Expected Returns and Volatility of Fama-French Factors Fousseni CHABI-YO∗ Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University First Version August 15, 2009. This Version September 25, 2009 Abstract In this paper, I show that the variance of Fama-French factors, the variance of the momentum factor, as well as the correlation between these factors, predict an important fraction of the timeseries variation in post-1990 aggregate stock market returns. This predictability is particularly strong from one month to one year, and it dominates that afforded by the variance risk premium and other popular predictor variables such as P/D ratio, the P/E ratio, the default spread, and the consumption-wealth ratio. In a simple representative agent economy with recursive preferences, I model the portfolio weight in each asset as a function of a stock’s characteristics and show that the market return can be predicted by these variances. (JEL C22, C51, C52, G12, G13, G14) ∗ Fousseni CHABI-YO is from the Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University. I am grateful to Kewei Hou, Rene Stulz, Hao Zhou, Ingrid Werner, and seminar participants at the Ohio State University. I thank Kenneth French for making a large amount of historical data publicly available in his online data library. I welcome comments, including references to related papers I have inadvertently overlooked. I thank the Dice Center for Financial Economics for financial support. Correspondence Address: Fousseni Chabi-Yo, Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University, 840 Fisher Hall, 2100 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1144. email: chabi-yo 1@fisher.osu.edu Expected Returns and Volatility of Fama-French Factors Abstract In this paper, I show that the variance of Fama-French factors, the variance of the momentum factor, as well as the correlation between these factors, predict an important fraction of the timeseries variation in post-1990 aggregate stock market returns. This predictability is particularly strong from one month to one year, and it dominates that afforded by the variance risk premium and other popular predictor variables such as P/D ratio, the P/E ratio, the default spread, and the consumption-wealth ratio. In a simple representative agent economy with recursive preferences, I model the portfolio weight in each asset as a function of a stock’s characteristics and show that the market return can be predicted by these variances. (JEL C22, C51, C52, G12, G13, G14) I. Introduction Recently, Bollerslev et al. (2009) and Zhou (2009) show that the difference between “model-free” implied and realized variances, which they term the variance risk premium, predicts an important fraction of the variation in post-1990 aggregate stock market returns with high (low) values of the premium associated with subsequent high (low) returns. They show that the magnitude of the predictability is particularly strong at the intermediate three months return horizon, in which it dominates that afforded by other popular predictor variables, such as the P/E ratio, the default spread, and the consumption–wealth ratio. It seems that the predictability of the variance risk premium is the strongest at a short horizon but the predictability of variables such as P/E ratio, the default spread, and the consumption–wealth ratio is strongest at the medium and long horizons. The variance risk premium has been interpreted as an indicator of the representative agent’s risk aversion. Recent papers rely on the non-standard recursive utility framework of Epstein and Zin (1991) and Weil (1989) to show that the variance risk premium is due to the macroeconomic uncertainty risk. I utilize stock’s characteristics such as the firm’s market capitalization, book-to-market ratio, or lagged return to study the predictability of market returns. In a simple representative agent economy with recursive preferences, I allow the portfolio weights to be a function of the asset’s characteristics, as in Brandt et al. (2009), and show that the market return can be predicted by the variance of the Fama and French factors: size (SMB), book-to-market factor (HML); the variance of the momentum factor (MOM), as well as the correlation between these factors. Asset’s characteristics, such as the firm’s market capitalization, book-to-market ratio, or lagged return, are related to the stocks expected return. Fama and French (1996) find that these three characteristics robustly describe the cross-section of expected returns1 . I use S&P500 returns to compute the holding period returns from January 1990 to December 2008, and look first at the predictability of the aforementioned variables. The degree of predictability offered by the HML variance starts out fairly high at the monthly horizon with an adjusted R2 of 4.94%. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with the HML variance is -2.78. The three-month return regression results in a much more impressive t-statistic 1 Chan, Karceski, and Lakonishok (1998) show that these characteristics are also related to the variances and covariances of returns. Lewellen (2004), Ang and Bekaert (2007), Campbell and Yogo (2006) provide extensive discussion about return predictability. 3 of -3.59 with a corresponding adjusted R2 of 9.69%. The adjusted R2 remains high and ranges from 9% to 13% from six-month to two-year horizon. The t-statistic also remains highly significant and ranges from -5.02 to -3.52 for all horizons. Also noteworthy is that the monthly HML variance series is less correlated with the variance risk premium. The correlation of the monthly HML variance series with the variance risk premium is 0.07 for the 1990-2007 period, and -0.18 for the 1990-2008 period. The degree of predictability offered by the HML variance dominates that afforded by the variance risk premium. With the variance risk premium, the adjusted R2 starts out at the monthly horizon at 3.24%. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with the variance risk premium is 4.47. The three-month return regression also results in an impressive t-statistic of 3.30 with a corresponding R2 of 6.02%, but the numerical values and significance gradually taper off for longer return horizons. The degree of predictability offered by the MOM variance starts out fairly high at the monthly horizon with an adjusted R2 of 3.61%. The quarterly return regression results in a much more impressive R2 of 11.40%. The adjusted R2 remains high at six-month horizon (14.84%) and ranges from 14% to 15% from nine-month horizon to eighteen-month horizon, then decreases to 11.18% at the two-year horizon. The t-statistic also remains highly significant and ranges from -4.51 to -3.25 for all horizons. Although the degree of predictability of the MOM variance series exceeds the degree of predictability offered by the variance risk premium, it is important to point out that the MOM variance series is less correlated with the variance risk premium. The correlation of the monthly MOM variance series with the variance risk premium is -0.07 for the 1990-2007 period, and -0.14 for the 1990-2008 period. Also noteworthy is that, at monthly and quarterly horizons, the degree of predictability offered by the HML or MOM variance dominates that afforded by other popular predictor variables, such as the P/D ratio, P/E ratio, the default spread, and the consumption−wealth ratio (CAY). Surprisingly, taken alone, the monthly SMB variance series cannot predict the S&P500 at all horizons. The degree of predictability offered by the SMB variance is low at 1.6% at the one-month horizon and 2.12% at the two-year horizon. The correlation series between the market and the HML factor is less correlated with the variance risk premium series (-0.34). The degree of predictability afforded by this correlation measure is similar but slightly higher than that afforded by the variance risk premium at all horizons, except the one-month horizon. The adjusted R2 is 5.09% at the three-month horizon, then peaks around 4 the six-month horizon at 10.65%, and the nine-month horizon at 10.12%, then gradually tapers off at longer return horizons. The degree of predictability afforded by the correlation between the market and the SMB factor starts high at 6.12% at nine-month horizon, then gradually increases for longer return horizons. The degree of predictability afforded by the correlation between the HML and the SMB factors starts fairly high at 4.42% at the six-month horizon, then gradually increases for longer return horizons. The other correlation measures have a negligible impact on the S&P500 returns. Second, I look at the predictability afforded by a combination of these variables. I use a combination of the HML and MOM variance series, the correlation between series between the market return and the Fama-French factors, and the correlation between the market return and momentum factor. This combination predicts an important fraction of the variation in post-1990 aggregate stock market returns. The magnitude of the predictability is particularly strong and dominates that afforded by other popular predictor variables. The degree of predictability offered by this combination starts at 8.85% at the monthly horizon, then increases to 20.96% at the threemonth horizon, reaches 24.79% at the semi-annual return horizon, and 29.19% at the nine-month horizon. Combining the variance risk premium with the HML and MOM variance series as well as the monthly correlation series results in even greater return predictability and joint significance of the predictor variables. The adjusted R2 starts at 10.07% at the one-month horizon, then increases to 22.51% at three-month horizon, reaches 26% at semi-annual return horizon, and peaks at 29.45% at the nine-month return horizon. Combining the aforementioned predictor variables, the variance premium, and some of standard predictor variables results in an impressive adjusted R2 . My model may be seen as an extension of the variance risk premium model pioneered by Bollerslev et al. (2009) who emphasized the importance of variance risk premium for predicting the S&P 500 returns over short horizons. In contrast to Bollerslev et al. (2009), I allow the portfolio weights to depend on stock characteristics. This allows me to generate a testable model to investigate the degree of predictability afforded by the HML and MOM variances, and aforementioned correlation measures. The plan for the rest of