ON THE STATIONARY SOLUTIONS OF VAN DER POLtS EQUATION WITH A FORCING TERM by WARREN SIMMS LOUD S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1942) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY * **.. * (1946) Signature of *- Author.. .* Department of Mathematics, Sept.9, 1946 Certified by . . 4 ·. * 0· · · * Thesis Supervisor * * * * * 0 * * * * * * 0 * ** * * * * * * * * *0 0 Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students II ate IF Acknowledgement The author wishes to thank Professor Norman Levinson for suggesting the topic of this thesis, and for his many helpful suggestions. § 9 XJ Xs Abstract In this paper van der Pol'sequation uAith a forcing term is studied with the purpose of determining the nature of its stationary solutions. The equation is _a dxd _ d dx Em - 1~x; lift + x= e(t). The equation with right member zero arose in van der Pol's study of relaxation oscillations. The solutions of the equation tend to a single periodic solution having a period approximately 2rr if f is small, but proportional to /4 if /A is large. In this paper the effect of a periodic forcing term is investigated. It develops that if is large enough, all solutions but one tend to a quasi-periodic behavior with a "period" proportional roughly to / . There is a single unstable solution having the same period as the forcing term. The results obtained are collected in two theorems, in which e(t) is a general periodic function of amplitude less than one, and a sinusoid respectively. I. Let max t let E e(t)t = E, and let e(t) be of period L. Furthermore 5 1, /> , ___ , > 3L, i + /U~x'' >200. Then the equation dx d X + /4A(x2 - l)-t + x = e(t) dt dt has solutions with the following properties; 1. Moreover 2. There is a unique unstable solution x (t) of period L. x o (t) l <1 for all t. The solutions of the related system I I. dt = f - =x - dv d= with the -x + e(t), ) eventuallY exception of x = x (t), y = x (t) + (x t The time into a region of zero area encircling the oriin. fal r / 3 + 21 4to encircle the origin lies between 3. and6 and5 (1 + 22) . In the original equation the solutions assume a cyclic behavior with the time between successive ascending nodes lying between P + 21 and 15 + 3 / + 22) 5 Let TI. be different from zero, and let /4 -> /, 10(2,) >20 10 /(n>s ) 2w E > 21. Then the equation dax+ dt ( 2( - 1)d + x = E os t has solutions with the following properties. 1. 2iT (0 * There is a unique unstable solution x o (t) with period 2. < 1 for all t. xo(t)l Moreover The solutions of the related system dx dtd= y dl$= with ( 33 - x) = Y - F(x) -x + EcosOt the exception of x = xo (t), y = xl(t) + Fx (t)] eventually fall into a region of zero area encircling the origin. encircle the origin lies between . 8 3. 0 k + 236 and 6.2 / The time to + 117 In the original equation the solutions assumae a cyclic behavior with the time between successive ascending nodes lying between .0/ + 238 and6.2r + 117 Table of Contents I Introduction II Van der Pol's Equation with a Forcing Term which is Periodic and'Less than One in Magnitude. Page 1 4 III Van der Pol's Equation with a Sinusoidal Forcing Term. 17 IV Conclusion 26 Bibliography 27 1. Introduct. on In the study of relaxation oscillations, Van der Pol was led to the study of the equation d x + A(X - 1)X- + x dt o. is a constant. where f In the paper referred to he studies the solutions of the above equation by means of the transformation dx dt =v dv dt _ _t -x- f(x' -1)V. a single limit cycle if The solutions are shown to approach different from zero. / is When translated back into the x - t plane, the solutions are periodic, with a period proportional to j if is large. The problem was attacked Lienard studied more generally the more general equation da dx + dt2 d dt f(x)At where f(x) is an even function. y =' "' where F(x) by Lienard in 1928. dt+ + m x =O He made the transformation F(x) f(x) f dx is an odd function. The equation becomes the system dt =y - F(x) &dt -X W A) lVan der Pol, Relaxation Oscillations. Phil.Mag.,Ser. VII,Vol.2 (1926) p.978 2 Lienard - Etude des Oscillations entretenues Rev.Gen.de Vol.23 (1928) p. 901 and 946. lElec. 2. or when t is ellminated dx This is equation Is y - F (x) shown to have a unique closed solution, which approached by all other solutions if F(x) is positive and in- creasing for all x greater than a certain x. For Van der Polls equation (x') r (Xa 1) For largevaluesof / Fig. 1. the limit 3 F(x)= ( x). cycle has the appearance shown in The direction of increasing t is shown by the arrow. large values of (3 - ln4)= the period is asymptotic to For 1.61/'. This will be the period of x as a function of t in the x - t plane. More general conditions under which a periodic solution exists have been found by Levlnson and Smith.3 Vander Pol's equation with a sinusoidal forcing term is considered for small values of The original by Friedrichs 4 and Stoker. equation can be interpreted as an equation of damped harmonic motion with the character ing on the amplitude. of the damping depend- If x is greater than 1 in absolute value, the damping is positive, so that amplitudes can not increase in- definitely. Howeverif x is less than 1 in absolute value, the damping becomes negative so that atively damped. Thus qualitatively very small oscillations are neg- it can be seen that the oscill- ations will reach a stable finite amplitude. If A is large, the 3 Levinson and Smith, A General Equation for Relaxation Oscillations, Duke M4ath.Journal, Vol. 9 (1942) p.382 4 Friedrichs and 1943, Chap.V. Stokes - Intro. to Non-Linear Mechanics, Brown Univ. ___ ___··_____ _.