AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF ROBERT JAMES BERTORELLO for the (Name) Electrical and in Electronics Engineering presented MASTER OF SCIENCE (Degree) on (Major) November 17, 1967 (Date) Title: A ZERO - CROSSING ANALYZER FOR DISTRIBUTION -FREE DETECTION OF A SIGNAL IN NOISE Abstract approved: _ Leonard ./ Weber This thesis discusses the analysis, design, and experimental evaluation of an instrument that can be used to detect the presence or absence of a signal, not necessarily known, in a noisy background. The detection principle is based on application of the sign test of distribution -free statistics to the stochastic process defined by the zero -crossing intervals of a signal or signal plus noise process. It is shown that the detector is distribution free in the sense that the false -alarm probability can be evaluated with only a limited knowledge of the statistics of the underlying noise process. A theoretical discussion of the detection principle and false alarm probability analysis is presented in conjunction with design considerations of the circuitry used to implement the zero -crossing analyzer technique. Results of an experimental evaluation with narrow -band noise are presented along with a complete schematic diagram of the analyzer. For a noise filter center frequency of 10. kHz and with the signal frequency removed from the 3 filter center frequency by at least 300 Hz, reliable detection can generally be obtained with a signal to noise power ratio of -8 dB. A Zero -Crossing Analyzer for Distribution -Free Detection of a Signal In Noise by Robert James Bertorello A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1968 APPROVED: of Electrical and Prsor Electronics Associate $gineering in charge of major 'Head of Department of`Électrical and Electronics Engineering Y Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Clover Redfern for November 17, 1967 Robert James Bertorello ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to acknowledge the timely assistance and guidance that has been provided by Associate Professor Leonard J. Weber throughout the course of this thesis. I would also like to thank Donald C. Amort for the components and equipment that he supplied. - TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. '.'. INTRODUCTION 1 Problem Statement Purpose of Study of II. - 3 DETECTION PRINCIPLES Basic Detection Problem Distribution -Free Detector Concepts Sign Test for Zero- Crossings Zero- Crossing Detector False Alarm Probability III. ANALYZER THE ZERO - Principles of Operation Key Circuits Evaluation of the Analyzer IV. V. 1 TEST RESULTS - 4 4 6 7 16 26 26 31 35 39 39 Summary of Test Parameters Summary of Test Results 42 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix I II III IV V - 52 56 56 59 63 65 69 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Block diagram of generalized detection problem. 2. Zero -crossings of a sinusoidal waveform where y(t) = A sin ( 11 Cumulative distribution function of the time T between successive zero -crossings for a sinusoidal waveform. 11 (a) A possible realization from a noise process. (b) Reduced process obtained from hard limiting. 12 Illustration of some hypothetical cumulative probability distribution functions of the interval between zero crossings. 13 3. 4. 5. 6. -t Method of constructing the S = C(T). test statistic S 4 where 15 Probability of false alarm versus distance between test statistic and median. 25 8. Block diagram of the zero -crossing analyzer. 27 9. Timing diagram of signals in zero -crossing analyzer. 28 10, Relative frequency response characteristics of single pole filter used to obtain narrow -band noise process. 38 Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "less than- alternate" subset. 43 Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "greater than -alternate" subset. 44 Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "less than - every" subset. 45 Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "greater than- every" subset. 46 7. 11. 12. 13. 14. Page Figure 15. 16. 17. Photograph of limiter output. typical rise and fall times at the 66 Photograph of key waveforms in the zero -crossing analyzer. 67 Single trace pictures of typical signal, noise, and signal plus noise inputs to the analyzer. 68 : LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Summary of test parameters and results. 41 A ZERO - CROSSING ANALYZER FOR DISTRIBUTION -FREE DETECTION OF A SIGNAL IN NOISE I. . INTRODUCTION Statement of Problem The problem of determining the presence or absence of a given signal in a noisy background is one that arises in many different fields. Typical examples can be found in communication systems, radar, oceanography, learning theory, and analysis of various types of data. When performing the determination, the observer is pre- sented with a mixture of signal and noise, and the task becomes one of deciding if the mixture contains the signal, or is composed only of noise. Numerous procedures have been developed for making these decisions, and except for the singular case of no noise, the possibility exists for making an error, in which case a signal might be de- clared present, when it is absent, or vice versa. In communication and radar terminology, the probability of declaring a signal present when in actuality it is absent is called a false alarm, and the proba- bility of declaring the signal present when it actually is present is called the detection probability. In formulating an optimum structure for making these decisions, a strategy is chosen such that in a series of observations, the decisions are made with the of success. Determination of greatest possibility the optimum decision structure for the 2 case of complete a priori knowledge of the statistics of the underlying signal and noise processes has been extensively studied and numerous discussions are presented in the literature (Helstrom, 1960; Davenport and Root, 1958; Middleton, 1960). An item of particular importance in realization of a detection device concerns the performance of the optimum device under a de- parture of the noise statistics from the values assumed for structuring the optimum detector. An example of this might be the case where a detector was designed to yield optimum performance for a communication channel with Gaussian noise, but the channel is sub- jected to impulsive disturbances. In this case, the performance of the optimum detector might be inferior when compared to a detector which is sub - optimum for conditions of known statistics. This leads to an alternate approach to the problem, wherein the decision struc- ture is formulated with a minimum knowledge of the statistics of the noise process. The technique utilizes the non -parametric or distri- bution-free branch of mathematical statistics, which has appeared in statistical literature for several years (Fraser, 1957; Kendall, 1961), but seems to have significantly appeared in engineering literature only in the past few years (Wolf, Thomas and Williams, 1962; Carlyle and Thomas, 1964). The generality of the distribution -free method is such that useful tests of hypotheses can be made with a very limited knowledge of the noise and signal distributions. For example, the 3 only restriction might be that the noise and signal plus noise distribu- tions are continuous. A method of applying the distribution -free sign test to signal detection theory is the main problem investigated in this study. Purpose of Study In this study, a method is proposed for implementing the sign test distribution -free statistics in the analysis and design of a sig- of nal detection device. The stochastic process representing the signal plus noise is subjected to a non - linear transformation so that the in- formation bearing element of the reduced process retains a one-toone correspondence with the zero level crossings of the original sig- nal plus noise process. The hypothesis proposed states that the in- tervals between a set of zero crossings taken over some observation period will have a given median or reference value in the case of noise alone, but in the case of certain signals present in the noise, a change in the interval lengths will occur and this change can be de.. tected by application of the sign test. Under this hypothesis, and for noise processes, a detector is constructed which is distribution -free in the sense of establishing a false alarm probaa restricted class of bility without detailed knowledge of the noise process. The primary purpose of this study is development of the analysis and design of a device suitable for implementing the sign test in distribution -free sig- nal detection. 