MSS 119 Betty Newcomb collection, 1951-1985. 4 boxes Biography Betty Newcomb, a Maryland native, moved to Muncie with her husband Robert and their three sons in 1958. She taught English at Southside High School in 1963 and 1964. Newcomb left Southside in 1964 to travel to Europe with her husband a Ball State University English professor, who taught several months in London. In 1965, the Newcombs returned to Muncie where Mrs. Newcomb taught English ad Ball State University. In October of 1973, Betty Newcomb was offered a position as director of Affirmative Action on the Ball State campus, fulfilling a requirement wherein all higher education and public institutions receiving federal contracts had to appoint a high level administrator to oversee an affirmative action program. It was the director’s responsibility to analyze the institution’s employment records to ensure that the percentages of women and minorities in the workforce matched national levels and to monitor all employment decisions within the institution, investigating all sexual harassment charges. Ms Newcomb had a long involvement with women’s and minorities’ rights. She joined the League of Women Voters in 1959, soon after the Muncie League was formed. She also helped organize NOW (the National Organization of Women) and was in on the beginning of the proERA (Equal Rights Amendment) locally. She counts as one of the milestones of her life getting to share a committee with Alice Paul, the author of the Equal Rights Amendment. Ms. Newcomb and her family moved from Muncie back to her native Maryland in 1987. Scope The collection consists of materials dealing with the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), the National Organization of Women (NOW) and the League of Women Voters, including bylaws, correspondence, newsletters, and related materials for all three organizations. Revised by M. Read, 7/2007 MSS 119 Container List Box 1 Folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Equal Rights Amendment, 1968-74 Abortion, April 1970 - November 1973 Abortion, undated Alternate Proposals - NOW Betty Newcomb - SLC, Indiana, June 1972- August 1973 Betty Newcomb - SLC, Indiana, undated By-Laws Amendment - NOW, August 1971- March 1972 By-Laws Committee Correspondence, July 1971-August 1973 By-Laws Committee Correspondence, October 1973 - April 1974 By-Laws Committee Correspondence, May 1974- April 1975 By-Laws Committee Correspondence, undated By-Laws Committee - NOW, December 1970- July 1971 By-Laws Committee - NOW, undated By-Laws - Mail Ballot, September -November 1973 By-Laws - 1974 Conference, February 1973- January 1974 By-Laws - 1974 Conference, February 1974- February 1975 By-Laws - 1974 Conference, undated By-Laws - NOW, July 1970 - April 1973 By-Laws - NOW, May - October 1973 By-Laws - NOW, June 1973 By-Laws - NOW, January 1974 - March 1975 By-Laws - NOW, January -April 1974 By-Laws - NOW, December 1974 - May 1975 By-Laws - NOW, undated By-Laws - NOW, May - August 1974 By-Laws - NOW, September - November 1974 By-Laws - NOW, undated By-Laws - NOW, undated By-Laws - NOW, undated By-Laws - Plenary Session By-Laws - Proposals for Future Changes, 1973 California ERA, January 1971 - December 1972 California ERA, undated Charter Input - NOW, December 1972 - January 1973 Communications - NOW, January 1971 – August 1972 Communications - NOW, undated Coordinating Committee, October 1966- September 1973 Coordinating Committee, October 1966- September 1973 Coordinating Committee, misc., 1968-1973 Correspondence - NOW, July 1968 – November 1972 Correspondence - NOW, February - June 1973 Districts - NOW, February - October 1972 2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action, August 1974 - January 1984 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policies and Procedures Handbook, 1979 Equal Rights Amendment, March 1970 - 1974 Equal Rights Amendment, January 1972 - February 1975 Equal Rights Amendment, January 1973 Equal Rights Amendment, January 1971 - January 1973 Equal Rights Amendment, April – October 1973 Equal Rights Amendment, December 1974- April 1975 Equal Rights Amendment, March 1980- May 1982 ERA, undated ERA, undated ERA, undated ERA - Citizens' Advisory Council, undated ERA - Clippings, 1977 - 1982 ERA - Congressional Votes, September 1960- October 1976 ERA - Coordinating Committee, October 1970- November 1973 ERA - Coordinating Committee, October 1970 November 1973 ERA - Coordinating Committee, misc., October 1970 - November 