30 10.14...-.t...I.'I 40 - 0.12- 0.10- 50 60 70 P. [GeV] - ggH(25)-TT qqH(125)-+tt - fakes - 0 -50 O 0J 100 50 0.0.... 0.07 - - 0.06 - . L~V 0.18-'''' .......... ggH(125)--TT qqH(125)-T -- fakes 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 - 0.16 - 0.14 - ~- 2.5 3.0 ggH(125)-nT qqH(125)-m fakes 0.12- 0.05 0.08- 0.100.04 0.06 0.08 - 0.03. 0.06: 0.04 -0.02- 0.02 0..0 20 40 60 80 100 0.04 0.0.04 J1--00 0.022 120 0 140 F [GeV] 20 10 30 40 60 50 70 80 90 100 m1(Il1 ) .020-0.015-0.010-0.005 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 e dO ................. -ggH(125)--oTc qqH(125)-+-T 0-14-ft - 0.12 fakes 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 OO A .1 . . . 1.1 , - I... 0.2 0.3 0.4 1... 11. . . . . 0.5 0.6 07 08 0 1.0 b-tag discriminator Figure 5-4: Distributions of discriminating variables used as inputs for the topological BDT; the distributions are shown for simulated gluon fusion (ggH) and VBF (qqH) events, for simulated tt events, and for a sample of QCD multijet and W+jets events (labeled as "fakes"). Each histogram is normalized to have an area of 1. From upper row (left) to bottom row: projected visible transverse momentum p"iS, projected transverse missing energy p(, A0 between the electron and muon, transverse missing energy $T, transverse mass mT between the dilepton system and the $T, do of the electron with respect to the selected primary vertex, CSV discriminator value of the highest-PT jet with PT > 20 GeV passing the CSV Loose working point in the event. the pC and pvis projections. This simpler selection is used because some of the BDT variables and their correlations may be affected by the choice of model for the signal. 85 'i''' ~50.24 0.22 '''i' ggH(125)-*tt - qqH(125)-m 0.20 - -t f -- 0.18 111111'''1' -- fakes 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02- -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 BDT output Figure 5-5: Output of the topological BDT for simulated gluon fusion (ggH) and VBF (qqH) events, for simulated tt events, and for a sample of QCD multijet and W+jets events (labeled as "fakes"). Each histogram is normalized to have an area of 1. The analysis selects events which exceed a threshold of -0.5 on the BDT output. The analysis strives to be model-independent as far as possible. Genuine di-T events are expected to have the visible leptons close to each other in r/c space and genuine missing energy from the neutrinos in the same direction as the leptons. In events with one or more fake leptons, the separation between the lepton candidates is more evenly distributed and the missing energy need not be correlated with the lepton candidates. The selection applied requires the quantity D( with a = 0.85, to be larger than -20. -(5.3) = The cut is also useful in rejecting tf events, 86 CMS Preliminary, is =7 TeV, L= 5.0 fb*' CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 b' . 15,H(12 5 GV-V.I CMS Preliminary, is : 7 TeV, L = 5.0 lb' (n 7000 ----- 5H 5GVWe a10000 >observed SxH(i25GV) xWW -0-observed 6000 r OCD 5000 8000 big k 5000 [== obser'ed electroweak C"-]oco bkg uncertainty WW 4000 4000 2000 2000 - 2000 1000 10 20 30 40 pvis CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = - e4 - 5.0 fbi 5x(12 50 -100 0 50 0 y~4000C GeV)-,,i b' .. x. (1. 3500 ..... c 3500 CMS Preliminary, is= 7 TeV, L = m--abgucrany - 5.0 Mb' i 0) observed 3500 ep ------ G- kg uncertainty 5xH(125 GeV)-WW observed b9 3000 2500 2500 2000 2000 1500 7 eeCtroweak 3000 if 3000 e 0$p G.h(1'25 SxH(125 GeV)-,WW electroweak letroweak 150 100 50 [GeV] CMS Preliminary, is = 7 Tell, L = 5.0 eg --- 0 100 P - -observed 4000 -50 [GeV] 5xH(125 GeV(-WW -A 1000 Ck 0 4500 5,.H(i2l3.V - 3000 3000 0/) eli 6000 uncertainty 6000 4000 in co - bkg uncertainty - CL elactroweak electroweak i uncertainty 1500 1000 1000 500 500 0 50 100 150 0 20 40 60 CMS Preliminary, 80 m (11) a C [GeV] is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 tb' U) 3500 C 3000 e eak 101 [GeV] 005 0.010 0.015 0.020 e d0(PV) I QCD bkg unertintiy 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 b-Tag Discriminator Figure 5-6: Discriminating variables used as input for the topological BDT for the data collected in 2011. From upper row (left) to bottom row: projected visible transverse momentum pvS, projected transverse missing energy 0(, A# between the electron and muon, transverse missing energy $T, transverse mass mT between the dilepton system and the transverse missing energy, do of the electron with respect to the selected primary vertex, CSV discriminator value of the leading jet with PT > 20 GeV passing the CSVL working point in the event. despite the presence of two real leptons, since the more complicated top-quark decays result in more diluted projections. The values of both ce and the threshold applied on D( are chosen in order to maximize the significance for observing a signal. Figure 5-9 shows the distribution of the D( variable for the data and the expected backgrounds 87 CMS Preliminary, Is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 C0 U 25000 fb-' -5xH(125 --- CMS Preliminary, -wi wU electroweak 20000 EZJ C0 is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 flb' CMS Preliminary, U) 25000 '5 GeV)-.iw GeV)-.WW 40000 -- bse, ~Zelectr 35000 r bug bk 30000 kg unicertainity C () epa L = 19.7 fb' GCV)%-ei 5 1(25 GeV)-.iiN S-l 20000 weakn lecrowealk ncertainty un Dkguncertainty 15000 25000 15000 is = 8 TeV, -e 20000 10000 10000 15000 10000 5000 5000 5000 U IV _1U au 0 Ou qu -100 -50 U 50 100 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb' 18000 ep > 16000 - -----------. 6 CMS Preliminary, is = GeV)-., 5xH(125 GeV)-+VVW -I observed C14000 * Z oweak 14000 12000 - 5x'H( - A$ p [GeV] pVis [GeV] 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb' ------- 5xH(125GeV)-+WW -- 11- observed -- electroWeak T 12000 3QCD bkg uncertainty CMS 20000 GV)-.tr ep > -. OCD blll kg 10000 10000 - uncertainty . 18000 8 TeV, L 19.7 fb" -5(1'25 ------- ep -0- 5xH(125 GeV)-+WW observed eltoweak 16000 14000 a QCD bk9 uncertainty- - 12000 8000 10000 8000| Preliminary, %= 300 0.-05 0-010H G 0.5 0.010 0.015 0.020 6000 6000 600 4000-- 4 000 2000 2000 00 400 L 2001 DOO 150 ET mT [GeV] CMS Preliminary, is =8 TeV, L = 19.7 (11) [GeV] 0.005 0.020 e do(PV) fb' 42 C 16000 e -0- W 14000 observed lectroweak - 12000 bguncertainty 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 b-Tag Discriminator Figure 5-7: Discriminating variables used as input for the topological BDT for the data collected in 2012. From upper row (left) to bottom row: projected visible transverse momentum pvlS, projected transverse missing energy 0(, AO between the electron and muon, transverse missing energy $T, transverse mass mT between the dilepton system and the transverse missing energy, do of the electron with respect to the selected primary vertex, CSV discriminator value of the leading jet with PT > 20 GeV passing the CSVL working point in the event. in 2011 and 2012 for events passing the lepton selection. 88 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb" CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb' U) C 5xH(125 GeV)->rT -- 5 10000 ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-)WW observed -g U) 5xH(1'25 ---Ge )-+TT ------- 5xH(1 25 GeV)->WW --0 106 le L observed electroweak electroweak 8000 10 5 Cbkg uncertainty b kg. uncertainty ~ 6000 1 104 4000 101 2000 102 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1. 10kj -1.0 0 -0.5 0.5 0.0 BDT output CMS Preliminary, %s 8 TeV, L = 19.7 ----------- a) 50000 BDT output CMS Preliminary, is =8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb7' U) 5xH(125 GeV).-+n 5xH(125 10 7 5xH(125 GeV)-rWW observed fb" ---i-5xH(1 25 GAV-'TT* 4- Z-mnnT -----GeV) -e-observed WW W electroweak Zeectroweak aCD 40000 1.0 10 C]bkg. uncertainty QCD 5 [~~~)bkg. uncertainty 104 30000 103 20000 102 10000 0 -1.0 10 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 BDT output Figure 5-8: (upper left) (lower left) value larger 5.6 5.6.1 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 BDT output Output of the topological BDT for the data collected in 2011 in linear and log scale (upper right) and for the data collected in 2012 in linear and log scale (lower right). Selected events are required to have a BDT than -0.5. Event Classification Standard Model Higgs Analysis Event Categories Selected events are classified in the following 6 mutually exclusive event categories in order to exploit the topology of Higgs production mechanisms through gluon fusion or VBF and in order to further discriminate against background processes. The VBF process in particular provides a distinct experimental signature of two energetic jets 89 CMS Preliminary, IS = 7 TeV, L = - 800080 7000 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L -= 19.7 W1 5.0 fb __I )-sak (1ew -- 5xH( 25 GeV) WW observed ern 30000 ek _., e 5xH( 25 GeV)-4WW observed eectroweak electroweak 250002 6000 Lulbkg. uncertainty li]bkg. uncertainty 5000 20000 4000 15000 3000 10000 2000 1000 00 -150 -100 -50 0 50 D, -150 100 [GeV] -100 -50 0 50 100 D, [GeV] Figure 5-9: Distribution of the D( variable for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). largely separated in rapidity, due to the two quarks produced in association with the Higgs boson. Due to an absence of color exchange, no additional jet is expected in the rapidity gap between these two jets, referred to as the "tagging" jets. Two of the event categories are optimized to provide sensitivity to VBF Higgs boson production, while the others are sensitive to gluon fusion Higgs boson production. Distributions of variables which are relevant for the event categorization are shown for the different signal processes in Fig. 5-10. The fractional composition of the signal contribution in each event category, as well as for the inclusive selection, is illustrated in Fig. 5-11. 9 VBF tight: This event category exploits the topology of Higgs boson production through the VBF process and has an improved purity for selecting VBF signal events. At least 2 jets with PT > 30 GeV fulfilling the jet selection criteria described in Section 4.3 are required. The difference in 7 between these two jets ( A5jj) is required to be greater than 4.0 and the mass of the di-jet system (mjj) is required to be greater than 700 GeV. A central jet veto requires no additional jet with PT > 30 GeV between the two selected jets. The PT of the Higgs boson candidate system, constructed from the leptons and the $T, is required to be greater than 100 GeV. These requirements enhance VBF Higgs boson production and reduce the background from Drell-Yan T-pair produc- 90 -ggH(125)-mT qqH(125)-mtr VH(125)-+tt 0. 0. 0. 5 0. 0. 2 -0. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Number of jets 0.40 - 0.30 - 0.35 ggH(125)-:TT qqH(125)-*tVH(1 25)-m 0.35 - 0.30 - ggH(125)-+'rT qqH(125)-mr' VH(125)-+-T 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 100 50 150 200 251 0 50 I I AI I I 100 '" 150 Leading jet pT [GeV] 0.40 - 0.35 PT (t) :5 ggH(125)- T qqH(125)-+TVH(125)-+-T - 0.45 0.45 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.05 - 300 [GeV] -ggH(1 25)-+-n -qq H(1 25)--mr - VH(1 25)--TT - 0.40 0.30 0.00 250 200 -.. . .. 0.05 0 " " " ' " . 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9001000 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AT(jj) M(jj) [GeV] Figure 5-10: Comparison of distributions for the different SM Higgs boson signal 125 GeV at N/s = processes, shown for simulated event samples produced for mH 8 TeV. Top row: number of reconstructed jets with PT > 30 GeV. Middle row: leading jet PT for events with at least one reconstructed jet, Higgs candidate system PT. Bottom row: invariant mass of two leading jets and distance in pseudorapidity between them for events with at least two reconstructed jets with PT > 30 GeV. All distributions are normalized to have unit area. 91 *ggH *VBF *VH Inclusive 0-Jet low p 0-Jet high p 1-Jet low p 1-Jet high p VBF loose VBF tight 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100 Signal composition (%) Figure 5-11: Estimated SM Higgs boson signal composition (as percentage of the total signal yield) for mH = 125 GeV in each event category and the inclusive selection for the 8 TeV analysis. tion. In order to suppress background from tt events, an additional veto on any b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV is applied. * VBF loose: This category is intended to select VBF signal events which fail to satisfy the more stringent criteria described for the VBF tight category. The events in this category are required to not be selected in the VBF tight category, to have at least 2 selected jets with PT > 30 GeV satisfying I r/?j > 3.5 and mjj > 500 GeV, no jet with PT > 30 GeV between the selected jets, and no b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV. e 1-Jet: This category is mainly intended to exploit the process of gluon fusion Higgs boson production with an additional jet. The Higgs boson system tends 92 to be boosted due to its recoil against a high-pT jet in such events. The higher PT of the Higgs boson leads to a selection of events with higher scattering process; the corresponding better precision in the $Tin $T the hard measurement improves the reconstruction of the invariant di-T mass. Additionally, it allows better separation of the Higgs boson signal from the Drell-Yan di-T production, which is expected to have a softer PT spectrum. Events assigned to this category are required to have at least one jet with PT > 30 GeV and to not be selected in either the VBF tight or VBF loose event categories. Events with one or more b-tagged jets with PT > 20 GeV are vetoed in order to suppress the tt background. This category is further split into two sub-categories based on whether or not the PT of the muon is greater than 35 GeV. The high lepton PT sub-category is introduced for better discrimination against the Drell-Yan 7-pair background. Events in which the muon PT is smaller than or equal to 35 GeV are added to the low lepton PT sub-category. e 0-Jet: All selected events which do not fall into any of the above event categories are collected in this category. An event in this category is required to have no jet with PT > 30 GeV and no b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV. The 0Jet category contains the large majority of the events selected by this analysis. Its main purpose is to provide constraints on experimentally measured quantities. Measurements of the electron energy scale, efficiencies, and background normalizations are constrained in this category and propagated to other categories allowing for a precise measurement of the signal sensitivity in the other categories. As for the 1-Jet category, this category is also split into two sub-categories based on the muon PT. 93 5.6.2 MSSM Higgs Analysis Event Categories In order to enhance the sensitivity of the MSSM Higgs boson search, the sample of selected events is split into the following two mutually exclusive event categories. e B-Tag: This event category is intended to exploit the production of Higgs bosons in association with b-quarks, a process which is enhanced in the MSSM. At least one b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV is required in this category. Events in this category are required to not have more than one jet with PT > 30 GeV in order to suppress the large tt background. e No B-Tag: This event category is mainly sensitive to the gluon fusion production mechanism. Events in this category are required to have no b-tagged jets with PT > 20 GeV. 94 Chapter 6 Signal and Background Modeling Despite the efforts to suppress Standard Model background processes with respect to the Higgs boson signal, the expected contribution from a signal in the collision events selected by the analysis is still much smaller than the expected background contribution. Before evaluating the existence of a possible signal in the data by identifying an excess of events over the background expectation, one must have an excellent description of the SM background processes which could enter into the selection, and of the expected behavior of the signal processes under study. The techniques used to describe the relevant physics processes rely both on simulation and on observed data. In the cases where Monte Carlo simulation is used, corrections are applied to the simulation in order to account for differences between simulation and observed data. 6.1 Signal Modeling The expected behavior of the signal processes under study is modeled based on theoretical calculations by way of simulation. The gluon fusion and VBF processes are simulated using POWHEG [94,95] interfaced with PYTHIA for parton showering and hadronization. For the gluon fusion simulation, the PT distribution of the Higgs boson obtained from POWHEG at NLO is re-weighted using next-to-next-to-leading 95 order (NNLO) k-factors calculated using the HRES program [96]. the effect of the re-weighting. Figure 6-1 shows The effects of the finite mass of the top-quark are taken into account in these calculations. The simulated event samples used to model the associated production of a Higgs boson with a W or Z boson is produced using PYTHIA. C,, )efault 35 30 Re-weighted - 25 20 15 10 5 1.2 0 1.0 0.8 - 0 100 200 300 Higgs pT [GeV] Figure 6-1: Effects of the re-weighting of the NLO Higgs PT spectrum obtained from POWHEG (labeled "Default") using NNLO k-factors obtained using HRES. The MSSM signal processes are modeled using simulated samples produced with PYTHIA. The cross sections and branching ratios used to obtain the normalizations for each signal contribution are discussed in Section 3.3. 