4 II. DETECTION PRINCIPLES Basic Detection Problem The basic scheme that is peculiar to most detection problems and the one of interest in this study is depicted in Figure 1. transmitter generates a set The of signals which could be a simple on -off signal or a complicated sequence; however, only the binary case will be considered in this study. Noise n(t) s(t) Transmitter Channel r(t) > Receiver front end v(t) Detector Decision element I> D Threshold Figure 1. n(t) s(t) + So Block diagram of generalized detection problem. n(t) 5 transmitter output s(t) is fed into a channel which might The pair of wires or some other medium such as interplanetary be a If s(t) r(t) is not subjected to a disturbance in the channel, then would uniquely represent s(t) space.: (within the constraints of arbitrary attenuation and time delays introduced by the channel) and the re- ceiver output y(t) would retain a one -to -one s(t). In the real world, however, noise n(t) correspondence with is added to as s(t) the signal passes through the channel and the task of the decision device becomes considerably more complicated since the noise can mask the signal such that the decision device has the possibility of making two types of errors. It can declare the signal present when it is actually absent and this is called a Type I error or a false alarm. The decision device can also declare the signal absent when it actual- ly is present, which is called a Type II error or a false dismissal. A method of characterizing the false alarm probability for a particular detector structure is of particular interest in this thesis. Assume that samples of y(t) ...n where ti +1 - ti 3. = At, and are taken at times ti, i A is chosen such that = 1, 2, y(ti) are independent samples. During the time that these samples are taken, it is also assumed that the signal is either on or off. are interested in testing the hypothesis K where H Then we against the alternative 6 and the noise n(t) H: y(t) = n(t) K: y(t) = s(t) and signal s(t) + n(t) are statistically independent. The decision device accepts the detector output and calculates a statistic K which is compared to a fixed threshold S is chosen and if o So. o If S> S o is chosen and the signal is declared Formulation of the test statistic and selection of a to be absent. threshold S < So, H . test So 0 for optimum detection in the Neyman- Pearson sense requires a knowledge of the test statistic distribution function, such that the false alarm probability is set at some acceptable level and the detection probability is maximized (Helstrom, 1960; Middleton, 1960). This implies that knowledge of the distribution function of the noise process is required to construct the optimum detector which also implies that its performance may be largely unknown for depar- tures from the specified noise statistics. Distribution -Free Detector Concepts The type of detector considered in this study is distribution - free in the sense that the false alarm probability can be determined with only a limited knowledge of the noise process statistics. The es- sence of the technique is selection of a threshold and test statistic for no- signal conditions such that the probability distribution of the test 7 statistic is known and independent of the statistics of the detection problem. Several distribution -free tests are suitable candidates and possible applications have been discussed in the literature (Carlyle and Thomas, 1964; Daly and Rushforth, 1965; Hancock and Lainiotis, 1965). Formulation of the tests is generally based on reduced data obtained from transformation of the observations, such as ranking according to polarity or magnitude, and in some cases, the ranked variables are subjected to correlation techniques. The tests are primarily concerned with a measure of location of the underlying distribution rather than properties concerning the shape of the distributions, and a fundamental requirement of the technique is a data samOne of the ple obtained from noise alone. simplest tests is the sign test which is the one chosen for application to the problem in this study. Sign Test for Zero -Crossings The sign test generates a test statistic by comparison of the sample values with a reference value (Kendall and Stuart, 1961; Wilks, 1962) and observing if the sample value is the reference value. The greater than or less than resultant information is represented by the sign of the comparison, hence the test is called the sign test. ... example, let x., i = dom variable and let X, 1, 2, , n xR represent observed values of For a ran- denote the reference or comparison 8 value. A test statistic served values can be generated by subjecting the ob- S to the operation of Equation 1, x. (1) ) U(xi-xR) S = i=1 where the function U(.) is defined by the following relationship: U(a) = if a> 1 ifa<0 =0 = 0 undefined if a = 0 is called a tie, in which case, the sign test The event that xi fails since is neither greater than nor less than xR For, the xi = xR class of continuous probability distribution functions considered in this analysis, the event of a tie has zero probability, therefore, U(0) is not defined and ties are excluded from consideration. Construction of the sign test is very simple since only those sample values which are greater than a reference value (or less than for that matter) are considered in the test statistic. For the assump- tion that a random variable X ous distribution functions, the is a member of the class of continupth quantile is defined by FX(xp) = p (2) 9 FX() is the cumulative distribution function (c. d. f. where the random variable which 100p X. Therefore, x is the value P x of ) below percent of the distribution lies. From the basic pro- :. . perties of cumulative distribution functions, o < p < 1 and x locates a particular point on the distribution curve. Since the sample values are assumed to be statistically independent, setting xR xi equal to in Equation x 1 yields a statistic S which is binominal- P ly distributed with the number of trials equal to of success for each trial. p The n and probability particular value of p = 1/2 corresponds to the median value of the distribution and this is the case of primary interest in this study. Pertinent details of applying the sign test are presented in a subsequent section, after a discussion of the zero -crossing principle. The information bearing elements of interest in this study are the level crossings of the stochastic process at the output terminals of the receiver front end, and the particular level of interest is the zero level. If there were no noise in the first stages of the receiver and the channel was not subject to disturbance, a realization of over an observation interval with period P T y(t) might be a sinusoidal waveform as depicted in Figure 2. For the case shown, the number of zero crossings is constant. If the duration of the interval between crossings is denoted by usoidal waveform case, T, = T. ,i = 1, 2, ... N, then for the sin- P/2 for all i in the observation 10 interval T, where T = t2 - pared with some reference value, do not occur, a sign Each value of T. t1. test could : be TR could be com- say, and assuming that ties formulated for the process defined by the distance between continuous zero- crossings. The important point is that for a periodic waveform, the spacing of the zero- crossings is well defined and if Ti is considered to be a random variable, it is described by a causal distribution function, which is depicted in Figure A 3. more practical example of zero -crossing behavior is depict- ed in Figure 4a, which might represent a realization from some noise process, or perhaps a signal plus noise process. Because of the inherent nature of the process, the length T. of the interval between successive zero -crossings is a random vari- able that is described by a c. d. f, which can be denoted by In general, FT(). theoretical determination of this distribution function is largely unsolved. The earliest study of the problem was undertaken by Rice (1944, 1945) and in his classical paper he formulated an ex- pression for the mean number of zero- crossings per second and developed a limited solution for the distribution of intervals between adjacent zero crossings. An extension of the problem is given by Bendat (1958), and considerable theoretical work (McFadden, 1956, 1958; Ylvisaker, 1965) and experimental work (Blotekjaer, 1958; Rainai, 1962) has been devoted to this problem. Figure 5 is an 11 y(t) A t T tl Figure 2. Figure t2 Zero -crossings of a sinusoidal waveform where t + cp). y(t) = A sin (p 3. Cumulative distribution function of the time T between successive zero -crossings for a sinusoidal waveform. 12 y(t) (a) z(t) (b) ,. T --. T 2 - T N-1 possible realization from a noise process. (b) Reduced process obtained from hard limiting. Figure 4. (a) A . t 13 FT(a) 1.0 0 a. 0 Figure 5. Illustration of some hypothetical cumulative probability distribution functions of the interval between zero -crossings. 