AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Adelbert Frederick Hackert for the (Name) Date thesis is presented Title G2erf-,LY-/, QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAINS IN Abstract approved Mathematics (Major) M.S. in (Degree) / ?6 5 Ra(q5) AND Ra(J -13) Redacted ed for Privacy (Major professor) Some of the properties of the numbers of two quadratic num- ber fields are explored. Among these properties is the existence of unique prime factorization of the integers of the field and the impor- tance of the concept of ideal numbers in restoring unique factorization when it does not exist. Some consideration is given to the relationship between the nature of the ideals of an integral domain and the existence of unique factorization in that domain. QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAINS IN Ra (^/5) AND by ADELBERT FREDERICK HACKERT A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1966 Ra N-13) APPROVED: Redacted Professor of for Privacy Mathematics In Charge of Major Redacted for Privacy Chaiíriíän of Mathematics Departments Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Carol Baker August 9, 1965 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. INTRODUCTION II. THE NUMBERS Ra (45) III. THE NUMBERS Ra IV. THE IDEALS OF V. 1 (i -13) Ra [ 4-13] 5 35 42 A NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR UNIQUE FACTORIZATION 66 BIBLIOGRAPHY 71 QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAINS IN I. Ra ('J5) AND Ra ('J --13) INTRODUCTION An algebraic number is defined to be a complex number which satisfies a polynomial equation with rational coefficients. Every alge- braic number satisfies many such polynomial equations, but among these is one of least degree determines the degree (3, p. of the 1 The degree of this equation -2). number. A number which satisfies an irreducible quadratic equation is therefore called a quadratic number. Suppose p is a quadratic number. We are first interested are rational in the set of numbers al + numbers. For every p there exists some rational integer m, b1p, where al and b1 without a repeated prime factor, such that the set identical to the set al + a + b'Im is b1p (3, p. 280 -283). The purpose of this paper is to consider two such sets, one in which m = 5, the other in which m = -13. The paper will show that these sets are fields, and that in each field there is a particular subset which is an integral domain, and whose elements will be called integers. 1 In the first set unique factorization of these integers into prime factors will be demonstrated. In the second set this property is absent, so ideal numbers will be introduced, which will restore To avoid confusion, the term integer will be used in reference to 1 a number of quadratic integral domain, while the ordinary integers of arithmetic will be called rational integers. 2 the unique factorization. In the development, the following definitions will be used: 1. 1 A group is a mathematical system composed of a set of elements with a well defined binary operation and: 1. The system is closed under the operation. 2. The operation is associative. (a + b) + c = a + (b + for every element 3. a, b and + 0= 0+ a = Every element a+ a= of the a a of the such that set. has an inverse a + 0 set. = a such that 0 An abelian group is one in which the operation is commutative. That is a + b = b + a for every element 1. 3. c a for every element a 1. 2. c) There exists an identity element a 4. That is a,b of the group. ring is a mathematical system consisting of a set of elements closed under two well defined binary operations, addition ( +) and multiplication (X) and subject to the following: A 3 The elements form an abelian group relative to 1. addition. 2. Multiplication is associative. 3. Multiplication is distributive over addition. That is, for every element a,b and c in the system aX 1. 4. 1. 5. (b +c) =aX b +aX c. An integral domain is a ring in which: 1. The operation multiplication is commutative. 2. There exists an identity element for multiplication. 3. There are no proper divisors of zero. integral domain in which every element except the additive identity has an inverse under multiplication. A field is an It will be assumed that the complex number system has been developed and shown to be a field and that sufficient background to establish the following specific properties from number theory and algebra have been developed. 1. 6a. 1. 6b. 1. 6c. The natural numbers are well ordered. Every composite rational integer has a unique factorization into a finite number of prime factors. If or a 1 is a rational integer, a2 is congruent to mod 4, and in particular for 0 4 a= 1 a=0 mod 2, a2 = 1 mod 4 mod 2, a2 0 mod 4 FL- and conversely. 1. 6d. In an integral domain ab = ac b =c for all b and c. and a # 0 implies 5 II. Definition and Ra THE NUMBERS (N/5) The set of numbers 2. 1. a + b'ß/5, where a range independently over the field of rational numbers, will b be called Ra ('J5). Theorem is a field. Ra (45) 2. 1. Proof: a. The set is closed under addition and multiplication, for if we take a = a + b'J 5 and ß = c + dN/ 5 we have +c)+ a +ß = (a a ß = (ac + (b 5bd) + +d)'ß/5 (ad + bc) N/5 and a, b, c and d are rational numbers. Then so are the coefficients a + c, b + d, and so on. b. Both operations are associative and commutative, and multiplication distributes over addition since Ra (q5) is a subset of the complex field. c. 0 = 0 + ON/ 5 d. If e. Each element a + b'./ 5 with not both a and b equal to 0 has a multiplicative inverse in Ra(^/5). a + b N/ 5 and 1 is in = 1 are in + 0'x/ 5 Ra(N/ 5) so is For 1 a - bN/5 a + bN/5 - a2 5b2 R a (N/ 5) . -a - b^/ 5. 6 If a2 - 5b2 = 0 either a2 = b2 = 0, which by b2 hypothesis is impossible, or ¡ O. Then and ^/5 = a/b which is impossible 5 = a2 /b2 since that would mean N/5 is rational. Therefore a2 - 5b2 ¡ 0 and we have a 1 a b\/5 + conjugate of the norm of a = á = The product and is denoted a ' Ra(I5). The number a +b'/5. a2 - 5b2 a2 - 5b2 an element of Definition 2. 2. b^/5 is called the a -b^/5 a a = a2 - 5b2 is called N(a). From this definition the following properties are clearly true. a. b. á a = . if = a c. N(a) = Theorem 2. 2. Ti a is a rational number. N(a). a á are the two roots and monic quadratic equation with rational coefficients. Proof of existence: Then a and Let b^/5 = a + a= a -b^/5. a á satisfy the equation (x - a)2 - 5b2 = x2 - 2ax + a2 - 5b2 = 0 of a unique 7 and the coefficients are rational since a and a2 - 5b2 are. b Proof á and 2a = of Case I, uniqueness: b = O. Then a = a and The equation must have equal rational roots and so it is of a. the form (x - with (a - r) = 0 a rational integer. Since r 2 r)2 = 0, r = a satisfies this equation and the equation must be a (x - a)2 = 0 so the equation is unique. Case II, b # Lemma. a linear equation = of the O. a + b^/5, b # 0 form x -r =0, Suppose the contrary. Then a +bN/5 = N/5 = r , r - a b does not satisfy a rational 8 which cannot be since Suppose Then a + Hence the lemma. satisfies two monic rational quadratic equations a x2 is irrational. ^/5 p lx + q and = 0 1 x2 + p2x + q2 = O. satisfies the equation formed by subtracting the second of these from the first ; (Pl - p2)x + ql - q2 = 0 . This equation must be identically zero, otherwise it contradicts the above lemma. Therefore pl = p2 and q1 = and the two q2 equations are identical. Definition 2. 