6.2 6.2.1 Background Estimation Drell-Yan ir-Pair Production (Z -+ r-r) This is the largest source of background for the analysis. The Drell-Yan process involves the annihilation of a quark and anti-quark producing a Z boson (or a virtual 96 photon), subsequently decaying to pairs of oppositely-charged leptons. The presence of the decay products of a real T-lepton pair makes the final state for the Drell-Yan 7-pair background indistinguishable from the signal. The correct modeling of this background is crucial for the analysis and is done with the help of a sample of events produced using a technique known as "embedding". This "embedded sample" is derived from a sample of observed events obtained using criteria designed to select Z -± pp events. The reconstructed muons in this sample are replaced by simulated T-leptons which are decayed by TAUOLA. The kinematics of the simulated taus are determined based on the kinematics of the original reconstructed muons. The list of reconstructed PF candidates for each event is updated by replacing the PF muons with the reconstructed tau decay products. PF-based reconstruction algorithms, such as $T and jet reconstruction, are then run using the updated list. Events for which the visible tau decay products satisfy PT and TI requirements determined by the kinematic thresholds used in the analysis event selection are allowed to enter into the embedded sample. Events which fail these requirements have their T-lepton decays repeated, until the kinematic requirements on the visible decay products are satisfied. For the final sample of embedded events, an event-by-event weight is applied based on the probability of obtaining the corresponding tau kinematics. The embedded sample has the advantage of providing a better description of jets, gT, and pileup effects than a purely simulated sample. The embedded technique also improves the background modeling by providing a sample with large statistics thanks to the large number of Z -+ pp events produced in collision data. Since the visible leptons are modeled using simulation however, data-to-simulation scale factors are applied to account for discrepancies in lepton selection efficiencies. The background contamination in the embedded sample due to the selection of dimuon events not originating from the Drell-Yan process is evaluated by applying the embedding procedure to simulated event samples describing other processes, such as tt or di-boson events which could potentially enter the selection. The contamination due to these processes has been found to be negligible in the analysis event categories, 97 with the slight exception of the tt contamination in the B-tag event category which has a small effect. Accordingly, the estimated tt yield in this category is adjusted down by 2% percent in order to compensate for the slight over-estimation of tt. Systematic uncertainties related to this effect are assessed and incorporated into the analysis (Section 7.7.2). A simulation-based estimate of the inclusive yield (prior to event categorization) for this process is obtained from a sample produced with MADGRAPH interfaced with PYTHIA as described in Section 3.2.2. The yield is then corrected based on the observed Drell-Yan yield by measuring a scale factor between the yields observed in data and predicted by simulation for a selection of Z -± ppu events and rescaling the inclusive Z Z - TT - TT yield in simulation accordingly. This prediction of the inclusive yield based on Z - The efficiencies for Z - TT pp events is used to normalize the embedded sample. events to enter the selection for the individual event categories are determined using the embedded sample which has been normalized to the inclusive prediction. 6.2.2 Top-Quark Pair Production (tt) The leptonic decays of top-quark pairs can also produce final states in which an electron, a muon, and $7 are present. The tE background is modeled with the help of simulation produced using MADGRAPH interfaced with PYTHIA for the analysis of 7 TeV data and using POWHEG interfaced with PYTHIA for the analysis of 8 TeV data (due to a lack of sufficient statistics, the MADGRAPH sample generated at 8 TeV does not adequately describe the phase space under consideration). The inclusive tt yield obtained from simulation is corrected to account for residual differences between observed data and simulation by applying a scale factor measured between the yields observed in data and predicted by simulation in a tt-enriched selection of events. The tt-enriched selection requires events with an electron and muon which satisfy the lepton selection requirements described in Section 5.2 to have at least 2 jets with PT > 30 GeV, at least one b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV, and large $ (greater than 80 GeV). This selection has an expected purity of 98 about 92% for selecting tf events. A scale factor between the yields obtained in data and predicted by simulation is obtained after subtracting the remaining estimated background contributions. Scale factors of 0.95 t 0.10 and 0.96 ± 0.10 are measured for the analysis of the 7 TeV data and 8 TeV data respectively. These scale factors are then used to adjust the inclusive tt yield predicted by simulation to the observed yield. 6.2.3 Jet-Induced Backgrounds: W + jets and QCD Multijet Production Background sources for which one or both of the selected lepton candidates are "fakes" or mis-identified leptons are referred to as fake backgrounds. The main sources of fake backgrounds are W+jet events, in which the W boson decays leptonically and a jet is mis-identified as a lepton, and QCD multijet events, in which both selected lepton candidates are mis-identified jets or leptons from heavy flavor decays. Z+jet events, in which the Z boson decays leptonically but one lepton escapes identification and a jet is mis-identified as a lepton of the other flavor, are another small source. These fake backgrounds are estimated from data using a procedure known as the "fake-rate" method. This method relies on the determination of the efficiency Efake of a "fakeable" object, defined by a relaxed set of selection requirements, to fulfill the additional stricter lepton selection requirements for the analysis. The efficiency Efake is referred to as the fake-rate. A fakeable electron is defined by the following requirements: " The candidate is required to be reconstructed as a GSF electron (Section 4.6). " It has PT > 10 GeV and lr/ < 2.3. " It satisfies the impact parameter constraints Idol < 0.2 cm for the transverse impact parameter and Id, < 0.1 cm for the longitudinal impact parameter with respect to the selected primary vertex. " It satisfies the conversion rejection requirements described in Section 4.6.1. 99 * It satisfies oi, < 0.01(0.03), Aoi5,l < 0.15(0.10), Ainl < 0.007(0.009) if it is in the barrel (endcap) region. (These variables are described further in Sec- tion 4.6.1.) " It has relative track isolation, relative ECAL isolation, and relative HCAL isolation all less than 0.2. These isolation quantities are computed from the energy sum of the tracks or energy deposits measured in the corresponding sub-detectors in the vicinity of the candidate, normalized to the candidate PT. A fakeable muon is defined by the following requirements: " The candidate is required to be reconstructed as a Global muon (Section 4.5). " It has pT > 10 GeV and Irl < 2.1. * It has Idol < 0.2 cm with respect to the selected primary vertex. " It has relative track isolation, relative ECAL isolation, and relative HCAL isolation all less than 0.4 if it has PT > 20 GeV, otherwise it should have absolute track isolation, absolute ECAL isolation, and absolute HCAL isolation all less than 8 GeV. The fake-rates are measured in data from a background-enriched sample of events collected by single lepton triggers. The rates for background events with objects which fire these single lepton triggers are too high for all events to be stored; therefore, a "prescale" procedure is implemented for such triggers. Only one out of every N events which fire the trigger is accepted and stored for analysis; N is known as the trigger prescale factor, and is adjusted to maintain a manageable trigger rate while allowing for the collection of a reasonable control sample. Events in the calibration sample used for measuring the fake-rates are required to have passed one of a set of single lepton triggers, to have one fakeable object as defined by the criteria listed above, and one reconstructed jet, separated from the fakeable object by AR > 1.0. The reconstructed jet is required to have PT > 25 GeV for the muon fake-rate calibration sample and PT > 35 GeV for the electron 100 fake-rate calibration sample; these thresholds are chosen so that the kinematics of the system recoiling against the jet approximate the expected phase space for the background being estimated. In order to prevent the fakeable objects used for the fake-rate computation from being real leptons from W boson decays, the PF $T is required to be less than 20 GeV for the sample collected at 7 TeV and less than 25 GeV for the sample collected at 8 TeV. Real leptons from Z boson decays are rejected by requiring that the event not have a second reconstructed lepton. The measured efficiency for fakeable objects to pass the full lepton selection requirements, Efake, is parametrized in bins of the fakeable object PT and T. Figure 6-2 shows the fake-rates measured in 8 TeV data for electron and muon fakeable objects. . 2.0 1.5 0 1.0 0.12 0.10 5-5 0.5 .- 2.0 0.26 0 2?1.5 .0 0.24 0.22 -1.00 0.5 14 0.20 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.18 -0.5 0.06 -0.5 0.16 -1.5 0.04 -1. 0.12 0.10 -2. 0 -2.0.02 10 15 20 25 30 35 fakeable object pT [GeV] 10 15 20 25 30 35 fakeable object pT [GeV] 0.08 Figure 6-2: Fake-rates measured for electron (left) and muon (right) fakeable objects, as defined in Section 6.2.3, to pass the full lepton selection requirements in 8 TeV data, parametrized in bins of PT and ij. The fake-rates computed from the calibration samples are then applied to a sample of observed events which pass the full analysis selection requirements, with the exception that one of the lepton candidates is required to pass the fakeable object selection but fail the full lepton selection criteria. This lepton is referred to as the "failing" lepton. Each event in this sample is then given an event weight based on the fake-rate measured for the PT - I bin occupied by the fakeable object; the weight 101 is computed as (Pf , rfail) Efakei(Pil, rfail) _fake 1- (6.1) where pfai and r7fail are the PT and rI of the failing lepton in the event and Efake(P fil, the fake-rate value measured for the corresponding PT fail) and rq bin. The sum of the event weights computed for all events in the sample provides a prediction of the fake background yield. The procedure described above double counts the contribution from multijet events for which both leptons are fakes. The extent of the double counting is estimated by requiring both leptons in the selection to be failing leptons, i.e., fakeable objects which fail the full lepton selection. The event weights for this sample are then computed as 6 fake ll 1 1 - Efake(r fal with pj, rfail and pfail Efake(Pll, rfail), Efake fail fail) ail) X representing the ail) PT Efake (p , 1-ilEfake(PT2, (fail ail) 'a2) 1 fail (6.2) and q of the two failing leptons and the corresponding fake-rates. The contribution of the double-counted background is estimated by summing all the event weights computed in this sample; this contribution is then subtracted from the overall fake-rate prediction. Since the lepton selection used in the analysis is not fully efficient for selecting events with two real leptons, the fake background estimate obtained from the application of the fake-rate method has some contamination from processes with real leptons which fail the full lepton selection. The extent of this contamination is estimated by applying the fake-rate extrapolation procedure to di-boson, tt, and Drell-Yan simulation, requiring the failing leptons to be matched to real leptons (based on the true generator information). This contamination is found to be 17% of the inclusive yield obtained from the fake-rate prediction; the overall fake prediction is scaled down accordingly to account for this inefficiency. While the fake-rate method provides the predicted rate of the fake-induced backgrounds, the shapes of the distributions for the relevant observables and m,, for the fake backgrounds are estimated from a sample of observed events in which the elec102 tron and muon candidates fulfill the lepton selection requirements but have the same charge, instead of the opposite charge as required in the full event selection for the analysis. The same-charge selection provides a description of processes for which a jet is mis-identified as a lepton, including QCD multijet events and W/Z + jets events in which one of the selected leptons is a mis-identified jet. The same-charge sample is normalized inclusively to the yield predicted by the fake-rate procedure. The number of events in the same-charge sample is not sufficient to provide an adequate description of the fake background for all event categories; in order to obtain sufficient statistics in the 0-Jet high muon PT category, the electron isolation requirement is inverted, while for the 0-Jet low muon PT and 1-Jet low muon PT categories, the electron isolation requirement is removed. In the 1-Jet high muon pT and VBF event categories, the same-charge sample does not contain sufficient events to provide a reasonable description of the fake background even after relaxing isolation requirements; the shape of the fake background in these categories is predicted using the event sample obtained from the application of the fake-rate procedure. 6.2.4 Other Backgrounds: Di-Boson, Single-Top Backgrounds from di-boson production (WW, WZ, ZZ) with the W or Z bosons decaying leptonically constitute a relatively small contribution to the total background and are modeled using simulation, which is produced using with PYTHIA. MADGRAPH interfaced Another relatively small source of background is the production of a single top quark in association with a W boson. This process is simulated using POWHEG interfaced with PYTHIA. The normalizations for these backgrounds are esti- mated from simulation based on the cross sections listed in Table 3.4, after the relevant data-to-simulation correction factors discussed in Chapter 5 have been applied. 6.2.5 H -+ WW -+ 212v SM Higgs boson events decaying to pairs of W bosons which further decay leptonically are found to have an expected contribution at almost the same level as the H 103 -+ r signal for the VBF event categories, and a somewhat reduced contribution for the other SM analysis event categories. For the purpose of this analysis, which targets the T-pair decay mode, the SM Higgs boson with mass mH = 125 GeV is treated as a background process. The H in the same way as the H - TT - WW background is modeled using simulation, signal (Section 6.1). For the purpose of estimating the normalization of this background, the Higgs boson production cross sections and branching ratio to W boson pairs are obtained as described in Section 6.1. The relevant data-to-simulation correction factors are applied as for other simulationbased background estimations. 6.3 Control Distributions Figures 6-3 - 6-17 demonstrate that the data is well-modeled by the background predictions for both 2011 and 2012 for distributions of relevant observables. These include the lepton kinematics, the Higgs candidate PT, the visible mass and the SVFit mass, the number of jets and number of b-tagged jets, jet kinematics, and the m1 1 and IA7gjj distributions. All of these are produced after applying the topological BDT selection (Section 5.5.1). The leading jet PT and q distributions (Fig. 6-10, Fig. 6-11) are produced with the additional requirement of a jet with PT > 30 GeV in the selected events, while the sub-leading jet kinematic distributions and the mjj and IA733 distributions (Fig. 6-12 - 6-15) are produced requiring at least 2 jets in the selected events. The leading b-jet distributions (Fig. 6-16 and Fig. 6-17) are produced requiring at least one b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV in the event. The processes labelled as "electroweak" include the expected di-boson and single-top contributions. In all cases, good agreement is seen between the observed and expected distributions within the estimated uncertainties on the background estimations, providing confidence that the event kinematics are described correctly by the techniques discussed in the preceding sections. 104 1 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb'1 CD, 2500 - ------------- --- ci 5xH(125 GeV)-nr 5xH(125 GeV)-WW observed - U) 4, w: electroweak ti QCD bkg. uncertainty 2000 1.............5xH(125 Ge ------- 5xH(125 Ge V)-+WW -9observed 250 0 20( 0 1500 15( 0 1000 10( 0 electroweak -if QCD bkg. uncerta inty 5( 0 500 0 -2 -1 0 0 20 0 2 1 60 40 80 100 PT [GeV] = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb~ CMS Preliminary, %8 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fbW, (D a) 2500 ---- -e 5xH(1 25 U) C e)t ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-)WW -e-- observed -if 2000 LU electroweak 200 0 uCD e [ ------ 5x1(125 GeV)-*tr -------0- 250 ]bkg. uncertainty electroweak ti - 1500 150 0 1000 100 0 5xH(125 GeV)-*WW observe QCD [ ]bkg. unc ertainty 0500 0 50 0 -2 -1 0 0 2 20 40 60 80 100 e p [GeV] e ii Figure 6-3: Pseudorapidity r; (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the selected muons (upper row) and the selected electrons (bottom row) for the data collected in 2011. 105 CMS Preliminary, +- 9000 is = 8 TeV, !! i L = 19.7 fb C CMS Preliminary, . . . . . . . . . . I U, -5xH(1 CD 25 GeV)-TCt ----- 5xH(1 25 GeV)->WW -@observed -mr 8000 is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb71 5xH(125 GeV)-+t ------ 5xH(125 GeV)-4WW observed Z-4Ttr ep. >10000 electroweak electroweak t-t - i QCD 7000 QCD 8000 bkg. uncertainty bkg. uncertainty 6000 6000 5000 4000 4000 3000 2000 2000 1000 0 -2 -1 0 0 2 0 U 20 40 60 80 100 I PT [GeV] CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb 10000 1 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 b' U) 4- --- xH(125 Ge'V)->tc' -e ---- 5xH(125 GeV)-4WW observed a, - electroweak -T -i 8000 ------ 5xH(125 GeV 1 ' ----. 