______ --·i-·· ;- -r-..j_ 1.. i .. I - II i ..: -: - 1 I I .. . .. I . : I . . . % . . - ! -, -.. ! . : . ·· ' i - . . : : . '. 1: . . 7-"'......m'. Z ; ... .. . i . . . __.__. I --- J ~~ · m . . .. ii. ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-.... ... !': '' 1: r~· " ~.. ..i....: .... :"¢'' · · · · · rL-L--CY·-II i .··--: -·-·-·-f-r·-: ---·· 1·--··· . , ·'-. : I ` i .. -- i ... .. I!.. . .- . ' .i · ..... ' :'; ' ~ : :? ' · i ' !: ' t...' '':''' I I : ' '. "' ' -I i I · i · · i ''`' ·- : .. I i I .I·-·; - r· · --·- ·-·- ··1 · ··-··--- e -- ·--· ? ·· 1· I i-····i':- 1 i ... .1 ._.I, .i .- i. - :_.__t_:.: i : I '" -·---- -·' .. ;_..__,;, i-· ' -·· I- :·: i I II ........ f:-'":'...?........ .. - t: ' ;... -- I 1 ·- · -'-· - r··· :· `-·'- i-· !! I 1·i- ·- ·- c-..-,.... t I ' .-I r LI·-· · T·--*l·*·--·rri I i"i _..._...,...... .. ..:.. ,...., i -·- -;- --·--- i -----· ------I.:·fi i ' ; I i,:::.I :: I' ~ , :' 1 · r-· , , : .', .: . ~~~~:~ -I ,; -~. ' 'I .......... ...- i: .7 .- iI ~~~~ I~ 7-.__ . I -- · , . i-~--L --- :..... . i...i;'i' ;'' .. . 1 L.I --L·------4 i ' ·... , ·.i;. C·J i ,, ) I r .. ........... : i I ·- .... !-- -_;i:...... " ,. . -~. .... ; i ---- I ; !I .::-: -·--· --I-I-----·----·-·--- -···-- -'--- r-- -- ·. -r-··-··-- I-------- 7i ....... ":'"T-:: '.--ZL-.~~~~~~~~~~.,- ..: --...;-.!.: .. (· .- ·--- c··-l i -e 1 Irl ;i : 1 7I I . . ., , :.i- ,- ·: · r- :· : · ·- I- :-i ·*·' I .. !I ..i : ·: I · ···- -!··-·!- f t ' L I.....-. : ·-:- i.:...:.;....:. · · 1. .. l ~.-L -... i-:·:l-- i. ·r: ··- . .: .. 'V i i .. ... -· · i : . .i. I · I· . . ..... : 1.. -- -· -r I-: :I--r.'· .;.I.·r.:-·.-I....·.. j- ~-....I 1. · ;; ;.-- r . - -: ....,'' .~~~~~~ - · i : ;· I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..: ,I · . ·-- - · ·-- ·--- r-·--·-·- I . .;.......;...I.. . i '_,... '~- ~ ~ ~ : , . : ~~~! : "! '... ;·--·. , · · .... -·------·-f . i 1 - _ '_-: '-"'~' 1:' '' .:· ' .~~~~~~~~~:-; ~..... · I · I - .. i . . - . . I .... . ' . i ..- i . I i. , i . r-· ---- ··:------ · ·· !-· - · 1·- I . i---.- I--., ..., . . I - __- -------;...... .·*. ·· 1 - ............................... -.............................................. ......... i . : ..:.`-- ~--"i--'7-'-..-:-.-.1.1-..1;'......:. i -r.··· -I-.----- .. ; . _.....,. I ·:·· . . . , . : . . " : 1. .. .. ; j ......... . · -----.. ;.I_ .!.. .. ·;- . ! . : -:. _-. . .-· -..--. .·i..l.. ·Ci-·-··-·-.·-- ·r··--·-C--·-*-.l. f· 7 I 1. L - 1 ··...-. - · .-- ·I-;-..·-.. i . . Y_ · ·-· ··-· ···--- ..- 1.,..: ..-.. ·- ,.IIA/- . ··-·- -- ----- I i t :: . · -i. :· : ·:'i .i i i · i ·; ; . .,_. X : ,.......,....... _... j. .... .r i..l i i ·t 'I II i. ;-···---1- i --·- L---..-·--·L ·- · -... ,.........L e·-·-------c- · ·- ·- · i---·--i i ·-·-·.·) i -. - _ 1 r· r . . -! . -------- ---L..-·--·. ''i. i . . ': i ·-r · --·--·- I-·I-··--·I -- ·- ·-- )·--I·-i I ·--- ···---·-- -····-··-··--·-·-··--·-···- -··---··--···--·-- ·; i ·Y ._..~. -0 ., .,-..-· -· ·-- ·· - -·-----i-- ill ...FI6::''. I. . .. ... . . ,...... .... ~.., . ....... ~. . I ---- · 1---··--- I i` r ----- ·-· ·-- -·- .. ... . - :. ... ·· · ·-- (~ ·· · ·· · ·--- · ·- ·------- . · -~.- .. a '0 .. -·r --- · -- ··-·-·- ------·--··-------···· ...- YJ- FC) .i 133 '' ... ! */'LARE ,· L] ... ;. · F1:T CYCLE i : FiG~~~~~~~~~ -· ··- ---· · ....-.. .. .. i.....;.. ..... ... 11 dE I i ... ·.- · --:c·-- ,. , .- . -........ . . ;. ....... i..... ,?' ...- -a.pL...-.-; Y / . ._.._ ._._..... --- ·--·-·· - --- ··-·- · · · · -' . . . · : O final mode of oscillation is assumed very quickly. As can be seen from figure 1, x is greater than 1 in absolute value for most of the period, so that the negative damping is not effective very much of the time. It should be noted that there is one singular solution, x = O, y = 0 which is unstable because of the negative damping. In this paper Van der Pol's equation is studied with a periodic forcing term e(t) dta d+xd +x= e(t). The equation is studied for large values of the parameter . The results obtained can be described qualitatively as follows. Corresponding of to the singular solution there is a unique solution the same period as e(t) which is unstable if e(t) is not too large. All solutions, when the x - y plane is used, tend to a region of zero area which roughly follows the limit cycle of the non-forced case. The solutions thus do not tend to strictly periodic behavior. There is no limit cycle. It is well to keep a limit cycle in mind visualizing the behavior of the solutions. Two functions e(t) are considered. The first is any periodic function which is less than one in absolute value. a sinusoid Ecosat where w is different from zero. The second is -a II Van der Poi'sEquationwith a Forcing Term which is Periodic and Less than One in Magnitude. The equation is (x dX + l)d + x - e(t). We