the paper is as follows. Section II outlines the theoretical model and corresponding predictability regressions that motivate my empirical investigations. Section III discusses the data that I use in empirically quantifying the predictor variables. Section IV presents 5 my main empirical findings and robustness checks. Section V concludes. II. Volatility Risk and Predictability of Returns I consider an economy with a representative agent who is equipped with Epstein–Zin–Weil recursive preferences. The representative household maximizes recursive utility over consumption following Kreps and Porteus (1978), Epstein and Zin (1989), and Weil (1989): n ¡ £ α ¤¢ρ/α o ρ1 ρ Ut = (1 − β) Ct + β Et Ut+1 (1) where Ct denotes consumption and β ∈ (0, 1). Here, ρ < 1 captures time preference (the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution (EIS) is 1/ (1 − ρ)). The EIS measures the agents willingness to postpone consumption overtime, a notion well-defined even under certainty. the α < 1 captures risk aversion (the coefficient of relative risk aversion is 1 − α). Relative risk aversion measures the agents aversion to atemporal risk across states. The innovation relative to additive utility is that ρ and α need not be equal. I refer to these preferences, as Kreps and Porteus do, to distinguish them from other preferences described by Epstein and Zin. We know from Epstein and Zin that the Euler equation for any return Rit+1 can be stated as Et [Mt+1 Ri,t+1 ] = 1, with µ Mt+1 = β γ Ct+1 Ct ¶(ρ−1)γ γ−1 Rp,t+1 . (2) where γ = αρ , and Rp,t+1 is the gross return on the optimal portfolio. The logarithm of the pricing kernel (2) may be expressed as mt+1 = γ log β + (ρ − 1) γgt+1 + (γ − 1) rp,t+1 , where rpt+1 = ωt| rt+1 is the representative agent’s optimal portfolio return, rt+1 represents the vector of return on the risky assets, ωt = {ωit }i=1,...N represents the optimal portfolio weight in this economy, and gt+1 is the log consumption growth rate. I closely follow Brandt et al. (2009) and parameterize the optimal portfolio weights as a function of the stock’s characteristics xit ; ωit = f (xit ; φ) . 6 (3) I use the following simple linear specification for the portfolio weight function: ωit = ω it + 1 | φ x bit , Nt (4) where ω it is the weight of stock i at date t in a benchmark portfolio, such as the value-weighted market portfolio; φ is a vector of coefficients; and x bit are the characteristics of stock i , standardized cross-sectionally to have zero mean and unit standard deviation across all stocks at date t. As shown in Brandt et al. (2009), the linear policy (4) conveniently nests the long–short portfolio constructions of Fama and French (1993) or their extension in Carhart (1997). To understand how this is the case, assume that the portfolio policy in equation (3) is parameterized in a linear manner as in (4). Let the benchmark weights be the market capitalization weights and the characteristics are defined as 1 if the stock is in a top quantile; −1 if it is in the bottom quantile; and 0 for intermediate quantiles of market capitalization (me), book to market ratio (btm), and the past return (mom). Then, the optimal portfolio return is rpt+1 = rM t+1 + φme rSM Bt+1 + φbtm rHM Lt+1 + φmom rM OM t+1 with rM t+1 = Nt X ω it rit+1 , (5) (6) i=1 and rSM Bt+1 ¶ Nt µ X 1 = mei,t rit+1 , Qt (7) ¶ Nt µ X 1 = btmi,t rit+1 , Qt (8) i=1 rHM Lt+1 i=1 rM OM t+1 = Nt µ X i=1 ¶ 1 momi,t rit+1 , Qt (9) where rSM Bt+1 , rHM Lt+1 , and rM OM t+1 are the returns of “small-minus-big”(SMB), “high-minuslow,”(HML) and “winners-minus-losers ”(MOM) portfolios, and Qt is the number of firms in the quantile. The phi coefficients are the weights put on each of the factor portfolios. The expected excess return on the optimal portfolio is Et rpt+1 − rf = −covt (mt+1 , rpt+1 ) . 7 (10) Now, I closely follow Bollerslev et al. (2009) and suppose that the geometric growth rate of consumption in the economy is not predictable. In addition, I assume that the volatility of the consumption growth follows a stochastic process gt+1 = µgt + σgt zgt+1 , 2 2 σgt+1 = aσ + ρg σgt + √ qt zσt+1 , √ qt+1 = aq + ρq qt + ϕq qt zqt+1 , (11) (12) (13) where aσ > 0 , aq > 0, |ρg | < 1, |ρq | < 1 and ϕq > 0. The parameter µgt denotes the constant mean growth rate, σgt is the conditional variance of the growth rate, and zgt+1 , zσt+1 , zqt+1 are i.i.d. N (0, 1) innovation processes. The processes (11), (12), and (13) play a crucial role in generating the time-varying volatility risk premia. Using Campbell and Shiller (1988) approximation, and following closely Bollerslev et al. (2009), it can be shown that the expected excess return (10) is2 ¡ ¢ 2 Et rpt+1 − rf t = (1 − α) σgt + (1 − γ) κ21 A2q ϕ2q + A2σ qt , (14) and the optimal portfolio volatility risk premium is h i h i £ ¡ ¢ ¤ EtQ σr2pt+1 − Et σr2pt+1 = (γ − 1) κ1 Aσ + Aq κ21 A2q ϕ2q + A2σ ϕ2q qt (15) where the parameters κ1 , Aσ and Aq are defined in the Campbell and Shiller (1988) optimal portfolio return’s approximation: rpt+1 = κ0 + κ1 xt+1 − xt + gt+1 with 2 xt = A0 + Aσ σgt + Aq qt . I assume that γ 6= 1, and the objective expected future volatility is close to the value of the current h i volatility Et σr2pt+1 = σr2pt . I combine equations (14) with (15), and express the expected excess return on the optimal portfolio as 2 Et rpt+1 − rf = (1 − α) σgt + h i (γ − 1) Aσ 1 ∗ 2 2 − E σ − σ t r r pt pt+1 ϕ2q Aq κ1 Aq ϕ2q (16) where Et∗ σr2pt+1 is the variance of the optimal portfolio return under the risk neutral measure3 . The expected return on the optimal portfolio has three separate terms. The first term is the traditional 2 See Bollerslev et al. (2009) for a complete derivation of this expression. Previous papers use the classical intertemporal CAPM model of Merton (1973) to motivate the existence of a traditional risk–return tradeoff in aggregate market returns 3 8 mean-variance trade-off. The second term is the trade-off between the expected return and the ratio of the volatility of the consumption growth rate to the volatility-of-volatility process qt . The last term represents the risk premium on the optimal portfolio volatility. Since κ1 > 0 and Aq < 0, the parameter − κ1 A1q ϕ2 is positive. As a consequence, all else being equal, the optimal portfolio q expected excess return increases when its volatility risk premium increases, and decreases when its volatility increases. I use (5) and express the volatility of the optimal portfolio as: σr2pt 2 2 2 2 = σM t + φme σSM Bt + φbtm σHM Lt + φmom σM OM t +2φme ρM,SM B (t) + 2φbtm ρM,HM L (t) + 2φmom ρM,M OM (t) +2φme φbtm ρSM B,HM L (t) + 2φme φmom ρSM B,M OM (t) + 2φbtm φmom ρHM L,M OM (t)(17) 2 , σ2 2 2 where σM t SM Bt , σHM Lt , and σM OM t represent the volatility of the market, size, book-to-market, and momentum factors, respectively. The ρM,SM B , ρM,HM L , and ρM,M OM represent the correlation of the market with the size, the book-to-market, and momentum factors, respectively. The ρSM B,HM L is the correlation of the size with the book-to-market factor. The ρSM B,M OM and ρHM L,M OM represent the correlation of the momentum factor with Fama and French factors respectively. I replace the volatility decomposition (17) and the return expression (5) in (16), and I express the excess return on the market for the holding return horizon h as follows. h 1X (rM t+j − rf t+j−1 ) h j=1 2 2 2 2 = a0 (h) + a1 (h) ∆σM t + a2 (h) ∆σSM Bt + a3 (h) ∆σHM Lt + a4 (h) ∆σM OM t +a5 (h) ∆ρM,SM B (t) + a6 (h) ∆ρM,HM L (t) + a7 (h) ∆ρM,M OM (t) + a8 (h) ∆ρSM B,HM L (t) +a8 (h) ∆ρSM B,HM L (t) + a9 (h) ∆ρSM B,M OM (t) + a10 (h) ∆ρHM L,M OM (t) + ut+h . where the notation ∆Xt = Et∗ Xt+1 − Xt indicates the risk premium on the variable X, rf t+j−1 represents the risk-free return from time t + j − 1 to t + j. As predicted by equation (16), the parameter a1 (h) is expected to be positive while the parameters a2 (h), a3 (h), and a4 (h) are expected to be negative. The sign of the parameters a5 (h)−a10 (h) is determined by the sign of the coefficients φme , φbtm , and φmom in the return decomposition (5). Since the volatility of the Fama-French factors under the risk neutral measure are not available, I use X in place of ∆X and express the expected excess return on the market return for the holding 9 return horizon h as follows h £ 2∗ ¤ 1X 2 (rM t+j − rf t+j−1 ) = a0 (h) + a1 (h) σM t − σM t h (18) j=1 2 2 2 +a2 (h) σSM Bt + a3 (h) σHM Lt + a4 (h) σM OM t +a5 (h) ρM,SM B (t) + a6 (h) ρM,HM L (t) + a7 (h) ρM,M OM (t) +a8 (h) ρSM B,HM L (t) + a9 (h) ρSM B,M OM (t) + a10 (h) ρHM L,M OM (t) +ut+h . 2∗ represents the variance of the market return under the risk neutral measure. When φ σM me = t φbtm = φmom = 0, the expected excess return (18) is a function of the market variance risk premium. In my model, the coefficients φme , φbtm and φmom are not equal to zero4 . It is important to notice that the sign of the parameters a1 (h) − a10 (h) in equation (18) might change due to the fact that I ignore the Fama-French factor volatilities under the risk neutral measure, the volatility of the momentum factor under the risk neutral measure, and correlation measures under the risk neutral measure5 . III. Data Description My empirical analysis is based on the aggregate S&P500 composite index as my proxy for the aggregate market portfolio. For comparison purposes, I extend the same sample period in Bollerslev et al. (2009) to December 2008. Their data spans the period from January 1990 to December 2007. I use the realized variance and the VIX index to compute the variance risk premiums. The VIX index is based on the S&P500 Index, the core index for U.S. equities, and estimates expected volatility by averaging the weighted prices of SPX puts and calls over a wide range of strike prices. I obtain the VIX from the Chicago Board of Options Exchange (CBOE). The intraday data for the S&P500 composite index is used to compute the so-called “model-free” realized variance6 . 4 In an expected utility framework, Brandt et al. (2009) estimated these parameters and found that they are statistically significant at the conventional level. 5 I leave the issue of Fama-French factors volatilities under the risk neutral measure for future research. 