3. The equation of theorem 2. 2 is called the principal equation of a. Corollary of a is The constant term of the principal equation 2. 2. N(a). Theorem The conjugate of the product (sum) of two 2. 3. is equal to the product (sum) of the conjugates. numbers of Ra(^/5) Proof: Let a = al + b1N/5 and ß = a2 + b2N/5. Then 9 aß And a +ß = ala2 + = ala2 - alb2N/5 + = a1(a2 - b2q5) _ (a1 - b1,45) (a2 - b2q5) = á = al + = al - b1'./5 = a + ß 5b1b2 - (alb2 5bib2 - a2b1'J5 - b1'./5 (a2 - a2 - (bl b2)N/5 + +a2 -b2q5 ß. N(aß) the product of two numbers of be two numbers of Let a :_. aß artF = aß aß by theorem 2. 3 = aá ß ß by theorem 2. 1 = N(a)nT((3) Corollary # 0, of is equal to the product of their norms. Proof: ß b2q5) . Theorem 2. 4. The norm Ra(J5) a2b1)^/5 + 2. 4. and If ß a, ß are two numbers then N( a ) ß N(a) NW) of Ra('./5). Then Ra('./5) and 10 By definition 2. 2, if # ß 0, N(ß) # and N(a) then N( ß N(R) N(f3) f3) Definition 2. 4. A 2. 2, so N(a) # N(a) N(a) N(a) . number of Ra('./5) is an integer of if its principle equation has rational integral coefficients. Ra(N/5) The set of integers of Theorem Every number 2. 5. Ra[ of Proof: a If O. are rational integers by definition N(ß) N() of N(ß) # If a Ra('./5) will be denoted Ra[N/5] . Every rational integer is in Ra[ Ñ5] N/5] . which is rational is a rational integer. is a rational integer, the principal equation is x2 - 2ax + a2 = 0 and its coefficients are rational integers. If a = a + b'ß/5 is rational, b = 0 + a2 and implies the principal equation x2 - 2ax = 0 a in Ra[N/5] 11 of has rational integral coefficients. a integer so is a Theorem = But if a 2 is a rational a. 2. 6. If is in Ra[ 45] a then so is , á. This is so since both have the same principal equation. Theorem 2.7. A number only if it is of the form Ra(J5) of where a +b'ß/5 integers, or where both a and a is in Ra[45] and are halves b b if and are rational of odd rational integers. Proof: Let a be a number of a - a1 + where al, and # c b1 b 0 1 111 Ra(g5). Then ^/5 cl are rational integers with no common factor and c1 to avoid the previous case where may be considered positive without loss of generality. The prin- cipal equation of a is 2a1 x x+ - If in addition a Ra['45] is in al2 -5b12 c1 1 2 - , 2a1 (1) is rational. Now a c1 is a rational integer; U . 12 a 2 - 5b1 (2) 2 is a rational integer cl2 . Then one of the following is true: (i) c 1 If # c factor and by (2) c or 1 or 2, then by (1) (ii) 2 = c = 2, c1 and from 4 = w 0 mod 2, b12 al = mod 2, mod 4 :I- 0 of 1 c b1 . have a common contrary to the (2) 4, 5b 12 mod a 12 b al and = are relatively prime. and c a12 - 5b12 = 0 mod If (iii) c 2 this factor is also a factor al, bl hypothesis that If 1 4, by property a12 = 0 mod 4 and 1 6c. 1. So 0 which makes contradiction to hypothesis. a12 = a + mod 4. 1 b ./5 If al = Then to be an integer 1 a b1 = 1 al, mod 2, even in b1 and c1 b12 = 1 mod 4, so mod 2. Thus, for this case, for and b must be halves of odd rational integers. If alt - 5b1 al and c = 1, a = al + b1 .i5 is an integer since 2a1 and are rational integers for all rational integral values bl. of 13 Thus it follows that any number have and a a +1345 rational integers or both a and b Ra['/5] of must halves b of rational integers. Conversely any number this form is in Ra['/5] of for the equation x2 - 2ax + 2 2 a2 - 5b2 has rational integral coefficients if and if and a are halves b 0 and b a of odd = integers are rational integers, is a rational 2a integer and a2-5b 2- n2-5m2 4 where n= m n2 - 5m2 °0 ° 1 mod 2. mod 4. Thus Definition 2. 5. 02 So form a basis for given in the form n2 m2 = 5m2 _ 1 mod 4, and is a rational integer. a2 - 5b2 Two linearly independent numbers if every member of Ra[ J/5] a01 ° + be2 where a and b 1 and 0 = 01 Ra['./5] and is range independ- ently over the rational integers. Theorem a basis for Ra[ 45] Proof: The numbers 2. 8. 2+ + 2 . Consider the sets S1 = al + b1N/5 and N/5 form 14 S2 a2 = + or halves b2( 2 1 -1 + 2 integers. By theorem 2.7, If a number of al + + is S1 are rational integers bl and rational integers and a2 of odd tal al where '/5) and Ra[N/5] . equals a number of S1 b b bl/5 = a2 + 2 + 2y5 = 2a2 + b2 + 2a1 = 2a2 + b2 = 2b , b2 are rational b2 that is 52, 2,45 , 2 b2,45 ; (i) , (ii) 1 a2 If al and = al - b1 are rational integers or halves b 1 integers, then by (ii) and (iii), So a2 and b2 of odd rational are rational integers. 51 S2. If al (iii) . and 2a1 and a2 b1 and b2 are rational integers and b2 are rational integers by 2b1 (i) and (ii). are odd rational integers so al halves of odd integers and S2C Si. Therefore (1, 0) is a basis for Ra[ q5] Theorem Ra[q5] 2. 9. tion and multiplication. b2 If and S1 is even, = b1 S2 is odd, are and . is closed under addition, subtrac- 15 Proof: numbers of Let Ra[ ^/5] a al + ±ß = aß = a1a2 82 = (2+ 2^/5)2 = z+ aß = a la2 + b lb2 + (a lb2 + a2b = and b10, ß = a2 + be two b20 . . }a2)+ (al + (b1 f b2)e b1b202 + (alb2 + a2b1)0 . And 2 = 1 +2 +2N5 =0 +1. So From theorems 2. 1, 2. 5 and 2. 9 + b lb2)0. and the fact that we are using complex number multiplication so can have no proper divisors of is an integral domain. zero it follows that Ra[ 45] Theorem 2. 10. is a basis of 01, 02 If Ra[ 45] , the necessary and sufficient condition that with a11, a12, a21 01 = a1101 + a1202 02 = a2101 + a2202 and a22 rational integers be a basis also is all a12 a21 a22 = f1 16 Proof: b..'s 'J where the So, since If 01 = b1101 + b1202 02 = b21 01 + b02 22 are rational integers. Then - (alibi]. + a21b1201 + 02 = (allb21 + a21b22)01 + and (a b (a12b11 (a12b21 + a22b1202' + a22b22)02. are linearly independent, 02 + a21b12 = 11 21 + a21b22 = b is a basis, 01 01 allbll a 01, 02 1 a12b11 0 a + b 12 21 + a22b12 = 0 1. a22b22 - From these four equations, it follows (bul b21 b12 b all 22 a21 b12 all a12 1 0 a 0 1 22 ) Henc e b11 a12 = b21 b22 a21 1 a22 and the determinant of each matrix on the left divides 1 so is 17 either +1 Thus -1. or all a12 t = a22 a21 is a necessary condition for Since el, to be a basis. 02 is a basis, if 01'02 1 and e we have ei = all l + e2 = a21e1 + a a 1202 2202 are rational integers. where the a..'s '3 Then el a12 all el e2 a22 a21 e2 a12 all a12 a a21 a22 02 - e 1 all a21 a22 all a12 = a21 a22 f 1 , e2 are in Ra[ ^/5] , 18 both 01 and and thus all numbers of e2 0i and sed as linear combinations of Ra[ 45] can be expres- with rational integral 02 coefficients. This establishes the sufficiency condition of the theorem. Definition 2.6. and a and el and nant of the numbers A(a,ß) Theorem 2. 11. invariant under change and a form a basis for 02 are any two numbers ß Proof: If of the Ra[45] domain, the discrimi- is ß a101 + b102 a201 + b202 a + b a201 + b202 2 = 1-U 1 102 0(01, 02) of where 01, 02 is a basis is basis. From definition 2. 