5xH(125 GeV )-WW -@observed 10000 8000 QCD 6000 6000 4000 4000 2000 2000 0 -2 -1 0 1 -1C electroweak t! QCD [--Jbkg. uncertain bkg. uncertainty 0 2 0 20 40 ' ' 60 ty 80 100 e pT [GeV] Figure 6-4: Pseudorapidity rq (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the selected muons (upper row) and the selected electrons (bottom row) for the data collected in 2012. 106 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 4U) 22000 (D) 20000 W 18000 ------- 5xH(1 25 GeV)-rWW observed 4500 w fb *ee"uuZ-uw 4000 ejectroweak ti ] QCD 3500 2 i---- --- 7 electroweak - ti QCD 16000 e bkg. uncertainty fb 5x1(1 25 GeV)5xH(1 25 GeV)-+WW observed 7 bkg. uncertainty 14000 3000 12000 -7 2500 - 10000 2000 8000 1500 6000 1000 4000 500 2000 0 0 50 100 150 200 pT(rt) 0 250 0 50 100 150 200 [GeV] PT(Tt) 250 [GeV] Figure 6-5: Higgs candidate system PT for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). 1 1 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb ' 0 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-+WW -0observed 600 -xH(125GeV)-+KT z ---- xH(125 GeV)-+rr ------ 5xH(125 GeV)->WW observed Z-+TT electroweak i QCD bkg. uncertainty .eg 2200 200( electroweak 500 2400 180( QCD bkg. uncertainty 1 60( z0 400 0 300 - - 140( - 120( 100( 800 200 - 600 W- 400 8 e- 200 100- 0 100 200 0 300 mv,, [GeV] 100 200 300 mvis [GeV] Figure 6-6: Visible mass, myi,, of the T-pair decay products for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). 107 - CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb-' CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb' 1600 (D~ 400 0 350 ------- 5xH(1 25 GeV)-+MW 5xH(125 GeV)-*WW ---0 observed :-ep -- --. 1400 eg -----0- electroweak 17 300 electroweak ti QCD 7 xH(125 GeV)-+tr 5xH(125 GeV)-4WW observed 1200 -t- bkg. uncertainty QCD bkg. uncertainty - z 250 1000 a 800 200 600 150 100 400 50 200 0 0 100 200 0 300 3 200 100 300 m, [GeV] M, [GeV] Figure 6-7: SVFit mass, m,,, for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb U) W C 5xH(125 GeV)-4t 101 eg 177777 5xH(125 GeV)-+WW observed electroweak ti QCD e 10 5 U) CMS Preliminary, is = ci 7 1 ' 1097 L = 19.7 fb 1 5xH(125 GeV)-Jtr eo uJ 8 TeV, ---- - 10 5xH(125 GeV)-+WW observed electroweak if QCD bkg. uncertainty bkg. uncertainty 105 104 10 4 3 10 10 10 r 10 0 2 4 0 6 Number of Jets 2 1 6 Number of Jets Figure 6-8: Number of jets with PT > 30 GeV for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). 108 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 uJU) 1015 10 5 1 fbW CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb --- 5xH(125 GeV)-+11 -5xH(125GV)+ (D, ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-+WW observed Z-*Tv electroweak r -ti r ,rep. 10 1 U) F -- 1-- observed Og rU -- F - electroweak -.r i 17 QCD e bkg. uncertainty QCD I bkg. uncertainty 105 104 4 10 103 103 102 102 r - --.-- 10 1 2 q. .I . 3 4 0 PT > 20 GeV for the data collected in 2011 1 900 (D) W 800 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb7 ..I CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = CD) It .XH(1 25 heV) l ------- 5xH(125 GeV)->WW observed eg 4) w: 4 SZ-m electroweak 1000 ti GCD bkg. uncertainty 600 5.0 fb 1 ---- '5xH1 25 GeV)%*zv 5xH(125 GeV)-+WW -4 1- observed 1200 -eg Z-m T 700 4 Number of b-Tagged Jets Number of b-Tagged Jets Figure 6-9: Number of b-tagged jets with (left) and 2012 (right). 3 2 1= LI - electroweak ti""]QCD bkg. uncertainty 800 500 600 400 300 400 200 200 100 0 -4 -2 0 2 0 4 100 200 300 Leading jet pT [GeV] Leading jet TI Figure 6-10: Pseudorapidity r/ (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the leading jet with PT > 30 GeV in events with at least one jet for the data collected in 2011. 109 CMS Preliminary, is = U) +-- w 3500 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb -~ GeV)-WW observed - 3000 is = 8 TOV, L = C CMS Preliminary, C) eV)-tn 5xH(125 -5xH(125 5000 eg electroweak - tt 2500 4000 bkg uncertainty 2000 19.7 fb7' --- 5xHl125 GeV)%t ----- 5xH(125 GeV)--WW -observed electroweak t QCD Cbkg uncertainty 3000 1500 2000 1000 1000 500 0 -4 0 -2 2 a" 4 0 300 200 100 Leading jet pT [GeV] Leading jet rj Figure 6-11: Pseudorapidity q (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the leading jet with PT > 30 GeV in events with at least one jet for the data collected in 2012. CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb' (D ci +W I 450 eg 400 . Cl) ----. 5xH(125 GeV)-+n ----- 5xH(125 GeV)-4WW -0observed ci) 220 +uJ W it ----- g- L 5xH(125 G3eV)--+n -------- tt QCD 160 140 250 120 200 100 5xH(125 GeV)-WW observed electroweak 180 1=1QCD bkg. uncertainty 300 Sbkg. uncertainty 80 150 60 100 40 50 0 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb' 200 electroweak 350 240 20 100 200 200 300 300 0 -4 -2 0 Second jet pT [GeV] 2 4 Second jet il Figure 6-12: Pseudorapidity 77 (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the sub- leading jet with PT > 30 GeV in events with at least two jets for the data collected in 2011. 110 CMS Preliminary, C/) C 2200 () 2000 w ' is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb" 1000 '5xHll125 GeV)-nTT ~JZ-nTT 1800 800 tiQCD 1b1 5xH(125 LeV)- TT ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-WW observed - -- U) electroweak 1600 is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 C: ------- 5xH(125 GeV)--)WW observed e CMS Preliminary, electroweak QCD bkg. uncertainty [2bkg. 1400 uncertainty 600 1200 et 1000 400 800 600 200 400 200 0 100 0 300 200 -4 4 2 0 -2 Second jet pT [GeV] Second jet 1 Figure 6-13: Pseudorapidity r (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the subleading jet with PT > 30 GeV in events with at least two jets for the data collected in 2012. CMS Preliminary, U) w 300 is = 7 TeV, CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fb 5xH(1 25 -. GeV)-->s ------- 5xH(1 25 GeV)--WW observed et 250 - 200 1 L = 5.0 fb" [ U) C: - a) electroweak ti0 .QCDe bkg. uncertainty -0- 1200 5xH(1 25 GeV) -tt 5xH(1 25 GeV)->WW observed electroweakti ]QCD --->bkg. uncertainty 1000 800 -- 150 600 100 400 50 0 200 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 M(jj) [GeV] M(jj) [GeV] Figure 6-14: Invariant mass of the two leading jets in 3 for events with at least two jets with PT > 30 GeV for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). 111 C) CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb" - --- I 5xH(125 GeV)-4rr 5xH(1 25 GeV)-4WW observed 350 a, -eg 300 1 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 b U) C LuJ electroweak ti QCD bkg. uncertainty 250 1600 ------- 5xH(1 25 GeV)->rr ------ 5xH(1 25 GeV)-+WW observed 1400 electroweak . QCD 1200 E---:-:3bkg. uncertainty - - 1000 200 800 150 600 100 400 50 0 200 0 0 0 6 4 2 6 4 2 Aq(jj) A(jj) Figure 6-15: Distance between the two leading jets in pseudorapidity IAqjjI for events with at least two jets with PT > 30 GeV for the data collected in 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). 1 CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb CMS Preliminary, is = 7 TeV, L = 5.0 fb (D 200 W 180 ej~i 25 GeV)-+tr 5xH(1 25 GeV)->WW observed ---0-- -i 160 140 ] [ 3eV)-+rt 5xH(125 5xH(125( GeV)-4WW observed ci, -5xH(1 (D 2 a, :e -- 50 - electroweak electrowe ak i 2 QCD QCD bkg. unce rtainty 00 kg. uncertainty 2 120 50 100 80 k+ 00 - 60 40 50 20 0 -2 0 0 2 0 100 150 200 Leading b-jet pT [GeV] Leading b-jet fl Figure 6-16: Pseudorapidity i (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the leading b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV in events with at least one such jet for the data collected in 2011. 112 CMS Preliminary, is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 C f1b CMS Preliminary, ----5xH(125 GeV)-+rt ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-*WW observed 1000 LU 800 5xH(125 GeV)-:ct C: LU electroweak Is = 8 TeV, L = 19.7 fbY' 1 200 -0- electroweak 1000 Q CD ~Zbkg. uncertainty - ------- 5xH(125 GeV)-rWW observed ei QCD bkg. uncertainty 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 0 -2 0 0 2 0 50 100 150 200 Leading b-jet pT [GeV] Leading b-jet il Figure 6-17: Pseudorapidity T1 (left) and transverse momentum PT (right) for the leading b-tagged jet with PT > 20 GeV in events with at least one such jet for the data collected in 2012. 113 Chapter 7 Systematic Uncertainties The estimations obtained for the different signal and background processes under consideration may be affected by a variety of systematic effects, which are addressed in the analysis through the incorporation of systematic uncertainties. Both experimental and theoretical sources of uncertainty need to be considered. Uncertainties which affect the event yield for a particular process are referred to as normalization uncertainties, while those which affect the shapes of distributions under consideration are referred to as shape uncertainties. Wherever possible in the analysis, data-driven techniques or control samples in data are used to estimate background contributions in order to reduce systematic effects due to inaccuracies in simulation. Systematic uncertainties, propagated to uncertainties on the predicted signal and background shapes or yields in each event category, are treated as nuisance parameters in the maximum likelihood fit to the observed and predicted m,, distributions used for the statistical analysis of the results, described in Chapter 8. The normalization of a process affected by nuisance parameters representing normalization uncertainties is assigned a probability density function based on a log-normal distribution: P(N I No,) 1 v/2e2wu r in No eN ( (ln(N/No)) 2(lnt') 2 (7.1) ns)2 Here No is the event yield for the process estimated by the analysis, and K represents 114 the size of the relative uncertainty. For instance, a 2% uncertainty would correspond to a r parameter of 1.02. The effects of systematic variations affecting the shape of the m,, distribution are implemented using a morphing technique which interpolates between the nominal shape estimated for a process, and alternative shapes which represent the effects of the systematic variations on the predicted mass distribution. The event yield in each mass bin is determined by the interpolation function, which is quadratic between the one standard deviation upper and lower bounds, and linear beyond those bounds. The associated nuisance parameter has a standard normal distribution, which has its mean value of 0 at the nominal prediction for the mass distribution. The various sources of systematic uncertainties considered for this analysis and the methods used for evaluating them are described in the following sections. 7.1 Luminosity The estimated yield from processes which rely solely on simulation is proportional to the integrated luminosity corresponding to the collected data. Uncertainties on the luminosity measurement thus result in uncertainties on the estimated yields for these processes. The method used for luminosity calibration is described in Section 2.3. The integrated luminosities corresponding to the data found to be usable for analysis in 2011 and 2012 were 5.0 fb-1, with an uncertainty of 2.2% [36], and 19.7 fb- 1 , with an uncertainty of 2.6% [37], respectively. The uncertainties arise from variations in the effective beam widths measured during different Van der Meer scans, and the "afterglow" effect, noise due to particles originating from previous bunch crossings. These uncertainties translate directly into uncertainties on the yields of signal and background processes whose estimation depends on the luminosity measurement. 115 7.2 Lepton Selection Uncertainties on the lepton selection efficiency measurements described in Section 5.3 arise from the statistical uncertainties of the event samples used for the measurements, and uncertainties due to the fit models used. The lepton selection uncertainty translates directly into a corresponding uncertainty on the normalization of any process in which simulation is used to model the lepton selection. The uncertainties due to the fit models are estimated by generating pseudo-data using reasonable alternative models, and evaluating the bias obtained by fitting with the nominal models used for the signal and background shapes. The overall uncertainty on the lepton selection efficiencies, including the selection and triggering efficiencies, are estimated to be 2% for both muons and electrons. 7.3 Lepton Energy Scale Differences between the lepton energy scale between data and simulation can lead to differences in the m, shape and in the kinematic acceptance for events entering the analysis selection, and can be measured by fitting the di-lepton mass distribution in Z - 11 events. Such effects on the electron energy scale are found to be within 1%. To account for this a shape uncertainty is applied on the m,, template used for the signal and for Z - TT, for which a mass peak would be affected by energy scale effects. The electron PT is adjusted up or down on an event-event basis to account for a systematic shift of +1% in the electron energy scale, and the a change in the measured lepton PT $T is adjusted accordingly (since would affect the measurement of the $T in the event). These changes are propagated to the computation of the SVFit mass (m,,) and the estimated yield of events entering different event categories. Alternative shape templates are thus obtained corresponding to systematic variations of the electron energy scale, and the m,, shape is allowed to vary between these alternative shapes in the combined fit. Figure 7-1 shows the alternative shapes obtained after applying the electron energy scale variations, compared to the nominal shape. The effects of 116 the muon energy scale uncertainty are found to be negligible in comparison, and are subsumed within the shape variation allowed for the electron energy scale uncertainty. .U Nominal shap e ..---- +17 shape ------- -1y shape z0 .~o _0 50 50 100 100 150 200 250 300 350 M, [GeV] Figure 7-1: Alternative shapes for the m,, shape for gluon fusion signal simulation (generated at mH = 125 GeV) with systematic variations of the electron energy scale applied, compared to the nominal shape. The shapes are shown prior to the classification of events into mutually exclusive event categories. The electron energy scale is varied up (down) by 1% and the m,, recomputed for the shapes corresponding to the +lu (-c-) variations. 7.4 Jet Energy Scale Differences in the energy scale of jets reconstructed in data and simulation can affect the efficiencies for processes estimated using simulation to enter the analysis event categories which rely on the selection of jets exceeding a specified PT threshold and on jet kinematics. These differences are corrected for by adjusting the energy scale of simulated jets as described in Section 4.3.1. Uncertainties on the jet energy scale measurements can affect the estimated yields in different categories and are measured as a function of jet PT and r [78]. These uncertainties are propagated through the 117 analysis by varying the jet energies up and down by the amount of the uncertainty, and measuring the corresponding change in event yields in each category. The effect of the variations for each affected process in each category is taken to be the jet energy scale uncertainty for that process in the corresponding event category. Changes in the jet energy scale will affect categories with and without jets in an anti-correlated manner. The additional effects of systematic variations of jet energy resolution have been assessed to be negligible for this analysis. For the 8 TeV analysis, the effect of the jet energy scale uncertainty on the tf yield ranges from 2 - 3%, in the 1-Jet category, to up to 22% in the VBF loose category. The effect on the VBF signal process is 4 - 5% in the VBF categories, while the effect on the SM gluon fusion signal is 2 - 3% in the 0- and 1-Jet categories. For the MSSM Higgs analysis, the effects are of the order of 1% for all processes in the No b-tag category and range up to 7%, for tt, in the B-tag category. 7.5 Scale 1 1T $T scale The uncertainty on the is obtained from the measurement of the correction (Section 4.4.2), and affects processes in which the in the $T candidate $Tis $T recoil simulated. Changes scale can affect the efficiency of the topological selection and the Higgs PT selection in the VBF tight category, which rely on the the jet energy scale uncertainty, the effect of the by shifting the $T scale $Tscale $T. As for uncertainty is determined up and down by the estimated uncertainty for the affected processes, and measuring the change in the yields predicted for each event category. The effects of the $T scale uncertainty are found to be within 1 - 2% for most categories, except for the VBF tight category, where the effect is found to be 10% for the top and di-boson backgrounds. 118 7.6 b-Tagging and Mis-Tag Rate Uncertainties on the b-tagging efficiency and mis-tag rate and the corresponding scale factors affect the rates estimated in event categories relying on the selection or veto of b-tagged jets for processes which are estimated using simulation. These uncertainties are evaluated based on jet PT, r/, and flavor [92,93]. Similar to the jet energy and $T scale uncertainties, these uncertainties are propagated through the analysis by varying the b-tag and mis-tag scale factors up and down by the measured uncertainties and assessing the effect on the event yields in each category; the size of the effect is determined by the composition of each signal or background process. For the 8 TeV SM Higgs analysis, the effects of these uncertainties are negligible for most processes, and have a 3% effect on the tt yield in the 1-Jet and VBF categories. The MSSM Higgs analysis event categories are affected to a larger extent, with the effect of the b-tagging efficiency uncertainty ranging from 1 -5% and the effect of the mis-tag rate uncertainty ranging from 2 - 5%, depending on the process. 