6 Thanks to Tim Bollerslev and Hao Zhou for making the monthly series of realized volatility available on Hao Zhou’s website. As shown in Bollerslev and Zhou (2009) and Zhou (2009), the realized variance measure is based on the summation of the 78 within day five-minute squared S&P 500 returns which covers the normal trading hours from 9:30am to 4:00pm plus the close-to-open overnight returns. Assuming that the average day for in a month is 22, this leads to a total of n = 22 × 78 = 1, 716 “five-minute” returns (See Anderson et al. (2001), Andersen et al. (2000), Barndoff-Nielsen et al. (2002), Bollerslev et al. (2009), and Zhou (2009) for an extensive discussion about the theory behind the realized variance). 10 In addition to the variance risk premium, I consider the volatility of the Fama and French and momentum factors. I also consider the correlation among these factors. I use daily returns to compute these measures. The daily Fama-French returns and momentum returns are obtained from Kenneth French’s website. The realized variance measure of Fama-French factors, and momentum factor is based on the summation of the daily squared Fama-French factor returns during the month. The absence of high frequency data on Fama-French factors prevents me from using high frequency data to compute the realized variance of returns on Fama-French factors. I also consider some traditional predictor variables. Specifically, I obtain monthly log(P/E) ratios and the price– dividend ratio log(P/D) directly from Robert Shiller’s website7 . Data on the three-month T-bill, the default spread (between Moody’s BAA and AAA corporate bond spreads), and the term spread (between the ten-year T-bond and the three-month T-bill yields) are taken from the public Web site of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The CAY as defined in Lettau and Ludvigson (2001) is downloaded from their website. Figure 1 plots the monthly time series of the S&P 500 realized variance, and the variance of SMB, HML, and MOM factors. They are moderately high during the 1990 and 2001 recessions, and much higher around the 1997-1998 Asia-Russia-LTCM crisis and the 2002-2003 corporate accounting scandals. There is a huge spike of the variances during October 2008. Both variance series show similar patterns, except that the increase in the S&P 500 realized volatility during October 2008 already surpasses the increase in the SMB, HML, and MOM variances. Figure 2 shows the monthly series of the S&P500 variance risk premium with similar patterns. Although these variances exhibit similar patterns, it is important to point out that they are less correlated. Tables I and II present the correlation among these variances for the 1990-2007 and 1990-2008 sample periods. As shown in Table I, the correlation between the variance risk premium and the realized variance is 0.21. The correlation between the SMB, HML, and MOM variances and the variance risk premium is 0.01, 0.07, and -0.07 respectively. When I extend the sample period from December 2007 to December 2008, the correlations among these measures are slightly higher (-0.42,-0.18, and -0.14 respectively) due to the huge spike in October 2008, but remain small in magnitude. The mean level of the variance risk premium is 18.30 with a standard deviation of 15.13. When 7 Thanks to Robert Shiller for making the monthly P/D and P/E ratios available. 11 I extend the sample from December 2007 to December 2008, the mean level of the variance risk premium is around 17.07 with a standard deviation of 19.99. The numbers are percentage-squared, not annualized. As shown in Table II, the mean level of the SMB, HML, and MOM variances is 6.4, 6.6, and 12.93 with a standard deviation of 8, 10, and 25 respectively. Also noteworthy is that, if the 2000-2007 sample period is used, the monthly time series of variance risk premium has a skewness of 2.14, but the SMB, HML, and MOM monthly variance series has high positive skewness (5.88, 3.19, and 4.81 respectively). When, I extend the sample from December 2007 to December 2008, the variance risk premia has a negative skewness of -3.3. The SMB, HML, and MOM monthly variance series has high positive skewness (5.88, 3.17, and 4.26 respectively). The negative skewness is entirely driven by the one observation of a negative spike in October 2008. As shown in Table II, the variance risk premium and the SMB variance have the highest kurtosis (46.41 and 45.37 respectively), while the kurtosis of the HML monthly variance series is 13.76, and the kurtosis of the MOM monthly variance series is 23.92. Figure 3 plots the monthly time series of the correlation between the S&P 500, SMB, HML, and MOM returns. I use daily returns to compute the correlation every month. These correlations are highly negative during the 1990 and 2001 recessions, around the 1997-1998 Asia-Russia-LTCM crisis, and during the 2008 recession period. As shown in Tables I and II, these correlation measures are less correlated among themselves, less correlated with the variance risk premium series, and less correlated with other variance measures plotted in Figure 1. The mean level of monthly correlation series ranges from -0.44 (with a standard deviation 0.48) to 0.16 (with a standard deviation of 0.53). IV. Forecasting Stock Market Returns My forecasts are based on simple linear and multivariate regressions of the S&P 500 excess returns on different sets of lagged predictor variables as shown in equation (18). I use monthly observations to compute the holding period returns. All of the reported t-statistics are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West (1987)). I focus my analysis on the estimated slope coefficients, their statistical significance as determined by their t-statistics, and the forecast accuracy of the regressions as measured by the adjusted R2 s. The adjusted R2 s 12 for the overlapping multi-period return regressions need to be interpreted with great caution8 . A. Predictability of the SMB, HML, and MOM factors Focusing on the S&P500 returns, the last row of each panel of Table III shows that the forecasting power of a regression of returns on one lag of the dependent variable is quite weak. The dependent variables are the SMB, the HML, and the MOM return factors. These factors predict less than one percent of the variation in the S&P500 returns at all horizons. B. Variance Series In this section, I look at the degree of predictability offered by each of the predictor variables. Taken alone, the degree of predictability of the HML and MOM variance series exceeds that afforded by the variance risk premium at short, medium, and long horizons. Focusing on the S&P500 index, the first row of panel A of Table IV shows that the forecasting power of a regression of returns on one lag of the realized market volatility is quite weak. This model predicts only 1.44% of the one-month return horizon, only 0.72% of next quarters variation in excess returns, and a negligible percentage of one year excess return variation. These results accord well with Bollerslev et al. (2009) finding that, taken alone, the realized volatility is a poor predictor of the S&P500 returns. I then look at the degree of predictability offered by the variance risk premium. I use (18) and focus on the regression of S&P500 returns on the predictor variance risk premium, h £ 2∗ ¤ 1X 2 rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) σM t − σM t + ut+h , h (19) j=1 where 1 h h P j=1 rM t+j is the horizon-scaled market excess return and the horizon h goes out to two years. I use one-month returns to compute the holding period returns. In Table IV, Panel B shows that the degree of predictability, offered by the variance risk premium starts out fairly high at the one-month horizon with an adjusted R2 of 3.24%. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient, associated with the variance risk premium is impressive (4.47). The quarterly 8 As shown in Kirby (1997) and Boudoukh, Richardson, and Whitelaw (2008), in the absence of any increase in the true predictability, the values of the R2 s with highly persistent predictor variables and overlapping returns will by construction increase in rough proportional to the return horizon and the length of the overlap. At horizons of one year or longer, the t-statistics based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors should explicitly take into account of the overlap in the regressions Hodrick (1992). 13 return regression also results in a much more impressive t-statistic of 3.30 with a corresponding R2 of 6.02%. The t-statistic remains significant at the six-month horizon, but the numerical values and significance then gradually taper off for longer return horizons. Taken as a whole, the results in Panel B reveals a clear pattern in the degree of predictability afforded by the variance risk premium with the largest t-statistic occurring at the one-month horizon. Figure 4 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for all horizons. The estimated slope coefficient is positive, and peaks at the one-month horizon. The sign of the slope suggests that higher (lower) values of the variance premium are associated with higher (lower) future returns. The adjusted R2 ’s peaks around threemonth horizon, and declines toward zero. Focusing on the S&P500 Composite Index, the first row of each panel C shows that the forecasting power of a regression of returns on one lag of the SMB variance is quite weak. h 1X 2 rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) σSM Bt + ut+h h (20) j=1 As shown in Panel C, this model predicts only 1.6% of the one-month variation in excess returns, and a negligible percentage of next quarters excess return variation (0.55%). Panel C shows also shows that the degree of predictability remains extremely low at two-years horizon (2.12%). Next I focus on the regression of S&P500 returns on the predictor HML variance, h 1X 2 rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) σHM Lt + ut+h . h (21) j=1 By contrast, the HML variance explains a substantial fraction of the variation in next quarters return. The predictive impact of the HML variance is economically large. Panel D of Table IV shows that the degree of predictability, starts out fairly high at the monthly horizon with an R2 of 4.94%. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with the HML variance risk is -2.78. The quarterly return regression results in a much more impressive t-statistic of -3.59 with a corresponding R2 of 9.69%. The R2 remains high and ranges from 9% to 13% from six-month to two-year horizon. The t-statistic also remains highly significant and ranges from -5.02 to -3.52 for all horizons. Taken as a whole, the results in Panel D of Table IV reveal a clear and stable pattern in the degree of predictability afforded by the HML variance with the largest t-statistic occurring at the nine-month horizon. Figure 5 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for all horizons ranging from one month to two years. The estimated 14 slope coefficient is low at one-month horizon, then gradually increases and remains stable after 20 one-month horizons. In contrast to the variance risk premium, the negative slope suggests that lower (higher) values of the HML variance are associated with higher (lower) future returns. The estimated R2 peaks around the three-month horizon, and then increases gradually for the remaining horizons, reaching the maximum at twenty one-month horizon. It is insightful to notice that the degree of predictability offered by the HML variance is much more higher than that afforded by the variance risk premium at any horizon. Also noteworthy is that the correlation between the HML variance and the variance risk premium is 0.07 when I use the sample period 1990-2007 (see Table I). When I extend the sample period from December 2007 to December 2008, the correlation is -0.18 (see Table II). Now, I consider the regression of S&P500 returns on the predictor MOM variance, h 1X 2 rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) σM OM t + ut+h . h (22) j=1 Panel E of Table IV shows that the degree of predictability, begins fairly high at the monthly horizon with an R2 of 3.61%. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with the MOM variance risk is -3.66. The quarterly return regression results in a much more impressive t-statistic of -3.25 and a corresponding R2 of 11.40%. The R2 remains high at six-month horizon (14.84%) and ranges from 14% to 15% from nine-month horizon to an eighteenmonth horizon, then decreases to 11.18% at the two-year horizon. The t-statistic also remains highly significant and ranges from -4.51 to -3.25 for all horizons. Taken as a whole, the results in Table IV reveal a clear pattern in the degree of predictability afforded by the MOM variance with the smallest R2 occurring at one-month horizon (3.61%) and the highest R2 occurring at nine-month horizon (15.34%). Figure 6 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for all horizons in the range of one month to two years. The estimated slope coefficient is low at the onemonth horizon, then gradually increases and remains stable after the one-year horizon. Similarly to the HML variance, the negative slope suggests that lower (higher) values of the MOM variance are associated with higher (lower) future returns. This observation indicates that the degree of predictability offered by the MOM variance is much higher than the degree of predictability of the variance risk premium at any horizon. Also noteworthy is that the correlation between the MOM variance and the variance risk premium is -0.07 when I use the sample period 1990-2007 (see Table 15 I). When I extend the sample period from December 2007 to December 2008, the correlation is 0.14 (see Table II). C. Correlation Series I look at the degree of predictability offered by each of the correlation series. Taken alone, it appears that the degree of predictability offered by the correlation measures ρM,SM B , ρSM B,HM L , and ρM,M OM exceeds that afforded by the variance risk premium at medium and long horizons. I focus on the regression of S&P500 returns on the correlation between the market return and the SMB factor, h 1X rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) ρM,SM B (t) + ut+h . h (23) j=1 Panel A of Table V shows that the degree of predictability, starts out extremely low with an adjusted R2 of -0.31% at the one-month horizon, 6.12% at the nine-month horizon, and starts to increase gradually until it reaches the maximum of 12.32% at two-year horizon. Figure 7 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for all of the monthly horizons in the range of one month to two years. The estimated slope coefficient is high at the one month horizon, then gradually decreases when the horizon increases. I, thereafter, focus the regression of S&P500 returns on the correlation between the market return and the HML factor, h 1X rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) ρM,HM L (t) + ut+h . h (24) j=1 Surprisingly, Panel B of Table V shows that the degree of predictability, offered by ρM,HM L , is similar to the degree of predictability afforded by the variance risk premium. The degree of predictability offered by ρM,HM L starts out fairly low at the monthly horizon with an R2 of 1.55%, then peaks around the three-month horizon with an R2 of 6.02%, and then declines toward zero. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with ρM,HM L is -1.79 at six-month horizon. Figure 8 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for all of the monthly horizons in the range of one month to two years. The estimated slope coefficient is low at onemonth horizon, then gradually increases when the horizon increases. Also noteworthy is that the correlation between ρM,HM L and the variance risk premium is -0.32. Next, I analyze the regression of S&P500 returns on the correlation between the market return 16 and the MOM factor, h 1X rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) ρM,M OM (t) + ut+h . h (25) j=1 Panel C of Table V shows that the degree of predictability, is roughly similar to the degree of predictability afforded by the variance risk premium. The degree of predictability offered by ρM,M OM starts out fairly low at the monthly horizon with an adjusted R2 of 1.42%, increases around threemonths horizon with an adjusted R2 of 5.09% , then peaks around six-month horizon with an adjusted R2 of 10.65%, and declines toward zero. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with ρM,M OM is 2.19 at six-month horizon. Figure 9 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for horizons ranging from one month to two years. The estimated slope coefficient is high at one-month horizon, and gradually decreases when the horizon increases. Next, I focus on the regression of S&P500 returns on the correlation of the SMB with the HML factor, h 1X rM t+j = a0 (h) + a1 (h) ρSM B,HM L (t) + ut+h . h (26) j=1 Panel D of Table V shows that the degree of predictability, starts out fairly low at the monthly horizon with an R2 of 1.10%, increases around the six-month horizon with an R2 of 4.42%, then reaches 7% at the nine-month horizon and remains stable for other horizons. The highest t-statistic (3.01) is obtained at the nine-month horizon. Figure 10 plots the adjusted R2 and the slope coefficients for horizons in the range of one month to two years. The estimated slope coefficient is fairly low at one month horizon, peaks at the six month horizon, and gradually remains stable when the horizon increases. Panels E and F in Table V show that, taken alone, the correlation series ρSM B,M OM and ρHM L,M OM cannot predict the market return. The adjusted R2 is less than 1% at all horizons. D. Combining the predictor variables I first focus on the regression of S&P500 returns on the variances and correlation measures as shown in equation (18), excluding the variance risk premium (a1 (h) = 0). I also exclude the variables associated with the coefficients a8 (h), a9 (h), and a10 (h), due to their poor performance in predicting the market returns. I, thereafter, look at the improvement of the degree of predictability by including the variance risk premium. 17 D.1. Regressions without variance risk premium Table VI shows that the degree of predictability, offered by the variances and correlation measures starts out fairly high at the monthly horizon with an adjusted R2 of 8.85%, which is higher than the variance risk premium. Although the robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with the HML variance and the correlation ρM,HM L are -1.96, and -2.19, respectively, the slopes of the remaining variables are not significant. The three-month return regression results in an impressive R2 of 20.96%. The t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient associated with the HML variance and the correlation ρM,HM L are impressive (-2.82 and -3.56 respectively). The adjusted R2 increases to 24.79% at the six - month horizon, 29.19% at the nine-month horizon, then starts to decrease and reaches 27.16% at two-year horizon. D.2. Regressions with variance risk premium I first investigate the predictability of the market return by combining each of the predictor variables with the variance risk premium. Panels A and B in Table VII show the estimated coefficients and adjusted R-squared. As shown in Panel A, combining the momentum variance with the variance risk premium results in an adjusted R-squared of 6.8% at the one-month horizon, 16.19% at the three-month horizon, and 18.17% at the six month horizon. Panel B presents similar results when the HML variance is used. The t-statistics associated with the MOM and HML variances are impressive at all horizons. The t-statistics of the coefficients associated with the MOM variance ranges from -4.45 to -2.66. The t-statistics of the coefficients associated with the HML variance ranges from -4.32 to -2.68. I, thereafter, focus on the regression (18) and exclude the variables associated with the coefficients a8 (h), a9 (h), and a10 (h). Table VIII shows that the degree of predictability that is offered by the combination of the variance risk premium, the HML, and MOM variances, and the correlation measures starts out fairly high at the monthly horizon with an adjusted R2 of 10.07%. The robust t-statistic for testing the estimated slope coefficient that is associated with the variance risk premium is 1.89. The t-statistic associated with the HML variance is -1.82. The slopes of the remaining variables are not significant. The quarterly return regression results in an impressive R2 of 22.51%. The t-statistics for testing the estimated slope coefficient that is associated with the HML variance and the correlation ρM,HM L are above two (-2.08, and -2.42 respectively). The adjusted 18 R2 increases to 26% at the six-month horizon, 29.45% at the nine-month horizon, then starts to decrease and reaches 27.18% at the twenty-four month horizon. The estimated slope coefficient associated with the variance risk premium is significant at one-month and becomes insignificant when the horizon is greater than one month. E. Comparison with standard predictor variables How robust are the