AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF WILLIAM EUGENE MILLER for the (Name) in MATHEMATICS (Major) MASTER OF SCIENCE (Degree) presented on Cx\x_\--Date) Title: THE QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAINS Ra[47171] AND Ra[] Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy William H. Simons This paper records a study of two quadratic number fields. In the first field, denoted by Ra[1], the unique factorization theo- rem holds. In the second field, denoted by Ra[ii.-0], it is demon- strated that the unique factorization theorem does not hold and there- fore ideals are introduced to restore this property. The Quadratic Integral Domains R [ -.1] and Ra[Nr7)] by William Eugene Miller A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1969 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Mathematics in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Acting Chairman of Department of M t matics _Redacted for Privacy Dear)! of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Clover Redfern for William Eugene Miller TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter I. II. THE QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAIN Ra[471-.1] THE QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAIN Ra[ BIBLIOGRAPHY IT)] 1 23 52 THE QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAINS Ra[] AND Ra[] I. THE QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAIN Ra[ ] Consider a quadratic equation, irreducible over the rational field, of the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where the coefficients are ra- We can assume that a, b, c tional and a k 0. are rational integers since this does not alter the roots of the equation. We will consider the case: b 2 - 4ac = -11d 2 where Let p s is a rational integer not zero. be one of the irrational roots of the above quadratic the set of numbers equation. Denote by Ra(p) and d r + sp where range over the rational field Ra. Theorem 1. 1: There exists a rational integer m without a repeated factor such that Ra(p) = Ra(J). P1 From the above, b 2 - 4ac = -11d 2, d 0. -b+tr1-112 -b-t./-11d 2 . We will let 2a p2 2a The roots are 1) p- -b+NI-11d 2 2a as the argument is similar for the other root. Then 2) Z.712 p + qp = b + 2ap. Equation 1) shows that every number of the form is of the form k + it./2-11d number of the form p + qt\I-11d 2 Ra(p) = Ra(r/-11d2). Now Equation 2) shows that every is of the form k + ip. p + q Nr-T-1-712 = p + Ra(p) = Ra(4-11012) = Ra(47-1.1), and m = -11. so Hence 2 Theorem 1. 2: The set Since Ra(47171) Ra( is a field. 1) is a subset of the complex number field, both the associative and commutative properties for the operations of addition and multiplication carry over to the elements of Ra( Also the distributive property carries over to the elements of Ra(T.1). We observe that: i) the operations of addition and multiplication are closed in Ra(471-.1) since the sum of two rational numbers is rational and the product of two rational numbers is rational; ii) the additive identity is identity is is 0 + 0 NFT1 = 0, iii) the additive inverse of 1 + 0471-.1 = 1; -(p+wr-1:1) = -p + (-q)47T.1 p+q ( p -Nr171, for p and 2) + ( 2-q p +11q while the multiplicative q 2-47-F1), p + q1 and the multiplicative inverse of not both zero, is an element of Ra(4:7-.1) since the p +1 1 q reciprocal of a non zero rational number is rational. Theorem 1. 3: Every number of Ra(471-.1) satisfies a quad- ratic equation with rational coefficients. Let a = p + q1 be any number of Ra(Nr-T.1). Then a satisfies the equation 1) (x-p) 2 - q (-11)= x2 - 2px + p 2 + llq 2 = 0. i. e. , substituting 2 a for = q (-11) - q2( -11) = 0. of a = p + q471.1. x we have (p+q471.1-p) 2 - q 2 (-11) Equation 1) is called the principal equation Its constant term N(p+q(4=7.1)) = p 2 + llq 2 is 3 called the norm of p + qt\r:T.1 x, is called the trace of 1) = 2p, T(p+qt\ and the negative of the coefficient of are both rational since and trace of a = p + qt\F-T1 The norm p + qt\r-T.1. and p rational. Also, it is seen that N(a) = as where a q are is the complex conjugate of a Integers of Ra(n): The set of all numbers of Ra(47T.1) that satisfy equations of the form x2 + bx + c = 0 where are rational integers constitute the integral domain, and c of -47T.1], Numbers of Ra[471-1] will be called integral numbers Ra(Nr-T.1). We need to find such numbers. Ra( of Ra[ b Theorem 1. 4: Every rational integer is in Ra[r-T.1]. Every number of Ra[r---1.1] which is rational is a rational integer. If is a rational integer, its principal equation is b 2 x2 - 2bx + b = 0. Therefore, from the definition, is a member Ra[r:T.1]. of If, conversely, a+b cipal equation becomes a2 b = M2/4. must have Since 2 2a x2 -1471:1 is rational, then b = 0. The prin- - tax + a 2 and a2 = 0. Let then are both rational integers, M as a factor, hence a = M/ 2 is a rational integer. Theorem 1. 5: The conjugate of a number of Ra[r--1:1]. 2a = M, Ra[471-1] is in 4 be in Ra[ Let a = a + bt4:1:1 1]. 2 tion for a is x2 - tax + a + l lb2 = 0. Then the principal equa- But the principal equation is also x2 - 2ax + a 2 + llb 2 = 0. for a = a - 134..1 Hence aE Ra[Nr-TI ]. Theorem 1. 