7.7 Other Normalization Uncertainties In addition to the uncertainties mentioned above, each background process is assigned normalization uncertainties depending on the background estimation techniques used. These are described below in further detail. Z -+ r-r Normalization 7.7.1 The Z - TT background is estimated using the embedded sample described in Sec- tion 6.2.1, and the inclusive normalization is determined from a control sample of Z -M pp events in data. The uncertainty on the inclusive normalization comes from the uncertainty on the Z cross section measurement [91], which amounts to 3%; this uncertainty is applied to the Z -+ r normalization, correlated across all categories. Additionally, there are uncertainties arising from the extrapolation into each category, the efficiency for which is determined from the embedded sample. This uncertainty 119 corresponds to the statistical uncertainty of the embedded sample used for the extrapolation, and uncertainties due to the embedding technique. The extrapolation uncertainties in each category, ranging from 3 - 10%, are added in quadrature to the inclusive Z Z - - TT normalization uncertainty to obtain the overall uncertainty on the TT normalization. 7.7.2 tt Normalization The normalization of the tt background is determined from a tt-enriched control sample, as described in Section 6.2.2, which relies on the selection of ep events with two or more jets, one or more b-tagged jets, and large gT. The resultant uncertainty on the inclusive ti normalization is found to be 10%, with contributions from the uncertainties on the background subtraction in the control sample, jet energy scale, b-tagging, and $T scale. This uncertainty is applied in a correlated manner to the tt normalization in all event categories. An additional contribution in some event categories arises due to the observation that the Z - TT embedded sample contains a small contamination from tt events in the di-muon final state, which enter into the di-muon selection used for producing the embedded sample. The extent of this contamination is determined by applying the embedding technique to tt simulation, and is found to be negligible in all categories other than the B-tag category in the MSSM Higgs analysis. The estimated contribution of this contamination is compensated for by adjusting the tt yield estimated for this category accordingly; the uncertainty due to this procedure gives rise to an additional 2% uncertainty on the tf yield in this category. An additional 10% uncertainty is also assigned to the yield in the VBF categories due to the statistical uncertainty on the evaluation of the tt contamination in the embedded sample in these categories. 7.7.3 Fakes The uncertainty on the fake background, which is estimated using data, arises from the uncertainties of the fake-rate method. These uncertainties can arise due to differ- 120 ences between the phase space of the calibration sample used to determined the fake rates and the control sample in which the fake rates are applied. The uncertainties are estimated by varying the PT threshold applied on the jet required in the calibration sample which in turn affects the PT spectrum of the recoiling system containing the fakeable object, and measuring the corresponding changes in the fake-rate estimate. The overall uncertainty on the fake background normalization in the signal region is estimated to be 30%, correlated for all event categories. Each event category also has an additional uncertainty on the fake estimate, arising due to the statistical uncertainty of the event sample used to extrapolate into that category. This uncertainty ranges between 5 - 10% depending on the category, and is added in quadrature to the overall 30% normalization uncertainty in each category. 7.7.4 Di-Boson Normalization The uncertainty on the estimation of the di-boson background comes from the uncertainties on the cross sections used for normalization. An overall uncertainty of 15%, correlated across all event categories, is assigned to account for the cross section uncertainty. 7.8 Theoretical Uncertainties on SM Signal Processes The expected yield of selected signal events is given by N= EAuL (7.2) where o- is the cross section, A, the acceptance, is the probability for produced events to fall within the kinematic and geometric requirements of the selection, E is the efficiency for selecting those events, and L is the integrated luminosity corresponding to the dataset being analyzed. The efficiency and luminosity are affected by experimental uncertainties which are discussed in the previous section. Theoretical uncertainties 121 on the Higgs boson production cross section and acceptance arise from a variety of sources. One source of uncertainty on the signal production cross section is due to uncertainties on the parton distribution functions (PDFs) used. Another source is the effect of missing higher order corrections. Finally, there are uncertainties due to the modeling of the underlying event and parton showering. 7.8.1 PDF Uncertainty The Higgs boson production cross section depends on parton distribution functions, which provide the probability densities for partons within a proton to carry a given momentum fraction. These are determined by fits to experimental data from deep inelastic scattering measurements, and electroweak and jet production measurements. Several alternative approaches to deriving the PDFs result in alternative PDF sets. Each PDF set contains a default PDF in addition to member PDFs representing the effects of different systematic uncertainties on the derivation of the PDF. Following the PDF4LHC prescription [97, 98], the uncertainty due to the choice of PDFs is determined by evaluating the effect of variations within a PDF set on the signal rate and then taking the envelope of the uncertainties provided by three different PDF sets: CT10 [99], MSTW2008 [100], and NNPDF [101]. A 10% uncertainty is applied to the gluon fusion signal, a 4% uncertainty to the VBF signal, and a 1 - 2% uncertainty to the VH signal. 7.8.2 Scale Uncertainty The signal cross section also depends on the renormalization scale ([R) and factorization scale (1F)- The default values used for these scales are gluon fusion, and PR - PF 1R = IF = mH/2 for mH for VBF. The effects of scale variations are obtained by varying each pR and PF to twice and one half the nominal values, and comparing the rates obtained from each variation in order to estimate the scale uncertainty. The uncertainty assigned to the gluon fusion signal process is 8% in the 0-Jet, 10.5- 12.5% in the 1-Jet, and 28 - 31% in the VBF categories. The uncertainty on the VBF signal 122 process ranges from 2 - 4%. 7.8.3 Parton Shower Modeling Uncertainty The number and kinematics of jets in the signal simulation, and consequently the event categorization, are affected by the modeling of the underlying event and parton shower. The uncertainty due to these effects are evaluated by varying the PYTHIA tune from the default tune used by CMS (Z2*) to the default tune used by the ATLAS experiment (AUET2 [102]) and measuring the corresponding change in event yield. The parton showering uncertainty ranges up to 20% (for the gluon fusion signal in the VBF tight category), and is anti-correlated between categories with and without jets in the selection. 7.8.4 Higgs PT Spectrum Uncertainty Modeling of the Higgs boson PT spectrum affects the efficiency of selections which rely on the Higgs PT. The gluon fusion Higgs boson PT spectrum obtained from POWHEG at NLO is re-weighted to the NNLO calculation obtained from the HRES program [96]. Figure 6-1 shows the effect of the re-weighting on the PT spectrum. Theoretical uncertainties on the re-weighting correspond to variations of the resummation scale used to obtain the HRES calculation [96], and to the uncertainties oil the top quark mass used in order to correct the infinite top-mass approximation used for obtaining the nominal PT spectrum. These uncertainties are propagated to the analysis by obtaining alternative gluon fusion signal shapes by adjusting the re-weighting function up and down to the alternative functions obtained through the systematic variations. The effects of the systematic variations on the gluon fusion Higgs boson PT spectrum are illustrated in Fig. 7-2 for a simulated sample produced for a hypothetical Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV. Changes in the Higgs and m, PT spectrum affect the acceptance shape of the gluon fusion signal in different event categories. Alternative m,, estimations are obtained in each category corresponding to the propagation of these effects. The signal m,, shape is then permitted to float between the alternative 123 shapes thus obtained in the combined fit. 0 2.0 40 1.8: - Nominal re-weighting 1.6: - +15 re-weighting - -15 re-weighting 1.4 Re-weighted shape 35 - +1Y re-weighted shape 30 - -1o re-weighted shape 25 1.2 1.0 2C 0.8 10 1E 0.6 0.4 1.2 0.2 0 ir 000 100 200 300 400 500 Higgs p [GeV] 0.8 0 50 100 150 200 250 LI 300 Higgs p [GeV] Figure 7-2: Re-weighting functions corresponding to the nominal and systematically varied re-weighting applied to the Higgs PT spectrum obtained from POWHEG (left), and the accordingly re-weighted Higgs PT spectrum obtained for a simulated gluon fusion SM Higgs boson sample generated for mH = 125 GeV (right). 7.9 Theoretical Uncertainties on MSSM Signal Processes The MSTW2008 PDF set is used for calculating the nominal cross sections used for the MSSM signal processes. PDF and scale uncertainties on the MSSM signal processes are determined using similar procedures as for the SM signal. The estimated PDF uncertainties range from 2 - 10% and the scale uncertainties range from 5 - 25% for the gluon fusion production process and from 8 - 15% for the b-associated production process. 7.10 Summary of Systematic Uncertainties Tables 7.1 and 7.2 summarize the normalization uncertainties evaluated for each signal and background process affected for the SM and MSSM Higgs analyses respectively. 124 The sources of uncertainty which have the largest impact for this analysis are the uncertainties affecting the normalization of the Z - TT background, the electron energy scale uncertainty, the jet energy scale uncertainty, and the theoretical uncertainties affecting the signal processes. Uncertainty Value Luminosity 7 TeV (8 TeV) Electron efficiency Muon efficiency Jet energy scale scale b-tagging efficiency 9T Effect propagated into categories VBF 1-Jet 0-Jet Experimental Uncertainties +2.2 (2.6)% ±2.2 (2.6)% +2.2 (2.6)% ±2.2 (2.6)% +2% +2% ±2% ±2% ±2% ±2% +2% ±2% ±1 - 3% ±4 - 22% ±1 - 10% -2 - 11% +2 - 10% ±1% +1 - 2% +1 - 5% ±10% -3% -3% +10 - 20% Mis-tag rate Z - TT normalization Z -- TT category extrapolation tt normalization tt category extrapolation Di-boson normalization Fakes normalization Fakes category extrapolation ±3% - t3% +10% +3% +10% - - +15% +30% +15% +30% +10% Theoretical Uncertainties - - +3% +3 - 5% +10% +3% +10% +10% +10% +15% +30% +5% - +15% +30% +5% - +1-10% H) qqH) pR/IPF (qq -+ VH) - +4% +4% +4% Underlying event & parton shower - +3 - 9% -2% ±1 - 12% PDF PR/IF (gg PR//pF (qq - +8% +3% +1-10% - 12% +10 +1% +1-10% - 31% +2 - 3% +23 Table 7.1: Systematic uncertainties affecting normalizations and their effects on estimates of the affected processes propagated into the different event categories used for the SM Higgs analysis. 125 Uncertainty Value Effect propagated into categories No b-tag B-tag Experimental Uncertainties Luminosity 7 TeV (8 TeV) Electron efficiency Muon efficiency Electron energy scale Jet energy scale scale b-tagging efficiency Mis-tag rate Z -+ TT normalization Z -+ TT category extrapolation tf normalization tt category extrapolation Di-boson normalization Fakes normalization 9T PDF P/IPF (gg -') P/IPF (gg -+ bb4 ) ±2.2 (2.6)% +2.2 (2.6)% +2.2 (2.6)% ±2% ±2% ±1% ±1 - 10% ±1 - 5% ±2% ±2% ±1% -F1% -F2% -F2 - 5% F2% ±2% ±2% ±1% ±1 - 4% ±1 - 2% ±1 - 5% ±3 - 5% ±3% ±3% ±1% ±10% ±10 - 20% ±3% - - ±10% ±15% ±30% ±10% ±15% ±30% Theoretical Uncertainties ±2 - 10% ±5 - 25% ±8 - 15% - ±10% ±2% ±15% ±30% ±2 - 10% ±5 - 25% ±8 - 15% Table 7.2: Systematic uncertainties affecting normalizations and their effects on estimates of the affected processes propagated into the different event categories used for the MSSM Higgs analysis. 126 Chapter 8 Statistical Analysis and Results The interpretation of the results of the analysis described in the preceding chapters is obtained from a statistical analysis of the observed and predicted m,, distributions in the designated event categories, using a binned likelihood fit. Systematic uncertainties, evaluated as described in Chapter 6, are treated as nuisance parameters in the fit and varied according to their assigned probability distributions. The likelihood fit allows these nuisance parameters and the background predictions to be further constrained by the observed data. The aim of the analysis is to quantify any observed excess over the total background prediction and its consistency with the signal expectation, or, in the absence of such an excess, to place upper limits on the signal cross section allowed by the observed data. Section 8.1 contains a discussion of the procedure used to obtain the results of the statistical analysis. The results of the Standard Model and MSSM Higgs boson searches are then presented in Sections 8.2 and 8.4. While the focus of this thesis is on the search in the epT -pair final state, the results of a combination with searches in other T-pair final states are also discussed. 127 Statistical Procedure 8.1 8.1.1 Likelihood Construction A binned maximum likelihood fit to the m,, distribution is used in order to evaluate any excess of observed events over the background prediction [103,104]. Systematic uncertainties enter into the fit in the form of nuisance parameters; the best estimates for systematic variations obtained from external sources are encoded in the likelihood. A probability distribution function p(O 10) for the nuisance parameter 0, given a best estimate 0, reflects a prediction for the true value of 0. Using Bayes' theorem, this can be interpreted as a posterior probability, based on external estimates of the systematic uncertainties, and written as 0 p( 10) p(O 10) - (0) (8.1) , the posterior probability resulting from an auxiliary measurement which has a probability distribution function p(O 10). Here 7(0) is the prior probability. A "flat" prior, corresponding to an uniform distribution, is chosen to reflect the assumption of no prior knowledge of 0. A likelihood function is constructed based on the expected number of signal and background events in each bin of the m,, distribution, with the "signal strength" p, defined as the ratio of the measured Higgs boson production cross section to the predicted cross section, treated as a free parameter, and with nuisance parameters distributed according to the probability distributions described in Chapter 6. The likelihood is constructed from a product of Poisson probabilities and constraints on the nuisance parameters: L(data I /1, 0) =ni! ( ps2 (0) + b7 (0))n" [ p + (iO ( 10)) (8.2) where "data" implies the set of the observed numbers of events in each bin of the mTT distribution {n}, si and bi the numbers of predicted and background events in 128 bin i, and p(6 6) the constraints on the set of nuisance parameters. The predicted number of background events in bin i, bi, represents the sum of the predicted numbers of events for each contributing background process in that bin. Both si and bi are affected by the set of nuisance parameters denoted by 6. All event categories considered are fit simultaneously in the maximum likelihood fit, with each bin of each category contributing to the product of Poisson probabilities in Eq. 8.2. The likelihood is maximized as a function of 6 in the fit, providing constraints on the nuisance parameters based on the information from the observed distributions. Sources of uncertainties are treated either as fully correlated (or anti-correlated), or as uncorrelated (independent), to allow for factorization of the constraints in the likelihood. 8.1.2 Limit Calculation A limit-setting procedure is used in order to quantify the absence of a signal in the observed data. A modified frequentist (CL,) approach [105,106] is used for this purpose. The compatibility of an observation with "background-only" and "signal-plusbackground" hypotheses can be determined with the help of a test statistic defined by the profile likelihood ratio qp(=a-2fn where f n(data y, Ott) 6 ,0 L(data , 0) f (8.3) y, and 0 denote the values of 1- and 6 which maximize the likelihood based on the observed data, and b/, maximize the likelihood for a given value of p [103,104]. The signal strength is constrained to be non-negative. restricted to be greater than or equal to f The tested values of /1 are for the purpose of setting upper limits. For a given signal strength y being tested, the observed value of the test statistic is computed as q0s,. The values of the nuisance parameters maximizing the likelihood ~obs based on the observed data are found for the background-only hypothesis (00 ), and -obs -obs the signal-plus-background hypothesis (6o ). Probability distributions f (q,, 10, 6o ) -obs and f(q, I p, 6o ) can be constructed for the test statistic ql, under the two hypothe129 ses using toy experiments to generate pseudo-data, with the values of the nuisance ~obs -obs parameters fixed to $o and bo respectively when generating the pseudo-data but allowed to float when fitting for the test statistic. Two p-values, p, and Pb, are defined for the signal-plus-background and background-only hypotheses respectively as PA (p) = ;> qPobs P(q, P~, P"|A, -obs ) (q|, = -obs OP) dqj , (8.4) . bs 1- pb(P) - (q, q b 0, ^obs f J -obs (q, 0, 0 ) dq,. (8.5) obs Finally, CL,(p) is calculated as the ratio CL, (p) = 1 . (8.6) If CL,(p) < a for a given value of a, a signal strength of p is said to be excluded with (1 - a)CL, confidence level (CL). The 95% CL upper limit on p is obtained by finding the value of p for which CL, = 0.05. For sufficiently large numbers of events, the distribution of the test statistic asymptotically approaches an analytic form [107,108. The asymptotic approximation makes use of a single representative dataset, the "Asimov" dataset, which is composed of the sum of expected signal and background contributions with the measured values for the nuisance parameters. This approximation enables a quick computation of the probability distributions needed for the CL, computation. The median expected limit, and the bands representing +1- and +2-standard deviations can be computed based on the asymptotic approximation. 