14 illustration of some possible cumulative distribution functions for the intervals between zero crossings for the case of noise only. The variation in form of the curves would be primarily caused by filtering and spectral characteristics of the class of noise distributions con- sidered. The key point to be made is that application of the random variable T in a parametric test would be very difficult, if at all possible, because of the lack of a complete description of the probability distribution function of T. However, this would appear to be an ideal application of the distribution -free concept. An intuitive discussion of the zero -crossing behavior of signal only and noise only has been presented, but the sign test concept of signal detection depends upon the characteristics of signal plus noise. An exact description of the random variable T in the case of a mixture of signal and noise does not appear to exist. The hypothesis proposed in this study states that a given quantile value distribution of compared to for signal plus noise. More explicitly, let present the signal to noise ratio, and of T of the will be different for the case of signal only, when T T p F,r(; p) as a function of the parameter p. represent the re- c. d. f. Then, the hypothesis is given by H: FT(TR; 0) = p (noise only) K: FT(TR; / p (signal plus noise) and the alternative, p) p 15 where is a quantile value of the distribution of noise only. p This suggests that the signal can be detected by first determining the value of a given quantile in the case where it is known that no signal is present, then sensing a possible shift in the quantile which would correspond to the presence of a signal. In the case where FT(TR; Cl) = FT(/#11; p), p > 0, the test fails which implies that cau- tion must be used in a given application. The structure of the detec- tor considered in this study is based on establishing an observation interval and forming a counting function by counting the number of in- tervals whose duration is less than the quantile value chosen as reference. Principles of the scheme are depicted in Figure quantile Limite r z(t) > Interval length comparator Figure 6. 6. subset selection reference y(t) a Gated Counter Method of constructing the test statistic S = C(T). S c(t) where The output from the limiter is a reduced representation of the input process y(t), such that z(t) retains the zero crossing infor- mation contained in y(t). For reasons explained in the next section, 16 alternate intervals of z(t) are analyzed by the interval length com- parator if statistically independent samples are desired, and if the interval is less than the reference value, the counter is incremented by one count. If the ith interval length is greater than the refer- ence value, the counter will remain in its present state. In this man- ner a counting process simply C(t) is generated and the test statistic is the state of the counter at the end of the observation C(T), interval. Therefore, the test statistic, is the sum of the num- S, ber of successes in applying the sign test in a sequence of events taken over an observation interval S T. with a reference or threshold level By comparing the value of the decision element of S , o the generalized detection scheme of Figure 1 is satisfied and the structure of a distribution -free detector can be established. Specific characteristics of the counting function and detector structure are presented in the next section. Zero -Crossing Detector False Alarm Probability Evaluation of the detector false alarm probability is identical to determination of the test statistic distribution function for the case of having an input process consisting of noise only. Several key assump- tions have been made which appear to be reasonable from an engineering viewpoint. To simplify the discussion, these are listed below and further clarified in the ensuing text. 17 Key assumptions: 1. The reference quantile can be determined either theoreti- cally or experimentally. 2. The noise process is stationary. 3. The distribution of T, FT(.; 0) is continuous and ties do not occur. result from independent observations. 4. The samples 5. The noise process is restricted to tribution of N(T, 0), unit time T, a class such that the dis- the number of zero -crossings per can be approximated by a normal distribu- tion. Assumption 1 does not appear to be particularly restrictive since in most practical cases of interest, the quantile would be unknown, but could be readily estimated by experimental methods as was the case in this study. A possible alternative would be construc- tion of a device which implements a learning mechanism that learns .. the quantile of interest, in which case assumption 2 could be relaxed for certain degrees of process nonstationarity (Groginsky, Wilson, and Middleton, 1966). For cases of practical interest, assumption '3 appears to be reasonable since most noise processes encountered in the real world are constrained by finite bandwidths which implies that the distributions of T is continuous and ties are excluded. 18 The assumption that the samples are independent is a necessary condition for readily constructing the probability distribution function of the test statistic. Declaration of an independent sampling scheme would imply some knowledge of the underlying process which would seem to contradict the distribution -free hypothesis. In an attempt to insure that the samples are reasonably independent, the zerocrossing analyzer operates on a subset of the set of intervals by adjacent zero -crossings. produced Although this is not a strict condition for independent samples, it should be acceptable in view of a lack of definitive information of this nature. By rejecting adjacent zero- crossings it would appear that considerable information is being discarded and that an improvement in detection efficiency could be obtained if dependent sampling were allowed. The performance of a nonparametric detector with dependent sampling has been analyzed by Armstrong (1966), and his results indicate that correlation be- tween samples does improve the relative efficiency. Assumption 5 is probably the most significant one, and also the - most difficult one to justify. The source of the difficulty lies in the problem of determining the sample size. Consider the case of fixed observation time, which implies that in Figure a fixed value. 4, the interval T is Excluding for the moment the problem of synchroniz- ing the beginning and ending of the sampling interval, the number of zero -crossings per time T, No(T, 0), is a random variable, so 19 that consideration of the set of random variables defined by Ti, i = 1, 2, ...No-1, of random variables. is equivalent to considering a random number In fact, if the beginning and end of the observa- tion interval is synchronized to zero - crossings, T is itself a ran- dom variable. In cases that have known distribution functions for and T No, T the distribution function of certain linear combinations of can be developed (Feller, 1966; Parzen, 1962; Robbins, 1948). For the problem of interest in this study, FT(.) and () are FN 0 not readily available in exact form. the problem of determining Helstrom (1957) has considered () for a Gaussian process, FN but the 0 results appear to be of questionable value for practical applications. An experimental investigation was conducted by White (1958), how- ever, his investigation was limited to less than five crossings per unit time, which is much lower than the number of interest in this study. Tikhonov and Kulikov (1962) performed an experimental study of the distribution of sample functions of noise according to the num- ber of overshoots where the noise samples were taken at the second detector output of a radio receiver. An overshoot is defined as a positive overcrossing of some reference level. Results are not presented in their work for the case of zero -crossings, but from the trends, it would appear that as the reference level tends to zero, the envelope of the distribution tends toward one which could be approxi- mated by the normal probability law. 20 Another possible approach would be centered around determina- tion of the limiting distribution of the sum of the intervals of adjacent zero -crossings. This would involve an investigation of the limiting distribution of sums of dependent variables where the distribution of the summands is available in approximating form and although this is an interesting concept, this approach appears to lie outside the scope of this thesis. From an intuitive consideration of the limiting properties of re- newal counting functions (Parzen, 1962), and from some results of Rainai (1966), it seems reasonable to assume that the probability law of No(T, 0), the number of zero-crossings in the time interval T, can be approximated by the normal probability law. In reality, No(T, 0) must be an integer valued random variable which would be described by a probability mass function, whereas the normal density function belongs to the class of continuous distribution functions (Parzen, 1960). of No(T, 0) The absence of definitive information on the distribution for large T is indicative of the need for further the- oretical and experimental analysis of random processes, particularly with respect to engineering applications. If