6: The numbers of Ra[ a +13 where .471.1, and a 1] are given by are both integers or both halves of b odd integers. The principal equation for a number a = a + b x2 - 2ax + a 2 + llb 2 = 0. If a is in an equation of the form x2 + px + q = 0, Ra[ 1] is -NFT.1 then where p and satisfies a q are rational integers. Hence 2a = p and a 2 + llb 2 = q are rational integers. There are two cases to consider: either a = p/ 2 is a rational integer or half an odd rational integer. i) Suppose a = p/ 2 is a rational integer. If b is not a ra- tional integer, then since llb 2 = q - a 2 is a rational inte- ger and b is rational, we have the square of the denomi- nator of divides b we conclude that b ii) Suppose a = p/ 2 a = (n+1)/ 2, 11 which is impossible. Therefore, is a rational integer. is half an odd rational integer. Then where n is a rational integer. We have 5 llb 2 = q - a 2 = q - (4n 2 +4n+1)/4 2 = (4q-4n -4n-1)/ 4, so 4 1 lb 2 = 4q - 4n 2 - 4n - 1. Since the right hand member of this equation is an odd ra- tional integer, it is necessary that be half an odd ration- b al integer. Theorem 1. 7: The numbers 1 and 0 = 2 + 21 1 form a -471:1 basis for Ra[i---1.1]. Let (y131471:1) E Ra[ -477.]. We need to show that this numb2 ber can be put in the form a2 1 + b20 = a2 + + 2 471.1, where b2 are rational integers. We put al = a2 + 7 so a2 and 2a = 2a 2 + b2, b2 b b2 If 1 al and b 1 a 2 1 so 2b1 = b2, are halves of odd integers, Also, if a 2 1 + b 2 gers, = 1+b then a 2 = al - b 1. are rational integers, so are a2 and b2. and b1 al and b 2 0 0 a 2 and b If are integers. 2 is such that a 2 and b 2 are rational inte- is in Ra[ i:T.1]. Because, if a 2 and b 2 are rational integers and b 2 is even, then al and al integers; if b 2 is odd, al and b 1 b 1 are ration- are both halves of odd rational integers. That the numbers are given without repetition follows from the 6 fact that 1 and 1 (-2+-2 r--- 1 1) are linearly independent. is a basis for Ra[1], Theorem 1. 8: If 01, 02 basis of Ra[ r:71] every is given by 01' = a 1101 + a 1202 a2202 a2191 where the al s are rational integers and all a Conversely, every such pair Ra[ = f 1. a 22 011' 021 constitutes a basis for 71]. Let 02 21 alt 01' and 02 are in Ra[ r:T.1] 1) 011 a1181 be a basis for Ra[r:T.1]. and a1202, 1] 2) 01 = b1101 and 0 11' b128 2 82 + a2101 02 a2202 1 0 1 where the al s and 82 are in form a basis, 02 = b 2101 + b 2202 where the bl s are rational integers. Substituting the values of 2) we have and 0 01, 02 form a basis, are rational integers. Also, since Ra[ Since 011, 2 in 7 (b11a1 1+b 1 2a21 1 )01 + (311 a1 2+b 1 2a22)02 02 = (b21a11 +b 22a 21 )01 + (b21a12 +b22a22)02. Since 01 and form a basis they are linearly independent and 02 we can equate coefficients as follows: b b 11 11 a11 1 b al + b12a22 = 0 b + b12a21 = 21 a11 + b22a21 = a +b 21 12 a 22 22 0 = 1, or b 11 b 12 1 12 all 11 0 =1 b 21 b a 22 21 a 0 22 Hence each determinant of the coefficients is Now, if 01, 02 is a basis for a1181 bination of a1202, 821 a2101 Solving these two equations for (a 02 = (a but by hypothesis Ra[ r-T.1] 1 or -1. then define Clearly every linear com- a2202. with rational coefficients is in Ra[.71-.1]. Olt, 021 el1 +1 . 0 1 and 02 we have 0 1-a 12 0 2 ) a a 1 all 12 21-a 22 22 1 2 01 1-a 1 1102) a12a21- a22a11 8 all a 12 =a a a 21 11 a 22 - a 21 a 12 = ±1. 22 b's such Therefore we have shown the existence of rational integral that Al = b 11011 + b 12021 02 = b21011 + b 2202'. Thus, since every number of Ra[1] combination of Ra[ -NTT.1] Al and can be written as a linear it is seen that every number of 02' can also be written as a linear combination of with rational integral coefficients. Hence 1' 02' 01" 02 constitute a basis for Ra[Ni7T1]. Example: Since we have 1 1 r--- 1, 2 + 2 N1-11 form a basis for Ra[ 1 Al' = 3.1 + 2 (7+-2-1)= 4+ 1 1 1 5 Nr-T.1)=192+-N/71-1 02' = 7 1 + 5 (-2+2 2 , form a basis for Ra[ r-T.1]. Note that all a a21 a22 12 3 2 7 5 = 1. In general, all -Nnn.] 01.1, AZ may be written as 9 I 1 11) all + a12(1+7 el' 1 02' = a 21 + a 22(-2+-2 .1) where all a a a 12 = ±1 21 22 Theorem 1. 9: The norm of the product of two numbers in Ra[ 17-171] is equal to the product of the norms. Let a = p + qT.1 =r+s and N(a(i) = N(a)N((3). be in -Nil Ra[471-.1], N(aP) = [(p+q,\T-171)(r+sq71-.1)] = N[(pr-Ilqs) + (ps+qr) = p 2r = = 2 + 11q2r 2+11q2)r 2 2 + + 11p2s 11s2(p .Nr:T1] 2 + 121q2s 2 2+11q2) 2+11q2)(r 2+11s2) = N(a)N(P) Theorem 1. 10: The norm of a quotient is equal to the quotient of the norms. N(41) - Rf31N , p 0. Let a, p be as in Theorem 1. 9. Then 10 N(a) N(p+q4.T.11 r+s\r"--11' = N[ = N( Nf7.1) , (p+q .147.1.)(r-sT r 2+11s 2 pr+11qs clr-Ps 2+11s2+r2+11s2 r p2 r 2+ 22pqrs + 121q2s 2+ 11(q2r 2- 2pqrs+p2s 2) (r 2+ 11s2)2 p2 r 2+ 11q2r 2 + 11p2s 2+ 121q2s 2 (r 2+11s2)2 (p2+ 11q2)r 2 + 11s2(p 2+ 11q2) (r2+11s2)2 2+ (p2+11q2)(r 11s2) 2+11s2)2 (r p2+11q 2 r 2+11s2 N(a) N(13) Units of Ra[47171]: If a and a 13= y, Ra[ then a and A number of Ra[ 1. are in Ra[ r-7.1] are divisors of iff. there exists a i=171] divides 3 13 -1471-1] 3 in Y. Rak -r.1] a divides and y in such that a p. = -y. is called a unit of Rak1 if it 11 Theorem 1. 11: A number, E, of Ra[ r-1.1] The units of N(E) = 1. is a unit, there exists an el If are Ra[Nr.1] 1, E 2 is a unit iff. -1. such that Since Theorem 1. 9 we have N(eiE2) = N(E1)N(Ez) = 1. e E 1 2 = 1. N(a) By is a positive rational integer for all a E Ra[NFT.1], MEd = N(E2) = 1. If N(E) = 1 E = a + btr-T.1. Hence 2 2 then we have N(E) = a + 11b = 1, The only solutions to this equation are a = ±1, b = 0. = ±1. E Prime Numbers of Ra[ 171-.1]: A number neither if where 0 Tr = a1i Tr is a prime if it is nor a unit, and is divisible only by a unit and itself. (i.e., implies that a or is a unit. ) A number that is non- (3 zero, not a unit, and not a prime, is composite. Example: It can be seen that the number 1 + Nr:T.1 posite because 1 = 2(-2+-21) 1 1+ and neither of the factors, 2, + 1 1 2 2 - ii, is a unit. Example: Assume 2 +31 = ar4 where a = p + q47-171, 13 = r + sr\M-1. is corn- 12 Then r-T.1 1) = N(p+qtr-1.1 ).N(r+sN) N(2 +3 103 = (p2+11q2)(r 2+11s2). are all rational integers then one of a, p is a Now, if p, q, r, s unit. Otherwise we have the two cases: i) p, q are rational integers and r, s are both halves of odd rational integers. Let r = (2m+1)/ 2, s = (2n+1)/ 2, m and n are rational integers. Then 4 103 = (p 2 +11q 2 )[(2m+1) 2+ 11(2n+1) 2]. Now, we have the following possibilities: 2 2 a) p + llq 2 b) p + llq 2 2 2 2 2 c) p + llq d) p + llq 2 2 2 2 2 2 = 2 (2m+1) + 11(2n+1) = 4 (2m+1) + 11(2n+1) = 103 (2m+1) + 11(2n+1) = 206 (2m+1) 2 + 11(2n+1) 2 = 206 = 103 = 4 = 2 a) has no solution because no rational integers exist such that p 2 + llq2 = 2. b) has no solution because the left hand member of the equation 2 2 (2m+1) + 11(2n+1) = 103 is al- ways an even rational integer. c) and d) have no solutions because (2m +1)2 + 11 (2n+1 )2> 11 for m, n rational integers. 