8.1.3 Significance Calculation The presence of a signal is quantified by calculating the p-value for the backgroundonly hypothesis given the observed data, which gives the probability for a fluctuation of the background to produce an excess of events at least as large as an observed 130 excess. In this case, the test statistic is defined as 0, Oo) L(data C(data qO = -2 In L~aa The value of f ), ft, ) > 0 .(8.7) is constrained to be non-negative; a zero result is obtained for the test statistic in case there is a deficit of events rather than an excess. The distribution -obs f(qo 10 00 ) for the test statistic is obtained, and the local p-value corresponding to a given observation, q bs can be computed as f (qo1 0 , Oobs ) dqo Po = P(qo > qObs . (8.8) The p-value can be converted into a local significance value Z for a signal-like excess using the "one-sided" Gaussian-tail expression P 8.1.4 exp(-x 1 2 (8.9) /2) dx. Coupling Fits In order to determine the compatibility of the observed data with SM predictions, scale factors rj are defined as modifiers of observed Higgs coupling strengths with respect to their predicted SM values for a chosen Higgs boson mass hypothesis [109]. Thus, for instance, the observed gluon fusion cross section can be expressed as J~ggH = '.Uor K (8.10) M while the branching ratio for Higgs decays to tau-pairs would be given by BR(H -+ TT) = 2 - BRsM(H - ) (8.11) Measured deviations of Higgs couplings from their SM values could be indicators of physics beyond the Standard Model. The role of the Higgs boson in electroweak symmetry breaking is linked to its couplings to W and Z bosons, while its role in 131 generating fermion masses is linked to its couplings to fermions. Certain benchmark parametrizations are adopted in performing fits to experimental data to determine the compatibility of an observation with the SM Higgs boson expectation. A common parametrization used in order to derive meaningful results from the available statistics defines two scaling factors, one for the coupling to vector bosons, tv and one for the coupling to fermions, Kf (= Kt = Kb = KT). (= Kw = KZ), With the availability of larger datasets, measurements of individual scaling factors should be possible with improved precision. 8.2 8.2.1 Standard Model Higgs Analysis Results Di--r Mass Distributions The events selected using the selection criteria described in Chapter 4 are used to obtain the observed and expected mTT distributions which are used as inputs for the statistical evaluation of the analysis results based on the procedures described in Section 8.1. The observed and predicted m,, distributions obtained from the analysis of the 2011 and 2012 data are shown for each individual event category in Fig. 8-1 and Fig. 8-2 respectively. The fit is performed in the mass region 0 < mT < 350 GeV. Variable bin widths are used in order to ensure that the mIT shape templates provided for the maximum-likelihood fit are sufficiently well populated in each bin. For the 0-Jet and 1-Jet categories, a 10 GeV bin width is used for mIT < 200 GeV, while a 25 GeV bin width is used for m,, > 200 GeV. For the VBF categories, which are affected by low numbers of events, a 20 GeV bin width is used for mIT < 200 GeV, while a 50 GeV bin width is used for m_, > 200 GeV. The predicted yields, shapes, and uncertainties of the background distributions are obtained from the results of the maximum-likelihood fit to the observed data under the signal-plus-background hypothesis. The signal contribution shown corresponds to the prediction for a SM Higgs boson of mH =125 GeV. 132 300 CMS.4.9fb 1 at 7TeV 40 --0- 250 E SM H(125 GeV)-lrT Observed SM H(125 GeV)-WW - 100 . . i . . . SM H(125 GeV)->-tt Observed SM H(125 GeV)-4WW -- ~JZ-ITt 30 i E Electroweak Misidentified e/p uncertainty 25 e- 20 0-jet low piT 15 150 . 35 Electroweak "" Misidentified e/p [---- Bkg. uncertainty 200 CMS, 4.9 fb" at 7 TeV , [7] Bkg. 0-jet high pT 10C- a 50 5 0' 0 0 100 0 200 300 mr, [GeV] 1 CMS, 4.9 fb at 7 TeV 60 E, 18 L] -0- 16 E Electroweak 40 CMS, 4.9 fb" at 7TeV 20 -SM H(125 GeV)-tt -0Observed SM H(125 GeV)->WW = Z-4tT 50 300 200 100 mn, [GeV] Misidentified e/p Bkg. uncertainty 14 - SM H(125 GeV)-*uT Observed SM H(125 GeV)--WW Electroweak Misidentified e/p 7-Bkg. uncertainty ] 12 10 - 30 1-jet low p"T 20 1-jet high p 8 6 4 10 2 0 0 100 0 200 0 300 mn, [GeV] 100 200 300 ryT [GeV] 1 CMS, 4.9 b at 7 TeV ----- SM H(125 GeV)->tt 8- Observed SM H(125 GeV).-aWW 0.45 0.40 "a E it 0.35 Electroweak j Misidentified e/i [-Bkg. uncertainty 0.30 0.25 0.20 VBF tag 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0 100 200 300 m,, [GeV] Figure 8-1: Observed and predicted m,, distributions for all categories used in the 7 TeV data analysis. The normalization of the predicted background distributions corresponds to the results of the maximum-likelihood fit. The signal distribution shown corresponds to the SM prediction for a Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV. The signal and background histograms are stacked. The distributions shown represent the number of events per GeV, obtained by dividing the yield in each m,, bin by the bin width. 133 CMS. 19.7 fb at 8 TeV 1000 - 800 600 Z-4T ep 0-jet low - 400 C, E I. I . 120 100 . : Electroweak Misidentified e/g Bkg. uncertainty 0 0 , . ----SM H(125 GeV)-itc Observed SM H(1 25 GeV)-)WW 0 Electroweak Misidentified e/p i 9kg. uncertainty - CMS, 19.7 fb' at 8 TeV . .I . I I I 4 . . . . . .----- SM H(125 GeV)-4tt -.Observed SM H(125 GeV)->WW Li] 80 eg 60 0-jet high p1 pT 40 200 - 20 0' 0 100 200 0'0 300 100 200 mn,[GeV] CA S, 19.7 fb at 8 TeV CMS, 19.7 fb 7n0 ---- SM H(125 GeV)->tt Observed SM H(125 GeV)-4WW -- 0-- EM Z--+,r 0 - 20 E 0 mI, [GeV] 1 25 0 C, MEtectroweak 0 15 Misidentified e/p ] Bkg. uncertainty [ at 8 TeV ----SM H(125 GeV)-+11 -0- Observed SM H(125 GeV)-+WW 60 MMZ->nc 50 ep 30 1 -jet low p Electroweak Misidentified e/p kg. uncertainty [] 40 ep 10 0 300 1-jet high p 20 I0 10 01 0 200 100 MT 3.0 CMS, 19.7 fb' "* "* SM H(125 GeV)->n Observed 2.5 E 0.4 Electroweak Misidentified sqp Bkg. uncertainty - 0.3 Loose VBF tag 0.2 0.5 0.1 luu -0- V0 e9 0 SMH(125 4-- GeV)-*TT Observed MSIR H(1 25 GeV)-+WW. CM Z-mT 0.5 .SM 1.0 0.0 300 fb" at 8 TeV - Etectroweak Misidentified e/p [---] Bkg. uncertainty 1.5 200 m, [GeV] M(125 GeV)->WW - 2.0 100 CMS, 19.7 -0- V 0 [GeV] at 8 TeV ----- C-- 0 300 200 +4 g 0.0 300 0 m, [GeV] 100 200 tag 300 mnt, [GeV] Figure 8-2: Observed and predicted mTr distributions for all categories used in the 8 TeV data analysis. The normalization of the predicted background distributions corresponds to the results of the maximum-likelihood fit. The signal distribution shown corresponds to the SM prediction for a Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV. The signal and background histograms are stacked. The distributions shown represent the number of events per GeV, obtained by dividing the yield in each n, bin by the bin width. 134 Process Z-+ TT tt Fakes Di-bosons + single-top Total Background H- TT 0-Jet ± 1528 51100 110 4365 2407 ± 10 ± 1025 ± 220 1-Jet ± 466 13202 2069 1921 1374 ± 141 ± 415 ± 129 VBF ± 6 76 17 22 12 ± 3 ± 5 ± 2 58030 ± 1853 126 ± 11 18614 ± 652 93 ± 6 129 ± 9 6 ± 0.3 59435 18359 141 4.18 .10-3 5.19 .10-4 8.19 .10-4 2.47 _10-3 5.37 _10-3 4.25 .10-3 4.40 .10-5 2.63 .10-3 2.01 .10-5 Data Signal Efficiency gg-+ H VBF VH Table 8.1: Observed and expected event yields, and expected signal efficiency for the 0-Jet, 1-Jet, and VBF categories, for a Higgs boson signal of mass TH = 125 GeV. The low PT and high PT sub-categories for both 0-Jet and 1-Jet categories are combined in the respective columns, while the VBF loose and VBF tight categories are combined in the VBF column. 8.2.2 Event Yields The observed event yields and the expected yields obtained for the different contributing signal and background processes for each event category used in the analysis are listed in Table 8.1, as are the expected efficiencies for signal events for each category, for a Higgs boson signal of mass mH = 125 GeV. The low- and high-muon PT subcategories are combined for the 0-Jet and 1-Jet categories, as are the loose and tight sub-categories of the VBF category. The expected yields and uncertainties on the yields correspond to the best-fit values obtained from the results from a maximumlikelihood fit (described in Section 8.1.2) performed to the observed data under the signal-plus-background hypothesis. The results of the 2011 and 2012 analyses are combined in the table. The uncertainties quoted for the expected yields represent the quadratic sum of their statistical and systematic uncertainties. 135 8.2.3 Upper Limits on Signal Strength The expected and observed 95% confidence level upper limits (corresponding to CL, = 0.05) on the signal strength for a SM Higgs boson are computed from a combined fit across all event categories according to the procedure described in Section 8.1.2 for Higgs boson mass hypotheses ranging from mH= 90 GeV to mH = 145 GeV. The results of the limit computation are tabulated in Table 8.2 and shown in Fig. 8-3. The analysis is most sensitive for SM Higgs boson mass hypotheses between 120 and 125 GeV. The observed 95% CL upper limit on the signal strength for a SM Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV is 2.83, while the expected limit is 1.87. For mH above 105 GeV, the observed upper limit shows a deviation of greater than 1 standard deviation above the expected limit, indicating a slight excess of observed events over the backgroundonly hypothesis. The best-fit signal strength value obtained for mH = 125 GeV is f^= 0.90 t 1.03. mH 90 GeV 95 GeV 100 GeV 105 GeV 110 GeV 115 GeV 120 GeV 125 GeV 130 GeV 135 GeV 140 GeV 145 GeV -2u 1.19 1.16 1.25 1.15 1.01 0.97 0.95 0.96 1.02 1.14 1.36 1.74 Expected Limit -Io Median +lu 1.62 2.30 3.32 1.58 2.26 3.28 1.69 2.41 3.48 1.56 2.23 3.21 1.36 1.94 2.82 1.31 1.88 2.73 1.29 1.85 2.67 1.30 1.87 2.69 1.38 1.98 2.85 1.54 2.21 3.21 1.85 2.65 3.82 2.37 3.39 4.89 Observed Limit +2u 4.63 4.58 4.85 4.48 3.94 3.80 3.72 3.75 3.95 4.46 5.32 6.82 2.18 2.76 2.98 3.15 2.96 3.10 2.67 2.83 3.37 3.64 4.25 5.60 Table 8.2: Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on the signal strength parameter p = a/asM, representing the limit on the Higgs boson cross section relative to the SM prediction, obtained for SM Higgs boson masses between 90 GeV and 145 GeV in steps of 5 GeV. The median, ±1- and ±2-standard deviation results are shown for the expected limits. 136 CMS (unpublished) H-rc, 4.9 fb-' at 7 TeV, 19.7 fb1 at 8 TeV 2 CI) * - 8 - 77 0 E -1 6 i I I 'I - Observed Expected ± 1y Expected L ± 2(y Expected -- I 5 4 0) 3 2 1 0L1 M 0 1 1 120 100 M I I I 140 mH [GeV] Figure 8-3: Observed 95% CL upper limits on the signal strength parameter P = -/6TSM and expected limits obtained under the background-only hypothesis, for SM Higgs boson masses between 90 GeV and 145 GeV. The one- and two-standard deviation uncertainty bands for the expected limit are shown in green and yellow. 8.2.4 Significance A mild excess is seen in the observed data over the background-only hypothesis; however, the analysis in this T-pair final state is not sensitive enough to exclude or confirm either the signal-plus-background or the background-only hypothesis by itself. The expected significance from this analysis reaches its maximum for a SM Higgs boson with mass mH = 120 GeV and mH = 125 GeV, at the level of 1.2 standard deviations. The observed significance reaches its maximum value of 1.3 standard deviations at mH= 130 GeV, where the expected significance is 1.1 standard deviations. 137 8.2.5 Combination with Other r-Pair Final States The results of the SM Higgs boson search in the ey T-pair final state are combined with the results of a similar search in all other T-pair final states, described in Ref. [90], which are performed using a similar analysis strategy. The analyses in the erh, and Thrh final states (the Th ftTh, notation indicates a hadronic tau decay) also rely on fits to the mIT distributions obtained in event categories which are designed to enhance Higgs boson production through gluon fusion and vector boson fusion. In the case of the Thrh final state, only 1-Jet and VBF categories are considered due to trigger restrictions. For all three of these final states, the 1-Jet category includes a further sub-categorization based on the Higgs boson candidate PT in order to further enhance their sensitivity. The analyses in the cc and pp final states rely on fits based on a discriminating variable built from the outputs of two multivariate Boosted Decision Trees in 0-Jet, 1-Jet, and VBF event categories. The BDTs are based on kinematic and topological event information. Z Z - - TT and Z -± The first is designed to discriminate between 11 events, and the second to discriminate between H - TT and TT events. The results of the combined search are obtained using a simultaneous binned likelihood fit to the distributions of the relevant discriminating variable obtained in all the event categories for all of the T-pair final states, fitting for a common signal strength modifier p using the procedure described in Section 8.1. The combined fit shows a clear excess of events above the background-only hypothesis. The significance of the observed excess is quantified and the results displayed in Fig. 8-4. The expected significance for a SM Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV is 3.6 standard deviations, while the observed significance is 3.4 standard deviations. The observed significance exceeds 3 standard deviations for mH between 110 and 130 GeV. The best-fit value for the signal strength parameter p obtained from the profile likelihood scan for mH= 125 GeV is y = 0.86 ± 0.29. A visual representation of the observed excess in the mr, distribution can be found in Fig. 8-5, which shows a weighted combination of the observed and predicted mT, 138 CMS H-+Tt, 4.9 fb' at 7 TeV, 19.7 fb 1 at 8 TeV >I 10-1 O1 0 (mj 2o y 3 110-2 4(3 10-5 Observed p-value - 10-6 ------- Expected for SM H(mH) 50 10~7 10-8 eg, eT h' Th h 100 ee 120 140 mH [GeV] Figure 8-4: Observed and expected local p-value and significance (in terms of standard deviations) for SM Higgs boson mass hypotheses between mH= 90 GeV and mH 145 GeV [90]. distributions from the analyses in the prh, eT11 , TITh, and eu final states, the difference between the observed data and the predicted background, and the expectation for a SM Higgs boson with mass nH= 125 GeV. Distributions from each event category for each final state are assigned a weight in the combination given by the ratio S/(S + B), with S and B being the expected yields for a SM Higgs boson with MH = 125 GeV and for the total background prediction obtained from the results of the combined maximum-likelihood fit respectively. These yields are obtained in an m,, interval containing the central 68% of the expected signal distribution. Thus event categories with a higher influence on the likelihood are assigned a larger weight in this combination. Finally, the results of the analysis targeting the gluon fusion and vector boson 139 CMS, 4.9 fb' at 7 TeV, 19.7 fb1 at 8 TeV > , h tT 9eh - 4) ey Th, C) 2500 E H(1I25 GeV)-+4 40 -'SM . Data - background Bkg. uncertainty 200 300 -Tm,[GeV] 20- 2000 -20- 0 1500 100 SM H(125 GeV)-+tt 1000 Observed -- 500t Electroweak 500 -- CD + Cn 0 0 200 100 300 m, [GeV] Figure 8-5: Weighted combination of the observed and predicted m,, distributions for the pTh, eTh, ThTh, and ep final states [90]. The predicted background distributions correspond to the results obtained from the combined maximum-likelihood fit. The expected distribution for a SM Higgs boson with mass mH = 125 GeV is also shown. Event categories with higher signal sensitivity are assigned higher weights in the combination. The inset shows the difference between the observed data and the total background prediction as well as the expected distribution for the signal. fusion production modes in the pTh, eTh, ThTh, ei, ee, and pp final states are combined with the results of an analysis targeting Higgs boson production in association with a W or Z boson in final states with one or two additional leptons (incorporating the leptonic decays of the associated W or Z boson). The results of this combined search indicate an excess over the SM background expectation at the level of 3.2 standard deviations for a SM Higgs boson of mH = 125 GeV, the expected significance of the combined analysis being 3.7 standard deviations (the addition of the results of the associated production analysis reduces the combined observed significance slightly) [90]. 140 CMS H--mT, 4.9 fb' at 7 TeV, 19.7 fb- at 8 TeV 2.0 j I - m I I I I I 95% CL = 125 GeV . 