6 2 01 02 81 02 2 al a2 b1 b2 0(a,ß)= and 2 G(01 By theorem 2. 10, 0) if So 01 02 el e2 a, ß 0i, 02, is a basis 2 o(ei,e2)= _ .(3s 102) then a1b2 -a2b1 = f1. 19 Definition 2. 7. and denoted Ra[ ^/5] will be called the discriminant of A(01,02) L1[ N/5] Theorem 2. 12. Proof: Take (1, . A[ N/5] 1 + 2 = 5 1 . as a basis. 2 .Í5) Then 2 L1 [ Nl 5] 2 = 1 Theorem 61, 82 2. 13. be a basis for Proof: 2,45 + 1 (2 -2í5 2 -2- 2 2^/5) =( -45) 22 - A necessary and sufficient condition that = 5. 2^/5 I is that Ra[ '45] A(01,02) = 5. That this is a necessary condition follows immedi- ately from the last two theorems. To prove it also sufficient, let independent numbers of where 0 62 Ra[ a a a = ß =b161+b262 + 202; is a basis and al ± 1. 1,l b2 all and 3 be two linearly which do not form a basis. Then X15 ] 101 a 20 Since al, a2, b1 and are rational integers and b2 and a ß are linearly independent it follows that a2 a 1 > 1 , b2 bl 2 al bl b2 01 02 a2 > 1 2 2 A(a,(3) Example: a + aI a2 > _ 0l bß/5, c + bl 02 . b2 is a basis for dß/5 5.1 Ra[ N/5] if and only if 2 a+bN/5 c+dq5 2 = [ ac-5bd+(bc-ad)^/5-ac+5bd-(ad-bc)/5] = [ 2(bc-ad)q5] a-bN/5 c-d^/5 = 20(bc-ad)2 = 2 5 or (bc - ad)2 The pair a and b = 4 must be rational integers or both halves of odd rational integers and likewise for the pair infinite number of c and d. So any of an values will do, in particular the values , 21 5 2+ Definition (3, denoted For 2. 8. 2 +ZN/5. ZN/5 a, when there exists 131a, a and y ß and Theorem 2. 14. If Ra[ ./5] such that and a is called ß is a multiple of y, a each integer of a sequence al, a2, , an of integers is a multiple of the one that succeeds it, each integer is a multiple of every integer which follows it for any If rational integer n c. in y. is a multiple of ß and is a multiple of y. a then b. y is divisible by a , are called divisors or factors of a, multiple of a. Ra[N/5] =ßY a 13 in ß > 2. two integers a and (3, are multiples of a third integer y, then a + ßrß is a multiple of y where and ri are any integers of Ra['./5] If . Proof: and YIP implies a = f ß and ß = r1y where and r) are integers. So a = r)Y and the integers being closed under multiplication, a is a multiple of y. a. (31a b. For n = 2 the theorem is obviously true Assume the theorem is true for sequences with k terms, k> 2. . Let a i+ l al, a2, l ai' , i ai = 1 = ak, ak +l be a sequence where .k. Then iak i = 1...k-1 (1) 22 by the induction hypothesis. Also by hypothesis X ak So from ai = (1) and (2) Xi (Xkak+1) or ai - Fliak +1 and taking ak = ai = (2) kak+ 1 µk µkak = for i = 1 k-1, for i 1 k -1 = in (2) Xk +l So for i= k+1 1k. (3) Also by induction hypothesis, each a. is a multiple of each ai +j where i = 1. k- 1 and i +j < k so from this and (3) each aj is a multiple of ai+j where i = 1 k and i+ j < k +l . Since the theorem is true for n = 2 and is true for n = k+ 1 whenever it is true for n = k, then it is true for all n > 2 . c. a = P1Y, ß a = P1'P2 P2Y, + ß r) = p a + integers p2ar 1 = and a + 131 (Pl + is a multiple of P2r1)Y y. ; 23 Theorem If 2. 15. is divisible by a is divisible NW), by Proof: and unit of Ra[ N/5] a = V!, N(a) = N(I3)N(y) An integer which divides 2. 9. A 2. 16. necessary and sufficient condition that an integer be a unit is that its norm be Proof: If divides N(1) or EE In the second and Therefore = 1. if E case E ( -1) N(E) 1 = is an integer and -1. In the first case = ±1. is a unit it divides E Conversely, = 1 is called a 1 . Theorem N(E) by theorem 2. 4. being rational integers it follows that N(ß )I N(c). N(a), N(ß)N(y) Definition Er N(a) 13, and -111 E so by theorem 2.15, ± 1. N(E) = ±1, then is a unit by definition. so by theorem 2. 14a E 1 is a unit. E Corollary 2. 16. The product of two units and the quotient of two units are units. Theorem RaP./5] I . 2. 17. There are an infinite number of units of 24 Proof: N(E) = -4 - 4 Consider so -1 = = E 21 + 1 Every positive power is a unit. E which is an integer of Ra[45]. -2,45 of is a E unit for N(En) according as Now, we have since n E = n is even or odd. E , E 2, E 3, E m. (-1)n = or -1 +1 = are all different or for some ' latter case In the E n> m which is impossible n -m =1 Therefore every positive integral power > 1. E [N(E )] n _ of is a E unique unit. Theorem if it is of the form ±E number of where E A 2. 18. n is a unit if and only Ra[^/5] 1/5) = -1 (1 + n is any and rational integer. Theorem Proof: unit for n > O. If n = 2. 17 establishes the proof that 0, En= 1, a unit. If then n < 0, is a En n E 1 _ E where m _ -n m and is thus a unit since the quotient of two units > 0 is a unit. To show that all units unit. Then where a integers, - and E 1 and b are -T1 of the form are units. ±E If n, E are rational integers or halves let = E be a a +b^/5 of odd rational 25 - E = -a-bq5, = a-b^I5, = --a+bq 5. 1 T -E 1 One of the above four units has both coefficients positive and so is positive and greater than 1. we suppose that one to be three units will be Either E -E = E 1, of and designate it E a +bß/5 - and E or n There will be no lack E The other respectively. 1 n< 1< E generality if E n +1 where n is a non negative rational integer. If the latter case is true, then E1 1 --n < < (1) . E E Since the quotient of two units is a unit we may write E1 n =x +yq5 - E where x and y are rational integers or halves of odd rational integers. Then (x+ yg5)(x- y"./5) Since by (1) or x + yq5 > t - 1 1 by theorem 2. 16. , Ix-yÑSI<1 -1< x-yq5 <1. (2) 26 From (1) and (2) <2x<2+ 0 To satisfy this, since 25 is a rational integer or half an odd rational x integer, its value must be or L 1. But from (1), if x = 2, y must be positive and half an odd rational integer. No such value will satisfy (1). x If = y must be 1, positive and a rational integer and again no such value will satisfy (1). Thus it is impossible that n E < E E = E < En+1 E holds. So Then E E . = -E -E And since n n 1_± 1, _: 1 E1 -: 1 E - f E -n Finally - -E _ -E -n Hence the theorem. Definition a 2. 10. An integer of Ra[45] by only a unit factor is called an associate of which differs from a. If an integer is not a unit nor zero and has no factors except units or its associates, 27 it is called a prime. An integer is composite if it has factors other than units and its associates. Theorem 2. 19. there exist integers Proof: = r+ r1, b a and b so = Let s + µ -r + se, of a = where 2 (1 +b5) and being rational integers nearest to + IA r and s Isil µ- N(á 0 = < r1 + s10, =- Ir2 +r s - s 21 < 1 Then multiplying by INT(ß)IIN( a ._. 2 1 - 11)1 I N(f3 - µ)I µ a ) 1. 1< 2 which is not zero since I P µI < N( N(ß) we have = p = Ra[J5] that then ß and setting are integers 0 that a I # IN(P)I < IN(P)I Ir11 Set ß of the domain such p P ß sl, and a and µ =pµ+ a a If RN+ P IN(P)I < IN(R)I 3 # 0 28 Definition 2.11. and 5 I a, then 51 ß a, If and ß is a common divisor of 5 addition every common divisor of a ß a and ß ß If in . 5, is 5 and denoted ). ß Theroem 2. 