13 ii) p, q, r, s are all halves of odd rational integers. Let P= (2m+1) 2 q= (2n+1) ' 2 r= (2k+1) 2 ' s- (2j+1) 2 where m, n, k, j are all rational integers. Then [(2n+1)2+11(2m+1)21[(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2] = 103.16 and we consider the following possibilities: a) [(2n+1)2+11(2m+1)2] = 103 [(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2} = b) [(2n+1)2+11(2m+1)2] = 206 [(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2] = 8 c) [(2n-1-1)2+11(2m+1)2] = 412 [(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2] = d) [(2n+1)2+11(2m+1)2] = 824 [(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2] = 2 e) k2n+1)2+11(2m+1)2] = 1648 [(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2] = 1 16 4 a) has no solution because the left side of the first equation is always even for n, m rational integers. The other cases have no solutions because in each set of equations, [(2k+1)2+11(2j+1)2] > 11 for k, j rational integers. Hence it is concluded that 2 + 34:T.1 the product of a unit and itself, therefore can only be written as 2 + 34--T.1 is prime. Furthermore it can be proved in a manner similar to the above example, that if a. e RaH\FT1] and N(a) is a prime rational 14 integer, then a is prime in Ra[4::Th. But it can be seen, from the following example, that a prime rational integer is not necessarily a prime of Ra[Nr:T.1]. Let then a = 11, a = (47T.1)(-N :F.1) and since neither of these factors is a unit of Ra[i2-11.] but both factors are in Ra[ r:TI], therefore 11 is not a prime of Ra[ is any integer of Ra[1] and Theorem 1.12: If a any non-zero integer of Ra[ Ra[ r:I.-1] .1471-.1]. there exists an integer 1], is of such that N(a-y13) < N((3). By Theorem 1.8, - r- form a basis for Ra[[7.1]. - 2 + 2N- 11 1, Let a where p = r + r1 integers nearest r---=p+q(--2+-21 N-11) and q = s + s 1, and p r and 1 If =r+ 1 1 2 2 -Nr7-.1) then and being the rational respectively. Therefore q kit a s 1 = r + s 1 (--12 +7,4711) 1 15 2 = - r1s1 + 3s1. Now if Ir 1< I si I < and 47 1 , we have r 12 - r s + 3s 12 < 1. 1) 1 Also, if either Ir or I choose the signs of r 1 1 1 slI sl and or both equal 1/2, then we can so that they are alike and hence r 12 - r s + 3s 12 < 1. 1 1 If 1 N5 and < 1r 1 1 < 1 1 2 p;r5 1 L. r1, si have the same sign equation 1) holds. have opposite signs, for depending whether r1 we put r2 N13\ rs- is of the same sign as sl, r Hence r 2 = r1 + 1 rl is negative or positive. Irzi < and < 1s1 I < 2 If or Then 1 in which case - r2s1 + 3s 12 < 1. r1 and r2 = r 1 - s 1, 1 16 N(2*- -11) < 1 SO N(a-p.P)< N(13) and Y= Let a = Example: 3 + a so r = 1 , s = -2 7 I=- 5 + 1 tf-.1, then 2 19 ,--=-3 -(--2+-2 N/-11) 9 1 1 and = 1 - 2(-12-4-12-) = 2 - N(a-03) =N[(4+-P7T.1) - (2-471-1)(-;+2 47T-.1)] = N(1) = 1 < N((3) = 9. Theorem 1. 13: If a and p be any two integers of Ra[r-T.1] prime to each other, there exists two integers, Ra[ 1] such that If either integers, and a or and 11, of a +1311 = 1. 13 is a unit, then the existence of the required is evident. i. e. If a is a unit then so is 1/a = 1/a, ii = O. In case neither a nor p be a unit, assume N(() < N(a) 17 which does not limit the generality of the proof. By Theorem 1.12 there exists an integer Thus N(a-µR) < N(13). (3. such that al, a-1-0 are a pair of integers, and prime to each other and Pi, II N(a-11.13) is less than both N(a) and N(P) If, now, two integers ti, exist such that all that is Pti + = 1, then we have = tl = The determination of al nor 112 13111 =1 ti, Ili for al, Pi may, if neither is a unit, be made to depend similarly upon that of 131 for a pair of integers a 2, 132 prime to each other and such that the norm of one of them is less than both N(a 1) and N(131). By continuing this process, we are always able to make the determination of t and n for a pair of integers an, Since the existence of of t and Ti depend eventually upon that of 13n.' tn, one of which is a unit. and lin is evident, the existence is proved. The following example will serve as a method by which may be found. t and 18 Example: Let number of Ra[t\FT.1]. Suppose N(p) N(a) 25 is a prime a. Then a is a But the norm of each number of Rakr-7.11 47 rational integer. Therefore 3 is divisible by p a This means that N(a)N(y) = N(P) or would exist such that ay = p. N(y) r-p = 17 +7N-ii. a= 6 + 47711, p is not divisible by a, a and so are relatively prime. N(P) = 25 < N(a) = 47. By Theorem 1. 12 there exists such that N(a- µ Using the method previously exampled we find a p. -= a- p.P = - So nor find a p.i and 1 - 1 ra = pi, p = 1 + 3 = al. such that N(ar p.ipi) < N((3i)< N(ai). 1 = p.. Then al 1 -1 P1 a2 = pl. So O. a + (-1)p 2 (- 1 ) ( -1 )[ (3- 2 11 1 Pl) ) (a =1 1 P)] = 1 p.a + (-1-p.2)p Then 1 .7 Now neither be a unit so we use the method of Theorem 1.12 again to P1 = 5 - < N((3). P 2' We find a which is a unit, al 19 =21 = Corollary 1. 