1973 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ERA Correspondence, September 1960- November 1976 ERA Correspondence, January 1974 - July 1977 ERA Correspondence, undated ERA Correspondence - Addresses, June 1971- February 1973 ERA Correspondence - Addresses, March 1973- December 1975 ERA Correspondence - Addresses, undated ERA Correspondence - Addresses, undated ERA Correspondence - Addresses, undated ERA Correspondence - Addresses, undated ERA Correspondence - misc., undated ERA Correspondence - Newsletters, October 1960 - September 1975 ERA Correspondence - Newsletters, January 1977 - April 1978 ERA Correspondence - Newsletters, May 1978- August 1979 ERA Correspondence - Newsletters, undated ERA Correspondence - NOW, October 1967- December 1973 ERA - HERA, January - July 1974 ERA - HERA, August 1974 - June 1975 ERA - HERA, misc., undated ERA - Legislation, November 1971 - March 1973 ERA - Legislative Communication June 1970 - February 1971 ERA - Legislative Communication, ERA - Legislative Communication, February 1972 - June 1986 ERA - Legislative Communication, undated ERA - Men, 1974 - 1975 ERA - misc., November 1954- August 1971 ERA - misc., May - July 1972 ERA - misc., August - November 1972 3 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ERA - misc., December 1972- September 1974 ERA - misc., 1974 - 1983 ERA - misc., 1975 – 1977 ERA - Newspapers, March 1981- February 1982 ERA - NOW, Original Meeting, December 1972 - July 1973 ERA - NOW, Recent Material, March 1970 - March 1973 ERA - NOW, Recent Material, January 1974 - April 1975 ERA - NOW, Recent Material, undated ERA - Organizational Material, September 1973 - May 1974 ERA - Organizational Material, June - November 1974 ERA - Organizational Material, December 1974 - January 1975 ERA - Organizational Material, undated ERA - Organizational Material, undated ERA - PAC, March 1976 ERA - People, February 1972- June 1974 ERA - People, undated ERA Survey, Spring 1976 Equal Rights League, February 1969- April 1970 Equal Rights League, August 1970- January 1971 Equal Rights League, March 1971- January 1975 Equal Rights League, undated Equal Rights League, undated Existing NOW By-Laws, July 1971 HERA, January 1971 - June 1973 HERA, July - August 1973 HERA, September 1973 - August 1974 HERA, undated HERA - Tenth District Meeting, March 1974 HERA - Tenth District Meeting, undated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 International Chapters - NOW, September 1973 - March 1974 International Feminist Conference - NOW April - May 1973 International Feminist Conference - NOW June 1973 - March 1974 International Feminist Conference - NOW undated International Feminist Conference – NOW undated International Feminist Conference – NOW undated J-Course, Indiana University, October 1973 League of Women Voters, undated League of Women Voters - Correspondence, January 1970 - November 1974 League of Women Voters - ERA, October 1951 - April 1971 League of Women Voters - ERA, May 1970 - May 1971 League of Women Voters - ERA, January - May 1972 League of Women Voters - ERA, June 1972 - September 1973 League of Women Voters - Muncie, August 1955 - May 1958 League of Women Voters - Muncie, December 1968 - March 1973 League of Women Voters - Muncie, undated 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 League of Women Voters - NOW, joint membership with ERA, November 1969 May 1970 League of Women Voters - NOW, joint membership with ERA, September 1970 January 1972 League of Women Voters - NOW, joint membership with ERA, February 1972 September 1975 League of Women Voters - NOW, joint membership with ERA, undated Legislators - Speech information, February 1973 - January 1975 Legislators - Speech Information, February 1975 Legislators - Speech information, undated Legislators - Speech information, undated NOW - Abortion, January 1973- January 1974 NOW - Child Care, July 1971- October 1972 NOW - Compliance, November 1971- January 1973 NOW - Correspondence, April 1970- February 1973 NOW - Correspondence, December 1973- August 1975 NOW - Correspondence, undated NOW - Correspondence, undated NOW - Correspondence, undated NOW - Ecumenism, December 1972 NOW - Education, July 1972- February 1973 NOW - ERA, May 1966 - December 1977 NOW - ERA, undated NOW - ERA, undated NOW - ERA Ratification, January 1973 NOW - FCC, February - March 1973 NOW - Finance/Fundraising, ?1970 - October 1972 NOW - Finance/Fundraising, undated NOW - General Information, 1971 - 1973 NOW - League