results?. To appreciate these findings in a wider empirical context, Table IX reports the results from comparable holding period returns, involving the more traditional predictor variables9 . Not surprisingly, the degree of predictability of traditional predictor variables, at the monthly horizon is systematically very low. The individual regressions for both the log(P/E) ratio and the CAY ratio do result in t-statistics slightly above two. The quarterly regressions show that the degree of predictability offered by the log(P/E) ratio, the log(P/D) ratio and the CAY ratio is -0.06%, 1.02% and 3.63% respectively. The degree of predictability afforded by the different valuation ratios and predictor variables included in Table IX tends to be the strongest over longer holding period horizons. The results are consistent with Lettau et al. (2001). Figures 11-12 show the adjusted R2 from the univariate regression of the S&P 500 returns on the CAY ratio, the variance risk premium, the SMB, HML, and MOM variances; as well as the correlation measures defined in equation (18). Tables X-XIV report the results from comparable holding period horizons, which use the predictor variables analyzed in the previous section. Taken alone, the regression of one-month returns on the CAY ratio produces an adjusted R-squared of 0.92%. Combining the variance risk premium with the CAY ratio results in an adjusted R-squared of 4.63% at one-month horizon. At the same return horizon, combining the HML variance with the CAY ratio results in an adjusted R-squared of 6.10%. Adding the MOM variance to the CAY ratio results in an adjusted R-squared of 4.72% at one-month horizon. The degree of predictability at the monthly horizon is 8.30% when the variance risk premium, the HML variance, the MOM variance, and the CAY ratio are used. The R-squared increases to 18.29% at the three-month horizon, and 22% at the six month horizon. Adding the log(P/E) ratio, the log(P/D) ratio, the default spread (DFSP), and the term spread (TMSP) to 9 Shiller (1984), Campbell and Shiller (1988), and Fama and French (1988) find that the ratios of price to dividends or earnings have predictive power for excess returns. Ang and Bekaert (2007) examine the predictive power of the dividend yields for forecasting excess returns, cash flows, and interest rates. 19 the multiple regression marginally increases the (adjusted) R-squared 10 . But only the variance risk premium, HML variance, and the CAY ratio remain statistically significant. Finally, I combine the correlation measure ρM,M OM with the variance risk premium, and the CAY ratio. Table XV presents the results. The adjusted R-squared is 6.69% at the one-month horizon, 15.63% at the three-month horizon and 23.19% at the six month horizon. My results indicate that, the standard predictor variables, the variance risk premium, the HML, and MOM variances, and the correlation ρM,M OM might jointly capture important short- and longrun risks embedded in the market returns. F. Predictability over different periods Different articles use different time periods to investigate return predictability. Results from articles that were written years ago may change when recent data are used. In this section, I use different sample periods to investigate whether the aforementioned predictor variables predict the S&P500 returns at any episode. Unfortunately the “model-free ”option implied variance series (VIX) was not available before 1990. I then use the realized variance in place of the variance risk premium. I use different sample periods: 1990-2008, 1987-2008, 1980-2008, 1970-2008, and 1970-1990. Focusing on the S&P500 returns, Table XVI shows adjusted R2 s of a regression of excess returns on one lag of the predictor variables. Table XVII presents the estimated coefficients and related t-statistics. When I use the post-1987 aggregate stock market returns, to incorporate the 1987 market crash event, the results are quantitatively and qualitatively similar to those reported when I use the post-1990 aggregate stock market returns. Furthermore, I use the 1980-2008 sample period. Focusing on the quarterly S&P500 excess returns, over the 1980-2008 sample period, the degree of predictability afforded by the HML variance and the MOM variance is 6.11% and 6.08% respectively. The t-statistic associated with these variances is impressive (-3.49, and -2.97 respectively). However, for the same holding period return horizon, the adjusted R-squared of the CAY, log(P/D), and log(P/E) ratios is 2.21%, 0.03%, and 0.55% respectively. Over the 1970-2008 sample period, the degree of predictability afforded by the HML variance and the MOM variance exceeds that afforded by the log(P/D), and log(P/E) ratios. However, when I use the 1970-1990 sample data, the forecasting ability of the aforementioned variables is weak 10 These results are available on request. 20 compared to the CAY, log(P/D), and log(P/E) ratios11 . The results suggest that the volatility of Fama-French factors, and the correlation series strongly predict the post-1987 aggregate market returns. V. Conclusion Over the last three decades, a number of papers show that excess returns are predictable by variables such as dividendprice ratios, earningsprice ratios, dividendearnings ratios, and an assortment of other financial indicators. These financial variables have been successful at predicting long horizon returns, but less successful at predicting returns at shorter horizons. Recently, Bollerslev et al. (2009) and Zhou (2009) identify the variance risk premium as a new predictor variable at one and three month horizons. In this paper, I provide theoretical justification and empirical evidence that the S&P500 returns are also predictable by the variance of the Fama-French factors, and the variance of the momentum factor. I also show that S&P500 returns are predictable by the monthly correlation series between the market return and the momentum factor, the correlation between the market return and the HML factor, and the correlation between the SMB and the HML factors. My results appear remarkably robust across different specifications and/or the inclusion of alternative predictor variables. The degree of predictability measured by the adjusted R2 is large at the one-month, three-month, six-month, and one-year horizons. Although my findings of predictability are particularly strong relative to those of some other studies, I caution that my results do not imply forecasting ability in all episodes. I find that the aforementioned variables strongly predict the post-1987 S&P500 returns, but the forecasting ability of these variables is weak when pre-1987 returns are used. My empirical model is derived from a simple representative agent economy with recursive preferences, in which I allow the portfolio weights to be a function of the stock’s characteristics as in Brandt et al. (2009). I assume that the portfolio policy is a linear function of the stock’s characteristic, and show that the expected excess return on the market can be predicted by the variance of Fama-French factors, momentum factor, and the correlation series between these factors. It would be interesting to investigate whether these new variables significantly predict bond 11 The adjusted R-squared is similar to the R-squared obtained in Lettau et al. (2001) when quarterly excess returns are used. 21 returns, forward premiums, and credit spreads. 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All variables are reported in annualized percentage form whenever appropriate. σM M variance risk premium. RVt refers to the modelfree realized variance constructed from high-frequency five-minute returns. The predictor variables include the priceearning ratio log(P t/Et), the pricedividend ratio log(P t/Dt), the default spread DFSPt defined as the difference between Moodys BAA and AAA bond yield indices and the term spread TMSPt defined as the difference between the ten-year and three-month Treasury yields. Monthly observations on the consumptionwealth ratio CAYt are defined by the most recently available quarterly observations. Due to space limitation I denote ρ1 = ρM,SM B , ρ2 = ρM,HM L , ρ3 = ρM,M OM , ρ4 = ρSM B,HM L , ρ5 = ρSM B,M OM , and ρ6 = ρHM L,M OM . 26 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σM 2 σSM B 2 σHM L 2 σM OM ρ1 ρ2 ρ3 ρ4 ρ5 ρ6 log(P t/Et) log(P t/Dt) CAY t DF SP t T M SP t Mean Std.dev Skewness Kurtosis AR(1) 1.00 17.07 19.99 -3.32 46.41 0.29 2∗ − σ 2 σM M -0.42 1.00 24.83 49.69 7.09 65.07 0.76 2 σM -0.42 0.79 1.00 6.36 8.55 5.88 45.37 0.59 2 σSM B -0.18 0.63 0.64 1.00 6.66 10.77 3.17 13.76 0.68 2 σHM L -0.14 0.58 0.55 0.75 1.00 12.93 25.20 4.26 23.92 0.59 2 σM OM -0.20 -0.04 0.02 0.06 0.09 1.00 -0.15 0.48 0.37 2.02 0.75 ρ1 ρ3 ρ4 -0.10 0.33 0.12 2.39 0.46 -0.32 0.18 0.04 -0.05 0.18 0.27 1.00 -0.01 -0.30 -0.13 -0.21 -0.38 0.12 -0.04 1.00 0.17 0.03 -0.08 -0.16 -0.07 -0.51 0.01 0.03 1.00 Correlation matrix 0.16 0.53 -0.57 2.10 0.82 Summary statistics -0.44 0.38 1.13 3.98 0.64 ρ2 -0.22 0.02 0.12 0.00 0.06 0.43 0.26 0.14 -0.22 1.00 0.03 0.38 0.20 2.45 0.62 ρ5 0.01 -0.14 -0.20 -0.18 -0.07 0.22 0.07 -0.48 -0.06 0.06 1.00 -0.09 0.53 0.10 1.82 0.75 ρ6 0.18 -0.06 0.14 0.28 0.09 0.15 -0.34 0.20 -0.11 -0.06 -0.06 1.00 3.24 0.26 0.29 2.52 0.99 log(P t/Et) 0.13 0.02 0.15 0.28 0.17 0.32 -0.20 0.01 0.02 0.14 0.14 0.56 1.00 3.93 0.33 -0.18 1.97 0.99 log(P t/Dt) 0.10 -0.06 -0.13 -0.13 -0.17 -0.67 -0.25 -0.04 0.21 -0.26 -0.23 -0.27 -0.74 1.00 0.36 1.99 -0.04 1.63 0.97 CAY t -0.22 0.68 0.39 0.31 0.52 0.07 0.38 -0.52 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.31 -0.12 -0.10 1.00 0.89 0.34 3.71 24.13 1.10 DF SP t -0.12 0.06 -0.04 -0.16 0.01 -0.14 0.23 -0.22 0.14 0.22 0.17 0.25 -0.39 0.35 0.23 1.00 1.72 1.17 0.04 1.81 0.97 T M SP t Table II: Summary statistics. 2∗ − σ 2 denotes the The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All variables are reported in annualized percentage form whenever appropriate. σM M 2 refers to the modelfree realized variance constructed from high-frequency five-minute returns. The predictor variables include the priceearning variance risk premium. σM ratio log(P t/Et), the pricedividend ratio log(P t/Dt), the default spread DFSPt defined as the difference between Moodys BAA and AAA bond yield indices and the term spread TMSPt defined as the difference between the ten-year and three-month Treasury yields. Monthly observations on the consumptionwealth ratio CAYt are defined by the most recently available quarterly observations. Due to space limitation I denote ρ1 = ρM,SM B , ρ2 = ρM,HM L , ρ3 = ρM,M OM , ρ4 = ρSM B,HM L , ρ5 = ρSM B,M OM , and ρ6 = ρHM L,M OM . Table III: Predictability of the level of SMB, HML and MOM return. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Panel A presents the results of the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the SMB returns. Panel B presents the results of the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the HML returns. Panel C presents the results of the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the MOM returns. Monthly return horizon 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 2.30 0.82 -0.35 -0.76 0.00 2.36 0.90 -0.23 -0.51 -0.23 2.26 0.90 -0.25 -0.70 -0.16 2.17 0.89 0.02 0.05 -0.44 2.06 0.88 -0.05 -0.16 -0.43 1.98 0.87 0.06 0.21 -0.43 2.68 1.04 -0.69 -2.07 1.25 2.45 0.97 -0.41 -1.12 0.22 2.41 1.00 -0.55 -1.48 0.90 2.26 0.97 -0.45 -1.13 0.52 2.17 0.96 -0.43 -1.13 0.53 2.62 1.00 -0.27 -1.24 0.08 2.53 1.01 -0.27 -1.31 0.18 2.36 0.97 -0.21 -1.02 -0.05 2.20 0.94 -0.15 -0.76 -0.22 2.14 0.94 -0.17 -0.95 -0.12 Panel A Constant t-stat SMB t-stat Adj.R2 (%) 2.43 0.69 -0.51 -0.65 -0.31 2.34 0.71 -0.95 -1.55 0.83 2.22 0.74 -0.75 -1.65 1.06 Panel B Constant t-stat HML t-stat Adj.R2 (%) 2.75 0.81 -0.67 -0.67 -0.25 2.75 0.87 -0.83 -1.51 0.38 2.48 0.84 -0.53 -1.25 0.18 2.67 0.98 -0.80 -2.62 1.54 Panel C Const t-stat MOM t-stat Adj.R2 (%) 2.47 0.67 -0.02 -0.02 -0.44 2.55 0.76 -0.18 -0.41 -0.36 2.46 0.82 -0.22 -0.83 -0.20 27 2.50 0.89 -0.20 -0.74 -0.18 Table IV: Variance series regressions. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Panel A presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the market realized volatility. Panel B presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the variance risk premium. Panel C presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the SMB variance. Panel D presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the HML variance. Panel E presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 returns on the lag of the MOM variance. Panel A Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat 2 σM t-stat Adj.R2 (%) 5.87 1.95 -0.18 -2.46 1.44 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 3.99 1.41 -0.08 -2.25 0.72 3.57 1.42 -0.07 -2.33 1.04 3.62 1.62 -0.07 -1.92 1.56 3.65 1.71 -0.07 -1.79 1.76 3.40 1.67 -0.06 -1.70 1.48 3.27 1.65 -0.06 -1.62 1.59 3.11 1.59 -0.05 -1.62 1.55 2.96 1.54 -0.05 -1.60 1.46 Panel B Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat 2∗ − σ 2 σM M t-stat 2 Adj. R (%) -5.72 -1.66 0.48 4.47 3.24 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 -4.12 -1.30 0.38 3.30 6.02 -1.89 -0.70 0.24 2.74 4.53 -0.64 -0.27 0.17 2.37 3.02 -0.14 -0.06 0.15 2.33 2.48 -0.11 -0.05 0.14 2.25 2.48 0.21 0.09 0.11 2.18 1.76 0.34 0.16 0.10 2.12 1.40 0.36 0.17 0.09 2.05 1.31 Panel C Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat 2 σSM B t-stat 2 Adj. R (%) 7.70 2.30 -0.83 -1.76 1.59 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 4.58 1.55 -0.35 -1.28 0.55 3.56 1.20 -0.21 -1.39 0.23 3.95 1.37 -0.26 -2.17 0.99 4.24 1.51 -0.30 -2.23 1.70 3.92 1.46 -0.26 -2.08 1.43 4.06 1.54 -0.30 -1.94 2.33 3.78 1.47 -0.27 -2.11 2.00 3.67 1.47 -0.27 -2.16 2.12 Panel D Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat 2 σHM L t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 9.55 2.94 -1.08 -2.78 4.94 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 8.22 3.00 -0.89 -3.59 9.69 6.35 2.28 -0.62 -4.89 9.08 6.19 2.24 -0.59 -5.02 11.18 5.70 2.12 -0.50 -4.53 9.48 5.58 2.15 -0.50 -4.29 10.53 5.52 2.19 -0.51 -3.78 12.12 5.43 2.20 -0.51 -3.57 13.26 5.18 2.15 -0.49 -3.52 12.92 Panel E Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat 2 σM OM t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 7.56 2.47 -0.41 -3.66 3.61 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 7.61 2.75 -0.42 -3.25 11.40 6.55 2.53 -0.34 -4.12 14.84 6.06 2.50 -0.30 -4.37 15.34 5.70 2.42 -0.26 -4.51 14.01 5.41 2.33 -0.25 -4.19 13.96 5.26 2.30 -0.25 -3.86 15.13 4.79 2.09 -0.22 -3.73 12.64 4.46 1.96 -0.20 -3.68 11.18 28 Table V: Correlation series regressions. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Panel A Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat ρM,SM B t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.89 0.57 -3.84 -0.65 -0.31 Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat ρM,HM L t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -5.94 -0.84 -18.73 -1.42 1.55 Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat ρM,M OM t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.38 0.09 12.85 1.57 1.42 Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat ρSM B,HM L t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 4.27 1.25 18.55 2.01 1.10 Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat ρSM B,M OM t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.79 0.80 -9.37 -1.11 0.06 Monthly return horizon 1 Constant t-stat 2.48 0.72 0.26 0.03 -0.44 ρHM L,M OM t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 1.35 0.41 -6.98 -1.41 0.80 1.37 0.46 -5.93 -1.41 1.26 0.84 0.29 -9.96 -2.49 6.12 0.95 0.35 -9.63 -2.60 6.69 0.76 0.29 -10.26 -2.84 8.61 0.67 0.27 -10.14 -2.93 9.40 0.53 0.22 -10.42 -3.02 10.78 0.40 0.17 -10.71 -3.06 12.32 3 6 12 15 18 21 24 -6.67 -1.05 -20.19 -1.79 6.01 -3.73 -0.78 -13.33 -1.65 4.91 -2.37 -0.64 -10.59 -1.78 4.91 -1.69 -0.46 -8.85 -1.45 3.74 -1.38 -0.39 -7.92 -1.31 3.28 -1.09 -0.32 -7.03 -1.20 2.73 -0.44 -0.14 -5.39 -0.99 1.56 3 6 12 15 18 21 24 0.24 0.06 13.27 1.86 5.09 0.05 0.02 13.62 2.19 10.65 0.86 0.29 9.40 1.87 7.94 0.90 0.33 8.53 1.84 7.27 1.00 0.39 7.25 1.74 5.75 1.18 0.49 5.50 1.44 3.41 1.31 0.58 4.17 1.18 1.94 3 6 12 15 18 21 24 3.65 1.13 12.99 1.96 1.66 3.65 1.29 14.31 2.45 4.42 3.72 1.55 13.73 2.89 6.66 3.60 1.55 13.57 3.07 7.32 3.45 1.57 13.08 3.05 7.58 3.27 1.56 12.35 2.85 7.27 3.11 1.55 11.52 2.50 6.79 3 6 12 15 18 21 24 2.47 0.74 -2.32 -0.32 -0.36 2.43 0.80 -5.14 -0.90 0.36 2.45 0.90 -2.12 -0.39 -0.23 2.32 0.89 -1.27 -0.24 -0.36 2.22 0.89 -1.61 -0.33 -0.29 2.11 0.88 -1.18 -0.26 -0.35 2.06 0.89 -2.16 -0.49 -0.12 3 6 12 15 18 21 24 2.40 0.76 0.26 0.04 -0.44 1.98 0.67 -3.19 -0.68 0.17 2.32 0.90 -0.68 -0.16 -0.40 2.14 0.87 -1.60 -0.38 -0.17 2.03 0.85 -1.64 -0.41 -0.12 1.98 0.86 -1.06 -0.28 -0.30 1.97 0.89 -0.12 -0.03 -0.44 Panel B 9 -2.38 -0.59 -10.46 -1.56 4.05 Panel C 9 0.48 0.15 11.38 2.03 10.12 Panel D 9 3.82 1.53 15.43 3.01 7.27 Panel E 9 2.43 0.86 -3.39 -0.62 0.03 Panel F 9 29 2.19 0.79 -1.46 -0.35 -0.27 Table VI: Multivariate regressions without variance risk premium. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2 σHM L 2 σM OM ρM,SM B ρM,HM L ρM,M OM 0.28 0.05 -22.83 -2.19 9.90 1.31 -3.20 -0.74 -20.29 -3.56 9.75 1.72 -4.28 -1.38 -11.31 -3.02 10.68 2.24 -9.14 -3.20 -7.39 -2.24 9.70 2.25 -8.57 -3.12 -7.52 -2.19 7.85 2.02 -9.54 -3.60 -5.65 -1.39 7.27 2.16 -9.36 -3.74 -4.73 -1.11 5.81 1.99 -9.60 -3.81 -4.56 -1.08 4.60 1.80 24 Months -0.01 -10.12 -0.24 -3.75 -2.76 -0.73 3.46 1.47 1 Month Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -2.62 -0.50 8.85 -1.29 -1.96 0.14 0.49 3 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -3.18 -0.82 20.96 -0.78 -2.82 -0.04 -0.24 6 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -1.47 -0.41 24.79 -0.34 -1.34 -0.12 -0.98 9 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.56 -0.17 29.19 -0.37 -1.46 -0.07 -0.71 12 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.60 -0.19 27.08 -0.30 -1.32 -0.08 -0.90 15 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.05 0.01 28.11 -0.32 -1.70 -0.06 -0.90 18 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.75 0.23 28.60 -0.32 -1.84 -0.07 -1.05 21 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.91 0.29 28.01 -0.43 -2.15 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.60 0.55 27.16 -0.42 -2.40 -0.02 -0.25 30 Table VII: Combining the Variance Risk Premium with HML and MOM variances. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). Panel A presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 excess return on the variance risk premium and MOM variance. Panel B presents the results from the regression of the S&P500 excess return on the variance risk premium and HML variance. All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Panel A Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M Panel B 2 σM OM Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2.05 0.51 7.72 0.39 3.04 -0.95 -2.68 2.32 0.57 14.17 0.31 1.81 -0.79 -3.11 2.70 0.86 12.44 0.19 1.54 -0.56 -3.89 3.85 1.35 13.24 0.12 1.18 -0.55 -4.32 3.71 1.38 11.28 0.10 1.19 -0.47 -4.18 3.74 1.42 12.26 0.10 1.11 -0.47 -4.08 4.19 1.63 13.29 0.07 0.90 -0.49 -3.82 4.38 1.71 14.17 0.05 0.76 -0.49 -3.71 4.20 1.66 13.80 0.05 0.74 -0.47 -3.69 1 Month Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.17 -0.05 6.80 0.42 3.99 -0.36 -2.94 3 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.76 0.56 16.19 0.32 2.64 -0.38 -2.66 6 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.07 1.28 18.17 0.19 2.12 -0.32 -3.63 9 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.74 1.82 17.51 0.13 1.74 -0.28 -4.13 12 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.75 1.79 15.86 0.11 1.71 -0.25 -4.45 15 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.57 1.71 15.81 0.10 1.65 -0.24 -4.31 18 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.87 1.84 16.43 0.07 1.47 -0.24 -4.09 21 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.57 1.65 13.80 0.07 1.39 -0.21 -3.95 24 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.29 1.49 12.34 0.06 1.36 -0.19 -3.90 31 Table VIII: Multivariate regressions with variance risk premium. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2 σM OM ρM,SM B ρM,HM L ρM,M OM 1.64 0.30 -17.46 -1.52 10.08 1.38 -2.29 -0.50 -16.66 -2.42 9.88 1.79 -3.70 -1.12 -9.00 -2.38 10.76 2.30 -8.90 -3.00 -6.46 -2.14 9.73 2.27 -8.44 -2.99 -6.98 -2.16 7.87 2.03 -9.41 -3.47 -5.14 -1.29 7.29 2.18 -9.34 -3.67 -4.66 -1.10 5.81 2.00 -9.67 -3.81 -4.82 -1.16 4.59 1.80 -10.17 -3.75 -2.95 -0.79 3.45 1.47 1 Month Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -5.88 -1.27 10.07 0.30 1.89 -1.12 -1.82 0.10 0.42 3 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -5.38 -1.39 22.51 0.20 1.17 -0.66 -2.08 -0.06 -0.40 6 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -2.87 -0.79 25.99 0.13 1.22 -0.26 -0.99 -0.13 -1.14 9 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -1.13 -0.34 29.45 0.05 0.64 -0.34 -1.28 -0.08 -0.77 12 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.92 -0.29 27.18 0.03 0.50 -0.28 -1.22 -0.08 -0.94 15 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.26 -0.08 28.21 0.03 0.48 -0.30 -1.57 -0.07 -0.95 18 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.71 0.22 28.61 0.00 0.07 -0.32 -1.80 -0.07 -1.03 21 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.07 0.34 28.04 -0.01 -0.31 -0.44 -2.21 -0.01 -0.22 24 Months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.71 0.58 27.18 -0.01 -0.23 -0.42 -2.45 32 -0.01 -0.21 Table IX: Univariate regressions using CAYt, log(Pt/Et), and log(Pt/Dt). The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Monthly return horizon 1 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 46.03 1.81 -13.47 -1.68 3.79 51.62 2.19 -15.22 -2.04 5.61 55.08 2.50 -16.32 -2.33 7.30 59.18 2.79 -17.62 -2.61 9.30 62.55 3.06 -18.68 -2.88 11.36 60.73 2.80 -14.86 -2.61 7.54 63.98 3.15 -15.71 -2.94 9.54 65.69 3.40 -16.17 -3.18 11.32 67.78 3.58 -16.73 -3.37 13.16 69.43 3.75 -17.17 -3.56 15.00 1.14 0.44 3.41 3.54 15.26 0.98 0.40 3.57 3.70 18.83 0.81 0.35 3.74 3.91 23.06 0.64 0.30 3.94 4.25 27.70 0.49 0.24 4.11 4.61 32.54 log(P t/Et) Const t-stat Slope t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 22.20 0.51 -6.09 -0.46 -0.34 25.16 0.67 -7.03 -0.61 -0.06 26.56 0.81 -7.50 -0.74 0.38 35.18 1.24 -10.14 -1.14 1.62 log(P t/Dt) Const t-stat Slope t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 44.40 1.15 -10.68 -1.09 0.05 46.25 1.37 -11.17 -1.30 1.05 46.26 1.59 -11.21 -1.50 2.42 52.53 2.15 -12.79 -2.01 4.64 log(CAY t) Const t-stat Slope t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.40 0.40 2.91 2.27 0.92 1.29 0.39 3.02 2.55 3.63 1.18 0.39 2.95 2.87 6.96 1.17 0.42 3.17 3.36 11.20 33 Table X: Combining the predictors when the return horizon is one month. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. The return horizon is one month. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2 σM OM CAY t 1 month Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -5.72 -1.66 3.24 0.48 4.47 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 9.55 2.94 4.94 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 7.56 2.47 3.61 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.40 0.40 0.92 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -6.20 -1.63 4.63 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 8.40 2.50 6.10 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 6.43 2.09 4.72 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.05 0.51 7.72 0.39 3.04 -0.95 -2.68 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.34 0.34 7.29 0.37 3.23 -0.91 -2.63 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.87 -0.27 8.28 0.40 4.15 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.50 0.41 8.38 0.37 3.41 -1.08 -2.78 -0.41 -3.66 2.91 2.27 0.45 4.43 2.46 1.85 -1.02 -2.49 2.18 1.76 -0.38 -3.42 34 -0.74 -1.30 2.10 1.74 1.89 1.53 -0.34 -3.17 1.78 1.43 -0.10 -0.54 1.80 1.49 Table XI: Combining the predictors when the return horizon is three months. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. The returns horizon is 3 months. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2 σM OM CAY t 3 months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -4.12 -1.30 6.02 0.38 3.30 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 8.22 3.00 9.69 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 7.61 2.75 11.40 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.29 0.39 3.63 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -4.63 -1.41 9.58 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 6.94 2.54 12.67 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 6.43 2.31 13.86 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.32 0.57 14.17 0.31 1.81 -0.79 -3.11 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.49 0.37 16.28 0.29 1.77 -0.74 -2.95 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.99 0.31 17.82 0.30 2.60 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.92 0.52 18.29 0.29 2.09 -0.89 -3.59 -0.42 -3.25 3.02 2.55 0.35 3.34 2.67 2.16 -0.83 -3.19 2.43 2.27 -0.38 -2.99 35 -0.29 -0.82 2.19 2.09 2.20 1.98 -0.35 -2.72 1.95 1.80 -0.26 -1.43 1.96 1.82 Table XII: Combining the predictors when the return horizon is six months. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. The returns horizon is 6 months. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2 σM OM CAY t 6 months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -1.89 -0.70 4.53 0.24 2.74 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 6.35 2.28 9.08 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 6.55 2.53 14.84 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.18 0.39 6.96 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -2.41 -0.82 11.25 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 5.01 1.78 14.89 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 5.32 2.04 19.49 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.70 0.86 12.44 0.19 1.54 -0.56 -3.89 Coeff t-stat 1.80 0.54 0.17 1.45 -0.51 -3.50 Adj. R2 (%) 17.28 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.22 0.87 21.93 0.17 1.98 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.27 0.79 21.94 0.17 1.87 -0.62 -4.89 -0.34 -4.12 2.95 2.87 0.21 2.62 2.74 2.60 -0.56 -4.10 2.55 2.71 -0.31 -3.77 -0.01 -0.04 36 2.28 2.53 2.42 2.49 -0.29 -3.50 2.15 2.31 -0.29 -1.83 2.15 2.31 Table XIII: Combining the predictors when the return horizon is nine months. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. The returns horizon is 9 months. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2 σM OM CAY t 9 months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.64 -0.27 3.02 0.17 2.37 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 6.19 2.24 11.18 Coeff t-stat 6.06 2.50 15.34 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.17 0.42 11.20 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -1.22 -0.45 13.93 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 4.72 1.69 20.44 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 4.65 1.90 23.31 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.85 1.35 13.24 0.12 1.18 -0.55 -4.32 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.83 0.91 21.57 0.10 1.01 -0.49 -3.78 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.74 1.18 24.58 0.11 1.44 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.17 1.13 24.84 0.10 1.21 -0.59 -5.02 -0.30 -4.37 3.17 3.36 0.14 1.99 3.03 3.16 -0.52 -4.57 2.79 3.20 -0.26 -4.19 37 -0.13 -0.37 2.60 3.12 2.72 3.05 -0.25 -3.97 2.52 2.95 -0.21 -1.40 2.52 2.98 Table XIV: Combining the predictors when the return horizon is twelve months. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. The return horizon is 12 months. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. 2∗ − σ 2 σM M 2 σHM L 2 σM OM CAY t 12 months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.14 -0.06 2.48 0.15 2.33 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 5.70 2.12 9.48 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 5.70 2.42 14.01 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.14 0.44 15.26 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.78 -0.30 17.39 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 4.07 1.50 22.61 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 4.12 1.73 25.57 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 3.71 1.38 11.28 0.10 1.19 -0.47 -4.18 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.57 0.86 23.43 0.08 0.99 -0.40 -3.53 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.62 1.10 26.48 0.08 1.35 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 2.87 1.04 26.59 0.08 1.19 -0.50 -4.53 -0.26 -4.51 3.41 3.54 0.11 1.92 3.30 3.39 -0.43 -4.19 3.11 3.36 -0.22 -4.47 38 -0.08 -0.27 2.93 3.29 3.04 3.26 -0.21 -4.20 2.86 3.17 -0.19 -1.56 2.87 3.19 Table XV: Combining the correlation series with the CAYt and variance risk premium. The sample period extends from January 1990 to December 2008. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Const. ρM,M OM 2∗ − σ 2 σM M CAY t 1 month 12.85 1.57 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.38 0.09 1.42 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -5.72 -1.66 3.24 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.40 0.40 0.92 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.78 -0.20 3.33 13.26 1.67 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -8.52 -2.16 6.69 13.54 1.87 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.24 0.06 5.51 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -4.12 -1.30 6.02 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.29 0.39 3.63 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.96 -0.26 9.92 13.70 2.02 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -7.02 -2.08 15.63 13.91 2.30 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.05 0.02 10.65 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -1.89 -0.70 4.53 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.18 0.39 6.96 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -1.13 -0.34 19.10 0.48 4.47 2.91 2.27 3.04 2.41 0.46 5.04 2.59 2.02 3 months 13.27 1.86 0.38 3.30 3.02 2.55 3.15 2.70 0.36 2.89 2.79 2.33 6 months 13.62 2.19 0.24 2.74 2.95 2.87 14.04 2.41 3.08 3.06 Coeff -4.85 14.17 0.22 2.87 t-stat -1.57 2.62 2.22 2.81 Adj. R2 (%) 23.19 This table continues on the next page.... 39 . Const. ρM,M OM 2∗ − σ 2 σM M CAY t 9 months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.48 0.15 10.12 11.38 2.03 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.64 -0.27 3.02 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.17 0.42 11.20 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.78 -0.26 22.93 11.82 2.25 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -3.27 -1.14 25.44 11.91 2.36 0.17 2.37 3.17 3.36 3.28 3.62 0.15 1.83 3.13 3.42 12 months Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 0.86 0.29 7.94 9.40 1.87 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.14 -0.06 2.48 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) 1.14 0.44 15.26 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -0.49 -0.17 24.84 9.88 2.10 Coeff t-stat Adj. R2 (%) -2.49 -0.91 26.72 9.95 2.18 0.15 2.33 3.41 3.54 40 3.51 3.79 0.12 1.77 3.39 3.64 Table XVI: Stock return predictability over different sample periods: Adjusted R-squared. This table presents the adjusted R-squared (%) obtained from regression the S&P500 excess return on each of the predictor variables. I