make the transformation of Lienard to the variables x,y, and t. _x -x + e3(t). dt The result is stated in the following Theorem: Let max e(t) = E, and let the period of e(t) be L. Further- t more let EC 1, Thaenthe equation d 3L 5E) 1 $A) (x3 - + 1A > 200. )d + x - e(t) has solutions dt with the following properties: 1. L. There is a unique, unstable solution xo(t) which has period Moreover 2. x o0 (t)l ¥ 1 for all t. The solutions of the related system aX =yY - x) = y - F(x) - dt-x +e(t) with the exception of x = xo(t), y = x'(t) + F(xo(t)) eventually fall into a region of zero area encircling the origin. to encircle the origin lies between 3. + 81 The time and 16 + (16 In terms of the original equation the solutions assume a cyclic behavior with the time between successive ascending nodes lying between -,+ 8LP and 56 + (16 + 22) Tr . . 5, The condition E If e(t) I is necessary for the fol Lowing reason. E, the singular solution x = E, y = F(E) is stable if E >1 because the damping is positive. The existence of a periodic solution of period L is guaranteed by a result of Levinson.5 To prove the statements made about the behavior of the nonperiodic solutions, we proceed as follows. Step 1. Weestablish- the fact that all solutions passing through points- outside the rectangle Ixl< 1 must cross the line < 3Yr y = 0 for xl The various cases are illustrated 1. by figure 2. A. The solution starts at PA, in the first quadrant, to the right of x = 1, and belol the curve y = F(x). y<F(x), both dX and dt are negative. At PA since x>E and The solution can not cross y = F(x) from below to above if x >+E, since dy is always negative. Since is negative, the solution can not increase in x. Therefore it must cut the line y = 0. B. The solution starts at PB'in the first quadrant, to the right of x = 1, but above but y is decreasing. to the right of PB' J. the curve y = F(x). The solution At PB' x is increasing, must cut the curve y = F(x) To do this it must either pass into case A, or cut the line y = 0 before it intersects y = F(x). The solution at P between x = 5 Levinson starts and x = 1. which lies above y = and lies Let x C and yC be the coordinates of - On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for Second Order Differential Equations with a Forcing Term, Jour. Math. and Phys. Vol. XXII (1943) p.41. Y-i I-X i :·· -- ·--·--------.- i ii -··· -- !··--·-- -·-:._..: r--- -- I--·-- ------ ·---- ---I-·- ... -- · ---- ----- - -:------- -,---- ---' i; i;--·----:· -:- '- ------ :---·---- I ' · . z .,..-1^... · · ·-- .i--... -· - · · ' --- ·--- I ! -d i -- -` -- - - zI I : i: -- -!",I - - -- --- ·i /x r---'--'r i'. ^I..-.. 7- -· -------· · -·-··- · PB-:--- Pp. 1 · · · ·---- ·----- -· -·-·-·---·--·,--·-- N ir ·--- -'--t-- ---- i I--- , i ii iiii 2. Kjf PI: -'" 0 ;PF 'I il v~L , -f I -- - i i P i i i -It I I . .I i 2 i; ii i .i--- ...- i ·: I ;.111 r : i i I .i i .I . . , _. i .. l ... , ' I I, 1 r ; I .. : .-.... i .-. . t . - - I IG 2 at\ .d.- = y- F(X) d= t I// J-6 - ---II --- . ...... ,I 1 y/ .......... .L 6# P., x(l For >-i - E. Y >YY - ( thus Therefore for + E)t > YC- (1 + E)t- F(x)> y - (1 + E)t- F(-E) (l+ E)t + -(E3 - 3E) >2 But by hypothesis the solution (E- 1) 2 >5 (l+ E)t _-(E-l)(2) E> EŽO '., dtX> 10 3 - 2t. Therefore o Therefore for t dx is positive for t = 55 x> 3 t - t + x >¥3 t - t - 1 5 At t = x> 50 T 25 - - 16 9 Y > yc - (1 + E)t )>3/ Therefore at t = 5 y >2 1 0 t. since />5* Therefore the solution passes into case B, and y 0 when it crosses x = 1. D. The solution x= - since starts and x = -E. d at PD which lies At PD d and dt Z-X + ,!(t) remains finite, above y = 2k, and between are both positive, and the solution must pass into case C. E. The solution starts at PE which is in the second quadrant to the left of x = -1, and above the curve y = F(x). Both x and y are increasing at PE, and for the reasons in case A the solution can not cut y F(x) from above to below. Also since ddx remains bounded for fixed x, the solution can not become infinite in y. Therefore it must cross x and pass into case D. -1 above y F. The solution starts at PF which is in the second quadrant to At PF x is the left of x = -1, but below y = F(x). decreasing Therefore the solution must cut the curve but y is increasing. y = F(x) to the left of PF and pass into case E. If the solution starts in the third or fourth quadrant it is handled in an exactly analogous manner. From the above we see that the conclusion of step 1 is Justified. If the solution starts within the rectangle Ixl( <1 yl 2j, and will be dealt with later. the reasoning is more difficult Havingestablished the fact that all solutions starting outside the rectangle Ixl 1 IYIL t must cross the line y = 0 outside the fact that all sol- jxj = 1, we proceed to Step2. Weestablish utions crossing the line y = 0 for x A. Cross the line x = -1 for 3 B. Cross the line x - -1 must + 21 < y< for 3 Y'2f~ C. Cross the line x +l for 23 / - 10 4/,. 1.5 Y 4 + 5 D. Cross the curve y = F(x) for x< 2.5 x 2.5. J /7(: E. Cross the line y = for The steps are illustrated in figure 3. A. The solution must cross x = -1 above y = as we saw in cases E and F of step 1. The maximum for y(-l) is obtained <) dY = - + e} if 4-2 y>O dx - F -F(x) as follows: ix X 3 Therefore for the solution .zf; Yfif 6 axx aoth aJx 1 3 / X- 3 6 r 1 3 Y .... i ~~~i .... :,-,.