13: If 1 (-1-112) =4+-1 and a - 21 are any two integers of 3 there exists a common divisor, Ra[4717.1], that every common divisor of a and t exist two integers, a and p divides Ra[r-T.1] of a and p such of 5, and there 8, such that = 5- + a and If p are relatively prime then 6 = 1 because by Theorem 1.13 there exist t and a and If f3= (31y where p al such that at + Ti = 1. are not relatively prime then let a = a 1 y and and are relatively prime. Then by Theo- p 1 rem 1.13 there exist integers t and Ti such that 1. We multiply both sides of this equation by y to obtain a.lyt + Pon = y 3 divides y or Every common divisor of a and at + Ri = y. and hence 5 = y. The number greatest common divisor of a and 5 p. Theorem 1. 14: If the product of two integers, Ra[tr-T.1] is divisible by a prime number, integers is divisible by Let up= yrr, is called the Tr, a and p, at least one of the Tr. where y is a number of Ra[471:1], and of 20 assume is not divisible by v. a, a and Then are prime to it each other and by Theorem 1.13 there exist two integers, such that 71, ag + g Multiplying this equation by = 1. p, and we have Rat + RTr = R, and therefore Tr(Yt +PrI) = 13. Since (-y g+ Pi) is in Ra[t we have 1] is divisible by p Tr. Corollary 1. 14; If the product of any number of integers of Rab17.-1] is divisible by a prime number, integers is divisible by and such that al. a2 a3 If an = Trp. -Nr- 1} Hence this manner if it proved. Otherwise it it y1 = az a3... an, Let divides either a 2- y2 = Tr13 1 divides either a 2 or divides it so are in Ra[Nr-7.i.] an,v,13 the corollary is proved. If al then let y2 = a3 a 4... an Ra[ al, a2, a3, and by Theorem 1.14 divides it at least one of the Tr. Suppose the numbers aiyi = TrP Tr, it al and yi. divides yi for some Y2. then (3 1 in Continuing in ak, k = 1,2, ... , n-2 the corollary is divides y. = a.j+1 a.3+2 ... an, j = 1,2, ..., n-2 and the number of factors of Y. is reduced one at a time until there are only two left. Then by Theorem 1.14 one of these two is divisible by v. 21 Theorem 1. 15: (Unique Factorization Theorem). ber of Ra[ Every num- can be represented in one and only one way as the -NFT-1] product of prime numbers. a be in Ra[kr, ] Let . a is not prime, we have If where neither of y, p is a unit. Then N(a) = N(R)N(y), a = (3y, and since N((3) # 1, N(y) we have 1, N((3) < N(a) and N(y) < N(a). If B = 16 ' l yr where neither of is a unit and as before N((31)< N((3) and N(yi)< N(p). 131' YI (31 is not a prime number then p If is not a prime, we proceed in the same manner, and, since Na3), N((3 N(13 ). 1), form a decreasing series of positive rational . 2 integers, we must after a finite number of such factorizations reach in the series factor a and we have Tri, al If 1T= 1 2 CI 2 , 13' P1' P2' a prime Tr 1. Thus a has a prime a = Trial. is not a prime number we proceed similarly to obtain where Tr 2 is a prime, and hence a = Tr1Tr2a2. form a decreasing Since the series N(a), N(a1), N(a2), series of positive rational integers, if we continue this process we must reach in the series a, a 1 , a 2, we have Hence a = 1T a I TT 2 Tr3... 11-n , ... a prime number where the Tr 's Trn. are all prime. can be represented as a product of a finite number of Thus 22 factors all of which are prime. Now suppose of a a = Pi P2 P3- is another representation Pm as a product of prime factors, then 1) "1 "2 "3. P1 P2 P3. "n Pm' say pl, By Corollary 1.14, then, at least one of the p's, is divisible by Dividing 1) by ; Tr 1 , Tr 1 that is pl = ±1 we have Tr 1 1 is a prime. = (±1)p2 p 3... Tr2 since Prn Again, by Corollary 1.14 at least one of the remaining p's, say P2, i s divisible by Tr3 "4* p2 = ±1 Thus Tr2. 1) 'icrn = 1)P3 P4. Tr2 and Pm = ± p3 134 Pm' Proceeding in this manner, we see that with each associated at least one and, if two or more p, Tr there is are associat- Tr's ed with each other, at least as many p's are associated with these Tr's, and hence with one another. In the same manner we can show that with each sociated at least one Tr, there is as- and, if two or more p's are associated with one another, at least as many p's, p Tr's are associated with these and hence with one another. Since in all questions of divisiblity we consider two associated factors as the same, (i. e. , a + bc\ir.T.1 is considered the same as -a - b471-1), the two representations are the same. Hence the repre- sentation of a number of Ra[ -77.1] in prime factors is unique. 23 THE QUADRATIC INTEGRAL DOMAIN Rakr1-6 II. Consider a quadratic equation with rational coefficients, irreducible over the rational field, of the form ax2+ bx + c = 0, a 0. We can assume that a, b, c are rational integers since this assump- tion does not alter the roots of the equation. We will consider the case b 2 -4ac = 10d 2, Let p where d is a rational integer not zero. be one of the roots of the above quadratic. p is not a rational number since the equation is irreducible. Denote by Ra(p) the set of numbers where r r + sp and range over the ra- s tional field Ra. Theorem 2. 1: There exists a rational integer, repeated factor such that m, without a Ra(p) = Ra(Nir71). For the above considered case m = 10. this theorem is similar to that for m = -11, Since the proof of we omit the proof. When the proof of a theorem of Ra() is similar to the proof of the corresponding theorem of Ra(NFT.1), the theorem will be stated without proof. Example: Let 2x2 + 8x + 3 = 0, p then b2 - 4ac = 10.4 and -8+47175 -8+24T.0 -4+41-0 4 4 2 24 So + qp = p + q( Also, since p = -4+4-171) 1r 2+ Ni 10' 2 - (p-2q)+ we have q 4-1-0 = 2p + 4 versely. Hence p + q147.0 and And it can be seen that p + q47.0 = p + q(2p+4) = (p+4) + 2qp = r + sp. numbers of the form 10=r+s are of the form r + sp and con- Ra(p) = Ra(NFIT)). Theorem 2. 