it is felt that the assump- tion of normality requires further verification, the procedure for learning the median or quantile could be extended to learn the emper- ical cumulative distribution function, the results of which could be used in evaluation of the false alarm probability, since the procedure . and variance, cr 2, 5 of the normal distribution can 21 will be used, which implies that is of sufficient generality that non -normal densities could be consid- µ ered. For this study, assumption the mean either be determined theoretically or estimated experimentally. With fulfillment of the key assumptions, the tools are now at hand to formulate the false alarm probability of the zero -crossing analyzer. For independent sampling and minimization of analyzer complexity, only those intervals corresponding to negative undershoots are considered in the analysis. In Figure 4 the odd numbered intervals would form the basic set subjected to a sign test. The reason for selection of positive or negative overshoots is arbitrary and the negative ones were chosen to simplify the analyzer design. Addi- to be tionally, the analyzer design allows the set of intervals defined by aletc, This provision allows for limited investigation ternate undershoots, which would be T1' T5' T9' selected as samples. of the relationship between the counting function and the degree of sampling dependence. The principle used to determine the false alarm probability probability. Details of the analysis are Pfa is based on conditional given in Appendix II, but the spirit of the technique will be presented here. Recalling that the detection device counts the number of events that meet a specified criterion, and then compares the count with a 22 threshold to test for the presence or absence of signal, the basic problem is determination of the probability that m out of in- n tervals have a length which is less than a reference value. This is precisely the binomal problem wherein the probability n of suc- cesses in m trials is sought, and where the probability of success at each trial is defined and is a constant. If the sample size, which in this case is the number of negative undershoots in the observation interval T, were a fixed number, then the false alarm probability would be determined from a straight forward application of the bi- nominal probability law. In the application considered here, the problem is complicated by the fact that the number of events, or equivalently the number of negative undershoots, is a random variable. Let Nua(T, 0) represent the number in the observation interval T of alternate undershoots for noise only, and let Pfac repre- sent the probability of false alarm for the condition that Nua(T, 0)=n. The random variable Nua(T, 0) is simply the size of the subset of alternate undershoots taken over the interval T, bitrary value such that 0 < n< co. Then let and S<a(T, 0) <a n is an ar- denote the number of alternate undershoots whose duration was less than the re- ference quantile TR. The conditional false alarm probability can be formulated more explicitly by the following equation: 23 Pfac where So(T) = P{S<a(T, 0) So(T)\Nua(T, 0) < = n] (3) is the test statistic threshold value. Determination of the unconditional probability of false alarm is then obtained by averaging can take on, so that Nua(T, 0) over the possible values that Pfac Pfa is given as follows: co {P[S<a(T' O),< So(T)\Nua(T, 0) Pfa - n]P[Nua(T, 0) = = n] } (4) n=1 Computational details of performing the operatigns of Equation. 4 are presented in Appendix II for the case where the probability law of is approximated by the normal probability law. The esti- Nua(T,0) mated mean and variance of the normal probability distribution are represented by Equation Ç. 2 and respectively. As shown in Appendix II, reduces to the following equation: 4 S So 1 1 J. 21r v (2k-n)2 1 e 2 { n ( k=0 {n: N(n)>0 0- } (5) NriTe L., ) } Actual values of these parameters depend upon the underlying process and for a given process, µ(T) and 6(T) can be determined from theoretical analysis (Rice, 1945; Steinberg et al. , 1955; Ylvisaker, 24 1965). The expression for µ(T) is essentially a relation between the noise process autocorrelation function and its second derivative, but is considerably more complicated, and recourse to nu- o-(T) merical methods'isusually required. and Q In . this study, the estimates were derived from experimental data obtained in the process of learning the median value of the undershoot a fixed value of µ versus D(T) and a set of values for interval length. Using , curves of Pfa can be computed., where D(T) = So(T) S<a(T, 0) - (6) Results of these computations are presented in Figure 7 which is one of the main results of this study. It should be noted that these curves are predicated on a one -sided test and the hypothesis that S<a(T, 0) > So(T), that is the counting function will decrease as the signal -to -noise ratio increases. This effect is discussed further in Section IV of this study. As an example of the use of these curves, assume that µ= 2500, v a value which is 12,5 counts = 45 and the threshold less than the median count For these parameter values, Pfa is approximately the weakening of the test with an increase in by the spreading of D(T), So(T) moo- is set at S<a(T, 0). 10 4. Also, is clearly evidenced which is to be expected since the .uncer- tainty in sample size would reduce the effectiveness of the test sta- tistic. 240 1 11111 I I 111111 I I IIIII I 1 1 V III I I 111111 I 1 I IIIII 1 II111 1 1 I I I IIIII 200 45 Vi 160 U 6 cd ...i rcs 0+ = 0 120 o .o I IIIII I I IIIn I 1 1 um I 11IlII 1 1 µ = 2500 D(T) = S<a(T, 0) - So(T) (S<a(T, 0) 35 o I -I i II III I `\, \\. `\ 55 H I 80 U cd -+ CI) 40 = _ these 1250 for curves) - _ _ _ 1, o I 10-13 1 1 11111 I 1012 I 1 11III 1 10-11 I I 11111_ I 1C-10 I I II111 i 10 9 _:1 I 1111t I I I 11111 I I I Hill I 1111111 108 10-7 10-6 105 Probability of false alarm P 1 1 111111 10-4 I 1 I 11111 10-3 I 1 1 11111 10-2 fa Figure 7. Probability of false alarm versus distance between test statistic and median 1 1 111111 101 I 1 I 1lIi 1 26 III. THE ZERO - CROSSING ANALYZER Principles of Operation The essential operations that must be implemented by the zero - crossing analyzer are measurement and comparison of selected subsets of intervals defined by adjacent zero -crossings. In conjunction with the aforementioned requirements, suitable methods are also re- quired for synchronizing and displaying the observations. A block diagram of the functional implementation of devices suitable for realization of zero - crossing analyzer requirements is shown in Figure 8. The output from the noise source n1(t) is filtered by the passive time invariant filter whose transfer function is noise process H(jw) 10. 3 n(t). H(jw) to yield a For the case of primary interest in this study, is determined by a single -pole filter with center frequency of :kHz nal process so that s(t) n(t) is a narrow -band noise process. The sig.- is simply a periodic wave, which was a sinusoidal wave in this study. Addition of n(t) and s(t) yields y(t) which serves as the input to the hard limiter. Significant waveforms and timing of events are presented in Figure 9. Two outputs, QL, QL and representing complementary events are available from the hard limiter, but they are not distinguished in the bock diagram since the complementary outputs are primarily used in logical functions. Each time the process y(t) crosses zero and the derivative of Signal Sour e QL (t) Noise Source nl( t)) Filter y(t) HOG)) Hard Limiter QL Ramp Voltage Generator e(t) Reference Counter 1 Quantile Voltage One-Shot Flip- Flop Sub - Interval Comparator T Voltage. Set Y Sampling Reset Gate QT SIC Reset Y S<a(T' E.). Display Register Q -S(t) Y Select Figure 8. Q os Y Sample Space Selector A Sub - Interval Comparison Flip- Flop "Less than" /"Greater than" Select Block diagram of the zero -crossing analyzer. eR 28 y(t) i T1 W ® T3 Ti --- --- AilL I I I t QL eR e(t) TN-1 _7 / t 7, Qos Q Q T c r c Figure 9. Timing diagram of signals in zero -crossing analyzer. 