-.-....--....;- --.......... . . : . :. =~I j--=i'~ .... .~~~~~~~:.~ i:'i:! ... ... i. ,. ~ ..... '.. i_ ' ~' , ~* i... -,~ 1: ;-I- ! ! '' " ~"· :. -:'---- ' ·-........... --. i ~-4/i t i ., ... i .............. '.:'.~ .".~ :..i· ·-·-·--· r ' ' ' '..,'... ..... ....... · .--.--:-i . .~~,..... ... ; . i - ; ----- ,1 . /LC -I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~._ ..... : 7MN. i 1 II .. I. _.... !lIIIlIq :' _~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i .. -·-----·-··-···-· I f I '' ' . ,I l~l L ; ]:. I _:,.L .,~ / :] ' . i ' . -.. ! : .\ ··- i . k' i : i ... i' m ·- -I I . . I . 1 i ··-i I :i'. "' i- i[) . - o . · . : i :, .] . ! .. .' ' :, ... ] ] . . . . Il i ......._-I~L i! 'I / . I -. ... . :,..,.._.. ,~.~....... i i ..,.._ : t-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ; L. .._. 3/7 I IIIllIIJ [I: : ·- ·-- 1· r :, :""i...." ' ·-- 1·· j: : ~ ~~~~~~~~~ i-' .... l ;·i: .... -. i~~ I " -- I~ I - I. I IL 'E ;.· i '. X i r I i .·r-· I_ I ... .. II . [·;- : · i I ' m . . . .. -- --· o ... --·-- ----- · ii~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~ . ''J I r I-- _....... : c.,-- '~ i .---..-.. '~~~~~~~~~1 i i . ... i I·I-··· -·-·-:- . -·.·· .. ., ld .. FI ·-~~~~~~~~, .-. ,T - 3 ,3-F('x) At ... A - 4 e tI . . Y . .. - . I.. For x = -2, y cot 2 _ 4.57 To pass from -2 to -1, we use the relationship xdx + ydy = F(x)dy + e(t)dx or xo + ya =2 [F(x)dy + e(t)dx P1 P1 where the integral is a line integral along the solution. the values of y at -2 and -1 be yl and Y2 respectively. rP2 Then Y Y2 < y Nowif2 y1 3 2 = + 5 2 J 2 (F(x)dy + e(t)dx) 2 [M(y 2 - Sg Yl( + 6 Let + 5 + kY2 -Yl1 ) + 1] 2 3/Y 2 + 6 + 2 If the point on y = 0 lies between -2 and -1, the same line integral holds except that Y = 0, and e(t)dx must be less than 2 instead of 1 because x can both increase and decrease. Thus 4-- 33<< 2/IAY2 /A a<4 Y2 < + 222] Y2 + 7 !/, Y2(3 r+ 421 In either case Y2 B. 5c1+ 2 The solution crosses x = -E for y2 negative for -1 - x - , and y at x since dt 3/Y since -1. is non- Theupper limit is obtained from consideration of the solutions of the equation ~d ,-x = y + E F( . Solutions of our equation cross solutions of this equation, and have when crossing a smaller slope since e(t) E, and y - F(x) is positive in the region I4 considered. But since t does not aooear in solutions have the further another. y x ta property that they do not cross one Now on the solution o- + 21 d 1 = = since x- + E starting at x = -1 y - F(x)>/F~ Thereforeif the change in x is 1 - E, the change in y is no more than 2 < 2/ Now no solution of our equation can cross the curve from below to above. 4 y = 4 + Therefore every solution of our equation starting below 21 + must cross x 4 + -E below =2 2A < / + 1,5 since > 5. C. We saw in Step 1, Case C that the solution x = 1 for y 2 will cross 1 . We saw also in case C, step 1 that the time from x = -E to x = 1 was less than 3 the most y can increase Y<43 j + 1.5 + 103 43 t dt is at most 2 for is 10 10 . Therefore -E we cross x 1 so that x = 1 for + 5. D, Since y must decrease for x>l, the solution can not inter- sect y = F(x) for y / + 5. 4 Therefore the maximumvalue of x is less than + 5 since A> 5. NowF(2.5) = 2.7/p which exceeds 2.5. E. Since x decreases for y<F(x), the solution must cross y = 0 for x<2.5. To show that the solution crosses y = 0 for x>J3, we pro- ceed as follows: dt- = -x + e(t) therefore y) -3. 5 - 3.5t where t is measured from the tme of 1-13 '10. orossin x = 1. F(x)0 so dy Nowif xj, dx 210 i0 _d 2 1 - 3.5t> 20 t3 up to t = 21 This is positive all the time, x> 1 + 1•~l) 2> t 3 At that time, if x< - 1,75ta -t : = 1 3 21°t 4 4 + 1 The conclusion is that x does reach *3inceince Y> =k' -- 3.5t since 4> 10. 3t fort 3.5t, yy )0 for - t 63 - = 63 /J3 before so tt that weros we cross , y = 0 for x >. From the result of step 2 we conclude that once a solution nrorsses v = 0 niutild. Il = 1 it area and cross y = 0 on the other miit side tr-vel thrtlgh j/ between Then it enters a smaller region, and crosses y slightly narrower band on the original side. a l mittd and 2.5. 0=in perhaps a We shall eventually see that with enough circuits of the origin, the allowable area does indeed shrink. To continue we proceed to Step 3. r3 21 +81" The time taken in the circuit of the origin lies between a and 5 + ( 3+Do 22)^ The time is divided as follows. A. From x = least B. 2 Over a half-cycle to x =-E the time is at most4/- + and at 5 From x = -E to x = 1 the time is at most s and at least 2l+E+ C. Outsidex = 1 the time is at most (8/ + 7) and at least 21 The time for the cycle is obtained by adding and multiplying by two. '1ii A. The mnnimnumtimes inr A and B are both + 5 for (xll< , F (-)) - that y( dt -V+ < 5 for Ix l' . +__+EEfor the two parts > 2 for Ixl < and- is more than 2 fact so that I-E+ to nd separately. to x = -E is more difficult to The maximum time from x = - If from the Therefore the time from x = -l 2+ x =3 +l is more than 2 fix. computed +(_l) + (1 - E dx is greaterthan 1 - E for x) -1, so that the time is at most L from -1 tc -E. If y(Al) + <1+- 2, - since the = -x E passing through x = - +FX) solution solutionof dv dy has ( - E); y(-E)< 2 t+ y = 2/k 2 2+ This curve crosses x = -E below -. /t+ ahas E . + (1 (l-E) - E + +E= 3/"2 +2. Thusif - = x 4 -E Now from -1 to x, .. Fromx to -E, y(Xo)< t dt)-E0'dt - x t 3 -F(x ax = -X a y<2. > ) 2 time < the 2..E -X0 E - 2 B. 2 ., o + (1 - E) I 2 ( E E = -E ... + Xo )a E 2 4 + 4,,/:-+ 3 --E /A(3 7-V -1- (4 5/+1since />45. 