2: The set is a field. Ra(T.0) The proof of this theorem is similar to that of Theorem 1. 2. We will show that each non-zero number of rocal in Ra(41-70) where not both p, q Let (p+qt\TO) e Ra(Nr17)), Ra(NITO). has its recip- are zero. p-qq1-6 p+qq-1-0 -p2-10q 2 -q 2 p2-10q 1 This is in RaNTO) provided that Suppose = NriO p2- But both this implies that 1 Oq 2 p, q Nr1-0 p 2 p -10q2 2 - 10q 2 0. p, q then 2 = 0. Since 0 12- = 1 0 2 are rational numbers and so is P so and is rational, a contradiction, therefore the re- ciprocal of a non-zero number of RaNT.0) is in Theorem 2. 3: NIT° Every number of Ra(47.0) ratic equation with rational coefficients. Ra(4-1-0). satisfies a quad- 25 Let a = p + q41-0 be in Ra(41-0), then 2 2. a satisfies the equation x2 - 2px + p - 1 Oq This equation is called the principal equation of stant term N(p+q0) = p 2 - 10q 2 is called the norm of can be seen that N(a) = a a, of the coefficient of p + q41-0. where a=p- The con- a. a. and it The negative q4170. x, T(p+q) = 2a is called the trace of are rational, Since p, q N(p+q4-170) and T(p+q,\TO) are also rational. Integers of Ra(41-6): The set of all numbers of Ra(N/To) satisfy equations of the form x2 + bx + c = 0 where b and are rational integers constitute the integral domain Ra[TO] that c of Ra(N5.7)). Theorem 2. 4: Every rational integer is in number of Ra[iro] Ra[N5.15]. which is rational is a rational integer. Theorem 2. 5: The conjugate of a number of Ra[ITO] Ra[Nrib] . Theorem 2. 6: The numbers of Rakr7)] a + birro, Every where a, b are given by range over all rational integers. The principal equation for a number a = a + 13,./0 is is in 26 2 x2 - tax + a If Ra[rio] aE x2 + px + q = 0 and a 2 then a 2 consider: either 2 = 0. satisfies an equation of the form where p, q - 10b = q 1 Ob are rational integers. Hence 2a = p are rational integers. There are two cases to a = p/2 is a rational integer or half an odd ra- tional integer. a = p/2 is half an odd rational integer. Suppose So 2 2 a = (2n+1)/2 where n is a rational integer. From a - 10b = q we have 4 10b2 = a 1) Now, if 2b 2 - q = 4(n 2 +n-q) + 1 were not a rational integer then the square of its de- nominator would divide 10 which is impossible. Then the left side of 1) is an even rational integer while the right side of 1) is an odd rational integer, a contradiction. Thus a = p/2 must be a rational integer. We have shown that 2 a - 10b From 2 =q a = p/2 must be a rational integer. we have 10b 2 2 a rational integer. If =a -q b were not a rational integer, the square of its denominator would divide 10 which is impossible. Therefore b must be a rational integer. Moreover it can be seen from the principal equation that if a, b are rational integers then (a+b,\FF)) e RaNT0]. 27 Ra[tsin] Basis for Ra[r.5.75]: Every number of out repetition in the form a 1 + bN/T.0 where a and is given withb range in- dependently over all rational integers and every such number is in Ra[r1.-0]. We call two such numbers, 1, NI0, a basis for Ra[r1.15]. Theorem 2. 7: If every basis of 1 Ra[NnT)] and 47.0 is a basis for Ra[5.71], is given by el' all + a12NIT6' 02 = a 21 + a 22 ,r10 where all a12 = ±1 . a 21 a22 Theorem 2. 8: The norm of a product of two numbers in Ra[4.7] is equal to the product of the norms. N(a13) = N(a) N(I3) Theorem 2. 9: The norm of a quotient is the quotient of the norms. N(R) N(P) P # O. It was shown in Theorem 2. 2 that if p # 0 then N((3) # 0. The rest of the proof of this theorem is similar to the proof of Theorem 1. 10. 28 Units of Ra[rr.0]: If a and a then y, Ra[T.0] a and are in are divisors of 13 iff. there exists a in Ra[ ri.-0] and a divides y. y in such that a. (3 = y. Ra[Nil3] is called a unit of Ra[iro] A number of Ra[t.n7)] vides (3 if it di- 1. Theorem 2. 10: A number E of Ra[] is a unit iff. N(E ) = ±1. Theorem 2.11: All units of Ra[n.0] have the form (3+4) n, where n is a positive or negative rational integer or zero, and all numbers of this form are units of Ra[n--.0]. Let E = 3 + \M. So N(En) [N(E)]n (-1)n = ±1. = Hence En is a unit. Also, since -n En E = 1, -n E is a unit. Moreover, since E = (3+470) > 1, are all greater than 1 the positive powers of E and continually increase. Hence no two are equal. Since -n 1 n -1 it is clear that E are all less than 1 and hence that the <1 E negative powers of e and continually decrease. Therefore no two negative powers are equal, and no negative power is equal to any positive power. So every power of Ra[477], E is a unit of and two different powers give different units. 29 Now we need to show that the powers of multiplied by ±1 E are all the units of Ra[ir0]. -a - -a + bt4T-0, are also units of Ra[41-0] 134170 remaining three will be 1 >1 _iv and 11 n E <E < Denote that one 11 1, so the -7.1 it follows that either 1 . a > 0 and b > 0 by of these four units which has Since Then a - brrr.0, be a unit of Ra[r1-0]. Let a + bt.rro =E 1 or n+1 1 where n is a positive rational integer or zero. Dividing 1) by en, we have 11 < 2) n <E ; E where 1 /en is a unit, since the quotient of two units is a unit. Let = x + yArib . Then (x+y4T.0)(x-y\TO) = ±1, and hence, since x + yNri.7) > 1, it follows that <1 30 or -1 < x - yqr.0 < 1 This combined with 2), gives 0 1 < x < 2+ 2 r-- Ni 10 , and since x must be a rational integer, x = 1, 2, or If RaNT.0]. nor by 2) x = 1, If 2 + Nrr.0 but y = 1, then x = 2, y=0 3. 1+417-0 or 1, is not a unit of but neither And if x = 3, y = 0, is a unit. but 2 + 0NFF.0 3 + ONTO is not a unit. Hence 1) is impossible, and we have n 111 = and therefore = -E 11 t 1 n and since 1101' = ±1, = ±n1= ±E-n and -TV = TE E Therefore, if we have = ±E .1-1 is any one of the four units n where n is a rational integer. ri it, -ill, 31 Prime numbers of Ra[ r1-0]: A number prime if it is neither 0 it is Rakn.