29 the process is negative, the limiter output changes state and the ramp voltage generator is started, and when y(t) returns through zero with a positive slope, the ramp is stopped. In this manner, the ramp voltage e(t) where T. is proportional to the duration of the interval T.,i is the interval being analyzed. Testing the magnitude of against a reference Ti e(t) TR with a reference voltage quantile of interest. If T. TR, reduces to comparing the ramp voltage eR, where eR corresponds to the is greater than the reference value the comparison flip -flop will be set true, and will remain true until the end of the delay time produced by the one -shot flip -flop In the event that Ti is less than TR, Q os . the comparison flip -flop will not be set true at the time of comparison, 'so Q c is really a one -bit memory which stores the outcome of the event corresponding to a sign test of Ti. Since the one-shot is triggered at the end of the undershoot in- terval, it will be true for a fraction of the overshoot interval which follows the interval being tested. In this manner, the comparison flip -flop can be tested and reset at a noncritical time which simplifies counting of the number of sign tests that yielded favorable results. As depicted in Figure 9, the comparison flip -flop state can be represented by a series of pulses where each pulse begins at the time of favorable comparison between TR trailing edge and Ti and ends at the of the pulse produced by the one -shot flip -flop. The 30 logical AND combination of Q c and Q os yields a sequence of pul- ses where the occurrence of each pulse corresponds to the event that Ti > and similarily the logicalAND combination of Qc TR corresponds to Ti Qos < and TR. Mechanization of these logical operations is accomplished in the sample space selector, which also performs the gating and selec- tion of the Q c inputs such that the observation interval and sub- interval selection functions are implemented. The sub - interval count- er is simply a one -bit counter (one flip -flop) that restricts the sample space members to alternate undershoots which provides a measure of statistical independence as discussed in Section II. Since the detection device operates over a given time span, the sampling gate simply generates the observation period T which has also been dis- cussed in Section II. Depending upon the particular mode of operation, the output of the sample space selector pulses over an interval T S(t) is a sequence of and formulation of the detector -test sta- tistic requires summation of the sign test results for each event in the interval T. This summation is performed by the display regis- ter, which is set to zero at the beginning of interval T. At time t = T, the display register contents represent the test statistic for the case of most interest in this study. which is S<a(T, p) S<a(T, p) is then compared with the threshold the detection decision. , S(T) to complete 31 Determination of the reference voltage was accomplished experwhich cor- imentally in this study by searching for the value of eR responds to the quantile of interest. For instance, assume that the median value of TR is desired, in which case an estimate can be formed by observing S(t) for both cases of counting corresponds to the median value then S<e(T, If TR Q 0) and c = Q c . S>e(T, 0), that is the number of intervals whose length is less than the median will be equal to the number of intervals whose length is greater than the median, and in this manner the median can be estimated. Other quantile values could be estimated in a similar manner providing that the proper relative values of SGe(T, 0) and S>e(T, 0) are used. Key Circuits A large percentage of the circuitry used in the analyzer is con- ventional, so only those parts that would appear to have some unique or distinguishing characteristic will be discussed in this document. A. complete schematic diagram of the analyzer is given in Appendix III to which the reader is referred for identification of reference de- signations mentioned in the text. The hard limiter is comprised of a two stage differential am- plifier which drives a tunnel diode thresholding circuit. Use _ of a dif- ferential amplifier input stage serves the dual purpose of providing common mode signal rejection and prelimiting with an inherently 32 . easy method of setting the crossing level so that the zero level of the input waveform can be located. The common -mode rejection feature was not particularly important in this study. Setting of the limiting level, or equivalently, the symmetry of the limiter is accomplished with the zero level adjust controls R6 and R7. With an input signal of 25 millivolts (peak -to- peak), the no load voltage at the collector of Q3 is about 4. 4 volts (peak -to -peak) and with this input, the differ- ential amplifier is approaching saturation. Transistor Q6 gives further amplification and also drives the tunnel diode which actually approximates the zero - crossing detector. Theoretically, a hard limiter using an amplifier followed by a nonlinear device would require infinite gain in the neighborhood of zero volts if abrupt transitions in the output were to be realized, otherwise an arbitrarily small signal would cause the device to become linear and amplification rather than limiting would take place. Because a real device must necessarily have finite gain, an ideal limiter cannot be realized, but it can be approximated with sufficient accuracy by introducing am- plification prior to the thresholding device. The amplification preceding the tunnel diode is sufficient to effectively reduce the tunnel diode hysteresis such that full limiting is achieved for the smallest signal of interest and the limiter outputs, QLl and QL2, are strictly digital. Transistor Q7 amplifies the current transitions of tunnel diode 33 CR2 and also provides voltage protection of the tunnel diode via the provides further amplification and base to emitter junction of Q7. Q8 drives the emitter followers and Q10. Performance of the limiter Q9 is such that the lower threshold of limiting is about 1. 5 mV (peak- to-peak) and solid limiting is achieved with an input signal of about 2mV (p -p), which is quite satisfactory for this study. Figure 15 (in -- Appendix IV) presents a photo of typical rise and fall times of the lim- iter waveform at the collector of transistor Q8. Generation of a ramp voltage starting at the beginning of each negative undershoot is performed by constant current charging of ca- pacitor C6 where the charging is gated by QLl so that proper tim- ing is achieved. Adjustment of C6 changes the ramp slope, with the value of C6 selected to allow the ramp to reach its maximum value in a time interval which is less than the maximum length of interest. Because of this, the ramp will saturate in cases where the interval is considerably greater than the reference but no harm is done since saturation will be after the fact. The voltage comparator is essentially a differential amplifier composed of Q20 and Q22, with tunnel diode CR8 used for threshold ing. Transistors Q17, Q18, and Q19 provide buffering between the ramp and the comparator, since significant loading of the ramp circuit would introduce serious error. Establishment of the reference voltage, eR, is obtained by the emitter follower, Q24, which is fed 34 by a simple voltage divider network. Figure 16 A photograph is presented in (in Appendix IV) which shows typical waveforms of the :. ramp voltage, voltage comparator, comparison flip -flop, and the oneshot flip -flop. When learning the median value of T, eR is adjusted until a suitable equivalence between the -'" less than" and "greater than" 1 counting functions is achieved. This is a relatively easy procedure, and one could use some feed -back from the counter to make the set- ting automatic, or implement an adaptive technique. The one -shot, comparison, and subinterval counter flip -flops : are conventional (Strauss, 1960) and do not merit any particular dis- cussion. Resistor pair R26 and R27 introduced a 1.3 µ sec delay in switching of the one -shot, which eliminates transition and timing problems in the NAND gate. Essentially separate control of the on -off times of the mono- stable device is obtained in the sampling gate by use of variable re- sistors R78 and R82, which control the discharging of C23 and C25 (Tesic, 1965). This allows setting of the sampling interval T to a value, which is sufficiently independent of the intersampling period such that the counter output can be conveniently observed. Transistor The notation "less than" is used to denote operations associated with the set of intervals whose duration was less than the reference quantile, and similarily for "greater than ". 1 35 its associated circuitry perform a double differentiation of Q28 and the limiter output, such that the sampling gate switching is synchro- nized to both positive and negative transitions of QL2 (see Figure 9). In this manner, the main portion of the sample gate interval is deter- mined by the resistor -capacitor network, composed of R80, R83, R82., and C25, but the actual switching of the gate is synchronized to zero crossings, which simplified logical gating problems. The duration T of the gate is random, but the fluctuations are sufficiently small when compared to the mean duration set by the RC timing network, so that T is constant for practical purposes. Selection of the sample space is accomplished in the NAND gate composed of Q35 and its associated circuitry. Qc and Qc Switching. between is a convenient method of counting the number of un- dershoots whose duration was greater than the reference or less than the reference, respectively. Selection of QSIC provides for sam- pling of every undershoot or alternate undershoots, which might be of interest for experimental purposes. Evaluation of the Analyzer The overall performance of the analyzer is such that reliable triggering and resolution are obtained to 50 kHz, which could be ex- tended to about 80kHz by reducing the one -shot duration from 12 t s to about 6 µs. With an input signal of 10 kHz and peak -to -peak input 36 voltage of 140 mV, the half cycle jitter in the limiter output is less than 0.05 µs, and with an input of 20mV, the jitter is less than 0.15 }Is. Input impedance measured at 15 kHz is approximately, 400 k IL , and the voltage swing at followers Q9 and Q10 is from -12V to +1.1V. The ramp voltage input to the comparator starts from a base- line of -11.1V and saturates at +0.8V, with the rate of rise depending upon C6. Maximum fall time of the ramp is about duration of 6. 