of Women Voters, September 1973 NOW - Legislative Office, September 1971 - December 1973 NOW - Legislative Office, March - April 1974 NOW - Legislative Office, undated NOW - Legislation, undated NOW - Local Chapters, ?1969- March 1973 NOW - Local Chapters, February 1970 NOW - Local Chapters, December 1972- February 1974 NOW - Local Chapters, February 1974 NOW - Local Chapters, April 1973-November 1977 NOW - Local Chapters, undated NOW - Local Chapters, undated NOW - Justice, January 1972 NOW - Marriage/Divorce, July 1971 NOW - Masculine Mystique NOW - misc., July 1971-April 1972 NOW - misc., May 1972- October 1976 4 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 NOW - misc., undated NOW - misc., undated NOW - National Board Correspondence, May 1973 - March 1974 NOW - National Board Correspondence, April - August 1974 NOW - National Board Correspondence, January 1975 - April 1984 NOW - National Board Correspondence, undated NOW - National Board Correspondence, undated NOW - National Conference, April 1977 NOW - National Office, January - September 1973 NOW - National Office, October 1973 NOW - National Office, November 1973 NOW - National Office, December 1973 - January 1974 NOW - National Office, February 1974 NOW - National Office, undated 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOW - National Office Correspondence, February 1971 - August 1973 NOW - National Office Correspondence, March 1971 - March 1973 NOW - National Office Correspondence, January 1972 - February 1973 NOW - National Office Correspondence, March - May 1973 NOW - National Office Correspondence, October - November 1973 NOW - National Office Correspondence, December 1973 - January 1974 NOW - National Office Correspondence, February 1974 NOW - National Office Correspondence, March 1974 - October 1976 NOW - National Office Correspondence, March - April 1974 NOW - National Office Correspondence, May - July 1974 NOW - National Office Correspondence, August - November 1974 NOW - National Office Correspondence, December 1974 - December 1975 NOW - National Office Correspondence, undated NOW - National Office Correspondence, undated NOW - Newsletters/Publications, August 1974 - October 1975 NOW - Newspapers, July - December 1977 NOW - Newspapers, January - March 1978 NOW - Newspapers, April - July 1978 NOW - Newspapers, September - November 1978 NOW - Newspapers, December 1978 - March 1979 NOW - Newspapers, November - September 1980 NOW - Newspapers, March - September 1982 NOW - Newspapers, October 1982- February 1983 NOW - Newspapers, March - May 1983 NOW - Newspapers, June - December 1973 NOW - Politics, September 1970- June 1972 NOW - Poverty, February - December 1972 NOW - Public Relations, August- December 1972 NOW - Stockholder Action Program, undated NOW - Volunteerism, September 1971- November 1972 NOW - Women's Image, December 1972 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 NOW - Working Women, May 1970 National Women's Political Caucus, April 1971 - August 1974 National Women's Political Caucus, undated Petitions to Support ERA, undated Review of Chapter By-Laws, ERA, September 1967 - November 1971 Review of Chapter By-Laws, ERA, January - December 1972 Review of Chapter By-Laws, ERA, January - November 1973 Review of Chapter By-Laws, ERA, undated Sex-Bias Task Force, August 1974 Task Force - Grievances and Conflicts, July 1973 - February 1974 Tenth District Indiana Women's Political Caucus, December 1971 - March 1972 Tenth District Indiana Women's Political Caucus, April 1972 Tenth District Women's Political Caucus, March 1970 - March 1973 Tenth District Women's Political Caucus, April 1972 Tenth District Women's Political Caucus, undated Tenth District Workshop, January 1972- April 1973 Tenth District Workshop, undated Women's Liberation Front - Bloomington, November 1969 - July 1972 Women's Liberation Front - Bloomington, August 1972 - January 1975 Women's Liberation Front - Bloomington, undated Women's Political Caucus - Indiana, May 1971 - September 1971 Women's Political Caucus - Indiana, October - November 1971 Women's Political Caucus - Indiana, December 1971 - March 1972 Women's Political Caucus - Indiana, undated Women's Studies - Administration, October 1971 - December 1972 Women's Studies - Administration, undated Women's Studies - Administration, undated Women's Studies Bibliography, May 1975 Women's Studies Course, Fall-Spring 1973 Women's Studies - Evaluation, December 1973 Women's Studies - Evaluation, November 1973