-0] of nor a unit, and is divisible only by a unit and itself. Example 1: To determine whether 5 - 2\70 is prime or com- posite. Put 5 - 20 = (a+bNIT0)(c+d4170), then -15 = (a 2- 1 Ob2)(c 2-1 Od2) There are only four distinct cases to be considered: a2- 2 = -5 a2- 10b a2- = -3 1 Ob 2 = 1 iii) and iv) ii) i) c2 - 10d a - 10b a2- =3 1 Ob 2 c =5 2 - 10d 2 = *15. Both iii) and iv) have a + bt\r1-0 a unit and therfore need not be con- sidered. From i) we have b 2 = a 2-3 10 and this makes it necessary that a 2 7- 3 mod. 10. rational integer exists. Hence i) has no solutions. From ii) we have b2 - a2+3 10 But no such 32 2 and it is necessary that a 7, 7 mod. 10. But no such rational in- teger exists. Hence ii) has no solutions. Therefore 5 - 241.-0 is prime. Example 2: It can be seen that the number since Also 26 = 13- 2. 26 is not prime and neither of these 26 = (6-EN/T.0)(6-40) factors is a unit. It remains to be seen whether they are prime factors. where neither factor is Assume (6+4i-0) = (a+b1.5-5)(c+d,\70), 2)(c2 -10d a unit, then 26 = (a2 -10b 2). There are two cases to consider: a2- 10b2 = 13 i) 10b c2- 10d = -2 Since b 2 ± 13 - a 10 requires that a 2 such rational integer, (6-NiT.-0) a, = -13 ii) c2- 10d2 = 2 2 2 a2- 3 2 or 7 mod. 10 and no exists, we conclude that (6-I-Nri-0) and are prime factors. Therefore it is clear that 26 7-- 13 2 = (6+4T.0)(6-1\570) cannot be factored uniquely into prime factors. The introduction of so-called ideal numbers restore this property of unique factorization in terms of these ideal numbers. 33 not both zero, had a If every pair of numbers of RaNT.0], greatest common divisor (g. c. d. ) expressed linearly in terms of the numbers we could prove unique factorization. (See Theorems 1. 12 through 1.15. ) Example: Consider the positive rational integers congruent to 1 modulo 4. This set is closed under multiplication. A number of this set is considered prime if it cannot be written as the product of two numbers E 1 mod. 4, where neither of the two numbers be a unit. Then 2541 = 33-77 = 121-21 33, 77, 121, 21 are all primes. where The cause of the failure of the unique factorization law is because of the absence of the remaining positive integers. Let denote the g. c. d. of a and b 11 = (33, 121) = (77, 121), Then (a, b) so 7 = (77, 21), 2541 = (33, 121)(77, 121)(77, 21)(33, 21) 3 = (33, 21). is uniquely factored in- to prime "ideal" numbers. Ideals of Ra[47.0]: If al, a2, Ra[41-0] , an are any numbers of not all zero, then the set {'1` ial+X2a2+ ..+Xn anIX1, X2, ,X n range over RaNT.01} 34 constitutes an ideal A = (ai, a2, , of Ra[0]. A We will denote A by an). Theorem 2. 12: In every ideal there exists two numbers w1 ,w 2 such that the numbers of the ideal are given by kiwi + k2w2 where k1, k2 range over the rational integers. Two such numbers are called a minimal basis for the ideal. Let of the ideal 1, Nr1-0 be a basis for Rakr1-01. then A contains *a a = ±N(a), A, contains positive integers. Let Of all numbers as one such in which a. = al + a 2 \TO w 1 is a number and so A be the smallest positive integer / 2 is positive and minimal. Let be any number of A. a2 0 /1 + / 2 Nri.-0 in A having / 1 , 0, choose in A. (02 a, If = k +r 2 2 2 Write 0 < r2 < Q Then a - k2w2 = (al-k2/1) + is in A, and if be violated. Thus r2Nr1:0 r2 were not zero, the definition of a - k 2w2 = a 1 -k 212 = b = wlkl + r1, b. 0<r1 Now write <w , 1 w 2 would 35 so that a - k2w2 - kiwi = r1. was minimal, Since r1 = 0, and a = klwl + k2w2. Corollary 2.12: Every rational integer in A is divisible by Because if a is a rational integer then we can let k 2 = 0, so a = k1 Theorem 2. 13: If in is a minimal basis for an ideal A w1, w2 every minimal basis is given by RakrT.-01, i,11 1=a w +a12 w2' 11 1 where the a's col=a 2 21 0.) +a22w2 , are rational integers such that all a12 a21 a22 and every such pair wi, w2 = t1, is a minimal basis. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 1. 8. Theorem 2. 14: Every ideal A has a minimal basis k, f + r40, 0< Q < k. where k is the smallest positive integer in A and 36 In the proof of Theorem 2.12 we saw that we could choose a basis wl = k, integer in A. co 2 =m+ where k was the smallest positive rNiTO, Set m = qk + In the transformation = k, = (A) (.0 0< 0j12 = 1 1 <k. 2 - qco = 1 + rNr1-0 we have the determinant of coefficients 1 0 -q 1 = 1, so the result follows from Theorem 2.13. Theorem 2. 15: Every ideal A has a minimal basis of the form 1 where r and a = ra, co2 = r(b+4-1:0), are positive integers, and b2 0 < b < a. Moreover, - 10 a 0 modulo a. Such a basis is called a canonical basis. Using the notation of Theorem 2.14, since k is in A. Set k = ar + t, 0 < t < r. is in A, 1c4T0 37 Then - a(,) ' = kNi-f-0 () 1 Since Q + rNri-0 = ra, (02 = is in A, = br + t and 0 - bo) lOr + Then r 2 r and a 0 < rb < ra, Since + rNiTO . so is /4-1-.0 + 10r. Set 0 < t < r. 1 1 = 10r - b./ + t 1 NT: 0 is in A, so t =0 1 = ra, w2 = r(b+Nr1-0), are positive. Since, by Theorem 2. 14, 0 < b < a. we have (,)2NI-T0 Hence Hence there is a basis divides 1 where This is impossible unless A. r divides k. in which case t = 0, is in + tNr1-0 - b(.02 = lOr - rb2 is a rational integer in A, it is divisible by ra by Corollary 2.12. i. e. b2 - 10 :S. 0 modulo a. The product AB of two ideals A and B is defined to be the set of all numbers obtained by multiplying every number of A by every number of and then adding and subracting these num- B, bers until no new numbers are obtained. This set of numbers satisfies the definition of ideal. If A = (w1,0,2), and B = (xi, x2), then AB consists of the 38 numbers k co 1 1 x + k 2w1 x2 + k 3 co 2 x 1 + k 4'42 x2 , 1 range over all numbers of where k1, k2, k3, k4 Ra[ NiT.0] . It is evident that ideal multiplication is associative and commutative. If all the numbers of an ideal A are multiples by numbers of Rakri-01 of one number a, the ideal A is called principal and is written (a). The conjugate of A, denoted by A, is an ideal formed by replacing every number of A by its conjugate. Theorem 2. 