– Modern Physics PHY 320 SPRING 2005

PHY 320 – Modern Physics
Instructor: Kingshuk Majumdar
Office: 111 Science Building
Lectures: MW : 3 – 4pm, T : 2 – 4pm in SC 27.
Phone: 985 – 3299, Email: kingshuk_majumdar@berea.edu
Course web page: http://www.physics.berea.edu/~king/Teaching/ModPhys/
1. Goals and requirements of the course:
This course is designed primarily for the science majors. Course topics will
include special theory of relativity, introduction to quantum mechanics,
atomic and molecular structure, solid state, nuclear, particle physics, and
cosmology. The details of the course can be found in the course web
2. Nature of the course contents:
Required Text: Modern Physics by Serway, Moses, and Moyer.
Tentative Schedule (Lectures):
Feb. 7, 8, 9: Relativity I (Ch. 1)
Feb. 14, 15, 16, 21: Relativity II (Ch. 2)
Feb. 23, 28, Mar. 1, 2: Quantum Theory of Light (Ch. 3)
Mar. 7, 8, 9: Particle Nature of Light (Ch. 4)
Mar. 14, 15: Matter Waves (Ch. 5)
Mar. 16, 28, 30, Apr. 4: Quantum Mechanics in One Dimension (Ch. 6)
Apr. 5, 6: Tunneling Phenomena (Ch. 7)
Apr. 11, 12, 13, 18, 19: Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions (Ch. 8)
Apr. 20, 25, 27, May 2: Atomic and Molecular Structure (Chs. 9 and 11)
May. 4, 9, 11: Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, and
Cosmology (Ch. 12 – 16)
Exam 1: Feb. 22 (Tue.) – Chapters 1 – 2.
Exam 2: Mar. 29 (Tue.) – Chapters 3 – 5.
Exam 3: Apr. 26 (Tue.) – Chapters 6 – 8.
Exam 4: May 3 (Tue.) – Chapters 9, 11
May. 18 (Wed.) at 8 am – Comprehensive.
3. Method of evaluation:
Out of the four in-class exams the scores for the best three will be
considered for the final grade. Final course evaluation and final grading
will be determined as follows:
92 – 100 %
A90 – 91.9 %
Three Exams
3 x 20 = 60%
B+ 88 – 89.9 %
82 – 87.9 %
B80 – 81.9 %
C+ 78 – 79.9 %
70 – 77.9 %
C68 – 69.9 %
60 – 67.9 %
Below 60 %
4. Class Policy:
You are expected to come to the class on time. Late attendance will not
be tolerated and will be counted as an absence. Attendance in classes will
be recorded. You can miss a maximum of four lectures. After four
absences, for each absence 3% will be deduced from your total score.
You are expected to respect others in the class. Talking, eating, drinking,
etc. will not be tolerated during the class. Sleeping during the class will not
be encouraged. Asking questions regarding your subject matter is
specially encouraged. Laptops should not be used during lecture unless
instructed by your instructor.
In the event a student is found to be guilty of cheating or plagiarism in a
particular homework assignment or an exam that particular work will not
be accepted and a report will be filed with Associate Dean of Academic
Each week you will receive one set of homework. You are expected to do
the homework on your own. Group discussion is encouraged. Late
homework will not be accepted. If we find that a particular homework has
been copied from someone else, that homework will not be accepted (for
both parties involved – who copied and from whom it was copied).
There will be four in-class exams, and a comprehensive final exam. Note
that make up exams will not be given. If circumstances are such that you
must miss an exam, you must notify the instructor prior to the exam and
obtain permission to miss the exam. If permission is granted, your missed
exam will be given the average score of your other two exams. You may
miss only one exam. You may not miss nor reschedule the final exam.
Dates and the exams (and the chapters to be covered) are listed above.