25 ter in the output 8µs. For a ramp ms, and with a comparison level of -0.2V, time jitof the comparator is about 2µs. Similarly, for a comparison level of -6.8V, and a ramp duration of 50 µ s, time jitter in the comparator output is 0.03 vs, and the jitter appeared to result from ripple on the -12V supply. These figures indicate that the com- parator is sufficiently sensitive for the application. The inputs s(t) and n(t) were summed together in a sym- metrical resistor dividing network which allowed for essentially independent adjustment of the input voltage, and easy measurement of the voltages. A General Radio GR 1390 -B random noise generator served as the noise source and a Hewlett - Packard 200 CD oscillator provided the signal. Measurements of the signal voltage can be made with readily available instruments, but measurement of the rms noise voltage is somewhat more difficult. The narrow -band noise was ob- tained by filtering the wide -band noise obtained from the GR 1390 -B operating in the 20 kHz range, and H(jw) was determined by a 37 single pole filter whose relative voltage response for constant current input is shown in Figure 10. Measurement of the noise input voltage to the analyzer was accomplished by using a probability- density- function estimator (Senk, 1964) from which the rms voltage was cal- culated by statistical analysis of the estimated probability density function. A photograph of the estimated density function was numer- ically integrated to compute a normalized function from which the estimated mean and variance were calculated. The calculations were performed after the experimental data were taken and the estimated rms voltage was 37.4 mV compared to the desired value of but this caused no particular problems. 50 mV, 1. 0 Relative response 0. 8 0. 6 á o 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 -0.8 -1..2 -0.4 0 +0. 4 +1.2 +0. 8 : Frequency deviation ¿f (kHz) f o = 10.3 kHz of=f Figure 10. - f o Relative frequency response characteristics of single pole filter used to obtain narrow -band noise process. m 39 TEST RESULTS IV. Summary of Test Parameters test results, As an aid to discussion of the of the different in Table I a tabular summary test cases and observation parameters is presented in conjunction with references to graphical displays of the experimental results. The signal frequency and voltage are probably the most interesting parameters in that the test statistic behavior can be investigated for various relative locations of the signal in the noise filter frequency band and also as The signal to noise ratio crossing analyzer nal voltage, s(t), of the mean and time T a function of the signal to noise ratio. was measured at the input to the zero p (y(t) in Figure 8), which was the ratio of the sig- to the filtered noise voltage, n(t). Estimates - standard deviation of the number of undershoots per are given in the interval subset parameter columns, ex- cepting for missing data as noted. - These values were calculated from the data taken with no signal input, with a normalizing factor of 1 /nss for the mean and 1 /(nss -1) for the variance, where ns is the number of samples for each signal to noise ratio value. Selection of an appropriate value of n s was somewhat arbitrary, however, the choice was made after preliminary reduction of some data points. If it is assumed that the statistics S and S are normally distributed, which is in conformance with key assumption 5 of Section 40 II, then confidence intervals for the mean and variance of Spa can be easily calculated (Bendat and Piersol, 1966). S - and <a For ex- ample, if a 0.95 confidence coefficient is chosen for Case I, then the confidence interval for the mean of S <a is (1225, 1265) and the confidence interval for the standard deviation of S is (12. 2, 47.8). These numbers indicate that the experimental results of S<a in Case I are reasonable. Confidence level calculations were not per- formed for other cases, however in light of the above numbers, the results appear satisfactory from a sample size viewpoint. The values of the referenced quantile displayed in Table 1 were calculated from the "less than- every" and "greater than -every" data sets. The desired quantile was 0. 5, which would correspond to a sign test based on the median as a reference, but due to finite observation time and some instability in the zero crossing analyzer, the median was not obtained in all cases. It should also be noted that the data were taken over a period of several days and some fluctuations due to drift and adjustments are not unexpected. The display register used in collecting the experimental data contained 12 binary places, the contents of which were visually observed and recorded for each trial taken over the observation interval. Conversion from binary to decimal was accomplished by punching the binary data into IBM cards, which then served as inputs to a computer program that converted the numbers to decimal and calculated the sample means and standard Table 1. Summary_ of te §t parameters and Case T (sec) Signal frequency Signal voltage kHz cr mV rests Noise voltage 0- mV Interval Subset Parameters Calculated reference quantile S >a(T, 0) S<a(T,'0) S<e(T, 0 mean std. Fig. mean std. Fig. mean std. Fig. 11 1241 24.5 12 2549 41.2 13 2461 19.0 14 11 note 12 note 13 note 11 1427 12 2086 10.7 13 2864 11 note 12 2234 37.7 13 2825 1 (note 3) mean std. Fig. 19.5 I 0. 5 9. 0 0-60 37. 4 0.508 1245 II 0.5 9. 3 0-60 37. 4 0.508 note III 0.5 9. 9 0-60 37.4 0. 421 1088 IV 0.5 10.0 0-60 37.4 0.441 note V 0.5 10.2 0-70 37. 4 0.501 1263 15.9 11 1244 25.3 12 2535 42.5 13 VI 0.5 10.3 0-60 37. 4 0. 492 1232 26.3 11 1305 19.8 12 2491 37.7 13 Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: 1 36.7 2 S>e(T, 0) ) 1 10.3 2 1 14 1 9.8 14 4. 1 14 2519 38.1 14 2562 46.5 14 These values were not experimentally determined for o- = O. For normalization purposes in Figures 11 , 12, 13 and 14, the values presented in case I were used. These values were not experimentally determined for 6 = O. For normalization purposes in Figures 11 and 12, S<a(T, 0) = 1088 and S>a(T, 0) = x1427. These values were calculated from SGe(T, 0) and S>e(T, 0). 42 deviations. Estimation of the quantile reference value was somewhat tedious because of the read out technique, however, the method was satisfactory for demonstration of the analyzer principle. Summary of Test Results The main body of experimental results obtained in this study are presented in Figures 11 through 14, which give a parametric dis- play of the normalized counting function behavior with variation of signal voltage and frequency. Each data point represents the average of the counting function for six trials, and the normalizing factor is the appropriate value of the statistic S for the case of p - 0, which is the mean number of events per unit time for noise only. For example, Case I has six trials for each signal to noise ratio and the average of the results for each signal to noise ratio is normalized to 2549 for the case of "less than-every" intervals in the sample space. The data points for the other interval subset parameters were reduced in a similar manner and the results are presented in the correspond. ing figures. Figure 11 presents a typical display of the sensitivity of the normalized counting function tage where ri <a S <a 1 a to the signal frequency and vol- (T, p) /S<a (T, 0). In the instance where the sig- nal frequency is removed from the filter center frequency, a pronounced decrease in the normalized statistic is effected by a relatively 43 1.2 I = 10:3 - kHz 10.2 9.3 i 0.4 Figure 11. -af 9.9 I I 0..8 1.2 Signal to noise ratio p 2. 0 Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "less than -alternate" subset. 44 2. 0 1.8 f = 9. 0 kHz 9.3 9.9 1.6 10.0 m RA F 1. 4 ti 1.0 10. 0. 8 0. 0 1 0.4 I 0.8 i i 1.2 1.6 Signal to noise ratio p Figure 12. Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "greater than- alternate" subset. 3 2.0 45 1.2 1 1 Signal 1 1 to noise ratio p Figure 13. Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency and power for "less than- every" subset. 46 2. 0 f s = 9. 0 kHz 1.8 1. 6 ñ o- u .4 o 1.2 1.0 0. 8 0 0. 4 0.8 1.2 Signal to noise ratio 1. 6 2. 0 p Figure 14. Variation of normalized statistic with signal frequency, and power for "greater than -every" subset. 