16: AB = A B . Let A = (0)1, (02), B = (x1, X2), AB = = then w1X2, w2X1, w2X2) 1 X 1, w 1 X2, w2x1, w2x2) =AB Theorem 2. 17: If A = (ra, r(b+14-1-0)), The number r 2a X is called the norm of = (ra, r (b-0)) then A A = (r2a). A, written N(A). 39 so A A = (r2a2, r2a(b-4T-0), r2a(b+4-1-0), r2(b2-10)). Then A A consists of all numbers 2 2 kr 2 a 2+ Xr a(b+NIT0) + p.r a(b-47.0) + vr (b 1) where k, p.,v 2-10)), range over all numbers of Ra[riT)]. By Theorem 2.15 c_ 2-10 b a is an integer. The transformation X =Xi + v1, k = k1, p. = , v = µ1 takes the set of numbers 1) into the set 2) 2 2 2 2 2 k1r a + X12r ab ac +vir a(b+4171) . Hence every number of 1) is in 2). The converse is true, since k1 = k, Suppose that b 2 X 1 a - 10 = ac E 0 mod 4. = and But =v, 11 v 1 =X - p.. were both even. Then c b 2 0 or 1 mod 4 according as is even or odd, and neither of these agrees with the fact that b 40 Hence 10 m 2 mod 4. Let g = (a, 2b, c). is odd and so g c are not both even. and c Since a b. Then divides b2implies and a 10 = ac 10 s 0 mod g 2. Since are not both even, 0 mod g 2 10 has no square factor > 1, g = 1. We can now see that the set of numbers 3) {klr2a2 +X12r2ab is the same as the set {pr 2 +11 r2ac} alp ranges over RakriOn. Clearly, every number of 3) is in {pr2a}. Since a, 2b, c are relatively prime, there exist rational integers p, q, t such that 1 = pa + 2qb + tc. 2a. Multiply through by r Then r 2 a = pr 2 a 2 + 2qr 2 ab + tr2ac 2a} is in 3). so that every number of {pr The set 2) is now seen to be equal to the set 4) {p r 2a + v r 2a. (bi-Nrr.0 )} g 41 r2a, Obviously every number of 4) is a multiple of every multiple of r2a is in the set; i. e. v1 = 0. and, conversely, Thus A A = (r2a). where A and Theorem 2.18: N(AB) = N(A)N(B), B are ideals. By Theorem 2.16 N(AB) = AB AB A. E = AB =AA BB = N(A) N(B) where Theorem 2. 19: If SA = SB, and B are S, A, ideals, then A = B. The numbers of A are given by kiwi + k2w2, where wi,w2 form a basis for Let s = N(S) X e Ra[Jr170]. 1 1 and k 1, k 2 The numbers of (s) are given by are in Ra[ T.0]. Xs, where Thus the numbers of (s)A consist of the numbers Xki swi + Xk2sw2 = where A, r1lswl range over Ra[ri.0]. + 1-25,,2 = s(Ti iwi Thus every number of (s)A 42 is of the form where a is in A. Sa or then SSA = SSB, SA = SB, If (s)A = (s)B, where s is a rational integer. That is, for every number a in A there is a number in p so. = sp, such that B 0. = p, and conversely. Hence every a is in and every B p is in A, so that A = B. Divisors of Ideals: If three ideals of AB = C, B we say that A divides and C B are such that divides C. A and are called factors of C. Theorem 2. 20: A divides C Ra[4-170] is in C if an only if every number of A. Let A = (GT (02), B = x2), then AB = C consists of all numbers kcol X1 + )1/4u X2 +1-1402X1 + vc.02 X2 1 where k,X,}1,v range over following two ways, Ra[r.5.70] . Putting this form in the 43 (kw1 +µw.2)X1 (Xco +vxdco 2 (kxi + Xx2)(01 + +v(.0 1 it can be seen that every number of A and is in both C Conversely, suppose that every number of every number of CA is in AA = (a), where is in C Then where (3a, of numbers of Ra[47.0 ] . B Since CA is an ideal, for every two numbers 132a A. is a positive in- a teger. That is, all numbers of CA are given by ranges over a certain set B. of CA there are numbers 133a, 13 and 4a, (31a p5a and of CA such that (31 a - 132a = (34a, (31a + 32a = 133a, for every k in 131 so that B Ra[0]. 2 133) kr3 la = p5a Hence P1 p 4, = (35 kr3 , 1 is an ideal. It follows from Theorem 2. 19 and AC = (a) B = AAB that C = AB. Theorem 2. 21: A positive integer t occurs in but a finite number of ideals. p 44 Let the ideal ra divides t. By Corollary 2. 12, r > 0, a > 0, 0 < b < a. where (ra, rb+rt..70), have a canonical basis containing t A there are not more than For a given t, choices for each of the positive integers r, a, 3 fore not more than t such ideals Theorem 2. 22: An ideal and t and there- b, A. is divisible by only a finite num- C ber of ideals. We have orem 2. 20, c C C = (c) where is in is a positive integer. By The- c and also in every ideal which divides C. C By Theorem 2. 21 there is but a finite number of such ideals. different from the unit ideal, Prime Ideals: If an ideal P, (1), is divisible by no ideal other than itself and are composite. a prime ideal. All other ideals, except (1), Greatest Common Divisor: An ideal common divisor of A and B if Theorem 2. 23: Every pair of ideals, a G. G is called a greatest G divides both A and and if every common divisor of A and a unique g. c. d. , it is called (1), B divides A and B, G. B, possesses It is composed of all numbers a. + 3 where ranges over A and p over B. The set G of all numbers a + p satisfies the definition of 45 ideal. Since every number of B is in A G and every number of is in G, G is a common divisor of A and Let E B. be any common ideal divisor of A and B; that is, any ideal containing all the numbers of A and all the numbers of B. of Since it is closed under addition, it contains all numbers a. + p G and hence divides G. G and Suppose that are two g. c. d. 's of A and G1 Then G = K 1 G 1, G1 = KG, B. so that (1)G = K KG. 1 Hence, by Theorem 2.19 Since K1K = (1). N(K K) = N(K1)N(K) = N(1) = 1, 1 K = K = (1). 