20. If and a are any two integers ß not both zero there exists a greatest common divisor 5 Ra[45] of of and a such that P aµ + where 5 = of Ra[g5] of and a divides and called the greatest common divisor of (a, are integers 6 a p. = and are integers. ri Proof: If P. a L ß If ßr) = 6 a = 0, # ß 0 is unique up to associates. 5 then 5 = ß . If a = ß, then and neither one is zero we may, without loss generality, assume I there exists integers and p a N(a) =ßp I > I o N(ß ) I Then by theorem 2. . 19 such that where + a-, IN(o-)I < IN(ß)I and by continuing the process ß =c-p1+c1 0 = 0-1p2+0 (rk-3 = c'k 6k-2 I (rk -1pk + Gk ' IN(ß)I IN(a-2)I < IN(cr1)I, , 2pk-1+`rk-1 NO- 1)I < ' I N(crk-1) II N(°rk-2) IN(0-k)I`IN(crk-1)I' I' 29 IN(a) is a non negative integer when I is an integer, so a in a finite number of steps the process will result in a N(6k)1 = O. Then 6k tions successively 0 = crk -2 ' 6k-1 = 6k-2 crk = 0, If k-3 _ b = so b = ' , = bpk, pkpk-1 + to obtain 6 aµ + so 8(PkPk-1 6k divides and we may eliminate from these equak -3 b ßrl b divides ó' + 1) , Continuing, we see that the left member of is a common divisor of Since divides b, That by assuming aµ b = so 6 bl b and 6k -2' each of the above series of equations is a multiple of b such that Crk + VI, a S. Therefore a and ß a and P. P. and any common divisor of is a greatest common divisor of is the only greatest common divisor may be seen is also a greatest common divisor of T hen b =K ló1 by definition 2. 11, and ó = K1 K2ö. 51 = K2ó a and P. 30 Then hl and K2 N(5) = N(kl)N(K2)N(6) 1 =" N( kl)N(K2), are units and Example: To find the and 6 g. c. d. and -2 of N(S) so 0 are associates. 81 and + 2N/5 13 - 7^/5, note that IN(-2 2N/5) + and 13 - 7N/5 -2 + 2N/5 or 13 - 7,45 and IN(-3 so IN(-3+ ^/5) 16, = -11 IN(13 - 7N/51 + 3N/5 = (-2 -3 _ 4 (-3 +N/5) + 2N/5) 1 + N/5 + + 76 = (-3 - ^/ 5 4 + N/5) 4-N/5)1 = 4 I < IN(-2 + 2N/5) I In the same manner -2+ So -3 + N/5 = ( -1 -./5)( -3 + N/5) is the g. c. d.. We may write 2N/5 (1) (13 - 7N/5) + (3 - N/5)( -2 + 2N/5) Definition 2. 12. Two integers = -3 + N/5. are said to be relatively prime if every common divisor is a unit. Corollary 2. 20. If a and ß are relatively prime, there 31 exist integers µ and +TIP [La Proof: integers µl a unit. 1. = By definition 2. 12 and and theorem 2. 20 there exist such that rll µ1a E such that T1 + TIlß = E Then fl la 1 + Tlß E E E E and the units being closed under division and the integers closed under multiplication it follows that µ¢ +rlß = 1. Theorem 2.21. If a prime uct of aß of two integers rr of Ra [45] of the domain, then divides a prod- Tr divides at least one a. Then by corollary the integers. Proof: 2. 20 Suppose there exist integers Tr µ does not divide and +Tri= Multiplying by ß we have 1. ri such that 32 ßaN- or since and Tr I Tr ß aß I Tr(X integers a2. 2. 21. a1a2 a Proof: I By µ+ßTl)=ß n = If a prime divides a product of several Tr it divides some one of them. n theorem 2. 21, if Tr I a1a2, corollary is true for the case So the true for =ß . Corollary Tr +ßTr Then if k. n then = 2. Trial Suppose it is divides the product of k Tr or + integers 1 we may write without loss of generality Tr and either Tr divide ak+ l' of the integers I (ala2 I (ala2 or ak) ak) Tr i ak+1 ak +l or both. If Tr does not then by the induction hypothesis it divides some one al, a2, product of any n Theorem , ak. k. integers, 2. 22. Thus the theorem is true for the n > 2 . Every composite number of factored into a finite number of Ra[N/5] primes, and this factorization is unique up to associates. Lemma 1. can be Every composite number of Ra [4-5] factored into a finite number of primes. can be 33 Proof: # a a unit or a be the proposition that every integer P(n) Ra[.5] of 0 Let where I = 1, is a unit and a If a is a prime, then If a is composite, then is a unit nor an associate of IN(a)I I N(ß) = I = I and I N(ß) I I N(y) I N(y) I I P(1) a. a So = ßy I N(K)I < IMO = n primes. N(ß) are less than n. where neither 11, I N(a) I nor ß N(y) I # 1 y and since I and the norms are rational integers. Now suppose that every composite integer I of is true. is true for all P(n) is either natural number) n (a prime or can be factored into a finite number If n both N(a) K with has a finite prime decomposition. ß and Y would then be ß = ß1ß2...ßr Y=lY2...Ys' ' products of finite numbers of primes and a = ß1ß2... a product of a finite number of mathematical induction, Lemma 2. of ßrViY2... Ys primes. Thus by the second principle P(n) is true for all n > 1. The decomposition of a composite integer into primes is unique. Proof: Suppose there are two prime decompositions of a, 34 say a So er = Tr and by corollary 2. 21, X1 - E 1711 1 where ir2 r < s, divides some after divides some X say Then X1. is a unit and E 7317 If _ ) rrl Tr2Tr3. Then r . . Xs X1X2. = Tr 1(Tr 2. X1X2...Xs = zrr = X., say TTr 4. = E E . . Xs 1X2X3. and X2, 1 2X 3X 4. . Xs . steps we have r 1= .. E E rs-r Xs This implies 1 = N(X s-r ) and this is impossible as each a rational integer not equal to impossible. Then r = s 1 = N(X s X. ±1. is a prime and hence Similarly the case r > s is and 1E2...ES and the prime factorization of a composite integer of unique up to associates. is N(X.) Ra[45] is 35 THE NUMBERS III. Theorem b Ra(.- 13) The set 3. 1. Ra(N/ -13) range independently over the field of Theorem 3.2. The numbers a = + where b'J -13 a and rational numbers is a field. and a of a Ra(N/-13) 1 satis- fy a unique monic quadratic equation with rational coefficients. Proof: as does a = a + satisfies b^/ -13 (x-a)2 + 13b2 N(a) = a a = x2 - 2ax a2 + 13b2 = 0 d. Definition 3. 1. . Theorem 3.3. For every number N(a) + a # 0 Ra('J- 13), of is a positive rational number. Proof: Let a = a + b'J -13 = a where a and b are rational numbers. Then N(a) d = a2 + 13b2 The proof of this theorem as well as those of a number of others 1 in this chapter are essentially no different from the proofs of the corresponding theorems of Ra(^/5) and will be omitted for sake of brevity. For the same reason, only major theorems and definitions will be restated in this chapter. 36 which is a rational number since since a2 and are squares b2 Theorem 3. 4. Theorem 3. 5. aß N(aß) Definition 3.2. for . is an integer of a Ra ['J- 13] Theorem 3 Every number of . . Every rational integer is in Ra[g-13] 6. Ra[g-13] is in a A number of 3. 8. . which is rational is a rational integer. Ra[g-13] Theorem 3.7. If Theorem if its principal Ra(^/ -13) The set of integers will equation has rational integral coefficients. be denoted numbers of Ra("/- 13). a, ß N(a)N(ß) = are, and positive b real numbers not both zero. of ß a = and a and only if it is of the form Ra('J- 13) bq-13 a + + b1'J -13 so is , where is in a a . Ra[ \/-13] and b if are rational integers. a1 Proof: with al, bl Let and a - Then the principal equation of 2 - a is in a is 2a1 - 1 and if Ra('J- 13) relatively prime rational integers and c1 x be a number of c Ra[ N/-13] a12 x + 13b12 = 0 + cl b1 O. .. 