1.5- 68% CL Best fit SM ------------------1.0- 0.5- 0.4 0.5 .0 1.0 1.5 2.0 KV Figure 8-6: Results of two-dimensional likelihood scan in iv - If parameter space, where /-v and If represent the measured coupling strengths to vector bosons and fermions relative to SM expectations. All nuisance parameters are profiled for each point in the parameter space [90]. The contribution from H -- WW is treated as a signal process for the purpose of measuring the coupling strengths. The observed best-fit is shown in black and the SM expectation is shown in red for a Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV. The best-fit signal strength obtained from this combination is p The combined H - 7T 0.78 ± 0.27 analysis provides sensitivity to both the couplings of the Higgs boson to fermions (through its decay to T-leptons), and to vector bosons (through the production modes considered). The analysis is sensitive to the vector boson couplings through the vector boson fusion production mode as well as the associated production mode. The strengths of the couplings to fermions and to vector bosons measured by the analysis are determined by a two-dimensional likelihood scan in the parameter space 141 of Kv vs I f, where rv indicates the ratio of the strength of the observed coupling to vector bosons with respect to the expected value for the SM Higgs boson, and Kf represents the same ratio for the coupling to fermions, as described in Section 8.1.4. In order to have a consistent treatment of any contribution from a SM Higgs boson in the observed events, the contribution from SM Higgs boson decays to W boson pairs is considered as part of the signal in performing this two-dimensional scan. The contribution from H -± WW in the case that the Higgs boson is produced through the VBF process provides sensitivity to the vector boson coupling through both the production and decay mechanisms. The observed best-fit point in Kv - if parameter space, and the contours enclosing the regions of parameter space within 1- and 2standard deviations, are shown in Fig. 8-6 for a SM Higgs boson mass hypothesis of 125 GeV. The observation agrees with the expectation for a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson (KV = Kf = 8.2.6 1) within 2 standard deviations. Combined results of SM Higgs boson searches in fermionic decay modes The results of the SM Higgs boson search in the T-pair decay mode performed by CMS have been combined with the results of the search in the final state with pairs of b-quarks for a Higgs boson produced in association with W or Z boson [110]. The combined results indicate strong evidence, at the level of 3.8 standard deviations, for the decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to down-type fermions. The combined bestfit measurement of the signal strength relative to the SM expectation is 0.83 + 0.24 for a Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV. Figure 8-7 shows the results of this combination while Table 8.3 summarizes the signal significance and best-fit signal strength obtained by each analysis. 142 ................... .. ......... CMS CL 10 0 is= 7TeV, L=5fb"; is= 8TeV, L= 19-20fb" (exp.) a (exp.) (exp.) A (exp.) -.- VH -* bb VH -> tt H -> rT (non-VH) Combined :1102 . .. 101 16- 3.8 - R a -6 is = 8 TeV, .. . L= 19-20 fb' 125 GeV VH ---> bb H -+ tT Combined 12 M 1-3.2ar 10-2 10 mH= 18:- 14 a TeV, L = 5 fb; C I ..... .- .... is =7 Ms 20 (obs.) (obs.) (obs.) (obs.) 1 - ....... ...... . . 3 8-\ 2.1 6-/ 10 - standard 10'6 110 I ------- --- 115 120 125 130 model 2- N 135 mH (GeV) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 Figure 8-7: Results of the combination of searches for the SM Higgs boson decaying to T-lepton pairs and b-quark pairs [110]. The plot on the left shows the expected (exp.) and observed (obs.) significance for the two analyses as a function of mH. The results of the analysis in the di-r decay mode are shown separately for the analysis targeting the associated (VH) production mode, and the analysis targeting gluon-fusion and VBF production modes (non-VH). Contributions from non-fermionic decays of a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson are treated as background for these measurements. The plot on the right shows a likelihood scan as a function of signal strength relative to the expectation for a SM Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV. The minimum of each curve indicates the corresponding best-fit value of the signal strength parameter (). Search mode (mH 125 GeV) VH -bb H -+ rr Combined Significance (-) Expected Observed 2.3 3.7 4.4 2.1 3.2 3.8 Best-fit 11.0 k 0.5 0.78 ± 0.27 0.83 + 0.24 Table 8.3: Summary of results of the searches for the SM Higgs boson decaying to T-lepton pairs and b-quark pairs and their combination for mH = 125 GeV. The expected and observed significances are displayed in units of standard deviations (a). The best-fit values of the signal strength relative to the expectation for a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson are also shown. 8.3 Results from ATLAS H -+ -r-r Search The ATLAS collaboration has also performed a search for the 125 GeV SM Higgs boson decaying to T-lepton pairs, using 20.3 fb- 1 of proton-proton collision data col- 143 ....... . ....................... . ......... ...... 4 lected at V/s = 8 TeV. Preliminary results of this search are available [111]. Both leptonic and hadronic tau decays are analyzed, and the events are classified into categories based on event kinematics in order to improve the sensitivity of the analysis. A boosted decision tree, trained for a signal mass hypothesis of 125 GeV, is used to discriminate between signal and background. The statistical analysis of the results is based on a likelihood fit to the expected and observed distribution of the BDT in the designated event categories. The expected and observed significance obtained from this analysis correspond to an excess of 3.2 and 4.1 standard deviations above the background-only hypothesis respectively. The best-fit value of the signal strength parameter for a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson is 1.4it.5. The results of this search constitute supporting evidence for the decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to pairs of T-leptons. 8.4 MSSM Higgs Analysis Results The search for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons decaying to r-lepton pairs in the ej final state is based on ept events passing the lepton and topological selection described in Chapter 5 which are classified into two event categories, the No B-tag and B-tag categories. The procedure of performing a simultaneous binned likelihood fit based on the observed and predicted mTT distributions, considering both event categories together, is followed as for the SM analysis in order to test background-only and signal-plus-background hypotheses. In addition to the model-dependent search for the neutral MSSM Higgs bosons A, H, and h which tests for the presence of multiple Higgs bosons, a model-independent search for a single narrow resonance (labeled as 4D) produced through gluon fusion or in association with b-quarks is also conducted using the same selection and event categories. Since no significant excess of events is observed over the predicted background, exclusion limits are computed in each case. 144 8.4.1 Di--r Mass Distributions The observed and expected m,, distributions obtained for events selected in the B-tag and No B-tag categories from the analysis of the 2011 and 2012 data are shown in Fig. 8-8 in linear scale and in Fig. 8-9 in logarithmic scale. The background predictions are adjusted based on the results of a maximum-likelihood fit to the observed data. Since the Higgs boson mass hypotheses considered in this search extend up to 1 TeV, the fitted m,, range extends up to 1.5 TeV to accommodate a high-mass tail for a hypothetical signal. Figure 8-8 restricts the m,, range shown to m,, < 350 GeV, in order to provide a clear representation of the region around the Z -+ TT peak. A variable binning scheme is used, with larger bin sizes used for larger values of mTT, in order to ensure that the Tm'TT shape templates used to model the predicted backgrounds are sufficiently well populated. 8.4.2 Event Yields The observed and expected event yields corresponding to the events selected in the B-tag and No B-tag categories are listed in Table 8.4. The signal yields shown include the expected contribution from the three neutral MSSM Higgs bosons, evaluated for mA= 160 GeV, tano = 8. The signal efficiency evaluated in each event category for each production mode is also provided. Table 8.5 lists the signal efficiency estimated for a neutral Higgs boson produced through gluon fusion or in association with bquarks and decaying to T-pairs for hypothetical Higgs boson masses between 90 GeV and 1 TeV. 8.4.3 Model-Independent Single Resonance Search For the model-independent search for a single narrow resonance, the profile likelihood ratio test statistic is defined as in Eq. 8.3, with 6 denoting the nuisance parameters associated with the relevant systematic uncertainties, and p, the signal strength parameter, indicating the product of the cross section for a resonance 4 with its branching ratio to T-pairs (o--BR(4 -+ TT)). 95% CL upper limits on or- BR(1 145 -+ TT) for a single " 8 CMS Preliminary, H-mtt,4.9 fb at 7 TeV . -. . . ,. . . 0) 0 - -observed 7 -B-Tag CMVS Preliminary, H4-m, 4.9 fb- . . ., . , . 0) Lev No B-Tag 400 350 electroweak Fakes bkg. uncertainty 6 +-- 5 E 300 10 250 4 at 7 TeV observed -- ti electroweak Fakes bkg. uncertainty 200 3 150 2 100 50 0 100 0 200 0 300 100 300 200 nmi. [GeV] mr [GeV] CMS Preliminary, . B . ep B-Tag 30 Q1 25 E . H-T, , I 19.7 . fb CMS Preliminary, H-+t, 19.7 fb- at 8 TeV at 8 TeV -0- --0-- No B-Tag electroweak E= Fakes bkg. uncertainty 20 N_ep 1 400 observed E bserved 1200 Mt 1000 -: bkg. uncertainty electroweak F akes 0 800 15 600 10 400 5 0 200 0 100 200 0 300 nt, [GeV] 0 100 300 200 rn, [GeV] Figure 8-8: Observed and predicted m,, distributions for the B- Tag category (left) and No B-tag category (right) obtained from the 7 TeV (top row) and 8 TeV (bottom row) data analysis shown in linear scale; the displayed m, range is restricted between 0 and 350 GeV. The normalization of the predicted background distributions corresponds to the results of the maximum-likelihood fit. The signal prediction is shown for mA = 160 GeV, tan # = 8. The signal and background histograms are stacked. The distributions shown represent the number of events per GeV, obtained by dividing the yield in each mr, bin by the bin width. narrow resonance produced through gluon fusion or in association with b-quarks are evaluated based on the provided signal models. The estimated signal distributions for each of these production mechanisms are illustrated in Fig. 8-10 for three signal mass hypotheses; the gluon fusion estimation shown is evaluated for the No B-tag category 146 CMS Preliminary, H-itt, 4.9 102 fb" at 7 TeV -0- B-Tag CMVS Preliminary, observed a E electroweak E 10 --- Fakes bkg. uncertainty 4.9 fb-1 at 7 TeV observed -a ,No B-Tag 1013 tf H-+11c, [--J zo tf electroweak Fakes 102 -- bkg. uncertainty A 10 10-1 10-1 10-2 10-2 0 1500 1000 500 mr., [GeV] mr., [GeV] CMVS Preliminary, (D E H-t,19.7 fb" at 8 TeV -0- 102 10 -B-Tag CMS Preliminary, H-+t, eB g No B-Tag 1 4 observed Z---TT E) tif L---- 1500 19.7 fb' at 8 TeV -0- observed electroweak electroweak Fakes bkg. uncertainty E Fakes bkg. uncertainty 102 10 10-1 10-2 10-2 1500 rn., [GeV] 0 . 50 500 1000 1500 meT, [GeV] Figure 8-9: Observed and predicted m,, distributions for the B- Tag category (left) and No B- Tag category (right) obtained from the 7 TeV (top row) and 8 TeV (bottom row) data analysis, shown in logarithmic scale; the full m,, range used in the likelihood fit is shown. The normalization of the predicted background distributions corresponds to the results of the maximum-likelihood fit. The signal prediction is shown for MA = 160 GeV, tan 0 = 8. The background histograms are stacked and the signal distribution is overlaid. The distributions shown represent the number of events per GeV, obtained by dividing the yield in each m,, bin by the bin width. and the b-associated estimation shown for the B-tag category, both of which are fit simultaneously in the likelihood fit. The expected signal efficiencies corresponding to each mode are listed in Table 8.5. The contribution from b-associated production in each category is treated as a nuisance parameter in the profile likelihood ratio when 147 Process Z-+ TT tt Fakes Di-bosons + single-top Total Background A+H+h-+ Tr Data B- Tag 826 ± 30 1496 + 156 158 ± 46 373 + 51 2853 ± 173 43 ± 2 2911 No B- Tag 60897 ± 2013 2826 ± 279 4887 ± 1289 2962 ± 387 71572 ± 2437 585 + 19 72721 Signal Efficiency ggJ? 9.41 .10-5 9.54 bbJD 1.41 .10-3 8.18 -10-3 _10-3 Table 8.4: Observed and expected event yields, and expected signal efficiency for the B- Tag and No B- Tag categories. The quoted signal yields are for a hypothetical MSSM Higgs boson signal corresponding to mA = 160 GeV, tan 3 = 8 and represent the sum of the contributions from the three neutral bosons, A, H, and h. obtaining the limits on gluon fusion signal production, and likewise for the gluon fusion contribution when obtaining the limits on b-associated production. 2.0 1.8 1.6 E z0 -E 1.4 gg'D(1 60)-TT 0.30 ggID(350)-mTT 0.25 El ggID(600)->TT 1.2 z0 1.0 - 0.20 . bbKD(350)--tt - LJ- .1 0.6 - -EibbD(600)-4Tt 0.15 - 0.8 bbCD(1 60)->, 0.10 -1...I.7 0.4 0.05 0.2 0.0 n 0 200 400 600 800 nn 0 1000 1200 1400 m, [GeV] 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 m., [GeV] Figure 8-10: Estimated signal m,, distributions for a narrow resonance (D decaying to T-pairs produced through gluon fusion (left) or in association with b-quarks (right) for the three mass hypotheses m4) = 160,350, and 600 GeV. The signal expectations are shown assuming a production rate of o- -BR(b -+ TT) = 1 pb in each case. Figure 8-11 shows the 95% CL observed and upper limits thus obtained, as well 148 M Process 90 GeV gg<D 100 GeV gg<D bb4< 120 GeV gg4 bbJD bbD 130 GeV ggD bb 140 GeV gg4 bb<D 160 GeV ggD bb<D 180 GeV 200 GeV 250 GeV gg<D bb<D 1.03. 10-2 1.35. -1T 7.77. 10 3 1.05 - 10-2 1.23. 10-2 1.55. -1- 7.46- 10 6.56 - 10--3 9.03. 10-3 8.55- 10- 5 1.10 -10--3 9.01 - 10-7 1.32. 10-3 1.22- 10 -4 1.58. 10-3 1.36 - 10-4 1.92 - 10-3 1.832.39. 10-3 2.24 - 10-T 2.90. 10-3 5.65- 10-3 gg<D 3.57. 102 5.21 - i0- 3.10. 10-2 3.70. 10-4 bbD 2.83. 10-2 5.65. 10- 2.36. 10-2 4.51 gg<D 400 GeV Mbb gg4D bb4D 1.52. 10- 2 1.83.- 10-1.58. 10-2 2.11- 10-2 1.73. 10-2 2.27. - 10-1.85. 10-2 2.40. 10-2 bbD 1.97. 102 gg<D bb4D 2.60. 16-2 2.09. 10-2 gg4 Mbb gg 4 bb 2.78. 2.182.82. 2.32. 700 GeV gg<d 800 GeV bbD ggD bb(D 10-2 10-2 10 10-2 3.12. -1--2 2.39. 10-2 2 3.14 2.57. 10-2 900 GeV gg4b 3.24. 1000 GeV 2.13. 102.52- 10-3 1.46. 10-4 2.95 - 10-3 10-3 2.62. 10-4 3.67 10--3 3.34. 10- 4 4.04. 10-3 3.24 -IT 4.59. 10-3 3.85. 10-4 4.51 - 10-3 4.07. 10-4 4.90 - 10-:' 5.13- i04.97. 10-3 9.18. 10- 2.58. 10-2 350 GeV 600 GeV 1.88. 10-3 --- 4.10 - 105.36. 10-3 5.98-10 5.74. 10-3 5.78 - 10- 3 4 5.87- 10-- Mbb 300 GeV 500 GeV 8 TeV B-tag No B-tag 3.13- 10-3 3.45. 102.64. 10-3 3.68- 10-4 3.98. 10-3 4.37 -10-- 5 3.53- 10- 3 4.64- 10- 4 5.93- 10-3 7.44. 10-5 5.16. 10- 3 8.21 . 10-4 6.68. 10-3 7.33. 10-5 8.73. 10-3 1.17 -10-2 1.00 . 102 1.46. 1.20. 10-2 1.66. 10-2 1.37- 10-2 1.84. 10-2 1.50. 10-2 1.99.- 10 1.61 -10-2 2.15- 10-2 1.73. 10-2 2.24- 10--2 1.79. 10-2 10-2 2.61. 10-2 2.04. 10-2 2.732.15- 10-2 2.95 - 10-2 2.31 . 10-2 gg<D bb4b gg bbD gg4 450 GeV 7 TeV B-tag No B-tag 4.65. 10-3 2.77. 10-5 3.96. 10-3 5.92. 10-4 5.82 -105.35. 10-5 4.82. 10-3 7.20. 10-4 8.14 -108.12. 10-5 7.09. 10-3 1.22. 10-3 9.07.- 10-3 9.32. 10-5 7.85. 10-3 1.30. 10-3 1.02-10 2 8.16. 0 5 1.45 - 10-3 9.26.- 10--3 1.21- 10-2 1.16. 10-4 2.48.- 10-4 3.07. 10-2.91 -10-4 3.41. 10-3 3.17 - 10 3.64. 10-3.19. 10- 4 3.69- 10-3 3.50- 104.05. 10-3 4.30. 10-4 4.15 - 10-3 4.24-10 4.26 - 10-3 3.73. 10-4 4.22 - 10-3 . 10-3 Table 8.5: Expected signal efficiency for each category for the 7 TeV and 8 TeV analyses for gluon fusion production and associated production with b-quarks. Efficiency and acceptance are computed with respect to decays of neutral MSSM Higgs bosons of mass m, to T-lepton pairs. 149 as the 1- and 2-standard deviation bands for the expected limit. The observed limit agrees with the expected limit within one standard deviation for mass hypotheses up to 450 GeV. The observed limit is stronger than the expected limit at a level of over 1 standard deviation for mass hypotheses between 500 and 800 GeV, due to an observed deficit in corresponding bins of the mr, CMS Preliminary, H - TT, 19.7 fb- at 8 TeV 1L- M 102 []± CMS Preliminary, H -+ T , 19.7 fb" at 8 TeV observed expected ± 1c expected 2a expected 103 - M02 [X 1 observed expected ± l expected ± 2aexpected gg-+4 profiled 10 gg->o bb profiled ,10 distributions. C,) CC 10T -J 10-1 0 10 1 1 ,, 0-0C 0 LO C) 100 100 100-3~ 20 200 300 400 100 1000 m,[GeV] 200 300 400 1000 m,[GeV] Figure 8-11: Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on o- - BR(4D -+ 7T) for gluon fusion (left) and b-quark associated production (right) as a function of mass hypothesis mrn obtained from the analysis of 8 TeV data. The limits obtained are also tabulated in Appendix B. 8.4.4 MSSM Higgs Boson Search In the context of the search for MSSM neutral Higgs bosons, the signal model implemented includes contributions from the A, H, and h calculated for each considered point in mA - tan / parameter space. The expected signal at each point in mA - tan 3 parameter space represents the sum of the three contributions. The corresponding values of mH and mh, the cross sections for gluon fusion and b-associated production and branching ratios to T-pairs for each of the A, H, and h, contributions are evaluated under the mm"' scenario as functions of mA and tan /. The expected mrn shape corresponding to any of these contributions with a mass for which a simulated sample is unavailable is obtained by using a "horizontal template morphing" technique [112] 150 which interpolates between the shape templates obtained for the nearest neighboring lower and higher mass points for which simulated samples are available. For each of the two production mechanisms, the three Higgs boson contributions are each normalized using the appropriate product of production cross section with branching ratio to T-pairs and the three contributions are then combined. For sufficiently large values of mA, the mass of the light scalar h remains small while the heavier A and H are approximately degenerate in mass. Figure 8-12 shows the expected signal contribution from the three neutral Higgs bosons decaying to 7-pairs produced through gluon fusion or in association with b-quarks in the No B-tag and B-tag categories respectively for two points in mA - tan / parameter space. A profile likelihood test statistic is constructed as in Eq. 8.3, parametrized in mA and tan 13 instead of p, using the signal model obtained as described above. The results of the limit calculation can be interpreted as a 95% CL exclusion contour in mA- tan / parameter space by determining the set of points ill an mA - tan / grid for which the computed value of CL, (Eq. 8.6) is less than or equal to 0.05. Figure 8-13 shows the observed and expected 95% CL exclusion regions in mA - tan / parameter space obtained for the m"ax benchmark scenario, as well as the 1- and 2-standard deviation bands around the expected exclusion contour. The downward fluctuation in the observed limit relative to the expected limit for mA > 450 GeV corresponds to the observed deficit of events in the corresponding bins of the muTT distributions. 