47 small increase in the signal voltage. For example, if the signal frequency is 9.3 kHz, a signal to noise ratio of about 0.5 will correspond to a value of ri<a which is about one -half the no signal value. As an example of the relation of the curves in Figure 11 to the probability of false alarm curves in Figure 7, assume that fs = s 9.3 kHz and For = S (T, <a 0.27) 1010. 1010, D(T) = = 0. 27, in which case a value of 1250, <a(T, 0) S p = 240, If the 1 <a = r) is about 0.81. <a 0.81 corresponds to ` test statistic threshold S which can then be used in Figure is set to o 7 for determin- ation of the probability of false alarm. Since v was not actually measured in this investigation, it will be assumed that 0 purposes of illustration. This value of variances for S<a(T, 0) and S>a(T, 0) or- = 32 for is obtained by adding the as given for Case II in Then, Figure 7 gives a probability of false alarm which is -13 less than 10 for D(T) = 240 and C = 32. Figure 17 (in Appendix Table 1. IV) depicts the signal, noise, and signal plus noise processes for a signal frequency of 9.3 kHz and a signal -to -noise ratio of 0. 27, in which case, the signal presence is not readily discernible by visual observation. As mentioned in Section II, the detection probability has not been determined, but a normalized statistic threshold of 0. 5 would appear to imply a high detection probability for these particular para- meters. However, as the signal frequency approaches the filter 48 center frequency, variation of the normalized statistic with an in- crease in p becomes less pronounced, and at the center frequency, the change is negligible, which clearly indicates that the filter and signal frequencies must be offset if a useful level of detection is to be achieved. In'. Figure 12, results are presented which are complementary to those of Figure 11. The behavior of n>a >a is generally comple- mentary to that displayed in Figure 11, since an increase in p, increases with r) >a provided the signal frequency is sufficiently re- moved from the filter center frequency. This pattern is to be ex- pected since the total number of overshoots (sum of S >a(T, p) S<a(T, p) is relatively constant for a given value of crease in S>a(T, p) <a p, would be offset by a decrease in From the composite results of Figure 11 and and an inS <a(T, p). and 12, it can be implied that the sign test as applied to zero -crossings will produce reasonable results, if the signal is sufficiently removed from the filter cen- ter frequency, which confirms the hypothesis given in Section Figures 13 and 14 are similar to Figures for the sample space, in that Figures 13 11 II. and 12, excepting and 14 are for the case of having the sample space composed of successive undershoots, which does not imply statistically independent samples. of Figure 7 The ' Pfa curves cannot be applied in this case, however the data are pre- sented for comparative purposes since the curves are markedly 49 similar to their counterparts in Figures 11 and 12. This would indi- cate that the normalized statistic is not a sensitive function of the degree of sampling dependence, however these results are not sufficient to allow for definitive conclusions and further investigation would be required to ascertain the exact degree of dependence. 50 V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Results of theoretical and experimental work performed in this study indicate that the sign test can be implemented by analyzing the zero - crossings of a restricted class of stochastic processes. An analytical expression for the false alarm probability has been derived under a set of assumptions which appear reasonable from an engineering viewpoint. Confirmation of the hypothesis that the zero - crossing analyzer produces a distribution -free detection device was not verified experimentally, although this would be a useful extension of these considerations. Experimental verification of the false alarm proba- bility of a detection device usually implies a large number of samples because of the small probabilities involved, and an investigation of this nature is beyond the scope of this thesis. No attempt has been made to rigorously compare the perform- ance of this device with optimum devices such as correlators and matched filters, since the establishment of a basis of comparison would require determination of the detection probability and relative sample sizes required to obtain equivalent levels of performance, which is beyond the scope of this investigation. For the case of nar- row-band noise, which is probably of most interest for practical con- sideration, the results presented in Figures reliable detection should be obtained with 11 p > and 12 indicate that 0.4 or about -8dB, 51 providing the signal frequency is sufficiently removed from the filter center frequency. The inherent failure of the sign test in the case of identical test statistics for signal versus no signal conditions is amply demonstrated in the experimental results, but this is simply a manifestation of the limited performance of the detection scheme. In conclusion, it seems reasonable to consider the zero- cross- ing analyzer as one method of implementing a distribution -free detec- tor. It should be noted that complete description of a detection structure requires characterization of the detection and false alarm proba- bilities as a function of the decision threshold. Only the false alarm probability has been investigated in this study which means that the zero -crossing analyzer detection scheme requires further investigation for complete characterization. It must also be noted thatthe ef- fect of departures from the key assumptions is largely unknown and that these assumptions are indicative of the need for further investigation of level crossing processes. 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The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 36: 1043 -1046. 56 APPENDIX I List of Symbols a dummy variable. a = D(T) = fs = eR = FX() = H(jW) = transfer function j = complex number defined by n(t) = noise process as a function of time. No(T, 0) = number of zero -crossings in time interval difference between the statistic hold value S. S 0) <a(T, and the thres- frequency of input signal. comparator reference voltage for the reference quantile interval length. generic symbol representing the cumulative distribution function (c. d. f: ) of the random variable X. of noise filter. T for noise only. number of alternate undershoots in the time interval for the signal -to -noise ratio p. T Nua(T, p) = p = quantile value of c. d. f of zero -crossing interval lengths. pN(n) = 0), probability mass function of the distribution of Nua(T, ua Pd = probability of detection. fa = probability of false alarm. Pfac s(t) = conditional probability of false alarm. = signal process as a function of time. 57 value of threshold level for test statistic. So = S<a(T, p) = S)a(T, p) = S<e(T, p) = S>e(T, p) = T = T = TR = interval length y(t) = sum of signal plus noise at receiver output. A size of the subset of the set of alternate undershoots such that the subset contains those undershoots whose duration was less than the reference interval, (referred to as "less than -alternate" in text. ). same as S<a(T, p) except the subset contains those undershoots whose duration was greater than the reference interval, (referred as "greater than- alternate" in text. ). same as S<a(T, p) excepting that the set of undershoots forming the sample space contains every undershoot interval, (referred to as "less than -every" in thé.text). N = o2 = s = crn =: except the subset contains those undershoots whose duration was greater than the reference interval, (referred to as "greater than - every" in text. ). same as SSe(T, p) duration of observation interval. random variable representing an interval between successive zero crossings. of reference quantile. estimated mean value of the normal density function used to approximate pN(n). estimated variance of the above density. rms value of the signal voltage at the zero crossing analyzer input. rms value of the noise voltage at the zero crossing analyzer input. 