37 2a1 (1) cl a12 13b12 + (2) cl 2 are rational integers. One of the following cases must hold. (i) c 1 or 2, (ii) c 1= 2, (iii) c 1= 1. Case (i) may be eliminated by exactly the reasoning which disposed of the similar case of theorem If case (ii) should hold, then a12 + 13b12 s0 mod 4. Then b2 a12 .... O 1 and we have al, hypothesis. If b1 b1 E mod 4 ° O mod 2 1 2 b 12 ° a 12 °3 1 4 all with factor c mod = and from (2) If b1 - 0 mod 2 mod 4, 0 and c 12 - -13b12 mod 4. a 12 = al 2. 7. mod 4 , mod 4 which is impossible by principle 1. 6e. 2 contrary to 38 Therefore case (iii), c = holds and 1 and a b are rational integers. Conversely, if a = a + rational integers, then 2a and and the principal equation of a Theorem for Ra [ N/-131 3. 9. and bel- 13, a2 13b2 + and a b are are rational integers has rational coefficients. The numbers and 1 J-13 forma basis . This theorem is an immediate consequence of theorem 3. 8. Clearly Ra P4-13] is closed under addition, subtraction and multiplication and this, with theorems 3. 1 and 3. 6, and the fact that multiplication is complex number multiplication and allows no proper divisors of zero, show that Ra [ q-13] is an integral domain. Theorem If 3. 10. 01 and form a basis 02 of the necessary and sufficient condition that where the 01 = a1101 + a1202 02 = a2101 + a2202 are rational integers, a..'s ij all a12 = a21 a22 ±1 is also a basis is Ra[ N/ -13], 39 Theorem and which 02 The discriminant of a pair of integers 3. 11. forma basis 0 1 Ra [ N/-13] of 2 01 02 e1 e2 ° (A1, 62) = is invariant under change of basis. Theorem Proof: AN-13] 3. 12. By theorems _ - 52 . 3. 9 and 3. 11, 2 1 AN-13] A(1, N/-13) = 01, 92 aIß 3. 14. -13 = - 52 -N/-13 necessary and sufficient condition that is that Ra [N/-13] If a and ß A(01,02) are members = of - 52. Ra[ "./-13] then N(a)IN((3). Definition 3.3. only if it divides units. A form a basis for Theorem and 3. 13. N/ = 1 Theorem - A number of Ra[N/ -13] is a unit if and 1. Theorem 3. 15. a Theorem 3. 16. The product and quotient of two units are is a unit if and only if N(a) = 1. 40 Theorem are Ra[ 4-13] The only units of 3. 17. +1 and -1. Proof: and x and Let + y q-13 N(E) = x2 + 13y2 = 1 are rational integers so x y Then be a unit. x = E ±1, = It was at this point in the development of theorems leading to the proof of unique y = 0. Ra[ ^/5] that factorization were introduced. It can be shown that the analogous theorems are not true in Ra[ Nl-13], but it will suffice to show that there is at least one composite integer in which does not have a unique prime factorization. Ra[ .J -13] First let prime. For us observe that an integer of the domain, is if not we would have 2 = (x + with 2, + v4-13) rational integers, and since x, y, u and v 4 y'J -13) (u (x2 = + 13y2) (u2 + 13v2) and either x2 x2 + 13y2 = 4 13y2 = 2 u2 + 13v2 = 2 + or u2 + 13v2 = 1 N(0)=N(a)N(13), 41 But the case on the right is impossible and that on the left has rational integer solutions only if x = ±2, y = 0, u = ±1, y = O. So 2 is prime. In the same manner it can be shown that 1 - q-13 7, 1+ NI -13, and are prime. Now consider 14 By theorem 3. 17 it is = 2-7 = (1+N/-13)(1-4-13). clear that neither factor in the first pair is an associate of a number in the second pair. Thus prime factorizations. 14 has two distinct 42 Ra [4- 13] THE IDEALS OF IV. In Chapter III, it was shown that the unique Ra[J -13] does not apply to the composite integers of ter the concept of factorization law . In this chap- ideal numbers will be introduced, and it will be shown that unique factorization of an ideal into prime ideals exists. Definition 4. 1. An ideal of is an additive sub- Ra[ i- 13] group of integers, which is closed under multiplication by all the integers of the domain. al, a2, If ,an is then the set of integers X a a set of + X2a2 n + integers + consists of all multiplicities of a = (al' a2, , single integer domain is called a principal ideal and denoted Definition write A = B, 4. 2. Two ideals A and ,X n An ideal which by integers of the (a). B A = B if and only if are equal, and we every integer defining is a linear combination of the integers defining B 2, is clearly an , a). a X ,X , when every number of one is a number of the other. It follows that defining Ra[Nl- 13] where Xnan, range independently over the integers of Ra [N/-13] ideal. We denote such an ideal A of B A and every integer is a linear combination of the integers defining A using integers of Ra[4-13] as coefficients in both cases. 43 Example: (2,3 (2,3 - ^/-13) = - ^Í-13, 1 - '/ -13). Obviously both numbers in the left hand ideal are expressible as linear combinations of the 1 - N/ integers in the ideal on the right. And since -13 2X- = 1 + 3 - q-13, it is equally clear that all three integers in the right ideal are linear combinations of those defining the left hand ideal. (al, a2, Theorem 4.1. If es , is an ideal, any one of the an) may be eliminated from the symbol of the ideal provided it is a linear combination remaining integers in the symbol. Likewise of the an integer may be placed in the symbol for the ideal if it is any num- ber of the ideal. Proof: of RaN/-13] , Let al and a a where X 1, X a , 2, = X _ = X X µ2a2 = = X + lal X 2a2 are integers n + + 1µ2a2 + + (X1µ2 +µnap, + x 2)a2+ Ra[4-13] + + X lµnan + X 2a2 + + X ... Then Xnan Ra[4-13] of µnan) X + + µ3, N.2, be any number of the ideal. 1(µ2a2 Since the integers of µ3a3 + . . Then + X + flan, Xnan, n)an are closed under addition and µn 44 multiplication, it follows that (al'a2'...,an) = ' Similarly, any number . . (a2 ,an) ideal is a linear combination of of the the integers in the symbol for the ideal and including it among them will not change the ideal. Theorem there exist two integers wl' w2 In every ideal 4. 2. such that the numbers of the ideal are given by kiwi kl and k2 c a is in A, c2 A 0 a = al Every number of an ideal with + c2'ß/-13 -a and c is in A. Let w2 A of be a number of c2 is positive and minimal. a2^/ -13 of A a - k2w2 and r2 = 0 with Then for any number 0 <r2 <c2. = al +a2^/ -13 - k2(cl +c2'./ -13), = al +(k2c2 + al + = is in A A If we can write a2= k2c2 +r2 Then is of Ra['4-13] rational integers. c2 in which + where k2w2 are rational integers. Proof: the form + - k2c r2)ß/-13 - k2(c1 2(c 1 + c N/- 13) 2 r2^/ -13 otherwise the definition of w2 would be 45 violated. So is a rational integer. a - k2w2 = b Since for any in A, Let col a tive rational integers. is in A, a-a contains posi- A be one of these which is least. Then So b = w1k1+r1, a- k2w2 - k10)1 = b - is in A r and integer in A. 0 < = k1w1 or else = 0 r1 < wl. r1 is not the least positive rational wl Hence a Definition 4. 3. =klw1 +k2w2. A pair of numbers col, w2 theorem 4. 