3 4 In Step 1, part C we found the time from x = -E to x = 1 was at most C. + 4 The time 45 outside x = a1X,) -x -E X+ -1 - E -- - E- = 2 ' 2 j+ 2?'(1 + xo ) o' t < 2 time( 2 - E, The total time is less than fx andifX + 2. has a minimum value determined from the fact that the change in y is at least ! an at t most 3.5 in absolute value. '. The time is more than 2 3 5 2 The maximum time is found from the fact that the change in y at most 44/A +5 i 4 isatinm niue +§+ os i - E in magnitude. I 8 + 21 </f+ 7 and +~+dt t is at least Therefore the time is at most (3/ + 7). 1 - E< '3 /A+ 7.)/ ' 5 ' Some conclusions can be drawn now. The total time is at least 3 + and since /03L, this is greater than L. This proves # 21 that the periodic solution must have x(t)< 1, y(t) < / for all t, since we have seen that any solution for which Ixl - 1 must fall into the cycle about the origin and can not have a period as small as L. We can now proceed Step 4 to x = x(t) Y = Yo(t) be the periodic solution = xl (t) y = Y l (t) be any other solution distinct from it dto dt d() To show this, let The periodic solution is unique. dto = Y - F(xl) dt = -xi + e(t) = (Y1 - Yo) - [F(x 1 ) - F(xo)] - xo)(Xl +XxO+ o -3) =(y1- o)- (Xl dt(Y- Yo) = X - xo). x+tx_ 3 --(- )2 Therefore (x - x, )d -C x( l - xo ) + (Y1 - " Yo)t (Y1 - Y) oi "0" = " "0 o - 13, + x Now if lxI< 1, (xo 1, (x + xx, di- + (y1 - yo ) 2 (X - Xoj Now if (x 1 - were to approach a limit, this limit since this is different Therefore would have to be 0. and can not decrease, the start, (Xl - Xo is positive or zero all the time. o )a + (Yl - o) ] ) yo,) + (yl so x(t)Yl(t) so - 3) is negatie there can be no limit. must increase to beyond from 0 at Therefore a + 4 and -96- must go outside the rectangle. Now finally we take Step 5. The solutions come to a region of zero area. we consider the solutions which start in an area A A as it varies To do this A. Wefollow with time, and see what happens to it as time increases. dX Y = AA(O) o 4A d(J ) d 4A(t) = dy AA What we show is that the Jacobian = J= approaches zero as t- . To do this we note that d c!i " ddtt x 0 ad (x) = dt dy dt dYo {(io do + ax ax o dt dt dyO 14. No~,_i dX d No\dx -F (x)ax + 8x dtd I 3 x o 8t = t~ = o xt ' .z° = + (dt( x) ax o a__ax xx _ ; fi dJ x o-Ftx) Il X 0x d~s dt -Ft (x ) o y +]L~dxAdr 0 -Q 7X +r t0 ao = -F' (x) J - 1) ThusJ = J e I t (xa_i)dt . (x2- )dt = + . Thus to show that J approaches 0, we must show that To do this we consider one cycle. Ixl( 1 is no more than 25+ 8 cycle the time for Now for IxI< x We have seen that in one - >-, in A of step 3. so 2 f(xz-i3dt> Ixl<1 Let Y2 be the value of Now we consider the time when x1.4. t when x = 1.4 on the solution, x 1 In the rectangle Z is negative Y = Y2 since 1 for x> 1, y and let yl be the value of y when 1.4, x F(x)), Y2 Yl Y1 since since Y=(Y2 <yl a(l is maximumat x = 1.4, dyI increases with x but decreases with y. for the rectangle I-•l Y2 -F(I.[4) 1.4 + 4 < 2.4 Y2 + 485r Therefore 15. n>+ Since x 2 x = k4, - > 0 X gin33 L h Y2 >-242 FromPo thi.s > .96 - .2436 > -. 79 4 , 'V 6 _ .45 >O* 965 ) 242 + .. 242 ince t Ow that we , .96 242/ ) - .96 .96 - > 5. Now the solution crosses x = 1.4 above y = -.790, and can not re-cross it until y<-.485 y >-.485 least since dt is positive at x = 1.4 if Therefore the y-distance traveled for x)1.4 . 485P - .790. | Since at least .485 357.790 - 138 is at + E (3.5, the time taken is <+2.5 - .226. Thus in a cycle, the time forx}x> 1.4 is greater than .276/ - 4:2 f (x - l)dt ) (.27 6 452)(.96) - .265 .434 - Ixl >1.4 Now for our cycle the integral gives at least .265p - .434 - .400 This last is positive if Therefore j .265/ - 3.57 >)187. - .834. But by hypothesis, / (x2 _ 1)dt for a cycle is at least 2.5 so that around a cycle is at least 500. >200. /J(xa - 1)dt Thus as t becomes infinite the Jacobian approaches zero rapidly. There is no way of determining the precise location of the region of zero area. An area b A will become and remain very small, but as t increases it will traverse an extremely complicated path which merely is contained in the region found in Step 2. To find the solution of the original equation, x is plotted as a function of t. Points where the x - y locus crosses the y-axis for x increasing are ascending nodes. There is precisely one per 16. cycle. Ixl remains greater than 1 for the major part of the as we have seen the time to the total period. of traverse of xl < 1 is short ycle, compared Vanider Pol s quat.on with a inusoidal Fc-inf Term. The equation is dax + l/(x 2 - 1) + x E os w t. dtd '1e make the same transformation as in II to obtain 3 dx t = y -/( x) = y - F(x) dt = -x + E coswt. at The results are stated in the following Theorem: Let w be different from 0, and let > 10(2 .f(2',) Then the equation dx + dt > 20E E (x - 1)d dt -with the following properties. 