58 Sa(T,p) TI normalized value of the relevant statistic. S <a(T, O) <a S>a(T, p) S>a(T, 0) ' >a >a( S<e(T, p) /1<e 11>e p normalized value of the relevant statistic. = S<e(T, 0)' ' S>e(T' p) - S>e(T, 0) ' normalized value of the relevant statistic. normalized value of the relevant statistic. = angular frequency. _ ss o- n signal to noise ratio 59 APPENDIX II Derivation of False Alarm Probábility Let N represent the number which is equivalent to cr ua equal the mean of (T, 0), let µ and N, equal the standard deviation of N. Also, let the probability mass function of N< N of undershoots per unit time, and finally, let represented by pN(n), be N denote the number of undershoots whose duration is less than the reference level. All of the above variables are defined on an observation interval of 0 < t < T. If the outcome of a particular set of zero -crossings is known, N will be a fixed number and bility law. If p Pfa is given by the binominal proba- is the probability that each undershoot duration is less than the reference value, then q = - p 1 is the complementary event probability and the conditional probability P c that k of the undershoots have a duration which is less than the reference can be easily formulated. More explicitly, Pc ._ P[N<=k'N-n] = n)pnqn-k (Al) k By averaging over the possible values that N can take on, the following expression is obtained for the unconditional probability that k of the undershoots duration: have a duration which is less than the reference 60 P[N< k] (AZ) P[N< =k1N=nJpN(n) {n: prT(n)>0} such that pN(n) The sum is taken over the set of n tive. If a threshold bility that So 0 is posi- is established, one then asks for the proba. or more explicitly: N< < So, PfaFN< (So) = (A3) P[N< <So] This is readily obtained by summing over k, such that So o Pfa n ()p = k=0 {n: n n-k q (A4) PN (n) n)>0} In accordance with key assumption 5 of Section II, pN(n) is approximated by a normal density function of the form 1 1 N(n) where npq µ and G I 2 ne /I e 2 "n-µ 2( $ ) (A5) were previously defined. For those cases where is sufficiently large (Parzen, 1960), the probability mass func- tion of the binominal law can be approximated as follows: 61 1 (n)Pnqn k kN ti npq 2 e 1 2 n npq (k-np)2 (A6) Substitution of Equations A5 and A6 into A4 yields the final ex- pression for Pfa: S 1 Pfa 2Tr6 o // k=0 1 1 p(n)>0 } In the special case of p = q = 1/2, l So P Pfa a 1 = 2 e np /I 1 e- 2 (k-np)2 +( n-µ L npq 2 ) (A7) Equation A7 reduces to } n- (2k-n)2 +( n (A8) k=0 {n: pN(n)>0} Closure of this series is not readily apparent, although a great Pfa deal of effort was not devoted towards this. However, can be easily evaluated by using computer techniques as was the case in this The limits on study. n< IÑ ± 4aß I , a parameter. Figure 7 ó . were chosen to satisfy the relationship and the results are presented in Figure 7 with It is interesting to note that the curves for approach the curve for The curve for As n e = 0 o = 0, as v e o^- > 0 as in tends toward zero. was obtained from the fixed sample size case. tends to zero, the uncertainty in sample size is decreased 62 since the distribution of N would tend toward a causal type, so Equation A8 is consistent in this respect. Also, summation of Equation A8 over the range defined by 2-2 <k<2+2 which is a plus or minus four sigma range, gave a value of 0.999995 for the cumulative distribution function, which is unity for practical purposes. APPENDIX COMPARISON FLIP-FLOP ONE- SHOT FLIP-FLOP HARD LIMITER III A -12V I2V 1243 0 Qo, R2 08 Rt4 -I eV Q9 V R29 Qu 2;R26 R16 R52 = C4 Qo, RI 256 251 E! CR9 E CRIO 259 R53 INPUT CR3 +12V -I2V R4 CRaO 04 R6 R27 010 -12V -12V RIO RAMP GENERATOR RI5 R28 --C3 COARSE ZERO LEVEL ADJUST P30 211 VOLTAGE ÁOMPARATOP 1 OQI3CR7 Q Q (TO SSA) (TO SIB (TO R68 ) ) 019 5 C6 Q14 - 018 R46 234 R33 29 +12V -12 V +18 V CR IA- QI7 II QL2 (TO 12V RES FINE ZERO LEVEL ADJUST C9 C5 QI2 Q5 P44 Qos +12V 125 ® RAR (24 CR1 *I2V C14 255 +12v 263 + -12V COMPARATOR REFERENCE LEVEL Q L 2 Q 08) ADJUST JUST 264 +12V SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF THE ZERO- CROSSING ANALYZER SHEET I OF 2 63 64 APPENDIX III SAMPLING GATE AND COUNTER SAMPLING INTERVAL SAMPLING GATE ADJUST REPETITION RATE -12V R67 C23 s -I(R67 R91 IR78 R69 RESET R83 + R79 R84 C28 - I( + - c251 Q31 C26 R88 C18 (TO QI6 (TO Q27 ) Qc (TO Q26) Qc ) ©Q28 Q33 Qos R85 12 -12V +12V 12V SUE- INTERVAL COUNTER FLIP 290 R87 270 RT7 4.115114Q CRIC 30 B 410) S QL2 273 C22 R94 R95 DISPLAY REGISTER C29 593 INPUT Q3S Q, S2 p 11292 "GREATER THAN° ALTERNATE Qs r c C19 15 'LESS THAN' A S1 Si A 568 -12V +12V OCR13 CCI CRII SAMPLE SPACE SELECTOR +12V V C20 -- C27 1 (TO AY REGISTER RESET PULSE OCR16 EVERY POWER + 12V +I8V - 12V V REQUIREMENTS: 40MA 7.5MA BOMA SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF THE ZERO-CROSSING ANALYZER SHEET 2 OF 2 65 APPENDIX IV Photographs of Salient Waveforms 66 upper C upper center lower center ¡ Figure 15. Photograph of typical rise and fall times at limiter output. vertical Scale: - 10 horizontal f upper: upper center: . lower center: lower: . lower traces) as noted below - s v /cm (all = 10 kHz Q8 collector, 20 vs/cm Q8 collector, 10 µs /cm Q8 collector, (rise time) Q8 collector, (fall time) o- 0. s = 50 mV 2 µ s 0. 2 µs /cm /cm o- n =0 67 - ramp voltage 0 0 voltage comparator 0 comparison flip -flop 0 one- shot flip -flop Figure 16. Photograph of key waveforms in the zero crossing analyzer. vertical scale: - 10 horizontal f ramp voltage: s = Q14 collector Q25 collector Q26 collector Q15 collector comparison flip -flop: one -shot flip -flop: - 10 p s /cm 10 kHz voltage comparator: v /cm (all traces) (all traces) o-s = s 50 mV v n = 0 - 0 --- ..-- _ 0 . 68 upper ir 11,1 L center . gdjg1LaJ - o L' Figure scale: , i , L Li I ummi , . , .l V .'',.t lower q Single trace pictures of typical signal, noise, and signal plus noise inputs to the anlyzer. 17. . vertical mV /cm - 50 horizontal - Z ms /cm (traces were synchronized to the signal but were not recorded simultaneously) upper: signal voltage center: signal lower: + noise noise voltage o-s = 10 s mV, v n = 37. 4 mV o n = 37. 4 mV f s = 9. 3 kHz 69 APPENDIX V List of Components Unless otherwise specified, component values are as follows: 1. All capacitance values are in picofarads,+ 10 percent, 100 VDC 2. rating. All resistance values are in ohms, ± 10 percent, with 1/2 watt rating. Reference Designator R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 Component Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor (Variable) Resistor (Variable) Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Value 10 K 47 K 4.7 K 470 470 10 K 500 4.7.K 5% 9. 1: K 470 6.2.K 1. 8. K 4.7.K 47 K 10 K 18 K 5% 1.6 K 5% 70 Reference Designator R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 Component Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Value 100 820 4.7 K 12 K 4.7 K 3.9 3.9 K K 56 K 150 K 47 K 2.2 4.7 K K 10 10 K 10 K 2..2 K 1 K 22.K 5% 22 K 5% : 3..3 K 1.8 18 K K 5% 22 K 5% 12 K 5% 15 K 5% 1.8 K 560 4.7 K 100 K 71 Reference Designator R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 Component Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor (Variable) Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Value 300 2.2 K 10 K 2.2 K K 5% 2.2 18 K 5% 4.7 K 12 K 6. 8 K 22 K 5% 2.2 K 18 K 5% 4.7 K 220 5% 12 K 1.2 K 10 K 12 K 2.0 K 10 1 K 1 .K 2.2 K 2.2 K 22 K 5% 18 K 5% 220 5% 4.7 K 22 K 5% 72 Reference Designator R76 R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 R83 R84 R85 R86 R87 R88 R89 R90 R91 R92 R93 R94 R95 Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Component Resistor Resistor Resistor (Variable) Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor (Variable) Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Value 18 K 5% 2.2 K 500 K 150 K 4.7 K 220 5% 50 K 100 K 1.2 K 5% 47 K 20 K 62 K '1 K 10 K 2.2 2.2 K K 47 K 20 K 5% 62 K 1.8 K 100 MFD, ±20 %, 25VDC 39 39 200 100 MFD, ±20 %, 25 VDC 0.0162 MFD, 220 100 4-5%, 50 VDC 73 Reference Designator C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 Value Component Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor Capacitor 7500 140 220 220 0.02 MFD _ 1 MFD, +20 %, 25VDC 100 39 15 MFD, ±20%, 25VDC 92 39 200 200 0.015 MFD 100 MFD, ±20%, 25VDC 15 7 MFD, L 25 %, 25VDC 1000 33 1 MFD, +20 %, 25VDC 39 74 Reference Designator Type (Note Component 1) 1N759 250 mw CR2 Zener Diode Tunnel Diode CR3 Zener Diode 1N200-2 250 mw CR4 Diode WE400D CR5 Diode WE400D CR6 Diode WE400D CR7 Diode WE400D CR8 Tunnel Diode (Note 2) CR9 Diode WE400D CR10 Diode WE400D CR11 Diode WE400D CR12 Diode WE400D CR13 Diode WE400D CR14 Diode WE400D Diode WE400D CR1 . CR15 : Diode CR16 1N3712 WE400D - Use of the Western Electric diodes is optional and equivalent types may be substituted. Typical characteristics of the WE400D axe: Note 1: I = 5 ma at 0.75 V, IBR = 0. 1 ma at -20 V. These components were supplied as part of the College Gift Plan of the Western Electric Company. Note 2: Tunnel diode CR8 was of unknown origin. The approximate characteristics or requirements are as follows: I p = 5 ma, p = 60 mv, I v = 2.5 ma., V = 175 mv. v that reasonably approximates these values should be an acceptable substitute. A tunnel diode 75 Reference Designator Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20 Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25 Q26 Q27 Q28 Component Type Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 2N3638 2N3638 2N3638 2N3638 2N3638 2N3638 2N1304 2N3605 2N3638 2N3638 2N3638 2N404 2N404 2N404 2N404 2N404 2N404 2N404 2N1305 2N1305 2N404 2N1305 2N1304 2N3638 2N3638 2N404 2N404 2N3638 76 Reference Designator Q29 Q30 Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35 Component Type Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor Transistor 2N404 2N404 2N1305 2N1305 2N3638 2N3638 2N3638