8.4.5 Combination with Other -r-Pair Final States The results of the search in the ep T-pair final state are combined with the results of a similar search in other 7-pair final states (erm, /ITt, TTh, and fpi), described in Ref. [113], which are performed using a similar analysis strategy. The analyses in the cT, pTh, and TITh final states also rely on fits to the mTT distributions obtained in B- tag and No B-tag event categories. In the case of the pp final state, a two-dimensional fit to the mTT and mvis distributions is performed for additional discriminating power against the large Z -+ ypp background. The results of the combined search are obtained using a simultaneous binned 151 X:10-' (, gg 3.5 ED ggh (mh ggA (mA 3.0 = 124 GeV) =160 GeV) 0 z ~0 No B-Tag 1.5 MA = 160 GeV, tan = 8 0.15 MA 0.05 300 400 0.00 500 bbH (mH = 164 GeV) B-Tag 0.5 200 bbA (mA =160 GeV) 0.20 0.10 100 bb(D 0.25 1.0 0.01 0 o- bbh (m = 124 GeV) 2.5 2.0 -A 0.30 ggH (m, = 164 GeV) ' z ~0 0.35 0 100 160 GeV, tan= 8 200 300 400 m, [GeV] (, mr, 2.4 5, Sgge 2.2 'ggA 1.8 z '0 (mA =350 ~0 GeV) 1.6 z 1.4 "a No B-Tag 1.2 1.0 mA = 350 GeV, tan p = 45 0.8 bbA (mA =30 GeV) bbH (mH = 350 GeV) 0.30 0.25 B-Tag 0.20 MA 350 GeV, tan P= 45 0.15 0.6 0.10 0.4 0.05 0.2 0.0 bbh (m = 130 GeV) 0.40 0.35 ggH (m = 350 GeV) [GeV] E3bb(D 0.45 ggh (mh = 130 GeV) 2.0 500 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0.00 0 200 400 600 800 1000 m.r., [GeV] m, [GeV] Figure 8-12: Expected contributions from A/H/h - TT, and the combined expectation for 4b --4 TT for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons 1D produced through gluon fusion in the No B-tag category (left) and in association with b-quarks in the B-tag category (right). The contributions are estimated for mA = 160 GeV, tan 3 = 8 (upper row) and for mA = 350 GeV, tan = 45 (lower row). The corresponding values for mh, mH, and the cross sections and branching ratios for decays to T-pairs for each of the three neutral Higgs bosons are evaluated using the mm"' benchmark scenario. likelihood fit across all the event categories for all of the T-pair final states using the procedures described in Sections 8.1 and in the previous sub-sections. Figure 814 shows the combined 95% CL observed and expected limits for a single narrow resonance produced through gluon fusion or in association with b-quarks. The interpretation of the results of the MSSM neutral Higgs boson search as a 95% CL 152 CMS. H-+t t. 4.9 fb~ at 7 TeV. 19.7 fb-'at 8 TeV cOU 95% CL Excluded: CU 50 -observed -- expected 40 la expected 2(y expected 30 20 10 MSSM max scenario h 200 400 600 mA [GeV] Figure 8-13: Observed and expected 95% CL exclusions in the mA - tan 3 parameter space for the MSSM mnax scenario. The observed and expected exclusion regions are also tabulated in Appendix B. exclusion in mA - tan 3 parameter space is shown for the m"x scenario in Fig. 8-15. Since the presence of a SM Higgs boson of mass mH = 125 GeV decaying to T-pairs is evidenced in the results described in Section 8.2.5, and would affect the composition of events selected for the non-SM analysis as well, the expected limits obtained when a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson is included as part of the background expectation are also shown in both contexts. 8.4.6 Intepretation of MSSM Higgs Boson Search Results As discussed in Section 1.4, the existence of a Higgs-like state at 125 GeV has significant implications for searches in the context of the MSSM. For certain regions 153 of parameter space, the light scalar MSSM h might behave like a SM Higgs boson, and the 125 GeV boson could be interpreted as the MSSM light scalar Higgs boson while searching for the presence of additional, non-SM-like Higgs bosons predicted by the MSSM. It is to be noted that in the max scenario, large regions of mA - tan3 parameter space would be ruled out by such a restriction on mh since this scenario was designed to allow the light scalar Higgs boson to approach its maximal mass of ~ 135 GeV in the decoupling limit (mA >> mz). However, the interpretation of the search results in this scenario is still useful since it allows for a direct comparison with previous MSSM search results which have been traditionally presented in the scenario. Existing results can also be re-interpreted in the context of a variety of other models [114]. mhax Outside the framework of the max scenario, the interpretation of the 125 GeV particle as one of the MSSM scalar Higgs bosons remains compatible with large regions of parameter space. Several benchmark scenarios have been proposed for future studies which maintain such a compatibility by adjusting parameters which, through radiative corrections, affect the light scalar Higgs boson mass [30, 31]. The largest radiative corrections arise from loops containing third generation quarks or squarks; the related parameters thus play an important role in determining mh. One such scenario features a slight modification of the mjax scenario by adjusting the stop mixing parameter Xt which is related to the Higgs-stop quark coupling. A change in this parameter affects positive contributions to radiative corrections which influence the Higgs boson mass; tuning this parameter allows mh to remain lighter than its maximal value. This scenario is referred to as the mnod scenario. Two versions of the mnod scenario are proposed, one which features a positive stop mixing parameter and one which proposes a negative Xt. These adjustments result in a scenario compatible with the interpretation of the 125 GeV particle as the light scalar h for large portions of mA - tan 3 parameter space. In these scenarios, the branching ratios for decays of the heavy MSSM Higgs bosons to 7-pairs (and to b-quark pairs) may be reduced due to increased rates for decays to charginos and neutralinos for small and moderate values of tan 3. 154 The amplitude of gluon fusion Higgs boson production is affected by corrections whose magnitude is determined by the physical stop masses and the stop mixing parameter. A "light stop scenario" allows the light scalar Higgs boson mass to be in the appropriate range by choosing a sufficiently large Xt and allowing the presence of a light stop and would lead to a reduced rate for gluon fusion production relative to the expected SM rate. The light stop could be within the direct experimental search reach of the LHC. On the other hand, a "light stau scenario" would lead to a modified rate for the decay of the light scalar h to two photons. The corrections to the di-photon decay amplitude of the Higgs boson are determined by the stau masses and XT, the mixing parameter in the stau sector. Corrections due to mixing between the two MSSM CP-even Higgs bosons, the h and the H, could lead to a modified Higgs coupling to down-type fermions for large values of the mixing parameters, tan#3, and p (the Higgsino mass parameter). One such scenario is referred to as the "tau-phobic Higgs scenario". The decay rates of the h to T-pairs and to b-quark pairs are modified in this scenario. At low values of tan 0, Higgs boson decay rates to charginos and neutralinos are reduced with respect to the rates expected in the mr4,od scenarios. Another possibility would be to identify the 125 GeV boson as the heavy CP-even H of the MSSM, in which case all of the MSSM Higgs bosons would be required to be light. The light h would, in such a scenario, have significantly reduced couplings to gauge bosons. The restrictions of such a phenomenology should make such a "low mH scenario" relatively easy to confirm or rule out. Future interpretations of MSSM Higgs boson search results in the context of such alternative scenarios can be presented in a slightly modified fashion as tests of compatibility with the following alternative hypotheses: the existence of only a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson without additional Higgs bosons, or the existence of a signal in accordance with MSSM expectations including a 125 GeV scalar Higgs boson. 155 CMS, H-mr, .- Observed 1---- 12 [ 1 10 %.C 0 -i0 1 3 Observed SM H(125 GeV) injected Expected SM H(125 GeV) injected Expected ± lo Expected 102 ± I Expected 2a Expected X ± 2o Expected gg->0 profiled 10 gg->bb profiled 10 C) CMIS, H-+4TT, 19.7 fb-1 at 8 TeV 19.7 fb"at 8 TeV 10 C0) 11M3 ..0 1 0 10-1 E 1-1 -JE 10-2 10-2 L00 0> 10-3- 1 100 0 0- 10-3- ,1 200 300 400 g 1000 m, [GeV] 1 100 200 300 400 1000 m. [GeV] Figure 8-14: Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on u- - BR(D -* Tr) for gluon fusion (left) and b-quark associated production as a function of mass hypothesis m. obtained from the analysis of 8 TeV data combining the results for five T-pair final states. The expected limits obtained in the presence of a SM Higgs boson of mass mH - 125 GeV are also shown. 156 CMS Preliminary, H-m, 4.9 fb' at 7 TeV, 19.7 fb'1 at 8 TeV MSSM M max scenario Msusy=1 TeV I 10 95% CL Excluded: observed SM H injected expected ±1(y expected± 2a expected LEP 100 200 300 400 1000 mA [GeV] Figure 8-15: Observed and expected 95% CL exclusions in the mA - tan 3 parameter space for the MSSM mj"x scenario combining the results for five T-pair final states. The expected exclusion obtained in the presence of a SM Higgs boson of mass mH 125 GeV are also shown. 157 Chapter 9 Perspective Since the observation of a ~ 125 GeV Higgs boson decaying to final states with pairs of vector bosons, one of the most pressing concerns has been to determine if evidence for this particle can also be seen in fermionic final states. Confirmation of its decay to fermions would provide support for the Standard Model nature of the Higgs boson, while evidence to the contrary would be a strong indicator of physics beyond the Standard Model. The current level of evidence in the di-T decay mode indicating the leptonic decay of the 125 GeV boson is an important step towards establishing that the new particle is the Standard Model Higgs boson. Thus far, the signal strengths measured in different Higgs boson decay modes, both bosonic and fermionic, agree with the Standard Model expectation within the measured uncertainties [12, 21, 115, 116]. Tests of hypotheses which posit different spin-parity possibilities for the observed boson also thus far provide no indications of a deviation from the expectation for a pure CP-even, spin-0 scalar [13,14]. The LHC is currently scheduled to resume proton-proton collisions in 2015 at a planned center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and at instantaneous luminosities close to the design value. A dataset corresponding to 300 fb--'should be delivered to the ATLAS and CMS experiments by 2022. Following another shut-down period and upgrades requisite for higher-luminosity operations, the LHC should then resume operation in a high-luminosity phase (the High Luminosity LHC or HL-LHC), and 158 deliver 3000 fb-lby 2030. One of the principal goals of the LHC physics program in upcoming years will be to measure the properties of the 125 GeV particle as precisely as possible with the large datasets foreseen. Projections have been performed, using extrapolations based on the performance of existing CMS analyses, to assess the potential level of sensitivity to the Higgs boson couplings which could be achieved with such datasets collected at vs = 14 TeV [117. The results of these projections are presented in terms of the expected precision which could be achieved on the ratios of measured Higgs boson coupling strengths to the SM values (t) for different particles. Two scenarios were considered for these studies: in the first, Scenario 1, existing systematic uncertainties are assumed to be unchanged in the future analyses, while in the second, Scenario 2, theoretical uncertainties are assumed to be halved while other systematic uncertainties are assumed to evolve according to the integrated luminosity. Figure 9-1 shows the results of these extrapolations for the two scenarios, for datasets corresponding to integrated luminosities of 300 fb-'and 3000 fb- 1 . Based on these projections, the coupling of the Higgs boson to taus could be known to within a precision of 2-5% with 3000 fb-lof accumulated data. Adopting an effective field theory approach and making certain model assumptions, a deviation A of the measured coupling strength ratios from 1 could indicate physics beyond the SM at a characteristic scale A such that A O(v2 /A 2 ) [118], with v 246 GeV being the vacuum expectation value of the SM Higgs field. Thus, a 2% precision on the measurement of , could provide sensitivity to new physics at scales of beyond 1 TeV. One of the goals of future Higgs studies is to test for CP violation in the Higgs sector by determining if the Higgs state contains a mixture of CP-odd and CP-even contributions. The Higgs analysis in the di-T final state is especially valuable in this regard because of its sensitivity to Higgs boson production through vector boson fusion. The study of the VBF Higgs production mode could be used to measure a CP-odd contribution to the Higgs state once a clear signal has been established in this mode, using observables such as the angular correlation between the two tagging jets characterizing the VBF topology [119]. The decay of the Higgs boson to taus could also potentially allow a measurement of CP violation in the coupling of the 159 Higgs to fermions through the use of spin correlations in the T decay. An accuracy of ~ 110 could be achieved on measurements of the CP phase with a dataset of 3000 fb-'according to a recent study [120]. The years ahead should be a rewarding time for particle physics by providing a deeper experimental understanding of the Higgs sector of the Standard Model, or indeed by opening up possibilities for exploring physics beyond the Standard Model in case more precise measurements lead to indications of a deviation from Standard Model expectations. 160 CMS Projection I I I I I I I I I Expected uncertainties on H Higgs boson couplings H Kw7 KW I 300 fbil at (s = 14 TeV Scenario 1 300 fbl at (s = 14 TeV Scenario 2 I Kz Kg Kb Kt I 0.00 0.05 0.10 I i i I I I 0.15 expected uncertainty CMS Projection Expected uncertainties on Higgs boson couplings KyI H H 3000 fb-' at (s =14 TeV Scenario 1 3000 fb at s =14 TeV Scenario 2 I KW KZ Kg Kb Kt I II, 0.00 0.10 0.05 0.15 expected uncertainty Figure 9-1: Estimated precision on measurements of Higgs boson coupling strengths relative to their SM expectations with datasets corresponding to 300 fb- 1 (top) and 3000 fb- 1 (bottom) collected at Vfs = 14 TeV [117]. The estimations are based on extrapolations from existing analyses and consider two scenarios for the evolution of systematic uncertainties. 161 Chapter 10 Conclusion The results of a search for Higgs bosons decaying to pairs of T-leptons using protonproton collision data collected by the CMS experiment in 2011 and 2012 have been presented. This thesis focuses on the search through the subsequent T-pair decay to an electron, a muon, and neutrinos. The results of the analysis in the electronmuon T-pair final state are combined with the results of similar analyses in other T-pair final states in order to achieve the best possible sensitivity to a Higgs boson decaying to taus. The search is challenging because of the poor signal-to-background ratio, and the difficulty of reconstructing the invariant mass of the full di-T system due to the presence of neutrinos in the final state which cannot be detected directly. Nevertheless, the T-pair decay mode is essential in order to establish whether the newly observed Higgs boson with a mass near 125 GeV couples to fermions through Yukawa interactions as expected for the Standard Model Higgs boson. This mode also provides an excellent opportunity to search for physics beyond the Standard Model, since couplings to taus are expected to be enhanced in several scenarios such as the MSSM. In the case of the SM Higgs boson analysis, which is performed in the 90 - 145 GeV mass range, a mild excess above the SM background-only expectation with a maximum observed significance of 1.3 standard deviations is seen in the electronmuon final state, consistent with the expectation for a 125 GeV SM Higgs boson. 162 The analysis in the electron-muon final state alone would not be sufficiently sensitive to confirm the presence of a SM Higgs boson in the available data. The combined results of the SM Higgs boson search in all 7-pair final states yield evidence, at the level of over 3 standard deviations, for a Higgs boson decaying to T-lepton pairs, consistent with the expectations for a SM Higgs boson of mass near 125 GeV. For a SM Higgs boson mass hypothesis of 125 GeV, the observed significance of the combined search is 3.4 standard deviations, compared to an expected significance of 3.6 standard deviations. The combined results of the MSSM Higgs boson search do not indicate the presence of any additional Higgs bosons for mass hypotheses in the range 90 - 1000 GeV. These results constitute the first evidence for a Higgs boson to decay into leptons. They represent a significant milestone towards establishing its nature and properties. The first period of LHC operations has brought about a paradigm shift for particle physics, marking a transition from Higgs boson searches to more precise measurements of an observed Higgs boson which thus far agrees with the predictions for the longsought-after Standard Model Higgs boson. With the addition of more data when the LHC resumes operation, the Higgs analysis in the di-T final state should continue to provide one of the most important sources of insight towards understanding the properties of the Higgs boson. 