report the adjusted-R-squared for different sample periods. All variable definitions are identical to Table II. Sample period 2 σM 2 σSM B 2 σHM L 2 σM OM ρM,M OM CAY log(P/E) log(P/D) 1.42 0.14 0.05 0.14 -0.36 0.92 0.78 0.72 1.54 1.60 -0.34 -0.26 -0.22 -0.18 0.24 0.05 0.05 -0.07 -0.10 0.49 5.09 2.30 0.57 0.47 -0.00 3.63 2.60 2.21 3.91 3.56 -0.06 -0.02 0.03 -0.09 1.63 1.05 0.81 0.55 0.16 2.50 10.65 5.27 0.85 0.89 0.41 6.96 6.16 4.52 6.76 6.48 0.38 0.29 0.45 0.10 2.73 2.42 1.917 1.49 0.72 5.27 7.94 3.03 -0.29 -0.10 3.98 15.26 13.50 10.45 13.88 12.41 3.79 2.30 1.15 0.63 4.81 7.54 5.28 2.94 1.92 9.78 1 Month 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 1.44 2.82 1.94 1.28 0.52 1.59 2.80 1.78 0.99 0.45 4.94 4.40 3.20 2.20 0.51 3.62 3.56 2.55 1.48 -0.17 3 Months 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 0.72 0.20 0.11 -0.10 0.04 0.55 -0.23 -0.25 -0.21 0.01 9.69 6.95 6.11 3.09 -0.32 11.40 8.26 6.08 3.37 0.57 6 Months 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 1.04 0.48 0.33 -0.07 0.25 0.23 -0.22 -0.24 -0.21 -0.04 9.08 7.02 6.26 2.86 0.03 14.84 11.76 8.17 4.57 1.10 12 Months 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 1.76 0.74 0.66 0.13 0.15 1.70 -0.03 -0.08 -0.20 0.08 9.48 7.58 6.29 3.06 0.66 14.01 11.47 8.74 5.47 -0.03 41 Table XVII: Stock return predictability over different sample periods: Slopes and t-statistics. This table presents the slope and t-statistics obtained from regression the S&P500 excess returns on each of the predictor variables. I report the slopes and t-statistics for different sample periods. All of the reported t-statistics (t-stat) are based on heteroskedasticity and serial correlation consistent standard errors (Newey and West, 1987). All variable definitions are identical to Table II. 2 σM Sample period 2 σSM B 2 σHM L 2 σM OM ρM,M OM CAY log(P/E) log(P/D) -0.41 -3.66 -0.44 -3.81 -0.42 -3.76 -0.38 -3.46 -0.42 -0.75 12.85 1.57 7.04 0.88 5.58 0.89 5.51 1.08 -1.98 -0.30 2.91 2.27 2.96 2.31 3.10 2.45 4.35 3.44 6.48 2.18 -0.06 -0.46 -0.06 -0.63 -0.03 -0.45 -0.02 -0.37 -0.16 -1.20 -0.11 -1.09 -0.10 -1.19 -0.05 -0.83 -0.04 -0.71 -0.25 -1.41 -0.42 -3.24 -0.39 -3.06 -0.38 -2.97 -0.32 -2.51 0.50 1.77 13.27 1.86 9.57 1.49 5.25 1.01 4.51 1.06 -3.46 -0.69 3.02 2.56 2.84 2.39 2.89 2.50 3.92 3.53 5.34 2.11 -0.07 -0.61 -0.06 -0.72 -0.04 -0.62 -0.02 -0.47 -0.17 -1.36 -0.11 -1.30 -0.10 -1.35 -0.06 -1.03 -0.04 -0.81 -0.26 -1.64 -0.34 -4.12 -0.32 -3.93 -0.31 -3.78 -0.27 -3.29 0.43 1.62 13.62 2.19 9.68 1.74 4.31 0.95 4.10 1.10 -3.46 -0.82 2.95 2.87 2.93 2.83 2.85 2.82 3.65 3.64 4.94 2.15 -0.08 -0.74 -0.06 -0.74 -0.04 -0.72 -0.03 -0.58 -0.15 -1.45 -0.11 -1.50 -0.09 -1.44 -0.06 -1.16 -0.05 -1.02 -0.26 -2.02 -0.26 -4.51 -0.24 -4.41 -0.24 -4.37 -0.21 -4.06 0.14 0.93 9.41 1.87 5.80 1.26 0.04 0.01 0.96 0.32 -5.37 -1.65 3.41 3.54 3.30 3.37 3.22 3.45 3.81 4.32 4.49 2.48 -0.14 -1.68 -0.09 -1.38 -0.04 -0.94 -0.03 -0.87 -0.13 -1.72 -0.15 -2.61 -0.11 -2.16 -0.07 -1.46 -0.06 -1.40 -0.23 -2.56 1 Month 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat -0.18 -2.46 -0.17 -4.27 -0.16 -3.86 -0.16 -3.51 -0.16 -3.35 -0.83 -1.76 -0.64 -3.78 -0.59 -3.48 -0.52 -2.95 -0.40 -2.65 -1.08 -2.78 -1.11 -3.00 -1.08 -2.93 -1.02 -2.84 -1.48 -2.29 3 Months 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat -0.08 -2.25 -0.04 -1.20 -0.04 -1.11 -0.03 -0.64 0.06 1.50 -0.35 -1.28 -0.08 -0.63 -0.05 -0.39 0.02 0.17 0.16 1.29 -0.89 -3.59 -0.83 -3.20 -0.87 -3.49 -0.70 -2.60 0.26 0.55 6 Months 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat -0.07 -2.33 -0.04 -1.69 -0.04 1.63 -0.02 -0.87 0.06 0.25 -0.21 -1.39 -0.06 -0.73 -0.04 -0.52 0.02 0.20 0.11 1.22 -0.62 -4.89 -0.58 -4.19 -0.62 -4.74 -0.48 -3.11 0.42 0.95 12 Months 1990-2008 1987-2008 1980-2008 1970-2008 1970-1990 Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat Slope t-stat -0.07 -1.79 -0.03 -1.70 -0.03 -1.72 -0.02 -1.28 0.03 1.50 -0.30 -2.23 -0.07 -0.77 -0.06 -0.71 -0.02 -0.27 0.08 1.60 -0.51 -4.53 -0.46 -4.16 -0.47 -4.37 -0.37 -3.11 0.44 1.45 42 S&P 500 realized variance SMB variance 500 90 450 80 400 70 350 60 300 50 250 40 200 30 150 20 100 10 50 0 Jan 90 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 0 Jan 90 Jan 94 HML variance Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 Jan 06 Jan 10 MOM variance 80 200 180 70 160 60 140 50 120 40 100 80 30 60 20 40 10 0 Jan 90 20 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 0 Jan 90 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Figure 1: Variance Series This figure plots the realized variance (the top left panel) for the SP 500 market index, the SMB variance (the top right panel), the HML variance ( (the bottom left panel) and MOM variance (the bottom right panel). The sample period is from January 1990 to December 2008. 43 Difference between implied and realized variances 150 100 50 0 −50 −100 −150 −200 Jan 90 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 Figure 2: Variance Risk Premium Series This figure plots the variance risk premium (difference between the implied variance and the realized variance). The sample period is from January 1990 to December 2008. 44 ρ(RM,SMB) ρ(RM,HML) 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 −1 Jan 90 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 −1 Jan 90 Jan 94 ρ(RM,MOM) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 −1 Jan 90 Jan 94 ρ(SMB,MOM) 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 −0.5 −0.5 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 Jan 98 Janv 02 Jan 06 Jan 10 Jan 06 Jan 10 ρ(HML,MOM) 1 −1 Jan 90 Janv 02 ρ(SMB,HML) 1 −1 Jan 90 Jan 98 Jan 06 Jan 10 −1 Jan 90 Jan 94 Jan 98 Janv 02 Figure 3: Correlation Series This figure plots the correlations among the market, the size, the book-to-market, and momentum factor. I use daily returns to compute these correlation measures every month. The sample period is from January 1990 to December 2008. 45 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band 0.8 Slope Upper bound Lower bound 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 7 σ2*−σ2 M M 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 4: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the variance difference. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 46 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band −0.2 Slope Lower bound Upper bound −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 −1 −1.2 −1.4 −1.6 −1.8 −2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 14 2 σHML 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 5: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the HML variance. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 47 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band 0 Slope Lower bound Upper bound −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.4 −0.5 −0.6 −0.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 16 2 σMOM 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 6: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the MOM variance. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 48 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band 10 Slope Lower bound Upper bound 5 0 −5 −10 −15 −20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 14 ρ(RM,SMB) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 −2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 7: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the correlation ρM,SM B . All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 49 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band 10 Slope Lower bound Upper bound 0 −10 −20 −30 −40 −50 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 7 ρ(RM,HML) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 8: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the correlation ρM,HM L . All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 50 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band 30 Slope Lower bound Upper bound 25 20 15 10 5 0 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 11 ρ(RM,MOM) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 9: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the correlation ρM,M OM . All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 51 Estimated slope coefficient and 95% confidence band 25 Slope Lower bound Upper bound 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 9 ρ(SMB,HML) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Horizons (months) Figure 10: Estimated Slopes and R2 s The figure shows the estimated slope coefficients and pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the corresponding R2 s from the regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on the correlation ρSM B,HM L . All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 52 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 35 35 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt 30 σ2*−σ2 M M 25 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 Horizons (months) 20 σ2 SMB 25 20 −5 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt 30 25 −5 0 5 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 35 35 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt 30 HML 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 5 10 15 Horizons (months) 20 σ2 MOM 25 20 0 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt 30 σ2 25 −5 10 15 Horizons (months) 25 −5 0 5 10 15 Horizons (months) 20 25 Figure 11: Estimated R2 s The figure shows the R2 s from the multivariate regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on predictor variables. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 53 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 35 35 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt ρ(RM,SMB) 30 25 30 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 −5 0 5 10 15 Horizons (months) 20 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt ρ(RM,HML) −5 25 0 5 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 20 25 Estimated adjusted Rsquare (%) 35 35 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt ρ(RM,MOM) 30 25 25 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 Horizons (months) 20 log(Pt/Et) log(Pt/Dt) CAYt ρ(SMB,HML) 30 20 −5 10 15 Horizons (months) −5 25 0 5 10 15 Horizons (months) 20 25 Figure 12: Estimated R2 s The figure shows the R2 s from the multivariate regressions of the scaled h-period S&P 500 returns on predictor variables. All of the regressions are based on monthly observations from January 1990 to December 2008. 54