1. > 2 21. t> + x = E cosw t has solutions There is a unique unstable solution x o ( t) which has period .* Moreover xo (t) l< 1 forall t. 2. The solutions of the related system Y - r( - ) = y- F(x) dy= -x + Eosit dt with the exception of x = xo (t), y = x(t) + F(x o (t)), fall into a region of zero area encircling the origin. to encircle the origin lies between .80/4 + 236 3. eventually The time and 6./ + 17 In terms of the original equation, the solutions assume a cyclic behavior with the time between successive ascending nodes lying between .80so + 2t3 and 6./ ,2/ + 117 .6 Ay is~~~~~ Tle existence of a periodic solution of period 2 is guaranteed by Levinson's result (5) as in II. First, however The method of proof is similar to that of II. we derive some consequences of the sinusoidal nature of e(t). Sincedt -x + Ecoswt, it followsthat 2dv t t1 2E for tl t = t Y(tl + 2 Y(tl) - y(t2 ) t - (t 2 - tl) Max Ix +(1) t2 (t Also 1 dt From this, if x)O0 for t and if x O + Eint dtt - (t2) - (tl ) (t2- t ) MaxIx+ E 1 ) _ y(t) = _ 1t 'W~ (2) (3) x(t) dt Now as before we proceed with Step 1.. We establish the fact that all solutions passing through points outside the rectangle Ix must cross the 2 3l line y = 0 for Ixl 2 1. The various cases are illustrated by figure 4. A. The solution starts at PA in the first quadrant to the right The solution of x = 1 and below the curve y = F(x). x = 1 from right to left for y =-3 . can not cross Therefore by (1) the de- crease in y will be at least equal to the time taken 2E-, so that the solution must cross y = 0. B. The solution starts at PB in the first quadrant, to the right of x = 1, but above the curve y = F(x). crease an amount at least eual Again by (1) y must de2E and so the solution to the time -··---·-·------··-- Y.... .....' '' '.. i i .i... I .... ,....:.;...i. -.. i- .... :_. . : : _ j· I··--T`:. `-.;I-.. .;.-··-. --';-l.-.--jii -- L ..... · i.._ ._.._,.. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ': -- ·-- -··-·I---·-·-;--:-· -- r---i ; · i- -i'·:'· 3/: ....-. .......... i :.-...... '-.....- - .-".- .....-- '. .......; i 1 I·· · - -- ·- ·-··-·-· -·· ,- ·- · ·-··---· · ·i -·-.···: r 1 :r i ..-. , : :·' ---- -- : :": · 1 ;-· ;rsF--··: .:· -·-·-------· i ..- ;.1........ i -. ;; .... i i.. 1 : .-..-. C ·! I ]·ji· : i. · i. ]· 1 I · I ··I · I"- i I r I. : I i ' J( ··· C·, : ·: I : /· · '...,. . .... .......... ... . ; '. :~~~~~~~~ ...· .... : ~'" I ;', 'L __ '--· .I 1 : -1 .. l , i; · -- , ---- ·----·-·----· i ;I, ··· '··I··-1--- i-··;/·i . · : ' ·· :.. ----- ------ · i. i i . · ..'i, :i i I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PA~~~~ : '.: :t I 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. "i! ' ':.l... :~~~~~~~~~ P~~~~~~ !: i ' ' - · .i . :'; : . " ': -L-* ...."...--:--..... i -! '~ /, 0 -' :-:-..... -'~--a, .. .i ·' i. ...i ..: ..'. -! . .~ 1' : ~. ._ . . I.. . I . I.i·:i 1---· · : · ·· ··f--· 1 -- .I --- i · · · : !-··-····· I - I· : :-: -- ·i-·- ·r- -L..I,-.-- i :r·. i ... I I . ----- I , --·--·-- ;-· i· I -·---' -?-- .L.,.... i i r i ·- I i ~~~~~~~~~~~ . :, , . '~'~ ~~~~~~ .....-~.... .............. , / -·- -- r--i-- ---- :- ···· · ·-·-- 'i' :-:i~~~~~ i· 1 · ;-----C-- i ~... .G... j i·· i 1 · T·--·-·- i.' j---.:-F.:-:-.. r ._i.. i I: i i i i ------ --·--· 341 " i. i-_...·. ·... i ' :I .1 1.-.. ?...- 4 : /-Fx -- ·- -· ----- ---- ·C--·- i5c I" --.--.. i! i i.r -1· ,. ·· o''":':. '. - i ......, ii i~~~~~~~~~~~-:i..'~ ...~ ·---- · · ·----- · 'i i ::i i~~~~~~~~~~ , .-'"' .....-- ,- ..... ri 'S3 i' I .~~[ .....·......... V-T- r '~'EtJw dt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 19. It crosses y = 0 before crossing must cross the line y = 0. y = F(x) or it crosses y = F(x) first in which case we pass into case A. which lies between x = 0 and x = 1 The solution starts at P 0. and above y = 2rA. In one period y can descend no more than than 2v which is less 2+ . Thus y is at least 15 1, so that x advances at least for 0 _ x O0 for this period since F(x) dt is at least first period. for the 0/5A *1 =- 2 281 24 )1.65. Thus in this one period x advances to at least 1.5 and so passes into case B. D. The solution starts at PD which lies between x = -1 and x = 0 and above y = 2E 3 3. So long as xO, the most y can descend is 2 1 <2 d2 23 (2), so that y Elo by for x<O. But this means >°0 so that we must pass into case 0. for x,0, E. 23 The solution starts at PE which lies between x = -1 and x 2 and also between y = 2A 23 and y = 23A -7~~~~O Here the possible descent of may permit the solution to intersect y = F(x) and so be carried back. Since 17 y> tA3 always for x <0, the solution if carried back would have to intersect y = F(x) for x-.6 for x -1.4. and again This means that while we are being carried back, y is ascending at least .6x 23 x and we O 21 - every period, so eventually y will exceed ass into case D. The other alternative is that the solution is not carried back and reaches x = O without falling into case D. 17 Then y 230 P when it crosses x = 0 and by reasoning as in in one period. case C y can descend to no less than dx -3.-ufor one period, so the increase in x exceeds dt 30f.;a> * 2 == Then ) 1.5, so that even here x reaches +1.5. 