1 So G = GI Two ideals are called relatively prime if their g. c. d. is Theorem 2. 24: If A and exists an a in A and a Since A and that is G = But since tion of wl, w 2, B 13 X such that a + p = 1. where A = is a number of 1, X2; B are relatively prime their g. c. d. is X1' X2) = ( 1 ) 1 are relatively prime, there B in (1). G, (1); w 2), B = (Xl, X2). it must be a linear combina- 46 that is, klwl + k2(.02 + /1x1 + 2X2 = 1, where k1, k But k 1' 1(01 2 + k2w2 are in Ra[ TO] is in A and /1 x 1 + I 2x2 is in B, and and is prime to B, then we have a + P = 1. Theorem 2. 25: If A divides A divides C. If a BC A is prime to in A and a p in then by Theorem 2. 24 there exists an B, such that B a + P = 1. Multiplying through by y we have ay + 13y = For every of BC y is in Theorem 2. 20, C. in A. Since So is A BC, the number and so therefore is ay, A divides divides y. yP Then, by C. Theorem 2. 26: (Unique factorization of composite ideals). Every composite ideal can be factored into prime ideals in one and, except 47 for order of the factors, in only one way. That every ideal can be factored into a finite number of prime ideals follows from Theorem 2. 22. If C is a composite ideal then C = Al A A3... Am 2 where the A's are prime ideals. Suppose that C = B1B 2 B3... Bn is another representation of C, where the B's are prime ideals. Then Al A A3... Am = B1B2 B3... Bn. 2 Since Al Theorem 2. 25, is a prime ideal dividing B1B2B3... Bn then by Al divides some Bk. rem 1.15. ) Also, since Bk (As in the proof of Theo- is prime we must have Al = Bk. Since we can rearrange the order of the B's, Al = B 1. Now, since Al we may assume (0) A2 A3... Am = B2 B3... Bn. As before A2 since A2 and divides one of the remaining B's, B2 are both prime, say B2, and A2 = B2. We continue in this 48 or all the manner until all the A's ly m = n, to B's are exhausted. Evident- or otherwise we should have a product of primes equal (1). Hence every ideal can be written uniquely as a product of prime ideals. Example: To factor into prime ideals. (26) (26) = (2)(13) = (6+Nri-.0)(6-4T.0) = (4, 2,47.0, 2N/T-.0, 10) (2) = (2, NiT0)(2, but (13) = (13, 6+14-170)(13, 6-Nr1-.0) and Now, suppose (2, NIT.0) is not a prime ideal. Then (2, 4-170) = AB, where neither A nor B = (1). Let A = (a1, a2, a3, . . . B = (b1, b2, b3, , am), , am)(b 1, b 2, b 3 , . , bn) then (2, Nri--0) = (al, a By Theorem 2. 20, 2 2, a 3 , and Nr1-0 , bn). are numbers of both A and So (2, \ITO) = (al, a2, ..., am, 2, 4170)(bl, b 2 , ,b n, 2, N70). B. 49 Let a k = be any one of the p+c4-1-0 2r, 2r + 1, or 2r-1. a's. Then p is of the form We have + 2r 1) = qa. 2) = qa. NrITO + 2r + 1 3) = qa. Nr170 + 2r - 1. If 1) is the case we may omit ai from the symbol A. If 2) is the case, we have - and 1 qa. NT° - Zr = may be introduced in the symbol A, so A = (1). If 3) is the case, we have =1 cr\ITO + 2r - and again A = (1). Continuing in this manner we find that either all numbers al, a2, , am are linear combinations of A = (2, 14170), A = (1). or 1 2, Nrio, in which case may be introduced in the symbol A and so Similar conclusions hold for sible factorizations for (2, t4-1:0) B. Therefore the only pos- are as follows: 4) (2, moo) = (1)(1) = (1) 5) (2, Nr1-0) = (2,1\riso)(2, \r0) = (2) 6) (2, = (2, Nri70)(1) = (1)(2, Nri.-0). 50 If 4) be the case then that is must be in (2, trio), 1 2(x+rrr.0) + 0(u+vt4T.0) = 1, 2x + 10v = 1 , 2y + u = O. or Since no two rational integers satisfy the equation 2x + 10v = 2(x+5v) = 1, 4) is impossible. 5) is impossible because is not a multiple of 2. 41-0 Hence we have shown the ideal, Suppose (13, 6+4-1-.0) (2, 4-170), is composite. Then, as before, (13,6 +41-0) = AB = (al, a2, and by Theorem 2. 20 and B. 13 and for the numbers of Ra[4.5], . . . and r, am)(bi, b2, 1 , bn), are numbers of both A 6 + Niro form a basis and we can express any one of the num- in the form a. = p + q(6+41-.0). Since , am a rational integer, , 6 + NITo Since, by Theorem 2.7, bers al, a 2, to be a prime ideal. p is p is of the form 13r ±n, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, a rational integer. Then we have, - q(6+NaT)) + 13r] = ±n. [a. If n = 0 we may omit ai from the symbol A. If n is any other of its permissible values then we may introduce that number in the symbol A and since 13 is also in A, we will have two ra- tional integers in A which are relatively prime. Therefore, rational integers, a, (3, exist such that na + 13P = 1. So 1 may 51 be introduced in the symbol hence A = (1). A, Continuing in this manner we find that either all numbers a1 ,a m or A = (13, 6+14-17j), A = (1). in which case are linear combination of 13, 6 +41-5, may be introduced in the symbol 1 Similar conclusions hold for sible factorizations for (13, 6+NiT.0) B. are as follows: (13, 6+,41-6) = (1)(1) = (1) 8) (13, 6+Nr1:0) = (13, 6+4-170)(13, 6+4-1-0) 9) (13, 6+41-0) = (13, 6+470)(1) = (1)(13, is not a member of 1 so Therefore the only pos- 7) Since A, 6+4-1-.0) (13, 6+Nr1:0), 7) is impossible. $) is impossible, for if not, then Theorem 2. 19 would imply that but (13, 6+Nrr.0) = (1) 1 is not in (13, 6+4T.0). Hence we have shown the ideal (13, 6-1-Nrr.0) to be a prime ideal. Since 1, 6-N70 also form a basis for Ra[J r-To] a similar (13, 6_) to be a prime ideal. argument shows Therefore (26) = (2, 41-0)(2, Nr1-0)(13, 6+4-1-.0)(13, 6-Nr1-0) and by Theorem 2. 26, this representation of prime ideals is unique. (26) as a product of 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. MacDuffee, Cyrus Colton. An introduction to abstract algebra. New York, Wiley, 1940. 303 p. 2. Reid, Legh Wilber. The elements of the theory of algebraic numbers. New York, MacMillan, 1910. 454 p.