2 form a minimal basis for the ideal. Example 1: To show that (7 - i -13, -10 1 + ^/ -13 is a basis for one observes that any number of the ideal 2,4-13) + 2, derived as in is of the form (7 X -,4-13) + A2(-10 + 2,4-13) 1 where X X 2 are integers of Ra['/-13] , and if 2,1+,4-13 is to be a basis for the ideal it must be possible to find rational integers k1 and k2 which satisfy the equation k1(2)+k2(1+^/-13) =(a+b,4-13)(2)+(c+d,4-13)(-10+24-13) 46 for all rational integral values a, b, c, and d. Expanding and of equating coefficients of powers of 2k1 + k2 7a + k2 - -a + = one obtains the system '.i -13 13b - lOc - 26d 7b 2c - 10d + and this is equivalent to the system k = 4a + 3b - 6c - 8d k2 = -a + 7b + 2c -10d which satisfies the requirments. Example 2: 3, there would be 1 rational integral value for a rational integer 3k1 + (1 Then is not a basis for +4-13 a, b, c, and d k1 1 + í -13). and k2 If it was for every in Nf-13)k2 = (a +b'\1- 13)(3) + (c 3k1 + k2 = 3a + (3, + c - 13d k2=3b+c+ d +d./- 13)(1 +'.1 -13). which is equivalent to -3b- 14d k2=3b+ c+ d 3k1= 3a and it is impossible to find a k1 which is a rational integer for 47 every rational integral value Corollary divisible by If not col a, b, c, and d. of Every rational integer of ideal A 4. 2a. . there is a rational integer and in a rational integers. But then r A a - w1k and this contradicts the hypothesis that in A such that 0<r<col a=co1k+r with k is col = r would be is the smallest positive rational integer in A. Corollary 4. 2. b. x If 1w1 + gives a number of A for Let 2w2, A' = {X A = {kiwi Then AG A' and wl X + 1w1 So and X 2w2 A' GA. lwl + X + k2w2 is a minimal basis for col' w2 2w2 x and X any integers of Ra['J-13] X 1 , X X 2 integers of Ra[ .J -13] are integers of A, so are integers of A for all Then A }, X X lwl, X X Ra[s/ -13] 2w2, and from Ra[s/ -13] =A'. In exactly the same way as was done can prove . rational integers} k1,k2 since any rational integer is an integer of w2 A, then for theorem 2. 10, one . 48 Theorem two numbers of A 4. 3. necessary and sufficient condition that any A = ul w2 = a a 11 0.) 1 a12w2 + 21(01 + a22w2 a..'s rational integers and with the be also a basis of A a12 = of ideal A, f1 . a22 a21 4. 4. basis is all Theorem a col, w2 has a minimal basis of the Every ideal A form k,p where 0 k + r^/-13 is the smallest positive rational integer in A and <p<k. Proof: Let col = k, w2 = m + r^/-13 mined by theorem 4. 2. Then and wl = col = are numbers of m =qk +p, k, w2 - q col A and = w2 0 < = p < k p + r'./ -13 be a basis as deter- 49 1 0 -q 1 =1 w, So by theorem 4. 3, Theorem basis ra, co* = r and Proof: p+ r'/-13 and Every ideal A 4. 5. 0 < p < w2 = a By k. r(b theorem = ar + t, 0 < t r < = kN/-13 - ap - = -ap + (k - = -ap + which by theorem k wl, A, 4. 2 arq-13, arN-13 , tN/-13 is impossible unless I w1 = + = . r k. Then p a, Set kN/-13 - aw2 which case and since has a basis A 4. 4, the smallest positive rational integer in k k Then 0<b<a, b2+ 13-0 mod N/-13), + are positive rational integers. with = w2 is in A, has a minimal Ra[s/-13] of form of the where is a basis of A w2 r^/ -13 ra is in A, w2 = p so is + r^/-13 p^/ -13 - 13r. t = 0, in 50 Set tl and b 0<tl<r, p=br+t1, rational integers. Then -13r is in + pq-13 -bw2 and A -13r = _ -13r = (-13r + pq-13 - bp + -bp-brq-13, (p-br)^/-13, - pb) + tl,4-13 for the same reason t= t1 =0 0 above. r (b + Then r p i and w '1 = is a basis for Since A. wl ra, w* and wl = r = w2 = /-13 ) are positive by theorem 4. 2, is positive and of course a rational integer. Since by theorem 4. 4 a 0<p <k, 0<rb <ra Since and w24-13 - bw2 is a rational integer in A, 0 = <b <a. r(b + ^/- 13)( -b + it is divisible by v-13) wl = = rb2 ra, - 13 r according to corollary 4. 2a. So b2 Definition 4. 4. + 13 = 0 mod a. The basis defined in theorem 4. 5 is called a canonical basis. Example: 2, A = (2, 1 1 +^/-13 + ^/ -13) is clearly a canonical basis for the ideal since the coefficient of is the least positive coefficient of ^/ -13 s/ -13 is one and so surely in any number a + b i-13 51 of A, if not and then is the least positive rational integer of 2 1 is in A 1 where For and so = 2(x+y'./ -13) + (1 +^/ -13)(u x, y, u and v are rational integers. 1 A. = 0 = 2x + -13) So u - 13v v. 2y+ u+ When the second equation is subtracted from the -2y- 1= 2x + vN/ first 14v is obtained, a relation which has no integral solutions since the left number is odd and the right is even. Definition and A If 4. 5. B are ideals, the product AB is the set formed by multiplying every number of A by every number of B and then taking all possible linear combinations of these products, using as coefficients integers of If A =(wl, w), B Ra [ N/-13] (4J1,142), = . then AB is the set of all numbers given by klwll where, by corollary integers or integers + k2w1412 + k3w2th. + k4w2142 4. 2b, of kl, k2, k3 and k4 may Ra[ .i -13] . be either rational 52 It is evident that the product of ideals is an ideal of the same domain, and that ideal multiplication is both commutative and associ- ative. Example: (1 +N/ -13, 2 14,4 16 + 24-13, Theorem - -4-13) -i -13, (2,3 1- N/-13) = (2 +2q -13, 24-13, -7, - 5'./ -13, -11 -34-13). If 4. 6. every number of an ideal A Ra["./ -13] of is replaced by its conjugate, the resulting set is an ideal of Ra[4-13]. Proof: If (al, a2, , - an) is an ideal, then any number of the ideal is given by a with the A =X1a1 +X a2 integers .'s + Ra[4-13] of +Xnan and J a = X 1 and since the X .'s 1 +'2a2 range over + . . . + Xnan so do the Ra['./ -13] -X .'s and (1,2,...,an) is an ideal of Ra[ q-13] Definition 4. 6. . The ideal defined by theorem 4. the conjugate ideal. The conjugate of A 6 is denoted A. is called a 53 Corollary is a basis for á Let since A = If 4. 6. be any number of k2 A = = then w1, w2 Then 7i.. is in A a and = klwl + k2w2 = k1w1 + k2w2 (wl, w2). Theorem 4.7. AB A, some rational integers. Then á and is a basis for (col, w2) and k1 w2 A. a for w and B (col, w2), B A If are ideals of A B. Proof: Let A = = (q1, Then 442). AB = (w141, w142, w241, w2w2) AB = (w1,1, w142, _ (wl`P1'w14 ,w2`í1'w2 _ (w1w2)(4j1442) and =A B. w2441, w242) ) Ra[' -13] , 54 Theorem Ra[ ^/ -13] If 4. 8. A (ar, r(b = Any number of Proof: ka2r2 b2 + 13 .k , X = 0 N/ is an ideal of -13)) then , A A where + , + and µ mod a. = + range over Set b2 + 13 x = . is given by AÁ. Aar2(b+\/-13) v k1, (r2a) = µar2(b-q-13)+ Ra[ \/ -13] ac, c a =x1+v1, µ=x . v By r2(b2+ 13) theorem 4. 5, rational integer, and let v=µ1 1, Then the set of numbers AA is given by k1 a2r2+X 1ar2(b+q-13)+v1 ar2(b+N1-13)+X lar2(b-^/-13)+µlr2ac = I(1a2r2 + 2X 1abr2+µ1ar2c+v1ar2(b+q-13). Conversely every number in this second set is a number of AA. 3W so b2 = 0 or b2 1 mod + 13 = and 4 or 1 but b2+ so it is impossible for both a 13 and 2 13 - 1 mod 4 mod 4 =ac c to be even. Let d be the 55 Then of a, 2b, and c. g. c. d. both even, and b2 So since 1, = 13 2 + 13 ° ac = - 13 ° 0 K1r2a2 by some integer of r2a Since a, 2b and xa xr2a2 + 2. . 1(2r2ab) + µ1r2ac Then 1. is a multiple . are relatively prime rational integers, c + + X x,y and 2yb + zc 2ybr2a +zcr2a such that z = 1. = r2a, So every number which is a multiple of Ra[/ -13] mod d mod d2 Ra[NI -13] there exist rational integers Then 0 has no square factors other than any number of the set of are not c di b. Then and d is odd since a and d r2a by an integer of 2 2 is a number in the set k1r2a2 + X 2 12r ab +µ1r 2 ac and we have (r2a2, 2r2ab, r2ac, r2a(b+ q-13)) = (r2a, r2a ( b+ q-13)) . But every number of the ideal on the right is clearly a number of (r2a) and conversely. So Definition 4. 