Ye Lu

Ye Lu - 130 W Lane Ave, Apt 24, Columbus, OH 43201 - 614.619.8884
Education & Honors
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Honors
June 2013
 Concentrations: Finance, Economics & Actuarial Science | Finance GPA: 3.98/4.00 | Cumulative GPA: 3.87/4.00
- Financing 35% of educational expenses through academic scholarships
 Fisher Futures Investment Banking Program: 1 of 14 students selected into a highly competitive, faculty-selected program
that exposes students to investment banking, financial modeling, business valuation and other industry information
The 6th Annual Fisher College CIBER Case Challenge:
- 1 of 4 students selected to represent Fisher College of Business in a worldwide case competition
- Specialized in financial analysis area and completed pro-forma statements and valuation analysis using DCF and LBO
Professional Experience
Goodrich Asset Management
New Albany, OH
Asset Management Intern
September 2011-Present
Back-tested an investment model for a 10 year period by analyzing the performance of over 200 ETF’s
Analyzed the annual rate of return for existing customers with combined assets of over $10m
Ziegler Capital Markets
Columbus, OH
Investment Banking Summer Analyst
June 2011-August 2011
Analyzed 20 charter schools for tax-exempt bond financing coverage ability
Established a preliminary credit rating model by building a financial information database of over 120 charter schools
Engaged in the preliminary debt coverage ability research and bond pricing modeling of a $10m deal
Performed usage analysis and provided improvement advices for CRM to six managing directors as an intern team leader
O’s Investment Fund
Ann Arbor, MI
Money Manager and Co-founder
April 2011-Present
Managed a fund of over $12,000 in the stock market generating approximately 25% annual return
Conducted fundamental analysis for 20 portfolio companies using financial reports and Credit Suisse equity research
Led the $8,000 investor offering process by drafting marketing materials and pitching to over 60 potential clients
Suzhou, China
Business Development Intern
July 2010-August 2010
Conducted proprietary and assigned investment strategy research for retail investors using HSBC Reports
Performed individual half-year investment performance analysis for 16 Personal Relationship Managers
Generated more than 200 potential premium account clients (more than $100,000 deposits each)
Increased client deposits by $300,000 in one month (ranked second in Suzhou city)
Dowell Ltd.
Changshu, China
Corporate Finance Summer Analyst
June 2009-August 2009
Analyzed a $1.1m buy-out deal for the firm using precedent transactions and LBO analysis
Performed risk management, cost benefit, unrestricted cash flow management and short-term investment strategy analyses
Helped negotiate a $100,000 purchase contract with 5% monetary term upside benefit
Leadership Experience & Community Service
Global Business Brigades
Columbus, OH
Vice President of Fundraising
January 2011-present
1 of 9 students to provide microfinance consulting to support microenterprises in developing countries
Represented the organization to meet with over 20 corporations and institutions; raised over $15,000 per year for
volunteers to provide microfinance consulting in Panama
Conducted research on the local financial situation of Panama and assisted in the development of microfinance strategies
Earthquake Volunteer Center
Sichuan, China
Co-founder & President
May 2008-June 2008
 Established a volunteer center and recruited over 20 motivated volunteers, veterans and local school teachers
 Organized the transportation of over 500 wounded personnel and remains
 Maintained a temporary school after school building collapse for over 100 students teaching arts and science
Skills & Interests
Wall Street Prep: Received a certification in financial modeling by creating DCF, LBO, Comps and M&A models in Excel
Singing Contest: Champion of the 2010 Ohio State University singing contest
Language: Chinese Mandarin (Native), Cantonese (Intermediate) and Japanese (Basic)
Interests: Distance running, traveling, guitar, basketball & ping pong