20. F, The solution starts at PF in the second quadrant to the left off x = -1 and above y = F(x). will cut x = -1 above y 2 x will decrease for a time. or it will the solution ncreasing Since x is intersect y = F(x), and However, since y increases at least 2- every period, this will not continue indefinitely and the solution will ultimately cross x = -1 above y = 2/ and pass into case D or E. G. The solution starts at PG in the second quadrant to the left of x = -1 and below the curve y = F(x). Since x is decreasing, and 2E y can not decrease more than , while x is negative, the solution will cross y = F(x) and fall into case F. The solution is not prevented from temporarily entering the third quadrant in cases F and G. As before if the solution starts in the third or fourth quadrants, it is handled in an analogous manner. From case A to G the conclusion of step 1 is Justified. If the solution starts within the rectangle Ixl< l, <22y the reasoning is more difficult and will be dealt with later. Having established the fact that all the rectangle xi( xl <l, lykl 2r starting solutions outside must cross the line y = 0 outside i, we proceed with Step 2. We establish the fact that all solutions crossing the line y = 0 for x -1 must: <y < A. B. Cross the line x = -1 for 2 Cross the line x = 0 for lo/ C. Cross the line x = 1 for D. Cross the curve y = F(x) for x( 2.3 E. Cross the line y = 0 for 1.51 1.2/ y< 1.3/ -1/k yz 1. x 2.3 + , + + Y ! :.... _..(. :.- ..... -)~I ~~~~~~~~~ I... ... ,~ .. :i. 'i· ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . ~:. '__ !.. '"' i-:""i:... ... ~"...... . :x_ ......... ' .,l f- , : .... : I~ . I · i.i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :':.:':i-!!i .....!-......·-r-····-· ... t i, :·, -. £ . . . .. ~.."~ i ';:i .. . . .i .S . ' . ~ ... / . :·-.· ;·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~I' ''! : ~. .:....... .~- ",',: ' i . - 1--... · -- · · · ·---- :I ........ · P':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~~~~~~~~~ . · , , - i~~~'...; i:.:, 11 1~.--.- j .· - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. I ..-,.-. ' -'-- i" .L i ~~~ i.. .!.: ~ ... .~.r ....-.... ~..~- ,'/ ~~~~~~~~~~~----L. i~~~~ ',t "~...'..I...........[...--- · F IP x !".- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: I i~...... · · · r~~~~~~~~~ k ~ -·1 · 1· 'i .'~ :i : i..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... . .I ix I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~~~~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .' L i : ! .. . - . 7/I ' ~ . ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.......... i ~~ i f .-1. dr ,~-F- - Fcx) X'l IEc,~' ,t i '7.......... 21. The steps are illustrated A. The solution First, in figure 5. must cross x = -1 for 2/ for x< -2, ds = - y +- Ecost< (x y .2 E -3 x 3 L (1 +Ex x / J" 3 20 c 029 08/ Now so y2) .1 Therefore every solution crossing y = x = -2 below y = .2/,. for -2 x -1. y will exceed by (2). Thus -24 xZT-1 will be less --<1f(-1~ ++ . +.l f + .2 outside x -2 crosses cross y = 0 Now if y becomes greater than 1.1/a in so long E< + All others under consideration 1.0/ is x x / X 2 A. + than as x O0, since the most will exceed 7. x z-1, xL y can decrease and the time in Now y can increase no more than so + The onlyother posso that thaty(-l)c 1.2/^ 1 ~ +.1/ ibility is that y never got as large as 1.1. The solution for y B. crosses x = -1 for y > /A since dt is negative +- The solution crosses x = 0 for 30 If in -1 x 14 _ 0, y ever exceeds 1.1/4, y l.3/ + . 1.0/i always so least L3 and the time is no more than . y can increase 3 ?,-than 3 + 2E in this time, so we cross x = 0 below 1.2 + + 17 no more 2E<1. As we saw in E step 1, the solution must cross x = is at 0 O above 22. C. The solution crosses x = for L-~A 2E !-1~ 1 Since x 0, the most y can increase is y G1.3f+ 9 + .. t - 1.4p + A9 Y 1.4 + . 80 This incidentally is the maximum y attains for x >O. In E of step 1 it was shown that y(!) indeed y(l.5) was 11 greater than 30r. D. The solution crosses y = F(x) for x 2.3. The very maximum of y has been found to be 1.4/4 y> 10. x E. But F(2.3) = 1.74f, + , 1.5f so we must cross y = F(x) since for 2.3. The solution crosses the line y = 0 for 1.5 4x C2.3. Wehave seenthaty(1.5) -/, so the solution must cross y = 0 to the right of x = 1.5. Since x reaches its maximum when we cross y = F(x), the maximum value of x is 2.3, so we must cross y = 0 to the left of x = 2.3. From the result of step 2 we conclude that once a solution crosses y = 0 outside x = 1 it must travel in a limited area and cross y = 0 on the other side between 1.5 and 2.3. It then enters a smaller region and comes back to perhaps a slightly narrower interval on y = 0 on the original side. We shall see as in II that there is no way to make the interval shrink to zero, as it probably does not. We now proceed to Step 3. The time taken in the circuit .80 + 2 and 62/ + 117 tk /A maIP.