7. the norm of A AA = (r2a). The number r2a of theorem 4. and written N(A). 8 is called 56 Theorem The norm of the product of two ideals is equal 4. 9. to the product of their norms. Proof: (N(AB)) Then by definition N(A)N(B). the norms in = AA = = (N(A))(N(B)) are mult' pies (N(AB)) and BB (N(A))(N(B)) is a multiple of any number of 4. 5 N(AB) Then N(AB). of divide each other, but since N(A)N(B) are rational integers it follows that Ra[ N/ -13] N(A)N(B). Theorem Proof: and 4. 10. If A, B Let are ideals S SA = SB A = B then A AB AB The numbers of it must be that N(AB) = Raki-13] and , . basis for col' w2 be a of Then any number of A. is given by X, where X (s) are given by Any number of µsX where /I of the form l+ ,1 c,2 are integers of Ra[^/ -13] X the numbers of Ra[^/- 13] , w 112 s a lwl where a is in N(S) µ _= s then ranges over is given by µsX 2cä2 are in Ra['/ -13] Let where µs, (s)A + . . So A. = r)saal + 112sw2 every number of If (s)A is 57 =SB, SA then SSA = SS B (s)A = (s)B and for every number in a , there is A a number in ß B such that and sa = sß a = ß and conversely. Thus every so A A = denoted A, B, and If 4. 8. and every B CIA. C and If A and and B IA. 4. 11. if and only if Proof: If are ideals C divides BC, we say that Theorem AI C B is in ß A, B. = Definition and is in a every number A and divides C are called factors B are ideals C of C is in of A, A. Ra['J -13] of , A. then there exists an ideal AI C, Ra[ ^/ -13] of B of R.a['/ -13] such that AB=C. Let A = (w, w), B = (, Xlwlgl +X where the 's 42). Then any number of 2w11142+X3w2g,1 are in Ra[ N/ -13] . C is given by +4w24/2 But this can be written 58 (X or + 111'1 2Vw1 X (x lwl + x 3w2) + (X 34'1 + (A + + 2wl 'P1 4442)w2 X x 4w2N2 first arrangement every number so in the of the second arrangement every number of every number Now suppose number of is in CA AA integer. Then all numbers ranges over Ra[ ./-13] every two numbers 133a, ß4a and ßla +ß2a for every X and so the set = and 131a of ß3a, ß1 +ß2 =ß3' of all the AC and by theorem 4. Theorem = 10 4. 12. . there are numbers ß2a = la= ß5a ß4a, XP ß1 ß's (a)B ß2 -ß4' i`ß1 =ß5 is an ideal. = AAB = AB Then . positive rational integer a finite number of ideals of so for So CG A , P such that 131a - Ra[ ^/ -13] where 13a, Ra[ s/ -13] CA of B. is some positive rational are given by ß 2a CA in B CA a and in Then every is in A. C is an ideal of CA . ß 5a of is also in C where (a) = of is in A, C Ra[ i -13] . t occurs in only 59 Proof: Let ra, r(b t and let corollary 4. Ra[ ^/-13] and by theorem 4. 5, and Theorem An ideal 4. 13. rem By 4. 8. divides (a) = theorem where 4. 11, a A ideals which contain Definition of a, b and r, of Ra['./ -13] Ra[N/ -13] a is divisible by . is a positive number, by theo- is in A But by theorem 4. 12, A. a. ideals which can contain t. t3 AA. are positive is positive or zero but less than b only a finite number of ideals of Proof: Then by r and a there are no more than t possibilities for each thus no more than which contains be a canonical basis of A. 'J-13) + rait 2a, rational integers So be an ideal cf A and in every ideal which there are but a finite number of a. Hence the theorem. 4. 9. An ideal which divides every ideal of the domain is called a unit ideal. Theorem Proof: 4. 14. The only unit ideal in Ra['./ -13] is (1). The ideal (1) is the set of all mutliples of numbers of Ra[N/ -13] ideal of Ra[q-13] and thus is the set consists of Ra[ q-13] . 1 by Since any numbers from Ra['.J -13] only, every ideal is divisible by (1). Let A be any ideal of Ra[ N/-13] which divides all the 60 ideals of the domain. every number Then of (1) is in But then, by theorem 4. 11, Al (1). and A A (1). = An ideal, different from the unit ideal, and Definition 4. 10. divisible only by itself and the unit ideal is called a prime ideal. Every ideal not prime is said to be composite. Example: (2, ideals A = 1 + N/ a2, (a is a prime ideal. -13) , (2, But then A Let ai = a and B + bN/ -13 - b + N/ -13) = (ß = AB l' 13 2' , so we may write A = (al, ... , an, 2, 1 + q-13), B = (ß1,ß2, ... 'Pm, 2, 1 + NI al, a2, be any integers = b(1 +N -13) such that ) . + ^/-13) 1 ß +a ' , -13). Then an. - b is a rational integer so or in the 1 B both divide (2, a. and a and an) there would be If not first case a. q-13) a. = b(1 + + 2c a. = b(1 + N/-13) + 2c + 1; is a linear combination of 2, 1 + N/ -13 and 61 so may be dropped from the symbol for In the second case we A. have a. - b(1 and A = = 1 may be inserted in the symbol for 1 (1). Since A (1). or Ni-13) - 2c + = in which case A, was arbitrary we find that either A ai Similarly for (2, 1+ .i -13) = (1)(1) = = (2, 1 + s/ -13)2 or = (2, 1 + N1-13) (1) or = (1)(2, (2, 1 definition (2, 1 + + NI 4. 4, -13) # (1) (2, and (2, 1 1 1 +I -13)2 +q-13)2 +q-13) # (2) = since two equations can be true and An ideal and B if G IA divides G. G is not in 1 (2, 1 + q-13). Also since (4, 1 2 + + (2, 2v -13) q-13 1 + - 12 + 2v -13) is prime. N/-13) = (2) So only the last is a prime ideal. is the greatest common divisor of the ideals 4. 15. Every pair of ideals A and have a unique greatest common divisor. a + 3 + ^/ -13). A and GIB and if every common divisor of A and B Theorem bers 1 for it was shown in the example following that the integer i -13) # (2, + ,4- 13) (1) or But 1 either So B. (2, = where a ranges over A B of Ra[4- 13] It is composed of all num- and Proof: Consider any two numbers yt ß and ranges over y2 of the B 62 set G B. Let numbers of the form of =a1 +ß1 Y1 Then 1 and a + y2 a2 = with 3 X y2 of a + ß A So G is closed under is in G. ß 2). = RaN-13] and of in and in ß +ß2. (al ± a2) + (13 11 addition and subtraction, and of course Y1 a 0 Also for any G ñ.(a+ß)=Xa+Xß is in G. So is an ideal of G Every number in G is a common divisor of Let C be any common divisor of and CI G K'G' and domain. So and = K'KG K(1), G and G G' = = where KG K'KG. By so K = K' 4. 12. = theorem (1) G and Two ideals greatest common divisor is 1: K G d's of A and K' 4. 14, G = (3 )'s C of B. of B. = (1)G so But then K'(1) . are relatively prime if their (1). the g. c. d of (2, 1 - ^/-13) G. Then are ideals of the K'K. G' (a + ß Then B. and = B. all the numbers g. c. and, by theorem 4. 10, (1) Definition Example are two G' is B B. and A is a g. c. d. of A and G Suppose (1)G A and and A is closed under addition and so contains all the Thus G = of a . and every number of G so G, contains all the numbers C is in A of Ra[ ^/-13] and (4, 3 + ^/-13) is 63 the set xi(2) +X2(1- './-13) +X3(4) +X4(3+ J-13) where the X 's range over G (2, = = since 1 Example - N/ -13 1-q-13, 4, (2, 1 (2, 3 + - q-13, So . +'4-13), 3 3 + q-13), J -13) 2 (2) - (3 + ^/ -13). = (2, 2; Ra[ -13] 1 +q-13) and (3, 4 + N/ are relatively prime -13) since G Corollary N/-13, 3, 4 + N/-13), = (2, 1 + = (2, 1 +N/-13, 3, 4 + = (1). 4. 15. and A If B which are relatively prime, there is an q-13, 1 ) , are two ideals a in A of and a Ra[^/-13] R in B such that a + ß By theorem 4. 15, numbers tion 4. 