163 164 Appendix A Lepton Efficiencies [GeV] / r; bin MC efficiency 0.4980 ± 0.0041 0.5097 ± 0.0034 0.2326 ± 0.0025 0.6694 + 0.0022 0.6574 ± 0.0021 0.3831 ± 0.0019 Data efficiency 0.4975 ± 0.0083 0.5664 ± 0.0528 0.2203 ± 0.0163 0.6434 ± 0.0099 0.6378 ± 0.0271 0.3946 ± 0.0131 Scale factor 0.9990 ± 0.0187 1.1113 ± 0.1038 0.9471 ± 0.0706 0.9611 ± 0.0152 0.9702 ± 0.0413 1.0299 ± 0.0345 < 0.8 0.9096 ± 0.0002 0.8979 + 0.0011 0.9871 ± 0.0013 20.0 <PT , 0.8 1rj1 < 1.5 20.0 < PT ,1.5 < Ir/1 < 2.3 0.8630 + 0.0002 0.6376 + 0.0004 0.8456 ± 0.0007 0.6463 ± 0.0022 0.9799 ± 0.0008 1.0136 + 0.0035 PT 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 < PT < < < < < PT PT PT PT < PT 15.0 , 0.0 < < 15.0 , 0.8 < 15.0 ,1.5 JrT, < 0.8 < I/ < 1.5 < JTIr < 2.3 < 20.0 , 0.0 < JrT, < 0.8 < 20.0 0.8 < |Jr/ < 1.5 < 20.0 ,1.5 < Jr/l < 2.3 20.0 <PT , 0.0 Jr/I Table A.1: Electron identification and isolation efficiencies in 7 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and rI. Only statistical uncertainties and uncertainties from the likelihood fit are included in the displayed uncertainties; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 165 PT 10.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 [GeV] < PT < 15.0 < PT < 15.0 < PT < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 < PT < 20.0 < PT < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 < PT < 25.0 < PT < 25.0 25.0 < PT < 30.0 25.0 < PT < 30.0 25.0 < PT < 30.0 / ?j 0.0 0.8 1.5 0.0 0.8 1.5 0.0 0.8 1.5 bin < 1j1 < qI| < ITI < TIJ < I}I < I}I < < < < < < < IyI < < 1q7 < < IyI < MC efficiency 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.4489 0.4524 0.1931 0.6190 0.6190 0.3461 0.7344 0.6489 0.3785 ± 0.0047 ± 0.0038 ± 0.0028 ± 0.0026 ± 0.0023 ± 0.0022 + 0.0015 ± 0.0016 ± 0.0016 Data efficiency 0.3436 0.3481 0.1104 0.5196 0.5235 0.2431 0.6442 0.5535 0.2888 ± ± ± ± + + + ± ± 0.0057 0.0068 0.0020 0.0017 0.0032 0.0021 0.0010 0.0022 0.0019 Scale factor 0.7654 0.7693 0.5719 0.8394 0.8457 0.7024 0.8772 0.8530 0.7631 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± + 0.0149 0.0164 0.0131 0.0045 0.0061 0.0075 0.0023 0.0039 0.0061 0.0 < Iy/ < 0.8 0.7984 ± 0.0010 0.7191 + 0.0011 0.9006 ± 0.0018 30.0 < PT < 35.0 30.0 < PT < 35.0 0.8 1.5 0.0 0.8 0.7294 0.4630 0.8443 0.7854 0.6472 0.3746 0.7819 0.7224 0.8874 0.8092 0.9261 0.9199 30.0 1.5 < 1j1 < 2.3 < PT < 35.0 < 177 < 1.5 < TIJ < 2.3 < TIJ < 0.8 < jq < 1.5 35.0 <PT , 0.0 < TIJ < 0.8 35.0 <PT , 0.8 < 177 < 1.5 35.0 < PT ,1.5 < Jq < 2.3 ± 0.0012 ± 0.0013 ± 0.0007 ± 0.0009 ± ± ± ± 0.0007 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001 ± ± ± + 0.0017 0.0024 0.0007 0.0010 0.5345 ± 0.0011 0.4527 ± 0.0011 0.8469 ± 0.0027 0.9092 ± 0.0002 0.8683 ± 0.0003 0.6625 ± 0.0005 0.8650 ± 0.0000 0.8201 ± 0.0000 0.6015 ± 0.0001 0.9514 ± 0.0002 0.9445 ± 0.0003 0.9078 ± 0.0007 Table A.2: Electron identification and isolation efficiencies in 8 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and 71. Only statistical uncertainties and uncertainties from the likelihood fit are included in the displayed uncertainties; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. PT [GeV] / q bin 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.0 < 171 < 0.8 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.8 < JqI < 1.2 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 1.2 < q I < 2.1 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.0 < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.8 < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 1.2 < 20.0 < PT , 0.0 < 177 20.0 < PT , 0.8 < rJ| jiI < 0.8 TIJ < 1.2 Iy| < 2.1 < 0.8 < 1.2 20.0 < PT , 1.2 < TIJ < 2.1 MC efficiency 0.6478 + 0.0044 0.6951 ± 0.0041 Data efficiency 0.6027 ± 0.0190 0.7038 t 0.0133 Scale factor 0.9303 ± 0.0300 1.0125 ± 0.0200 0.6459 0.7334 0.7908 0.7350 0.9340 0.9340 0.6455 0.7463 0.7940 0.7396 0.9338 0.9346 0.9994 1.0176 1.0040 1.0063 0.9998 1.0006 ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0023 0.0021 0.0021 0.0014 0.0001 0.0002 0.9085 + 0.0002 ± ± ± ± + ± 0.0130 0.0098 0.0017 0.0034 0.0005 0.0007 0.9126 ± 0.0003 ± ± + ± ± ± 0.0205 0.0137 0.0034 0.0050 0.0005 0.0008 1.0045 ± 0.0004 Table A.3: Muon identification and isolation efficiencies in 7 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and 7. Only statistical uncertainties and uncertainties from the likelihood fit are included in the displayed uncertainties; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 166 [GeV] / r/ bin 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.0 < JrTI < 0.8 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.8 < Jr;I < 1.2 10.0 < PT K 15.0 ,1.2 < ITr/ < 1.6 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 1.6 < IrTI < 2.1 15.0 < PT < 20.0 0.0 < iJr/ < 0.8 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.8 < Jr/ < 1.2 15.0 < PT < 20.0 ,1.2 < r/1 < 1.6 15.0 < PT < 20.0 ,1.6 < T11 < 2.1 MC efficiency 0.6121 t 0.0048 0.6749 ± 0.0047 0.6987 ± 0.0042 0.6315 + 0.0039 0.7059 + 0.0024 0.7534 ± 0.0028 0.7594 ± 0.0028 0.7030 ± 0.0027 20.0 < PT < 25.0 0.7808 ± 0.0014 0.7533 ± 0.0012 0.9648 + 0.0023 0.8047 0.8144 0.7637 0.8414 0.8519 0.8559 0.8146 0.7915 0.7997 0.7567 0.8141 0.8364 0.8462 0.8051 0.9836 0.9820 0.9909 0.9676 0.9817 0.9886 0.9883 PT 20.0 20.0 20.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 < PT < PT < PT < PT < PT < PT < PT < < < < < < < , 0.0 < Trj < 0.8 25.0 , 0.8 < Ir/ < 1.2 25.0 , 1.2 < I < 1.6 25.0 ,1.6 < Ir;I < 2.1 30.0 , 0.0 < jqrI < 0.8 30.0 , 0.8 < Jrq < 1.2 30.0 ,1.2 < Ir/I < 1.6 30.0 , 1.6 < Ir/I < 2.1 30.0 < PT < 35.0 , 0.0 < 'r| < 0.8 30.0 < PT < 35.0 0.8 < rjl < 1.2 30.0 < PT < 35.0 ,1.2 < r,, < 1.6 30.0 < PT < 35.0 ,1.6 < r < 2.1 35.0 <PT , 0.0 1r/ < 0.8 , 0.8 < IrTI < 1.2 35.0 <PT 35.0 < PT ,1.2 < Ir I < 1.6 35.0 < PT ,1.6 < rj I < 2.1 ± ± ± + ± ± ± 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0008 0.0012 0.0012 0.0013 Data efficiency 0.5981 ± 0.6578 ± 0.6738 ± 0.6246 ± 0.6740 0.7309 0.7416 0.6954 ± ± + ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± Scale factor 0.0045 0.9771 + 0.0107 0.0041 0.0037 0.0032 0.0022 0.0025 0.0025 0.0022 0.9746 0.9644 0.9891 0.9548 0.9701 0.9766 0.9892 0.0016 0.0016 0.0014 0.0007 0.0010 0.0009 0.0009 + 0.0091 + 0.0078 ± 0.0080 ± 0.0046 ± 0.0049 ± 0.0049 ± 0.0049 ± ± ± + ± ± ± 0.0030 0.0029 0.0030 0.0012 0.0018 0.0018 0.0019 0.8845 + 0.0005 0.8606 ± 0.0004 0.9730 ± 0.0008 0.8827 0.8824 0.8483 0.9418 0.9398 0.9385 0.9129 0.8680 0.8745 0.8399 0.9255 0.9249 0.9291 0.9025 0.9833 0.9910 0.9900 0.9826 0.9841 0.9900 0.9886 ± ± ± ± ± + + 0.0009 0.0009 0.0010 0.0002 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 ± ± ± + ± ± ± 0.0007 0.0007 0.0010 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 ± + ± ± ± + ± 0.0012 0.0013 0.0016 0.0005 0.0004 0.0003 0.0004 Table A.4: Muon identification and isolation efficiencies in 8 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and I. Only statistical uncertainties and uncertainties from the likelihood fit are included in the displayed uncertainties; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 167 / MC efficiency Data efficiency Scale factor 10.0 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.8 < 1j1 < 1.5 0.5573 ± 0.0071 0.5560 ± 0.0085 0.9256 + 0.0155 0.9018 ± 0.0214 1.6608 + 0.0348 1.6220 ± 0.0458 10.0 PT [GeV] < PT < 15.0 q bin , 0.0 < IT| < 0.8 15.0 , 1.5 < 1j1 < 2.3 0.4804 ± 0.0148 0.9333 ± 0.0426 1.9427 ± 0.1070 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.0 < 1j1 < 0.8 0.6144 ± 0.0063 0.9565 ± 0.0114 1.5569 + 0.0243 15.0 15.0 0.6074 ± 0.0078 0.5529 ± 0.0120 0.9844 ± 0.0104 0.9643 ± 0.0234 1.6208 ± 0.0270 1.7441 ± 0.0563 0.9694 0.9892 0.9693 0.9770 0.9954 0.9729 0.9839 0.9941 0.9858 0.9799 0.9938 0.9858 0.9863 0.9850 1.0000 0.9873 0.9959 0.9864 1.0108 1.0046 1.0171 1.0095 0.9895 1.0278 1.0035 1.0018 1.0006 < PT K < 20.0 , 0.8 < ij < 1.5 < 20.0 , 1.5 < Jil < 2.3 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 0.0 < IT4 < 0.8 < PT < PT 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 0.8 < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 1.5 < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 0.0 < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 0.8 < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 1.5 < 30.0 < PT , 0.0 < TIJ 30.0 < PT , 0.8 < lql 30.0 < PT , 1.5 < Inj 177 < rjj < Iq < 1j1 < Ij1 < < 0.8 < 1.5 < 2.3 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 ± ± ± ± ± ± + ± ± 0.0026 0.0023 0.0053 0.0025 0.0018 0.0050 0.0018 0.0014 0.0033 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0091 0.0082 0.0184 0.0081 0.0117 0.0160 0.0034 0.0032 0.0080 + ± ± + + ± ± + ± 0.0097 0.0086 0.0198 0.0087 0.0119 0.0173 0.0039 0.0035 0.0088 Table A.5: Electron trigger leg efficiencies in 7 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and TI. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 168 [GeV] / r bin 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.0 < 'qj < 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.8 < Ir/j < 10.0 < PT < 15.0 ,1.5 < Ir,1 < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.0 < Irq < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.8 < Irq < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 ,1.5 < iJrI < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 0.0 < IrTJ < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 0.8 < jrq < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 ,1.5 < Ir/| < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 0.0 < I/ < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 0.8 < Jr < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 ,1.5 < Tr1 < 30.0 < PT < 35.0 , 0.0 < Tr1 < 30.0 < PT < 35.0 0.8 < iT1 < 30.0 < PT < 35.0 ,1.5 < Ir/I < 35.0 <PT , 0.0 IrTI < 0.8 35.0 <PT , 0.8 < JrTI < 1.5 35.0 <PT , 1.5 < jri, < 2.3 PT 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 0.8 1.5 2.3 MC efficiency 0.7615 ± 0.0128 0.8186 ± 0.0150 0.7652 ± 0.0312 0.8903 ± 0.0090 0.9367 ± 0.0091 0.9126 ± 0.0162 0.9419 ± 0.0072 0.9746 + 0.0069 0.9654 ± 0.0120 0.9591 ± 0.0072 0.9757 ± 0.0071 0.9732 + 0.0140 0.9454 ± 0.0088 0.9748 ± 0.0100 0.9875 + 0.0095 0.9629 ± 0.0073 0.9763 ± 0.0069 0.9787 ± 0.0131 Data efficiency 0.7270 + 0.0086 0.7380 ± 0.0100 0.6899 ± 0.0224 0.8752 ± 0.0052 0.9059 + 0.0057 0.8635 ± 0.0118 0.9142 + 0.0042 0.9484 ± 0.0045 0.9356 ± 0.0089 0.9368 + 0.0038 0.9630 + 0.0041 0.9466 + 0.0079 0.9499 ± 0.0037 0.9642 ± 0.0042 0.9735 ± 0.0059 0.9689 t 0.0012 0.9809 ± 0.0013 0.9802 ± 0.0021 Scale factor 0.9548 ± 0.0197 0.9015 + 0.0205 0.9017 ± 0.0470 0.9830 ± 0.0115 0.9672 + 0.0113 0.9463 ± 0.0212 0.9707 ± 0.0087 0.9731 ± 0.0083 0.9691 ± 0.0149 0.9768 t 0.0084 0.9870 ± 0.0083 0.9727 ± 0.0162 1.0047 ± 0.0100 0.9891 ± 0.0111 0.9858 ± 0.0112 1.0063 ± 0.0078 1.0047 ± 0.0073 1.0015 ± 0.0135 Table A.6: Electron trigger leg efficiencies in 8 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and /. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 169 PT [GeV] / Tj bin 10.0 < PT < 15.0 0.0 < 1j7 < 10.0 < PT < 15.0 0.8 < qI| < 10.0 < PT < 15.0 1.2 < IrJ < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 0.0 < IT| < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 0.8 < IyI < 15.0 < PT < 20.0 1.2 < TJ| < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 0.0 < < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 0.8 < IrI < 20.0 < PT < 25.0 1.2 < ITI < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 0.0 < 171 < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 0.8 < TIJ < 25.0 < PT < 30.0 1.2 < Inj < 30.0 <PT , 0.0 < ITl < 0.8 0.8 MC efficiency 0.9849 ± 0.0021 Data efficiency 0.9660 ± 0.0164 Scale factor 0.9808 ± 0.0167 1.2 2.1 0.8 0.9678 ± 0.0049 0.9589 ± 0.0039 0.9857 ± 0.0021 0.9314 ± 0.0350 0.9207 ± 0.0271 0.9668 ± 0.0148 0.9623 ± 0.0365 0.9602 ± 0.0285 0.9808 ± 0.0152 1.2 0.9759 ± 0.0043 0.9556 ± 0.0256 0.9791 ± 0.0266 2.1 0.8 1.2 2.1 0.9663 0.9843 0.9799 0.9674 0.9613 0.9878 0.9495 0.9379 0.9948 1.0035 0.9690 0.9694 0.8 1.2 2.1 0.9865 ± 0.0027 0.9761 ± 0.0059 0.9707 ± 0.0044 0.9680 ± 0.0154 0.9550 ± 0.0293 0.9416 ± 0.0255 0.9812 ± 0.0158 0.9783 ± 0.0306 0.9700 ± 0.0266 30.0 <PT , 0.8 < Ir| < 1.2 0.9885 ± 0.0020 0.9827 ± 0.0044 0.9671 i 0.0044 0.9502 ± 0.0089 0.9783 ± 0.0049 0.9669 ± 0.0101 30.0 < PT ,1.2 0.9699 ± 0.0040 0.9383 ± 0.0083 0.9674 ± 0.0094 IriI < TIJ < 2.1 ± ± + ± 0.0037 0.0025 0.0040 0.0040 ± ± ± ± 0.0202 0.0118 0.0327 0.0239 ± ± + ± 0.0213 0.0122 0.0336 0.0250 Table A.7: Muon trigger leg efficiencies in 7 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and 71. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 170 PT [GeV] / rj bin 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.0 < |ij 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 0.8 < JrTI 10.0 < PT < 15.0 , 1.2 < Jrq 10.0 < PT < 15.0 ,1.6 < Ir/I 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.1 MC efficiency 0.9870 ± 0.0048 0.9666 + 0.0104 0.9357 ± 0.0136 0.9415 ± 0.0140 Data efficiency 0.9701 ± 0.0033 0.9419 ± 0.0064 0.9303 + 0.0074 0.8623 ± 0.0105 Scale factor 0.9829 + 0.0058 0.9745 + 0.0124 0.9943 ± 0.0164 0.9158 ± 0.0176 0.0 < q/ < 0.8 0.9868 ± 0.0046 0.9720 ± 0.0030 0.9850 ± 0.0056 0.9445 0.9512 0.9638 0.9812 0.9822 0.9640 0.9657 0.9853 0.9618 0.9538 0.9287 0.9826 0.9454 0.9247 0.9305 0.9267 0.8995 0.9764 0.9439 0.9366 0.9134 0.9725 0.9405 0.9218 0.8824 0.9785 0.9342 0.9184 0.9852 0.9743 0.9333 0.9951 0.9610 0.9716 0.9459 0.9869 0.9779 0.9665 0.9501 0.9959 0.9881 0.9932 15.0 < PT < 20.0 , 0.8 15.0 < PT < 20.0 ,1.2 15.0 < PT < 20.0 ,1.6 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 0.0 20.0 < PT < 25.0 , 0.8 20.0 < PT < 25.0 ,1.2 20.0 < PT < 25.0 ,1.6 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 0.0 25.0 < PT < 30.0 , 0.8 25.0 < PT < 30.0 ,1.2 25.0 < PT < 30.0 ,1.6 30.0 < PT < 35.0 , 0.0 30.0 < PT < 35.0 , 0.8 30.0 < PT < 35.0 ,1.2 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < r/ < 1.2 r/ < 1.6 r1 < 2.1 iT/ < 0.8 'r/ < 1.2 r/ < 1.6 r1 < 2.1 r1 < 0.8 i/ < 1.2 r/ < 1.6 r/ < 2.1 < I < 0.8 < JrjI < 1.2 < IrIj < 1.6 30.0 < p, < 35.0 ,1.6 < Jr/T < 2.1 35.0 < PT , 0.0 Tr1 < 0.8 35.0 < PT , 0.8 < iTj < 1.2 35.0 < PT ,1.2 < iTj < 1.6 35.0 < PT ,1.6 < rj < 2.1 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± + 0.0149 0.0155 0.0133 0.0053 0.0097 0.0123 0.0131 0.0067 0.0170 0.0163 0.0214 0.0078 0.0202 0.0234 0.9573 ± 0.0289 0.9692 0.9759 0.9522 0.9606 + ± ± ± 0.0083 0.0166 0.0206 0.0208 ± + h ± ± + ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0068 0.0078 0.0094 0.0028 0.0066 0.0071 0.0091 0.0031 0.0068 0.0086 0.0114 0.0030 0.0078 0.0094 ± ± ± ± + + ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 0.0171 0.0179 0.0162 0.0060 0.0116 0.0141 0.0159 0.0074 0.0187 0.0184 0.0251 0.0085 0.0227 0.0271 0.8990 ± 0.0111 0.9679 ± 0.0014 0.9391 ± 0.0307 0.9986 ± 0.0087 0.9310 ± 0.0031 0.9092 ± 0.0041 0.9016 ± 0.0049 0.9540 + 0.0165 0.9549 ± 0.0211 0.9386 ± 0.0209 Table A.8: Muon trigger leg efficiencies in 8 TeV data and simulation and the corresponding scale factors measured in different bins of PT and rl. Only statistical uncertainties are shown; a discussion of the systematic uncertainty can be found in Section 7.2. 171 Appendix B Tables of Exclusion Limits [GeV] 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Observed limit Expected limit [pb] me -2u 24.88 24.52 4.84 2.17 1.64 1.33 1.16 0.47 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.11 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.08 -1a 33.11 32.74 6.48 2.89 2.18 1.78 1.47 0.63 0.44 0.33 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.14 0.12 0.09 0.07 0.09 Median 46.16 45.16 8.95 3.84 2.97 2.33 1.87 0.86 0.62 0.46 0.38 0.32 0.28 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.10 0.12 +1 64.74 62.98 12.42 5.12 3.86 2.97 2.38 1.20 0.86 0.64 0.53 0.44 0.39 0.28 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.16 +2(7 86.30 83.59 16.52 6.53 4.85 3.73 3.04 1.64 1.17 0.87 0.72 0.60 0.53 0.38 0.31 0.25 0.20 0.21 [pb] 54.51 52.39 11.92 4.89 3.38 2.50 1.78 0.74 0.48 0.41 0.37 0.26 0.17 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.13 Table B.1: Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on o - BR(1D -4 TT) for a single resonance <D produced through gluon fusion as a function of mq, obtained from the analysis of data collected at V/ = 8 TeV. 172 m4 [GeV] 90 100 120 130 140 160 180 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 900 1000 -2u 5.32 4.55 2.61 2.24 1.97 1.66 1.50 1.25 0.58 0.45 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.23 0.17 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.14 Expected limit [pb] -1a Median +-l 7.13 9.98 14.08 6.06 8.47 12.01 3.48 4.86 6.85 2.99 4.17 5.75 2.64 3.64 4.90 2.22 3.01 3.88 2.00 2.59 3.28 1.53 1.93 2.46 0.77 1.07 1.50 0.60 0.83 1.16 0.47 0.65 0.91 0.38 0.53 0.74 0.33 0.46 0.65 0.30 0.42 0.59 0.22 0.31 0.44 0.17 0.25 0.35 0.14 0.20 0.28 0.15 0.20 0.27 0.17 0.22 0.28 +2j 19.11 16.25 9.18 7.51 6.28 4.85 4.05 3.09 2.04 1.55 1.23 0.99 0.86 0.78 0.58 0.48 0.38 0.35 0.35 Observed limit [pb] 12.47 9.15 4.19 3.72 3.89 3.63 2.95 2.24 1.10 0.83 0.65 0.53 0.37 0.24 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.19 Table B.2: Expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on u-BR((D -+ TT) for a single resonance 4D produced in association with b-quarks as a function of 'mT, obtained from the analysis of data collected at s = 8 TeV. 173 mA [GeV] 90 100 120 130 140 160 180 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 -2o5.32 5.42 4.15 3.95 4.28 5.23 5.93 7.05 11.49 16.47 21.51 26.26 32.32 39.27 53.20 70.70 Expected limit Median -Io8.22 6.68 7.06 8.81 5.54 7.20 5.21 6.66 5.34 6.58 5.96 7.40 7.17 8.49 8.28 10.17 13.52 15.90 18.70 21.66 24.39 28.38 29.72 34.43 36.76 42.59 52.53 44.81 72.62 61.04 94.26 131.62 (tan /) +1o10.34 11.09 8.97 8.31 8.16 8.84 10.53 11.94 18.87 25.18 32.86 39.93 49.41 60.68 101.86 185.66 Observed limit (tan /) +212.14 13.30 11.07 10.28 10.03 10.77 12.10 14.19 21.81 29.10 37.49 45.91 57.13 69.53 138.58 250.21 10.52 11.04 7.84 7.73 8.27 10.33 11.54 12.69 15.19 21.51 29.29 35.97 40.19 42.64 49.81 68.91 Table B.3: Expected and observed 95% CL limits on tan /3 as a function of mA, obtained in the mjax scenario. 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