+ of the origin lies between Over a half-cycle: The time is divided as follows. From x = -1 to x - 0 the time is at least 7 A + t558 and at most 7/ and at most B. From x C. The time outside x = 1 is at least .40/k and at most 2.9/A. O to x 0 1 the time is at least ~ 27 The times for the cycle are obtained by adding and multiplying by two. A. The minimum time in A is found from the fact that since y(l.3A +- (<1.4k for-1 = xS , dt <,4 for -1=x- 0, 1 so the time is at least 1.4 5 = - If the solutions are turned The maximum time is more difficult. -. 6. back, they must be turned back for x , x Now after a time will have increased to more than -.6 or else y will have increased to A .26-) 2 /, so thatthereis no chanceof ' 0-A + /.A is up, x-1.4, Now when the time turning back. the time over to -.6 does not exceed y > .57 so dx dt .566/ - .528/A= .038 /, B. 6 40 . .38/& Now for x)-.6, so the time from -. 6 to 0 5 + 55.8 A The minimum time in B is found from the fact that since y for -t -= x = .45 1 2. 214 t Since y .36t C. - 40 41.5 + 2 /k 1 2.2, l.5A so the time is greater than d 31/ = . 3 6 7/ * dt ).36/A and the time is lessthan f · Since x time t. ,At so time is less than . Thusthe total is less than 06 -+ +5 .8 d> .02/ 2.3 always, y will go down no more than 2.3t + .1^ Now the least y has to decrease is .36/A + 2 Therefore 2.3t + . = 1.03/ gives the minimum time t in = 1.03/. 2.3 = 01Ap 24. Sincey<1.5/A for x>, y)-1.3,/for x 1, the most y has to travel is 2.8/4, and since the change in y is at least t . -1 k t maximum will be 2.9/. We are now able to draw some conclusions. circuit of the origin is at least + 80r 36 ,> - :- The time of / -. proves that the periodic solution X 0 (t) must have IX(t)l all t, by the same reasoning This 1 for as in II. The same argument as in step 4 of II proves that x (t)is a unique periodic solution. Finally as in II we showthat / (x - l)dt = + whichwill prove the zero area result. x!( 1, x For -i1 and t< -1 f(x2 - l)dt> -(.4/A Thus .4 + 117 + 17) ih a single cycle. Ixf(1 At x = 1.5, y2 .36/4 and x can not return to less than 1.5 until y< F($.5) = -. 37p , Thus y moves a distance at least .73/A The time taken is at least -73- .54/A for a cycle. Thussincex2 - 1) 1.25 for (x - .27 outside. on one side and x/)>1.5, l)dt>(l.25)(.54k)- .675/ Ixt > 1.5 thereforejx This function is positive if r> so Jx 17 = .275- - l)dt > .675f- .4/r 21. But by hypothesis, - l)dt > .88 - 4.68 = 2.20, so J(x2 Thus as we take more and more cycles the Jacobian Again as in II there - 1)dt /f21, )46.2. approaches zero. is no way of determining the precise loc- ation of the region of zero area. It can travel all over the 25. region found in Step 2. Finally to find the solutions forthe original equation we plot x as a function of t. xl remains greater than for the major part of the cycle, the time of transit of the region lx 1( being only a small part of the period. 26. The rs ults obtained are by no means the best They can be sharpened to a ezree by more attention detail. possible. to cose However, it is to be doubted that much improvement is possble. a-re a. The region of zeroAis called Invariant Domain.0 In by Levinson a Maximum Finite he paper referred to it is shrownthat such domains, although of zero area, can be extremely complicated. As we have seen, the domains discussed in this paper are not prevented from having a complicated form. The conditions under which the complications are excluded are not known. Possible improvementslie in the direction of relaxing the requirements on the size of / , narrowing the differences between minimumand maximumperiods, solutions cross lines like and narrowing the intervals x = -1, at which x = 1, y = 0. Levinson - Transformation Theory of Non-T ne ar Differential Equations of the Second Orier. Annals of IMathematics. Vol. 45, No. 4, Oct. 1944, p.723. 27. Bibliography Bieberbach, L. - Theorie der Differentialgelechungen, Sprineer, Berlin, 1923 Brown Friedrichs and Stoker - Introduction to Non-Linear iltechanics, Univ., 1943, Chap. V. Levinson and Smith - A General Equation for Relaxation Oscillations, Duke Mathematical Journal, Vol. 9, 1942, p. 38 2. Levinson - On the Existence of Periodic Solutions for Second Order Differential Equations with a Forcing Term, Journal of Math. and Physics, Vol. XXII (1943), p.41. Levinson - Transformation Theory of Non-Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order. Annals of Math- ematics, Vol. 45, No.4, Oct. 1944,p. 723. van der Pol - Relaxation Oscillations. Philosophical Magazine, Ser. VII, Vol.2 (1926), p.978. ioE oa-hi ca1 Note arren S. Loid was born in Boston, the son of Roger P. Loud and Esther He received his schools elementary and Mass. on September Ni. Loud, of ~Weymouth,Mass. secondary education in the public of %{eymouth, Mass. He was graduated from School in 1938. 3, 1921, Jeymouth High His advanced training, both undergraduate and graduate, has been at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1942 he was awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in iathematics. Since that time he has pursued a program of graduate study in pure and applied mathematics. In addition to graduate study he has been engaged in teaching as an Instructor of Mathematics, and in research in the department of Electrical Engineering and the Servomechanisms Laboratory. At the Servomechanisms Labor- atory he was the author of several unpublished reports.