12 a + ß this where g. c. d is (1), = 1 and B have a g. c. d composed of all is in A and A a so 1 ß is in B. By defini- is a number of the g. c. d. 64 Theorem B or AI BC, If 4. 16. then A divides at least one of C. Proof: for some Suppose in a A is prime to and some A in ß Then B. for every So B. a + ß = Y 1 in C Ya+Yß =Y. Since Ya the numbers A BC, I is in A so ya Corollary + Yß 4. 16. If a of Yß is in A. BC are in Then A is in y and of course and A IC. A prime ideal divides a product of ideals, then it divides at least one of the ideals making up the product. The proof is similar to that of corollary 2. 21. Theorem factored into a 4. 17. Every composite ideal of can be Ra[ 4-13] finite number of prime ideals, and the factorization is unique except for the arrangement of the factors. Proof: are ideals A If and is any composite ideal of C B of the domain, C Either A2. A = Ra[ NI- 13] neither equal to (1), such that AB. is prime or it can be decomposed into factors Then each of these is prime or it can be decomposed. process is finite by theorem there , 4. 13. The factor B Al and The can be treated 65 similarly. Thus the ideal C has a finite prime factorization. The proof that there is a unique factorization into primes on corollary 4. 16, and is similar to that of theorem 2.22. Example: In Chapter III it was shown that, in Ra[ './ -13] 14 factors into two sets (1 + N/ prime integers, of (2) is not 2.7 and = = (1 + i-13)(1 The ideal q-13). - (2) = (2, 1 + N/-13)2. (7) = (7, 1 + N/-13)(7, 1 - N/-13), = (7, 1 + N/-13)(2, 1 + ^/-13), = (7, 1 - ^/-13)(2, 1 + 4-13), (1 + N/-13 ) (1 - N/-13) It was shown in the example is a prime ideal. - (2)(7) prime for Similarly 1 the integer , -13)(1 - J-13). New consider (14) (7, rests after definition In the same manner (7, '/ -13) can be shown to be primes. (2)(7) = (2, 1 + N/-13)2 (7, 1 4. 10 1 + that (2, I -13) and 1 + i -13) So + ti/-13)(7, 1 - N/-13) and (1 + N/ -13)(1 - n/-13) = (7, 1 +./- 13)(2, 1 + ./- 13)(7, 1 4- 13)(2, 1 + '/ -13). Thus (14) has this decomposition into prime ideal factors which by Theorem 4. 17 is unique. 66 V. A NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT CONDITION FOR UNIQUE FACTORIZATION It has been shown that the introduction of ideal numbers into of unique prime factor- In much the same way, the ideals of the domain Ra['.f5] may the domain Ra[',/ -13] restored the property 1 ization of the integers of the domain. be discussed and theorems analagous to theorems 4. 1 through 4. 17 derived. In addition we have Theorem 5.1. Any ideal Proof: Then wl 2. 20, and w1 71 of and and Let w2 w2 Ra[45] of is principal. RaN5] be a basis for any ideal of (wl, 02) are integers 6 Ra[45] . and, by theorem Ra[45] of have a g. c. d and there are integers µ such that p.wl + Then A w2 = (w1, w2) = 6' (w1, w2, s by theorem 4. 1. Thus every ideal of ) = (s Ra[45] ) is principal. That a similar theorem does not hold in shown by considering the ideal (2, 1 + ^/ -13). Ra['J/ -13] If can be this ideal is Actually, it is the principal ideal generated by the integer which 1 has this property. 67 principal, there must be an integer any X1, X1(2) and in particular a a divides both so their g. c. d (2, + 1/-13) 1 X2(1 2 + pla, p of the ^/-13) = pa + 1 ./ -13. But each of these is prime and it must be that *1 This contradicts the fact that it has already been shown in a previous example the ideal tain the integer domain such that +^/- 13 =p2a. 1 and a such that, for such that p2 can only be b =(1). + and pl 2 = Then there is Ra[A./-13] , of X Ra[./ -13] of a (2, 1 + ^/ -13) does not con- 1. The foregoing theorem and example suggest a possible con- nection between the existence of a unique factorization law and the form of the ideals of an integral domain. It can be shown, in fact, that any quadratic domain has a unique prime factoriza- Ra['/m] tion law if and only if every ideal of the domain is principal. Lemma. 1. A necessary and sufficient condition that two num- bers 6 a and ß of Ra[ qm] such that 6 = X , p. have a greatest common divisor in Ra[ ^/m] Aa is that the ideal + µß (a, 3 ) be principal. 68 Proof: theorem 5. 1, If and a that (a, ß) Conversely, if domain there is a a and a X Xa p6 = Then in particular there exist Also there is a 1 is a g. c. 6 2. 22 of of the that p such that =p26. ß = d of and a so that µ1 a+µ1ß It can be shown in a manner theorem and 1 and a X X Therefore p µ 6Iß. and a 6 X , . p a=p16, So and for any of the domain such µ µß + then for any given (6), = of the domain; p it follows as in 6, is principal. (6) = (a, ß) there exists Ra[ s/m] have a g. c. d. p 6. ß . similar to that used for lemma 1 that any integer of any quadratic integral domain has a finite decomposition into prime factors. Lemma up to 2. Prime factorization in Rai ^/m] associates, if and only prime, TT I ßy Proof: implies If Tr I ßy Tr I P if for or implies TT Tr ß , ,y is unique, Ra[ qm] in , Tr a k.y. Tr I ß or Tr I y then uniqueness 69 of prime factorization follows as in Chapter II as demonstrated by corollary theorem 2. 21 and 2. 22. factorization into primes is unique and If 13 where the y Y's and ßß's 3 1 1 ° 2. So Tr I or [3 Theorem Tr 5. 2. torization into primes is one of the Tr I then ß y, Ym are primes. Since prime factorization is unique, v .' s. .. RnY12. .. Tr is a prime and Tr or one of the ßß's k. A necessary and sufficient condition that fac- of integers of RaN/m] be unique is that every ideal shall be principal. Proof: be any pair of relatively prime integers a, ß and suppose every ideal of the domain is principal. Ra[qm] of Let Then by lemma 1, there exist Xa Then + µß yX.a +Yµ13 for any y in Ra['/m] If . and X = p. in Ra['./m] such that 1 . = Y al ß y then a ly, and there is unique factorization by lemma 2. If Ra[\/m] By lemma 2, TrI Y has unique factorization: if Tr is a prime and Tr I RY, TO or 70 If is a prime Tr where neither A nor any ß But if is B Tr I Let which means Tr every number of A is a multiple a B. P or A So one of =AB (Tr) Then for any a in A and (Tr). in B a (3 is a multiple of Similarly for a is a prime ideal, otherwise (Tr) is B be any prime ideal of Tr Tr of a Tr or Tr so A I ß = . (Tr). a contradiction. , Ra[gm] I Then any number . P may be written of e a = en e Tr2 Tr . . . Trn 1 the Tr' s being primes of and the e's natural numbers. Ra['/m] Then e (a) and each number of (Tr.) P = (Tr ) 2 1 (Tr PI (a). ... Then P A the = of P1P2 n) n is one of the for ideals there is unique factorization, and Also, any ideal A (Tr But every number of is a prime ideal. so 2) Ra NIm . P (Tr is a (a) .)'s since is principal. factors Pn P's being prime ideals and thus principal ideals. Clearly the product of principal ideals is itself a principal ideal, so A principal. is 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Birkhoff, Garrett and Saunders Mac Lane. A survey of modern algebra. Rev. ed. New York, MacMillan, 1963. 472 p. 2. MacDuffee, Cyrus Colton. An introduction to abstract algebra. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1940. 303 p. 3. Reid, Legh Wilber. The elements of the theory of algebraic numbers. New York, MacMillan, 1910. 454 p.